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Sarah and I met in college and hit it off immediately. The very first moment I saw her eyes light up as she laughed at one of my awkward jokes, I was in love. We were both housed on the top floor of the school's most remote dormitory. She was in the room at the end of the hall, and, for some reason--which turned out to be lucky--the housing department decided to put me next to the bathrooms.

Most days, I would leave my door open hoping she'd pop her head in my doorway as she made her way to the ladies' room. Often she'd stop by in the evenings before "being dragged out" with her friends. In the mornings, she'd saunter slowly by my door in only a towel--she always made sure I was looking.

Our flirtations turned into casual dating, then after graduation we moved in together. A few months later we were married. It was the happiest day of my life.

Our sex life is and always has been incredible. Sarah is always surprising in bed. She is fun and creative and always becomes far more aroused than any girls I had been with in the past. Sometimes during especially heated sex she would go into a frenzy--an almost trance-like state where she'd whisper the dirtiest things I'd ever heard. I absolutely loved it.

Our sexual games have always been limited to our own bedroom. Our feeling was that as long as the craziness was just between us--there were no limits: fantasies, toys, role-playing, and everything else. There was nothing too "out there" to try once--as long as it was just between us.

This particular Saturday, Sarah and I had planned to go out sailing on our new yacht. It was a simple yacht--as far as yachts go--with a small cockpit and simple living quarters down below consisting of two small bunks and a meager galley. The boat was how I rewarded myself for finally earning a new job I'd been working toward since school. The pay was more than I'd ever dreamed of making. I didn't grow up rich, so I decided to do what the "rich guys" do, and buy a boat. I had sailed this particular boat only once before with the previous owner while I was deciding whether or not to buy it, but this was the first time Sarah and I would have been out on it alone.

For a few weeks during the boat-buying process, Sarah and I had been revving each other up talking about all the sexual fantasies we could come up with once we owned the boat and were able to take it for a full day a few miles offshore and all alone in the open sea. Today was that day. I spent most of the morning bouncing around the house, packing a picnic, double-checking the gear, and tucking my erection into my waistband. Sarah was excited too. She woke me up with the most wonderful blowjob, and when I opened my eyes, I saw she was wearing a red sailing handkerchief! I laughed. She looked adorable.

We had collected and packed all we needed and as we were headed out to the boat, the phone rang. Sarah slapped my ass and told me she'd only be a second. I stood in the doorway and bounced impatiently.

"Hello?" said Sarah, answering the phone. "Oh hey. ... Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that. Yeah, that won't be a problem. Come on over, and yes of course, please, bring Tatiana."

I could tell from Sarah's posture and sinking expression that we weren't going anywhere. She hung up the phone, dejected.

"Honey. I'm so sorry, but that was Richard. He needs my help on a last-minute sales presentation for work. He and Tatiana are coming over for a bit so we can finish it up."

Richard is Sarah's boss. He's a good guy and he and I get along really well. Over the last few years we had become good friends. We often meet up with him and his wife, Tatiana, to go out for dinner or beers or concerts. So the news wasn't entirely bad--just a bummer that our sailing trip would have to wait.

"He's bringing Tatiana over too, because they had plans to go to the beach that he had to cancel. Maybe you and she could go sailing instead?"

My heart sank. I wanted my first "real" trip out on the boat to be with Sarah--not only for the sexual carnival I envisioned--but because I wanted it to be a special moment in the story of our lives.

"Well fuck. I don't want to go without you. I'll just hang back and sit in the corner looking sad all day." I said.

Sarah laughed. "No way. You've been wanting to go sailing for months now. It's a beautiful day. Go. Have fun."

I reluctantly agreed. Richard and Tatiana showed up a few minutes later. We all hugged and greeted one another in the doorway before I helped Richard lug in his presentation materials, books, and boxes from the car. He was stressed and distracted. I felt bad for him--work was obviously weighing him down.

