Blackmailed Into Homo-Humiliation Ch. 02 free porn video

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After my wife had discovered me being fucked by Roger and submissively sucking his cock on order she had stormed home packed her bags and went to her sisters for a fortnight. It was a full three days before she answered my phone calls and I tried to explain my actions to her. It wasn't easy but eventually she agreed to return to our home to at least live but I was deservedly banished to our guest bedroom.

Meanwhile, at work Roger laid off me. Yes, he was constantly there and giving me knowing grins and smiles but he made no more demands that I service him in any way sexually at work and, in fact, made no mention of that Friday in the Boardroom where he made me his bitch. I figured that he had made his point. He had humiliated me and reduced me to a state where I would rather suck his cock than comfort my loving wife. He had brought me to this and I thought that having achieved that he was happy and he would move on. He had gained revenge on me for usurping him in the office and on Julie for going with me rather than him and that was an end of it. I was relieved, I wanted to fight to save my marriage and put all this behind me but I can't deny there was a part of me disappointed, a craving that Roger's treatment of me over the past few weeks had awakened in me, a craving for cock. I tried hard to repress it.

As could be imagined things were difficult between Julie and myself and it was with a heavy heart that I set off on a week long trip some three weeks after her return to our home. I wasn't out of the office normally for too long but this trip had been planned months in advance so I had to go and found myself trudging up our front path at nearly nine at night on the Friday after an exhausting week.

When I opened the front door I knew something was different, I could sense it in the air. I shut the door and dropped my cases in the hall, glimpsed my blonde hair passing the hall mirror and headed straight for the lounge. There was nobody there, but there had been and recently by the look of the two wine glasses and discarded bottles that littered the coffee table carelessly. A low constant thudding noise registered in my hearing from above and I hurried to the staircase afraid of what I would discover upstairs and, I guess, on some level knowing.

I stalled in the entrance to the master bedroom and was at once appalled and unable to look away from the sight that greeted me. My wife lay on her back across the width of the bed, naked and her long legs spread as wide as you can imagine, her hair fanned out on the white bedclothes behind her, her pert breasts rippling with the force she was being fucked with. There between her legs was Roger, his older, muscular frame shown in shadow and light as he thrust into her to match her moans of undoubted pleasure.

I stood there dumbfounded for what seemed like an eternity watching him satisfy my wife. Watching his slick, erect penis slide backwards and forwards into her as they rutted oblivious to my presence. Not for long oblivious though as Roger looked up and met my gaze, holding it as he continued to fuck Julie. I was frozen under his stare and could only drop my gaze submissively as he looked contemptuously at me. He stopped fucking Julie and she turned to see what had halted his barrage but she barely registered my presence, just a smile that I couldn't quite make out. She lay there, her legs still akimbo as Roger spoke to me.

His greeting was humiliating to me in the extreme "Well look at this! If it isn't my little bitch, back from work."

I started to stammer a reply of sorts but he cut me off.

"Shut up. I want you to get undressed and get over there (pointing to a spot on the far side of the bed so I would be just yard from Julie's head). I'll allow you the luxury of masturbating while I drill your wife's ass."

I should have resisted, I should have shouted at him or even physically tackled him and thrown him out. But I didn't, all I did in defiance of his command was to stand still and hesitate. Not a very strong reaction, I know. He seized on that hesitation and began to menacingly threaten me as I cowered in the doorway and my wife lay obviously satisfied on the bed.

"Listen Simon, you stupid little Bitch. You don't seem to have grasped the situation so let me spell it out for you. Either you do as I say and strip off and get down on your knees over there with your pathetic little cock in your hand or believe me I'll finish your career and your marriage in the next 24 hours. Besides you want to please your Master don't you?"

The two of them watched me curiously as I stripped naked before them. Embarrassingly I was hard, I didn't know whether it had been watching them or being spoken to like that which had turned me on so much, but there was little doubt the two of them noticed how my body had reacted to finding them and being made to obey Roger. God, I even got to my knees of my own accord and crawled over to where he had bidden me, when I reached it I looked up and found Julie rolling over to her front and staring straight at me. I couldn't hold her gaze. I was confused how had this all happened? What did it mean? I had little time to contemplate as Roger had obviously slid his penis into her arsehole (I had never had anal sex with her!) and slowly began to jog her back and forwards, her face contorting in a pleasure/pain grimace. Unthinkingly, I reached down with my right hand and gripped my hard cock and began to run my hand over it.

I couldn't tell you how long we were like that, me masturbating furiously while my wife was sodomised in front of me by my Master, time seemed to have no meaning and it was only as I felt my hot seed spill into my hand that I came somewhat to my senses. I knelt there, no doubt a pathetic image, cum dripping through my fingers as Roger and Julie's lovemaking became more noisy and erratic in movement and he vocally told her (and me) he was cuming. He didn't withdraw and obviously spunked his load inside my wife's sphincter. Her face fell into the sheets and he flopped atop her and the scene was silent for a moment.

Roger looked up grinning wildly at me. I imagine that he derived as much pleasure from what he had just ordered me to watch as when I had sucked his cock, licked his arse and allowed him to fuck me previously. He spoke in his controlled work voice.

"Simon, I want you to crawl over here and suck my cock clean, then you can drink my cum from Julie's arsehole."

Obscene, repellent and to the point. Nevertheless, I was immediately crawling around the bed towards him intent on his masterful penis. I was his and all three of us knew it. What I didn't know yet was where Julie stood (or lay currently) in this. She was however, making no objections so far.

I gobbled greedily on his softening member, taking it fully into my mouth and working my tongue over it as I had done previously. I could tell he was pleased that I was doing as he ordered and from the corner of my eye I could see a self-satisfied smile forming on my wife's face as she looked over her shoulder. This cock had been buried deep in my wife's arsehole seconds before and bore the evidence of that but yet I still licked at it reverentially.

