School Of Electrostimulation (E-stim). free porn video

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Electro sex is NOT for Teens.

Electrosex is the most woderful way to replace hand stroking to produce exploding orgasms, or orgasms that can last for minutes or even hours. It can cause orgasms that make you writhe in orgasmic pain squirming on the floor, or screaming for it to stop. It is unlike any orgasm because it can last as long as you can stand it, .

That is the reason I would not recommendd you try it. If not done right you could be dead. If done with homemade equipment you could be dead. It could even cripple you for life. You may find all kinds of posts on the internet that tell you how to do it, even on U Tube. Don't trust what most of them say. For instance there are a number of them that use a Amplifier or tape machine, etc as the source. They may even suggest certain music that packs a punch.

NEVER, NEVER, NEVER use music in electro-sex. No matter how you use it there is no way it is safe. It may not kill you (it could if used certain ways) but it will always damage you. You might use it a hundred times and not notice the damage done, but it is there and will show up some time in the future. You might use it only once and suffer severe nerve damage such that you can never hve an orgasm in the future, or loose the use of your legs. So NEVER, NEVER, NEVER use music in electro-sex. Its not worth the damage you have done to yourself, either imediate or in the future. And never use any equipment designed to play music as it is not designed to handle the safe signals an electro-sex unit produces. The electronic circuits required are beyond the building a safe unit yourself.

If you insist in trying electro sex make sure you find someone who is experienced and knowledgable with it. And don't go on U Tube and try what they suggest. If you or they suggest somehing that is wrong it could be the last mistake you will ever make. Or it could mean who will never be able to have c***dren or enjoy another orgasm. I only talk about it here so you have correct information if you refuse to take my advise and not do it,

1. Actually guys use electro sex more than women. Guys can only ordinarily have only one orgasm at a time, and must wait up to an hour before having another. You girls can leaarn how to have orgasm follow orgasm follow orgasm as many times as you can stand it. Guys can only have continuous orgasmic effects by using electrosex. So girls don't need to use it for a continuous wonderful experience.

2.Guys sexual organs (penis, balls, etc.) are easier to wire up for an electrosex experience, and react to it better.
3.The electrodes for a womens sex organs are much more complicated and so are much more expensive, and take longer to apply. And when you are hot and wanting a sexual experience you want it NOW and don"\'t want to take time to get ready.
4.If parents are arriving home and you have to get dressed quickly and get rid of the evidence, it takes a lot longer for a woman than a man to get rid of the evidence..
5.Boys are more experimental with sex than girls, at least until recently when new surveys show girls are catching up to boys in experimenting with sex. Now 92% of girls are experimenting with masturbation every week compared to 97% of boys. It used to be only 26% of girls masturbated every week.
6.Equipment that is well made is very expensive. For instance a thin electrical rod a boy pushes into his prick can cost $65.00 An electrical butt plug such as the one shown abovethat he pushes into his anus (ass hole) is well over a hundred dollars. And the control unit can easily run to a thousand dollars. One web site has you sustitute a piece of heavy lead solder for the butt plug, Prolonged and often used lead will find its way into your blood stream and cause lead poisoning, damaging many organs especially the brain.
7.Proper equipment is made of metals that will not undergo electrolosis when inserted into the body and electricity applied. Poisonous ones like lead are very destructive to humans.

Never ever use a home made control pack that plugs in to the wall outlet!

Never use home made equipment that plugs into the electrical outlet. Such a control unit could fail and apply 120 volts inside your cunt, or inside his prick, killing him or you. Use only battery powered equipment. Preferably with a rechargable 9 volt battery.

The control unit does not apply 9 volts into your cunt but anything from one hundred or even one thousand volt pulses. These pulses will only be a few nano seconds wide, and of extremely low current so they won't damage or burn your vagina (pussy). But you will sure feel them!!!!!