By the time we got a workspace set up in the dining room for Sarah and Richard, Sarah had already offered her spot on the boat to Tatiana--who had excitedly accepted. She said she'd much prefer it to sitting inside all day watching her husband work. So it was decided. Tatiana grabbed her beach bag from their car and we waved to Sarah and Richard as they began straightening the pile of work on the dining room table.


It was a beautiful day in the bay. I had grown up sailing tiny boats, but never captained my own yacht. I felt wonderful. The birds were overhead, the sun was shining, and there was a steady breeze from the east. It would have been perfect if it was Sarah sitting in the cockpit with me instead of Tatiana. Not that Tatiana's a bore. She's a smart and beautiful girl, a few years younger than my wife, with a great sense of humor. She and I got the sails up well enough and had a great time talking and laughing as we made our way out into open water.

After a few hours of steady breeze, laughing, and lively conversation, the wind died down. We found ourselves bobbing around like ducks in the middle of the bay--seven miles (and a few hours) from shore. The sun began to beat down on us and Tatiana started to lose some layers. When she pulled off her sweater, I could see her perfectly fit and tan belly. I peeked, but in a gentlemanly way--with her sweater over her head, I don't think she could've noticed.

I had to begin peeling off some clothes too, and soon I was sitting behind the wheel in just my bathing trunks. I think Tatiana took that as a cue to strip down to her bathing suit as well. Even though I would never cheat on Sarah, I had to admit--Tatiana was attractive and in great shape. It was hard to keep from looking at her.

We were enjoying each other's company and some cold beer I had stowed away--just bobbing around in the bay waiting for wind--when Tatiana's phone rang. It was one of those smart phones with that face-to-face technology, so she held it out in front of her in a way I'd never seen before. I silently made fun of her when she picked up the call. She was laughing at me when she started talking.

"Oh hi Sarah! I was expecting it to be Richard," Tatiana said into the video camera. "What's up?"

"Hey! I just have to ask James a quick question, could you pass him the phone?" said Sarah.

Tatiana passed me the phone and it took me a few seconds to get my bearings. It wasn't natural for me yet to speak at a video of my wife's face.

"Hey honey. What's up?" I said.

"James, I have to ask you something and I hope you aren't mad." Sarah said.

"Uh. Ok. Shoot." I looked at Tatiana--my expression asking, what's up with this? She just shrugged.

"James. I was here working with Richard and he started to get ... a little rude with me." Sarah said. Tatiana's ears perked up--she looked concerned. I thought "rude" was a vague word, so I just chuckled.

"Ok. Go on..." I said.

"Well, we were here working on the sales stuff, and he put his arm around my chair, you know. And it was a bit close. Then he started playing with my hair--which was weird, but it felt nice. He's a good friend and I thought it was OK, I guess. His hands were so gentle, it was amazing and I didn't want him to stop--even though I knew he probably should."

"That's a little weird Sarah. Did you slap him?" I asked.

"No. But I asked him to stop and he asked me why he should and I told him it was weird. So he stopped." Sarah said.

"Ok. Whatever. I'll give him some shit about it when we get home." I said. Tatiana had now moved up beside me so that she could look over my shoulder. She smelled fantastic, and I could feel her breasts on my arm. I pretended I couldn't feel them there.

"There's a little more," said Sarah. "He stopped caressing my hair, but then he stood behind me and started massaging my back. I was still trying to work, but his hands were so strong. I'm sorry, but it felt amazing, and I thought, we're all friends, there's nothing wrong with an innocent backrub. We're all stressed," Sarah said.

Sarah's phone shifted a little bit and I could see that her shoulders were naked--and her voice started to become more excited. I started to get worried.

"Richard started saying some really vulgar things to me," Sarah continued. "He told me that I had incredibly sexy breasts and that he couldn't concentrate with them so near him. He whispered that he wanted to suck and bite my nipples. And that the thought of touching me was making his cock hard. And I was shocked, and I slapped him. But my pussy was so hot from this morning...that I just reacted to his words and felt my pussy get so hot. Oh James. I'm sorry. Richard could see my nipples getting harder at this point and he slowly moved his hands around the side of my breasts. He perfectly pinched my nipples."

