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Chapter 1:
The Pick-Up

So I was sitting at the bar of a club in an old part of town, on a night out, enjoying my Mojito.
My strait friend I was with had been chatted up by this handsome - if a little too slick - guy
and she and him had gone off somewhere more... Private.

I was left all alone, and every girl I chatted to was either strait or in a relationship.
I had already been drinking a lot most of the night and was now onto cocktails and shots.
Feeling bored, I was getting ready to finish my drink and leave.

As I gulped down the last mouthful of my sweet drink, a woman sat down beside me,
placing an hand onto my shoulder for leverage as she sat onto the black leather barstool.

"Another one of them for her."
She instructed the bartender whilst pointing at my now empty glass.

I glanced up at her, and was awestruck at how beautiful she looked.

She was dark, almost latino like. She had a big thick full head of dark brown/almost black hair.
Her dark ruby lips naturally pouting. Her deep dark green eyes burned into mine.
There was something so magnetic about her, yet so mysterious and distant.

It was like all eyes in the darkly lit club was drawn to her, and yet,
no soul was looking at her.

I glanced down at her thick curvy body for just a quick second.
Her large voluptuous breasts were hardly contained in her tight red dress.
The soft satin-like material looked as though it had been painted onto her hourglass figure.
The dress went down only as far as the uppermost regions of her thick full thighs.

"Hi Sam, stay for one last drink."
She told me in a smooth dark voice that burrowed deep into my soul.

"H-h-how do you know my name?"
I had to force my breath over my voice-box to speak my question.

"I know lots of things about you."
She replied mysteriously.
My eyebrows twisted slightly into a quizzical look.

"I'd been listening to you chat with your friend all night, she always calls you Sam,
even though your name is Samantha."
She explained.

"Oh. Oh me and her, we're not, you know, we're not together."
I found myself stating the obvious.

"I know you both don't fuck. Infact she's busy fucking that creep right now.
In the cab on the way to his studio apartment."
She retorted so matter-of-factly.

"How do you know that?"
I puzzled.

"Would you really wait around 'til you get back to the apartment before fucking?"
She asked rather boldly.

I was about to reply when she quickly interrupted.

"Don't answer, I know."
She turned her attention to the bartender as he placed my drink infront of me.
She leaned forward off her stool, grabbing his shoulder to whisper something into his ear.
As she did that, I couldn't help but to check out her bum.

What a bum it was!
It looked so lovely and big and round, her tight short red dress leaving very little to the imagination as it curved and conformed to the magnificent shape of her peachy ass.

Her gorgeous derriere was hidden away underneath her as she sat back down properly onto her stool.

"This one's on the house."
The barman told me in a bland, almost robotic voice.

"Oh um, thanks."
I replied, slightly stunned.
He just ignored me though and walked off to the back room.

"Drink up, I want you to take me home."
She suddenly ordered me.
I almost spat my drink out by the shock of her bluntness.

"And what makes you think I want to take you home?"
I playfully replied, trying to keep a cool composure as I sipped my drink.

"'Cos you've been wanting to fuck me since you laid eyes on me."
She stared deep into my eyes with a little smirk on her gorgeous face.
I chuckled, more out of nervousness than anything else.

"And I noticed you staring at my arse a moment ago, well, drink up and you can have it."
She grinned, revealing gorgeous white shiny teeth.

I licked my lips, and daringly teased her as I took another slow sip from my drink.

"I'm easy, but not that easy!"
I teased her with a wink.

"Fine. Suit yourself."
She suddenly stated, and stood up off the bar.
I couldn't work out by the tone of her voice whether she was angry, annoyed,
or if she just couldn't care less whether she fucked me or not.

I gulped anxiously, thinking I just blew my chance at some fun.

"Wait - wait."
I quickly called to her, and gulped down my drink in one.
She stopped in her tracks and watched me down my drink.
I sighed and placed my empty glass down onto the black wooden bar and stood up.

"Good, come with me."
She grabbed my hand.
Her palm felt very warm but not a trace of sweat or moisture could be felt.

She was noticeably taller than me.
Standing in her black 6inch heels, she was almost dwarfing me by being over a foot taller than me.

She pulled hard on my hand, I almost tripped in my silver coloured heels.
I had to pace hard and fast to keep up with her long powerful strides from her long powerful legs.

She led me outside.
The dark night air was cool and crisp, and the smell of rain lingered around.

"I thought you wanted me to take you home?"
I asked, slightly bewildered.

"You are."
She replied, stopping at the curb to the empty silent road, looking both ways,
as though waiting for a car to drive past.

"Well, we're going the wrong way. The train station's that way."
I told her, feeling a little embarrassed.

"No we're not. We'll take my ride."
She replied, turning her back to the road and looked at me.

As she did that, a black flashy car with black tinted windows pulled up to the curb,
right behind her where she stood.
It's a long stretch of road and I sure didn't see the car from either direction,
it's like it appeared from out of thin air!

I tried to look at the driver's window, but it was foggy and hazy with black smoke.

"Come on."
The beautiful woman ordered, as she opened the back door.
I hesitantly walked over to the car and got in.

"Move up."
She told me, and I sidled over the back seats and sat at the other side.
In one smooth move, she climbed into the car, sat down, and closed the door.

"You know my name, but I don't know yours...?"
I puzzled.

"You can call me, Zee."
She answered, staring at me with her gorgeous deep green eyes.

The car started moving, it was heading in the opposite direction to where my home is.
We turned around a corner and the view outside of the windows turned as dark and as black as the tint on the windows themselves. I couldn't see anything. No buildings, no landmarks, no objects.
No sky. Nothing.

If it wasn't for the small dim light on the ceiling in the car,
we'd have been sitting in complete darkness.
Zee could sense me tensing up nervously.

"Don't be afraid."
She reassured me, placing a hand onto my exposed thigh.
She then leaned in closer to me, as though leaning in for a kiss.
Her subtle sweet spicy perfume slowly filled my lungs.
She leaned in closer. Closer still.
Her beautiful rich full lips of dark ruby red so dangerously close to touching mine.

"You're in safe hands."
She softly whispered to me as I felt her fingertips crawl up my thigh, under my small jean skirt.
Her warm breath smelt like sweet coconut.

I swallowed anxiously, my eyes closed, her lips pressed to mine.
She kissed me, long and slowly, she kissed me.
She opened her mouth a little, almost sucking my tongue into the small abyss of her mouth.
She wrapped her sweet tongue over mine, and snogged me.

My mind went into a complete drunken haze.
I didn't know a second from a minute.
Who knows what length of time passed, but she stopped snogging me.
Our lips smacked as she gently pulled away,
biting my lower lip between her perfect white teeth as she did
before it snapped back into place as she released me.

"Do you want to be mine?"
She asked in a whisper.

I breathlessly utter, opening my heavy eyes slightly to see her.

Chapter 2:
Deal with the Devil

The car suddenly stopped, I nearly fell forward from the sudden change in speed.
She stopped me with her hand placed firmly onto my chest just above my breasts.

"Where are we?"
I asked, looking out at the sea of glowing red from the window.

"Just a little pit stop."
She answered.

"Thought we were going back to my place?"
I replied, feeling lost.

"We will soon. It's just a little pit stop."
She continued.

The car door opened, and she gracefully climbed out.
I shuffled over, to follow her.

"Come. Don't be afraid, you couldn't be in better company here."
She softly chuckled.

I climbed out of the car, and was greeted by a disturbing scene.
It looked like any other street in any other town, but with fires burning and breaking out from deep long cracks in the ground. Houses broken, bricks and dust laying in their wake.
The sky blazed a very dark orangey red.
It was the middle of a cold January night, and yet the heat glowing around my body felt like I was standing outside at noon during a hot summer's heat wave.
She grabbed my hand once again, and led me away.

"W-where are we?"
I asked nervously.

"A place many fear to tread, but many are bound for."
Her mysterious answer raising more questions.

"Am- am I, dead?"
My voice a little shaky.
My question amused her as she let out a rather sexy sounding giggle.

"No, soon you're going to feel very much alive!"
She grinned from ear to ear.

I tried to resist walking with her, but there was something about her that made me feel compelled to keep walking with her. I suddenly heard a loud unearthly groan nearby from a deep fiery hole.

"What was that?!"
I asked in a panic.

"Don't worry."
She replied coolly.

I heard another loud piercing groan, and another, and another.
Like a pained group of a****ls.
The groaning grew louder, the further we walked. Louder, and louder still,
'til the groans turned to screams and gasps and moans and wails.
So loud. I couldn't take any more.
I pulled my hand out of Zee's grasp and covered my ears with both hands.
I closed my eyes, but still, I could hear the terrifying screams.

She grabbed my upper-arm, and marched me over to a grand looking glass building.
The glass tinted black, just like the car door windows.

We walked into an elevator, and without pressing a button, it's silver doors closed
and it took us further down.

"Whe-where are we going?"
I asked, my lip quivering from fear.

"Don't be afraid."
She giggled, enjoying my fear.

