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Today was the day I would confront him. I had been planning this out for a
month now and I was eager to see it fulfilled. I had spotted him one day
in the office and from then on kept an eye on him. The more I watched him,
the more I knew that he would be the perfect one. My dick would get hard
at the thought of what I would have him do. I thrived on the power over
another man. I had no qualms with my sexuality, nor did I worry about my
desires to dominate another man.

Tom was an affable man; he tried to get along with everyone in the office.
He was courteous to the point of being obsequious. He didn't ass kiss so
much as he sought to serve. He would always bring in coffee for his
cubicle mates, or bake cupcakes, or pickup something from the staff kitchen
for someone else if he was going that way.

He was a neat dresser and I figured he must have plenty of time to wash and
iron his clothes, because I doubted he had enough money to afford laundry
and dry cleaning for all the stuff he wore. He had quite an assortment of
clothes, nothing chic or trending, but a good variety of shirts and pants.
I figured him for a tightie whitie guy, not boxers. And he always wore a
white crew neck t-shirt under his shirts to work.

Tom stood about five foot ten inches and had a thin wiry body. He wasn't
scrawny; he just seemed to have that sinewy runners body. I figured he
probably ran every morning. He kept his medium brown hair neatly trimmed
and combed. His skin was clear, although not markedly tanned. His teeth
were straight, even and clean. The few times I had been near him, he
always had a pleasant clean smell about him. Not any heavy body spray, just
the clean smell of soap, and clean clothes.

It didn't seemed that he partied a lot as he never seemed to be going out
with his fellow workers on their usual Friday night after work drinking
sessions. I had checked in on them a couple of times, and had never seen
him there. When I chatted with them and brought up Tom, they always spoke
of how friendly and nice he was. None of the women seemed interested in
him in a sexual way, just that he was a guy they liked having around.

I am a Manager with a bit more status in the company than Tom and his
cubicle mates. While he was a manager of some sort, he didn't have a
private office or an assistant assigned just to him. He shared his
assistant with several of the other managers in his group. I keep myself
fit, but not in a muscle bulging way. I like to work out, but I
intersperse that with swimming, running, and cycling. I am a member of a
weekend football group and I get picked as quarterback at least half the

I am six feet tall and a solid 200 pounds. I have dark almost black hair
with a thick patch of it across my chest and with a trail leading down to
my navel and on down to my abundant pubic thatch. My dick is average size
- six or seven inches when hard and cut. My balls hand down and are goose
egg sized.

I had learned I liked guys when I was in high school on the football team.
And I had learned that it got me even harder when I controlled a guy. I
caught one of the guys on the team jerking off with another team member's
jock in his mouth. He begged me not to tell anyone and promised to "do
anything" if I would just not tell the other guys on the team. I had a lot
of fun with him and learned a lot about man to man sex and the kinds of
things that really turned me on.

From then on I had found and used several men. Recently, I had been trying
to find a guy that I could control and that would submit to my kind of
domination and control. I think that Tom is that guy.

While the group was out to lunch one day, I went over an installed some
spyware on Tom's computer. I would now be able to see what kinds of sites
he visited and once he logged into his personal e-mail, I would have his
password. From there I would be able to trace his home computer and get
access to it.

At first, I was rather irritated by his innocuous e-mails on his personal
account. He was e-mailing this cousin or that, or this friend or that and
chatting about TV shows, movies, and recipes. It was when I gained access
to his personal home computer that I found what I was looking for. He
surfed a number of gay porn sites and spent at least an hour a night on
them. He had memberships to several gay movie sites and watched a wide
variety of porn from plain vanilla, to some bare backing group sex places.

I also studied his computer and found his finances. He was paying off a
huge medical debt from his parents prior to their deaths and didn't have a
lot of reserve money. He spent nearly everything that came in taking care
of their bills and his. I could find no information in his address book or
e-mails that he had any immediate family.

I knew I had him now. I rigged an e-mail that went to his work account
with a disguised link. When he clicked on it, it would not take him to the
office supply company that it said it was going to go to, but to a gay
men's web site where guys posted vids and pics of themselves in various
forms of sexual activity. I hoped he could resist the temptation to go
back to the site once he found it.

I was right! He started visiting the site while he was at work. Usually,
at the end of the day as they others were leaving. A couple of times he
went there during the mornings when there was some sort of meeting that had
taken the majority of the people from his work area away for a while. I
wondered if he jerked off in his cube or went off to the men's room to take
matters into his own hands.

One morning I saw him head off to the men's room. I gave him a couple of
minutes and then walked in. He was in a stall and his pants were around
his ankles. I went into the booth next to his, stuck my phone over the top
of the stall and took his picture. He was sitting back, obviously waiting
for me to finish pissing and leave before he continued. But he had his
rigid cock in his hand while he waited.

I finished up, zipped up, washed my hands and went back to my office. I
gathered everything I would need and waited until the end of the day to
send him an e-mail that i wanted to see him in my office. I had purposedly
configured the my office prior to the meeting, such that he would have to
stand in front of my deck. There were no chairs near by for him to
sit. in. I wanted him off balance and in a position of not being able to
get on equal ground with me.

When he entered, I asked him to close the door. He did. My office didn't
have windows out into the office, only to the outside. I enjoyed this
privacy in my office. "Do you know why I have called you here, Tom?" I
only used his first name.

"No, Sir," he said. I knew that he would show respect and had expected the
"Sir" as that is just the way he was.

I leaned forward over my desk and said, "Tom, it has come to my attention
that you have been using company property to view pornographic materials."

His face flushed but he didn't say anything but lowered his eyes from
looking into mine. "Here is a list of websites you have visited. Do you
deny having visited them, Tom?"

He shook his head and I could see the moisture gathering in his eyes.
"Answer me," I said.

"No, Sir," he said in a meek voice.

"You know that this is terms for immediate dismissal. And all of your
accounts and records will be reviewed as well, to see if we need to press
any criminal charges."

"Sir, I have never taken anything from this company," he said quietly but

"Tom, that's not true, is it? You have taken company time to view these
sites, you have spent company resources on using internet bandwidth to
access them. So don't tell me you haven't stolen anything from the
company. The real question is what else have you stolen from the company?"

"Please, Sir, I haven't stolen anything other than the resources to view
these sites. I am sorry, Sir, I will never do it again."

"Well, Tom, that's for damn sure, since you won't be working here anymore!"
I said with force. "But there will be a complete audit of every one of
your accounts and expenses. If there is even one dollar unaccounted for,
criminal charges will have to be placed!"

"Yes, Sir," he said weakly, "I understand, Sir." He was defeated, he
wasn't going to argue, but was he going to beg?

"Tom, can you give me any explanation for this behavior? Any reason why I
shouldn't fire you right this minute?"

He had seen a ray of hope, "Please, Sir, don't fire me. I'll do anything
to make up for this. I was stupid and I won't do it again."

I paused before answering. I wanted him to think I was considering the
idea. Finally, I said, "But Tom, these sites; they are full of images of
naked men doing all kinds of things to each other. Is this what you like?
Does it turn you on?" I needed for him to admit it. As far as I could tell
from all of his e-mails, postings, and various accounts, he used a
pseudonym when corresponding with other men. He didn't want anyone to know
what his real name was.

Tears now streamed down his face. He still didn't raise his head to look
at me, but kept his eyes lowered as he responded. "Yes, Sir, I know they
are disgusting and perverted."

"Tom, you didn't answer the question. Do you like this? Does it turn you

He lost it then and sobbed, "Yes, Sir, it does."

"It does what, Tom?"

He wiped his nose with the back of his hand and said, "It turns me on,
Sir." He was visibly shaking as he sobbed.

