Jordan'sJob free porn video

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Eric was looking down at his best friend Jordan, all five foot six of him. His friend’s piercing blue eyes stood out from his long black hair looked greasy and unwashed mostly due to him wearing eyeliner. That and his old Metallica shirt and baggy pants. They were having another argument about money, just like they seemed to be having weekly now. Eric sighed pinching his nose before talking.

“Look, I know the job market is tough right now though my patience is wearing thin, Jordan. Your band hasn't had a paying gig in years, and you have turned down every job that has come your way because you claim it is below your level or does not pay enough. Sure you have a few certifications for computers, but you don’t have any education because you left school early because of some big chance to make it big, and that didn’t pan out. Then you got a few computer contract jobs and sure I understand contracts are temporary, I’m betting one of them would have kept you on if you didn’t keep skipping work for some music career that isn’t happening. I have had it," Eric we are in our mid-twenties and you have been unemployed more than you have worked, and now even unemployment has stopped paying you. I swear if you don’t take the next job that is offered to you, I’m kicking you out.”

Jordan’s anger was more than just present he felt like boiling over, sure Eric was taller than him being just over six feet tall and while he wasn’t a muscle head he was in good shape compared to his own small frame, and had a steady job as a construction project manager didn’t mean he was better than him. But then Eric said the words he himself had been dreading, the threat of being homeless. Though it wasn’t just what he said, it was how he said it. Not full of anger, but sorrow. Jordan calmed his nerves, he knew Eric was a good guy and had helped him more than anyone else, though he was sure part of this was him taking some of his frustration out from his break up the other month.

“I know, I know I have fucked up, but please don’t kick me out. You know I don’t have anywhere to go, no family to lean on. But I have taken jobs below me, like when you got me a job doing grunt labor on your construction site. It hurt when you fired me Eric, you know that.” Jordan’s voice was almost pleading with his friend, if he didn’t turn this around he would be sleeping on the streets.

Eric pinched the bridge of his nose again, a habit of his when he is frustrated. Waving his hand toward Jordan he continued but this time no more harshness in his voice. “Look, I didn’t want to fire you from the job, but it is on you. I got you the job because you begged me, and I knew you couldn’t handle the labor, but I did it anyways because you are like a brother to me. The other guys noticed that you couldn’t handle your share, and put more than one complaint about it, but I covered for you. Then I started getting complaints that you were slacking off on your phone, not once, not twice. You took advantage of our relationship and that is starting to feel like a running theme. Friends help friends it is what they do, and while Becky ripped my heart out, I don’t blame you.”

The smaller man walked over and sat on a stool at the kitchen bar and was feeling what his friend was telling him, he really did screw up that job he got him though he really did need those extra breaks. He crossed his arms pulling them close to his chest as he rubbed his forearms remembering the fatigue and soreness from the manual labor, but then he gave Eric a confused look. “Well, I’m happy to hear you don’t blame me for all that, I didn’t know she was crazy when I introduced you to her, only that she was hot.”

“No..that isn’t, I mean she was.” Eric stumbled a bit in his words and held out his hand for Jordan to stop. “Yes Becky was hot and I did appreciate you hooking me up with her once you struck out on her at your old job. I thought I was lucky she even listened to you, without a doubt she got hit on all the time dressed the way she did being a secretary at your old office.” Eric's thoughts went back to thinking of his girlfriend’s.. well ex-girlfriend’s ass and legs as she sashayed out the door in the mornings for work.”It was fun while it lasted and I tell you I thought she was the one. She was living with us just didn’t work out."

"You leering at her when you thought no one was looking didn’t help. Becky said it was fine, she was used to it, but she didn’t like how much I was helping you. She always said you were taking advantage of me, how you seemed to have money for going out and drinking with your friends, but when it came to the rent? Nothing. Again though, it wasn’t your fault the two of us had other issues, you were just extra stress.”

Jordan opened his mouth and ruined the moment “Yeah I’m sure I was extra stress on her when I caught her cheating on you.” The snide comment did it and Jordan could see the switch being hit in his friend, but still, Eric didn’t raise his voice.

“Just take the next job you get an offer to, and if you don’t have something in two weeks. Then this conversation is going to happen again, and that conversation ends with you out on your ass.” Eric grabbed a beer from the fridge almost slamming it shut.

He turned to go back to his room, but still, a pang of guilt hit him when he looked at Jordan. He knew acted tough, but seeing him now with his eyes downcast and still pulling his arms to his chest practically hugging himself he remembered that his friend really did have a tough childhood and him saying what he did might have brought up bad memories of his family disowning him for drug use as a teenager. With Eric's help, Jordan really did kick the habit, so he knew his friend had it in him to push towards success, he just needed a strong hand to push him. “Look, Jordan while I’m serious about this. If you need help just let me know and I will be there, so long as you aren’t trying to get out of a situation of your own making, okay?”

Jordan looked up and caught the eye of his friend, “Sure, and I’m sorry... I will do better.” With that, the two nodded and went to their separate rooms.

In the master bedroom, Eric sat down at his computer a little bit flustered, lonely, and a lot horny now that he couldn’t get the thought of his girlfriend’s body out of his mind. He opened a few files and pulled up some pictures of Becky and smiled remembering her in stockings, heels, and a corset as she got down on her knees and took him in her mouth. Eric dropped his pants and started to rub his hand on his dick, before remembering Becky had left a ton of clothes here. So he went over to one of the drawers on his dresser, remembering he still hadn’t cleared anything of hers out. He pulled out a pair of her panties and sat back down in his office chair looking at the photos reliving memories as he rubbed them onto his engorged member. Eric grunted a bit as he picked up speed touching himself, remembering those red lips and the feeling of suction on his dick. She always moaned and liked it when he took control putting his hand behind her head and deciding on the tempo and how long she had to deep throat him. The release felt good it just made him feel worse now that he was alone with a ring worth more than three month’s salary.

He had bought it when he went back home to visit his family at a local jewelry store. Eric knew he could get the best price back home in the small town, the only downside of a small town is he was sure his mom at the very least had heard he bought a ring. His family didn’t always agree with his choices in life, like going off to the big city, but they hopped when he found the right girl he would settle down back home. When he bought the ring he still didn’t want to tell them about Becky, she was a city girl, and no way would she move out of it, so he kept it quiet. He didn’t feel liking cleaning up so he just tossed the pair on top of the open drawer and went to sleep.

