Drink Me (Sissy Story) By Sdvine free porn video

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With my chin resting on the table, I stared at the little bottle. It was a rather unremarkable looking thing. It could almost be called a vial, but I think of vials as something smaller and thinner, like in a lab. This was more like one of those small energy drink containers, only bigger and made of glass. The liquid inside, however, was much more remarkable. Silvery, with tinges of blue, it appeared to shimmer. Almost as if it were alive and breathing, the shimmer was like a pulse. I found it very easy to stare at it, it was quite hypnotic. Like it was calling to me, enticing me to drink. I had a sudden flash to Alice in Wonderland, and going down the rabbit hole. Drink me, Eat me, indeed. Not like I needed the extra enticement. If I wasn't going to try it, I wouldn't have bought it in the first place.

I had found this potion a week ago on a business trip to New Orleans. Or rather, the potion had found me. I had been wandering the French Quarter one evening, trying my best to be a casual, unobtrusive tourist, checking out all the landmarks friends had told me to seek out. I was just about to head back to my hotel, when a matronly old woman called out to me. She was leaning against the door jamb to a small shop, which upon further inspection was what appeared to be an occult oriented bookstore. Once she had my attention, she beckoned me over. As I approached her, I couldn't help but feel at ease. I think it's because the woman reminded me of my grandmother.

She wasted no time at all, she leaned in, and in a voice that was too loud to be a whisper, but soft enough to be for my ears only, said, "I have something for you, dearie. Something I know you'll love. Something to solve your..." she paused, giving me a knowing look up and down, "...problem." I raised my eyebrow, and was about to protest that I had no problem I was aware of, but she cut me off. "Oh, don't bother trying to deny it and hide behind false fronts and bravado. I know. You'll find no judgment from me. You hide it well, you should know. Better than most, but I know of the disconnection between your soul and your body."

Finding my voice again, after having it basically startled out of me, I asked "how could you know? I can count the people that know on one hand!"

With a gentle smile, she replied, "All true, but I see things that most people cannot, or will not. And I see very clearly that you walk around in a shell, a construct that hides the real you. Come. Come inside, and I'll show you."

I followed her inside, where she showed me the bottle I stared at now. She had practically sold it to me before I even saw it, simply by her supernatural prescience. For she was absolutely correct. A fact I hid from ninety-nine percent of the people who knew me, with very little difficulty. They found it very easy to see the man I was on the outside. I wasn't any sort of paragon of manliness, or built like a male model, but I was undeniably masculine in build. Broad shoulders, masculine features. Hell, I even wear facial hair. But all that conceals the woman inside. Conceals, that is, all except for this woman. After telling me the bottle would match the inside with the outside, it was probably one of the easiest 30 bucks she had ever made. To be fair, even if I wasn't nearly convinced she was actually telling the truth, the 30 dollar price tag was low enough that I couldn't resist just trying.

A deliberately cleared throat broke me of my reverie. "You've been staring at it for ten minutes," my friend Kiki said, "are you trying to work up the courage or something?" Kiki was direct, as always, a virtue I counted on her for, cherished her for. She was part of the one percent I trusted with my secret, and she had become my one and only girlfriend (in the best friends vein) as a result. I looked up at her sheepishly.

"Yeah, I guess I am," I replied.

"How can you be that scared to have what you've basically always wanted?" She had a point. I've known, in some fashion, since I was a teenager. It started off when I saw some gender bender movie. The concept touched something deep in me, and I found myself thinking about it more and more with each passing day. And I found, eventually, that it stayed with me so much because it's what I wanted for myself. I wanted to be a woman. It satisfied a deep psychological need, and it also sexually aroused me. I figured out that not only was I female in my core, but I had a transformation fantasy as well. Kiki called it a two-fer. I was a woman, but I also found sexual desire in the act of my body changing from the male to the female. I later found writings that suggested that this was how I helped satisfy my "inner girl," since I had chosen to forego transition.

I accepted who I was, but at the same time, my male body posed a challenge. As I mentioned, I'm no Adonis, but there was no mistaking this body as anything but male. I simply did not believe transitioning was for me. I felt more comfortable in my current body than I believed I would with the roll of the dice on how HRT and SRS would make me look. I basically wanted there to be no doubt, ever, of my womanhood.

"Well, for starters, I'm scared it just won't work. But I'm also scared that it will work, but not enough. You know how much I'm afraid of looking, well, stuck in between the two."

"Didn't the woman already tell you that wasn't the case? If you believe her that it'd work, why would you not believe her to the full extent? I mean, what's in it for her to lie to you about it?" I didn't have a response to that, however, it did make me think to myself that just because I couldn't answer that question, that didn't mean there wasn't any answer at all. I simply may not have been able to see it. "Listen, I understand if you want to hold off longer," she said, with a sympathetic look, "It's huge. If that's the case, go get out of that robe and put some clothes on, and we can grab some dinner. We can do this whenever you're ready." Something about how she said that really seemed to put a kick to my ass. I looked at Kiki for a few beats, then took a deep breath, grabbed the bottle, and drank the potion down. I set the bottle back on the table, took stock of the look on Kiki's face (a mixture of admiration and anticipation), and sat back down. I could feel the potion going down my esophagus. It felt warm, warmer than it should have been at room temperature in relation to my internal body temperature.

After a fairly long silence between us, Kiki started to give me questioning looks, and finally burst out with "well? Anything?"

I chuckled, and said, "I guess even magic potions take some time to get in the system, huh?" We laughed, but I was thinking to myself "oh, no, it was nothing. I got duped with snake oil." I smiled again to Kiki, saying "We'll just have to be a little more patient."

