Devil May CareChapter 3 free porn video

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“Plebiscite! Plebiscite! Plebiscite!”

2nd Lt. DeShane Gallagher let her finger drop from the window blinds that looked out onto the protestor clogged main thoroughfare of Liberty, shutting out the pale red light of Proxima Centauri and turned to her superior, Captain Moon Two.

“I think they might want a some kind of plebiscite or something,” Dey said.

Moon Two, as befitted the name bestowed on him by parents who had clearly not thought very far ahead in their child’s life, had absolutely no sense of humor. Dey was fairly sure he had had it surgically removed in elementary school as a survival mechanism. He sent a look at Dey and the soundproofing that the apartment came with hummed on, then faded away. The noise canceling worked almost perfectly, the only sounds that Dey could hear at the moment was the faint, subliminal thump of hundreds of feet walking by outside.

Liberty had been founded in the 40s by a bunch of anarcho-libertarians and radical progressives. No government, no gendered pronouns, no war, no ... well, no a great deal of things. They had lasted four years before internal division and pressure from corporate interests on Earth caused fissures in their civilization that had dropped the colony of almost ten thousand people into an undeclared shooting war. A year later, President Gardner – riding high on the acquisition of Ceres and several other extrasolar colonies – had dropped troops and Liberty has been a territory and commonwealth ever since. The old radprog constitution remained.

That was what the protest was about.

“We’re not here about them,” Moon said.

Really? Loki muttered in Dey’s head. I don’t know, did you read the briefing? I was sleeping.

A knock and ping came at the front door. Dey’s hand went to her holstered pistol, but she dropped it once the ping filtered through her perception – it was the ping they had expected, sent out by an RIFD chip that only their contact was supposed to have. Moon moved into a covering position – just to be safe – and Dey stepped over to the door. She tapped the unlock button and found herself face to face with an unsmiling Chinese woman. She stepped into the room and Dey shut the door again.

Dey let Loki handle the introductions – her AI had a fully integrated connection to the hundreds of implants that laced Dey’s body. That gave him enough control to move her lips and work her diaphragm. And, well, he knew how to make the tiny noises that the Chinese languages (whichever it was, Dey couldn’t keep it straight) needed to speak. “Good day, Agent Pan.”

The Chinese secret service agent nodded curtly. “Lt. Gallagher,” she said, her English impeccable. “Strange bedfellows, huh?”

To say that the geopolitical situation that had dragged Dey out of the solar system and to the nearest and oldest settled human colony world was fraught and overcomplicated would be a tad like calling the sun a mite bright. Imperial Russia wanted the resource rich and strategically viable colonies on Trappist-1A. The Chinese would really prefer that they keep their colonies and the access to stable transuranic elements created by the unique nature of the planet’s geological history. Unable or unwilling to come to a peaceful resolution to this problem, the two empires had started shooting at each other. And like most wars, it was taking longer than anticipated.

But wait. It got better.

The Russians had a deficiency in their comp-sci. After the glory days of their hacking in the ‘oughts and the ‘roaring’ 20s, the rest of the world had caught up and surpassed them. The terrors of the Reformation and the restoration of the monarchy under Tzar “Vladdy” had given the other superpowers even more of a headway. So, how do Russians fix their comp-sci problems?

Theft. Theft tended to be a good idea, if you could pull it off.

Hence why a spy had broken into the top secret military base where Dey and her AI companion (and a few dozen other AI/human partners) were being trained and started stealing gestating intelligences from storage.

Just one tiny problem.

The spy, after his body had been examined and poked and prodded and studied, wasn’t Russian. In fact, it hadn’t even been human. That wasn’t as big of a shock as it would have been a century – or even a few decades – ago. Humanity had run into half dozens of alien races while trying desperately to out-expand one another, and the most curious and enigmatic of those races were the Perseus Mumblers. Dwelling beyond the veil of a black hole, the Mumblers offered amazingly advanced technology ... for anyone willing to trade.

Someone had punted the asshole through the Mumbler’s event horizon and he had come out radically augmented. Untraceable. But as many people had learned since the dawn of the internet, nothing ... nothing ... is beyond doxing.

“The information contained in this drive cannot be traced to any of our agents. Don’t even try,” Agent Pan said, holding up a wafer of clear plastic containing a bead roughly the size of a grain of sand. “It dissolves without the right command code. I get what you offered, I give the command code.”

Moon’s AI, Bastet, sent the assent codes to Dey. Dey stepped forward and set down her own little drive.

“Names of every Russian spy we know operating in Beijing,” Dey said. “Not all of them, but enough of them.”

Pan took the drive. She eyed it, then looked at Moon. “We all trade codes on three, yes?”

“Seems rational enough,” Moon said, his eyes not wavering.

Dey shifted from foot to foot. This was where the tension got just a bit tighter. The faint drumming, thumping sound of footsteps outside the window continued to thrum through the building. When everyone in a room had the ability to rip people apart with augmented super-powers, the temptation was always there. Gun or no gun, the question came: Was it better to just kill them and run, or better to let the offer stand. But then Moon nodded. Pan relaxed slightly.

The Chinese agent turned and left, without so much as a goodbye.

Dey breathed slowly out – a sigh she hadn’t known she had been holding.

Moon looked down at the drive on his hand.

The plastic popped open with a sigh so similar to Dey’s that she eyed it suspiciously. She picked up the bead with her fingertip and walked it to the external terminal. It was totally possible for the two agents to access the data chip with their AI. But, like making love without a condom in the days before BSSTIT, it wasn’t really the best idea. Doubly so with someone who very well might have been carrying the computerized equivalent of AIDS. AIs weren’t as easily hacked as they were on the vids, but that didn’t make risking it anything less than terminally stupid when you were walking around with enough implants that could rip you and the building you were in to pieces if they went haywire.

The external terminal pinged and displayed a halo of data files in a shimmering holographic interface.

