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Hi. My name is Chris, though some know me as Christine. I am John Collins’ mistress. We care deeply for each other. John “keeps” me, he supports me financially and in return it is my pleasure to keep his sex life exciting, as well as to entertain any of his gentleman friends who drop over.

It all began innocently enough, I suppose, when I had just turned eighteen and had moved out from my family’s home to be on my own. To support myself, I worked as a landscaper as well as a housepainter. I was able to support myself ok in this way, though it required that I budget.

I rented the upper floor in a two-family house out in the sticks. The only other house nearby was one that stood directly behind mine. Otherwise, the area was mostly undeveloped woods. And few cars ever passed on the road, which was a dead end.

It was great being on my own, able to come and go and do as I pleased.

One of the really special things about having my own place was that I would take off my clothes whenever I arrived home and wander about the house in the nude. Well, this isn’t exactly accurate, for I had a fetish for women’s clothes and so I would dress up in, say, some silky panties and a sheer blue nightie. I built up a feminine wardrobe. (I would go to the local department store with a list, and pretend that I was married and was shopping for the wife.) I bought some really nice, sexy lingerie. I had very long hair at the time and so had no need for a wig.

There is a gentleman named John Collins who lives in the house behind mine. I met him one day when I was out in the yard tanning. I had on blue jeans that were very tight and were cut very short so you could see the bottom of my buttocks. He came out and saw me and said hello. I walked over to meet him and I could tell I was turning him on.

Well, that evening, at around 10, I raised the blinds on one of my back windows as I was surfing the net. After a bit, I noticed my neighbor standing at his back window looking out toward my house. I turned on a red mood light I had and I thought, “This could be fun.” With that, I went to my bedroom, put on some makeup, then dressed. I started with some flowery panties, over which I put some black pantyhose. I then put on a Vanity Fair semi-sheer pink nightie and lastly, a necklace and some earrings.

I made my way back to the window; he was still there! I began doing a slow dance.
My neighbor disappeared briefly from the window, and so I paused. But he was back a moment later, and had a pair of binoculars with which he now peered toward my window.

“Wonderful!” I thought, and I put some sexy slow jazz on the CD player, then danced back to the window. I gyrated sexily to the music, and soon saw that he had unzipped his fly and pulled his cock out, which he then began stroking. I turned around and lifted my nighty, then pulled the pantyhose and panties down around my thighs. I wiggled and swayed, and pulled the nightie up over my head and off. I turned back around, and my now erect cock was rubbing against the window glass.

I saw him begin to convulse a bit, stroking his cock, and then he came. At the same time, I shot my cum all over the window glass.

This was not the last time I was to entertain him.

A couple of days later, it was a Saturday and quite hot. I had made an agreement with my landlord to take care of the lawn in return for a reduction in rent. I put on some lace panties, tight very short jeans, a lace bra and pink halter top. I then slipped on some low-top sneakers. The tenant on the floor below was out of town, as he usually was, on business. So I felt comfortable going out into the backyard in this attire to mow the lawn. I’d also put on some lipstick, eyeliner, and mascara in case my neighbor from the other night’s adventure happened to be around. My hair was tied into two cute little ponytails.

After working on the lawn awhile, John Collins appeared in the yard. I turned off the mower and said, “Hi. What a nice surprise to see you again. I hope you enjoyed the show the other night.”

“Why yes,” he replied. “It was marvelous. A real treat. I’m so lucky having you as a neighbor! Say, I stopped over because I know you do landscaping and I’m looking for someone to care for my yard. Would you be interested? I’d pay quite well. And I’d like you to start right away, today if possible. The grass is getting quite high. Also, I’m having some buddies over for a card game tonight, and I’d like to have the lawn looking half decent. What do you say?”

I asked how much exactly he was willing to pay, and couldn’t believe my ears when he responded. Quite generous! I immediately agreed, and was quite excited since I was hoping to get to know this gentleman better.

We headed over to his place and he got his mower and weedwacker out of the shed. Then he said he was going to mix up some screwdrivers and asked if I’d like one. Of course I said yes.

He disappeared into the house and I started the mower and began working. After a bit, he reappeared with a glass and a large shaker containing the cocktails and ice.

“I’ll leave these on the picnic table for you. I’ll be right on the back porch reading, if you need anything.” He had a nice large screened-in porch on the back of the house, and he headed there now.
I poured myself a drink. Then I pulled a joint out of my jeans pocket and I called over to him. “Do you smoke weed?” I asked.

“Hell, yes,” he replied. “Come on over here on the porch.”

I headed over and sat on the lounger sofa where he’d settled in. I lit the joint, took a big toke, and passed it to him. This was primo, two-hit Diesel weed. But we passed it back and forth three or four times, and were both getting very buzzed.

He started laughing and asked if I would be able to work between the smoke and the booze. “No problem,” I replied and returned to work. I decided to head out front and knock that off, then finish the back, which was much larger.

After finishing the front and about half the back, the heat was really getting to me, as was the reefer and the booze which I had a couple more glasses of. I looked around. As I said, our two houses were quite isolated and the street rarely saw traffic. So I slipped off the sneakers, then the jeans.
I felt pretty aroused now, knowing he was on the porch reading. Soon he looked up and let out a loud whistle. “Nice!” he shouted. “Feel free to lose the top too!”

I didn’t need much encouragement and slipped off the halter top, leaving me in just bra and panties. I enjoyed the audience and after a while I was done with the lawn.

I returned the mower and weedwacker to the shed and he called to me from the porch, “Come on over here and cool off a bit and relax!”

“Boy, I’m horny,” I remarked when I’d made it inside the porch. “Can you tell?” I teased, knowing full well that my hardon was protruding from the top of my panties.

“Well, what do you intend to do about it, baby?” John teased me.

In front of where John sat was a wrought-iron coffee table with a glass top. I stood next to the table facing John and started playing with my cock. It wasn’t long before I shot a load onto the glass top of the table. Then I got on my knees next to the table and began licking my cum off the top. I soon licked all of it up, then smiled at John.

