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“Are you all right, mate?” It hurt to talk through the burning throb of my lips and cheek. I could already feel my left eye swelling shut as I pinched the bridge of my nose through the gauze to try and stop the bleeding.

“Yeah,” Fang replied quietly. “I think it’s broken.”

The blackhat medic crouched in front of him on the road, silently strapping his arm tightly to his chest to immobilise it. She hadn’t bothered trying to wrestle him out of his black fire suit after the less than stoic performance he gave getting his webbing off. That would be taken care of at the hospital, she knew.

She was pretty, in a plain sort of way. Her flawless skin was pale, almost pink, and contrasted heavily with her navy blue beret. Tantalisingly, her lips twitched with concentration as she worked on Fang.

Her piercing grey eyes locked with mine. “Take a picture. It’ll last longer.”

Fang coughed a laugh, delighted that I’d been caught staring. But poetic justice intervened, causing him to wince in pain as his arm moved with the bounce of his chest.

I smiled to myself under the veil of bloody gauze across my face, but kept my gaze firmly on the blackhat. She narrowed her eyes at me, her brow creasing slightly. Realising I wasn’t going to look away, she poked her tongue out, the pink flesh glistening seductively in the sunlight. I was captivated by the shine of the saliva left on her lips when she pulled her tongue back in. It just made me want to stare more.

She was suddenly distracted by the crackle of uncontrolled gunfire and the muffled pops of flashbangs going off in the two storey building behind us.

It was absolute chaos!

The 3 Squadron commander had well and truly lost his shit, and was screaming into his radio on the other side of the road. Operators in black body armour and blackhat support staff in khaki camouflage were running around trying to get a handle on the situation. It was a lost cause.

Fang and I exchanged a knowing look. We sat there sheepishly at the medic’s station in the middle of the road, behind the cordon, hoping nobody would notice us. It had been our failed covert entry a few minutes earlier that had kicked off this whole gang fuck.

“There’s your man.” I recognised the polished private school accent of the Signals Major. It was not unlike my own.

“Which one?” the working class voice replied. “The one pissing blood, or the one with the arm?”

The Major sighed as the two men in khaki strode up and came to a standstill above us. “The bleeder.”

“G’day, Boss,” I chirped up at him from the road, flattering him with the address usually reserved for beret-qualified officers.

He bristled, chuffed with my greeting. “As I was saying, we’ve just got him back from the Forward Air Controller Instructor’s course with the US Air Force.”

“So what are you wasting him here for?” frowned the other bloke, an operator in sunglasses and a sandy beret.

“Scheduling, as always,” replied the Major. “My blokes are scattered from asshole to breakfast. I can’t get a worthwhile group together until next month.”

A siren went off behind us, bringing an end to the counter terrorism exercise, and the chaos. The tension in the air immediately dissipated as the gathered crowd relaxed with a collective sigh of relief.

The operator looked around at the activity behind us, then back down at Fang and I. “Looks like you blokes made a fucking mess of this then.” Then turning back to the Major, “And this is your best chook?”

The murderous rage of the screaming behind me caught my attention before I could hear the Major’s reply. “Where the fuck is he?!”

I looked over my shoulder and saw Brill charging out of the kill house about thirty metres away. He was almost pin-wheeling as he shoved blokes aside on his way towards us. His face was a seething shade of red, making him look like a beetroot with arms.

“You!” Brill’s stubby, gloved finger drew a bead right between my eyes. “You little fucking shit! I’m going to fucking kill you!”

I threw the gauze to the ground and shot up onto my feet. “Don’t fucking start, cunt. You’re going to hurt yourself,” I called back in an even tone, which only enraged him further. Then again, I suppose the threat didn’t help.

“What the fuck did you just say to me? This is my house, you little prick.” Brill’s arm flailed wildly behind him, gesturing at the kill house. “You show some fucking respect!”

“Your house?! Fuck you, you Neanderthal!” I roared back. Then pointing down at Fang, still sitting in a black, huddled ball on the road, “You broke his fucking arm!”

Brill’s rage found new heights, if that was at all possible, and he broke into a trot on his way towards me. His fingers balled into fists as he closed to within about fifteen metres.

The impending threat triggered my muscle memory, and my world became a silent slow motion as my tunnel vision focussed in on Brill’s contorted face. I drew my pistol, the zip of the steel against the holster and the click of the safety switch the only sounds I heard. My left hand wrapped around my right, and I stepped into the target. The foresight sharpened against the blur of his forehead. I exhaled. And fired, twice.

Pop! Pop!

Brill stopped dead in his tracks, his head snapping back as the two paint-filled wax training rounds struck him in the forehead. He threw his hands to his face and buckled at the knees, splashing to the road like liquid.

Everyone erupted into raucous laughter, from the Squadron Commander down. Some of the blokes even started applauding.

The blackhat medic jogged over to Brill to check he was okay, but she had to stop halfway over to gain control of her giggling. She was hunched over, with her hands resting on her knees, searching for a straight face. She found it. Then her face split into a broad grin when she looked back at me.

Brill was flat on his back, with his knees up. He was pressing his palms to his forehead and groaning softly in response to her asking if he was all right.

I turned to see the operator killing himself laughing, steadying himself on the officer beside him. The Signals Major though, was ashen white, no doubt panicked about one of his men committing the cardinal sin of discharging a weapon outside a firing range.

“Oh, that was fucking brilliant,” the operator cried, wiping tears from his eyes. He introduced himself as one of the 1 Squadron troop sergeants, and when he finally regained his composure, he said seriously, “We’ve been issued a warning order. And you’re with me.”

That was it, no fucking around.

“Make sure this gets signed in, mate,” I said to Fang as I took off my black, counter terrorism webbing, dropping my weapons and training ammunition on the road next to him. “I guess I’ll see you when I see you.”

“Mate,” Fang barked in his boofy footballer voice. “Get fucked.”

I gave him a smile, and the finger, as I followed the Troop Sergeant to the waiting Landrover. We took off for the 1 Squadron area of the Barracks, rumbling past the numerous, nondescript buildings and eucalypts lining the road along the way.

“What was all that about?” the Troop Sargent asked after a minute or two of silence.

“Just Brill getting carried away again.” I explained how he had kicked the shit out of Fang and I when we had tried to gain entry into the kill house. Then I admitted, “I may have got a few rounds in under his face mask during the scuffle.”

“Good one,” he laughed. We waited at an intersection for a pair of canvas-topped Unimog trucks to go by. “So you’re the one that saved the day during the Sydney Olympics last year?”

“Right place, right time,” I dismissed, hoping the flush in my face would disappear. Then changing the subject, “What’s the job?”

“Gus is taking a small team into Afghanistan tomorrow,” he began. “We’ve got to try and find an American commander over there who’ll give us an area of operations. Then we call in the rest of the Squadron and get stuck in.”

“You’re joking?” I balked. “You mean we haven’t been officially requested?”

“Yeah, we have to drum up our own business on this one. Gus spent the last week running around the Pentagon, trying to get us in on the action. Apparently he got so desperate, he sent our last chook into every briefing, doing Steve Irwin impressions.” He smiled in response to my expression and nodded. “I know, but hey, whatever works. They ate it up. We’ve already got an in with one of their generals on site.” He cocked an eyebrow at me. “How’s your Crocodile Hunter?”

“Crikey!” I breathed, eliciting a frown, and shrugging myself. “So what happened to your last chook?”

“Fast roping accident this morning,” he explained as he wrestled the Landrover around a corner. “Shattered both his legs up to the hips.”

I sucked in a sympathetic wince through my teeth.

“Yeah,” the Troop Sergeant laughed. “What a dickhead!”

We pulled up outside the 1 Squadron staging area and headed inside. Much the same as ours, it was a huge, cavernous warehouse, with a gently arching, hangar-like roof. A row of Unimogs were parked up on the right, with pallets of equipment and a dozen or so blackhats buzzing around on the left. And over by the back wall, a clutch of nine operators, complete with sandy berets, stood by a door I figured led to their briefing room.

“Would you get a load of this bruised turd,” one of the blokes called out as we approached them.

“Jesus,” cried another, this one with a shock of dark red hair. “Looks like he copped a flogging with the ugly stick.”

“Okay, listen up, you blokes.” The Troop Sergeant interrupted as we came up on the group. “This is the new chook. He’ll be heading out with us tomorrow.”

I was greeted by nothing but poker faces and piercing, uncompromising stares. I already felt out of place. I was at least ten years younger than the other blokes standing around, and a good six inches taller. The fact that I was decked out in my black counter terrorism fire suit, while the rest of them were in their khaki disruptive pattern combat uniforms only made it worse. And they were giving me the typical Regiment welcome.

Red was first with the ass sniffing. “Where are you from?”

“North Sydney,” I replied, trying to keep a straight face.

“No, dickhead,” Bruised Turd chimed in. “Which Troop have you been working with? You’re obviously with Three Squadron.”

I knew what Red meant of course, but the sizing up went both ways. “Water Troop,” I snorted.

“For fuck sake,” one of them sighed, while the rest of them rolled their eyes and shook their heads.

“Sorry, should have said. We’re Air Troop,” The Troop Sergeant explained.

“Poofters, huh?” I grinned. “Could be worse. At least I didn’t end up with the fatties from Vehicle Mounted.”

“Are you air qualified, Waterboy?” growled the more grizzled of the group, unimpressed with my taunt. He was about forty, and had a face like a cat’s ass.

“It’s been a while since I’ve been high altitude, but I know enough not to land on my heels when I’m jumping out of a helicopter, if that’s what you're asking?”

Cat’s Ass pursed his lips tighter by way of reply. I couldn’t tell if that was good or not. Either way, I had no time to ponder it.