“Showy Google POS,” Moon said, slapping the side of the terminal until he got it to display in the touchscreen that made up the main body. He started to spool through the information, his lips pursed. Dey leaned over his shoulder and – once more – felt a bit like a big squishy machine that carried the person who did all the real work.

She couldn’t read the text nearly as fast as Loki. He highlighted text and flashed it in her vision, letting her get a read on it as Moon kept spooling forward. Dey tried to not scowl.

It was a load of fuzz.

That was something she hadn’t expected when she had been transferred out of the USAF training program on Ceres to the Devil Program. At the end of the day, Devil Troops weren’t just soldiers. They were intelinet troubleshooters, special forces, and spies all merged into a single cohesive whole. Great in terms of operational flexibility. Irritating when the only thing you had wanted to do with your life was fly cool spaceships.

Fuzz was an intelligence term. Basically, nothing was certain in the world of intelligence. Physics might have the surety of gravity and the absolute confidence of thermodynamics. But intelligence had a load of probables, and maybes and well I guesses. The Chinese had been keeping tabs on people who dealt with the Mumblers on Charon. Logical, considering what the Mumblers could do and the fact that the Chinese had two colonies in the V616 Monocerotis system. Research colonies, of course.

“So, we can cut at least half that intelligence out of the process,” Moon said, quietly. “The grad students and the small corporations don’t have the resources or need to steal a bunch of AI cores.”

Dey nodded. “That still leaves at least two dozen names.”

“Skim out the non-Russians-” Moon stopped himself and shook his head. “No. We can’t rule out that this wasn’t something else.”

Dey rubbed her palms along her face. [Loki, ] she thought. [Can you run down how many of these people are still on Charon?]

The list pinged and names were highlighted in red, gold and black. Black for those who were still on Charon. Gold for those in the Alpha Centauri/Proxima system. While Proxima Centauri and Alpha Centauri were both far enough apart that the primary stars of the system were little more than white dots at night, they were still relatively close. Close enough that a ship could get to the various balls of gas and rock that orbited around Alpha Centauri without needing to activate their main drives.

“You take orbital space, Lieutenant,” Moon said.

Dey looked at him.

“Orbital space is easier for someone on their first assignment,” he said, his voice calm. Rational. Still didn’t stop Dey from having to beat down her natural urge to growl at him. “Less places for someone to run.”

“Also more ways for me to experience the joys of decompression,” Dey said, frowning.

And to her utter shock, Moon slapped her shoulder. “Think of it like this, Lieutenant,” he said, then actually smiled. “At least you don’t have to deal with the boreworms.”

Dey frowned.

Loki, helpfully, brought up a picture-in-picture window in the upper left hand corner of her vision. It was a few choice clips from the destruction of St. Daniel – captured on a half a dozen webcameras and cellphones and streamed live on Twitch. Thankfully, he kept out the sound, but the looks on the desperate citizens as they fled the teeming masses of the boreworms was more than enough for her.

“When do I hit the shuttle?” she asked.

“What do we want!”

“One vote, one vote, one vote!” The crowd shouted back. The speaker was standing ontop of a parked hover-truck, her megaphone in her hands. She was dressed in the fashion that was all the rage across the vids: Long coat, with pink fringes along the bottoms. Her hair was done in a more classic punk style, and she had a privacy protection make-up. The idea had been that the random rectangles and black circles painted onto her cheeks, and the half-cheek cover that was mounted on the shoulder, would all work together to fool facial recognition software.

In all, it was roughly on par with going into battle against modern fluxguns wearing full plate.

You’d die looking stylish as fuck.

Dey, by comparison, looked downright staid in her plainclothes outfit. She kept her hands in her pockets and let Loki guide her around the worst knots of the crowd. She stepped past a small burning drum where people were throwing in scraps of paper.

[The hell are they burning?] Dey asked.

It looks like their birth certificates, Loki said. That’s what the plebiscite is about, you know. Pronouns.

[You know, they said that in the briefing, I still don’t buy it, ] Dey said as she finally got to the edge of the main street and started down an alleyway. Liberty was a proper city by now – it had gotten almost sixty years of development and growth to earn the winding back alleyways, the confusing street placements, the multiple redundant systems laid atop old failing systems that hadn’t been allowed to be cycled out of existence because they were still technically needed as the new systems were built. It also, from the three goons that followed Dey into the alleyway, had some of the criminal element that a city on Earth would get.

They are armed, Loki said. Detecting some bats, clubs, I think one might have a stubgun.

[Oh heaven forefend, ] Dey said, mock fear filling her thoughts as she kept walking forward. [Think they’re just taking advantage of the distracted police, or is this something more nefarious?]

I’ve done a facial check and looked them up on Facebook. Lets just say they vote lunatic fringe on the Democratic ticket.

[Oh. Goodie.]

“Oi, transie!”

Dey stopped and turned around. The head thug pointed his finger at her, grinning slightly. “I saw the way you was walking. Only chipheads walk like that.” He slapped the woman to his left – laughing slightly. They all looked eager, their eyes glinting.

“No, I’m thinking you’re confusing augmentations with not being so inbred you call your sister Mom.” Dey smiled brightly.

Hey, Dey, aren’t we supposed to be keeping a low profile?

[ ... right... ] Dey thought.

But it was a bit too late for that. The head thug scowled and started forward. He lifted up his hand, a crude club in his hand. Now here was where Dey had a choice to make – her mind whirring as time seemed to slow down. For the vast majority of people with augmentations, those augmentations were either a personal choice (and paid for out of their own pocket) or they were therapeutic and needed for them to live. The lunatic fringe of the conservative element of United States politics, being carefully courted by the Democratic Party in an old political strategy that never backfired once in the long history of the United States, hated both. Equally.

Almost no one had enough money to get the augmentations she had.

She could have kicked their asses in a few seconds just by letting Loki go nuts with her implanted DV emitters.

But, as he said.

Low profile.

