Inspiration Ch. 01 free porn video

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A sweet voice sang, ‘I’m your biggest fan!’ The voice sounded so innocent with a tad hint of naughty flirt.

His lips curved a slanted grin as he refused to lift his head or eyes to peer at the face that went with the voice. He asked, ‘And what is my biggest fan’s name?’ There was little flattery in his tone.

That sweet voice replied, ‘Sally.’

His slanted grin somewhat faded, the name was so dull and average. His fingers gripped the pen then wisp the tip across the inside of his hard cover book, gave a simple written sentiment.

To my Biggest Fan Sally, thank you for reading, Sincerely Victor Hardway.

Victor Hardway, author and artist, slammed the book closed as he spread his lips into a fake smile.

He returned the book to a young woman’s hands then took a quick glance up at her innocent face. He watched her blush as she gleamed with pride that his signature was in her hands. He noted, she had to be at least thirty-five years younger than him.

He gave no real notice to her giddy departure then continued signing book after book. Each book signed the same as the one before and as those that followed.

Most artists or authors enjoyed the presence of their devoted fans. Yet, for him every single signing had a significant mission. He was an artist, he sought that inspiration which typically started with a name followed by the name holder’s appearance.

He was in need to begin another book, his publisher begged the continuance of his series. But with every signing throughout those months his desired inspiration never showed herself. So many bookstores in so many cities and not one individual gave inspiration. He was nearly starved for inspiration, desired the perfect inspirational name with the body to go with it.

Now his signing tour had come to an end within the metropolis he called home. And he had tired staring at the cover of his recent published works over and over.

The last signed book of that evening was slammed closed then handed to the purchaser. He leaned back, frustrated and disappointed from lack of true inspiration.

His eyes looked to the few remaining books to his right. His large dark eyes, expressive with intricate but subtle lines, studied the cover. The cover was his own design, created by his own hand and it was of the last inspirational beauty, she intricately bound with her unique name titling the book, Aurora.

He sighed.

Aurora was such an inspiration for his creative process. She remained poised in that intricate bound position as he sketched her image capturing every desired expression of her face and bound distortion of her body, the entire time a camera took hundreds of photos for further inspiration for the written context which filled three hundred plus pages with undoubted erotica.

Yes, he was a true artist who needed specific inspiration. The inspiration always came at random which he preferred but yet it hadn’t come, walked his direction and gave a unique name.

He rose up from his chair, grabbed his gray leather trench and draped it over his arm. He snatched up his fedora and rested it properly atop his dark ebony hair subtly dashed at the temples with gray.

His eyes took a quick scan of the bookstore and noted, one more day and the tour was over.

He slightly huffed then left the table where he would again sit for a last time the following day.

His third night back at the loft apartment, in most circumstances it would be a pleasure to be home but the framed images of each of his several novels reminded him the lack of inspiration. Each image different. Each an interpretation of each lovely inspirational creature. Each one with a unique name.

On bare feet he paced the floor before the row of images as one hand held a glass of wine and right had a cigar tucked between its fingers. His mind continuously pleaded for that needed inspiration. He needed to create but without the proper specimen to bring forth the creativity, he felt flustered.

His dark eyes studied each piece of art.

Beautifully painted images of heavenly female bodies contorted in different bound positions. And to each of those women, he created a unique story to express the image. That was his process.

First the inspirational woman. Next the choice of how she would be intricately bound which included attire, if any, and type of bindings. Then he would sketch their image on a canvas as they would remain in that bound position until he saw fit that his sketch was perfect.

When they were released, he used the hundreds of snapped photos to finish the creation on canvas. Lastly he would sit before a traditional cloth ribbon typewriter and give more depth and meaning to the image.

He paused his pace, stood before Aurora, his last creation and took a long smooth drag from the cigar. To his semi full lips he brought the rim of a wine glass then took a slow sip while exhaling the fragrant cigar smoke through his nostrils.

