Trapped, Pt 1 free porn video

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TRAPPED By: Simon Mason To say that I had frequently fought with my stepsister Melanie would be akin to describing the Arab-Israeli war as a minor tete a tete. Our semi sibling rivalry had frequently driven our respective parents, her mother and my father, to tears and only their strong love for each other had enabled their relationship to survive. In retrospect I must have been a nightmare stepson - bookish, anti social, fiercely protective of my space and property. Katherine, my stepmother, a woman of great beauty and considerable patience had made Herculean efforts to smooth the friction caused by the permanent encampment of two strangers into what I regarded as MY house. In fairness the relationship between us wasn't as dreadful as tradition would expect - our times alone together were pleasant and companionable lulls in the domestic battlefield that we called home. And Melanie ? Melanie was wild. Sent home from school aged nine for introducing commerce and tongues into ?Catch a girl, kiss a girl? Melanie ended up seeing more daytime TV than the occupants of a care home for the elderly. Fashion infractions - Stilettos, pelmet skirts, thigh high boots, bra revealing blouses, make up, dyed hair (red, blonde, and green). Sexual infractions - ?Cavorting? (the headmaster's word) with various boys - not necessarily on separate occasions, asking a rather demure student teacher whether he was still a virgin, and during one notable biology lesson asking the teacher how long a boy's tongue would have to be before it could lick the G spot. Violence - four female pupils with facial bruising and minor cuts, two of those from the same ill conceived ?revenge? attack upon her, one male pupil with an imprint of Melanie?s right hand upon his cheek, and the captain of the school rugby team detained overnight in hospital with bruised genitalia. General infractions : - Smoking, repeatedly. Melanie would have undoubtedly been expelled save for three things. Firstly my father?s professional skill as an advocate. Secondly that she was exceptionally bright and able student and our school, a large comprehensive, needed all the good results it could muster. Thirdly most of the school, pupils and teachers, were terrified of her. At home Melanie and I pursued our individual battles for freedom with the energy and fanaticism of apprentice William Wallaces and deployed parents, step and otherwise, against each other as first, main, and final strike weapons. Our parents? relief at Melanie?s departure to university was echoed by the school. This made it particularly peculiar that I found myself, aged 18, standing facing the full length mirror in her bedroom dressed from head to toe in her clothes. Actually that wasn't entirely accurate. The black shiny nylon panties lodged hard into the crack between my buttocks by a straining erection were my own blushing cash purchase from a large impersonal department store in the nearby city centre, as was the black lacy bra padded out with balled silk scarves. The sheer back 10 dernier stockings that encased my shapely legs had been acquired as a ?free gift? on the front of a rapidly discarded women's magazine bought far from my home town. However the suspender belt that held them in place, the silky lace trimmed slip that slid down my torso, the crisp white school blouse, the short black skirt, the too small stilettos into which my feet were tortuously strapped, and the innocuous but oh so sensual elbow length black opera gloves had all been temporarily purloined from Melanie?s wardrobes and draws. Topping my frame was a long blond wig bought from a joke shop and Melanie?s straw boater, inclined at a jaunty angle necessitated by my larger head. I had also temporarily acquired Melanie?s ghetto blaster which was thumping out dance anthems. As I caressed my swollen penis with a gloved hand I contemplated the irony of the situation - after detesting Melanie for so long I had used the opportunity of her departure to become her. But that wasn?t it - I didn?t want to be Melanie exactly. Part of it was the feel of the garments, the touch of silk, nylon and lace across bare skin, the way that women?s clothes bound and imprisoned male flesh. The other part was the risk and shame of it :- hoping that none of your friends or neighbours would see you shopping where men usually feared to tread, the chance of discovery, the humiliation of strong male transformed to weak female. Not that I would want to be discovered by my parents, and certainly not by Melanie, in this predicament. But someone else perhaps ? Someone sensitive yet cruel, intelligent, perceptive, who would use my plight to exact demeaning servitude and to reward with salacious bounty. My hard cock twitched appreciatively in anticipation. As I looked into Melanie?s mirror through half lidded eyes I could almost see a suitable dominant approaching, her tall frame lithe and strong, her eyes glinting fire and malice. For a fatal moment I failed to recognise the reality of the second figure in the mirror. The music had stopped my ears, my approaching orgasm had dimmed my eyes. As a second error my first reaction was to quickly scrabble out of view my lecherous manhood. This allowed time for a sleeping bag to be brought down over my head and onto my shoulders. In darkness I tried to lift my arms to throw off the encumbrance, realising in cold terror that my last sight had shown at least two intruders in the mirror. My delay had however allowed my attackers to seize the sleeping bag in strong hands and pull it down over my shoulders, pinioning my arms to my side. I could hear voices shouting excitedly - ?Keep hold of him!?, ?Pull him to the floor?, ?Don?t let him escape.? One of the voices sounded disturbingly like Melanie?s. A form knocked into me heavily, causing me to stumble on the precarious shoes. I could feel someone else grab and pull at my torso, causing me to topple with a muffled cry to