"Answer me, where are we going?!"
I almost screamed at her, frustrated by her lack of answers.
This made her giggle all the more.

"We're going to my office."
She finally answered.

"Your office? What for?"
I gulped.

"Business, before pleasure."
She winked at me.

The elevator pinged, and the doors opened to reveal an extravagant room.
The dark red walls packed full of glorious looking paintings,
depicting nightmarish hellish sexual visions.
The black wooden floor underneath eventually gave way to a blood-red fluffy shag carpet.
In the middle of which, stood a huge looking black gothic wooden desk.
Behind the desk, was a big tall luxurious looking black throne with a red cushion lining.

"You like?"
She asked me as she let go of my arm, and swanned into the room.
Clearly proud of her office. I nervously followed in behind her.
She walked over to the corner of the room, where a potted tree stood with strange red fruits I'd never seen before hanging from it's dark green almost black leafy branches.
She reached up, and pulled one of the fruits off.

They was about the size of a small fist, and shaped like 2 small pears stuck together.
To be frank, they looked like shiny red buttocks.
She gently squeezed the one in her hand, to feel its ripeness.
Then with a loud crunch, she bit into it.

"Mmmm, lovely and juicy. Care to partake?"
She commented and asked me.

I paused to think, too overwhelmed to think strait.

She plucked another fruit off the tree and threw it at me.
I caught it, and looked at the fruit in my hand.

"These are very rare, and are to be fully enjoyed.
Don't just bite it - savour it. Smell it's lovely aroma first..."
She instructed me, her voice sounded slightly orgasmic.

I held the strange fruit to my face, tilted my nose to it, and sniffed.

I softly moan as my eyes closed.
It smelt like a sweet perfumed aroma. Yet oddly, slightly savoury too.
It's hard to describe, but it smelt ever so slightly musky, ever so slightly... Womanly.

I sniffed its smell again, and it's scent was now stronger. Much more clearer.
It was so sweet, and so earthly, and so dark.

"Hmm that's it, savour the smell... Now bite it."
She ordered me in her panting gasp.

I opened my mouth and held the firm fruit between my teeth,
and with a small crunch, I gently bit into it.

"Ooooh yeahhh... Mmmmm - that's it, there's a good girl..."
She groaned in ecstatic pleasure.

The taste was an odd mix of apple, pear, and fishy citrus.
It was very odd, but very lovely at the same time.
She watched intently as I chewed, and with every chew, she'd groan and wince in pleasure.
As I swallowed to fruity mush in my mouth, she closed her eyes and breathed hard.
She then sighed contently, walked over to me, and grabbed the fruit from my hand.

"No one can ever resist the fruit, even Eve couldn't."
She chuckled playfully, and threw both mine and her fruits over her shoulder without looking,
landing perfectly into a small wastebasket beside her desk.

"I was enjoying that."
I sighed.

"Once the fruit is bitten, it's no longer any fun."
She stated wryly.

"Come, we have business to discuss."
She walked over to her desk, and energetically jumped and sat down onto her throne.
Despite her being a tall curvy woman, she looked small whilst sat on the big towering chair.
She sprawled out on it, laying back rather unladylike with one leg hanging over the arm of the chair and resting her other foot onto the desk.
She leaned forward and took both her high heels off.

"Ahhh there's nothing like letting your feet breathe, is there?"
She sighed contently and threw her shoes to the side.

"Yeah... So, um..."
I paused and there was an awkward silence as she looked me up and down.
Studying me with her eyes. I stared deep into her eyes, and was startled as the green colour began to fade from the greenish colour into a dark grey.
I closed my eyes and looked from side to side before opening them.
I noticed the grey colour in her eyes now filling with a deep dark red colour.

"I know what you want, and I can give you that."
She suddenly said.

"Yeah, and what do I want?"
I responded.
She chuckled.

"You want to know why I bought you here, and you want to know what this place is. Who I am."
She replied.

I agreed.

"First off, who am I? I am what you mortals call, the Princess of Darkness."
She stated bluntly.
I found myself chuckling in amusement.

"Isn't it supposed to be, the Prince of Darkness? Not princess."
I point out to her.
She looked less than impressed.

"No, it's Princess. Your religious so-called 'men' of past couldn't handle the thought of a female holding any position of authority or power so they decided to create a male vision of me instead for the populous to swallow down."
She explained, sounding quite bitter about it.

"You should have came into existence in this day and age,
lots of woman have broken through the glass ceiling!"
I joked.
I suddenly noticed the red walls glow brighter and more flame like

"I wouldn't annoy me, if I was you."
She threatened.

"Sorry. So, is Zee the real name of the devil?"
I wondered.

"I've been given many a name before, but my favourite is Satana, but I like to shorten it to Zee, makes me sound cool, don't you think?"
She grinned playfully.

"Yeah, I guess it does. So what about God: He or she?"
I asked.

"Why does everyone ask that? It's really obvious!"
She frustrated.

"Is it?"
I quizzed.

"Yes, but that's neither here nor there. You shouldn't worry about God, any more than you should worry about a k** playing with ants, or better yet, a k** playing a cosmic version of The Sims!"
She smirked.

"Hmm. So, uh, what is this place?"
I asked, looking around once again at my astonishing surroundings .

"This is a level of Hell. There's many levels, but don't worry, you're on the best one!"
She grinned playfully.

"All that pained screaming I heard earlier would suggest otherwise."
I dryly retort.
She chuckled once again.

"Oh that? You thought that was people in pain and suffering? Fire and brimstone and all that?"
She continued to chuckle.

"Well, wasn't it?"
I replied, confused.

"No, that was the sound of intense orgasms of billions of people."
She grinned.

"What? That didn't sound like an orgasm..."
I returned.

"Not A orgasm, lots and lots and lots of different orgasms, from lots and lots and lots of different people - billions and billions of people, infact.
If you don't believe me, take a peek behind that curtain."
She motioned towards the black heavy curtain hanging on the wall.

I nervously walked up to it, and parted it slightly, for a peek out of a small window.
I couldn't believe my eyes.
There was a huge ocean of naked sweaty bodies of different colours and genders,
as far as the eye can see,
all writhing and twisting over one and other.
Flames burning in the distance.
From behind the glass,
I could hear the muffled groans and moans and screams and wails of endless orgasms.
Constant and endless carnal a****listic fucking.

I moved aback in shock, letting the curtain fall and cover the window.
My heart racing, my mind ablaze by what I had just saw.
I suddenly took a deep breath in, having forgotten to breathe and began panting.

"Quite a sight, isn't it?"
She asked with a pleased smile fixed to her beautiful face.

"Yes... Quite..."
I replied, still stunned by what I had witnessed.

"I'm not really such a bad person. I only save the extreme severe punishments for the truly wretched scum of humanity. Such as murderers and sex offenders. Those that unjustly take or destroy the lives of normal honourable decent people.
Even those who are unnecessarily cruel to a****ls will find themselves on my barbeque."
She explained.

"So who are those people out there? What did they do to deserve eternal damnation in hell?"
I looked at her, and pointed to the curtain.

"Nothing really, they just didn't meet the exacting standards and rules to get into Heaven.
So God sent them all here. They didn't do anything too bad or abnormal in their lives to deserve eternal pain, so I grant them eternal pleasure instead.
Heaven is so overrated anyway,
think of it like a really exclusive country club for boring do-gooders.
Hell is where the real fun is at!"
She chuckled.

"What does this all have to do with me?"
I pondered.

"Being forever immortal and invulnerable has its perks, but time does tend to drag along slowly,
so I need fun and entertainment. That's where you come in."
She spoke with such calmness.

"What, like a one night stand?"
I queried.

"I suppose in some way, yes. Only I want to fool around with you for your whole life.
Time, for me, however, is so monumentally long that your single lifetime feels like nothing more than a one night stand for me."
She smiled with a playful glint in her hypnotically beautiful eye.

"I could just as easily entertain myself by causing untold destruction in your world,
but that act gets old and boring fast. No. What I need is some... Fleshly fun with you."
She continued, and brushed the tip of her tongue around her sexy smooth red lips.

I felt a little uneasy as she eyed me and my body up once more.
I nervously clasped my hands together.

"There are, however, some rules I have to follow, and also set, before I can have my fun with you."
She began to explain.

"Oh, how comes?"
I intrigued.

"Well even I can't just snatch a girl off the street and have her be my human toy for the rest of her pathetic life. Not without divine consequences at least, what with that silly 'no messing with free will' rule. No. I have to get you to willingly sign a contract first.
Business before pleasure."
She explained.
She suddenly clicked her fingers, and a small flame puffed on the desk and spewed out a scroll.

"Take a look."
She instructed me, as she put a cigarette into her mouth and lifted her finger up and made a small fire appear from the tip of her red painted nail, to light the cigarette.
The flame on her finger then disappeared, and she took a drag from her white stick.

I nervously walked over to the desk, and picked up the scroll.
I unfurled it and, studying the archaic letters and characters, I couldn't work out what it read.

"I- I don't understand. What language is this, Latin?"
I squinted my eyes, trying to make out the words.