After about 10 minutes of waiting, interspersed with "anything yet?"s from Kiki, I was really starting to despair. I think Kiki was, as well. Out of boredom, she picked the bottle up, turning it over in her hands. I saw her start for a moment, then looking much more closely at the bottle. At that moment, I started to feel something happening. I couldn't quite explain the sensation, but it was completely alien to me. It was, all at once, a tingle, a numbness, and pleasure. I was just about to tell Kiki, when all of a sudden, she muttered "uh oh..."

"Uh oh?" I replied, "UH OH? Now's a really bad time for an 'uh-oh,' Kiki! I think it's starting to work! What is it?"

"The bottle has writing on it, but written in the exact color of the potion, making it nearly impossible to see now, let alone when it was full. There's a warning..."

"A war-war..oooooooh" I cut myself off as a huge wave of euphoria crashed over my entire body. I had taken Ecstasy a few times when I was younger, and this felt like rollin', cranked up to 11. I managed to get out "what kind of warning?" before the sensations overwhelmed me again.

"Well...it says you only need a small amount, and to increase until effects begin to compensate for body weight and such...you weren't supposed to drink it all like that." She shot me a very concerned look, which changed almost immediately to surprise. "Oh, Sandy, I can see some changes. Your hair is longer, and your face is softening."

I could only nod. I had felt both of those things, and so much more. I stood up, although on very shaky legs. The robe I was wearing, to afford me some touch of dignity and to avoid other clothing not fitting right when I changed, fell open. That notion of dignity was long gone, though. For one thing, anything Kiki saw at this point of that body was going away. I leaned back on a counter to steady myself, and just in time as the euphoria washed over me again. I guessed the sensation was so intense because I had overdosed, but I couldn't hold enough focus on that. My focus was taken up by the powerfully pleasurable sensations and the changes that came along with them.

I could see my body's changes now. I looked at my hands, and they were decidedly feminine. The fingers were more slender, and several scars I had on my knuckles disappeared. I noticed that my arm was also thinner, and there was no more hair there. I looked down, and my now exposed penis was smaller. It had never been what I'd refer to as big, but now it was officially small, and dwindling, along with the testicles and hair.

I was definitely getting shorter, as well, as I noticed a gradual change in perspective. From what I could feel of my head and face, all facial hair had gone, and my hair was past shoulder length, the brown locks wavy and full. While looking down at my disappearing penis, I saw my chest begin to swell, and I was vaguely aware that my ass was also becoming larger, and my hips had widened. As my newly forming breasts grew, I started running my hands around my body. My breathing started to get heavy as the euphoric sensations began to become steady instead of in waves. That had to be from the potion, but I hardly cared. As my left hand went down to my crotch, my right hand cupped my right breast, and I realized that not only were my breasts growing at quite a rapid pace, but they didn't seem to be slowing down. It hit me: I drank the entire potion. I silently prayed I wouldn't end up with insanely large breasts where I could barely move. As it stood now, they were about the size of softballs.

My left hand was reporting back to me as well. There wasn't much left between my legs that belonged to a man. My penis was now basically reduced to the head, and when I even nudged it, I got a huge jolt through my body. Almost as if every nerve ending that had been in my penis had doubled, and concentrated in that one part, which was already the most sensitive. It was settling in above the increasingly defined vagina, becoming my new clitoris. The pleasure was really ramping up now, and I had the sudden insight that I was building towards orgasm in a way I had never experienced before.

I was able to sneak looks at Kiki between the self-exploration, and the look on her face said it all: shocked astonishment. I could hardly blame her. From my own perspective this transformation was incredible. From hers, watching a man's body reshape itself in to a female one, it had to have been quite a show.

Thankfully, my breasts growth slowed down considerably. I wasn't going to have gargantuan boobs, but they were still awfully big. I had no idea their measurement, but by comparison I'd have to say they were at least as big as my head. At nearly the same time my breasts gave their last surge of growth, I felt my new vagina completely form and connect with the newly formed internal female organs. With that, the buildup to orgasm crested, and I came. Hard. My knees buckled and failed beneath me. I crumpled to the floor, practically screaming in pleasure. Against my will, the world began to iris in, and I slipped in to u*********sness.

I came to, and saw Kiki standing over me with a look of concern on her face. As she saw me waking up, she sighed in relief, and started to help me up, which I needed. I was used to a much different center of gravity, and between losing what I guessed to be about 5 inches of height plus growing breasts, I was all out of whack. "Are you alright" she asked.

"Yeah, but I think I just had my first orgasm," I said, and my hand flew to my mouth. My voice...it was my voice, the voice on the inside, how I thought it'd sound. Kiki saw my reaction, and smiled.

"Oh, Sandy. You sound great. I was really worried when you collapsed. Accidentally drinking all of the potion, and all. I thought maybe it could have been fatal, or something. Seems that all it did was make you a little more endowed than you might have been. Let's get you to a mirror." We left the living room, and headed towards my room, where there was a full length hanging on the backside of my door. As we walked, I saw that I was about 2 inches shorter than Kiki now, so I guessed my new height at about 5'1". I was unsteady at first, but started to gain some semblance of balance as we entered my room. Kiki shut the door, and I shrugged the robe off. It's not like Kiki hadn't seen it form in the first place. What I saw looking back at me was both exhilarating and frightening in its newness.

