How I Came To Love Sucking Cocks! free porn video

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(Before you read this I need to tell you some things about this story.
First, it takes place starting in the early 70’s and ends sometime around 2010. All the ‘encounters’ are absolutely TRUE and, while I’ve not listed any last names, all the first names used are REAL! Perhaps one of them will read this and realize he’s the one I’m actually talking about, but somehow I seriously doubt it!)

Shortly after I graduated from high school I moved to the north and into the house my grandparents lived in. I hadn't been 'home' since moving to the south some six years earlier and to say it was good to be back would've been an understatement. While I'd lived in the south since 1969, I'd never really considered it to be my 'home'.

I left the south the day after graduation, on a plane - my first plane trip since moving to the south six years ago and I found that the thrill was still there. I sat next to a window and enjoyed the view from way above the clouds. I had not even considered the idea that I'd enjoy being up that high once more, but I did and when I landed in Atlanta it was as though I'd once again landed for the first time. The excitement was still there and on taking off again a couple of hours later I found that I was still able to enjoy it!

Living in the south at such an early age hadn't exposed me to the 'ways of life', as some liked to call it. I was still a virgin, in every sense of the word. I knew absolutely nothing about sex, other then what my Dad had once told me, and then all he'd ever told me is why my dick got hard! He was never one to go into details about anything, and I do mean ANYTHING!

When I moved in with my grandparents I was still totally devoid of any knowledge pertaining to sex, or even what it was. Yes, of course I'd heard rumors of 'it' when I was in high school, and then again rumors of 'it' when I worked at a local truck stop. Hell, working in a truck stop you tended to hear a lot of things regarding sex, but in my instances all I learned about was 'gay' sex, and only then because one of the men I worked with was gay himself. In fact, he would often tell me that he belonged to an 'SD' club and wanted me to join it with him. Of course, I had no idea the time what the SD stood for. To say I was naive would definitely be an understatement!

Living with my father was a real Pain-in-the-Ass! Quite literally, too. My father abused not only my mother but me as well. It was easy for me to find myself at the other end of the old man's belt, getting the beating of my life. I learned to hate my father from an early age. Only much later in life would I find myself able to finally forgive him, and to also tell him so.

(I never had ‘The Talk’ with my Dad. All he ever told me was why a man’s dick got hard and how it got hard. That was the total of my ‘sexual education’ from my old man. Admittedly not a lot to base your sexual awareness on, right?)

After the move up north I found friends who would 'educate' me in the ways of sex and what it was in fact for. I learned it was 'entertainment' of some sort and that you could entertain yourself with it as well as be entertained with it. I learned what it was to masturbate and get self-gratification without having anyone else around you. I found books I never even knew existed, with pictures no less! They told me a lot about this thing called sex and how it could be good as well as bad. For the most part I tended to want what was good and began to get my self-gratification whenever I could. I would use Vaseline at first and, while it would take a while to get off, I found that I not only enjoyed doing 'it' but also looked forward to doing 'it' the next time as well.

Now at this time I never had anyone to show me anything, or what parts of my body were originally intended for, but I soon found out. I can honestly tell you right here and now that all I learned about sex, I learned for myself. There was no one around to teach me and, with my grandparents at an advanced age, I was embarrassed to even ask them any of the thousands of questions floating around in my head. I was also embarrassed to ask anyone, too. For some reason I felt it wasn't the 'right' thing to do. Only in later years would I learn that my grandmother wasn't bashful at all when it came to discussing sex.

Hell, even after my grandfather had his first heart attack, I would lie in my bed at night and listen to the two of them doing the horizontal polka, banging the headboard of their bed against the wall connected to my room. Now while I had an idea of what was going on, I never really envisioned what was actually happening. They never made any noises, other than that headboard bouncing against the wall, so I never thought of passion being a part of the episodes.

Now you have to remember that at this particular time my grandparents were in their late 70s and early 80s. I had never even heard my parents making the noises my grandparents would make twice a week!


After my first year with my grandparents I moved back to the south for one more year. I was determined to save some money for school and in order to do that I had to go back to the south and get my old job back at that truck stop. Little did I realize how much things would change there while I was gone.

The first day back at work I learned that the owner of the place was in the hospital and would have surgery within a week in where his legs would be amputated, due to diabetes and other maladies of his aging body. We, that is the gay guy, Steve, and I, along with two others, were to clean up the place and get it ready to be closed down for good. We worked on that place night and day for nearly six weeks before it was almost ready, but we did the job we were expected to do and had it all ready for the new owners when the time finally arrived. Only then did we learn the real news. The place was to be reopened, but we wouldn't be working there! The new owners would be hiring new people to man the pumps, repair the flats, and do whatever else it was that we'd done in the past. We would stay there only long enough to make sure the new hires could do the jobs right.