"No. It's a language only divine beings can read.
Don't worry, it's just a simple contract saying you willingly give yourself wholeheartedly to me, and willingly be my human toy, allowing me to subject you to any and all sorts of things,
whatever I desire.
And you will do whatever I desire. You will always obey me. You will never say no.
You will aim to please me even if it means being displeased yourself."
She sat forward on her throne, and blew out a thick smog of white smoke from her cigarette.

I waved my hand infront of my face, dispersing the smoke.
I must admit, I was very intrigued by the proposal. Being a natural submissive girl,
I found it second nature to giving myself entirely over to another.

"What do I get out of this deal?"
I brazenly asked.

"You get to enjoy the kind of pleasures you've long been seeking.
You get full protection from harm, unless you fail to please me of course,
then I get to punish you in a suitable way."
She chuckled with glee, clearly thinking of ways to do that.

"Also, I can make any wish of yours come true... Within reason.
If you want wealth, you'll have it. You want success? Easy peasy.
You'll never know sickness ever again."
She got up and walked around the desk, to stand beside me.

"There is a catch however. If you choose to sign this contract, you're not just signing
over your mortal life to me, you're also singing over your eternal life to me as well.
I will own you and your soul. You'll be mine to keep forever."
A pen suddenly appeared in her hand, and she placed it in the palm of my hand.

"That means when you die, your soul will be sent strait to me.
But don't be afraid of that, you'll have a very powerful friend in me down here,
and I can make your eternal stay here be very fun and very pleasurable indeed.
Heaven is overrated, hell is where the real fun is at!"
She beamed and repeated her phrase with a big pretty grin.

I gripped the pen tightly in between my fingers, and being fully aware of what's at stake,
I took a deep breath, and signed my name onto the contract.

A swift flame suddenly burst around the scroll, just as I finished the last letter of my signature, and the scroll disappeared along with the ball of fire.

"Great! Fantastic! You wont regret this!"
She chirped proudly. She wrapped her warm arms around me,
and gave me a big smacker of a kiss onto my cheek.
I could tell her dark ruby red lipstick had caused her lip-print to stick to my cheek.
She dropped her cigarette onto the floor, and stubbed it out with her bare foot.

"Ok, let's go back to your place."
She beamed and, with her arm around my shoulder, walked me to the elevator.

We stepped into it, and as the doors closed with a ping, she turned to me, her pretty flawless face had a stern expression, and she said:
"Oh, I should have also mentioned, if at any time during your life,
you fail to do as I say when I say, you will be sent strait to hell, and not the good level.
Trust me, you don't want that."
She warned, before her face lit up with a grin.

"I wont disobey you."
I softly utter in reassurance to her.

Chapter 3:
Homeward Bound

We got outside and she led me back to her car.
She stood at the back door, and turned to me, her arms folded impatiently.

"Go on. Open it for me."
She ordered me.

"Oh, sorry."
I apologised and quickly opened the door for her.
She climbed inside and sat down.

"Get in."
She told me.
I put my foot in when she stopped me.

"Uh uh. I want you to crawl in."
She smirked.

"Sorry. Ok."
I replied.

"No. The correct response is: yes Princess Zee."
She sternly told me before softly chuckling.

"Sorry. Yes Princess Zee."
I submissively responded, before kneeling down.
I then crawled into her car, much to her satisfaction.

"Kneel at my feet."
She instructed me, and I obeyed.

The car took off, once again travelling through into that shroud of darkness.

"Lets see just how good you are at doing as I tell you to do."
She suddenly said, a wry smile appearing on her gorgeous face.

"I'll do anything you say."
I whimpered.

"Shut up. I know you will. I also know you're an arse girl,
but you'll have to work your way up to my lovely arse. First I want my feet kissed, so kiss them.
Kiss my foot."
She ordered and she lifted her leg up, offering her foot to me.

"Yes Princess Zee."
I replied and leaned down, pressing my lips to the back of her pretty foot, and kissed it.

"More. Keep kissing my foot."
She ordered.
I did as I was told, and kept kissing the back of her bare foot.

"Good bitch."
She praised.
I kept kissing, but was hesitant to kiss the sole of her foot, as it was slightly darkened by dirt and also the trace remnants of ash from the crushed up cigarette she had rubbed out.

"Now lick my foot."
She ordered.
I help the tip of my tongue out, and stroked it against the back of her smooth foot.

"Uh uh. Stupid bitch. Lick the bottom of my foot."
She corrected me.
I paused and looked hesitantly at her dirty foot.

"Come on. Lick it. I don't give a shit if you don't want to. You WILL lick it."
She sternly told me.

I held the tip of my tongue out, and very quickly licked the darkened sole of her foot,
trying my best to avoid the ash on her foot.

"That's pathetic. You're pathetic. Show me your tongue."
She belittled me with a giggle and then snapped her command at me.
I looked up at her sitting on her seat, and poked my tongue out at her for her to see.

"You think I want to see just the tip of your tongue? Stupid bitch. Show me your whole tongue.
Come on. Open your mouth wide and hold your whole tongue out."
She ordered.

"Yes Princess Zee."
I replied and did exactly as she told me.
I held my mouth open with my whole tongue sticking out as much as I could,
holding it flat against my chin.

"That's better, bitch. Now lick it."
She pushed the sole of her foot against the flat wet surface of my tongue.
She then stroked my tongue with her sole, moving her foot up and down against my tongue.
"Lick it just. Like. This."
She punctuated each word with a stroke of her foot.

I could taste her sweat and the ash from her cigarette.
It was making me feel queasy, but I daren't pull my tongue back into my mouth.
I daren't displease her.

She stopped moving her foot.
"Lick it."
She ordered me.
I began moving my head up and down against her, rubbing my tongue flat against her sole.

"Uh uh. Not like that. Slowly, bitch. Nice and slow."
She instructed, and I obliged.
I started doing long slow licks of her foot instead.

As I licked her, I found myself moving my arms behind my back.
My hands wasn't tied behind my back, but they may as well have been.
It just felt very natural to kneel infront of her,
licking her foot as I held my hands behind my back.

"There's a good bitch.
5 minutes since giving your soul to me and I already have you kneeling like a dog,
licking my feet. I wonder what I'll have you doing in a few years time."
She was saying with an excited glint in her eye.

"Ok, that's enough."
She finally told me, and I stopped licking.
There was an uncomfortable texture to my tongue as I pressed it against the roof of my mouth.
A gritty texture, like tiny patches of sand.
I realised it must have been from the ash on her foot.

I looked at her foot as she sat with her leg crossed over her other leg.
The sole of her foot was shiny from my spit,
and there was a big clean clearing on her skin from where I had been licking.
I felt quite pleased but a part of me really wanted to lick the dirt away
from the rest of her foot. I didn't enjoy licking her foot, but I just really wanted to do a great job for her and lick the smooth soft surface completely clean.

I was very tempted to just lean in and lick her,
but I knew better than to do something without her permission first.

"There's a good little bitch. Now wipe your dirty spit off my foot."
She ordered me.
I looked at her, a little confused. Wipe it with what?
I did a quick search of my surroundings in the car, looking for a towel or napkin or something,
as I knelt infront of her.

"What you looking for? A towel? There is none. Wipe my foot with your face."
She instructed.
I was still confused, and feeling her fiery red eyes burning into me,
I leaned forward and rubbed the bridge and tip of my nose against the wet skin on her foot.
She laughed derisively.

"Stupid bitch. With your face. Your cheeks."
She corrected me.

I turned my head and brushed my cheek against the bottom of her foot.
I rubbed it up and down, feeling the wetness from my spit on her sole transferring onto my skin.

"Good bitch. That side's too wet now to dry me. Use the other side."
She instructed me.
I turned my head to place my other, dry cheek, against the still slightly damp sole of her foot,
and wiped it clean with my skin.

"Someone once said something about turning the other cheek!"
She joked and chuckled to herself.

"Is my foot dry now?"
She asked after a few rubs of my face against her much drier foot.

"Yes Princess Zee. I think so."
I answered.

"Stop. Let me check."
She ordered and I stopped rubbing against her.
I knelt back into my normal position and looked up at her.

"It better be dry. You don't want to know what I'll do to you if it isn't."
She warned me as she leant her body forward and ran her fingertips over the sole of her foot.
I nervously gulped as I watched, hoping to hell that she didn't feel any wetness.

"Hm. Good bitch."
She finally praised me.
I breathed a subtle sigh of relief.

"Thank you, Princess Zee."
I softly thanked her.
She smiled at me, making me feel really pleased with myself.

"Ok, you've earned a reward. Seeing as you love bums, you can smell mine."
She told me, and my heart raced.
She turned around on her seat, so she was kneeling on it,
and she rested her head down onto the cushioned top of her car seat.

I was amazed by how stunning her big curvy butt looked as she was making sure to show it off proudly in her very tight red dress.
The smooth curves like 2 perfect bowling balls with red fabric d****d over it.
The soft taut fabric of her red dress stopped just past where her bumhole is, so I couldn't see it.
What I could see, however, was the small hairless bumps of her pussy just under her ass.
She wasn't wearing any knickers.

