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I slumped wearily down in the bus seat and quietly dreaed the lengthy walk from the bus stop to my apartment....and dreaded more that my girlfriend Neela would be waiting there to resume the discussion we started earlier in the day and one that was becoming more contentious. Marriage was the topic. I have been dting Neela for over a year now, six months of that we have been living together despite the fact that her parents were more than a little angry with her that she had not found a good Indian man to become invovlved with. She made those sacrifices for me so why was I dragging my feet about marrying her? I did love her but the idea of marriage sent a cold shiver up my spine. Sexually speaking Neela was the best girlfriend I'd ever had. Even after a long and aggrivating day just her radiant smile made me feel better as she nursed my spirit back from the dead.
I sat and watched the shadowy scenary flash by and still lost in my thoughts, disrupted by the rowdy group in the back of the bus. The jostling of the bus was giving a hard on. Any stimulation was provoking this now that Neela had discontinued any sexual contact for a week now. She would pad around the apartment totally nude in a cruel display of sexual strength. In a flash I saw Neela's thick black cloud of pubic hair and quickly tried to push the image out of my mind as it was strengthening my erection and I was nearing my stop. As the stop approached it was still raging and awkwardly dashed toward the exit and stepped out into the dark street.
I heaved a sigh and began the walk home. Within a block or two the erection diminished significantly until it was completely gone and I began walking quicker. Muggings were not uncommon in this area. I had the luck never to have been a victim but knew others who were not so fortunate. Fear overruled my physical exhaustion and I walked faster.
I was crossing the parking lot of the local library, looking at the eerie dark windows when I felt something strike me in the back of the head. It felt oddly solid and soft at the same time but I felt a sudden paralysis of my whole body and the sensation that I was falling forward and could not move my limbs in order to break my fall. I shut my eyes and waited for the impact with the pavement.
The impact never came but I still had the distinct sensation of falling for a long time. I had lapsed into u*********sness but I was still able to think. The only thought foremost in my mind was: I am going to die and I'll never see Neela and her pubic hair again. In times of extreme duress one thinks the oddest thoughts. Neela...Neela...Nella, I was calling out.
When I did finally regain consciousness I was momentarily blinded by a white light directly above me. I'm in a hospital, I immediately thought, but I still could not move my arms or legs. My vision was somewhat blurred as I attempted to turn my head and looking around. It proved to a Herculean effort. Perhaps my neck was broken and moving it around was not the wisest thing to do. I lay there quietly and waited for the doctor or some attendant to arrive.
Whatever platform I was lying on was soft and comfortable. I strain my eyes to catch a glimpse of anything that would indicate where I was. On either side was noting but white walls. There was no sound except a very low hum that seemed to come from all around.
As more time passed and no one coming to my aid I began to panic and shifted the weight of my body and then I felt what I assumed to be a finger press down on my forehead. I tried to speak but even my voice was robbed from me.
"Relax," a voice whispered.
It was not coming externally but seemed to eminate from inside my mind. The voice was not that of a stranger's...it's Neela. I began to weep and struggled more. There was no pain in my body. It was obvious that I was not injured. If I any broken bones I would have felt the pain. The only comparison I could make was being shoot up with novicaine at the dentist's and losing any sort muscle ability in one's face. Something had obviously paralyzed me.
"The effects will wear off shortly," said the voice in my head.
My eyes ached trying to catch a glimpse of this stranger, but it's identity would soon be revealed to me.
The light above my was suddenly blocked out by the strenger leaning over me, but my eyes still refused to focus. I could only see a vague outline of what appeared to be be a person. I use this term very cautiously. The head oval and small and sat on a very long slender neck which then sprouted from very broad shoulders. But my vision was not to be trusted and with each slight movement these proportions altered somewhat.
I felt the finger pressing down on my forehead again.
"My name is Zhaan. I am not going to hurt you," said the voice. It seemed to be manipulating Neela's voice and did not actually have the cadence of her actual speaking voice.
I felt hands moving over my body....on my bare skin. I realize to my horror that I am naked which does not assuage the fear creeping back. I wanted to believe that this was all a hallucination and not actually happening. Was I acttacked in the parking lot and I was u*********s in a hospital bed dreaming that some alien lifeform using the voice of my girlfriend to communicate with me with a sort of telepathic power? I forced myself to believe this scenario. I have woken up form dreams that I would swear on my mother's life was real and would sit shaking in bed upon awakening.
I could not give any exact period of time had elapsed before the paralysis had faded. It happened quite suddenly and I bolted upright into a sitting position. I looked around and saw my host standing nearby. My vision had cleared as well as my voice and I heard an unearthly shriek explode from my mouth and I slipped off the platform where I had so long been confined and crashed onto the smooth cool floor.
It stepped forward and pushed back the hood of its robe to reveal a face that was humaniod in overall appearance but blue and bald with eyes that were distinctly Asian and a soft yellow tint to them. The face was very passive and then illuminated by a very warm smile. She stepped cautiously forward. I noticed that her feet were bare and the same shade of blue. I assumed the rest of her would be the same color.
She was very tall...perhaps seven feet but very slight, but I could only conjecture this conclusion by what was exposed and not was the robe concealed. The long delicate hands remained in a folded position across her middle. The fingers were very human in structure but the fingers numbered only three per hand.
I was still on the floor pushing myself backwards as it moved slowly closer. Was I still allowing the hallucination theory to prevail? It was a struggle to maintain the idea that this was only a dream as dreams and real life have their own distinct texture of reality. The floor was cool and vaguely vibrated Zhaan gave off an ordor that triggered a sense memory of a electrical applicance burning out and gave off that scent of oozone. It was not a bad scent. It was like Mia Farrow's sudden reaction in Rosemary's Baby: "This is no dream...this is really happening!"