I was sick. Richard felt up my wife! What the fuck? As Sarah was talking to me I could see her face was flush and hot. She was beginning to breath heavily describing this scene to me. I was horrified, but my cock was beginning to swell in my suit. Seeing Sarah get so turned on was incredibly exciting.

She continued. "Richard massaged my tits through my shirt and I couldn't help myself. I let him. I wanted him to. It felt so fucking good. I could tell he was incredibly turned on. I knew I should stop him, and so I stood up and turned to face him to tell him to stop. When I did, he looked into my eyes and lifted me gently onto the table. I felt his strong arms and shoulders and I was lost--I started unbuttoning his shirt. My hands just did what was natural. I was aching to see his naked body. I was so turned on. Richard then tore my shirt at the shoulders and my breasts popped out into the air. My nipples were so swollen."

With that, Sarah moved the camera down her body to reveal that her breasts were still naked. I could see that her nipples were red and swollen. She was pulling on them with her free hand. She was still sitting on the table.

"Richard rubbed his cock through his pants and told me how badly he wanted to free his naked cock. He told me that his fat cock was fucking horny. He started to unzip his pants. I just sat here trembling on the table. His cock sprang free and my god it was so thick. His cock is so fucking big and hard. My pussy was just inches away wanted it so bad. I'm sorry James, but I wanted his cock inside my little pussy."

Sarah lowered the camera further and showed me her dripping pussy. She was swollen and ready for cock. Her free hand was now rubbing her clit slowly. Tatiana's nipples stiffened on my arm when she saw Sarah's pussy, and my cock was raging in my swimsuit.

"James. That's when I called you. I would never cheat on you. So I had to call you and ask you to tell me it's OK." Sarah turned the phone a little more to show Richard's stiff cock just inches from my wife's pussy. He was stroking his massive cock slowly--rubbing the precum all over the fat head and swollen shaft. He looked ready to burst.

I heard Sarah, "Please James. Please tell me I can have this fat cock. I can feel how hot it is on my pussy. Just say yes. His balls are tight and swollen. Please let Richard stop stroking his cock and push it inside me. I want him to. I want to fuck the cum out of that fat horny cock."

God help me, I was now fully aroused as well. Between my wife panting on the phone and Tatiana's aroused breathing in my ear, I wanted all of the worst things to happen. I wanted everybody to release in an explosion of sexual fury. But I couldn't bear the thought of Sarah fucking another man.

It took immense concentration, but I shook my head. "No Sarah. Don't do it. I'll come right home now and fuck you all night... Just please don't..." I pleaded.

"Oh baby. Please let me have this big cock," Sarah whispered--half in a daze. The camera, still pointing at Richard's cock, showed Sarah lightly touching Richard's cock for the first time. She touched her finger to it and then slowly wrapped her hand around his girth. She began stroking him slowly--slowly pulling him closer to her pussy."

"Oh god Sarah please don't do it," I said, unaware that I was now stroking my own cock through my swim trunks. Tatiana's bikini top was now on the floor of the cockpit. I hadn't noticed her take it off, but could now feel her naked breasts on my shoulder. She began biting my ear. I was mostly oblivious to Tatiana.

"Yes. James. Oh god yes," said Sarah. "I'm going to. I have to. I'm so sorry baby. I have to. I fucking have to...."

With that, Sarah's voice trailed off into heated whispers. I watched as she pulled Richard's cock in soft contact with her pussy lips. She rubbed his wet swollen cock head around the outside of her pussy. I could almost see them both throbbing for each other. Sarah began narrating.

"Oh god James. His big cock head is inside my pussy. He fucking me gently with just his fat cock head. Is that OK baby? It's just a little bit. It's so hard. He's so fucking horny. I've never felt a cock this big and hard. Oh god I want more James. Tell him he can fuck me. Please tell Richard to put his big cock all the way inside me. He's just teasing me with his fat cock head. Oh James, he sucking my tits."

