Doctor’s Diagnosis ‘GAY In A Day&rsquo free porn video

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Doctor’s diagnosis ‘GAY’ 1
I am a man in my 50’s standing 5’10” at 220 pounds. My hair is salt & pepper and my skin is white with pink at the points of color; lips, finger & toe nails, nipples, & dick head.
I had a new insurance policy forced upon me by the president of the country, but figured I would make the best of it. Little did I know how this change would alter my life.
I scheduled my annual physical with the new HMO doctor, a Doctor Jackson, forced upon me under the new changes, and waited in the lobby to be called back into an examination room. I felt a bit uneasy as I had been going to my old doctor for decades and now had to expose myself to a new one. I realized as I sat here that I didn’t even know if this was a man or a woman about to see me.
This made me uneasy as I found myself thumbing through a magazine I hadn’t even looked at the first page of. I was wondering if it would be a woman, and if so what she would think about my diminutive sized penis. My wife jokes about it being my turtle, “Look, your turtle is in his shell again,” she would joke, not realizing how much that hurt.
I was called to the counter by the black attendant there, to fill out some more forms, and then again to go give blood and a urine sample. I bleed fine but when I pee it can be messy as my penis tries to shy away from my hand and pee everywhere. It is so fucking shameful some times. Mind you, when it is hard it is 5 and a half inches and thicker than my thumb, but I guess that’s nothing to brag about either. Still it gave me 2 wonderful k**s.
I find it less messy to sit and pee. I know, ‘like a girl,’ but it works and beets having a wet stain on my pants as I wait for the exam. Besides, behind closed doors who’s the wiser?
I did these tasks and placed the capped cup of pee in the window designated. I exited the lavatory and found the black nurse waiting for me. I didn’t think anything of it, most offices had a mix of blacks and whites working in them. This office even had an oriental woman taking the blood. It’s not prejudice that had me note the colors of these people. It was the events that follow that opened my eyes to the significance of color.
Anyway, she picked up my warm cup of pee and pointed me to the scales. She put the cup in another window and had me stand tall on the scale so she could measure my height and weight, and record them in my new file.
She then had me enter an exam room and told me to take off all my cloths and sit on the table. She pulled the door closed behind her and I did as instructed.
I had sat there on the cold crinkly paper surface for about 10 minutes when there was a knock at the door, and the nurse stepped in. I quickly covered up as she sat in the chair with her back to me and tapped out some info into the computer there. She spun around and told me to stand.
I stood up still covered and tried to look at the pictures on the walls as she said, “I’m going to perform a hernia test, okay Mr. Smith?”
I said, “Uh well I guess…”
She told me to put my hands behind my head and tilt my head back. I did and I thought I heard a snicker, but didn’t look to confirm. I felt her warm fingers on my testicles as she held first one then the other, then I felt her fingers press up inside as she said, “Please turn your head to the left and cough.”
I did this and she moved her fingers and had me turn my head the other way and cough again. She returned to the computer and began typing again. I stood there with my hands behind my head, like a dunce.
She turned again ad asked, “When your penis gets hard Mr. Smith, does it get much bigger than this?” as she spoke she began squeezing the gland and pulling it out to see how long it would stretch.
I said, “It gets bigger,” as I felt it growing to the stimulation, just when I really hoped it wouldn’t. All I needed was a stupid hard on here in front of this pretty young black woman. I tried to will it not to grow, but it was impossible as she pulled and tweaked it between her warm fingers.
She said, “I would like to get a measurement of it erect for the records,” as I felt the fingers of her other hand begin to massage my balls too. I closed my eyes as I felt the blood rush into it and swell it to its proud 90% stance.
She turned and went to the counter where the jars of cotton and tongue depressors were, and returned with a ruler that she place but up against my pubic bone, “Hum, 5 inches.”
She removed it and I felt a sigh of relief escape my lips as I thought this embarrassment was over, but then she said, “Turn to the side.”
I did, and felt her slide the ruler under my balls and back, as I felt the fingers of her other hand sliding between the cheeks of my bottom. I know I was beat red with shame now.
Her fingers poked at my bottom until they found my asshole, as I squealed, “Is this really necessary?”
She said, “Please Mr. Smith, hold still while I do this. Yes it is critical for our records.”
I felt one of her fingers find the bud of my sphincter as she slid the ruler back to that finger, then with the thumb of her other hand she pressed the head of my penis down to the ruler and said, “6.5 inches.”
I said, “I don’t remember ever having to…”
She said, “Mr. Smith, they probably did it or possible guestimated the measurements, but I assure you they were in your previous records.”
I asked, “Then didn’t you get copies from my last doctor?”
She said, “It is my job to verify everything sir. You wouldn’t want me to lose my job would you?”
I said, “Oh no, sorry,” as I felt her sliding the ruler out from under my balls.
As soon as she had turned to drop the ruler back in a drawer I covered my privates up with my hands again. She turned and told me to put my hands out to the sides. I did. She said, “Sorry Mr. Smith. I didn’t mean to embarrass you. Here, let me take care of that for you,” as she reached down to my hard little penis and gave it a nasty hard pinch.
I yelped and covered it up and backed away from her as she smiled at me and said, “The doctor will be in in a few minutes. Please sit on the table,” before she pulled the door closed behind her once more.
I looked down to see my turtle had shrunk and crawled back into his shell again. She knew what she was doing, that’s for sure.
A few minutes later I heard another knock at the door and again it opened this time before my new doctor, Doctor Jackson. He is a big powerful looking black man with dark skin and blue black lips.
I felt small and pail in his presence. He held out his hand and I shook it while covering myself with the other. He said, “So, Mr. Smith, how are you feeling?”
I said, “I feel fine. Just in for my annual physical.”
He said, “That’s good. At our age we need to stay on top of our health. I see you have an elevated heart rate and plod pressure. Is this unusual?”
I said, “I guess so.”
He said, “Probably because Beverley took it. She can get my heart rate up too. Let’s see, it says here you have no hernia but she noted an odd feeling in the left teste. I’d like to take a look at that. Please stand up,” as he sat in the stool and turned toward me.
