Island Secrets Ch. 02 free porn video

The Island Saga Series
Book One – Island Secrets – What could a poor, underprivileged girl and a rich over privileged boy have in common?
Thanks for the kind comments on chapter one. I trust that you will find chapter two just as interesting. There are some aspects of the dialogue that may not be written in standard English as, let’s face it, islanders do not typically speak standard English. I have actually given you an English patois as the raw Creole would have been hard for the reader to follow. I do welcome your comments and your five star votes. Happy reading!
Island Chica
Chapter two – Can you keep a secret?
Sharon swallowed as three pairs of intense grey eyes swiveled in her direction. She felt her throat suddenly go dry as she opened her mouth to speak and nothing came out. She saw the eyes of her elevator savior twinkle with amusement as she closed her mouth with a snap. She opened her mouth a second time and this time she was more successful in her attempt to speak.
‘Good afternoon. I’m from the fifth floor filing room.’
‘Oh good!’ Maxwell beckoned her forward and magically she found her feet moving to close the gap. She looked at the three pairs of eyes that still watched her, waiting for further instructions. Maxwell spoke yet again and as she looked at him she realized that he was indeed older than the other two.
‘It makes no use to introduce us by our surnames as you may become confused. I’m Maxwell Kirkland. This is Matthew and that is Michael. They will show you what to do. This all has to be done before work ends at four so I do hope that you’re a fast worker.’
‘If it takes longer I’d be more than happy to stay.’
‘Well we do hope it doesn’t come to that now don’t we.’ With that being said Maxwell Kirkland returned to his office, leaving her with the other two. Matthew waved her over to a seat and took several files bulging with loose papers and plopped them in front of her.
‘The main folders are in the cabinets behind you. The treasury tags are in the top drawer and you will need to record the document being filed on the inside of the folder. This is just the first batch so let me know when you’re done.’
Sharon nodded as she sank into the plush upholstery. She felt the coolness of the air-conditioning blowing through her hair and lifted it away from her temple. She barely took in her surroundings as she bent to her task eagerly. In a few moments she was lost in the pile of papers as her fingers literally flew through. In seemingly no time she was done with the batch in front of her and had yet another pile placed in front of her. The two young men watched as the girl worked feverishly through the task. Her hair swayed gently as she moved her head from pile to pile. It was not until three fifty five that she raised her head from the desk. She was once again the center of attention from the three pairs of eyes. She felt her face grow hot as she stood. She looked around her to ensure that there was not even one piece of paper out of place. She looked at Matthew questioningly. He shook his head to indicate that there was no more filing to be done.
‘Well I’ll be going then since it seems as if I’m all done here.’ She made her way out of the space and was almost halfway to the door when one of them spoke.
‘Thank you,’ she stiffened slightly at the familiar voice. She turned then and looked him directly in the eyes.
‘Sharon. My name is Sharon.’ She ducked her head shyly and walked out the door.
The rumble of thunder did not bode well for Sharon. She had pressed her hair just that weekend and did not relish the thought of having to do it sooner than was necessary. The rumbling again caused her to scurry through the house looking in vain for an umbrella. She had no choice. She was going to have to find some sort of plastic bag to wear over her hair.
It was the beginning of her fourth week on the job and she felt her spirits lift. This was the week she would get paid. Somehow it made the hard work she had had to endure that much more worthwhile. Ever since that first week when she had been called up to the admin office to help them file it had become a weekly ritual for her to report to the seventh floor after lunch on a Friday. She was very observant and soon learned quite a bit about the three men with whom she worked closely for those few hours. One Friday she had been privileged to encounter the patriarch and had been stunned into disbelief when she looked into the older man’s face to find those same eyes. She swore she could see those eyes even in her sleep.
