- 2 years ago
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The lights to the book store were turned out followed by Stew and Rosangela stepping out along with the store owner. The store owner locked the door.
Rosangela said to her boss as he walked away, ‘Night, Al!’ She turned and looked at her ogling friend and co worker.
Stew questioned, ‘Are you sure?’
She gave a definite nod.
He shook his head then asked, ‘You want me to wait here with ya?’
She simply shook her head.
He huffed then gave her a quick pat on the shoulder. He sarcastically stated, ‘Good luck, you freak.’
She smiled wide then stuck her tongue out at him.
He slowly turned and started away but shouted, ‘Tell me all about it Tuesday!’
She giggled as she shook her head. Yes, Stew was a gay gossip queen and loved juicy stories. She watched him wave to her as he disappeared around the building corner, tossed him a quick wave in return.
She continued to shake her head then looked about the somewhat vacant street. Typically during the evenings that street died out and the other main streets became the focus of traffic. Her head turned and looked down one way then shifted to look down the other. Was she being stood up by the author practically idolized?
A slight flash of lightening took her by surprise, she looked up to the somewhat smoggy sky dimly illuminated by the lights of the busier side of the city. From above a raindrop smacked her in the forehead. She groaned, ‘Shit.’ She huffed and thought, great now she was going to be stuck standing in the rain.
A grumble of thunder sounded.
Her arms tossed up, caved to the idea she was stood up. She sarcastically griped, ‘Just awesome.’
Another raindrop struck the top of her cheek, she quickly wiped it off then groaned. Yep, she thought, another disappointment to chuck into the pile of other disappointments.
A glare of headlights steered onto the dark street.
Her eyes looked to the low beams, lifted her hand to block out some of the glare. Was it him?
Her eyes followed as the pretty spiffy looking car slowed as it neared where she stood on the curb. She finally smiled as another annoying drop of rain struck the top of her head.
The black Porsche rolled to a stop directly in front Rosangela then the passenger window automatically rolled down.
She slightly crouched and peered into the expensive car.
Victor apologized, ‘I’m sorry I’m late.’
She smiled then shooed his apology with her hand and stated, ‘It’s okay, I wasn’t standing here long but you’re just in time,’ she pointed up, ‘It’s about to down pour.’
He grinned then urged, ‘Well, get in before it does.’
She chirped, ‘Okay.’
She grabbed the door handle then swung the door open and got into a car she never thought she would ride in.
The door closed and she looked over at him as the window rolled back up. She greeted, ‘Hi.’
It suddenly started to downpour.
He continued to grin as he shifted the Porsche into drive, turned on the windshield wipers then steered it away from the curb.
He greeted back, ‘Hello.’
She asked, ‘So, where you taking me?’
He kept his eyes forward as he steered the car to the left onto another street. He replied, ‘My favorite place in the entire city.’
Yet, he wished he could just drive straight to his apartment but he was a man of his word, dinner first.
He announced, ‘Grenio’s off Franklin.’
‘Oh,’ she perked then stated, ‘I haven’t been there.’
He held the steering wheel with one leather gloved hand as the other cupped the center council gear shifter. He commented, ‘Then you’re not from here.’
She shook her head and agreed, ‘Nope.’ then she gave a bit more, ‘Been here for about six months now.’
He stated, ‘Then you’re in for a treat.’ Yes, but the actual treat wouldn’t be until the whole dinner bit was finished and they were at his apartment.
For those few hours of waiting to see his inspiration again, he contemplated exactly what would take place once at his place. He had many ideas going about his thoughts, very colorful and vivid ideas. Those long awaited creative ideals were again his to bring to life and they were on a constant stroll through his thoughts.
His eyes glanced at her, she focused looking out the window. She even had an amazing profile. It had been a while that he had done a side profile, not since book three, Paulette.
His grin broadened as his eyes again looked forward.
Inside Grenio’s, Victor Hardway was excitedly greeted by the proprietor, he an obvious regular and likely the most famous to have been in the quaint and dimly lit restaurant.
The proprietor, the restaurant’s namesake, Grenio escorted the author to the usual booth in the back.
Victor thanked Grenio as Rosangela sat center booth and he sat himself at the edge.
Grenio asked, ‘The usual, Victor?’
Victor replied, ‘For me, yes, and a bottle of your best red wine, please.’ he looked to Rosangela and urged, ‘Order whatever you like. The best Greek and Italian dishes.’
