Trapped free porn video

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There was a war in her universe, the last war, the great 'us versus them' war that humanity was fighting to maintain its right to survival. But that is a long story that won't be told here. It's not what you want to know about, anyway, is it?

What happened was this: She was fighting. Her first knife found its way to the throat of one of the enemy, and it went down. The second one, she lodged in the chitin-covered leg of another. She lost her spear in its chest; she thrust it in and couldn't pull it out. So she pulled out her gun. A handgun. A semi-automatic .45, to be precise. She thought, "I wish I was somewhere else," just as one of them came up behind her and smashed its clawed arm into the back of her head.

When she woke up, she was indeed somewhere else.

She was outside, for one thing. The floor and encompassing walls of her spaceborne ship were gone. She could see the sky, which was blue, and the sun, which was bright. It was warm. She blinked.

Am I dead? she thought. She sat up, then got to her feet and looked over herself. She didn't seem wounded. She was wearing her favorite black turtleneck, her tailored black pants, her sturdy black boots. She still had her combat vest on, fat lot of good it did her. Her holster and knife sheathes were at her belt, but they were empty, and her weapons were nowhere to be seen.

She looked around. She was in what looked like a town square. It was then that she became aware of the noise, the bustling, dull roar of people carrying on with their daily lives, as though there wasn't a war. As though there had never been a war.

She blinked again, a deep, intense rage welling up in the pit of her stomach. How could they be acting like this when her people were dying every day in this hellish war? But that thought was cut short as she spotted a couple walking by.

'A couple' was not the right description. It was a well-dressed man leading a scantily-clad woman. On a leash. She stared. The man was leading the woman toward an auction stage. She knew it was one, because above the stage was a banner proclaiming proudly, "Slave Auction", which she had no trouble reading.

She took an unconscious step back, still staring. Another pair walked by, this time a woman leading a leashed man. On the stage, she could a girl being collared and pushed forward.

That was when she knew this wasn't her universe. It couldn't be. There was no such thing as slavery where she came from, only 'them', and 'us'. She looked around the square, spotting a few more in various stages of dress, with collars around their necks declaring them, "SLAVEBOY" or "SLAVEGIRL".

She cringed and hurried out of the square, picking a road and heading west. At least, she thought it was west. She hadn't been on land for a long time, but she knew her directions, and she knew she needed to get out of there.

She kept walking, hurrying along until she had left the edges of the town. Flat, empty road stretched out in front of her, so she continued, until she saw the massacre.

There was a military station here. At least, it looked like one. Men and women in uniform, all slaughtered, shell casing scattered about the ground. The bodies had been there for awhile, based on the dust and dirt that had accumulated, but were oddly preserved. She took a breath and, against her better judgment, went inside.

There were more bodies. She kept going, pushing open a door. There was a stairwell. She followed it. And as she kept going, she saw a large, bright ball of light, big enough for someone to walk into. It was strange, and she was drawn to it. She walked in.

On the other side, she walked into a great, barren plain. The world was dim, as though in eternal twilight, and smelled almost dangerous. She felt homesick suddenly, and decided to walk around and explore.


When she came upon the cave, her exploratory curiosity was piqued. She went inside, looking around the small cavern. It was small and dark. Bones littered the floor, strewn in the manner of someone uncouth sating its hunger. There didn't seem to be anything of particular interest, so she turned back around to leave, and saw him standing in the cavern's entrance.

He was tall and handsome in a cold, chiseled sort of way. A fitted duster coat was slipped over his urbane attire, and something about him seemed imposing, almost menacing. His build was lean, with taut, stringy muscle apparent even through his layered attire. Messy brown hair topped his head in abundance, and he had a firm, angular jaw that held the faint shadow of stubble. The striking eyes in his pale face were a piercing green, and they were fixed on her.

He'd been tracking her almost since she entered this side of the light. This side was Starside, and it was the residence of the monsters of the night. He'd smelled her humanity and feminity, all the smells that attracted him, and he followed that scent until he saw her.

