Imperfect Ch. 02 free porn video

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is one of my best girlfriends. I first met her when I was twenty, at a house party. Back then, her hair was pink and spiky, and I remember she was wearing these large dangly geometric earrings. The thing is, the 80’s had been long over- but I really dug her retro look.

She wasn’t the first girl I experimented with, but she was the first girl that I really had anything special going with. That night, I had no idea that she was even into girls. Especially since she was hanging on the arm of this lanky dark haired guy with an eyebrow piercing.

The two of them were going at it pretty hot and heavy, like some kind of high school make-out session. As it happened, I found out later that she had just graduated, and he had just dropped out of alternative ed. He was joining this local alt/punk band which she thought was totally cool. I could see that they weren’t going anywhere- the band or the couple, but I kept my mouth shut. There was really no reason to do otherwise.

We didn’t hook up that night, but we talked during the time that alternate-boy was hanging with his band-mates. I was in college, studying art and I told her that I would love to paint her sometime. She was kind of shy about that, she didn’t feel that she was especially pretty and she felt sort of awkward. I let her know that I thought she had the perfect face for portraits, and that she wouldn’t have to do anything other than sit still and keep me company while I painted her.

‘You mean I don’t have to sit perfectly still the whole time?’ she asked me.

‘Of course not, just when I’m sketching out a certain feature, and that’s the shortest part of the process.’

She agreed that it wouldn’t be much different than what we were already doing and that she would do it, if I really needed her to help me out. I told her that I really did. What I meant was that I really wanted to, but she didn’t seem ready to believe it.

In the weeks that followed, we came to know each other pretty well as I rendered her likeness onto the best quality canvas I could afford. She was frustrated by the fact that I wouldn’t let her see it until it was finished, but she seemed to enjoy our sessions as much as I did.

We found out that we had a lot in common, similar values and politics, interest in the arts- Zoë was into photography and fashion design, similar taste in music (band-boy notwithstanding). One thing that we never discussed was my growing attraction for her. She never hinted at any tendencies toward bi-sexuality and I didn’t want to take a chance of damaging our friendship or scaring her off, so I didn’t say anything. But I felt the heat in the room whenever she was around. I knew the excitement whenever I thought about her, or the anticipation of seeing her again. Part of me didn’t want to finish the painting, part of me had this irrational fear that when the painting was finished, I’d never see her again.

But I did finish the painting. I remember the day quite clearly. She came in that day with her pink hair spiked up and those same geometric earrings she wore the first time I had seen her. She was wearing head to toe green and it made me think of a nature spirit, the way her tiny body floated around the room and her musical little laugh echoed around in my head long after the sound had dissipated from the room.

At first she sat quietly while I added the finishing touches. She knew that I was almost done and there was something almost magical about it that we both understood. It was almost as if we were holding our breaths in anticipation, knowing that the finished product was so close so fragile that we didn’t want to do anything to slow it down or break it at the last minute.

‘OK,’ I finally said. ‘You wanna come see?’

Her eyes lit up. ‘It’s ready?’ she asked tentatively.

I nodded and she ran to my side. When she looked at the picture, I heard her inhale suddenly and then she was silent for a moment or two.

‘You made me look so- beautiful,’ she said in awe.

‘You are beautiful,’ I answered. She looked at me with her eyes shining. Something passed between us, I felt I know what it was but I was afraid to name it. A moment that seemed it could have gone anywhere if one of us had had the courage to seize it. But neither of us did, and the moment passed.

‘Your very talented,’ she told me. I wondered if the moment had happened at all.

‘I think this is my best work,’ I told her.

‘Can I see some of your other stuff?’ she asked, looking eager.

‘Sure, let’s do that while this one dries. It always looks a little different after the paint dries.’

I took her over to my cupboard and we started looking through my canvases. I didn’t have many yet, most of the pictures I had painted in high school where in boxes painted on heavy paper. Most of the canvases, even, were from school assignments. We flipped through my meager collection. Zoë seemed impressed with every one.

‘Wow!’ she told me, ‘I don’t think I could ever be that talented.’

‘What are you talking about?’ I asked her. ‘You’re a photographer! And you design clothes.’