One concern was taken care of...there was no mistaking me for anything but a woman. I looked at my new face. I landed on "cute" to describe how I looked. At least to me, I didn't feel like I was drop dead gorgeous, but I was attractive. I probed a little at my face, and Kiki chimed in "kinda girl-next-door, I'd say." I smiled and nodded. That worked for me. My eyes had pretty much stayed the same, blue with thick lashes. They looked larger, though. My nose had gone from kind of hawkish to more like a button with a slight upturn. My lips had filled out some, but weren't huge. A mole I had on my lower cheek was gone, as were my pockmarks. I hadn't thought the mole before, but I was glad. It wasn't what someone would call a beauty mark. As I studied the rest of my body from a mirrors angle, I noticed for the first time that most of my tattoos were gone. In fact, only one remained, on my right arm, below the shoulder, there was my tattoo of a phoenix. Fitting.

After a few more moments of checking myself out, including turning and looking back at my womanly backside, I sat down on the bed. u*********sly, my hands crept up and down my body. Kiki had started talking about having a few pieces of clothes that might fit me, but I was barely aware. I was horny, incredibly so. I started to rub my clit, wanting very much for some more release. Kiki must have asked me a question, because she looked back at me, and recoiled as she saw my shamelessly masturbating. "Sandy! I'm right here! I understand this is exciting for you, but can't you wait?" I snapped back to what I was doing, and apologized, but seconds later, she was telling me again.

"I can't help myself, Kiki, it's like I have no control. I'm really trying to stop, I just can't!" I was a little concerned at this, but at the same time, I felt so good that I was easily justifying my actions to myself.

"Okay, fine. I'm going out there, and when you're done, let me know," she said, leaving the room. With her gone, I stopped what little resistance I was able to give and fully immersed myself in to the masturbation. Oh, but it felt wonderful. I rubbed my clitoris a little faster, kneading my breast. I brought my fingers to my nipples, which I realized at grown a bit as well, and pinched them. I had always enjoyed that to a degree as a man, but it was ten times better now. I started to tentatively explore my vagina with my finger. I was transfixed by the new sensations coming from it, having an orifice where once there was a protrusion. I could feel the moisture, not just on my finger, but building inside. I couldn't quite find the words to describe the feeling, but it was like the feeling of getting an erection, in a sense. I could tell it was my body preparing itself for sex, even if I couldn't efficiently describe the u*********s actions themselves.

I returned the fingers of that hand to my clit and worked that more, and almost reluctantly stopped fondling my huge boob to use that hand for a little penetration. As I probed deeper and deeper, my mind was nearly empty except for thoughts of pleasure. My fingers felt wonderful. The feeling of something being inside an orifice meant for something to be inside was incredible. I had experimented somewhat with self anal penetration, and while that held a certain amount of pleasure thanks to the prostrate (which I realized was now gone), it was nothing compared to this. I began to think about what it'd be like to have something more substantial in me. First, my thoughts went to a dildo, and I could have kicked myself for not being prepared with one. Those thoughts warmed me up even more, and I increased my speed. But soon enough, the thought of a dildo escalated in to something more.

Cock. My mind began to focus on a hard cock thrusting in and out of me. And with those thoughts, another orgasm was on my like a tsunami. I did not slow down; however, in fact, I went even faster and insistently. I had never really focused on the man's organ, beyond the one I used to have, very much. I had always maintained an attraction to women. But right now, my body was sending my brain information, and the brain was telling me that if what I was doing right now felt good, then having a penis fucking my new vagina would be incredible. I was still awash with the previous orgasm when I started to feel another one quickly build up. In no time, another pleasure explosion hit me. I was always curious about the multiple orgasms, and now I knew.

You'd think that would slow me down, but I still found myself almost frantically fingering myself. My hands were flying between my pussy and my boobs. My haze lifted for a moment as I realized that once again, I was feeling an unintended side effect of drinking the entire potion. I hoped it would subside, nor would there be other more unsettling side effects before my body's desires overrode my rational thoughts again. Hard cocks were once again dominating my fantasy, except now, I wasn't just getting fucked. Along with getting plowed in my new, aching for dick pussy, I saw myself sucking dick. I saw myself titty-fucking a huge cock. I saw myself getting double teamed. I saw myself getting butt fucked. Yet another orgasm slammed me, and my screeching must have sounded frightening, because Kiki burst back in to the room. She took one look at me and as her eyes widened I saw comprehension on her face as well. The potions effects were super charged at that level, and over powering me. I looked at her with pleading eyes, and moaned "Oh, Kiki, this is wonderful, but I need help. Help me, please!"

With a quick scrunched up expression, she replied, "Sands, I love you, but you know that I, you know, don't like women like that...I mean, maybe a little for you if it'd help, but..." I cut her off.

"No, not help like that. I need penetration! I need to get fucked! Help me get fucked, help me find a guy to fuck me!" As soon as I said it, something strange happened. I began to level off. I was still horny, incredibly supernaturally horny, but I was in control. It was like admitting my new desires out loud gave me a semblance of domination over the potion's effects. I sighed, both out of pleasure and relief, and sat up. Kiki was just staring at me, mouth agape.

"R-really? I thought you really didn't see men in an arousing sort of way."

"Me, either, and maybe it's the potion, or maybe its deeper desires coming forth now that I have this body, but once a penis entered my brain, it was all I could think about. I need it. And even though I'm thinking much more clearly than I was two minutes ago, I still need it. In fact, I get the feeling if I don't, I may sink back in to that mindless haze I was just in for a few minutes there."
"Few minutes?" Kiki laughed, "That was close to an hour. That must have been something for time to fly like that."

I dreamily smiled, and nodded. "It really was. That's also probably due to the potion, but it felt so incredible. I could have easily lost myself to it. But please, help me get fucked. I can't explain why exactly I need it so bad, but I do. As soon as possible."