His eyes studied the portrait. How he desired another beauty to again ignite his creative process. He had nowhere to begin until that muse was found or found him. There was no beginning until the inspiration came from nowhere.

He turned his back to that last creation, his dark eyes scanned the vast loft. The silence heightened his frustration for he hungered to hear the vocal responses to a lengthy stint in bondage. The thought provoked his naturally slanted mouth to perk a grin. Yes, he loved the sounds those past inspirations made and the longer they remained in bondage the sweeter their sounds.

His tilted his head back and finished the remaining wine in one swallow. His head lowered forward, eyes again scanned the vacancy of his apartment as he took another lengthy drag from the cigar.

He could have easily taken home one of his ‘biggest fans’ but he was never one for droll and plain and simple minded little girls.

He took a deep breath then slowly exhaled with the smoke billowing outward.

Yes, it seemed the younger female masses developed a taste for his fetish erotica tales. He chucked it up to educating the youths in ways of kinks. Yet, he knew likely not a one would experience such kinks for they allowed his words and images to take them there instead of acting them out in reality. They weren’t like him, embraced his kinks and expressed them freely on canvas and typing paper. Nearly sixty years of experience shared with the literary world, well about forty of that was the right form of experience which were displayed in his books.

He left the wall of artful achievements, snuffed out the half smoked cigar then retired to the singular bedroom located atop the open loft. How he wished that room was set up with his camera equipment snapping those hundreds of photos of a new muse.

His eyes glanced at the empty canvas, hoped soon he would again create with paint the perfect image of his love for the erotic fetishes in the expressed form of a beautiful woman.

Enough being frustrated for the evening, he decided and turned out the table lamp.

She nearly stumbled into the bookstore being in a hurry to start her shift.

Rosangela, one of the few clerks at the bookstore, entered the bookstore which sent the door chime announcing her presence. She hurried towards the counter where her usual partner in store clerk crime stood preparing the register for the day.

Behind the counter she again stumbled, fussed with the loose ankle strap of her platform heel. She greeted, ‘Stew.’

Stew greeted back with an amused chuckle, ‘Rosangela.’

Rosangela finished fussing with her heel then made a quick scan of the store. Somewhat out of breath, she asked, ‘He here yet?’

Stew shook his head and stated, ‘Not yet.’ he shifted and set a stack of Victor Hardway hardbacks near the register, ‘He’s not do in until two.’

Rosangela sighed with relief then dropped
her black cloth purse and jerked out her own well read copy of the author’s latest novel. She tucked the book under the counter.

Stew saw Rosangela’s actions then commented, ‘I can’t believe you read that shit.’

She huffed a sarcastic laugh then asked, ‘Have you tried to read it?’ Her black lined blue eyes shifted and peered at him.

He laughed, thought her nuts for asking then stated, ‘Hell no!’ he then commented, ‘Until he writes some gay porn, I ain’t interested.’

She laughed and shook her head. She turned and grabbed her name tag then proceeded to pin it to her black cardigan. She explained, ‘It’s really an interesting read.’

He nodded and doubtfully commented, ‘Yeah sure.’

She continued to laugh then urged, ‘Shut up. You can’t say shit cause you ain’t read it!’

He grinned and stated, ‘Ain’t gonna neither.’

She again shook her head then began her day and was terribly nervous and excited to finally meet the author of her all time favorite erotica series.

She had read Victor Hardway’s books from the very first one, admired his artful depictions of fetishes on the cover art and the written contents that told the story captured in the image. But, also, she found solace in his works for it catered to her misunderstood sexual lifestyle.

Rosangela was knocking on thirty and up until she discovered Victory Hardway’s first book, she felt somewhat not at ease about her secret sexual side.

It was his works that helped her embrace what some would consider peculiar or unnatural. It was obvious to her that he too shared similar erotic tastes but wasn’t entirely sure if his tastes were as hers for she delved beyond bondage. There was never anything mentioned that neared her fetish but nonetheless, she loved and admired the author’s enlightened and realistic approach to describing word for word specific fetishes.

