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Author notes and spoiler: This is a littl short story that began as an Altered Fates draft. I rewrote it into a sort of tale about a mad scientist's invention instead and thought it came out better. This story contains elements and ideas from other stories I've written, most notably "The Ranger" where there is a certain type of special doll that the characters can interact with. The title of the story "His 'n Hers" is based partially on an acronym I came up with by accident: H.I.S. meaning Holospectric Interdimensional Storage (the original body storage tubes) but you will find out about all that soon enough. At the end of this unfinished tale is another earlier draft entitled "Altered Fates: The Goody Little Two Shoes Club." They could be seperate stories except for they hit on the same basic theme and plotline. Therefor I consider them part of the same overall work. "Two Shoes" will probably be abandoned as it went off track from where I wanted to take this tale. I will probably merge ideas from that draft into this one as I continue working on what I hope to be my next completed novel. Thanks goes to Jennifer Adams for letting other writers delve into her Altered Fates universe. Though I started a medallion of Zulo draft, I went back to write a non-medallion version instead and here it is (though both are here included). - Cleo Kraft His 'n Hers by Cleo Kraft Chapter One My neighbor Mr. Howard Charizi invited me over to his place for a drink. He occasionally did this and would share with me his ideas and show me his inventions. He owned the biggest house on the block, an old Victorian mansion with a large backyard. He owned a charitable organization that he ran right from the comforts of home. I couldn't remember the name of it but it was for helping the less fortunate young girls in society like orphans and runaways. There was an extensive staff of nannys and worker women here to help take care of them, see to their busy little schedules and things like that. The oldest girl in the place was sixteen, the youngest was six. Mr. Charizi was a cheerful fellow. He was middle aged, had curly brown hair and silver rimmed glasses and he always seemed to have a story to tell or a joke or riddle. "Jake," he said to me from behind his desk and he took a long drag from his fancy cigar and blew it out again. "I understand you've took an early retirement from your accounting job and are doing quite well. How's the dating scene going, by the way?" "I can't complain," I replied. "I've got a girlfriend who I go out with once in awhile. Why?" "Oh, nothing. Just wondered," he said. "I'm a bit of a loner myself. I know everyone's got their shady little secrets sometimes. I was kind of considering sharing mine with you since I've known you for, what, four years?" "Five actually." "Been that long huh? Boy how time flies," he said and took his cigar from his mouth and started gesturing around with it as he talked. "I'd say you probably consider yourself fairly well experienced by now with the ladies then. What, with all your dating and all." "I think I'd have to agree. Why?" "Well," he said flipping idly through the pages of a thick leather bound book on his desk. "Of course we, you and I, can't know EVERYTHING about women. What they're thinking, what makes them tick, what pushes all their little buttons, you know - would have to BE one to have that kind of knowledge." He put a lot of emphasis on the word "be" and chuckled after he'd said it. "I agree with you completely. Why my Sophie confuses me so much sometimes it's unbelievable." "Ah, but what if you could?" he asked leaning forward on his desk and gripping the sides of it with his cigar hanging from the side of his mouth. He could become pretty animated at times when he was onto an idea. "Pardon?" "What if you could be one?" he asked sitting back and folding his hands up behind his head and resting his feet up on the table. He had fancy leather shoes, black ones this time. He usually wore brown. These looked brand new. "M-me? W-what? You're asking ME what I'd think if I could be a woman?" I asked looking the other way and laughing a bit. "Howard, I think you've finally lost your mind. Are you serious?" He leaned forward and slapped the palm of his hand flat against the desk top. "Hindered percent. Whole kit, cat and kaboodle. Head to toe - female. What's more, right now within the hour, no questions asked. Perfectly painless, no surgery involved - your own female body - and for keeps too if you want. Back to normal again anytime you want." "Howard, you're not joking with me are you? Because I can tell whenever you're ready to tell me about one of your new secret inventions and you're selling it to me now just like you did that gizmo-wheel contraption that cleans dishes without any water." His face turned sour at the reminder of that for a second. "Dish washer? Naw, that's baby stuff compared to this. What I'm talking about's a full body transformation," he said and tapped the side of his head. "One where ya keep the mind and change the body. Whadda- ya think of THAT? Easy as changin' shoes - hundred percent female, head to toe, pussy'n all. Long as you want. Long as you want. Easy peasy - within the hour. Yes or no, you'll do it. You'll do it because you're curious and you want to. My little present." His "p" in "present" sounded a little funny with that cigar in his mouth. "You've made a machine, haven't you? One that can do this. You've made a sex change machine." He leaned forward and pressed his little intercom button. "Miss Bestin, send Melissa on in, would ya please?" "Right away Mr. Charizi," a woman said over the speaker. He leaned back in his chair again and said,"Gotta show ya something. Wanna impress you first. Make a believer outa you." We waited for awhile and then there came a light knock on the door. "Come on IN!" Howard beckoned his little guest. I turned around and watched as a little black haired girl in a light blue dress, white socks and black flats came curiously, cautiously walking in. Her curious wide eyes took in the office as if for the first time in a long time or something. She closed the door carefully behind her and stepped shyly forward as she nervously toyed with the lower edges of her dress then thought better of it and started wringing her hands about as she bit her lower lip. As she approached his desk he gestured at her with the back of his hand. "Turn around. Turn around so Mr. Tinson can see you. That'a girl," Howard said. "Go on. Introduce yourself politely and tell him how old you are." She held her head down a little and looked up at me with shy little brown eyes. "I-I'm Melissa Anne. I-I'm t-ten years old. S-so nice to m-meet you." She did a little curtsy for me afterwards. "You're ten years old but tell him how long ya been a girl," Howard prompted her. "Go on... tell him. I give you permission." She bit her lower lip and looked back anxiously at Mr. Charizi who nodded yes, that it was safe for her to tell me. "I-I'm... that is, I-I've b-been a girl f-for four years n-now," she replied blushingly and covered up her face with both hands and softly began crying. "Ah, come on now, it ain't that bad," Howard said passing her a tissue to wipe away her tears with. "Compose yourself. Get a grip on it already. We're all friends here. Mr. Tinson's a neighbor. Lives just down the street. He ain't gonna laugh at you, sweetheart. Neither am I. We're not doing this to embarrass you, I promise you that. No, Jake here wanted proof and now here it is. Ah what's the use? You can go now. Go on and send in... a... what's her name, Cathy? Yeah, dat's it. Send in Cathy please. Ya've been a dear. Go wipe those tears away and send in Cathy." She about ran to the door she was so embarrassed, afraid and upset. "She's deathly afraid of you, isn't she?" I asked him and he shrugged with a "who cares" expression. "Why's that? Care to share with me your little secret? What's been going on around here anyway?" "Nothin," he said tapping his pointer finger straight down on the desk. "And there ain't gonna be nothin' 'neither. She's just havin' regrets 'cause she's on the long term plan. Tell you about it later. Not important now. Dat one's been a girl too long. Gettin' all wet and weepy eyed all over nothin. My fault for askin' her in here. Should'a picked one of the happy ones instead." Just then another light series of knocks came on the door. "Enter PLEASE!" Howard hollered a little annoyed still at that other girl. The door opened and in walked a girl about the same age and height as the other. This one was blonde though with her hair done up in a ponytail. She wore a white skirt and matching short sleeved top and had on white leather sandals. She marched confidently in and pounded her little fist on the desk. "How's it goin' boss?" she asked greeting him cheerily. "Fine. Just fine," Howard replied and shooed her a little to make her turn around. "Do dat little ting you do dare." She turned around, bowed with a smile, curtsied at me pleasantly, smiled again, stood straight up and sang,"Hi, I'm Catherine Anne Presco and I'm a TEN year old little girl. Been one since I'z six, thought I'd TAKE a little whirl. I had boy stuff growing in my crotch, just for four years ago today. WELL I stepped into that machine of his, and he TOOK it all away!" She bowed and Mr. Charizi and I clapped, though my clapping was slow and a little less empathetic as I was more or less agasp in shock. "Well done, girl, well done!" Howard said standing up to shake her hand afterwards. She shook it just like a little pro and proudly turned back to me with a heavy grin afterwards. "Any questions?" Cathy asked me now walking up and boldly grabbing hold of my long sleeved shirt sleeve and began feeling the material with passing interest. Then she put her pointer finger up to her lip, resting the remainder of it on her chin and raised a brow thoughtfully. "Howard only ever makes me sing that song whenever a NEW girl arrives. What age ya gonna pick?" she asked and turned around to her boss. "Say, Howie, you letting her pick? If not, I guess I'm getting a new kid sister today, right?" "Mind your own business, you," Howard replied frowning and chuckling so hard he nearly swallowed his cigar. "Shoo! Shoo now. Go on. Get outa here. Get! Go play with your friends now or something." She hurried on out of the room and shut the door behind her. "Okay," I said finally getting the picture pretty well. "Either you trained them to say that stuff or else you really do have a sex change machine. Well? Which is it then?" "Boy, you sure are a tough one to convince," Howard said snuffing out his cigar. "What about this "what if I could be a woman" business? Those were all children you showed me," I said. "Yeah, well, gotta start somewhere," he replied. "Look, I don't run no thrill fun house pleasure palace here. Yeah, fact is I COULD turn ya into a full grown woman if I wanted to but then you'd only run out and have sex to see what it's like, see what it's about, do it again, try it some more, maybe lock yourself up in your room afterwards an' play with yourself til' you turned into a vegetable with drool comin' out your mouth. That's not what this machine is for. Yeah I could do it, probably charge people for it and get richer than ever but I DON'T do it 'cause then I'd have'ta go public and get a license for it or somethin. Then the government would step in, get all in my shoes, boss me around and maybe even take it away from me. Then what would I have? Nothin'! "My theory on it's this way. Turn 'em to six 'cause that takes the sex drive from 'em. Then let 'em grow up all over again as a girl and THEN they can become a woman, just like all women everywhere else have to do. They have to grow up first, get to know the body, have a nice female childhood to remember... I don't know how else I could do it, Jake. I got, what, maybe ten or twelve girls like the ones you saw living under this roof. I got at least TWICE that who ain't ever been a guy. We keep it a secret, that's part of the big plan, keep it secret so nobody knows who'll make a fuss about it, nobody finds out, everybody's happy... well most everybody. Got a few complainers around here but, yeah, most everone's all right with it." "First you tell me you can change me into a woman, now you're telling me it'll be a little girl. Then you tell me I can change back whenever I want, now it seems like that's not the usual option you give them. So tell me, Howard, what are you offering me?" "Naw, I think I'm starting to want to change my mind. No, you got a girlfriend. You ain't into any