She was slender, willowy and not very tall--five feet and one or two inches, perhaps, but with long legs and proud posture that made her seem taller. Her clothes were form-fitting save for the vest, which muted the curves her ample bust and narrow waist. Her hair was pitch black and silky straight, framing her heart-shaped face to the middle of her back and fluttering with the wind. The darkness of her hair contrasted prettily with her smooth, taut skin, which was a light pink shade that was almost pearly white. When she finally turned around and looked at him, he could see her the small, pretty features of her face. Her large, long-lashed eyes were a shade of grey so deep it was almost violet, and they studied him as he blocked the exit.

A moment of silence passed, where she thought, How long has he been there? I didn't hear him. I didn't think there was anyone out here.

She recovered herself, and addressed him simply, a slight tremor in her clear, musical voice. "Hello."

He smiled, but it was a wolfish, dangerous smile that just touched the edges of his thin lips. "Hello, Ally. What are you doing out here? It's dangerous, you know. There are a lot of wild animals in this area." His voice was low, quiet, predatory. It sounded gravelly and dark, as though greased with cigarettes.

She started, and took a surprised step back. He matched that step, maintaining his proximity to her, but did not advance further. After a pause, she replied somewhat stand-offishly, "I was just walking around. I hadn't seen anything dangerous. Creepy and strange, yes, but nothing dangerous." She hesitated a moment, then demanded, "How do you know my name?"

The wolfish smile on his face became bigger, and suddenly, he blurred. A chill went down her spine. In an instant, he moved from the cavern exit to right in front of her. A cold hand touched her chin, tilting her head up and forcing her to look up at him. She realized he was quite a bit taller than her. He chuckled. "Interesting."

She jerked out of his grasp and took a step back, then another, hands reaching into her holster and knife sheaths. He didn't follow. Chagrin crossed her face as she remembered she was weaponless. "What's interesting?" she asked, trying to buy herself some time. She subtly shifted her weight, preparing to run.

"Interesting that you think you can flee," he said, taking a step forward and melting into a nearby shadow. She took off, but found herself suddenly grasped from behind after no more than a step. One cold hand touched her chin, pulling her by the neck and holding her against him. His other hand shredded the shoulders of her vest in no more than an instant. As it fell to the ground, his hand found its way to her breast, fondling her. Another chuckle sounded in her ear. "I did warn you there were wild animals here."

The whole thing only took a few seconds.

She was stunned, and couldn't understand what had happened. The shock blanked her mind for almost a minute, letting him basically have free reign with her for that period before she blinked, and her survival instinct kicked in. She thrust her arm backward in a sharp jab toward the man's stomach with the full force of years of combat training.

He simply chuckled again and took his exploring hand off her breast to catch her arm mid-jab, twisting it behind her back in a painful lock. "You'd best stop now. You don't want to make me angry." He pushed her twisted arm painfully for emphasis. Without waiting for a response, he took his other hand off her neck, digging into his coat for something.

As soon as his other hand moved, she took the opportunity to bend and turn her body, trying to get out of the armlock and kicking backward at him. The kick landed solidly on his thigh, but he was faster. In one smooth motion, he followed her, keeping her arm pinned, and forced her to the ground, cuffing her hands behind her and paralyzing her legs with the weight of his body. She panicked then, starting to scream for help, and for him to let her go.

He was angry she had managed to strike him, and his words came out coldly. "There's not a soul on this side who'd keep me from my prey, girl. Scream all you want." He looked down and realized that, perhaps, she hadn't actually lost her wits. There was a hairpin in her long fingers, and she was trying to pick the lock on her handcuffs. He smirked and snatched the pin from her, tossing it aside and out of reach. "That was naughty, Ally. Just know you deserve this."

He put a hand in the pocket of his coat, taking out a switchblade. He flicked it open, and pressed the blade against her slit. With a smooth, practiced motion, he sliced through the cloth of her pants and the panties beneath. Then he slipped the knife back into his pocket, put both hands on either side of the cloth flaps, and ripped.

He exposed her supple white bottom and sat back to watch her squirm.