She accredited the author for helping her discover herself in every way imaginable.

She was previously married, eighteen and out of high school she married. Her marriage lacked any form of passion for the man she married was prim and proper. When she found those wondrous books, she found the strength to take hold of her life and leave a boring and loveless marriage.

She changed because of those novels. Her appearance changed throughout the passed few years from prim and proper into more expressive with piercings, tattoos, and clothing. And most positively was the inner depths of who she was that changed.

She accepted her differences which she labeled uniqueness. Her personality was freed and in moments of pure freedom with friends, she would loudly let it be known who she truly was and gave no care who bared witness.

Basically, she was more expressive throughout all aspects of her own being and the author, she believed he helped her blossom.

The day continued and around two in the afternoon the book store filled with Victor Hardway admirers. Then when the author arrived there became an immediate swarm of fans aimed at his signing table located near the back of the bookstore.

Rosangela had to wait until she had her fifteen minute break to have her chance to get her precious copy of Aurora signed which was around the time the author was supposed to depart from his final book signing.

She had only caught a glimpse of him for his adoring fans blocked any real look but took note of his signature fedora, that day it was white. Though she knew what he looked like by the image on the back inside cover, she wanted to truly see him in person.

So, she continued, hoped she wouldn’t be too late to meet him and have him sign her bible, of sorts.

Victor Hardway sat at the signing table, wisp after wisp he signed copy after copy just as the day before.

Women of different ages, mostly younger by nearly thirty-five to forty years, approached him. Many were shy and giggled while blushing as he signed their names to a copy of his book. So many stated they were his biggest fan. Their names were useless to his need for inspiration which drove him to never pay attention to their appearances. Yes, he saw a few glimpses of pretty faces but nothing inspiration worthy.

The few hours passed, seemingly slowly, and soon the pack of female admirers waned and he signed one last book.

He rose from his chair, somewhat stretched out some stiffness.

The final signing of the book tour and back to continue his frustration from lack of inspiration.

He adjusted the white fedora and fetched his gray trench coat. He glanced at his agent and stated, ‘Bob, I’m leaving!’

He watched as Bob gave an approving nod as the short and stubby man gave a quick wave while speaking with the bookstore owner.

Rosangela heard the shout. She cursed, ‘Shit!’ she fumbled and fetched her book from under the counter then shouted at Stew, ‘I’m taking my break early, he’s about to leave, dammit!’

Stew simply shook his head and shooed Rosangela with his hand.

Rosangela smiled then darted out from behind the counter. Her nerves heightened as her heart pounded and breaths were quick and deep.

For three years she dreamed of meeting the author, now she hoped it wasn’t too late.

She scuffled across the hardwood floor, dodged a few stragglers, then skidded to a stop for there he was.

She froze, starstruck beyond her expectations. Her large and black lined blue eyes were wide as they watched him lean down to fetch a leather business bag off the floor.

Could she muster the strength to continue?

Victor gave a final farewell wave to his distracted agent. He turned, prepared to step out of the last book store until another novel was produce. His dark eyes peered down the stretch of book shelves.

With a slight frown defining the lines between his brows, he saw a younger woman standing with one of his books clenched tightly in her hands.

Rosangela stared down the aisle. Was he looking at her?

Her eyes shifted from side to side, no one else was nearby. Her eyes looked forward and he was definitely looking at her. You must look a fool, she thought, then took a deep breath.

She stepped forward on her platforms. Her heart wouldn’t cease it’s racing, even through her attempt of steadying her breaths.

He watched the young woman finally move and approach. His eyes quickly took in details, earlier he refused to study the faces from the female mass that swarmed his table.

Obviously dyed black hair was sloppily pinned back with tight ringlets brushed against the sides of her porcelain toned face and about the length of her neck. Her eyes, he noted, were a piercing blue, highlighted by the deep black that lined them. Her lips, full with a silver loop labret piercing directly in the center of the bright red bottom lip.

