Island Of Desire Ch. 04-06 free porn video

Here is more story telling for the next three chapters. It seemed I’ve gotten carried away a littler. You should treat it like foreplay prior to good sex. If you’re not that patient and you just like to get down and dirty maybe you should fast forward to Chapter 7 where it becomes fast and furious. I hope you enjoy it.
Chapter 4
After a delicious breakfast Greg made his way to the archery ground near his bure, having enjoyed a restful nights sleep. The resort daily newsletter slid under his door advertised archery as the morning activity for guests. Greg had tried and enjoyed archery a couple of times previously and mingled with the ten other eager guests who were ready to have a go. In the following three hours they had a great time trying to score bull eyes. At the end of the session there was an informal competition which came down to Greg versus George, a spritely retiree. George proved to be remarkably accurate, narrowly beating Greg by three points to win the wager of a beer at lunch time.
Smiles on their faces, they all retired to the barbecue area for lunch, after a great morning of fun and laughs. Greg quickly paid his debt to George, sharing a well earned Fiji Bitter. They stood at the bar exchanging stories and quickly became good mates. As they joked and laughed George’s wife Muriel came up to them with a concerned look on her face.
‘Greg, you seem a nice kind of guy.’
‘Thanks Muriel, I try.’
‘When I was visiting the ‘Ladies’ I found a lovely young woman who was crying. She’s most distressed and here by herself but she’s had a terrible experience last night. Do think you might be able to look after her a little bit.’
Looking after someone wasn’t really what Greg had in mind when he came to Fiji, but before he knew it, his kind heart was putting words in his mouth.
‘Of course I’d be happy to help out.’
‘Great!’ enthused Muriel. ‘Just give me a minute.’
Muriel strolled off towards the resort central building. A couple of minutes later she was back, this time walking by her side was the stunning young woman that Greg had admired in the bar the previous night. Muriel ushered her up to the bar where George and Greg were finishing off the last of their beers.
‘Christelle, this is my husband George and this is Greg. Greg and George this is Christelle.’
‘Hi,’ she stammered. ‘You can call me Christie.’
‘Hi.’ greeted George and Greg in unison.
‘I understand you’ve had a rough time?’ began George.
‘You could say that,’ replied Christelle.
‘Why don’t you join us for lunch. It’ll give Greg and yourself time to get to know each other and maybe you can restart your holiday on a better note.’
‘Okay,’ agreed Christelle hesitantly.
‘Sounds good to me,’ agreed Greg.
‘Let’s eat!’ pronounced George enthusiastically.
It wasn’t long before they hoeing into plates full of delicious barbecued prawns, crabs and fish. George asked Christelle if she’d like a drink as he was going to the bar to buy Greg and himself another beer a.
‘I’d love a glass of wine.’ she replied. George was soon back with glasses of cold white wine for Christelle, and an amazing looking ‘Fiji Passion’ cocktail for Muriel and of course the beer for he and Greg.
They all chatted easily as they munched their way through the delicious lunch. Christelle began to relax noticeably as she enjoyed George and Greg’s friendly banter which brought much laughter to the table. They sat there for a while after finishing their meals, enjoying the warm sun and friendly company before George and Muriel took their leave to go a tour of one a local village. Greg and Christelle made plans of their own, agreeing to meet at the pool in half an hour.
Greg arrived at the pool a little early and found two sun lounges that were next to each and shared a large sun umbrella. He’d brought a couple of beach towels from the bure and put a towel on each lounge to reserve them for the afternoon. He stripped off a red T-shirt that he wore over his board shorts, which had a blue and green marine pattern detailed on them. As he applied sunscreen to his body, he smiled at the sequence of events that had brought him to meet the stunning woman from the bar the previous night. It felt like the hand of fate was at work. At that moment he noticed a number of men on the side of the pool turn their heads as if on a swivel, some attempting to be discrete, to avoid the attention of their partners. The object of their gaze was a lilting shapely on the other side of the pool. Greg turned to see Christelle sashaying along the path to the pool. Her light brown hair bouncing lightly on her shoulder, she wore large Prada sunglasses and embroidered fuchsia pink bikini top that accentuated her ample bust. A sea blue wrap was tied around her waist, her lithesome legs peeping through a gap in the wrap. She wore slip on heeled sandals and carried a large multi-coloured bag over her shoulder.