"Go on. Sniff it."
She assured me.

I took a breath and leaned my face in.
I rested my nose right at the middle, my nostrils aimed right at the red fabric.
I drew a long slow intake of air through my nose.
Ahhh perfect. The perfect smell. The perfect darkly-sweet smell.
The smell of a flower too wondrous and divine to describe.

"That's right, you dirty bitch, sniff my arse."
She softly moaned.
She didn't have to tell me, I was savouring every whiff of her incredible scent.
Breathing in each sniff as if it was my last.

"You better only smell it. Don't you dare lick it. Just sniff.
I don't want your dirty tongue on my butthole. Not yet, anyway."
She warned.

I must have pleased her very well with my foot-licking, as she let me stay kneeling behind her wonderful butt, sniffing it, for the whole journey home.
I'm not sure how long of a journey it was,
I was too lost in the smell of her bum to take any note of the time.
All I know is, it couldn't be long enough for my liking.
I wanted to sniff her perfect bum forever.

Chapter 4:

The car screeched to a halt outside my home.
My face slapped hard against Zee's buttocks from the sudden stop, much to her amusement.

"Wow, you are eager for my arse!"
She joked and cackled.

"Sorry, Princess Zee!"
I quickly moved my face away and apologised.
My nose started throbbing with a dull ache from being pushed up hard against her bum.
I checked it with my fingers, making sure it wasn't broken or bleeding.
Thankfully it was ok.

She turned around to face me and sat down in her seat.

"Well, here we are. You going to show me in or what, bitch?"
She asked, more of a demand than a question.

"Yes, Princess Zee. Please come in."
I quickly scuffled to the car door and opened it, before moving back to allow her to exit first.

She shuffled across her seat and climbed out the car.
I followed behind her, crawling on my knees.
The cold pavement felt wet on my knees, with gravel digging into my soft flesh.

"Get up."
She ordered me as she grabbed my blonde hair, pulling me up.

"Thank you, Princess Zee."
I returned, as I stumbled to stand up strait onto my high heels.

"Show me in then, stupid bitch."
She smirked.

"Sorry, please, follow me."
I requested.

I walked up the small steps leading to my door.
I suddenly stopped and paused. A panic crept across my chest.

"What's the hold up?"
Zee asked impatiently.

"I- I- I left my purse with my friend. My key is in there."
My lip quivered out of fear.
Zee just looked at me with her beautiful enchanting eyes.

"You're a stupid little blonde headed bimbo, aren't you?"
She sighed mockingly.

"S-sorry Prin-"
She suddenly barged past me before I could apologise.

"Shut up. I don't want to hear it."
She scolded me as she place a hand over the keyhole.
With a small red glow, the white door slowly opened.

"I have to do everything for you. Can't do anything yourself."
She continued to lecture me.

"I'm sorry Princess Zee."
I bowed my head in shame.

"Come here. Look at me."
She turned around to face me, placing her finger and thumb to my chin, lifting my head up.
I looked up at her. A sorrowful expression on my face.
She let go of my chin, and smiled pleasantly at me.


She suddenly slapped me hard across the cheek.
So hard, I fell to the floor, resting on the side of my thighs, holding myself up with one arm.

I cried, holding a hand to my sore reddened cheek.
My eyes watering.

"I told you. I don't want to hear it."
She reminded me.

I quickly stopped myself from apologising again to her, for fear of receiving another slap.

"Oh I know you're sorry. And you are going to make up for it.
But not by whimpering a pathetic 'sorry' to me. Now get in and show your guest some hospitality."
She told me, her sweet smooth tone of voice never changing, yet almost comforting my pain.

"Yes, Princess Zee."
I quivered tearfully and quickly scrambled up to my feet, and walked into my home.

I showed her in and she walked strait into the living room and sat down onto my white leather sofa.
She put her bare feet up, making herself right at home.

"C-c-can I get you a drink, or anything?"
I asked, my tears drying up.

"A glass of red wine."
She answered.

"Yes, ma'am, right away Princess Zee."
I hurried to the kitchen, still rubbing my sore tingling cheek with my hand.
I got a nice clean wine glass out the cupboard, and took out a bottle of red wine from the fridge.
It was already opened from the Sunday dinner I had earlier in the week.
I poured her drink out and brought it over to her on the sofa.

"Here you go, Princess Zee. I hope it's to your liking."
I handed her the glass of wine.

"Good, bitch."
She praised and took the glass from my hand.
I stood there, watching intensely as she tipped the rim of the glass to her beautiful red lips.
She titled the glass up and I watched the dark red liquid softly disappear into her mouth.

I licked my lips, looking at hers, thinking of the snog in the car.
Tasting her kiss in my memory.

She then held the glass away from her face, looking at it studiously.

"Hm. No no. This is no good. It's already been opened. I expected fresh wine."
She scowled.

"S-sorry Princess Zee. It's the only red wine I have."
I apologised.

"That's no excuse. Your a terrible host. Pathetic."
She tutted.

I whimpered, fearing more pain.

"Am I a pathetic guest? Do you not care what I want? Do you want to displease me?
Do you think I'm pathetic like you? Is that why you treat me like I'm no better than you?"
Her questions fired from her pretty mouth like a machine gun.

"N-no. No. No Princess Zee. No-"
I tried my best to keep up with her.

"Do you want me to punish you? Do you want to be hurt? Do you like being in pain?"
She continued, and handed me her glass of wine.

"N-n-no-no. No Princess Zee. Please no more pain. Please. I want to please you. please."
I quivered as I took her glass.

"Go throw that shit down the sink. And come back here immediately."
She ordered me.

"Yes, Princess Zee."
I replied and scuttled off back to the kitchen.
I did exactly as I was told, and poured the wine down the sink.
I ran the water from the tap quickly to wash it all down and then hurried back to the living room.

"Come here. Kneel before me."
She demanded.
I walked over to her, and knelt down onto my knees infront of her.
She put her feet down and sat forward, so my body was between her legs.

"You got a lot to make up for bitch, haven't you?"
She asked.

"Yes, Princess Zee."
I replied.

"And you'll do anything to make up for it, won't you bitch?"
She asked.

"Yes, Princess Zee. Anything."
I replied.

"Good, bitch."
She smiled at me, and placed her hand to my sore cheek.
Her handprint still reddened my skin.
She softly and tenderly stroked my cheek.
She then quickly moved her hand away from my face. I flinched. Closed my eyes.
She chuckled cruelly.
She then slowly and gently tapped her fingers to my face,
in a real soft slap motion.

She then held her hand onto my cheek, and just stared into my eyes,
a playful smile on her gorgeous face.
Just staring...


A sudden rumble of a muffled fart came from beneath her where she sat.
I almost gasped.
Her expression didn't change.
She just continued to stare into my eyes, smiling playfully at me.

"Sniff it."
She suddenly told me.
I looked at her, a little unsure.

"Go on. I know you like that sort of thing. Sniff my fart."
She grinned.
Without saying a word, I leaned my face down between her thighs, and sniffed.

She grabbed a hold of my hair, to hold my head in place.

The air felt a little warmer against my face between her thighs,
but all I could smell was the small faint subtle trace of her fart.
I kept sniffing regardless though, and was getting immensely wet from the humiliation.

"Ha ha, you're so pathetic! Look at you, dirty bitch. Sniffing my fart."
She teased and taunted me.


Another quieter but still fairly long fart rumbled out of her, muffled by the cushion of the sofa.
The way she was sitting meant the air blew from her butthole into the direction of my face.
I felt the warm air rush over me, caressing my cheeks.

I breathed in long, slow and deep through my nose.
It was a much stronger smell than before.
So strong, yet oddly sweet.
Like as if perfume had been sprayed over steaming broccoli.
I was incredibly turned now.
My nipples felt like they would rip holes through my silver-sequined vest top.
My black thong felt soaked through and through, like as if I'd been wearing them whilst swimming.

"Smell good? Dirty bitch."
She asked with a soft chuckle.

"Yes, Princess Zee. Smells so good."
I sighed.

"You really are a dirty bitch!"
She laughed a really sexy mocking laugh.

I leaned my face down even closer, so my nose was nestled at the point where the white leather fabric of her seat cushion met the soft red fabric of her dress.
I was loving the smell so much.
What with her wearing no knickers, I could see her naked pretty pussy out on full show.

I tried to lean forward just that little teeny bit further,
so I could directly sniff her little taut bumhole,
but her clutching my hair on my head so tight stopped me from moving any closer to her.

"Uh uh. You stay right there. And smell my fart. You dirty little bitch."
She smirked.

Out of curiosity, I tilted my nose up slightly, so my nostrils were aimed to the pussy.
I wanted to know what it smelt like too. The smell of her fart was now dissipating rapidly.
I sniffed and could smell the most sweetest scent.
A real tasty sweet moist aroma filled the back of my throat.

I wanted to lick it.
I held my tongue out but couldn't reach.
She felt me tugging my head forward slightly trying to lick her.

