My First Time From The Journal Of The Serial Killer Thomas Riley free porn video

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From the Journal of the Serial Killer Thomas Riley


Millie Dynamite

Copyright © 2019, by Millie Dynamite

From the Journal of Thomas Riley — July 10, 20—

Doctor Peters suggested I write things down, my daily happenings, feelings, the events that run wild in my life, and depress me. I figured it couldn’t hurt. That’s the reason for this book, journal, dear diary, and all that bullshit. He doesn’t say it, not in so many words, but he’s worried I’ll act out some of the fantasies I have told him. He told me to write those dark thoughts and fantasies out as well, give them a form to get them out of mind.

As I sit here writing this, I watch the sun coming up through the open door. It’s peaking up over the flat horizon casting its yellow morning light over fields to the east. I light a joint, thinking about what I’ve done. Knowing, I must rush back into town and get myself to church. Nevertheless, I took in the splendor of nature. I’m rejuvenated and want to get this down while it’s all fresh in my mind.

The Doc thinks I hate women. Let me make this clear, for whoever reads this, which I hope is no one, I don’t hate women. I know what they are, though, liars, cheats, self-indulgent, manipulative, backstabbers, who would use any man and discard him like toilet paper. I could go on and on about women in general or my mother as a specific example of unfairer sex. After all, she put my father in an early grave.

I have this tension; it builds in me, eating away at my soul: deep, dark desires to do things, terrible evil deeds. The Doctor, in his infinite wisdom, wants me to write all this down as a record. So, what we have here … is an effort to communicate with me, from me. It isn’t quite what the doctor ordered, he wanted my fantasies. I’ve decided to turn fantasy into reality.

It was Friday, and I had gotten off work at the usual time. I left my cubical and headed to the time clock to the taunts of the new boss on my apparent inadequacies. I wanted to turn and slug her in the jaw.

I have this vision of hitting that bitch right in her kisser. In it, I see her knees buckle at the second my hand hits those well-formed, full lips. Her eyes roll back in her head as her upper body starts a slow, deliberate backward motion. The toes of her spiked high heels come off the ground, as her big teats heave upward. She lands on her lovely round ass and then her back.

The problem was that it was only in my head. What, in fact, happened, I told her, in as polite a tone as possible, “I’ll try to do better next week,” and left the bullpen headed to the time clock and then to Mike’s Place. I drowned my sorrows at the local watering hole, giving Sam, the bartender, an earful of work woes.

Leaving the joint and feeling somewhat better, at 10:30. Too fucking early, to call it quits, on a Friday night. Getting in my car, I started the engine, slipped it into gear, and wondered what I could do for fun. Driving around for some time, I saw the Park, damn that’s an idea. Lincoln Park, two square miles with playgrounds, benches, fountains, and wooded areas with a meandering jogging path running through it.

That’s when one of those fantasies exploded in my mind. I thought, ‘why the fuck not?’

Finding me a secluded spot, on the far east end of the park, I hid the pickup in a grove of trees not far from where the jogging tack passed through the thicket.

‘I don’t have to do anything,’ I told myself. ‘I can just watch the bitches pass by and dream of what I’d do to them.’ I don’t think it was a lie, but I also knew I could do what I wanted if I’m willing to bear the consequences.

Everyone always went the same direction on the track, I think it’s because of the sign near the entrance that says jogging track, start here. I concealed myself near the end of a long straightaway. Beyond that, were some twisting turns through the woods. If I wanted to take one of them, that first hairpin turn was a good spot. It was near the truck, where the brush is thick. After you get them off into that part, man alive, do you have privacy.

I’d needed the privacy that those thick woods would give me! The first bitch came bounding down the trail, huffing, and puffing, dense disgusting layers of fat jiggling, like some alien gelatinous life form. Sweat rolled off her face, her spandex was soaked through with her copious body secretions. I could just about smell the stench of the porker’s burning fat. The next one, a bodybuilding superwoman, a big muscle-bound physique, bounded toward me. That stupid manhater would be a battle, wasn’t ready for that, not yet, but I marked her in mind for future reference. The next one was scrawny. In fact, for two hours, I wasn’t happy with any of them, or I couldn’t work up the nerve.

It was after midnight, I hadn’t seen any cunt pass by for over 30 minutes. I had just decided to go home and whack off, or maybe hire a guttersnipe. I decided that I’d have me one more smoke and then head out of here. I pulled the pack, packed it down, again, and took a smoke out and lit it. Dragging the noxious fumes deep into my lungs, I held there a second, letting the nicotine do its thing. As I began to exhale, looking down the track, a woman came around the bend 200 yards away from me. She had big tits, bouncing, bouncing, bouncing as she jogged. The bitches, big double C’s, swayed side to side, and they bobbled. Up and down, but in a way that said they were firm.

The closer she got, the more you could see her tight, fit body, a dancer’s physique. This Trixie had pride, I hate proud, haughty cunts. Her pink running outfit showed as plain as if spotlighted in the scattered, overhead illumination of the jogging path. Her hair was pulled tight on her head; doubtless, she had it in a ponytail. I could see she had a full figure but not fat. A thin waist, I could imagine a round ass, but not fat, damn she was hot as hell. And of course, the slut knew she was hot and used it to full advantage. I imagined dozens of men like me in her wake, the confidence shattered the pocketbooks drained, their balls hanging as trophies over her mantel.

I pulled in a last lungful of smoke, holding it inside a second before exhaling the fumes. I moved closer to the track, crouching only a few feet away, behind a bush, and waited for her to pass me. Every nerve in my body came alive, my hearing focused on her footfalls on the path. My mind raced with a plan. I pulled my buck knife from its sheath, flipped it open as the sound of her stride became louder. She passed me, the race was on, I leaped to my feet and ran after her.