The rest of the day was spent in briefings and organising equipment. As the signaller, I was responsible for getting all the communications gear for the team sorted. While it felt good to focus on my own task and avoid the microscopic scrutiny of my new patrol, it was just something else that kept me on the outer.

With the assistance of a few blackhat signallers, I pored over topographical maps of southern Afghanistan, and studied weather charts. It was the vernal equinox, I knew, or the autumnal in the northern hemisphere. And I needed to figure out what communications equipment would function best in the atmospheric conditions of the looming, Afghan winter.

By the time I finished requisitioning the equipment we needed from the quartermaster And made my way back to the warehouse, most of the blokes had already cleared out. Only Cat’s Ass and the Troop Sergeant remained, chatting by the back of one of the Unimogs.

“Comms gear sorted?” The Troop Sergeant kept his attention on the clipboard in his hands.

I handed over the paperwork with a nod, then ran him through the list of equipment I had arranged. He slid it in behind a bundle of other papers he had attached to his clipboard, listening to my account, rather than checking what was written down.

“Good one,” he nodded. “That’s it. Meet back here tomorrow at zero nine hundred. We’ll do one last check of the gear, then head out to Pearce. The Hercules lifts off at thirteen thirty.

“You heard the Boss. If this thing goes the way we want it, we’ll be gone at least six months. Make sure you make the most of it tonight. Fill your boots, yeah?”

I shot him a quick grin, then made eye contact with Cat’s Ass. My smile faded under his withering scowl. I had definitely had my fill of fuckwitts that day, but I held his gaze a second or two longer than I wanted. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

One of the blackhats drove me around to the 3 Squadron staging area. The locker room was deserted, but the blokes had left my stuff on one of the benches. My black helmet and goggles, and webbing, now empty of weapons and ammunition, sat in a neat pile. My respirator wasn’t there, but it had been broken when Brill kicked me in the face. They had also printed off a photo of the whole Troop, with all of them mooning the camera, and stuck it to my locker.

I snorted the odd laugh as I read the messages they had each scrawled on the photo. I had been with these blokes in the Squadron for three years, and Fang for five. We had been best mates from the moment we met on the first day of Selection, standing there buck naked in a gymnasium with a hundred other hopeful dickheads. We had been inseparable ever since.

And just like that, I was going off to war without him.

On the eve of my second major conflict, the realisation that I would probably never serve with these blokes again hit me. If things went well, I would most likely be integrated into 1 Squadron. And if they went badly, well, I was fucked.

I struggled to shake the thought as I showered alone in the large communal bathroom. Standing there in my steamy solitude, I let the hot water drum against the back of my neck for I don’t know how long. The fears and doubts continued their attack while I dried myself and ran a comb through my dark hair. But I managed to push them aside when I focussed on my reflection in the mirror above the row of sinks.

“Fucking Brill,” my voice echoed off the walls of the empty bathroom as I sneered at the angry purple bruise engulfing my left eye, and the fat lip that brushed painfully against my teeth.

I pulled on a black t-shirt and jeans, and cleaned everything out of my locker, loading my gear into two large backpacks and a dive bag. Shouldering the packs, I heaved them outside and loaded them into the back of my car. It would all get dumped into one of the 1 Squadron lockers when I returned to Barracks the next day.

Rolling out past the guard post, I turned right onto the West Coast Highway on my way home to Fremantle. The late afternoon sun warmed the side of my face on its agonisingly slow descent towards the Indian Ocean, while the other side throbbed painfully. The heat was starting to annoy me, as was the glare in the corner of my right eye. There was little respite from the sun visor, so I swung it back around to the windscreen with a sigh.

Briefly halted at a traffic light, I lost myself for a moment in the slow stalk of the shadows from the trees on the opposite side of the road. The next time the sun rose, I mused, the day would be longer than the night. But where I was going, it was the darkness that would prevail. The darkness we would bring.

Slowly crawling along the café strip at Freo a few minutes later, the chattering throng of Perth’s trendy latte set obliviously going about their lives fuelled my loneliness. As much as I despised them and their pretentious attitudes, I couldn’t help but envy the companionship they shared with each other in that moment. I had been cast adrift, separated from my mates who would now be preparing to assault an offshore container ship in yet another exercise. And Fang was down for the count, at home getting screamed stupid by his girlfriend for hurting himself playing army men.

I was on my own, and all the clichés of a soldier on his way to war flooded my mind as I parked around the corner and trudged up the stairs to my apartment. . With my face the way it was, I had no chance of picking anyone up at one of the nearby pubs. To say nothing of the fact I was hopeless at it. Even the slim pickings and alcohol impaired judgement of the 2am slut rush wasn’t promising, and not what I wanted for my last night in civilization.

Opting for the lesser of two evils, I stalked into the second bedroom that I used as a study and picked up the Yellow Pages. Flicking to E for escorts, I found the number for Langtrees and dialled. After I exchanged pleasantries with the receptionist, I asked, “Who have you got working tonight?”

A blonde twenty-eight year old named Donna sounded the most appealing by virtue of her age. The string of numbers and measurements meant nothing to me beyond declaring her not to be outside the realms of stereotypical beauty. She was on a job at the moment, the receptionist told me, but they could have her to my place in about an hour and a half. I agreed, immediately noticing the quickening of my heartbeat.

I flew into action, cleaning up my apartment. It was far from the typical bachelor-sty, but still, I wanted it to be in its best condition. I wiped down all the tables and benches, ran a vacuum over the beige carpet, and put a fresh set of white sheets on my bed. It was funny I thought, making an effort for a prostitute. But she was a woman nonetheless, and I wanted to impress her.

The phone rang while I was hanging up some clean towels in the bathroom. It was the receptionist from Langtrees, apologising profusely. Donna’s current client had apparently extended his time with her another hour. Rather than keep me waiting, she had decided to send Angelina instead. Sensing my hesitation, the receptionist assured me I wouldn’t be disappointed, before finally admitting she was already on the way.

My nervous anticipation had reached such a point, I didn’t really care. Instead, I was excited by the prospect of a nubile nineteen year old with “natural, DD” breasts. I was fifteen minutes away from sex with a beautiful woman. I finished getting ready, brushing my teeth and giving myself a quick squirt of Armani. Then I set up an observation post on the balcony, looking down at the street from where she would approach.

The last of the sun dipped behind the horizon, bathing the street in a gloomy, purple dusk. A small group of couples laughed loudly with each other as they made their way to the muffled din of the café strip around the corner, and a black Saab pulled into the underground garage of the building across the road. I watched the clattering metal roller door swallow up the car and cursed the excruciatingly slow passage of time.

It was the clip-clop of high heels on pavement that finally drew my attention to the street corner below. A voluptuous young brunette strode down the footpath on her way towards the entrance of my building, her enormous breasts bouncing seductively in her black midriff top. By the length of her miniskirt, or lack thereof, it had to be Angelina.

She stopped abruptly at the front door and stabbed her finger at the intercom. The aggressive buzzer screeching inside my apartment caused me to shoot up and lunge for the handset on the wall by the door. My blood pumped wildly as I let her in. I could feel the throbbing pulse in my lips and cheek while I waited for her to climb the two flights of stairs.

Watching through the peephole, Angelina bounded into view, dark and distorted by the fisheye lens. I went to open the door, but she was too quick, landing several knocks before I managed to twist the knob. I barely got the door ajar before she brushed past me into my living room.

“Um, hi,” I breathed. “How are you?”

“Fine thanks,” she mumbled, fishing around in her black leather handbag. “You’re paying by card?”

“Oh, yeah. Sorry.” I slipped the Gold Mastercard from my pocket and handed it over.

She didn’t look at me as she took it, instead focussing her attention on operating the portable EFTPOS machine, beeping away at the keypad. She brushed the ringlets of raven hair away from her heavily made up eyes, then swiped my card.

“I need your PIN.” She thrust the EFTPOS machine at me.

I took it and tapped in my code. I tried to make eye contact when I handed it back, but Angelina was avoiding my gaze, her head slightly tilted and the ends of her dark, curly hair tickling at the left shoulder of her black crop jacket. The EFTPOS machine spat out a receipt with a high-pitched, electric grind, and she tore it off and handed it over along with my credit card.

I checked that the total read $250 as I slipped both into my pocket. “Would you like something to drink?”

“No thanks, I’m okay.” She looked down the hall. “That’s your bedroom?”

“Yeah, on the left.” I followed her, revelling in the spectacular curve of her ass in that black mini as she walked off.

Angelina peeled off her crop jacket as she marched into my bedroom, dropping it on the floor in the corner. Putting her handbag on the bedside table, she picked up the phone and announced, “I’ve just got to call the studio and let them know I’m here.”

I nodded, familiar with the procedure.

She turned her back to me as she spoke, and stepped down out of her stilettos, losing a couple of inches in height so she was a good head and shoulders shorter than me. Hanging up, she turned around and hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her skirt, and staring at my chest, she wiggled it down over the delicious flare of her hips, revealing a skimpy pair of black panties. Angelina was stunning. Her creamy skin was flawless, and contrasted brilliantly with her dark features and the black singlet that struggled to contain her breasts.

“Mmm,” she purred when I peeled off my t-shirt, strutting over to me. She pressed her fingertips into my abs, pressing hard against the muscles as she drew her fingers down to my fly.

I sniffed at the frangipani scent of her hair as she undid my jeans. Angelina pulled them, along with my jocks, down my thighs, causing my cock to bounce free between us. She followed my pants to the floor, squatting in front of me. Rather clinically, she held my erect shaft with one hand while she inspected my balls with the other for any visible sign of sexually transmitted infection.

“You look fine,” she said matter of factly, rising to her feet.

“Yeah, I had a new one put in last week,” I smiled, but she didn’t care for my banter.