Meanwhile, in the other room Jordan had multiple browsers opened and was applying like crazy to jobs, he needed something and something fast. He wanted to work in his industry, but with the threat hanging over his head he would take a fast-food job just to get by and would just keep looking to pick something else up that fit what he wanted. Jordan looked over his shoulder to his Moog keyboard synthesizer and frowned. If this didn’t work out he might have to pawn it, but doing so would be like giving up on a dream. He had already sold his car a few months back to afford to get to a gig that his bandmates insisted would help them break out, and who needed a car in the city anyhow.

The keyboard though, he would do it if he had to and he bought it for almost nine thousand dollars. He had scrapped and saved for it for a long time when he was working on a computer project, heck a girl he was seeing at the time Janet gave him the last few hundred he needed for it for a Christmas gift. The thought of that day getting the instrument, a beautiful girl at his side, and what he thought was a good future ahead of him made him smile. The reality was much bleaker, no big break has come, Janet broke up with him saying she liked him but he was just too unreliable, no job and now no unemployment and on the verge of living on the street. Jordan let out a long sigh feeling bad for himself and making a promise that he would do whatever it takes to get back on his feet. That is when it hit him, “Janet is the answer!” Jordan shot off a text to Janet, sure they haven’t talked in a while, but even with the breakup, they were still friends. He always hoped he had a chance to rekindle the relationship once he made it big or at least was in a stable career. The conversation with her went well and he didn’t try to hide his motives telling her he was down on his luck and wanted to see if she had any prospects at all for a position where she worked over at Mega-corp. He remembered her telling him how the place always had a high turnover, with management often overextending employees, making them work constantly over time and some sexual harassment for the girls. The place treated the lower staff like objects, but the thought of constant overtime right now sounded just what he needed. Janet was surprisingly friendly with him, wanting to know how he got in his situation. The text conversation lead to the two having a phone conversation and they talked for hours.

Jordan hung up the phone and had his mouth open a little bit before biting his lower lip, something he did sometimes when thinking or overthinking something. The bad news was Janet was in a serious relationship, but she was really open to reconnecting as a friend. So maybe there was a chance, a small one if he could get back on his feet. She had agreed to put in a call to her friend in HR to get him in for an interview, on the condition that he pay back everything he owed to Eric. She said that if he really wanted to fresh start with everyone then he needed to pay back what he owed for a clean slate. That and he needed to clean up a bit, this was a professional environment. No more badly grown beard or greasy hair. The badly grown beard comment hurt him, he didn’t think it was that bad, and he thought it made him manlier. With that Jordan filled out a few more applications, sent a copy out to Janet and another to a Staples so he can print it on nicer paper for interviews he went to take a shower, wash his hair good and then to his dismay, shave off his beard before he called it a night.

The next morning Jordan was lying in bed, he got little sleep just going over scenarios in his mind. How the interview would go, where they would place him. If he could get right back into an IT department or if he would have to start at the mailroom. The last thought had him thinking how he would work hard and go up in the company. He had no illusions that he would be a VP or anything, but maybe once he got everything together he could go back and finish school, or maybe if he made a good impression on the right higher up he could get them to hire his band for corporate events. His thoughts were interrupted by a text message from Janet, saying she talked to her friend in HR and while she couldn’t help another lady in the department had an open position as an administrative assistant. Jordan wanted to balk at being a secretary, it felt worse than the mailroom even if it did pay a little better. The idea of being a secretary made him feel bad and he almost rejected it out of hand when he heard Eric in the kitchen making breakfast and he remembered the situation he was in. Jordan bit his lower lip, holding it for a second, and then nodded and typed back that he would be excited to interview for the position. Janet called him up and made a high pitch noise seeing saying she was proud of him for seeing this as an opportunity for a foot in the door, and how she knew he wouldn’t like the idea she was just so happy to could see past himself for what this really was, though she corrected him that it was not a secretary job it was an admin assistant. While it was the same thing titles mattered and this was a full-time position unlike his last few real jobs and once he proves himself he could transfer elsewhere, maybe even into the IT department when something opened up. The interview was set for the following morning with a Mrs. Bridget Gunther a sweet but nonsense woman and that he better be prompt and wear something nice, she was sticking her neck out for him.

Jordan wasn’t exactly on cloud nine, he was happy though still rather tired and left his bedroom just wearing his boxers into the kitchen to get some coffee. Eric filled the cup for him and letting Jordan get his own sugar and milk as he sipped his own black coffee and looked at his friend. “How do you wake up in the morning looking like you need to go to sleep instead of looking rested?”

Jordan looked over to his friend tilted his head and gave a half shrug before taking a sip of his own coffee, closing his eyes as he felt the invigorating warmth. Jordan breathed out with satisfaction and pilfered a piece of bacon from Eric's plate. “Was applying to jobs pretty late and talking with Janet.”

The two were still standing in the kitchen, Eric slid his plate out of reach of his mooching friend and raised an eyebrow. “Janet? Like the one that got away Janet?”

Jordan walked around to the kitchen bar top and took a seat on a stool and sipped his coffee some more, trying to will the caffeine from the drink into his veins. “Yep, that Janet, but no we are not getting back together. At least not without a lot of work on my part. She actually got me an interview tomorrow morning!”

Eric finished off his bacon and eggs now that he didn’t need to defend them from Jordan the poacher. “Yeah? Well good for you, I wish you the best of luck, though you will have to take the bus. I have to be at the job site tomorrow and you know that means leaving before the sun thinks it is a good idea to be awake. Just try your best and I’m sure you will do great.” Eric said with a smile as he walked out of the kitchen and clapped his friend on the shoulder. “You feel like you got this?”

Jordan bit his lower lip again and nodded slowly. He knew he could do this job, it was below his skill set, but it was a job. But it was a job he was embarrassed to be taking so he kept quiet on the position. “Not only do I got this, but after a talk with Janet, I am going to pay you back every cent I owe you.” Eric got a huge smile on his face and moved from one arm on Jordan’s shoulder to giving him a bear hug from behind picking him off his seat. “That is what I like to hear!”

Jordan flailed his feet embarrassed to being hugged and lifted so easily off the ground while wearing nothing but his underwear. “Ack.. get off me you big bear!”

Eric only laughed walking his friend a few feet into the living room area of the apartment and dropping him on the couch. “I hug almost everyone, I only hug you like that because you fight. I’m not that hairy, well I guess compared to you I am.” Eric laughed some stepping away and grabbing his car keys. “Alright you have a good day, hope it is your last being unemployed, and Jordan if you don’t get a good sleep tonight use some of Becky’s makeup to cover those dark circles under your eyes to not look so bad, but I would lose the eyeliner. Can’t think of any guys that wear it in an office.”

