Un souci avec les cellules grises
- 3 years ago
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"Hey, you don't talk to me the way you did earlier," David warned Christine later that night. He'd entered her room as usual. He had his t-shirt off and his flannel pajama pants on. His eyes showed anger as he made a fist. "Leave me alone, please!" Christine pleaded. "Not until I get some pussy. Now come here," David said grabbing Christine by the arm. Christine struggled but David threw her on her bed. She was going to have sex with him again, she knew that. This would go on...
The next day at work, Christine waited until Janice came in. Janice's face was glowing and she hummed a sweet tune as she walked in the office. Karen raised a brow. "I see someone must have gotten lucky last night." Janice laughed. "Maybe." "Ah did Tom call you?" Christine giggled. "Uh no, I don't need Tom in my life you know." "Oh? So who's the mystery man?" Karen asked curiously. "That's for me to know and for you to never find out," Janice teased. "Aww come on...
Introduction: originally posted under Unknown User Its been two weeks since we had that afternoon interlude and Susan has called, faxed, emailed or voice mailed me every day with sexual suggestions and innuendoes. So far Ive resisted the urge to give in to her suggestions. Dont get me wrong, she was incredible. Ive never met anyone with a sexual appetite such as hers. Its just that I have been more than satisfied as of late. Christine and I sat down that same evening and talked about what had...
Christine had invited her friend for a sleep over knowing full well that I had the hots for her, just one look at her firm 40inch chest could reduce me to a wreck. Christine breasts were a nice size considering her slim frame about 36c if I recall set off with a delicate candy pink nipple that was to die for. I had an idea that Christine was trying her best to match me up with her mate Sharon and I did not plan on this. Whilst watching the video the two girls were doing there best to...
"Mom? I'm home," Christine said cheerfully as she walked into her house that evening. Her first day of work went smoothly. "Mom?" She repeated but her mother was nowhere in sight. Christine kicked off her shoes, took off her cap and went to the kitchen to pour herself a drink when suddenly she felt a strong hand cover her mouth. She gasped and her eyes widened. "Shhh little sis. Mom's not home right now. We have the house to ourselves." David's deep voice whispered in her ear. His...
Val Smyth was still glowing after the fucking that nineteen-year-old Seb Connors had given her the previous night when she phoned her friend Christine Illingworth. "Hi Chris, well I did it," announced Val."Did what?" asked a still sleepy Christine."Fucked Seb Connors of course," replied Val."Shit, you didn't, was he good?" asked the mid-fifties Christine of her similar-aged friend."Yeah, fucking amazing, I told him that you fancy him too," said Val."You did, what did he say?" responded the now...
MatureLet me tell you, the rest of the afternoon was pretty fucking tense. All three of us knew something would be happening later but we, well mom anyway, acted as if nothing of the sort was afoot. By about 5:00 o’clock, the guys had had a few more beers and decided to go in to watch the end of a game on the golf channel. Good, check!About an hour later, mom and Christine go in to get supper for the k**s but we’re not hungry and decide to pass. Mom goes downstairs to offer dinner to the guys, comes...
Christine continued to show Serena around the school. Serena was glad she came to this school. It had all she needed and she could get. Christine held Serena’s hand as they walked to the next class, which was literature with Ms. Karen. Ms. Karen was a short woman with white blonde hair. She had on a black pencil skirt and a white ruffle blouse. “Hello Ms. Karen” Christine said as she closed the door. “Hello Christine. Who is this?” Ms. Karen said looking at Serena. Ms. Karen looked...
Normally, she was on time before the bell, but instead she decided “why not make an entrance being late”. So the late bell had rung and she walked into her homeroom class. She took her seat which was located in the back, where she noticed a new student. The girl was sitting in the seat next to hers. So she made her way to her seat and looked at the girl, getting better details. The girl was pretty. She had luscious brown hair that looked incredibly smooth, fair even skin tone, her uniform...
As the weeks went on, Christine didn't eat or talk much. She'd lost weight and her pretty face was so pale. She would think about Janice every single day. Though she fought hard not to keep loving her she couldn't help it. Janice had been the only person that had made her heart melt. Christine had been getting very sick. The constant throwing up began to worry her. She figured it was just stress from quitting the job she loved and losing the woman of her dreams. "You're not too well....