One night, after leaving the place, we went to Steve's trailer, which was still parked behind the truck stop. In two weeks it would be moved and he would go back to his home town, let his mother move in with him, and I'd never see him again. Now, even though Steve was gay, we got along great. I never had any problems with him and, in several instances, I took up for him when someone tried to do things that I didn't consider nice.

As we sat in his living room that night he once more brought up his 'SD' club and asked if I'd like to join. Now by this time I now understood what the SD stood for, Suck Dick! Also, by this time, I have to admit that I was ready to find out what it was all about, so I told him I'd like to see what it was and if I'd like it. A huge smile appeared on his face and we 'retired' to his bedroom, where he sat on the bed and pulled me closer to him. Once I was in the right position he grabbed my pants, pulling me even closer, and unzipped me. While he did that I undid my belt and soon my pants, along with my underwear, were around my ankles and my hardening dick was exposed to someone for the first time.

"Nice dick you got there," he told me. The played with me, stroking me up and down and holding my balls in hands as well. It took only an instant for me to get hard and ready for him. As he pumped a tiny pearl of pre-cum gathered on my dick head, which he rubbed into my skin, licking his fingers after each rub. He continued to massage me for a while, his hands never leaving my dick or balls. I don't know if I could've gotten any harder at that moment, but it sure felt like I was.

Then he did something I never expected!

He reached into his mouth and........

Removed his dentures!!!!

Now the first thought in my mind was, yuck! But he quickly told me that I'd like my first blowjob this way, and being the sexual virgin I still was, who was I to argue with him? I just stood there and let him do what he wanted to.

And yes, I was wanting him to get started with it and was really looking forward to having his mouth on my cock for the first time. Since
I'd never experienced anything like this before I was already imagining what it would be like.

First he stuck out his tongue and licked around the helmet of my cock, then he began to lick up and down the length, stopping every now and then to suck on my length, never leaving any marks but making me feel good just the same. Then he went lower, and began to suck on my balls, one at a time. He'd then take each one into his mouth, rolling his tongue around each one as much as he could and then pulled off. He pulled my balls up against the base of my cock and began to lick just underneath them. That first instance of oral massage to that area got me to leak more pre-cum and this time he lifted it off my cock with his finger and place it directly on his tongue!

Only after he repeated this a couple of times did he then stop, look into my eyes with a look I've never seen since then, and then take my entire length of cock into his mouth and down his throat!

I never imagined that anyone would able to do such a feat!

While I'd seen pictures only a couple of weeks earlier, and seen cocks that somehow looked like they were 'freaks of nature', I never imagined that I'd be in a position to have someone take my 7.5" cock into their mouth like Steve did that day.

I stood there for as long as I could, before my legs finally gave out with a weakness I'd never felt before. Only after that I told Steve that I'd have to either sit down or lie down, whichever would be easier for him to continue with what he was doing. He got off his bed and motioned for me to take his place and then, once I sat down, he pushed me onto my back. Once in place he removed my pants and underwear and positioned himself between my legs and proceeded to once more engulf my cock with his mouth.

I laid there for what seemed like a couple of hours while he ministered to my cock, sucking and licking on it and then sucking and licking on my balls as well. Then he did something I'd never have expected. He pushed my legs back until my knees were on my chest and once again began to lick below my balls, getting me to leak once more, but this time he didn't stop and lick the juices. Instead he continued to go lower and lower until I felt.......

His tongue on my asshole!

I jumped almost off the bed at that point!

I've never experienced anything like that, up to that time, and I'd be lying if I told you I didn't like it!

Because I loved each and every stroke of his rough tongue back there. He would push the tip of his tongue as far into me as he could but he never did anything else. He never attempted to push a finger into me, for which I was glad. I never liked it as a k** when my mama would have to take my temperature back there, and I sure wasn't about to let anyone stick anything else back there. I've have beat the hell out of him if he'd even tried!

I think we spent most of the afternoon that day with him sucking me off several times. He told me how much he enjoyed the taste of my cum and that he could do that to me all night if I'd let him, and believe me, I was very much tempted to let him do just that.

After the fourth blowjob of the day he stood up and undid his pants, lowering them (he wore no underwear) and exposed his cock to me for the first time. I thought I was big, but he was just slightly bigger. His cock was probably about 8 inches and had skin over his cock head! I'd never seen an uncut cock before then and I really had no idea what it was. He sat on the bed next to me and he could obviously see the look of confusion on my face.

He took my hand in his and moved it to his cock for the first time.
He felt just as hard and I did, and his skin felt different from mine, too.
I guess it was just the fact that I was holding someone else's cock in my hand. After all, I was use to the way mine felt, but this was something new to me.

"Jack it up and down," he told me.

And I did.

I watched in amazement as his cock head appeared and hid as I pulled his extra skin back and forth.

"It's called foreskin," he told me, before I could even ask him.

