- 2 years ago
- 18
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December 23
Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!’
At the sound of the baritone request, coming from the vicinity of the freshly snow-plowed driveway entrance, Blue Waters jumped practically an inch. It wasn’t so much that jumping an scant inch in startled surprise was a big deal, it was the jumping an inch while perched near the topmost rung of a ladder leaning precariously against a tree branch, in the dark, while trying valiantly to keep from becoming hopelessly tangled in a long length of cheerily glowing Christmas lights that was the danger. Not a good time to be sneaked up on, Blue nearly groused out loud as she whipped her head around to see who the culprit was. It was also not a good time to whip your head around, she discovered.
Blue let out a squeaky ‘Ahhk!’, promptly got a mouthful of aforementioned hair when the wind gusted just right… or wrong… and grabbed onto a ladder rung with gloved fingers when she felt herself tip dizzily backwards.
‘Whoa… hey!’ Prince Charming came loping up the drive to save her, but Rapunzel steadied herself, swiping the strands of hair from her lips. Why she hadn’t put her hair into it’s usual braid before coming outside, she didn’t know. Poor planning, she guessed.
‘Mr. Keeper.’
‘John.’ John Keeper reminded her, stopping at the foot of the wooden ladder and laying a steadying hand on it, his head tilted up towards her, the glow of the Christmas lights shining down upon his face.
Ooooh. Pretty.
‘John.’ Blue acquiesced, cursing herself when the words came out in a breathless mumble.
He smiled a little at that. Smiled as though he liked hearing his name being mumbled by a clumsy woman several feet above him on a ladder who’s hair kept blowing in her face. Ha.
The awkward pause Blue just knew was about to occur, on her own part anyway, was dead-headed before it had a chance to bloom into something embarrassing by the animal that came tearing around the corner of the white clapboard house. Bounding through snowdrifts, tongue flapping comically, the shepherd mix ‘woofed’ again and galloped hell-bent straight for John.
Tensed for the inevitable crash of dog and man, Blue watched in awe as John calmly waited until the dog grew alarmingly close, then made a small gesture with his hand… and glory be, wouldn’t you know it, but that darn crazy dog stopped. Stopped in his tracks, settled his haunches down, and just sat. Sat! Still as can be! Well, there was still a little thump-twitch to his tail, and his ears quivered forward. Little tell-tale signs that showed the dog was pretty darn excited.
‘Huh. I didn’t know he could do that.’ Blue’s mumble was more of something akin to bemusement this time.
John flicked a quick look up to her before centering his attention on the waiting dog. Taking his time, he knelt to one knee, his calm face giving nothing away as he held the dog’s gaze. The suddenly, with a wide grin, he made another mysterious hand signal and the dog leaped into action and was all over John as he held out his arms.
Sloppy dog kisses. Rump wiggling tail wags. Oh man, that dog was happy his master was home!
‘Missed me, did you? Yeah. Good boy. Good boy, Abe.’
Blue watched the touching scene for a moment, letting a smile slip over her lips. The smile faded just as quickly and she sighed and turned on the ladder towards the tree branch waiting for the string of lights she still held in her hands.
‘Need any help with that?’
At the politely toned query, Blue realized the reunion had run it’s course while she had balanced on her perch, lost in her own melancholy thoughts. She shook her head, both at the man who had asked the question and the dog beside him, just for the heck of it because they were both staring up at her now.
‘No, thank you.’ She said, and winced inwardly. Really now, did she have to say it so primly?
He didn’t look as if he believed her denial. Well, she didn’t need help. Just because she had taken on a task that might be a little too much for her right now, especially on the evening of the funeral? What the hey was she doing this for anyway? Aunt Jean loved having the Christmas lights up every year, sure, but she was gone now. She would never see the pretty, festive lights again, and if anyone tried to get all ‘Oh, Jean will look down from above and take such joy in the lights!’… well… whatever. Aunt Jean was gone and putting up the lights was probably silly, but Blue wanted to do it anyway. Just because.
But gone or not, Aunt Jean would have given her that look. That eyebrow thing. That look that said Blue was being difficult. Or rude. Rude, which she knew she was being right now. Mr. Keeper… John… was only trying to be nice. A good neighbor. ‘That John is the best neighbor to have, let me tell you!’, Aunt Jean had more than once gushed to her, the first time not long after John had moved into the house he’d built down the road. Aunt Jean wasn’t normally the gushy type, but with John? Well, John was the BEST neighbor, let me just tell you.