"And just how in the hell am I supposed to find you a man to fuck you on such short notice? Wouldn't it just be easier if we just found something for you to wear, and you just used that body to pull in just about any man who lays eyes on you?" While that thought immediately appealed to some deep seated need, I knew my control was somewhat tenuous at the moment.

"No, I don't think I could keep myself under control if I tried leaving right now. It wouldn't do my much good if I went out but couldn't stop myself from masturbating. That might attract someone, but odds are it would just get me thrown in jail. Don't you know any single guys? How hard of a sell could this possibly be?" I began to run my fingers through my hair. It must have looked a mess after all that thrashing around.

"Well, I guess I know a someone or two," Kiki said, with another face scrunch, "it just makes me feel weird, like I'm pimping you or something."

"If it helps, think of it as helping a new girl in town network." We both chuckled a little bit, and she started to nod. I added, "Plus, you'll be screening these guys, too, because you know them. Picking up some random guy is a little dicey in regard to cleanliness and such."

"Okay, I'll make some calls, but I can't promise anything right off the bat. They might not be around, or busy. In the meantime, you should probably shower. Either way, it'd be a good idea." I had to agree with her. My hair was a mess, and a layer of sweat was glistening over most of my body. As Kiki went to get her phone and call, I made my way to the bathroom. After turning the water on and getting the temperature right where I like it, I had a brief moment of panic. I was going to actively touching myself as I cleaned...what if I lost control again? I wasn't afraid of pleasuring myself; I was just worried about not being able to get cleaned up as a result of a sex drive that was teetering on the edge of out of control. Figuring I had little choice but to brave it, I stepped all the way in.

The water running all over my body felt great, but so far it wasn't causing my brain to slide in to what I had decided to call "slut mode." I dipped my head under the stream, and for the first time realized just how much more hair I now had. The water made it very heavy, very fast, but it was worth it. I hadn't really dwelled on my longer hair, but I did remember thinking it looked very luxurious grown out as it had. Keeping it clean would be something of a chore, but a good one. I lathered it up, having to add more shampoo twice as I kept under-estimating the amount I needed, and rinsed it through. I had a bottle of conditioner that I had barely used, and I grabbed that and added it in. As I let it sit, I thought to myself "moment of truth," and grabbed my soap and cleaning poof. I reflected briefly that it was a good thing I preferred more neutral smelling body soaps, took a deep breath, and started lathering my body up and down.

I shouldn't have worried. Oh, it felt good. Very good, but I was still able to think clearly. I worked on cleaning my boobs, and I realized again how much bigger they were than I expected. I lifted them up to lather up underneath, and marveled. I was right, they were about the size of my head, but rounder. As unexpected their size was, at the moment I was glad. I loved them. My breath caught in my throat as the poof went over top of my nipples, making them stiffen and ache. I took a second to compose myself, and then continued with the rest of my body. When I got to between my legs, I was surprised again at the feeling of having nothing between them anymore. I didn't really miss it at the moment, but I had gotten accustomed to having a dick and balls. Simply being able to have my legs together at the crotch without discomfort was so unusual. I quickly focused on what was there, as the thought of my own former equipment almost sent me down the rabbit hole again. I noticed I was hairless around my crotch and vagina. I figured I'd keep it that way, I liked how it looked. I finished lathering, and began to rinse from head to toe.

As I was finishing, I heard Kiki come in to the bathroom. "Hey, Sandy, I think I've got someone. Do you remember that old coworker of mine, Dave? He hung out with us a couple times." I did remember him, and my memories filled my mind, as I desperately tried to remember what his bulge had looked like. I hadn't taken notice of it, of course, but that's where my mind had gone. I fought back slut mode again, and told Kiki I did indeed remember him. "Alright, I've told him you're an old friend back in town, and that you have some nymphomania. That if he played his cards right he could be in for at least some friends with benefits. He wants a picture though. I'll take one with my phone as soon as you're done in there." I shut off the water, and pulled the curtain back.

"No, don't wait. Take it now. What's the difference between now and a few minutes?" The very prospect that I was very close to having the cock I desired made me a bit on the inpatient side. "I'll cover up a little bit, but unless he doesn't like what he sees in the picture, he's going to be seeing the whole package soon anyway, right?" Kiki just shook her head, and held up her phone to take the shot. I feebly covered my huge rack with one arm, and put a hand over my crotch, and heard her phone snap a few shots. Kiki began to type a text response with the pictures, and then I heard the "whoosh" sound of a sent message. She looked back to me and then to one of the picture she just took.

"That's actually pretty hot, with you still soaked from the shower. I'm pretty sure he would have jumped at the chance, anyway, but I don't think you'll have to wait very long now." I smiled ear to ear, and began to towel myself off. As I began to comb through my damp hair, getting annoyed at several tangles, Kiki's phone chirped indicating an incoming message. I looked over expectantly, and after she quickly checked, she looked back to me and said, "I hope you're sure about this, because he's coming over here. I'd guess he'll be about half an hour, he did mention he was going to freshen up." If possible, my smile grew larger, and with the knowledge that, very soon, I'd be fucked excited me greatly, but my control over my impulses strengthened.

I briefly wondered what I'd wear, but concluded that would be incredibly pointless. There was no doubt in my mind that as soon as I saw Dave, the clothes wouldn't last but a few seconds, so as I fished out an old hair dryer, I decided I'd just put the robe back on to stay warm as I waited. I began to brush and blow dry my hair. There was enough of it that by the time I felt it was sufficiently dry, 20 minutes had passed. I went back to my room, and threw my robe back on, giving a loose tie in the front. My decorating tastes were fortuitous. There was nothing in that room that would indicate that until very recently it belonged to a man. After a few minutes of anticipation, I heard the doorbell. After a few seconds, I heard Kiki say "she's in the bedroom back that way. Probably waiting for you." A moment later, the door open, and Dave walked in.