“A little protein snack after all that yardwork,” I quipped. John let out a howl.
“Listen,” said John as I got up to leave. “I’m having a late night card game tonight starting around midnight. Feel free to stop by and meet my buddies. I’m sure they will all like you, especially if you dress sexy.”

“OK, maybe I will. Sounds fun.”

So saying, I left John and returned to my place. I made a quick dinner and then decided to drive into town for a few drinks. What I usually did, and indeed what I did this evening, when I was heading out to a new bar, was to dress in bra, panties, a garter belt and stockings, then put a regular men’s shirt and jeans (tight jeans, I might add) over these. I wore high-heeled men’s dress boots, which were actually unisex. This way, no one would know about my crossdressing, and yet I’d be prepared in case I did meet a sympathetic companion over the course of the evening.

I ended up at a workingman’s bar in town. It had a pool table; I love playing pool and am quite good at it. I made a few new friends, though none of them seemed to be “my type”, if you know what I mean. But I played a lot of pool, drank a number of screwdrivers, and got a little blitzed.

At last call, at 2:00 a.m., I knew I was in no shape to drive. I got one of my new acquaintances to agree to give me a lift, then told one of the bartenders that I’d be back to pick up my car the following day.

When my new friend dropped me off, I was wondering what John might be up too.

I’d had so much to drink that I staggered back to his backyard, literally zigzagging and seeing double. It was about 2:30 in the morning. I started getting hard, thinking of John and knowing I could have him whenever I wanted…like now.

In his backyard I said what the hell and decided to remove some clothing. It was a beautiful evening, illuminated by the marvelous light of a full moon. Then I stood there wearing the ensemble I’d worn under my regular clothes when I’d gone to the bar: bra, panties, hose and garters. It felt so sexy, out here dressed up like this! I snuck up to the dining room back window and peeked in…why John and three of his buddies were still playing cards!

I decided to wait a while – I didn’t mind at all, it felt great being outside dressed as a goodtime girl. I spotted some birch trees at the back border of the property and I staggered toward them. One of these trees was slanted at an angle. I mounted it briefly and stroked my cock against the smooth bark. Mmm, it felt so good. What the fuck, I needed a MAN!

I quickly decided to stagger back to my place for some preparation. I put a nice semi-sheer short nightie over what I was already wearing. Then I sat at my makeup table and did up my makeup: lipstick, eye shadow, fake eyelashes. I put my hair into two ponytails. Lastly, I slipped on some black high heels. That’s better, I thought.

Next, I staggered back towards John’s house and lightly tapped on the window when John finally passed near it. He saw me and immediately smiled a big wide grin and motioned for me to go around the side of the house, where he opened the basement door to let me in. He gave me a big hug, and squeezed my ass cheeks.

“You’re just in time. Hey, how about coming up and entertaining my buddies?”

I wasn’t sure.

“How ‘bout some coke to get up your courage?”


“Tell you what. Let’s do a few lines and you can decide either way then. Either way will be fine with me.”

God I wanted the blow, I loved the stuff, and what I seem to have put aside for the moment was the knowledge of what a whore I was on coke. I was feeling reckless and great!

He said to grab a couple of cold brews out of the basement fridge while he set up some lines for us. God, after the first line I just realized how sexy I was in my lingerie! After a few more lines I kissed Tom deep and said, “Let’s head upstairs honey. I’m dying to meet your friends.”

“Ladies first,” he said and motioned for me to go ahead. I was soon on all fours trying to negotiate the steps. John laughed. “Here, baby, let me help you,” he said and helped me upright, then I put my arm over his shoulder.

“Say, honey, let me do a few more lines when we get upstairs to get me straight before I meet your friends,” I said.

“No problem, we’ll head for the kitchen, baby,” John replied.

We got to the top of the stairs and he opened the door. Once upstairs, he steered me right to the kitchen. There he set me down on a chair at the kitchen table and sat down next to me. He pulled a tinfoil package out of his pocket, opened it, then got up to get a razor blade.

He returned, sat back down, and began laying out some lines. Such a sweetie, I thought, and reached over to his crotch. I began stroking his cock and leaned over toward him.

“Kiss me, baby,” I sighed. He turned his head toward mine and our lips met, then I stuck my tongue into his waiting mouth. I gave him a deep, wet kiss, at the same time grabbing his cock through his pants and giving it a squeeze.

“God, John, you’re such a great guy… I really dig you, honey.” He returned to cutting the lines while I caressed his hair and nibbled on his ear, then kissed his cheek.

When he’d finished laying out two lines, I got up and sat on his lap. He rolled up a dollar bill and handed it to me. I leaned over the table and snorted the lines. I pinched my nostrils and breathed in deeply. Nice. John then said, “Time to join the others, how about it, honey?”

I giggled and said, “Sounds great to me.” I put my arm around his waist and he held my ass through the nightie, rubbing it softly.

We headed into the dining room, where the card game was. As we entered, one of the gentlemen whistled at me and said, “What have we here?” This, I was soon to find out, was Joe. He looked younger than the other two men seated at the table, I’d guess late forties or early fifties. Very handsome, muscular, with chiseled features, dark hair combed back, his looks definitely aroused me.

“Guys, I’d like to introduce you to my friend Christine,” said John.

Did I fail to mention, I’m very passable as a woman and these men were all taking me in with their eyes, which I loved. “Christine, this is Joe, Ron, and Michael.”

“Hi, guys,” I beamed, not believing my luck being in the company of these four men. Ron and Michael both appeared about John’s age, both handsome enough though not as striking as Joe. It turns out they were married, unlike Joe and John, who were both currently single.

John sat, and I sat on his lap. I was feeling very amorous tonight. I stroked my hand through John’s hair playfully. He turned his head toward me and gave me a kiss on the lips.

The other three looked on with envy. John pulled my nighty up high on my thighs, then rested his hand on the inside of my upper thigh. I knew then that I wasn’t going to be sleeping alone.

We all exchanged small talk as drinks were poured. I told the fellows I was new in town and they in turn told me what a great town it was. “With a great gogo bar,” Joe added. “You know, they’re always looking for new talent…in case you’re looking for a job.”