‘Yeah, but that’s different. Photography’s not really a talent like painting. I just take a picture of what’s there. You create.’

‘We all have different talents Zoë. You use your eyes to see and capture beauty just like I do. You shouldn’t undervalue yourself.’

‘Don’t hide your light under a bushel huh?’ she laughed.


Our friendship was cemented that day. Rather than being the last, it was the first that really mattered. It was the day we went from being people who knew each other to being real true friends. Zoë liked my fairy pictures the best, and I sometimes wonder if that isn’t the reason that I’ve painted so many since then.

Zoë became my model, and secretly my muse. She would sit for me whenever I needed to do a painting for class, or even if I just wanted to practice sketching features. One day when I was preparing to do an assignment she said something that made the hair on my arms stand up.

‘Do you ever do- you know, nudes?’ she asked quite shyly.

‘Sure, in class I’ve done a few,’ I told her trying to be nonchalant.

‘Would you want to- I mean, well. I think it would be a cool thing to have, you know a once in a lifetime- Or do you think that would be too weird? You know, since we know each other so well?’

‘No, not at all. I mean, if you were ok with it. I know some tricks to help you if your uncomfortable.’


‘Sure- like wearing a sheet, keeping the room warm, stuff like that.’

‘Oh,’ did she blush? ‘That’s thoughtful.’

‘All in the name of keeping the model happy,’ I told her with a smile. ‘And if you decide you’re uncomfortable at any point, and don’t want to continue- I just stop. I’ll paint over whatever work I’ve already done and re-use the canvas for something else. I don’t want to do anything to make you uncomfortable.’

‘I feel totally comfortable when I’m with you,’ she assured me.

There it was again. Something between us. What did she mean? Was it something more than the sum total of the words spoken? I had just told her that I didn’t want to make her uncomfortable, so I was afraid to ask, to pursue it further.

She mentioned the nude painting a few times again, but whenever I asked if she wanted to do it, she said she wasn’t sure yet. I was patient. I tried not to let it show how eager I was to see her body naked, laid out for me to caress with my minds eye and stroke over the canvas board with my brushes. How often I had imagined it and dreamed about it, hoping that somehow she might feel the same way about me. Alone in the night I let the fantasy take me away, to heights of pleasure. But when she was in the room, standing so near me I could feel her body heat and smell her shampoo, I would say nothing of the desires that burned within my heart.

Finally th
e day came. ‘I’m ready,’ she told me resolutely. I didn’t have to ask what she meant. It had been on my mind for so long, and I could see that she had steeled up her courage to take the plunge.

I led her to the room, turned up the heat to a comfortable temperature for the clothing-impaired and left to let her take off her clothes and cover with the sheet. ‘It’s just like the doctor’s office,’ she said, giggling nervously.

She called out when she was ready for me.

‘The doctor can see you now,’ I said with a chuckle. I could see she was tense, but relaxing. ‘The next thing we need to do is decide on a pose.’

‘I thought I would just lay on a…’ she looked around, realizing that there was no couch in the room. ‘Hmm, what do we do now?’

‘I could draw you standing, or sitting. In fact, I have a couple of pose ideas of you sitting down under the window sill. Would you like me to show you?’


‘All right, you stand here, behind my easel where I would be. That way you can see how you’ll appear from my point of view.’

I went to the window and showed her several sitting positions, including one where her knees were over her breasts and her hands down by her feet. It’s a good pose that looks fresh and sensual without showing too much detail. The one she choose had her legs together and bent so that the bottom half of her anatomy would be covered, but her breasts exposed. Then she leaned at a 50-60 degree angle on her hand and faced forward toward me.

Zoë seemed to have no problem shedding the cloth. It seemed to me that she had been building her self up to do this for a long time, and now she was determined to do so without showing any fear. It made me like her even more.

Now she sat in front of me, naked at last. ‘Breathtaking,’ I said, not even realizing that it was out loud. Her breasts were round and firm with large put pale areolas and pale pert nipples. I sketched her quicker than anything else I had ever drawn and when I reached for my brush, even she was surprised.

‘You’ve finished the sketch already?’