Penis probe inserrted in cock

One unit on the WEB has you use the speaker output from a Hi Fi. They have you run wires from there into your genitals. Music does not come in pulses but a continuous varying voltage. That can cause the electrodes to burn the flesh they touch. Imagine your boyfriend having the lenth of the tube inside his cock burned the whole length inside him. No pee (or cum) will be able to come out of that dick for a month or more. He will have to go around with a catheter and a bag to catch his pee for that time, and several operations on his penus. Think of the embaresment. I can't understand why a person would connect his cock or her clit to the 110 volt plug. Connecting to a hi-fi speaker can be just as bad.

One electrode is inside the other a ring around it. The intensity has been set to cause a continuous orgasm where the cum flows in a steady stream. He is holding it for the picture as it is jumping back aand forth with the muscle contraction caused by the electricity

Electrodes inserted in vagina and one in the anus, note that they are set to touch the clit. This provides a thrillingg experience and a great orgasm,

For safety sake only professionals should place any electrode above the waist. I repeat do not let any electrode touch the body above the waist either on purpose or acidentally

The reason no electrode should go above the waist is the danger that the electrical current could go through the heart and cause fribulation. If medical help is not there immediaately this would defintely cause death.

Sex with one electrode on the girl and the other on the guy would prove interesting, especially if his cock came out accidently. WOW sparks of delight would fly. However if their bodies touch accidently above the waist, while his cock was not making contact with her pussy, death could result! And you can be sure that unless they are wide apart on separate sides of the bed or couch, they are probably making body contact (at least holding hands). The electricity would go from the electrode in his dick up his body through his heart to his shoulder down his arm to he hand. It would then go through her hand up her arm ,through her heart down to he cunt into the electrode inserted there and back to the Electro-sex power unit. Both could die.

If she connects the wires to each nipple as I have seen on some internet sites, the electricity obviosusly will go through her chest and heart.

Do not place electrode above waist. Do NOT conect to nipples as this will ensure the electricity will go through the heart.

Connection for guys are always made to his dick.

There are many ways guys use electrosex to cause Orgasms, but they all make connections to his penis. The most sensitive part of the penis is the head so for maximum stimulation usually there is a connection near the head of the penis. This can be a ring around it just where it joins onto the shaft. This will connect with the area that looks like a scar at the top of his cock. This is the areaa that is extremely sensitive, and is almost always stimulated in electrosex. The next most sensitive area extends about three inches inside, so many electrodes on the head have an extension that go two or three inches inside his cock.

Often electodes are clamped around his cock at add stimulation to the nerves that are normally stimulated by your hand grasping the cock during masturbation. This will ensure maximum stimulation and a great and long lasting electrosex orgasm.

Double Chanel penis hook up forextra stimulation creates greater stimulation.

A double electrode for insertion deep in the penis

To save time in hooking wires up to electrodes on his dick, some guys use a cock board. He lays his erect cock onto the board and straps it on his cock so it makes contact with the dual electrodes. It is quick to put on and can be removed in seconds It is often used when there is only a little time for electro sex masturbation, or danger of discovery. However an electrosex board does not give as good a result because there is no probe inside. Because it is so easy to install on his cock it is often used by girls when to hook her guy up for a session of electrosex, controlled by her.

Sometimes the guys balls are included in electrosex. This gives added stimulation. Here you can see the head elecrode has a section that is inserted in the penis. Note the wire going up his ass to another electrode. This cause electric stimulation of his ass and is used by most guys because it produces another tpe of orgasm different from orgasm produced by stimulation of just the penis.

Here is a larger picture of the cock head probe. Notice the definite connection to the area at the base of the crack. In any type of masturbation this area must be stimulated for maximum effect.

Probes to go inside the guys cock come in all diameters. Some gguys like to put something into their cock and bend it all around to enlarge the upening. The tool they use is called a catheter. When using electrosex the diameter of the probe must fit tightly or electrical burns can result. So catheters for electrosex come in different diameters.

Here the sound or catheter is being inserted in his cock. Normally when a guy gets an erection the cowper glands have produced a lubricant that comes out of his cock tto make it easier to insert it into a girl for sex. Not only is the outside of his cock lubricated but also the inside. This makes the probe slide in easily without hurting. However this lubricant does not pass electricity easily. So wherever a connection is made from the electrode to the body is made it is wise to put a lubricant in it that does that does pass electricity.