So, Dey used the other thing the military had taught her. She grabbed the man’s wrist and twisted while bringing her knee upwards. His arm bent in a direction it really shouldn’t have. The man shirked and Dey stepped backwards, her fists up as she glared at the other two. “Now,” she said. “That bone might have cut some seriously important veins. If you get him to a hospital, he’ll be using that arm next week. If you don’t, you might need to roll him into the fungal field by the end of the hour. So, you can either try and kick my ass, or you and I can call this quits.”

The two toughs looked at her. They looked at their friend, who was clutching at his arm. The upper end of it flopped – a stomach churning sight.

They grabbed their friend, helping him to his feet and away.

Dey turned and hurried off.

And, unnoticed by her, a figure on the rooftop of the apartment building that boardered the alleyway stood.

“Very interesting,” she said.

The municipal spaceport of Liberty looked and was organized like a brick. It was perched, by necessity, at the edge of the city and by the demands of the local Green mayor and Green city council and Green voters, on the only piece of real estate near the city that wasn’t covered with one of the omnipresent Charon fungal pits or their attendant ecosystems. That meant that Dey had to catch a maglev train from the middle of Liberty and ride it up a small mountain to reach the spaceport proper.

It did give her a fantastic view of the planet.

“Shame it’s the second most fuck ugly planet I’ve ever seen,” Dey said, frowning.

Ceres doesn’t count, Loki said. This is the most ugly planet we’ve seen.

[If Pluto is a planet, Ceres is a planet.]

Pluto’s not a planet.

[Tell that to the fifty six thousand people living on it, ] Dey said, grinning.

The broad sweep of the plains that surrounded Liberty were bisected by the barrier mountains that had made Liberty a choice landing spot in the first place for the original colonists. Protected by the prevailing winds and sitting in a lush valley that got enough rainfall to support as much crops as someone could want, the only thing that made the local area anything less than perfect were the fungal pits. Three to four kilometers wide, who knows how many kilometers deep, they were like huge puckered pimples on the surface of the planet. Colored a plum purple, shaded a deeper color of disgusting red by the omnipresent red sunlight, the fungal pits only got more grotesque when you realized that they moved slightly. The five meter wide, wormlike growths that made up the main spongy mass of the pits constantly writhed. In actuality, they had less in common with fungus, despite the spores that they released every five years.

According to the briefing Dey had been forced to read, they had more in common with deep sea thermophiles. Scientists theorized, but hadn’t proved, that the pits went down into the core of Charon, and the plants fed off the heat there, rather than trying to wring any energy from the red light from overhead.

The maglev train whisked the view away from Dey, thankfully, by plunging into the side of the municipal spaceport, brakes whirring as it decelerated and came to a smooth stop in the internal passenger unloading bay. The lights here were the same red as the lights outside, but walking from the bay to the insides of the spaceport took Dey through a series of rooms where the lights changed hues subtly from red to yellow, until she was in the spaceport proper.

Once there, Dey took off her sunglasses, tucked them into her pocket, and headed for the booking terminal.

So, where do we hit first? Loki asked.

[I’m going off my gut, ] Dey said. [And my gut says that the first four names can be ignored. It’s not that I don’t think that a Russian petrochem magnet doesn’t want Russia to get their hands on some AIs. But I just don’t see them getting involved. Petrochem’s a shaky enough foundation to build your fortune on.]

And the criminals?

[Criminals do things that make them money. Fucking with the US government on this level just gets you in Gitmo, ] Dey said. The terminal had a short line. She smiled at the man she got behind – he looked at her, then looked her up and down. A slow whistle came from him. Dey stopped smiling.

“Sorry, just-” he started.

Dey grinned. “Man, that was too easy.” She shook her head. “I was flattered, stick to your guns.”

The man looked completely befuddled. The line shuffled forward and Dey gestured with one hand to the terminals. He beat a hasty retreat.

You’re like a cat sometimes, Loki said, sounding bemused.

[What can I say? I like fucking with people, ] Dey said, smiling to herself.

When she got to the terminal, she tapped it on and found a shuttle that was heading for the biggest orbital habitat in the area and the place where she was going to find her first candidate. Persephone II, built in the 2090s by a multinational corporate lobby, was neutral ground. Anyone from any of the superpowers could show up. The rules were simple and to the point: No weapons, no fighting, nothing that infringed on the MCL’s profits.

[Whose the MCL on this one?] Dey asked.

General Starships, Xenos Paradigm Biosystems and Apple Computers, Loki said – searching up the information in the time it took Dey to blink. Looks like it’s a general purpose corporate research park. XPB is a genomic corporation doing research on the fungals. I think they’re trying to adapt it into a biological borehole that can produce cheap geothermal energy. Oh, that’s neat.

[Stop reading corporate gobbledygook and tell me where our candidate is living on the place.]

I’ll do you one better, Loki said, sounding proud of himself. I found his Facebook.

There are no telepaths. Some alien races came close – the Sor’Kith claimed they could extrapolate emotional states via a long distance kind of electromagnetic senses, but no one bought the idea that they could read minds. But humanity had sidestepped the problem. It turned out, you needed only twenty five posts on social media to begin building a statistical model for what you would be like. Most people, from Paul DeVilbiss onwards, were more than eager to give the average government spook a lot more than twenty five posts.

It took Loki a few minutes to read everything that Marin Snook had written up on Facebook, Twitter and Twitch and turn it into a digestible set of intelligence briefings. Dey perused them as she walked into the STS shuttle that she had booked, strapped in, and waited for launch. As the ground of Charon started to receded underneath her, she finished the file.

She pursed her lips.

Total asshole?

[Total asshole, ] Dey thought.

The shuttle darted into orbit – turning slowly on its axis to give the fifty odd people on-board the best view through their windows at Charon. Proxima Centauri vanished over the horizon, giving the curve of the planet a ruby glow. Then they reached Persephone II. The station looked like a skyscraper that had been lifted into space and set in the center of a trio of concentric rings. The rings provided a pseudo-magnetosphere, buffeting away the solar radiation that might have threatened the occupants, while the actual station itself got gravity from deck after deck of DV emitters.