I stopped what I was doing and looked at her carefully. I searched her face and found no fear, I decided for myself to be brave as well. ‘It’s like I was born to paint you like this.’

The words fell into the air. There was no tension in the silence, only understanding. The room was infused with a soft kind of energy. A glow of mutual respect, caring, and something else. Dare I even call it love?

I painted like that, in silence. The sun moved down the sky and the shadows in my painting moved to. They were fluid, almost surreal as if the viewer could hear them whispering. Something was different now. Zoë felt it, I felt it. She looked at me differently now. She was waiting. Waiting for me to finish, waiting for me to make my move.

When the last bush stroke was laid down, I nearly dropped my brush and pallet. I didn’t run to her, but moved with a fluid motion as though pulled by some force beyond my control. I stopped just in front of her without touching her. Now we looked into each others eyes and calibrated out breaths to one another. The air was thick with anticipation, I could feel our souls being drawn toward one another.

I leaned toward her, taking her in my arms, wrapping myself around her. I didn’t kiss her lips, but her cheek near her ear lobe. I kissed her neck and felt her melt into me. I nuzzled her neck, feeling filled with joy. I had painted her so many times, but I had never been able to touch her like this, to capture her in this way. She was like smoke in my arms, like a dream only I knew this was real. I had dreamed this so many times and this was different. I heard her moan softly, accepting me as I slid my hand down between her legs.

She pressed into me as I massaged her moist outer lips. Her moans were like soft mewing, a beseeching sound begging me to take her but to take her gently. I knew instinctively that this was new for her, yet she was willing because she knew me, trusted me. I took my time coving her neck with kisses, blowing softly across her ear, and stroking her gently between her legs. I waited to go further until she was sure she wanted it, until she wanted it so badly that her body was begging. Her head was tipped back, her breaths long and steady.

‘Do you want me inside you?’ I whispered, our cheeks pressed together.

‘Yes!’ she moaned back. ‘Yes.’

I pushed two fingers up past her external folds. Her body opened to me as I slid into the velvety flesh and she cried out again. Very slowly I worded my fingers in and out of her, in time with her hard and steady breathing. In and out I slid past the sticky entrance to her cunny. Her breathing quickened and so did my thrusts. She moaned her pleasure as if in a dream, saying my name and calling yes, yes, and please.

‘Oh, god Nicole- yes! Oh yes, please. Just like that, baby. Just like that.’ She was lost in the ecstasy of the moment. She seemed almost possessed my some medieval sprit of sexual rapture, the way she rolled in my arms and pleaded for more.

I brought her up, all the way up so that she was so close- her moans deepened, her cries edged toward screams. My fingers flew in and out of her, bringing her close to the edge, but then backing off. I slowed and now she went back to the moans from before. I could tell she was wondering why I had not let her come, but what I was now doing felt so good that she quickly forgot to complain.

My arm was wrapped around her back, and I now leaned her back on top of the sheet on the floor and slipped out from underneath her. Continuing to work my fingers over her g-spot, I used my other hand to lift her knees and spread her thighs open. When I leaned down and reached my tongue out to touch her, she gasped in shock and pleasure.

I liked her inner lips evenly, tasting the condensed sweetness of her juices. Her pussy-juices continued flowing in response to the generous tongue bath I was providing and together we slicked up both her sweet nether regions and my mouth with a mix of our fluids. Her sweet taste was encouraging to me as I continued to stimulate her g-spot while I flicked teasingly at her clit off and on.

Zoë’s head was now thrashing back and forth, and the words and moans that emanated from her mouth were all gibberish. But each time my tongue danced over her protruding little nub, a high pitched squeal would escape amidst the lower earthy tones of lust. Each flick was followed by more attention to her lips and then another flick or series of flicks and then back between her lips. I used my hands to pull her inner labia apart, finally releasing hr g-spot with some protest from her. That quickly died down when I pressed my tongue up inside of her, fucking her wet pussy with my driving thrusting organ.