And here she was, being rude as heck. The least she could do was get on level ground with the man, Blue decided. Maybe easier said than done, as the light string, her heavy gloves, and the darned hair being wind-blown around her face made descending the ladder more of a trick than an accomplishment.
He seemed to think so also. ‘Wait… hang on… let me…’
Next thing she knew, John was up on the ladder with her, below her… oh man, his face was just level with the backs of her thighs, with her ass, and she wanted to giggle crazily at that… for Pete’s sake how immature of her… and he was reaching up and taking the hopelessly tangled light string from her. He climbed down and as she followed she felt his hand on her arm, felt it even through the heavy coat she wore, to help guide her. Not that she needed steadying at this point, but after all he was the best neighbor, let me tell you.
The hottest neighbor, anyway, she thought as she tilted her head up now to thank him. Another lunatic giggle tried to escape as her brain compared John to her only other neighbor on this mile stretch of wooded road, Orley Green. Toothless old Mr. Orley, who looked to be 90, even though he was probably only… 85. Well, okay, he may be only in his early 70s, actually. It was doubtful even Orley Green knew how old he really was.
Suddenly realizing that these totally inappropriate thoughts and urges to laugh were only her mind’s way of keeping her from crying, Blue pushed the hair out of her eyes, again, and tried to give John a smile, weak as it was. ‘You’re here to collect Abe?’ The dog glanced up at hearing his name, his tongue flopping out again.
‘Ah, well, no. I mean yes, I’m here about Abe. And to see how you are doing.’ Before Blue could reply, John turned to look at the light display that she had managed to arrange around some of the bushes at the front of the house. ‘You know, I helped Jean with this whenever I was home this time of year. I’m going to miss her.’ he said quietly, his soft southern drawl feeling like a comfortable blanket. Turning back, he held up the light string. ‘You wouldn’t mind, would you, if I…?’
‘No, of course not.’ Blue shook her head. Before she had finished her agreement, he had already started up the ladder. Blue smiled at his little trick. She knew he had circumvented her refusal of help, finding a way around it. How could she say no to him now? And did she really want to refuse anyway?
Among all the people at Aunt Jean’s funeral earlier in the day, small as it was, John Keeper was the only one that had quietly offered his condolences without taking her hand or kissing her cheek or hugging her and insisting that if there was anything they could do, just let them know. Oh, it wasn’t that she thought they were all insincere, of course not! And she truly did appreciate the offers. It’s just th
at, after a while, the small room in the only funeral parlor in town seemed to become more and more crowded and the air was stifling and Blue’s hands wouldn’t stop sweating and Lee, as good a friend as he’d always been, just wouldn’t stop hovering with his hand constantly on her elbow or her shoulder and she just didn’t want to hug anyone else…
It was just too much, and thank goodness it hadn’t lasted much longer and she was able to come home… well, it was Aunt Jean’s home, it hadn’t been Blue’s for several years now… and be by herself. Alone with her grief and her memories.
Blue absently studied John for a moment, then took up another strand and began arranging the twinkling lights across a snow dusted bush. Both worked in silence for several minutes.
‘Thank you for coming to the service today. Jean would have appreciated it. She told me once that you were her favorite neighbor.’ Blue glanced at John.
‘Between me and Orley, then?’ John smiled fleetingly, if a little sadly. ‘Better not tell Orley that, wouldn’t want him to be jealous.’ It was a small joke, and they both knew it, but Blue smiled back anyhow. ‘I wasn’t sure I was going to make it back in time,’ John continued on, his hands busy arranging the lights, descending the ladder as he went. ‘Pure luck that I did. And it’s partly why I stopped by.’ He paused and rubbed his hand across the back of his neck, turning to her. ‘I’m afraid I have to head back tomorrow. I’m leaving early in the morning.’ He looked at Abe, who was busy sticking his snout into a snow drift and snuffling. ‘It wouldn’t make much sense to take Abe home just for the night, as early as I’ll have to be leaving, and I was just wondering-‘
‘I’ll keep him.’ Blue interrupted, knowing what he was about to ask.
‘Of course Orley will take him whenever it’s needed. Whenever you need to go back to California, if I’m not back by then, he’ll take Abe off your hands. Or even if you don’t feel as if you can handle Abe right now?’