They could have spun it, but DV emitters were cheap and building a skyscraper under gravity, then chucking it into space was easier than making a Hamilton cylinder.

The shuttle was kept in a holding pattern for a half hour before it docked with the station. Dey walked through security without so much as a bead of sweat – Loki redirected scans and fed the computer systems passwords that the DHS used to get by this kind of scan. Even if he hadn’t, she was pretty sure that her augments were concealed enough to fool scanners. That made her frown. [Enough to hide from scanners, but not enough to avoid some loonie rightwing nutjobs?]

I know, Loki said. That’s what’s making me nervous too.

The main lobby of Persephone II was decorated in a gorgeous, art deco style. Large golden statues held up the central ceiling, facing outwards, their features just non-defined enough to be no particular race. Several shops and restaurants were set into the walls and most of the people off the shuttle were being met by people and lead off. The back of the lobby led to a series of grav-shafts that dropped people or lifted them up, depending on where they were going. The whole place felt like standing in the middle of an office complex – it had that faintly to clean air. No one was here who didn’t wear a button up shirt and everyone who had them were hiding their tattoos.

Dey took a grav shaft to the habitation deck. There, she walked through a series of corridors that felt like a Hilton – carpeting, no direct overhead lightning, wait droids pushing carts full of toiletries along the center of the corridors, and the rec rooms she passed were all annoyingly fit and preppy, with loads of workout machines and indoor pools.

[And here we are, ] she thought as she came to one of the junctions between habitation blocks that served as a communal area. There was a huge, broad window that looked out at the night side of Charon – bisected by a single, curving magnetosphere projector – and a few dozen tables set out near an open air cafe. There were half a dozen holotables that could be reconfigured to any setting proper, though two of them had been claimed by a half a dozen teenagers playing Magic: The Gathering.

Dey paused, looking over the shoulder of one of them. She smirked, then tapped one of the cards that the youth was thinking of playing.

“I wouldn’t spike now, kid,” she said.

The youth looked up at her – then opened his mouth in adolescent shock. Dey grinned at him.

Down, cougar.

[I’m twenty five, I can’t be a cougar.]

It’s about mental age, sometimes.

Dey shook her head and looked towards the cafe. She saw Marin Snook. He was, at the very least, handsome. She could give him that. And she did appreciate that, among the well dressed, shaved and orderly looking corporate citizens of Persephone II, he looked like he did something with his hands. He was dark black, with pale white hair – dyed, not natural – that had had shaved down to a frizzy set of cornrows. He had dyed his left hand pale white and wore a scruffy leather jacket that might as well have said ‘born spacer’ on it. He was lounging back in a seat and talking to a demon.

Dey froze.

[Okay, ] she thought. [Loki, diagnostics, you see that too, right?]

The demon looked vaguely humanoid. It had two arms, a vaguely leg-like shape beneath it, two eyes, and a wide mouth. There, all similarity with humanity ended – and honestly, Dey would have preferred if it had been more different, like a Squiddy. Seeing echos of a man within that mass of inky blackness just made her shudder. Whatever passed for the creature’s skin rippled like water, though the indications of movement were more suggestions than overt changes in tone or position. It was to dark, to black, to really show much of anything. Its head was slightly to wide, to swept back, and it had a pair of black horns that emerged from the top of its forehead. Its mouth wasn’t so much a mouth – in the same way its eyes weren’t exactly eyes.

Rather, those facial features were pale white glows that were visible more by the absence of blackness than by any intrinsic features.

I do, Loki said. I think it’s a Mumbler.

[No fucking way, ] Dey said, walking over to the table. [They live behind a goddamn black hole – you don’t walk out of a black hole for a coffee in the local Starbucks.]

Except that, apparently, they do.

“Marin?” Dey asked.

Marin looked at her, his brow furrowing.

“Marin, don’t you recognize me?” Dey asked, grinning. “It’s Gidget!”

“Gidge?” Marin looked uncertain. Gidget Walts had been plucked from his friends list. She had a similar mixture of races as Dey, and the last IRL meeting between her and Marin had been far enough back that he wouldn’t quite be sure if he had seen her before. Dey sat down, shaking her head slightly.

“Trust you to forget me,” Dey said, frowning. “And after I posted you that birthday wish last week. How are you doing, space-dog?”

Marin laughed. “Gige!” he shook his head. “You look, uh...” he paused. “Good.”

“I have been working out,” Dey said.

Gidget brags a bit on FB. Feel free to show off dem guns, Dey.

Dey lifted her arm and did just that. From the way Marin licked his lips, he did appreciate the guns. Dey, personally, felt like she could chalk the extra few hours working out at 1.5Gs as something definitely worth the effort.

“And, ah, whose this?” she asked, nodding to the demon.

The demon smiled. “You can call me Mordin Lightbringer...” he said, his voice sibilant and seductive.

Oh dear.


He might as well have said call me fucking Count Dracula von Doom, Loki whispered. Stay frosty, Dey.

[Don’t trust the obviously evil alien? You don’t say... ] Dey nodded to the alien.

“Gidge is a friend from SOL,” Marin said. “She runs an exoship like I do.”

“Ah, so, you place your forms inside of small boxes of metal and use radioactive decay in steam boilers to shunt energy into unstable systems that warp space/time to allow you to go screaming through space many times faster than the speed of light...” Mordin Lightbringer leaned forward, his glowing white eyes narrowing. “And you do this so that you can earn script? To afford food? Yes?”

“We call them big fat American red blooded dolla dolla bills,” Dey said, trying to stay as cool as a cucumber in hard vacuum.

Mordin laughed. “She does not scare easily, Marin. I like this.”

“You heard of the Perseus Mumblers?” Marin asked. “This guy is one of their, ah, servants.”

“You’re not a Mumbler yourself?” Dey asked. “I thought, well, I mean, I guess they say that they never leave their home. But...”

