Making Me free porn video

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Making Me
Robert Reams©

Les, my closest friend now that Mike has been killed in Iraq, sits quietly on the couch listening intently as I tell him my life story as a way to cement our blossoming. I tell him about growing up in an alcoholic family. About the stupid, life wrenching four years I have spent walloping pots and pans in the Air force, about my opposition to the war and how I have grown into it. About my buddy, John Cormier, who let me drive his 65 Mustang, but re-upped and died in the Nam when a mortar tore through the mess tent and landing in his soup pot!

At last I recross my steps and tell him about Mike and me. How our friendship led to explorations in that scout tent so many years before. It is a thing most highly to be wished that I share this side of my personality with Les. If I fail to share this with him, I live a lie with him. And I rob him of the opportunity to show his love and trust by accepting me. Somehow I feel confident that he will accept me for who I am.

So I tell him everything. How my relationship with Mike had grown far beyond experimentation. How our experiences had left me shaken, doubtful about my sexuality, but oh so excited. About how I believe I had "loved" Mike in a way that was very close to the love I had felt also for women. About how my grief for him is so very much deeper than that for a lost friend, for indeed he was my lover. And I tell him about Griff, my friend and almost lover from my Air force days, whom I came about two inches from fucking one summer night on a white gulf beach in 1963.

There is a long pause as I stand over him, hoping his reaction will not be too harsh, that he will not think ill of me, will not cease to be my friend because of my "queer' feelings for Mike and Griff.

Les rises, stands still for a moment, looks straight in my face, then leans forward and kisses my lips lightly. I stand in shock, not knowing what to feel, my face tingling where his coarse beard has touched.

He takes my hand and leads me into the bathroom. I stand near the door, mute and paralyzed, my emotions in an uproar, watching as he lights several candles and turns on the steaming water. I feel like a virgin on her first date as Les begins slowly unbuttoning my shirt. My breath catches in my throat as my pants puddle at my feet. A huge lump forms at my solar plexus as he kneels to doff my shoes, his face inches from the monster, his breath hot on my thighs. I want to scream at him that I don't want this, that I am "not that way", but my voice won't work and my loins are afire.

Hand gentle on my lower back, Les firmly guides me toward the steaming shower. "Get in", he says, "relax." The hot water on my neck and shoulders relieves the tension a bit. "I shouldn't go through with this," I keep telling myself, but I seem powerless to act.

Several uncertain minutes pass before Les slides in behind me. I feel his stiffening manhood bobbing around behind me, between my cheeks and on the backs of my thighs. he grabs the soap and, reaching around me, begins to soap my chest and nipples, his rough beard and fluffy mustache feel odd, but exciting, scratching over my back and shoulders. I begin to stammer as his hands soap lower.

"Les, er, I . . ." I want to scream, "Stop! Stop!" So why don't I?

"Shh", his voice whispers in my ear. "Just relax. I want you. So bad."

His soapy hands move lower. Across my belly. My thighs. One hand slides slipperily under each side of my ball sac, cupping gently, massaging. He takes my hardness firmly in one hand, soaping up and back along its length, sliding my foreskin on and off the monster's engorged head. The other hand moves to circle round and round the head. The intensity causes my hips to draw back against the length of him, snuggling all down the tight crease between my cheeks. His kisses and nibbles and tiny bites are roving down my back. My body is covered with goose bumps.

Suddenly his hands leave me. He draws back. The sense of relief at his cock moving away from my sensitive crease is almost as intense as my sense of loss. Confused, I start to turn. But Les moves around in front of me. He uses the weight of his body to force me gently back against the shower wall. His face finds mine, lips hot on mine, tongue seeking, probing. At my first kiss from another man, I have an eerie sensation of extreme strangeness and extreme forbidden excitement. His hands move to soap my back. The kiss goes on and I find myself responding, our tongues twining. His hands soap the cheeks of my buttocks, slippery fingertips gently sliding, teasing between , up and down.