Jordan sat up on his knees on the couch to look over its back to the front door as his friend left for the day. “Hiding his bags might not be a bad idea, but he liked wearing the eyeliner. Janet is the one that started him on when he went to gigs saying it made his eyes pop and no one had any problem with it back at his old job.

The rest of the day Jordan sat around in the apartment, playing some football video games and going and watched some porn to get off and relax. Before he sat down to watch some girl-on-girl action he thought about preparing for his interview, but he figured so long as he smiled and said yes ma’am he had no chance of failing at job for a secretary position. He had seen some of the air-headed bimbos that held the job like Becky. Jordan pushed on his cheek a little with his mouth open a bit thinking, he had three IT certifications and recommendations for the position this would be easy. So he pulled off his boxers, still the only thing he was wearing, and started to rub himself watched a hot blonde and a redhead make out. As he rubbed up and down, just picturing himself right there with the girls. It was their hands on his cock trying to bring him to climax as they put on a show right before him. He was loving it, his imagination was fantastic for both good and the bad, but right now it was so good. A thought popped in his head and he stopped the video and looked up some porn with sexy secretaries or sexretaries and he was not let down at all.

Oh, how he wished some of these scenarios would play out, with him sitting at his desk with a sexy girl having her lips wrapped around his cock all while he would try to do his best to make it look business as usual, answering calls, typing up a report or even better holding a meeting with the others being none the wiser he had a sexy girl under his desk. With that last thought, his cock erupted and he missed the chance to cum into the rag he had ready. His seed shot into the air and with him on his back and it came back down onto his chest. “Oh wow.. that was good. Nothing like that could happen in real life, but a bright side to this job is I can get to know some of the other secretaries and who knows if things don’t work out with Janet maybe I can spend some time with one of the office girls and get my own little bimbo.

With that Jordan used his jizz rag to wipe off his chest and then got up and tossed his rag into the “to be washed pile”.

Looking at the time, being past three he figured he should actually get up and give what Eric said a try. He wasn’t afraid of a little concealer, so off he went into the master bedroom and to the vanity, Eric had setup for Becky. “Man we have to get him another girl, he is way to hung up on her still.” Jordan picked through the differed vials and found what he was looking for and with a little experimenting was able to cover up the dark circles under his eyes. Though the problem with using just a little in one spot is it made it more obvious so he had to spread it over more of his face and then had to use some powder to set it and even out the skin tone. It took a bit to get done, but with the help of a youtube search, it was easy. He was happy with the results and went to go get dressed. He was in such a great mood, and heck he was about to have a job, so he sent off a text to some of his band friends to meet up at a bar.

While out with his friends Jordan told them how he needed to focus on this job, though he didn’t tell them what he would be doing, so that he could get his life in order. The group wasn’t taking it well until he mentioned that he planned to try to get an in with the power players at the company to see about getting the band hired for social events. He told them how they did events constantly being a parent company to so many companies. Some of the events were small, some were huge. They seemed to bite and be happy about the idea, but one of them mentioned that if he got too busy they might need to bring in a backup keyboard player. A small bit of panic clung to Jordan’s chest making it hard to breathe with the idea of being replaced, another chance for his dream to fall away. He was able to smooth it over at least a little, telling them how the company does a cooperate retreat every year, he remembered Janet going to Hawaii and they had a live band. Maybe if both he and they played their cards right that could be them. That hooked them and while they still wanted a backup for when he was busy with all this overtime he said many of the grunts work, they were more than just onboard they told him they would do whatever they could to help him with the job if it meant a real chance at some of those gigs.

Meanwhile back at the apartment Eric came home and saw a note on the fridge, saying “Not home for dinner, went to go hang and celebrate.” Eric crumpled the note and touched the bridge of his nose before tossing it in the trash and then grabbed a beer. “Spending money you don’t really have and celebrating an interview, not a first paycheck or even that you got the job. He better not fuck this up or he is out.” Taking another swig of his beer Eric walked over to the couch when he heard water running from Jordan’s room. “Odd.” Walking over he knocked on the door once thinking maybe he came back and forgot to take down the note. “Jordan you in there?” Eric said as he opened the door and just at a glance he knew what the problem was. The entire carpeted floor was soaked, so was Jordan’s mattress since the slob just had it laying on the ground. He walked into the room hearing the squish from his shoes on the wet floor, he could see Jordan’s different piles of clothes on the floor and not hung up. “Welp so much for a clean pile and a dirty pile,” Eric grumbled.

There in the bathroom, Eric saw the water raining down from the ceiling, it looked like a water pipe broke. “Just great!” Pulling out his phone Eric called the apartment complex, but got no answer from the late hour, so he called the emergency line and got a gruff answer from one of the apartment’s maintenance men. “High hill sweets after-hours line, what ya need?”

Eric let them know and soon an older man that never did bother to give his name came and took a look. “Welp, that is bad. I will get it shut off now, but this much water can cause mold. No one can sleep in this room or use this bathroom for I um... I dunno maybe three weeks. It all depends on parts and time, go ahead and talk to the main office tomorrow. I’m sure they can give you a discount for only having one room. The older man looks at all the clothes then back to Eric. “I wouldn’t mention someone else is living in the guest bedroom, from what I saw you only have you on the lease. No one cares on most days, but when something goes wrong management wants to pin the blame on someone. If it was just a guest, it would be fine but.. “ he waved his hands at all the personal belongings “No one will believe someone isn’t living here, but I will keep it under wraps. I wouldn’t want a good friend to be kicked out and charged for the repairs.”

It was now Eric's turn to be confused, he wasn’t friends with this man. He didn’t even know his name, but it all came clear when he saw the man’s outstretched hand palm up. “This friend,” Eric said nodding towards the open hand “Does he have a name?” The older man in overalls just smiled an old toothy yellowish grin. “Benjamin I think he goes by, though it could be a few fellows by the name Jackson.”

Eric nodded and frowned as he pulled out and opened his wallet. This was his own fault, not the water pipe, but the lease. He knew Jordan’s credit would not have been good enough to get on the lease, but the man needed help so he did what he always did, and now this. “Sure here you go I have a few bills I can give you, but it isn’t a hundred.” The older man’s hand closed around the bills and put them in his pocket. “Oh don’t you worry yourself about it, I will be around over the next few weeks, and we can talk more then.” Fucking blackmail, he helped out Jordan and got blackmailed for it, he was so happy this morning for him and then he goes out drinking and now this. Eric touched his hand to his face as he paced, he needed to de-stress and figured he knew what to do. Back in his room, he opened the drawer that held Becky’s panties and again pulled up some photos thinking of his girl sitting on his lap moving up and down on his dick. Eric slow at first rubbed the silky panties, feeling the cool smoothness on him and his thoughts brought him rigid in seconds. Soon he was grunting and moving his hand with alacrity finishing into the panties before tossing them back in the drawer. “I need to give all this stuff to charity, but “ he trailed off as he looked at the one drawer that was hers full of panties. “Not sure the one I came into before, better make sure they all get washed this weekend.”