If an electrode is to be pushed into the cock, to prevent electrical burns, or damage to the lining from friction while pushing it in, squirt some lubricant formulated for electrosex into the pee hole first. Guys love to have the girl do this for them. They love the feel of her grasping his cock in their hand pushing the end of the nosel in and then the rush of lubricant flowing into their cock.

Why use electrosex instead of hand or sex machine masturbation?

The strength of sensation in electrosex is much greater before ekaculation takes place

That is easy to answer for guys. Their orgasm is different than girls' orgasms As a girl you already know you can have as many orgasms you want, one right after another. Or if you prefer to have only one, you can continue masturbating to stay at that level of excitement for a very ong time. Guys can't.

When a guy has an orgasm his excitement level immediatly drops to zero and he wants to go to sleep. He cannot have another orgasm for almost an hour, and if he does,then he is finished for several hours. Girls could be fucked by 5 guys in a row and have an orgasm with each guy. Or she could masturbate and have as many orgasms as she can stand, one right after another.

1.But with electro sex he has a different kind of orgasm.
2.The excitement he feels before orgasm is a much higher level then with masturbation.
3.When he does orgasm with electrosex it has a much greater peak of feeling but his cum does not shoot out under high pressure and squirt some distance from his cock, but just oozes out slowly with certaain settings of the control unit.
4.His orgasm doesn't quit right away but lasts for a longer time. He might even scream like most girls do when they orgasm, and he will probably shake all over. When the orgasm finally finishes the tension and feeling does not drop to zero right away, but stays at a high level for some time, much like it does for a woman.
5.By turning up the intensity he can have another orgasm right away, however very little cum will be ejected. He might even be able to have three or four orgasms if he can stand them.

Electro sex creates far more pleasure before orgasm. And if you are into pain, as some people are, you can turn up the level of electrostimulation to a point that you can't stand the pain (pleasure) any more. That can't be done with masturbation, the closest being prevention of orgasm where you masturbate to just before the point of no return, then stop till the level drops, then repeat this over and over again.

This graph represents what will happen to a guy. The orgasm level is much higher than hand masturbation or sexual intercourse. The tip of the orgasm is much higher than regular masturbation, and note that the level does not drop to zero after the orgasm and is almost as high as the level that caused the orgasm. With hand masturbation or real sex with a girl the graph drops to zero after the orgasm has taken place unlike what happens with a girl who maintains the high level ready to have another orgasm.

Note that the cum does not shoot out in a high pressure stream with electrosex but oozes out slowly, but the level of pleasure of the orgasm is much higher than hand masturbation or sexual intercourse

Guys choose electrosex before hand masturbation, or machine masterbaation, or sexual intercourse

Electrosex gives guys far more pleasure than any other method of masturbation, even when masturbated by a partner. However since it requires hooking up wires, it cannot be done in as many places. For instance he cnnot do electrosex easily in a public washroom, in his car while driving etc.

So if he wants to masturbate 4 times a day he would be lucky to make more than one electrosex. So most of his solo masturbation will be hand jobs done by himself.

When he has the privacy and time to use electrosex it would be at his own home or appartment. Of course that would be the same time he could fuck a girlfriend. Since electro is better for him than fucking her he will want to introduce electrosex to his girl friend too, and that where you would have tosuggest itt to him. Most guys will have a hard time bringing up the subject. It is easier for him to suggest you have sexual intercourse together than to suggest electrosex. It is even easier to introduce manual masturbating you than introducing you try electrosex. He will be afraid that you will think he is a pervert or something.

If you like electrosex, or even just want to try it without buying the equipment, you will have to let him know you are into it. Believe me if he is already into it he will jump at the chance of doing it with you. If he isn't he might think you are the pervert!

If you are already into having sex together, masturbating him by giving him blow jobs or doing other things to him suggesting electrosex with him will be much easier to do.

With most guys it will have to be you that suggests electrosex with him.

Electrode to stimulate your clit and vagina

Complete kit for advanced electro sex. There are several outputs that allow connecting up varios parts of the body or more than one person

Don't be afraid of talking about electrosex with him.