She moved the camera up so I could see Tatiana's husband sucking my wife's hot tits. It was an incredible sight and my heart was pounding, staring into the video phone.

"Sarah. Please. Stop it. Please?" I begged, while jacking off my own cock.

"Oh god James, he's working his cock deeper. My pussy is stretching around it so much. I want his horny cock. I want it. You should see his big fucking cock...."

I could now see Richard working half his cock in and out of my wife. I was stroking my cock watching this unfold and powerless to stop it. Tatiana had removed her bikini entirely and was rubbing her pussy. I could hear her, but I was still entranced by the scene unfolding in front of me.

"Oh fuck yes. Oh fuck fuck yes." Sarah screamed as Richard pushed the rest of his cock deep inside her. He fucked her hard on the table, biting and sucking her nipples--moving that long cock in and out of my wife's little pussy. Sarah's hair was thrown back and her stomach was trembling with the oncoming orgasm. I could now hear Richard on the video.

"Yeah. Cum on my cock. Cum on that big cock while your husband watches. You want that big cock don't you?" Sarah answered, "Yes. I want that fucking cock. Fuck me. Deep. Deeper."

My horror had been completely obliterated by arousal. I hated what I was seeing, but I wanted it never to stop. I loved seeing Sarah ride Richard's big cock. My heart was pounding in my ears. I couldn't tear my eyes away from the screen, and my own cock was about to explode. I had to take my trunks off and start rubbing my own naked erection.

"James," said Sarah. "Oh god I'm gonna cum. It's so deep. His balls are so full. I can't. I can't stop!"

I watched my wife scream and convulse in waves of pleasure as she came with Richard's cock buried deep inside her pussy. Richard started cumming as well, and I could see his hips jolting in ecstasy until semen started dripping out of my wife's swollen and filled pussy.

Tatiana was breathing heavily in my ear as she brought herself to orgasm as well. The sight of my wife cumming on Richard's cock and the feeling of Tatiana cumming while leaning against me brought me over the edge. I came so hard that I nearly blacked out.

After my orgasm subsided, I looked back at the phone. The last image I saw before Sarah disconnected was Richard and Sarah kissing deeply on the dining room table while Richard worked his softening cock in and out of my wife's drenched pussy.


Tatiana put her bikini back on and I slowly cleaned up on the boat in a daze. My mind was spinning with what happened. Did I like it? Was I crushed? What was the state of my marriage? Tatiana was silent and staring out at the sea--I assumed she was wondering the same things. I decided not to wait for the wind anymore, turned on the engine, and began our two-hour journey home.

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Chapter one The old airstrip behind our neighbourhood was such a lovely place to exercise. I always loved skating on my in-liners, but after moving here it has become almost an obsession. The asphalt of the strip has held up nicely since it was closed down for airtraffic, giving me a very smooth surface - which by incident I have all to myself. The strip runs smoothly uphill from where I go onto it, and setting a hard speed uphill for a mile and a half gives me a nice sweat. Going downhill is...

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Birthday Trip

Chapter 01: The Journey is The RewardMy name is Tom. This summer my Mom (41) and Dad (46) took me to a trip to Europe for my 18th birthday. I wanted to visit Europe for a long time, so my parents knew how much it meant to me. Although I wasn't thrilled that they bought three tickets. I wanted to go alone. Spending the summer with my parents didn't sound all that exciting. But they bought the tickets... and it was still a trip to Europe, so I couldn't say no to that.Although, the timing of the...

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Training Triplets

Training TripletsChapter 1 IntroductionIt was a mild Monday morning in November when Racheal and her slave/assistant Jasmine went to visit Mr. & Mrs. Schwartz at their hotel in downtown Miami to discuss the training of the triplets they had found to become proper slaves. The Schwartz’s were recommended by her lawyer, who was in the scene.  They were a very private couple who had amassed a large fortune by buying companies and selling them for huge profits.  They were in the lifestyle and she...