"All men are born with it on their cocks," he told me, too.

I didn't have any 'foreskin' on mine though.

I reckon he could see the confusion still etched on my face.

"When boys are born most of them are circumcised."

Again, that look of confusion was on my face and even I could sense its presence.

"It's what the doctors do to baby boys after they're born. They cut off the foreskin and it's gone forever."

"But why?" I asked.

"My father once told me it had something to do with their religion, but I've also learned that it's for your health as well. It's hard to teach a boy to take the proper care of his cock and if it's not kept clean he could get an infection."

"What kind of infection?" I asked.

"You know something?" he asked.

"No," I answered.

"I really have no idea.

All I remember is that my dad told me to be sure and wash myself each time I went to the bathroom, and to make sure I kept myself clean all the time down there."

I sat there and listened to what he told me, believing each and every word. After all, I knew nothing about cocks and apparently he did. I had nothing, or no one else, to tell me different, so I took him at his word.

The whole time we were talking I was still pumping on his cock and now there was a bit of pre-cum leaking from him, as well as from my own cock. I did as he'd done earlier to mine, and wiped the fluid off with my finger and put it in my mouth, tasting it for the first time.

"Not bad," I thought.

He put his hand behind my head and pulled me down, until my face was right in front of his cock, with his cock head peeking through all that foreskin.

"You know you want to try it," he said to me. "Go ahead. Do to me the same thing I did to you."

I didn't even hesitate. I leaned in closer and licked around all that excess skin, getting my first ever taste of a cock. I got bolder and took his balls into my hands and rubbed and squeezed them, not enough to cause any pain, but hopefully enough to make him feel good, as he'd also done to me earlier in the day. I still was sure about sucking on them though. Perhaps I'd try that later. Right then the only thing I was interested in doing was getting that cock head into my mouth, swirling my tongue around his helmet, and sucking all that skin into my mouth as well.

I sucked on him to the point of almost shooting his load, but stopped before getting that far. I pulled my mouth off him and continued to jack him with only my hand, occasionally licking his balls until his load was deposited on the top of my head!

I hadn't expected that one!

He got off the bed and went to his bathroom and I soon heard running water and in a few minutes he returned with a wet wash cloth and proceeded to clean up the top of my head.

His cock was still hard at that time so I reached out, pulled his skin several times, and was greeted with another couple of shots of his cum. This time I opened my mouth and caught the last shot on my tongue and discovered that the taste wasn't all that bad. But for me that would be the only taste of his cum I'd ever get! We made plans to get together again for a mutual suck session but before I could see it through he moved back home and in with his mother once more. I never saw Steve again after that and have always wondered what had happened to him.

Some 20 years later I did run into a mutual friend of ours and we got together a couple of times for some jerk and suck sessions and it was only then that I learned Steve had been killed in a robbery attempt only 2 weeks after our 'tryst' in his trailer! That really upset me, much more then I really cared to admit to anyone, but I never told anyone about it, and definitely never told anyone about our suck session in his trailer. Other than the mutual friend it would be almost 4 years before I'd get a chance to see another man's cock up close and personal!


Now, let’s move ahead to when I once more moved up north and into the house with my grandparents. I totally left my immediate family behind me, which to me was great news! Now I could finally find out for myself if I'd be able to do things on my own for once. Yes, I'd still be living with relatives, but this time I'd not have my father looking over my shoulder and calling me an Asshole! Or worse!

While I did love my Dad, to some extent, I was still scared of him and what he could do.

After moving back up north I found one of the local Flea Markets and was totally amazed at the things they sold openly, for all to see. Nothing was hidden at all, and there were no booths with curtains or covers hastily thrown over racks and racks of explicit sexual content magazines, or even over sexual toys and such!

Only later would I learn that the state I was now living in had very open laws concerning the display of sexual content items, and I was immediately turned on by all of it. I would buy the books and hide them in my room, looking at the pics of pussies and cocks only after I was sure that my grandparents were really asleep in their room, or wait till they would go to the cottage at the beach and I knew I would have the house completely to myself and then I'd bring them out and enjoy each and every word or picture. I got my first look at cocks pushing into pussies and women sucking on cocks, uncut, cut, black, white, Latino, women eating pussies and men sucking on cocks!

I also found my first 'Adult' bookstore and made sure I paid a visit as soon as I could, but first I'd have to wait for my 21st birthday to get here so that I could do it legally. I never once tried to purchase anything while u******e, mainly because I was still hiding all this shit and would've been deeply embarrassed if anyone found out that
I liked that shit!

Anyway, on my first visit I just roamed around and browsed the magazine racks, buying a mag occasionally. I especially loved the Penthouse magazines and I actually had the good fortune to buy that first issue and got hooked on it and at one time had the first 25 issues, which quickly became dog eared from all the reading and picture-looking I did. Then came Playgirl and I was finally able to see pictures of men with it all 'hanging out' for the first time, and this time it was 'legal'! I found that I got very hard when looking at another man's cock and would leak pre-cum until my underwear got wet and sticky.