“Could be,” I responded. “Could be.” Then I looked at John and asked, “What do you think?”

Knowing the truth of who and what I was, John offered, “Worth looking into for sure.” Then he smiled at me and I giggled and gave him a kiss.

Ron piped in, “Well, I don’t know about you guys, but it’s going on 4:00 a.m. and I’m ready to pack it in.” Michael agreed. Joe said nothing, but he really seemed to be staring at me quite a bit.

“Well, listen, guys,” spoke John. “We’ve all consumed quite a bit of booze tonight, not to mention coke. I’d hate to see any of you busted for DUI, so I insist you sleep it off here. The living room couch folds out into a bed, and there are two extra bedrooms upstairs. Help yourself to anything in the kitchen. There are extra towels in the bathroom closet. Sound good?”
They all nodded in agreement.

“OK, then,” said John. “What do you say we call it a night, beautiful?” he asked me.

“Sure,” I smiled. So saying, we got up and bid them goodnight. We headed out of the dining room, but not before John had raised the back of my night gown and planted his hand firmly on my butt, giving them all a nice view. In the doorway to the dining room, I stopped him momentarily, giving him a really deep and sloppy kiss.

“OK, OK, now we’re all getting jealous,” quipped Joe, as we disappeared upstairs.

Once we got into John’s bedroom, I told him I really liked his friends as I disrobed and lay on the bed nude. He said he was glad and that it was obvious they liked me too. Then he undressed and lay on the bed next to me. We necked passionately, then I slid down so his gorgeous cock was in front of my face. I held it and started by gently licking it near the tip. It grew harder and I licked it, sucked it, stroked it. I then stretched out on the bed on my stomach. John rubbed his cock between my ass cheeks. At the same time, I was rubbing my cock against the bed.

Soon I came onto the sheets. Shortly after, John shot his milky hot load onto my backside. I wiped some of his cum onto my hand and then licked it off. He was enjoying watching me do this, and I was enjoying the fact that I was pleasing him so.

The next day, everyone was a bit hung over. I needed to pick up my car, which I’d left at the bar the night before. Joe said it was on his way and he’d be glad to take me.

I borrowed a raincoat from John to wear over my skimpy outfit, then Joe and I headed out.
Joe was making eyes at me during the drive, and I decided it would be best to come clean.
“Joe, there’s something you should know about me,” I started.

Joe quickly said, “Hey, baby, there’s a lot I’d like to know about you.”

“Yeah, well, I’m not completely what I appear to be.”


“Meaning, biologically I’m not a female.”

Joe looked at me in disbelief.

“You mean you’re carrying something extra down below?”

“That’s right…”

“Well hey,” said Joe. “That’s cool, not a problem I assure you. I’m one of the most open-minded guys you’ll ever meet.”

I was ecstatic at what I was hearing.

“Oh, Joe, I’m so glad. I really like you.”

“And I like you. And I think you’re really hot. Say, are you and John exclusive?”


“Great. Then why not come over to hang out at my place tomorrow? Though, of course, you can bring John along.”

“Actually, John is going to visit family tomorrow. But I’d love to hang out with you.”

“Great. Why not come by around noon and we’ll make a day of it?”

“OK,” I replied. “Sounds like fun.”

And so it was agreed. We reached the bar and I got out to get my car.

“See you tomorrow,” I said.

“Looking forward to it,” said Joe. “See you then.”

He drove off, and I got in my car and headed back to John’s to sleep off all the partying.

The next day, I awoke about 9:00 a.m. and went downstairs to find John finishing his breakfast. We kissed and I sat on his lap. I told him I was heading to Joe's.

“Joe’s a fun guy. Have a great time. But I’m running late.”

So saying, we kissed one more time, I got up off his lap, and we said goodbye for the day. John headed out.

I headed to the bathroom and took a nice bath.

Then, after applying some makeup, I got dressed. I put on some white lace panties, then some black sheer pantyhose. I grabbed some cut-off jeans and slipped into them. They were very tight and cut very high, exposing part of my butt. I then slipped into a lacy white bra, and over this, a pink halter top. Finally, I put on some high-heeled sandals and some loop earrings. I was ready to go.

Once in the car, I looked at the directions I’d googled and headed off.

After driving about forty minutes, I was definitely out “in the sticks”. Woods were everywhere. I loved the woods, how great was this?

I decided to slip off my jeans as I drove. I always loved to do this, it turned me on so to be so naughty.

After another ten minutes, I turned into the road where Joe lived. I continued down the road about a half a mile without seeing a house. Then, up on the left appeared a clearing. There was a mailbox with the number one, which was Joe’s address. There was a driveway, and I pulled in.

The house was set back several hundred feet. It was a cabin actually, very quaint looking.

I slipped my cutoff jeans back on, got out of the car and went to the door. I knocked.

Soon the door opened. There was Joe, dressed in a tight tshirt, tight bathing trunks, and sandals.

“Hey, baby, aren’t you going to give me a hug?” I asked.

He opened his arms wide and we hugged. I moved his right arm down to my fanny. He squeezed it with his big strong hand and I leaned in to kiss him. We kissed deeply and I grabbed his ass. I started getting hard and I’m sure he felt it. I massaged my cock against him and said, “Mmm.”

“Come on in. Make yourself comfortable,” said Joe.

So I walked into the middle of the main room and slipped off my jeans and pantyhose, leaving me in just my panties, bra and top.

“Have you got anything to drink, baby?” I asked.

Joe disappeared into the kitchen and returned with a couple of screwdrivers. I grabbed my purse and pulled out a joint. We sat on the couch, smoking the joint and sipping the drinks.
I was starting to feel quite horny.

I got onto my knees on the sofa facing the wall and began massaging my cock through my panties against the back cushions, all the while smiling sweetly at Joe. Soon my cock throbbed and stuck out over the top of the panties.

Joe reached over and slipped his hand beneath my panties, caressing and massaging my ass. I was so turned on, with this big stud ogling me and rubbing my ass while I rubbed my cock against the couch.