A word about each lady … My wife Christine is 50, has dark hair, blue eyes, is about 5’ 6’ and weights bout 120. She has a flat tummy, tight body, 36 D enhanced tits, an amazingly tight squishy and waxed pussy, and an asshole that devours tongues and cocks. I often share her as we pick up guy(s) and girls after our nights out in Chicago. Our daughter Jen is 24, short blonde hair, smooth flawless skin, flat tummy and she also keeps her pussy waxed. I have been fucking Jen since she was...
Paul Barker was of two minds about his daughter moving back into the family home after finally giving up on her no-good bum of a husband. He and his wife, Jessie, had expressed strong doubts at the time, but the headstrong 18 year old had eloped and run off to Reno and, when they returned, it was too late for their cooler heads to prevail. She was married, and had already been pregnant. The baby girl, whom the proud parents named Christine, was born six months after the elopement. No honest...
I often say this when writing about Christine - if you haven't previously read about my encounters with her then it will probably help to go back and read some. Christine isn't a fictional character created for the benefits of these pages - she's 100% real and all my stories are completely true, told as accurately as I can recall and without any embellishment whatsoever.Folklore would have you believe that there are women out there who guys can call on at any given time for sex and I'm sure...
Christine DiesIt was with some reluctance that Yuri finally agreed commission a statue of the sex slave he had murdered with his own hands by burying her alive. Stipulations: she must be life-size; completely naked; realistic to the last detail. No other material but gold was good enough. There were enough photographs of Christine in her nakedness so that lack of realism would never be an issue, and as for gold - Yuri's fortune could purchase the most glamorous of living women and would have no...
Part I ?Ah great?, Les had thought to himself, ?the whole spa to myself?. Currently, he was lounging in the sauna at a popular Korean spa. As he sat there, letting the warm air penetrate his aching muscles, he looked through the glass door at the rest of the hot tub area where only two other people were sitting. All parties were naked, as was the rule at all these facilities; clothes were prohibited in this area. At twenty seven, he was the youngest patron at this time. Usually the spa...
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Les grandes vacances d'Arnaud ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapitre 1 : la rancune de Maria Dans l'avion qui volait en direction d'Alicante, en Espagne, Arnaud ?tait sur son ordinateur. Il r?digeait un rapport pour son patron. - Arnaud, tu ne peux pas d?compresser un peu? Je te rappelle que nous sommes en vacances! Alex pous...
J'ai toujours eu de la chance d'?tre n? dans cette famille. C'est ce que tout le monde me disait, partout. Mon p?re, pharmacien, en Normandie, avait une bonne situation, et ma m?re travaillait comme cadre dans une banque. Bref, n? avec une cuiller en argent dans la bouche. Mon p?re ?tait quelqu'un de tr?s amusant, r?veur. Il aimait bien jouer ? cache- cache avec nous, et savait faire des choses extraordinaires avec son visage, tirer sur sa peau ? l'infini comme de l'?lastique. Ma m?re ?tait assez grosse, et je me ra...
Viols au lyc?e 1 – Les premi?res proies High School Rape Club – I Coulybaca / Black Demon ? ? ? ? ? Prenant place dans leur planque favorite au fond du lyc?e, ils surveillaient pour s'assurer qu'aucun prof ne s'approchait les emp?chant de terminer leur derni?re cigarette. Ils n'?taient pas vraiment volontaires pour fr?quenter le lyc?e, mais c'?tait toujours mieux que le centre de d?tention qu'ils avaient d?j? tous visit?s. Cependant ils devaient admettre d'?tre surveill?s, cependant le lyc?e s'av?rait aussi un excellent v...
R?sum? de l'?pisode 3: Michelle Le secret de Michelle avait ?t? d?couvert par ses parents. Son p?re r?agit avec une grande violence, et sa m?re, apr?s avoir d'abord ?t? horrifi?e par la f?minisation de son fils, d?cida de totalement soutenir son enfant, et de divorcer de son mari brutal. Nicole et Michelle se rapproch?rent durant ces ?preuves et les deux gar?ons f?minis?s devinrent tr?s amis. Nicole rencontra ?galement pour la premi?re fois Sylvie, la gyn?cologue qui fournissait son traitement hormonal. Apr?s une ?trange consult...
R?sum? de l'?pisode 4: Doria Nicole, en poursuivant sa f?minisation, d?couvre de nouveaux aspects de Doria, la m?re d'Agathe. Elle d?couvre les origines de ses go?ts ?tranges, mais aussi le fait que Doria fait partie d'une organisation importante de femmes dominatrices. Pendant les vacances, Nicole est troubl?e de d?couvrir qu'elle attire les gar?ons... Mais elle finit par se faire violer par l'un d'entre eux, et d?couvre ainsi certains aspects plus difficiles ? vivre de sa nouvelle f?minit?. Mais elle n'en e...