Blue knew all about the arrangement that the only three residents of this stretch of wooded road had in regards to Abe. Officially he was John Keeper’s dog, but seeing as how John was away, for business purposes, at long stretches of time, Abe’s second home had been with Jean. And if Jean couldn’t take care of the dog for whatever reason, then Orley Green took him in. It had worked out no problems at all, because the neighbors loved Abe and Abe loved the neighbors. Win/win.
‘I’ll keep him.’ Blue repeated, reassuringly. Abe seemed to sense that the discussion was about him and had wandered close to Blue, sitting at her feet and looking up expectantly. At her agreement to keep him, she could have sworn the dog smiled.
‘He likes you.’ John said quietly.
Blue looked up to find his brown eyes… no, not just brown, they were amber, or topaz… topaz, for Pete’s sake… trained on her face. A little butterfly fluttered in her stomach, out of no-where, and she put her hand over her coat above the trembling spot, as if that would quiet it.
‘Well I like him too.’ She bent down a little to coo and pet Abe’s head, a good excuse look away from John’s eyes. ‘We’re old friends, really.’ Not like she and John, who were practically strangers even though they did have neighborly ties. Somehow it had happened that most of the times she had been able to come visit her Aunt, John happened to be away. There had been one or two occasions when she had seen him drive by on his way to somewhere, and he had held his hand up in a wave and nodded his head to her through the window of his old black pick-up truck, but that had been the closest she had come to him all this time.
Aunt Jean had said that between being away so often on business trips, (he was some sort of consultant, whatever that meant), he was also home for long intervals, but she just could never pin him down with any kind of guesswork about a schedule, other than what he let her know about right before each trip. So, while he and Jean had been neighbors for practically ten years now and she talked of him often, today at the funeral and this evening, right now, were the first times that Blue had met John face to face. It was probably only because Aunt Jean chattered about him so much that he felt familiar to her. Almost like they were friends already. Yeah, that was it, surely.
Abe nudged Blue’s glove and she continued to pet his head as commanded. ‘Aunt Jean had him here several times when I came home to visit, and we got to know each other. Didn’t we Abe?’
Abe ‘wuffed’ a little, then whined softly and looked expectantly at John. Blue looked down at the top of John’s head with it’s close cropped brown hair as he knelt in front of his dog and ruffled the fur under Abe’s jawbone. ‘Of course you can stay with Blue.’ John murmured, just as if he were answering a question the dog had asked. ‘I don’t blame you one bit.’
Before Blue could look away and pretend she hadn’t been staring, John glanced up and caught her. He stood, towering over her 5’4′ frame. Oh lord, the man had to be at least 6 feet tall… no, most definitely more. Maybe 6’2′? More? For Pete’s sake how tall was he? Tall. That’s all Blue knew. He was tall. She bit her lip to keep from asking just how tall.
‘So, what are you thinking about doing?’
Blue’s lower lip popped out from the nibble she’d had it trapped in, and she refrained from blurting out a stupid sounding ‘huh?’. Good thing he didn’t pause much before continuing.
‘I know it’s probably too soon to decide,’ he said carefully, as if she would break down into tears if she thought much more about Aunt Jean’s passing. ‘But I know you must be thinking about what to do with the house and all.’ He paused and looked up at the charmingly quirky three story home, and she thought she heard him sigh. ‘Do you have plans? At the least, know how long you will be staying?’
If he looked a little hopeful, she knew it was because of Abe. He needed someone to look after Abe while he was away. Well, of course there was Orley to do it, she reminded herself.
Blue looked up at the house also. She loved this place. It was her home, truly, even after living across the country for ten years, building a life for herself so far away. She had grown up here. Mostly, anyway. This was her home. Unfortunately, now it was missing the most important element. Aunt Jean.
Blue swiped self consciously at her eyes as her vision blurred. She didn’t want to cry. She’d cried when she first came home two weeks ago and had been shocked at the sickness-ravaged appearance of the woman who had been a mother to her most of her life. She’d cried when she’d become angry at the realization that Aunt Jean had only called because John Keeper had convinced her that this was something that Blue needed to know about. And then she’d cried a little bit because she recognized Jean Water’s stubborn independence and the near-hatred of the thought of being a burden as qualities within herself, and so she understood why Aunt Jean had waited so long to tell her she was dying. Whether or not she liked it, she at least had some understanding.