of this. I'm sorry I told ya. I should have never asked, not after finding out you had a girlfriend. My mistake. Big mistake. Never shoulda told you this. You don't wanna be a girl anyway. Nah! Forget it. Forget I mentioned it. Throw away your girlfriend, house, retirement plan... Nah! Too much at stake to lose," he said waving the whole thing off in a hurry after his elaborate presentation. "You're showing me that machine tonight, Howard. There's no way I'm leaving here now until you show me that machine," I said determined to at least get to see a demonstration, if not on myself then on someone else. "Hold that thought," he said and pressed a little red button on his desk and the top portion of the wall panel behind him slid to one side revealing thirteen little cylindrical metal cannisters all about six inches tall and about two and a half to three inches thick. Without looking at them, still facing me, he gestured his arm widely back and upward at the display. "Know what these are? Original male body patterns. All of 'em. Each one for one of the special little girls in this house. Know why I keep 'em for?" "In case one of them should want to change back to normal?" I guessed. He frowned and withdrew his head a little with a sourpuss expression like I was WAY off on my guess. "Naw! Nothing like that - well, except for a couple who are short terming it. No, what I keep 'em for is... do you know what this IS?" He stood up and picked up a walking stick and rapped on the glass a few times. It was so clear and perfect and in the dim lighting of the room I hadn't noticed there was actually glass over the display shelf. He saw I hadn't the answer and said,"This is my TROPHY case. When a man, a grown man, gives up his gender and all his worldly possessions, houses, yachts, campers, sports cars, girl friends, wives, children - whatever, and lets himself be changed into a girl - a helpless little girl, he gives up a LOT. Now THAT means something to me because I'M the one that took all that stuff away from 'em. They're TROPHIES, Jake. Trophies!" He stood up on a little ladder there and worked the little combination to the lock and pulled open the glass panel and tossed one to me. I was taken by surprise and nearly dropped it. He climbed back down and sat in his chair and said,"Go on. Take a nice good look at it. Tell me what'cha think." "Well," I said turning it around and around in my hands. "It's fairly heavy and made of metal, though hollow for some reason on this side... Inside's made of soft material, leather like but I don't know what it is. Probably artificial." He nodded yes with a fresh unlit cigar wedged between his grinning teeth. "Dat's right. Now smell it." I sniffed it once or twice. "Smells a little funny." "Yeah? Know why?" "No." "Cause I put my DICK in it and shot a load!" he said laughing as I quickly tossed the awful thing back to him. "Hahahaha! Got'cha that time didn't I? Got'cha good." He was always pulling jokes on me nearly every time I visited him. He had a strange since of humor though and obviously a very dirty mind. "That's just disgusting," I said and he tossed me a box of alcohol based wipes to clean off my hands now if I wanted, which I did in all earnesty. "What on earth would you want to make a thing like that for, Howard?" "Did you know that there's so much data in one of these that it would take half the moon full of modern day hard drives to store what's in here?" he boasted tapping the side of the cannister and lighting his cigar. "Why waste the imagination? Think of it. All thirteen of these guys asked for me to make them into little girls and gave up everything and most of all their male lives. Well? Their male lives are in HERE, pal. Right smack dab in here where I keep 'em as souvineers. Holospectric Interdimensional Storage. H.I.S. Hahahaha! "His" get it? Like in "his 'n hers"?" "Very funny, Howard." But I wasn't laughing. I was too appalled that he had turned these things into the disgusting things that they were. "It IS funny," he agreed. "You don't get the joke, though, do you? The clever thing about it is these ain't just body pattern storage devices, they double as pocket pussies. Think about it. Every time I fuck one'a deese I'm fucking what's already fucked, their old male lives." Now he beconned me closer because he wanted to show me another little detail or another. I stood up and walked over there and he shined a little flashlight down the opening. The far end looked like it had been torn or cut out with a jagged knife and removed. "See dat?" he asked pointing. "Dat one's ripped? Know why? Cause it exposes the now unprotected chips and circuits. These things have tiny watch batteries in 'em for some of the ram chips. Wanna know what happens when you ejaculate onto this circuit board? Fries the ram chips and a chain reaction happens that turns all that precious male data into the consistency of baby food. Then it OOOOOozes out through da hole and all over your cock and BOY does that ever feel wonderful. Male life? Nope - pussy juice. Brilliant." "That's just sick, Howard." He examined the outside of the cannister and pointed to the inscription. There was an inscription on either side. One in pink, one in blue. "Catherine Anne Presco and... Jonathan Beekly. Yep, lifer all right. Girl who just came in here and sang her little song for ya. Yep, ripped ones are on the lifetime plan. The others, who knows? Depends on the situation." He pat his little toy proudly and climbed the ladder again and put it back in it's place on the shelf. Then he closed the glass panel up and spun the combination lock around a few times both ways and climbed down again and pressed the red button on the desk. The entire panel sealed up so snug and tightly you couldn't tell the difference from any of the other panels around the room. Now, finally, he offered his proposition. "Now I'm going to be very clear with you on this, my friend. I don't just offer this to anybody. Not even my relatives know about this sex change stuff. You've always been a friend and you've always been a pal. We've had drinks together out on the lake and gone fishing, we've gone camping, hiking, golfing - whatever. Not important. Important thing is I trust ya and because I trust ya I told you something I've been wanting to tell ya about since we first clinked our first glass of whiskey together. "I treat those girls with kindness and respect like as if they were my own flesh and blood daughters, and in a way, thanks to my invention, I guess they are," he said. "I don't do lifetime plans unless they ask me for it. Even then I make 'em think about it for a week before I destroy their old life's data. I'm giving you the same offer I gave 'em all. Four years minimum. You gotta stay a girl for four years and then you decide from there if you want to change back or not. You go one day past your tenth "birthday" as a girl (ten being their biological age that is and not the time they actually spent as one) and it's already implied that they've decided on the lifetime plan. You can get in on that plan sooner of course simply by asking but age ten - big decision. Change back then or stuck. Plain and simple. Now I'm not messing around here. Just like all the rest, I'm giving you the same offer as them the same way I'm giving you yours right now. Either decide to be a little girl for at LEAST four years right now or I'm withdrawing my offer. I'll never offer it again. Now or never. Take it or leave it." So that was it then. I had to decide to either abandon my male life immediately without any preparation or good byes to my friends or family or he would never use his sex change machine on me at all - ever. "Why not let me think about it? Sell my house and stuff first. You know let me at least break up with my girlfriend." "Nope," he said waving his arm out wide. "Now or never. Either you want to give up your male life right here and now or forget about having this chance ever again. Now or never. Decide. I'm giving you one minute starting... now!" He started his little stopwatch and I heard it ticking away in the quiet little room. I thought about it and thought about it. Howard looked on with eager interest in my decision. He loved it. He was putting me on the spot and he absolutely loved it. It seemed wasteful giving up all I had just to see what it was like to be a girl for four years. I knew a little bit about the organization that cared for the girls here in this house. They would be cared for until they were twenty- one. If they wanted to leave they could at age eighteen but if they stayed longer then they would each be given a college education free of charge. I was thirty-eight years old now and didn't need to work anymore thanks to my early retirement. Simply vanishing off the face of the earth for four years seemed kind of harsh. I would probably be declared dead after I'd gone missing for a certain period of time. I would probably lose my pension plan. Still, the thought of turning into a girl no matter what the age was something interesting to consider. If it were truly possible and this wasn't some sort of elaborate joke then I knew I should probably go through with it. "No joking right?" I asked. "I ain't joking. You HAD your joke for the night," he said waving towards the hidden panel behind and above him. "You got fifteen seconds." "Fine. I'll do it," I said and he stopped the stopwatch and tossed it carelessly in his desk drawer. He leaned forward and shook hands on it. "You got it, buddy," he said and pulled out a stack of paperwork for me to sign and handed me a black ink pen. "You can read it if ya want or I'll tell ya about it as you sign it." "Just tell me what it is," I said. "I'll sign it." "Legal mumbo-jumbo," he explained. "General power of attorney so I can sell all your stuff. Things like that. What? You thought I was just gonna let your mortgage foreclose and let all that money go to waste? Heck no. You think I'm stupid? I'll sell the house and car and whatever else, liquidate all your accounts, put the money in a Swiss bank account for awhile then transfer it to my little organization here where it'll go to take care of you while you're a girl until you turn twenty-one. Then you're on your own - if ya can make it that long. "Sign there," he said pointing to the bottom of a page. "Initial there. Sign that one too... That one's the goodbye letter so the cops don't think nothing fishy's going on. Just some mushy stuff about going away on a sabbatical and giving everything away to a friend. We'll make it look good and legitimate too. I've got a buddy of mine who'll I'll send on a four year vacation around the world to spend some of your cash with your credit cards and stuff. Make it look like you're away on vacation like the letter says. Leave just enough in your accounts to compensate for the vacation. Whatever's left goes to my organization here for the girls. All nice and neat and spiffy." I signed and initialled the remainder of the pile and he locked it up in a wall safe behind a painting of Alice in Wonderland. He buzzed one of his servants on the intercom. "Miss Bestin?" "Yes Mr. Charizi?" a woman replied over the speaker. "I'm sendin' Mr. Tinson out to ya," he said. "Take him to the basement. One for the works." "Well that's WONDERFUL!" she replied happily. "I'll be waiting for him at my desk." He waved me out of there. "Go on. She knows how to work the machine. I don't wanna watch. I'm too busy drinkin' and smokin' right now to bother. Plus I don't wanna see you naked. You'll want a little privacy in there. I'll have a talk with ya later maybe or something." I held up a hand in goodbye to him as I left his den. I closed the door after me and walked across the hall to the secretary's desk which was by the front door in the entryway. Miss Beston was a tall, skinny blonde woman with not too much of a chest. She wore a white nurse's outfit and pink sneakers. She stood up and took me by the hand and put her other hand gently around my back and led me down a narrow flight of stairs to the basement lab below. At the bottom of the stairs was a security door with a little thumbprint scanning device. She pressed her thumb to it and punched in the door code and the thick white metal door slowly swung inward. There sitting at an angle was a cylindrical glass fronted chamber with a little pink padded bed inside. The outer portion of the chamber was made of a shiny white painted metal and there was a picture on the side. The picture was the outline of a man and overlapping it was a full color cartoonish painting of a cute little Alice in Wonderland in her famous light blue dress and white bib