I had barely begun servicing him orally when he pulled his already re-stiffening cock from my mouth and turned my head around to face my wife's arse. A thin trail of his cum was already leaking out of her and he guided my head towards it knowing that I would do as he instructed. With her body still crushed to the sheets she eased her legs further apart, proffering me easier access to my site. My tongue, fresh from engulfing Roger's penis, now snaked out and caught the end of the trail of cum before it escaped her body completely and in one fluid motion I ran my tongue up the crack of her arse right to the puckered pink hole that it originated from.

Julie gave a low groan of pleasure as my tongue probed her most intimate hole, seeking more of Roger's sperm and gathering it into my waiting mouth. Roger was behind me holding my head but he need not worry of me withdrawing, I was too caught up in the moment, whatever the circumstances. But it was over too soon, Julie was happy enough with her treatment and inched forward and off the bed, giving just an explanation of "I'm going to take a shower, OK?"

The worrying thing was it was directed at Roger, as was her glance, I might as well have not been in the room.

I watched her svelte, naked, sweaty body leave the room and felt Roger's finger on my chin, tilting it upwards so I looked up towards his mocking face.

"As you can see I've re-acquainted myself with your wife and she and I have decided that I should move in. I felt sure you wouldn't mind."

I did, and I wanted to tell 'no, get out' but the proximity of his stiffening cock to my mouth reminded me of my submission.

He continued as the tip of his long cock bobbed against my lips and I discretely began to run my tongue over it.

"We're going to move you into the spare room permanently, for now at least, if you fail to please us then maybe we'll kick you out altogether understand?"

I nodded, his cock slipping into my mouth again.

"I thought, with you away for the week, I would take the chance to apologise to Julie for that scene in the boardroom. It didn't take long for me to show her intimately how easy it had been for you to succumb to my long, hard penis. She's in entire agreement with how we treat you. If you behave like my bitch, you'll be treated like it. You'll go to work as normal but once you're back here you'll do exactly what I tell you. I'll decide what pleasures you are allowed from now on, when you masturbate, when you fuck, who you fuck, who you suck and who fucks you. If you do well, you can stay and I'm sure we'll all be satisfied with the arrangement."

Before I could speak Julie emerged from the bathroom her naked body glistening from a hot shower and leaned against the doorframe looking down at me like I was something she had stepped in.

"When I saw you being fucked by Roger that night and learned that you had been cheating on me, and worse still with a man, I knew our marriage was over I could never love you again. I needed a real man," she wrapped her hands around Roger and kissed him "and I've found one, though heaven knows why he wants to keep you."

Roger returned her kiss and fondled her breasts as well before looking at me and answering "Oh I've got great plans for him my dear."

I spent that first night in the spare room, it had been shorn of all furniture and decorations save for the bed, and as I lay unsleeping on it considering all that had happened to us I could hear the springs in the master bedroom squeaking from my Master and wife's sexual exertions. Part of me wanted to rise up and stand up to this, I wasn't in the wrong here. Was I? But yet my feelings of submission to Roger were stronger. I guess they had lain dormant inside me until he had awakened them and now they were rampant. I was becoming addicted to him treating me like this (and Julie now too). I decided to accept the situation as it stood for just now after all I could change it later if I wanted, couldn't I?

In that first month Roger broke me down, mentally more than physically, but whichever I was soon his fuck puppet, submissive and compliant to all his demands. Soon my mind, body and soul were his to command. He never told me what his great plans for me were and I just slipped further under his control.

The worst and most humiliating time was when a month after discovering them together, Julie and Roger invited Julie's friends, Lynn and Kaye over for an evening meal.

Lynn and Kaye had gone to college with Julie and had remained friends with her after. They were lesbians and from the moment we had met I had never got on with them. Actually, that's probably unfair to me. To be correct they had never liked me. I think they resented my marrying Julie and taking her away from them socially as they had been big pals up to that point. Since our marriage my relations with Lynn and Kaye had gone steadily down hill, they liked to look down their noses at me and thought themselves so superior. I had tried to keep the peace for Julie's sake (she was aware of our mutual antipathy but very much favoured my side as my wife should) but our last couple of meetings had degenerated to pretty petty levels of either ignoring each other or even a bit of name calling. Frankly, they did not like me and I felt much the same about them.

In saying all that, however, I could hardly deny that both were good looking women. They were in their late twenties and Lynn was petite brunette with a boyish short haircut and very young face. Despite a slim, attractive figure she persisted in wearing dull, unflattering clothing that seemed designed to hide as much as possible. I don't believe I had ever seen her in a skirt before. Kaye was a polar opposite to her partner. She was a tall, stunning blonde and wore some of the most outrageous outfits I had ever seen. Kaye seemed, in particular, to dislike me.

So when the doorbell rang that Friday night I was pretty apprehensive of answering it. This would be the first time they had visited Julie since our domestic arrangements had changed so drastically. I had knelt sucking Roger off in the living room as my wife told them all about it in a two hour telephone conversation earlier in the week, grimacing as I listened to her recount the gory details and the cackles that we could hear in the earpiece. I approached the door with a degree of trepidation, especially as I could hear Julie and Roger snickering behind me. They had, you see, bought and forced me to wear, a tiny little, frilly French maids outfit, complete with tight bustier and a micro black and white skirt. With my slim frame I fitted it almost too well. I didn't think I could open the door but somehow I managed and the night only got worse from that point forward.

I opened the door to them and found immediately that I couldn't bare to meet their eyes. While I have no doubt they believed every word that Julie related to them over the phone the physical evidence of me standing, dressed like this, admitting them into our house must have been quite the shock for them. That shock did not last long.