Now I could feel her fluids gushing down my tongue and onto my chin as I searched for the tender g-spot with my bending stretching tongue. Her hands gripped the sheet on the floor and her body began to tense again. I jabbed at her frantically, hopping to bring her off in my mouth and catch a flood of sticky girl come to gobble down. She moaned and thrashed and seemed so close, but just continued on like this rather than exploding in orgasm as I had intended. It didn’t seem to bother her, although her moans grew more and more frantic and she bucked her hips into my face almost violently. She felt she was close, but for some reason she just couldn’t reach climax.

I decided that I would need to slow down again, to ease her into this process and seduce her body into letting go. I held her hips still and slid my tongue out of her gushing pussy, and pushed my wet fingers back in. ‘It’s ok,’ I reassured her. ‘I want to try some other thing.’

I brought her up in my arms again and looked into her beautiful face. I couldn’t believe that I was so lucky to be hear with her, holding her, fucking her on the floor of my studio. I wondered if she would accept her own juiced on my l
ips as I moved in to kiss her.

She sucked my tongue hungrily, reveling in her own taste. I could feel another gush of excitement down below as my come drenched tongue touched her own. She sucked my tongue into her mouth as though it were a man’s cock, performing her oral delights with enthusiasm. My own pussy was drenched now and begging for attention.

I broke the kiss to tear off my clothes, wiggling out of a pair of overalls and a plain t-shirt. I had no bra on, as I sometimes feel more comfortable without one when I’m painting. My bikini cut underwear where simple and unglamorous and I tossed them aside without much thought. As soon as my clothes were out of the way, Zoë pounced back onto my mouth with a ferociousness that took me by surprise.

I slid her inexperienced hand down between my legs and she quickly figured out what to do. She stroked my wet folds as I had stroked hers, encouraging my already copious flow of lubrication. I slid my hand back into her and we continued to manually stimulate each other for some time while she licked and sucked at my tongue.

‘Are you sure you’ve never done this before?’ I asked her as she nuzzled my sensitive neck area.

‘How did you know!’ she gasped. ‘Have I done something wrong?’

‘No my dear, you’ve done everything right.’

‘But I can’t- what if I can’t-‘ there was a tear and a catch in her voice. I knew I had to make it go away.

‘You will,’ I assured her, brushing her damp bangs from her face. ‘I am very patient. You just relax and it will happen. I want you to enjoy yourself, that’s what’s most important, ok?’

‘Oh, I am! I really am. Nicole, you are amazing. I’ve been wanting this for so long. But I was afraid.’

She had been wanting me too, all this time. The thought filled me with tenderness and deepened my desire. This amazing girl had wanted me. It was not my imagination or wishful thinking. I had not pushed her into anything she wasn’t ready for, I hadn’t influenced her to do something she didn’t want. There was relief, there was pride, and there was determination. I would make her come if it took the rest of my life. In fact, I didn’t mind spending the rest of my life like this, wrapped up in each others arms, bringing untold pleasures to each other for all eternity. In fact it sounded like heaven to me.

‘You don’t need to be afraid anymore,’ I told her. ‘I’ll take care of you.’

‘Can I- I mean…’

‘What is it? You can ask me anything.’

‘That taste of myself, on your lips. It was like nothing I’ve ever tasted before. It was such a turn on.’

‘I know,’ I told her with a smile.

‘Could I- you know?’ she asked nodding down at my lap.

‘Of course darling. I would love that.’

‘Love,’ she whispered with a hint of a shy smile.’

‘We can talk about that later.’

‘Of course, now lay back sweet heart.’

She called me sweet heart, and she wanted to taste me, to lick my pussy like I had done to her. The girl could not stop amazing me I thought as I did as she told me, and leaned back with a smile on my face.

‘Oooh!’ I gasped as she licked me experimentally. I noticed she stopped to explore the taste.

‘Your sweeter than me,’ she told me.

‘You’ll have to share with me later, so I can judge that for myself,’ I told her.

She laughed, ‘You naughty little vixen.’

‘Yes I a-A-A-AM!’ I gasp as she descended on me disentrance. ‘Oh Goh-od! Oh yeah, Oh, Oh, Oh!’ It was my turn to thrash my head back and forth as she slid her wet tongue into my intimate folds. Her method was more exploratory than mine, tracing over my lips and burrowing into the vallies and folds of the inner and outer labia. She hit my clitoris, on accident I think, for she seemed as surprised as I was. I howled and begged her to do it again.