apron. Alice was smiling and waving with one hand in the picture and holding up the side of her dress a little with the other. Above her head was a big red arrow pointing downward to her and three other ones, faded more and more until the top one was just a dotted outline of an arrow. Above the arrows but still within the outline of a man was painted the phrase "down you go now!" Above everything else in silver letters was this: "FELIX-11 DANGER: RADIATION!" Miss Bestin handed me a pink hospital gown to wear and told me to get undressed and changed into it. There was a little privacy divider across the room where I could change clothes. "While you change into your hospital gown I'll fire up old Felix," she said cheerily walking over to a bank of controls hidden away in a thickly walled and windowed control booth nearby. "Felix just LOVES making new little girls." I heard the sounds of cooling fans firing up all over the room in all the computers now. There was a light crackling over the overhead speaker system and a monotonic adult male voice said with a slight upper scale snobbish British accent,"Good evening Miss Bestin." "Good evening Felix," Miss Bestin replied walking out of the control booth now. "We have another little visitor for you tonight, Felix." As I had just finished taking off my bluejeans I heard the computer say,"I know. I can see him now." I glanced upwards to see a camera pointed right at me. It swiveled as I moved around. It was a little weird having a computer program staring at me but I was pretty much unphased by it. There were other cameras mounted in the walls and ceilings around the room too so Felix could see exactly what was going on here at all times. I peeked out and saw Miss Bestin walking back and forth from a little closet and pink wooden dresser laying out some clothes on a little stool by the control booth. They were girls clothes! I pulled off my button down long sleeved black shirt and discarded it on the floor. I'd already done away with my shoes, socks and bluejeans. Now I was just down to my underwear. I removed my white t-shirt and whitie-tightie underpants and added them to the clothes pile. I put on the pink hospital gown and was just walking out and about to ask where I should put my old clothes when the computer anticipated my question. "You may leave your clothes where they are, sir," Felix said and added. "No need to tie the back strings of your hospital gown." I walked and stood over beside the transformation chamber and waited for further instructions. Miss Beston was obviously a perfectionist when it came to laying out clothes for she was now standing there evening out the clothes pile and fiddling with it here and there. Finally she gave it a couple of pats and walked over to where I was standing and said,"As you no doubt signed the contract already you are legally bound to go through with the procedure. The exit is locked and secure. If you should try and resist me Felix will gas the room with knockout gas and you will be transformed anyway." "I'm going willingly," I assured her. "Good. I wasn't trying to be rude or anything like that. I just needed you to know that there's no turning back now," she said and looked up to one of the cameras overhead. "Felix, dear, what name have you selected?" "Alexia Teresa Newton," he replied. "Good. Very good. That's a nice name I think. Well then... Alexia," she said gesturing for me to get in the machine now. "Climb on in. Careful not to bump your head, dear. Don't be nervous now. That's it. Now let me do the straps. Hold your arms out close to your sides. Legs together. Good, good. Now feet about three inches apart. Good. Well I think all the straps are in place now. Have you thought of any last words to say before we begin? Any last "boy" words? Any last words you'll say as a boy?" "Yeah," I said having second thoughts already. "Get me outa here!" She chuckled at that. "They always kid, though, don't they Felix?" "It is a strange phenomenon," Felix agreed. Before I could say anything else Miss Bestin closed up the lid and bolted it tight. Then she swung a long metal crossbeam across the middle and bolted that too. Some kind of strange children's music softly played over a speaker now that I'd never heard before. Little girl voices were singing: Tinker Bell... Tinker Bell... Take me to the beach. Tinker Bell... Turtle Shells... Put me out of reach. Bye-bye boy... Bye-bye boy... I don't want to go. Bye-bye boy... Bye-bye boy... Needle, thread to sew. Over the intercom I could hear Miss Bestin having a conversation with Felix. "Felix, darling? Double check on her hight pattern, would you please? I don't think these figures look right." "Forty-nine inches," Felix replied. "No, Felix. Mr. Charazi said to make her little. This is the works, now, remember? Little. Take it down to forty inches. I know that's a little short for a six year old but we're only off by one inch for the average range." "Height numbers adjusted," Felix said. The song continued: Sleepy head... sleepy head... Wanna be a girl. Go to bed.... sleepy head... Long pigtails their to twirl. Not a man... not a man... Not fo-or me today. Gave it up... that's enough... Throwing it a-way. "Felix, dear, when we run this be sure to trim out the unnecessary "adult" sexual knowledge, would you please? Sanitize out all that useless filth. Oh, and don't forget to switch off her attraction to girls. We don't want that. She'll have a fresh start and get to decide her sexual attractions later when she's older." "Already done, Miss Bestin," Felix replied. All this news was setting me off into a panic and that song wasn't helping much either. I really wanted out of here bad. What had I done? The song went on: Kitty cats... kitty cats... They are fun to me. Bunny hats... princess caps... Waiting there, we'll see. I'm a girl... you're a girl... Happy as can be. Pretty little pink night gown. Seems all right to me. Suddenly it sounded like a generator or really big engine had fired up with a loud "Dwwww-aaaaaaaaaAAAAAAR!" sound and the booth lit up with pink lights all around it and some kind of ovular ringed ray gun thing was being lowered down towards my head a little from a panel that opened up above me. I went into a panic and struggled in my bonds. "Oh-god-oh-god-oh- god-no! Don't let this be happening to me! Oh-god-oh-god-oh-god-oh- god-no! How do you stop this thing!" The speakers crackled as Miss Bestin spoke. "We've started now, sweetie. We've started the process. Just hang tight. It'll all be over with before you know it. Just relax and let it happen. Relax and let it happen. It's not going to hurt at all. You'll see." As the booth was tilted at about a thirty degree angle with my feet at the bottom I could actually feel myself sliding down along the little pink padding beneath me as I shrank. "Wha? Oh my god this can't be happening to me. It's actually working! I'm shrinking!" I cried. I wanted to pound on the glass but my restraints held me firmly in place. The song continued almost as if designed for what was happening to me now: Little toes... Little nose... Tiny little feet. When she grows... no one knows... Girl bodies are so neat. I like boys... I like boys... Like 'em when they run. They're so cute... Wanna root... Boys are real-ly fun. "Oh my word! What's with that SONG already?" I hollered but no one could hear me except maybe Felix. Suddenly though my head seemed to clear away fear, anger and distress and the song became quite soothing and hypnotizing to me. I could feel my cock and balls growing smaller and smaller, tighter and tighter, littler and littler now as the rest of me shrank away and changed. I could see already the hairs on my arms and legs had fallen out and in their place tiny blonde, almost invisible hairs of a girl. I glanced at my hands now and saw fingers growing smaller, narrower and more delicate. My skin everywhere was lightening up to a more feminine shade of pale, milk white coloration. My fingertips took on a pinkish glow and I kept shrinking. My hospital gown was riding up my back as I shrank and gradually slid more and more down the angled bed. Already it was bunched up beneath my skinny little arms. As this happened I could now clearly see my naked crotch and all the amazing changes taking place. I could actually observe my cock head slowly seal itself up to become what I presumed would be my clitoris. It was all pointing straight down now and getting as skinny almost as a pencil. The music started to repeat itself all over now so at long last I had finally been spared with new and crazy lyrics but it still annoyed me all the same. Now I could focus more on the transformation than that silly song stuck in my head already. I squirmed my feet and rolled my head back and forth side to side as I went into a fit of absolute juvenile giggles. I was giggling because my cock was now sliding and burying itself down in between my new pussy lips and it tickled tremendously and when I say tremendously I mean tremendously. Never in all my life had I ever remembered laughing so hard as this. "Oh! Tee-hee-hee-hee! Ha-ha-ha-ha! Tee-hee-hee-hee! Ha-ha-ha-ha!" I was fit to tears I was so giggly. I could see clearly long auburn hair bunched up on either side of my face now and dangling over my skinny little shoulders. I gazed up, craning my neck to see, and saw the top of the chamber was at least three to four feet above me now. I'd shrank quite a bit. I felt my cock, now clitty, settle into place somewhere inside me and my ball sack was in there too but it probably withered away into nothingness by now. The machine shut off with a loud clunk and then Miss Bestin spoke over the speakers. "We're all done, sweetie pie. Happy birthday, you're a girl!" she said. "Thank you for your deposit," Felix added afterwards and there was a loud "clank!" that I could feel reverberating in the booth around me. The lid opened up now and Miss Bestin smiled down at me with her hands on her knees, already treating me like she was getting ready to talk to a little child. "Awwww... You're cute, you know that?" she said complimenting me. "You turned out great." She reached into the side of the machine out of view and took out something which came into view now. It was my little data cannister. It had all my old male life body pattern stored on it. She pet the side of it a few times and ran her hand down its smooth sides a little and smiled at me and asked,"Do you know what THIS is, sweetie? This is all that's left of your boy body. See how small and tiny it is? Imagine that. You're whole entire boy body's stored up in this silly little thing." As she rotated it about in her hands I caught a glimpse of its funny pink padded opening but somehow I could not even remember why Howard had put that there. Maybe it was a pencil holder? I didn't know. She set it down on a nearby counter and straightened out my hospital gown. "Now we can't have you going around with your naughty places showing, can we? No. Come on, sweetie, I'll help you get dressed." I held my now way too oversized hospital gown up so I wouldn't trip over the edges and followed her as she led me by the hand over to the neat little pile she'd laid out for me. Fancy that. There was even a little lollipop waiting for me right on top. I instinctively reached out for it but she picked it up before I could reach it. "Now, now," she said wagging her finger down at me. "This is for later, after you get dressed. Now lift up your legs, one at a time now. Panties first." I could admit it. I felt a little woozy from my transformation. Things weren't firing off like they should in my little head. Somehow my mind had been affected, I could just feel it and sense it. It was just outside my grasp but I just knew they'd taken away something from me. Something special, something practical. Something was definitely missing but I couldn't pinpoint what it was exactly. I knew I'd been a man before. That much was clear. At least they didn't wipe that knowledge away from me but there was something... just something.... Then I got it! I remembered HOW I thought before. How, not what. I remembered HOW I thought. My thinking was more structured and well defined and clear. Now, however, my mind felt extremely limited and dampened down, pushed into the mire and mush of a lower intelligence. I was extraordinarily restrained from the higher reasoning levels of adulthood. I WAS a little girl. Not just in body but in mind itself. The teachings and trainings of my former life lay without a thought of how to get them back. I knew that they were gone. I sensed it and feeled it deeply but I could not, could not within the limited