She heard me. My hard shoes slapping the paved running lane a dead giveaway someone was behind her. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw me, knife in hand chasing her. Not panicking, not yet at least, she changed from a jog to run. But I’m a good runner, I bounded to within inches of her. We were on the curves, her head swiveled around, looking over one shoulder and then twisting her head, gazing over the other, checking on me.

Ah, there is it is, panic, that wild-eyed desperate gaze over her shoulder, as she tried to shake me. I imagined I could smell her fear, maybe I did, or perhaps I sensed it. Could be, she was one of the sick-o’s that loved the thought of being molested, and I smelled her thick lube building between her legs, getting her cunt ready for a hard-slamming. Oh, god, I hoped that was not the odor, I don’t want the trollop to enjoy one moment of what happened.

No, it was fear, it hung thick inside her brain. Terror drove her to run harder and faster. I just dogged her, running right behind the bitch. I brandishing my knife. The whore can see, I closed the distance, inching closer. I’m like a madman in a movie, I use less effort and still close the gap. She stays just out of reach but knows, I’ll get her. The dread overwhelms her. The sweaty fear radiates from her, like a nasty invitation to destroy the whore.

I waited for the hard turn at the end of the twisting part. Letting the snobby rich bitch think there was a hope, however small, that she’d get away from me. I even fell back just a tad, for a moment or two, then rushed closer to her. We neared that hard turn, she’d have to have to slow down there. I put my hand out to her, snatched a handful of her ponytail. At that moment, the split-tail started her turn. I dug my feet into the track, sliding to stop, and yanked back hard.

You know those cartoons, the ones where the guy’s feet run ahead of him? That’s what happened to her. The vixen’s feet kept going forward while her upward body jerked backward. She hung in the air for a second, well, it seemed that way, then crashed to the ground. You could hear the impact, even hear the rush of air out of her lungs. She rolled over on her belly. Sucking wind, that awful wheezing, when one’s lugs can’t quite get a breath. It thrilled me when that sound came from the stuck-up beaver.

The look on her face, a pleasant mixture of fear, pain, and panic, caused my cock to leap in my jeans. She rolled onto her belly. Put her hands to the ground. I tit kicked her hard then, and she again collapsed in a heap. Getting on top of her. I rolled her over and gave her kisser a blow that KO’d the bitch, her eyelids fluttered, her pupils went up, showing only the whites. The bitch was in La La Land.

God, I had a hardon now. My cock ached for a tight fit in a sweet unwilling hole. Closing the knife, I put it back on my belt. I looked around, took a good firm hold of that ponytail, and drug her behind me. I was the caveman. She was the fuck for the night. But not here, not in the park … as hyped up as I was, and I was so incredibly high just from her capture. That notwithstanding, I knew that I needed more privacy than this place allowed. If I just fucked her once, these trees would do, but abuse her right, I needed time and to be away from any possible prying eyes.

At the pickup, I pulled out a roll of duct tape, covered her mouth, bound her hands together behind her back, and her legs above the knees, and at her dainty ankles. Picking her up, I realized she was light, 100 to 110 pounds of pure, USDA grade-A … fuck meat. Putting the bitch on the floorboard of the backseat of my truck, I covered the slut with a blanket.

Treating myself to another smoke. I sat on the back seat. My conquest lay on the floor below me, my feet resting on the whore’s shapely, small ass. Mumbling, fearful pleas filled the air. She wiggled and contorted her body, with a pleasing vain attempt to free herself. An old collapsible shovel sat on the seat. I grabbed it and opened it up, it was a short one, I took hold of it just above the top of the blade, bent down, raised it over her head and neck and smashed the handle down, just hard enough to get her attention.

“Be still, bitch, shut the fuck up, or I’ll hurt you bad.”

The cunt shut her flapping pie hole. I don’t know if I had put the bitch under again or not. Maybe I put the fear of God in her, perhaps she went lights-out nighty-night. I didn’t care which, as longs as the nag wasn’t flapping her flytrap. I’d have plenty of time to reveal in her fear, later, once we reached our destination. I covered her up once more. Tossed my smoke away and got in the front seat. I started the engine and headed away from the park. Turning east on Country Club Lane and drove out into the country. I had a special place to take my prize, a big sandpit, a barn, even a pond on the little patch of land. It’s all surround by a big fence, a locked gate, and room to do what you want to a tramp. I have the key, it’s my uncle’s place, he wouldn’t mind me using it. Well, at least if he didn’t know about it, he would not frit over its use. After all, his house is a mile from the sandpit and barn.

I needed some jack-me-up to keep going. I had a stash of pot to smoke at the barn, but beer would be a good as well. Turning off the road, I pulled into an all-night convenience store and parking at the pump, I fed it my card and started the tank filling. I walked into the joint, caught sight of a lovely little Latina bitch working the cash register. She smiled and nodded at me. I smiled back, thinking, ‘I’d sure like to hurt that little ho.’

I wanted to fuck something it prayed on my mind, wanted it bad. Looking at my watch, 1:30 in the morning, I dug a case of beer out of the cooler. I looked at the bitch at the counter again, and again she flashed me a friendly smile. She worked me, a whore for sure. Get off with a quicky now, last longer the first time with Miss Cunt later.

Putting the beer on the counter, “How much,” I asked.

The cashier told me and indicated I would pay with the card. I shoved it into the slot and entered my code. All the time, the whore just smiled at me, moving her head to some music only she heard. Licking her lips, flashing me knowing looks and nods.

I returned the card to my wallet and fished out a 20-dollar bill. I smiled at her. She smiled back, running her tongue over teeth and ruby red lips.

“Anything else I can get you?” she said. Her voice had a seductive tone, enhanced by her thick Spanish accent. She dripped the fuck me attitude so prevalent in the women of the mongrel races.

“I want to poke your throat.”

“Double that, and you got a deal,” she said.

“No,” I told her. “You do it for this, or I’ll load up and go.”