“Oh, Joe, I want to suck your cock!” I exclaimed.

I sat back down on the couch and removed my halter top. Then I helped Joe take off his swimming trunks.. After he sat back down, I leaned over and started kissing and licking his cock and balls.

“Oh, Joe, I want you to fuck my face. Would you fuck my face, baby?”

“Why, it would be my pleasure,” said Joe.

So saying, Joe stood up so I could lie down on my back on the couch, with my head braced up by the two couch pillows. Then Joe straddled me and began rubbing his cock on my face. I licked his throbbing dick and sucked his balls. He stroked his cock against my cheeks, against my eyelids, against my forehead. His precum on my face let me know how excited he was getting.

Soon, he started stroking his cock as I licked his balls. He started to moan.

Then, still stroking his cock, he aimed it at my now open mouth and shot a large, hot, salty load onto my tongue. I reached with my hand and scooped some of the cum onto my fingers and began to wipe it all over my face. There was still a huge amount of cum on my tongue and in my mouth, and I swallowed it all. Then I sucked Joe’s cock to get every last drop.

Now Joe laid down next to me on the couch. We faced each other and he massaged my ass as we kissed deeply.

“Joe, you were really great!” I exclaimed. I slipped off my panties now and he then stuck his middle finger up my ass and I stroked my erect cock against his leg. I came very quickly, then sat up and licked my jizz off his leg and swallowed it.

After a few minutes of cuddling, we sat up. “How does a burger and fries sound?” he asked. “That is, if you still have room to eat some more.”
We both laughed.

“Yes,” I said. “Actually, I’m famished.”

“Great. I’ll get the charcoal grill going in back. While it’s heating up, we can shower.”

Needless to say, the shower was great! I scrubbed Joe, and he scrubbed me. Actually, “fondled” is more like it, but we did get each other clean.

Afterwards, I dried my hair, then I put on some makeup and dressed in some pink lace panties, matching bra and a pink halter top that ended at my belly button. I then slipped into some high strapped sandals and headed out to where Joe was cooking our lunch.

Since there were no nearby neighbors, I felt quite comfortable dressed as I was. (And truth be told, I’m quite the exhibitionist anyway, and so neighbors were not a real consideration for me one way or the other.)

The food finally cooked, we sat at the picnic table and dug in.

“So,” Joe began. “How long have you been crossdressing?”

“Oh gosh,” I answered. “A long time.”

“I’m curious. I hope you don’t mind my asking, but I’d love to hear how it all started.”

“I don’t mind. But do you really want me to bore you with this?”

“I won’t be bored. Humor me.”

Accordingly, I delved into my genesis as a crossdresser.

“The first inkling I had of wanting to be female was in a dream I once had. In the dream, I was a woman stripping on top of the bar in a men’s tavern. I gyrated around, and I noticed how mesmerized the men watching below were. It gave me such a wonderful feeling, they worshipped me, and I loved giving them pleasure. I felt so free and so sexy and so at home up there turning them on! And I had the sense that I would be protected and taken care of by one of these men who worshipped me. I would give men pleasure and be taken care of in return.”

“Needless to say, when I awoke from that dream my underpants were saturated with cum!”

“And whenever I used to look at Playboy magazines, I always found myself wanting to be one of these naked lovelies. Again, the sense I got was that these women were worshipped for their willing nudity and taken care of. All they had to do was be sexy and available.”

“Then there was my elderly neighbor, Mr. Goodman. After graduating from high school, I began going over to visit Mr. Goodman. He would have me in for a coke and chat. I had no real close friends, so I enjoyed going over to pass some time. And he was obviously quite lonely.”

“One day my Mom was chatting with Mr. Goodman and mentioned she was going away for the weekend with a new beau.”

“Mr. Goodman asked if she thought I would like to spend the weekend at his house so that neither of us got lonely. As I’ve said, I did not have a lot of close friends at the time. My conflicted sexual feelings made me isolate; I preferred not to share my tastes with anyone. My mother knew of my preferences and she did not discourage me. In fact, from time to time when she returned from a shopping trip she would bring me some clothes, like panties or a nighty, that fit me.”

“My mother, who liked to drink a lot and have a good time, believed everyone should be able to do their thing as long as nobody else got hurt. And she told me she had always wanted a daughter, and said I could dress up however I wanted.”

“So I was in the habit of wearing girls’ clothing around the house, though I didn’t dare venture out dressed like that, for fear that if someone found out, I would be ridiculed and would never hear the end of it.”

“Mom was concerned, however, that I did not have a girlfriend or boyfriend.”

“So, as she chatted with Mr. Goodman, she said that yes, she’d like it if I’d spend the weekend with him, but that she’d have to ask me.”

“And when she asked me, I said ok, it would be a good thing to give him some company. Though I didn’t say it, I was the one really starved for company. Plus lately I’d had these fantasies of being a naughty girl for Mr. Goodman. So what the hell, I thought.”

“Early Saturday afternoon, after Mom had left on her date, I headed over to Mr. Goodman’s. He liked having a glass of wine and offered me a glass. It seemed early in the day for someone to be drinking wine, but I accepted since no adult had ever offered me a drink before. I tasted it and didn’t like it. But he coaxed me on, saying, ‘It will make you feel real nice. Don’t you want to feel good?’”

“Then he got up and said, ‘I have something to show you which I think you’ll like. But you must promise me that everything – the wine, and what I’m going to show you – will be strictly between us.’”

“Curiosity was getting the better of me and so, after taking another sip of wine, I said, ‘I promise. Our secret.’”

“‘Good,’ said Mr. Goodman, ‘I’ll be right back. Try and drink more of that wine, it’ll make you feel good.’”

“So, while waiting for him to return, I took a few big gulps of the wine. He was right, it made me feel real giddy and a little dizzy, but I liked it and I liked doing something grown up.”

“Soon he returned with a photo album. He sat on the couch quite close to me and said, ‘I think you’ll really like this.’ Then he took a pack of cigarettes from his shirt pocket and offered me one.”