"Well don't you look sexy Simon?" screeched Kaye as she flipped the front of my maid's skirt to confirm whether I had anything on underneath. I didn't and she was quick to inform everybody.

"Christ what a tiddler, no wonder you went for another man Julie" she shouted to a smiling Julie and Roger in the corridor. Lynn followed Kay into the hallway and I meekly took their coats, this was going to be a long night.

It rapidly turned into the most embarrassing and humiliating evening of my life, yet it would be incorrect to say that I was not turned on by much of it. My excitement at such treatment had been nurtured by Roger over the past few weeks and that night it took full flight.

I was made to serve the four of them with their evening meal and later to keep their wines glasses topped up. Throughout I was the topic of conversation and it became evident that both Julie's friends approved of the new man in her life, especially in comparison to me. They moved through to the living room and I knelt beside the sofa as they got progressively more drunk and obnoxious. The comments made to and about me were enough to make a whore blush and all four were relishing my embarrassment. After so much alcohol talk turned particularly to sex and the three girls goaded Roger into demonstrating in front of them how much of bitch I was. He gave a big smile, stood in the centre of the room and beckoned me over.

"Bitch! I am fed up with your outfit strip it off" I gave a slight nod and peeled the tight top and skirt off so I stood completely naked before them. Hoots of derision reached me from the college friends on the sofa.

"Undress me Bitch" , he commanded.

Unquestioningly I began to take off his suit and trousers and eventually I finally removed his silk boxer shorts so that he stood equally nude in front of me. The girls, fuelled by drink and contempt, urged him to abuse me. He needed little encouragement.

"Get me hard, Bitch. You know how I like it."

My mouth found the safe familiarity of his penis and gulped it in, my face burning with shame at so eagerly sucking him in front of my wife and her friends and, as usual, getting an erection about it myself. From the sounds emanating from the sofa they were really getting into it and indeed when I as able to glance in their direction I saw all three were losing clothing pretty easily and hands seemed to be roaming freely.

I guess to impress his new audience, Roger was particularly rough on my mouth that night but that didn't stop me enjoying it or enjoying my humiliation. His long dick slipped easily along the length of my tongue and soon was banging into the back wall of my throat. He enjoyed being deep throated by me but this time he thrust himself into me with extra force and I struggled initially to match his strokes. I think he was showing off for the girls, whatever, after this night they would definitely see me as little more than his bitch.

"Cum on his face Roger," encouraged Kaye, clearly desperate to see me humbled before them, funny thing was I wanted him to do that to me probably more than she did.

He continued to fuck my face for some minutes then I felt the familiar pulsing of his dick inside me and this time he pulled it from my gasping mouth and fired a long stream of cum over me, I knelt there taking it, allowing it to course from my forehead and stream down my nose towards my lips. I heard all three women cheer and laugh as he painted me in his white coating.

Lynn spoke in her cultured, though slurring voice "Why don't you show us how you bugger the little wimp in your Boardroom, Roger. We want to see that, don't we girls!"

The request was greeted with a cheer and with cum still dripping down my face he rolled me over and placed me face down on the coffee table. He addressed his increasingly inebriated audience.

"You know what girls, as eager as I am to fuck the little bitch senseless for your entertainment, I'm a bit spent for the moment, perhaps Julie you can get me hard again" my wife gave him a big smile and pursed her lips suggestively at him.

"In the meantime, Kaye, Julie told me about your feelings for my little bitch Simon so we thought you might like to fuck him as well" and my horror at hearing these words was only magnified as he lifted a giant, black, strap-on dildo from a bag by the side of the sofa.

The girls again erupted in squeals of laughter and excitement and I was left in no doubt that Kaye would be more than delighted to do as Roger suggested.

In the month or so since Roger had turned me into the cock sucking wimp I am now proud to be he had stretched my arsehole on a number of occasions with his lengthy prick, but it wasn't as thick as all that, this dildo however, looked, and as I soon discovered, was extremely wide and as Kaye lifted her short skirt and pulled the straps around her legs and waist I gripped the edge of the table trying to prepare myself for her. I could not imagine she would be gentle with me.

She ran her fingernails over my small but hard dick amused by my state of arousal, "Look at that, the bitch is excited about his Mistress Kaye buggering him. Aren't you?" I gave no answer so she immediately dug her nails into my balls, "Answer me bitch! Tell me how much you want me to fuck you!"

"Aaargh!" I yelped. "Yes.Yes. Please fuck me Mistress Kaye. Please."

Thing was she hadn't bothered to lubricate it. Whether this was deliberate or not I don't know, but I suspect it was and seconds later as she thrust the thick, plastic shaft into my arsehole I was feeling like never before.

I was determined to try and take whatever she dished out. I had never liked her and no way did I want to give her the satisfaction of hearing me plead with her. I would take the punishment she dished out and grin and bare it. That was my plan anyway, but as soon as that phallic shaped object entered my anus and Kaye started pumping it as hard as she could I knew there was no chance for me to hold out. I let out a high pitched squeal and Kaye thrust harder into me and goaded me as she did so, "Yeah, Bitch, take it like the slut you are."

I didn't have much option other than to take it and I tried to stay loose down there but with it scr****g the side of my hole with every move it felt like I should burst though watering eyes I looked up at the others, my wife had Roger's again excited dick in her mouth while Lynn was naked on the sofa frigging herself off watching Kaye anally dominate me.

