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Chapter One

All he wanted to do was to get on and make a start. It was dark in the wings of the theater, he was nervous and, to make matters worse, a pair of arms slid around his waist and a whispered "Ready?” reached his ears. Not daring to speak, he turned his head sideways and nodded once firmly, as he did so a gloved hand reached up and caressed his cheek and then the cue and he was on, into the bright lights of the stage where nothing else mattered except the audience and the words of his lines springing to his lips.

As the applause rang out at the end of the second act and the cast held hands to take their bow Greg was aware of being totally drained and exhilarated at the same time, this was the first play in which he had ever taken part and taking a bow in front of an enthusiastic audience was, he imagined, rather like a near death experience, he was seeing himself looking down from above at his friends in the cast and the audience who had paid to see them perform. A gentle squeeze on his hand brought him back down to earth and he turned to see Andi smiling at him and, with a slight tilt of her head, motion him forward to take his solo bow. As he did so some members of the audience stood and then others until the floor of the theater was full of applauding patrons. Overwhelmed Greg turned to his fellow cast members who were smiling at him, he reached for Andi’s hand and with his free hand beckoned the rest of the cast forward.

“They had not rehearsed for this,” he thought as they took the final bow, “but I’ll take it,”
The curtains drew to a close.

“Well done everybody, that was an excellent performance for a first night, not perfect,” grinned Joyce as the director marched on stage in jeans and black t-shirt with her ever-present clipboard glued to her hand, “And I will have notes for you but I’ll email them later, for now go and have a drink and relax.”
Greg looked about him at the cast and stage crew milling about and let out a deep whoosh of breath in an effort to release the tension, as he did so he realised he was still holding Andi’s hand and he looked into her brown eyes, the smile of delight still on her face and for the first time that evening he allowed himself to take her in. She looked exquisite, sparkling eyes, high cheekbones, a beautiful neck with her breasts accentuated by the empire line style she was wearing. Everyone was giving everyone else congratulatory hugs and Andi drew him in, hugging him to her and then leaning back in the embrace to look at him.

“Are you talking to me now it’s over?” she laughed.

Embarrassed Greg pushed his hair off his forehead. “I am so sorry, I had no idea I would be so nervous, I hope I was not too rude.”

“You were very rude, completely in a world of your own, I don’t often get ignored in that manner by men!” Andi’s response belied the expression on her face.

“If you are like that tomorrow, there will be no more hugs in the wings,” and with that she moved her hips against Greg and gave him a brushed kiss on the lips.

“Oh, and by the way,” she said, “That was a brilliant performance.”

“Why thank you, ma’am,” said Greg who was beginning to enjoy the embrace.

Friends they had been since they had joined the amateur dramatic society at the same time and then subsequently auditioned and been picked to play opposite each other in the play. But, other than a rather chaste stage kiss, nothing untoward had happened, other than the fact that during rehearsals he was aware she filled a pair of jeans and a sweater very nicely. But she was married and her husband was playing a minor role so Greg had played it strictly by the book and worked hard at learning his lines, learning his moves and then interpreting his part.

But now the relief of having the first night over, not feeling as tightly wound as a steel spring and having her arms round him while gazing into his eyes was just beginning to have an effect and Greg was further aware that, with a slightly more intentional movement of her hips in her light muslin dress, that she was aware of what was happening too.

Keeping hold of his hands, she stepped back glanced down quickly and then looked back into his eyes.

“Are you coming for something to eat?”

Greg hesitated, torn, he had a girl he really liked in his arms, asking him to join her, he knew that the cast had after show gatherings planned for the week they were performing. He was also aware that a number of the cast were taking time off so they could enjoy both the performing and the socializing afterwards without worrying about work, but for Greg, the next day was work and he had clients to please.

As the expressions of regret were beginning to form, he found himself being clapped on the back by the director.

“A brilliant job” she beamed at him, “I have never seen a first-timer act like that before, I simply don’t know how you do the quiver in the legs when you were playing the ‘stress scene’ but you captured it beautifully. However, I do have a few notes for you, are you coming for something to eat, we could go over them in the restaurant, it won’t take long I promise you?”

At this, with a laugh, Greg capitulated looking at the both of them and making a note to himself that should he ever take part in this sort of madcap adventure again, he would take time off. But right now the adrenalin was beginning to wear off, he was starting to feel hunger pangs and he was with people whose company he was thoroughly enjoying. Added to which the thought of a reheated meal in a lonely apartment was not at all appealing.

“Screw the clients,” he thought, I’ll make it up to them later.”

It took Greg time to get off stage as cast and stage crew alike were queuing up to congratulate him and by the time he got back to the dressing room the perspiration had dried under his costume and he felt cold and tired. But the thought of Andi’s smile and food to eat cheered him and he headed towards the shower feeling better than he had for weeks.

The restaurant was just across the road from the theatre and dressed in jeans and crew necked sweater, Greg made his way through the front door to be hit by a wave of warmth and noise as the cast, their friends and family re-lived the evening’s performance. Making his way to the bar he was hailed by Andi and her husband Peter.