Now, she was truly afraid. She was shivering and humiliated. The screams for help came from the pit of her stomach and echoed against the cavern walls.

He took his time unzipping his pants, enjoying her screams. Subduing her to this point had made him hard, but he wanted to make this last. One hand slipped his engorged, rather large member out, while the other reached out to explore her slit.

He realized something interesting then: her hymen was still intact. A vicious grin split his face, and without warning, he slammed the whole length of himself into her, pushing through the tightness to reach all the way in. He let out a groan; it'd been awhile since he'd had someone this tight.

The force made her stop screaming and gasp instead. A wave of mixed pain and humiliated pleasure washed over her as he filled her. Tears started rolling from her eyes to drop onto the dirty floor of the cavern, matched on the other end by pearls of blood dripping from her broken hymen.

He withdrew from her, pressing his tip against her bloody slit teasingly, letting it lubricate him. She shuddered, and, as though he'd been waiting for that, he forced himself back into her, beginning a continuous assault that elicited whimpering moans and cries from her. He put his hands on her hips, forcing her to ride his thrusts and adjusting her to angle deeper and deeper into her. A deep groan escaped his chest, rife with pleasure.

The assault filled her with shame; she could do nothing to stop him, and, what was more, it felt good, as though she had wanted this. She tried to maintain control over herself, pulling away from him and clenching her muscles to force him out, but this only served to inflame him. Her body was responding to his ministrations; clear fluids mixed with her blood, making her slick and even easier to violate. Her back arched, letting him in further and forcing her to moan.

He could feel the shudders and quivering from inside her, and he could feel his own climax on him. His thrusts grew fiercer and faster, and he grabbed her by the hair and whispered in her ear, "Cum for me, girl. Your master commands it." He felt her try to shake her head and tightened his grip, holding his own pinnacle at bay while he continued to force the girl.

She tried to hold back, filled with dread as she thought of what might come of this. "No-- please--" she cried, but the pleasure overwhelmed her, and she did.

Then he felt it too, and heard the deep moan come out of her chest, and came with her, unloading himself with a satisfied groan. It took quite awhile for him to deposit himself completely in her. The wicked grin remained on his face as he pulled out of her, creamy white fluid leaking from her slit.

He wasn't finished.

He pulled off his belt. She didn't have a collar, but that didn't bother him. He buckled the belt around her neck, uncontested by her currently limp form, and slapped her bottom hard. "Up, girl. You're coming with me."

She looked up at him. Her face was smeared with dirt and tears, and she looked generally pitiful. She shook her head.

His eyes narrowed, and he yanked on the makeshift leash. "You're coming with me, little bitch. Up, now."

She sobbed. "I--I'm-- not--" she hiccupped. He yanked on the leash before she could finish, just starting to drag her whether she got up or not. The belt was sturdy and held her weight. He dragged her over every rock in their path until she got up and stumbled along behind him, insisting, "I'm not a slave." He responded by yanking the belt forward and grabbing her hair, dragging her along.

He moved quickly, and while dragging her, melted into shadows here and there with her in tow. It was only a few minutes before they arrived at an ominous-looking mansion. Still grasping her hair, he dragged her in with him, into a warm rumpus room that would look quite normal save for the various paddles, whips and gags in one corner. Her eyes fell over the panel with a sharp inhalation, but he didn't let her have a chance to catch her breath.

He dragged her over to a padded waist-high table and threw her on it. Before she could recover herself, he bent her over it and locked its manacles over her wrist, one on each corner, then forced her legs open, locking them in to manacles attached to either table leg and leaving her completely exposed from behind. He smirked, flipping out the switchblade again.

With exaggerated care, he sliced her shirt, the remnants of her pants, and her boots down their seams. The knife was sharp and the cuts smooth. He was finished in just a few minutes.

"You'll be staying with me from now on," he said, tossing clothing scraps aside and standing in front of her. She noticed that he had a gold ring on his hand engraved with the word, "Master". He reached out and patted her on the head, and left.