On one of the late visits I finally found the video booths, or rather the cubicles in which you could look at the movies. There were no solid walls around them back then. They were divided by curtains on both sides and at the rear. You entered, pulled the curtain closed behind you, and inserted your coins and enjoyed the movies. While watching one of them on this visit I pulled out my cock and began to jack off while watching. I wish I could tell you the content of that first movie, but honestly I can't. All I do remember is that I was watching when suddenly there was a voice in my ear, "Want me to do that for you?" he asked. At first I was scared shitless, but I did manage to nod my head and I wasn't exactly sure he had seen the motion, but he got on his knees and took my hard cock into his mouth and proceeded to lick me, going lower and lower until my whole cock was deep into his throat, just like Steve had done to me. He played with my balls while doing this and even stroked my asshole at one time, but I pulled back and I guess he got my meaning, because he didn't try it again.

He sucked alternately on my cock and my balls until I shot my load into his mouth and he quickly swallowed all of it. He stood up, took my hand and placed it on his crotch, still covered with his pants, and encouraged me to open his zipper and release his cock, which I did. I was stunned with the size of his cock. It was the smallest cock I'd ever felt. I mean this cock was perhaps only 4 inches long when hard and only about an inch around! He was cut, as well.

I took that small organ into my mouth, not worrying about choking on it due to the size, and got the whole thing into my mouth and sucked on him until he also shot his load, which I swallowed. Once I was done I stood up and I heard him re-zip his pants. He got closer to me and asked if I had a pen, which I did. I never leave the house without a pen in my pocket at all times.

He took the pen, grabbed my left hand, and proceeded to write something in the palm.

"It's my phone number," he told me. "If you'd ever like to get together, give me a call. I have a private place we can meet and not worry about getting caught."

I never saw him again.

In fact, I never went to that bookstore again, either.

When I got home I found that the ink had not worked as it was intended to and the phone number wasn't on my hand at all. I've always wondered what would've happened if it had been there! Guess I'll never know.


It was while I was living with my grandparents that the release of "The Devil and Miss Jones" happened. Now there were adult theaters up there and there was quite a following for that sort of film, which I found out the first time I went to one. The movie was great and only many, many years later would I find out that Marilyn Chambers, who starred in the film, was also the cover model for Ivory Soap! Now I can only imagine how the maker felt when they learned that their supposedly "99.9% clean" soap was being hawked by a porno star!!! I still laugh at that one.

About a year or so later (not exactly sure of the time frame here) the release of "Deep Throat" came out and you can be sure I was there to see that one, too! Not much on the story line, but damn!!! That girl sure know how to handle a cock! Especially with her mouth!!! It was also around that time that I was first 'introduced' to John 'The Wad' Holmes and his huge cock!!! Back then there were no videos to buy and take home to watch. If you wanted to see it again, you went to the theater again and again and again until you'd had enough.

Many times I would witness men sucking other men, women sucking men and actual fucking in the seats of the theater. Nothing was taboo then and everyone who wanted something in there could easily get it, there were plenty of takers and a ton of givers. While I never personally participated in any of the action in those theaters, there were many times I wished that I had. I'd been approached a number of times but always turned them down.

I remember the one time I was sorely tempted to suck on a cock while I was there though. The man who approached me was probably in his late 60s or early 70s and his cock was already sticking through his zipper when he approached me. He was uncut and had plenty of skin covering his cock head, but as he was about to move down the aisle I was sitting in, someone grabbed his arm and pulled him away, towards another seat where the man pulled him closer and I watched as he devoured that cock! I'll admit, I was a tad jealous at that time, but I got over it and soon forgot about it, until the following week when the man approached me outside the theater.

"I know you," I told him.

"I know you, too," he answered. "We were rudely interrupted last week and I could see from the look on your face that you were interested in my cock. You still interested," he asked. At the same time he was opening his pants and pulling his hardening cock out for me to see once again, only better this time since we weren't in the dark atmosphere of the theater this time.

Man that cock looked even bigger this time and he reached out to me, took my hand and pulled it towards his cock, his foreskin still enveloping his cock head. Once contact was made I knew I'd have to suck it and see what it was like.

"Do you have someplace we can go," I asked him. I certainly didn't want to do it out in the open, where we might be caught, and I didn't really want to do it in the theater, either.

"I live about two blocks from here, we can go there if that's ok with you......" I could tell he was asking for my name, so I gave him my middle name, which only my family knew.

"Earl," I told him.

"My name is Wilson," he told me and we shook hands, after he tucked his cock back into his pants, where the bulge stood out quite plainly against his pants.