Feeling much better Eric pulled out his phone and called Jordan to tell him what happened, but got no answer any of the three times he called, so he sent him a text and again no response. “Well fuck it, good luck with all that mess, I have an early day tomorrow.” Eric turned the lights off and went off to sleep.

When Jordan came home he staggered into the apartment doing his best to not make a lot of noise, though in his drunken stupor he wasn’t so sure how he was doing on that front. When he got to his door he saw caution tape over and a padlock holding it closed. “Th… a Fuck iss this.” Jordan rattled the some and it came clear to even him that he wasn’t getting in at least tonight. “Deal wi.. you later.” He slurred and stumbled over to the couch passing out almost the second he was horizontal.

In the morning Jordan’s world spun, the sound of a bird chirping outside was like a jackhammer. He clutched his head and sat, slowly. “Oh man, I drank too much, why am I on the couch?” He asked nobody. Slowly ever so slowly he got up and shuffled over to his door seeing the caution tape and lock. “Oh.. yeah that is why.” What he missed last night in the dark was a red notice on the door saying “No entry, water leak, and possible mold contamination.” His eyes widened as realized what was going on and how he couldn’t get into his room at all with the lock. “Oh, oh oh fuck.”

Jordan pulled out his phone and called Eric, but he didn’t pick up. So he tried again, and thankfully he answered. “Eric! Eric something is wrong. My room is locked cause of mold or something.. and and.”

Eric cut Jordan off “Yeah that happened last night while you were out drinking. I called you multiple times and texted. You needed to come home to get your stuff out, but now you will have to wait for one of the repairmen to be there, they locked it to keep the most exposure out the door is sealed with plastic in addition to the lock.”

Jordan slid down the wall holding his head, it hurt so bad he spoke too loud, Eric spoke to loud, everything was just going so bad so suddenly. So when he responded to Eric it was in a whisper “My things are in there, I need them for the interview this morning, what is the phone number to get the guys here to open the door?”

Back on the job site sitting in his truck Jack was mad, but he still wanted his friend to get the job. “Look Jordan, you can’t. You aren’t on the lease, you shouldn’t be living here, but you do. I had to bribe the repair guy to pretend he didn’t see your things. Just go and buy some slacks and a collared shirt from the store, if they comment on how your dressed tell them about the water pipe bursting, they will understand.”

Jordan touched bit his lower lip as he thought. “Umm Eric I don’t have any money, I only had a few dollars and I spent some last night. The rest I will need for uber to make sure I’m on time for the interview, could you call them for me?”

Eric's hand tightened on the steering wheel “Jordan, you spending what little you had on alcohol is your own fault, I can’t call them, and even if I could they are slow as hell to come out so no telling if you would make your interview. Not all of this is your fault, but if you were responsible you wouldn’t be in this mess. Just call the interviewer and let them know about the problem and how you need to reschedule, emergencies happen. Do that, then wait for the repair people and get your stuff then. I will see you tonight I don’t have any more time to talk.” Eric hung up and put his phone on the charger and climbed out of his truck to get some more work done.

Looking down as his phone Jordan let out a whimper he was not a wimp he told himself, he wasn’t going to cry, but he sure felt like it. Standing up he walked over to the kitchen and drank down some water and aspirin. He couldn’t even get to his computer.. god he hoped it was ruined. He thumbed through his contacts and called Janet to tell her about what happened. Jordan of course left out the parts that were his own fault, and Janet felt bad for him, but already knew he was not to be counted on. “Bad things happen to everyone Jordan, they just seem to keep happening to you and somehow either it isn’t your fault or you believe it isn’t. If you don’t show up to this interview it will reflect poorly on me when I go up for my review for a raise but doesn’t sound like you have a choice. You should absolutely not show up in your bar clothes smelling of god knows what. Just go buy something real quick and if you can’t then you have to give Mrs. Bridget Gunther a call yourself, I’m not sticking my neck out more for you. Now I’m at work I have to go and for what it is worth. Good luck, you sure could use some. With Jordan speaking in a whisper and saying he went to the bar, she knew he was hungover. She knew this would reflect badly on her, she should never have trusted him again.

“Fuck.. another dead end, but what else can I do. Guess I have to call her myself and hope I don’t screw that up too.” Pulling up his email with her information on it Jordan gave Mrs. Gunther a call, but god he wished he didn’t have to talk to more people, it felt like their words were anvils on his head it was so hard to focus on what they were saying. “Hello you have reached HR for Mega-Corp Mrs. Gunther speaking, how may I help you today?” The voice was from an older woman with a bit of a southern accent, it was now or never. “Hello Mrs. Gunther, this is Jordan Applegate I’m calling about my interview.”

The older woman's voice raised a few levels with excitement, her words blaring like a megaphone to Jordan as she cut him off. “Oh of course dear, I am excited to meet you later this morning. I saw in the file you have a recommendation from that sweet girl in accounting Janet Harrows, she is just sweet as sugar and I just can’t wait to meet you after seeing that.”

Jordan tried to power through, having a hard time focusing on what she was saying. “Yes Ma’am, I am looking forward to that too, I was calling about the interview.” Mrs. Gunther cut him off again “Of course you are dear, with a name like Applegate and friends with Miss Harrows I’m sure you are a good seed.” The elderly lady laughed at her own joke playing on his name before continuing. “You calling ahead to make sure the interview is still on is just good manners and good business, I just can’t wait to meet you. I have already been interviewing people this morning and I tell you sweetie none of them had the good manners to call ahead like you. You know what dear I know we have not met yet, but why don’t you just call me Mrs. Bridget, it is still a little formal so we can get away with the little informality. Now, dear, I do have to go, we have more interviews to do this morning and don’t go and thinking you are getting the job just because I have taken a shine to you, we have some good girls here trying to do honest work. Now I will see you later, I can’t wait to see you. Bye now, dear.” Mrs. Bridget smiled as she hung up her phone and turned to one of her coworkers. “That Jordan girl, she is just so sweet and has just the mousiest of voices, she better be careful of the men here might eat her alive. Though she could be one of those work till married girls. She again laughed at her own joke.