For a very brief second, I wondered if I could actually do this. But that moment passed, and was replaced as I saw the bulge in his pants, and slut mode began to take over. I stood up, slowly. I'm sure this appeared sultry, but in reality, I was still getting used to my boobs, and if I moved any faster I could have lost my balance. I pulled the belt of my robe to untie it, and the front of the robe fell open, giving a glimpse of my breasts, tipped with rock hard nipples, and my pussy, practically dripping as it readied itself for penetration. The glimpse didn't last long before it was simply a full view, as I dropped the robe to the floor. Dave began to walk towards me, starting to divest himself of his own clothes. As soon as he was within reach, I helped him in that task. He had gotten most his shirt off as I undid his belt, and worked his pants open. I could see the outline of his cock in his underwear, and it appeared to be only half erect and about 7 inches in length. I stepped back, letting him kick off his shoes, and step out of his loosened pants. I stepped back in to him, putting my hand down the front of his boxers and fondling his cock. As I did so, his hands began to caress my breasts, and I gave a little moan, it felt so good. Not knowing what his hands would do was really heightening my arousal.

As he continued playing with my breasts, and I lightly played with his cock, he spoke for the first time. "Oh, those pictures somehow didn't do you justice. This body is amazing. Your breasts feel so real." I didn't try to correct him, I doubt he'd believe me that the technically were real, anyway. But I loved the fact that he was turned on by my body. I decided this was enough for foreplay, and sank to my knees. I pulled down his boxers, and as he stepped out of them, I took stock of what laid in front of me. After my stroking, it was at full attention, and it had topped off at about 8, maybe 9 inches. I grasped the base and began licking the tip, trying to tease him a little. I admittedly had no clue what I was doing, but I drew from my own experiences of receiving blow jobs and applied the things I had liked.

After a little more of the same teasing, I tentatively open my mouth, and brought his cock in to my mouth. It was warm, almost hot, and that threw me for a moment. I drew it in as far as I could, which honestly wasn't that far. About halfway the gag reflex kicked in. I was disappointed, but continued on, pulling my lips up and then back down his shaft. I sped up a little, trying to be careful with my teeth. His breath quickened, and I looked up at his face. His head was tilted slightly back, his eyes were closed, and his expression obviously showed he was enjoying me sucking his dick. At once, I decided I needed to finish him off by mouth worshipping his cock. I really got in to it, fucking him with my mouth. In hardly any time, I felt his cock twitch, and an incoherent noise escaped his lips. I was moving down his pole at the time, and before I could remove his cock from my mouth, he u*********sly bucked forward and shot a load of cum practically right down my throat.

It was hotter than I expected, gooey and salty, and I had almost no choice but to swallow as it landed so far back in my mouth, by my throat. I wasn't as repulsed by it as I thought, and I actually realized I liked it. As his orgasm wound down, I licked all around that limpening cock, both trying to get every drop, and to get him back on the road for another go. It didn't take much to achieve that goal, and his cock was hard again before he even fully lost the first erection. I stood up, backed towards the bed, and slid back on the bed. I opened my legs, feeling my pussy lips part slightly, and began to rub my clitoris a bit in anticipation. Dave, for the moment, was standing in the same spot, his hand around his cock. I knew what he was doing, I had done it before. His cock wasn't quite ready in his view, and he was getting it there. I decided to give him some encouragement. "Oh, Dave, don't keep me waiting. I need that cock in me. I need to feel it sliding up my wet pussy. Fuck me, Dave. Fuck me." On the last "me," Dave had gotten on the bed. He positioned himself between my legs, and reached down to line the head of his cock to my waiting vagina. Then, after he had just the tip past my lips, he slid the rest of that shaft home.

"OH! MY! GOD!" I screamed. I hadn't realized it until I was filled with cock, but I had been missing this sensation my entire life. "That's it, Dave! Fuck me like that!" He didn't need encouragement so much, but I was finding it harder and harder to contain myself. I wrapped my legs around his back, holding on for dear life, and let him fuck me like I had been fantasizing about since shortly after the potion finished its work. I pawed at my boobs, both for the pleasure, and to keep them from moving around so much. "Holy shit, this feels so good. Fuck me harder, harder! I could do this forever! Harder, Dave!" I shouted as he complied, and our coupling became desperately frantic and needy. I caught a bit of movement by the door, and to my surprise, Kiki was peeking in. I guess my declarations had piqued her curiosity. When she saw that I had spotted her, I could see her face redden, and shortly after she disappeared from the doorway. I turned my attention back to the best sex I had ever had, my first time as a woman. And it wasn't even close to anything I had felt as a man. I plunged over the cliff of pleasure again, orgasming in spectacular fashion.

I guess after I sucked his cock, his stamina increased, for as I slipped in and out of the fog of the almost constant orgasms, he lasted a considerably long time. And I was more than happy he could, the way his fucking made me feel. More alive and vibrant. A new image came to mind, and I immediately wanted it, so I stopped Dave, and disengaged. I felt a twinge of regret as his cock slid out of my pussy, but I knew it wouldn't last long. I turned over, and got on my hands and knees, and in a voice thick with desire, said "fuck me from behind, stick it in me! Ram it in! Ram that cock home!" He took position, and with no more fanfare did just that, and I was back under the influence of the immense pleasure his cock was giving to me. "Your cock feels so good in me! I love how it stretches me, and the friction. Keep fucking me like that!" I loved it, getting fucked from behind. I don't know what about it was doing it for me, but I felt so sexy being taken from behind, my awesome tits swaying with the rhythm. Something about it appealed to Dave, too, because his second orgasm didn't take all that long, and he had deposited his load deep in me.