Rosangela smiled with a nod then looked to the widely smiling and kind owner. She went with what she typically ordered when it came to Italian, ‘Chicken Alfredo would be nice.’
Grenio nodded and chimed, ‘Of course, straight away and Joey will be here with fresh bread.’ He gave a gracious nod to the two and scurried off shouting out orders to their server.
Victor leaned forward, removed his trench coat and draped it over the provided hook attached to the booth frame. He reached into his inside blazer pocket and asked his guest, ‘Do you mind if I smoke?’
Rosangela looked to Victor and, with surprise, asked, ‘They allow you to smoke in here? Most places don’t.’
He removed a fresh cigar from his pocket along with a silver flip lighter. He explained, ‘My privilege, I assume.’ he then again asked, ‘Do you mind?’
She shook her head and stated, ‘Not at all, go ahead.’
He tucked the cigar between his lips and lit it up with a few puffs. He explained a bit more, ‘I’ve been coming here way before they put out the ban on smoking in public establishments.’ he leaned back, enjoyed the taste of his smooth cigar, ‘That’s why I sit back here, Grenio keeps it open for me.’ His cigar holding hand gestured behind her.
She turned her head and slightly shifted. She smiled, an autographed photograph framed and hung behind her on the wall. ‘Nice,’ she stated then again looked to him and forwardly asked out of curiosity, ‘If you don’t mind, why’d you ask me to dinner?’
He played dumb and stated, ‘I thought I explained that back at the book store.’
Her eyes suspiciously eyed him then she asked, ‘And what’s with what you wrote in the book? I’m your muse?’
He chuckled then commented, ‘Straight to the point, huh?’ he shifted somewhat to the side then rested his elbow a top the table, ‘You don’t hold back any punches, hmm?’ He took another long drag then held the smoke for a moment, slowly exhaled from his nose.
She slightly laughed then shook her head, ‘Guess not.’
Fresh sliced Italian bread was delivered with a traditional Italian sausage dipping sauce and set to the center of the table followed by a crystal ashtray for the honorary guest.
Joey the waiter proceeded to set two empty glasses of wine then pried the cork.
Victor focused on his blunt guest then asked a question, ‘Well, why do you read my books?’
Rosangela took a quick glance as the waiter poured the wine then returned her suspicious eyes to her host. She replied with a question, ‘Well, why do you write them?’
He widely grinned with a smoky laugh, flicked the cigar ash into the provided ashtray. He replied, ‘That should be obvious.’ he then commented, ‘But it’s not completely obvious why you read them.’
He gave a quick thanks to the waiter but
kept his eyes on her.
She again grinned then replied, ‘I read them for the same reason you write them.’
His eyes widened a bit with curiosity then he encouraged, ‘Please, do tell me why I write them and you read them. I would love to hear your opinion.’
She grabbed her glass of wine and took a swallow then answered, ‘You write them because you’re obviously into their content.’
He approved of her suggestion, knew immediately she basically confessed she too was involved with the fetishes he erotically wrote about.
He immediately stated, ‘Then you too are into their content.’
She took another sip of wine then agreed to his observation, ‘Yes.’ then she explained, ‘Likely many are into what you write but the majority won’t admit to it or event conduct it because they are ashamed or embarrassed.’
He gave an approving nod then stated, ‘Very true.’ then he had to ask, ‘But what about you, are you ashamed or embarrassed or do you conduct your confessed fetish?’
Another sip of wine she took then snatched up a soft slice of bread and started to pry a piece. She confessed, ‘No I’m not ashamed or embarrassed.’ she tucked a torn piece of bread into her mouth then confessed further, ‘But my moments of conducting this said fetish haven’t been well conducted, if you get my meaning.’
‘Hmm,’ he hummed and took another drag, with his following words smoke streamed, ‘You are saying your partners have failed to conduct exactly what you desire.’ he watched her nod then he asked, ‘But have you forwardly told them?’
She chewed as she thought briefly about her past few years. She shrugged and replied, ‘In one way or another.’
‘No,’ he said, slightly shook his head then explained in question, ‘Have you openly and verbally said to your partners what you desire?’
She gave a quick answer, ‘Yes and no. Some yes. Some no.’
‘Hmm,’ he again hummed then advised, ‘For future circumstances I recommend complete honesty in the very beginning, verbally that is. Saves on time and hassle.’