the floor. I fell heavily, my shoulder jarring on the carpeted floor, before rolling onto my chest. Within a moment I was crushed as a number of heavy bodies descended on my back and legs. ?Owwww. Get off,? I shouted. My cries were ignored and I was more emphatically pressed down as my shoulders, waist and thighs were all squashed beneath my attackers bodies. ?Hold him there.? This time I was certain that the voice was Melanie?s. I tried to struggle but the combination of being muffled in the sleeping bag and being sat on by several people meant that breathing alone was a battle. I could feel something rub against my ankles but by the time I realised that they were being bound the cord had already bit into my stockinged flesh and been secured. I could see white dots before my eyes and my chest felt tight. ?Please. I can?t breathe,? I begged. After a short but worrying pause whoever had pinned me down moved their position although strong hands still pressed my shoulders to the floor. I tried to move my legs but there was no leeway. My attackers had obviously bound my ankles to the leg of the bed and even now were roping my legs together at the knees. Taking advantage of my limited movement I carefully slipped my hands out of reach beneath my body. I felt the sleeping bag being peeled upwards and an experimental tug at my right arm. After I refused to yield a brief, muttered discussion followed. Someone?s foot prodded me. A voice, lower in timbre than Melanie?s spoke, ?Put your hands behind your back.? ?Fuck off.? ?Do it or regret it, Simon,? Melanie threatened. Silence seemed the best policy. Again I could hear whispered discussion, this time punctuated with excited giggles. I felt the sleeping bag being pulled upwards once more, as was the skirt that I wore. Someone sat on my waist, pinning me securely again. More giggles followed. If it weren?t for fear I would have felt even more shame. Suddenly there was a stripe of fire across my buttocks. ?Owwww,? I exclaimed, more in surprise than pain. The second blow was harder than the first. ?Yowwwwwww.? A definite shout this time. I could feel tears of pain welling in my eyes. The third blow swiftly followed. ?Owwww,? I cried again. ?Stop it !? The fourth, a vicious cut to already tortured flesh raised a further shriek. ?Please Melanie, stop it !? My eyes were full of tears as the next blow struck. ?Aggghhhhh ! No ! I give in. Please stop beating me.? There was a pause. ?Are you sure ?? Melanie?s voice was icily mocking. ?Yes, yes. I surrender. Please don?t hit me again,? I sobbed. ?You can have some more if you want.? I didn?t want. ?No. No. I?ve had enough,? I begged. ?Okay then.? Suddenly there was another strike, this time to my thighs. ?Owwww,? I cried in outrage, tears forming again. ?Just a reminder,? Melanie whispered sweetly. ?Now put your hands behind your back like a good little pervert,? ordered the dark voice. This time I complied. A cord snaked round my wrists, looping and pulling, before its grip was firmly knotted in place. My ill gotten haberdashery would make releasing the knot impossible, even if I could reach it. I could feel my legs being forced back towards my wounded backside. As the hands released my ankles I tried to stretch out again only to be prevented by an uncomfortable pull at my wrists. Hog-tied ! After a few moments I was unceremoniously hoisted to my knees, the strict hog-tie making me rest uncomfortably on my haunches. Then, with a flourish, the sleeping bag was removed. Melanie had obviously brought four of her university friends back home. There was a tall black girl in a leather skirt and halter top wearing lots of bangles. To her right stood an Amazon like brunette, tall and aloof in her tailored suit and stilettos. Sat on the bed was a raven haired girl in a little black dress who was clutching a pretty young blonde girl with pigtails. Melanie herself stood before the door, flexing the riding crop which recently she had used to such noticeable effect. And they were all laughing hysterically. I stared at the floor, not wishing to catch their eyes, whilst frantically twisting in my bonds, trying to release my wrists. ?The perv boy?s trying to escape. Do you have any more rope Mel ??, noted the tall black girl contemptuously. ?Top draw of the cupboard,? smiled Melanie, clearly enjoying herself, whilst nodding towards the one location in her room which my covert investigations had revealed was invariably locked. After a brief scrabble, which caused a disconcerting amount of chain like clinking, Melanie?s friend returned unravelling what appeared to be a great length of nylon coated clothes line. I wondered briefly for what purpose Melanie kept such an item in her room before deciding, with a shudder, that it was usually employed for a similar purpose to its present one. My captor methodically, but with practised ease, used the nylon cord to form a spider?s web around my upper torso, securing my upper arms, lower arms and wrists against my back and waist, whilst carefully winding the line around my impressive false breasts. Now even my most dramatic contortions barely elicited a centimetre of movement from my captive form. After tightening a final slipknot to the front of my waist, well out of reach of either my fingers or my teeth, she gave a self-satisfied nod and stood up. ?Doesn?t he look pretty?? mocked the girl in the little black dress with an unexpected estuary accent. ?No. You?ve messed his outfit up,? complained her pretty blonde companion in a light girlish voice. She knelt down and began tugging at my clothes and tucking them until she was satisfied that they were neat. Then she retrieved the wig and the somewhat crumpled straw boater and adjusted them upon my head until they met her requirements. ?Happy now?? chided Melanie. The pretty blonde studied me intently. ?Nearly. There?s something missing,? she mused. She brightened suddenly. ?I know,? she exclaimed clapping her hands together. ?Make-up!? She grabbed a large clutch bag from the bed