"Nice to meet you, Wilson."

"Same here, Earl."

We walked to his apartment and I will have to admit, it wasn't the 'dive' I'd been expecting. It was well kept, on the ground floor, and as we entered he quickly closed and locked the door.

"We won't be interrupted," he told me. "I live here alone, on my retirement."

As we both went to his bedroom we were shedding out shirts and pants, eager to get to each other for the first time. We both stood about the same height and the only real difference was our ages, and the color of our hair. While mine was still a dark brown his was white, as was his chest hair and his pubic hair as well. His balls were shaved but he had a 'halo' of short-cropped hair around the base of his cock, which for some reason really got me turned on again. His cock was still hard from the earlier encounter and his pre-cum was leaking profusely, even dripping to the floor.

My cock was also hard but minus the pre-cum, as I didn't usually have a lot of that. If I jacked off, or had someone else do it, I would have some but not a lot, at least not in the quantity Wilson did.

He pushed me down on the edge of his neatly made bed and pulled off my underwear, playing with my cock and balls the whole time. Once I was settled on the mattress he got to his knees and crawled between my legs, licking up the inside of my thighs, heading directly for my balls and cock. He pushed me back onto my back and spread my legs, then started to lick right beneath my balls, where I liked it the most. He started to push a finger up my ass but I stopped him right then.

"I don't like anything up my ass," I told him. "If you'd like to rim me, that's fine, but I won't let you do anything else down there, is that understood?"

He didn't seemed put off and told me it was fine with him. I would learn that he didn't like it, either. He was only into the oral manipulation of my cock and balls and he hoped that I'd be willing to do the same for him. I quickly assured him that I would and he got back to sucking my balls and jacking my cock.


My first, and only encounter with Wilson was something I'll never forget. I enjoyed the day with him and we both sucked each other to several climaxes, and I especially enjoyed sucking on his foreskin and, to this day, I still have a fetish about sucking cocks with plenty of skin to cover their cock heads.

I moved back to the south a couple of years later and from that
I abstained from any male sexual contact. In the area of the state I lived in it was damned near impossible to find anyone who was willing to keep their mouths shut and not spread the word around about who's sucking on who.

This was still a couple of years before the discovery of AIDS and that it would eventually kill all those who contracted it while having un-safe sex with other men. While I may have gotten into all this with little or no knowledge of sex, I learned real quickly about the use of condoms and made sure I always had them with me. Like the Boy Scouts I was always prepared for whatever might happen.

While I never was too excited about having someone stick their dick up my ass I had several encounters in the past with someone wanting me to fuck their ass and I'd do it, but only after applying a condom to my own cock first. I'd get laughed at about it, and told that they wanted to feel my cock in their ass, not some latex-coated dick and I'd quickly tell them that if they wanted it that bad then we'd do it my way or I was out of there. Most of the time they complied and we did the horizontal polka after which we'd suck on each other, but only after washing our cocks and the surrounding areas well with soapy water. Like I said, I believe in keeping clean and I wasn't one to take chances. There were still STD's out there and I wanted to make sure I didn't get any of them.


Towards the end of my first marriage (which lasted less than 13 years), I had a chance to have a three way with my then-wife and a friend of mine. It was my wife's idea and my friend was certainly willing to join in with us. At first I was hesitant to take part, mostly because I knew what would happen when I caught sight of his cock, and was also reluctant to let anyone in my family know that I loved to suck on a hard cock. Well, we went ahead with our tryst and at one time, while he was busy eating out my wife's pussy, I got between his legs and sucked him until he shot his load into my mouth. It was the first cum I'd had in almost 15 years and I realized just how much I missed it.

The only problem was his cock was really small, about 4 inches when hard and it really felt like I was sucking on a straw rather than another man's cock. Another thing was that he shot almost immediately after I'd engulfed him with my mouth, which was a real disappointment to me.
After all, it'd been a while since I'd gotten a chance to suck a man off and then, once I finally got to do it again, his release was a disappointment to me. I continued to suck on him though until he started to complain that it was getting too sensitive and I pulled off.

That was our only encounter and shortly after that my wife decided that she wanted a little 'more excitement' in her life and she filed for a divorce. The reasons had nothing to do with the tryst we'd recently had though. She'd just decided that I wasn’t giving her the 'excitement' she was looking for and that was that. I couldn't talk her out of it and about
16 months later the divorce was final and I was out and on my own for the first time on almost 15 years.


I met the woman who would be my second wife about 8 months later and some 4 months after that we got married. By then I was deep into sucking cocks again, and she never knew about it. I'd gotten a job at a truck terminal in a large city about 30 minutes south of where we lived and worked the Midnight shift, mostly 11 PM to 7 AM and there would be plenty of times with nothing to do while waiting for the next truck to arrive so we could unload its freight and put it into other trucks waiting to leave to new destinations. There were plenty of opportunities to do 'things' while we waited and it was easy to find yourself and a 'partner' in one of the most unused sections of the grounds, on my knees, sucking a very delicious cock.