Greg had not had a lot to do with Peter, they had shared no scenes together in the production, so it had been a quick ‘hi’ and then Greg had gone to rehearse with Andi and Peter gone to do his thing with other members of the cast. Like Greg, Peter was in jeans but Andi was in a little black number, wearing high heels that did to her butt what shoe designers had always intended high-heeled shoes to do. The dress was well cut and moved with her hips as she moved towards him. Greg was expecting a couple of air kisses but Andi had different ideas, putting her arms on his shoulders, she pulled him towards her and kissed him gently on the lips, he could feel the moisture of her lips and the lipstick and the pressure of her hips and breasts.

“I’m glad you came, I thought you might cry off,” she husked in his ear.

Before he could respond she took him by the hand and pulled him towards the throng at the bar.

“Pete’s in the chair,” she smiled, “what’s your poison?”

“Glass of red wine thanks” said Greg feeling slightly guilty at disturbing Pete who, before being prodded by his wife, was happily nursing a pint and making eyes and conversation about his epic ten line role with one of the female stage crew.

Pete, however, obviously knew better than to argue and also knew the stagehand well enough to ask her to look after his pint as he turned towards the bar to do his duty.

Greg desperately wanted to talk to Andi again but before he could do so, he was tapped on the arm by another female bearing a clipboard on which was a list of names.

“Greg, you are not on the list,” she shouted at him above the hubbub.

“Oh hi Grace, is that a problem?” Grace looked, not entirely sympathetically, at him as she cast around at the throng.

“You should have booked and I don’t know if there is enough room now.”

Greg looked around him and realised, with some alarm that the reheated meal at home was again beginning to look a distinct possibility when Andi hooked an arm in his and leaned towards Grace.

“He can share our table,” she said looking at her husband’s back as he retrieved a large glass of red wine from the barmaid. “There’s only three of us presently and, as Joyce is the third and she wants to give Greg his notes before he goes home tonight, I don’t think you’d be wise to kick him out this evening.”

Grace looked briefly as if she was about to argue but then shrugged her shoulders and wandered off in search of new targets.

“That woman!” exclaimed Andi, as she took the glass of wine from her husband and handed it to Greg.

“You give the best performance known to this society for years and she still has to have the last word, you know what she needs…?”

“Should I answer that?” Greg grinned. But before Andi could respond Joyce had joined them and Andi, disentangling her husband from the stagehand, led the three of them to the reserved table. The table was set against a wall, with a banquette running along the wall and two chairs opposite.

“May I suggest,” said Andi, “That I sit next to Greg, Joyce sits opposite him so she can give him his notes and Pete sits next Joyce” and before anyone could argue, she slipped in and along the banquette and made herself comfortable, before patting the seat beside her as an indication for Greg to join her. A waiter pushed the table tight into them and took their order.

The restaurant was packed, the tables close together; sweating waiters made their way around the noisy throng taking orders and serving more drinks and while Greg and the others waited for their food, Joyce gave Greg his notes. Truth to tell there were not many, a masking here and a dropped line there. Much to his chagrin and to Andi’s amusement, Joyce spent as much time on Pete’s ten lines as she did on Greg’s whole performance but even Andi did not escape unscathed as Joyce pronounced that she would like to see a little more passion and fire in the love scene.

“But Joyce,” she pouted, “I play a woman in Regency England, I would not throw myself at him,” as she looked meaningfully at Greg’.

“You would if you knew there was every likelihood of him not coming back… and my dear,” Joyce paused, “to put it crudely, if you don’t show him what’s on offer, then there is every possibility he is not coming back. He lives 200 miles away and in those days it would take 10 days to walk, five days by horse if you were lucky and that’s just to get there, to say nothing of the return journey. So you have to seize the day and, in this play, be seen to act as if you were seizing the day.”

Pete was enjoying his wife’s discomfiture and he was beginning to slur when he commented “Perhaps, my dear, you are not quite as talented an actress as you thought you were.”

Greg, aware of the tension, thought he was about to witness a domestic row but at precisely that moment their food arrived and peace was restored. All had ordered pizza except for Andi who had placed in front of her, a risotto.

As Greg tucked into his pizza he was very aware of Andi’s thigh against his. At first he thought it was an accident, but when he was gentleman enough to move slightly to ease the pressure the leg followed. He then decided he had had enough of being the gentleman and started to return the pressure. As he did so he was conscious that the conversation had returned to development of the love scene.

Andi toyed with her risotto then looked at her husband and innocently remarked. “I may not be as talented as Greg – some people are naturals – but I always work hard at what I do and it would seem that I need to work even harder in the future, would you not agree husband dear?”

As she was looking at her husband Greg felt her hand on his thigh and this time it was definitely no accident. The touch was firm and knowing but there was tension in the air and Greg knew Andi was waiting for a response from Peter.

“Seeing as I am such a crap actor,” he said looking at both Joyce and Andi, “I’ll help backstage in future, you go on with the acting and I’ll make things work OK? So you do what you like sweethearts.”

The word sweethearts had come out with some venom as he lifted his glass to toast the two women and the new arrangement and after a deep swig of his beer, went back to work on his pizza.