Les's mouth leaves mine and moves down, kissing and nibbling my hairless chest, His tongue, his teeth on my nipples are like no other feeling. Our cocks brush and bob against one another. He kneels before me. Drawing back a moment to let the steaming water rinse me, his hands roam over my legs, my inner thighs, my balls. He draws my foreskin back tight against my body, stretching my cock hard and long, its crimson head bulging. Snaking out his tongue he inserts its tip into my tiny cock lips. Involuntarily I jerk forward and pierce his lips, but he guides my hips backward, pulling me out of his warm mouth. Swirling his tongue around and around my sensitive cock head, he reaches and slides my foreskin forward, enclosing his tongue, licking around under it. My knees nearly buckle at the intensity.

And now, finally, I relax, surrender, knowing that this skilled lover will bring me joy. For now, for the moment, I am his, come what may, Conscious thought is a thing far from me, alien. The swirling in my head, the intense pleasure, blots out everything. There is one universe, this small shower stall, the two of us its only inhabitants. 

At last he leans forward, taking me deeply inside his mouth, the head of my throbbing manhood entering his throat. He takes my hand and guides it to his neck, where I can clearly feel my cock bulging and moving inside. How wicked, how wanton, how wonderful! He slides his mouth on and off me, simultaneously laving my length with his tongue. My hands move to embrace his head, fingers entwined in his long hair. I draw him against me. I can feel his nose in my pubic hair, my balls on his chin, I mightily resist the urge to fuck strongly forward. 

His hands move to caress my butt, fingertips teasing. With one fingertip he twirls and teases at my tight hole, then slips it gently inside. I jerk forward, pushing my cock deeper in his throat. His head moves forward, forcing my hips back, impaling me deeper on his finger. He picks up the pace, alternately taking me deep in his throat and impaling me deeper on his finger. Nerve impulses from all over my body rush to my groin. I feel the pressure building, feel my hot seed rising.

His finger leaves me. His mouth leaves me. He rises to his feet. I feel barren, empty, abandoned, lonely, longing. My legs are tight and shaking.

He turns around, reaches behind him to grasp my dick, and leads me by it, still dripping, out of the shower and into his bed. 

I awake as golden fragments of morning sweep slowly across the small bedroom and gently kiss my face. I feel spent, used up. It is the first time I have awaked next to a sleeping male form since Mike's sleep-overs in my early teens. Les lies beside me, his spare form sprawled on the bed, arms akimbo and legs spread. His yellow hair is spread beneath his head like a radiant halo. His dick lies peacefuly along the golden down at his thigh, surrounded by its own halo of nearly transparent golden curls. Even in its flaccid state, it is nearly twice the size of mine when fully erect. Its bare head, the golden curls around its base, his thighs, are lightly coated with the dried traces of left over lust. I lie on my side and gaze at him for a while, reliving the events of the previous night.

What is it with me? What am I? Have I no morals, no shame? I search deep within myself. I can discern no trace of the shame, the disgust I believe I should be feeling. Is it love I feel for this "friend", or only lust?

He is radiant, gleaming.

Gently so as not to wake him I let my hands graze over his taut frame. Cautiously, I heft the length of his sex in my palm, impressed by the solid weight of him. The smell of him, of us, and the remnants of our sex is heavy in the room and heady in my nostrils. The taste of him is a memory on my lips, my tongue. Did I really do all that last night? Take his long heavy thickness deep in my mouth, my throat? It seems impossible, yet already I feel the stirring want of him reawaken somewhere deep in my psyche. Yes, I believe I would do it again. Momentarily I am tempted to lean over his taut, muscular form and take him once again in my lips. "Could I do that? Perform the acts of my recent memory in the cool light of daylight and reason, without the compelling lust of last night?" 

I suppose the hot urgings of the torrid night might provide a slim excuse for my behavior. But here in the glowing morning sun, I now, at last, must honestly admit to myself that I would probably do it all again. In fact, the power of him excites me to daydream of completing the one act I refused last night. To some small degree, I want this loving man to have me, take me, pierce me. What would that be like? In all those days and nights piercing, penetrating, possessing women, I have never once given thought to how it must feel to take another into oneself, to surrender ones inner body to the probing, impaling of another. To have that long hardness impale you, to take it deep within. If such a thing is a purely feminine trait, then how could this strong, obviously masculine person beside me desire it so fully?.I have no doubt that Les would discuss it with me at length, but have I the guts, the honesty to broach the subject with him?