This was the first time I got to experience a black cock.

I was hooked almost immediately.

It wasn't the size that drew me to them though. It was the fact that most of the black men I sucked had uncut cocks. Size wasn't important.
The bigger the cock the harder it is to get the damn thing into your mouth so that you can manipulate it the way you like to. I didn't want to have to stretch my mouth around a pole that would eventually hurt me.

I'm not into pain!

While you hear 'stories' of black cocks being huge, I only ran into one that was over 9 inches, and that was during a 2 year period. Mostly they averaged around my size, 7.5 inches being the largest and usually most were much smaller but they were hardly ever under 5 inches. About ninety percent of them were uncut, too! Naturally, with me liking uncut cocks, I was in cock sucking heaven at the time. I had many interesting visits while working there and had many loads of cum shot into me, as well as getting to shoot my own loads into many hot black mouths. Most of the black men loved to suck cocks too, and I never had to look too hard to find one, either to be sucked or to have them suck on me.

The only thing I ever regretted is that I could never get over the idea of choking while sucking a cock. I mean, I could only take so much hard cock into my mouth before my gag-reflex would kick in and I'd have to back off a little bit before starting over.

A little over two years after starting at the docks, I had an on-the-dock accident and had to be transported to one of the local hospitals, where I had my left leg encased in a Velcro splint and spent the next 18 months trying to avoid surgery on my knee. I wasn't able to get out of it though and had a large part of the cartilage removed from under my knee. To this day (some
20 years later) I still have problems with that damn knee, too!

Anyway, I met a guy during my physical therapy who wanted to get together and pretty soon after that I was meeting him at his apartment instead of going to the PT and we would spend all that time I was supposed to be in PT blowing each other. Once we finished, we'd clean up and go back to our regular jobs. My second wife never learned of my bi-sexual behavior, either. We didn't last long though, and in fact we divorced after only 4 years. But this was due to other factors and to this day I look at that marriage as a 'rebound' affair and wish that it had never happened.

She was hot in the sack though and our sex lives never suffered. I mean that there were times, when we were alone, when she'd literally jump my body, undress me right then and there and go down on me. She was one hell of a cock sucker herself and didn't shy away from a blow whenever she was in the mood. My only complaints were that she just got absolutely horny when she had her period and insisted that we fuck like jack rabbits whenever it 'was her time'. Personally I didn't like it and only did it because there was really no way out of it. What I did learn to enjoy though was fucking her ass once in a while. I'd never fucked a woman in the ass before but she just loved it and I'll have to admit here that I got really hard whenever she asked me to fuck her there.

I miss the sex, but not the woman!


While I was in between marriages I found a friend on-line and we got to know each other quite well. He lived about an hour from my home and it was well worth the drive once I got there. He was gay and lived alone in a house just outside the city where he lived. The area was secluded and hardly anyone ever came up his driveway without him knowing they were coming. So our privacy was quite assured and guaranteed that we'd never get interrupted.

Walter liked to give oral and never cared if he got it in return or not. In fact, he once told me that he got off by giving oral then if he got it in return, so there was never a question of me 'returning the favor', although I really wanted to, and told him just that on several occasions. He'd just nod his head, pull my pants down and begin use his mouth on my hard cock. All I'd be able to do would be sit on the edge of his bed and let him do what he loved best, suck another man's cock.

The first time we met he wasn't able to get me off, and I'd be remiss if
I didn't tell you right now that it's hard for me to shoot off, either by intercourse or by oral manipulation. When my first wife and I were married I'd had a vasectomy, right after the birth of my daughter. As I got older it became harder and harder for me to shoot a load of the seminal fluids I now ejaculated instead of semen. As I've gotten older it's gotten still harder for me to shoot anything and then it usually only happens when I masturbate.

Anyway, Walter did his best to get me to shoot a load into his hot and hungry mouth, but I just couldn't do it. That first oral contact with him ended with me just going limp in his mouth and that was that. While he told me he was disappointed, I let him know that it wasn't his fault. So, the next two times we met he did his damnedest to get me to shoot, again without any results. However, on that last time we did meet, he really gave me his best effort and was finally rewarded with a large load to swallow. I enjoyed seeing the surprise on his face when I did unload in his mouth and he let me know that he'd enjoyed it a great day.

Unfortunately that was the last time we ever got together. Within a month of that encounter I moved to the northern part of the state, a good 5-hour drive away, and I've never had a chance to get back down to his place to see him. I do still have his number locked into my cell though, so if I'm ever down that way again, I know to give him a call to see if we can get together for some fun.


I guess the one thing I've learned in all my experiences is that I'm always interested in sucking black cocks. I still remember the first time I had an encounter with one.