“I usually get at least 30 for a blow job,” she said, turning away from me she walked to the back of the little booth. Acting disinterested, trying to drive the price up, she started putting cigarette packs into the display.

I walked around to the gap opening, moved into the booth, and in two seconds flat, I was behind her. I spun her, yanked her blouse open, and shoved the money into her bra. Grabbing her by the hair, I guided downward toward her knees.

“Hey,” she said, “I told you it’s 40 bucks.”

I smacked her face with my free hand and continued to force her to the floor. Once I had her on her knees, I released my grip on her curly hair. I slapped her face with my open palm and then backhanded her.

“Shut the fuck up, open your damn pie hole, and take this like the whore you are,” I said. All the while, I undid my fly and fished out my semi-erect throat-gouger. Her eyes grew wide, her mouth opened. Sticking a thumb in on one side of her yapper, I forced her mouth further open, used my free hand to get a new hold on her hair, and lurched forward. The head of my cock went past her lips, paused for a moment at her tongue.

“You fucking nick my cock with them teeth, I’ll fucking knock them out your head.”

Her eyes rolled up at me. She wanted to say something, but I just forced it to the back of her mouth and kept going. I humped her face hard, gagging her, the saliva sprayed out her mouth onto my jeans, it trickled down my balls. Yeah, I love that feeling, what’s a whore going say? After all, you’re paying the bitch. Tears welled up, big ones, overflowing, running down her face, they liquefied the eyeshadow, her thick makeup, the trails of it marred her face as thick rivulets flowed across her skin.

I pounded that face, my balls slapping against her chin. Yeah, I fucking needed this throat gouge. In a flash, I dumped seed down her throat. Yanking my cock back, I continued to spray, filled her mouth. I pulled out and jacked more cum over her greaser’s face.

“You didn’t need to be so rough,” she said.

I smacked her face with a clenched fist. I hit her so fucking hard, I knocked the wetback to the floor. The Mexican bitch kneaded the bruise on her face while I glowered down at her. I let her know the nothingness.

“I fucking paid for it, cunt. I treat you how I want when I pay you.”

“Only, fucking, 20 bucks,” she said. A thick glob of cum fell from her nose to the floor as she spoke. I wanted to laugh at the cheap spick. I felt such pride in how I’d treated the whore. I had never been so aggressive, I wouldn’t ever go back to passivity. I’d never be taken for a ride by a bitch again, I’d give them rides, the rides of their lives.

“Lazy ass spic. I did the work, you weren’t worth half as much as paid,” I told her. Then I kicked down on her left tit with my right foot. She curled up on the floor a blubbered. What a lovely sound, a fuck hole crying her eyes out, I kicked her again, and one more time for luck. The dull thuds of my boot bashing her flesh had pleasing bass quality, like hitting a kettledrum. I didn’t have time, or I’d played a drum solo on her brown meat.

I walked from the small cashier area, pulled a soda from a cooler, and slapped a five on the counter. I leered at the whore. The cunt still lay on the floor, rattled from my treatment. Served the bitch right. I fucked that fucking slime whore with no regard for who she thought she was. I bet no one treated her like that in her life, until me. I showed her her value. A big zero, nothing but an open mouth with a cock crammed in it, that’s the sum of her worth, 20 fucking bucks. Next time I might abuse her cunt or ass!

“Keep the change,” I said. I drank down the soda and tossed the empty can at her.

Getting to her feet, the girl stumbled out onto the sales floor. She grabbed some napkins at the coffee counter and headed for the bathroom, wiping the cum from her face as she moved away from me as fast as she could. I walked to the door, the case of beer in one hand. I swung the door open, the little bell jingled, she disappeared into the women’s shit-room.

I went to the pickup, pulled away from the station, and resumed my journey. I flipped on my mp3 player and listened to Nazi Punk rock. The encouraging words of the superiority of the white race, and angry, just comments about the mud people, the niggers, spics, Asians, and mixed races uplifted me.

The bitch started mumbling again, fucking whore. I wondered if she was a Jew or maybe a dago, she had a long, hooked nose, didn’t take away from her being cute. It was the only flaw I had spotted about her. She kicked her feet against the floorboard and tried to scream through the duct tape. I hit the brakes and shoved the car into the park in a quick motion.

The truck skidded to halt, she bounded around, bouncing up on the backseat and back to floorboard. I turned and moved over the seat, balled up my fist and smacked the bloody spot on the blanket. I figure my signet ring hit that crack in her scalp because she whelped in pain.

“Shut the fuck up, you scraggly, assed whore,” I said.

She kept mumbling I could make one of the words. She said, “Please,” followed by something else, unintelligible, repeatedly. I hit the back of her head again and told her, “Shut up,” the fuck meat fell silent.

I drove out to my uncle’s place and parked in the barn. After closing the barn doors, I opened the old workshop. Walking in the smell of oil and must hit me. The scent wasn’t a harsh stink, more an unpleasant muskiness. That notwithstanding, pleasant, it was not. I dug out some scented candles and lit them. There was a small bed back on one corner, various tables, and tools in the shop.

My uncle had some leg shackles, a collector item, but functional. The old-fashioned ones from the 19th century with a key that inserted into a slot and you turned a square nut thing that locked them, found the matching cuffs as well. These would work.

There was my big bowie knife, in its presentation case, hanging on the wall. That’d put the fear of Riley in my toy. I went to the truck, opened the back passenger side door, threw the blanket off her, cut the tape from her legs, and grabbed the ponytail. I yanked that hair hard and started walking. The heifer crawled from the truck fast when the pain of hair being torn out hit her. I walked back toward the barn while she stepped backward, falling, and I just kept going, and the cunt struggled to get up as I dragged her into the room.

She screamed, right through the duct tape, I could hear that awful, pitiful screeching of pain. Damn, if that didn’t make the ole pecker come to attention! I tossed the waif of a cunt against the wall, and she crumpled to the cold concert floor. I removed the big Bowie from the case and squatted in front of her.