It is time, I think, to finally begin in earnest, the task of examining myself honestly, a task that I have put off, denied, submerged in the day to day of existence. Yet how often have I heard the call to sincere self-examination?

Preparing to rise, I lean gently over and softly kiss Les' chest.

With a playful lilt in his voice, he says, " don't stop now, you horney devil."

We laugh together and his hands flutter over my body like butterflies seeking nectar.

In moments I am hard and taut, pointing at the ceiling.

Once again he takes the initiative, taking me full in his mouth without preliminary. Once again his fingertips tease, tickle, probe. When he slips one finger into me, I am startled as before. But this time I am resolved not to hold back. Taking his face in both my hands I draw his mouth from me. His blue eyes hold hints of golden fire as I say simply "Yes!"

Still kneeling between my outspread thighs, he grasps them with both his strong young hands and urges me over onto my belly. His knees hold mine in place His arms under my waist pull my hips up and back, forcing me to a kneeling position, my face on the bed, back arced and ass high, 

His hands caress my cheeks, oh so soft, oh so intense. I feel the heft and weight of his manhood on my lower back, his need obvious, wet and hot.

My legs tremble in fear and expectation as he glides his swollen hardness down, up, down, up between my cheeks, lubricating me with the wetness oozing profusely from him. Adding wetness from his saliva wet fingers, he gently pries me open. I feel his thumbs spread me. Suddenly I feel his manhood stiff against my tight tender hole. So hot. He presses forward. I am rejecting what I know I really want, squeezing tightly, denying him access, suddenly very afraid. 

"Relax, Jeff, It is gonna happen now, buddy. You know you want it to!" He presses forward firmly, meets resistance once again. Deciding that gentleness is not going to work, he rams forward hard and fast. The bulging head of his cock pops past my tight sphincter and I cry out.


He leans over me and kisses my back. His hands rove over my thighs and sides. My ass feels as if someone has set it afire as Les pushes in slowly bit by bit.

I struggle to move away but his hands grasp my hips firmly and he slides the final inches into me. The pain is intense. A blinding white light goes off before my eyes.

"Relax, buddy," Les says once more. "Take it in, friend, you know you want it."

Slowly he draws the long hard length of himself out of me and slowly slides it forward once more. My ass is bulging with the fullness of him. I am gritting my teeth, eyes shut tight, groaning with the fierce pain of being punctured.

Les sets up a rhythm of long slow penetration and withdrawal. It goes on and on, tears fill my eyes and my screams fill the room as his cock fills me over and over.

After a long nightmare of pain, Les picks up the pace and begins slamming hard and deep, withdrawing oh so slowly, but slamming home hard and deep again on the forward strokes. 

My voice is shaking, cracking. "Oh! Oh! Oh!" I scream over and over.

But he is merciless in his driving need and punches into me, piercing, pounding. Again and again.

At long last I surrender and fall flat on the bed. He shifts his body and continues harder and faster now. Driving, pounding, His cock a hot ion pounding into me. 

The fire in my burning hole spreads to my groin and my cock, now hard as ice. Spreads out to my limbs, my skin.

The pain washes away as his cock pounds my prostate, wave after wave of fiery pleasure

crashes through me

Finally I feel my ass open fully and welcome his hard burning manhood. I thrash and moan under his heavy weight. "Yes!" I cry aloud. "Yes."

I go completely limp under his pounding, finding at last the true freedom of total surrender, the ultimate pleasure of total subjugation. My ass, my body is now his to do with as he will.

He reaches under me and grasps my cock hard and firm and begins pumping me to the rhythm of his thrusting need. I am silent now as he uses me completely. 

I explode in a hot torrent of cum, feeling it wash over my belly.

And now he is ready. His hot cum fires deep in me, hot against my prostate and all life and love and longing and consciousness leave me and I am adrift in endless space, feeling only his seed filling me, hot so hot!

It seems as if his cum flows into me for a very long time, oozing out around his huge dick and running over my balls. Finally he softens and withdraws from me. The sense of loss is overwhelming. He stretches out his long lean frame atop me, whispering softly in my ear. "Oh yes, Jeff, you loved it didn't you?"