She replied, ‘Noted.’
He again chuckled with smoke puffed passed his lips. His smile broadened then he inquired, ‘And those you so blatantly confessed your desires to, how did they respond?’ Flicked another ash.
She grinned as she again chewed another piece of bread. Instead of answering his question, she questioned him, ‘Well, how did your past muses respond when you forwardly stated your desires you wished to perform on them?’
Hmm, yes, he enjoyed her. He answered, ‘You would be amazed what a woman would do for ten thousand dollars.’
She suddenly coughed, somewhat taken aback by his confession of having paid women to do as he desired. She roughly swallowed then asked, ‘You’re saying you paid them?’
He openly stated, ‘Not for what you think.’ he leaned a bit closer, ‘I paid the women who are displayed on my covers for their permission to place them in those intricate situations.’
She frowned then asked, ‘You’re saying those women are real women? Not just something you’ve come up with out of your head?’ she watched him shake his head, ‘So they were models then?’
‘No,’ he responded then explained further, ‘They were all random women I met, like you.’
She somewhat grimaced, not sure if she understood his reference towards her. Then she stated, ‘I’m not like them.’
He immediately agreed, ‘No they aren’t. Each are different but you,’ he leaned back with his eyes focused heavily on her expression, ‘You are remarkably unique. You are unlike any one of them which is pleasantly refreshing.’
‘So, you paid them,’ she spoke his statement then blatantly asked, ‘You tied them in all those positions then fucked them?’
He was truly amused by her blatant and quite colorful question. He eagerly answered,
‘Only three.’
She was surprised and stated, ‘Three, wow. I expected you pretty much fucked them all.’
He explained the circumstances, ‘Only three because those three were truly aroused by what I had done. The others, well, they basically did it for the money and were, sadly, not interested.’
She suddenly laughed, thought it impossible for any woman to not want him beyond a paycheck.
He curiously frowned by her response then asked, ‘What’s so funny?’
She cleared her throat, took another sip of wine to help clear her throat. She stated, ‘Well, it’s you.’ her eyes directly aimed into his, ‘You’re Victor Hardway, the master of fetish erotica and also, if I may, you’re gorgeous.’ she leaned back and crossed her arms over her chest, ‘I have a very hard time believing only three wanted to fuck you.’
‘God’s honest truth.’ he stated then his lips made a curious slanted pucker and he asked, ‘Do you wish to fuck me?’
She again laughed then firmly stated, ‘I’m not dead, am I?’
Oh, yes, he thought, he was definitely being creative that night.
He leaned forward, buried his eyes within hers then asked, ‘So you wish for me to intricately bind you then fuck you?’
‘Yes.’ she confidently stated.
Things were working perfect for him.
He then suggested, ‘Then why don’t we get our meals to go then we can go to my place and I’ll do exactly as you want.’
‘No,’ she quickly replied, loved the confused expression that enveloped his eyes.
‘What?’ he asked, not the response he expected.
She simply grinned, didn’t answer but undid the buttons of her cardigan then slipped it off to reveal the spaghetti strap bodice of the dress beneath.
‘Excuse me.’ she said, he still eyed her with confusion or, she thought, was it surprise from her denial. She scooted along the seat then rose up from the booth.
He watched her every move, still reeled from her refusal. His eyes peered up at her as she stepped to him. Unable to resist, his eyes took in the unveiled and much more prominent cleavage and the manner her full breasts were lifted by the support of the dress bodice.
His eyes again lifted to hers.
Her expression was sweet though inside she beamed, knew she had totally screwed up the famous author’s plans for the evening. She announced, ‘I need to go to the lady’s room.
Oh,’ she purposely leaned over him as she reached for her bag, ‘Excuse me.’
He leaned back as she leaned over him. His eyes immediately went to the curve of her full backside, the hem of the dress again slightly hiked. His eyes shifted the moment she moved and followed as she rose up.
She flashed him a smile then sauntered off towards the lady’s room.
He took a quick look at her strut, there was more than just confidence in the manner her hips sashayed beneath the flow of the dress, defiance.
He looked forward then loudly huffed. He reached and removed his fedora, swiftly combed his gloved fingers through the thick waves of his hair. Then he started to remove his leather gloves.