After those tears she hadn’t cried, even once, during the two weeks that she had stayed with her Aunt, caring for her during her last moments of life, talking and laughing and remembering little things and big things, and just doing the best they could do for each other. Nor had she cried the morning she found Aunt Jean had slipped away quietly in her sleep, when Abe had nudged at her hand in the eerily silent pre-dawn until she had roused enough to follow the subdued pet to Jean’s room. And no crying since then, not even today during the funeral. If she were going to start crying again she wanted to wait until she was inside, alone and safe in her third floor room of the house she grew up in, her personal sanctuary, until she shed any more tears.
She knew he was waiting for an answer to his question, and she angrily swiped at her eyes again, trying to make it l
ook like it wasn’t because there were any tears in her eyes, because she knew he was looking at her. She didn’t look up to confirm it, but she could feel his eyes on her, and knew that if she looked up she would fall right into his concerned gaze and gosh damn it she didn’t want to cry, so she busied herself with the lights again.
‘What with the Christmas holiday and having another art teacher to fill in for me at the community college when needed, I’ll be able to stay another two weeks.’ Out of the corner of her eye she saw John following her lead and arranging more lights. ‘But as far as what I’m going to do after that, I haven’t quite decided yet, but… this is home. I can’t imagine selling it, or anything like that.’
‘That means possibly moving back, here, to stay?’ John asked after a long pause.
‘I’ve got a lot to think about.’ Blue shrugged, and though she didn’t look up she felt his eyes on her again.
Silently they worked on the cheery display, moving back to stand in the road when they were done to get a good view of their handiwork.
‘It’s pretty. Aunt Jean would be proud. Thank you, John.’
John shoved his hands into his coat pockets and nodded, blowing out a puff of breath that turned white in the winter air. Blue felt like she should do something, like invite him in to get warmed up, have some hot chocolate. Something neighborly. Something polite. All she could do was stare at the Christmas lights making the snow covered house and trees and bushes glow. She thought she felt something move over the length of her hair that lay on her shoulder… the wind had at least died down now and wasn’t blowing it willy-nilly… and when she turned her head John was pushing his hand back into his pocket, but she had probably just imagined… well, she didn’t know what she had imagined. Nothing.
‘As far as I know I’ll be gone about a week.’ John broke the silence. ‘You’ve got my cell number.’ Yes, there was a list of important numbers on Aunt Jean’s kitchen note board, and Blue knew that the second one down, after her own, was his. ‘And I’ve got yours.’ She was at first surprised at this, but then not, considering Aunt Jean had probably given it to him. ‘Call if… call for any reason. If you can’t reach me right away, I’ll call back as soon as possible. I promise.’
He didn’t really need to ‘promise’, Blue thought, but as she stood there tilting her head up to him, the way he said it and the way he was standing so close, like he was protecting her.
She took a step back, even though doing so made her feel suddenly cold. Chilled to the bone.
John made one of those mysterious hand gestures and Abe came trotting over instantly to sit at his feet. Leaning over, he said something only the dog could hear, then stood back up and nodded towards the house.
‘Better get inside and warmed up. It’s getting colder. Stay, Abe. Bye, Blue.’
Blue and Abe watched ‘the best neighbor to have around’ walk away down the road until he turned the corner and disappeared.
John trudged home, the moonlight that reflected off the snow lighting the night enough to show him the way. Not that he needed it, having walked the road between houses so many times over the years he could have done it blindfolded. Even so, making his feet carry him home was an effort.
All he really wanted to do was turn himself around, go back to Blue, and tuck that woman into his arms. And keep her there.
Oh yeah, like that would go over well. Grabbed and hugged to within an inch of her life. She’d called the freaking cops on him.
Of course, he meant no harm. On the contrary. He only wanted to help Blue during this time of grieving. They were both grieving. Jean had been such a big part of his life these past few years, more than he’d ever expected. God, he was going to miss that feisty old woman.
John chuckled wryly as he waded through the snow to his porch, imagining Jean’s reaction to him calling her ‘feisty old woman’. Hell, he’d said it often enough, that very description of her having been spoken out loud during more than one of their lively conversations. The ones that almost always ended in snorted laughter and spilled beer.
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After Mary finished exams, Ken suggested a vacation. "Let's go see Aunt Bessie," Mary said. "How about a week in the islands first?" "Sold." Dan and Consuela agreed to take Hero and The Bay in the trailer to Colorado. When they arrived, they talked about Mary's idea for working young horses with cattle. The weather was warm and they sat naked around the pool. They went off to separate beds, but left the lights on for a long time so they could watch each other across the patio. In...