"Aw does my dirty little bitch want to get closer?"
She asked in a teasing voice.

"Yes please, Princess Zee."
I sighed.

"If I let you get closer, you're going to have to lick my pussy. Understand?"
She asked.

"Yes - yes please, Princess Zee. I want to lick your pussy. Please."
I gasped.

She let go of my hair, and I dived strait in, nose first, into her awaiting moist pussy.
I took a deep whiff of her scent, and then held my tongue out and began licking her.
Oh fuck, she tasted so good!

Her flavour was very similar to the taste of those fruits in her office, but much more better.
Much more stronger, much more flavourful. Much more juicy.
I rolled my tongue around inside her, between her sloppy pink slits and into her small opening.
I ran the tip of my tongue along the very warm watery walls of her pussy.

A mixture of my spit and her vaginal juices was seeping around the corners of my lips.
It dribbled down my chin.
She was so juicy.
So sweet.
So tasty.

"Ahhh that's it. There's a good little slave. You lick your mistress' pussy."
She laid backwards onto the sofa, and groaned in pleasure.

"You do a good enough job, and I may - MAY - let you lick my arsehole too."
She sighed as her hand clasped the back of my head, gripping my hair between her fingers.
Once again, keeping my head firmly in place.

"Yesh Plinshesh Shee."
My muffled words understandably bobbled and raspberried, what with being tongue-deep inside of her.

I licked and licked. Desperate to please her. Desperate to be rewarded with a lick of her crack.
I licked more and more. Fucking her with my warm wet slimy tongue.
Her soft silky moist pussy was getting hotter and hotter. Wetter and wetter.

The smell of her hot juices getting more stronger.
A slightly sweatier, muskier smell, but still so very sweet and misty too.

"Fuck - fuck yeah. That's it. That's my little bitch. Fuck. I own you. Fuck!"
She groaned and started to writhe around.
She was now uncontrollably pushing and grinding her pussy against my mouth,
my tongue still exploring inside of her.
My cheeks were now getting wetted by her juices and my spit.

"Fuck! Fuck! Oh fuck you're good! Fuck!"
She began to cry, unable to keep her emotions in check.

"Don't fucking stop! Don't stop! Fuck you bitch! Fuck! Oh fuck don't stop!"
She was almost screaming now.
My licking intensified.
I slurped my tongue out of her and flicked at her swelling clit.
Licking it and sucking on it like as if its a teat.

"Agghhhh!! Ahhh! Agghh fuuuuck!! Ohhh!! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!!"
She was now gripping my hair so tight - pulling my hair so tight - that it was aching my scalp.
I didn't stop though. I daren't stop. Not letting up, not even for a single second.

"Fuck!! Fuck!! You're going to- you're going to make me- make me cum!! Fuuuck!!"
She whimpered loudly. Her lip quivering.
I could feel the tremors inside of her soaking pussy,
visibly pulsating and pressing against my lower lip as my tongue wrestled with her throbbing clit.

"Oh fuck! Here it comes! Ooohhh fuuuck!! Fuuuuuckkk!!! FUUUUCCCCKKK - YEEEAAAHHHH!!!"
She screamed and out burst a powerfully long spurt of hot clear liquid,
splashing against my chin.

She moved her free hand down and pushed my tongue away from her clit with her fingertips,
only to resume pleasuring her clit with her middle finger.
Her index finger resting against one side of her pussy slits and her ring and little finger resting on the other side. Still groaning and crying and writhing in pleasure.

I couldn't stop to admire the beautiful red paintings on her fingernails,
she pushed my head down with her other hand gripping my hair,
shoving my face ever closer to her enflamed excited orgasmic pussy.

I instinctively held my mouth open at the twitching soaking wet opening of her pussy.

"Ahhhh fuuck! Sw-swallow my fucking cum! You fucking whore! Ohhh fuck...!"
She groaned out her order.
Her groans increased to another loud orgasmic moan,
and sure enough, she spurted and showered out more of her special juice.

I caught it all in my mouth. The hot liquid tasting like freshly squeezed citrus water with sprinklings of salt and honey from a very special fruit.
I drank as much as I could, but there was so much of it,
that it splashed and dribbled out of my mouth onto the carpet below the sofa.

More clear juice was dripping from her pussy, seeping all down the sides of her flushed pussy,
trickling down her groin and inner thighs,
pooling around her bumhole and the white leather sofa cushion.

She squirted some more, and I drank it up like a thirsty fish in a desert.
She tasted so good, that if I could,
I would have continued drinking her juice until my stomach had burst.
Unfortunately, after the 3rd spurt, she was done.

She let go of my hair, her juice having dripped and splashed everywhere around her,
and she just let her body flop fully backwards, relaxing entirely onto the sofa.

She rested her head back against the top of the sofa, and she let out a wholeheartedly relieved sigh of pure content pleasure. She just laid there panting as I took in the magnificent glorious sight of her beautiful bare pussy, shining and glistening in juice and sweat.
Her smooth belly was also glistening, though I was unsure if that was from just sweat or if some of her cum had managed to splash its way there.

"Clean. Clean me up."
She ordered me, breathlessly.

"Yes, Princess Zee."
I replied and immediately went about my duty.
Tongue out, I leaned in and licked up the juice from all around her genitalia and thighs.
I didn't lick her ass though. Not yet. I wanted to be given permission first.
I wanted that as my reward.

She placed her hand back onto the top of my head again, only this time, to gently rub and pet me.

"Good girl. My good little bitch."
She praised me. Her voice sounding so very loving.
I looked up at her, ever so briefly, to smile proudly at her,
before quickly returning to my licking duties.

She finally stopped me after a minute or 2.
Placing a hand under my chin, she lifted my head up, making me look up at her.
She looked so beautiful. Never mind being the devil, she looked like a goddess,
in all her sweaty naked post-coital glory.

"You missed a spot."
She told me, whilst smiling warmly at me.

"Where, my Princess?"
I softly asked.
Without taking her beautiful dark ruby red eyes off of mine, she pointed down with her finger.
I glanced down at the small little pooling of juice around her bumhole.

"May I, Princess Zee?"
I requested.
She nodded lovingly at me.

I leaned down and forward, the tip of my tongue poking out from my lips.
I was just about to lick her, when she suddenly stopped me.

"Uh uh. Not there. Not yet."
She oppressed me, I slinked back and looked up at her, confused.

"I meant down there, silly bitch."
She giggled and pointed further down, showing the small streak of juice that had dripped down onto the broad bottom of the sofa from off the cushion.
"Start from the bottom, and lick your way up."

"Oh, sorry Princess Zee."
I quickly apologised and leaned over forward, bending right down to follow her instruction.

I placed the tip of my tongue against the smooth white leather of the sofa.

"Lick nice and slow."
She told me.
I held my tongue flat against the dark grey streak of her cum,
and followed the dark damp trail upwards. Slowly.

"You should know, I always feel at my most relaxed just after I cum.
And do you know what I do when I'm very relaxed?-"
She asked me.

My eyes peaked over the edge of the cushion, my face right between her thighs,
staring directly at the amazing sight of her exposed still glistening pussy and seeing the small little crevice to her butthole underneath it. Suddenly the crevice twitched and -


A small warm puff of a fart blew into my eyes, making me close and squint my eyes briefly.

"-Ahhhh. I fart."
She revealed with a sigh.

I licked up and over the cushion,
and stopped with the tip of my tongue just at the opening to her crack.
My chin rested on the very edge of the cushion.
I could smell her small subtle fart, and almost taste it too.
I looked up at her, awaiting my reward.

"Aww you look so cute!"
She gushed.
"Like a cute little pathetic puppy dog!"
She then giggled playfully.
I didn't react, I just kept looking up at her.

"Aw, does my little pathetic puppy want to lick her mistress' arse?"
She asked in a playful voice.
I nodded anxiously, so desperate to lick her bum.

"Ok. I think my puppy's earned her treat. Go on. Lick my arse."
She grinned.
I almost beamed with a big grin too, and before she changed her mind, I poked my tongue right out and dipped it into the small opening right in the middle between the cushion and her bumcheeks.

She had such a nice sweet and slightly dark flavour to her bum.
It definitely tasted as good as it smelt back in her car.
Knowing she had just farted moments earlier,
made the act of licking her butt all the more exciting for me.
All the more naughty and kinky and sexy.

I was loving it,
and I could feel my own juice starting to pool around my crotch and soaking my thong all the more.
As I licked her bum, she just sat there comfortably on my tongue.
She tilted her head back, closed her gorgeous eyes, and enjoyed the sensation.

I managed to slip my thong off as I licked her, without her noticing.
I wasn't sure if my thong could ever be dried again, it felt so heavy with wetness.
It made a very small splat sound as I dropped it onto the floor.
I gazed upwards nervously, looking at her, as I'm sure she had heard it,
but she just ignored it and was too busy enjoying having her tasty bumhole licked.

She was so relaxed, and just like she told me, when she's most relaxed, she...



It was just a small little airy fart, but it was right on my tongue!
It felt so warm, and it tasted so strongly.
I couldn't really smell it at all, but I could sure taste it.
Although the taste seem to disappear after 2 more licks of her bumhole.