He slid out of me, and with a huge sigh, laid back on the bed, seemingly spent. I couldn't have that. I swooped right down to his shrinking cock, and put it right back in my mouth. It tasted differently this time, now tasting both of him, and of my own pussy juices. I worked it in and out of my mouth; trying to will it back in to an erection. It took a little bit, but finally I was successful. As it began to harden, I let it slip out of my mouth, and snaked up his body to his ear. "Would you like to fuck me in the ass, Dave?" I whispered. I looked at his face, and that notion seemed to please him. I looked down at his cock, and it was twitching it was so hard. "I guess that answers my question," I demurred, as I took position on my hands and knees again. "You got it, then. Come stick that cock in my ass." He lined up behind me again, but this time was aiming higher. I felt him use his cock to spread some moisture around my anus, and then slowly, inexorably, but surely, he slid his dick in to my ass. It hurt at first. Even when I had experimented before, I hadn't put anything as thick as his penis up there. But I was so intensely in to it that the pain quickly turned to perverse pleasure. I was surprised a bit, as I had thought that without a prostrate getting buttfucked would be way more for his pleasure than mine, but I was enjoying this too. As he went, my backdoor loosened gradually, and as it did, he began to speed up, and really get in to it. I was heating up listening to him as well, his grunts of pleasure turned me on to no end. I reached down to stimulate my clit while he continued fucking my ass. "Oh, that hurts...no, don't stop, it hurts good! Keep fucking my ass, don't stop!" His dick up my ass along with my fingering myself was getting me very close to yet another orgasm. As I neared the precipice, I could tell Dave wasn't far off. "Yes, Dave, shoot that cum up my ass. I'm about to cum, Dave, I'm gonna cum. Cum with me. Here it comes, oh yes, yes, yeeeeees!" The final yes morphed in to a squeal and at the same time I felt Dave's cum being introduced to my ass. He fell back on the bed again, breathing heavy.

"Wow. I don't think I have another one in me," he said. I sidled up next to him, and got near his ear again, nibbling on the lobe. I reached down and began to jerk him off.

"Challenge accepted, I said." Realizing that I didn't want him anywhere else after having his penis up my ass, I whispered again, "you can fuck my ass again if you can manage to get hard." I felt a stiffening in my hand, and I smiled, knowing he was about to manage just that. It made me feel so sexy to have this power over him. Within a minute, he was inside my ass again. This time I was on my back with my legs high, and holding on to the headboard for some more traction. Anything to get even a little more of that dick in me.

After that go-round, we both hopped in the shower, and after I washed it, I managed one more time, sucking his cock again as the water beat down around us. I found myself really getting in to the blow job, and decided I would actively work to improve, especially with suppressing my gag reflex. I imagined being able to engulf a cock all the way to the base. It might have been a lofty goal, but I wanted to try. I wasn't quite sure what I was doing that worked so well, but Dave came once again, faster than expected. We finished the shower, proper, and he crashed on to the bed, and was asleep in moments. I was still invigorated, but sated. After such a great fucking, I figured I'd let him sleep, he had damn well earned it. I grabbed my robe off the floor, and went out to the living room. Kiki was there, with a pizza box on the table in front of her. She saw me, and waved at the box. "I got hungry. Feel free, I'm willing to bet you worked up an appetite." I grabbed a slice gratefully, and sank down next to her on the couch. "So," she said, "I'm going to go out on a limb and say it was good for you, yes?"

I chuckled around my first bite of the slice, and chewed and swallowed. "Yes, very much so." Her expression didn't change, it was very inquisitive.

"I think that potion did a number on you, Sands. You realize you're basically acting like a slut, just a set of holes for a guy like Dave to fuck and go off on his merry way?" I nodded.

"I do, and potion or not, I don't mind. That was, by far, the best sex I have ever had. And there's a strong possibility I'll have better down the line. Besides, who really has the control? Who used who, really?" I took another bite, and studied Kiki's face. I think the concept made a little more sense now.

Over the next two weeks, the effects borne from taking the entire potion became apparent as they faded. I became much less insatiable, and could control myself a lot more. The waves of pleasure, and the speed and severity of the orgasms also faded. That only slowed me down slightly. Even with the drop off, the experience of this body was orders of magnitude better. Kiki and I theorized that this might have been because I was finally in the body I was meant to have, not that women necessarily feel more pleasure. I did note that a male orgasm was like a firework, intense but brief in relation to the female. Dave and I settled in to an arrangement that was a bit more than friends with benefits, but not really girlfriend and boyfriend. With a bit of probing, I got him to agree to having another man in bed with us. I loved it when that did happen; it made me feel twice as validated. Kiki and I found the right people and I gained a new identity. My money, which I had made liquid before I drank the potion, lasted about a month, especially since I had to pay for getting that new identity, and for a new wardrobe. I know it's terribly cliché, but I took to stripping. Cliché it may be, but it was good money, and my body was made for little else. I didn't plan to do it forever, either, but to build up a decent bankroll and take a more traditional job later.