Zhaan leaned slowly down and extended her left arm, one finger pressed to my forehead. On closer inspection her face was quite beautiful and had a distinct "feminine" quality. Her smile never faded. It put me at ease.
"My name is Zhaan. I come from a planet that is slowly dying. We need to replenish our supply of sperm and we have come periodically to your planet to collect more," she said. Neela's appropriated voice stumbled periodically.
"Are you the only one here?" I asked after the long silence as I processed this information.
"No there are others on similar missions."
The mixture of human sperm must account for the humanoid form as it is intigrated with their own genetic composition.
"Our time is very short," said Zhaan as she rose, towering above me. She offered me a hand up. Her strangth was astounding as she lifted me to my feet.
I wobbled slightly from the lingering effects of the paralysis ray that intially rendered me in that codition but I was quick to recover and Zhaan kept a supporting hand on me.
We left the small cell where I had been kept a walked into a narrow corridor that curved slowly. There were no windows so I could not see exactly where we were. From my casual observation I assumed that Zhaan was the sole occupant of this craft but this was sheer speculation on my part as I had no real idea how large a ship it was. All the corridors and rooms seemed quite small.
"Where are we?" I asked Zhaan.
"We are hidden inside of a cloud," she responded. "Are you comfortable. Is the temperature suitable?"
Yes," I said, having totally forgotten about my nudity. I wondered how she (it was still an assumption that this was a correct term) viewed our human forms. They must appear primitive and awkward by such an advanced race.
We arrived at another room. The door slipped open and Zhaan escorted me inside. The room was illuminated by curved tube on the other side of the transparent walls and cast everything in a warm pinkish glow. Its sole piece of furniture was a long padded cushion that automaically moved forawrd to the center of the room.
I turned to face Zhaan. She was untying the braided sash of her robe and left it slip away from her long slim body. As I had initially suspected is was the same shade of blue as her face and hands but I noticed the intricate patterns that decorated her torso and legs. They were not tattoos as we'd describe them on Earth but these were a series of shallow throughs that were seared, cut, or branded into the skin by means beyond our own capabilites.
"They are markings initiating matuity," Zhaan said, observing my fascination.
I was allowed to taouch them. I ran a nervous finger along her belly and down her thighs. It was like following a maze that k**s got with their paper placemats at fast food joints.
I got lost in this activity and nearly came into contact with her genitals. They were similar to female genitals on Earth but not a single hair....there was not a hair to be found on the entirity on Zhaan's body. Her flesh was smooth and cool to the touch but as I continued my explorations I noticed a sudden fluxuation in her temperature and her skin seemed to shimmer as the colors radomly softened and darkened at certain locations.
She looked down at me, smiled, and nodded her approval to all my actions. As I resumed I could hear a sound coming from Zhaan that sounded like a distant choir of singers. It was not a language as I could determine but just sound issuing from deep in her throat. That electrical scent I noted earlier became more prominant now...especially from her vagina. It was quite an intoxicating aroma and I slipped my finger long that deep cleft between her legs. I smeled that perfume on my finger tips, inhaling it deeply.
Since I was lead to the assumtion that we both shared a similar gentic origin she must have a clitoris. I parted her vagina lips and that sweet fragrence struck me agan. Was I getting stoned from the scent? I felt my head spinning.
When laid my first kiss upon her vagina the fluid seeping from those flesh lips stung my tongue briefly, but pleasure overcame this initial sensation. I stimulated the area where an Earth female's clitoris would be located and waited for some sort of response from Zhaan. The strange singing rose in pitch and for a moment I thought that she was going to collapse on top of me but regained her composure and ran a hand through my hair and pressed my head closer until my face was buried and that scent was all pervasive now.
She abruptly reached down and lifted me to my feet. She led me over to the padded platform and she stretched herself out, her legs spread and spilling over the edge. I needed no further encouragement and eased myself down over her. Because of our considerable heaight differance my head rested on the area between her dual set of breasts. This is a fact I have neglected to pass on to the reader but Zhaan had four breasts. They were somewhat smallish I contast to the rest of her body and she might be considered "flat-chested" by Earth standards. They were quite beautiful and each was round like a blue apple and each sported a nipple that was a deeper shad of blue than the rest of her body. They stiffened under stimulation just like an Earth female. I suckled on all four of them with wild joy.
I only heard her speak once in her own language. There is nothing to compare it to other than a recording played backwards at a very high speed and rose in pitch at various times, almost ear shattering at one particular moment just after I had inserted my cock but she realized that she had gotten carried away and silenced herself.
At various times I worried that I was going to be tossed off her as her body arched suddenly upward but I clung firmly to her thick torso and continued pounding away. I wanted to make this experience last for a s long as possible but what Zhaan could do with her vagine was manipulate the vaginal muscles to where I felt as if I were being milked and that sensation was becoming increasing hard to deny given my own bout of sexual deprivation back on Earth and the avoidable happened.
Suddenly I felt that familiar punch in the back of my head and I heard my own voice scream:"Noooooooooo!!!!" as I lapsed back into u*********sness.
I was seated up against the library wall when I regained consciousness and stumbled slowly to feet. I glanced at my watch. It was now three o'clock in the morning. I looked up at the sky and saw a single cloud drifting lazily by and wondered if Zhaan was up there watching over me to see that I was all right. I gave a weak wave of my hand and continued home.
It was three thirty by the time a walked through the apartment door. Neela was asleep on the sofa as she probably was waiting for me to come ome. I knelt down in front of her and brushed the hair that fallen in front of her face....that lovely sweet face. It at this moment that I noticed then swirled pattern in the palm of my hand similar to Zhaan markings. How would I explain this to Neela.
I bent lower and saw that she was not wearing any panties beneath the nightshirt she wore. I gently opened her legs and gazed at that wonderful clump of hair. It would be my joy for the rest of my life.
"I love you, Neela," I whspered.
"I love you too," came her drowsy responce a moment later.