I stood up and looked at the walls again. I felt his big fingers take my testicle and need it like he was feeling an egg for cracks. He hummed and squeezed before asking, “Does this hurt?”
I said no as I tried to stand still. I felt his other hand grasp my other testicle and begin the same examination with delicate squeezes and rubs.
He said, “Spread your knees and squat just a bit for me,” and as I did I felt the fingers moved to the place under my balls where the shaft of my penis extends back to, and begin to rub there.
I was so embarrassed as I felt my penis beginning to get hard again. I thought, “Oh no, not again, this is soooo embarrassing!” I tried to rock my hips back a bit just enough to get control and keep it from happening.
He asked, “Does that hurt?”
I said, “No, it’s just a bit uncomfortable.” I lied to hide my shame but it was impossible to do as he was looking right at my little penis growing right in front of him. Dammit!
I wanted to put my hands down and cover myself, but I had to stand there while he checked me out. He said, “I don’t think you have a problem here. Your one teste is a little larger than the other, but I don’t feel any abnormalities I’m concerned with.”
I let out a sigh of relief at that news but felt my penis grow ridged as I let down my resolve to control it. His fingers had stopped massaging my scrotum and the region thereof and he turned his back to me just as it popped to attention.
I covered up and forced it to point down hoping this would make it go away.
He turned back and said, “Okay Mr. Smith, I want you to get on the table on your left side, that’s it, pull this knee up to your chest, good, now I’m going to examine your prostate.”
I felt his finger touch my sphincter and smear some jelly like lubricant around it before pressing at the hole. He pressed and stopped and pressed and stopped and pressed. This time I felt the finger slip in through the hole into my bowls. It didn’t hurt, but it was uncomfortable some.
I felt him pushing in deeper and twisting then a pleasant tingling sensation in my penis causing it to grow firm once again. I hadn’t gotten this hard this much in months, and now it was happening all in one day her at the hands of these strangers.
I moaned and my hips rocked a bit, just a little bit, but enough to let him see my reaction to his touch. He asked, “Does that feel pleasant Mr. Smith?”
I said, “It’s okay.”
He continued to, I guess, stroke my prostate and the sensation had me practically moaning with pleasure as I felt my sphincter squeezing around his finger. He said, “Relax Mr. Smith, I need to use 2 fingers to get a better feel.”
I felt his finger pulling out of me and my asshole squeezing with an odd pleasurable sensation I kind of liked, while simultaneously scolding myself for feeling this way.
Then I felt his finger slip free and my asshole squeeze closed. I actually felt sad it was over. Like that feeling I get when I get a haircut and when they tell me it’s done, that feeling. I love the feel of the fingers and clippers doing their little massages on my scalp. Anyway, that’s the same feeling of remorse that the pleasurable entertainment is over.
I then felt more lubricant being applied to my anus and rubbed in, this time with 2 fingers. I then felt the light pressure of the fingertip on my sphincter then off then on and then it slipped in. This time when it entered I felt additional pressure as the second finger worked its way in beside, forcing the muscle to open much wider. The doctor has thick fingers.
I pulled my knee up tighter to my chest as I felt his fingers hold this position allowing me to adjust to the invasion. As I acclimatized to the sensation, from pain to pleasure I rocked my bottom back forcing my sphincter to accept more.
He noticed my reaction and said, “Okay Mr. Smith, I’m going to examine your prostate again so try and relax.” His gingers slipped in past the second knuckle and I felt them stroking me again causing my penis to tingle and grow hard again and again I unexpectedly moaned my pleasure.
Doctor Jackson did this for several minutes and finally said, “I don’t know,” as I felt him pull his fingers from me, causing me to slip back into that mellow depression I mentioned before. I was wondering what he meant by, “I don’t know?”
He told me to roll to my back and I did, while moving my hands to cover my hard little penis. I looked at him as he said, “Would you mind if I get a better position? I can feel your prostate, but it’s small and I need a different position to get a better feel, if you don’t mind. I am sorry for the inconvenience, but it better to be sure about these things.”
I said, “Yes, it’s okay. What do you want me to do?” as I felt my hard on soften and my turtle return to its shell. I felt better this way even if embarrassed at my meager endowment, better than if I was sporting an erection exposing my pleasure with his touch.
He said, “Relax while I get set up.” As he talked I watched him duck down and open a drawer under the table and pull out some contraption. He explained, “We use these for giving women pelvic examinations. Here, put your foot here in this stirrup.”
As I did this he retrieved and mounted the other one and helped me place my other foot in it. He then told me to grab the bar behind my head and pull myself up a bit. When I did this he told me to just keep holding it.
I watched in fear as he put more lubricant on his fingers, this time the middle and ring finger, and then felt them press then enter my anus again and sink past the second knuckles again. I just knew my stupid penis was going to grow hard again and shame me to no end before this doctor, this black man. So I did the only thing I could think of. I closed my eyes.
As I felt the fingers stroking me again, causing those tingling feelings again, causing my penis to throb and tingle and grow again, and I gripped the bar tighter as my hips started to do an uncontrollable undulation around this man’s fingers.
With my eyes squeezed closed I could feel my penis thrusting in the air as I felt liquid oozing out of it and down my shaft, all because this black man was wiggling his fingers inside my bottom. He was just doing a natural prostate exam, but to me he was sexually stimulating me like crazy and I felt both shame and amazing pleasure.
“Mr. Smith,” I heard him say, “Are you okay?” I must have had a look of pain on my face as I was squeezing every muscle in my body.
I opened my eyes to look at him and said, “Yes, it’s just a bit uncomfortable.”
He said, “I see you’re sexually stimulated by this. Would you mind if we get a semen and testosterone sample while we’re at it?”
I couldn’t answer as he continued to stroke my insides sending tingling sensations throughout my body especially into my now raging hard penis. All I could do was nod my head as I closed my eyes again.
He said, “Mr. Smith, I’m going to get a sample bottle. I want you to masturbate while I get it but be careful not to ejaculate until I return.”
I looked at him as he tilted his head toward my erect penis and pulled his fingers from my rectum. He kept his eyes locked to mine as he willed me to lower my right hand and wrap the fingers around my prick, smearing the gooey liquids all over it before reclosing my eyes.
As he left the room I heard him say, “Now be careful not to ejaculate.” I nodded my head.