“‘Wow, thanks, Mr Goodman,’ I said, taking one of the cigarettes from the pack. He lit it for me and I puffed on it. I had smoked before behind my friend’s garage, but this was the first time an adult had offered me a smoke.”

“Then he put his arm around me and opened the photo album on his lap with his free hand. I couldn’t believe my eyes (and my good fortune!) The first picture was of a teenage boy with long hair wearing makeup and dressed in girl’s panties and bra and posing sexy for the camera. The boy’s cock protruded from the top of the panties.”

“‘You know,’ he said, ‘One day I could see you in your attic window. You were dancing around in a negligee looking damn sexy…Don’t be embarrassed, it’s perfectly normal and we have a lot in common. You like to dress and tease like a girl and I like watching.’”

“I couldn’t take my eyes off the picture and my cock started getting hard. Mr. Goodman must have noticed and he moved his hand down to my cock and rubbed it through my pants. I was tipsy and feeling so turned on by this elderly gentleman who seemed turned on by me.”

“He flipped to the next page of the album. Here was the same boy with his panties down around his ankles; he was jerking his erect cock.”

“Wow, my cock stirred some more and Mr. Goodman rubbed it and said, ‘Hey, I think you like these pictures as much as I do.’”

“I said, ‘Yeah, I do.’”

“Then he said, ‘Why not get up and take your clothes off, I think you’ll be more comfortable.’”

“I was trembling with excitement as I took off my sneakers and socks, then stood up and removed the rest of my clothes. My penis was hard and Mr. Goodman said, ‘Why, you’re more lovely than this boy we’ve been looking at. I’ll tell you what. I have a camera. How would you like to pose for me?’”
“Wow, it was like a dream come true.”

“‘Sure,’ I said. ‘But I have no clothes like the boy in the pictures.’”

“‘That’s ok,’ he said. ‘We’ll hop in my car and I’ll get you some clothes. It so happens a friend of mine owns a women’s clothing shop that has junior sizes. Here, have another sip of wine and we’ll get going.’”
“I took a sip from the glass he handed me, then put my clothes back on. We headed out to the car.”
“We drove off and soon arrived at his friend’s store. There were female mannequins in the window dressed in beautiful outfits.”

“We headed in and found a heavyset gentleman behind the counter. ‘Chris, this is Steffan.’”

“‘Why, scoot on back here and let me have a look at you,’ said Steffan.”

“So I walked behind the counter and Steffen, who was seated, pulled me onto his lap.”

“‘Say, you’re a hottie. You can call me Uncle Steffan.’”

“I was seated on his lap with my arm around his neck.”

“‘Give your uncle a kiss,’ he said.”

“I moved my lips to his and my wet tongue met his. As we necked, he reached down and unzipped my fly and moved his hand to the top of my underpants; he slid the front down, releasing my hard cock, which he slowly stroked.”

(To Be Continued)

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ChristineChapter 4

The next day at work, Christine waited until Janice came in. Janice's face was glowing and she hummed a sweet tune as she walked in the office. Karen raised a brow. "I see someone must have gotten lucky last night." Janice laughed. "Maybe." "Ah did Tom call you?" Christine giggled. "Uh no, I don't need Tom in my life you know." "Oh? So who's the mystery man?" Karen asked curiously. "That's for me to know and for you to never find out," Janice teased. "Aww come on...

2 years ago
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Christine Pt2 repost

Introduction: originally posted under Unknown User Its been two weeks since we had that afternoon interlude and Susan has called, faxed, emailed or voice mailed me every day with sexual suggestions and innuendoes. So far Ive resisted the urge to give in to her suggestions. Dont get me wrong, she was incredible. Ive never met anyone with a sexual appetite such as hers. Its just that I have been more than satisfied as of late. Christine and I sat down that same evening and talked about what had...

3 years ago
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Christine had invited her friend for a sleep over knowing full well that I had the hots for her, just one look at her firm 40inch chest could reduce me to a wreck. Christine breasts were a nice size considering her slim frame about 36c if I recall set off with a delicate candy pink nipple that was to die for. I had an idea that Christine was trying her best to match me up with her mate Sharon and I did not plan on this. Whilst watching the video the two girls were doing there best to...

1 year ago
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ChristineChapter 2

"Mom? I'm home," Christine said cheerfully as she walked into her house that evening. Her first day of work went smoothly. "Mom?" She repeated but her mother was nowhere in sight. Christine kicked off her shoes, took off her cap and went to the kitchen to pour herself a drink when suddenly she felt a strong hand cover her mouth. She gasped and her eyes widened. "Shhh little sis. Mom's not home right now. We have the house to ourselves." David's deep voice whispered in her ear. His...

3 years ago
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Christine Illingworth Beds Young Seb Connors

Val Smyth was still glowing after the fucking that nineteen-year-old Seb Connors had given her the previous night when she phoned her friend Christine Illingworth. "Hi Chris, well I did it," announced Val."Did what?" asked a still sleepy Christine."Fucked Seb Connors of course," replied Val."Shit, you didn't, was he good?" asked the mid-fifties Christine of her similar-aged friend."Yeah, fucking amazing, I told him that you fancy him too," said Val."You did, what did he say?" responded the now...

3 years ago
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Christine her mother sister

Last night I stopped at Christine's, when I got there she was watching the tv, so I put my arm round her kissed her on lips & moved my hand towards her ginger minge moving her knickers to one side finger fucking her, I opened her dressing gown & pulling her nighty up feeling her tits I then got her a lay down on the settee I was feeling her all over kissing her then sucking her tits with my fingers in her cunt, then she said it fuck me please so I got up removed my jeans & underwear...

2 years ago
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Christine 10 ndash Mom Christine and I in the p

Let me tell you, the rest of the afternoon was pretty fucking tense. All three of us knew something would be happening later but we, well mom anyway, acted as if nothing of the sort was afoot. By about 5:00 o’clock, the guys had had a few more beers and decided to go in to watch the end of a game on the golf channel. Good, check!About an hour later, mom and Christine go in to get supper for the k**s but we’re not hungry and decide to pass. Mom goes downstairs to offer dinner to the guys, comes...

