Golf Girl: Fuck Me, FUCK HER! free porn video

My brain went into hyperdrive. Help her… The hottest, youngest piece of ass I’d seen on the golf course the last six months with the shortest skirt, tightest ass, and firmest breasts, in the most form fitting and braless tops EVER in the world! The perfect golf girl!
She wanted me to help her with something . Like maybe put my sprung hard cock in her hot, wet, tight pussy! Help her like that?!
Luckily what came out of my mouth was, “Uh, sure. How so?”
Well, maybe not too lucky as that sounded as dumb as a stump but it was certainly better than I what was thinking.
In the sweetest Texas drawl she responded, “Yes. I can’t seem to get this stroke down.”
OH… MY… GAWD. She’s gonna see my ten inch erection sticking out of my short’s leg any moment. Luckily, I was carrying my bag—golf bag—so it was hidden, for now. “Yeah, maybe I can help with that. Let me stand behind you. Swing away.”
She smiled, put down another ball and lined it up. Jesus fuck, thank God she couldn’t see what must have been the most pervy expression in the world on my face and me swallowing a bucket of saliva so I wouldn’t drool. Just what a young twenty something wants to see an older man doing.
A shifting of her feet, a cute wiggle of that tight butt, she took a slow backswing. Firm breasts—nipples partially erect in the cool morning air—she twisted her torso and then followed through. PING! She made precise contact with the ball, straight and true, arcing high… just like my cock was doing at the moment.
She turned to me. “So, what do you think? Anything I can improve.”
My brain was racing again. Improve? Fuck, nothing could be better than that body topped with an angelic face framed with shoulder length golden locks. Fuck me. Fuck her! I wanted to fuck her right here, right now, in the driving-range booth… everyone else watching and cheering as I rammed home my ten inches of thick meat into her dripping cunt.
Instead of saying that, I nodded sagely. “Wow, I don’t know. It looked almost perfect to me. You’ve got a slight tendency to break your wrists as you make contact and that might tend to f0rce a slice at times.”
LIAR! Telling her that is criminal. Never seen such a god damned more textbook swing. Why the hell did I say that? Cause I WANT her, that’s why!
Voice like sweet sugar syrup, she looked up at me and said, “My name is Angela. What’s yours? Can you maybe help me with that?”
Fuck me. FUCK HER! No, calm down.
“Sure, no problem. My name is Ed.”
Giving her my most shy and devilish smile, I stepped forward, hand outstretched in greeting. She returned it, flashing a smile back that made the sun suddenly dim in the clear blue morning sky. Fuck me. FUCK HER!
She took my large hand in her two petite, but long fingered hands, and squeezed it briefly. Nice firm squeeze.
“Show me please,” she indicated for me to step into the booth with her.
Thank God my cock was settling in place because I had to set down my bag. Instead of demonstrating myself, I lied. “Angela, really the best way to help you is for me to swing the club with you. That all right?”
I must have been crazy saying that. Must have been my brain speaking without my mouth as a filter but I had said it. Done, fucked, might as well just walk away.
She just smiled like I’d said the most intelligent thing in the world. “Ed, that sounds like a great idea.”
Fuck me. FUCK HER. Oh… my… god. I sidled up behind her and extended my arms around and in front of her to grasp the driver she held. “No… you grip the handle like you normally would. I’ll put my hands on top of yours.”
Her hair smelled like spring flowers and felt soft against my neck as I pressed closer. She grasped the club tightly, my hands closed on top of hers. I could feel the muscles in her arms tense. Her hard ass wriggled into my crotch as she set her feet to address the ball. My cock got rock hard, no stopping it.
She giggled and looked over her shoulder at me. “Ed, seems like we’re trying to control more than one driver this morning!”
Shit fuck. Fuck me. FUCK HER! I stopped breathing, clenched her hands so tight I thought she’d yell, as my dick got even bigger. Even through my briefs and shorts she must have felt it now wedged in her butt crack.
Before I could say anything, she saved me, “I saw you trying to hit your driver earlier. Know you were having a problem as well.”