It was immediately evident he had a true challenge on his hands. This time around, he swiftly determined by her actions, inspiration might have to be earned instead of easily obtained.
He dropped the fedora atop the table then grabbed his glass of wine and devoured it nearly with one swallow.
She entered the bathroom and loudly giggled. What a rush, she thought, author Victor Hardway, the master of written erotica was flustered by her.
Quickly she hiked her dress then removed her black lace panties and shoved them into the bag. She stepped to the provided mirror then refreshed her lipstick, strategically working around the labret piercing.
The food had been delivered and Rosangela returned to find the author without his signature fedora. She pleasingly smiled, finally able to see his crowning glory of thick and nearly black hair lightly streaked outward at the temples with strands of gray. Mentally she noted, positively loved the curl draped against his forehead.
She sat before the plate of Chick
en Alfredo, glanced at him and read he continued to seem a bit confused by her actions.
Instead of inquiring about his expression, she dipped her fork into the cream sauce drenched fettuccine pasta. The moment the delicious traditional Italian filled her mouth she hummed in approval which finally forced his eyes from his thoughts. She smiled wide as she chewed.
His brow furrowed, lines deepened.
Her brows curiously lifted in question to his expression. She swallowed then asked, ‘What’s wrong? Don’t like your food?’
His brow remained furrowed as he shook his head and reluctantly focused on dinner. Would there be dessert?
The situation had grown silent, remained that way until both were finished, he again lit up another cigar.
She finished nearly three quarters of the wonderful meal, washed it down with a swallow of wine. She broke the silence, ‘You were right, that was a treat.’
He took a lengthy drag and gave a simple nod in agreement.
She focused on him, his expression had become somewhat unreadable. Her eyes gave a suspicious expression then she commented, ‘You became rather quiet, Mr. Hardway.’
He exhaled smoke through the corner of his mouth then replied, ‘Just thinking.’ He brought the cigar between his lips and inhaled.
She tilted her head then asked, ‘About what?’ then she quickly answered for him, ‘Trying to figure out why I said no, right?’
He exhaled through his nose then agreed, ‘Yes.’
She elaborated, ‘Well, I said no to going back to your place. Never once did I say no to, well, fucking.’
‘Okay.’ he simply replied.
She set her cloth napkin atop the table then scooted herself along the booth seat until she was directly beside him. She slightly faced him seated sideways. Her head again tilted as she studied his stone faced expression. Then she stated, ‘I know what you were expecting.’
He calmly responded, ‘Enlighten me.’
She gave a sharp nod then did as requested, ‘I figured you out, well, your whole creative process.’
He encouraged, ‘Go on.’
‘Well,’ she leaned closer to him then continued to enlighten him, ‘You find your inspiration, these women, get them back to your place and coax them to do as you want with an offer of ten thousand big ones.’ she closely watched his unchanged expression, ‘Seven women to be exact, each one did as you wanted but only three you confessed to have fucked.’
‘Okay,’ he agreed.
She stated, ‘But I don’t want ten thousand dollars.’
‘Fine,’ he agreed, kept his tone calm.
‘Oh,’ she continued, ‘And I don’t want you to fuck me after you got what you wanted out of me.’
He corrected her, ‘You stated you wanted me to fuck you.’
She nodded, agreed then reminded him, ‘But I never said when and definitely never stated afterwards.’
He asked, ‘What are you getting at?’
She leaned even closer, rested her hand against his knee then slowly inched it up the length of his thigh. Her eyes glanced down at her wandering hand then again looked into his.
She gave him a question, ‘How badly are you in need of your muse, Mr. Hardway?’ Her hand slid forward and brought her fingers against his inner thigh.
His lips formed a curious pucker as he made a mental note, she was definitely unlike the other inspirations. He answered her question, ‘Depends on exactly what my muse wants in return for being said muse.’
Her lips formed a grin then she stated, ‘Well, said muse is definitely not interested in money.’
‘Got that.’ he quickly stated then slightly demanded, ‘Get to the point.’
Her brows perked in response to his tone which was quite nice to hear. ‘Okay,’ she agreed to his demand then swiftly cupped her hand firmly over his groin but he didn’t flinch, ‘I’m thinking it’s about time for Mr. Hardway to have a little change in his creative process.’ she gripped his groin, only saw a quick twitch about his lips then asked, ‘What do you think?’
He made another quick mental note, she was definitely aggressive but where her hand was located, he was perfectly at ease.