She pushed herself further, forced a smile to hide her nervousness. She came nearer to the author, her fingers ached from clenching the book so tightly.

Yes, she agreed in thought, he was just as impressive in person as his photo depicted, perhaps more so.

His eyes were large and nearly black brown with distinct expressive lines about their shape. And between his perfectly shaped brows were those lines she positively adored from the pictures she’d seen, a new one with each book but always was worn his signature fedoras.

Then his mouth she discretely as possible made quick study. He had a semi full mouth, a natural crook about the left corner with a defining line etched from that corner to the side of his nose. A neatly trimmed and thin mustache traced the shape of his top lip as a slight trail led from the subtle center cleft of his bottom lip and down over the center of his chin.

Yes, she again agreed, he was Victor Hardway in the flesh and glorious he was. Nearly thirty years older than her, he looked amazing.

The woman stepped before him, perhaps thirty years of age. Th
ere she was, he stated in thought, confident he just witnessed the emergence into his life that long awaited inspiration and she was beautiful. She was different than all those previous inspirations. She was unique and that he praised.

She held her smile, cleared her throat then finally pushed herself to speak, ‘Hello,’ she took a breath, ‘Mr. Hardway, I hope I’m not too late.’

His eyes focused on her face, read her nervousness clearly. He slowly shook his head then stated, ‘No, perfect timing.’ Yes, perfect timing for his frustration had nearly come to an explosive head but now was anxiously eased.

She smiled with relief then explained, ‘I work here and I had to wait for my break.’ she shakily offered her book and politely asked, ‘Would you mind signing this for me, please?’ she added, ‘If you have the time.

He grinned and gave a nod, stated, ‘Of course.’

He took the book into his hands then stepped back to the table. He felt relieved, she finally came to him but would her name truly make that inspiration realized.

He removed a pen from his bag then set the open book atop the table. Attempting to hide his anticipation, he asked, ‘Your name?’

She sang, ‘Rosangela.’

Immediately that very special and unique name quickly and completely burst his inspirational needs into desired flames. He paused before signing, his mind raced through the definition of that name and quickly stopped at the meaning, angelic rose.

His slanted grin heightened then he eagerly wisp the tip of his pen inscribing the back of the cover with something other than the usual or simple.

To an inspirational angelic rose. A special thank you, for you are now my new inspiration, my muse. With much admiration, Victor.

He set his pen back into the bag. His head slowly shifted as his hands reached out the signed copy back to her. His eyes firstly watched her take hold of the book with petite hands, fingertips glossy black which he noted, the color of the deepest night.

From beneath the shadow of his fedora, his dark eyes took in her appearance in further detail.

His precious book was brought against the modest bust of his inspirational angelic rose, the cleavage prominent within the undone buttons of her black cardigan.

His slanted smirk remained intact as his eyes studied the lovely curve of her collarbone then shifted over the milky flesh of her neck where a dainty string of black pearls were snugly strung around the base with an equally petite onyx studded letter ‘R’ that dangled loosely.

He drifted his eyes up and over her chin, witnessed the beginning of those inspirational lips where that silver loop kissed the center of her full bottom lip which nearly sparkled against the bright red of her lipstick.

He followed the thin bridge of her nose then his eyes found hers. Her eyes were now even more brilliant blue for she was his chosen inspiration.

Rosangela sang with a smile, ‘Thank you, Mr. Hardway.’

Victor sang back, ‘No thank you, Rosangela.’ he stared at his new inspiration he had craved and starved for and she was positively heavenly, ‘It is always a pleasure to meet a true angel who had taken the time to read my novel.’ He listened to her give a laugh at his flattery.

He was given a moment of awkward silence to study his inspiration a bit more. He took note as her modest breasts were obviously lifted by what was a black dress beneath the cardigan. The dress hung just to at the center of her shapely thighs and on her feet were black ankle strapped platform shoes, glossy black vinyl.