Angelina pushed me back onto the bed, and I scooted backwards as she crawled on top of me, until I was sitting up against the bedhead. Straddling my waist, my cock grinding into her panty-clad pussy, she crossed her arms and slipped her singlet off. I barely got a look at her amazing breasts before she grabbed my head and smothered me
between them.

The left side of my face throbbed with pain at the rough contact, and I struggled to breathe. I got my hands up to her soft globes, each full breast spilling out of my grasp. I tried to push her back slightly, so I could get control of her and maybe get one of the nipples that was flicking against my fingers into my mouth. But the bear hug she had on my skull was too tight, so all I could kiss was her sternum.

I was actually getting turned off by how sexually aggressive she was.

“Do you like my tits?” She released her grip on my head, allowing me to breathe. “They’re real, you know?”

“They’re beautiful,” I replied, trying to say the right thing regardless.

With the space I had, I started planting little kisses on her collar bone while I kneaded the soft flesh of her breasts, causing her nipples to harden beneath my caressing thumbs. I kissed my way up her neck, marvelling in the smooth tightness of her nineteen year old skin. A moan caught in the back of her throat as I flicked my tongue across the soft spot behind her ear.

I moved in to kiss her, but she turned her face away. When she brought it back, I tried again, but with the same result.

“You don’t kiss?” I whispered, receiving a shake of her head by way of reply. I tried to contain my sigh, but to no avail. Desperate to salvage the situation, I asked, “Can I go down on you?”

Angelina nodded, flicking her dark curls across my face. I tapped her thigh and leaned forward, forcing her to scramble backwards. She lay down on her back along the foot of the bed, and I crawled over the top of her.

I resumed my gentle kisses behind her ear, before making my way along her jawline, then down her throat. I was still amazed by how smooth her skin felt against my lips. My wonder continued as I climbed the soft peak of her right breast. I sucked her hard nub into my mouth, spiralling my tongue around the pucker of her areola, while I rolled her other nipple between my thumb and forefinger.

Squeezing her breasts together, I took her other nipple into my mouth, gently chewing on both, before releasing the first to my pinching fingers. I suckled her proud point, softly biting down and flicking the end with my tongue. It seemed to do the trick, eliciting a long moan from her as she arched her back beneath me.

For the first time since I had gained control, I felt her encouragement as her hand caressed my back. I looked up at her, but her head was back, and her eyes closed. I snorted a laugh as she pushed down on my shoulders, directing me towards her pussy.


“You obviously want me to go somewhere?” I smiled.

Angelina ignored me, sinking back into the bed with a purr as I began my journey across her taut stomach. I ran my hands down her smooth curves ahead of my kisses, registering every tactile sensation, until I firmly held her hips. Taking in the sight, I then pressed my lips to her mound through her black, lace panties.

I dug my fingers in around the waistband of her underwear, and she lifted her ass off the bed to let me pull them down. When her fully shaven slit came into view, I flushed with warmth. No longer able to take my time, I yanked her panties down her long legs and threw them over my shoulder in a frenzy.

I grabbed her slender legs behind the knees and splayed them apart as I settled in a kneeling crouch between them. Angelina’s pussy was so unbelievably pretty. Her delicate, pink folds glistened with her arousal. I licked the length of her slit with the flat of my tongue, causing her to twitch. And I repeated the process over and over. 

Burrowing the tip of my tongue between her labia, I gouged up towards her clit. She gasped at the contact with her sensitive button, and I began to focus my attention there, flicking and swirling and sucking. Angelina bucked her hips underneath me, moaning loudly.

I slowly eased my finger inside her, but before I got to the first knuckle, she tightly gripped my wrist. I looked up at her, finally achieving eye contact for the first time since we had met.

“Don’t put your fingers in me.” Her tone was serious, without the slightest hint of arousal or shortness of breath.

I had no issue respecting her wishes, but I was starting to get annoyed. This wasn’t what I wanted.

But before I had time to talk myself out of anything, Angelina pulled my head back between her legs. Pussy’s pussy, I thought as I continued working her clit with my mouth. I kept my hands on her creamy inner thighs and ate her out for all I was worth. Eventually her moans reached a violent crescendo as her gyrating hips bucked in wild spasms.

I sat back on my heels, wondering if I had actually made her come, or she was just keeping to schedule. Regretting my decision to call Langtrees, I watched her crawl over to the bedside table to retrieve a condom from her handbag.

My father’s voice echoed in my ears: never pass a toilet; never trust a fart; and never waste an erection. Sound advice, I thought. And as long as I had paid for the hour, I might as well see this through.

Angelina’s ass was a perfect ripe peach bent over in front of me. I couldn’t help but reach out and grope her, squeezing the firm flesh of her left buttock. But she sidestepped on her knees out of my reach with a sigh, causing me to parrot her frustration. 

Then my uncle’s advice invaded my thoughts as I watched her struggle to get the condom on me. He had been in the Navy, and the mantra those blokes lived by seemed frightfully apt. On his first day in, he had been told to sleep with an Australian prostitute, so he knew what zero out of ten felt like. I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Yeah, I know,” Angelina chuckled. “I need the big ones.” She went back to her handbag for another condom, oblivious to what I was really thinking.

At least she was making the effort to flatter me. The standard ones fit just fine, I knew. The younger girls often played this game. As long as she didn’t drag it out to the point I lost my erection.

Thankfully she didn’t. Instead, she pinched the tip and rolled the condom down my shaft to the base, wanking me with her hand to spread the lube. Once I was suited up, Angelina lay back across the foot of the bed, pulling me between her legs and guiding the tip of my cock to her opening.

I wriggled my mushroom head past her pussy lips, then let my weight slowly sink my full length inside her. I could feel the warm pressure of her snatch around my cock, and her smooth thighs around my hips, but the “extra large” Can’t-Feel-Shits from Trojan were definitely taking the shine off. Pulling out an inch or two to check that it was at least staying in place, I began to slowly fuck her. Angelina groaned as I bottomed out at the end of each stroke, my balls adding the slapping percussion against her ass.

“Are you okay?” Despite everything, I still wanted to make sure she was all right.

“Uh-huh,” she grunted beneath me through closed eyes.

Angelina was easily the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, let alone had sex with. However, the complete absence of any emotional connection with her whatsoever, and the desensitising effect of the condom kept me in a kind of sexual no man’s land. I fucked her non-stop for well over half an hour, according to the occasional glances at my alarm clock.

With our time together drawing to a close, I picked up my pace, slamming into her slippery cunt like an animal. The sweat was pouring off me, and Angelina’s heavy breasts jiggled frictionlessly between us. The slurping, slapping grunting mess of our sex assaulted my ears as I fucked her, until finally, I felt that familiar tingle that signalled my release.

“I’m going to come!” I groaned.

Angelina gave no reply, instead just holding herself in place with her arms and legs wrapped around me.

My orgasm was unremarkable, gently easing over me like a warm, wet blanket. I barely felt the cum oozing from my cock into the condom.

They can’t all be mind-blowing, I thought, as I lay spent on top of her. When I regained my breath, I reached between us to grab the base of the condom, making sure it didn’t come off inside her when I slipped out.

“Can I have a shower?” Angelina broke the silence as soon as I rolled off her.

I held out my hand, helping her up off the bed, and led her into the ensuite. She was a strikingly beautiful woman, and her smeared makeup and dark ringlets of hair plastered to her forehead only made her look more so. But after I pointed out the fresh towels and toiletries, she shut the door on me, denying me the chance to watch her while she

I pulled on my jeans and sat on the bed while I waited for her. “What the fuck am I doing?” I sighed to myself. This wasn’t the life affirming experience I was hoping for. But more often than not, it wasn’t, I chided myself. I knew that.

Angelina came out of the bathroom wrapped in a white towel. Her raven hair was returned to its former glory and her makeup had been reapplied. She found her panties over by the wardrobe, and slipped them on underneath the towel. Then turning her back to me, she dropped the towel and put her black singlet back on.

“This isn’t all I do, you know?” She turned around to face me, stepping into her skirt and shimmying it up her shapely legs. “I’m just doing this while I’m studying. I actually go to Murdoch University.”

“What do you study?” I smiled, feeling bad for her that she felt it necessary to justify herself. I can’t remember what her answer was. And it honestly doesn’t matter. What does, is that I felt all the more alone for having spent time with her.

The phone rang as she shrugged on her crop jacket. It was Langtrees calling to let us know that my time was up, and to see if I wanted to extend. Angelina took the handset and confirmed that she was all right, and that there would be no extension.

“The driver’s downstairs,” she announced, returning the handset to its cradle. She stepped up into her heels and strode out into the living area.

I followed, unable to resist glancing down at her perfect ass as she walked to the front door. “Thank you,” I said as she pulled it open.

Angelina turned on the landing to face me as I stood at the threshold, still without my shirt. She was an expert at avoiding eye contact, but she managed a tight smile and a half-assed wave before she bounced off down the stairs.

I let the door swing shut, then allowed my forehead to fall against the wood. After a minute or two, I spun around and rested with my back to the door, before slowly sliding to the floor and hugging my knees.

I just wanted someone to hold. Someone to hold me. Instead, I ended up fucking an insecure, nineteen year old prostitute. 

“Fucking good one!” I threw my head back, banging it painfully into the door. “Ahh! Motherfucker!”

My grumbling stomach finally shook me loose from my self-pity. I got up from the floor, threw on my black t-shirt and a pair of boots, and wandered over to Cicerello’s for some fish and chips. The place was heaving, as usual. There was no trouble finding a seat though, given nobody wanted to sit next to the tall, sweaty, bruised up thug in black. But the self-proclaimed world’s finest went down nicely with a couple of beers.