and began emptying purses and tubes onto the floor. With great enthusiasm she seized a small compact and began dabbing foundation powder on my face. The others watched her with amused disdain. Like an artist creating a painting she regarded me intensely before adding each new brush stroke or gloss coat. At her puppy like commands I pouted, closed my eyes, and opened them to facilitate her endeavours. Finally with a few minor dabs of a cotton bud she sighed ?Finished. Someone pass me a mirror.? She held up the mirror, allowing me to inspect her handiwork. It was amazing. Whilst few people would have, in good lighting anyway, mistaken me for a woman her efforts had given a feminine sheen to my masculine features so my appearance was now quite comely. ?Thank Mistress Emily for her services Simone,? ordered Melanie coolly. I scowled at her and muttered ?Thank you.? ?Thank her properly Simone,? Melanie warned. ?Let him kiss your feet Emily.? ?Alright,? smiled Emily raising her strappy sandalled foot to my lips. Melanie flexed the crop menacingly in the background. ?Thank you Mistress Emily,? I intoned, respectfully laying my lips against the sole of her sandal. ?You?re welcome,? Emily replied brightly, as if receiving thanks from a maiden aunt for an unexpected birthday present. ?What about me,? complained her friend in the little back dress. ?I want to be thanked too !? ?Yes. Thank Mistress Vanessa too,? ordered Melanie. ? Why does he have to thank her. She didn?t do anything,? pouted Emily. ? I sat on ?im while Nadine tied ?im up, and Mel whipped him with the crop didn? I ?? exclaimed Vanessa, her estuary accent becoming more pronounced as she became irate. ?Anyway he?s a thieving perv getting dressed up in all Mel?s gear behind her back and I think if I want him to thank me then he should do it.? ?Well said Vanessa,? endorsed Melanie firmly. Still slightly flustered, Vanessa approached me and lifted up her stilettos for my attention. She held them there until satisfied that both my verbal genuflections and my oral tribute were significantly greater in degree than that afforded to Emily. ?My turn, vanilla tart,? demanded Nadine, the tall black girl. ?But you can kiss something a little more useful than my boots.? She stood astride me, affording me a glimpse of the cream panties that crowned her ebony legs as she tossed the boater onto the bed. Then to my surprise she lowered herself down so that her leather skirt draped like a surplice over my shoulders. Her cunt brushed against my nose, shielded only by a gossamer thin layer of nylon and lace. ?Kiss there white boy.? I obeyed instantly, so taken by surprise by the demand that I couldn?t have said whether it was lust or fear that most motivated my actions. At first I merely reverently laid my lips at the entrance of that worshipful passage but when Nadine did not pull back I began to kiss as fervently and lick as much as my bound body would allow me to do. As I felt a dampness to Nadine?s knickers I first thought that my amateur slobberings had been solely responsible but then I sensed a pungent taste and scent that I would forever recognise as the aroma of female arousal. ?That?s enough,? scolded Melanie. ?Both of you are enjoying that too much.? Nadine stepped back from me and I swear there was what appeared to be a type of blush to her cheeks. ?How about you Christine? You haven?t been thanked yet,? remarked Vanessa. I looked at the tall, haughty brunette expectantly. ?Uggghhhh,? Christine exclaimed. ?I don?t know how you could let him do that to you.? She contemplated me with disgust whilst I gazed at her in mesmerised anticipation. Then she gave a cruel smile. ?If he likes the taste of women?s knickers so much then he?ll love this.? I watched in puzzlement as she gestured to Melanie and they had a whispered discussion whilst rummaging briefly again in the cupboard. When Christine returned a headscarf with a large knot in it dangled from one hand whilst something was balled in her left fist. She knelt down and stared coldly into my eyes. ?Thank me now,? she ordered icily, framing the bottom of my face with a strong hand. ?Thank you Mist...? I started before Christine gripped my face hard in her hand forcing my mouth open. As she did so I caught a brief glimpse of the balled up crimson panties in her fist before she rammed them into my mouth. ?Don?t you dare struggle,? she warned as I tried to twist free from her grip. She pushed the panties more firmly back Then she lifted the knotted scarf to my lips. ?Open wide,? she demanded. I tried to shake my head but my anguished gaze fell briefly upon Melanie who was tapping the crop angrily against her thigh. Despairingly I relented and allowed Christine to wedge the large knot between my teeth. She used one hand to press the scarf firmly in place whilst she manoeuvred behind me. I felt her push her knee into my back for leverage as she took hold of the two ends of the scarf and pulled them with force. My outraged protests were reduced to stifled gasps as the knotted scarf forced the knickers deep into my mouth. A knot formed and then tightened at the nape of my neck before Christine stood up and contemplated me with an expression of quiet satisfaction. I tried to gnaw at the gag but the knot had been forced so deeply that my teeth could barely graze it. My tongue had been wedged down by the balled panties and they yielded nothing to the slight pressure I could bring to bear. A scream of outraged frustration was diminished to a muffled groan by the sadistically effective gag. The sight of my additional plight was enough to cause hilarity amongst my captors once more, even the gentle Emily. ?But he hasn?t thanked you Mel,? observed Vanessa brightly. Melanie surveyed me serenely. ?Just the look on his face is thanks enough,? she replied. Vanessa laughed. ?What would Daddy say if he could see his beloved son and heir now?? speculated Melanie maliciously. ?All those teachers who wondered why I couldn?t be more like my good little brother Simon. Your