I took some tissues from my drawer and handed them to him. "Clean yourself
up and get a hold of yourself. You are not helping yourself by acting this
way!" I was very firm as I said that.

"Yes, Sir," he said as he took the tissues, blew his nose loudly, wiped his
face and then let his hands fall to his sides.

I let him stand that way for a minute or so, letting the tension build.

"Tom, should I give you another chance?" I asked softly.

"Oh, yes, Sir. Please, Sir. I will be good. I'll do whatever you say,
Sir. But please, Sir, don't fire me. I need this job."

"Look at me, Tom." I said and he raised his eyes. "Do you really mean
that, Tom?"

He nodded his head, eagerly and said, "Yes, Sir!"

"You would do whatever I say, no matter what, whenever I tell you?" I
asked looking him in the eye.

"Oh, yes, Sir!" he said, gaining some confidence.

I let a minute pass and then said, "Okay, Tommy," I said using the
diminutive of his name, "you think about this tonight. And if you really
mean that, then you come here to my office, first thing in the morning. At
that time, if you still agree that you will do whatever I say and do
whatever it takes, then we can discuss you continued employment."

"Yes, Sir, Mr. Campbell. Thank you, Sir! You won't regret it!" he said.
I laughed to myself and thought, 'yes, but you might regret your decision.'

"Okay, then, Tommy, tomorrow at 8 am."

"Yes, Sir," he said, turning, opening the door, and leaving the office.

I wondered what his night was going to be like. My dick was already rock
hard at the thought of what I was going to have Tom doing very soon. I
wouldn't go home and jerk off tonight; I wanted my sexual tension to build,
so I would be even more excited tomorrow when I put the plan to work.

That night I sat in my living room mentally creating a list of things for
Tommy and imagining him going through the process of doing them. I knew
that I craved the control, but how would he take to his role as a
submissive person.

The next morning I arrived early in anticipation of Tommy's forthcoming
appointment. I wasn't disappointed; he arrived promptly at 8 am at my
office. I told him to come in and close the door. Once again there was no
place for his to site.

"So what did you decide, Tommy?" I asked him after he had stood there for
several seconds. I could tell he was nervous and I expected that he was
sweating through his undershirt as he stood there.

"Sir, I need this job. I have to have this job. I'll do whatever you say
to keep this job," he said as he stood with his hands clasped behind his
back. He spoke in a respectful tone that reflected his eagerness to keep
his job.

"Are you sure, Tommy?" I said him to confirm.

"Yes, Sir!" he said resoundingly.

"Then strip." I said in an even voice.

"Sir?" he said with a quizzical look on his face.

"I said, `strip'. Did you not understand me?" I looked at him sternly.

"Yes, Sir, I understood, you, but ..." He paused.

"Look, Tommy, you said you would do whatever I said, no matter what, in
order to keep your job. So I am telling you to strip." I reached for my
phone, "Or shall I call Human Resources right now?"

"No, Sir, I mean, yes, Sir. No, you don't need to call and yes, I'll do
what you tell me to." He swallowed visibly and then began unbuttoning his
shirts. He removed it and placed it on a chair near the window. He had
sweated through his t-shirt. I could tell as he pulled it off over his
head. He had a panicked look on his face as he toed off his shoes and then
pulled off his socks. He stuck the socks in his shoes and put them neatly
below the chair that held his folded shirt and t-shirt.

He looked at me once again as he began unbuckling his belt. I said nothing
and he proceeded to undo his belt, unzip his pants and lower them to the
ground. He stepped out of them and folded them. As he placed them on top
of his other clothes, I smiled to myself. I had been right about the white
briefs. He stood for a moment with his hands at his waist as if he would
get a final reprieve. None came, so he put his thumbs into the waist band
of his briefs and pushed them to the floor. He turned his back to me and
he straightened, and placed the underwear on the pile of his clothes.

He turned back to me but had his hands covering his genitals. "Put your
hands behind your head." I said in an even tone. As he did, I noticed that
he was trembling. It wasn't cold in here, he had to be reeling from the
shock of everything. He put his hands behind his head and looked at the
wall behind my head.

I got up from my desk and walked around to him. "Spread your legs apart,"
I instructed and he did.

I then walked around him, inspecting him from head to toe with my eyes. He
blushed as I took in his body. I placed my hand on his ass and he gasped.
"Quiet, boy." I said.

I ran my hand over his ass, and pushed it into his crack. He clenched his
ass tightly. "Relax, boy," I instructed him and he did. I spread his
cheeks apart to add to his embarrassment and to see how much hair he had in
his crack.

I continued with my hands around his flanks and to his crotch. I held his
balls in my hand and then fondled his cock. His whole body now trembled
and his Adam's apple was bobbing as he repeatedly swallowed.

"You belong to me, now, boy. You are mine to do with as I wish. I will
tell you how to act, what to wear, what to eat, where to sleep, and even
when you can cum." I had moved my hand and now gently squeezed his balls.
He gasped. "You will respond with, Yes, Sir."

"Yes, Sir," he said and his nervousness was apparent in his voice.

I moved back from him, "Get your self hard, boy." I said.

"Yes, Sir," came out almost in a whisper as he reached down and began to
fondle his own dick. He was not having a great deal of success and I knew
that his fear was effecting him.

"Get hard, boy, or I'll buzz my assistant to come into my office."
Panicked raced across his face and he began to frantically play with his
cock and it began to grow. My own cock was getting steel hard as I
controlled his young man. Having him at my beck and call, yielding to my
directions and submitting to me was very stimulating for me.

Soon he has a reasonably sized dick in his hand. "Go ahead and jerk off
for me," I said.

He closed his eyes and began to stroke his cock. "Open your eyes, boy and
look at me while you do that," I instructed.

His eyes opened and he focused on me. I knew that jerking off in front of
someone for the first time is like opening a window into your soul. You
are showing someone your most intimate secrets, how you pleasure yourself,
what makes it happen for you. I knew that he was giving something of
himself up and he knew he was doing it. Something he could never get back.

I could see how he used his thumb to rub across the head of his dick,
gathering the precum and smearing it over his cock as he pumped. He used
his left hand to stroke with. I watched his right hand move and figured he
really wanted to play with his balls with that hand, but I would see what
he would allow himself to do.

No matter, how horny a man is, to be forced to do this can take a bit of
work to get it done. I would judge how much the humiliation, submission,
and all was affecting him by how quickly he came. The faster he came, the
more it was turning him on, whether he understood that or not.

He was speeding up his pace and I knew that it was going to be soon. His
eyes had lost focus, but they were still open. "Catch it in your hand," I

His eyes focused for a moment and then almost rolled up in his head as he
reached the point of no return. His breathing had become ragged as he
approached his climax. He was lost to me now, his dick and the sensations
it provided were now in control. Later I would make him learn that I was
in control of those sensations as well. But for now I let him experience
it fully.

He did a good job of catching the ropes of cum that had shot out of his
dick. His grip on his dick had become tighter and his speed, frantic.

As his eyes focus and the full impact of what he had just done hit him, he
came down rapidly from his sexual high. He struggled to get his breath
under control and his cheeks once more flushed in embarrassment.

"Now, lick your hand clean, boy," I said in a calm voice. Watching him now,
I could tell this was not something he was used to. Many men will think
about it prior to cumming but once the little head is no longer in charge
they chicken out.

He looked at me and then raised his hand to his mouth and began licking it
clean. It would not be the last cum he tasted. I was throbbing with
sexual desire now. I could almost have cum just from his submitting to me,
but knew that I wanted more from this first session with him.