He responded with a question, ‘Why change what has always worked for me in the past?’ He gave her a questioning lift of his brows then took a casual drag from the cigar.
‘Well,’ she pressed her hand firm against his crotch then stated, ‘With that question, I assume you don’t need your muse as badly as you claim.’ She gave one final firm press against his crotch then pulled her hand back.
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Training Class – Part 2So after Bob finished off inside me…I lay on my back on the bed, tingling all over, still savouring my intense orgasm. I closed my eyes and may have drifted off for a bit, though am not sure. At some point I opened my eyes and knew I had a smile on my face. I looked over at where I knew Sam was. I was surprised to see he was resting on one elbow, smiling, looking at me. “What are you looking at?” I said. His smile grew broader, he responded “Just admiring one...
This is the story of how my little sisters bachelorette party ruined my life and destroyed my marriage. The only good thing that came out of this nightmarish evening is that my little sister's life was just as devastated as mine was. This was all her fault..... well kind of.My name is Katie and my sister is Maryanne. We both grew up in the Midwest to a rather conservative and conventional Irish Catholic family. Neither of us are knockouts but we a have been told that we a cute all of our lives....
It's a beautiful evening in Southern Florida. We're having a nice dinner together at a beach front restaurant, after enjoying the most incredible sunset just a half hour earlier. This fantasy weekend is going great, with no regrets so far. At the table, we sit and discuss some of the things we've done so far in just the couple days together... and the discussion begins heating us up again. Our chat is temporarily interrupted by the waitress who takes our plates and asks us if we want another...
My family has a like, tradition? It’s like an open secret in the family but like, I guess only because we just don’t like, you know, talk too much about it? I like, so don’t even know how I found out. It’s been like, you know, something I’ve always known? But like, now, like it’s different, ya know? Oh, maybe you don’t know. Like, what the open secret is, you know? Tomorrow is like, totally my birthday. I’ll like, be totally sixteen. My sister, like you know, is already 18 but like, I remember...
Well let me describe myself first before starting this story. Im 5'7'', latina, lightly tanned skin, big round black beautifil eyes, luscious lips,nice round ass, small waist, 40DD with big areolas and nipples that are pierced, with long black hair to my lower back.--So I went to my home girls house for a kick back she was having and there were some people there. Not a whole lot. When I was there I was talking to my friend and she said that she had the place to her self except her step dad was...
(This is a story written by a women whom I have domed. While it is true, I am not necessarily the dominate in the story. If you enjoy it comment or message me.)The Package“I’m sending you some goodies.” He said. I could hear his bright evil eyes and smirk-like grin through his voice. The word “goodies” makes someone think of pink sweets, and chocolate covered somethings, maybe something soft and pretty…. But I knew he was talking about was muuuch more fun.He was a Dom I used to see; until...
The next three nights Danny would make me perform like his slutty little bitch. Each time he fucked my ass, it did get easier but he was still very rough and aggressive when he did it. He would even slap my butt cheeks and call me his whore; his idea of romance I assume. On the 5th day at breakfast in the mess hall I saw Danny talking to two other inmates and making hand gestures towards me, then I saw packets of cigarettes changed hands and all of them smiling at me. I had no idea what was...
Oral SexThe two riders got off the machines. When they removed their helmets, Kelly and I ran outside to greet our parents. Mom hugged me while Mr. Hillman hugged Kelly. After a moment, Mom hugged Kelly and I shook Mr. Hillman’s hand. Kelly and I invited our parents into what had become ‘our’ cabin. They looked around and smiled. After the normal questions about how we were, Mom and Mr. Hillman listened to Kelly and I tell them about our adventure. While we talked, Kelly and I cleaned the cabin,...
I’ve watched and admired my neighbor from afar since I first became interested in girls. Her husband is a few years older than she is and away on business a lot. I help her do things around the house just to be near her. Her body is gorgeous to say the least and I’ve often fantasized what it would feel like to hold those huge titties in my hands. As I finish mowing her yard and put the mower away I hear her calling my name.“Scott, I need to ask you something.” I watch as she makes her way to me...