The guy was just slightly older than I am and had a good body, not any fat to be found anywhere on him. He was mildly hairy, with chest hair and a short-cropped beard. He did, however, keep his cock and balls shaved, as I do. His cock, when erect, was just about the same size as mine but not a big around as me. He's also uncut!

The first time I grabbed his cock I was truly amazed at the texture of his skin down there. It was like I was holding a stiff rod that had been covered in velvet. It was truly an experience I'll never forget. Even now, after sucking many other black cocks, I find that the 'texture' is still the same, whether they're cut or intact. Wonder why that is?

As his cock was much thinner than some of the others I'd sucked in the past, I found that I could easily go all the way with him and take him deep into my throat until my nose rubbed against the bottom of his cock. It felt good that far into my throat and I really enjoyed massaging him that way. He enjoyed it as well.

One time he got carried away and grabbed my head with both hands and pushed me down hard on his cock, driving it somewhat deeper into me. Without thinking about it I immediately pushed back off his cock and came damn near close to belting him one in the face. I told him I wasn't into the rough stuff and if he wanted me to continue with what was happening he'd refrain himself or I'd be leaving. He apologized and never did it again.

My only experience with a large cock, as I stated earlier, was with a guy whose uncut cock was well over 9". (To this day I’ve NEVER seen another cock over 8”!) He wanted to fuck me with that rod and I let him know real quick that it wasn't going to happen. I'd suck him if he wanted me to, which he did, but that would be it. He also sucked me until I shot in his mouth and it ended up being a great experience but I'll never suck on something that big again. To say he stretched my mouth wider then I thought possible would be an understatement.

I, to this day, don't see what the deal is about huge cocks! And I don't really believe all that bullshit you read about women going gaga over them, either. I know that there are huge cocks out there, as I've seen some of them, both up close and personal and on the movie screens, but it's still something I'm glad I'm not endowed with. My 7.5" is fine with me and I've had no complaints, with either men or women, and I've grown accustomed to what I do have. My only regret is that I'm circumcised! I'd love to have an uncut cock!


Well, it's now 2009, and I've not had much chance to do anything else with another male in almost 10 years now, and I probably won't! In the preceding 10 years I've had two major surgeries, a carotid by-pass in my neck and a brain aneurysm that almost killed me, TWICE! Both instances were after the surgery but I've managed to keep alive and as a result my 'escapades' with other men are now a thing of the past. I enjoyed it while it lasted but that's over and done and I have no regrets. I was 'safe' in all my encounters and never developed anything even close to STD's, and I'm happy for that.

Do I miss it?

Hell yes, I miss it, but that doesn't change things at all. I rely now on reading stories on the Internet and jerking off a couple of times a week now. In fact, a couple of times a week is all I can manage to get in, but it's enough to keep me satisfied.

Same as How I came to Love sucking Cocks! Videos

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Howie Returns to PennsylvaniaChapter 3

Howie was up at dawn. He ran and worked out. Then he drew in his garage studio for an hour. At ten he was at the FIJI house helping the other pledges as they cleaned the house. "Chief, what have you got that Dorothy sees in you?" a pledge asks. "A dynamic personality, I guess," he said. One pledge said, "I hear that Dave is pissed." Another pledge asked, "What is the Dunger pissed about now?" Another one said, "Cause he is getting any, not less any that looks like her." They...

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Cameron Finds His GameChapter 14

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I love big cocks

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Unloved but sucking cock

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A Tale of Two Lovebirds

Our story begins with a recent refurbishment of a local theater. The local tabloids had done recent articles on the theater: when it was first constructed, its passings of ownership, and its slow decay with the poor economic times. Our two lovebirds had first fallen in love at this theater. They had been following these news articles with building interest as the week passed, for these articles were the build up to the first show of the refurbished theater. The two lovebirds had made a date of...

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The Lesbian Cockslut

Cindy, who had gotten by so far on her good looks, only saw other pretty girls that lived lives of ease and luxury on social media and TV. Those girls just got to look cute, and people gave them clothes, apartments, and cars. Cindy, herself, had a few thousand Instagram and TikTok followers, who delighted in seeing her dance to mindless bimbo pop or racy hip-hop. In her pictures and videos, she showed her large tits and round ass in panties and bras, kept an Amazon wishlist, and some of her...

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CHAPTER 1 _____________________ Beau Lovejoy was pretty much a nerd when he was young. He loved to read, and he was completely addicted to comic books, but anything that wasn't grounded in reality would do. He was always lost in some fantasy or another, and the real world seemed rather mundane in comparison. At least, it did until he discovered something even more facinating. Women. When he was a boy, he found girls annoying, and he actually tried to...