nerdy friends who called me the school bike. I?d bet that they?d be surprised to discover that you were a worse sex case than me. I should leave you here like this until Mum and Dad come home just so they could see the truth for themselves.? I shook my head despairingly. Christine approached Melanie, flashing me an evil glance as she passed. She whispered in Melanie?s ear whilst she smiled cruelly at me. Melanie brightened into a beatific expression of pure joy. She clasped Christine to her bosom and kissed her on both cheeks. Then she hurried across the room to her cupboard. Moments later she returned, her face still transfixed in ecstasy. ?You?re so right Christine darling,? she breathed. She produced a large SLR camera from behind her back. ?It?s a Kodak moment.? I struggled with all my might and shouted my protests at the top of my voice. The effect was similar to a slightly arthritic slug singing and dancing to ?The Macarena?. The girls enthusiastically draped themselves around my bound body. As Melanie adjusted the focus on the camera I tried to turn my face away from the lens. However Melanie reached over towards her crop and I shook my head submissively. Once satisfied of my compliance Melanie shot off a reel of film, swapping between long shots and close-ups as the girls assumed ever more provocative poses. I was tormented by lust as their nubile bodies brushed against me but was unable to act on, or even speak of, my desires. Melanie finished her set by using the timer setting so that she could be included in the photos, emphasising her particular dominance by fastening a collar and lead to my neck so I appeared as her diminutive pet. To my horror each of the girls had cameras with them and my torture was quintupled as each insisted on their own photographic record of the events. My worst humiliation came as Christine demanded that my dick should be exposed to prove that I was a pervy male and not some unfortunate female prisoner. Nadine, who seemed to lack any qualms when it came to handling my person, lifted my skirt and pulled down the knickers before recoiling in mock horror. ?Yeuuch!? she exclaimed. ?He?s got a hard-on.? Each of the girls, save Melanie, insisted on looking before turning away in feigned disgust, although I noticed Emily take a longer and more intense view than the others. Christine photographed it anyway saying that at least it would show I was a willing victim. After the photograph session was completed I was abandoned. Naomi and Christine busied themselves with Melanie examining and discussing her collections of clothes, CDs, and bondage gear, the latter being a personal, and unwelcome, revelation. Vanessa and Emily lay on the bed together flicking through a glossy magazine and discussing make-up. I was left on the floor like a discarded doll. Although each personal infringement had been unwelcome and arduous I felt indignant that I could be so shamefully ignored. Melanie then announced that she knew a wonderful restaurant for lunch and a place where she could have the photos developed, the assistant there being a friend of hers who would not quibble about any minor indecencies. I became more alert, anticipating an early release. The girls gathered their belongings and left the room, only Melanie sparing a glance at my imploring eyes as they departed. I called out as five pairs of footsteps descended the stairs but it was doubtful that my cry could have been heard. There was a clatter and chatter in the hallway below before the door slammed shut with a heavy finality. My bonds were now painfully uncomfortable. My jaw ached from the tight gag, and my arms felt crushed by their myriad bonds. I struggled half heartedly, already aware that to fight the bonds only brought pain, not release. Then as I began to despair I heard the clink of keys in the door. I was infused both by hope and fear. The new entrant would probably bring release but if it was one of my parents what explanation could I offer for my predicament? Claiming I had been viciously attacked and brutalised by Melanie and her friends had the benefit of truth to add to its credibility but my humiliation was so intricate as to leave no doubt that some form of co-operation must have been afforded to its implementation. The awful truth seemed to be amongst the best of explanations - which meant that my situation truly was desperate. I waited with dread anticipation as footsteps ascended the stairs and headed unerringly for Melanie?s room. Melanie entered the room briskly, a lit cigarette in one hand, her bag swinging from her shoulder. ?This isn?t right,? she muttered as she knelt at my back and began unfastening the rope at my wrists. The rope slackened, then briefly tightened, before it was again knotted securely. I made muffled sounds of puzzlement which Melanie ignored. She used a dressing gown cord to fasten my ankles to the nearest leg of the bed, ensuring beyond doubt that my release would require third party intervention. Next she switched on the radio to a level that would overwhelm completely my muffled protests, deliberately choosing a local station whose inane DJs and repetitive adverts I detested. She stood above me, her eyes registering complete satisfaction at my circumstances, and drew a deep drag from the cigarette with an air of post coital bliss. Deliberately she raised her boot to my shoulder level before using it to push me over onto my side. My bonds were so effective that I would be unable to right myself unaided. This time Melanie paused as she left the room. ?Have fun,? she instructed as she closed the door behind her. This time she secured it with the padlock that had protected her privacy when she was younger and wished to stop her beloved fags being confiscated. Again the door slammed shut but this time there was no swift respite from my imprisoned solitude. As I lay trussed and gagged, a dark negative of the virginal damsel in distress, I realised that whatever happened next my life would never be the same again.