In all it was one long night. After Kaye had finished wrecking me (and boy did she relish the sight of me panting under her as she pulled out of me, thanking her for give me the anal pummelling of my life and cumming in puddles on the table under me) the other two women wanted their shot too. Lynn went first then Julie, and as my wife sodomised me with this mighty plastic object her new man thrust his real cock deep in my throat. As they recovered and lounged in their opulence Roger instructed me to lick the dildo clean. I obeyed him immediately, to Kay and Lynn's delight. I limped to bed that night long after our visitors had left knowing that I was sinking ever deeper into subservience to Roger and really could not see that changing, nor was I sure that I wanted it to.

My work was definitely suffering and I was falling behind my sales targets, all the time Roger's soared higher and higher. I was distracted by changes to my life and was struggling to adapt. At the end of a day Roger, once the office had emptied out came and sat across from me.

"Bitch, I've got a plan to get me a promotion and you can help me get it. You want to please your master don't you?"

I nodded.

"Good. Now you know as well as I that old man Johnstone, the Chairman of the company, is, how shall we say, rather conservative in his views. Quite the bible basher, eh? What would you think he would do if he came across Mr. Thompson (who was both of our boss) having a hot and heavy session with another man. I'll tell you, he'd get the push and I'd get his job. So that's where you come in, you seduce Thompson, we set him up and when you're going at it hammer and tongs in I come with Mr. Johnstone and well it's bye bye Boss, hello me."

I sat stunned at his plan. Was that what I was now, Roger's gay honeytrap? And how the hell would I 'seduce' Mr Thompson,? And what about me, wouldn't I "get the push" as well.

To the last point Roger re-assured me, "Don't worry the Chairman doesn't know who you are and once I'm boss I'll protect you, after all you're my little bitch aren't you?"

I was indeed. So the plan began to form.

Mr Thompson was about fifty and had been my boss since I joined the company. He was overweight and balding but was always dressed well and in general I had got on well with him and I genuinely thought he liked me as well. Thinking of my chances of succeeding, well he wasn't married and didn't live with anyone as far as anyone knew. Could I seduce him? Who knew, but I was certain that if I did as Roger ordered and Mr. Thompson rejected my advances I would be finished at the company.

Roger told me that he had arranged with Mr. Johnstone to visit him late a week on Wednesday and he expected to come into Thompson's office and discover him and me in the 'act' , so to speak. Roger tried to give me a pep talk, telling me how everyone in the office thought Mr. Thompson was gay, and how effeminate I looked and gave me suggestions as to what I could do. The truth was I was mentally gone by this point, battered into submission by Roger's relentless humiliation of me I was obeying him without too much thought and so it was when I entered my bosses office at five fifteen on Wednesday evening with a 'little problem' I wanted his advice on.

He was sat in his executive's leather chair and sipping from a coffee mug as I entered somewhat nervously. I wanted to go over some accounts with him and as he unfolded them in front of him I placed my plastic beaker of water strategically near the edge of his desk. We spoke for a few minutes and then I 'accidentally' bumped the beaker off the desk and it landed a perfect bullseye on his thigh and splashing much of his crotch area with the water. I flustered and apologised pathetically as he tried to calm me down then I took my handkerchief and began to frantically dab at his crotch, making sure I got a few strokes of his penis through the damp clothing. It definitely reacted to my ministrations. I looked up with a start and our eyes met and I knew then that he would do it. But I didn't want to rush him too quickly.

"Oh I'm so sorry Ron (his name), please forgive me, I'm so clumsy" he waved his hands at me as if I should forget it, then I followed up with my killer hook, "You should take those trousers off and dry them on your heater."

He looked deep into my eyes as I said that, returning my intense stare and just nodded slowly. "Here, let me help you" was all I said as I squatted down in front of him and my small, soft hands began to unbuckle his belt, my wrists rubbing against the rapidly stretching hard ridge at his crotch. No further words passed between us as I lowered his trousers and helped him off with his shoes but the air hung heavy with a close, cloying atmosphere charged with sexuality. By the time I had d****d his damp trousers over the heater in his office he was still standing behind his desk in his shirt, tie and underpants and there was no mistaking the massive erection inside them. I've got him , I thought, and moved over to him and holding eye contact began to slowly rub his cock through the thin fabric of his pants.

"Are you excited Mr. Thompson? Is that hard because of me? Would you like me to do something about it?"

He stammered a yes and nodded as I fell to my knees before him, aware of what time I had left until Roger came and aware that I needed to do this and do it well to please him. I rolled his underpants down and his big, fat cock sprang up at my face immediately it was released. I was amused to see he had totally shaved his genitals. With no time to waste I greedily accepted his stiff cock into my mouth and began to pleasure him with my tongue, probing his drawn foreskin with it and allowing him to nudge his cock deeper. I looked up into his eyes and saw a look of lust across his face as he wrenched his tie from his neck and began to control the rhythm of my face-fucking himself. But I didn't want him to come too quickly and tried to slow down, he had other ideas and as soon as his cock left my mouth he had pulled me to my feet and bent me over his desk.

He was in control now and within seconds my trousers and shorts had been roughly pulled to my ankles and he busied himself undoing my tie as I mentally calculated how long I had until Roger arrived with his guest.

I felt him fumble then hold my hands and swiftly draw them up behind my back and in one fluid movement wind one of the ties tightly around my wrists. Ok, I thought he's a bit kinky, fair enough more evidence for Roger. But then I felt him d**** the second tie, my tie around my neck, I would have worried about that except just as he did that he rammed his thick cock into my arsehole. As he squeezed his cock into my hole he slowly pulled back on the tie and with my hands bound there was nothing I could do but sprawl across his desk and take it. Yes it was kinky, and yes I was concerned but there was little doubt judging from the hard aching from my own cock that I was massively turned on by how things had turned out.

He buggered me like that for five minutes and I felt sure that Roger was not going to show up and my efforts would have been wasted when his door exploded inwards and in marched Roger and.......Julie. Eh? What was going on here? Where was old man Johnstone.