Les tromperies de C?dric par Aur?lie et Chlo? "- Tu veux que je t'aide C?dric?!? Mais comment oses-tu mater ce cul de cette petite pouffe juste devant mes yeux? Je commence ? en avoir marre de toi C?dric, s?rieux..." "- Allons ch?rie, je regardais ? peine... Et tu sais bien que je n'aime que toi!" C?dric tentait de s'excuser mais au fond de lui, il se foutait compl?tement des remarques de sa femme. Ce n'?tait pas ?a qu'il l'emp?cherait de mater le cul des petites jeunes ? peine majeures. C?dric et son ?pouse, Mar...
After receiving the text of thanks from Les, Phoebe checks out the stock and set-up for the day before replying. She wanted to immediately but did not want to disturb Les with a text while she was driving.Phoebe: Memories of last night and this morning linger in my mind. You are who deserve my thanks.The text comes through to Les just as she pulled into her drive. Parked, she replies.Les: I cannot believe what happened between us and cannot wait until this evening to see you again.Phoebe: ...
TransR?sum? de l'?pisode 1: Nicole Nicolas avait quinze ans. Il ?tait un petit d?linquant sans projet d'avenir, au grand d?sespoir de sa m?re. Sa vie fut boulevers?e le jour o? il rencontra Agathe et ses s?urs D?borah et Alexie. Par amour pour Agathe, il accepta petit ? petit toutes ses fantaisies: du port de petites culottes f?minines ? un travestissement plus complet. Doria, la m?re d'Agathe, proposa ? la m?re de Nicolas de s'occuper de lui, ce qui impliquait une f?minisation plus pouss?e, y compris avec l'utilisation d'...
La v?rit? sur les contes : les 3 petits cochonsIntroductionsIl etait une fois, dans un petit village occidental au moyen age, un jeune homme de bonne famille qui avait obtenu la charge d'assistant inquisiteur. Sa famille avait longuement oeuvr? pour obtenir cette nomination. Cela avait cout? assez cher mais avec la chasse aux h?r?tiques, il etait possible de rapidement se rembourser en prenant sa part sur les biens confisqu?s par l'?glise. Ce jeune homme brun, ? la chevelure non maitrisable, aux gros sourcils,a...
Les trois souhaits par Forestier Souvent, la nuit, je r?ve. Je r?ve que tout est redevenu comme avant. Je r?ve que je suis dans mon lit avec ma blonde, me pressant contre son dos, tenant un de ses seins dans ma main. Puis je me r?veille. Mon cauchemar reprend. Premier souhait Un jour, j'ai re?u un courriel. Il ?tait intitul? ?Un g?nie en formation vous offre trois souhaits?. Bien entendu, je l'ai mis ? la poubelle -- les filtres anti-pourriels ont souvent des trous, avais-je pens?. Apr?s tout, com...
Christine awoke in the middle of the night. Jonny was fast asleep next to her, but she only knew because she could feel his warm body pressed against hers, under the blankets. The room was pitch black, it was the middle of the night. There was movement in Jonny’s bedroom, though. Christine couldn’t place it. ‘Elizabeth?’ she said softly. There was a sharp intake of breath. Christine’s eyes were adjusting a bit to the dark, and she could make out Elizabeth’s figure, near the door. ‘I’m gonna...
R?sum? de l'?pisode 2: Yvette Nicolas se lia d'amiti? avec Yvette, la bonne, qui s'av?ra ?tre en r?alit? le mari de Doria. Yvette lui raconta son histoire, ce qui encouragea Nicolas ? accepter sa f?minisation et sa nouvelle vie. Agathe, sa petite amie, lui faisait d?couvrir de nouveaux aspects de l'amour. M?me sa m?re semblait accepter, et m?me appr?cier cette situation. Petit ? petit, Nicole rempla?ait Nicolas, et ses doutes semblaient ?tre oubli?s. Jusqu'au jour o? Michelle, la petite amie de D?borah, la s?ur d'Agathe, ar...
Nicole Les f?minisatrices - Episode 1 Ma vie changea l'ann?e de mes quinze ans. Depuis que mon p?re ?tait parti, je vivais seul avec ma m?re dans un petit appartement. Maman n'?tait pas souvent ? la maison. Elle travaillait ? la caisse d'un supermarch?, et comme son salaire ?tait insuffisant, elle faisait le m?nage pour des personnes ?g?es. J'?tais donc souvent livr? ? moi-m?me, et je d?sesp?rais ma m?re en faisant l'?cole buissonni?re et en participant souvent ? des actes de petite d?linquance. A cette ?poque, je faisais p...