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Teacher Kanini Soli Tharum Pozhuthu Kaamam 8211 Part 2

Teacher pundaiyai nandraaga naki kanjai kuthitha maru naalil irunthu ena nadanthathu enbathai tamil kamakathaiyil ungalidam pagirugiren, thodarchiyaga padithaal thaan kathaiyai ungalaal purintha kola mudiyum. Adutha naalum teacher ennai kanini araiku azhaithu selvaala endru asaiyaaga irunthen, aanal teacher annai adutha naal azhaithu sela vilai. Kanini teacher vaarathirku iru murai thaan vagupil paadam edupaargal, anaivarum kanini irukum araiku vaaram oru murai matum lab seluvom. Adutha naal...

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Oh Jack

"So, do you want to make a handout of the main points of the movie, or make a list of questions for the class to answer?" my partner Allison asked."Well, he said we should involve the class a little more. We'd better go the question route." My friend Allison and I had been assigned a presentation for our history class, and were meeting in the computer lab at school to work on it. We weren't getting anywhere. One guy was listening to his iPod and the volume was so loud WE could hear the lyrics....

2 years ago
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Teaching and LearningChapter 5 Exam time

It was a mark of how much Kirsty's teachers liked her that they all came to me the next day with notes, handouts and textbook page numbers so she could study what she would be missing. I knew Kirsty's habit of reading ahead and preparing herself in advance of the curriculum would mean she had already covered the material, but didn't have the heart to tell them that given their good intentions. I visited the library on the pretext of handing over the notes. I knew Kirsty wouldn't need...

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Otherwise Engaged Sarah Mark

Sarah had decided to surprise Mark at work today. It had been a few weeks since he proposed, but despite their new engagement, they hadn't been able to spend much time together. Sarah didn't blame Mark, but he was working on a huge case that had been taking up a lot of his evenings. Sarah decided to take matters into her own hands, and after all, he could probably use some relief from the monotony.And today was the perfect day for it, since Sarah didn't have to be at work. It was some kind of...

Office Sex
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The Great Pumpkin Face Epidemic

It started sometime in early October. Little Jenny Osborne was the first of many to come down with it. It was a Monday, just like any other in the first grade when Jenny started feeling a little woozy. After giving her the third degree and not being able to break her, Miss Hendrix, her teacher, sent her to the school nurse. Nurse Jenkins went through her checklist, making sure Jenny's birth control shot was up to date and she didn't need an abortion, checking to see if she could have ODed...

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I am the slut you are my slave

I can hear the rain outside. The breeze catches the drops and it rattles against the windows like the wind chime in my hallway. My heels ‘nick-nock’ against the wooden floor, as I approach the bedroom door. I’ve been looking forward to this moment for a while. To fulfil your little fantasy. I knew you wanted me, but I didn’t expect such a specific request. It’s funny you live next door to someone and you don’t really know them. But then of course I did know you, but that was a few years back. I...

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Out of town for work

I was working out of town for a few days , I was at the motel pool just relaxing , and this mother,and daughter came to swim. They were both beautiful . both petite , small boobs ,nice ass. I was watching them swim and thinking , I was getting horney , my cock was getting hard and i had to hide my erection. The mom was about 40 and the daughter 18. After about an hour ,I went to my room ,to masterbate, I could still see them swiming. I shot my load all over the curtains. At about 8 pm there...