His eyes darted back up to her face as she still smiled and he watched her brush back a tight jet black curl from her cheek. Her appearance was unexpected, for those before her seemed now plain in comparison to her.

Rosangela spoke up, ‘Well,’ she felt awkward for she couldn’t find the words to tell him how his books had changed her life, ‘Again, thank you for signing your book at the last minute for me. Thought I’d miss you.’

She continued to smile as she turned around and prepared to leave, again said, ‘Thank you.’

Victor spoke up, ‘Wait,’ he had no desire to have his inspiration leave as all his juices were overflowing and ready to overflow and create.

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PLEASE READ: This is open to other people to submit story sections. Only want to say that impregnation is highly encouraged, and in general keep it filled with smut. No kinks are off limits when you're adding your own chapters. Jake woke up on his eighteenth birthday with his usual sexual urges. He grew up with two incredibly attractive twin sisters. Ciara was pale skinned and freckly, with B cup boobs and an incredibly impressive ass. She was at least bisexual, but a virgin. Furthest she went...

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Free Universal Carnal Knowledge Pt 30

XXX Here and there To underscore her subordinate status Florence ate by herself in the kitchen. Then I ordered her into the dining room to clear away the remains of our meal. She was wearing her jeans and rugby shirt but of course had no bra since Wendy had not returned it. I watched how her unconstrained breasts filled the voluminous shirt, they did not project quite so far horizontally as in the bookshop but as she moved about we could all see how the overhang of the shirt, only loosely...

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MonstersOfCock Brenna Sparks Small Asian Rides the BBC

Brenna Sparks was nervous. Would her tiny Asian pussy be able to stretch to the size of giant black cock? First she showed off her sexy body. Her nipples. Her open crotch panties. Exposing herself made her horny. She needed to be very horny to be able to take what was to come. Mandingo’s cock was much bigger than she expected. When sucking it maybe 1/4th fit into her mouth. Now what about her pussy? When he entered her there was tension in the air. And a lot of tension in her pussy. She barely...

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Pervert Hotel Staff Gets Taste Of My Wet Pussy

My dear ISS readers, your wild Simraan is back with her BDSM sexual adventures. I know I haven’t stimulated your cocks for a long time now, but that dry spell is over. In the last few months, I’ve had many steamy encounters which I would like to share with you. This mischievous incident is recent of all. Cocks out, please! Last week, my return flight to Delhi was cancelled. As there were no other flights available on that day, I had to reluctantly follow what a male ticketing officer told...

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Slave of the OutcastChapter 27

The week after, Sara had recovered and started working again in her own shop. Coincidentally, Charles had been getting text messages from Ivy, as in where and when to meet her. As always, she used him every night in all kinds of degrading and sexual ways. And once more he had to make his Thursdays free for his Mistress. On the Thursday of the last week of September, Charles went to Ivy's house, at around 1PM. She ordered him on Wednesday night to come to her house, by 1PM. He parked his...

3 years ago
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The cock milker pt 3

After a nice hot shower and a heavy breakfast I was getting ready for college. Mrs. Ahuja or Radha which was her name and she insisted I call her that when no one was home, came into my room. She asked me to stay at home and not go to college. She gave me a sly smile and giving me a short peck left the room. I changed back into my shorts and came out to the hall to watch some T.V. The maid was busy cooking lunch and Radha was giving her instructions. Every time she would pass me she would...

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A Teachers Day

South Essex Xavier College You sighed in relief as you finally submitted your final exam proposal to the fate of the “Final Exam Box” in Dean Janice Larrison’s office; received a grateful, if distracted smile from Miss Larrison. “Thanks for getting that in so early, Jack,” she said, glancing at your five page proposal. “Only Maribel has hers in, besides you, and finals are only three weeks away! Can you believe some of these teachers?” Every professor at the school considered Janice Larrison to...