A third rumble followed by a flash of lightning broke into her thoughts and she sighed. This was the kind of day that she wished she could afford to hop into one of the many robot taxis that traveled from the communities surrounding Montego Bay to the center of the city. But that was just wishful thinking. She moved as quickly as she could. She knew that based on the time lapse between the thunder and the lightning the deluge was still some time away. She would have to move quickly. As she exited the house she felt a gust of wind tug at her clothing and she shivered. Today would also have been a good day to take a sweater to work as the office tended to be colder on days like this, even down in the dusty filing room. But alas she had none and so had to go along just as she was. She set out on her journey and admittedly put a little pep into her step. She felt the rain coming with every gust of wind and it propelled her along. She knew how sudden and unpredictable the late May rains could be. She breathed a sigh of relief as she saw the Kirkland building come into view just as she felt the first huge drop hit her arm. She broke into a quick run and managed to escape just in time. She hailed the security guard and receptionist as usual. The latter was no warmer than the first day but at least she was not colder and Sharon had been raised to respect her elders. She made her way up to her floor and was in her place in the filing room a good twenty minutes before work was due to start. As she signed in and walked towards the bathroom to change into the extra shirt that she had brought, she was just in time to overhear a conversation between Natalie and Monica, two other girls who worked in the filing room.
‘I don’t know what she feel like. Just ’cause she go up to the boss man floor every Friday evening she tink dat make her better dan we?’ Sharon frowned at the pure malice she heard in Natalie’s voice. What the hell! They couldn’t be talking about her!
‘But Natalie, she never invite herself up there in the first place. Is Miss Campbell send her up.’
‘So why that ole cow never tink bout we? Every week she have to be the one to go? We just as good you know. It not normal. Something into something. Maybe she along with one of them.’
‘Natalie! Why your mind always so smutty? What Sharon do you? Why you don’t like her?’
Natalie had fallen silent and sucked her teeth. Sharon felt her heart beating a mile a minute as she thought about the hurtful words her co-worker had spoken. She walked back to the main door and came in again. Making sure that it banged loudly enough to alert the other girls to the fact that someone else was on the floor. She saw them come to the front and she turned to greet them with her brightest smile, forcing the tears that almost came to her eyes when she looked at Natalie.
Natalie Brooks was a very pretty girl as far as Sharon was concerned. The first thing she had going in her favor was the fact that she was what was called a ‘browning’. This meant that by island standards it was obvious that she had some Caucasian in her DNA. Her skin was the color of coffee with a healthy heaping of creamer that made her look like a very tanned white person. She also had what was called in the islands ‘pretty hair’ which was hair that lay in waves and curls and was soft to the touch. She had a
habit of daubing hair oil as thickly as she could to bring out the shine in her hair and brushed it to lay smoothly against her scalp in waves as she held back the mass with a headband. It was rumored that Natalie’s mother had been a housekeeper at one of the top hotels along the Montego Bay strip. She had lost her job suddenly and no-one knew why. Nine months later she had given birth to Natalie and it became obvious to everyone that she had had an illegal dalliance with a guest. Sharon had heard this from her mother who was familiar with all the local gossip as much as she was gossiped about. She glanced at Natalie again and was startled when the girl rounded on her.
‘Why you looking at me like that?’
‘No reason.’
‘No reason huh. Mind I give you a reason to look.’
Sharon frowned. ‘I beg your pardon?’
‘Hear her. You think because you go to big teachers’ college in Kingston you’re better than everybody else. You not any better than me black coolie baboo.’
‘But I’ve never said that I’m any better than you Natalie. And I don’t behave like it either.’
‘Listen to how you speaky spokey. You don’t even sound Jamaican.’
‘Well I’m sorry if that offends you Natalie. I need to get started on my work.’ With that Sharon brushed past the other girl and made her way to the bathroom to change. By the time she returned to put on her dust mask the two girls had gone deeper into the filing room. She sighed as she took up her first stack of files from the racks and proceeded to carry out her duties.
The rumbling of her stomach told Sharon that it was time to take a break. Unfortunately she couldn’t. Halfway through the morning she had realized with a start that in her haste to hunt for the umbrella and get out of the house before the rains, she had left her sandwich on the dining table. She sighed as she resigned herself to the fact that she was now on compulsory fasting. It didn’t help that her dinner the day before had had to be split in two as an old family friend had stopped by. She glanced at the clock on the wall near the front. It was exactly midday. She picked one of the darkest rows and meandered down to find a favorite nook of hers. On the other days when she did not have lunch she would always sit here and look down at the pier watching as the tourists walked about the bustling city. From her vantage point she could also see the Sangster International Airport. She would often spend her hour daydreaming about what it would be like to fly on a plane one day. As she took up her familiar position today there were no tourists due to the deluge which continued to come down in sheets. As she had been inside all day she had not given a thought to the inclement weather. A slight frown creased her brow as she thought about her home and wondered if she would have a dry bed to sleep in that night. She shook herself mentally, not willing to give in to any such thought. She crossed her forearms and rested her cheek on them as her eyes fluttered closed. She took her mind off the emptiness in her stomach and thought about walking through the airport and taking a flight to anywhere but here.