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The Slow QuickstepChapter 6

Straight after breakfast on Saturday morning Allie went round to see Toby. She found him up and about, fully dressed and back to his normal smiling self. “Great!” she exclaimed. “You’re better” “Yes and thank you, sweety, for coming round every day while I had the grumps.” “You didn’t. You were a bit mis but that was because you were feeling rotten.” “OK but you might have picked it up.” Allie made a rude noise. “And then you’d have come to visit me and cheer me up.” “Yes but I would...

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Bus StopChapter 4

The zoo trip was just the first of many Chad invited Jessie to. His boss gave him tickets to a play that were impossible to buy. They discovered a mutual love for football and went to several games at the local college. Whenever Jessie thought they had been everywhere, Chad called with more ideas. The days turned to weeks and Jessie knew she loved Chad. He made her heart sing. It was as simple as that. She thought about him at work and smiled. His talk show was on every morning while she got...

2 years ago
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Saddled Benjamin was embarrassed and he was hurting. Benjamin was sitting on the horse. He had built the horse himself at the friendly insistence of his wife Mavis. The horse was a copy of the infamous punishment horses used by the military hundreds of years ago. The punishment horse is said to derive from the Japanese horse used to torture women as punishment for crimes they had committed. Benjamin's horse looked like a saw horse but the top beam was built like a little dog house with...

3 years ago
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my shemale GF part 5

If you read my last story, you know that Ashley said she was going to dominate me, well that's exactly what she did.So today after work I went back to Christy's place not actually thinking she was going to fuck me. Christy was home before me and asked me to clean up, which is the universal sign for us that she's gonna fuck me. I kinda forgot what Ashley said last night since I was blazed. I cleaned up, went to the family room, and noticed the fuck machine was out, harnesses, some contraption...

1 year ago
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My loveli cousin

Hi friends my name is rahul from bangalore after reading the stories i also got courage to tell one . actually dis fake aft getting i can..m not yet had any experience……m just 19…first experience. It was with my Cousin it all happened. My Cousin name is priya and she is also of my age very fair, 5.4, and has a sexy figure of 38-28-36 . She had firm boobs and a round tight ass. Her lips are like saucy big red chilies and she really makes me Hot and I must tell u that she looks gorgeous coz her...