“Well,” said Andi, “I guess we know where we stand, ”she glanced at Greg and then looked towards another table and stared directly at the young stagehand who had been stealing glances at them. Realising that she was being assessed, the young girl blushed and looked down at her plate of food.

Andi turned to Greg and grinned. “It looks as if someone is in for a treat,” as she nodded in the direction of the girl, while at the same time continuing to stroke Greg’s leg. Greg was beginning not to enjoy himself, he was really enjoying her hand but not enjoying the mind games Andi was employing.

He decided to call her bluff and deliberately dropped his napkin on the floor, and while stretching down to retrieve the napkin he grasped Andi’s hand gently and drew it up his leg towards his groin, just far enough to make his intentions clear. Looking at her as she played with the risotto he asked, “Are you enjoying that?”

Before replying she looked at him and smiling she said, “I don’t think they put enough work into it. Risotto has to be cooked and stirred within an inch of its life so that it is just al dente and leaves the teeth something bite on.”

Lifting her fork she popped the rice into her mouth, swallowed and then allowed herself to lick her scarlet lips while at the same time moving her hand upwards and using both hand and fingers she began to search out Greg’s cock. Her fingers were gentle, impatient and questing. Greg felt his cock beginning to pulse as the blood began to run, stretching cloth and tenting his chinos. He realised with some satisfaction that he was literally in experienced hands as she adjusted the trousers so his cock could lie more comfortably before returning to her assault. The slim, nimble fingers had discovered that he had buttons to his fly rather than a zip and Greg felt a buttons being prized open between thumb and forefinger, this was followed by a fingers being inserted into the gap and which stroked found his bare cock. Almost as quickly the fingers retreated but the hand did not, it gently grasped and stroked Greg’s penis over his trousers and the friction rubbed his glans against the cloth. He was so hard and beginning to ache while Andi, looking as if butter would not melt in her mouth, kept on eating. Greg had definitely lost his appetite and, with a last remaining bit of willpower he pushed the pizza to the edge of his plate and put down his knife and fork, cradled his glass of wine and surrendered to the sensation of being expertly manipulated.

The situation might have remained like that had Grace not decided it was time to say a few words to the gathering. Standing, she struck her wine glass a few times with a spoon and slowly a hush settled over the restaurant as Grace began to thank the cast and crew for their efforts. Greg decided with the distraction taking place that it was his turn to take advantage of the situation: so with Grace standing in front of him with her back towards them and Pete having turned his chair so he might look at the stagehand as well as being part of the circle that was looking at Grace – no one could see them.

Lowering his hand to her thigh Greg could feel the silk of the dress and the quiver of her leg as he grasped the taught muscle and began stroking, moving her dress further up and out of the way to feel the silk stockings underneath. She briefly looked at him, eyes hooded and as she did so, he felt her legs part as he moved his hand upwards, past the top of the stockings, to the flesh of firm thighs until he found the warm junction and traced, with his finger, the layer of silk that was all that lay between him and her.

Greg leaned over and whispered in her ear. “Relax and let me enjoy you, drink your wine. I am happy just looking at you.” With a smile and a small moue of her lips that spoke of promises to come Andi returned both hands to her wine glass and Greg eased the little strip of cloth to one side and stroking carefully, he found a perfectly formed wet peach. Andi’s pussy was completely smooth and she gave a small hiss as first one finger and then two parted and penetrated her. Greg could feel her leg push against his as she tried to widen herself to accommodate him. She was very wet and very turned-on and her hips began thrusting onto his fingers.

But Grace’s speech was short, sweet and to the point and after accepting a brief round of applause she sat down again and as she turned round and made to sit down once more, Greg withdrew his hand and took up his glass again. He could smell Andi’s juices on his fingers and his cock was aching for release. Andi was flushed and Greg turned to her and discretely inserted the tip of a finger into his mouth.

By now the party was beginning to break up, and Pete, staggering slightly, announced it was time for he and Andi to go. Reluctantly Andi reached for her handbag and as she did so she gently squeezed Greg’s hand and under cover of kissing him farewell whispered, “Another time”, as she stood up and began saying her farewells to others around her.

The stagehand girl came over to get a kiss and a hug from Pete but barely acknowledged Andi who, observed Greg with an inward smile, was pretty much ready to return the compliment. Although Greg knew backstage girl hardly at all, he had only seen her at dress rehearsal, as a member of the cast, he gave her quick luvvie hug and an air kiss but then noticed her desperately signaling Pete who, looking as if a light had gone on over his head, exclaimed and looking at Greg and asked him if he would take Pauline home.

“Who’s Pauline?” asked Greg.

“I am!” Responded stagehand girl, “I’m sorry, I did not think I knew you well enough to ask for a lift, but Peter said he knew you and would ask, I only live just down the road from you.”

“It’s no problem,” he smiled, taking in the several undone buttons on her blouse and a very tight pair of jeans, “I’ll just make my farewells and we’ll be off.”