‘Oh no,’ she said laughing. ‘You teased me, now I am going to tease you.’ She licked again at my lips then latched on, sucking and nuzzling my tender wet folds.

‘Mmmh, ahhh, ahhh, mmmh, yeah,’ I moaned, I couldn’t believe how amazing it felt and then she used her nose to nuzzle my clit while she held my pussy lips firmly in her mouth and shook her head back and forth.

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The two of us woke at six and were ready to get going for the day. I told Juliet that I didn’t do one bit of studying yesterday and would need to catch up to stay with my plan. She said that she had classes she needed to attend and was ready to get back to it. We both dressed in what we had and agreed to talk about her grandmother’s invitation to live there. It might be necessary if her father no longer had the income he was used to. He would instantly be in trouble with alimony for Juliet’s...

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Nymphet Goddess

As I stared down my reflection in the mirror I was neither impressed nor disappointed. I was as I had always been, large. 5’3, size 20, plush double D’s, flowing vivid red hair and honey brown eyes. I had never been considered ugly, but in childhood I was cruelly taunted for my weight. I found that as I grew up I evened out more, and it worked well for me. Dressed in my favourite black, long sleeved dress and black kitten heels, I felt sexy, confident. The olive green eyeshadow and black liner...

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Hayleys Third Photoshoot

After her second photoshoot with Pete, Hayley had completely changed her long-standing opinions on nude models. For so long, she had thought of any girl that was prepared to get naked for someone to photograph was nothing more than a bimbo who had no respect for her body. However, now she could see the fascination, and had felt the rush for herself.Luckily for her, Dan was not just supportive of her new hobby, but was actively encouraging her to do more sets with Pete. Following her admission...

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The Writers Secret

Synopsis: Loren had no idea what he was getting into when his agent suggested he write transvestite fiction. Nor did he realize how eagerly his wife Stephanie would embrace the idea of feminizing her husband. How far would they go?The Writer's Secretby Ann MichelleChapter 1:  "Loren's New Genre"Loren Candeze sat on his couch reading the book he'd purchased from the internet.  He laughed.  His wife Stephanie, who sat on the other end of the couch reading a magazine looked up.  She brushed her...

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Maid In India 8211 Part 1

Hi folks, This story is about me (sam) my wife kavya and our maid arti.I have been married for past 10 years and have a healthy relationship with my wife but we have an exceptional twist in our married live.After marriage for few months, we had a normal sex life but my wife was never comfortable with it.She actually realized after marriage that sex never enticed her as she was a virgin when I married her and of course I was the one who took her virginity. Later on, she started feeling more and...

2 years ago
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Indore College Ki Ladki Bye Pass Pr Akeli

Indore college ki ladki byepass pr akeli this will be mine first post on ISS, after reading and following this website from a long time finally got some time to write for you all mai Nikshey hu indore mai rehata hu, yaha se Engineering kr raha hu. Ye meri pehali. Story hai issliye please mujhe emails karke batana kaisi lagi meri story aur agar koi ladki patt jaaye yaha se to fir kya kehane mera email id Ab mai apni story pr aata hu mai Indore byepass k paas hi 1 college mai padta hu. Humare...

1 year ago
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BangBus Harper Red Does The Carpet Match the Drapes

Harper Red was waiting for the real bus when bang bus stopped for her. She was pretty feisty and managed to keep up with the dirty talk of the boys. But she had a vagina and thus loved money. On top of that she was a stripper so she was used to showing off for money. They gave her $200 for a flash. She made it very sexy and not short at all. Some more money for her panties. And even more to come inside and do a lap dance. Filthy Rich figured since they paid $500 for a lap dance he could get...

4 years ago
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A meeting in Leather Part 13

"Spit roasted on the breakfast table."#English translation- A sequel to: Or start at the beginning: Dave and I drove around the area. It was a beautiful summer day, but you could tell that the summer was slowing down. So I was happy that I was wearing my new Leather Motor Jacket over a white shirt with long sleeves. And we had Leather Jeans on, a Jock strap and...