senses of childhood determine a way in which to reach them. My old grownup mind was lost. I was still ME but I was a younger me. A me that hadn't gone through all the years of life and education that I knew had transpired before. I knew I was a grownup before. I knew it but I was unable to grasp it somehow. Every glance, every look, every idle thought and affection I'd had towards women was now stricken away from me like a hot boiling kettle of water, steaming it away, sterilizing it into non- existence. Chapter Two I cried as my new little dress went over my head and fell into place around my tiny new body. Miss Bestin zipped it up in back and helped me into the rest of my new clothes. Apart from the dress I wore a little pink girl's undershirt beneath it and some matching light pink cotton panties. I had white tights on and shiny black flats buckled neatly in place. Miss Beston complimented me on how "smart" I looked in my new pretty little clothes. Felix said I looked as adorable as a cute little cupcake. Miss Beston then stood me before a mirror and I saw an auburn haired, shy blue eyed little girl gazing back at me with curiosity. Despite having been a man before I sensed something different now. Some little bits of skills and memory had been extracted from my mind. Snipped and cut and pulled out with tweezers and discarded in a teeny little ash tray to be thrown out later. Something seemed taken away from my personality. Something cherished and possessed that was no longer there. "I look silly this way," I complained tugging at the edges of my dress nervously. My girl voice sounded soft, feminine, shy and bashful to my ears. "Leave that be, honey buns, you look fine," Miss Bestin assured me patting up my long auburn hair a little on my head. "People are going to laugh at me," I whined rubbing my little hands over each other nervously. My skin was so soft, smooth and delicate now. "No they're not," she said bending down to eye level with me and looking me right in the eyes. She gently and lovingly ran the back of her hand along my soft little cheek. "Don't be so fidgety. Why do they always have to be so fidgety afterwards?" Felix noticed it too. "Her mind is not yet adapted to the new body," he suggested as the reason for it. "The male mind strangely tends to reject its new circumstances for awhile even though the body has been renewed to a more healthy state. Male to female rejuvenation is not for everybody." "Oh Felix, don't be so judgmental now," Miss Bestin said combing her fingers slowly through my hair. "You'll give the poor dear girl a complex and you're making her blush." I looked down at my hands, so tiny and different. I sensed the strangeness in my crotch. It felt like everything had been compressed and turned inside out. Everything went inward now instead of outward. Inward and bunched up neat and tight making me feel all week in the knees and unsteady. My panties were pressed snugly up against the new nearly flat curvature of my crotch. I could feel the tiny elastic waistband riding strangely low beneath my tiny flat tummy. My bottom felt ever so slightly larger than before with my slightly wider hips though I knew in reality that was all an illusion as I had shrunken down tremendously in size to become this way. In perspective though I sensed the changes at once. Miss Bestin used a hair brush on me and put my hair up in a little cute ponytail, holding it place with a bright pink rubber band. I shyly gazed at my new reflection. Only three people including myself knew that I had ever been a man before. Miss Bestin, Mr. Charizi and I were the only ones. Then there was Felix but he didn't count because he was only a computer. "You should go over with her the rules," Felix suggested helpfully. "Thank you, Felix," Miss Bestin said and gazed deeply into my troubled little eyes. "Now sweetheart, this isn't going to be easy for you but you've got to remember some rules. Do you think you can do that for me honey?" I nodded my head yes and she said,"First of all, and this is most important, we don't talk about what happened and we don't tell anyone we were ever a boy before, okay? If anybody asks us, we were always a girl. Not a boy, sweetheart, but a girl. Okay? You can only talk about it with Mr. Charizi if he grants you permission to do so but to everybody else you were always a girl. Think you can remember that and do that for me, sweetie pie?" I slowly nodded my head yes but was nervous about it I started toying with the edges of my dress again. "Secondly," she said. "No, let's go back to the first part again. You mustn't try to contact your old friends or relatives or anybody you knew before. They must never find out. Nobody must ever know what happened in here today. Nobody must ever learn who you really were before. Got that, honey? You must always act like you're a girl in every way. That's going to take a little effort on your part but I'm sure you'll get the knack of it after awhile. "Now for the next rule," she said. "Rule number two. You are not allowed to play down here in the basement. Not that you could get in here anyway but still... no going down the stairs and playing with the door lock. If you do the alarm will go off and Mr. Charizi will get upset with you. Rule number three. You must never go in Mr. Charizi's office unless you've been invited there by him or myself or one of the nice worker ladies who work here. Okay?" I nodded yes and she continued. "Rule four. You must remain a girl for four years, okay? After that you can decide if you want to change back into a man again but until then you can't. Also, please don't bother anyone about wanting to change back to normal. This is your new normal now and this is how you'll stay until you get bigger. You're six years old now, hunny bunny. When you turn ten you'll get to decide if you should stay a girl. If you want to decide to stay as one sooner, just come see me and we'll go and have a talk with Mr. Charizi about it. He'll make you wait a week to make sure you really want to be a girl and then he'll ask you again and if you say yes, well, you should already know what happens then, sweetheart. Oh, and I'll give you an "I'm a girl forever" lollipop as a reward for being such a special, good little girl." "Okay," I said nodding yes. She explained all the other rules to me then. I was to always obey the grown ups, I was never to go outside by myself, I was never to go outside without permission (unless it was in the backyard to play with the other girls but even then - only if it was play time), I would always have to try and do my best in school and not cause trouble, I had to always listen and do what the big girls older than me said (unless it broke the rules or something or would get me in trouble - I'd just have to learn to use common sense on that one) and I had to stay out of the big people rooms (this included their bedrooms, the parlor with the drinking bar, the adult entertainment room downstairs in the second basement, and some other rooms too but she said them so fast I had already forgotten their names). While in the house, unless I was taking a bath or sitting at the table or something, I would have to always carry around a little baby doll with me wherever I went. I could stop somewhere and set her down on the floor or something but when I left the room I would have to take my doll with me. That was just for in the mansion. Outside I could just leave my dolly by the front or back door on a little shelf and get it later when I came back inside. Once I turned ten I wouldn't have to worry about carrying around my dolly anymore because big girls didn't have to always play with them. I was told some of the things I'd have to do now that I was a girl. I would have to always sit down to do a tinkle and I must always remember to wipe myself afterwards. I must always present myself like a young lady and be polite and I must never use bad words. Also I couldn't do grownup stuff like smoke pipes, cigarettes or cigars or drink any alcohol. I was told there were three types of boyfriends. The first kind was just a friendly acquaintance whom which I could play with in the school yard or in the park but no holding hands or kissing or any of that. I could have that kind until I turned ten. Then I could have the second kind of boyfriend. This was the puppy love kind, Miss Bestin explained. Then it was okay to hold hands and kiss and stuff but no sex. That kind I could have until I turned sixteen. Then it was okay to have what Miss Bestin called a "real boyfriend." That kind it was okay to go out on dates, go steady, kiss, hold hands and everything I wanted. Sex was frowned upon though but if I used protection and it was with a boy around my own age then I guess that's all right but if Mr. Charizi or any of the worker ladies here ever found out about it I'd probably get in a lot of trouble. There were other rules but there was already so many I had to learn to keep that it was pretty hard for me to take it all in in just one telling. Miss Bestin led me by the hand back upstairs to the hallway. As we walked I noticed she was holding my little data tube. I really wanted it bad. I didn't want her to drop it and break it by mistake. "Can I hold it?" I asked her. She paused at the head of the staircase and looked down at it in her left hand. "This?" she asked holding it up for me to see. "No sweetie, I'm afraid that just isn't allowed. This is a special little toy for Mr. Charizi to play with now. It's not for little girls to play with. It's only for grownups now." She realized she was holding it with a finger lightly resting inside the pink hollow opening and chuckled a little, pulling her finger out like she'd made a silly embarrassing mistake. I didn't know what she meant by "toy." It didn't look like it would be fun to play with at all. Maybe you could roll it around a bit on the floor or send it rolling down a hill or slide but I thought it strange that Mr. Charizi considered the thing a toy. I guess you could put pencils in it or something. I remembered Mr. Charizi telling me it stored original boy body patterns somehow but I sure as anything don't remember him telling me that it was a toy. I do seem to recall him saying he played with these data tubes somehow but how? Why? What for? It was just a little container. How come I couldn't have it? After all, it was my old body stored up in there. I should get to keep it or at least put it on the shelf in my new bedroom or something. "Why?" I asked her. "Sweetheart, maybe you'll learn why when you're older," she replied tucking the thing away in her purse for safety now. She pat the side of her purse protectively and smiled down at me and led me around the corner and up another flight of stairs to the second floor. The stairs were so big and spacious now. I had a little trouble navigating them in my tiny little legs. I had to take great big, meaningful steps and be careful now not to trip or fall or anything. Miss Bestin saw how I was having trouble and reached down and started to pick me up, offering to carry me the rest of the way to the top but I squirmed away in embarrassment. "Please don't," I cried. "I can do it myself." She reached the top before me and clapped her hands when I finally made it and gave me a hug. "Good girl," she complimented me, patting me on the back. "You did it all by yourself. What a good little girl you are." What I wanted to tell her was "Lady, stop treating me like a child. I was a man three minutes ago. Give it a rest." But I knew I would get in trouble for it because I'd been told to respect adults. What I said instead was just a simple, forced "thank you" and nothing else. She stopped hugging me and stood up straight again and led me by the hand down a long red carpeted hallway past a series of bedrooms. Mine was the fourteenth one on the opposite end. It even had the number fourteen hanging on the door with big plastic numbers with little pink hearts around them. She let me have the "privileged" (as she called it) of opening the door first. I had to stand up on tiptoe to even reach the big handle but I managed somehow and we walked inside. "Whadda-ya think, fourteen?" she asked calling me by my number now for some reason. I knew exactly what I thought when I saw all that pink painted furniture sitting on that plush white carpet with little dollies sitting on a shelf and a great big pink canopy bed off to the right. I thought 'I think I'm gonna throw up', that's what I thought. Then I thought 'what have I gotten myself into here?' but by now it was too late to complain. Especially since it was against the rules to do complain about