“My, ah, masters,” Mordin said, waving one hand. Dey noticed that rather than legs, he seemed to simply dissolve into a vague shadow below the impression of his belly. Within that shadow, she thought she was the occasional slippery tentacle. Her mind flashed back to the fungal pits as she tried to not shudder. “They can only exist in a place where physics as you understand it ... break down.” He smiled a Cheshire cat smile. “And so, when they need to explore the universe beyond, they craft beings like me.”

“What are you made out of?” Dey asked, playing up how much she was gawking at him.

Same as Devil May Care
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Devil worship

You'll also recall how we watched the movie on TV, and became inspired to have me talk about all sorts of Satanic and Devilish things for my wife. I know that I'd gone a bit overboard in advertising my wife along those lines on the net sex sites, but I'd been feeling so horny at the time and besides that, I got the impression that my wife was really excited when I told her what I'd done. Well, it so happened, as it does with most of these sorts of postings, that there was an initial...

3 years ago
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Devil Inside

Do you think some people are born evil? That's what our pastor says sometimes at church. That some folks are just born with a devil inside. Sometimes I think I'm that way. I have some strange ideas, I know that, some weird thoughts and I don't know exactly where they come from or why. They're bad, some of them, but I'm not sure if I'm really evil or not. I just don't know. I saw the man I wanted to marry at the Payless shoe store at the mall. He was older than me, old enough to be my...

2 years ago
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Pokesex Chapter 1 Mays dismay

Introduction: This is a pokemon story that I wrote. If your not a fan of pokemon try looking of the characters to get a better picture of them but I hope you enjoy. May screamed and squirmed all over. She was stuck in the water with thousands of tentacles around her. The tentacles were wrapping around her making her unable to move. They were ripping off her clothes and cupping her breasts. She continued to scream until one of the tentacles shoved it self down her throat. She was completely...

4 years ago
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Devil May CareChapter 6

Dey’s boots thumped into the center of the Hamilton cylinder. Her knees bent with the impact and she took a moment to just ... take stock. She had aimed her grapnel for the axis point of the cylinder. As a way to cut down on emissions – and thus, reduce the chances of being detected – the bad guy’s space station spun for its gravity. That made boarding it a tricky proposition, as simply landing on the side would have sent her flying off into interstellar space. But even standing on the axis...

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Devil With A Blue Dress On

Devil With A Blue Dress On A "Transgendered Adventure" by Web Dazell "ADVENTURE (noun): an unusual and exciting, often hazardous, experience or activity." OK, before we start with this story we need to get one thing straight. Despite what you're about to read, I'm not gay. OK, maybe that's two things straight, me and my sexual preference. In fact, I'm so not gay that one woman, even one as beautiful as my wife, just doesn't do it for me. That's how I got in this in the first...

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Devils Island Sporting Club

Devil’s Island Sporting Club by captv8td [email protected] 1“What are you doing still here?” the man asked accusingly.  “Git going!”  He poked her with one of the tending poles along the dock.Kim cowered back for a moment, afraid of the threatening male.  Then she decided that it was best to leave.  The other two girls who had been on the dock with her had already run off into the distance.Kim passed the three cages that were still on the dock.  These cages had held the three girls...

2 years ago
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AMAYA Too Beau Coup

Quite frankly, I can understand how some guys become child molesters or start sucking schlong. Having a little wee-wee leaves them with few other alternatives. But if it were me, I would shamefully hide inside my house, never to go outside, if I had anything less than nine inches swinging between my legs. And although I wouldn’t be biting pillows or feeling on little kids, I sure as hell wouldn’t feel confident enough to get naked in front of any fine female if I knew that I couldn’t...

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Laying here in my bed I close my eyes and he comes to me. Ever since I was 16 I would dream of the devil, every night he would arrive. Always the same tall, muscled, long black hair, and piercing green eyes, and tattoo always on his right pectoral muscle. There were two snakes wrapped around a sword and a red ruby in the middle. He would slip into my bed and spread my thighs apart, slipping himself between them as his lips captured mine, nibbling softly on my lips as I would bite his lower lip....

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Devil in a Red Dress

It was during an Alaskan summer when I was thirty five that I received a phone call at work. I'd always heard there were very few women in that great state. I'd seen guys talking about in on Opera and other TV magazine type shows. There's a saying in Alaska, "You don't lose your woman in Alaska. You lose your turn."I'm here to tell you that that is not what I experienced. I was laid more in my eight years there than at any other time. Granted, they were mostly older women, but that's what I...

Wife Lovers
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Devil Lust Part 8211 2

After unwrapping few gifts, I saw I got another binocular as a gift. Again those night events that I have seen in Ravi uncle’s room appear before my eyes. I decided to spy on Ravi uncle flat from that window again. I slowly opened that window and see inside his house.I saw him again sitting on that sofa and Anuradha aunty sitting next to him sucking his cock like an obedient slave and Ravi uncle was watching something on TV. I found this binocular lens stronger than the previous one and try to...

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Laying here in my bed I close my eyes and he comes to me. Ever since I was 16 I would dream of the devil, every night he would arrive. Always the same tall, muscled, long black hair, and piercing green eyes, and tattoo always on his right pectoral muscle. There were two snakes wrapped around a sword and a red ruby in the middle. He would slip into my bed and spread my thighs apart, slipping himself between them as his lips captured mine, nibbling softly on my lips as I would bite his lower lip....

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Devil8217s fuck session

I am KARAN studying in class 12 in a school of Gurgaon, Haryana I am writing my experience hoping you people will like it please reply me at my email address at the end of the story and soon I would be starting a group on yahoo also which you people can also join. Ok here it goes. After studying in this school for more than 12 years I needed a change from this institution. This all started when I went for this change and believe me my wildest fantasy did come alive when I reached this school....