As Greg did his rounds, he managed to bid a second farewell to Andi who put her arms around his neck, kissed him quickly and ground her hips into his and feeling him still erect smiled and mouthed, “Good boy,” and then she was gone.

Pauline and Greg were some of the last to leave the restaurant and as they crossed the road back to the theatre car park Pauline linked Greg’s arm with hers, Greg could feel she was slightly inebriated, but nothing compared with the way Pete had been.

“Did you enjoy tonight?” asked Greg, trying to make polite conversation.

“I enjoyed the backstage work, but I was not too sure about the restaurant, that was a bit of a drag.”

Greg looked at her surprised, “It looked to me as if you and Pete are having a bit of a fling,” he teased “and I’m sure his wife thinks so!”

“Oh her," Pauline scoffed, “She’s a good actress but she treats Pete badly and I feel a bit sorry for him, but there’s no fling, but I like to let her think I could pull Pete if I wanted too, but I never have. In fact what I fancy is a little nearer to home!”

Greg looked down at her in surprise as she tightened her grip on his arm and as she smiled up at him she stood on tiptoe and swiftly gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

“Don’t look so surprised,” she said lightly. “I’m allowed to fancy you if I like.”

“How old are you?” Greg asked.

“Old enough,” Pauline responded enigmatically as they reached the car.

Greg unlocked his car in the now dark and deserted car park. A fine old BMW five series convertible, Greg opened the door for Pauline, then made his way around to the driver’s side and sank into the leather seat and clipped on his seat belt. Pauline was struggling with hers, so he unclipped his belt and leaning across her he unclipped her belt from the passenger side pillar. As he did so her arms wrapped themselves about his neck and she pulled his head towards her until their mouths were inches apart.

“Please kiss me, please,” she whispered, her teeth white and lips moist. Greg hesitated and then was lost as their mouths came together. She tasted sweet and his tongue probed her mouth, hesitantly at first until he found her tongue that danced against his, he was painfully aware of his cock once again stiffening against his trousers.

The kiss was one of the most electrifying Greg had ever encountered and he could also feel her breasts pressing urgently against him. His hand went to the blouse and she moaned as he first cupped a breast and then undid the rest of the blouse buttons, exposing two perfect unfettered breasts. Pauline pushed hard against his hand as he cupped one of them playing with a rapidly hardening nipple while she kissed him harder. Greg broke the kiss and she gasped as he leaned down to tease the hard little nub with his tongue.

“Oh god,” she suddenly exclaimed and her feet straightened out in the well of the car and she went rigid and then just as quickly she relaxed and looked up at him eyes shining.

“Are you OK?” Greg asked a bit anxiously.

“I came,” she said by way of explanation. ”You have no idea how sensitive my nipples are and you have such brilliant hands and your tongue felt so good.”

Greg leaned back in the driving seat and went to start the engine but as he did so Pauline put a hand on his leg.

“Do we have to go?” She asked quietly, “I have not quite finished with you yet.” Leaning over she started to undo his trousers and pulled out Greg’s cock.

“Ooh commando and what a beauty and I knew it, so big,” she whispered and licked his ear as she squeezed and smeared her thumb over the top Greg’s cock, smoothing the leaking pre-cum over the head. Leaning back in her seat but with her head on his shoulder she started masturbating Greg while, at same time talking to him.

“I saw what you and Andi were doing tonight,” she said, looking down and concentrating on her hand as she slowly stroked up and down, with an almost hypnotic rhythm.

“I know you thought no one could see you, but I could, it was so horny, I was creaming myself, I’m a bit of a voyeur and when your fingers pulled Andi’s knickers to one side and started playing with her pussy, I nearly came there and then, it's probably why I came so quickly just now. And when I saw how small Andi’s hands looked on your cock,” she licked her lips.

Greg looked at Pauline, immersed in what she was doing to him, breasts swaying in time with her arm movements on his cock, frowning with concentration with her tongue just protruding through shining white teeth.

“Do you cum much?” asked Pauline slowing her stroke and looking at him, “We wouldn’t like to make a mess over this beautiful car would we?” Pulling at her seat belt, she leaned down into Greg’s lap and fed him into her mouth. Her tongue was educated; it swirled around the head of Greg’s cock, seeking out the glans while her mouth maintained a wet, warm, steady suction on the shaft.

Greg groaned and pulled at Pauline’s head. She briefly pulled away from him smiled and whispered. “I love the taste of spunk baby, give it all to me,” and went back to her steady rhythm.

The build up when it came was beautifully agonising – first one woman and now a second, all in the space of few hours, the tension built as Pauline refused to go any faster and the sensation in his groin was almost painful as the release came and he shot what felt like a huge wad down her throat. Raising her head, she used her hand, continuing to milk him and squeeze the last the last drop out.

Greg shuddered and then sagged, exhausted into his seat while Pauline used her fingers and licked the last of his spunk off her lips.

“You do taste great baby there’s not too much sugar in your diet,” she giggled and her breasts jigged.

Greg pulled her to him and kissed her again. It was a different kiss this time affectionate but weary. “Time to get you home, young lady,” as he started the engine which purred powerfully as he manoeuvred out of the car park. On the way home Greg kept one hand on her leg, admiring its shape under the covering of her tight blue jeans and loving the way she sprawled with her legs akimbo.