Just as my wife and her lover entered I felt Thompson begin to tense up and as he pulled back again on the tie around my neck he shot his cum up and into my abused arsehole. It flooded my tight crevasse with warm liquid and I felt relief as he loosened his grip on the tie and stood back as I lay spent on his desk. After a few seconds I looked up at Roger as if to say what's happened? He just laughed back at me.

"Thanks Roger," stated Thompson "That was great, just as you described him, here, worth every penny" and I watched in growing horror as he handed Roger a twenty dollar note. It dawned on me then, there never was a plan, this was to set me up not Mr. Thompson Just a further humiliation for me to endure. It sparked a flame of anger in me that I had not felt for a long time and as the three of them surrounded me laughing at my pathetic form sprawled, tied and dripping cum from my arse I vowed to myself that somehow I would reverse these roles. Somehow...

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I was never homophobic. I had a laidback attitude to life as a young man and had a 'que sera, sera,' attitude to life. After I turned sixteen, I did have a few sexual encounters with girls and had even indulged in a few wanking gatherings with other guys as we watched porn as naughty teenagers. During those tugging episodes, there was no physical contact between the guys, although I have to admit to checking out their cocks as we lustfully tugged on our dicks. Something about the communal...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Blackmailed spanked and screwed

David looked as his watch two hours later ? Blackmailed, spanked and screwed.? By BlackStar? This story is not fantasy.? It actually happened in real-life.? Eventually the blackmailer got four years.? But Valerie got a well-deserved hiding she would never forget.  David sat in the living room while Valerie looked out the window.? David watched her with concealed amusement.? It was obvious that she was extremely edgy while she waited for a exceptional client to turn up for his...

2 years ago
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Blackmailed Forger

Introduction: A blackmailed clerk helps her master in a business venture. Synopsis: A blackmailed clerk helps her master in a business venture. Prequel to Owning a Dominant BitchChapter 1Darrel James had waited patiently for this day. He had confronted Peggy almost two months earlier with the info he collected on her forgery scheme and, when he revealed the evidence to her, she crumbled quickly. Little by little he had taken more and more control.His job at the bank gave him more than enough to...

4 years ago
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Blackmailed MomChapter 5

Ronnie called at nine the next morning. "I need to talk to you sweetie. Can you drop by and see me? "What about?" "A problem I need some help with." "I have a class at ten so the soonest I can get there will be about eleven-thirty." "That would be good sweetie, I'll see you then." Ronnie got there at eleven-twenty and She took him into the family room and sat down with him on the couch. She got right to the point. "How close are you to...

3 years ago
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Blackmailed I am her devoted Little Cuck

If you have been following my story, you know that Randy, a friend of mine since high school, has been blackmailing my girlfriend Sandy and me for the last few weeks. Sandy and I agreed to be his sex slaves for one month, as long as at the end of that term, he would turn over the compromising videos he filmed of me.I was the first to be blackmailed into gay sex and it seemed the more I complied with him, the more entangled I became as he videoed more and more of me giving him blowjobs or...

4 years ago
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Vic lay on his bed, stretched out on his side, naked, his hard, throbbing cock in his hand. As he stroked himself harder and harder, faster and faster, his breathing growing hoarse and ragged, his gaze was locked inexorably upon the centerfold of the magazine before him.Her name, according to the XXX magazine at any rate, was Honie and, despite the unusual spelling, Vic certainly thought that she was. Her body was lean and trim, smooth and petite, hairless and just lightly tanned. Her nipples...

1 year ago
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Blackmailed Housewife

Blackmailed Housewife Blackmailed HousewifeChapter sixBy Master John Caroline sat in the backseat of the car wondering where Tim was taking her and what he would do to her when they got there. It was an almost heady mixture of fear and excitement that coursed through her body and mind as different scenarios ran through her head.? But the blindfold upon her eyes made it impossible to tell where they were and caused enough disorientation to make it almost impossible for her to tell in which...

2 years ago
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Blackmailed Nurse

Blackmailed Nurse Dr. Benjamin Carter had beensuspicious of Angie for several weeks now. Angie Smithson was a nurse whonormally worked the night shift, and he suspected she was stealing drugs.The problem was proving it. Dr. Carter's wife, Doris, was very interestedwhen he told her about it over dinner. Doris Carter had been a topnotch investigative reporter for the local newspaper when they met. She gaveit all up for Ben. Nobody else knew the truth about her relationship withBen, because...

2 years ago
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Blackmailed by my own student

I’am currently being blackmailed, by my student. I m 46, happily married (my loving husband is 50). I m a senior teacher here in Singapore. Short description about myself. I am 1. 8m (about 5feet 10inches) tall, am a Chinese Singaporean, a bit on the plus size. I have perfectly straight long jet black hair. A lot of my colleagues told me I look exactly like an asian version of Emma Butt. It began one day, when a student who is only 19 filmed me in the school ladies toilet doing my...

1 year ago
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Blackmailed Sissy Whore Part 2

Blackmailed sissy whore Part 2 I woke with a start, like someone awakening from a nightmare. 'What time is it? 'No, 'what day is it?' Was I having a nightmare? I raised a hand to my chest, and sure enough, there were the nipple rings in my throbbing nipples. They were harder than they'd ever been. I reached up, and touched each of the six studs that had been pierced into my ears. Nope, that part wasn't a dream or even a nightmare either. The slight burning sensation on the back of my...

4 years ago
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Blackmailed Sissy Whore Part Three

Blackmailed Sissy Whore Part 3 I did manage to get a little sleep. After Tiffany finally zonked out, and the continual grinding on my thigh and the relentless playing with my nipple rings stopped, I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. Friday night was the last full night's sleep I had gotten since Marcus took over my computer, and my life. I woke up before my alarm went off, which was a good thing. I was tangled up in limbs so securely, it took me several minutes to snake my way...