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The Sales Trip

It was typical Monday morning, the traffic was terrible and I was late for work again. I work in the sales department of a large international company. Even though I work in sales I never get to go on any of the sales trips. I was number three person in the sales dept. and only the top two went on the trips. Jim was the top salesman, he was in his mid thirties and handsome but he was a real asshole in the office. Susan was the number two sales person; she was an attractive Asian...

4 years ago
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Fundraising for the Band Trip

Cassie Walters picked up her backpack and opened her laptop. She pulled up a spreadsheet were she entered the money she earned on her last babysitting job for her band trip to Europe. The trip was in five weeks, and she only had half the $6,000 the trip cost. Last night she would get $40, to lower the total she needed to $2,960. It was depressing. She spent every hour she could selling candy, washing cars, and other menial jobs to raise money. The trip meant everything to Cassie, she was an...

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BOATING FUN chapter 10

Laying in my arms, Diane was sleeping peacefully. I fondled her pussy and tits gently and almost absently. Slowly running my fingers into her hot hole, I felt her stir and rub against me tighter. Soon she was very wet and my hand started to slip up into her. Although her cunt was naturally tight, I knew that it could take an amazingly large object without causing her discomfort. In fact, I had double fucked her with several different men, filled her with cum, licked it clean and even put my...

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Our Trip

OUR SPECIAL CRUISE Introduction Our departure date had finally arrived. The cab would be here in a few minutes and we made sure all our luggage was ready. My wife Regina and I had been planning a special vacation cruise to Bermuda for the past nine months. We had taken a lot of time identifying those special things that would make this cruise memorable -in more ways than one. Maybe a little background would help. We had been married for ten years. Both of us were attorneys-in...

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Crystal ClearChapter 1 Jims Life Restarts After His Road Trip

My meditation was broken by the almost inaudible sound of a footstep nearby. I sensed an animal; but instead of jerking my head around to look I remained absolutely still and slowly opened my eyes. From my right side, a fawn moved into the clearing with me – light brown with white markings, large dark eyes full of curiosity. The pretty animal knew I didn't belong, yet obviously didn't fear me. It approached and sniffed at my ear and cheek. Not too far away, I heard the heavier footfalls of...

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Angelas business trip

Life was good but had lost some excitement, Angela felt the urge to do something daring and exciting but didn’t want to upset the nice life her and Ben had made for themselves. Angela was a successful administrative assistant for a large firm. She had married Ben and had children who were now on their way to college. She and Ben had done well for themselves they had a nice house in an upscale neighborhood. Weekends in the summer were generally filled with BBQ, golf and relaxing in the hot tub...

3 years ago
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My Reluctant Lactating Wife on a Hunting Trip

My wife, Eva, and I are now in our fifties, and we don’t have a very active sex life anymore, especially since Eva went through menopause several years ago. However, I do have wonderful memories of our sexual experiences from when we were younger.This story is about an event that took place on a hunting trip, and it changed our sex lives forever. I was thirty years old at the time and Eva had just turned twenty-seven. She was still breastfeeding our third child, who was born just four months...

Group Sex
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A School Trip

"You know Alex, Working is probably a good idea" She would say without even staring at the screen as the young man turned his head towards her. "Yeh but Im just so great that I don't need to work" she would let out a small giggle at the remark but nothing more as was here way. There was a tension between the two, the young man seemed to be oblivious to the girls fondness of him and the nature of it too but regardless of that they appeared to be good friends. Then a grind could be heard...

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My Reluctant Lactating Wife on a Hunting Trip

My wife, Eva, and I are now in our 50s, and we don’t have a very active sex life anymore, especially since Eva went through menopause several years ago. However, I do have wonderful memories of our sexual experiences from when we were younger. This story is about an event that took place on a hunting trip, and it changed our sex lives forever. I was 30 years old at the time and Eva had just turned 27. She was still breastfeeding our third child, who was born just four months prior to the time...