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The Professor Part I

I glanced at my schedule one last time, just to double check that I had my poetry class next.Sighing slightly, I hitched my bookbag up on my shoulder and headed over to the building."Ali!" I heard a voice call behind me. I flinched and turned; there was my roommate's friend, Erin, running toward me in a pair of platforms, red curls bouncing, along with her breasts. I am 100% straight, but looking at Erin...sometimes I wonder.She's very pretty, with big lips and large, green eyes. Her boobs are...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Carl Naked in SchoolChapter 4

Tuesday Morning The next morning, as I was leaving for school, Mom gave me a hug, something she hadn't done in years - well, ok, I'd made her stop a couple years ago. I thought I had outgrown them. It felt good. I left early, hoping to get there before anyone else so I could at least strip in peace, but the closer I got to school the slower I pedaled, dreading the moment I'd have to take off all my clothes. And with good reason, it turned out. After locking my bike in the rack I went...

4 years ago
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seducing the new girl

A new girl in the office is always is always good news for me as it gives me a chance of seduction, I love to be a straight girls first lesbian encounter and teach her all I know so when I heard a new girl was starting on, Monday morning I looked forward to meeting her.I was in my office around 10 AM when there was a knock on the door I said come in and Sam my manager walked in with a very attractive blond and introduced her as Fay the new girl in purchasing so I stood up introduced myself and...

2 years ago
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Girl Girl Encounter In the Woods

I lay napping under the shade of the brightest yellow maple in my grandparents back acreage, the October wind whispering between my bare legs, its fingertips caressing gently inside my thighs and over my nipples as the sunlight shimmered between dancing leaves and shadow. I loved being naked out in the woods. And, grandpa's land was endless and private, perfect for me to shed my clothes for an entire afternoon and enjoy the connection I felt with earth and sky, and to touch myself and let the...

2 years ago
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Why I swallow

The first time I gave head, I was the tender age of 16, maybe 17 and I had no idea what I should be doing. A boy at college was the lucky subject. He had a Renault clio and played rugby. What can I say, I'm easy to please (rugby playing, Clio driving boy will be making guest appearances quite frequently in my stories).He had a girlfriend at the time, who was in the USA (factor number one to life being difficult if it isn't just sex) and he suggested that I let him finger fuck me and in return I...

4 years ago
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The Pasters Thai Wife

Wow where to begin. I occasionally go to a Baptist church in my neighborhood. Well the congregation is primarily asian and other races. Only caucasians are ones like me married to an asian. Well the pastor has a thai wife who is 48 and very very well kept. Always dressed to impress. Well the women were doing a bake sale so one evening I was home alone. Watching some porn on my phone and had the TV on for background noise. The door rang and it was Noime. The pastors wife. Looking her usual...

3 years ago
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Lets Go To The Bahamas Pt 3

I wake up alone in bed. Looking at the clock, I see it’s 4:30. I sit up and hear humming coming from the bathroom. I peek in the door to see our stewardess friend, who finally said we could call her Beth, standing with her leg up on the side of the bathtub. Her pussy is covered with shaving cream. I knock softly and push the door open. She looks up and smiles and says, “Just in time. Come and help me.” I kneel in the floor and slowly start shaving her pussy. She twirls my hair in her fingers...

4 years ago
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Wing Girl

In high school, my best friend, Dave, was a stud. He dated so many hot girls I couldn't keep count. On the other hand, I couldn't get to first base with girls. I was awkward and shy. I felt silly, I looked silly. I was silly. I would have been a totally isolated, outcast nerd, had it not been for Dave. We had a lot of fun hanging around, cruising in his Camaro. I was his wing man. I felt cool as hell riding around town in that car. We'd go to a drive in, where Dave inevitably...

1 year ago
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Cindy becomes real

I had been living in the virtual world of second Life as a girl for over a year. It had been a wonderful experience being the girl I always wanted to be. Blond, beautiful and stylish. I had made many friends, both girls and boys, and nobody suspected I was anything other than the girl they saw before them. Second Life is a place where virtual romance and even sex is prevalent and something about the freedom of being incognito lets everyone go wild. Fantasies are played out to the full...