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Cameron and Manny

Prologue Cameron and I were married for fifteen years. No children, bills paid, house nearly owned. She's thirty-eight and I'm forty now. She's still a tawny haired beauty with B-cup boobs and the plumpest ass ever to have graced the backside of a 110 pound five-foot four-inch female woman! Her olive complexion is to die for and she smells like something descended from Mt. Olympus. Our sex life was terrific through most of those years. Was, being the operative word. She eventually filed...

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Meeting Cameron

Abigail sighed as she sat down at the computer. It had been sitting, untouched and carefully covered, for nearly a year. It had been a constant reminder of Ken, and she didn’t want any more reminders tearing at her heart. Now, it seemed she should use it, at least for information and communication with her far-flung family. The basics only. She knew her workmates and friends used the computer daily, for all sorts of reasons. She just felt she was above needing a technological device to make her...

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Ms Lockleys School for Unloved Girls Ch 01

Rosaleen Dickonson’s famous quote says ‘Whatever they grow up to be, they are still our children, and the one most important of all the things we can give to them is unconditional love. Not a love that depends on anything at all except that they are our children.’ Some parents don’t love their children, though. Some parents hate them, wanting to be rid of them the first moment they legally can. In the small New England town of Munishire exists a school to deal with a select few of these...

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Cameron Finds His GameChapter 9

Cameron woke up in just about the same position he last remembered - spooned against Leia's back, left arm over hers, hand cupping her breast. He needed to pee and had about half a hard on. It was 4:30 and the alarm was set for 5:15. Slipping out of bed, he went to the bathroom. The effort to slip back into bed wasn't as successful as getting out, it was obvious that Leia was awake. When Cameron draped his arm over Leia she picked up his hand and moved it to her breast and squeezed it a...

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Cameron Finds His GameChapter 11

Cameron leaned against the side of a wagon. Lying scattered on the ground were the bodies of three men in the sort of disjointed attitudes adopted only by the unconscious or dead. From the amount of blood around one, probably the latter for him at least. Kneeling in front of him were two young women, one he recognized as Leia, the other was a stranger and obviously no older than 15. "Thank you for rescuing us," said Leia, "Now it is time for your reward." With that Leia unzipped his pants...

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Chapter 10 A Swingers Party Innuendo and Lancelot Enters My Camelot

The news media, movies, TV programs, even education in the 1970’s suddenly shifted from omission’s silence to instructor mode about sex to catch up for its past suppression. The new mantra was, “Sex isn’t just for procreation, it’s for pleasure, a casual fun like chewing gum.”Suddenly it was free love, sex on demand, whatever floats your boat.  With “the pill” procreation became an afterthought, something put off until later in life. Why get married after Woodstock? Now it was love boat...

2 years ago
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A Different Sort of Camelot

A Different Sort of Camelot A Different Sort of Camelot Morgan came to at the heavy sound of footsteps approaching, the back of her head cracking painfully against a stone wall.? Her eyes began to focus, the sights about her none too encouraging.? She was in a dungeon, that much was obvious from the sputtering torch, the dank windowless cell and the realization that she was practically dangling nude from the ceiling.? Metal shackles encased her small wrists, and were attached to a hook...

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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 23 Return to Camelot

Having asked Merlin why he summoned us, I awaited his explanation. It took him a few seconds to reply. "The soul of Mordred, who you slew in battle, had been drifting about the kingdom casting a morbid pall over the land. In order to rectify the situation, I conjured up a spell to banish him to the fires of Hell for all eternity. The power of his soul must have been more than I thought for instead he turned into a fierce fire-breathing dragon that has been wreaking havoc all over the land....

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Cameron Finds His GameChapter 4

The next few weeks went by fairly quickly for Cameron. He was getting some part time work at Bridger Angler, the Bozeman fly shop where he had a summer job lined up. Another day was taken up with the entrance exams for Montana State University-Bozeman. There were several days spent fishing on the Gallatin and Yellowstone, ended with the start of spring run-off. A couple of weekends went to drives around the area with the family getting reacquainted with the area and with each other. He also...

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Cameron Finds His GameChapter 10

Megan looked at Cameron, startled bafflement showing in her eyes, "You're thanking ME when I have just had the most extraordinary sexual experience of my life?" "Yes. I guess I haven't really understood how things are for you on Cassandra. I have read the material on your males' low fertility rates and I understand intellectually about how that leads to the whole Damsel in Distress thing. What I don't get is exactly what you caretakers get out of this personally." "Well, lets see -...

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Howard an Early High Schoo Suck Buddy

It started after a date, we'd both taking a girl friend to a Friday Barn Dance and after went and parked and make out, of course neither one of Us got further then kissing steeling a feel. Worked up horny as hell took them home and went to Howard's to drop him off. We both complained about how hard up we were and by the time we parked in his driveway we were both fondling our hard-ons through our Levi's. Howard said something like "Damn I need to get a nut & we both unbuttoned our Levi's...

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