2 years ago
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Fucking My Friend Dharshu

Hi girls and boys i am Arun aged 18 studying college second year from Coimbatore. I have been reading all the stories since when i was studying 11 std. Then i got many ideas about sex. Let me come to the story,after finishing my 12th exams i got good marks and i joined in college in Coimbatore. Then in college i got many friends, all are good looking. One day my best friend introduced his school friend to me. Her name is dharshini studying 12th standard, we became very close. One day she...

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A Slut Must Obey Chapter 2A

I was tied outside in the open, for anyone who goes through the street, to have a look at my pathetic state. I didn't realize, but I started crying heavily. I must have been there all night as I could see the sun, ready to rise any minute now. People were going to wake up and watch me in such an embarrassing position. I had to call Miss Amy out, and beg her to take me in before any one sees me. I started banging the door with all the little energy that I could gather. It was after some repeated...

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Adventures of a Greenie Green Marine Vol 3Chapter 4 Betrayed

Roy followed the living legend, he knew very little about. He remembered of course what Stahl did for him at Belle Station. He also remembered the tough questions after the pirate attack on the Silver Swan. Now he was actually walking right next to him towards a waiting D-20 shuttle, that had made landfall right in the middle of a sports field with a red track surrounding it. The shuttle was not the usual kind, but a tough-looking Lister-Class with fixed forward-facing guns and a small gun...

3 years ago
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FAQs About Me

I get heaps of questions about me, so I'll answer as many as I can here.1. Do you do guys?As a general rule, no. I do appreciate a nice set of balls every now and again, however, but I don't like fucking men.2. Do you do girls?Yes. Of all ages.3. What are your views on i****t?Depends. Heterosexual i****t is just wrong, with chances of deformed babies and the illnesses and the like. Homosexual i****t is alright by me, because if two consenting people want to have sex with each other in a safe...

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A new Family Dynamic Ch 13

My name is Daphne. I am 41 and have kept myself in pretty good shape by eating right and keeping fit, despite having two kids. Kids! They’re not kids anymore, actually. Brian is 19 and Stephanie is just about to turn 17. Unfortunately, my husband died from a sudden heart attack a few months ago. We’d been married 20 years. Jeff was out for a regular five mile run one morning when he apparently had a massive coronary about a mile and half into his run. According to the doctors, he was...

4 years ago
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How High a Price Contributed ConclusionsBy James

As I stood on the patio I thought back to our wedding and all the happy years together since then. My eyes filled with tears as I recalled the many happy times we'd enjoyed, And the hurt grew even deeper, as I realized that I had only one choice, not several. From the beginning I had loved my wife with all my heart. But now my heart was broken by the shock of discovering that she had given herself to another man. That she had lied to me as she spent two nights in his bed. As much as I...

3 years ago
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A Lesbian Love Story of SortsChapter 6 the Final Approach

I purposely did not call her on Sunday. I wanted to let the night just linger inside as she sobered up and dealt with her fiancé. I spent the day doing laundry, planning lessons and watched a movie. I love how people think if you're a lesbian all you ever do is think sex. I was a complete person with a variety of passions and only Gwen really knew the complete me. Monday Feb 3 On Monday we met at school and acted as if nothing had happened only two days earlier. I asked how Ron was and she...

1 year ago
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Eyes on the Prize Chapter 2

EYES ON THE PRIZE - CHAPTER TWO "Dinner time!" The false jollity of the announcement cut through the morose swirl of my thoughts. For the past few hours I had been lying on the bed in what was indisputably my prison cell, reflecting on my fate. I had been lured to a warehouse on the edge of town, under threat not just of having my porn-viewing habits revealed to my wife and mother, but of financial ruination. And now I was trapped here, by what appeared to be a maniacal group of...

2 years ago
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Samanthas Strip PokerChapter 4 Play Continues

I got dealt a K-8 this hand. I was going to stay in on the strength of that kicker. Samantha matched my blind bet, but I threw her shorts in the middle raising 5. "We're playing for the rest of your shirt this hand. If you stay in." I was kind of surprised when she did stay, but was so totally excited by what was going on it didn't bother me a bit. When Samantha flopped a king, I didn't even hesitate about going all in. Samantha revealed her cards as well, a Q-5, and studied the cards...