3 years ago
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And the Stalking Was Hung by the Chimney With CareChapter 2

I hate it when it snows here in Austin. Texican's never know how to properly drive in the snow and all of the hills around here make things just that much worse. Too many fools think they can still drive sixty plus in a thirty zone and then get surprised when they brake at the last second as usual and end up plowing into someone or something else less moveable. That's the nice thing about Flyvers ... a good flying car avoids most, but not all of those idiots. Too bad they're still too...

2 years ago
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MaMaseer Eto Madhu2

Ma-Masee’r Eto Madhu-2 Pathak-Pathika-der Dhanyabad O Shubhechha Janaichhi. “Ma-Masee’r Eto Madhu-2” patha-te deri korar janya ebong Sab Pathak-Pathika’r E-mail-er uttar dite na paarar janya khama chacchi. Sabaar e-mail-er uttar dibo shomoy moto. Bishesh kore Matured Mohila-der Janai Kritaggat- jara friendship korar Ichha janiye taader “Petticoat-Blouse” para photo pathiyechen. Tader bishesh Galpa e-mail kore pathabo. Koek-jan “Ma-Masee’r Eto Madhu-2” Galpata niye Bangla Bhashay Adult Movie...

1 year ago
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Play time

Note : This story is completely fictional! Jason was a 19yr old know it all, who had been kicked out of both his parents homes a few times. No one knew what he would end up to be, he didn’t complete highschool and couldn’t keep a job either. He had finally started to make a turn around and was doing home schooling but his current living condition with his party animal friends didn’t allow him to study the way he needed to so he was left with no choice but to bed his parents for yet another...

3 years ago
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The Darkmoon Faire part 1

The Darkmoon Faire (part 1) This first part has no sex in it. So if you want to bitch, moan and complain, do so elsewhere. Ahead of You, Down the Path, A Majestic, Magical Faire! Ignore the Darkened, Eerie Woods, Ignore the Eyes That Blink and Stare, Fun and Games and Wondrous Sights! Music and Fireworks to Light Up the Night! Do Not Stop! Youre Nearly There! Behold, My Friend: THE DARKMOON FAIRE! Copyright – Blizzard Entertainment. ..::.. Welcome, one and all, to the Darkmoon Faire! Its a...

2 years ago
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First Cream Pie I ever saw

I'll never forget the first Cream Pie I saw: In the early 70s, I was 15; an acquaintance and myself had been slumming all day in his car. We picked up a girl of about 16 yo we saw that was also slumming (back then, it was quite common for slumming girls to be easy fucks). Anyway we all three slummed for awhile and she and my buddy were getting horny for each other so we all went to her house for the obvious reason of fucking. She lived in a mobile home and no one else was home. She wasn't...

4 years ago
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Sal the Super the Nookie King of the BronxChapter 9

Sal's Aunt Gina was feeling poorly. She seemed to lose interest in the daily grind of maintaining a 110 unit apartment building in the upper Bronx. It was a particularly bad time because they in the middle of converting from the familiar coal heat to the oil heating system. Sal was caught up in the finances of collecting all the rents and he knew he was far too soft to do that job properly. Besides, a lot of the female tenants were a lot closer to him than to his no-nonsense Aunt. They...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Kasey Miller It8217s Okay She8217s My Stepsister 04

Kasey Miller gets her stepbrother to oil her up by the pool. He finds himself aroused as he rubs the suntan oil onto her tight body. She wants it all over and soon pulls off her top for him to do her titties. Then rolls over and has him do her ass. She is getting him hard. Just touching her body is causing his penis to swell to massive erection. She asks him to take off his shorts and get a full on tan too. When he does out springs his boner. She can’t help but stroke it and asks what...

1 year ago
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THE Harem Tales 1 The Times They Are A ChangingChapter 17 The Final Lap

Morning came, but I had no idea what day it was. We breakfasted and set out in the same formation we used to get there. We left the house an hour after the sun rose, and I called Sheriff Naile to let him know that we were on our way. My next call was to Marshal Pope, who assured me that there appeared to be no Sa'arm activity in our direction. He reminded me, "You know that can change, so all of you listen for your phones. We've been able to set up so that there are phone alerts like you...