Waving the knife in her face, I chuckled as I thought of all the nasty things we would do. She squirmed, her ass moved this way and that, her eyes widened, a tear leaked out and ran down her cheek. I put the life out, with the dull curved side at the point I caught her tear. Then licked it from the blade. I cut her shoestrings with the knife, from the bottom to the knot.

Jabbing the knife into the wall just to the left of her face, I laughed at her flinching. I grabbed the shoes and jerked them from her feet, tossed them behind me. Now the cow wore no shoes or stockings. I took her feet in my hand and massaged them in my strong hands. An appearance of confusion covered her face. I continued to knead her feet, soft and tender. I took one of her big toes in hand, pushing it back hard until I heard the satisfying snap as it broke. She screamed in pain, the sound muffled by the tape, yet incredibly gratifying to hear.

“You aren’t going to run away from me, bitch,” I said, repeating the object lesion on her other foot. Her head hung as she again wailed. I can’t tell you how lovely her pain was. Taking the knife in hand, I dragged over each of the balls of her feet several times, slashing them. This would make walking or running painful. Her voice took on a harsh, raspy sound making her screams more plaintive, pleasing me in ways so dark and deep I don’t even understand it.

Cutting her clothing off of her and restraints from her. Ogling her naked body, my prick appreciated the view and struggled against its confines, her vision locked onto my crotch. I held the cuffs and leg restraints in one hand as I massaged my dick through my pants with the other. All the while, giving her smirk, confidant in my mastery of her.

Dropping my hand from cock, I started to bend to her. The bitch jerked both feet to chest, kicked out, hitting my cock and balls with a massive wallop. I plummeted to the floor, clutching my privates. She jumped to her feet, striking my temple with another kick. I sucked air, clutching my head and groin.

Even with broken toes, and cuts on the souls of her feet, she ran outside the barn. I heard the door on my truck slam shut, but no keys there. The door opened and slammed again, I knew she’d run away from me. Fucking bitch!

I got to my feet, my throbbing balls wouldn’t stop me from getting my prize back. No bitch gets away from me. She’s just a cunt, I’m a man. I’m more than a man to that bitch, I am God that fuck-slut. I grabbed a switchblade, a length of rope, a flashlight, and took off after the cock tease.

Her feet left bloody marks to follow. The cunt ran down a draw into a washout area that led to a stinky abandoned family dump. A small box arroyo, with steep walls on all the sides other than gully leading into it. As soon as I ran into the filthy, small hole, I saw her, trying to climb the vertical wall. Her feet were about four feet from the base, she clutched the raw dirt and rock with her fingers, and tried to use her feet to push up the cliff. I watched a minute, this would be fun. I could hear her grunting, sobbing, and praying for help.

Her God hears her, but I wouldn’t give her aid. I’m an avenging God.

I knew her feet hurt like a son-of-bitch. She clutched into the dirt, pushed up with her right foot, screaming in agony. I have to admit, my cock loved her pain. The woman snatched with her left hand, just broke free when she pulled herself upward. Her body fell backward, and she crashed into old tin cans, some wooden crates, and rusted pots and pans.

I chuckled hard as I closed the ground to her. Balling my fist, I gave her a love tap on her ample left bosom. Getting on her chest, I freed my dragon and shoved it down her throat. I pumped into her with hot lusty passion for five minutes. Flipping her over, I ass raped the bitch until I neared completion.

At last, I turned her face up again and made the cunt lick the shit and blood of my cock. Then, putting just the head of my cock in her mouth, I jacked off, spilling my seed in her mouth, it flooded out and ran down her chest, some spilling on the ground.

I forced her to clean the cum from her body and eat it. To top it off, I made her eat the semen-soaked dirt. As the whore crawled back to the barn, she kept begging me, pleading, and haggling for her freedom. I told her I would free her, once I’d enjoyed her flesh enough.

Hope is the motherfucker, give it to them, they just let you do what you want. So long as there is hope, you can fuck them up, and they offer no resistance. I asked if she was jew. She froze, hanging her head, muttered something.



“You’re a lying cunt,” I snapped.

“Please, I can’t help what I am.”

We were just outside of the barn. I smiled, the kind of devious grin that a person has when they think evil thoughts. Kicked her between her legs, up hard into her pussy.

The JewBitch collapsed into the dirt. Whaling like some cow balling as it’s led to slaughter. She rolled about, her anguish exquisite in its expression.

I kicked her again, this time busting a tit hard. I watched her, excited by her pain. My cock throbbing to destroy cunt. Her pain intoxicated me, like fine wine, and strong bourbon combined, a giddy high filling my essence.

“Get your ass in there, crawl up on the bed, face down ass up, Hymie-whore.”

This time I stripped down and ass fucked her, all nine buried balls deep. She screamed like a banshee, and fucked it, her ass, face, cunt, fucked them all balls deep for hours. Giving her little loving cut here, a hard punch there, smacking her worthless Sheeny butt with hand or belt.

I fucked until two Saturday afternoon. Shackled the Heeb, slept, and went at her for more fucking. At four Sunday morning, this morning, I cuffed her to a post, feet, hands behind her back around the beam, trusted up like punching bag.

I put on my work gloves, good leather gloves, and used her for my work out. From shaved cunt to tits, from boobs to face, I beat her, breaking bones, her nose, busted one eye socket, till the eyeball hung below for the bashing. I thumped on her until I thrashed the life from her.

She’s still standing there, a thing of beauty. I’d take her down, put her in her new home, but I need to get to church. I’ll have to come back and finish, she’ll be ripe when I get back, but I have to go worship my God first.


The doctor looked up from the notebook, smiled at me, “This is good. Better to write than to act.”

The damn fool thought it was a fantasy. I smiled at the clown.

“Will your right more, Thomas?”

“Yes, Doctor, I will write more. I’ll write more when that mood comes over me.”