Tell him you saw something about electrosex on the internet. Then ask him if he knows anything about it.

If he says yes ask him to explain it to you.

When he does ask him if he ever tried it. If he says yes, say you would like to try too. You can then take it from there.

Talk to him about him trying electrosex and that youwould like him to try it on you.

If he denies knowing anything about it. Tell him you read it gives a guy a much greater pleasure orgasming than he gets from a blo job,( or whatver you are presntly doing together for sex). Do a real selling job on how great it would be for him and that if he liked it he could make you cum using the control on you. Then suggest you try it together to see if he liked it. If he says OK. then take it from there.

1.Just be sure you do the following
2.Tell him you ran into the subject on the internet.
3.Ask if he knows about it.
4.Get him tell you about it if he says yes, or tell him about how great it would be for him if he days no.
5.Ask him if he tried it or suggest he try it. Say you would like to experiment along with him to see how well it works. Remember to tell him it allows him to have multiple orgasms!

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Schooldaze II

Schooldaze 2 It was the first day of college orientation, and I wandered around the dorms more than just a little confused looking for my room when I heard a familiar voice shout, "Hey, Martin!" It was Henry. It was because of Henry that I'd gotten into this school - a school well-known for it's technology programs but better known for its football program. Well, Henry and Ms. Callahan; they had both written extremely persuasive letters of recommendation to the school's...

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Schooldaze III

Schooldaze 3 For the next eight weeks I sucked Henry's cock as our desires and schedules permitted. Sometimes I would just throw on some panties, a slip, and some makeup and gulp his tool. Other times I would get the dildo out and we'd have a 'complete' session. For practice, I always tried to stay 'in voice,' regardless of how long a session lasted. A 'complete' session usually consisted of me getting dressed up all the way--skirt, blouse, heels, etc. Then we'd fool around on the...

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afterschoolreal story

try to make this short and sweet. i met this girl in college she always use to tease me and bully me how? just doing annyoing shit like taking my gym clothes etc. i didnt know she really liked me til later when i seen her at a walmart. she was working the game section. well when i found out she liked me i picked her up from her break. kissing each others face off i wanted to bring her back to my crib so she was with it. did i mention she said she dont suck dick damn was she lying she gave me...

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Afterschool Fun

The following is fiction, it is long, and it is good.For the most part I was an average 16 year old tenth grader in the spring of 1982. I played sports, did ok in school, hung out with friends, and thought a lot about girls. I had no idea when I got off the school bus that Friday afternoon that my world was about to change. This was the age before computers, the internet, and cell phones and I just planned on watching some TV when I got home. My thoughts were interrupted by a voice calling my...

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Homeschooled Synopsis: When his mother pulls Mickey out of high school and enrolls him in a home schoolers group, he develops close bonds with, and identifies with the other seven members of the group - except that most of them are girls and that leads to Mickey being feminized and then ultimately to regressing to an infant. 8th Grade - The year I was in eighth grade in middle school was the worst year of my life. That was the year that my father died. In four months he went from...

4 years ago
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Afterschool special

So, in my country students go to school in the morning one week and in the afternoon another week. This week is afternoon week so I decided to have some fun for my 18th birthday.Last class today was gym so we all went there to do some exercises. It was boys vs. girls volleyball. Two other girls and me didn't play (I came up with a menstruation excuse) so we were sitting. When I saw both girls leaving to the changing room and/or toilet at least once I did so, too. Most of the time I have some...

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Afterschool Rendevous

I'm sitting on my desk, a ruler in my hand, legs crossed. Jason is looking over at me, a bit nervous."Misses, am I in trouble?" he asks, looking up at me."Yes, you've been a bad boy," I reply with a smirk. I get of the desk, and walk over to where he's sitting. "Jason, how old are you?" I ask, poking him in the chest with the ruler."I've just turned eighteen misses," he answers."Do you know why I asked you to stay after school, when noone else is here?" I ask."No...," he says."I want to teach...