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The courtesan 1 the trip

The drone of the engines was almost hypnotizing. The itinerary said it would be around twelve hours before I arrived in Germany. In all the years I’ve traveled, this was the first time I had flown in anything but economy. The benefits of first class were obvious, especially the extra leg room. Except for the occasional bump in turbulence, the overstuffed, comfy chair gave me the feel of sitting in my recliner at home.The stewardess politely asked, “Would you like a refill of your wine, Mrs....

4 years ago
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new york trip

Day 1How was I trapped into this? A couple weeks ago, I substitute for a week for the band teacher, and now I find myself chaperoning a trip half way across the country. The high school band had been invited to play for the Independence Day celebration in New York City, but at the last minute the parental sponsor that was supposed to help, bailed out on the teacher. Mrs. Stevens said that I had seemed to connect well with the teens, and needed a male chaperone, so asked if I wanted an all...

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The Road Trip

The Road Trip Jimmy was waiting by the door of his parent's house with a small bag packed beside him. He was back from college and had spent Christmas with the family but now he was waiting on his girl-friend to come and pick him up. They were going to take a long weekend and do a little road trip for New Year's. First stop was going to be Austin. He saw her car pulling up in front. "See you in a couple days!" he hollered as he reached for the doorknob. "Have a good time, but not...

3 years ago
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Pitching A Tent Road Trip

As I sat in my apartment with my bag packed up and ready to go, I tried to stay positive about the weekend ahead."It'll be just as fun as it always is," I kept telling myself. But the message rang hollow. It didn't seem like that was going to be possible.The trip I had packed for was the annual McCormick boys camping excursion, and it was typically something I looked forward to every year. At its inception, it started as a family thing. All four of us — mom; dad; my brother, George; and myself...

Love Stories
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a very nice trip

It was end-winter/begin-spring about, April i remember it :-P, when i and my sister have an another trip of commission, this time the trip, that of going, it was in bus at difference of the previous trips of commission (recounted in my previously stories :-P) that i and my sister did always in train and my sister had always a nice clothing namely skirt and pantyhose and low shoes and also in the last trip previous at this (recounted toward the end of the previous my story of this story :-P) she...

2 years ago
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Skiing trip

Skiing trip My name is Robert Dawson and I’m a 16 year old boy. This is the story of my first sexual experience and the way it changed my life forever. Me and my family live in Telford, a little city in the middle of England. My mother Diane raised us as a single parent , Dad died when I was only 3 years old . I was two young then to understand where he was but is missed him since. Its Pretty tough to grow up without a dad but I managed. Yeah and there are also my sisters Amy ,she is...

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The coeds wild field trip

The coed_s wild field trip CHAPTER ONE "I think I'd really like to feel those hot lips of yours sucking on my cock," Frank told Virginia. He chuckled a little as she blushed. She was such a hot bush he could hardly keep his erect prick inside his pants. It was really hurting him and bad. "That's gross," she primly told him. The heat of her embarrassment was slowly fading but still the way he'd so boldly approached her rankled her. The very, idea! "No, it's not. I...

3 years ago
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E077 The Start Of A Road Trip

Emma’s gift of the Navigator to Donald for his birthday starts his mind churning and plotting.  He came up with an idea and more or less planned it the week or two before their birthdays.  He isn’t exactly sure they should do it, but he thinks about it in terms of renting an SUV to make it happen.Emma’s gift of the Navigator seems to be a sign that yes, this should happen.So, Donald scours maps, calculates things, and a couple of days after their birthdays presents his plan to Emma at...

Love Stories
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Senior Trip

A week before the trip… Jason Robbins tapped his pencil on his desk as he listened to his science teacher drone on. His emerald green eyes kept darting over to the clock, waiting for the school bell to finally ring. Come on sixty seconds he thought, the tapping of the pencil speeding up. The school year was almost over, which meant one thing to him. Senior class trip. He had been waiting for over a month to go on this trip. A full week away from all the pressure of school, a week to spend with...