She noticed how I kept on licking her ass without stopping when she farted.
She looked down at me.
It was hard to tell by her expression, but she seemed impressed with me, revealing a wry smile,
before tilting her head back, resting it comfortably on the top of the sofa.

"That's it, bitch. You lick my farts. You love them, don't you?"
She softly uttered. She was trying to sound mocking of me,
but the tone of her voice was more out of affection than offensiveness.

"Yes, Princess Zee. I love your farts."
I quickly pulled my tongue in to humbly respond to her,
before throwing my tongue back into her crevice and licked her taut little tasty hole some more.
She softly chuckled.

"There's a good bitch. You will swallow all my farts, just like you swallow my cum.
And you will be very grateful for the special privilege."
She spoke so warmly.

"Mmmmm - yes, Princess Zee, I'm so very grateful to receive your farts."
I moaned feeling the pleasure overwhelming my body.

As I licked her, I noticed something creeping over me.
Like a blanket of pure pleasure coating my brain.
I could feel pressure building up inside of my body.
A strong electric current kept shooting down my spine and into my pussy.

My knees started to feel weak and shake under my weight.
My pussy was dripping and trickling out juice.
I was cumming.
I wasn't even touching myself, yet I was cumming!

So overwhelmed by pleasure, my body just gave in and cummed.
I was dribbling juice from my pussy all down my leg, right down to my knees and onto the floor.
I felt like screaming with pleasure, just to unleash all the pent up excitement and sexual tension.
I could only quiver with a loud moan as I licked her.

"Oh fuck, are you cumming?!"
She gasped, noticing my plight.

"Y-y-yes...! Pri-Pri- ahhh - Princess - Z-Zee..."
I whimpered out, my thighs rattled and my pussy spewed with cum.

"F-f-fuuck I can't- I can't stop...!!"
I anxiously moaned as the intense pleasure erupted in me.
She chuckled, amused and amazed at me.

Finally, with my pussy still pulsing, I managed to contain myself.
I had stopped cumming, and I felt fully flushed and relieved.
I then felt nervous and anxious, having orgasmed without her permission.

"S-sorry, Princess Zee. I couldn't- sorry."
I nervously apologised, my lower lip still quivering from the aftershock.
She just chuckled again.

"It's a good job you chose to cum after I did. If you had cum before me, I'd have been very upset."
She narrowed her beautiful eyes at me, trying to sound tough.

"I didn't mean to cum, I just couldn't help it, I'm sorry Princess Zee."
I tried to explain to her.

"Shhh, baby - shhh. It's ok. Consider it part of your treat for doing as your told."
She smiled warmly at me.
I was rather surprised by how lenient and understanding she was being with me.

"Oh thank you, Princess Zee, thank you."
I hurried to thank her.
For some reason I felt compelled to immediately bend down and kiss her feet.
I kissed them and thanked her again, much to her amusement.

"I know. Good girl."
She smiled.

"I can't have you thinking above your station, though. Cumming without my expressed permission,
is not something I take lightly."
She suddenly warned me.
I knelt back up strait, and nervously and softly gulped.

"I think you ought to take me up to your bedroom, so you can make amends for your actions."
She told me.

"Ok Princess Zee, I understand."
I sighed and stood up.
She grabbed my hand and pulled herself up off the sofa.
She then hooked her arm around mine.

"Uh, please, follow me."
I requested and then led her up the wooden stairs and into my bedroom.
I stopped and stood infront of her, my back to my big double bed with a thick pink duvet on it.
She moved her eyes around the room, taking in the girlish surroundings of my bedroom.

"Well, this is... Cute."
She complimented, I guess.

"Thanks, Princess Zee."
I responded.
She trained her eyes back onto mine, gazing deep into them.

"Take your clothes off."
She demanded.
I nervously obeyed, and stripped off infront of her.
I felt very exposed, now standing naked, my whole body on show for her to see.

"Now, how do you propose you make amends for cumming without my permission?"
She asked me, sounding serious.

"Erm... I don't know, Princess Zee. I'll do anything you ask - anything you want,
I only wish to make you happy."
I answered.

"I know. Making me happy is your whole entire purpose in life now, isn't it?"
She asked with a small pleased smile appearing on her face.

"Yes, of course Princess Zee. You ARE my whole life now.
I only live to serve you, worship you and make you happy."
I submissively replied.
Her smile grew bigger, clearly pleased by my answer, knowing just how committed I am to her.

"What would make me very happy right now, is to eat the flesh of a young naïve little horny girl."
She grinned playfully.

"Y-y-you want to... Eat, me?"
I puzzled fearfully.
Not knowing if she was being literal or not.
She nodded and shoved me down onto the bed.

"What's the matter, don't you trust me?"
She giggled as she toyed with me.
She ran her fingernails around my thighs as I laid flat on the bed.

"I-I do, Princess Zee. I trust you."
I answered.

"Good. Now, I'm going to tie you up. Then I'm going to eat you. Is that understood?"
She asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yes, Princess Zee."
I nervously nodded.

"Good girl."
She smiled, and put her hands behind her back.
She then showed her hands, and in them was 2 red fluffy handcuffs.
They seemingly appeared from out of nowhere, like magic.

"Lay with your head there."
She instructed me, pointing to my girlishly pink soft pillows.
The handcuffs tinkling as she moved her hands.
I turned around and laid normally on my bed. My head resting on the pillows.
She then crawled onto the bed, and knelt over my body. Straddling me.

"Give me your hand."
She ordered me. I obeyed.

I obediently offered her my hand, and she hooked one of the handcuff rings around my wrist.
Then, without any resistance from me, she held my arm up above my head, with my wrist just about touching the black steel of my bed's headrest, and she cuffed my hand to it.
She then did the same with my other hand, so I was now handcuffed to my bed, helpless.

I was feeling a little scared, but so excited. So horny.

"You ready to be eaten, bitch?"
She asked in a very sexy, playful tone of voice.

"Yes, Princess Zee."
I answered her, softly licking my lips.
She then licked her lips, and slowly leaned down.
She opened her mouth, and with her perfectly white pretty teeth bearing,
she pinched my firm erect nipple between them, and pulled.

I gritted my teeth, and sucked in a sharp intake of air, anticipating the pain.
She then stopped, released my nipple, and looked up at me.

"Did you really think I was going to bite you?"
She laughed tauntingly.

"Um... Well I-"
I responded only to be cut off by her laughing.

"Aww, I wouldn't do that to you, silly bitch!"
She continued to laugh.

"I am going to eat you though."
She stopped laughing and winked at me.
She then crawled backwards off of my stomach, and laid down between my legs.
Her gorgeous face right between my thighs.

I softly gripped my lower lip between my teeth,
and watched anxiously as she nuzzled the tip of her nose around my crotch.

"Hmm, I love that smell. Don't you?"
She softly asked as she sniffed me.

"Yes, Princess Zee."
I softly answered.

"There's no better smell than a nice fresh young tasty wet pussy."
She sighed.

"I can think of a better smell... Princess Zee."
I bravely revealed.

She perked her head up to look at me as she rubbed her chin against my labia.

"Your lovely beautiful bum."
I told her.
She softly chuckled.

"Well, of course you'll say that. My arse is divine. It smells better than any flower."
She grinned smugly.
I couldn't tell if she was being genuinely smug or just teasing me in her playful way.

"It sure does, Princess Zee."
I closed my eyes and sighed with pleasure, remembering the smell of her scent.

"After I'm done eating you, I might just let you have another sniff of it."
She winked at me and then brushed the tip of her tongue against my pussy.
I let out a soft gasp of pleasure as I felt her do that.

Her tongue was truly magical!
She had such fine minute control over her tongue that it was like as if it was a wet slimy serpent
under her power inside her mouth.
She drove me wild and had me cumming in next to no time at all.
It only seemed to take her less than a minute to bring me to boiling point.
I've never squirted so much in my life before!

I screamed aloud, unable to control myself in the slightest.
I couldn't, it was pointless to even try.
I just gave in to her completely and let her make me cum as much as she pleased to.

The rest of the night was such a haze of pure intense, incredible, amazing, mindblowing pleasure!

I can hardly remember when she changed position to that of a 69.
Sitting her gorgeous ass in my face for me to thoroughly sniff.
I can only just about recall when I started licking and tongue-fucking her sweet pussy,
and licking her tasty sweet hot asshole.

Same as Devil May Care Videos

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Devil or Angel

Devil or Angel By Morpheus Everything happened so fast that I didn't know what was going on, only that my whole world suddenly exploded into chaos. A billion images flashed through my mind at once, assaulting every one of my senses simultaneously. Then in an instant, the infinite amount of pain that I'd barely been able to register was gone, along with everything else. I had no idea how long I was there, or even if there was a there. Time had no meaning... I had no meaning. I...