Back at my place, I tried to distract myself by watching some cheesy sitcoms I had taped earlier during the week. And for the most part, it worked. But when the shows ended, I was back at square one, overcome with loneliness.

“Don’t do it,” I sighed to no one.

But it was hopeless. Of course I was going to do it.

“Hello. Langtrees. How can we help you?”

When I hung up, Donna was thirty minutes away. Once again that night, I was a study of frenetic, domestic activity. I removed the doona cover, still wet with sweat and pussy. By the earthiness of the aroma, it seemed that Angelina had at least enjoyed herself. The new one went on easily enough, and I smoothed down the thick stripes of navy blue and white, giving my bedroom a somewhat beachy vibe. 

I scrubbed hard at myself with the sea sponge, desperate to get every last trace of Angelina off me. I was almost rabbit-punching at my face with my toothbrush, ignoring the pain of my lip while scouring every nook and cranny of my mouth. My dark hair shone in the mirror, and another misting of Armani finished the job. With the towels replaced, I threw on a black button-up shirt and rolled the sleeves to just below my elbows.

The intercom buzzed twice out in the living room before I had finished getting dressed. I snatched up a pair of tan cargos and skipped out to answer it.

“Hey, it’s Donna,” she sang when I answered.

“Hey,” I smiled back, already hopeful from the friendly tone of her voice. “Come on up, top floor.”

I clumsily hopped into my pants and wrestled to get the button through the hole. Holding the door open, I stepped out onto the landing and looked down at the other one half a flight below me. The worn charcoal carpet was starkly illuminated by the overhead fluorescent lighting in the stairwell. 

The beat of Donna’s footsteps changed as she climbed the stairs from the level below. Her scruffy, bleach-blonde mop came into view first, hanging just above her bare shoulders. As more of her rose above the banister, I could see she was poured into a white, strapless evening gown. As she turned on the landing below me, her tanned, slender leg protruded from the split in her dress that ran halfway up her thigh.

“Hey,” she beamed up at me, her big, blue eyes twinkling. She stopped a moment, framed by the full length window behind her and the contrasting darkness of night it held back. She tilted her head, and her lips pressed together in a crooked smile. “Your fly’s undone.”

I closed my eyes against the burn in my cheeks and sighed. Leaning back against the spring loaded door, I quickly zipped up under the sound of Donna’s approaching giggle.

“Smooth,” she grinned on her arrival to the top of the stairs. She floated over to me with her hand extended. “I’m Donna. It’s lovely to meet you.”

I introduced myself as I took her hand. She sandwiched mine between hers and used me as a lever to pull herself in, craning up and planting a soft kiss on the corner of my mouth. Her pink lips spread into a warm smile beneath those sparkling, blue eyes.

Then her brow furrowed as she sucked air in through puckered lips. “Ooo, what happened?” She very gently put her hand up to the side of my face and gingerly traced my swollen cheekbone with the pad of her thumb. Then trailing down, she lightly caressed my bottom lip with her index and middle fingers.

“Tough day at the office,” I breathed as I ushered Donna inside my apartment. I was impressed. She had only known me thirty seconds, and she had already shown me more attention than Angelina had in an entire hour.

“What do you do?” she frowned, concerned.

“I’m in the Army.”

“Oh.” Her face immediately softened and her smile returned. She was obviously satisfied I wasn’t some dangerous thug.

When I offered her a drink, she opted for a beer, and called back to base while I poured out a couple of glasses.

With the clock started, she took one of the beers from me and held it up. “To new friends.”

“To new friends,” I smiled back at her, clinking my glass against hers.

We held each other’s gaze as we drank. When I lowered my glass, Donna wrinkled her nose. Placing her drink on the kitchen bench, she stepped over, pressing her lithe form against me, then wiped the foam from my top lip with her finger. I was transfixed as she seductively sucked her finger into her mouth, then licked her lips.

I nearly dropped my beer.

Her eyes twinkled and her smile turned playful. She reached up again, this time touching her finger underneath my chin and pushing my mouth closed, making us both laugh.

“Would you like to get everything sorted out so we can relax and get to know each other?”

“Great idea,” I smiled, reaching into my pocket for my Mastercard. Then I realised it was still in my jeans in the dirty clothes basket. Blushing, I bounded down the hall to retrieve it. When I returned, I saw that Donna was holding a flimsy carbon copy slip, the kind used in old fashioned imprint machines. “No EFTPOS?”

“I’m old school,” she smiled. “I’m really sorry, but do you have a pen?” She picked up her beer and followed me down to the study.

I grabbed a pen from the desk and turned to see her surveying the group of three framed photos on the opposite wall. The one on the left was an overhead shot of my patrol in a rigid-hulled inflatable boat, pulling alongside a submarine. The middle frame was a patrol photo from East Timor, with the six of us in khaki camouflage and weapons, posing in front of a Blackhawk helicopter. And the last one was Fang and I in our black fire suits on top of the Olympic stadium a few hours before the Opening Ceremony, and my moment of truth.

Donna touched my face in each of the framed pictures, making a cute, humming sound each time her finger made contact with the glass. Then the black granite bust of Plato wearing my sandy beret in the corner caught her attention. She ran her fingers over the chiselled features of his face, then looked at me over her naked shoulder, her expression serious. “You’re in the Special Air Service?”

I nodded. I was actually part of 152 Signals Squadron, which was permanently seconded to the Regiment. But I was beret-qualified and fully integrated into the patrols, so for all intents and purposes.

“It’s so horrible what happened last week, in New York…the World Trade Center.” She searched my face for several, long seconds. “They’re saying on the TV that the Americans are going to Afghanistan. And the Prime Minister wants us to go too.”

I gave her my best thousand yard stare. Obviously I couldn’t tell her anything. But the Prime Minister had been in Washington DC when it had happened, and it was no secret he wanted in. It’s just that eleven days on, the deal hadn’t quite been done yet.

She touched my forearm, then whispered, “When do you go?”

“Tomorrow,” I whispered back. Fuck it. I needed a new poker face anyway.

Donna’s shoulders slumped as she let the softest whine escape her lips. She squeezed my arm. And her big blue eyes stared up at me, into me.

“You’re really wearing that dress.” My voice caught slightly.

She kept her eyes locked on mine a few seconds longer. Then the twinkle returned as she let me change the subject. The corners of her lips turning up. “You like it?” She stepped back and gave me a twirl. Then giggling, “I’ll take that as a yes.”

Taking the pen, she glided around the desk and sat down. She watched me as I sat across from her. Placing my credit card on the blotter, she carefully lay the carbon copy slip over it, then rapidly rubbed the shaft of the pen across the raised numbers of the card.

“Nice,” I laughed.

She laughed back, and we chatted about EFTPOS machines and how coveted they were by the other girls at the brothel. Then Donna cocked her head and asked me about Angelina.

“Angelina,” I mocked, holding up my fingers in air quotes. “She’s…nineteen.”

Donna snorted a laugh, knowing exactly what I meant. “My name’s actually Donna. No, really,” she protested with a smile in response to my raised eyebrow. “Doing this job, I find it easier if I’m…me. I don’t like the way it feels, you know, being somebody else.” 

“Yeah,” I breathed, reaching over the desk and taking her hand.

“So what were you doing before I got here?” She returned her attention to the carbon copy.

“I was just watching Friends. I taped it on Monday.”

“Oh, I missed it.” She looked up at me with excitement. “What happened?”

“It was a good one,” I laughed, telling her about the episode. “Monica’s cousin came to stay with her. It was Denise Richards. Chandler kept staring at her, with a Barry White song playing in his head. You know, the slow motion hair thing?” I acted out the action, loving the way Donna was hanging on every word.

“So Monica sends her over to stay with Ross. And he’s on the couch with her, talking himself into making a move, until finally, he just pounces on her!”

“Oh my God! Isn’t she his cousin too?” Donna laughed.

“Yeah,” I chuckled. “When she asks him what he was doing, he’s just staring at her, thinking, ‘say something, anything.’ And then, ‘Oh my God. This is the longest anyone has not said something ever.’” Donna laughed along with my animated explanation. “Then he finally says, ‘I haven’t had sex in a really long time.’”

“Oh, no!”

“I know, right? Then he thinks to himself again, ‘yeah, I probably shouldn’t have said anything.’”

Donna grinned at me warmly, resting her chin on the heel of her hand. Then finished filling out the carbon copy, she slid it across for me to sign. She peeled it apart, handing me my copy and throwing the carbon into the bin under the desk.

“Come on.” She held out her hand as she rose to her feet.

Taking my hand in hers, she led me into my bedroom, bringing my hand to the small of her back as she went. Once inside, she turned, taking the last few steps backwards as she looked up at me. Donna took my other hand, holding them both in hers between us.

Then she craned up, planting her warm lips softly against mine. It was such a sweet kiss. She pulled away briefly, then sank back in. The tip of her tongue flicked along my top lip, before finding its way past my teeth.

I sucked gently at Donna’s tongue, cradling the underside of it with my own. It was such a wonderfully warm, wet kiss. Then I chased her tongue back into her mouth, allowing her to suck mine. It took every last ounce of will power not to paw at her breasts while we kissed, but there was something so much more tender about holding each other’s hands. I dared not let go.

When Donna pulled back, she tilted her head and licked the excess saliva from her lips as her smile spread. “Do you want to help me out of my dress?” She bit her lip and turned her back to me.

I held her narrow shoulders, reflexively kneading her muscles. Her soft moans were music to my ears. But still, as beautiful as she was in that white dress, I had to get it off her. Undoing the hook between her shoulder blades, I got hold of the zip and pulled it slowly down to the base of her spine, exposing a sharp triangle of tanned flesh as I went.