"Shh," I say, "Just hold me." He rolls to one side, arrns around me and I curl into his body. His cock, though now flaccid, seems impossibly large against the curve of my butt. I wriggle my soft ass back against him as if thanking him, thanking his cock, for teaching me the awesome pleasure of surrender. He reaches around and cups my cock possessively and we drift off in contented sleep.

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Nur Geil

Im Hausflur begegnete mir mal meine Nachbarin, sie ist schon etwas reifer, deshalb aber keineswegs unattraktiv, sie strahlt einfach dieses Frauliche aus, kein Mädchen mehr. Wie ich anhand ihrer Einkaustüten sah, war sie auf dem Weg zum Supermarkt, da mein Auto derzeit etwas fahruntüchtig ist, fragte ich frecher Weise, mit einem sympathischen Lächeln, ob sie mich mitnehmen würde. Sie freute sich, da das Einkaufen an sich, ja eher langweiliger Natur ist, halt ein notgedrungenes Unterfangen. Ich...

2 years ago
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The Son of Lust Chapter 16 Taming the Rakshasa Princess

Chapter Sixteen: Taming the Rakshasa Princess By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn't write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Ankush, the Queendom of Naith Pyrriah's hand snatched the dagger from...

3 years ago
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Project PrometheusChapter 17

Inari woke up, stretching languidly as she came back to consciousness. Sleep was always good, but she knew that she needed to be awake. It had been a bit of a pain, readjusting to a more military lifestyle again, but she was glad for the routine. Despite her constant workout sessions, Inari felt herself getting fat and lazy, Well, maybe not fat, but lazy for sure. She slipped out of bed and saw Priya stirring next to her. Inari knew that the East Indian woman would soon be awake and decided...

4 years ago
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First anal fuck after Suhagrat

Hello ISS readers, this is Saroj Sharma again from Rajasthan. I got so many inspiring, good comments on my previous real story “My suhagrat”, that I am submitting this real story of my first Anal (Ass) Fucking. For new readers of ISS, who did not read my previous story I want to tell them that I am recently married Post Graduate girl of 25 doing Govt service. My height is 5ft 6inches and vital statistics as 36-26-36. I have sexy features and always wear sex provoking dresses in home. My husband...

3 years ago
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Amandas Continuing EducationChapter 17

I didn't get far. Nathan was waiting for me in the hall and he ordered me to follow him. We didn't leave the building though. I followed him down a side corridor to the audio/video lab. We stepped inside and through the classroom into the small studio on the other side. There were two permanent sets that had been set up for the students to work with. One was in the far corner, a news room set. The other was a more informal set representing a homey looking living room scene. I stepped...

2 years ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart 6 Sir Eric Roberts of Atlantia

"Master?" Sir Eric Nicolas Roberts, Viscount of Atlantia, sighed, then mumbled, "Hmm?". "Is the Queen's castle much further?" His Excellency opened his eyes and looked down from his horse at his squire walking besides him. "Do you see it yet Squire?" "No Master, I do not," he said just before he clumsily stumbled. "Are you tired boy?" "No, not tired ... My left shoe has a hole in it, Master, and I keep getting pebbles in it." "Hop up here, then," Eric...

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My wife had been working at this ladies boutique in Houston forabout a year. She knew of my many feminine fetishes and themajor affect that they had on me. On several occasions, when shewanted me to do something special for her she would put on a furand lightly stroke it across my face several times saying "That's it,soft. So soft. You're getting lost. You're getting weaker andweaker, aren't you?" She would continue talking in this manner tome until I was so weakened and passive from being so...

3 years ago
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Sweet Dreams Are Made of TheseChapter 10 October The Light of the Sun

For all of the human heart's shortcomings, there is a great deal to be said for the sphere of emotion. Reason, insight, and intellect are admirable, even outstanding in their ability to teach us to overcome our obstacles, but on their own, they lack depth and complexity ... a soul to give them context. Physics and engineering give us a glimpse into the inner workings of the universe, but curiosity and inspiration take us to the stars and beyond. A composition might be technically precise, so...

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I am an ardent fan of Kerala Erotica. I came into this site by chance and was thrilled after going through its contents. I see to it that daily at least twice I enter the site and go through its various topics. Regarding the stories I am not sure whether how many are true but nevertheless it does certainly titillate you. After much thinking I thought of putting my story and experience in this site. By doing so I am sure I will get lot of relief since I can’t say about my experience to anyone.My...