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Christine and Serena Part 2

Christine continued to show Serena around the school. Serena was glad she came to this school. It had all she needed and she could get. Christine held Serena’s hand as they walked to the next class, which was literature with Ms. Karen. Ms. Karen was a short woman with white blonde hair. She had on a black pencil skirt and a white ruffle blouse. “Hello Ms. Karen” Christine said as she closed the door. “Hello Christine. Who is this?” Ms. Karen said looking at Serena. Ms. Karen looked...

2 years ago
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Christine and Serena Part 1

Normally, she was on time before the bell, but instead she decided “why not make an entrance being late”. So the late bell had rung and she walked into her homeroom class. She took her seat which was located in the back, where she noticed a new student. The girl was sitting in the seat next to hers. So she made her way to her seat and looked at the girl, getting better details. The girl was pretty. She had luscious brown hair that looked incredibly smooth, fair even skin tone, her uniform...

2 years ago
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ChristineChapter 5

As the weeks went on, Christine didn't eat or talk much. She'd lost weight and her pretty face was so pale. She would think about Janice every single day. Though she fought hard not to keep loving her she couldn't help it. Janice had been the only person that had made her heart melt. Christine had been getting very sick. The constant throwing up began to worry her. She figured it was just stress from quitting the job she loved and losing the woman of her dreams. "You're not too well....

3 years ago
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Christine and Jen

A word about each lady … My wife Christine is 50, has dark hair, blue eyes, is about 5’ 6’ and weights bout 120. She has a flat tummy, tight body, 36 D enhanced tits, an amazingly tight squishy and waxed pussy, and an asshole that devours tongues and cocks. I often share her as we pick up guy(s) and girls after our nights out in Chicago. Our daughter Jen is 24, short blonde hair, smooth flawless skin, flat tummy and she also keeps her pussy waxed. I have been fucking Jen since she was...

1 year ago
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Paul Barker was of two minds about his daughter moving back into the family home after finally giving up on her no-good bum of a husband. He and his wife, Jessie, had expressed strong doubts at the time, but the headstrong 18 year old had eloped and run off to Reno and, when they returned, it was too late for their cooler heads to prevail. She was married, and had already been pregnant. The baby girl, whom the proud parents named Christine, was born six months after the elopement. No honest...

4 years ago
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I often say this when writing about Christine - if you haven't previously read about my encounters with her then it will probably help to go back and read some. Christine isn't a fictional character created for the benefits of these pages - she's 100% real and all my stories are completely true, told as accurately as I can recall and without any embellishment whatsoever.Folklore would have you believe that there are women out there who guys can call on at any given time for sex and I'm sure...

2 years ago
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Christine Dies

Christine DiesIt was with some reluctance that Yuri finally agreed commission a statue of the sex slave he had murdered with his own hands by burying her alive. Stipulations: she must be life-size; completely naked; realistic to the last detail. No other material but gold was good enough. There were enough photographs of Christine in her nakedness so that lack of realism would never be an issue, and as for gold - Yuri's fortune could purchase the most glamorous of living women and would have no...

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Christine and Jonny Ch 03

Christine awoke in the middle of the night. Jonny was fast asleep next to her, but she only knew because she could feel his warm body pressed against hers, under the blankets. The room was pitch black, it was the middle of the night. There was movement in Jonny’s bedroom, though. Christine couldn’t place it. ‘Elizabeth?’ she said softly. There was a sharp intake of breath. Christine’s eyes were adjusting a bit to the dark, and she could make out Elizabeth’s figure, near the door. ‘I’m gonna...

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Christine was four years younger than I. She was a petite woman. Only 5’1” in height. She weighed a mere 99 pounds. However. She was all woman. Hot blooded. passionate, sexually provocative and was fascinated with men who packed larger than average equipment.I met Christine at a party at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. She presented as a lively, intelligent, professional woman. She was a CPA with a major national firm. During the event, I began to put the move on her. I was not the only man trying. She...

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Christine 2 ndash Playing in the kitchen

“Where’s your aunt?” my mom aks.“She’s just cleaning a little getting coffee and desert ready” I answer. Smiling all the while. A few minutes go by and Christine yells out“Mark, coffee’s ready, can you give me a hand please”Of course I practically run to the kitchen and Christine is still at the cutting board, coffee cups all lined up, cappuccino machine going. “How can I help you aunt Christine?” I ask going behind her and rubbing her ass very gently. “Hmm, don’t please, It’ll show that I’m...

2 years ago
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Christine lets Craig Cum Inside

I'd just finished playing tennis and had headed into the small changing room at the courts. The club was small and owned by an old lady called Mrs Queen, there was only the two courts. Danny said goodbye. I could hear him talking to someone outside.Christine had decided to come and meet me. I heard Danny tell her I was in the changing room, I then heard Christine talking to Mrs Queen.“I'll get him to lock up.” Christine told Mrs Queen. “Just get him to post the keys through my door.” Mrs Queen...

Quickie Sex
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Christine 4 ndash Going all the way

Where were we? Oh yes. Christine just kept on driving after I had made her cum in her car while she was driving me home. But as the other story says, she wanted me to be her slave for a few hours. You might remember Christine. Long legged aunt, who always wear skirts and nylons that just clings to her skin. So I sit back in the Mercedes’ warmed leather seats and I let her take charge. She’s driving, and I turn around a little, ogling her. Her breasts are pointing forward and, since she just...

4 years ago
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My old neigbor

It was already my holidays so i thought it would be fun. My family left me in his care and left. Joe was gay and only i knew about it, He didnt reveal it to Mark. Joe had a sugar daddy who used to take care of him, Joe lied to mark that he got a job and thats where he gets his money from. I knew the reality and Joe used to spend days at his sugar daddys house saying he is out with friends on a trip. Now i liked girls but the day i knew about Joe and his sugar daddy i started to develop some...