Group Sex
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Aschool girl part 2

A School Girl part 2 Next Saturday Maria, her mom and her elder sister were at my house for dinner. I went to their house to pick them as they didn’t have driver that day. We reached home at seven o’clock in the evening so we had some time before dinner to chat. I could see my mom and Fauzia annie looked so much interested in Maria’s elder sister, as they were teasing her and making her laugh by exchanging naughty words, especially talking bout lesbian things between her and her mom. She was...

2 years ago
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Afterschool Encounter

In 1959, I was fourteen, and a freshman in high school. It was a more innocent time then, the days of Ozzie and Harriet on TV, John Wayne in the movies, and the Internet was decades away. Sex was something talked about in whispers and giggles, virgins were the rule not the exception, and parents were not afraid to let their kids roam the streets of our town by themselves. High school was not turning out to be a good experience for me. I was not one of the cool kids. Today, I would be called a...

4 years ago
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highschool fuck slaves

i was 15 when I thought of this plan to get my own slaves. I first found a suitable place to keep my fuck slaves, it was a 3 room apartment building that was in a horrible neighborhood so I knew that no one would coming poking around my business. Later after a year of saving spare cash and staking out the plan to get my fuck slaves. I bought the apartment and completely sound proofed it so no one would hear the moans of pleasure and agony. The girls that I picked were all juniors in highschool....

1 year ago
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Highschool Reuion

It was about 2 years ago now that I went back to my home town for our highschool reunion. They had everyone who came in from outside of town staying at the Comfort Inn. Well as I was checking in at the front desk she walk in, my ex from my senior year. In Highschool she played just about every sport she could. So you can imagine her body. She had a flat stomach, nice tits, a round ass, and dirty blonde hair. I wasn't surprised to see noting had changed. As she walked up to the front desk she...

Group Sex
5 years ago
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Schools Are Back

We had been counting down the days. We had known for nearly two weeks that the schools were due to reopen on March 8th. This was going to be our first opportunity for nearly three months. Three months during which we had simply been unable to see each other. From my window, I saw the queues of parents and excited children forming up, socially distanced outside the school gates. There was chatter and laughter from everyone.After the children were admitted, the parents began to leave and I saw...

4 years ago
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highschool need i say more

Introduction: this is my first story and its about some of the fantasys i had in highschool, please comment and tell me how i did. i was thinking about making a series if this gets good comments.not all will be lesbian. * ding dong, ding dong* the bell goes off signalling the end of math and my perverted teacher, ironically named Mr Cox. Monday my next class, sport. I head down the stairs to the locker room to change. My name is Sasha, im 15, toned abs, skinny, long brown hair and brown eyes....

3 years ago
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Highschool Adventure Chapter 1

--- This is purely fantasy. I do not condone doing anything with anyone u******e. Once again, this is fantasy ---Notes: This is an ongoing story. Expect many more chapters overtime. I have a lot more characters I want to introduce and to expand the story. This is my first story, so hopefully I improve over time. Feel free to comment, etc-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------**Rinnnnnnnngggggg**It’s the...

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Highschool Harem

Hello, Sanpeux here, this is my first every story post on this site. I guess I should give a bit of background. I used to years ago post on Literotica under Sanpeux a mind control series. I stopped after a while because I got a little bored of it and also I was doing it on the side of my main novel writing. Now that I have been writing on this website again over the last few months, it has made me want to return to my old Academy Pursuits. I wanted to do a re-do of everything, mostly because I...

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Schoolgirl Cum Girl

Schoolgirl Cum Girl: Part OneWarning:  For two days I became a character of invention; Schoolgirl Cum Girl.  I became totally absorbed in being a 16 year old schoolgirl.  I am really a 35 year old woman.  I have written the story as I felt it at the time.  It is therefore written as if I was 16, obviously I wasn’t.To say that the first time I ejaculated it came as a shock would be an understatement.  One moment I am pushed back against a stone window ledge, Master holding my leg high above my...

4 years ago
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School Girl

School Girl By Sissy Baby Paula Chapter 1 The application and arrival I had spotted the advertisement in an international exchange news letter. It seemed to be perfect: A hole free year in an english Hamstead Court fg for foreign students from around Europe. The idea was to give students there a bit more knowledge about different countries in Europe and in exchange give the foreing student a free curriculum and possibility do learn more about England. After several years of...