La v?rit? sur les contes - Blanche NeigeLe miroir- Han ! Han ! Lord John etait en train de s'activer avec ?nergie. A genoux, derri?re une jolie femme, dans la quarantaine.Celle-ci, aux long cheveux bruns et lisses, ? la peau laiteuse, se trouvait nue ? 4 pattes sur son lit.Ces grosses mamelles, encore tres fermes malgr? une grossesse, ballotaient sous elle ? chaque coup de rein de son amant.La grosse et longue queue de Lord John, qui l'avaient aid? ? progresser dans la noblesse au fil de ses conquetes, faisaientd...
THE FALL OF LES AND THE RISE OF LILLY "Sir, excuse me Sir," the agitated shop assistant called after him, "you are in the wrong department, women's lingerie and women's wear are this way." She took hold of his arm and led him out of the small menswear department towards the sign that read "Ladieswear." She took him through the racks of skirts and dresses, past some changing rooms where he glimpsed a man trying on a dress being watched over by his wife amongst women who were also...
LISA LOVE is the love of my life: most dear, pretty, tasty, sexy, sweet and completely dedicatedLisa Love is a blonde beautiful baby - she looks like my dream of life come true, I am intoxicatedI feel twenty years younger with this best intoxication which ever happened to me in so many yearsI feel often like she is already living with me now, as talking every night makes us feel so closeI will also host my best girlfriend from here at my home, finally she is not afraid anymore to meet meI will...
Christine was four years younger than I. She was a petite woman. Only 5’1” in height. She weighed a mere 99 pounds. However. She was all woman. Hot blooded. passionate, sexually provocative and was fascinated with men who packed larger than average equipment.I met Christine at a party at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. She presented as a lively, intelligent, professional woman. She was a CPA with a major national firm. During the event, I began to put the move on her. I was not the only man trying. She...
Saturday morning is sunny and pleasant when Abbie and Tim awake and start their day. In the high seventies, it is cool enough not to be overheated as they walk through the outside market.After a quick breakfast where Tim tells Abbie he wants to learn to do the prostate massage properly for her enjoyment, they find themselves aroused again. They will have to put some reins on things, but for now, in the early days, it is fun giving into longings and desires.Back upstairs, their clothes...
TransMonday night, after devouring a throw-together dinner, Abbie and Tim meander to the sitting room with drinks. Both are thinking about playing with their new toys. After the reaction they had shopping, leading to primal sex; perhaps they will wait a while before experiencing their purchases more. Instead, Abbie brings up her news about the letter sent to Les. She does preface her comments by stating she received this news as fact, not gossip.Tim laughs a bit at her and tells her yes, this is...
TransLISA LOVE is the love of my life: most dear, pretty, tasty, sexy, sweet and completely dedicatedLisa Love is a blonde beautiful baby - she looks like my dream of life come true, I am intoxicatedI feel twenty years younger with this best intoxication which ever happened to me in so many yearsI feel often like she is already living with me now, as talking every night makes us feel so closeI will also host my best girlfriend from here at my home, finally she is not afraid anymore to meet meI will...
“Where’s your aunt?” my mom aks.“She’s just cleaning a little getting coffee and desert ready” I answer. Smiling all the while. A few minutes go by and Christine yells out“Mark, coffee’s ready, can you give me a hand please”Of course I practically run to the kitchen and Christine is still at the cutting board, coffee cups all lined up, cappuccino machine going. “How can I help you aunt Christine?” I ask going behind her and rubbing her ass very gently. “Hmm, don’t please, It’ll show that I’m...
I'd just finished playing tennis and had headed into the small changing room at the courts. The club was small and owned by an old lady called Mrs Queen, there was only the two courts. Danny said goodbye. I could hear him talking to someone outside.Christine had decided to come and meet me. I heard Danny tell her I was in the changing room, I then heard Christine talking to Mrs Queen.“I'll get him to lock up.” Christine told Mrs Queen. “Just get him to post the keys through my door.” Mrs Queen...