“Good, you’re at peace now, getting all those hateful things out in the story, yes?”

“Nearly,” but in truth, just between you and me, why would I want my darkness gone. We made such a perfect person, my darkness, and me. The doctor is a dumb fuck, he thinks it’s just a story. I’m already planning my next round of therapy.


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Stupid girl. This girl seemed different. She had no real want for money. No real envy for shopping. She didn't believe in the tradional god. Hallows was on his way on getting the town to fear him again. Not as a mobster though, a tactic that didn't work to much the time before. But instead a legend. He would make everyone know who he was through his malicious actions. He wanted to be a symbol of fear.  The first few victims were already found, the entire town was already nervous. It was...

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A Stalker vs A Serial Killer 02 Ch 03

A Stalker Vs Serial Killers: Dawn Breakers Chapter 3 Part 3 Reconnection. ~Lily~ It took some fast talking for Rachel to convince Lily to come home with Teddy. The girl refused to be under the same roof as the man who had insulted the man her hero. That was something that her mother may be able to accept, but Lily blatantly refused to even consider the possibility. It wasn’t until her mother agreed that she would ask Matt to apologize that Lily agreed to return home. When they walked...

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The Winsome WidowChapter 5 Riley

The months that followed were a misery for me; I loved Evan – and I was sure he loved me – but I couldn't reconcile that against the secrecy of his God-damned club. There was something going on at that terrace in Potts Point – something sexual, I was sure – and I felt that Evan had in some way been cheating on me, all the while giving me the best sex I would ever experience. I felt jilted and wronged and completely justified in my actions; but I also felt petty and small and ashamed of...

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Confessions of a Serial Killer repost

Seriously, calling me a sicko, a deviant or a psychopath? Please. Such words are so very crass. By whose standards am I to be regarded with such disdain? These are words carelessly tossed about by men who’ve never dared let their balls drop. These are words spoken by cultural eunuchs, by men who traded their true, masculine nature for nothing more than a Grande Macchiato. I can understand woman hiding behind such phrases. They are the prey, after all, but I have no respect for any man who...

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Sergeant Riley

The sergeant’s belly blew out just as he turned to speak to me. He’d taken a tumbling 7.92 from an IRA shooter that I guessed was up in the roof space of the derelict houses across the street. The problem was to go to ground within seven nanoseconds without making the sergeant’s plight any worse. But I just fucking pushed him over a hedge into a garden and jumped in after him. The other squaddies were hunkered down scoping along the rooftops lookin’ for this guy. They take out the dividers...

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Dr Riley

He had fantasized about his patients before. Being a good looking doctor in a small town had its privileges, after all. His favorites were the innocent ones—sweet, firm, with untouched bodies that would be oh so responsive. But his prize was Lorelai. He had been her family doctor for years. Lorelai had a shy disposition, but her face always held a sweet smile for him. She’d come to him for regular check-ups over the years, as well as the occasional injury from her various...

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A Stalker vs A Serial Killer 02 Ch 04

Part 5 Father’s, Studs and Bitches. ~ Rachel ~ Lily didn’t have to tell her that what she had done was wrong. She knew deep down that she made a mistake the second she saw him leaving. She was shocked he was truly alive and had showed up just in time to save her again. Whenever she needed him he was always there. Like the seven years had never happened. She asked Matt to stay and make sure the kids were safe. She knew what she had to do now. She had to make this right somehow. She...

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My Wife8217s Audition For A TV Serial

My finances were OK. But they were not just enough to make me live the life that I dream of. I have a government job and a stable salary but it was just not enough for me. My wife, unlike me was quiet content with the flat that we owned, the Maruti car that we had and the minimal jewelry that I had bought for her. But I somehow, was not really cherishing the routine life that we had. In my teens, I had dream of Mercedes and luxury apartments and somehow those dreams kept reappearing again. It...

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My Wifersquos Audition for TV Serial very eroti

hi,this is not my own experience as it is completely out of my fantasy.i had choosen india to be the place of this story as it is a great country with a blend of modern western and old eastern can find there the conservative people and the open minded ones.there is one last reason which is that i really like dark women and brunettes all over the world wherever they are.I wrote a story with no fucking but i'm sure that you will like it cause it is very will see how much...

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The Journal of Samuel Samantha Waterman

Journal of Samuel (Samantha) Waterman January 1; I'm thirteen and thought I would start this journal. I ain't much at writing but I'll give it a try. I think it will be cool. I know boys don't keep a diary so I'm calling it a journal besides it sounds more grown up than a sissy diary. And this way when I tell my grandchildren my tales of youth, like grandpa does, I can say, "see its right here in my journal." Not much happened today, no school. So I thought I'd start this journal,...

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First Time with Riley

I typically hit the strip clubs up on my business trips for something to do on weekday evenings, and this week was no different. There I found myself, walking into the local strip club and buying $200 worth of private dance chips ($20 per song and $100 for half an hour straight). I also ordered a beer and leisurely found my way to a seat with a nice view of the dual stages.On my way I spotted this cute brunette in a skimpy night gown. The gown allowed half of her ass to show. It looked like...

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One A Day Serial Rapists Long Weekend

SERIAL RAPISTS? LONG WEEKEND ONE A DAY (SERIAL RAPISTS? LONG WEEKEND) He had planned for this weekend for a few weeks. As always, he stalked his victims for days at a time while planning his attacks. The serial rapists? m.o. had always been the same. He would pick out potential targets, and then he would find out everything about their daily habits before planning and executing his assault. His assaults were usually brief, rarely longer than 1 hour, and most lasting only about 30-45...