3 years ago
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Blackmailedby FOXI (address withheld)***A young boy catches his mother kissing a man, not his father, and decides to teach her a very hot lesson. (F/mf-teens, ped, reluc, inc, voy, mast, anal)***I'm still in high school but I'm not stupid or totally innocent. I knew that both my mom and dad were having marital troubles. But I didn't realize how bad until one day coming directly home from school, which I rarely did, saw a man, not my dad coming out of my house in a rush, but not before kissing...

4 years ago
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Blackmailed by my realtor

I was already irritated, and having to drive all the way over to the house just to cancel an appointment just made it worse. My wife and I were supposed to be taking a last look at a house we wanted to buy and had an appointment to meet our realtor at the house. We weren't going to buy it after all so I tried calling Sandra to cancel but unfortunately I wasn't able to get hold of her so ended driving out here to let her know. She'd been great throughout the whole process and I felt bad that she...

1 year ago
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Blackmailed Preachers WifeChapter 7

Kyleigh lay on her bed, still in the clothes she had worn the day before. She forced herself to get up and take a long hot bath. The teen laid in the tub of hot soapy water thinking about what she had been forced to do with Alex and Grant. Surely, Elaina would have warned her if she had known about the video. After her bath, she dressed and called Elaina’s cell phone. When she answered, Kyleigh told her friend they needed to talk, but not at her house. She’d meet her at the park down the...

1 year ago
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Blackmailed by Master Michael

Blackmailed by Master Michael I met the man I gave my first blow job to on a popular sissy chat website. I'll call it His name was Master Michael. A few weeks before I met Master Michael online, I'd started fully cross- dressing and taking photos of myself in different outfits and poses wearing a wig and makeup. Most of my life, I'd cross-dress and take the clothes off once I self-gratified myself and the pink fog lifted. Digital cameras made it easy to take private...

3 years ago
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Blackmailed into Toilet Service

Blackmailed into Toilet ServiceMy name is John Davies, and this is my story of my descent from successful businessman to an object of abuse and amusement for cruel women.At the start of my story, I was 38, and the Accountant for a prominent international company owned by Leon Stokes, a black man in his early thirties, and his sister Crystal. They had inherited the company after their mother and father had been killed in a car crash two years previously. I had been married to Amanda, also 38,...

2 years ago
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Blackmailed into becoming a TV Slut Part1

Blackmailed into becoming a TV Slut This is an adult story featuring gay sex. If this offends please do not read. Any similarities to living persons is entirely coincidental. Enjoy, Dianne PART 1 It was love at first sight when I saw Kelly. She was just the type of woman that I had always wanted. She had sultry dark eyes that you could just sink into as you listened to that sexy voice of her's. She had long dark hair and long shapely legs that she always showed off with...

2 years ago
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Blackmailed into Sucking Black Cock PT2 Gay

In case you didn't read my first story I will bring you up to date quickly.I would consider myself a happily married heterosexual although I have always been bi curious. My wife and I have foreign students studying English to stay from time to time to make a bit of extra money. One summer a beautiful 30-year Old Italian woman called Carla came to stay for 3 months and a week later a French guy called Jamal also came to stay.To cut a long story short Carla caught me on her bed masturbating and...

1 year ago
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Blackmailed into slavery

Blackmailed into slaveryAndy and Carl were lucky to find a place on their own in a university city with over twenty thousand students from all over Europe. They rented an old farmhouse that was standing empty for a few years. Luckily there was not much to renovate, except for a new lock on the entry door and a few minor repairs to the windows. Each had their own comfortable room to study. The old timber beds were still there. The new mattresses were the only substantial investment they had to...

3 years ago
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Blackmailed Into PerversionChapter 8

I put on a big smile and said, "Are you kidding? Sure, I can. I would love to get off using them. What do they have to do with this weekend?" Ballard said, "Well, we are meeting some new distributors Friday night and they have seen you in your other videos. Now, they all want to see just how hot you are and what you do between fucking men. They do not believe there is a woman like you on this earth. Jane is nothing like you. If things work out good this weekend, they are going to order...

2 years ago
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Blackmailed into becoming a TV Slut Part2

Blackmailed into becoming a TV Slut Part 2 This is an adult story featuring gay sex. If this offends please do not read. Any similarities to living persons is entirely coincidental. Enjoy, Dianne PART 2 Julian released me and I nearly slumped to my nylon clad knees. Somehow I stayed upright. Kelly was sitting on the bed with her hand still in her trousers and smiling contentedly. I think I detected the hint of womanly smell coming from her, although it was hard to tell...

2 years ago
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Blackmailed Couple Ch 1012

Chapter Ten:No more blackmail – ultimatum completed.Thursday night was here too quickly. Anna had spent every day and every night thinking about her situation. For a while, she tried to take the approach that she was finally free; that the risk, the possibility of losing everything was now finally gone. But even as she thought that, she knew that she was missing the control. She knew this was going to haunt her. But how to comply; my god, how could she be expected to expose her infidelity to...

3 years ago
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Blackmailed Couple Ch 0406

Chapter Four:Learning to obey – the show of enjoying.Three days later, Anna received another envelope via courier. It was Thursday morning, and she had just settled into the normal routine of the morning. Normal, considering the turmoil that she'd been going through. Monday, after Mark had dropped her back off at work, she'd been very aware of her violation. She'd pulled way back from me that night, telling me that she'd had a bad day and was in a bad mood. She spent the night doing some...