“Next left and we’re there,” she said soon afterwards and Greg pulled the car over, parking outside a trim semi-detached house.

“I would ask you in," she said after unclasping her seat belt, “But I share the house and what's more you look knackered, so go and get some sleep, you’ll need all your strength tomorrow.” With that she gave Greg an affectionate kiss and a smile and she was gone, the beautiful ass swaying down the garden path as she fished for her keys.

Greg was so tired he could barely wave as he saw her safely indoors, five minutes later he was home and asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

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Dear Diary aka Coping with Coming Out

Sun 10/17/04 I feel foolish writing in this book. I've never kept a diary before. I don't even like the word "diary". It is a silly word. A child's word. I think I made a new friend a little over a week ago. His name is Ricky. I am writing this on his advice. He says it will help me cope with my emerging feelings. So, here I am, trying out his advice. It can't hurt, right? Okay then, here it is. These first entries will be very long Dear Diary. So many new sensations, longings,...

3 years ago
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Diary of my Emergence

Diary of my emergence Susanna says: This is how lucky I was with my neighbour, it could've been so much worse. Where is this club I talk about, well if I told you then I'd probably start losing money to more competition! Monday Dear Diary, over the weekend my whole life changed, things shifted ever so slightly away from my normal routine. My dear diary, although I was really scared at first, once things happened I was in absolute heaven. It all took place on Friday night. I...

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Chapter 4 My diary

Chapter four: My diary Wednesday August 23, Dear diary, I love you so much. We are going to be such good friends for ever and ever. I am going to keep your secrets and you are going to keep mine. Please forgive me if I do not know the etiquette of talking to you correctly. But I am too excited so I just have to blurt out that I just have to tell you that tomorrow we are going to take an adventure together to buy me a bra. It is going to be the utmost greatest day of my life and I...

2 years ago
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This Is Me Pt 4 Diary

On Wednesday, February 28, 2018, 11:55:15 PM GMT, Kirsten Clarke wrote: Wednesday 28th February. My period started tonight, just before going to bed, so I'm lying here wearing one of the black, lace trimmed underskirts I sleep in, wearing a bra as a treat for an hour or so - lemon, Chloe by Boux Avenue. It's a touch tight, but I'm hoping to lose a little weight one day. Besides, when I've been fitted in the past the women have always said to wear my...

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Nancys summer diary june

June 1 Dear Diary, Finally, the last day of school, twelve long years, I feel like I've been released from purgatory!!! Isaac asked me to go with him to the lake tonight, and I can't wait, he's such a hunk!!! I told Amy right away and she turned green, I love it!!! I just bought a new swimming suit and I hope he likes it!!! Well, wish me luck, diary! Seeya later!!! June 2 Dear Diary, Issac's dad has a new boat and we were flying all over the lake, I even water skied for the !!! After it got...

1 year ago
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Diary Of A White Slut

Dear diary today is April 1 and Last night I was very, very . I met this guy last night at the store and he was just drop dead gorgeous. He asked if I wanted to go for a drink and I said sex being cute. We had a couple of drinks and then we walked out back of the place. We were both hot and horny from all of the kissing we did inside. He had me up against the wall my hands were in his one large hand behind my back and then other his hand was up under my skirt and rip went my thong, his hand was...

2 years ago
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Our New Neighbors Supplement 01 Claras Diary

Introduction: This is a special chapter that is outside the flow of the storyline. I wrote it as a gift for the fans of this series, especially Rinoa, who took the time to PM me some ideas and constructive criticism, which I really appreciate and encourage. Rinoa thought there was something missing about who Clara is and how she came to be such a slut. This should help… The following diary entries have been edited for spelling, grammar and punctuation only. These entries provide some...

3 years ago
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The diary of an actor

Chapter One All he wanted to do was to get on and make a start. It was dark in the wings of the theater, he was nervous and, to make matters worse, a pair of arms slid around his waist and a whispered ‘Ready?” reached his ears. Not daring to speak, he turned his head sideways and nodded once firmly, as he did so a gloved hand reached up and caressed his cheek and then the cue and he was on, into the bright lights of the stage where nothing else mattered except the audience and the words of his...

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Diary of a Young Slut Ch 01

September 8, 2006 Dear Diary, Donny and I have been going together since we met in the fourth grade at Revelations Evangelical Elementary School. Donny was by far the most pious and devout boy there, and since I had always thought of myself as the most pious girl, we were just naturally a ‘pair.’ Both of our parents were equally god-fearing people, so they heartily approved of our relationship. But my Dad just got laid off last month and so, after all those years together at revelations and...

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Dear Diary

This story and all it contents and names are fictional.January 1st.Dear diary,This is my first diary entry ever, so I suppose I better tell you about myself. My name is Ashley, I'm 19 years old. I have long blonde hair with blue eyes. I think of myself as a very attractive girl. I like to stand in front my full length mirror and admire my naked body and of course play wife myself, I love looking at my pussy when I orgasm, sometimes my juices even spray on the mirror, I lick all my juices off my...