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Daddys Little GirlsChapter 3

The remainder of spring trickled away entirely and now a summer sun burned over head. The gulls soared above the gray beach, shrieked to one another, and then dipped and swooped one by one to land on a large rock some distance out into the Atlantic as Roger Johnston lay idly watching. He was stretched out on a pop-patterned beach blanket his daughters had given him on his forty-first birthday. There were other blankets and other people on the beach, all in a cluster near Roger, but beyond...

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My Aunt My Slave

This past year has been quite the rollercoaster for me – not so many ups and a whole lot of downs. Both of my parents were killed suddenly leaving me to fend for myself. I was twenty-three years old and had just been accepted into graduate school for psychology. Luckily my parents had made plans that left me without needing to worry about financial issues for the rest of my life. They also left me with a very large house with a mortgage that was paid off due to their untimely deaths. The...

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Home For Christmas Ch 3

My heart was thumping as my brother ran his hand down my now bare thighs. His fingers drew slow circles on my skin, edging their way closer to my pussy. His index finger came and traced the edge of my lips, the subtle, light touch sending ricochets of pleasure through me. Matthew brought his thumb up to rub my clit in circles. He was being slow and gentle, but I needed more. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this," Matthew murmured. "Please... More, Matthew," I panted. Matthew...

3 years ago
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Martha Space MadamChapter 20 Planning

Martha found Kate's technique for handling the prisoners not all that different from her own with new girls in the House of Joy. Having shown them her power by using the neural whip on one of them, she processed each one rapidly through to the medibot, ignoring the protests of innocence, error, mistreatment, and cheating which they variously expected her to correct. While they were in the medibot all their belongings were hidden away in a cupboard and an overall was issued. Then they were...

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My Cruel Step Mom Nagamani 8211 Part V

Hi ISS readers, this is Santaram again in earlier episodes, I narrated how my stepmom Nagamani tortures me for various reasons and fuck with different young men in front of my dad and me. Now I would like to tell you one more real incident happened in my life when I was 18 years old. Me opinions ni naku ki post cheyyandi. Aa roju my step mom Nagamani birth day. Nenu 4 am ki lechi Nagamani paadalaku namaskarinchi legs masage chestunnanu.Nagamani pakkane ma servant maid Anjamma koduku Seenu...

2 years ago
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Life of a Stripper

The backstory- When she was less than a year old, Vixxen's life began to follow a dark and weaving road of tragedy. Her father was a Marine and was killed in combat when she was less than a year old; she never met him. Her mother mourned him but moved on in time. She married again a few years later to a respected church leader named Michael. Her mother gave birth to Vixxen when she was just eighteen and married her stepdad when she was just twenty-one. Her new husband was in his mid-thirties....

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Rich Guy 2Chapter 8 homecoming

I watched Candace and Cassie sit on the couch of the condo and talk for several hours. I couldn’t bring myself to turn on the audio, though I was dying to. I could tell by their body language that the conversation was quite animated. In the end, I was unable to take the tension any longer and turned it off. I walked slowly through the house, poking my head into Candace and Cassie’s rooms and savoring the smell of the girls. I wandered to the workroom and admired Cassie and Samantha’s...

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Jasons TaleChapter 29 One Day At Sea Is Like Another

That set the pattern for the next several days. Every morning we’d go gather up all the drunks we could find, then try to get some things done, have the previous night’s duty section get us underway for an exercise, and come back to port, giving them their drinking money and trying to get some work out of the hungover sailors before giving up for the night. Some of them got the bright idea that it really wasn’t necessary to get drunk every night. Others thought it was required, but those...

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Langeweile Geschichte mit den meisten Optionen

Es ist ein warmer sonniger Freitag Nachmittag. Sandra ist gerade von der Schule nach Hause gekommen. Gelangweilt sitzt sie in ihrem Zimmer. Es ist nicht besonders groß, aber trotzdem hätte sie gern mehr Platz. Es sieht alles ein wenig chaotisch und unaufgeräumt aus. Auf dem Boden liegen ein paar Jeans und ein getragener Slip. Rötliche Sonnenstrahlen fallen durch das Fenster und lassen ihr Zimmer herbstlich erleuchten. Sie lässt sich auf ihr Bett fallen und schliesst ihre Augen. Was für ein...