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Devil in the Flesh

Have you ever met the Devil? It’s a completely serious question. I wouldn’t joke around about something like that. So, have you? Have you ever met the Devil himself face to face? Well, I have so let me tell you all about it. I met the Devil in July of ’99. I met him a couple hundred yards from my house where three old logging roads converge and a bubbling creek cuts one of those roads in half. I was standing on one side of the creek and he was on the other a little bit further up but still...

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Devil May Moan

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Devil May CareChapter 2

Puffing, Dey came to a stop beside the squid who ran the “Fantastical Flavored Ice Slush” stand on the corner of her fifteen K run. It was worth the hassle it took to get there. She was on liberty for the last bit of her convalescence. But just because she was supposed to be recovering from surgery didn’t mean she wasn’t going to try and get ahead on her training. Leave when you were being trained at a secret military base, though, was a bit complicated. She had to ride with the stealthed...

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Devil May CareChapter 3

“Plebiscite! Plebiscite! Plebiscite!” 2nd Lt. DeShane Gallagher let her finger drop from the window blinds that looked out onto the protestor clogged main thoroughfare of Liberty, shutting out the pale red light of Proxima Centauri and turned to her superior, Captain Moon Two. “I think they might want a some kind of plebiscite or something,” Dey said. Moon Two, as befitted the name bestowed on him by parents who had clearly not thought very far ahead in their child’s life, had absolutely...

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Devil May CareChapter 4

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my sissy summer with aunie Maye

It was Auntie Mayes soft hand from behind that coaxed me forward into my new temporary upstairs summer bedroom as my eyes took in that fascinating sight of such exciting lovely and sexy feminine lingerie and girlie outfits that completley covered her pink guestroom bedspread! In addition I couldn't help but to also notice, those five lifelike looking rubber dildo cocks that had been carefully layed out sideways across the lower shelf of the high headboard just below the long narrow mirror above...

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Devil worship

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Devil worship

You'll also recall how we watched the movie on TV, and became inspired to have me talk about all sorts of Satanic and Devilish things for my wife. I know that I'd gone a bit overboard in advertising my wife along those lines on the net sex sites, but I'd been feeling so horny at the time and besides that, I got the impression that my wife was really excited when I told her what I'd done. Well, it so happened, as it does with most of these sorts of postings, that there was an initial...

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Devil Inside

Do you think some people are born evil? That's what our pastor says sometimes at church. That some folks are just born with a devil inside. Sometimes I think I'm that way. I have some strange ideas, I know that, some weird thoughts and I don't know exactly where they come from or why. They're bad, some of them, but I'm not sure if I'm really evil or not. I just don't know. I saw the man I wanted to marry at the Payless shoe store at the mall. He was older than me, old enough to be my...

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Pokesex Chapter 1 Mays dismay

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Devil May CareChapter 6

Dey’s boots thumped into the center of the Hamilton cylinder. Her knees bent with the impact and she took a moment to just ... take stock. She had aimed her grapnel for the axis point of the cylinder. As a way to cut down on emissions – and thus, reduce the chances of being detected – the bad guy’s space station spun for its gravity. That made boarding it a tricky proposition, as simply landing on the side would have sent her flying off into interstellar space. But even standing on the axis...

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Devil With A Blue Dress On

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AMAYA Too Beau Coup

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Laying here in my bed I close my eyes and he comes to me. Ever since I was 16 I would dream of the devil, every night he would arrive. Always the same tall, muscled, long black hair, and piercing green eyes, and tattoo always on his right pectoral muscle. There were two snakes wrapped around a sword and a red ruby in the middle. He would slip into my bed and spread my thighs apart, slipping himself between them as his lips captured mine, nibbling softly on my lips as I would bite his lower lip....

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Devil in a Red Dress

It was during an Alaskan summer when I was thirty five that I received a phone call at work. I'd always heard there were very few women in that great state. I'd seen guys talking about in on Opera and other TV magazine type shows. There's a saying in Alaska, "You don't lose your woman in Alaska. You lose your turn."I'm here to tell you that that is not what I experienced. I was laid more in my eight years there than at any other time. Granted, they were mostly older women, but that's what I...

Wife Lovers
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Devil Lust Part 8211 2

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Laying here in my bed I close my eyes and he comes to me. Ever since I was 16 I would dream of the devil, every night he would arrive. Always the same tall, muscled, long black hair, and piercing green eyes, and tattoo always on his right pectoral muscle. There were two snakes wrapped around a sword and a red ruby in the middle. He would slip into my bed and spread my thighs apart, slipping himself between them as his lips captured mine, nibbling softly on my lips as I would bite his lower lip....

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Devil8217s fuck session

I am KARAN studying in class 12 in a school of Gurgaon, Haryana I am writing my experience hoping you people will like it please reply me at my email address at the end of the story and soon I would be starting a group on yahoo also which you people can also join. Ok here it goes. After studying in this school for more than 12 years I needed a change from this institution. This all started when I went for this change and believe me my wildest fantasy did come alive when I reached this school....

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Mayank Want Answers

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Amaya and Naomi

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Mind Control
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Edna Mayfield heavily revised

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Bondhur Dada Amay Chude Dilo

By : Shalini Dutta Amar nam neha. Nischay amake tomara keu bholen ni. Amar lekha “Pistuto dadar kache choda khaoa “ series ta nischoy apnader mone ache ebong bhalo o legeche. Apnader aneker I dabi chilo ami aro golpo likhi. Kintu somoy er abhabe apnader kache segulo somoymoto tule dhorte parini. Aj apnader natun ekta golpo upahar dite chai. Ei golpo anekdin ager ghotona. Tokhon ami class 11 e pori. Amar kache oboshyo chodon khawa kichu notun noi. Kenona amake amar pistuto dada mitash amar 12...

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Mayank Ne Meri Chut Faadi

Hi frnds mera naam Neha hai and mai 19 years ki hu and mai iss ki story regular padhti hu and mai iss ki bahut badi fan hun. Aaj mai aapko apni real story sunane waali hun hope you all will enjoy my story. Mai 1st yr ki student hu and dikhne me achhi hu. Meri hight 5.4 inch hai and mera color fair hai and mera figure 36 24 36 hai. Ye kahani thori painful hai. Kahani shuru karti hu. Baat tab ki hai jab colleg eka first day tha. Mai white top and blue jeans pahen ke college gai thi par...

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Mayas Revenge

"Oh fuck!" Maya cursed as she looked in the rear view mirror and saw the police car's lights flashing and heard the shrill beep of the siren. She wondered how long the cop had been following her.Maya was usually a perfect driver, she was aware of stories from friends and family of D.W.B, aka Driving While Black. Knowing that, she didn't give reason for cops to stop and harass her. Except tonight was different, she was driving with a leaden foot and on top of that had a few drinks. She honestly...

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105. GRAN TRIES LIFE MAYS WAY.Life took a while to return to normal, Rose with care returned to full health in a couple of days her wounds being treated as they were inflicted with antiseptic helped a lot, she had a lot of bruising and that took a lot longer though. The silk through her tits she had me photograph before removing also her I took shots of her sex and her new hood rings of which she was most proud. She had me put a number of old earring`s into the holes in her labia on that...

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Beverly Hillbillies Elly May Jethro Maynt

Even as Miss Hathaway's convertible was slipping through traffic, Elly May was still trying to argue herself out of the trip. "I don't need no more clothes," she told the secretary, who looked like a broomstick with a shriveled up old apple on the top. "I got plenty." "Hmm, yes," Miss Hathaway said, keeping her eyes on the road. "But there are a few gaps in your wardrobe." Elly May looked down at herself. Her abundant breasts were corralled by a white men's shirt, with the ends...

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Sarah Carerra 202 Tonight with Sarah Carerra

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: August 9, 2010) Chapter 2 - Tonight with Sarah Carerra The next few days passed slowly, but I was glad for the calm that had settled after the concert was over. It was a good break from the full- throttle schedule that I had been...

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Devil In Both

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Devil Made Me Do Her

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In the NavyChapter 37 Margaret Maynard Takes Command

Gibraltar, September 1807 Lady Carter walked through the rooms of their rented house one more time, making sure they had not forgotten anything. The furnishings would stay in place as per agreement with the owner of the house against a compensation of thirty-two pounds. This was fine for Harriet, since it freed her of the need to sell the items separately. Seeing nothing left behind, Harriet went downstairs. Jenny was holding Richard on her arm who had woken only a short while ago and was...

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Changes Abound Mayas Journey The Epilogue

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Jeanette The Very Very Caring Carer

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Devil May CareChapter 5

Kuz the Shockpod lounged in his cell, his hands laced behind his back. The aches and pains of exposure to vacuum, the bullet impacts, the lacerations, all of it paled next to the happiness of having finally met an alien race that he felt got his people. The restraints were just the right level of restricting to not insult his honor, and the United States Marine Corps Serviceperson that stood before his cell door was a nice touch. Kuz had heard of the United States Marine Corps. He had wanted...

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John and Mays outdoor adventure

Another mundaneday at college. John had maths followed by double science and ending with media studies, this was his favourite lesson of the day because he sat opposite a stunning red head called May. She always wore nicely fitting clothes showing off her curves and figure which was one of pure delight, she also spotted a few tattoos which were only ever partially visible but John was none the less very fond of what he could see. He got to the lesson just in time but to notice there was only...