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Cindys Diary Daddy

October 4th I’m sorry I haven’t written in you for some time now diary but life was moving too fast. However if I’m ever going to be a writer I know I need to write in you ever single day. I know you want to know about my Daddy and me. My little sex diary.Daddy, Mama, and I had a little talk. Of course nothing about the talk was realistic. My Mama is totally clueless about what is really going on with our little family. My Daddy just wants me to stop being angry at him. I just want sex.Yes, you...

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My Sissy Diary

MY SISSY DIARY by Throne I guess it's my own fault because I accepted that glass of white wine my wife offered me. On the other hand, I couldn't have refused it. And she knows how poorly I handle drinks. Even before she turned me into the sissy I now am, I would get giddy after just one drink. So maybe she just gave me that fatal glass of wine to amuse herself. But the result is what you're reading now, my sissy diary. Wendy's sissy diary. My male name was Wendell but she...

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Kittens Diary

Kitten's Diary by Throne Monday. Okay. Marnie says I have to write in this diary, so that's what I'm doing. The other night we were talking and she wanted to know what I like about her. I didn't really think it through and said something about her big tits. I mean large breasts. She got mad because I didn't start with her smile or how smart she is. So, I tried to cover up by saying how I like that she's short, the way I am. That seemed to help. I even mentioned that I'm not a...

1 year ago
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Diary of a housemother part two

October 13 Dear Diary, A truly incredible thing happened to me the other day, so mush so that I'm still a little shaken when I think back on it!!! It was early Saturday morning when my door bell rang and standing outside my door was Bonnie Jenkins and a girl I had never seen before! Bonnie asked if they could come in for a few minutes, and even though I was still in my bathrobe I said "sure" and invited them inside. It was then that I really got to give the other girl the once over, and to say...

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Our New Neighbors Supplement 01 Claras Diary

November 22, 2006 Dear Diary, This thing about Daddy, it’s gotten so weird. I mean, these feelings are just not right. I know I’ve always had them, since before I started keeping this diary. But now they are getting more and more vivid. I tried to sneak a look at Daddy naked today. I failed, because he shut his bedroom door just at the last moment. I even thought about hiding a camera in his room. I mean, it would be so hot to secretly have pictures of him, or maybe a video of him and Mom...

2 years ago
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Dear Diary Ch 01

The last time I remember having used or even seen my old diary was about four years ago, after my husband and I got married and found a new home. It was a new start for me, I did not feel the need to have to mark down every single event of my married life. I was on a path into a new territory, and I would remember everything. Every minute, day, and occurrence, every happy moment, probably every bad moment, too, everything would get imprinted in my memory. Or so I thought. Years went by and I...

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Paige From Her Diary

Michael unlocked the door with a sigh, knowing that he had to go through with this, no matter how little he wanted to.The place still felt – even smelled – like home.  He’d grown up here, after all, and upgrading to new apartments every time a promotion made it possible meant that he had never really gotten attached to anywhere else.He had to let it go, though.  After much soul searching, he and his sister Paige had decided that it was ridiculous to keep paying property taxes on a house that...

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Dear DiarybySion Sierra©I was asked to write this story by a friend. I do hope that you like it. I would appreciate any feedback you would care to give.Chapter 1I shouldn't have done it, but I had to. My daughter was acting even weirder after her Eighteenth birthday. It was only a month ago, I just figured she just thought she was a full blown adult. So here after I heard her scream she was leaving for school, I ran downstairs to give her money for her lunch. She was already gone. I entered the...

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Singles The Diary of Jane

Singles - Diary of Jane Author's Notes: This story is inspired by the Breaking Benjamin's song "Diary of Jane." I will be rewording some of the lyrics in the story and want to give songwriter, Benjamin Burnley, credit. I also hope that I give his work the respect it deserves. ************ Derrick drove over to his best friend's apartment for he was so sick of not hearing back from George. George wanting to spend time alone was normal, and Derrick respected his best friend's choice...

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Paige From Her Diary

Michael unlocked the door with a sigh, knowing that he had to go through with this, no matter how little he wanted to. The place still felt — even smelled — like home. He'd grown up here, after all, and upgrading to new apartments every time a promotion made it possible meant that he had never really gotten attached to anywhere else. He had to let it go, though. After much soul searching, he and his sister Paige had decided that it was ridiculous to keep paying property taxes on a house that...

1 year ago
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Dear diary september

September 1 Dear Diary, First of all, let me introduce myself, my name is Becky Ford and I can't believe I started my last year of high school today! I learned that there are over 600 students in my class, and over 2400 in the whole school, I doubt I'll ever get to know all of them, I just hope to recognize a few of them!!! They said that the senior year is the easiest one of all, I don't believe it!!! My locker mate seems nice enough, but we don't have any classes together, so I only see her a...

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diary pt2

The doorbell then decided to ring. I walked to the door, frowning in wonder as to who that may be, since no one I knew lived around and I didn’t know anyone from around. Looking through the peephole, I saw a sweet looking blonde woman with sparkling green eyes, standing with her hands tucked into a tight pair of jeans, waiting. I smiled and straightened out my clothes. I didn’t mind getting to know that cute blonde though. I opened the door and smiled in greeting, ‘Hi. May I help you?’ I...