In a minute he returned with a small jar in hand, about the size of a baby-food jar. He removed the lid and set it by my side.
Then he asked me to look at him while I continued to stroke my penis. This was very hard to do as I lay totally naked looking at this black man standing between my thighs while I fisted my penis. Talk about embarrassing!
I did it but it was hard. Then he asked, “Do you feel shame with this little penis of yours?”
I couldn’t say it, but I nodded my head to confirm what he suspected.
He said, “I see you are circumcised too. Have you ever wondered Mr. Smith how it would feel to masturbate your penis and it be huge and feel the foreskin slipping back to expose the large glans then slipping back inside with each stroke?” As he talked he was squeezing more lubricant onto his fingers again.
I looked at him and didn’t know how to answer, I wanted to say yes, but it felt so nasty wrong to admit something like this. I felt him move his fingers to my anus again and I lifted my bottom to give him better access. I wished I had a big dick, no a real cock instead of this little penis of mine to stroke and yes even feel the foreskin slipping off and onto the head.
I felt him press then stop then press then the fingers slipped inside me again and I felt my penis begin to throb, as he said, “Let go. Stop masturbating.”
I didn’t want to. I wanted to cum as I felt his fingers stroking my insides. But he said “Stop! Remove your hand and answer my question Mr. Smith.”
I removed my hand looked into his eyes. What question?
He said, “Have you ever wondered how it would feel to masturbate a huge penis and feel the foreskin slipping back to expose the large glans then slipping back inside with each stroke?” I stared to close my eyes again when he said, “No Mr. Smith. Look at me, keep looking at me until I tell you to close your eyes.”
I nodded my head as I locked my eyes on his. He said, “No Mr. Smith. Tell me the answer.”
I said as I looked into his eyes, “Yes I wish I had a big cock sometimes instead of this,” as I felt myself begin to reach again for my little raging hard penis but stopped as he indicated with his look, “and I can’t imagine what it would be like to be uncircumcised but I have wondered.”
I felt his fingers begin to stroke me again and I lowered my head while keeping my eyes open and on his. I wanted to close them, to grab my penis and stroke it, to ejaculate so badly now as this big black man did things to me I had never felt before. My hips began to undulate again working my anus around his fingers as I looked into his eyes.
He asked, “Would you like to masturbate a big cock and feel the foreskin like we just talked about?”
I was getting so horny and yes I would love to experience that, so I said, “YES! I would.”
I was watching him as he continued to stroke my insides driving me insane with sexual hunger, even this perverse idea of stroking a big uncircumcised cock had me quivering with desire. His other hand moved from my knee to below my crotch and then in a moment his hand came back to my knee.
I watched as he said, “Give me your hand,” as he held his hand out to take mine and pull it toward my hungry penis. I thought he was going to let me finish this. I wanted this so badly! I kept my eyes on his as his hand pulled mine lower.
Then I felt a nudge and then something sliding up under my balls, and then pushing them apart as this thing slid up between my body and his. Then I saw it.
I watched as the black snake like cock with the head sleeved in blue-black skin rose from my balls behind my own penis. It rose to the same height but looked twice, no three times thicker. Then it rose some more.
I watched it as it rose over twice as tall as my little penis and I could feel the doctor’s balls rubbing mine, his pubic hair tickling mine, and his hand pulling my hand toward it.
Then he let go. I had the choice to stop, but I didn’t, well only for a moment. But then I continued to reach out and grasp his huge cock, and felt it with my fingers as I gripped it and regripped it and noticed as I fisted it my fingers didn’t meet around it. When I fist my penis my turtle gets lost.
This wonderful huge black cock was so soft for looking so menacing. It was so solid inside and thick. I pulled down on it and felt the skin pulling down as I watched the sleeve of flesh expose the great purple head inside.
I don’t know why, I’m not gay, but for some strange reason I really wanted to touch this too, but my other hand was still on the bar behind my head.
I looked at him inquiringly, and he nodded his head. So I let loose the bar and moved my other hand to the cock in my hand, my fingers to the head now slick with pre-cum. I slipped the foreskin up and played with it swirling my finger around under it between it and the head inside.
I looked back into the eyes of my doctor as I rubbed the base of my small shaft against the base of his wonderfully enormous very thick meaty shaft, and moaned. I wanted to say thank you, but how could I do this?
He let me do this for several minutes before he reached for a package on the counter. He opened it and handed me the content. I had to let go of the oozing gooey nob to take it.
I found it to be a large slippery very sheer condom, and I looked from it to him. He said, “Put it on me Mr. Smith.”
I had to use 2 hands to do this and really hated to let go of my new huge throbbing piece of manhood, but I finally did. I don’t know what I was thinking, I probably wasn’t as I rolled it over the head and worked it down the length of the shaft.
As I said, I wasn’t really thinking about it, about why he would be putting on a condom, but I have to admit it was so thrilling to stretch this large condom over this huge cock. I felt like WOW this is so wonderful to actually have a tool like this to fuck with!
My doctor then told me to grip the bar with both hands. I reluctantly let lose his now sheathed cock, and did as I was told. I looked for answers in his face, but he just smiled.
I felt him place his left hand on my right knee again, and the fingers of his right hand pull out of my anus causing me to moan in a silent whisper my displeasure, “Ohh, nooo.”
He then pick up the little jar as he said, “Now Mr. Smith, I can continue stroking your prostate until you ejaculate. Would you like me to do this for you?”
I nodded, and he said, “I need an verbal answer Mr. Smith.”
I said, “Yes please.”
I felt him rock his hips causing his sheathed cock shaft to lower a couple inches then rise a couple down and up down and up as the base rubbed the length of my so hungry shaft. He asked again, “Do you want me to stroke your prostate till you cum?”
Again I said, “Yes please Doctor,” as I felt his hips rock farther back causing his massive cock to stroke the entire length of my little penis from the base to several inches above the head, again and again and it felt so delicious, and made me so desirous to get this to its conclusion.
I had passed the point of caring how this looked. I wanted to orgasm and if he needed me to I was ready to beg him to give me my orgasm now.
Once more he spoke, “Do you want me to stroke your insides with this?” as he pulled so far back I felt the head of his cock nudge my anus and stop then nudge again then stop.