When he finished, I said, "Good boy. Now come over here and show me how
well you suck cock." Shock registered on his face as I moved my chair
around until I faced the window, waiting for him to submit again to my

Someplace in his brain made a connection because he meekly said, "Yes,
Sir," and walked towards me as if in a daze.

"Kneel down here between my legs, boy." I said. He clumsily got to his
knees and moved closer to me. The outline of my rigid dick was easily
visible through my slacks. "Go ahead and unzip my pants and remove my

I knew he would be getting a heady mixture of my muskiness, and sweat along
with his own as he bent to work on my crotch. His fingers shook as he
unzipped my pants and freed my hard cock. He knelt there mesmerized. "Go
ahead, boy, you know what to do." I encouraged him.

He first licked the head and then tried to take the whole thing into his
mouth, but he gagged. The next time he started to take my dick, I pushed
on his head all the way down until he was squirming. He was gagging when I
released him and I thought he might throw up.

"You will get where you can take the whole thing, boy. That is your goal
to take my dick down until your nose is buried in my pubes."

He nodded as he wiped tears away from his face and slime from his mouth.
He bent over and began using his tongue on my dick, working it into my piss
slit and around the flange. Then he took just the head in and began to
suck on it.

I sat back and let him work at it for a while, and then I coaxed him to
play with my balls and use his other hand to stroke my dick. It was so
horny from having caused him to submit to me and have him naked between my
legs because I told him to. I knew I wouldn't last long.

When I felt the overwhelming feeling of the impending wave, I held on to
his head and made sure he got the first couple of volley's of cum in his
mouth. Then I pulled him off and finished the remainder on his face.

When I was done I pushed him back until he was sitting on his ass. His
lips were puffy and cum ran across his face. "Wipe it up with your hand,
boy, and then lick it clean."

He did as he was told. It was then he finished that he looked around and
realized that through my floor to ceiling window the office building across
the block could see into my office. It wasn't like it was very close, but
I knew just the possibility of him thinking he could be seen would be
enough to petrify him.

He tried to close into himself, so I said, "Boy, stand up."

He did and kept his back to the window. I could see the shame and
humiliation flow across his face. My cock swelled again as my control over
him was manifest. I absently stroked my dick while his eyes were watching

"Okay, boy, here's the rules for the rest of the day. You will leave your
underwear here, but otherwise get dressed. Go about your daily work, but
return here promptly at 5 pm. You are coming home with me tonight and will
be with me all weekend. Tonight, you will receive the remainder of your
instructions and rules." I looked at him as he nodded.

I grabbed his balls and squeezed and asked, "The correct response is?"

He squirmed as I applied pressure and managed a "Yes, Sir!" I squeezed a
bit more before releasing his balls. He started to say something but
didn't but his face was distorted with anguish.

"Did you want to say something, boy?" I asked, raising his chin so he would
look me in the eyes.

"Sorry, Sir, but I had plans with some of the people from work this
weekend, and I ..."

"Cancel them, boy!" I said with a commanding voice, inches from his face.
"You are mine from now on."

"Yes, Sir," he said meekly and I released him. He dressed in silence
without his briefs. His shoulders slumped as he headed for the door.

"Don't act like something bad has happened, unless you want your fellow
workers to wonder what's going on with you."

"Yes, Sir," he said and straightened his shoulders.

Once he left, I stroked my dick a couple times. It was such a turn on to
control someone that I was tempted to stroke again, but would not want to
take away from what had just happened and the excitement coming tonight.

I sat at my desk for at least 30 minutes savoring the control over Tom. I
knew more would follow and his submission just pushed my buttons. I was
hard for another 15 minutes as I tried to get some work done.

I managed to get all my work done and was looking forward to my session
with Tom this evening. My dick twitched each time I thought of what I
would do and what I would have him do to himself. The more he submitted,
the more it would turn me on. I relished the feeling when a man bent to my
will. Fuck! I was getting hard again, just thinking about it!

Tom came in and I told him to close the door. I wondered if it had
registered with him that the door wasn't locked and that someone could walk
in at any moment.

"Strip, boy," I said, leaning back in my chair watching him.

"Yes, Sir," he said and began removing his clothes. Soon he stood there
naked in front of my desk. He didn't know what to do with his hands.

"Boy, the correct position is legs spread, fingers laced behind your head
with your eyes looking at the ground in front of you."

"Yes, Sir," he said and moved to get into position.

I got up and walked over to him. I let my hand roam over his body. I felt
him tremble as I touched first his nipples and then his ass and then onto
his genitals. I pulled at his pubic hair and he pulled his abdomen in.
"Stand still, boy," I said, sternly.

I ran my hands over the remainder of his body including his arm pits and
through his hair. And just to add to his humiliation, I put my fingers in
his mouth and looked at his teeth and gums. It was just like he was an
a****l being examined for purchase.

I took his cock in my hand again and fondled it and as his dick responded,
asked him "How much sex have you had?"

He blushed and said in a meek voice, "I have never had sex with anyone
before, Sir."

He was now rock hard, I told him to bend over. I spread his ass cheeks
apart, saw the hair in his crack and touched his asshole. He tensed up.
"Relax, boy!"

He did and wiggled my finger inside. He was very tight. It was going to be
fun loosening him up. I wiggled around a bit more and I could tell he was
very uncomfortable with the invasion. I smiled to myself and felt my cock
throb at his reaction.

When I finished, I told him to stand up. He did and resumed his position.
I put my finger up to his mouth and said, "Clean it off, boy." I could see
the disgust on his face as he opened his mouth and sucked on my finger. He
fought his gag reflex, from the taste, I guess.

When he was finished cleaning my finger, I removed it, walked to my desk,
opened a drawer , and took out a couple of things. I walked over with a
small butt plug and some lube. The plug was small, but shaped like a

I smeared some lube over the plug and then gave it to him. "Stick this up
your ass, boy." His eyes got wide and his face whitened. But he took the
plug and tried to stick it in. "Bend over and work it in, boy."

"Yes, Sir," he said as his face contorted and he worked to get in inserted.
He gasped and I knew that he had slid it in. His dick was now dripping
precum as he stood back up.

I moved closer and rubbed my hand over his body again and loved when he
trembled. "Tonight, we will remove all of this unsightly hair and teach
you how to take care of your body (which is now my body, boy). He trembled
more and I saw the worry cross his face.

"Now, get dressed and then we will leave." I saw the sigh on his body even
though he said nothing. I bet he thought I was going to make him walk out
of here naked! I smiled. I didn't want to jeopardize his job here, but he
didn't need to know that.

Downstairs at the parking lot, I told him to get into the front seat of my
car and that we would come back for his car over the weekend.

He got in and buckled up. But before I started the engine, I said, "Strip,

His mouth opened to object, but then he said, "Yes, Sir," and I wondered if
he was going to cry.

But he removed his coat, tie, shirt and t-shirt and put them in the back.
Then he removed his shoes and socks and put them in the back. Then he
unzipped his pants, pushed them to the floor and pulled them off and put
those in the back seat as well.

My dick throbbed at the control over him. He had his legs closed and was
trying to cover his crotch with his hands. "Spread your legs, boy. And get
yourself hard!" I instructed him as I started the car.

He spread his legs and reached for his dick. "Please, Sir," he said and
before I could continue I stopped him.

"Do it, boy! You will be punished for even thinking of questioning me or
speaking before given permission!" I said very sternly. "You are lucky
that I didn't make you strip before getting in the car, or walking out of
the office naked, boy!"