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Dear Diary I Cheated My Husband

Dec 3 2015 Dear Diary, I love my FB friend, but I’m afraid, I’m married and he’s seven years younger. It’s hard to believe how soon everything happened, seems as if yesterday that Ajay sent me a friend request on Facebook and started chatting with me. In no time we became close, I shared my joys and sorrows with him and he did the same. This brought us so close in a year’s time that he got some courage to propose me. And even though I told him no and tried to make excuses like age and me being...

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Dear Diary

"Raaaaaaaaaab!" My wife's shrill voice cut through the damp basement air. Geez, it's as if she had dropped a brick on her toes while in the middle of saying my name. I answered quietly, but it didn't matter what I said because it was a reply so low she couldn't hear me. I remember when I enjoyed the soothing sounds of her voice, but today the sultry voice had been replaced by that of one with the same jarring noise to my senses as fingernails sliding down a chalkboard. "Raaaaaab, have you...

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Diary 8211 My Son Made Me Topless Naked Model 8211 Part II

(Chapter Q) My right leg was on floor and my son put my left leg on table. Within a fraction of second, I opened in front of my son. Material of V-String was so less, that both lips of my crack goes out of panty. As if moon came out from cover of clouds. A faint sound erupted from my son’s gullet- Maaaaaaa. My little baby licked his dried lips and with faint voice ordered me to put hands back of my head. With his quivering hands, he attacks on my crack with camera. As a true (un)professional he...

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Dear Dirty Diary part 7

Dear Dirty Diary, I tried to relax but every thought led back to my ongoing string of bad luck. I thought back and brooded yet again over the theft of my car and the loss of my laptop computer. I got the car back after a week or so but the computer, with my shameful little diary in it was nowhere to be found. Then three weeks later, after the insurance claim gave me a new one, the police department phoned to tell me my computer had been recovered. I seriously considered getting it back, until...

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Cindys Diary Mama

October 5th  Diary, mmmm, I wish you were a real person and could see me just lying here with my sore and stretched open pussy ready for anyone to come in and use me in any way possible. But that isn’t going to happen. I’m going to do what Mama told me. What did she say? Well let me start from the beginning.  “Cindy, open up.” Mama demanded outside my door.I didn’t open it, diary. My heart was beating so fast I thought I was going to have a heart attack. Just like that old black guy from the...

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diary pt2

The doorbell then decided to ring. I walked to the door, frowning in wonder as to who that may be, since no one I knew lived around and I didn't know anyone from around. Looking through the peephole, I saw a sweet looking blonde woman with sparkling green eyes, standing with her hands tucked into a tight pair of jeans, waiting. I smiled and straightened out my clothes. I didn't mind getting to know that cute blonde though. I opened the door and smiled in greeting, "Hi. May I help you?" I asked...

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Dear Diary Today I Caught My Son Spanking His MonkeyChapter 3

The handwriting on the note was from my son. He was probably the only one with the audacity to snoop in my room and challenge me. I assure you that when I walked up to his room, I was calm and collected. I thought it may be a simple matter of demanding the return of my diary and my sex toy. I did not believe that Michael would dare push me on the issue when I strode up to his room. I was more than willing to lay off of him and not spank him again – at least for a while. I assured myself that...

1 year ago
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Sorority sisters diary part two

October 3 Dear Diary, Kim here and glad to be back at Tech, it was a really nice visit back home in St. Louis, but I think of this as my home now!!! I got an unbelievable welcome home from Betty Sue, it was like she hadn't seen me in a year instead of just a few days!!! When I walked thru the door, she practically tackled me, hugging and kissing me all over my face, she was so hard nipples and we just kept rubbing them back and forth across each other!!! We were grinding our pussies together...

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The Incredible Diary of Paula Page

The Incredible Diary of Paula Page One thing I want to make clear about this diary. Even though it may seem incredible, every word that is written here is true. The fact that it is published on a fiction site is (as you will learn) is the only reason that my owners will let me post it at all. Yes, owners. If you want to get an idea of what I am talking about, I would suggest that you read the story ?The Frat?. You may want to skip there before you start reading my diary. It will...

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Episode 29 Ellies Diary

Hi, my name is Robert; my bratty little sister is called Ellie and she's still a virgin. I was checking through her underwear drawer the other day and found this diary hidden behind all her knickers. I pulled on the pink ones covered in cuddly bears over my cock and stole her diary back to my bedroom. Author's note: It's often quite difficult to separate fact from fantasy in ch1ldrens diaries: little Ellie rarely stops thinking about sex – who will take her virginity? When will her breasts...

2 years ago
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Poor Amy Diary

Amy Jameson was mortified. She had ripped apart her whole room, and she could not find her diary anywhere. If someone got their hands on it... Amy knew that she should never have put all her secret desires into a place that might one day be compromised, but she had to get it out somewhere. She could not just live with them bottled up. But now it was gone. Unless she had misplaced it somewhere - her fervent yet unlikely hope - someone else had access to her innermost thoughts, and her...