3 years ago
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Blackmailed Crossdresser part II

A few weeks after that first incident with Stefan where he had blackmailed me into having sex with him, I got a text message off him. I was a bit surprised, as we had managed to ignore each other in work. I was growing optimistic that this incident was behind me. Even though it was left me feeling violated and with lots of confused feelings about myself.I was shocked to open the message on my phone and seen two pictures of him fucking me in the hotel! I was on all fours on he bed, in bustier,...

2 years ago
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Blackmailed by Grandfather

Blackmailed by Grandfather By billy69boyDuring the summer, when we were young, our grandmother used to invite her many grandci1dren to stay over for a few nights. She would host two of us at a time. Her five grown chi1dren were all married and had several chi1dren of their own, so there were plenty of us to go around.One summer, I was paired up with my cousin Cindy, who was a couple years younger than me. Cindy was a pretty little thing, blonde hair and blue eyes that always seemed to be...

3 years ago
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Blackmailed And Forced Sex

Hi everyone,me (ram) a naughty and good boy.An average body with a long and thicker dick (7 inch and 1.8inch).Coming to the story I got several mails from the readers of my before story which I was published.Some mail were fake and some were real .I got a mail from a name called divya. I was impressed about her comment about the previous story and started to chat very decently about her details and mine .After few days we become close started to sex chat …During one of the chat session I asked...

1 year ago
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Blackmailed a young waitress in trouble

It was the come in mouth fantasy that gave me the most pleasure.   Celine’s silky golden hair made by belly tingle at the same time as her pink tongue played sexy games with the tip of my cock, circling one way then the other, flicking on the ridge and just under. One delicate little hand holding my shaft firmly, and my balls ready to burst, gently cupped and fondled in the other.   My wife Mildred was tossing. But I was too deeply into Celine to be disturbed. I squeezed...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Blackmailed my neighbor girl

Blackmailed my neighbor girlIt was around 2 pm on Saturday afternoon, the door bell rang as I expected. I was waiting for this moment from past 2 days and I had sent my wife to her parent’s house anticipating the arrival of my special guest. I opened the door and was not surprised to see Alia standing near my door. She was looking very upset as I had anticipated; she quickly came inside and closed the door herself. Alia’s eyes were red and she looked like she was out of breath. Alia was wearing...

2 years ago
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Blackmailed Ch 02

A Literotica reader who sent me feed back on my story ‘Camping with Anna’ presented me with this challenge. ‘I want to see you write a story which is completely fictional. It’s more difficult than writing something based on events that actually happened, but you have complete free rein, and can explore your hidden depths and fantasies.’ Well I’m always up for a challenge so here goes. This is a fantasy from my hidden depths. I hope you enjoy it. The story takes up where ‘Blackmailed’ left...

3 years ago
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Blackmailed By My Teenaged Daughter0

Blackmailed By My Teenaged Daughter Teen, Group, Mff, Incest by po469 I am a happily married man of 38. My wife, 18-year-old daughter and I live in Phoenix. I fool around a little bit but what my wife Sue doesn't know won't hurt her. Sue was really into bridge so she is away playing cards several afternoons and evenings each week. This gives me time, when no one is going to be home, to go out and have some fun or bring someone home for a little romp. Maybe I fooled...

3 years ago
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I show up where and when he told me to. He’s standing right in front of me. He knows everything, I know I’m about to be blackmailed but don’t know yet what he wants. First thing he does is tell me to hold both hands out in front of me. I figure he wants to see I don’t have anything in them but as soon as I do he slaps a pair of handcuffs on them. Before I can register what’s happening he’s gotten my cuffed hands over my head attached to a hook on the ceiling. Oh fuck! What just happened! This...

1 year ago
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Blackmailed!! Pete was an executive with ADB Corp. Millie had gotten a job in the secretarial pool. Millie was a dark red hair Italian girl, she was 33 years old had three kids and a pain in the ass husband. She had 40D tits a tight ass great hip and was always horny. Pete had discovered her on day as he was telling the head of her department what one of the top executives was looking for. Millie flirted with him and was shocked that the department head said nothing to him. When he left the...

3 years ago
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Blackmailed My Hot Mom

My mom is a very sexy lady having big boobs and a tight ass. She has been my fascination and I have been very longing to fuck her. And my wish came true this January. My dad was out on a business trip and I was living with my mom alone in my house. One day, when I was away at college.My mom told me that she would be at her boss’s farmhouse making a presentation for the upcoming general meeting and told me to come to her boss’s house after college to have lunch there and pick her up. I agreed...

1 year ago
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Blackmailed Wife

Blackmailed Wife----------The morning air was already oppressively humid as I stepped out into the barnyard and headed to the office from the house. The sun was already above the horizon casting shadows that moved as I walked. By the time I got to the office door, rivulets of sweat were soaking the thin material of my blouse. I pulled open the closet door to block my dad's office window view and removed my blouse and bra realizing that it was going to be a scorcher today. Grabbing a towel from...

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BlackmailedI was feeling a little melancholy. I had been pretty busy since moving from my small town in down state Indiana to the north suburbs of Chicago. I hadn’t had a lot of time to get lonely but tonight was different, it was my 31rst. birthday and I had no one to celebrate with. Everyone I knew, including my ex-wife of 3 years, was back in Indiana. I decided to drown my sorrows in a couple of cold beers and left for a little dive I’ve seen a few miles from my house. I had been there...

2 years ago
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I remember my hands trembling as I opened the package, I knew where it was from and I knew that it wasn't going to be good. It all started about a month ago when I was out of town for the week on business. As usual, I snuck some of my "girly" clothes in with my regular stuff thinking that they would provide me with a distraction during the lonely nights away from home. I have been cross-dressing for quite some time now and since my job requires that I be out of town frequently I have...