Quickie SexTim leaves for a while to get ice cream for dessert. Also, for some time to think about what Leslie has told them. Today, which was supposed to be celebrating Abbie and him together, has taken a strange, and to him, a somewhat bothersome turn. He needs some time to sort it all out. Abbie knew that instinctually, offering him a way to step away for a bit.Meanwhile, back in the kitchen, Abbie turns to Les. Abbie urges her to tell about how sensational sex was with Cyn the first time. Les...
TransB?atrice : les d?butschapitre 1 : R?solutionsJe m'ennuie. Plus je reflechis et plus j'en arrive ? la meme conclusion, vraiment je m'ennuie.Et encore cela ne traduit pas ma pens?e brute, ce serait bien plus grossier.Je traine mon ennui partout ! en classe, bien que j'y aille de moins en moins ? cause du sport.C'est vrai que je me d?brouille pas trop mal au tennis et que j'obtiens quelques resultats qui fontque plusieurs personnes ont mis?s leurs espoirs sur moi. Drole d'id?e et droles de gens.Eux aussi m'ennuient ...
Last night I stopped at Christine's, when I got there she was watching the tv, so I put my arm round her kissed her on lips & moved my hand towards her ginger minge moving her knickers to one side finger fucking her, I opened her dressing gown & pulling her nighty up feeling her tits I then got her a lay down on the settee I was feeling her all over kissing her then sucking her tits with my fingers in her cunt, then she said it fuck me please so I got up removed my jeans & underwear...
Oh my God! I'm sooo jealous. Les has been my best friend since forever. We're both starting at Grossmont High this fall and both made JV Cheer. We've always been able to tell each other anything, Well, until a few months before Jr High ended. You see, I'd fallen in love with Wes, her brother. He's a year older than we are and he's just beautiful. He's tall and thin from bike riding and being in cross country. And he's out all the time mowing lawns in the neighborhood, usually...
Not to be read by persons under 18 years of age. ** WARNING ** You are about to read the fifth and final chapter of this story that will contain graphic sexual activity between boys a man, boys and women and boys and a young girl. You need to be over 18 years old to continue reading this story. A fictional story based on facts that have been embellished. Copyright: 2011 EnglishBoy no copying or changing without owner’s permission Written by EnglishBoy Contact me by sending a...
Quand j'ai rencontre Cindy, je ne savais pas ce qui allait m'arriver quelques semaines plus tard. Je m'appelle Marc et j'ai rencontr? Cindy en boite de nuit. Elle ?tait magnifique et tr?s f?minine. Comme je suis timide j'ai eu besoin de quelques verres pour l'aborder. Le lendemain j'h?sitais de l'appeler, je me disais qu'une fille comme elle ne s'int?resserait pas ? moi plus d'une soir?e. Mais finalement on s'est revu et on a commenc? une relation. Je n'avais pas beaucoup d'exp?rience, mais Cindy savait ut...
LISA LOVE is the love of my life: most dear, pretty, tasty, sexy, sweet and completely dedicatedLisa Love is a blonde beautiful baby - she looks like my dream of life come true, I am intoxicatedI feel twenty years younger with this best intoxication which ever happened to me in so many yearsI feel often like she is already living with me now, as talking every night makes us feel so closeI will also host my best girlfriend from here at my home, finally she is not afraid anymore to meet meI will...
I went into the bathroom, cleaned off and took care of business. After I was back in the room and we'd all settled down, Sam said she had some things to do. Les and I were still tired from being interrupted every two hours during the night and decided to go back to sleep. Sam reminded Les that they had cheer leading practice at 2 in the afternoon. It was 10:30. Les was slipping on a nightgown. "Why don't you come by at 1 and we'll go together. My butt feels pretty good and I don't want...
Where were we? Oh yes. Christine just kept on driving after I had made her cum in her car while she was driving me home. But as the other story says, she wanted me to be her slave for a few hours. You might remember Christine. Long legged aunt, who always wear skirts and nylons that just clings to her skin. So I sit back in the Mercedes’ warmed leather seats and I let her take charge. She’s driving, and I turn around a little, ogling her. Her breasts are pointing forward and, since she just...
My eyes slowly started to open as I could feel a beam of light on my face. Soon I opened my eyes before putting my hand above my eyes to block off the light. I realized it was the sun coming through drapes that I didn't recognize. I quickly sat up looking around the bedroom I was in but nothing was familiar. "What the hell?" I said softly as I continued to scan the room. I started to feel cold when I looked down seeing that I was completely naked. I started to panic as I looked around the...