The Campo clan moved down the tile floors of the retirement center with the sounds of clacking made by Mom's and my sisters' high heels. The place was very clean and appeared to be well-run and the staff seemed to be friendly and attentive to the wide range of needs from the retirees who lived here in a range of conditions from independent living all the way up to those bedbound retirees needing full assistance. As we rounded the corner into the D-wing I noticed that it seemed to have...
It seemed like a minor victory of sorts when things calmed down considerable in Indian Territory and the plains tribes settled in for a long winter that would be certain to be harsh on their womenfolk and young ones. It was of concern to the chiefs that if the land agents didn’t supply the food supplies they desperately needed now that the buffalo were extinguished as a viable source of food, they would be facing sure starvation on the reservation. I have to admit it was a real possibility...
Ilse had messaged me on WhatsApp earlier that week that she had arranged for a babysitter to arrive Saturday midday, in other words, today. Her neighbor would watch her kids, which gave her two hours of freedom. I was nervous about her arrival; it had been over a week since I last saw her. She seemed to like me a little too much for my likes and to prevent crushing her heart, I had told her outright that I didn’t have any interest in starting an affair. Understandably, she had been upset...
Katharina steigt aus dem Auto ihrer Freundin und winkt zum Abschied. Sie trägt ihr hellblondes Haar wie immer zu einem Pferdeschwanz gebunden. Weil heut so ein warmer Tag ist trägt sie einen weißen Rock und dazu passend ein blaues Oberteil. Um sich möglichst keinen Sonnenbrand zu holen, will sie im Schatten der hohen Bäume bleiben, die die Einfahrt ihres Elternhauses einsäumen. Da glitzert plötzlich etwas in der Sonne und als sie näher kommt, erkennt sie, dass es sich dabei um einen kleinen...
This all started when my now muslim friend applied for a job at my firm. Im a white dominant bull and I own a credit company. This muslim friend of mine whos real name is muhammed is a 45 year old skinny muslim who is 5'4 in height applied for a job as my personal assistant. I was actually looking for a female to fill that position but since his speech during his application was good and since he looked and sounded like a real submissive muslim I gave him the benefit of the doubt and hired...
Dropping the last heavy box into the hallway, I clapped my hands together to get rid of the excess dust, rested them on my hips and sighed. It had been a long day of moving house, my least favourite thing in the world, but it was finally done. I looked around my little house and sighed again, from happiness rather than exhaustion this time around. Afternoon sun filtered through the many glass panels in the open plan kitchen/dining area. I had done really well. My new place was small and modest...
Feminizing Foot Massage This is another script that markusv67 suggested to that yahoo fdhynovideo group. If you have ever seen videos that the websight, the domme ladies in those videos are hypnotizing the viewers of the videos. In this suggested script Candee comes home from a hard day at work to find you the viewer (her boyfriend) laying on the couch. The house is a mess. She offers you a foot massage and hypnotizes you by applying a little force to...
Introduction: A husband comes home to something he expect, but likes it. Again constructive please. Brandon and Stephanie have been married for almost 18 years now. They have had a good sex life, but lately it has been falling off. It had nothing to do with Stephanie not wanting it, but Brandon not wanting it. Brandon is 44 years old, and Stephanie is 40. Brandon stands 62, with dark red hair and green eyes, weighing about 240 lbs. Stephanie stands about 56, with long brown hair and blue...
Are you my Sister? Written by Dauphin [email protected] Some people simply do not know how to think of others and treat them with respect and love they deserve. Some people can treat others like dirt and then destroy their lives. I think they should be put in Hell. That's what happened to my sister Kylie that was 2 years younger than me. She is 9 and is the best sister anyone can wish for. She was always cheerful and didn't bug me...
August 1974 It was four in the Saturday afternoon of August 24. Jim was in the driver's seat and Hildy was next to him in the passenger's bucket seat of the '71 Mercury Cougar that Douglas Chemical had sold to him. They were in the parking lot of the Erie Canal Inn as about a dozen people surrounded the car, wishing them well. After a few moments, the small crowd stepped aside. Jim put the car in gear and it was official that he and Hildy were on their honeymoon. "You can't get on the...
Hello. I am Madhu. I am married, 26 years with figure 38-28-36. This is true story happened with me in last December. I went to meet my friends in Goa and stayed there for a week. Christmas was just one day ahead, so I wanted to enjoy in goa. But I had to urgently return to my place Daund. It was overnight journey and I got easy tickets. I presumed that no rush will be there and easily get sleeper without reservation. I was right. It was rush towards goa but not for return way. I caught train...