"Yes, Sir," he said resolutely. He began to play with his dick as I backed
the car up and pulled out. On the way home, I would reach over and play
with his cock, squeeze his balls, or tweak his nipples. He was dripping
profusely by the time we reached my home. I figured that the plug had been
bumping up against his prostate and causing all kinds of new sensations for

I pulled into the garage but didn't close the garage door as I told him to
get out and follow me. I watched his hand shake as he reached for the door
handle in the car, but he got out of the car and took a quick look out the
garage door to see if anyone could see him, but he didn't cover his crotch.
I have to give him credit for that. And he didn't ask for his clothes that
were in the back seat.

He followed me to the door to the house and stood there while I waited a
moment before lowering the garage door. Inside the house, I took him to
the living room and told him to stand there. He assumed his position after
giving me a "Yes, Sir,". I left him there like that while I went back and
got out of my work clothes and into a jock, jeans, slip-on shoes, and a

I knew soon, it would be him that would be undressing and dressing me, but
I wanted to do some other things before we got to that training.

Back in the living room, he stood there trembling. "Are you cold, boy?" I
asked him.

He hesitated and then said, "No, Sir, but..." he didn't completely get the
"but" out but I felt that I heard it.

"What, boy?" I asked standing close to him adding to the intimidation.

I could tell it was difficult for him to be forthcoming, but I waited.

He broke down and sobbed at first, but I let him get it done and then after
he had stopped, wiped his eyes and nose, he spoke. "Sir, this is so much
to handle. I don't want to lose my job, but I have never done anything
like this. And it is all so overwhelming. I am afraid," he ended with.

"What are you afraid of, boy?" I asked in a neutral tone. I didn't want to
come across sympathetic, I just wanted him to get it off his chest.

"Being naked, jerking off for you, in front of the window, and sucking you
and sticking things up my ass, and you talking of shaving me and owning me,
and walking around naked, and feeling horny and humiliated and ashamed and
..." he trailed off then. He had to wipe his nose again with the back of
his hand.

I moved even closer and took his balls in my hand and gave a gentle
squeeze. His dick responded by springing back to full hardness and
pointing at the ceiling. "Put see, boy, you get turned on by it. You get
turned on by the pain and humiliation, you want to be used, and you want to
be owned."

He started to sob again, so I smacked him on the ass and said, "Snap out of
it, boy!" He was now a mess. I handed him a hand towel and he wiped his
face, hands, and eyes. He blew his nose, loudly.

"I'm sorry, Sir. This is all so new to me." I took the towel and told him
to get into position.

He moved into position and trembled. Then he tensed his muscles and held
the position. "Good, boy," I said to him and patted him on the ass.

"We are going to shave you from the neck down and then we will trim your
head hair pretty short. I think a boy should be hairless to show his
submission his master." I ran my hand over his chest, armpits, ass, and
then pubes; touching all the areas that would soon be denuded of hair.

"Then you will be disciplined for you resistance today." I let that sink
in before I continued on. "Once that is completed, then we will discuss
the rules for the remainder of your time with me." He raised his eyes to
look at me quickly and then lowered his eyes.

"You want to know how long you will be mine?" I asked, rubbing my hands
over his body again.

"Sir," he started and then paused.

"Speak, boy," I demanded.

"Sir, how long, I mean, what happens after, I mean ..." he foundered.

"How long will you be mine? What happens when I am done with you? What
will you be like? Why would I let you go? Why won't I let you go? Why do
you not want to be let go? Why do you want to be let go? What will you do
if you are let go?" I asked, purposely pushing him.

He nodded his head and I thought sure he was going to start blubbering
again, but he sucked it in.

"You will be mine as long as I enjoy controling you and having you submit
to me. What will happen to you when I am done with you? That depends on
how much someone will pay for you and what kind of condition you are in
when I get done with you." I let the last sentence sink in while my dick
throbbed as he fought back the emotions that were roiling in him.

"Boy, I will not sell you and I will not disfigure you," did the fact that
I didn't mention harm him dawn on him, "and you will decide what you are
going to do when I am done with you."

I let that settle in before I continued on. "And you will do much of this
to yourself. You will do what I tell you to do when I tell you to do it.
You will do it because you want to please me. I will be calling and
texting you throughout your day giving you tasks to do, and you will
describe to me what and how you did it." I paused again and added with
force. "Because you want to."

He shuddered again. And I smiled inwardly to myself. It was sinking in.

I took him to the bathroom and gave him a pair of clippers and had him trim
the hair off under his arms, the little on his chest that led in a trail
down to his pubes. Once he had gone over that. I buzzed his ass crack.
Then I handed him shaving cream and razor and told him to go for it.

The look on his face made my cock throb. He was surrendering to me. And I
loved it! It was such a rush!

He took the shaving cream, shook the can, and then applied it. He used the
razor and the hot water in the sink to shave himself clean. When he
finished, I had him bend over. I pulled out the plug and he grunted. I
didn't know if he was missing the feeling or glad to have it removed.

I spread the cream along his crack and shaved him down; cleaning all the
hair out.

I took the clippers, put on a short guard on it and ran it over his head
until there was a pile of hair on the floor. I had him sweep it all up and
dump it in the trash. He looked at himself in the mirror and I watched the
expressions play across his face as he saw himself denuded of hair. He
looked like a younger man or a k**, if you didn't look too close with the
lack of hair. But for me it wasn't the c***dish look I was going for, but
the fact that he would submit to my instructions, my will, and my power
over him to get it done. He ran his hand over his hairless crotch to
experience the new sensation and the new sensitivity.

Once that was done, I brought out the enema bag. I explained how it was
used and filled it the first time with warm soapy water. Then I stood and
watched as he administered the enema to himself. I had him on his knees on
the floor with his head resting on the floor, butt in the air.

He started moaning and I told him to shut up and take it. After 5 minutes,
I let him get up and sit it on the toilet. He blushed as I stood there
watching him. I don't get off on s**t, but having someone watch him as he
dumped the water had to add to his building humiliation.

Once he was done, I had him make another one and administer it to himself
again. And then one more time. I gave him a wash cloth and had him clean
himself up. When he was finished, I told him, "Every night, after dinner,
you will clean yourself out this way and then lube up your ass so that you
will be ready for me." I ran my hand along his crack playing with his

I handed him some lube and watched as he put some on his fingers and rubbed
it into his hole. I told him to apply more until he was very slippery. I
knew he would be thinking about getting fucked and wondering what it would
be like.

After that, I took him to the kitchen. "Normally, you will make our meals
and you will make my meal first. Then I will tell you where and what you
can eat. You may eat out of a dog disk on the floor, you may eat out of a
dish at the table or you may eat food that comes out of my ass." I wanted
him to think about that. I was thinking of pushing a hot dog out of my ass
for him to eat as it came out.

I knew he would get used to rimming my ass among other thing and again, my
dick throbbed at the thought of this kind of submission.

He nodded, not trusting his voice. I knew I was giving him a lot to think
about and to process. I pulled out some leftover dinners that I had
prepared for just tonight. Mine was a larger portion. He watched closely
as I prepared the food, and I could see the hunger in his eyes. His nerves
had burned up all the calories he had already had. In fact, he probably
hadn't had lunch because he was so nervous.

I put his into a bowl and heated it up. It was a smaller portion that had
been pretty much chopped up. I sat down to eat while he waited for his to
heat. When it was done I told him he could put it on the floor and eat it.

He knelt on the floor and proceeded to eat out of the bowl. Watching him
got me so hard. I watched his face as he ate and tears streamed down his
face as he ate. I knew this was difficult for him, but having him bow to
my orders was a powerful sexual d**g for me.

I would have to sit and talk with him tonight, but first there were other
things that must be done. I would have all weekend with him, so plenty of
time to work with him and talk with him.

I enjoyed my dinner and my dick throbbed through it as I watched him eat
his meal and drink from his water bowl. When he was finished, he wiped his
face to remove food and tears, and sat down on the floor.