2 years ago
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Christine et les 2 garccedilons

Cette histoire vient de mon imaginaire…Même si les personnages sont inspiré de connaissance ^^Quand elle arrive chez elle, sa grand-mère demanda « alors cette journée ? »« Que de surprise Mamie et j’espère que celle de demain va m en réserver plus »Les choses qu’elle avait vu hier, l’avait très excité, elle eu du mal à dormir, sa petite chatte était encore chaude et collante, elle repensa aux bites qu’elle avait vu, la façon dont elles rentraient dans une femme puis s’endormie dans sa chambre,...

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Christine Pt 1

My eyes slowly started to open as I could feel a beam of light on my face. Soon I opened my eyes before putting my hand above my eyes to block off the light. I realized it was the sun coming through drapes that I didn't recognize. I quickly sat up looking around the bedroom I was in but nothing was familiar. "What the hell?" I said softly as I continued to scan the room. I started to feel cold when I looked down seeing that I was completely naked. I started to panic as I looked around the...

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Christine 6 ndash Christmas party

In the previous part of this story, my mom had confided some pretty hot stuff about aunt Christine at my mom’s wedding. Which left me in an uncomfortable state, if I might put it that way. But life is not a never ending sex fiesta. Life normally is, err normal (having a slow day here people but stay with me). Just to put you back in context, this is around the holiday period and we’re planning our own, intimate family Christmas party. Just our own closely knit family. My mom, my dad, 2 sisters,...

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christine 3

vendredi 22 décembredernier jour du boulot avant les vacances, j'avais prévenu christine que je lui réservait un petit cadeau de noel!18h, tout le monde est parti à part les agents d'entretiens, je me dirige vers le bureau de christine! J'entre sans frapper, elle est au téléphone avec son mari, il lui reproche d'etre toujours au bureau, je lui fais signe de raccrocher, ce qu'elle fait rapidement! elle se leve, elle est superbe, chemisier bleu ciel, pull et pantalon bleu foncé, escarpins bleus,...

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Christine the Office Sissy Slut B a S S 6

Monday morning I have arrived at the office around 7am dressed in female professional business clothes , sexy underwear , the breast prosthetic 38DD ,and my blonde wig.On Friday I had left as Chris dressed in a suit Michelle had destroyed my masculinity reprogrammed me to suck cock ,any big cock , dress in ladies clothing and enjoy being Christine the Sissy Slut, being fucked in my boy pussy. Worship Cock. I had sold my BMW M sport car and bought a Nissan Leaf . Given all my male clothing to...

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Christine lets Craig Cum Inside

I’d just finished playing tennis and had headed into the small changing room at the courts. The club was small and owned by an old lady called Mrs Queen, there was only the two courts. Danny said goodbye. I could hear him talking to someone outside. Christine had decided to come and meet me. I heard Danny tell her I was in the changing room, I then heard Christine talking to Mrs Queen. “I’ll get him to lock up.” Christine told Mrs Queen. “Just get him to post the keys through my door.” Mrs...

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Christine gets fucked again

Go to hers this morning, Christine's I mean knocks on the door, She open it with a funny look on her face, come in her says, so in I goes she sits at the table & says I've got something to ask you, I have seen your car in the carpark at the bottom of my mum's street, I hope you haven't been fucking my mum, would I, yes you would you bastard, Well all I can say is no I haven't & for the car being in the carpark I needed a bit of shopping, ( I'm thinking silly fucking slag of course I've...

3 years ago
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Christine and Wine

“Hey Justin*.” I returned the smile and removed my sunglasses, “Well, well if it isn’t my favourite sales lady, hey Christine, how is things?” She chuckled at my half-compliment, “Not too bad, business is slow though.” I nodded my head, placed my helmet on the counter and leaned on my arms next to it, “Yeah I hear you, having a slow time myself.” Christine is almost ten years my senior, after her divorce I’ve been flirting regularly with her, but never actually tried to...

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Christine ist 22, studiert und verdient sich nebenbei etwas Geld in dem sie Nachhilfe in Mathe gibt. Sie hat für ihre Größe (knapp 1,60 Meter) mächtige Brüste, die schön steil nach oben gerichtet sind und einen geilen Arsch schön voll und rund, aber dennoch sehr fest, wie geschaffen für einen Arschfick. Christine sitzt gerade in einer Vorlesung. Sie trägt einen langen schwarzen Rock und ein schwarzes Top mit tiefem Ausschnitt wodurch man einen perfekten Einblick auf ihre Titten hat, begünstigt...

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Christine 8 ndash Now thatrsquos a weird turn

Most of these stories go on and on with people having sex all the time, every time they meet, at every occasion. Well, we’re a family you see. Things don’t happen that way with us. Sure I tried coping a feel of mom’s tits, I brushed against her but she pushed me away; always looking at me with a reproachful smile, but a smile nonetheless.In fact, a few weeks after my experience with mom, she told me, again at the breakfast table, that she had absolutely loved making love to me but that would be...

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I met Ruth at college when I was nineteen, she was a twenty-five-year-old teaching assistant in another department. We clicked and soon enough were an item. Things were smooth for a few years, but as sometimes happens, we drifted apart and broke up a year after I finished my bachelor degree. I moved away from town for a couple of years for a job but came back for a better one. My second week back in town I bumped into Ruth at a local bar. One thing led to another and we ended up in...

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Christine in the Caribbean more sex missing para

We had been married about 12 years when I was offered the post in Grand Cayman. Warm all year, too hot in summer best beach in the world. Turquoise sea like a tepid to warm bath.i had to work of course Chris was free most of the time but she did some part time jobs to pass the time. I had bought her a new vibe to play with a rabbit from Ann Summers and she loved it. The first time she felt those soft vibrating finger things again her clit with the main stem in her she came so so hard. I thought...

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Christine sister Amy there mother

I was up early this morning, Feeling horny I fancy a little black bush, so off I goes to Amy's knocks on the door & it opens after a bit she standing there in a very little nighty you could all most see her hairy cunt, Hello you ok I says, yes she says are you coming in well yes please,Well I'm following in to the kitchen I couldn't keep my eye's off her arse, She turns and says what bring s tyou here at this time, I looks at her & says you don't know with a smile, then she says you...