Greg waved his hand. Seeing him, Christelle smiled and walked towards him, heads continuing to turn to catch a glimpse of the beautiful woman.
‘Hi!’ she called brightly as she approached Greg, who was stretched out on one of the sun lounge. ‘It’s a beautiful afternoon.’
‘It is!’ agreed Greg. ‘I’ve managed to save us a couple of lounges.’
‘Fantastic,’ she replied dropping her large bag onto the sun lounge before undoing the silky blue wrap, to reveal her matching bikini bottoms.
‘You look great,’ he complimented.
‘Why thank you! Would you be a honey and do my back,’ she asked pulling a bottle of sunscreen from her bag. She turned her back towards him Greg tentatively smoothed the thick lotion on her silky back.
‘You can relax!’ she laughed sensing his nervousness. ‘I won’t bite. Let me undo the bra strap to make it easier.’
Greg almost lost the plot, becoming more uptight than ever.
‘Done!’ he said after completing the thoroughly enjoyable task.
‘Thanks!’ she quipped with a happy spring in her voice. ‘Think I’ll just lie down and have a bit of a snooze.’
After applying lotion to the remainder of her body, she made herself comfortable lying face down.
‘That sounds like a plan. I’m going to read for a while,’ he said, holding up the latest John Grisham novel.
After about an hour of reading Greg was feeling the heat and decided to take a dip. Christelle seemed to be in a deep sleep so he decided to leave he in peace. Standing, he put his book down and walked the 3 metres to the edge of the pool and dived in, enjoying the coolness of the water on his skin.
The pool was large and circular in shape with a small island in the centre. An in-pool bar nestled on the edge of the island, a bridge over the water allowing staff access. Greg put his head down and swam a few energetic strokes of freestyle before rolling over to float on his back. This allowed him to see Christelle diving in after him. He could see her slim body move like a ghost under the water before she burst through the surface with a splash.
‘Hey!’ she exclaimed. ‘I thought you were leaving me behind.’
‘You looked so peaceful, I didn’t want to disturb you.’
‘I was having a lovely snooze, but it is beautiful in.’
‘It is! Do you want to swim over to the bar and I’ll buy you a cocktail.’
‘I’ll buy,’ she asserted. ‘You’ve been so good to me, its the least I can do.’
They splashed over to the bar and took a seat. Greg ordered one of his favourites, a ‘Pina Colada’. Christelle ordered something called ‘Sex On The Beach’.
‘I always enjoy sex on beach!’ she laughed.
‘Do you just?’ Greg asked quizzically.
‘Of course. Don’t you?’ she asked cheekily.
Thus began a lively and fun conversation as the drinks had their relaxing effect. Christelle revealed she worked for store that sold opals and lived in the Melbourne Bohemian suburb of Elwood with he
r fiancee. Greg responded by telling her about his work at the restaurant and that he lived by himself in a unit in Ivanhoe.
They ordered a second cocktail, Greg another ‘Pina Colada’ and Christelle deciding to experiment with a cocktail called a ‘Red Hot Lover’. An exotic looking drink made with vodka and peach Schnapps.
‘Are you trying to tell me something?’ asked Greg as Christelle took her first sip.
‘What would that be?’ she giggled, as they continued to reveal their lives to each other.
‘I don’t know. You tell me!’
Steadily the trust and understanding grew until Christelle felt brave enough to tell Greg about her impending marriage and how confused she was, this leading to her decision to escape to Fiji for a few days. Hearing Christelle’s story, Greg exposed his own wedding demons, which stunned Christelle The synchronicity of their meeting was not lost on either of them.
Enjoying each others company, they finished their cocktails and swam back to the side of the pool where their sun lounges were located. Climbing out of the pool, they grabbed their towels and dried themselves off.
‘I’ve had a lovely afternoon.’ admitted Christelle.
‘That’s great Christie. So have I. I’m glad you’ve had a better day.’
‘I have you to thank. Can I join you for dinner tonight?’
‘Sure! There’s a pig in a pit tonight which I was planning to go to. Do you want to do that?’
‘I’d love to.’