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Sometimes in life we become so lonely that we are willing to do most anything to fill the void. Frequently we do things that are risky and foolish. Often our high risk actions come with unexpected consequences. Clair Davis woke late that Saturday morning. As she sat up she looked at the digital clock sitting on her nightstand. The red numbers displayed ten thirty."Richard?" She called out.There was no response.Clair remembered that her husband of fifteen years had left the evening before to...

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Practical SexEd

"We finally have to address the matter of sex!" Great concern was speaking from the eyes of the Commissioner for Youth and Family at the European Union as he looked at his colleagues gathered in the small conference room. "Our latest research has confirmed what we all long suspected... During the last decades the ever-growing porn industry has taken most sexual activity away from the bedrooms and to the desktops. Porn fulfills all dreams of the viewers and serves all kind of fetishes. In turn,...

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BBC what your Husband Cant Blacken

Sarah is a 23 year old blonde babe. She has D cup breasts, a slim waist and a dynamite ass. He dancer legs are world class. She has been married for two years. She married Joey for his money.Her husband, Joey, is a college graduate and makes good money. He is 5ft 8 in tall, 165 lbs and has a 5 inch cock. He loves Sarah with all his heart. She is his first and only woman. He was a virgin when they met. He is all but useless in bed, but she puts up with him He provides with all the money she can...

2 years ago
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High TidesChapter 22 SHAME AND SORROW

“Tell your mom, everything you told me, what your sisters told you, the entire story. Let your mom straighten out whose right, what’s true, what’s almost true, what will someday be true, and what isn’t true at all. Trust your Mom.” Tell your mom everything. Good advice for me to follow, too. It’s wrong to feel that way, is a ridiculous statement. That feels wrong, or I have a bad feeling about this, are other bits of nonsense. What’s wrong with the question, What’s wrong with me? Emotional...

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Mrs Henderson is my slut

When I was 17 years old my neighbor Mrs. Henderson asked me to come over and help her move some boxes in her attic. I had always had the hots for Mrs. Henderson because she was a very attractive woman. She was white and around forty-eight years old, about 5'10 with auburn hair. She had a big fat ass with wide hips, and a nice set of plump tits that I would have loved to stick my face in forever.When I got to her house that day she was wearing a short blue skirt and a sweatshirt. "Thanks for...

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Lesley part30

Geordie Ridley let himself into his 'daughters' house at 0700, the same as he did most mornings when Lesley was working an early shift. She used to drop them off but now, with the boys being older, it was easier too come to them. They were at an age where all their entertainment was on-line gaming, and Geordie didn't have internet.....also,, they liked their bed. He shouted upstairs, but no one replied. He shouted again....same result. Thinking she must have slept in, he climbed the stairs...

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You can blame it on a detour Thrid Chapter

Both black guys stared at me, asking if I was ready for a party…I nodded with a smile, saying I would be ready soon.So I dropped the towel to the floor, letting both black men admire my naked body as I began putting on some sexy outfit…I asked them if they wanted a taste before leaving; but both guys laughed, saying at unison that they were done with me; because they had fucked me very wild and needed to recover yet…As soon as I was ready, Alfie led the way to their truck.The dress I had chosen...

4 years ago
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Awaking Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Discovery Barb came home that Tuesday night and was glad to see Colin's car in the driveway. Her husband had called from the New York Airport that morning in route from London. Colin had been over to the London office working on an e-commerce problem for the London branch of an International bank. Barb new he must be tired, going from London to Seattle in a day was a long trip. Barb glanced into the bedroom to check if Colin was awake. Colin was sprawled out on the bed...

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Dating Danielle Part II

Introduction: The making of a young slut continues This is the second in a multi-part series about a young girl who discovers sex with an older male father-figure and the slut that dwells inside is born and of course the father-figure nurtures it along. For context you should go back and read Dating Danielle it was posted three times as I tried to get rid of the editor issues, and was finally successful. Look for Dating Danielle – repost fix (I hope). Without further ado, heres part II The...