3 years ago
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Blackmailed Maid For Sex

Hi readers, this is my 2nd story on ISS (if you haven’t read my first story go read it). Last time I told my story of how I had a short gay relationship with my house guard which was true and again this time I will tell another true story from my life. As you all can tell by now, I have a thing for Desi servants, so when I was around 5 years old, we got two new girl maids who were in their teens and were sisters. The younger one was shani and older was faima, they stayed in our house for a very...

3 years ago
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Blackmailed Dad Banged His Secretary

Hello guys and girls this is my first story on ISS, my name is ankur, i belong to a high class family, my dad is a business man. We r family of four, Dad, Mom, me and my sis Tamanna. Females in meerut contact at We were living a very good life. I was 19 years old. I am single, no girlfriend. I had earlier but now i am single. From last 3-4 years i always found unusual msgs at my dads mobile but never doubt him. Recently i started going to office with him joining his business. I met with his...

3 years ago
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Blackmailed My Hot Mom

Hello ISS readers, I am Craig and I am back with a mother true incident which happened between me and my hot mom. Let me now say about my mom. My mom is a very sexy lady having big boobs and a tight ass. She has been my fascination and I have been very longing to fuck her. And my wish came true this January. My dad was out on a business trip and I was living with my mom alone in my house. One day, when I was away at college. My mom told me that she would be at her boss’s farmhouse making a...

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I remember my hands trembling as I opened the package, I knew where it was from and I knew that it wasn't going to be good. It all started about a month ago when I was out of town for the week on business. As usual, I snuck some of my "girly" clothes in with my regular stuff thinking that they would provide me with a distraction during the lonely nights away from home. I have been cross-dressing for quite some time now and since my job requires that I be out of town frequently I have...

4 years ago
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Blackmailed WifeChapter 4

I went into the bedroom and stripped and got into bed. I pulled the rubber cock out from under my pillow and I began rubbing my clit and worked myself up to fingering my hole. I began sucking on the cock that I was about to fuck myself with. The covers were off to the side and the only light on was the light coming from the bathroom lighting up the bed where I was. I worked myself into a frenzy and by the time I was ready for my black rubber lover, I was really ready to climax. I brought the...

2 years ago
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Blackmailed WifeChapter 8

I could not pull my eye away from that hole. I kept rubbing my clit and fingering my asshole as I watched and waited to see what the man was going to do next. I saw him move toward the hole and I backed off. I watched as the head of his cock came through the hole that I was at looking through. I know this sounds sick, but what I did was I pulled my eye away from the hole and I opened my mouth and put it right up against the hole. I felt fingers touch my mouth, I closed my lips around them and...

3 years ago
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Blackmailed SisterinLawChapter 5

After returning from her trip to the nursery school to drop off her daughter, Sarah waited tensely for Gene's arrival. Maybe he's changed his mind, she thought, her hopes rising as the minutes ticked by. It could be that he and Fern had decided to do something else today instead. Her hopes were soon dashed, however, at the sight of Gene's red sports car pulling up to the curb. The nervous brunette stood by the window to watch Gene and Fern get out and start up the front walk together....

1 year ago
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Blackmailed by My Own StudentChapter 6

A week has passed since my encounter with Sani. Since then Jeremy and his friends had been surprisingly quiet, and had not bothered me at all. “Maybe he has gone bored with me darling,” I told my husband one night, while both of us were naked on our bed. “There isn’t a single call or text from him for a week. Hopefully this means he has moved on, and we can have our lives back again,” I said while kissing my him. “I do hope so my love. I am so sorry I couldn’t help to prevent this.” My...

2 years ago
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Blackmailed NeighborsChapter 5

Disgusted with the sight of her own lust-smeared body, Pam quickly got up from the bed and headed for the bathroom. She took a long shower, slowly relaxing under the steaming jet of water. Strange, I don't really feel, guilty, she thought as she carefully examined her conscience. What bothered her most was the fact that it was Max who had made love to her, a man she now loathed more than ever. As for the sex--well... that was something that time had come due, she decided. She sensed from...

3 years ago
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Blackmailed Preachers WifeChapter 15

Back to the present at the hotel, Chase slowly drank his scotch as he looked over the sexy body of Carrie. “I need to ask you a question before this goes any further,” Carrie said. “Go ahead. I’m all ears,” Chase replied. “How are your feelings toward Miranda? Do you care what we do to her and who fucks the blonde bitch?” Carrie asked. “The answer is unequivocally no. Miranda was always a perfect young lady, true to her husband until I convinced her otherwise. I immensely enjoyed...

2 years ago
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Blackmailed Preachers WifeChapter 3

The next Sunday after Chase blackmailed Miranda, he was watching the preacher’s wife sing in the church choir. She refused to look directly at him; but, occasionally, she would glance at him out of the corner of her eye. As soon as Miranda saw him looking at her, she’d look away while looking a little nervous; but not enough that anyone else but Chase would notice. He was the only one that knew she had something to be nervous about. Just a few days earlier, her hot lips and pussy were wrapped...

1 year ago
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Blackmailed continues

Note : This story is completely fictional! The first day my father in law and my wife left for a three week trip it was decided by my mother in law "by a threat by my sister in law" To introduce her in a threesome, So she can have sex and we would be all happy,So my mother in law puts it. On that day it was all settle and we were all off to have our first session as a threesome. The three of us enter the bedroom,my mouth went dry thinking what is this going to be like, I have heard that my...

1 year ago
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Rowenas birthday humiliation

It was my birthday and two members of the local bdsm club to which I belonged had decided to take me to dinner I was told to b It was my birthday and two members of the local bdsm club to which I belonged had decided to take me to dinner I was told to be ready at 8-00pm..I was to be taken to a good restaurant so I was to dress elegantly.I was ordered to wear white and nothing else I had no rights, no choice and no free will.Garth and Sally instructed me to wear a white very lacy bra,...

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