On the way back to their rooms they stopped at the concierge’s desk and agreed on a bus trip to the Fijian capital, Suva, the next day. They then went their separate ways, confirming they would meet at to meet for dinner at six thirty.
Chapter 6
Greg and Christelle met George and Muriel the at the pit roasted pig dinner and were glad to hear that they were getting along nicely and enjoying themselves. They all shared the delicious roasted pork which was served with delicious vegetables and salad.
Stomachs full and feeling relaxed after a couple of drinks, they watched men from a local village dressed in colourful national costume dance to the rhythm of drums played by three men sitting at the side of dance ground. After the crowd had applauded the men, a local choir sang melodiously and joyously. George, Muriel and Christelle thought it was beautiful. Greg was just plain bored.
This marked the beginning of some happy and fun filled days during which Greg and Christelle spent all of their waking hours together but slept in apart in their bures. They enjoyed the whole gamut of tourist experiences. A day trip to Suva for a tour of the Fijian capital, shopping and a great lunch. A day in the sun by the pool at the super deluxe Regent Resort located in the next bay. Catamaran sailing in the blue waters in the front of the resort , Greg demonstrating his sailing skills he had gained over a number of seasons competition. This was followed by swimming and sun baking on a private sandbar, Christelle decided the seclusion of the sandbar was a great opportunity to dispense with her bikini top and gain a more even tan, much to Greg’s delight and soaring desire. That night after dinner they headed for the Shipwrecked Bar, Christelle’s delightful naked breasts on the beach still filling his mind.
Finding a couch in the corner they drank shots together, Greg enjoying the feel of Christelle’s firm body nestling against his shoulder, neither of them saying much as they savoured the connection they felt. A DJ was filling the room with retro eighties music for which they broke their embrace on a couple of occasions to dance, Christelle keeping her body close to his. As the music ended the barman hinted that closing was imminent, by banging crashing racks of glasses. They finished their last shot schnapps and headed for Greg’s bure arm in arm.
Once inside the comfortable bure Greg rustled around for a bottle of duty free bourbon he had bought whilst Christelle settled on the bures long couch, he poured generous amounts of the bourbon into tumblers over ice.
He passed Christelle her drink and picked up his own.
‘Happy holidays!’ he proposed and they clinked glasses.
‘Happy holidays!’ repeated Christelle as they both took a large slurp of the golden liquid. He put his arm around her shoulder and she again nestled into the security of his strong arms.
‘You know I like you.’ she began.
‘YesI know.’
‘I really do,’ she repeated wanting to convince him.
‘I know you like me, but its the big problem of my life. Women like me, but they don’t want me. I get ‘You’re so nice!’ and then they go fuck some bad dude who treats them like shit.’
Christelle laughed. ‘Is that what happens?’
‘Yep. Don’t you think that maybe why you feel so much confused about getting married. Maybe Paul doesn’t always treat you well?’
‘Maybe. You know if things had happened a little differently.’ she began as she stood from the couch and placed her drink on the floor before facing Greg as he sat on the couch.
‘I would’ve loved to make love you.’ she offered in a half whispered voice as she pulled the hem of her dress upwards so that she could kneel with a knee on each side of his legs. Slowly she lowered her hips onto Greg’s crotch and began a slow grind, swivelling her hips back and forth.
Greg’s cock almost exploded out of his underpants, becoming fully erect. He was frozen to the spot, not knowing what to do.
‘I really appreciate what you’ve done for me the last couple of days, but I think sex would just confuse me even more right now.’ she told him honestly as she slowed her gyrations to a stop.
‘I understand. ‘ he replied, not really wanting to understand. All he really wanted was sex with this beautiful. But the curse of niceness blocked him acting out his desire, again denying him intimacy with a beautiful woman.
‘I think it would be a good time for me to go. You know it’s my last day tomorrow.’
‘I know,’ he replied mournfully. ‘Do you want me to walk you to your room?’
‘No. I’m sure I’ll be fine.’
To Greg’s disappointment she climbed from his lap and slipped on her shoes and gave him a kiss on the cheek as he stood to open the door.
‘See you in the morning!’ she quipped slipping out the door and into the tropical gardens.
Feeling more than a little frustrated, Greg flopped onto the couch and drank the remnants of their drinks before pouring himself a couple more before flopping into bed, the booze ensuring he was soon asleep.

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