After some time had passed, I went back down to New Orleans, Kiki in tow. I was half expecting to find a completely empty space where the woman's shop had been, but there she was, standing almost exactly the same way as she was the first time I saw her. She recognized me immediately, inviting us inside. She marveled at the job her potion had done, and inquired about my exaggerated figure. We told her about the sneaky writing on the bottle, and she gave a wry smile, saying something like, "I should've known that damn wizard had some sort of trick up his sleeve with that one...crafty old bastard." I wasn't sure what she meant, but ultimately it didn't matter. She had been right when she first beckoned me. She did have what I needed, and I did love it.

Same as Drink Me (Sissy Story) by sdvine Videos

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A Very Sissy Love Story

A Very Sissy Love Story by: Missy Satinpanties I guess I've always been bisexual, if not completely gay. I mean, in high school, I lusted after the right girls, and wanted to get into their panties like every other boy, but when I looked at the porno mags we had, I always gravitated towards the girls who looked kind of innocent, and were wearing soft, lacy lingerie. And yeah, I did wonder how all that soft, slippery lingerie felt. A naked girl really didn't grab my attention, at all....

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Story Time with Daddy and Virgin Sissy

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The SissyMaster

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Sissy Story Chapter 04

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The Sissy App

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A Sissy called Jezebel Part VIII

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Forever Her Sissy Chapter 6

This is a work of fiction for your enjoyment and all the characters are fictional. Please practice safe sex, respect others limits and know that bondage and discipline can be dangerous if done to extremes. None of the scenes in this literature are meant to be reproduced in real life. Be respectful to all women and to local ordinances and laws. I Absolutely love reading the reviews that you wonderful readers have been leaving, please, please, please continue to write and post...

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Training Sissy Michelle

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Cocky Weewee Peepee Sissy Slut Training The Bladder Test

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Good Sissy Girl

Good Sissy Girl. I kept pressing myself backwards. Not much further to go now, I could feel the flare really stretching my lips now and that meant I was almost there. As the plug's biggest width popped past my sphincter and went all the way in I shuddered all over. It felt so full. It felt so good. "That's a good girl. Allll the way in..." my Mistress purred at me. I loved seeing her this excited. I loved turning her on. I loved that transforming myself for her turned her...

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Sissy School Part 3

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Sissy tasks

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She Found a Sissy

She Found a Sissy ? by: Donna Sash She had been working at Bardwell's for the last 10 years. Five years ago she Had moved to the scarf counter and had been there ever since. Sales had gone up because she really likes it here. From the time she was a little girl she always loved wearing a scarf with her outfits. Now every day she wore a different one on the job and it helped sales. Women reacted well to someone who believed in their product. Some women just wore a scarf...

4 years ago
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100 Sissy Points

Author's note. This is a work of erotic fiction, so if this offends you, please stop reading. Also, most of what's described in this story wouldn't be ethical or legal, but again, I remind you that it's fiction! I hope it's good-and-kinky fiction, and while I wish something like this had happened to me, once again, it's only fiction. Some readers think that my stories are autobiographical. I wish! Also, a fan of my work suggested this story concept. Feel free to message me if you have...

4 years ago
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Welcome Your Now a Sissy

Are you ready?Are you ready, princess?It's finally time. It's finally time, princess. It's time to begin. Are you ready? I think you are, princess. I think you're ready. I think you've been ready for so long.You've been ready for your whole life princess.It's time to drop the mask and be who you are. Who you really are. What you really are. No more lies, princess. No more games. It's finally time to reveal everything.It's time to reveal the sissy.That's right, princess. You are a sissy. Say it...

3 years ago
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Femocracy A Sissy Maids Tale

The year is 2050 and women rule the world. I should really follow this statement with a sinister laugh but there was nothing sinister in the current situation. There was no bloody coup by women to overthrow man, there was no war waged by man to wipe himself out, no it was mother nature who took a hand in helping women find there rightful place. Things started changing from the year 2012. Gradually women began to realise that they could read minds. They could easily read the mind of a man...

2 years ago
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A sissy called Jezebel Part II

Part II - Jezebel goes to school, the Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission. We meet some of hir friends, hir Instructresses, and hir bullies. I exit the gate and head to the main road. We live in a giant gated community, with families that are only 'in the know.' Families that have sissies or otherwise dominate men. A sissy waiting for the school bus, is just something you see. No biggie. One of my neighbors, Dorcas,...

3 years ago
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407am Sissy

My phone buzzed at 4:07am. I roused myself from sleep to look at the text message because somebody only sends you a message that early in the morning when it's important. I was right. That text message would be the start of a life-changing series of events. It simply read "Good morning, sissy slut." It was followed up by a picture of me, on my knees, wearing a bra, panties and stockings while sucking on a very hard cock. A second picture followed showing my open mouth, filled...

1 year ago
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Milking Sissy

The bondage wasn't necessary. The straps are there really as more of a ritual and now something I took comfort in due to its familiarity. My make up wasn't necessary either. Well, not really. But I no longer face the day without having at least some lipstick on. Thanks to what my Master had tattooed, I usually don't need much more than that. When it's time for my milking however, I like to make sure I'm as pretty as I can be. Especially if my Master decides to make use of me while...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Sissy Transformation

An Unexpected Sissy Transformation My unexpected transformation actually began at the company Christmas party, when Jennifer, our HR Manager of all people, sauntered over to me with an odd smile on her face. "Merry Christmas, Sean," she said, never taking her eyes off my face. "Do you mind if I ask you something personal?" Here we go again. I am an out gay male living in Texas. I can't tell you how many women have quizzed me about my "fabulous" gay lifestyle. The truth of the...