She turned, holding the front of her dress to her chest. Then with a smile, she lowered her hands, revealing her beautiful teardrop handfuls. Her nipples tightened into gorgeous, pointed nubs. Donna allowed me to bask in the vision a moment before slipping the white material past the flare of her hips, letting the dress splash to the carpet. The only thing she was wearing, was a tiny pair of white, satin panties.

She watched me closely, studying my reaction. Donna stepped forward, taking my face in her hands, and kissed me again. Her hands slid down, unfastening the buttons on my shirt. When she got the last one undone, she brushed it off my shoulders and ran her palms down my sides until her fingers were hooked into my pants.

My hands shadowed hers, caressing down her naked back. When I reached the waistband of her G-string, I burrowed my fingers beneath the elastic and found the soft flesh of her ass. I swallowed her moans into my mouth, and brought my hands around to her hips, pushing her panties past her curves.

She had my cargos undone and was slowly wanking my cock in my boxers. “I want you to give me a massage,” she purred.

She handed me a bottle of moisturiser from her handbag and pulled her panties off the rest of the way. Throwing back the striped doona, she lay down on the crisp, white sheets on her tummy. “Come on. I was sunbaking today, and I really need the moisturiser.”

Shoving my pants down my legs, I straddled Donna’s thighs and squeezed a big squirt of lotion onto her back, causing her to gasp from the cold. I chuckled to myself as I rubbed my hands across her slender back.

“Do you like my tattoo?” she moaned.

“I’ve got to be honest with you. I’m staring at your ass right now. I haven’t even noticed it.”

Donna slapped my thigh with a giggle, then pointed to the freshly inked whale’s tail on the small of her back. “Right there.”

“Yeah, I’m still staring at your ass,” I laughed.

With a fresh application of moisturiser, I began working her hips and ass, perhaps a little more than I needed to. But I suppose that was the point. My fingers made shiny depressions in her lubricated flesh. Her skin was beautifully soft, I thought, but nowhere near as taut as Angelina’s, some ten years her junior. But Donna’s tan was much nicer, contrasting boldly with the white sheets upon which she lay.

“Mmm, you were at Swanbourne today?” I smiled.

“Yeah. How did you know?”

I planted a kiss on her ass. “You don’t have any tan lines.” The nude beach just outside the Barracks was a constant source of amusement among the blokes.

The massage moved to her front as Donna rolled over onto her back. I must have used every last drop of lotion in the bottle, and caressed every last millimetre of her body. My mouth soon followed my hands, kissing my way from her lips, down to her breasts, before finally plunging my tongue deep into her sodden pussy.

With her soft thighs over my shoulders, I hungrily devoured her plump labia, protruding from beneath her dark blonde muff. I enjoyed her taste, much more pungent than Angelina. And I loved that she let me stir her creamy depths with my fingers as I worked her clit with my tongue.

Donna moaned loudly, rolling her hips up to meet my lips and probing fingers. She ran her fingers through my hair, holding my head tightly to her sex. She was close, twitching and bucking as she tried to hold back the tide. Until she couldn’t anymore, finding her release with a deep, guttural groan.

I felt a flood of wetness with Donna’s orgasm. A fast trickle of her fluid spilled from her vagina, dribbling down my hand and into the crack of her ass. I had to taste it, lapping at her opening and revelling in the tangy earthiness of her sex.

“Are you okay?” I looked into her blurry eyes when I’d had my fill.

“Yes,” she breathed, pulling me up by the face to kiss me. “I can taste my pussy on your lips.”

Still kissing me, Donna plucked a condom from her handbag and sat up with me kneeling between her legs. She got it on me with frightening efficiency, never once taking her mouth from mine. Then she lay back down, holding my gaze and offering herself to me.

I pressed the covered head of my cock to her entrance, rubbing it up and down her slit. But once again, the desensitising effect of the condom took its toll. I actually started to soften, completely incongruous with how much I wanted her at that moment. It was futile trying to feed my failing member into her. And of course, the more I tried to fight it, the worse it became.

“Oh fuck,” I sighed, throwing my head back, defeated.

“Hey, it’s okay.” Donna sat up, stroking my face. “You’ve got a lot going on. Just relax.” She kissed me, then propped herself up onto my lap before pushing me backwards.

I collapsed back onto the bed, my head falling over the edge. Feeling Donna’s nimble fingers peeling off the condom, I lifted my head in time to see her take my semierect penis into her mouth. The wet warmth of her mouth immediately revived my flagging cock. My eyes were locked with hers as she bobbed up and down on me.

Donna’s pretty pink lips slid along my shaft, leaving a glistening sheen of her saliva in the muted light of the bedside lamp. She swirled her tongue around my swollen head on the upstroke, then effortlessly took me all the way into her throat on the down.

I laid my hand on hers, resting on the crease where the top of my thigh met my waist. “Oh Donna,” I gasped. “I’m going to come.”

Her eyes twinkled at the news. She kept my cock in her mouth, sucking hard on the head and swirling her tongue while she pumped my shaft with her other hand. The tempo of her breathing increased as she blew me. Her cute, little moans and grunts became louder. She obviously wanted me to come in her mouth.

The realisation shoved me over the edge. I was swept away by the immense tingle that gushed out of my cock in thick, heaving spasms. My head lolled back over the edge of the bed and I began to lose my vision, unable to lock my focus on anything on the empty ceiling above.

Donna gulped down my cum with each spurt, furiously jacking my shaft until my orgasm subsided. She released my cock, kissing the purple head and licking up the last drops of semen that oozed from the tip. Then holding me at the base, she proceeded to lick the full length of my hardness like an ice cream cone, the pink of her lips curled up in
a devilish smile.

“Oh my God, I love your abs,” she mumbled, kissing her way up my stomach and feeling every firm contour with her hands.

I snorted a laugh. “I actually used to be fat before I joined the Army.”

“Obviously nothing a million sit-ups can’t fix,” she joked.

“It’s actually closer to four hundred thousand.” There’s a lot of time to think, nestled in behind the scope of a sniper rifle.

Donna stopped kissing my stomach. Tucking wayward strands of her peroxide bob behind her ear, she looked quizzically into my eyes.

“Yeah, I probably shouldn’t have said anything.”

Donna huffed a laugh, then resumed enjoying my torso with her mouth. She sent electric jolts through my nipples on her way up my body. Her wet folds were leaving a cool, slick trail on my thighs and stomach as she dragged herself up my body. The sound of her snuffling at my ear tickled, until she took the lobe into her warm mouth.
I don’t know how long we kissed, facing the wrong way on the bed with her on top of me. It felt like forever, but nowhere near long enough. Her soft breasts flattened against my chest, the hard, little nubs poking me. My hands slowly glided back and forth between the firm muscles in her back and the softness of her ass. Incredibly, I became hard again.

I rolled over on top of her and felt her hand wrap around my shaft. Donna rubbed the wet petals of her slit with the head of my cock, then pulled me towards her. I resisted, conscious I wasn’t wearing a condom.

“It’s okay,” she whispered. “I’m clean. I get tested every month.”

My entire body flushed with warmth, causing my cheek and lip to throb once more. Never in my life had I had such an offer.

“I want to feel you,” Donna said gently, looking deep into my eyes. “I want you to feel me.”

Fuck it, I thought. I released the brake and sank into her in one, long, slow movement. I was home. What struck me most, above the brilliant warmth and tight grip of her pussy, was how wet she felt. I could feel every last soaking sensation.

When we weren’t noisily kissing, moaning into each other’s mouths, we stared into each other’s eyes as I gently rocked in and out of her. She held me close, her hands sliding across my back. Donna rolled her hips to meet every thrust, taking as much of me as she could inside her. Her moans grew louder, and quickened with my pace.

I felt her heels lock over my ass as I pumped her molten core. The sensation of my pubic bone grinding into her clit sent her over the edge, and her eyes glazed over as she gripped me in a tight, squealing spasm. I kissed her deeply, lost in the slippery squelching of our sex.

“Come for me,” she gasped into my mouth.

I opened my eyes while still kissing her. Hers were open, big and bright, watching me. The closeness, the connection I felt with her, tipped me over the edge. I cried out, trying to hold it back. Wanting to prolong every last nanosecond.

“I want you to come inside me.”

I was gone. Roaring with ecstasy, I exploded deep inside Donna’s pussy, flooding her unprotected womb with my spunk. When the paralysing jolts eventually released me, I collapsed on top of her, melting into her soft, sweaty form.

“Are you all right?” I breathed into her cheek, clumsily kissing at her face.

“Mmm…oh, yes.” Her ankles unlocked, allowing her knees to slide down and hook over my thighs. “How do you feel?”

”Perfect.” I kissed her warmly, feeling myself slip from between her legs.

As I rolled off her, Donna clung to me, nestling into the crook of my armpit, with her head on my chest. She threw her leg over me, pressing her cum-slicked lips to my thigh. Her fingers explored my chest, tracing little circles and tugging playfully at the dark hairs.

I kissed the top of her head, inhaling the peach and coconut scent of her shampoo. I brushed her soft hair with my fingertips. Holding her other hand, our fingers interlocked on my chest, and I felt her snuggle in a little tighter. I was in heaven.

Too soon, the trill ring of the phone ripped me from my bliss, announcing the end of the hour. I think it quite honestly broke my heart a little. Somehow releasing Donna, I sat up, kicking my feet off the bed, and answered it.

“Can you please hang on a second?” I said to the Langtrees receptionist after we had chatted a minute. I turned to Donna, who was lying back on one elbow watching me. “Would you like to stay the rest of the night?”

Donna’s beautiful blue eyes burst to life, and she nodded a big smile, before biting her bottom lip.

It was fifteen hundred dollars to keep her until morning, and I was only too happy to pay it. Hell, I would have paid ten times that. We got all the arrangements for the extension sorted out quite quickly, with Donna doing another stone rubbing of my credit card onto a spare carbon copy slip. I enjoyed the jiggle of her breasts as she did it, and the hardening of her nipples as she caught me perving.