being a girl. "Uh... um... it'll do... I guess," I said shrugging. I split the word "guess" into two syllables as I said it and squirmed at the innocent way it came out of my little girl mouth and trailed softly off to nothing. "Geh-ess" - how awkward. Miss Bestin smiled at my unwillingness to accept all this. This was a girl's room. A room for a little girl and it made me squeamish to even be standing here in it like this. "Oh come now," she said walking over to the doll display and picking out a cute baby doll for me to hold. "You've been sad and moody and pouty ever since your transformation. This should be the happiest day of your new life. You should be jumping up and down on the bed with joy right now - but don't do that or I might have to give you a spanking for it. Jumping on the bed's not allowed." I walked over to the canopy bed and reached up and felt along the large bed pole sticking up to the ceiling with the frilly canopy up top way out of my reach. The mattress was so high off the floor that it came even with my little girl shoulders. "Everything's so... pink," I muttered frowning at my new surroundings. "Mr. Charizi picked everything out himself for you," Miss Bestin explained cheerily and finally decided on what dolly to give me. "This one should do, I think. Here ya go, cute stuff." She handed the dolly out to me and I hesitated until she actually put the creepy thing in my hands. I would have to carry around a dolly now everywhere I went in this house. That was one of the weird little rules I'd have to abide by now. She was a red headed baby doll in a white dress and panties but no shoes or socks. There was a little string and plastic hoop tied to the end of it that I could pull. Miss Bestin gave it a pull before I could do anything to stop her. "Weeeee! I'ma BIG girl now," the dolly sang out in a childish little girl voice. "Look, lady," I said. "There is NO way you can expect me to have to play with this stupid thing. We both know I'm supposed to be a man, not a little girl. It's bad enough I foolishly agreed to let myself be transformed like this but, come on now, give a guy a break, would ya please?" She swung her hand back to slap me but instead placed it there on my shoulder and bent down to my level a bit. Her head was still mockingly above mine as she looked me in the eye and said,"Now, now. That is not the proper way for a little girl to behave herself. You must remember the rules, sweetie. We don't talk about who we were before and we certainly don't complain about what's been kindly given to us. Mr. Charizi gave this new life to you as a present and you should be grateful for it." "But I don't want it," I said letting another complaint slip from my mouth too soon before I was aware I'd even said it. I quickly covered both hands over my mouth and said,"Oops! Sorry..." "It doesn't matter if you don't want it," she said. "A present's a present and that's that. It isn't nice to try and give back our presents. We must be thankful and keep them. Now, please, sweetheart, please try and remember that and be a good little girl like your new sisters." Sisters? I hadn't thought of that. I now had thirteen sisters, all like myself who'd been formerly men. What an odd group we were. Then there were the others, the natural born girls. I wondered just how many of those there were. She then pinned a little pink name tag on the left side of my dress with the name "Alexia" written on it in fancy feminine handwriting. "That's so the other girls will get to know your new name," she explained. "And it helps us grownups know to tell you apart. You see, your new girl body's part of one of the blueprints we use to make little girls. There is one other girl who looks just like you. Her name's Sharra. You'll get to meet her soon, I hope. She's a few months older than you. She lives in room number eleven just down the hall." "I have a... a twin?" I asked appalled at the notion. I supposed they'd dress us alike to make us look extra "cute." As if on cue for that, Miss Reston said it. "It'll be lots and lots of fun, you'll see. Every night before bed one of the nannys will lay out your new outfits for the next morning to wear. I'm sure your nanny will pick out some neat little matching outfits for you and your sister. That's right, sweetheart, you have a twin sister now. Mr. Bestin wanted it that way. You see, now you'll complete the set. Every new girl must eventually have a twin." Her voice lilted sweetly when she said I'd "complete the set." I felt like I was going to throw up. I was surrounded by cuteness and frilly pink girl things everywhere. Worse yet, though she knew I was really a man inside this body she kept talking down to me in that annoyingly cute voice she used for talking to a little girl. She took both my hands in hers and lifted them up for a look. She gave each one a kiss on the knuckles and said,"Oh, you are SO cute now, mittens. Say, that's a cute nickname for you. Think I'm gonna call you "Mittens" from now on 'cuz of your tiny cute little fingers. Finger Mittens! You know what? I think you've got some right here in your dresser. Let me go check." She let go of my hands and dashed quickly to the dresser with a giddy, mischievous evil look and dug around for awhile and produced a pair of pink little girl mittens for me to wear. Unable to do anything to stop her I watched in ever mounting horror as she slipped them on my hands one by one. "Adorable!" she exclaimed holding them up for a look. "Just adorable. Will you wear them for me all the time around the house?" The only clear answer I was expected to give the demented lady was a yes. Helpless to get out of this mess on my own I bit my lower lip a bit and slowly nodded yes. "Wonderful!" she chimed patting the back of my hands one by one and gave them little kisses goodbye. "Oh you look so cute with your fuzzy little finger mittens on. I could just eat you up, cupcakes. Such a cute sweetie you are. Oh, there's another thing you must remember to do. I almost forgot. How silly of me. Now where's the tape player? Here it is, over here on the nightstand where it belongs. Okay now, hunny buns, now there's a special little tape in there for you to play. You know what hypnosis is, right?" Terrified I nodded slowly yes. "Well," she said. "At bed time every night when the nanny tucks you in, she'll put these headphones over your ears and kiss you good night. Then she will press this button marked "play" over here and then your special little tape will start playing. You must play it, sweetheart. The nanny will come in and check on you from time to time to see that you do. If not you will have to get a spanking for being bad and then, well, let's not worry about what'll happen then. That's only for bad little girls to find out." "What will the tape do to me then?" I asked biting at my little finger nails a bit. "Nothing bad, pumpkins," she assured me scruffing up my hair playfully a little. "It will help you to be a good little girl. That's all. Don't worry. In a couple of months you won't have to hear it anymore. This is just for new girls. New girls get it. It's to help you and you DO want to be a good little girl, now, don't you?" I wanted to shake my head no but I found myself slowly nodding yes instead to avoid a scolding. "Good," she said letting go of my hands which I defensively brought close to me as I crossed my arms across my chest and tucked my mittened hands beneath my arm pits. I bit my lower lip a little and nervously waited for whatever else she had to say. "I'm going to go back downstairs now and get back to my work. Now you're free to move about the house or go in the backyard but remember all your rules. Hmmm... better yet, let's put you down for a nap and run that tape for you. Yeah, I think that's a better idea since you seem so fidgety and nervous. The tape will calm you down I think and you do need to calm down you poor little thing." She picked me up and sat me on the edge of the bed and removed my shoes and set them on the floor there. Then she had me lie down flat on my back over the covers with my head resting on a great big pink pillow case. She put the headphones on my ears and kissed me goodbye on the cheek and said,"Now be good and listen to it all, now. I'll have a nanny come check on you a little and see that you do. Now bye-bye Finger Mittens. Sleep well." She pressed "play" and walked out of the room and turned off all the lights and shut the door. The tape hissed and crackled as it ran through a little blank portion of it but then I heard a loud and rather annoying high pitched mechanical male voice. He sounded like one of those space aliens in one of those cheesy black and white movies from the forties and fifties. "You-are-not-a-wake," he said. "You-are-not-a-wake. You-are-get- ting-slee-pee-now..." I heard several layers of warbly noises in the background above what sounded to me like a large fish tank shooting up bubbles to the surface. Now, a deep voiced man, perhaps a doctor, was speaking to me in an authoritative tone. "You will do as you are told." As he said it the some of the sentence echoed a few times so I heard "do as you are told" three times afterward in rapid succession. He continued,"You are a little girl. You will do as you are told." A little girl voice broke in now and said sweetly,"I am a good little girl. I will do as I am told." I was feeling quite sleepy now. I wasn't tired before but the tape was somehow having an effect on me. I wanted to tear off the headphones but then I knew I'd get in trouble. The beginnings of sleep froze my little arms in place though now and it was too much of a bother to try and sit up or do anything. I was quite relaxed and woozy with the sandman heaving great handfuls of sleepy-dust on my face and all over my little body. After a few minutes of this I became consciously aware that I WAS paralyzed and unable to move a muscle. What's more I began repeating some of the statements given to me. "I am a good little girl. I will do as I am told," I softly said in the dark. The tape was definitely having an effect on me and I was powerless to resist. It was strange because I'd tried hypnosis tapes in the past to try and quit smoking but none of those ever seemed to help. Maybe my six year old mind was more vulnerable to the effects of hypnosis. The door opened a crack and I opened my eyes to see a blonde woman peering in on me for a moment. She walked quietly in and checked the tape player to see that I hadn't turned it off or turned down the volume or anything. "You will remember who you were before. You will do as you are told," the man said in the recording. "You will be a little girl... and do what you are told." Now the robotic alien voice chimed in with some confusing words that didn't make any sense to me at all,"Corn-flux-re-main-ing. Cooooooorn-flux. Cooooooooorn-flux." Suddenly when he'd said corn-flux I felt the need to blurt out something. There was just no holding it back. I said it like I really meant it, like somebody had been arguing with me over whether or not I was a girl or a boy and I'd become frustrated and angry over it. I pounded my little fists on the mattress beside me and kicked my legs a bit up and down and hollered,"I'm a GIRL you nitwit! A GIRL! Why do you keep calling me a boy for? I'm a GIRL!" My little girl voice sounded sincere and upset in my ears. "Corn-flux-re-main-ing. Cooooooorn-flux. Coooooorn-flux." The nanny smiled down at me and leaned down and gave me a little kiss on the forehead and gently pat my shoulder before she left and closed the door again. I realized what the tape was trying to do to me. It was using every clever trick of the imagination to reinforce my behavior to that of a little girl. Through every fit and tantrum I went through over that silly, stupid corn-flux thing, the tape was reinforcing behavior through my negative, emotional reaction. Now that the tape had given me the corn-flux trigger it safely moved on to other things and when it was over I was commanded to remember to forget, which confused me a bit, and then I was told to go to sleep. ...which I did. I was gently shaken awake sometime later by a blonde nanny in a white nurses dress. "Wake up honey. Good morning. Time to rise and shine," she said. I hadn't realized I'd slept so long. The sun was beaming in through the white curtains and getting in my eyes. I reached up and shielded them with a hand. Someone had taken the time to remove my headphones in my sleep. I saw them sitting over on the nightstand by the tape player. "Huh?" I asked hearing my girl voice and suddenly remembering what had happened to me the night before. I'd