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Mayank Want Answers

Bhabhi Bhaiya Hey guys, This is Dragging_Feets and this is my first story here at ISS. I am an amateur so the story may not be as expertly written as it should be but please bear with me.Also, the story will be long. So, please have patience.The story is totally a fantasy and characters of the story does not represent anyone in real life. —————————– The phone at Shukla residency was ringing aloud and it caused Mayank to wake up from his sleep. “Wow! That’s a Great news” he heard his mom...

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Amaya and Naomi

Naomi was walking along a beach at dusk. It was usually a popular beach this time of year, but due to some recent storms and unusual cold weather, tonight was rather quiet. Naomi felt the sand between her toes and enjoyed the feeling. Looking out over the beach Naomi noticed a sapphire blue object a short distance away just under the water. Naomi wondered if it was a shell or something else. She reached down and tried to pick it up. The object was bigger than she thought and a few small tugs...

Mind Control
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Edna Mayfield heavily revised

[note: this is a complete rewrite of the original] Edna Mayfield ◊◊◊◊◊ Is it perfume from a dress That makes me so digress? ‘The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock’ — T.S. Eliot 28 August The Mayfield house was unlike any other in the neighborhood, comfortable, perhaps, but hardly practical and certainly not in keeping with it’s more typical suburban neighbors. The house’s immaculate cypress siding, stained dark gray, hovered lightly under a copper roof, yet the sidewalk along the street...

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Bondhur Dada Amay Chude Dilo

By : Shalini Dutta Amar nam neha. Nischay amake tomara keu bholen ni. Amar lekha “Pistuto dadar kache choda khaoa “ series ta nischoy apnader mone ache ebong bhalo o legeche. Apnader aneker I dabi chilo ami aro golpo likhi. Kintu somoy er abhabe apnader kache segulo somoymoto tule dhorte parini. Aj apnader natun ekta golpo upahar dite chai. Ei golpo anekdin ager ghotona. Tokhon ami class 11 e pori. Amar kache oboshyo chodon khawa kichu notun noi. Kenona amake amar pistuto dada mitash amar 12...

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Changes Abound Mayas Journey Part 2

Changes Abound: Maya's Journey Part 2 A Cross-Dressing story by Maria Ski Why was Susan Hawke smiling? Was the meeting with Julia an accident? Is Maya a pawn in a larger game? Well, let us continue with the tale of Maya's journey and maybe, just maybe we'll get some answers to those questions. So let's find out from someone we met in part 1. I watched as Maya walked towards me. She looked amazing, skin tight jeans, a T-shirt with the phrase 'I'm not perfect. But parts of me...

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Mayank Ne Meri Chut Faadi

Hi frnds mera naam Neha hai and mai 19 years ki hu and mai iss ki story regular padhti hu and mai iss ki bahut badi fan hun. Aaj mai aapko apni real story sunane waali hun hope you all will enjoy my story. Mai 1st yr ki student hu and dikhne me achhi hu. Meri hight 5.4 inch hai and mera color fair hai and mera figure 36 24 36 hai. Ye kahani thori painful hai. Kahani shuru karti hu. Baat tab ki hai jab colleg eka first day tha. Mai white top and blue jeans pahen ke college gai thi par...

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Mayas Revenge

"Oh fuck!" Maya cursed as she looked in the rear view mirror and saw the police car's lights flashing and heard the shrill beep of the siren. She wondered how long the cop had been following her.Maya was usually a perfect driver, she was aware of stories from friends and family of D.W.B, aka Driving While Black. Knowing that, she didn't give reason for cops to stop and harass her. Except tonight was different, she was driving with a leaden foot and on top of that had a few drinks. She honestly...

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Changes Abound Mayas Journey Part 1

Changes Abound: Maya's Journey Part 1 A Cross-Dressing Story by Maria Ski Susan Hawke looked at her nephew as he slowly undressed. She had never seen him so sad. She wondered what she could do to cheer him up, but she knew there was nothing she could do at the moment. As the memory block she had placed would kick in soon. He hugged her as he left. "Thank you Auntie Susan, thank you for letting me stay." "You're welcome honey." She hugged him back. "Would you like to do what you...

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105. GRAN TRIES LIFE MAYS WAY.Life took a while to return to normal, Rose with care returned to full health in a couple of days her wounds being treated as they were inflicted with antiseptic helped a lot, she had a lot of bruising and that took a lot longer though. The silk through her tits she had me photograph before removing also her I took shots of her sex and her new hood rings of which she was most proud. She had me put a number of old earring`s into the holes in her labia on that...

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Beverly Hillbillies Elly May Jethro Maynt

Even as Miss Hathaway's convertible was slipping through traffic, Elly May was still trying to argue herself out of the trip. "I don't need no more clothes," she told the secretary, who looked like a broomstick with a shriveled up old apple on the top. "I got plenty." "Hmm, yes," Miss Hathaway said, keeping her eyes on the road. "But there are a few gaps in your wardrobe." Elly May looked down at herself. Her abundant breasts were corralled by a white men's shirt, with the ends...

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Devil In Both

Devil In BothBy: Londebaaz Chohan Larry was not very fond of nightclubs and particularly, this one, he never been in before. He had no clue if it was always this noisy, wild, on the edge sexually and aggressive. Guys were making all possible plays at girls, girls were going after guys. These were no girls, these were babes!! Their bodies were teasing, taunting and tantalizing raising the temperature in the club. There were bulges in the pants everywhere, almost openly rubbed by naked thighs in...

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Devil Made Me Do Her

Devil Made Me Do HerBy: Londebaaz Chohan I, Derek Robin have been here for less than a week at the residence of my very good friend David Casey and strangely, not only have I had some very interesting conversations with his sister Maya about the lack of sex in her life and also she having none social life; but I have also seen her doing some extremely controversial and nontraditional moves very openly, every night. She told me that the lack of sex was by her choice because she just wanted to...

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In the NavyChapter 37 Margaret Maynard Takes Command

Gibraltar, September 1807 Lady Carter walked through the rooms of their rented house one more time, making sure they had not forgotten anything. The furnishings would stay in place as per agreement with the owner of the house against a compensation of thirty-two pounds. This was fine for Harriet, since it freed her of the need to sell the items separately. Seeing nothing left behind, Harriet went downstairs. Jenny was holding Richard on her arm who had woken only a short while ago and was...