I waited a bit, and when I was finished eating, I said, "The correct
position for a boy when he is on the floor. You are to be on your knees
with your legs spread and your hands interlaced behind your head. Unless I
tell you to relax, or at ease, you are to be in one of the two positions
when you are around me. "

He moved into position and I loved seeing him obey. I stood up and told
him to follow me. In the living room, I sat in my recliner and told him to
sit on the floor at my feet. I told him he could relax and listen. "You
may ask questions while I am explaining things to you now. But you may not
interrupt me."

I reached over and rubbed his head. "You have done well, boy." I knew he
would feel a sense of pride in hearing that. I couldn't imagine feeling
proud in the situation, but knew that he would have that feeling. It just
seemed to be the way the boys' emotions were. It excited me that I could
have such an impact on his feelings.

"You will still be punished for your infraction earlier, but you have done
well today, overall." I patted his head again. He gave a weak smile.

"You will be punished for not obeying instructions, for not following the
rules, for resisting or being unwilling to do something you are told." I
paused. "Boys tend to fuck up and get punished and sometimes, I wonder if
they aren't doing it just so they can be punished." I knew he wouldn't get
that yet, but some boys got their pain/pleasure all bound up together. So
it was as if getting punished was a turn on for them. I knew it definitely
was for me. I mean, me punishing them.

"You will also experience pain that has nothing to do with punishment." I
looked at him and saw the quizzical look on his face.

"I will enjoy inflicting pain on you for my pleasure. You may find that
you begin to find pleasure in these sessions as you will see that it give
me pleasure."

"Sir, may I ask what kind of pain?" he asked in a very worried voice.

I gave him a crooked smile. "Yes, you may ask but I may not answer." I
laughed and then said, "You will have things done to your nipples, balls,
hole, and dick that you can't imagine." He blanched and I added, "Nothing
that is permanently harmful to you."

"Like what, Sir?" he continued to ask.

"Nipple clamps, ball stretchers, hot wax, butt plugs, chastity devices,
ropes, weights, sounds, and electric pulses." I knew the list would be
daunting, but he had asked. I saw the frightened look on his face.

"And you will be punished with a hand, a paddle, a belt, flog or a stick
depending on the situation." I watched the pulse in his neck vein quicken
as I said these things.

"When you are with me, you will always be naked unless I tell you
different." I let him wonder if that meant at work as well and what if
people came over.

"You will wear what I tell you to wear, you will eat what I tell you to
eat, and when you can shit and piss."

"And probably the most difficult for you will be, that you will only cum
when I tell you that you can." I saw his head jerk towards me at that one
as to see if I was k**ding. "This is probably where you struggle the most
at first. We will have you edging, getting as close to cumming as possible
without cumming. And that will go on for hours and days." Again, I saw
the look on his face.

"When you are allowed to cum, it will be like nothing you have experienced
before." He looked at me.

"Sir, how long before I can cum again," he was thinking back to his jerk
off in my office this morning. I am sure it was not his most pleasurable

"Well, with a new boy it is difficult to get the used to not cumming so
often, so I usually don't do more than 2 -- 3," and I paused, so he would
automatically fill in days, "weeks, to begin with."

The look on his face was priceless and I felt a surge of desire when I saw
it. Damn, but this felt good.

"Sir, weeks?" he swallowed after he asked it.

"Sure, just weeks to start out with, I mean you can't keep a new boy
waiting 2 or 3 months at the beginning. You have to work up to that over
the first couple of months." I could see the wheels turning in his head,
thinking about not cumming for 2 -- 3 months. Ah, such control!

"Sir, will I live here?" he asked, still trying to come to grips with the
possibility of forced chastity.

"Boy, you will live where I tell you to live. You may stay here sometimes,
you may stay at your place now and then, you may sleep in the car
sometimes, and possibly, you will spends a day or two tied up to a tree out
in the park along some hiking path." I loved fucking with a boy's head.
It was such fun.

"Sir," he asked again with a quivering voice, "will I have to be naked, and
... ah, have to perform, ah, you know, sexually in front of other people?"

"No! I don't know! And I do not ever want to hear that term come out of
your mouth again!" I said in my best professorial voice.

"And boy, you will do whatever I say, where ever I say it, and in front of
whomever I say." I saw the tremble run up his spine as he heard that.

I really wanted to fuck with his mind. "Look, boy, you are mine. Your
body is mine. If I want to lead you naked on a leash through the mall on
your hands and knees, I will. If I want you to kneel at my feet and drink
my piss at the gas station, I will. If I want to let some stranger fuck
your ass in a restaurant, I will." I watched the horror swarm over his
face. Yet his dick was getting harder and harder.

"It doesn't matter to me what other people think of you when you do these
things, except to know that you are doing them because I told you to." I
moved my foot until I had trapped his now rigid dick with my foot and began
pressing it into the floor.

And good for him, he didn't cry out. He gritted his teeth and took it.
"And if you are good, we can take you down tomorrow and get your nipples
pierced, you ass tattooed, and your dick pierced."

His eyes rolled up into his head then and I thought he was actually going
to faint. But he didn't. He hung his head then and just stayed that way
until I took my foot off of his dick.

I knew he had too much sensory overload at the moment. With all the images
I had fed him, with being shaved, and having his dick trampled, and all
that had gone on. So I pulled him up onto my lap and d****d him over my
bent knees.

I ran my hand over his naked hairless ass and thought of all the fun I
would have with it. All at once I snapped my hand up and smacked his ass
soundly. He gasped and tightened his ass. Over the next couple of minutes
I planted 10 very sound swats at his ass. He was crying by the end.

When I let him slip to the floor, I said, "It is proper that you should
thank me for punishing you and making you a better boy."

"Thank you, Sir," he said, and then added, "I will be a good boy and so you
won't have to spank me ever again."

I smiled as my dick throb at the words, "I will be a good boy". I noticed
his dick was still hard. I left him there for a moment while I got
something for him.

"Boy, I know you want to believe that, but boys screw up, it's just their
nature. But I am proud that you will try to be good. That makes me very
happy." I loved seeing the sense of pride he felt at being praised.

"Now get up on your hands and knees, boy." He did as instructed. I moved
behind him and brought out the butt plug that I had found and lubed up. I
placed the head at his hole and told him, "Relax and push out like you were
taking a dump."

I pushed the head in and he gasped. "Relax, boy." I knew it was larger
than the previous one, but still not my size. But tonight, he would start
with this and finish with mine. He was rising up on his toes by the time I
was pushing the last bit inside him.

He panted for a bit as he fought to get used to the feeling. I knew that
there had probably been some initial pain as his hole stretched to take it
for the first time.

I stood in front of him then and said, "Undress me, boy." He started with
my shoes, by slipping them off. Then he stood and removed my shirt. I saw
his eyes close as he took in my musky sweaty smell. He paused and put his
nose near my arm pit and inhaled.

I smiled and knew that he would be getting his fill of my arm pits; licking
them clean. He moved down and unbuttoned my jeans and then unzipped them.
He pulled them down and then eased them off of my feet one leg at a time.
He was being very tender as he did it. He was my boy! Fuck, that felt

He stayed on his knees while he gazed on my full jock. My cock was eager
to be released. I was so turned on by him and submitting to me and now how
tender he was being. He gripped the waistband of the jock and slowly
peeled it off, all the while watching to the emergence of my dick. He
nearly smacked him in the face when he released it and I was sure I heard a
sigh from him as he once again saw my dick.

Before it was just poking out of my suit, but now I was naked and he could
appreciate the pubic bush, and the balls hanging below it.