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Zoe Stepbrothers

Characters: Zoe: f, age 14 Noah: m, age 14, Zoe’s stepbrother James: m, age 16, Zoe’s stepbrother Keith: M, age 37; Zoe’s father Kate: F, age 36; Zoe’s stepmother Jessi: F, age 31; Zoe’s mother Jessi was seventeen years old and two months pregnant when she met Keith, my father. A week later during a passionate make-out session, he took her virginity; practically raping her or so she led him to believe. You might wonder how you rape a willing slut that planned and instigated the so-called...

1 year ago
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Rise of a Matriarch Chapter 12 Orcs and Panthers

Then something large and heavy almost certainly the fist one one of the Orcs smashed into her stomach knocking the wind from her body, in shock she opened her mouth to gulp in air only to have her mouth and windpipe blocked by the giant putrid cock now being forced into her mouth and throat, the combination of the shock and her convulsive choking relaxed her ass enough that she felt a new tearing pain as the huge cock at her rear forced its way in making her feel her anal ring was tearing and...

3 years ago
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Bhabhis X Boyfriend Help Me Fuck

Hi Iss friends this is Sandeep. I am 20 years of age and I stay in Hyderabad. This story of mine is all about how I fucked my bhabhi. Friends my bhabhi is too hot and white in complexion. Her actual name is Pooja. She married my cousin brother 1 year back. My cousin brother and Pooja bhabhi stayed in Bangalore. They are staying in a rented flat. My brother works in a software company. He goes to job at 8 am in the morning and returns back at 9 in the evening. Now at present I am staying in...

2 years ago
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The Green Archers

I am the son of a farmer and have used a bow since I was little. It has always been with blunt tips because of the law. I brought back birds and rabbits and even squirrels. Since I was one of many children there was nothing to keep me on the farm. When I turned sixteen I packed my clothes, all my arrows and my bow. I said my goodbyes and kissed my mother before I left. It was a long walk to the king’s city and his Keep. I was stopped more than once along the way to turn out my arrows for...

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The cdren of the Watchers

This is a story about myth creation and syncretization. If you're offended by stories where your sacred texts are reinvented, then you may not wish to read this."Once upon a time, a long time ago before the Flood, the Watchers were on and above the earth. The Watchers' job was to observe and report the doings of human beings to God...""But they were really aliens instead of angels, weren't they Nadiya?""Yes, Sam, they were. You already know the story. Why do you want me to tell it again?""I...

1 year ago
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Training the Freshers

Doing English had become a bit of a breeze and I had become a sort of de facto leader of my own little sorority. This was a group of girls, with whom I had studied from first year. There was Emma, Jasmine and Megan and we had many a legendary party to our name. We always had pick of the hottest guys and when there was no spare cock we would invite more girls round for drunken lesbian orgies. Although I mostly called the shots, Jasmine would often take the lead, but to be fair we were all pretty...

Group Sex
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Masochistic Me

Masochistic Me By Cal Y. Pygia Late in purchasing a home computer, I was late in surfing the 'net. However, when I first took to cyberspace, spending hours perusing porn, like any other red-blooded, all-American boy, I soon discovered spanking, both as it is represented in drawings and photographs, still and (in the form of video clips) moving. I also discovered Literotica, to which, by today's count, I have submitted (lovely word, that!) over 682 works,...

3 years ago
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Abhishek Fucking Neighbour Girl Neha And Her Mom Shweta 8211 Part 1

Hi, everyone! Abhishek here! I am a resident of north Bangalore in a posh society. I am 5’11” tall, athletic build and quite fair and I can speak quite well. I am a regular reader of ISS and I can’t tell you how amazing this particular experience has been. I finally decided to share my experience. This is the sex story of how my neighbor’s daughter caught my interest and how I ended up fucking her and then her mom separately. Neha is a sensual babe while her mother is a wild chick. This...

2 years ago
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Thistle street middlesbrough escort

6 or maybe 7 years ago I was working 6 days a week, 12 hour shifts with only a Wednesday off. So no time for a girlfriend so I started seeing escorts again.At the time I was still old school and finding them in back of the sport newspaper in classifieds section, there used to be around 5 adverts for Middlesbrough in northeast section, there was one think it said something like mboro female 6 days then had home phone number and a mobile number. I phoned talked to a very nice sounding lady who...

2 years ago
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Memphis on the way

Saturday afternoon I had a very good fuck session with my beloved hubby.Later that night Victor drove me to the airport; I had to catch a flight to Memphis, on a very boring business trip. I felt really stupid when I took a challenge from my asshole Boss and accepted to make that trip…In the other hand, my good friends Sheila and Peter lived in Memphis; so it would be a nice chance to meet them after so many years.Sheila and Peter Anne sometimes had played around with me when they lived in...

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The key arrived in the mail on Tuesday and now everyting was in place. The plan was to drive down to Memphis on Friday morning and arrive late Friday night. Marshal enjoyed long drives and he loved preparing for such trips as well. First the car had to be detailed. The a quick stop at Home Depot and the Lion's Den for the necessary supplies. He made a mental list...rope, plastic wire ties, plastic stretch wrap, lotions, and of course handcuffs.The 03 white Lexus was in near showroom condition...