Jordan pulled the phone from his ear and was just flabbergasted, she barely let him speak at all and now he felt stuck, what was he going to do. He sat there on the floor longer and figured the first step was a shower and maybe his brain would kick in. With his room locked up, he went into the master bedroom and used Eric's shower. When he grabbed the body wash almost nothing at all came out so he had to use some fruity-smelling one left by, Becky. “Just my luck.” He lathered and washed his body and hair and after getting got out and drying off he could smell the sweet-smelling soap lingering on him, but it did give him an idea.

Walking into the bedroom Jordan pulled open the closet and found what he was looking for, Becky’s clothes, she had so many of them. He figured she must have something not too feminine that he could get away with and after a bit of looking he found what looked like a close-to-normal pants suit or at least so he thought. He went to grab his boxers from the other day and realized he couldn’t’ wear them, some spilled beer and scent of smoke from last night, not to mention a cum stain from his activities yesterday.

“Well shit.” Jordan rummaged through some drawers till he found Becky’s panty drawer and pulled out a black pair and put them on quickly so he wouldn’t think himself out of this course of action. “Why couldn’t I be bigger or Eric be smaller so I could at least fit in his clothes without looking ridiculous.” Moving as fast as he was Jordan didn’t notice dried cum on the back of the panties from Eric's nightly pleasure sessions. The next issue was the pants almost fit they were about an inch too small for his waist. He banged the wall with his hand in frustration and regretted it right away as the shockwave hurt his brain reminding him the world is pain when hungover. He had seen something that could help in Becky’s lingerie, a small corset that goes around the stomach, so on it went and the thing was made to make Becky be pulled in a little so when Jordan did it the feeling was horrible, like he couldn’t breathe. His masculine pride felt like it was in shambles, no beard, wearing woman’s clothing and a device that pulled his waist in so he could have a girlish figure. Though with it on he was able to fit into the pants and blouse no problem, though he realized he had to wear something under the blouse as it was just too sheer. “Why was she such a girly girl! Arg” Removing the blouse he found a white or white-ish he wasn’t the best with the subtle color differences camisole and put the blouse back on. The reverse buttons were a pain and all tasks were difficult hungover as he was.

Drinking down another glass of water in the bathroom he looked in the mirror, and he didn’t like what he saw. But he figured the jacket would cover the blouse for the most part. He did need to get rid of those bags under his eyes. He grabbed a brush and pulled his hair back into a low ponytail and securing it with a simple blank band. “If I stayed home yesterday everything would have been better.. now look at me. I better wow this woman so I can get the job. If she asks about my clothes as embarrassing as it is, I will just mention the water leak and how I had to borrow from my roommate, least that way she won't think I’m gay.” Walking over to the vanity Jordan did what he did yesterday with the concealer and making sure his complexion was even before adding some powder and then from muscle memory, he added eyeliner not thinking about how it added to everything else that was just going on. Picking up the jacket he put it on and buttoned it and looked in the mirror. The jacket was cut in to show his narrow waist, this thing screamed girl. Taking it off he tossed it on the bed and looked through the closet again.

Pulling out one of Eric's older jackets, this was one his parents sent him last year but it was too small for him and he didn’t like throwing away anything, or at least that is the impression he got from seeing all his ex-girlfriends stuff still here over a month after they broke up, but at least they were helping him today. Pulling on the jacket Jordan realized it was still too big for him, but not as much as his others, so he rolled up the sleeves and buttoned the jacket closed. The last thing he needed was shoes and his sneakers wouldn’t do, so he looked through Becky’s old shoes and found the least feminine shoe he could and it was still too girly for his tastes. They were slide on black shoes with a two-inch black rubber heel, but with the pants that hung down past his ankle, he was sure he could get away with it. He started to walk to the bathroom to see how he looked when he saw the clock and it hit him, he still needed to pick up his resume’s from the store that he paid for yesterday. “Shit.. I can’t be late.” He dashed into the living room and grabbed the shoulder satchel he used for interviews then stuffed his wallet and keys in and off he went calling for an uber on the way.

As he got out of the car in front of Mega-Corp skyscraper Jordan felt a little intimidated, his hair was now blowing in the light wind, somehow he lost the hair tie somewhere when he was getting his resume’s and they did look good far as he could see. Walking inside Jordan went up to the front counter still whispering, but not as much as he was before. His headache was subsiding, but still present and when you keep talking a specific way it just becomes easier to keep talking that way. The girl behind the front desk was young and had light brown hair and large brown eyes. When she smiled and asked what can I do for you, his mind lost some blood flow as his dick stiffened a little bit As his mind replaced the word for then replacing it with to. He moved his bag in front of his crotch but still looked down not saying anything. The pretty little thing stood up and looked down too exposing some of her cleavage on her low cut down. “Oh I’m sorry did you drop something?” She said with a singsong voice. “Oh oh no, I’m Jordan for the interview.” He said as he stared down her blows compounding his problem. “Oh, yes you are expected Mrs Gunther has been talking about you, I havn’t seen her this excited since she hired me!” Her bubbly attitude and the way she looked was just too much for Jordan, the silky panties felt so good rubbing on him as he walked and he had done so good to contain himself but he need to do something. His eyes darted to the sides of the room when he saw the bathrooms. Looking back to the girl ahead of him he again compulsory bit his lip and said “Is it okay to use the restroom?” Bubbly as ever the girl nodded “Of course you can, I’m Tiffany by the way. Here I will escort you, I to stand anyways, not always good to sit all day.” She said with a chipper smile.

As the girl walked in front of him Jordan watched her pleated skirt sway from side to side with each step of her heeled feet and he felt memorized following her, his problem growing to full girth. He hardly heard the door open as he followed her into the bathroom full of stalls and a large mirror. “You just go ahead I have to freshen up,” Tiffany said as she went to the bathroom mirror to touch up her makeup.

Jordan snapped out of it and wondered why she came into the men’s room with him, but seeing no urinals he figured it was one of those combined bathrooms. In the stall, he went and he quickly freed his member, he thought he could rub out one real quick before he had to go in, but not with Tiffany right there. So he touched his hand to the cold water in the bowl and touched it to his cock, it had the effect he wanted even if it wasn’t fast enough. So he tucked it between his legs then pulled his panties and pants up. When he came out he had to re-button his jacket and Tiffany saw what was underneath. Mentally he was kicking himself, how was everything going so badly. “You have a great figure, what kind of diet are you on? Tiffany asked as she re-capped her lipstick, looking at him in the mirror. Not wanting to admit to the waist cincher and wearing female clothes he replied “Oh just the kind you go on when unemployed for a while.” He smiled at the end hoping she would take it as at least a partial joke. She giggled and looked Jordan over.