"Come with me, boy," and I lead him back to my bedroom. I lay down on the
bed and said, "Come boy, and explore me to your heart's content. Find out
all you can about your master's body while I asked you questions about your

He crawled up on the bed and began to tentatively explore my body as I
began my questions.

"How old where you when you first masturabated?" 11 he said.

"How old were you when you realized you liked boys?" He paused before
saying 15.

"Did you ever jerk off with any of your friends?" He said no.

"Didn't you ever wonder if the did?"

"No, Sir, I always thought I was the only one for the longest time until I
started seeing web site with pictures of other guys doing it and stories of
other guys." He was now rubbing his nose in my arm pits.

"Did anyone in high school know you were gay?" He said he was shy and that
he didn't think anyone did.

"What about college, did you play around with guys?"

"No, Sir, I was afraid someone would find out I was gay and make fun of

"Did you just surf the web and jerk off then?" He told me yes, as he
nuzzled my left nipple.

"Did you ever go to adult book stores and see the glory holes?"

"Yes, Sir, but I was too afraid to put my dick through and afraid someone
would recognize me." He had moved on to my other nipple.

"Do you chat with other men on line about sex?" A pause and then a positive

"Did you play with your hole? Did you put anything in it?" He seemed more
relaxed now as he divulged his personal sexual experiences.

He hesitated but continued on and he licked his way down to my navel. "Sir,
I put my finger in my hole and once a candle." It sounded like he was
afraid of being judged by his comments.

"And did you feel your prostate?" He was now playing with my navel.

"Yes, Sir," he said.

"Is the plug pushing on it now?" I asked as he moved past my crotch and
down my left legs.

"Yes, Sir!" he said with enthusiasm.

"Do you like the feeling, boy?" He was becoming intoxicated with my smells
now because he just murmured "Uh huh."

"You want my dick inside you, don't you boy?" Another murmured response.
My dick twitched at that response. I so wanted to take his hole right now.
I wanted to dominate his body with mine!

"Boy, tell me a deep dark sexual secret that you have never told anyone

He had worked down my leg and now was holding my foot; exploring it with
fingers, nose and tongue." I figured his eyes would be closed.

"To be fucked by a dog while other men stood around and watched," I doubted
that he realized he had said that out loud. It was like he was hypnotized.
That was some heavy sexual perversion hiding in there! I'd have to see if
I could make that happen.

Seeing a man submit to you by having him fucked by a dog while other men
watched. Shit!

I stroked his head and he moved up the other leg, "And what else do you
want, boy?"

"I want to please you, Sir," he said as he moved back up towards my crotch.

I rolled over onto my stomach and let him explore there. He had his nose
buried in my crack when I told him to lick it. I felt his hot breath and
then his tongue on my hole as he worked between the hairs to touch it. He
licked at it tentatively at first and then with more intensity.

I turned over and let him see my rigid cock. He went to work on it right
away. After a bit, I told him it was his turn. He was to remove his butt
plug and then sit on my dick and fuck himself!

I could read the fear across his face and he positioned himself to lower
onto my dick. I was bigger than the plugs he had inserted. He looked into
my face as he lowered himself onto my dick. That made my dick swell.

He eased down on my dick and gasped when it was all the way in. I had seen
him wince a couple of time as his ass was stretched. But now he was
beginning to move on my dick. He was so fucking tight! And HE was fucking
himself on my dick! Oh fuck! The control felt so amazing!

I was panting and knew it was going to end way too soon. But his
submission to me was just pushing all my buttons! I felt the wave
approaching and pulled him down tightly onto my dick as I filled up with my
hot spunk! Oh fuck, it felt sooooo good!

I realized that he had cum as well and he was crying and saying, "I'm
sorry, Sir. I didn't mean to!"

I pulled him down onto my chest and patted him. "It's okay, boy. You did

I stroked his hair and patted him until he drifted off to sleep and I was
soon behind him. I was so content!

My dream was vivid. I dreamed I was a young man at work and got called
into one of the manager's office for surfing porn on my computer. He
threatened to fire me if I didn't obey him. I stripped when he commanded
me to and felt a power sexual surge as I submitted to his will.

Dazed in my dream, I worried about my situation and then wondered what was
dream and what was reality.

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It is early in the morning and the storm has awakened me. I glance over at your sleeping form next to me and the desire to touch you overcomes me. First I watch you for a few minutes watching the rise and fall of your chest in a steady rhythm as you sleep. The little snoring sound you make.I love to watch you sleep. You don't even stir when I pull the sheet back and your naked body is in full view in the lowly lit room and I study every inch of you.My fingers begin rubbing the palm of your open...

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Just a little background. My husband and I have been together for 8 years, married for 7 of those years. I feel as if I am finally hitting my sexual peak as I am thoroughly enjoying all aspects of sex more than I have in the past. This is a story of one of my first experiences of truly trying to pleasure my husband to the fullest.  The night is winding down and the house is finally quiet, no longer interrupted by the sounds of the kids running around. We sit and relax, watching a movie as we...

Oral Sex
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Bumfelt was going to get drunk. He asked Darling if she wanted to do the same. She had replied that the storm was coming and that she was staying put in her hotel to wait it out. She would see him first thing in the morning at the Precinct. The snow was falling heavier than ever as Bumfelt pulled up outside his home. The Charger sk**ded to a halt and Bumfelt got out, hurrying across the snow strewn road with a bottle of Snow Leopard vodka in hand. He looked up to see Penny Tration at his front...

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by Memory's Grace There's a look she gets on her face when she's debating whether or not to take off her panties. She leans a little to the left, like she's curling up a bit, and rests her butt firmly against her heels. Then she twitches up. I don't know if she takes them off or not. I'm trying to relax. "What is it?" "I..." "You always get like this," she smiles. "You're in good hands, you know." I don't know what it is about a slightly chubby brunette that lets her smile...

4 years ago
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Mnner in Strumpfhosen

Die Geschichte beginnt zu der Zeit, als der edle Robin von Locksely das hinterlistige Treiben des Sheriffs von Nottingham entdeckt hatte. Robin war in seinem Edelmut zum Haus des Sheriffs geritten, um ihm all die zuvor gesammelten Erkenntnisse, wie er die armen Bürger und Pächter des Königs Richard zu unrecht ausnahm und übers Bein balbierte, direkt und unverblümt ins Gesicht zu sagen. Des Sheriffs Reaktion war denn trotz der Anwesenheit des hochheiligen Bischofs eine ganz andere, als Robin sie...

1 year ago
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Whah Dew Ah

Author’s note: Some of the dialogue must be read phonetically since I have tried to give the story the flavor of where it occurs. Say it out loud if necessary. Just think of the Beverly Hillbillies, if you are old enough to know who they were, and you will catch on. If you can’t appreciate this then exit right now, please. Melba Mae Takem addressed a question to the boy pumping between her thighs, “Billy Bob, whah dew Ah need tew fukk sew much?” Her fourteen-year-old-brother paused his...

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Phone Assistance

Recently I purchased a new cell phone and experienced some problems while using the phone at home. I returned to the dealer and talked to my sales person. She asked me if I would mind if she came to my home to check it out since she lived in the area and I replied it would be fine. The next afternooon she showed up at the front door. She was in her mid twenties, about 5 foot 2 inches, bid round brown eys, and brunenett colored pageboy styled hair. I invited her in and offeed her a drink which...

2 years ago
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I drive an 18-wheeler solo, but in my daydream state of mind, there is a special LUSH friend that rides along in my mind. This is dedicated to her as she was the source of inspiration for this short story and she knows who she is! In my mind, at the end of the day, we are… TOGETHER I hope you’ve had a good day. Right now, I’m parked in a large parking lot, back in the sleeper bed. I’ve been thinking of you all day and I do not want to make love to you. Nor do I want you to make love to me. I...