Introduction: Can she escape from hell? A/N Hello everyone! I hope you guys are enjoying this series as much as I enjoy writing. Please, please send me some feedback if you liked it (or even if you didnt) and let me know if you guys have any suggestions for what should happen next, all ideas are open to consideration. Happy reading! Cheers, Steelkat Part 4 Get up! No use moping, crying will get you nowhere. I push myself off of the wet rock, slipping and scraping my arm as I struggle to...
Mike has asked me to write about my feelings about him hypnotizing me. He first tried it when we had our first date. It was in my apartment and we had just returned from a romantic dinner with musicians that went around to the tables and wine with our meals. Neither of us was much of a drinker. The wine had made me a little wobbly and slow. I definitely felt mellow. I was young and my only sexual experience had not been particularly pleasant and certainly not fulfilling. Mike was a large,...
Alice watched Sid constantly throughout the day. Seldom was she more than a dozen paces away from him. Even when he went to the latrine, Alice was nearby hoping to catch a glimpse of his package. The delay between being rescued and returning to Crossroads was driving her crazy. She was ready to reward Sid for her rescue now. The noises that emerged from her tent at night announced to the world what was on her mind. For Sid, the situation wasn't much better. Alice was not only watching from...
Jeanne kissed me and said, "Michael, I'm starving and I'll bet you are too." "I am." "Got any ideas about dinner?" "How about some seafood? That is the Pacific Ocean out there." "That's a wonderful idea. Do you know any good restaurants?" "There's a very nice sea food cafe on Geary Street." "Is that very far away?" "Maybe a mile." "Is it fancy?" "Do you want fancy? If you do we can go the Cliff House. It's at the bottom of the hill." "Let's do that tomorrow night. Tonight I want casual." "The...
CuckoldI didn't get that crazy with Christina, but we did have fun. The fact was that I was bagged. It didn't matter that our 'benefactors' had given me major recuperative powers and the dick to service all the women of the settlement; if they wanted me to do them all at once, I was still tired, both physically and emotionally. Since getting up that morning, I'd made love to three different women, impregnating two of them. Each of those women needed me in different ways and I had tried to meet...
CHAPTER 6: ANOTHER FIRST DAYSI was in the office early as usual. I was a nervous wreck the rest of Sunday after I left the Cornell’s home and the full implications of what had occurred over that weekend sunk in. I continued to speculate on the implications of spending two nights with them and being a willing and eager sexual partner to the couple. But what dominated my mind and kept me on edge was being chosen as the Personal Assistant to Mr. Cornell. The other two candidates, candidates who...
Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this! Princess Malakisha – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith The chain hurtled at me, a gray-black blur. My rakshasa’s instincts snarled through me. My body sprang to the right. I hit the rough stone bricks of my dungeon’s floor, rolled hard. Metal struck rock with a mighty clang behind me. He could cave my skull in with his strength. “My heart!” Lucy screamed in terror as I came up in a crouch, the fur bristling across my face and head, my whiskers...
And then my friend Constance T -- got me involved with a courtesan the likes of which I had never seen. She was, despite her youth, a grande dame of the Tory hierarchy or pecking order, and once Howe himself was out of the way, I was told, she would be right at the head of the overdressed, amoral and irreverent parade, replacing Mrs. Loring. Her name does not matter; she is now a grandmother and well thought of by most of her friends and all of her family. But back in the revolutionary times,...
Penthouse Pet Melissa Jacobs and hot lesbian playmate Alyssa Reece are horny cheerleaders that never seem to get time to practice their cheers because they’re too busy munching on each other’s muffs as they do in today’s steamy girl-girl video. The two brunette beauties go at each other’s pussies with gusto licking and fingering, and play with their titties relentlessly. When they’re ready to turn things up a notch out come the sex toys, and they cum wildly pussy...
xmoviesforyouI awoke early, much too early for a Saturday. The sun was just peeking over the horizon, but I needed to pee, urgently. I had been disoriented, and I had almost jumped in fright when I had become aware of the body snuggled up to me. Then yesterday’s events came back to me, and I realized that the body belonged to my – roommate? Friend? Lover? I slowly extricated myself, careful not to wake her up. She groaned quietly when I put her arm back onto the bed, but she didn’t stir. In slow motion, I...