The girl had nice clothes, that jacket sure didn’t fit her well and she could do with some more makeup and oh gosh her nails, it looks like she bites them. Tiffany was sure that Jordan could be just as eye-catching as her if she put a little more effort in and with the way Mrs. Gunther talked about her, she would be joining the team. Tiffany could see how shy and mousy she was and just knew the two of them could be good friends. “Okay let’s go back out front and I will get a photo of you for your visitors’ badge.”

Jordan nodded and followed Tiffany, but this time looked at the floor instead of her swaying walk. When Tiffany looked back all she could see was a timid girl following her. She lead Jordan over to the front counter again and told her to smile, not liking the photo she tried a few more asking Jordan to turn his head slightly to the side and give a large toothy smile. “Here we go, a nice photo for you. All of these badge photos come out so horrible but I think yours is nice.” Tiffany said as he clipped it to the front of his jacket, while Jordan was trying not to look down her blouse again and instead looked to her badge. In the photo Tiffany’s hair was blonde and had a little curl. Jordan had looked away from just about anyone who talked to him looking down, not because he was being timid, but because it just hurt when people talked directly at him, so when he replied in his soft spoken voice it just kept reinforcing the timid girl impression to everyone he had interacted with even now when he was trying to flirt. “Tiffany you look beautiful in your picture, but better in real life.” Whatever Jordan thought was going to happen he didn’t expect Tiffany to hug him. “You are just so sweet, thank you Jordan the two of us are going to be fast friends I just know it. How about you give me your phone number so we can talk later okay?”

Jordan’s heart flew from the hug and with just one line he was getting her number, maybe today wasn’t so bad after all he thought. As he gave her his number Tiffany squinted looking at his face and it made him worry she could tell he was wearing more than just the eye liner. “Sweety your lips look chapped and I can tell you don’t use lip gloss, but I want you to get this job and if I see you with chapped lips so will Mrs Gunther and she will think you just don’t take care of yourself. So let me fix that for you.” Tiffany wasn’t asking she pulled out her lip gloss and coated his lips. He of course complied, but wanting to make a good impression on Mrs Bridget Gunther and Tiffany. “Alright off you go now, take the elevator up to the tenth floor and they will take it from there.” Jordan smile at her not knowing his lips now shone from the lip glass thinking she just applied some chap stick considering she talked about his lips being chapped, but it was just so hard for him to catch everything people were saying his head the way it was. So up he went to the tenth floor, coming out of the elevator he already had an older woman waiting for him holding a leather binder. “Here you are dear, I’m Mrs Bridget, it is so nice to finally meet you. While you were on the way up I got a phone call from Tiffany, isn’t she just the greatest. It was a short conversation, but she thinks you have what it takes to succeed here and I already hold the sweet girl in high praise. So while it isn’t on paper that is two recommendations you have for the job. Don’t worry though. Tiffany said she would have something written to me in my email within the hour, so that I can slip it into the file no problem.”

Just like the last conversations she gave him hardly any room to talk the only thing he got out was a weak agreement that Tiffany was indeed the greatest before she talked right over him again and brought him back to her office. Once both of them were seated Mrs. Gunther noted that while Jordan was well mannered and kind, she seemed to have little grace and was wearing what appeared to be a men’s jacket. The poor girl was probably a bit of a tomboy growing up or didn’t have a strong female presence to help her. “Now dear I have already looked over your resume, I have a few questions for you and have to double-check your references. Though considered one of them is already someone who wrote in your favor to apply to the job I only have a single phone call to make to a Mr. Eric Morrison. Jordan nodded and opened his mouth to speak when she picked back up again. “Now it looks like the two of you have the same address, so you two live together, yes?

With the way, he was dressed Jordon wanted to make sure she knew he was just a roommate, as he wasn’t gay. Though as he nodded and said "Yes," she talked right over again.

“Sweetheart, it looks like some of your clothes are not suited for you, so I have to ask why you chose to wear them to an interview at a company like Mega-corp, surely you know we have an image to upkeep. From our executives to our administrative assistants everyone needs to look their best, I’m sure you agree after you saw Tiffany, she always dresses so nice. Oh, when I was young I wish I could afford to dress as she does now.” Jordon was a little lost as she rambled off on Tiffany, though he one hundred percent agreed with her on how she looked. “Yes ma’am, I’m sorry I mean yes Mrs. Bridget.” Jordan corrected himself seeing him about to interrupt him again, but he needed to get this out and get the record right why he was wearing female clothing since she noticed. “You see a pipe burst in my room and I had to borrow clothes from Eric's closet and…” Mrs. Bridget tapped gently on his hand causing him to stop talking briefly and the stop only allowed her to take over talking. “Oh, that is fine sweetheart, just fine. I’m so sorry you had to go through with that, and you came in anyways. You are just a gem, you know that Jordan. I wish I had ten more girls just like you. Considering the circumstances, the only thing left is your references and that being your boyfriend I can’t imagine him saying anything bad, so I would like to offer you the job here as an administrative assistant if you accept you will be working on the 14th floor for a Mr. Stone. He can be particular, but I think he will just want to eat you up, you are so sweet.

Jordan wanted to object, Eric wasn’t his boyfriend. She did think he was gay, shit and he would have corrected her but when she offered him the job he was afraid if he corrected her she would change her mind. What if she was giving him the job because she thought he was, maybe that is why she said she wanted more girls like her. So he did the only thing he could cause needed this job. He smiled like he had never smiled before and said yes. Mrs. Bridget came out from behind her desk and gave her a warm hug. “You will get a priority mail later today, either you or your boyfriend need to sign for it. It will be your offer letter with all the details, oh I just can’t wait for you to start. Though you will need to make sure you follow the dress code okay dear?” Jordan nodded as she escorted him through the door and back to the elevator. He felt like it was a dream. He got the job, but they thought he was gay, but at the same time he got a phone number to a dream girl just like he thought of the other day. Well HR couldn’t tell anyone things like who is gay and who isn’t, so he was safe there. That last thought brought him back down to earth and eased his fears. Walking back into the main area he saw Tiffany was gone, more than likely at lunch.

With a smile on his face Jordan walked through the lobby, it was uncomfortable to be walking with his cock between his legs, but the feeling of the panties rubbing on him as he walked was amazing. Stepping outside Jordan got an uber home and with Eric going into work early he would already be there so he could tell him the good news. Soon he would be getting paychecks and be on his way to clearing away his debt, though he wasn’t sure now if he wanted to pursue Tiffany who seemed to be this hot secretary bimbo that he fantasied about or still try to Janet even though she was still seeing someone. Janet was beautiful as well, but with her, it was so much deeper. That and he knew she was way smarter than him, but who knows feelings for Tiffany could definitely grow, and maybe the bubbly vapid girl is just an act. The thoughts kept his mind busy throughout the ride and he didn’t even notice the driver calling him Miss.