I realized at this moment what he was implying as everything came rushing in to focus. ‘I am not gay’, my brain was screaming at me, but my penis was also screaming for me to beg him to give me this orgasm any way he wanted too as long as he did it quickly!
I said, “Oh my I can’t believe this is happening. I’m not… Dammit… Yes… PLEASE! Do it… do it now please doc. Oh please yes stroke my…”
With this I felt his cock nudge again and stop, which shut me up. I watched as he poured some of the lubricant onto his cock now nested at the opening of my rectum. Then with a shove I felt the head pop in. I felt it worming about inside me, then with another thrust I felt it inch by inch invading my bowls.
I never took my eyes off his as he pushed into me and pulled out several times each time pushing into me just a bit deeper, deeper until finally I felt my doctor rubbing and grinding his balls against my bottom and a fullness like nothing I have ever felt before.
Then he began stroking his cock in and out, literally fucking my ass. No, really, he was really fucking my rectum and my entire insides with that huge black cock of his. I felt so incredibly crazy and was about to reach for my penis again, but he stopped me. I watched as he slipped the little plastic bottle over the little head of my little penis, as his thrusts lifted the lower half of my body off the table.
Each thrust into me was filled with amazing sensations as I felt like his cock was sliding between liver and k**neys, through coils of intestines, stroking my lungs causing me to gasp, and bumping my heart making it flutter and palpitate with lust for more.
Then it was withdrawn and I felt a void where he had filled me and did things to me as his wonderful cock, a cock I wish I could poses, a cock that would be an amazing thing to feel the insides of my wife like this, a cock that dances all around the insides of the one it is fucking. But when withdrawn it left such an emptiness.
Then it was thrust back and I could feel it again as I felt his balls grinding into my rump and did my best to grind myself back against them. In and out like this, in and out, again and again, as he drove the air from my lungs and the reason from my mind and all that was left of me was this body of fuckable flesh, full of desire to do this and only this again and again and again.
I felt him stop deep inside me and so I worked my ass in circles around him as he continued to look me in the eyes. I was practically standing in the stirrups with only my shoulders and neck on the table. I came to the realization he was no longer fucking me with his big long wonderful black cock, no, now I was fucking him with my hungry bottom.
I didn’t care anymore. I was so hungry to fuck and be fucked and feel the orgasm, not just my orgasm but I wanted to feel him orgasm, feel this amazing cock thrust in and explode with a violent crescendo.
Then he started to fuck me again, and his pace got faster. My ass felt a heat that radiated out through my body out to my arms and legs, out to my hands and feet, out to my fingers and toes.
Then I heard him say, “Now Mr. Smith, close your eyes.” I did and tossed my head back, my hands gripped the bar as I braced for impact, and with all my senses I felt his hard fast pounding thrusts throughout my insides, I could feel his soft skin slipping over his hard shaft the slippery sheathed flesh sliding through my stretched muscle and deep into my entire body.
I felt the throbbing of his cock as he thrust deep into me, and held himself as deep inside me as he could get, and I felt him swelling and pulsing and throbbing as his great cock danced about my insides.
Then as I felt him pull back, almost all the way out, and drive back in deep again like a ram hitting an opponent head on, This time I felt my ejaculate shoot out of me… as I knew at the same moment he was ejaculating deep inside me.
Again and again he bumped me like this, and with each of his rams I felt him shoot another load of his semen into me, and with each of his thrusts each and every time he drove another blast of my semen out of me into the little jar.
I still had hold of the bar and my feet in the stirrups and was breathing actually gasping for air, as I realized I must have passed out. I felt a wet swab wiping the jelly like lubricant from my bottom and then from my hiding turtle. I felt shame for what I had just done so I thought about keeping my eyes closed. But this was silly, as I had just shared this experience with this man.
So I opened my eyes, and to my horror I saw the pretty young black nurse wiping my nasty privates clean. OMG how embarrassing! I tried to cover myself, but she swatted my hand away and told me to please hold the bar. I did and closed my eyes as I felt her pinch the head of my turtle between thumb and forefinger and pull its neck out of the shell so she could swab the shaft.
I could feel my penis trying to pull back but she just pinched me all the harder, and said, “Mr. Smith, you need to relax. I’m going to shave you down here the next time you come in so this will be much easier. Please relax.”
I inhaled and willed myself to relax as best I could as I felt her return the cool wet swab to my now throbbing anus. Here she inserted her finger wrapped with the towelette. I don’t know which finger as I was way too embarrassed to look. I felt her tickling touch as she did her job.
Then she helped me out of the stirrups and off the table back onto my feet. She handed me my cloths and told me to dress, that she would be back in a minute to sign me out. It was all very businesslike from this point on.
She returned as I was tucking my shirt in and slipping my feet into my loafers. She had a clipboard in hand and had me sign a final form, then handed me a small square sheet, a prescription she explained, that would help with swelling, a hemorrhoidal cream.
I was escorted to the front desk where I was asked it next week would be okay. I asked what for, to which the nurse at the desk said, “For your follow up appointment.”
I wondered if I really wanted to ever come back to this clinic ever again, then said, “Ya, a week from today is fine.”
She said, “3 pm and you don’t need to fast for your follow up sir.”
I said thanks and left, wondering if I really would actually consider coming back knowing what I do about this place, this doctor, now. I reasoned I didn’t have to decide that now. I could go home and take a much needed nap.
I was fast asleep, dreaming of having a big fun cock to stroke and fuck with, when I was awakened by Anna my wife. She had found and picked up my prescription for me. She asked if I have hemorrhoids, stating she never heard me complain of them before.
I told her thanks, and no, I just have a rash from the exam and the doctor thought this might help. She was satisfied with this and left me to go back to sleep. I really wanted to, but my bottom ached, so I got up and went to the john to apply my soothing salve. It was sooo cool and pleasing.
I spent the week thinking about my ordeal. As I said, I’m not, let me repeat that I AM NOT GAY! But as the week passed I thought about how much better I feel now that I have started seeing my new doctor. Maybe I will go, just to see what happens at the follow up.