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Sarah Carerra Chapter 10 Win a Dinner Date with Sarah Carerra

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: ) Chapter 10 - Win a Dinner Date with Sarah Carerra Scott caught us before we left the building, and he looked a little anxious. "Before you go," he addressed me. "I'd like to invite you and your parents over to my house for...

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The Scarecrow

Crows nettled on the two poled wooden fence on the farm. The stared at the scarecrow, then to the freshly plowed dirt with seeds in the lines. One cawed loudly at the unnerving but lifless Scarecrow. One started flying, heading toward the feild. Before it could even land it was cut in half and fell to the ground, it's lower half twitching. The weapon that killed the creature was stuck in the wooden fence.  A rusty sickle with fresh blood dripping from the blade. The rest of the crows took...

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Maa kay mummay

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Perfect Girlfriend Juice Ch 02 The Mayors Wife

Eleanor loved being the Mayor's wife. Knowing that she was making a positive difference in her community for her husband's constituents was part of it, sure, but mostly she loved the sense of grandeur and decorum that came with being the wife of the political head of fifty thousand people. People listened when she talked, respected her ideas, and treated her with a deference that quickly became addicting, all because of her husband's position. It was like being one of those entitled military...

Mind Control
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Mayday Mayday Mayday

It was one of those balmy early Fall days, the leaves on the trees overhung the river dressed in Magenta and Gold. I could see them from the huge deck I had built on the West side of our house overlooking the water, just a half mile away. I knew the Fall Chinook would be arriving, it was early for them but still, such a pretty day, worth a shot. I asked my wife Kay if she wanted to go fishing, she knows I love days out on the river. But her fear of water shows in her reluctance, often she...

1 year ago
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The Skimpy Cafe Mays Flower

It did until she got on the bus and sat down and had a moment to scan for anyone else. And there he was. The drunkard from a few nights ago. The one who assaulted her at the Inn. He was asleep in the back and she suppressed a squeak as she hurried to the front of the bus, as close as she could to the driver. May practically held her breath the entire forty minute ride to the print shop and just as she stood to leave the drunkard’s eyes fluttered open. His expression grew dark as he...

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The Sheriff of Spiny Cactus CountyEpisode 3 SCARECROW

The rattle of the engine caught the girl’s attention. When the power steering squealed, and brakes screeched, Cathy Lyman peeked through the blinds. She saw the Sheriff’s clunker pickup sitting in their circle drive. Her daddy got out of the passenger door, walking with a quick ginger step, when on his left foot. Earl Lyman leaned against the Sheriff for support. His left leg didn’t appear to enjoy supporting his body. Cathy took a deep breath, ‘Is Daddy hurt?‘ she ran to the door, flung it...

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“Why you studying all the time, Keaton?” my alcoholic friend asked me as he intruded into my room. “I don’t know,” I replied, looking up from my reading material. “Call me crazy but there’s something about paying thirty thousand dollars a year in tuition that keeps me motivated to earn credits. You know, getting a degree and all that shit. I figured that I should get something in return for my money instead of just a hangover.” “Fuck that, man,” Camel said,...

1 year ago
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Nicoles MayDay Party

Nicole's MayDay Party Nicole has some friends over and Larry gets out of hand again. Nicole and her friends give Larry some lessons on behavior. May had arrived in Salem. May is the time for planting and for people to start looking for things to do in the warm weather. Nicole always had a MayDay party. She planned it for the first Saturday in May. She did that so her and friends didn't have to worry about getting the time off from their jobs. When she was younger, school. This year...

3 years ago
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Disabled Man Gets An Erection And Cums For The Carer

I am a fifty-six-year-old man that had a very bad stroke and I am now, virtually paralysed and in a wheelchair. I had a very severe stroke when I was in my early forties. Now, I can 'just' talk, and I can 'just' use my left hand and arm. I suppose it's about 10% on a good day. The rest of my muscles are fucked!I live on my own. I am very slim (with a flat stomach) and very healthy. I have a full head of shoulder-length grey and dark blonde hair and stubble. My penis, just under...

1 year ago
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Kimbra Mayes and her son Jonty Mayes Chapter 1

36 year old Kimbra Mayes and her 50 year old husband, Talon, have been fighting for the last couple of months, and their 10 year old son, Jonty, is scared out of his wits. Kimbra feels sorry and decides to take stand and file divorce papers. When it comes through, Kimbra gets her young son all to herself. Kimbra is overjoyed, but then she starts feeling sexual attracted to her son. Claimer: I own these characters, no one else does. Chapter 1 Kimbra "Hey, you know what?!" my husband, Talon,...

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Mayo The Wop

MAYO THE WOPPart OneIn a dark street somewhere in the twisty depths of London, the light of a torch bounced off the walls, flickering amongst the wet stones. It caught a rag on the ground, a dark lump of body. The torch bearer ran forwards to see better, shining the torch straight into the face. A hand reached out trying to block the flare, but the men grabbed it and dragged the body upright onto his feet revealing the tender complexion of a fifteen year old boy with black fine curls and the...

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Godar Bara Mayer Gude

Amar naam Hobu.Tokhon amar boyosh baro ki tero.Ami ar amar Ma tokhon bhara thaktam Bhalo Didar barite.Bhalo didar ek chele,Goda Kaku.Mayer boyosh tokhon matro 29.Aporup shundor dekhte,golapi gayer rong,patla shorir,tight bhora buk,gol nitol pacha,gaye ekta misti madhurjo ache.Amar Baba chilo ekta matal lompot.Ma ke khub mardhor korto.Ek din Goda Kaku Baba ke dhore besh thengalo are baba shedin raat ei gelo paliye. Bhalo dida ma ke bollo,Sona Ma amar,tomar kono chinta nei.Tumi amar baritei...

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Happy Birthday From The Young Carer

Oh! I am very, very happy with the way I am and my life. Two main things have happened since my stroke, I was quite horny before but now I am unbelievably horny and I am very happy-go-lucky. I think that's one of the main reasons why both carers have been with me for over ten years, as they see me as quite easy and carefree. I have two main carers that share the week between them. Niki and Fran. They come in three times a day. To get me up, make breakfast and other stuff. Make my tea and...

1 year ago
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John and Mays outdoor adventure

Another mundaneday at college. John had maths followed by double science and ending with media studies, this was his favourite lesson of the day because he sat opposite a stunning red head called May. She always wore nicely fitting clothes showing off her curves and figure which was one of pure delight, she also spotted a few tattoos which were only ever partially visible but John was none the less very fond of what he could see. He got to the lesson just in time but to notice there was only...

3 years ago
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Getting Maya Fucked

I guess that is a more common fantasy than I ever realized for men to envision their wives being fucked by other men, particularly old friends of the husband. I had often fantasized about such an encounter with my wife, Maya; however, whenever I brought up the matter of a threesome and bringing another man into our sexual adventures, my wife was firmly against it.This was rather curious since we were hardly prudes. We had an ongoing swapping relationship with another couple for quite some time....

3 years ago
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Girl Meets World Mayas MadDog

Takes Place During: Girl Meets the RulesIt was a normal afternoon in John Quincy Adams Middle School, school's out for some of the students except for a few students that got into some mischief this morning. And that class was Cory's class. Cory gave his daughter Riley, Maya, Lucas, Farkle and the rest of the class detention because Maya wasn't following the rules. During detention, the class was divided into separate mini-colonies. Riley's was Rileytown, a land of goodness and rainbows where...

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> > > Thirteen year old Maya had already been fucked by her brother when she came downstairs to breakfast. Sometimes she only had to give him a suckjob, like if he was late for school, or not in the mood to fuck, or had just fucked his girlfriend the night before. But on this morning, he has wanted to pound her little pussy really hard. As always, he tried to hurt her when he fucked her. Like Father like Son. Maya had learned to than k her brother for his big fat wonderful dick. She...

3 years ago
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Rekha And Maya 8211 Part 4 A Widow Fucked And Satisfied

Khan Chacha went into Rekha’s room to sleep. Vinod was lying on the ground helpless with Rekha’s panty stuffed in his mouth. And Ali slowly started moving to his prize, Rekha. Akhtar walked towards Maya’s bedroom, and Maya followed him. Akhtar was 45 years old muscular, and very well built 6’2” tall Muslim goon. Maya was a 35-year-old lady whose husband died 2 years ago. Ever since then, she had not had any man touch her. Losing her husband so early didn’t do any good to...

1 year ago
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Girl Meets World Fun with Maya and Uncle Josh

Girl Meets World - Fun with Maya and Uncle JoshRiley Matthews arrived home after hanging out with Lucas and Farkle at Topanga's Café for smoothies. They were the only three there when Maya didn't go with Riley to hang out with them. Riley's parents and her little brother Auggie were out of town to visit Cory's parents, so Josh was there to keep an eye on Riley and make sure that she doesn't mess the apartment up. When she looked around for Josh, she didn't see him in the apartment. Riley began...

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