Ryan is frustrated by his new stepdaughter’s lack of concern over spending money. Whether it’s running up the electric bill or taking two hour showers, she’s pushed him to his breaking point. When he confronts her after one of these historic showers one afternoon he gets more than he bargained for when she drops her towel revealing her completely naked, tight little body to him. Suddenly he forgets exactly why he’s mad at her as he pulls her into him and licks her sweet little cunt. He throws...
xmoviesforyouMy name is Frank and I have been dreaming of fucking my aunt Eileen for a while. It all began one Sunday when my cousin decided he wanted to sleepover at our house. When my eighteen-year-old cousin arrived, I went to the door to let him in. He came in and showed me that he'd just got the newest Call of Duty game. I thought to myself, oh for fuck's sake, now I will never get to sleep, because he always plays it with the TV up as loud as he can get it. Just as I was about to close the door behind...
IncestSUPERIOR COURT TRIAL PART 99 JUDGE POMPHREY PRESIDING Clerk: People vs. Charles Friendly, Statutory Rape, your honor. Judge: Prosecutor, good to see you again. Defense, welcome to my court. That is the defendant, I take it? And the supposed victim, this is she? Prosecutor: That is correct, judge. The State will show that Mr. Friendly, 18 years old at the time, had unlawful intercourse with Miss Cherry Diddlins, then 14 years old. Judge: Defense? Defense: We are ready, your honor. Judge:...
Hi there people. I’m a regular reader of ISS and I think I have become a greatest fan of this site! I am Prakash, writing my first ever true story that happened to me when I was just 19! Let me tell you about myself. I’m 20 now fair complexioned, 5’11 with a very athletic body. I have been kind of an attraction to girls since school days, until now! This story is about how I seduced my friend, Su, whom I know ever since childhood. Su is very beautiful, she has gorgeous eyes and very tempting...
Mary Sykes duly delivered Diana two mornings later. She did indeed not have much luggage, a trunk, a couple of suitcases and a number of plastic carrier bags. "Leave the trunk in the hall," ordered Helen. "I'll get the men to take it upstairs later. Coffee for you both?" Mary declined and left. Helen and Diana moved to the kitchen where Helen put the kettle on and they made desultory conversation until the kettle had boiled and the coffee brewed when they sat down at the kitchen...
It was just us together at the strike of 7 in the evening, sitting on the grass out by the lake in the park watching the moon sneak over in front of the setting sun. Something about her is different, I just can't seem to put my finger on it. While Jane and I were tracing the blood red sky with lit sparklers in hand, I glanced over and felt this shiver run up and down the nape of my neck. Her eyes appeared more intense, focused and fixated on each individual spark dancing off the sticks; her...
FantasyClose your eyes and imagine a beautiful, lush green oasis: a Caribbean island at the height of its affluence. Zendea is a beautiful tropical island. It looks perfect on the outside but it’s the underground action that really keeps it afloat. When Rosa’s head hunter arranged for a special meeting, hinting that a unique employer was interested in her talents, Rosa was intrigued. As it happens, The Black Knight Intelligence Agency had been following her for some time. “A half a million upfront...
InterracialAuthor notes and spoiler: This is a littl short story that began as an Altered Fates draft. I rewrote it into a sort of tale about a mad scientist's invention instead and thought it came out better. This story contains elements and ideas from other stories I've written, most notably "The Ranger" where there is a certain type of special doll that the characters can interact with. The title of the story "His 'n Hers" is based partially on an acronym I came up with by accident:...
Tuesday It was early afternoon and I was standing in the water up to my knees when Charlie, Billy and Carl got out of the water and went to the picnic table and grabbed towels to dry off. I was daydreaming and enjoying the cool water on my legs as I watched the sun start to go down when I heard Billy ask, “Where’s Greg and Ms. Monahan?” “I think I saw them go that way into the woods. Probably off picking raspberries for our breakfast cereal” answered Carl. “Hey, let’s go find them.” It...
NOTE: The below is a completely fictional story of my own personal fantasies with the incredibly beautiful, artisically brilliant and alltogether lovely fellow xHamster user, Ria ( This story is inspired by the pictures in her wonderful 'One Wild Night' gallery ( hope you enjoy reading this, and if you do, it would be awesome if you took the time to show the darling Ria some deserved love and...
The Kinsey reports tell us that women are known to give cunnilingus to cows and mares, sheep and goats. They fellate donkeys and manage coitus with bulls, stallions, donkeys, and ponies. Not always for "show" purposes, but because they prefer it and like it. Most bestiality on farms is between boys and animals. Dr. Frank Caprio details this in Variations in Sexual Behavior, but "most" means some bestiality is between girls and women and animals. And Dr. Rosenberger, in Bestiality,...