“Do you want something to drink?” I blushed, trying to redirect her scornful, but amused gaze.

She followed me out to the kitchen for a cold beer, casually drinking it from the bottle. We stood there, naked, drinking, and staring at each other. Her inner thighs were shiny with my smeared cum, but she was hardly leaking everywhere. Still, she blushed under my inspection, and self-consciously closed the distance between us and threw her arms around my shoulders to avoid my scrutiny.

As we kissed, I held my cold bottle away from her skin, caressing her with only one hand. She wasn’t as successful, with the cold glass of hers raising goose bumps all over my body when it made contact with my shoulder blade. While I didn’t flinch, she noticed. And with an impish grin, she touched the freezing bottle to my back again.

I gave her no reaction whatsoever. A cold beer bottle was no match for five years of special forces training, especially when I was expecting it. Enjoying her disappointed pout as long as I dared, I tipped my own bottle up, pouring a long, icy trickle between her shoulders.

Donna squealed, her whole body tensing at the shock of the beer running down her naked back. Her nipples hardened against my chest, and she released a long, moaning sigh. When she opened her eyes, her bright blue orbs pleaded with me to continue the tease.

Taking her wrist and leading her back into the bedroom, I relieved her of her bottle and bent her over the bed until she was propping herself up on the mattress. With my heart thundering, I poured another long stream of icy cold beer between her shoulder blades. It foamed into a thick white stripe down the centre of her back, before dipping into the crack of her gorgeous ass. I was possessed. And without thinking, I dove between her cheeks.

I lapped at her bubbling cunt, tasting the rich flavour of our sex breaking through the bitterness of the beer. Following the foaming trail, I worked my way up her smooth perineum until I was licking at the perfect, puckered knot of her asshole. It was just so wonderfully dirty.

Digging my fingers into Donna’s hips, I forced my way past the tight muscles of her star until I was fucking her ass with my tongue. It honestly wasn’t the nicest thing I’d ever tasted, but I reasoned that I’d eaten much worse on the Lucky Dip during Selection. Besides, there was something so incredibly intimate about licking this woman’s asshole. It was almost primal, like the way dogs sniff at each other.

My cock was raging, and I shoved it into her battered cunt, pounding into her like an animal. She grunted with every thrust, crawling up onto the bed until she was on all fours. Following her, I dug my thumb into her ass as I fucked her, causing her to squeal. Then pulling myself from her holes, I positioned my mushroom head at her greedy anus. She looked over her shoulder at me and our eyes met. Then I flushed again as she pushed her hips back against me.

Donna’s sphincter was a tight ring, slowly rolling up and down the full length of my shaft as I fucked her ass with every inch I had. My knuckles were white, digging into the soft, tanned flesh of her hips. I took my time with every stroke, driving into her with slow, deliberate force.

“Fuck me!” she demanded through gritted teeth. “Fuck my dirty, little ass!”

“Yeah? You want it?” I didn’t know who the fuck I was.

“Oh, yeah, I want it,” she moaned, bouncing off my hips with a slap. “Fill me with that cock. I want it so fuckin’ bad.”

I groaned incoherently with my release, spraying her bowels with what was left of my semen. My cock pulsed with every agonising spasm deep in Donna’s ass. I was dizzy, almost hyperventilating as my chest heaved with exhaustion. Still, I just couldn’t’ stop grinding myself into her core.

We collapsed down onto the bed together, both of us laughing as we fought to catch our breath.

“Oh my God. That was so dirty.” She beamed.

“Mmm. Very hot,” I agreed, rubbing her soft belly, then finding the coarse thatch between her legs

“I’ve never had anyone come in my ass before. That felt amazing.”

I sucked her earlobe into my mouth, then whispered, “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” she giggled, kissing me softly.

Freshly showered and snuggled up under the doona together, we lay in each other’s arms, kissing and chatting. The warmth from her skin against mine was magical. So too was the conversation, sharing stories from our childhoods, and how we’d both come to settle in Western Australia. We talked for hours, until eventually, I must have fallen asleep.

The next thing I knew, I was woken by my alarm clock blasting Janie’s Got a Gun. I felt the soft, pillow of Donna’s breasts against the side of my face, and her smooth skin beneath my fingers. I moved my hand down across her stomach, brushing over her bellybutton piercing.

“Hey,” I whined, still bleary eyed. “I told you not to let me fall asleep.” I twisted around and hit the snooze button.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered. “You just looked so…mmm…peaceful. How much time

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Du stehst in der S-Bahn und bist auf dem Weg zum See. Es ist ein warmer Nachmittag im Sommer. Neben der Sonne bringen dich vorallem die Frauen und Mädchen um dich herrum, in ihren kurzen Röcken, engen Hotpants und Sommerkleidern, zum Schwitzen. Am einen Ende der Bahn sitzt eine Gruppe von 4 jungen Mädchen, vermutlich alle noch Schülerinnen, und gackern um die Wette. Die 2 Blondinen möchten wohl mit der Bruenetten und der Schwarzhaarigen Baden gehen, denn dank der knappen Tops siehst du...

4 years ago
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Threesome With Speedos and Camcorders

One night when I was sleeping over my friend Jeff’s house, we decided that we were both hot, and wanted to go for a swim in his pool. Jeff is younger than me, but I’ve always thought he was cute. I hadn’t brought my suit, so I just took off my shorts and went swimming in my Joe Boxers. While we were swimming, I had gotten a hard-on, and by the time we got out, I knew I had to jack off in order to get rid of it. Jeff went into his room to change first, and when he got out, I went in. I took off...

2 years ago
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Cum Covered Camcorder

His name was Michael and looked about thirty five years of age when I first met him. At the time, I was nineteen, a college drop-out, daughter of divorced, dysfunctional parents who knew nothing about me whatsoever. They loved me of course, but we weren’t exactly close, distance was more acceptable and far less uncomfortable than a sweaty hug from my old man and to feel my mother’s tight breasts (operated, no doubt, though she denied it every time) squashed up against my own. My parents, even...

4 years ago
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Cum Covered Camcorder

His name was Michael and looked about thirty five years of age when I first met him. At the time, I was nineteen, a college drop-out, daughter of divorced, dysfunctional parents who knew nothing about me whatsoever. They loved me of course, but we weren't exactly close; distance was more acceptable and far less uncomfortable than a sweaty hug from my old man and to feel my mother's tight breasts (operated, no doubt, though she denied it every time) squashed up against my own. My parents, even...

2 years ago
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Come The Recorders

Ah, ha!—Come, some music! Come, the recorders!—Hamlet, Act III, Scene 2 * I used to work around the corner from that church, and I remembered the day the fire tore through the building. There was a lot of snow. It was in December, about ten days before Christmas. The fire trucks had a tough time getting through. It took years to rebuild the church, and by the time they were done I was long gone from that part of town. So when my wife suggested going there for a concert, my reaction was...

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Hospital orderly

I seriously love hairy men as well as men with uncut cocks. Both get me hard and randy, and I love to orally pleasure them even more than any other type of man. This incident, I believe, is the root of my fascination of, desire for, and never-ending quest of hairy or uncut men. I was 17 years old and in the hospital with pneumonia, although recovering nicely. Probably in the last 2-3 days of my stay, I was restless at night, and so awake when the evening orderly came into the room to change...

2 years ago
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Hospital orderly

I seriously love hairy men as well as men with uncut cocks. Both get me hard and randy, and I love to orally pleasure them even more than any other type of man. This incident, I believe, is the root of my fascination of, desire for, and never-ending quest of hairy or uncut men. I was 17 years old and in the hospital with pneumonia, although recovering nicely. Probably in the last 2-3 days of my stay, I was restless at night, and so awake when the evening orderly came into the room to change...

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Moms Nervous Disorder

My mom, Gina, was perfect except for one thing. She had been diagnosed as being afflicted with the Einsteinium nervosa disorder, a common defect usually found in widows and single mothers. Little was known about the disorder and treatment had been based on empirical, non-scientific knowledge. My name is Bobby and I was surprised one day when my mom told me that she had an appointment with her doctor, and that he had told her to bring along her son with her to the appointment. Naturally I...

2 years ago
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I did not know I had a disorder

I did not know I had a disorder CindyUSA I am not sure if I should be embarrassed, ashamed, depressed about my condition. I do not look unwell; does it show? I look normal to my wife, family and co-workers. I wonder if they know about my disorder. If they had, why did they not tell me? Like most illness, they start slow and build up and suddenly, bang; right between the eyes it hits you. Maybe for years I suspected, but not wanting to admit that to me. I did not think my condition was...

3 years ago
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Sleeping Disorder

I got attracted to my Sister-in-law the moment i laid my eyes on her. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She's the only reason why I'm still single. I knew she liked me too because she kept glancing at my direction the day my brother brought her to our house 16 years ago. In the next few days, I made moves on her without my brother noticing. We had an affair. We had sex almost everyday until she got pregnant. Who's baby? We didn't confirm. It's either mine or my...

4 years ago
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Seasonal Affection Disorder

Chapter One – Spring The phone rang, jolting me out of my sleep. I looked blearily at the alarm clock. It was 8:19 on a Saturday morning. Who the hell could be calling me? I cleared my throat and picked up the phone. ‘Hello?’ ‘Steve. It’s Jessica.’ Jessica. Just hearing her voice brought back vivid memories. I walked over to the coffeemaker, thankful that I’d had the presence of mind to brew a pot of coffee last night. I was going to need some caffeine to work my way through this...