3 years ago
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Choudhary And Sons Episode 10

Unfinished Business Shobha changed her timing of going to the terrace after what happened that day between her and Sudhir. Now she used to go much later when there would be more ladies. Sudhir, on the other hand, didn’t get an opportunity to get close with Shobha because she would always be in her apartment and someone would always accompany her if she went out. One day, Sudhir was in his balcony smoking. He noticed, Shobha’s husband (Suresh) going out. He looked at the at the time, it was...

3 years ago
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Mera Phela Sex

Salaam sex ke deewano… Ye kiss-sa meri life ke kuch khass kiss-so mai se ek hai… Mai kon hu aur kaisa dikhta hu ye sab batana jaruri nahi hai… Ye baat tab ki hai jab maine college jana suru kiya phele kuch mahine ache guzar gaye par baad mai college mai kadam rakhe ka bhi maan nhi karta tha kyoki mera college boys college hai aur mai co-eductional school se aaya tha jaha boys aur girls saath saath rahte hai. Mere liye ye change aalag tha jaha college mai sirf boys hi boys nazar aate manao...

2 years ago
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If only I could be the girl in the mirror

If Only I Could Be the Girl in The Mirror By Ms. Jenny Ann This story was written by me and may not be sold. It may be downloaded or shared for free sites only. My dad got orders for Germany and he had to leave before the rest of us. We stayed at one of my dad's buddies in Trenton, NJ. On major life changing events for me, until we got our orders and followed dad to Mannheim, Germany. I had turned 13 a month before we got there, I believe it was 1968. Shortly after we got...

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Two Short Spanking Stories

Just two very short stories I wrote in the 80's. 1986 I am a 27 year old divorcee. Ever since I was a little girl my daddy would spank my bared bottom when I was bad. Dad is now 46 and also divorced from my mom. Dad lives near by and often baby-sits for my five year old son when I have a date. Last Friday night I went to, what turned out to be, a wild party, with some friends. I didn't leave the party until 4 a.m. I was still pretty drunk and not thinking straight. I went straight to...

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Confessions of a Foot Fetishist

It was a hot summer’s day. I left the office for my lunchtime break, sweating like a pig and feeling hornier than a dog in heat. I unfastened the top three buttons of my worktop in an attempt to release some heat from my torso. Jesus, the heat was stifling; I’m not used to the hot weather, being from the north of England, but I was going to make the most of it before the day was out. I made a quick visit to the kebab shop across the road and ordered a large donor kebab and bottle of cherry...

2 years ago
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Went For 1 But Got 2

Hi readers how are you all? I am Rajesh a closet cd (cross dresser) from Hyderabad and my age is 21. Am 5 feet 11 inches tall and medium personality not too fat not too thin. Without wasting further time lets get into the story. On a fine day, I just came out of the shower and received a message from my boss. Boss: Hey Rajesh hope you are free today evening. Come to my place for dinner. I texted him, ok sir, I will come. By evening I went there and rang the door bell my boss came and opened...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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A Lucky Break

Where should I start?? Well I just turned a young 46 and have been divorced for a little more than two years. I was married for eighteen years and we never had children (my fault according to the doctor). After my divorce I didn't get back in to the dating mode for almost a year. Once I felt like starting over I dated guys around my age whom I met through friends and family but it seemed like they all had baggage or issues. That lasted for maybe six months then I went back to hanging with gal...

Straight Sex
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A Routine EnslavementChapter 30 Private Sentencing

The evening after that brutal public punishment fair I relaxed at home and thought about what sentences I would hand out. I was feeling a good deal less vindictive after watching that cruel exhibition — just as the judge had indicated. What would happen to the prisoners next was up to me the judge had said. I checked my messages and found one from Judge Morelock's law clerk. She said the judge would like to see me with my attorney and opposing counsel in his chambers the day after next if...

1 year ago
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Boarding School Sex Training

Boarding School Sex Training Chapter 10 Rachel's New Life Copyright 2005 by Powerone Rachel sat in her room remembering what had transpired yesterday. It wasspring break and this was the first time she was alone with Stephen since theagreement, Headmaster Michael was always around before. She thought about heragreement, three years of being sexually available to Stephen in exchange fora million dollar inheritance. Actually it was only two years and nine monthsnow. A lot had happened since that...

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A SLAVE'S LIFEThere was something wrong when I woke up. I usually snap awake andgo from deep sleep to full consciousness without any interveningperiod. I know a lot of young guys like me like to just lie thereand would stay in bed all day, but I'm a morning person, I'm wideawake, and ready to go. There was something else different, too - Ididn't have my usual morning hard-on.When I say that I don't lie there like a lot of guys my age, thatisn't quite true - the first thing I have to do is get...