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The Present Part 5

Nick's back was pressed against the door, the younger Michael so close to him that their cum-covered penises were touching. Managing to put his arms around Michael's neck, the two men kissed passionately for several minutes as they heard the soft moaning from the bedroom. It was an experience Nick hadn't expected, even though he had discussed it with Leigh in a light-hearted manner many times. Turning forty had been a non-event for him, but forty-one was something else."I think before we...

Group Sex
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NuruMassage Marica Hase Me So Horny

Petite Japanese masseuse Marica Hase doesn’t speak a word of English, and her client Justin Hunt can’t understand his service options. He’s interested in a NURU massage but doesn’t know what it’s about, and she can’t communicate in his language. So, the consummate massage professional puts down her fan and escorts him to the shower room. She undresses her client and removes her traditional kimono robe, surprising Justin with her nudity. He follows her into...

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Laura groggily wakes up, mentally trying to take stock of the situation around her. It takes only a second to wake up completely after she does that when she realizes just how bad it looks. She's just off of a park jogging trail and had been laying down on leaves and twigs, all of her clothes except her jogging shoes and some tatters of her shirt around her shoulders have been ripped away, and her pussy protests with soreness every time she moves. It's pretty hard to not come to the conclusion...

1 year ago
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Young Tracy the Voyeur

This is only my second story but I did say I would follow my first about my Uncles Wife with the story of Tracy, I was still at my Uncles and Judy and I had many encounters mainly a couple of hours in the afternoon where I would shagg her brains out. Both her daughters knew what was happening as Rach had probly told her sister all about the noises on that night the girls over heard our sexual encounter.I had been to the local working mens cub one Friday evening and got back in about...

1 year ago
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Beer for Breakfast

Two months into my second year of college, I was sharing an apartment with three other girls. There were two to a bedroom, each of us with single beds. I was a week away from turning nineteen. Saturday morning I was roused from out of my sleep by knocking at the door. My roommates were off somewhere and there stood two guys, about my age, looking for one of them. I was still in my sleep ware; an over sized tee shirt and worn out baggy shorts, of course no bra or panties. Not to brag - to much -...

Group Sex
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My walk im not a good story teller so enjoy

This one time, I went for a walk on this road near a lake. It was cloudy, grey, but was still willing to go for that walk, lol. About 11 mins into my walk, I hear a four-wheeler. It drives up to me, and I see this handsome very good looking middle-aged dude with a moustache (which is my fav, haha) parked not too far. He stops me when I reach him, and asks me If I wanted to have a drink with him, I said yes. we talked for a bit, nothing much. Then he start getting a bit drunk and comfortable...

3 years ago
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Golden HillsChapter 2

December 19, 1944 After breakfast and another shower at the sparkling clear waterfall and small lake near town, Eda called for a town hall meeting. She started by introducing the Group Leaders and where they were from. I saw a wide variety in their native clothing and protective equipment. "There are about 7,000 to 7,500 Islands that make up the Philippines. There are 13 indigenous languages: Tagalog, Cebuano, Ilokano, Hiligaynon, Waray, Kapampangan, Coastal Bikol, Pangasinan, Maranao,...

4 years ago
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A Silly Note Part 2 Gaden gets caught

Standing in his kitchen, Gaden glanced at the house keys sitting on the kitchen counter that belonged to his neighbor Jan, Ms. Tannersby. Jan, the woman who entrusted him and his sister with taking care of her snail mail while gone on a business trip. Jan, a woman who actually gave him a spanking over her lap and was willing to do it again. It had been four days since Jan left on business, five days since Jan had spanked him over her lap with a wooden bath brush and Gaden and his sister...

3 years ago
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Ellies Problem

ELLIE'S PROBLEM Ellie lived for her school activities. She is a cheerleader, on the debate team, and on the school newspaper. She carries a 3.8 grade point average in High School classes. She is considered a brain and standoffish by most who know her. Ellie is also one the best-looking girls in her High School, so she thinks. She is also a bit of snob, with an elitist attitude. She knows she has the brain and the looks. She has many boys who dated her wrapped around her little...

3 years ago
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My Sexual Autobiography 8211 Part V 8211 Sex In Air

I was enjoying my normal life along with my secret sex life with my uncle without any problem. Once in a while, watching my parents in the night when they were in sex game was continue and sex had become a necessary and very important part of my life. I have learned everything about sex form uncle and I consider myself as SEX-PERT. My body was developing fast and taking a beautiful shape, I do not know whether this is because of having regular sex or because of my growing age. I was looking...

1 year ago
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My First Time

My First Time By Melissa Rose I don't know if anyone has heard of the town in Ohio called Massillon, but for those who don't; Massillon is all about Football. When a baby boy is born, the local Football Booster Club members give him a toy football. I still have mine. Anyway, I used that as a backdrop of how this town is, boys will play football and everyone else doesn't matter. I grew up with my mother's looks and temperament. I was not cut out for playing football. I was different....