She had almost dozed off when she heard a slight scuffle and muffled laughter. She heard two persons whispering and soon made out one of the voices to be Natalie. She moved quickly and in no time dashed into one of the many aisles in the filing room. Unfortunately she had picked an aisle with a dead end. By the time she realized her mistake it was too late for her to pick another as there at the end of the aisle stood Natalie. She was looking up at whoever it was that was with her and smiling. Slowly Sharon sank to the floor and covered her mouth for fear she would give away her presence. She watched as a pair of light skinned hands held Natalie by the waist as the girl reached up to embrace her companion. Sharon’s eyes opened wide as she heard the obvious sounds of kissing and slurping as the couple made out. She watched as the hands pushed Natalie to her knees and she heard the unmistakable rasp of a zipper. She felt as if she was watching a pornographic movie as she watched as Natalie reached out to pull her companion closer. The girl fished the young man’s cock out of his pants and practically inhaled it into her hungry mouth. He groaned and put his head back. For the most part he remained hidden. All Sharon could see was his black slacks and his very white cock. She watched as Natalie bobbed her head back and forth, slurping with pleasure. Every now and then she would allow it to pop out of her mouth and Sharon could see how wet it was. She trembled slightly as she watched the scene unfold before her. She kept as quiet as a mouse and prayed they would not turn and see her crouched there. She heard the man sigh as Natalie continued to suck him off. He gripped the filing shelf and it shook slightly as he held on to it for balance.
‘Hmmmmm yes. You’re such a good little cock sucker. Suck it you slut. Suck it.’
Sharon slapped a hand over her mouth as a gasp almost escaped her. That voice! Sharon’s cheeks burned at the demeaning terms but Natalie did not seem to mind. She turned adoring eyes up to her partner and started to suck him even harder. She allowed the cock to pop out of her mouth yet again and used her tongue to play with the angry red helmet head. She lapped at the precum as if it was water in a desert before bending her head to take his full length yet again.
‘Oh yes! That’s it right there! I’m gonna cum! I’m gonna cum! Take it down your fucking throat! Don’t waste even a drop bitch!’
Natalie opened her mouth as wide as she could while her partner held his throbbing member and aimed deep into her throat. Sharon saw her throat moving convulsively as she swallowed. Spurt after spurt was fed to the girl and she obediently took it all. When at last the last drops had been shaken onto her tongue she stood. She reached up to kiss her companion and he pushed her away slightly.
‘Are you mad? Your mouth is filthy! You can’t really want to kiss me now. We kiss before, not after sweetie.’ He turned his head away sharply to the left and saw Sharon crouched on the floor. At first he was startled. Then he winked one grey eye slowly before turning back to the girl clinging to him.
‘Let’s get out of here. Your lunch break is almost up. Wouldn’t want anyone to catch you on the job now would you.’ He turned so that his back was to the aisle as he pushed the girl to go ahead of him. Just before he stepped off he turned to look at Sharon once again. He blew her a kiss before he disappeared.
Sharon counted to twenty before she rose slowly. She made her way down the aisle on shaky legs and turned in the opposite direction from which the couple had come. She knew this filing room like the back of her hand and could make it appear as if she had only just entered. She lifted her hand to brush aside a bit of cobweb that had touched her cheek. As her hand came away she frowned. She put her hand to her face again and realized that she was crying. She clapped her hand over her mouth yet again, stifling the sobs that she felt threatening to rise. She waited until she had gotten to the other side of the massive filing room before she allowed herself to crumple to the floor sobbing. It was a classic example of pathetic fallacy as the thunder outside decided to rumble at precisely the same time that Sharon broke down. She cried. She cried for her poverty above which she was determined to rise. She cried for her brothers and sister who looked to her for redemption. She cried for her mother for whom all hope seemed to be lost. She cried for her community and the young people with no hope of making any progress. But most of all she cried for girls like Natalie who felt they had to sink to such levels and put aside their pride in order to get ahead. If only Natalie could recognize that they were on the same side.