2 years ago
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Christine in the Caribbean more sexy fun

We had been married about 12 years when I was offered the post in Grand Cayman. Warm all year, too hot in summer best beach in the world. Turquoise sea like a tepid to warm bath.i had to work of course Chris was free most of the time but she did some part time jobs to pass the time. I had bought her a new vibe to play with a rabbit from Ann Summers and she loved it. The first time she felt those soft vibrating finger things again her clit with the main stem in her she came so so hard. I thought...

1 year ago
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Christine and Jen The sharing expands

As for my daughter Jen, she has been my fuck toy since turning 20. Her dirty blonde hair, flat tummy, waxed pussy and pear shaped ass have given me tons of enjoyment. I have recently started fucking her ass in addition to her pussy and mouth. At home, Christine Jen and I spend many nights in bed together. Whether the ladies are tribbing or licking one another’s pussy or asshole, or whether I’m joining them, our sex life is amazing. However we end up, I always deposit my load in one of...

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Christine more cheating from her early years eve

This is a sequel to my wife’s first cheat. Best read that first. Thanks.after receiving my blessing so to speak to her infidelity Chris was very active with extra marital sex, and sometimes with two guys at the same time. This was good, our sex life had lost its early excitement and the stories she had to tell spiced things up and I was now already hooked on sloppy seconds (or thirds?)after she she had returned home from a quick shag in the grass, she told me the same guy had come round to the...

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Christine Transgenderism reposted

This story has been reposted due to xhamster having converted every comma in the original post into a question mark for some unknown and baffling reason.Introductory notes; The following piece is an extract from my novel "Sarah's Garden". It is not a work of erotica as such so if you've come here looking for erotic stimulation then I apologise. Instead this piece is posted as a sort of exploratory discussion of transgenderism. Since I have been posting my work on this site I have had the...

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Christine Transgenderism

Introductory notes; The following piece is an extract from my novel "Sarah's Garden". It is not a work of erotica as such so if you've come here looking for erotic stimulation then I apologise. Instead this piece is posted as a sort of exploratory discussion of transgenderism. Since I have been posting my work on this site I have had the privilege of meeting many kind people on here who have expressed an interest in transgendered people and why they are what they are. It became apparent that...

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Christine Part IV

A Life of Servitude Part IV by Christine After what seemed like hours, the vehicle stopped. Jim heard a door opening and then felt someone lifting the box he was entombed in. He felt it being placed on the ground and could hear several voices. The top of the box was opened and Jim was lifted to his feet. His body was so cramped, every muscle screamed in agony. Tears ran down his face within the mask. He wanted to scream, but of course, with no tongue and the penis gag in...

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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When I was 18 , my family lived next to this young couple . The Husband worked a lot an the wife was home a lot . My bedroom window was across from theirs. One night they came home an started kissing an as they both started to get undressed , I turned off my light as I watched . The wife , Amber , undid His jeans an pulled out His massive hard cock as She licked along the length with Her tongue made my own cock hard . As she then engulfed it sucking it like a lollipop after He came He hopped...

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Christines Story I

Introduction: As told to Eric Saxon by Christine I had only a week left of summer camp. I had been going to this camp since I was eight. I loved that place in fact I still do. There was so much to do: the crafts, orienteering, the horses, the canoes and boats, I really liked sitting around the campfire with my friends singing songs and telling jokes. I could spend my whole life doing this. Being only thirteen I was feeling sort of funny. I had been reading some of those romance novels, and my...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

1 year ago
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Christines Valuable Lesson

Will looked at the raven-haired beauty laying next to him in the bed. Christine. She was curvy as hell. Gorgeous legs that went on forever. Her pouty lips rivaled those of Angelina Jolie and Scarlett Johansson. Just the epitome of perfection. Christine had just one flaw … she was a bitch. Time and time again, he forgave her, because she was a damn good fuck. And right now, her legs were spread wide, almost in invitation, and her pussy glistened in the soft moonlight streaming through the...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

3 years ago
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Christines Story II

Introduction: As told to me By Christine The scenes of being fucked kept recurring. I could still see his naked cock as he stood over me. From my point of view it seemed enormous. His circumcised dick stood straight out from his loins supported by a tight sack. It bobbed up and down like a caged animal. Then I was being fucked. Over and over again this movie replayed itself. First I could see his phallus then I was being fucked. I awoke with a start. I was disoriented for a moment. Then the...

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Christines Adventures in Change

AUTHOR'S NOTES: I wrote this story for fun. I think the last part is kind of funny! The first part explains where the main character comes from. Note to critics: I plan to salvage this story's start and write a serious complete story with it! I also know the last part is bad. Give me a break! Enjoy some laughs! I also intend to write some more vignettes and a conclusion to this piece. Enjoy! I also apologize to Sarah Barndt for using the stepford link. Please forgive me and have a laugh....

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 11 Althea the School Girl

Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...

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The Devils Pact Sidestory Miss Blythe Is Hot for Her Students

edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

1 year ago
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Athena Corp Chronicles A Mothers Love

As he approached one of the hall's long mirrors he stopped to inspect himself. It was a familiar sight, the flowing, billowy French maid outfit surrounding his body. His arms and legs were outlined in silky, white stockings and arm-gloves. He wore pearl earrings and the lacy white collar around his neck was adorned with a beautiful pendant. It was a gift from mother that he wore every day, without fail. Jon's painted red lips and neatly applied eyeliner and blush were evidence that he was...

2 years ago
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Sex Therapy 2 The Thert

PREFACE:There are no sex acts in the story but the patient does have an orgasm as a result of the Ther****t’s physical examination. Part 1 is the Sex Therapy appointment from the patient’s point of view and part 2 is the same examination seen through the eyes of the Ther****t. I don’t think it matters which one you read first.I hope you enjoy it and will let me know what you think in any...

1 year ago
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Aunt Katherin and Her SlavesChapter 2 Katherine

Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...

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