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Mail Order

Mail Order By Charlotte Dickles 'Giles. Why are all men so fascinated at looking down women's blouses?' It was the third week at my new job. I'd gone into the office for an early evening coffee break and had surprised Gwen, who was bending over to reach something out of one of the lower drawers in a filing cabinet. The view down the front of her blouse was like staring down a Lake District valley from the top of Helvelyn - and the blood was rushing through my veins as though...

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The Orderly

“Rob, Mr. Littleton’s diaper needs changing. Could you please take care of that and clean him up?” Rob cringed at the sound of Nurse Baker’s awful voice, for there was seldom anything positive uttered from her lips. Rob had been an overnight orderly at The Peaceful Valley Hospital for almost two years now, and the head nurse had been more like a jailer than a supervisor. She loved to dole menial tasks and impose petty torments, knowing there was nothing he could do but her bidding. He had...

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The Restraining Order

Everyday was the same. Five minutes before the children came out of school the old Volvo would appear. It never came close and the driver never got out of the car. As the days went by other parents started to notice. When one of mums arrived late and saw the driver using binoculars, she called the police. The patrol car arrived just as the children came out. I was bending down to embrace Madeleine and Thomas when I saw him get out of the car. Even four hundred yards away I recognised him. That...

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Sleep Disorder

I am a fourteen-year-old girl and I have had a sleeping disorder all of my life. I have been to doctors but nothing worked until just recently. I sleep so soundly that I cannot hear an alarm clock or even a fire alarm. It takes mom almost a half-hour to wake me up in the morning for school and that’s after a ten-hour sleep. Then about a week ago all that changed. It had taken a few weeks for that last drug to get into my system and finally start to work properly. Then I didn’t want...

2 years ago
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I did not know I had a disorder

I did not know I had a disorder CindyUSA I am not sure if I should be embarrassed, ashamed, depressed about my condition. I do not look unwell, does it show? I look normal to my wife, family and co-workers. I wonder if they know about my disorder. If they had, why did they not tell me? Like most illness, they start slow and build up and suddenly, bang, right between the eyes it hits you. Maybe for years I suspected, but not wanting to admit that to me. I did not think my condition was...

3 years ago
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A matter of Security Remapped Personality Disorder

"A matter of Security-Remapped Personality Disorder" By: Alias G. Eliot (c) All rights reserved Greg put the gold cross between his teeth for the thousandth time with an irritating unconscious gesture as he did his daily pushups. It was six a.m. and he was just getting started with his daily routine of sweaty, hard muscle reps. He gritted and tried to bite the impenetrable gold metal as he pushed himself to the limit of endurance....

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The Restraining Order

A foreword Terms used Old bill — slang term for the police Brief — slang term for solicitor or lawyer Snogging — what our American cousins call making out My editor is sick and unable to work her magic so any errors are all mine. I’m sure the English teachers will have plenty to find fault with. I hope it doesn’t spoil your enjoyment. The Restraining Order Everyday was the same. Five minutes before the children came out of school the old Volvo would appear. It never came close and the...

3 years ago
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Made To Order

AUTHOR'S SINCEREST NOTICE: Any likenesses to any real person, living or dead, are entirely coincidental and unintentional...unless I really did base a character on some asshole I met, in which case it was intentional. This notice is to alert you, the reader, that contained within are ideas and concepts some might find offensive. Let the world that I've tried to flesh out here be the one that speaks, not me. At times, I think I was trying to string together rational criticisms of our own...

2 years ago
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How far would you go for an Order

Well I was working as a Warehouse Manager for this company and I had worked my way up from a driver to this possition. I had been seeing the woman in the offoce off and on for a few years since the Christmas party when she seduced me, It was Late one Friday Evening the Boss was away on a business trip and the Sales Man was on holiday so I had to deal with this Sales person that was trying to get us to use there products. I knew what would and what would not sell so I arranged to meet them, but...

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MILF Impregnated By Neighbor During StayatHome Order

The coronavirus outbreak in 2019 was ultimately contained but had a devastating effect on the United States and world. Municipal, state, and federal governments approached the crisis in various ways, and my state instituted the ‘New York on PAUSE Plan’, which required residents to stay home to the extent possible, and to avoid all nonessential gatherings of individuals of any size for any reason. But leeway was given for those working in essential businesses, which included nurses and...

Wife Lovers
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Bound To Order

Bound to Order   BOUND TO ORDER!ByAnne Gray It was a dark and stormy night! No, really, it was.? Well, in fact, it was late evening but it was dark and the rain was pelting down as I waited for my prey. The one I was after seemed to go for fashion rather than practicality and obviously, as I had counted on, didn?t bother listening to weather forecasts. I had watched her entering the office building earlier, before the forecasted rain started; dressed in a very smart, fawn coloured hip...

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Pecking Order

In human life as in the animal kingdom as a whole there's a pecking order, you obey people above you and order those about below. Now I'm not particularly a dominant person, I say 'yes sir' to my boss whenever he asks me things, but like most men, I would like to have a nice young sex slave to order about. Her name was Janice, a new girl in the pool; I noticed straight away that she always looked down shyly whenever anybody talked to her. She was quite pretty, with an innocent looking...

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Stopped at the Border

Stopped at the BorderCindy Williams rubbed the grit from her eyes and tried to see through the dust cloud cloaking the bus as it shuddered its way towards the border post at Tengani. The only white person aboard, the eighteen year olds’ short blonde hair, blue eyes and honey gold tan had made her an object of curiosity for the other travellers over the exhausting thirteen hours of the journey to the border. Trying to ignore the blatant stares, she was thankful that, for once, she’d listened to...

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Black New World Order

WARNING: I tend to use the ‘n-word’ in my stories quite a bit. If you cannot handle reading that word, then this story isn’t for you! Remember that this is a work of fiction and should not be taken seriously by anyone. Note: All characters in the story are over 18 years old. ====================== I stood silently, waiting for the next white boy to make his way into my room. Suddenly, a huge black man slammed open the door to my room. His massively bulging biceps seemed to be ripping at his...

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Special Breakfast Order

Foreshadowing: It's late Fall; and you've arrived in Stowe, VT. You're staying at a nice upscale hotel, in a room rented by the Manager of the nearby airport. This, by the way, is my part-time job. NOTE: Thank you, Sir L. Sagramore, for your invaluable assistance! Now on to the story "Good Morning, Mr. Symthe-Granger. This is Vicki from the Front Desk? You asked that an 07:40 wake-up call be given? We have a very nice, complimentary Continental Breakfast being offered, would you like...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 385 DCups Initial Orders

Monday, July 2, 2007 (Continued) I carried Nevaeh out to the spa pool beside our swimming pool. It was landscaped and shielded for privacy, but Nevaeh showed no hint of modesty about being outside, not even in proximity. Julia, Ava and I were also naked, as would Carol be when she arrived after getting the drinks, but Nevaeh's acceptance was still impressive. The Nevaeh of twelve hours ago would've fought tooth and nail to avoid it. I complimented her, "We're outside and you're naked,...

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Oppressive Compulsive Disorder

Oppressive Compulsive Disorder by Choker Guy Chapter One - Illusion Day 1 Dan: So, how did your important 'mission' go? Carl: Would you stop trying to ridicule me? Stop making such a big deal about it, and most importantly, don't do it here. D: Ooh right, forgot the Agency spies are hunting you for your porn collection. I don't know, setting up a switch to wipe your computer seems like a big deal to me. C: What did I just say? I see no reason why we couldn't chat about...

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Sodomy as a Cure for Bipolar Disorder

True StoryIt was a bright sunny summer afternoon. I first saw them as I was getting out of the elevator of my apartment building. They were moving in and struggling with a large TV set. She was petite and cute and clearly not built for moving appliances. She was very nicely put together though, very pretty East European face framed in dark hair, a proportionate body with a slim waist and an exceptionally gorgeous ass--accentuated by the tight fitting jeans she was wearing. An awe inspiring set...

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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 81 Disastrous Orders

“My orders are as follows,” Admiral Redmill continued. “We are to complete the space trials of the new Africa class destroyers. As part of that trial we need to see the ship in combat. Thanks to the efforts of your scout ships we know that the Sa’arm are currently setting up an entrenched position in the Gee One Dash ... Six Five Eight system I believe.” I forced my hands to remain wrapped around Constance. Ashley groaned at hearing the Admiral name the wrong system. At her groan both...

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The Camcorder

When I bought my husband a camcorder, I had a feeling I knew what he’d want to do with it. Sure enough, he soon suggested we film ourselves having sex. I dressed up in stockings, a garter belt, and a tight waspie corset and looked a real screen slut sucking his cock on camera. I really enjoyed doing it because it was soo nasty. When Hank was away on business, I’d watch it and use my favorite dildo. I’d be working myself to a dripping wet orgasm as Hank balled me on the TV screen. Last week...

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The Camcorder

When I bought my husband a camcorder, I had a feeling I knew what he’d want to do with it. Sure enough, he soon suggested we film ourselves having sex. I dressed up in stockings, a garter belt, and a tight waspie corset and looked a real screen slut sucking his cock on camera. I really enjoyed doing it because it was soo nasty. When Hank was away on business, I’d watch it and use my favorite dildo. I’d be working myself to a dripping wet orgasm as Hank balled me on the TV screen.Last week...

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New Order

NEW ORDER By Heather Alexander Prologue I stood in front of the washroom mirror, I ran my hands through my platinum blonde hair reaching over I opened my handbag and took out a lipstick. Pulling the cap from the tube I slowly spiralled the phallic tip out of the tube it was a bright pink colour as I lifted it to my lips I stopped and stared at my reflection, "How did I get here?" I said to myself. Standing in a washroom about to apply lipstick to my full pouty lips, with long...