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Changes Abound Mayas Journey The Epilogue

Changes Abound: Maya's Journey the Epilogue A Transition Story by Maria Ski It has been four years since Maya told her family of the choice she made. My Maya, my beautiful Maya matured into a beautiful woman. And when it was time for her to undergo her final surgeries I was there for her. I'm Bianca Morgan Hunter and I'm her life partner. "How could you?" "How could I what?" "How could you allow our son to do this to himself?" "Our son? Our son? You say that know. But she...

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Devil May CareChapter 5

Kuz the Shockpod lounged in his cell, his hands laced behind his back. The aches and pains of exposure to vacuum, the bullet impacts, the lacerations, all of it paled next to the happiness of having finally met an alien race that he felt got his people. The restraints were just the right level of restricting to not insult his honor, and the United States Marine Corps Serviceperson that stood before his cell door was a nice touch. Kuz had heard of the United States Marine Corps. He had wanted...

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John and Mays outdoor adventure

Another mundaneday at college. John had maths followed by double science and ending with media studies, this was his favourite lesson of the day because he sat opposite a stunning red head called May. She always wore nicely fitting clothes showing off her curves and figure which was one of pure delight, she also spotted a few tattoos which were only ever partially visible but John was none the less very fond of what he could see. He got to the lesson just in time but to notice there was only...

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Maa kay mummay

Kaisay app sab land or choot ko puray pakistan ka salam to seeday kahani taraf chalta hoon mere femily karachi main hai mere ghar main sirf papa maa or main hi hain to hua yeh ek hafatey kay liye papa kisi rishtay daar ki shadi kay liye lahore jana paraa mere maa hameshaa salwar kameez pehanti hain main un ko kiye baar chupkay say papa kay saath kartay howay dekh hai, meri age 18 main student hoon, maa house wife hain woh hamesha sex dor rehen ko kahti thin maa ki 41 age hai aur un kaa size...

2 years ago
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Perfect Girlfriend Juice Ch 02 The Mayors Wife

Eleanor loved being the Mayor's wife. Knowing that she was making a positive difference in her community for her husband's constituents was part of it, sure, but mostly she loved the sense of grandeur and decorum that came with being the wife of the political head of fifty thousand people. People listened when she talked, respected her ideas, and treated her with a deference that quickly became addicting, all because of her husband's position. It was like being one of those entitled military...

Mind Control
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Mayday Mayday Mayday

It was one of those balmy early Fall days, the leaves on the trees overhung the river dressed in Magenta and Gold. I could see them from the huge deck I had built on the West side of our house overlooking the water, just a half mile away. I knew the Fall Chinook would be arriving, it was early for them but still, such a pretty day, worth a shot. I asked my wife Kay if she wanted to go fishing, she knows I love days out on the river. But her fear of water shows in her reluctance, often she...

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The Skimpy Cafe Mays Flower

It did until she got on the bus and sat down and had a moment to scan for anyone else. And there he was. The drunkard from a few nights ago. The one who assaulted her at the Inn. He was asleep in the back and she suppressed a squeak as she hurried to the front of the bus, as close as she could to the driver. May practically held her breath the entire forty minute ride to the print shop and just as she stood to leave the drunkard’s eyes fluttered open. His expression grew dark as he...

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“Why you studying all the time, Keaton?” my alcoholic friend asked me as he intruded into my room. “I don’t know,” I replied, looking up from my reading material. “Call me crazy but there’s something about paying thirty thousand dollars a year in tuition that keeps me motivated to earn credits. You know, getting a degree and all that shit. I figured that I should get something in return for my money instead of just a hangover.” “Fuck that, man,” Camel said,...

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Nicoles MayDay Party

Nicole's MayDay Party Nicole has some friends over and Larry gets out of hand again. Nicole and her friends give Larry some lessons on behavior. May had arrived in Salem. May is the time for planting and for people to start looking for things to do in the warm weather. Nicole always had a MayDay party. She planned it for the first Saturday in May. She did that so her and friends didn't have to worry about getting the time off from their jobs. When she was younger, school. This year...

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Kimbra Mayes and her son Jonty Mayes Chapter 1

36 year old Kimbra Mayes and her 50 year old husband, Talon, have been fighting for the last couple of months, and their 10 year old son, Jonty, is scared out of his wits. Kimbra feels sorry and decides to take stand and file divorce papers. When it comes through, Kimbra gets her young son all to herself. Kimbra is overjoyed, but then she starts feeling sexual attracted to her son. Claimer: I own these characters, no one else does. Chapter 1 Kimbra "Hey, you know what?!" my husband, Talon,...

2 years ago
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Mayo The Wop

MAYO THE WOPPart OneIn a dark street somewhere in the twisty depths of London, the light of a torch bounced off the walls, flickering amongst the wet stones. It caught a rag on the ground, a dark lump of body. The torch bearer ran forwards to see better, shining the torch straight into the face. A hand reached out trying to block the flare, but the men grabbed it and dragged the body upright onto his feet revealing the tender complexion of a fifteen year old boy with black fine curls and the...

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Godar Bara Mayer Gude

Amar naam Hobu.Tokhon amar boyosh baro ki tero.Ami ar amar Ma tokhon bhara thaktam Bhalo Didar barite.Bhalo didar ek chele,Goda Kaku.Mayer boyosh tokhon matro 29.Aporup shundor dekhte,golapi gayer rong,patla shorir,tight bhora buk,gol nitol pacha,gaye ekta misti madhurjo ache.Amar Baba chilo ekta matal lompot.Ma ke khub mardhor korto.Ek din Goda Kaku Baba ke dhore besh thengalo are baba shedin raat ei gelo paliye. Bhalo dida ma ke bollo,Sona Ma amar,tomar kono chinta nei.Tumi amar baritei...