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Exposed Beyond the Hotel Corridor

Going back to the hotel where we’d first met had been Claire’s idea. After our first exciting encounter, I’d lost no time in contacting her on the phone number she’d left for me, and we’d soon swapped email addresses and initiated a series of sexually-charged exchanges. I found myself increasingly thrilled and aroused by Claire’s accounts of her exhibitionist activities, and it wasn’t long before she suggested we should get together again. Fortunately, we managed to find a weekend when we were...

2 years ago
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Helen a wonderful SSBBW

Helen is what I would call a perfect 10. She is short, fat and perky. Nice long red hair. She turned 50 this year and I think it is time to break her in again. I met Helen through my mother. My mother was Helen’s boss. I was 17 when I met her and I was rock hard at first sight. She wore tight clothes and was very large. All I could do was stare at her fat ass, her crotch and her big ass tits. Helen is at least 300lbs and she makes it work. She had more than hinted that she was...

3 years ago
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Sisters Wet PantiesChapter 7

"Want another drink, baby?" Mark Wagner asked his wife, rising from the lawn chair next to hers and walking to the wet bar next to the swimming pool. "Sure, Mark, you know me," May said with a chuckle. It was later that same evening after May and her son, Nick, had fucked each other. Kay and Janie and Nick had gone out for the evening, leaving their parents home alone. "I really missed you, you know," Mark said, handing his wife her strong drink. "It was just a week, Mark," May...

2 years ago
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Journey to JanusChapter 5

We passed through the port gate without incident. The same guards and inspector were on duty from when we came through the last time. A quick swipe with his handheld over the customs inspection sticker that Yuatan had provided covered the inspector’s ass if anyone questioned why he let us pass. It took over an hour to load and secure the container on the ship, do a preflight check and wait for the port authorities to clear us for takeoff. Oxy used the time to do a few repairs and had the...

1 year ago
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Girlfriends Sister

It was going to be one of those long five days being away from my . Gina looked sad when I boarded the plane to go interstate for work. She told me that she will miss me and that her sister Becky would pick me up at the airport so that I could stay with her parents which I met two years ago. I was tired from the flight. It was five hours and being a frequent flyer, it still does take its toll on you. Becky met me at the airport. I remember meeting her two years ago when she was nineteen. Becky...

2 years ago
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Taweret and the Tales of Heroes Erotic VersionChapter 6 August 27th 1982

It was Friday afternoon when the bus pulled to his stop. Gary had noticed that Fumi was not in school that afternoon. He had seen her in the morning, but she was not on the bus as he headed back home. He had wondered if she was alright. It was raining that day. It was difficult as his mind was always on Fumi. Her personality and character, combined with how long they had been together, just melted into his thoughts like glue. Keeping his mind on his schoolwork was a tedious and challenging...

4 years ago
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Pimp Corrosion

“There is no way my hoe's gonna loose to that skank!” he thought to himself stomping his feet. Almon's firm boots emanated a chorus of torturous feminine moans in the sweaty air. - 'C'mon knock her wind out again!' - yelled Almond at Aspasia. - 'Puta, don't give her advantage no more bitch!' - Centaurus supported his fighter. The second pimp was wearing a lot more casual clothing then his counterpart. Blue jeans, blue boots, t-shirt and a dark blue coat was everything he...

3 years ago
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Camera Man

His older sister was getting close to climax, Brian could always tell when she started to twist and pull her nipples. His sexy sister, Rian, straddled a firm pillow and was humping her erect, exposed clit against the textured fabric covering, rubbing herself to orgasm. He liked her big clit, and her big nipples and it always made him horny to watch her masturbate. His sister was tall, about 5’ 10” with short blonde hair and smallish, apple sized tits with oversized pink nipples and...

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Its not cheating since its still me

I'm very much a novice writer. This is the first thing I've ever put online. I've recently discovered that I have a sort of clone / selfcest harem fetish. I've had a bunch of fantasies and putting them to words has been very rewarding for me. Sharing them is an entirely new experience. Constructive feedback is welcome. Feel Free to join in and add to the stories however you would like, with the following exceptions please: 1) No rape. 2) No underage. 3) No hardcore BDSM. Please comment on a...