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Journal of Desire Ch 01

The black stretch limousine bearing the plates of a U.S. senator eased around the traffic circle at the center of Temperance Hill. Sen. Helene Falkland picked up the limo’s intercom to buzz her chauffeur. ‘Use the bank president’s parking space,’ Helene said. ‘He’s expecting me.’ The chauffeur nodded, glancing in the rear view mirror. She was beautiful. The clean classic lines of a young Ingrid Bergman. The cool aloofness of a Greta Garbo. He turned off his thoughts. The parking space was...

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The Life of Riley

The Life of Riley  By Susan Riley Former Area Manager  Part One: How my life changed My name is Susan Riley. At least, it used to be. Now they just call me Riley,or cunt, or bitch, or slut, or bimbo, or other equally charming insults. Onceupon a time I was what they used to call a liberated woman. I earned good moneyas an area manager for a large company, in charge of a dozen stores. I wasmaking around fifty thousand a year, drove a top of the range BMW, and owneda large five-bedroom house...

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Adam and Eve Serial Killers

Hello, everybody. Tonight, I got a tale to share with you. You see, I have a problem and to solve it, well, I am forced to do things. The kind of things that law enforcement kind of frowns upon. I’ve always been that way. In the eyes of the world, I am just your average guy. I’m six-foot-one, slightly chubby but still alright, with dark brown skin and curly Black hair. My glasses kind of make me look nerdy. Mr. Ordinary Black Man. I attend Carleton University, where I study Criminology. I’m a...

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Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 12 Thomas 4th Visit

Beth and Ron started their junior year with their relationship still undefined. Ron was still patient and hoping. Beth was still unsure but was slowly moving towards a romantic relationship with Ron. One week in October their relationship questions were put on hold. It was time for one of the great campus traditions, homecoming. Homecoming is a special event on campus for alumni and students. There are also special traditions for the members of the Greek system. Fraternities and...

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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 32 A Spectre from the Past

December 1813 “Good morning, Sir Thomas! It’s past four bells, wind nor’easterly, ship’s still hove-to under double reefed tops’ls, flagship in sight to South!” That was Bartleby, waking his captain with a short report, freshly gathered on the quarterdeck, as had been his custom for the past four years. Thomas forced himself awake, acutely aware of the cold that permeated his sleeping cabin, made even worse by the damp bedding. It was a miserable and wet winter in the Mediterranean, and...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 5 The Journal Entries

Chapter 5: The Journal Entries The jeep pulled up into the school parking lot, stopping just before it went over the curb onto the sidewalk. Shutting it off, Cal stepped out and hoisted his backpack up on his right shoulder and trudged along the sidewalk to the school building. School started at 7:15 AM sharp for him, and it quickly became a very tedious way of life. He never ate breakfast, mainly because his stomach couldn't really handle food at this ungodly hour in the...

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One a Day serial Rapists Long Weekend

He had planned for this weekend for a few weeks. As always, he stalked his victims for days at a time while planning his attacks. The serial rapists' m.o. had always been the same. He would pick out potential targets, and then he would find out everything about their daily habits before planning and executing his assault. His assaults were usually brief, rarely longer than 1 hour, and most lasting only about 30-45 minutes. And, not surprisingly, he was very excited about this batch of targets...

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Nautical DelightsChapter 17 Bedtime For Thomas

The coffee and brandy session soon ended after the Emir left and various people drifted out, leaving Henry and Thomas alone. "Captain," said Thomas, "Can you advise me?" "In what way?" "Am I allowed to take one of the attendants in our suite to bed with me?" The Captain smiled, "That is why she was provided. You may do anything you please with any of them. If they do not please you, you may have them whipped, or do it yourself. If she is not to your taste, others can be...

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Lost Lambs Little Red Journal 3 Bisexual Urges

The first woman I ever found attractive was Catherine Zeta Jones and that crush has stood the test of time. Although I never copied it down in my journal, I remember watching The Haunting released 1999 in our exercise room. I sat on an exercise machine that felt like a piano bench cushion in the unfinished room. I watched the actress’s entrance up until this line:“So what about you? Husband, Boyfriend, Girlfriend?”Her last word was accompanied by a mischievous smile at the camera with her brown...

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My Journal

Journal Entry: November 14, 2014Today I again asked my wife for sex and as usual she made up some lame excuse. It's going on two months now and my masturbating is becoming more regular. Journal Entry: November 19, 2014I may have had a bit of a break through. I complained about the lack of sex and she promised to be more attentive. I think this week end will be really good. Journal Entry: November 25, 2014Another week has passed and still nothing in the sex department. My wife's promises fell...

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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 4 Wedding Bells

January 1808 One of Mrs. Pelham’s servants was waiting for Wolverine‘s officers at the quay to guide them to her house where their hostess greeted them effusively. “Welcome, gentlemen, and thank you for accepting my invitation!” “On behalf of myself and my officers, I thank you for hosting our celebration,” Benning answered. “May I present Commander Eckleson, Master’s Mates Wainbridge and Warner, and Mishipmen Boyle, Prideaux and Pons? You already met Lieutenant Grey at the governor’s...

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The Thomas Household Part Two Marla and Eva

It was hard to paint with thoughts of that afternoon coursing through my brain. I couldn’t believe what I had done, or how badly I’d been fooled. I resented Kayla and Eva, but I resented my naiveté even more. I had played right into their hands. Sucker indeed. I started my cleanup routine a while before three, having completely forgotten that Marla had asked me to stay late. The earlier ordeal had all but suppressed any further thoughts about her, except to consider her a stern authority...

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Betsys JourneyChapter 5 A Love Affair With Thomas Continues with Susan

With many tears, Debbie moved. Betsy stayed in contact with her for several years, but by and by, the letters and phone calls stopped. She still thought of her dear friend every once in awhile and felt immense regret for not keeping in closer contract with Debbie. Then Betsy realized their friendship was just like any other. They would always care immensely for each other even if their heartfelt emotions faded with time. The winter came and went. Thomas met her family and Betsy even...