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Milfty Olivia Blu A MILFs Happy Ending

Tan and toned southern belle Olivia Blu has been working hard to get her masseuse license, and she is excited to give her new skillset a try. She needs a few extra hours to get everything all squared away as she tries to get her first real job, so she enlists her stepson to let her work some magic on his body. But as she oils him up and starts massaging, she finds her pussy getting wet through her panties. Finally, she cannot fight the feeling anymore. She peels off her shorts and climbs on top...

2 years ago
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CEI Lesson from teen

A few years ago I met a woman and we connected very well, after six months of serious dating we decided that Tina and her 19 year old daughter Madison would move into my house. Tina was a hairdresser, she told me Madison was a wild c***d, but she had a good soul, and was heading off to college in September.Tina was a bombshell, 5'5 130lbs with short strawberry blonde hair, very busty, and curves in all the right spots!Madison was kinda cute 5'7 about 120lbs, with long red hair, and an ass you...

3 years ago
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Ensuring the Family Tree Has BranchesChapter 28

Phil smiled both inwardly and outwardly as he made his way down the road towards his home that night at the end of his workday. He couldn't believe what a collection of hot beautiful babes he'd gathered around him and how much hot sex he was managing to get these days. He thought about years earlier when he'd been a teenager, totally hormone driven and wanting lots of pussy and he chuckled as he realized that back then he'd been lucky to get some pussy once a week. Now he was getting it...

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Wedded into Cuckoldry

A girl and her master, plan for her husband's cuckolding.A true story"Please Nick, don't put your cock there. I'm not ready for that."Nick: "Come on Anna, open your legs, let me do you the right way. We've waited too long and I know you're ready for it.""No! I told you I'm not doing that. I can't. In four weeks I'm going to be married and on my wedding night I want my husband to be the one who takes my cherry. I've waited this long. I want to be a virgin for him. He deserves that."Nick: "Let me...

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Turning PointsChapter 14

The next couple of days passed in a fog of despair. She moved about the house mechanically, eating virtually nothing. On Saturday afternoon she finally, somehow, found the inclination to bathe. She was just climbing out of the tub when she heard the doorbell. Wrapping herself in a heavy terry cloth robe, she answered the door. She opened it to find Mark and four of his companions at her front stoop. Kerri thought she recognized them from the funeral service. She hadn't appreciated their...

3 years ago
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Rachels Dilemma Part 4

Chapter 5 — Rachel’s LiberationWhen Rachel walked out of the front entrance she almost burst into tears. Snow was still falling heavily and her car was completely covered in a thick white blanket which would have to be cleared before she could even think of driving off, and she knew that conditions on the roads on her normal route home would be treacherous and some of the hills might even be impassable.All she had wanted to do was to have a simple meal with a glass of wine followed by a soak in...

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Luna Mission

I took a moment to admire her naked body; she was absolutely gorgeous. She had curves: lots of them, and they were all fantastic. Since Luna had fallen pregnant I found myself fantasising of nothing but energetic fornication with gravid young ladies. The merest sight of her pregnant form became intensely arousing, as I became desperate for sex with her. I sought out "preggo porn" on the Internet, and spent so much of my evenings watching expectant women fuck their way through masses of...

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A Middle Earth Odyssey Chapter 1

This story is an account of true events. Some real names are used by permission, other names are fictitious. I hope you enjoy. Chapter 1: The Elf Maidens Play I am awake now. It is dark. I cannot see. My hands are bound above my head by what feels like rope. I am tied to the headboard. My legs are bound. I try to speak, but can't. My mouth is taped shut. I hear someone in the room. I can smell her perfume. It is Kelly, my new submissive girlfriend. I met Kelly three months ago. She accepted my...

Group Sex
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Principal Price Chapter 3

My name is Darren Price and I am 50 years old. I am the principal of a private boarding school. It is also an all girl school. I love my job and I will never ever want to be doing anything else. It is a pretty prestigious school where I have students from all over the world trying to be a part of this magnificent legacy. We produced students who will be the cream of society and we are proud of it. And being the principal of this school has given me numerous benefits. I have my own mansion in...

1 year ago
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Rhythm and the Blue Line Ch 20

Rhythm and the Blue Line Part 6 © 2011 All Rights Reserved The next morning, Ryan stretched and rolled over in her bed, but Brody wasn’t there. She blinked awake and frowned, wondering how late it was and why he would have left. So far as she knew, he had nothing going on today. She took a deep breath, smelled food cooking, and smiled. She rolled out of bed and pulled on a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt, then ran a brush through her hair and went out into the kitchen. ‘Hey. A person...

4 years ago
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A Quiet Night As Usual

It was a quiet night, as usual. Therese had gone to her boyfriends for the evening for their weekly Wednesday night sleepover; Annaleze was out working late. I settled onto the couch with my grandmothers hand crotched blanket and turned on the television. There wasn’t a lot on, again as usual. MTV was the closest thing to sanity, and even that was far gone – Jersey Shore, The Real World Las Vegas, Teen Mom, 16 and Pregnant; anything to separate my mind from the world. My mind must not have...

2 years ago
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Adventures at the Bundy House

It was a beautiful morning in all of Chicago. The sun was slowly starting to come up, the birds were singing, and Al Bundy was enjoying his favorite part of the day, his sleep. It was the only time where nobody bothered him. In his sleep, he could think back on how great of a football he was.Also, he continuously fantasized about the girls in his favorite magazine, Big Uns. All those hooters for his disposal in his dreams, it was perfect. Even though his wife, Peggy, had pretty nice tits of her...

3 years ago
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The Futa Fairy Futas Exhibitionist Wish Chapter 2 Kimmies Futa Cheer

Chapter Two: Kimmie's Futa Cheer By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 “That just happened,” Coach Jenette said, her pussy clenching about my new futa-cock. “That just happened,” I agreed, my face pressed into Linh's hot, tangy pussy, her thick, silky pubic hairs rubbing on my face. I was cocooned in darkness, her cheerleader skirt covering my head as she squirmed on my lips. “Wow, you rode her girl-dick hard, Coach,” Linh said in her exotic, Vietnamese accent. “I did,” Coach Jenette...

3 years ago
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TimeChapter 43

When I woke up around noon, I found the air clear of smoke and people going about their jobs and repairing what was damaged. The Cuban workers had come back but stayed far from us. For this to happen I assumed that our forces had started to bring some order to this area of the city. The fire was out and best of all, my two ships were in the harbour. I called Calgary to get an update and found my wives very pissed off at me. They must have been looking through the satellite feed, because they...