1 year ago
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John and Mays outdoor adventure

Another mundaneday at college. John had maths followed by double science and ending with media studies, this was his favourite lesson of the day because he sat opposite a stunning red head called May. She always wore nicely fitting clothes showing off her curves and figure which was one of pure delight, she also spotted a few tattoos which were only ever partially visible but John was none the less very fond of what he could see. He got to the lesson just in time but to notice there was only...

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Getting Maya Fucked

I guess that is a more common fantasy than I ever realized for men to envision their wives being fucked by other men, particularly old friends of the husband. I had often fantasized about such an encounter with my wife, Maya; however, whenever I brought up the matter of a threesome and bringing another man into our sexual adventures, my wife was firmly against it.This was rather curious since we were hardly prudes. We had an ongoing swapping relationship with another couple for quite some time....

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Girl Meets World Mayas MadDog

Takes Place During: Girl Meets the RulesIt was a normal afternoon in John Quincy Adams Middle School, school's out for some of the students except for a few students that got into some mischief this morning. And that class was Cory's class. Cory gave his daughter Riley, Maya, Lucas, Farkle and the rest of the class detention because Maya wasn't following the rules. During detention, the class was divided into separate mini-colonies. Riley's was Rileytown, a land of goodness and rainbows where...

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> > > Thirteen year old Maya had already been fucked by her brother when she came downstairs to breakfast. Sometimes she only had to give him a suckjob, like if he was late for school, or not in the mood to fuck, or had just fucked his girlfriend the night before. But on this morning, he has wanted to pound her little pussy really hard. As always, he tried to hurt her when he fucked her. Like Father like Son. Maya had learned to than k her brother for his big fat wonderful dick. She...

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Rekha And Maya 8211 Part 4 A Widow Fucked And Satisfied

Khan Chacha went into Rekha’s room to sleep. Vinod was lying on the ground helpless with Rekha’s panty stuffed in his mouth. And Ali slowly started moving to his prize, Rekha. Akhtar walked towards Maya’s bedroom, and Maya followed him. Akhtar was 45 years old muscular, and very well built 6’2” tall Muslim goon. Maya was a 35-year-old lady whose husband died 2 years ago. Ever since then, she had not had any man touch her. Losing her husband so early didn’t do any good to...

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Girl Meets World Fun with Maya and Uncle Josh

Girl Meets World - Fun with Maya and Uncle JoshRiley Matthews arrived home after hanging out with Lucas and Farkle at Topanga's Café for smoothies. They were the only three there when Maya didn't go with Riley to hang out with them. Riley's parents and her little brother Auggie were out of town to visit Cory's parents, so Josh was there to keep an eye on Riley and make sure that she doesn't mess the apartment up. When she looked around for Josh, she didn't see him in the apartment. Riley began...

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Riley Maya

Riley & Maya By: James Stryker [For me to do this story, I cannot write about Riley and Maya having lesbian sex at the age they are in the show because it's just not right. So I am going to age them up to 18. In this story, Riley and Maya decided to have a little experimentation to see what it's like to have lesbian sex.]"Come on, Riley. It'll be fun." Maya said to her best friend."I don't know about this." Riley said looking shy.The two best friends were now 18 years old and they were in...

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Mayas Birthday Surprise

Girl Meets World - Maya's Birthday SurpriseToday was going to be the greatest day of Maya Penelope Hart's life. Today, she is turning 18-years-old. Her mother and her stepfather Shawn surprised her with birthday pancakes that they both made for her. Shawn also surprised Maya by taking her to the art museum to look at some of the paintings. This is going to be the best day ever. Later that day, Riley has planned something special for Maya. Maya has picked out the perfect outfit to wear: she wore...

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Tale Story Of Maya

Hello Readers. This is the story of Suchit and Maya. They both were classmates and college mates. They both love each other and are married. Maya doesn’t have any world, she thinks about Suchit all the time. Suchit is also a gentleman and never touched any other girl. They both used to have sex before marriage also. Maya never says ‘no’ to Suchit on the bed. Due to financial drawbacks, they didn’t plan for the child. Both parents opposed their marriage. One fine day Suchit met with an accident....

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The Rape of Maya chapter 4

Introduction: An older married woman follows her quest for kinky sex The Rape of Maya Chapter four The result of this almost unexplainable and terrifying very forceful orgasm along with her shrill noise had frightened and sent the little critters scurrying , in several directions and back to where ever they had came from!… When she finally woke up later that evening , Maya thought at first it was only some wild and bazaar dream. But slowly started to realize that her previously unfulfilled...

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The Rape of Maya chapter 4

Chapter four The result of this almost unexplainable and terrifying very forceful orgasm along with her shrill noise had frightened and sent the little critter's scurrying , in several directions and back to where ever they had came from!... When she finally woke up later that evening , Maya thought at first it was only some wild and bazaar dream. But slowly started to realize that her previously unfulfilled sexual desire to be orgasmed had been satisfied far past any wild sexual degree...

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Maya 8211 Cousin Love 8211 Part 6 Surprising Her

I kept a pillow on my lap to cover my nudity. Maya was wearing at-shirt. It covered only her thighs. Maya asked me about dinner. I left the choice to her. She said either we can order it at home, or we can go out. We decided to go to her favorite restaurant for dinner. We completed the formalities of calling our respective families. Maya got ready. She was wearing a red-colored open shoulder top and a short black skirt. She looked radiant spicy hot in that attire. We booked a cab to the...

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Maya Loves Boys Part 1 of 2

-= Part 1 of 2 =-About us, most of you who have read some of my other stories, know about my cum loving, Maya. Me Sam, 35, married for 21 years to Maya. its been ten yrs now, since she now has passed away. we made a fine, if sextordinary couple. If you like guys and girls next door types, not too overweight, not too short, nice faces then that's us. Middling jobs too. I was in Newspaper editing and still am. Maya was a stay at home mom, we had 4 k**s, that are all grown up, and we had other...

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