1 year ago
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Under the bleachers

"Why did they even bother calling me," Bill's wife asked him. She was obviously annoyed and after a long day he wasn't really interested in listening to her sharp tone. "You work there, couldn't they have just said something to you tomorrow?"She wasn't really talking to him. Most of their conversations went that way nowadays it seemed. He hadn't been paying too much attention but what he had overhead of the conversation his wife had been having on the phone hinted that Jamie had been causing...

4 years ago
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Yellow Feathers

YELLOW FEATHERS by Throne Jack was starting to regret that he had transferred colleges. When he was still up North it had been mildly uncomfortable. Being short and slightly built, with a face that made him look younger than his 18 years, he'd had troubles. The fact that he was a nerd didn't help, either. Girls treated him like a joke. The rougher guys, especially the athletes, playfully taunted him. He thought he would be more comfortable in a smaller institution down South. In...

4 years ago
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The Society Party Crashers

WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...

3 years ago
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April and Jessica part 2 Jessica finds herslef

Jessica broke her vow about three months before April had her experience with Heidi, but hers was broken in a very different way. It happened one day when Jessica walked home from school; she walked in her front door to find a sight she never thought she would see in her entire life. Her brother’s girlfriend, Sarah, was wearing a black leather cupless corset, thigh high boots, and she was whipping her brother. She called him a naughty boy and punished him for being that way. Jessica was...

4 years ago
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The Wedding Crashers

This story is purely fiction and is only meant for erotic reading. Brad and Christy’s big day was fast approaching. Twenty- two yr old Brad and twenty-one yr old Christy had been engaged about 6 months. They had both vowed to save themselves for each other, and their parents really respected that. In fact, both sets of parents were extremely proud of their youngsters for that decision. Brad was tall and lean, good tan, brown buzz cut, muscular and athletic. Christy was petite, tan, a...

2 years ago
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You stretch languidly, the rays of the sun soaking into your body. The sky is an electric blue, white fluffy clouds drifting lazily by. A soft breeze blows periodically, crinkling your skin into goose bumps with the sudden coolness. After the week I’ve had, you think, this is just the ticket. Stretching again on the towel, you settle your hands to either side of your head as you lay on your stomach, your bikini top unfastened beneath you. Gotta remember to hook back up before I get up, you...

3 years ago
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Fraternity Batebrothers

“Hey man, you seen Brian and Lee up and around yet? I think they got smashed last night, bro.” Nick looked up from his game of Halo at the question, seeing his fourth roommate, Danny, framed in the door to his room. Danny — Hispanic, 5’10”, with close-cropped black hair — was wearing a loose pair of gym shorts and his tank top was stained with sweat from his usual morning workouts. Nick shrugged, glancing at the clock — after 11 in the morning on a Saturday. “Nah, man, haven’t seen them. They...

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Stepdaughters Have Fun With Their Stepfathers

 On a scorching hot day in July, the courtroom resounded with the final blow of the gavel. I sat there, relief overtook me as the realization of what just happened began sinking in. My now ex-wife stormed out with her lawyer, the judge had ruled in my favor and she walked out with nothing.Elsa, my now ex-wife cheated on me with another woman, and tried to ruin my reputation along with my business by concocting an elaborate scheme. Here claims were unfounded, she accused me of being an adulterer...

3 years ago
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Being Breastfed By Trisha Hershberger

This is Trisha Hershberger.She is very attractive, very beautiful and she has very very large breasts. I think her bra size is a 34DD. I believe her breasts actually got bigger when she got pregnant.... and yes she was breastfeeding. I have masturbated to Trisha Hershberger for years. Mostly, I jerked off to her big double D boobs. I have always imagined having an adult breastfeeding relationship with her.I have always wanted Trisha Hershberger to breastfeed me. Actually, I would want to get a...

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Lured at Amherst

Shortly after the event at Flamenco Beach, I switched jobs. Although I became mostly paper pusher for the government, it still required some field work and it gave me the opportunity to travel to the US more often.Two years forward, I was working in Amherst, New York. After three months of bureaucratic assignment, I had already been to most of the sites of interest in the area of the City of Buffalo and photographed about every inch of the Niagara Falls. I was a Sunday, and although I...

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weekend in Mancherster

a quick story for my friends... Sarah(my best friend)and my other friends and i went to Manchester for a long weekend to have a girls night out,it was nothing special just to let our hair down..we booked a hotel Sarah and i always share so we got all our things together and put in one case to save carrying loads,,in the case i put my black dildo with out her seeing it,just to see what she would say when we got there..we got to our hotel and as we unpacked our gear Sarah pulled my 12inch black...

2 years ago
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Bikini Beach Gate Crashers

Bikini Beach: Gate Crashers By Elrod W "I told you, man!" Marty gloated at his friend. "Wow! I should have believed you!" John was practically drooling at the line of lovely and shapely young ladies entering the Bikini Beach Water Park. "Let's go get tickets," Marty said eagerly. The two college guys slid out of Marty's Camaro, closing the doors solidly behind them as they walked toward the ticket booth. All around them, young ladies smiled as they walked through the gates...

2 years ago
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Society of Switchers

Society of Switchers By Jennifer Allison My sixteenth birthday is tomorrow. My birthday wish is for my body to decide what sexual direction it wants to go in. You see I have been having severe sexual problems since I reached my teenage years: 1- I have never had a hard on in my life. 2- No wet dreams. 3- Looking at naked women doesn't excite me. 4- I get no excitement in the boy's shower. 5- Girls don't excite me. This problem seems to run the family. My...

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WHC Gay Bashers

WHC - Gay Bashers By Jennifer Allison As Leslie Smythe read the front page of her local newspaper, she realized that someone needed her services. Her realization came from the front page headlines. THREE MORE GAY MEN FOUND BEATEN ALMOST TO DEATH. The story continued. The police found three more gay men beaten last night. They are in hospital with at least one broken limb and three to four broken ribs each. Quoting an un-named source. "If one these men had reach the...

1 year ago
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Fantasy Catchers

Shawn could not stand Larry. He felt some obligation to the guy on account of they had been best friends since junior kindergarten and it was hard to avoid him since they lived next door to one another. Still Shawn could not stand him. The problem between them could be summed in two words; "Nancy Winters". She was the girl next door, or at least across the street. Nancy had also known the two boys since early childhood. Nancy was innocent and trusting. She had a way of unintentionally...

2 years ago
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The Adventure of Captain FeatherSword

The Adventure of Captain FeatherSword! Just a silly tale that came to me from a nick name of a coworker. It is a pity that I can't draw. Hi everyone. My name is Ed King. I awoke one day to start my new role in life. That role was to be a super hero. I worked out every day and took karate classes. I had a night job so my days were free. It was the start of my two week vacation so patrol factors can be set up with out problems. My outfit looked like the NBA team mascot from...

1 year ago
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TETHERS (a transvestite fantasy) By ?c.c.? How you get involved with the group of submissive women known as "Tethers" is a case of everything just coming together by itself. You married your wife June knowing she was the submissive type, and you certainly enjoy tying her up, etc., but due to the pressures of your job as a research biologist, you don't always have time to indulge her. So when she hears about this informal group called "Tethers"?seven women who enjoy playing...

3 years ago
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The Society Party Crashers

1The Society - Party Crashersby The TechnicianBDSM, Slavery, Public Nudity, Public Bondage, Public Flogging, Public Spanking = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Twin sisters in rural England crash the wrong party with very interesting, life-changing effects."The Society" stories are not a sequential series of stories but rather a collection of separate stories that are all set in the world inhabited by members of The Society.  Each story or series stands on its own although they do rely...

4 years ago
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Party Crashers

Party Crashers Synopsis Sandy and Roz forge invitation cards to a sex party weekend on a ship. Unfortunatelyfor them, the forgeries are detected and they are severely punished. Party Crashers by obohobo Warnings Please take note! The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written foradults only. MF Hum. NC Rom. Spanking If you are a underage or offended by such material -or- if viewing this fileis illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this...

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The UniformSnatchers

Clothworth Academy has been around since the 1910s, and was home to some of the brightest and hardest-working students in the country. in order to be accepted, each student had to prove that they were worthy by going through a series of exams, each proving that the applicants were smart enough to join the academy. through the 110 years of the school's existence, there have been no issues to worry about, nothing that would discourage the students of Clothworth Academy. until now. several...

2 years ago
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The Wedding Crashers

"Do you, Debbie Louise Perry, take this man, Reginald William Baker Green, to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Asked the minister. Debbie had been waiting for this moment all her life. She was finally getting married. She would be a wife, and the wife of a good man: Reginald, the seventeenth Earl of Lancaster. "I do." she said smiling deep into her soon to be husband's eyes. The minister then turned to Reginald, "And do you, Reginald William Baker-Green, take this woman, Debbie Louise...

3 years ago
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Not This TimeChapter 5 Twins Vikings and Gophers

I didn’t have much money, even by 1991 standards. I rode the Greyhound bus from Grand Forks to Minneapolis and arrived about eight at night. Not the best planning. I needed shelter quickly and found a sleazy hotel a block away from the bus station by the simple expedient of having followed a crowd of people that direction. The people I followed wisely kept walking. Thirty-five bucks for a room and they actually asked me if I wanted it all night. The good thing was that there was a White...

2 years ago
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A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 9 The Poachers

It was the Monday after the wedding. John had a group of 50 meet at the People’s Trust Tent. They enjoyed a nice breakfast and at 8:00 AM John brought them together and visualized the south end of the valley. Peter was in front. Most of the group were Peter’s Minute Men from Seattle. The primary exception was Chief John Nation was in the center. The rim that went around the valley looked much like Crater Lake in Oregon. It was a thousand feet high in places. The big difference was this one...