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Wife Plans A Trip

Wife Plan’s a TripGenerally speaking I have always set up the vacation arrangements, trip maps, hotel accommodations and sightseeing spots. But my wife wanted to set this one up. “All you have to do is some driving and tell me what days off you have, I’ll handle everything else.” I was somewhat surprised as this has never happened before. I told her dates, three months away then kinds forgot about it until she reminded me the week before we left,“Don’t forget out trip next Tuesday, I’ll have...

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Hot Threesome On Road Trip

After doctor Bandhan opened up the world of proper incest for me and my mom Soma, needless to say we fucked each other day and night. All day in class I would think about how mom would take off my clothes once I reach home..and how she will take a shower with me.. Mom was also extremely happy about what was happening. She wanted to do anything to please her darling son, so even if I’m just watching tv, she will come and sit next to me and at least play with my cock. She never refuses to suck...

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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 28 The Trip

The trip to Ochre City was surprisingly boring. Captain Hail had set the suite aside for Sable and I. I had the master room, and Harry was bunking with Sable in his room. We even had our own little reading room between our rooms and a little bathroom. The ship was now fully lit, and they even had a better pump, so we had water for the showers. Silver had added a new water tank in the hold as part of our ballast, so we no longer carried the water barrels. She had even fitted a special...

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49 year old wife gets gang bang by three strippers

Jenna had been working with my wife for the last two years. Her wedding was coming up and some of the girls in the office wanted to throw her a special party before she got married. My wife who is 49 is way older than most of the twenty something co-workers she works with. When they first asked my wife about coming to Jenna’s party my wife immediately said no. At 49 she didn’t really think it would be very appropriated for someone of her age to attend. They had talked to 6 girls already and all...

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The Company Trip

The Company Trip Chapter One First story I have posted in some time, but inspired to write one from reading my favorite authors here at Lush. Hope you enjoy. I would like to thank everyone that helped in editing. Shelby had been looking forward to this trip since the day her boss had told her that the company had decided the inside sales desk people were allowed to go for the first time. She had been with the company for two years and always thought how lucky the outside sales people were...

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Amy Vs The Strippers

As the two strippers (one was a stunning curly-haired, artificial redhead with purple highlights and the other was a beautiful woman of mixed African American & Korean ancestry. Both were wearing red g-strings, tassels, high-heels and their skin was covered with body glitter and a light sheen of sweat. Amy would letter find out their names were Cherry Pepper and Lulu) writhed around the pole and fondled each other as men threw dollar bills on the stage, Amy was writing a first draft email on...

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Amy Vs The Strippers

As the two strippers (one was a stunning curly-haired, artificial redhead with purple highlights and the other was a beautiful woman of mixed African American & Korean ancestry. Both were wearing red g-strings, tassels, high-heels and their skin was covered with body glitter and a light sheen of sweat. Amy would letter find out their names were Cherry Pepper and Lulu) writhed around the pole and fondled each other as men threw dollar bills on the stage, Amy was writing a first draft email...

3 years ago
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Megs New Career and First Business Trip

Introduction: Megs New Career and First Business Trip My friends say Im over sexed, I think theyre under sexed. By the way, Im Meg.. Ive kept my self in shape, watching my diet and exercising. From the way men stare at by beasts and turn their heads when I walk by, Id say men like what they see. Paul, my husband, and I make love almost every night, and love to start our with morning sex. We dont have to make love twice a day, we want to. My friends blamed Paul for being over sexed, demanding...

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The Road Trip

The Road Trip Belladonna "Eighteen hours," George Mallon said to himself with a smile while he stared at the map he had created on his phone. The mere idea of spending eighteen, uninterrupted hours en femme as he made his way back home made his manhood stiffen. It had taken months of planning, as well as mustering up the courage to go through with it, but George had put himself in the position to spend the longest continuous amount of time out his home en femme in his life. ...

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