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Running the Border

LT Justin ‘Tin’ Ortega and Jenna ‘Lady’ Daivs orbited a CAP station or a Carrier Air Patrol near the Selorian Border. They have been on station for an hour and Jenna bored and restless spoke into the internal comms. ‘You awake up there?’ ‘Yeah, what do you need? ‘When are you going to make me an honest woman?’ ‘Ay Dios, here we go again’ Justin exclaimed. ‘Don’t Aye Deeios me, you said we were going to discuss it today.’ ‘But right now, the day isn’t over yet. And by the way why aren’t...

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Crossing the Border

My mind is racing, my heart pumping as I am driving closer and closer to you. I know it is kind of early and we'll we have only known each other for about a month, but the passion and connection between us is too great to pass up. I wish I never would have read your stories, never would have fallen for that beautiful picture of you. You drew me in and we connected immediately, chatting about all the nerdy and dorky things we enjoy. I love how we could make each other laugh, and poke fun of one...

Oral Sex
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Patrolling the Clar Border

I was seventeen and had spent most of my life in the mountains or forests. I joined the military and went through training to be a combat soldier. A couple of months and I was walking off a huge plane. It was hot and humid and sergeants were yelling. The last I was used to now but not the heat or the humidity. We had pushed almost two hundred kilometers into Clar and there was only another two hundred and fifty kilometers to the Rus border. On the other side of the western border was Nees....

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The Shiny LadiesChapter 14 Crossing the Border

Alice grumbled. "I don't understand why I have to drive the whole time." Kay lifted her mouth out of Jennifer's pussy. "You are the only one of us who can stand to wear clothes for more than half an hour. We don't want to keep changing drivers." "But there's Monica," she said, gesturing to the passenger seat. "I don't know how to drive," shrugged the high priestess. "I always took the bus or train. I could never afford a car." "... And now is not the time to teach her,"...

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Law and Order

There is this presumption that exists between most married couples in America. “Oh, my husband/wife would never understand my interest in ___________,” and the blank is filled in with some sort of sexual behavior that is supposedly too extreme, arguably too outside the very conservative, frigid boundaries of their spouse for him or her even to wrap their minds around it, let alone accept it. People hide their most authentic selves from the person they are supposed to be most connected to,...

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Masishen EvolutionChapter 49 Doctors Without Borders

Doctor Eberhardt Schmidt was a small man, past middle-aged, balding with a dark gray fringe of closely-clipped hair, who wore silver-rimmed glasses with small round lenses. His magnified eyes stared intently at Jon'a-ren and Michael sitting across from him at the Masi'shen Embassy conference room table. "I am aware that your forces have been providing air cover and ground support for several months now, assisting the United Nations aid mission in central Africa," Schmidt stated. "That...

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A New World Order

Inspired by the great conspiracy "Ah Geoffrey! Good to see you. Note that everybody is present, shall we begin?" The strong voice boomed. Geoffrey then walked towards the table where four other people already sat, waiting for him . Geoffrey was of course the guy whose idea it was. You wouldn't think a worldwide conspiracy would be started by a guy named Jeff, but it was. You see, Geoffrey, had felt that for a long time, society was too stuck up, and he was going to change it, by whatever means...

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Star Wars The First Order

Your real name is Mia Birch, but ever since you were taken from your family as an infant you have been referred to as CH-2102. You were never fully aware of exactly how The First Order actually captured you, or who your real parents were, but you did know that your divisional officers were the only people that 'cared' for you now. You had been raised and trained here, on the Starkiller Base, alongside around 20,000 recruits and easily 30,000 soldiers who were either clones, purpose-bred...

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The Dark Order

The war was over. Lord Voldemort defeated the defenders of the light, and now he was ready to take over the rest of the world. Harry Potter was killed in the Battle of Hogwarts, but not after he had slain most of Voldemort’s key enforcers. Therefore, the Dark Lord is now looking for new wizards to join him in his quest. You are a Pureblood wizard. For years, you have hidden your true nature a secret from Dumbledore and the Ministry of Magic. In private, you have performed various rituals to...

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Stay at Home Order

As his balls are slapping his friends ass while his cock is in his friends hole he's in and out with his hard cock,My state has a Stay at Home order during the virus,I started 2 days ago and have only watched Vintage Gay Movies. No tattoos and always a semi tanned body and white skinned ass is what seems to be the norm from the early 70's,now back to the movie. He's at his friends house and a minute later both of them are nude,They both have semi long cocks which start out soft and the camera...

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Fraternal Order

Fraternal OrderI live in a town where there are two types of guys. We have outdoors types, Levi and flannel topped by Stetsons and Resistol hats and then we have the car guys. My area is a Mecca for classic car restoration guys and they love to cruise in their cars, show them off and share tips and ideas with their fellow car guys. And then there is me, and I don’t fit either group but find myself more than welcome among the crowd. And on occasion a guy will make me for a queer and the...

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The New Order

The New Order By Julia Prudence It was the year 2050, and I was 26 years old. A new law was being phased in and very few of us were really knowledgeable as to what or how it would effect our lives. Emily and I had been married for approximately three years and I was the father of one son. The reason for the new regulations was that population growth was increasing at an alarming rate; and many solutions were being...

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New Social Order

A New Social Order A Short Story By Maryanne Peters The first miracle was that we all survived the crash. There were only 12 of us on board for this flight from Sichuan, China, to Sydney, Australia. It was a freight plane with only 18 passenger seats. Some had been travelling alongside their cargo, like Gerry the Engineer and Delia the fashion designer. Others like me and Sunny, and also Andy, knew about seats on cargo planes from experience, and had the connections to hop the...

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New Order

New OrderChapter One - Intake        Jessica walked confidently down the walkway, her students behind her.  Jessica was a tall, some would say statuesque, blonde woman with a slim figure but a nice, round ass, the sort of ass that would make grown men's knees shudder.  But then she didn't need to show them her ass to make their knees shake.  In any case, her ass was encased in a pair of white string bikini panties covered by a short, fairly tight skirt over a white blouse.         Jessica was...

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A New World Order

A world New order A world New order Prologue. The year is 2197, one hundred years after the Eugenics wars. With the rise of radical feminism that had its roots in the 1960s the focal point was the inauguration of the first woman president of the United State, Marissa Clarand in 2086. Woman had been making great headway in the years before her election, and unknown to the wider world a single conspiracy had been in plan by the feminist leaders to devise a method of bringing the male...

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Mnemosynes Order

My name is Leon. I always took pleasure in reading amateur online books from a popular site i often visited, i even written some "books" myself, at least a few chapters before giving up. As the years passed, i realised my love for reading was decreasing. I decided to just download one last book, and then i'd just erase my account on this site. You can see how many people downloaded a book on this site, you can even make your book disappear from the site after a defined number of downloads, i...

Mind Control
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A Teacher and Her Student a Forbidden LoveChapter 18 Law and order

Alice's employer had suspended her, pending the outcome of the lawsuit. If she were found guilty then she'd be fired, otherwise, since her reputation was already destroyed due to all the rumors, she'd be generously compensated and laid off. In that event she'd also have the option to sue the Richards for damaging her reputation and get compensation from them, but everybody realized that the likelihood for that was close to zero. It'd require more than a miracle to have the judge find...

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Carmen Cumming over the Border

Carmen- Cumming over the the BorderBeginning of 2001, being with Marlene and experimenting and experiencing awesome new sexual pleasures a lot…really a lot….I was wanting, desiring more, different sexual pleasures. I went searching on line and seriously I wasn’t expecting much but I was thinking let’s see what happens.I was surprised in about a week; I received a response of a young lady liking my profile. We started chatting and emailing what we desired. I was very surprised of the explicit,...

2 years ago
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Wanted Dead or AliveChapter 7 Blood on the Border

William was nervous as hell when he and Hoyt walked back across the street to the laundry. “Hoyt, you gotta help me. I’m lost already.” “Just stop worrying, William. We’ll go in here and change clothes, then we’ll escort Sandra and her momma across the street to the hotel. I’ve already told the man to save us a big table, that we’d be back for supper.” Miss Whitman met them as soon as they walked in. “William, I’m so glad you and Marshal Hoyt came back early. Y’all can go in this little...

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Maid To Order

Being almost broke, and being told by her landlord to pay up fast, or lose her apartment, Susan Chambers was desperate for a job. In the classifieds, she found an ad, and decided to at least apply, it sounded like it wouldn’t be that tough a job. “Wanted, a young, attractive female for maid service. Apply to Lady Elizabeth Wentworth, 19 Hudson street. Please apply in person only, no mail in resumes or telephone calls.” She imagined what a maid would do, dusting, cleaning,...

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Just Following Orders

“Yeoman Tamura, you stay here and prevent this young lady from immolating herself. Knock her down and sit on her if necessary. This is a killing situation. Do what you must to protect yourself.” Commander Spock’s orders echoed repeatedly in Kyoko Tamura’s thoughts as she stood guard at the diamond shaped door to their detention room with her captured disrupter. Only an inch over five feet, the one hundred pound Asian woman was hardly an imposing image to the woman she had been ordered to keep...

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Drunk Disorderly

I was on good terms with his Mum & Dad and they had obviously considered me “decent sort”, as they had invited me to dinner with the family upstairs not long after I moved in, a rather uncommon act of neighbourliness on their part these days, I thought at the time. We often used to pass in the car park or on the stairs and pass the time of day but because of David’s age, I always took care to avoid situations that might put us alone together, although he had once or twice loitered with me on...

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Drunk Disorderly

Introduction: How many young men, doubtful as their sexuality, have been too shy to do anything about it without first getting drunk? So what was I supposed to do when my neighbours 18 year-old, in a state of compliant drunkenness and terrified of his parents wrath, was dumped by his friends on my doorstep one night? In those days, I had a walk-up apartment on the first floor. I had moved there after I split with my partner of 12 years and I was in no mood for another relationship right now, I...

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