4 years ago
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Loris lost bet

Lori lost a bet that I was compelled to pay off.  She rarely looses, and I usually get the rewards of her winnings, but this time was different.  I am just now recovering enough to write the story.  My friend Lori and I have a lot of fun together.  But this was one of those exceptions.  And to pay off, I had to spend 24 hours with the 4B club and satisfy their every desire.  The 4B club stands for the big bad black boys.  The requirement for membership is a cock at least 10? long, at least 6...

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A Birthday Surprise

It was Billy’s birthday! So Melissa wanted to give him a nice little surprise. She had been dating Billy for close to a year now, and had been living with him for just about six months. He was ten years older than her, with her being 23, and him being 33 years old. He was the oldest she’s dated, which was a nice change for her. She was used to dating people her own age, maybe a few years older, or one or two years younger. She’s dated many guys, and she felt that most guys her own age were...

2 years ago
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TJ MorgChapter 21

"Tulip's" run to Old Earth was uneventful and boring. TJ and Morg had been standing unsupervised watches a day out of Gorgipest. Gillard was on the bridge during the approach and berthing at Old London docks but had not intervened as TJ and Morg had combined to complete the evolution. CPO Dulcie Watts' comment, "Sure you don't want to take the helm as well, Sir?" came back to haunt her. Morg and TJ took the opportunity to do an EVA to repair an intermittent fault in the close —in...

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Becky and Her Son Chapter 10

The following week and every month thereafter the four of them got together and had sex in the same room. However, there was no swapping of partners even though three of the four would have loved it. Vicki did not give any vibes that she might be interested in switching partners. The others knew enough to leave a good thing alone. Over the next several months Vicki and Becky became very close friends again. It was two months later when Vicki announced that she was pregnant. Their shared...

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Runners MoonChapter 7

Unknown to the six sitting around the back table in the Spearfish Lake Cafe, Tiffany was a concerned girl at that moment. Not worried, and not panicked; Tiffany had been through enough hassles with the dogs over the years to know that when things go to hell, panic rarely adds to the solution. Even though the fire was getting closer, she was closer yet to the lake, and she had a plan of action. If it got too close, she'd just drive the dogs into the lake. But it was moving fast through the...

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Claudia Incarnata Part VI

- Moschus of Syracuse, Europa. The Indo-European thunder god, like most of his kin, goes by various names; in Sanskrit he is Rudra The Howler, in the Norse sagas he is called Thor, in Italy proper under Rome he was called Jupiter. But in the Sicily of classical antiquity he went by a more primordial name; Zeus. As Zeus Brontios, The Thunderer, he assumed his most terrible aspect. Claudia swiftly understood how the ancients had come to revere the name and...

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The Jackson School for Girls

                                 THE JACKSON SCHOOL FOR GIRLSRose Jackson sat down at her desk, and seemingly looked into space. She put both her hands over her face and gently started to cry. Over the last five years her life had changed so much she did not recognise herself. Here she was at 41 years of age the principle officer of the Jackson School for girls, an institution for young ladies for the sole purpose of becoming victims for old men and women, who were not only able to abuse the...

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High School Tutor Charlies Adventures 6

My eyes scanned and paused on an ad: SAT tutor needed for 17-year-old senior. Primarily help with English. Will pay $50 an hour, requesting a tutor for two hours a day on Tuesdays and Thursdays for several weeks—exact length to be determined. Please send resume and reference letters to this e-mail. I typed in the e-mail address, writing a short introduction and attached my resume and several reference letters from previous families that I worked with. A few days later, I received an...

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The Therapy I Needed

My name is Scott Radner and it was the end of May 1970 and I had been out of the United States Marine Corps for a grand total of 9 weeks. I had returned Stateside from ‘Nam nearly 6 months ago on a medical evacuation flight after I had gotten busted up when the chopper I was traveling on was shot down. I was a 2 digit midget as they used to say when you were really short in your tour and about to be rotated back to the States when it had happened. I was finishing up my 2nd tour in ‘Nam...

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Alpha Omega

Have you ever seen that painting technique where the picture is made up of thousands of tiny dots of various sizes, and it only looks like a complete picture from a distance? Pointillism, I think it is. Well imagine the technique come to life. Twice. I've met them. Not only were they freckled to the point of unreality, as though the small bronze spots were the basic building blocks of their faces, but the two of them were identical. Not just genetically, but intellectually, aesthetically,...

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Older MMF

Ten years ago Donna and I were on holiday in the Algarve, after a day of sunbathing we decided to eat in the hotel restaurant instead of going out in the town. We were sat overlooking the bay when another couple came and sat at the next table. We got talking and Geoff was 66 and his wife, Carol was 63 but she was in a wheelchair due to a stroke 20 years ago.It seemed that Geoff had to give up his job to care for his wife for 20 years, this was there first holiday for 8 years. As we talked we...