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Her Faux Blown FuseChapter 54 The Miracle of Reorganization 2

Another rundown on what the story tree branches from, all the stories married with the Dairy Of Desire 1. [Setting the record straight this is how it’s done, how it is needed and why mere humans are not safe around this penis; Note this is a nano second before launch, just a twinge] 2. [This not the brunt but rather the energy just gathering for launch and I don’t have a render of the full blast because it would be merely blotto white out, the Big Bang of ejaculations] 3. [And there...

2 years ago
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One Night Stand With A Married ISS Reader

First of all, let me introduce myself. I’m Stark (Name changed) from Surat, Gujarat. 23 year old. I’m a super horny guy that always hopes to get laid with older women or cute girls. I’m a skinny type guy, but I do have a 6-inch dick with great stamina. Thank you guys for the response and love I get from . I got a few emails from ladies who live in Gujarat. They are in touch with me via hangout and mails. Now without wasting your time, let’s jump to the story. Two months back, I got a mail from...

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A first encounter at work0

Danielle has dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, and stands about 5’2” with a freckled complexion and cute mousy nose. She has generous soft lips for such a petite woman and I often catch myself imagining what those lips would feel like on mine. She is fit with a trim waist and full hips and buttocks. Her voice matches her stature, high and with tones of innocence that belie her acute intellect. While she dresses conservatively, she has an absolutely magnetic sexual energy about her that draws you...

3 years ago
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Jenny Lee Ch 01

Ricky grabbed the pizza peel, spun around and dropped two pies into the first oven. He spun back around tossed some corn meal on the peel and grabbed another dough ball. It was Friday night at Pepi’s, the most popular pizza place in town, and the place was packed. All the tables were full and there was a line spilling outside waiting. On top of that there were many customers waiting for take out. Steve pulled more tickets off the wheel and yelled out ‘ We got a rack and a stack!’ Ricky just...

3 years ago
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Housewife Trapped

Hello to all readers…this is my first story on net so forgive me if any spelling mistakes are there.. this is really true will feel the reality in this story.. this story is about a housewife seduced and trapped by me and my friend Rohit helped me in doing this. My name is Sazy , im 25 year old doing job.this incident is about 4 years back. Rohit is one of my best online friend i had,we chatted for around 3 months before trying this.Rohit likes to chat about his wife Sunita.According...

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A Sexual Haunting

A SEXUAL HAUNTINGA SEXUAL HAUNTING ?????I had just inherited an old country farmhouse after my grandparents hadpassed away, it had been a place where I went as a child, little did I knowwhat was awaiting my arrival.????I had been there only a few days when the dreams started.? I would be sleeping and I started dreamingabout 2 young men, holding and tying me down, commanding me, doing to them asthey wished and very little I could do about it. ?Every morning I would wake up sweating,breathing...

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A Day In the Woods Chapt 5

I woke the next morning with Paul next to me. I quietly got up and got dressed and headed back to my place. I had to hurry and get cleaned up and ready for work. As I dashed out the door I ran into Anne going to work as well. She questioned me as to where I was the day before. She had looked forward to me coming over she said with a pouty look on her face. “No worries” she said. “I am sure we can catch up soon, maybe tonight?” I told her I actually had a date for once with a guy. Once again the...

1 year ago
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Kylies Sex Diary 7

Chapter 7: A Night out with meI honestly didn't think you guys would vote for this story next, because it seems so basic. But apparently you guys want to know how a night out with me usually goes, so I can't blame you. This story will be a little bit different, since it will include multiple tiny stories at once. Let me know in the comments if you enjoyed this one and maybe I'll do a sequel to this some day.I love going out. I love going to parties and have fun. I don't mind if it's going to a...

3 years ago
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On the roadside

We have been to your mothers fiftieth birthday [arty and We’re on our way back home in your car, You have been looking at me all night like you want to eat me alive and decide to pull the car over to the side of the road and drag me out, walking us into a field you tell me to take my dress off.You tell me to stand there in the cold air in just my bra and French knickers; you stand in front of me looking at me before you decide what you want to do. I notice four men are walking past on their way...

1 year ago
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Jenny Becomes a Porn Star Chapter Six

Jenny Becomes A Porn Star Chapter Six After the morning alarm went off I got up and went into Steven’s room to wake him up and found him sleeping nude with his beautiful cock completely within my view. It took everything I had within me to leave him alone so he would still be enthusiastic during our shoot today. Then for the longest time after he had gotten out of bed he walked around the apartment with that meat of his swinging in my view till just before we left to go to work. My mind was...

1 year ago
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Nudist Resort

Finally, Kyle inhaled the islands air. Im off that ship for however long to live around a bunch of nudists. I always had a fetish for being nude in public so it wont be too hard to fit in. I walked up to the front desk that was nothing but a platform with a thatch roof, the old hawaiian vibe type roofing. At the front desk I saw 2 girls, one behind the desk who revealed small perky tits, blonde hair and a petite tannef body. The other to her left, Full latino, big tits, nice beach body and a...

2 years ago
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Chanchal Bhabhi Ko Doosri Baar Choda

Jo koi girl ya bhabhi mere sath sex krna chahti h,upar meri id par message kare.Mujhe sex bahut pasand h aur isk sath hi main sabhi females ki respect bhi krta hu. Hi friends,mera naam varun h,colour fair aur main 23 saal ka hu.Main aapko apni chanchal bhabhi k saath ki first chudai k baare me to apni first story me aap sabhi ko bata hi chuka hu ki kaise maine apni sexy hot bhabhi ko choda.Ye story meri aur meri chanchal bhabhi ki doosri chudai ki h.Maine unhe first time 21 ki age me choda tha...

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ConradChapter 3

"Do you ladies have anything that you need to do today?" I asked them after outlining what I had planned for the day. "We should repair our clothes before we wash them," Laura told me. "That is if you have anything here to repair clothing with," she added. I grinned at her in reply before answering. "My friends and I are rather hard on our clothes, and we keep on hand most of the things that you will require to mend your clothing," I assured her. "Will you require long to do...

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Castaway Vons HavenChapter 63

A squeaky door swung opened, bringing my sleepy brain back to awareness. My heavy eyelids fluttered, squinting against a sudden flood of sunlight. The low-hanging sun backlit a pregnant form standing in the open doorway; a western window in the hallway was inflicting the orange pinpricks on my eyes. "Lady Swarta asks for your attendance at the dinner, by the time the sunsets," Hazel announced, laughing with mirth. What sun her heavy figure blocked disappeared and the light renewed its...

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