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Thomas By Margaret Jeanette Jenny Powers was in her office going over the week's events. Every Friday at 11:00 A. M. she had her secretary come in to take notes of the weeks happenings. She spoke to her secretary, "Angela, it's been a very good week for the company! We picked up two new clients and it looks like we may need more help if this keeps up. You know a year ago when I took over after my father's heart attack we had 5 employees. Now we have 11! When dad recovered from his...

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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 27 Rotten

“Sir! Persuant to your orders, we reached the Barbary Coast at Oran on the 4th instant, where we sighted two xebecs carrying furled sails, but no other sea-going vessels of note. No progress on the rebuilding of the harbour fortifications was in evidence, and we continued...” It was certainly a little awkward to dictate a report to a secretary, in particular if the secretary was a boy of fifteen years wearing an ill-fitting coat over much-too-large trousers, the best of what the slop chest...

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Thomas meets Misty

When Misty showed up at one of the local association meetings Thomas belonged to, he was full of lust for her immediately. She was very beautiful. She was dark skinned. She was Asian and Afro-American, with gorgeous results. She had long straight coal black hair and beautiful smooth silky skin. Her eyes were brown but very bright and she had a beautiful smile with a heart shaped face that would make your heart stop when she smiled.Her body was spectacular. The thing he noticed right away was...

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The feminization of Thomas

Shirley Braithwaite was not a happy woman. Having just turned the wrong side of 40 she was happily married for the past 19 years to her school sweetheart Brian. The marriage had produced 4 children, Sarah who was 18 and Zoe who had just turned 16. The other 2 children were Alexander who was 15 and the youngest child being Thomas who was 12 years old. Mrs Braithwaite was not happy because like most mothers she wanted a daughter who would be a girly girl, someone who enjoyed...

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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 33 HMS Clyde

January 1814 It was impossible not to fall in love with his new ship immediately. As HM sloop Lark approached the large frigate, Thomas drank in the lines of the hull, the rake of her masts, and the excellent shape. Clearly, her previous captain had spent a considerable amount of his own money on the ship. From the gilded carvings around her stern windows to the masterfully applied paintwork the ship showed the affluence of her former captain. Lt. Warden hove to a cable length from HMS...

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Thomas meets Misty part II

Misty and Thomas finally fell asleep in each other’s arms around four am. Thomas woke up at about eight am and had to piss so badly he wasn’t sure he would make it to the bathroom. He rolled over from Misty’s warm body and ran into the bathroom to relieve his needs. While he was in there he showered and used her razor to shave. He wrapped a towel around his waist and came back into the bedroom. He saw Misty lying on her back in the big bed still sound asleep. His cum was gone from her stomach,...

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Thomas meets Misty part II

Misty and Thomas finally fell asleep in each other’s arms around four am. Thomas woke up at about eight am and had to piss so badly he wasn’t sure he would make it to the bathroom. He rolled over from Misty’s warm body and ran into the bathroom to relieve his needs. While he was in there he showered and used her razor to shave. He wrapped a towel around his waist and came back into the bedroom. He saw Misty lying on her back in the big bed still sound asleep. His cum was gone from her stomach,...

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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 34 No Rest for the Wicked May 1814

HMS Clyde was lying at anchor in a balmy breeze, swaying gently in the minuscule waves. Around her were the other ships of the Mediterranean Fleet, all anchored securely in the Port of Toulon, the main port of the French marine. A few weeks ago, Clyde and her consorts would have faced red-hot shots being fired at them, but Toulon was now a city of King Louis XVIII of France.  All along the coast, merchantmen of all sizes poured out of the French ports where they had been blockaded,...

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Betsys JourneyChapter 4 A Love Affair With Thomas

Betsy readied herself for the next chapter of her life story. She was lying comfortably on the bed in her spare bedroom and quickly fell into a dreamlike state. Her relationship with Phil was over and now she dearly wanted to reminisce about Thomas. Betsy had met Thomas, even had a torrid affair with him, during her relationship with Phil. Now her mind drifted back almost twenty years. With the official end of summer, she got home Monday evening feeling sad. Betsy was sad remembering the...

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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 21 Wakeup Call

February 1813 Three days later, with the last repairs finished and the last stores stowed away, Unicorn was ready to sail in the morning. After one last evening ashore and a delightful farewell offered by the lovely Florence, Thomas had come aboard late, but he was up before the first light to supervise the weighing of the anchor. Unicorn and Dido would sail together on their return to the fleet, always with an eye on catching some blockade runner. Dido was riding her anchor two cable...

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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 20 Cleaning Ship

January, 1813 The brig Darlington had been specifically built for transporting passengers and mail. She was under government contract to connect Plymouth and Gibraltar, and her passenger quarters were purpose-built and more than adequate. Thomas had his own cabin whilst Mirabel and Florence shared the adjoining one. Other passengers included an Army major, two Navy lieutenants on their way to new appointments, and the wife of a Gibraltar ship chandler returning from visiting relatives in...

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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 30 A Threat

Petitioning the Acting Governor went well. Yet, His Excellency was planning another soirée four days hence and would not pass on the chance to invite the Greys, if only to count two more members of the fair sex amongst his guests – namely Mirabel and Florence. Thomas and Mirabel accepted without hesitation for they both relished the thought of debuting as husband and wife, and Florence agreed reluctantly after conferring with Mr. Darby. On the day before the soirée – Unicorn was finally...

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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 2 Midshipman Feb 1806

HMS Wolverine was holding her position to windward of a small convoy of eight sail headed from Kingston to London. On her quarter deck, a very nervous watch officer was constantly checking her course, the wind, the trim of the sails and the horizon beyond the convoy. Mr. Midshipman Thomas Grey was entrusted with the watch for the first time, and a more conscientious watch officer would not be found in the entire Royal Navy. On the outward journey to Kingston, Wolverine had escorted four Navy...