Pretending Ch. 05 © 2009 All Rights Reserved ‘Rachel! Rachel, look out!’ Connie was shouting and pointing, but nothing was coming out. The SUV loomed larger and larger as it approached from behind. Connie had seen it in the side mirror and watched in horror as it grew and grew, until the grille filled the little glass. Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear, she thought with dread. Suddenly the little Corolla was in the air. Connie felt her stomach flop as the center of gravity...
On Monday Vicky breezed into Aidan’s office. “Aidan,” she said. “After all that trouble when I was ill, you never got a holiday. Then you’ve been working all hours to get the new kids sorted. You’re looking very tired and everything is running well now. Why don’t you take a break? August is a slack month in any case. Go somewhere exotic; take as long as you like. Go somewhere out of all this damned rain. Get yourself better, more rested, ready for September when life will get demented again...
Sunday December 23rd, Night For the next two hours, the house was organized chaos as Jennifer drafted everyone into the effort to clean and prepare for the party. Dave and Emily were put to work dusting, vacuuming and cleaning the living room, Olivia and Hayley were drafted as assistant cooks for Jennifer as she prepared as much food as possible for the party tomorrow. Megan was sent to her room to get it clean while Molly swept and mopped the hardwood floors in the main hallway. Once they...
Hi, everyone, I am new here. This is my first sex story by the way. I wanted to share one of my real life incidents. The sex story I am going to share here happened two years before and shaped my family in a different way after that. Before going into the sex story, I want to introduce my family. Only two of us are in my family, me and my mother. My father died before five years due to cancer. We are a Tamil family and more ticked to the traditional culture and my mother was so homely. I was 18...
Anniel blinked at the darkness around her. Most reapers could open portals, like Devon. She wondered if Amaranth could open one to Alpha 7. She really needed Remi’s healing fire. She was tired of not being able to see. “I know it's none of my business, but why are you so mad at Ash? What did he do?” Anniel smoothed her hands over her belly. Her bump was still small, but it filled her with bittersweet longing. Pregnant again with another jerk for the father. Three hundred plus years later, and...
Fantasy & Sci-FiBecky Johnson taught English at the local high school. She had recently moved to a different town to accept her new job. She loved her job and her students but, was a bit lonely. Blue eyed and blonde haired that she kept cut short because it was easier to take care of. Becky had a nice body she was 5 foot 2 a little over a hundred pounds. At 25 she didn't have to do much to stay in shape. Her small but firm breasts bounced a little when she walked. She was rather shy and a bit of a bookworm,...
‘Iris,’ he said softly, ‘Turn around.’ At the sound of his voice Iris had taken an immediate step back. Ash was sure his life was going to crumble. He’d never felt so rejected. He never wanted to hear her say no. ‘Ash, what are you doing here?’ Iris softly whispered. She dropped her head to stare down between her feet and pulled her shirt closed. She was hiding herself – from him. He got the sudden urge to fall to his knees. She should never, ever have to feel like she had to hide from...
You're sitting in a MacDonald's, your head cupped in your hand as you refresh your hotmail page for the thousandth time. I stopped responding and you feel your heart sink. What on earth is she doing?? You look at your watch, it's almost time for you to go. You wanted to get your raging urges written down in an email before you left, but I'm not responding, so you figure this is as good time as any to get back on the road. You sigh and close your laptop with a snap, standing up. You turn around...
TINGLES TWENTY By Katharine Sexkitten I woke, in the same place I'd fallen asleep. I was wrapped in Peter's arms, my face on his upper chest, buried in his neck. His breathing was soft and gentle, his chest rising and falling in the most peaceful manner, and I could feel and hear his heartbeat. There was enough light streaming through the slats of all the window blinds to let me know it was morning. The sun was up. I could hear occasional birds chirping and squawking at each...
It was late summer and all of my buddies were either on holidays or working at crappy low paying jobs. I had just turned eighteen and felt every hormone tingle in my body. I had been a small boy growing up, not attracting attention from girls, but over the last year or two I had developed, in more ways than one. I had sprouted to above six feet and, with the help of my father’s weight machine, put some muscle on formally thin frame. After football practise the guys would tease me in the...