I care, so if you like this or you don’t, please take a minute to leave a comment.

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Moira had ended Medical School and her hospital internship and residency, and as it had been all her student life, her qualifications were at the top; she was a natural for a gynecology practice, most probably inherited from her father, and she had matured personally, sexually, and psychologically at the same time. She was no longer the immature girl or young woman had had her first sexual adventure with Valerie, her first year mentor. She wasn't the rebel girl of her teenager years either....

3 years ago
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Diagnosis Nympho

Sighing, I leave my beautiful car, blowing it air kisses as I strut away. That's my one and only, my baby. Yeah, about that crazy part again.. um.. don't listen to the whole car thing and think, "Well.. duh!" because, well, there's more to it. Anyway, I smooth down my light grey pinstripe pencil skirt and forest green button down shirt. In a hair brained effort to cool off, I unbutton the first few buttons on my shirt, allowing some of the breeze to play with my cleavage. I wait for...

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Dominics Diagnosis

This story is a tribute to the magnificent works of Aginor. Everyone was awake when I entered. Odd, for such a late hour, but not the strangest thing that had ever happened to me. Certainly not as strange as what was about to befall the poor family whose house I’d picked at random. When I first realized my powers, I used them to right wrongs, to avenge the wicked. Now ... now I’m far worse than the most wicked villain I ever vanquished. Now I delight in taking normal, innocent families, and...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 61 Michellersquos Diagnosis

February 27, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “So that teasing yesterday?” I asked as I posed. “Was it teasing?” Siobhán smirked. “But be quiet!” I chuckled and nodded. The session was similar to the last one, and when I finished, I got dressed. “So?” I chuckled. “It’s up to you. You’ll have to agree to my request to find out what happens!” “Why do I feel like I’m being set up?” I grinned. “I don’t know. Why?” “Because I think I AM being set up!” I laughed. “We’ll finish the karate painting...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 49 A Diagnosis

January 7, 1991, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Mario and I had agreed we’d have breakfast in the hotel restaurant on Monday morning. He was waiting at a table when I came downstairs. “Steve, I am SO sorry,” he said before we even said ‘hello’. “I heard you and Marie had a heated conversation about it,” I said with a smile. “How the heck do you know that?” “I have my ways,” I grinned. “Tara,” he said. “She showed up at the hotel yesterday afternoon to apologize for Marie. The last thing she...

2 years ago
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Omegle Stranger To Sex Partner

Hey readers, This is Manoj from Bangalore back with another recent experience. It’s been a while since I shared a story here. I’m 23 years old with an athletic body and 5.9 height. Without any further delay let’s get into the story. Guys get ready with your dick in your hand and girls get ready to get wet. This happened last month. I stay in hostel doing my masters in one of the reputed colleges of Karnataka. It was during my exam holidays where I got bored and tried Omegle (texting with...

1 year ago
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Mom plays Nurse Pt 2 REEDIT

Making sure I was totally soaked all over, mom replaced the hose and left it running then took shower gel from the shelf, again her body nudging into mine.Squirting gel into her hands she rubbed it into my hair rigorously as I just stood there enjoying every minute of it. Then with my hair still covered in suds she got some more gel and put it in her hands, making it into a lather mom then rubbed it all over my back. After soaping my back she lent down and did the back of my legs, one at a...

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Palomino Ch 10

Wesley looked at the hat as he pulled it down off the hat rack. It’d hung there for well over two months, the silent prayer hanging in the air that the girl he’d loaned it to would come back. But as it stood, it had been nearly three months. He ran his thumb across the buckle on the hat band and sighed, tucking the hat back into the box he’d dug it out and put it back up in the closet where it’d been for years. Even in the three months she’d been gone, Wesley couldn’t get Lacey King out of his...

1 year ago
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My second and third time

I opened my eyes. Travis wasn't there. Had it been a dream? No. I rolled over. Travis's t-shirt and jeans and underwear lay on the floor. I close my eyes and smile. It had been the best night of my life. Slowly I roll out of bed and look at the clock. 7am. To early for me, I'd never been a morning person. I sit on the edge of the bed for a while, staring at Travis's clothes on the floor and I get an idea. A few minutes later I walk into the kitchen of my little apartment...

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Daddys Little Bitch1

I did just that. We were standing up in the kitchen when I yelled They're not even my fucking dishes! He took one step foward and shoved me into the refrigerator so hard it cracked my back multiple times, and knocked the wind out of me. Unable to inhale, or exhale I crumpled to the floor, gasping for air. He grabbed my long brown hair and dragged me down the hall to his bedroom. He boomed I'll teach you to respect me! As he threw me onto his bed he said You little shit. He closed and...

1 year ago
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Michelin Man

Thanks to the Hip and Knee Doctor for editing assistance. My name is John Turrell. I am thirty nine years old, married, and have sixteen-year-old twin sons. I have been a heavy equipment operator for the past twenty years, and enjoy my work while making good money. My marriage sucks. It is Friday, and it is raining buckets, so that means no work today. I am standing just outside one of the entrance doors to the Green Dragon Farmers Market watching my wife, Marsha, and her boyfriend digging...

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Alternative 8211 Part 1

This is Jeya. I always have this feel that makes me think that I should be helpful to other people in ANY way. This is a slow story contains less number of hard core stuff. Please ignore this story if it doesn’t suit your taste. Well, I couldn’t think any preface/intro to this story. I request you to read this and review. If you have any suggestion kindly post it to Let’s get into the stream.. I was sitting in a White Hyndai XCent car, stranded in city traffic. I checked my watch, its...

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Becca and Jayson

Jayson woke up on Thursday and realized that he had sixteen missed calls. They were all from his mom. He texted her and said that he had just woken up and she didn't reply. He laid there in the bed for another before the phone finally vibrated. " WHY CANT YOU ANSWER YOUR PHONE????" said the text. It was his mom. He simply replied with, " I was asleep sry". Another twenty minute rolled by and then the phone finally vibrated again. " Me and your father decided to spend the weekend in Aspen!!!!...