Time passed and, before Sid knew it, his shift in the library was over. He returned to his house, showered, shaved, and dressed in preparation for his dinner with Cynthia. Knowing that he would be accompanying a woman to a public place, he chose to wear dress pants, a light blue shirt, and a sports coat. The restaurant wasn't formal enough to demand that he wear a suit. As it was, he'd probably be the most formally dressed person at the place. Exiting the house, he looked over his pickup...
Hi friends, en peyar Thanish, vayathu 22 aagugirathu. Hema teacherai eppadiyvathu usar seithu ooka vendrum endru kaathu kondu irukiren, aval oru thevathai pondru irupaal. Aval niram velaiyaaga irukum, sexiyaana soothu vaithu irupaal. Aval soothu azhagai parthu mayangaamal irukave mudiyaathu, avalavu thukalaaga sexiyaaga irupaal. Aval oru guthirai mathiri irupaal, mulai alavaaga irukum idupil kozhupu ethum irukaathu slimaaga irupaal. Aval aniyum aadaigal anaithum sexiiyaagave irukum, enaku aval...
A few years ago on a Sunday afternoon amy wife and I were coming home from Atlanta and my wife mentioned she needed to stop by her office and pick up some paperwork she needed to work on at home. When we pulled in the parking lot I noticed another car there. She got out and told me she would just be a minute. Soon after she went in I saw the blinds part and her black co-worker Paul peek out and wave. We were acquainted and had been to parties at his house. He was a few years younger than us but...
I decided to take my slut miem to the beach. I needed a break, I knew slut could make me a few bucks suckig and fucking. Hey a euro's a euro! We get to the beach and find a nice spot. I lay on the blantket. Slut strips... "What the fuck!" I jump up and slap her face. Slut falls to the blanket! "what the fuck did I tell you?" I point to her cunt. miem slides her hand between her legs and busts into tears. " sorry Mark..." Her voice fades. Slut had not shave her pussy.I wanted her all...
This story is a pseudo X Men fan fiction which takes place in the same world as my story The Ice Queen Cometh. Enter the Darkness By Morpheus I clenched my eyes shut, groaning as I rubbed at my temples, praying to a God that I didn't really believe in for my headache to go away. The migraines had been coming a lot lately, and this one was worse than any of the ones that I'd ever felt before. It felt as though my very head was going to split open... "Why me?" I groaned out,...
Introduction: A restaraunt manager tries to make a customers night pleasant but ends up giving him better service than she ever imagined. The restaurant was only half full. I had expected better of a Thursday night, we were turning people back this time last week. I survey the tables making sure that my waitresses were not missing anything. I had managed the French restaurant for almost a year now and I prided myself on the service that my guests received. Kate, one of my best waitresses,...
A lesson in the art of sexual intercourse for a class of young girls at an exclusive finishing school. “Girls, at this point in the curriculum we usually show a video which explains a lot more clearly than I can what actually happens during sexual intercourse.” Miss James looked round her class as she spoke and adjusted the horn-rimmed glasses on the end of her nose. She brushed away a stray lock of hair which had escaped from the chignon at the back of her head. “You will recall that we...
Mike was like me, we both slept in the nude and we woke up to stand with our dicks sticking out. I was stretching and bending backwards which makes my dick stick way out. Mike said, "Looking for some action this morning? I think I'm about as hard as you are." I said, "We better get with it and get ready for classes. There would be nothing I'd like better than suck on that thing you're so proud of. I could use an appetizer for breakfast." Mike said, "We gotta get a way to fuck. We...
Melissa Moore seems hellbent on stealing her identity, but not only that, her girlfriend Capri Anderson. When Melissa returns home unlocking the door to the bathroom and finally freeing Riley, she gives he back her phone and keys and dress, making up excuses for the whole thing. Riley’s on to her tricks, and calls up Capri, finding out that Melissa posed as her and hung out with Capri all day! Riley is furious and comes up with a plan to get back at Melissa. Capri is obviously in on the...
xmoviesforyouMy pussy was dripping as I zipped my car into the parking spot in front of the mall.I was having another secret meeting with my boyfriend, Allen. Only, this time we'd arranged a little twist to our usual tryst.After years of Allen and I seeing each other, I'd finally worked up the nerve to share my fantasy of him dressing up like a woman for me.It wasn't easy for me to do. I'm a shy, reserved girl and Allen was about as masculine a guy as you'd ever find. I was afraid he'd break up with me when...