I've always taken things seriously. If I have something to do, I do it. That showed itself in the way I attacked school, my family chores and other obligations. I assumed others would want to be like me and would lecture them when they weren't. Too late, I found out most of them weren't like me. So I had very few friends. I was thirteen when I realized I liked girls more than boys. Boys were OK and I knew I'd have to get married someday and have children, but girls really did it for me....
Mrs. Crowly lived a couple of blocks over from us. She drove a red and white 1953 Chevy Belair in mint condition. Fins in the back and chrome in the front. Most of the kids I knew would give their eye teeth for a car like that. The only time I ever saw her driving was when she went to church with her sister. Both of them must have been in their 80's. It seemed strange to hear her voice. She was saying "I didn't see him. He just came out in front of me." I wanted to tell her it was...
Not to be read by persons under 18 years of age. ** WARNING ** You are about to read the forth chapter in a story that will contain graphic sexual activity between boys a man, woman and a young girl. You need to be over 18 years old to continue reading this story. A fictional story based on facts that have been embellished. Copyright: 2011 EnglishBoy no copying or changing without owner’s permission Written by EnglishBoy Contact me by sending a message via this site or by email...
As September comes to a close, Les’s house is finished. All the special-order tiles and cabinets have arrived and are installed. Thursday night, after a day of moving in, Les and Phoebe just walk across the drive to join the group for dinner.Afterward, they all troop back to Les’s to have a tour. Sam is embarrassed at all the praise Les is bestowing on him as they enter each room. She is pointing out all the details of the work Sam and his crew have done.At the end of the tour, she promises...
TransIn the previous part of this story, my mom had confided some pretty hot stuff about aunt Christine at my mom’s wedding. Which left me in an uncomfortable state, if I might put it that way. But life is not a never ending sex fiesta. Life normally is, err normal (having a slow day here people but stay with me). Just to put you back in context, this is around the holiday period and we’re planning our own, intimate family Christmas party. Just our own closely knit family. My mom, my dad, 2 sisters,...
Dave, Ann, and Jennifer took a long relaxing shower highlighted by continued kissing and petting. The three lovers came out of the shower squeaky clean and then enjoyed carefully drying each other. Dave got dressed and kissed his girlfriends goodbye. Julie was waiting for Dave when he entered their trailer; she smiled at him and said, "Sounds like you had a good time." Dave looked at her quizzically and she continued, "I could hear Ann screaming from over here. You weren't lying when you...
It was 8:30 the next morning. Mom had called the druggist about getting something to replace the antibiotic cream I was finishing up. He told her he had a plant growing in his backyard that would do a better job than any of the stuff at the store. She'd gone over to his house after he closed the store and picked up a bottle of juice he'd squeezed from the leaves of his Aloe Vera plant. It was the first time I heard of it. Les was in heaven from the first time I put some on her butt. First,...
We got to the elevator and Sam pushed the call button. The doors opened to an empty car. I turned to Mom. "I know you're not old enough for me to call you Mom. Do you mind if I call you Mildred? She laughed. Why don't you call me Sue. That's my name." "Sue. Sue. I like that. Like the Indians. And all this time I thought it was Mom." She was smiling like a schoolgirl. Which is just as well since I felt like a schoolboy. I'd felt that way since yesterday. I'd found the most...
One week before Easter. So much has happened this first year of high school and the summer before it. I fell in love that summer with the boy next door. Funny. I had to stand in line. His sister was at the front of the line, his mother right behind her and I took up the rear. I was just about to get my chance when he got hit by a car. That was a crazy four days. Wes was a virgin Saturday morning. He raped his sister Les Saturday afternoon. He tried to run away on his bike but came back. He...
Le sperme et ses bienfaits sur la santéAvec des qualités nutritionnelles intéressantes, ses propriétés anti-âge établies et son rôle d’antidépresseur pour les femmes, le sperme est définitivement bon pour la santé. À tel point que certains chefs le cuisinent ou le transforment en cocktail.De nombreuses études prouvent les bienfaits du sperme pour la santé des femmes. La semence masculine influerait sur notre humeur ainsi que sur le vieillissement, en plus d’avoir des qualités nutritionnelles.Le...
Tim is calmer now, but it is six already, and Les is coming soon. She will be expecting dinner to be ready. Tim’s insecurities are out entirely. Having taken in so much in the last few hours, he is reverting to how he was before Abbie. Abbie hugs him and tells him to let her get out her ‘recipe book.’ This at least makes Tim laugh a little as Abbie speed dials a local Italian restaurant. Three orders of spaghetti with marinara sauce, which she tells them, can be put all together. Same...