3 years ago
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One Took Over The Cuckolds Bed Part I

I stepped out of bed and walked slowly to the curtains closed over the slightly opened veranda windows, yawning and stretching my arms wide at the same time. It was midday and I could feel the heat of the Algarve sun against my naked body. I had slept later than planned but I wasn’t particularly bothered about it. I was on holiday and last night we had all been out celebrating my fortieth birthday. After one final yawn and stretch of the arms I pulled back the curtains opening up the glorious...

4 years ago
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Nurse Udan Kaama Vilaiyaatu

Hai friends, en peyar Ragu, vayathu 24 aagugirathu. Pothuvaaga intha vayathil irukum aangalai niraiya pengaluku pidikum. En endraal intha vayathil thaan sunniyil viraipu thanmai athigamaaga irukum, thirumanam aana pengal thaan ithil ilamaiyaana aangalai usar seithu matter seiya aasai paduvaargal. Naan maruthuvamanaiyil eppadi nurse udan kama uravu konden enbathai intha tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam pagirugiren. En tholil vilaiyaadum pozhuthu adi patathu, enaku antha nimidathil matum vali...

4 years ago
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Flattery Gets You Everywhere Part 2

"Holy Fuck, she wants to meet!" I blurt out loud. My cock starts to twitch as my filthy mind flicks into overdrive. I was amazed that she had gone so far on webcam, and was not expecting her to suggest that we meet up. I tap away at my phones keyboard and simply type "YES!! Where and When? xx" I'm eager to receive a message back from her, but need to get ready for work, so I throw my phone onto the bed and make my way towards the shower where I find I have an impressive hard on that is NOT...

Straight Sex
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Girl Friday

Girl Friday One The fax clattered out a single piece of paper. It was the Hollywood producer again. Had Joanna any suggestions about who might play the leading role in the movie of her book. He couldn't find an actor who could play both male and female lead roles. Had she any suggestions? That was his job. Could she rewrite the script so there were two characters rather than one? Out of the question! She ran her fingers through her shoulder length auburn hair and looked at the pile...

3 years ago
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Cheating Footjobs Neighbors

Ashlynn is a hot woman who lives a happy life with her husband, he works a lot and she is always looking for some, let’s say it, extra fun! Ashlynn is an adept of the foot fetish, if there is a foot then she will be all slutty and wet just by thinking about it. A kinky feet experience is everything she is seeking on a daily basis. Today Ashlynn is home alone, her loved husband is out working and she becomes horny like she always does daily, it is a very strong feeling and she can barely control...

3 years ago
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It Was an English Lady Bright

The Jousting Tournament was well underway on the unusually sunny spring day in the north of England, not too far from the fluctuating Scottish border. Oftentimes in previous years, raiders from either side would cross into the other’s territory, stealing cattle, sheep, horses, crops or anything else that could be moved away quickly. Even the border itself moved as one side or the other gained control of land. For the brief time of the past few years, however, the raids had been few, not many...

3 years ago
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Cathy DouglasChapter 9

In the weeks that followed the Organisation began setting itself ready for whatever action the Association might decide to throw at it. But there was nothing to do! Although small crimes were reported, none were to the degree that was expected. Cathy was wondering if her advice was premature and so she met and spoke to Sir Timothy. "Was I wrong Sir Timothy? Did I just panic when I didn't need to?" She asked him. Sir Timothy looked at her and realised just how young she was, as she...

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Mom8217s Husband Is Fucking

Hello everyone, I am Shravan,23 year old guy living in Bangalore, Karnataka…. I would like to know u all out here. I am open to friendship and any relationship with ladies. Please do mail me at my Email id. secrecy and Good relationship is promised. Waiting to hear from u all. Please mail me your response to my mail id, don’t forget—> Shravan was 18 and obsessed with his mother; he thought she was the most beautiful woman alive. He wasn’t far wrong, despite her age of 38 she had managed to...

2 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 6 Sweet Dreams Are Made of This

Friday at school, Alan was impatient and distracted, as was par for the course lately. All he could think about was the prospect of Suzanne giving him another handjob later that afternoon. He didn't realize that she was planning something new, even though she'd dropped some not-very-subtle hints about it. Suzanne and Susan continued their ritual of talking about their dreams and recent sexual experiences while doing their morning workouts. Susan had handjobs and blowjobs on her mind to...

4 years ago
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The Fullness

[ For A & T. For their friendship, and the mutual experiences as a cuckold couple that we share, though in a different time and a different place. The fundamentally shared experience remains very similar. ]Tomas came up behind Mara as she was toweling off from having taken a shower, and as he did, he reached around her and gently placed both hands over her now very obviously pregnant belly. As his hands touched her there, he nuzzled his face to the side of her silky smooth neck and ear; and...

1 year ago
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Altered Fates Business and Sex

Altered Fates: Business and Sex by Chrissy This story contains adult material. Please read no further if you are below the legal age. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was the luckiest man alive. That's what I thought and that's what many other men would agree on. I was rich, handsome and the owner of one of the fastest up and coming Porn Studios in the country. Then things took a dramatic change. I came across the medallion....

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Daniel And Eric Part One

Introduction: Okay… so its my first story, please dont judge too harshly. Its about a new vampire, Daniel, who has been sent to a safe house for humans and vampires called The Den just until he can gain control of himself. There he meets Eric… okay, so I hope you like it. Sorry about any spelling mistakes. Depending on how this one goes and if I have time I might write more (: I had lost track of time. I knew it was the early hours of the morning, that much I knew, but it had been hours, maybe...

2 years ago
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The Sure Thing

I'm a gambler. Oh, not a high roller by any means, but I do love to bet on things. Once, in Houston at the Hyatt Regency, a couple of us sat in the lobby and bet on the elevators; which one would get to the top first, get down first, or if it was stopped at a floor would it go up or down. Not big bets, but bets just the same. I'll never put myself in the poor house, or lose my house for that matter, but I will bet on almost anything. Sometimes with some very surprising results. I am also one...

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Warriors RefugeChapter 2

Jack invited his friends inside for lunch. While they were eating sandwiches and chips, washed down with Colorado Cool-Ade (Coors Beer) Jack discussed his thoughts about a place for the two men to live. He said, “I hate to see all the empty houses here in town. I know there are several for sale and some for rent. You could buy a house and if it needed it we could fix it up for you to live in. These are almost all older houses so shouldn’t cost much as houses go. You could probably rent a...

2 years ago
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Sex at Work Part 2

Well, it really wasn’t a dream.   I had confessed on a web site I visit regularly, I guess a week or so ago about telling my coworker of a website that I had a story posted on, and her response after reading it and how she wanted proof of my genital size, and getting a pretty fair blow job in the break room at work out of the deal, though it was way to quick, I got my rocks off, and sometimes that is all that matters, isn’t it?   She had her proof that I indeed had a fairly thick ten inch...

Straight Sex
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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 43 Water Water Everywhere

I was enjoying a peaceful afternoon lounging by the pool contemplating the many mysteries of the universe. I had my eyes closed and I was almost ready to nod off for a mid morning nap. Heavy duty thinking has a distinct effect on my brain causing me to slowly shut down my senses and rest. Suddenly my reverie was rudely interrupted by a throng of female bodies thundering past me intent upon emptying the pool with a monster sized tidal wave. The big splash was followed by the almost deafening...