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GirlsWay Carter Cruise Mia Malkova The Bully

When Carter Cruise sees bully Bree Daniels tyrannizing her hot neighbor Mia Malkova on the street, she rushes outside to her rescue and interrupts the altercation. Once Bree takes off, Mia thanks Carter for saving her from the bully. Carter invites the shaken, shy blonde upstairs to talk. Hanging out in Carter’s bedroom, Carter asks what caused Bree to bully Mia. Mia says Bree had a crush on her that Mia didn’t return. Mia’s into girls, she’s just not into girls with a...

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Breeding Season At The Rocking R Ranch Version CharleyChapter 2

The bunkhouse was closer than the big house. There wasn't anybody in there, but even if there had been it probably wouldn't have made any difference. Dee's emotions were on too high a plane. She pulled him to the shower room, which was a big tiled room with three shower heads sprouting from the walls, and started taking her soaked clothes off. First the boots, and then she got her blouse off, baring the most gorgeous set of tits Bobby had ever seen, Playboy included, and turned on one of...

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The Trailer Park The Fourth YearChapter 61

"What are you playing at?" "Excuse me," I said, looking up at Robbie. I'd been sitting in the library reading about Custer's early career. I couldn't decide if the man was a genius who got unlucky at Little Big Horn, or an idiot who got lucky in the Civil War. "What's with you and the Bronx princess?" "Manhattan. She's from Manhattan." "Quiet!" Mrs. Conners snapped from the circulation desk. I nodded, and Robbie slipped into the chair opposite me. "What about you and...

2 years ago
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The Trailer Park The Fifth Year Part 2 Music and LyricsChapter 9

We got to the theater just before one. Luke Reese and Ricky Calloway were already busy tearing down our sets. Ricky looked at our group in amazement. "It's bad enough you travel with your own little harem, but I see you've added a new blonde, brunette, and a redhead." I grinned. "They say variety is the spice of life." Tami cuffed the back of my head as Robbie punched me in the arm. "Guys, these are Tony and Traci's cousins from Colorado and Hawaii," Tami said, then continued with...

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Corsets are Fun

Hadrian looked over at the beautiful woman in the seating area of the ballroom, he couldn’t believe that she had actually come tonight. He knew all of the rumours about her extra-curricular activities, but he also knew them to be all not true. He noticed her to be struggling a bit so he strode over towards her, ‘Anna? Are you alright?’ he asked. ‘It’s this damn corset it’s far too tight I can hardly breathe in it,’ gasped Anna as she struggled to breathe normally. ‘Only another thirty minutes...

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Stormy Weather II A Love Story

This is a continuation of Stormy Weather. For new readers, you should read that story before this one. Just like any other couple, they have had their share of domestic problems, but nothing that couldn’t be overcome. Except for one thing, storms, Sandy is still terrified during thunder and lightning storms, and John still cuddles her and soothes her during these difficult times. John has done well, advancing to be the Service Manager of the car dealership where he works. Sandy has taken on...

4 years ago
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Family 8211 The Key

Mera nam rohan hai or main delhi se hun koi bhi aunty ya chachi mjhe cntct kr skti hai . Mera 7.5 inch lamba or 3 inch mota hai ..Or sab se khas bat ek bar hone ke bad ek mint me hi vapis erect ho jata hai. Ek rat me 5 -6 bar to aaram se kr skta hun ab apko bore na krte hue story pe ata hun . Chachi ki umar 26 ki par lagti choti bachi hi thi. 34 ke boobs 36 ki ass. Kafi hasin h chachi.Chachi ka nam sunita hai.Koi bhi ek bar chachi ko dekh le to esa ho nhn sakta ki us ka samp khada na ho. Bat...