3 years ago
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Hidden Temptation Part1

Introduction: The first name of the woman in this story has been changed to conceal her identity. But the rest is true. This is my first story ever. I hope all of u will like it. I am 25.Of mixed parentage.An Indian mother and a white father.I am pretty,cute and innocently sexy.My body is a lot like JLOS and Salma Hayeks before they lost all those curves.I have fuller and beautiful legs like Salma in the 90s. My measurements are 36-26-37 and i am 5ft 6inches tall.I swim and work out...

1 year ago
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A family affair

The most beautiful girl I ever had sex with was Maria and it all happened at a party for millions of years ago. She was not sober and she expressed her anger at me openly and I must admit that I didn’t understand why in the beginning. I should have, of course. By then again, I’ve known Maria since way back when she was a girlie teenager. I was a friend of her father, Bruno, a rather jolly but also a stupid man – stupid in that slow, tiresome way. He was something of a house tyrant in his...

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Redheads WaitingChapter 5

I should start by saying that I'm not a bad poker player. Joshua, bless his heart, is dreadful. He's spent the last month or so learning as much as he can, but he just doesn't have the head for it. He's a short-term thinker; he gets excited by a good hand, and doesn't realise that to win in the long run, you have to prevent people from being able to tell if you're bluffing or not. Frankly, I don't know how he can afford to go and play three times a week ... he must be getting cleaned...

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The Bank Ladies

I use a local bank for my business accounts, and it's run entirely by women.  The manager, Lisa, has the body of a twenty-year-old at forty-nine.  She plays soccer Friday nights with her local soccer league and also goes to monthly tournaments.  She's been married for twenty-nine years and has two kids in college.  Even with her athleticism, she is quite a girly girl in her attire.  She always wears a dress that stops just about mid-thigh and loves her five-inch heels.  She's so into her...

Office Sex
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How I learned to pleasure a woman

The first time I had sex, I didn’t have intercourse. The girl had other plans for me. I had made plans to have "Kelly" come over and study with me after school. My parents were supposed to be there, and I was just hoping to spend some time with Kelly in order to get closer to her. Shortly after getting home, I got a call that my Dad had to work over, and since my folks rode together, both would be several hours late. Normally they wouldn't have let me have a female friend there alone, but since...

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Being A Lucky Paying Guest

Hi all. I am Darshan Patel from Ahmedabad. This incident happened during my 6 months tenure in Mumbai. I was transferred to Mumbai last October and brought a fresh air in my sex life…I am working with an MNC at middle management level with a worth salary at my disposal. I am all settled in Ahmadabad and used to visit Mumbai often for official purposes. Last year I was transferred to Mumbai for 6 months. I hate Mumbai traveling and had decided to go for a place nearby my office & to take up a...

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cuckold lifestyle70

We got a break from all the heat this weekend. Lower seventies beat upper ninties anyday. This short of kick started my wife's fall shopping. After doing all my chores Saturday I was told I needed to shower , shave , and lock myself up in my CB3000 because we where going shopping. Shaving my pubic area always takes me a long time. Shaving a nut sack can be tricky. It took me an hour to finish up and when I came into our room to get dressed my wife was setting on the bed already dressed and...

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Coming OutChapter 11

Rachel saw the scarves at that point and realized that Sarah and I played some kind of kinky sex game with them before. Then she saw the handcuffs and understood just how wild things could be between us. She surprised me by walking over to the spot where the handcuffs lay, picking them up, and handing them over to me. It was a clear offer to submit to whatever I intended for her with them. I smiled at her and then at Sarah before I slapped one half of the pair on Sarah’s wrist and the other...

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Karen My School Teacher 9

I turned off the light in the bedroom and closed the door. I lit some candles in the living room. And turned off the lights. The door that led into the garden was all glass as the rest of the wall. There was a fence around the garden only 4 feet high. So i pulled the curtains so no one could see in. As i pulled the curtain i saw the cat outside and let it in. I filled up the cat bowl with food. And started to fell a bit hungry myself. So i made myself a sandwich and put one of Karen's LP´s on....

2 years ago
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HI THIS IS STORY OF ONE OF MY GOOD NET FRIEND WHO IS IN ABROAD AND SEND ME THIS STORY BY NET TO PUBLISH IN ISS SO PLEASE READ IT AND TELL ME YOUR REPLAY MY MAIL ID IS Mother Jackalyn felt an intense sexual ache in her stomach, which was a hot, almost uncontrollable desire, and this time there was no guilt about it. Of course the wine did the job and she was more than eager because tonight . . . will be the night of a very taboo scene. She pretended to clean the dishes over the sink as her two...

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Tom Welling Series Episode 1

Series: Tom Welling SeriesTitle: CockholeSummary: Something incredible happens in the bathroom stalls.Rating: NC-17Disclaimer: Only own the other character, which will remain nameless. That's right, no Jan! Now you can imagine YOURSELF in the story... if you're male. Feedback: Pretty please? *puppy dog eyes* Even if it shocked you, or it was totally ridiculous.Note: This will be very different from the other fics. I won't disclose any other name, and will write in first-person.-----I had just...

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My real life sex life

Introduction: Please rate and comment. I write these not because I enjoy writting, but because I want to satisfy. So please if I satisfy you return the favor by letting me know. If I dont satisfy let me know why So I figured I could use as my own personal sex blog. If I dont start something to keep track of it I might forget some of the juicy details.Now your not going to get my name, or the guys names, however I am sure if they were ever to read it they would probally figure it...

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My meeting with a straight guy

My meeting with a straight guyWhen I am alone and horny many times then I go on a webcam side to lookaround, to look guys gay, bi or straight what they do and show. Often I am alsoon cam then, sometimes dressed or in undie or even naked, but not show my face in public. If wana camchat more private I go to another webside appear in,there can chat more in private. But tell you my story what happened.I was on cam, had pants on but when had a few viewers, I took them down andso was in undie....

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The Game Of Sex

Hi mera name Vidya hai me 24 years ki vivahit aurat hu mera ek beta 2.5 years beti 4 years mere pati mahesh mnc me job karte hai aur kam ke silsle me jayad tar gar se bahar hi rehte hai mera ek dever hai mahendra jo 24 sall ke hai jinka business hai wo rojana samay se jate aue samay se ghar ate swabhav ke bade hasmukh aur dilchasp insan hai hamesha majak me rehte par kuch dino se unka swabhav mere prati kuch Badla badla sa lag raha tha wo mujhe aise dekte mano abhi pakad kee kuchal masal de...