4 years ago
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2nd BBC for white wife

2nd meetHubby was out of town on business for 2 days, I went again to the local gas station to fill up (not knowing what I was getting filled up with). As I pulled in, there was Joseph getting Diesel. He walked over to my car and asked if where Hubby was. I told him he was out of town, he asked if I wanted him to pump my gas. I said sure so he did. While the gas was pumping, Joseph handed me his business card and said he was on call. OMG! It looked like his dick was hard too. We finished...

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Jade Box Mums the Word Part 2

Cassie finally managed to convince her brother that she was okay. A little dehydrated maybe, and very hung over. She sat in stunned amazement as Patrick fussed over her, made her sit at the kitchen table, and got her a coffee and a sandwich. Then, when he was sure Cassie wasn't about to faint again, Patrick went out to mow the large back lawn. Cassie sat wondering why Patrick was mowing her lawn at all. As Rick, it was one of only two chores that Claire made sure he did, that...

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A True and Tragic Southern Romance

Based on a true event. Mississippi, 1911 Ora Bradey wasn’t sure what woke her, the unborn child kicking her belly, the gray light of pre-dawn at the window or Jim’s heavy work shoes on the wooden floor. His left hand on her shoulder roused her and she rolled backwards toward him as best she could with her belly holding her down. Jim was already dressed and held a steaming cup in his hand. ‘Mornin’ Ora,’ he smiled. ‘I wanted to fix yer breakfast,’ she grumbled. ‘What kinda’ wife d’ya think...

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Hung black guy and a pregnant white girl

I was sitting at home dressed only in my robe because it felt better not to have on tight clothing on, seeing that I was six months pregnant. My husband was off at work. His job kept him at work usually 70 or 80 hours a week. It kept me lonely but I knew that he was doing it so that we could have a better family life in the future. We have been married almost two years and I love my husband very much. We did have sex a few times before we were married but he was the only guy that I ever gave my...

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Matts Rag Doll

It was close to 9 months from the first time Matt and I became intimate that he got to fuck me on my own husbands birthday. I had made dinner plans for my husband for his birthday, I invited some family over and some of my husbands work collegues to share dinner with us on his special day. I had text Matt and told him about what was gonna be going on that night, so maybe him coming over wouldn't be the best of ideas. He didn't listen to me and got a hold of my son George and made my son invite...

Cheating Wifes
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How many of you love beating off to voyeur, candid videos? Fuck, all of you! Why the hell else would you be checking out a site called Candid Shiny Tube in the first fucking place?!So what can I tell you about a little site called Candid Shiny Tube? Well, it’s one of the premier places to be if you want to see voyeur videos that are so plentiful, you’re going to get a hand cramp by the time you get even a tiny percentile of the way through! Does that fucking sound awesome to you? Well, it...

Voyeur Porn Sites
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The Deception of Choice Episode Eight

The Deception of Choice. Episode Eight, comprising Chapters 21& 22. Preamble David's struggle against the insidious encroachment of femininity becomes ever more crucial. Perhaps not helped by the sweet reasonableness of Dr. Tabatha. Certainly not helped by the more physical aspects introduced into his study of Female Sexuality. And then there is the added complication of the arrival of the latest recruit and David's role in helping her to feel at home. Chapter...

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Watching Ana with a black man

Watching Ana with a black manThat Tuesday afternoon my loving Ana called me when I was still at my office, asking how much longer would I be at work. I found a little bit strange her question and asked back her why it mattered. The she said I did not matter at all, just wondering…She hanged but I knew something was wrong; so, I decided to come back home earlier than usual and surprise whatever she could be doing…I arrived home and I thought I could sneak inside and surprise her. But that was a...

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Cains Ritual

She watched him fumbling with the aperture ring, and she couldn’t help but smile at her husband insistence from behind the antique Cannon SLR as the boy fondled her tits. He looks so young, she thought, an observation borne out of the ease with which she had been able to seduce him. She was sure Charlie had spoken to the boy, the way this kid was grabbing at her throat, the ease with which he squeezed as his hardness dug into bare ass, even through the roughness of his Levi button flies....

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Megan Tina And Her Boyfriend Tim

“Wow Megan, I can’t believe what a jerk your boyfriend is for leaving you. You are such a nice person,” Tina said.As Megan sat down sobbing, she said, ”I just don’t get it. He thought we needed more space and that we should see other people.”“You are better off without him. I know you can do a lot better than him anyhow. You are a beautiful looking 21 year old. You are still young so just forget about him. I got an idea Megan. Why don’t you come with my boyfriend Tim and I tonight? I really...

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