Five o’clock could not come soon enough for Sharon. Her empty stomach combined with her sobbing had resulted
in a headache of massive proportions. Slowly she freshened up in the bathroom. She usually liked this time of the evening because the others would have already left five to ten minutes before in order to avoid the elevator traffic. She washed her hands and face before taking off the dusty t-shirt. She hung it in the small cupboard where workers were allowed to store things since they did not have desks. She retrieved her handbag and the plastic bag for her head as she was sure it was still raining. Usually when it started in the morning the way it had, it went right throughout the day. She exited the office and was about to make her way to the staircase when a hand shot out to grab her. She felt her knees buckle as she felt herself being pulled up against a man’s chest. Panic overtook her as she opened her mouth to scream and felt a hand clamped over her lips. She looked up to find a pair of grey eyes looking down at her.
‘It’s me. Just be quiet and listen. Are you going to listen?’
She nodded mutely.
‘No screaming if I move my hand?’
She shook her head. Slowly he removed his hand and true to her word she remained silent. They both turned slightly as they heard voices on the stairwell. As the voices faded they turned to face each other again. He was the first to speak.
‘I know you saw what happened today. Let me get straight to the point. Name your price.’
Sharon looked up at him, slightly puzzled at first until the meaning behind his words sank in.
‘That’s okay. No payment is necessary. You don’t have to buy my silence.’
He frowned, ‘Everyone has a price. You might not want money but you could use some favor. Do you want a transfer to my office for the rest of the summer? This floor sucks. I had to hold my breath earlier.’ He chuckled wryly at the joke that only he had gotten. Sharon scrutinized him scornfully.
‘That’s quite okay Mr. Kirkland. You may consider your secret to be safe with me. Now if you don’t mind, I’d like to be on my way home.’
Mocking grey eyes searched her face before slowly stepping out of her way. He turned and watched as she walked away, listening to her steps echoing on the stairwell before turning and heading back up the stairs to the administrative floor. He was going to have to keep a closer eye on this girl.
Sharon did not have to ask. She knew without a shadow of a doubt and there was just no going around it. She was ill. This had been a downright miserable week as it had rained heavily every day. The township did not have the best drainage system and as she navigated the now inundated roads each morning and evening she could not avoid particularly deep puddles every now and then. It did not help that she had to be in the office with the air on all day. Plus supplies at home had been rationed and she had been without lunch all week. Each night before going to bed she rubbed her feet and chest with as much bay rum as she could to ward off the chills that came before a cold. It did not help that she was not eating properly. As she raised her head Friday morning she sank back down with a groan as a searing pain flashed across her temple. She felt the weak tears creep to her eyes and she began to tremble. This was one of the days when she felt like just throwing in the towel. As she lay in bed she allowed the week that she had just been through to play on her mind and she tried to stifle a sob. She would like nothing better than to just sink into oblivion and have everyone forget that she existed. She lifted a hand to cover her face as her shoulders shook with silent sobs. The springs of the box mattress creaked as she felt her little sister turn in the bed beside her. She bit her lips to stifle any sound of her crying. She took a few deep breaths as she struggled to regain control.
When she felt a bit calmer she slowly got out of bed. She felt her throat and forehead and knew she was having a raging fever. She sighed. She would have loved nothing better than to crawl back into her bed but knew that she could not afford to. Today was pay day. She coughed slightly and felt a sharp pain sear her chest. She had developed the cough after two weeks of working in the dusty environment. She shuffled around the house, desperately ignoring the pain in her limbs. She went through her morning ritual and in no time was dressed and out the door. The morning sky was heavy and she knew they were in for another day of showers. She walked slowly, much slower than usual. It was eight twenty five when she arrived at her floor. Without any thought she went straight to her tasks. At lunch time she went down to the accounts department on the third floor and joined the line like everyone else. When the brown envelope was pushed into her hand and she had signed her name on the relevant line she made her way slowly back upstairs. She packed up her things as usual and made her way to the seventh floor.

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