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What Have I Done

Even though it had been quite some time ago, I can still remember that morning when I slowly opened my eyes and saw a beautiful girl sleeping beside me. Her long dark hair formed the perfect frame for her soft pale skin. Sometime during the night, a few stray strands had fallen down over her pretty face and were now partially covering her lovely eyes. Very carefully I reached over and gently brushed the curls aside, taking care not to wake her. I noticed that she slept with her mouth partially...

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Size Queen Wife Chapter 5 Vaginal Rejuvenation

A lot depends on where you measure it from, he thought. Measured from the side, it was five and a half inches. Measured from the bottom, it was about six. Measured from the top, it was only five inches.Craig Naylor sighed and laid the ruler on the sink next to the toilet. The last time he had measured himself was in college when, after a fight with his girlfriend, she had called him, “underhung.” Coming up with the same numbers at that time, he had concluded he was average-sized at best. But...

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FilthyMassage Gabriela Lopez Oiled Up Tits and Ass with Gabriela

I love rubbing down a nice pair of big tits and a big juicy booty, today I get a client with both wanting to be rubbed down. I cover Gabriela’s big tits in oil through her shirt, showing off her nice nipples. I flip her over to put some oil all over her big ass and rub it deep inside slowly guiding my hand by her vagina. I am rock hard in my pants and Gabriela can see my bulge, she starts to rub my cock and pulls it out to suck it. I can not wait to pound her pussy and make that ass...

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TrapperChapter 2

It had snowed several times, once for two days. The trading post was built into the side of a ridge. Since we were close we decide to go during the day. As we came closer I saw a large vehicle with a long trailer a little ways from a medium sized flier. I pulled up beside Sarah who had stopped in front of the door. Julie stopped beside me and grinned as she turned to look at the large vehicle with the trailer, "a snow home, nice." Sarah snorted as she climbed off her runner, "maybe." I...

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The Hypnotic Adventures of BeautyChapter 4 Happily Ever

My name is David Rothman, and this is a story about the three most impressive women I've ever met. Now, one of those ladies I already knew. Wanda Perkins, a fellow grad student at Berkley. Sharp, pretty, witty, and a total bitch. Well ... she could be, when she wanted to. I had pursued her during the past two years ... and I'd even gotten her to go out with me once. We both had a really good time; but when I had tried to kiss her goodnight, she turned me down flat; and she'd refused to...

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The Adventures of Reggie Starr Book 2

Author's note: Hello folks, This is book 2 of The Adventures of Reggie Starr. Those of you who have read my stuff, know that I like Action/adventure/Si-fi/and a little Physic stuff thrown in too. One of my problems is I tend to melt all my characters together and give them all the same kinds of abilities. Reggie Starr is a small departure from that formula as, I want Reggie to be as physically normal as the circumstances will allow. Reggie has been placed in unusual conditions...

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Moms Unique Punishment Part 8

Mom's Unique Punishment 8 It seemed things spiraled out of control even faster after that fateful day. Mom reminded me every chance she got of my promise to her to be a good girl. And of course my brother reminded me every day without fail. Not that I needed that many reminders anyway. The more I dressed and interacted as a girl the more like a girl I became. And I really believed that being surrounded by girls all day was having a significant impact on my demeanor, my actions and...

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Tara 4 AntsChapter 13

They spent the next couple of hours wandering around the ship. “This is very odd. If people had been in here when it came down, why does it look like it has never been lived in? None of the rooms have personal possessions in them and all of the storage rooms seem untouched,” Gazza speculated aloud. “There weren’t any people in the sleep chambers either. I’m also mystified as to why the lights work when we access a new area,” Bette added. “Not just the lights, it seems most of the systems...

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Whatever It CostsChapter 15

The following short school week suited me fine. The schooldays just rolled by, and before we noticed, it was Thanksgiving. Sara didn't need to work as the family filled the restaurant during the holidays. When I had tried to make some arrangements for Thanksgiving, I was told that everything had already been taken care of, and I just should come to my aunty's. I decided to play safe and come in early, willing to help - and with a huge bunch of flowers. It turned out that my help was not...

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Bev abused while medicated for pain

THIS IS A STORY ABOUT MY SLUT GIRLFRIEND, WHO, HAD SHE HAVE KNOWN AT THE TIME WOULD HAVE LOVED THE SITUATION BUT UNFORTUNATLEY WAS UNCONSIOUS DUE TO HEAVY SEDATION AFTER A BAD FALL. WHAT OCCURRED HAPPENED AT THE HANDS OF A GOOD FRIEND OF MINE. I was at work and had finished lunch so it was about 1.00pm when my phone rang. It was the emergency department at the hospital were I worked as a nurse. Bev had fallen of a ladder at home whilst cleaning the ceiling fans and had fallen on her...

1 year ago
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Deep throat queen

Deep throat queen of the pornos Im 42 years old and have been the deep throat queen of the porno field for over fifteen years. I often reflect back as to how I got to this position. I am 57 tall and weigh 130lbs. My breasts are not overly big but are a nice size just between a C and a D cup. I exercise regularly and even at 42 they are firm and my own. This is my story. My mother died at my birth. She was only thirteen at the time I was told. I dont know who my dad was but I know he did not...

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Young girl plays nurse for elderly man again

A few days later, I was asked again to take care of him for my mother which I eagerly accepted. That afternoon, I ready myself for another fun evening with him. I decided to shave my pussy and wear an extremely short mini skirt that barely covered my ass cheeks. And picked out a loose fitting shirt that would fall open exposing my firm young breast each time I bent over. Only being 5’1 this outfit really made my tight 19 year old body stand out, accenting my short brown legs and 34C...

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Black Stud Takes My Girl

Julie and Tom were both high school students, about to move on to college, having grown up together and been friends throughout elementary school, High school saw them as a couple. Most of the small town they came from knew them as a happy go lucky couple. And they set off together to start the same college. Neither of them were they experienced lovers, having only been with each other but the excitement of college meant they had both hoped that it meant more sex together, and a chance to learn...