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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 36 Paying Off

(June 1814) When HMS Clyde cast anchor in the bay of Valetta, the other ships of their small squadron had already returned. Whilst behind them the captured Jenny Girl, flying the Blue Ensign over her American flag, also dropped her anchor, Thomas watched another ship with interest. She was a large frigate, larger than Clyde, with 14 main deck gun ports and longer by at least 20 feet. Thomas guessed her to be a two-decker that had been razeed to a single gun deck, a procedure that was being...

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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 37 In Society

(August 1814) The breakfast table at the Bennings’ house was filled a little more on the next morning. Melinda Curry sat opposite Thomas and Mirabel, between Florence and Teresa, and tried to blend in. Her two companions, also invited to share the bounty of the table, had refused in shock. Captain Curry may have treated them with consideration, but they had still been working for their livelihood. Now they hovered around Melinda, making certain that she was dressed and groomed to advantage,...

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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 10 Tempest

Autumn, 1809 Over the next week, Sultan stayed at anchor waiting for orders to proceed further upstream for the planned attack on Antwerp. There were rumours that the commander in chief of the land forces, the Earl of Chatham, was delaying the decision whilst Sir Richard Strachan wanted to press the attack. Both nullified the other’s authority, and the result was that no action was taken. By late August, after the French had had time enough to shore up their defences of Antwerp, Chatham...

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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 11 Convoy duty

Winter 1809/10 On the next morning, a boat from the shore brought two huddled figures in boat cloaks who turned out to be Mr. Paul Courtland and Mr. Erasmus James, recent graduates of the Royal Naval Academy at Portsmouth, who reported for duty in Tempest. Neither of them had been to sea before. Thomas received them in his cabin and studied their papers. Somebody in the Admiralty must have been possessed of a grim sense of humour, or perhaps they expected him to be more tolerant towards the...

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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 19 Unlikely Friends

December, 1812 When Bartleby returned three days later, it was to inform his captain that he had been able to reserve cabin accommodation on a sturdy brig headed for Penzance, via Plymouth, to weigh anchor in a week. Thus, after bidding farewell to neighbours and friends, Thomas and Mirabel, with Bartleby, left Guildford on the post chaise four days later. Mirabel was a little apprehensive, but she smiled bravely enough when they boarded the coach. The journey to Portsmouth was uneventful,...

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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 39 Monies

(August 1814) The dinner in the Clyde‘s cabin had been quite a success, not the least due to the fact that Captain Fortescue had excused his wife who was apparently suffering badly from the migraine. Nobody believed this, but then nobody was sorry, least of all Captain Fortescue who turned out to be a charming and sociable man. The talk at the table ranged from past deeds on board the Clyde to the situation in the small German dominion of which Sir August was the sovereign ruler again....

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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 8 Losing it

Jan 1809 Thomas was resting on his bed in The George and Serpent Inn. The inn was located at a convenient distance from the Admiralty where he would report in the morning. Mr. Egerton had indeed given him transport to London, but had not extended an invitation to stay at his house. One reason might have been the interest that Mrs. Egerton had shown in Thomas on that long coach ride. It was quite clear that Mr. Egerton did not trust any man in the presence of his cherished young wife. Thomas...

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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 29 Lady Grey

One day later, Thomas received the special marriage licence from his Excellency, General Campbell. The aide-de-camp granted them the use of the Convent Garden for the reception, and the wedding was planned for three days later. The list of guests invited from Thomas’s side was short and included the officers of Unicorn and Dido, the port admiral and the helpful aide-de-camp. Mirabel invited a few gentlemen and ladies of her acquaintance, and of course Angela and Florence. In total, no more...

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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 12 Reward

March, 1812 It must have been his 10th time in over two years of sighting the Mediterranean Fleet Thomas thought idly as he timed his next manoeuvre carefully. As usual, Tempest carried the mail for the Commander in Chief, and that set the priorities. No sooner had Tempest settled on a course a cable length athwart from the flagship than his gig splashed into the water, and then he was racing down the Jacob’s ladder with the mail bag. Only five minutes later saw him on the quarter deck...

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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 38 Business and pleasure

(August 1814) Mr. Augustus Leeds was of small build, with a shiny bald pate that reflected the candle lights in the entrance hall of his imposing city house. His clothing, expensive and after the latest fashion, bespoke his important role as a director of the Most Honourable East India Company, but he was all cordiality when he received Thomas and Mirabel. “Welcome to my home, Sir Thomas, Lady Grey. It gives me great pleasure to finally meet the saviour of my family. My dear wife and my...

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Betsys JourneyChapter 6 A Love Affair With Thomas Continues with Susan

Betsy rushed back to her spare bedroom wanting to finish the chapter, 'A Thomas Affair.' She recalled it was late October when they returned from Atlantic City. Thomas had told her all about Ted and explained, as best he could, about how much he relied on the business from Ted's company. Apparently Ted was so pleased after the weekend getaway that he set the wheels in motion to upgrade the pharmacy section of his company, which meant big money for Thomas. Strange what men were willing to...

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The journal of a celebrity sex therapist

First of let me introduce myself, my name is Steve Hammond, I am one of the worlds leading sexual therapists, in fact, I am the best therapist in LA, my clients are the rich, and most of the time, the famous. For two years now, I have not been myself, the passing of my wife, sitting by her bedside, while cancer eat away her lungs, it has taken some time to get back on track, I feel now that I can finally resume work. I will record all my sessions from today, I’m going to call it: “The journal...

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Priscilla And I School Thomas

My forty-year-old wife, Priscilla, can’t keep her hands off of young boys. Her latest target is the sixteen-year-old lad, Thomas, who cuts our grass. He usually works shirtless, dressed in denim cutoffs, sneakers and no socks.He’s about five-ten, slim, slightly muscular, blond hair and rather handsome. When he shows up to do our yard my wife will call him in to the kitchen so that she can apply sun block before he starts.“We can’t have you getting sunburned,” she tells him.Prior to his arrival...


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