2 years ago
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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 7 Caroline Herschfeldt

"Would you like a drink Justin?" The shock made me jump. The voice was female, soft and sensuous. As she breathed the words out with a husky voice I wanted to turn quickly and see the speaker, but nerves got the better of me, as of course they would. Eventually though I just had to, and after several agonising seconds I turned slowly to my left, looked in the direction of the voice and saw her in the open doorway. She was an ash-blonde; the robe she wore clung tightly to an exquisite...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS11 E17 Martha Randon 36 from Atherstone

We start this week’s show with establishing shots of an old-fashioned market square – cobble stones surrounded by bollards to protect the pedestrian shoppers, then a road around the outside, and beyond that old, whitewashed buildings – shops and pubs, styled to look like Tudor and Elizabethan buildings. Walking toward us, through the crowds, is the familiar round-bellied figure of our jeans and West Ham shirt wearing host – hairy everywhere but the top of his head, it’s everyone’s favourite...

2 years ago
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Brainwave of HorrorChapter 2 Intrusion of the People Snatchers

They're coming. The Taggert girl and I are huddled in the dark under one of the tables in Conway's chemistry lab, but that won't help for long. They're surrounding us, searching for us. And soon... they'll find us. And then... I'll kill myself before I give into them. They're THINGS! Things in human costume. And I... will not become one of them. Even if I have to... even if... I squeeze my hand around the knitting needle I hold to reassure myself. I took it from Cecilia's desk...

3 years ago
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AngelicaChapter 33 The Searchers

Angel stirred and wiggled as she lay on the floor of the dingy motel room. Her wrists and ankles were still bound with duct tape and she urgently needed to use the bathroom. It had been hours since she had left the cabin and Jordan far behind. Her wrists and ankles burned from the duct tape that bound her and she couldn't speak because the tape also covered her mouth. There was only one bed in the motel room and Rico had taken advantage of it. He dozed off and slept for awhile after they...

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A Fresh StartChapter 59 Colonel Featherstone

When I woke again, everything seemed very bright. Not the bright at the end of the tunnel, just bright, like a bright room. By the time I got around to opening my eyes, I fell asleep again. It seemed like this went on a few more times before I managed to get my eyes open enough to see where I was. I could see a white ceiling of some sort, and I tried to move, but I couldn’t move. I could feel things, but I couldn’t move. I was able to turn my head, and rise slightly, and it looked like I was...

1 year ago
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Ah, Watchers Web aka Watchers Web Blue! An old-school amateur porn site! I've been documenting, reviewing, and recommend erotic entertainment for a helluva long time and so have seen all sorts of smut, dating sites, and the such like. I've seen my share of extreme, romantic, gross-out, unique, and fascinating fap content.After doing probably thousands of reviews, I have to say that to this day, it never ceases to surprise me the kind of stuff that I can still dig up from the bowels of the...

Amateur Porn Sites
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Reddit GettingHerselfOff, aka r/GettingHerselfOff! Is there anything fucking hotter than watching a dirty bitch make herself cum? Sure, we all have our kinks, but universally, is there a straight dude alive that is incapable of getting off to a slut rubbing her pussy, riding a giant dildo that’s bigger than you could ever hope to be, or vibrating her clit to climax? That’s like saying the more food you eat, the more you feel hungry: it’s an oxymoron, and it’s downright impossible.That’s why I...

Reddit NSFW List
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Mother Son Tube! It takes a lot of sack to create a tube site that has such a narrow niche. Of course, any porn webmaster that wants to play it safe would want to churn out a tube site that hits all the marks. That would make a lot of sense. But any webmaster worth their weight knows that if you want to stand the fuck out, you have to take the risk and go niche.That’s the gamble that the minds behind Mother Son Tube are taking. And I have to fucking say it; I think their gamble fucking paid...

Incest Porn Sites
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Who watches the witchers

It is not easy sleeping with someone when you’re used to being alone for so long. I'm not complaining but the same, costume party turned orgy, day I confessed to Sara that I was in love with her, she all but moved into my room. Not in the traditional sense, her stuff was still in her room at her house. She sneaked into my room through my second story window each night. I would have thought she would want at least a couple of nights to herself. I know now, I should have known better. We had been...

1 year ago
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Dress Rehersal

NOTE: Everyone's 18 and a senior...BTW, all characters are false. *** Hello. My name is Chris, and this is my story. It goes back to when I was a senior in high school. It was around the time that the fall play was getting into its final stages. This was my first year doing the play, along with many other seniors. There were six of us...Me, Nick, Joe, James, David, and Eric. Nick, James, and David have all done the fall play before, leaving Joe, Eric and I to be the newbies. The play was a...

4 years ago
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Whisky Night Frolics

I let the music lead my body, let it guide my hips to sway to the beat, let it shake my ass and jiggle my hips with abandon.“Drink your whisky! I want you good and drunk,” you command me, and I raise my glass in a toast to you, giggling and dancing still, and drain the shot in one. Then I wave my glass at you and you snatch it from my fingers, grinning. Having refilled both our glasses, you hand me it back to me and raise yours in a toast.“To sluts,” you say, making me giggle again. I’m...

2 years ago
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Memphis 1125

It was our first holiday season together and the first of my birthday's together. She had moved in with me almost 6 months earlier and I knew she was a fine woman and a great slut (just needed someone to take the reigns). We were in Memphis, TN for the holiday and had a beautiful suite for the weekend. Being my birthday and since I have had many of them (48) I usually don't expect much. This was to be the best one ever. We had been on a web site that catered to couples looking for BBCs to fuck...

3 years ago
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Hispanic Fantasy

Marty had always found Hispanic men irresistible. He was a small guy, five-foot-six-inches tall and very fair. To be exact, Marty was hairless and blond, the exact antithesis of the men that he had always desired. There was nothing he desired more than being the bitch of a rough Hispanic daddy. Ever since he had entered the gay scene, this was the dream he had always yearned for.It took him a full two years to build up the courage to test this fantasy, but one Saturday night he simply could no...

Gay Male
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Hispanic Fantasy

Marty had always found Hispanic men irresistible. He was a small guy, five-foot-six-inches tall and very fair. To be exact, Marty was hairless and blond, the exact antithesis of the men that he had always desired. There was nothing he desired more than being the bitch of a rough Hispanic daddy. Ever since he had entered the gay scene, this was the dream he had always yearned for.It took him a full two years to build up the courage to test this fantasy, but one Saturday night he simply could no...

Gay Male
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Three Cheers in the Bleachers

Three Cheers - In the Bleachers Author's Note: In Three Cheers for Freedom Diane got Zach to dress up as a cheerleader for her. I started wondering if maybe someone else might get the idea from seeing Zach. This story came to me. Cheryl was lost in the sensations racking her body. Her eyes were closed tight, not for fear of opening but because she just couldn't open them yet. Slowly the tingling began to subside; she was starting to make sense of the world again. She became aware of...

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Masochist sis

Joe gazed in disbelief at what he held in his hands.It was a book. Nothing special, just a small, black, hardback book.What was special about it was that it had /Fantasies/ written on it, andmore significantly, the book belonged to Joe's younger sister, Crystal.Joe looked around his sister's room in case anyone saw him. Not thatthey could. Joe was all alone in the house. His parents were outshopping and Crystal was out with a friend.Joe was sitting on his sister's bed and had come prowling...

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Whisky Lemonade

Ethan ran upstairs to his bedroom to get dressed. He put on a pair of boxer shorts. His thing was not as hard as before, but it hung out the left leg of his shorts. He put on his jeans and looked at himself in the mirror. His thing clearly stood out against his left leg. He sighed and took the jeans off.Somewhere in his dresser was a pair of jockey shorts he no longer wore. He found them buried in the bottom drawer. He took off the boxers, put on the jockeys, and put the boxers back on over...

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This story is a rendition of a dream I had some time ago. For some reason I keep returning my thoughts to it. The tale is frightening, and the dream was more than horrific. I do not make any claims toward the character of Mephisto, who he is, his origin, or even what the actual word means. I cannot explain why the word Mephisto comes to mind when I think of the character, but it was very clear to me that Mephisto was the word that was supposed to be used to identify the character. I would...

2 years ago
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amishis fantasy for a friend

This one night we had gone out for a girl’s night at a bar and Pamela drifted off mid night because she had been picked up by 3 guys. The next morning she told me all about her night, she had always fantasized about 3 guys at once. Although she couldn’t walk straight and said it was the best experience she had ever had but yet she said that the largest guy was only 5” which dint live up to her expectations. It was Pam’s birthday in a week and after she told me she was not fulfilled I knew...

1 year ago
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Whispersssssss In The Night

After being in San Francisco for a week on business Tom came home with a big victory for his company. They gratefully gave him a bonus week off. During his week off we were notified that his next assignment would be in Dallas. Two days before Tom had to fly out to Dallas one of his colleagues named ‘Rocky’ came up from Ga. to spend the weekend with us. Rocky was familiar with who Tom would be meeting in Dallas so they thought it a good idea for Rocky to coach and prep Tom for the upcoming...

4 years ago
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Whispys Urban exploration

Whispy is a purple goth fox sporting some pretty feminine features if you didn't know him you could have thought he was a girl. He wasn't new to urban exploration but he wasn't experienced. This would be the first time he went to a site alone. He griped the steering wheel of his car tightly as he pulled up to the building. It was early in the morning when whispy reached his destination. A town near his own had a state of emergency after some bad earthquake leaving the buildings in bad...

Mind Control

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