1 year ago
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This is my first attempt at a story here. I would appreciate any advice that is provided to make my next one better. If anyone wants to offer their assistance in editing, I would not turn it down.I get to your studio right around 11:30. Your last client drives away as I enter. You come out from your office to tell me you’re closed. You stop, hesitating when you see it is me. You are wearing a formfitting sport shirt and workout pants. Your shoes have been left off, as you must have been...

2 years ago
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What A Massage

So I answered the ad in the “Body Rubs” section of an online trade forum. The price was about twice the going rate for a therapeutic massage, so it sounded like it might be quite more enjoyable as well. When I arrived at the appointed time at the nondescript suburban home I went to the side door and rang the bell as requested. The lady who answered was good looking and about my age, which surprised me (I had imagined her to be younger for some reason). She was dressed in a casual short sleeve...

3 years ago
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The Spanking Couples Weekend GetawayChapter 3

Later that day, after spending some time with Beth and Jenny and their submissive husbands in the pool area, Debbie was walking back to the cabin with Bill following behind on his cock leash. Bill had cum (both male and female) dried on his face and asshole, and a bright red ass from several spankings. And, he loved every minute of it. Debbie also had all her holes used, but she had the luxury of allowing the subs to clean her after each event. And, both her pussy and asshole were getting...

2 years ago
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Martin and James Quickie At His

James was gay, Martin was bi-sexual and both of them had been exchanging images of themselves over e-mail for a while. James went to school with martin a year ago and both were in scouts together where they found their sexual attraction. When James invited Martin over for a good time, Martin couldn’t resist the chance to dominate someone. James was willing to be dominated by Martin, despite his usual position. Martin entered the house and pushed James aside as he attempted to kiss him. He...

2 years ago
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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 26 Parental Disapproval

The rest of the night was not very exciting. Lenore was inside the restaurant for at least ten minutes. We sat quietly while we listened to the cries of anger coming from within the restaurant. The patio was not an exit, so we saw no other customers except the two women who had collapsed out on the patio shortly after the barrier had been removed. What we could hear made it clear that several married women had tried unsuccessfully to be picked up, and their husbands were not pleased. Lenore...

1 year ago
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What he doesnt know

Working late again, on a Friday even? You have to start to wonder if it’s on purpose or just piss poor time management. Oh well, you’re getting used to it, truth be known, it doesn’t even bother you that he’s not home, again. You used to pay attention to what was going on with his work. Then the interest started fading away, until one day, who knows when, either he stopped telling you what was going on or you just stopped hearing it. You can tell when his stress level is up but it’s not like...

1 year ago
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When you first land on RU videos, you don’t know what the fuck to expect. Is this a site that only features Russian porn? It’s here, but it isn’t even close to the majority of the content you can find on the tube site. As you look through the site, you find hentai and JAV content that is ready for you to get off to. Is it that kind of tube site?No! Instead, Ruvideos is a tube site that tries to provide a little something for everyone. Including featuring the kind of offbeat, bizarre porn that...

Free Porn Tube Sites
4 years ago
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Ann and the HandymanChapter 86

We hummed along in the car, Lena had her seat tipped right back as we both sang along to Fleetwood Mac. The sunroof was open and the wind ruffled her thick black hair She turned her head to me and said, "Hey look at this." I looked over at her, she'd pulled the zip down on her chinos and exposed her dark monogrammed bush and her pink clit. "Oh put it away before we end up in a ditch." Lena grinned and zipped herself back up. We drove on through the sun-streaked lanes until we reached...

3 years ago
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An Amiss WishChapter 8

Monday morning, several of us had to go back to work, while a couple of others looked for jobs. Maryanne almost immediately found work at a bank as a loan officer, a job she’d had before. Trish looked for work as a programmer and software designer, a job she could likely do mostly from home. Janice, at the urging of the other ladies, called the police officer who had been investigated her wreck and explained exactly why she had hit the tree. The response was less encouraging than expected....

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