3 years ago
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Take Your Medicine Honey Chapter 3

A week later I was once again confronted with the round countenance of Mr. Rogers as I sat in the consulting room. My previously swollen and bruised member had essentially returned to its pre-accident state - if one was able to ignore the seam of sutures on the underside - and Mr. Rogers told me that he was satisfied with progress.He asked me if there had been any problems - any unusual pain or difficulty urinating, and so forth. I told him that under the circumstances everything seemed to be...

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A Small Tease

I love to play with your neck, kissing it softly as I caress your hair. My lips part and I nibble you gently. I love to hear you moan in response.My fingers massage your scalp as my pierced tongue slowly licks up to your chin and up to your earlobe. I suckle it and pull it with my teeth and whisper in your ear that I find you so sexy.I extend my tongue and lick your ear, blowing in hot as I rub my body softly against yours. I love to feel you shiver and gasp. My finger twirls a strand of your...

1 year ago
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Kansas City Embassy Suites

Kansas City Embassy Suites Although this story is true, I have changed a few things to protect the not so innocent and to set my wife’s mind at ease so she may enjoy this little bit of our history as much as she did at the time. This took place on a trip from Kansas City to the west coast. I was moving the last of my belongings back home to California , Gloria, my new girlfriend at the time flew out to drive one of my vehicles back. Sounds weird to call her a girlfriend as we are so much more...

3 years ago
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Deadly Sex Games CH 7

The following weekend, Sally made up her mind. It was another hot, steamy summer night. She put on black nylons, a very short mini-skirt, a low cut top, and high heels, then drove to the sleezy part of town. There, she rented a room another run-down old hotel. The old hotel clerk didn't blink an eye, although she noticed him looking her over. Sally nervously walked out on the street and took a place along the side of a building, near a street light. She noticed that the street was almost...

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AshlynnDaddyrsquos Little Girl Part 9

Daddy’s Little GirlPart 9(Team Spirit) Ashlynn lifted her ass with each stroke, trying to get every inch of the big offensive tackles cock, I had thought it was a shower, but, it was a grower too. They had the game jerseys laid out on the bench, later today they would be washed but right now they had another use, as padding for Ash. Five weeks in and we had the routine down pat. When they win the boys that scored, and the Defensive line men that made the most outstanding plays, got Ash on...

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Rough Sex With Slutty Female Friend In Hotel Room

This story is about me and my friend while we were outstation and in a hotel together. We used to be more than just friends. I always wanted to fuck the shit out of that bomb of a girl. We were alone in the room playing the truth or dare game, totally aware where this was going to end. My friend had already asked me to seduce her for a dare. I asked her to give me a lap dance. She turned into a full-slut mode and was flaunting her ass in front of me. I suddenly grabbed her by her waist, picked...

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Doing My Moms Friend Doris

Introduction: An old girl turned out to be quite a sweet surprise! Im 32, divorced, a pretty well-to-do business owner, and not the ugliest guy in a typical room. Im also lucky enough to have several no-strings fuck buddies ranging in age from mid-twenties to about 40. Im also a good son by making sure to look after my mom, who lives about 50 miles away. My mom is 60 and has a very active social life. She has groups of lady friends with whom she plays cards, dominoes, bingo, wine tasting, etc....

4 years ago
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Affair With Brahmin Mom And Daughter 8211 Part 4

Hi everyone,i am ragu ,single bull waiting for cows. Reach me at . please comment or feedback. By the by, this is fourth continuation of the affair with brahmin mom and daughter. First of all very big thanks for your feedback, it makes me to share quickly. Coming to the story, I was relaxing myself after the strong passionate sex with janani, and messaged malli, she replied that she returned to home. After having dinner, i decide to watch movie on my laptop. And it almost 11 pm. Malli messaged...

3 years ago
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I couldnt do Porn Unlimited consent

"So, I found this," Kristy said. She showed me a flyer that looked like it had been outside all winter.I squinted at it, trying to make sense of the faded text and grainy photos. "What is it?""The thing I was telling you about. The casting call. I couldn't find it online, but the flyer was still there on the dorm bulletin board. If you're still looking for a summer job, I mean.""Yeah, for sure." I took the flyer from her and looked more closely. "Looking for young women 18-21..." Then something...

2 years ago
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My Guardian Angel Ch 02

2 years prior ‘The new kid keeps watching you.’ Lori whispered in my ear from the chair next to me. I was playing around with different mediums on the computer for my photography project, trying to find the perfect one that highlighted the creases on the hands just right. The project was to find where the soul is. I’d always loved hands. You do everything with your hands. They crease and wrinkle, yet are one of the toughest parts of your body. Your hands give you access to everything in the...

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Started As Role Play And Ended In A Real Play

Hi to all readers of ISS.. Well, i don’t think mentioning dick size gonna arouse girls reading this but the story will. This is my first story and will try to make it as exciting as I can. This story is a real incident that took place a few days back. I had broken up with my gf and was too upset on this matter. So, I decided to go in a random chat room and do role play with any female interested to do so. Luckily, I found a woman named Swati (name changed). We introduced ourselves , she was...

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Shackled Ch 21

A shiver of delight ran down Emma’s spine as Liam kissed her, the second time showing her that perhaps he was in the mood for more than sleep. Carefully she set aside her coffee and wound her arms around his neck, pressing closer. ‘Are you sure?’ She murmured softly, gazing up into his eyes. The sexy smile that crossed his lips made her laugh and with a little hop, she managed to wrap her legs around him. Big hands automatically grasped her firm bottom as she pressed her mouth to his again and...

1 year ago
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The Subway Car

Buck's Big Boob Bed Time Story....I was pushing my bike down the stairs into the subway station. I swiped my Metro card as I carried my delivery bike over the metal barrier. I had been making deliveries all day. I was hot and a little sweaty. I was wearing just my tight bike messenger’s uniform. A pair of black lyrica biker shorts. A tight black lyrica matching top. I had unzip the top just a little to let in the warm air. It was close to 10pm when I heard the brakes on the subway train get...

1 year ago
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Billionaire Valley Its Bitches Part 5

I said last night brings me here. What about last night Tim ask? I saw Peggy going into your home, and I saw her leaving. I was thinking it's doesn't take half the night to water plants. I sat waiting to see just how long it would be before Peggy left your home. It was more than three hours. I set watching and fingering my pussy. Thinking of that big black dick in her pussy. When it should be in mine. I showed you my pussy all night. You look as if you wanted it. Then you act as if I never...

2 years ago
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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 2 Part 3

Introduction: This is the third chapter of the second series. Im not quite sure yet if there will be 6 chapters to this series or not, but it will most likely be in that ballpark. This is also more of a buildup episode, but hopefully it doesnt dissapoint. Comments and suggestions are welcome as always. Ughh sweetie! This is why mommy told you to pack last night! I screamed frustratingly at my daughter. Now here I was, sifting through her little suitcase at 7 in the morning, trying to find and...

4 years ago
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Its My PartyChapter 57

Time: Saturday, March 2, 2019 3:45 PM Three hours after leaving the river and already half-way home, Carla felt so confident about their situation that she called out a fifteen minute break. They had been jogging along a ridgeline roughly two hundred meters west of the edge of the cylindrical sky, a short gully on their left, and a broad drop on their right to the forest below. Within a few minutes, the four Hindu women drifted away to a spot about twenty meters distant. They sat and chatted...

3 years ago
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Granny Knows Best

I could feel the cock swelling inside me, any moment I would be receive the reward I had been working so hard for. With every thrust, then he pulled my hair and pushed in deep and everything just froze for a moment. Then he exploded deep inside me, I love this so much that when that gush of spunk hits my walls it triggers my own orgasim. My pussy clamps down tight around the cock, almost as if to milk more cum from it. It was a large thick load. As soon as we both calmed down he pulled out of...

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