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The Artists Muse

Chapter One Chateau Bertrand, Paris, 1795 From the shadows, Roland Bertrand watched the young woman paint onto a canvas with delicate strokes. His library was illuminated by tapers, and they cast a soft glow on the dark- skinned beauty who was immersed in her art. She was now focusing on the figures, but from the distance, Roland could not make out the exact nature of the scene. No doubt this painting will be a gift from my brother, thought Roland, drawing closer to the woman. The candle...

2 years ago
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They That Have Power Book IIIChapter 17 Saturday August 7 2010

Saturday, August 7, 2010 “You seem upset,” Jake said to Lizzie as he sat at the kitchen table and grabbed a sandwich for himself. “I’m not sure how I feel. I’m grateful, but I wish she hadn’t done it.” “Who is she and what did she do?” “Leanne bought us a bunch of furniture,” Emily said. Jake looked over at Leanne who was ignoring them and calmly eating her sandwich. “Oh? Tell me the story.” Jake said turning back to Lizzie. “Leanne took us to some furniture stores this morning,” she...

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The Ultimate Doll Chapter 3A

Arriving home, Master drove his Harley directly up to the barn, opened the door and took her inside by her leash. She was anticipating being allowed to wash herself, to clean the piss off her body, and to be dressed for more play or dinner. It was not to happen. He took her to an old-fashioned medical table in the far corner of the chamber. He placed her legs into the stirrups of the GYN table, strapped her in firmly, and administered three more injections to her she-cock and groin. These...

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My Brother My Lover Ch 13 Final Chapter

"I like that one! I want that one Nathan!" Callie exclaimed as she and Nathan looked through different housed on the Internet. It was a nice three bedroom Spanish style home. The location was somewhat far from where Nathan would be working but very close to a local college where Callie hoped to get a job. "Well that one looks like a really good choice. I like as well. The price is good too. I'll be sure to call about that one first thing tomorrow morning. We still got a temporary company house...

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CuckoldSessions Lily Lane 01122020

Ever wanted to be cucked? Lily is a Peruvian princess and she wants nothing to do with your pinky dick. She’ll show you exactly how she likes to be fucked. By real men with 10+ inches of raging, hard black cock. This is a special one-on-one treat where Lily gives you her full attention and you get to be her cuckold. She will show you where she wants the BBC while reminding you of your insignificant manhood. She’s been sleeping with other men for years and since you’ve been such a good boy,...

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Brad and the Bored Housewife

Brad sat at his computer talking to Megan via his instant messenger. They had met online a few months before, and had begun a cyber sex relationship. Since then it had evolved to a phone sex relationship as well. Megan was a 40 year old housewife who liked to get online what her husband was too busy or ill-equipped to give her at home. Her twin daughters were sophomores at Duke University, so she didn't even have the burden of young children to keep her busy. Brad had just graduated from...

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BimBim Teen

How often do you find yourself creepily staring at a hot young piece of ass and wishing that you could fuck every hole in her body? Yeah, you know the kind I’m talking about. The ripe bitches that just turned 18 or are in their early 20s. Their bodies are in the prime of their lives, and they are super naïve, but still, somehow not enough to believe your bullshit.Let’s get fucking real for a second. You don’t stand a chance with these goddesses. So the next best thing is watching them do some...

Live Teen Sex Cams
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Dost Ne Maa Ko Jabardasti Choda

Mera naam ranveer he me gujrat se hu meri age 18 he..Hum ghar me 3 log he me..Meri mom..Aur papa..Mere papa jiska naam yogesh patel he.Wo farmer he.Hum log rajkot me rehte he par hamara farm bahut dur ke gaao me he to papa zyada waha rehte he..Aur ghar par me aur meri maa yaha rehte he..Maa ka naam tina he uski age 37 he dikhne me badi hot lagti he umar se kai chhoti dikhti he uski hight 5’5 he..Unka figure dekh ke to kisika bhi lund tight ho jaye..Unka figure 36,30,38 he.Unke 36 ke bade bade...

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Treasure Of Nadia

When I first found out that this game was being made, I couldn’t believe my eyes. I learned about the developer, NLT, through his other flagship project called Lust Epidemic. At first, I thought that that game looked like ass, until I tried it and became instantly hooked. That game was a fun romp through some intricate drug-fueled sexual scenarios. You played as a young buck, stuck in between four women who are all significantly older than him, but they’re all fucking hot. Hell, one of them is...

Free Sex Games
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With BossNude Masti And Peeing Adventure

After breakfast we got into clothes. First time in life I remained nude for so long time. But last night has changed me completely. Now I was feeling myself younger, sexier and filled with a lot of energy for the day. I wore a black skin fit legging and a short Kurti. Kurti was a multi color with flowers printed. It was short so whenever I had to bend my buttocks were exposed with my legging which shows all curves of my legs. He was in his office suit. He said,” Looking very sexy” and kissed on...

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The Cup Of Milk On First Night

Hi, this is Krish from Chennai again. This story is my cousin’s, his first night story. His name is Sandeep and his newly wed wife is Gokila. It was an arranged marriage and the marriage had happened within a month from their first meeting, that they had rarely talked to each and had no clue what to expect out of that relationship. So, when they sent her in a red Saree with a cup of milk inside their first night room, he was all in anxiety. Describing Gokila, she was of a wheatish complexion,...

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A Prayer Answered 5

Sandra goes to church then spends her first date with Brian at the movies. Janice Brian's mom has a chat with Sandra's Dad David. A Prayer Answered Chapter Five By Sara D. Sandra woke early on Sunday morning, showered, shaved her legs and did her makeup and then dressed in her new white satin dress for church. She joined her dad who was also dressed in his best, a grey suit and tie. Knowing...

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The Cheerleader Transformation Part 3 The Life of a High School Cheerleader

The Cheerleader Transformation Part 3 Chapter 1 Britney had her mom come pick her up and ran to her bedroom as soon as she got home. Her mom was furious with her, and kept questioning why her little sister Lizzie was so upset. Britney had remained silent; fearing talking at all would make her burst into tears. She collapsed on her bed and began sobbing. Her best friend was gone, lost in the abyss of Lisa's madness. She couldn't believe what was happening. Krissy was really acting...

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