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Little Stephanies Diary

July 14 Dear Diary; Happy Birthday to me! Mommy and Daddy gave me you, my first diary today. Sissy's always writing in hers, and hiding it away. She didn't know that I knew where to find it all the time. Finding it and actually being able to read it were different though. She wrote what looked liked scribbles to me. It was frustrating sometimes, but, you're my diary, and I'm not going to write about Sissy all the time. Sometimes, I may write about Timmy, our big brother. He's...

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Little Stephanies Diary

Introduction: Curious little eyes…. Horny Teen Brother… Sleeping Parent Day 1 July 14 Dear Diary, Happy Birthday to me! Mommy and Daddy gave me you, my first diary today. Sissys always writing in hers, and hiding it away. She didnt know that I knew where to find it all the time. Finding it and actually being able to read it were different though. She wrote what looked liked scribbles to me. It was frustrating sometimes, but, youre my diary, and Im not going to write about Sissy all the...

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Dear Diary part 2 Tracys First Time

Introduction: Nika tells her Diary about Tracys first time with the monster cock. ​ Dearest Diary, Ok, sorry about that, I just had to get the tingling out, it was really distracting me. Whats amazing is it fit so much better this time! Oh yeah, I didnt tell you about the first time. Sorry. So Tracy and I were in bed together and she had just admitted to her relationship with her, as I found out, adopted Dad. So while I admit I was entirely disgusted at the thought of someone letting their...

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Daddys Daughters Diary pt2

Disclaimer all characters in this story are fictional and are over 18 years old. Daddy's Daughter's diary chapter 2The story so farCrystal writes a diary hoping her Daddy will read it and know her true feeling for him! James looked up at Chrystal ,he quickly pulled her hands from his face and pushed her away .“No Chrystal , it's not right!” James cried. Jumping off the bed, tucking his now limp cock in his trousers he ran from the room.“I am going to work, I will see you later. I love you as a...

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Friends Dear Diary

Friends: Deleted Scenes - Dear Diary"Now where did she hide those damn candlesticks?" Rachel asked herself.Chandler was moving in with Monica, and that meant that Rachel was moving out. She was very happy for them, even though she and Monica had been passively fighting over a pair of candlesticks that each girl thought she owned. Rachel was alone in the apartment so she decided to do a little searching. She went into Monica's room and quietly began looking through some boxes in her closet.Near...

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Diary Of A High School Cum Queen

Dear Doctor Lewis, I am sending you my diary like you asked me in our session the other day. It goes back about three months. That's when I got it for my fifteenth birthday from my Mom, who lives in Arizona. I thought it would be neat for me to write some of the things that happened to me each day in it. Somedays, I forgot to write though. My Daddy says that it is a waste of time for me to keep a diary. He says I can always talk to him if I ever have a problem. My Dad is a really good father. I...

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Neils Diary

Dear diary, I don't normally find looking out my window to be that interesting, since all there is to see outside is my back garden, the cricket pitch over the wall, and the old people's house over the fence at the end of the garden. Today though, things got more interesting. I noticed that a new, younger family (most of them girls) had moved in with the old people next door! To think there might be pretty girls living across on the other side of the fence, sitting in their rooms...

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The Diary of CinderellaPart II

Dear Diary, Sunday, 29th day, 8th month, early afternoon I awoke refreshed, not recalling any of the events of the previous night whilst I completed my toilet. It being past the lunch hour, I scurried to the kitchen to prepare a meal for the others only to discover that they were all still sleeping. The snores seemed sufficient to waken the dead from their slumbers but nary a body twitched. My intention was to leave them be when I spied something grasped in my stepmother's fist. I ran to...

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The Diary

The Diary by Andrea Lena DiMaggio Romulus, Michigan....November 23, 2016 The young man lay on his couch; another migraine courtesy of a job that promised no future other than being consigned to disappointment. It wasn't so much what he was asked to do as in what manner he was asked to perform his tasks. He heard a soft knock at the door followed by an even softer half-growl from the Weimaraner that lay next to him on the floor. He arose and walked quickly...

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Dear Dirty Diary part 17

Dear Dirty Diary In the second week of October, a furnace inspector informed Louise we needed a new fuel oil tank and pointed out that the current furnace could never heat our attic apartment. A heating contractor quoted $15,800 for a new high efficiency unit with central air conditioning. The bed and breakfast income had been nominal at best for our first season so we had a situation on our hands. Neither Doug nor I wanted to forsake our spacious attic for the cramped but warm guest rooms...

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Daddys Daughters diary part 20

*** The story so far Crystal writes a diary hoping her Daddy will read it and know her true feeling for him! James looked up at Chrystal, he quickly pulled her hands from his face and pushed her away. "No Chrystal, it's not right!" James cried. Jumping off the bed, tucking his now limp cock in his trousers he ran from the room. "I am going to work, I will see you later. I love you as a daughter and only as my daughter," he shouted. Chrystal did not reply she slumped down...

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