Group Sex
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Summer StormsChapter 6

The next day, Susan and I had to drive to town to pick up more boxes. I got up early, took a quick shower, put on my clothes, and headed down the hill to her house. When I got there, she was cooking breakfast. I knocked and then opened the door without waiting for her to turn. “Morning,” she said cheerfully. The aroma of french toast filled the kitchen, and she smiled at me when I took a deep breath to enjoy the smell. “I miss cooking breakfast for the boys,” she said. She set a plate in...

1 year ago
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Touching the Taboo

I worked furiously on my essay for a while, but then I started getting comfortable with the feeling of getting it finished in time and my interests started drifting elsewhere. I needed to relax a bit, but unfortunately Moira didn't care for games so there didn't seem to be any on the computer, apart from the standard solitaire and such, which weren't exciting enough. I found a folder with my sister's film school art movies. I don't know why I thought they would offer anything...

3 years ago
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Little Star

Debbie stared off in a distance as she sat in the passenger seat of her husband's car. The ground was covered with snow that December in Wisconsin. Her body was in one place, but her mind was in another. Debbie and Travis drove in silence just listening to the sound of the car engine roaring away. Once they arrived home, it was the same ritual. Travis would go and watch TV and Debbie would go to their bedroom and read. She'd managed to read over 75 books in the last six months. Reading was a...

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The Big Tease

We were lying side by side together, her in her sheer satin panties and sexy bra, both shocking pink, and me in my red tight underwear. We were slowly stroking each other all over but I was concentrating on her sexy ass. I loved the feel of her panties underneath my fingers as I ran my fingertips over her perfect ass. She was teasing me by rubbing and squeezing my inner thighs as well as my balls, through my underwear. "Fantasies turn me on, Dave. Yes, you know I love squirming, sweaty...

2 years ago
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iCRUSH[In "iThink They Kissed" when Sam is in the dentist chair recovering from the laughing gas she confesses she and Freddie kissed. What if she confessed to a different secret?]"What's so funny?" demanded a suddenly sober Sam Puckett of her best friend."You! You're acting all loopy from the gas the dentist gave you," Carly Shay laughed."Oh," responded Sam woozily and grinned again."Hey.""What?""C'm here. C'm here," Sam clumsily tapped Carly on the shoulder."What is it?""I want to tell you a...

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Halloween Whore

Sarah is 30, 5’6’’ about 135lbs with a thin waist and 34C breasts, mixed (half black) and sexy as hell. She loves to suck dick and is a wildcat in the bedroom. Sarah and I were invited to a friend of a friend’s Halloween party at his house in the West End of DC on Friday night. The house is near the GW campus and has a nice little back yard garden area with plenty of privacy for small get togethers. Marc comes from a wealthy family, so we knew the guests were going to be more influential....

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Marys Discovery

Mary's Discovery. by Trish Linda Write assumed that the students next door were out when she got home from work, owing to the lack of thump-thump music through the wall. They had been her neighbours since the start of term, in early September and at first she had resented their presence. As she had got to know them she changed her mind and began to almost enjoy their madcap company. There were three of them sharing the house, Mike and Bob were third year art students and Tom was...

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To Love Honour And Fingers CrossedChapter 10 Confrontations And Manipulations

George Cotton parked his car in the driveway of his daughter Alison's home, got out and moved quickly around to the passenger side to open her door. In the time it had taken to get the cream from the chemist and drive home his anger at what McKenna and his three cronies had done to his daughter hadn't abated one iota. He couldn't do much about the other three directors but he could do something about Philip fucking McKenna. He just hoped that Marc Rowell would come through with his...

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Billy the Bully A Bully No More

Be good post this where you will as long as you attribute it to Little Miss Vicky Kay. Billy the Bully Hollister A story by Little Miss Vicky Kay. It was the last day of sixth grade when Billy the bully Hollister threw Helen into the mud puddle. It was at recess and everybody laughed as she was sent crying to the principal's office. The beautiful new pink dress was now dripping with mud. Ellen went home humiliated, didn't get to say goodbye to her friends and picked up the nickname...

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