2 years ago
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SandcastlesChapter 29

Janey was calm the next morning as she came in to practice her fellatio. She had closely followed her mother's tortured emotions the night before over their link. She had not sensed any malicious intent on my part. She also knew I had forgiven her Mom and that the incident was behind us. I was still half-asleep when her hot mouth engulfed my limp dick. Janey had simply crawled in under the covers, nude, and gone about her business. God, could it get any better? I turned to look at my...

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We Converted Friend into Eating Cum

Beth and I had indulged my cum addiction for awhile now, an addiction that included not only me eating my own sperm from her freshly fucked cunt or snowballing my load with her after she'd sucked me dry in her unbelievably hot mouth, but drinking it directly from the source –other men. We'd had our share of bi experiences with other guys that included me blowing them and eating their joy juice from my lovely wife's pussy, ass, mouth, you name it.I'm addicted to cum. But I guess you know that...

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Do I want to save this marriage CH 6

Ch 6 As I kneeled there, shackled to a wooden post in the middle of the room and no room to move, I could only imagine what was going to happen next. I looked over at Steph as she started to get up from the arm of the couch. She reached down and circled her fingers around the cock of the man next to her. She then walked around the room and seemed to be testing the girth of all of the cocks, real and synthetic. She walked up to Gloria and looked at the horse cock phallus hanging from her...

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A Time of PurgatoryChapter 4 Tim gets a letter

I was usually out of the flat and on the road about seven in order to get my first call in early. The post, supposedly the morning post, didn't arrive until twelve-thirty or even later some days. So I would get to read any correspondence later in the evening after getting my paperwork done and cooking a meal. I picked up the mail and sorted it in my usual manner. One letter stood out and I sat down in shock, recognising Jas's handwriting immediately. I couldn't open it, not knowing what...

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The Builder Ch 04

Nick’s car was in the driveway when she arrived and she took a deep breath before heading inside. She was going to let him in, she had to, and she knew she was in love with him but her stomach was so tight, what if he decided to let things go, let her go? Julie’s voice smiled when she came through the door and called out a greeting. “Nick? Hi there, where are you?” Julie let out that long breath she’d been holding. She wanted to get this over and done with now, she didn’t know if she could...

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It was a Saturday morning and Sofie had just woken up. She went down the stairs to eat a large breakfast, she was going to enjoy her day off from work. She took her toast and coffee out on the terrace to enjoy on that lovely day, just in the beginning of April. She was only wearing a skimpy, pink nightgown that ended just below her round butt and a matching thong underneath the nightgown. She usually did not like sleeping in a bra and she thought that the neighbors would not be looking into her...

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50PlusMilfs Raven Swallowz For starters Raven fucks a guy young enough to be her son

“I’m Raven and I like to swallow,” says Raven Swallowz, a 53-year-old wife from Ohio who’s back for her first fuck at Here, the guy she’s fucking is easily young enough to be her son, and she happens to be fucking him in front of her husband, who obviously gets off on watching his big-titted wife (Raven has F-cup tits) having sex with other men. We asked Raven how often she has sex, and she said, “It depends on how busy my life is at the...

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My old Geography teacher is till teaching

So, this story starts with me back in my hometown visiting some family around Christmas time, I am in my early 30’s and have been moved away for a little while now. I am out in a restaurant having a nice time and I look across the room and I recognize a lady that I just cannot place but I know I know her. After some time, it jumps into my head and I know exactly who it is and I am blown away as it’s my old Geography teacher Mrs. Miller, she is with another lady and a younger boy. I contemplate...

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Undercover RoseChapter 105

Voice in my head: Here we are again old girl. Me: I told you to stop calling me old girl. Liam: Just a figure of speech. I know thirty eight isn't old. Me: Trust me, it's old enough... As I had the conversation with my imaginary friend I looked through the dirty window. The view wasn't anything special. The swamp is just grass and water with a few trees on what little dry land there is. If I hadn't loved the weather on the gulf coast, I would have run farther. In the two months I had...

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