1 year ago
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Sissy and Paul

The double ended dildo had appealed to her sense of humour and made her wet thinking about using it on me. Sissy and Paul Years ago life was very different to nowadays, for a start pubs shut at 10.30 unless they had and extension for special occasions, they had different bars such as the main or public bar, the lounge and sadly no longer, a room called the snug. This room was usually used by the 'older generation' or people who wanted a bit of quiet/privacy. We had married several months...

3 years ago
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Sissy School Part 6

SISSY SCHOOL - PART 6 By Missy Crystal The sissies flounced out of the kitchen in a train of swirling petticoats and went into the living room, which was also the classroom. I was the caboose, following Sissy Heather. As soon as we were all in the room, Mistress Mary appeared. Either she had ESP or she really was constantly monitoring us. Either way, I was glad I decided not to try anything for the time being. "Today we will have a deportment class," she announced. "Yeth, Mithtwith...

3 years ago
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Sissy Farm Chapter Sixteen

Sissy Farm - Chapter 16 By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty Bev's...

2 years ago
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Sissy School Part 4

SISSY SCHOOL - PART 4 By Missy Crystal Mistress Mary came over and stood next to us. To my surprise, her voice was calm. "The purpose of discipline is correction, not cruelty. There is nothing to be gained by punishing a sissy for behavior that cannot be improved and no profit in breaking her spirit by making her fearful of mistakes over which she has no control. I do not require perfection. Only that each sissy tries her best to be perfect. You have always done so, Sissy Heather."...

2 years ago
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My Daily Sissy Schedule Part 1

My Daily Sissy Schedule I met Daddy online a little more than a year ago. He lives about five hours away from me, but promised that despite the distance, he could help me become the perfect sissy slut if only I would agree to follow his schedule for me. I readily agreed, and started down the path to becoming his perfect sissy whore. Here's a peak at my sissy schedule, just in case there are any other sissies out there looking to add a regimen to their life. I wake up every morning...

4 years ago
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Forever Her Sissy Chapter 5

This is a work of fiction for your enjoyment and all the characters are fictional. Please practice safe sex, respect others limits and know that bondage and discipline can be dangerous if done to extremes. None of the scenes in this literature are meant to be reproduced in real life. Be respectful to all women and to local ordinances and laws. Forever Her Sissy - Chapter 5 The ride home was wonderfully uneventful. So many things had happened today, It had been confusing and...

1 year ago
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My Sissy Calling

My Sissy Calling Like many recent college graduates, I found it hard to get a job after I received my super-impressive English degree. Sure, the job market was tough and my degree wasn't going to open any doors, but part of the problem was that I still didn't have any idea about what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. I was looking for a calling--something to give my life meaning. I thought that I would find it in college, but it never came. Well, that's not exactly true. I...

1 year ago
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Sissy Farm Chapter Eleven

Sissy Farm - Chapter Eleven By: Beverly Taff List Of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy. Janice: My Younger sister Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister. Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist. Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant. Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop. Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty Bev's brother.) James: AKA. Auntie...

1 year ago
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Sissy Emma is turned

Sissy Emma is turnedI had been a crossdresser all my life but completely in the closet and hidden from all my friends and family. To ease my tensions, I often chatted with people on line, at first with females and other crossdressers but as I got braver with men as well. I loved to chat with them and their strong demeanour made me feel even more feminine.I had been chatting with John for a couple of weeks, about my fantasies. And let me get this straight, that's all they were fantasies. I mean...

1 year ago
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99 Sissy Stories

99 SISSY STORIES by Throne I've read about things like this happening but never thought I would experience it. My wife Grace discovered my stash of TV magazines and all the pictures I'd clipped out of her discarded catalogs that showed fashions I liked. She had me trapped with no way that I could deny my guilt or convince her that I wasn't attracted to wearing those things. She sat me down on a footstool in our den and stood in front of me. She has a sweet girlish face and an...

3 years ago
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My Sissy Schedule

Author's Note: Another reader request, this one from a fellow sissy who enjoys when I write about a daily routine that helps keep me in a sissy headspace all day long. She requested that it be detailed enough to seem plausible, should somebody want to start following the schedule. And of course, it should spiral out of control so that her sissy stick throbs in her panties. I'm always happy to oblige. I'm left wondering if I could actually follow such a sissy schedule. It would sure be...

1 year ago
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Forever Her Sissy Chapter 4 of 6

This is a work of fiction for your enjoyment and all the characters are fictional. Please practice safe sex, respect others limits and know that bondage and discipline can be dangerous if done to extremes. None of the scenes in this literature are meant to be reproduced in real life. Be respectful to all women and to local ordinances and laws. Forever Her Sissy - Chapter 4 More shopping? I thought to myself. How much more of this could I take. "Mrs. Karen?" I spoke...

2 years ago
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The Sissy Contest

Author's Note: This is a quick one off story written from a reader request. I was especially motivated to write this as a genuine sissy training fantasy, with the hopes that somebody would read it and use it as a blueprint IRL. That certainly got my clittly interested! Enjoy! And as always, please feel free to comment here or contact me directly at [email protected] xoxox Emshoninque The Sissy Contest My phone rang just after 3am-caller unknown. I normally don't answer...

2 years ago
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Crowd Sourced Sissy 3

PREVIOUSLY ON CROWD SOURCED SISSY: In part 1, a man met a sissy exhibitionist while on a trip to New York. She has a website (something like OnlyFans) where her admirers request that she perform kinky acts and tip her for posting videos of her completing these tasks. In part 2, the man decides to become a sissy as well. He travels to New York with visions of sissy in his head, but the anonymous Master who is controlling his fate has other plans for our poor sissy. Crowd Sourced...

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