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School Girl

School Girl By Sissy Baby Paula Chapter 1: The application and arrival I had spotted the advertisement in an international exchange news letter. It seemed to be perfect: A whole free year in an English Hamstead Court fg for foreign students from around Europe. The idea was to give students there a bit more knowledge about different countries in Europe and in exchange give the foreign student a free curriculum and possibility to learn more about...

2 years ago
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School Day II Susans Revenge


3 years ago
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School Days

Schooldays By Waldo Chapter 1 - Home alone I'll never forget March 7th. It started out as a normal morning with my mother giving me my lunch money and telling me "to have a good day at school." I farted around getting to the bus stop and somehow missed the bus so I had no choice but to return home and miss school for the day. By the time that I happily skipped back home, Mom was already gone to work and the house was totally empty. Gee, an empty...

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Schoolboy fooling

As a k** I had a very best friend Nigel, he'd moved into the house opposite when we were both about 10 and from the outset we were best mates, we played out and did everything together.When we were, I suppose about 11-12 Nigel began to be trusted by his parents to stay at home while they were at work, my mother was usually home should there be any problem, in the summer holidays this gave us loads of time to please ourselves and have fun at his house.On one of these days Nigel told me that he...

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School Romance bg bgg rom nosex exhib

Sherry, Maureen and I walked home to Sherry's house nearly every dayafter school. They lived almost next door to each other but in theopposite direction to my house from school. However, it wasn't sofar that I couldn't catch up to my other friends if I ran, and wecontinued this habit from the year before. I didn't try to kissSherry or Maureen, we just held hands and talked like friends. Despite my desire to get involved in nudity and sex, I was afraid toask them to do that with me. If they said...

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School Blackmail 01

"Thank you staff and students all for assembling on such a short notice." Said my school principal, Mr. Jones. "I know this unexpected assembly is cutting into your time, so I'll make it quick.". Mr. Jones called for an assembly just a minute ago. Nobody in my class, nor me, knows what it is about. It wasn't planned is all we know. Who am I? My name is Ian, and I am a senior in Stanapolis High School. I'm average height, blond hair, green eyes, and I don't do any sports, They just...

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School Day


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School Mascot

This story is fantasy! It is is pretty hard. It contains nonconsensual incest, body modification, and scat – shit play. This story contains sex that is definitely not safe. I am looking for a woman or women to play with in the Portland, Oregon area. To that end I am writing this story to explain some of the things I’m interested in.Again, please keep in mind that this story is a fantasy, and while I like to play hard, I enjoy playing soft just as much.School MascotChapter 1A New SchoolBilly was...

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School Discipline

       School Discipline It was so unfair! It didn’t matter what Winona did, it could never be right. And she tried so hard. But whatever she did was judged to be wrong. Her parents thought so. Her teachers thought so. Her headmistress thought so. Her fellow school pupils all agreed. And her bum always had to suffer as a result. It was a rare day that Winona didn’t get a spanking. And usually not just a spanking, but also a caning or a paddling. And every night when she went to bed, her arse...

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School With Mrs Stern

School With Mrs. Stern By Aleisha James My best friend, Matt, and I had been expelled from our high school while in 10th Grade. Our parents had tried to get us into other schools and at one point we were both sent to military academies. Different ones, of course, since we were viewed as a bad influence on each other, such that separating us might curb our rebelliousness. It did not work. If anything, it urged us on to even more outrageous behaviour, as if to prove a point. Our...

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School May Aayi New Young Sports Teacher

Hello dosto, mera naam vicky hai aur main iss ka fan hu, main kaafi time se yaha pr desi stories padh raha hu aur main khud ko rok nhi saka apna ye 12th class ka incident likhney se. Ye mere pehli story h aap sb k liye jo ke merey jeevan ka ek lajwaab waqt tha. Main ab graduation k last year may hu aur ye baat h tb ke jb main school may 12th class may tha, april k session k baad may aur june ka humey summer break milta h toh us waqt school off rehta hai aur us k baad july 1st se school start ho...

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