4 years ago
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My Daughters Best Friend Part 3

After finishing up a wonderful lunch Amy had cooked up for the both of us, being the gentleman, I offered to do the washing up.  This was more to find time to decide what to say to Amy, who had stepped into the lounge while I cleaned up.About a quarter of an hour later, I entered the lounge to find Amy had disappeared. Unable to locate her, I decided to head upstairs. Reaching the top, I noticed the door to my bedroom was open, so I approached it. As I drew closer, I heard the distinctive noise...

2 years ago
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Tammy Lisa and Karen part 2

Please read ‘Tammy, Lisa, and Karen Part 1′ first. I walked out the store looking at the bag of lingerie in my hand and my cock was so hard, I could barely walk. Lisa wanted me to be pretty for our date. I only had some lipstick and eye shadow at home, I needed to figure out how I was going to make myself pretty for her. That’s when I walked past the the answer, but could I really do it? I was standing in front of the Makeup counter in Dillard’s. I guess I was just standing there with a...

3 years ago
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Female DelightsChapter 39 The Wanderers Second Return

Princess Maryam was in her suite being massaged in the most delightful and intimate way by her personal eunuch when Ludmilla burst in on her. "Princess Maryam," she exclaimed, "Princess Maryam you'll never guess who has just come back." "Shh," admonished Princess Maryam, "Do not wake the child. Why are you interrupting me? Do you never knock before bursting in? Have you Russians no manners?" "Forget all that, Zubeydeh is back, with a three month old baby boy called Mahmoud,"...

1 year ago
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hi my names kate id like to share a true storie with u.i was 15 at the time going out with a older boy it was so good because it ment so much more things to do. well one night he decided to try and get me in to our local as he new the landlord. I was abit nervous because iv never met hes friends before and thought id end up showing myself up.i dressed up to go down there in my short skirt and low cut top as i always like to give the men a good view wich they did when i was on the pool table i...

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A Likely Story Chapter One

As I went into the kitchen, Chris was getting a beer out of the fridge. He smiled at me, looking me up and down as he opened the bottle and took a gulp. 'Looking good baby,' He said, putting his arm around me and kissing me before taking another gulp of his beer. 'You want one before you go?' I thought about it for a moment - I still had half an hour before Amy was supposed to pick me up - 'Um, yeah sure why not!' Chris extractd another beer from the fridge, opened it and...

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Shashi Bhabhi 8211 Part 3

This part is in continuation of my previous parts. Please read the 2 last parts to understand the further story. Hi, how are you all. I guess you all have missed me maybe. Sorry for the delay in posting this story coz I was busy these days a bit with my next target, that I ’ll will tell later. Yeah, I ’m back with the next part of this series shashi bhabhi part 3, the concluding part. Yeah, let me introduce myself to those who don’t know me till yet. I’m deven shastri, residing in the capital,...

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Along Came A Spider Ch 04

The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...

4 years ago
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BSC07 the First Lifestyle NudistsChapter 34 The Parcel at the Door

Exactly two days after the ‘ACCEPTANCE’ document arrived another parcel arrived at Tom’s home that contained three very clunky looking wrist bracelets. To say they could never be mistaken for a fashion accessory was an under statement because the bracelets were just positively ugly. A covering letter explained that new and much more attractive models were still in the design phase. Those new designs would be made of a non-allergenic plastic material and would come in several different colors...

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My Night With The Cop

     Ryan was someone I wanted to do everything with the moment I laid eyes on his photograph.  Tall, dark, and handsome.  He was half italian, half white, but his eyes and hair were jet black.  He was a police officer and that made my cock even harder.  Ryan in uniform was a sight to behold, but look of authority he had even in his every day clothes pushed me almost into an obssession.  My cock craved him.  I knew come hell or high water, I would have him one day.  Soon.  Only problem was,...

1 year ago
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Kid play with big sister

Hello mere dost my name is Mihir shah pyar se muje meroo kahate he. Me ek 15 sal ka 5 feet ka gora thoda fatty size ka achha ladka tha. Lekeen ek mahine pahale mene jo bhi dekha aur kiya whoh muje yeh story likhane ke layak bana diya. Mene apani 10vi ki exam dene ke bad 1 mahine ki school me chutti thi. Ek din yuhi me apane gar me subah tv dekh raha tha ki usi samay mere sabase bade chacha ki sabase badi ladaki neelam didi mere gar aayee aur meri mammy ke pass kichan me jake boli ; aunty muje...

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