I grunted, “Oh, yeah. My driver… got it under control.”
She purred, “Hmmm… we’ll see.” Then she put her head down and concentrated on the ball.
Over her shoulder I said in a low deep voice, “OK. Stay focused, arms straight. Let me draw you back and then I’ll follow through with you. Ready? Draw, pause a moment at the top, follow through.”
It was awkward the first time. Second time smoother. Third time like quicksilver. “Feel how I’m tightening down on my right hand throughout. It forces better control of the club, prevents the slice.”
I backed away, sweat dripping down my forehead, sure she would turn around and see my erection pressed against my pants, finally reject me as the perv I was. But instead, she took a couple of clean practice swings, put down a ball, and hit it is as perfect as can be.
Cooing, “Oh, Ed, that was perfect! I’d never have thought of gripping the driver so tight with my right hand, never had a driver respond so perfectly to my touch!”
Fuck me, FUCK HER! I couldn’t keep that refrain out of my head. I had to fuck her. Jesus Christ, I was gonna explode, but managed, “So glad I could service… be of service Angela. Can I help in any other way?”
She looked me up and down for the first time. Lingering on my face; I hoped she liked the square jaw, blue eyes. Then she tossed her hair and swept her gaze downward, paused a moment when she saw the pipe extending down my trousers. Back to my face, smiling. “I think we should ride together. Play a few holes on the back of the course. Yes?”
Fuck me, FUCK HER!
As one, we both leapt into the electric cart, leaving our clubs behind, and roared off to the rear most part of the course. In the early morning, it was completely vacant. I had my foot pressed to the floorboard, the cart jouncing along the path like crazy.
She reached over and unzipped me, both hands diving in and grasping my monster cock, pulling it out like a tree root. “Mother fuck, Ed! You’re a real cowboy aren’t you?!”
I just laughed and tried to keep the cart partly on the macadam path. She yanked my shorts down some more so my balls were exposed. Wrapping those long fingers of her left hand around my shaft, she reached under and grabbed my ball sack with the other and squeezed. Fucking-A, I thought I was going to cum right at that moment.
Sensing this, she squeezed off tight around the base of my meat-rod and said, “Whoa big boy, we’ve got a LOT more work to do.”
We had a couple minutes to get completely away from any potential spying eyes but she didn’t pause, used that time to get me even more worked up, jerking and squeezing, jerking and squeezing until a film of pre-cum started oozing out. Then she threw a leg over my lap—firm breasts now pressed against my chest—lifted up and sat her dripping pussy straight down on the head of my upright cock.
I almost flipped the cart but got it back control. I saw her face screw up, as if in pain, and then realized it was ecstasy. She sat down harder, pushing half my length inside. It felt like the goddess of pleasure had blessed me, so warm, soft, firm inside her. She looked me in the eye and said, “Don’t you dare stop this cart!”
I swung onto a side path that took the long route through the woods. The sun was blotted out by the trees but I didn’t need that light to see her lips partially open, her eyes glistening, and a drip of perspiration dripping down her cheek. The bouncing of the cart was having the effect she desired, each bump dropping her another inch down my shaft until she had all ten inches inside her.
We kept going. Bounce, vibrate, jump of the cart… in, grind, out; my cock against her pussy lips and clit. I took another turn, a minute passed, she began to moan and tense. As we burst out of the tree line heading for the back hole, her body tensed, she pulled me tighter to her and French kissed me! Her hips were bucking frantically against my crotch and then she screamed! “Fuck… FUCK… FUCK!”
She convulsed four times and then fell loosely against me forcing me to grab her, now only one hand the wheel. Taking my foot off the pedal for fear we’d hit a tree, I coasted us to a stop. The only sound now our gasping breaths.
I swallowed, took her head gently in my hands and tilted it away from where she had buried it in my chest. I was genuinely concerned as her eyes were wandering and she was making little grunting sounds, “Angela, you all right?”
Her brilliant blue eyes cleared and she said, “Fuck me. You sure do know how to use a driver!”

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