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The Penthouse 4

Last time, we saw Andrew and Sarah they were doing sex in the hotel room. Andrew was loving licking Sarah's clitoris. Sarah wanted to stop because she was getting hungry from all the sex they were having so they both decide to order room service. Anders who was done working the blackjack table had to go report to his boss. His boss told him he had a room service order to Andrew and Sarah. Anders was really excited to hear this. Anders went to the kitchen and spoke to the chef's at Luxor kitchen...

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My wife

One Sunday afternoon in July there wasn’t much going on around the house and me and my wife were just sitting and watching a baseball game on TV and having a few beers. We were both bored to death and we were drinking more than we usually do. We talked about maybe walking over to one of the forest preserves near our house to see what was going on. We liked to do that to watch the other people who go there to get a quick fuck or some head. I guess it’s the voyeuristic side of us. Leanne was...

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Testing WhimChapter 3 The Decision of a Lifetime

I gave her a few minutes to recover, but knew from experience not to let her get too relaxed. With a thought I left most of the straps in place but removed the ones that held her arms in place along with all of the barbs from the table and added some padding to make it a little more comfortable. Still cupping her pussy I let go of her hand and reached up to gently stroke her cheek. "Mmm, that feels good," she sighed without opening her eyes as she nestled her face against my palm and...

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CounselingChapter 4

Los Angeles, California. November 30, 2008. "How's it going, Nadine?" Baxter Page asked. The Goth hippie walked up to the frumpy reporter dressed like MTV character Daria when she disengaged herself from a group of costumed celebrities. They were near the bar in the main gathering room of Marilyn Manson's home and hundreds of party guests were moving around. "It's going okay," Nadine replied. "I was just watching Brangelina say hello to Jennifer Aniston and John Mayer." "Did...

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The Widows Pink Panties part 1

Introduction: Life goes on after the death of a loved one. Sometimes, it moves faster than others… Joe died&hellip, Those words resonated in my mind for two nights and the day in between. He had been one of the best friends Id ever had. He loved to play music, I loved to listen. Joe was accomplished on piano, banjo, guitar, mandolin and his biggest asset&hellip, bullshit. He could look you in the eye and make you believe the hair on his head was blue, instead of black. He was the best in the...

2 years ago
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My New Hobby

To be honest, from the few times the boys at my high school had shown me photos trying to flirt with me, I was expecting older women with huge boobs and lots of makeup. Wow was I surprised. This girl I found that started this passion was about my age. She was very athletic and cute but seemed so relaxed while showing EVERYTHING off. In most of her pictures, she was arching her back to expose her butt to the camera. I took off my shorts and compared myself to her in the mirror. I arched...

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Dealing With JessieChapter 4

Gary and Carolyn had been seeing each other since spring break. There’d been some heavy petting, but nothing else happened, no more blow jobs. He met her mother and got the impression she was the manipulative type; not manipulative like Jessie, no Carolyn’s mother liked to play the frail helpless but loving mom role. He liked her, but she was a whiner. He could see she had Carolyn wrapped around her little finger. He wondered how it would work out if he married her daughter, her personal...

1 year ago
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Pennys Promiscuity 13 Fickle Freedom

My second day of freedom started a little more promisingly than the first, but only a little. I had enjoyed more sleep than the night before: the cold had woken me only once, forcing me to slide under the duvet and I had passed the night in relative calm. But as the alarm clock beeped alongside my head and I opened my eyes, the reality of the situation rushed in on me again.I was alone in the silent house. My husband Pete had left me because I had lied to him about seeing Tony, the only lover I...

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Ripples in TimeChapter 2

Monday, April 29, 2013 My final day of student-teaching with John Waters was bittersweet. I'd gotten close to John over the last four months of working together. I told John about my new job as a graduate assistant at Temple. He envied my opportunity. He thought he would have enjoyed an opportunity like that if he had the chance after he graduated from West Chester way back when. I kept a close eye on the clock during the lecture. I had one more thing to say to the class and didn't want...

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