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"Shut up you wimp." I was so tired of my brother Taylor. I told him to shut up often because he always plagued me if we could play something. We might be twins, but honest, he could do something that other boys did. Like play football or any sport. He didn't always have to hang around with me. He really annoyed me. That is until Jumissy came into our lives. That game changed everything. My name is Sandra, and we were 11 years old when this happened. It was just when dad left us to live with his new partner. Mom was so sad; she couldn't compete and keep Dad. It was so humiliating for Mom, because Dads partner was not some nice secretary at work; he was in love with another man. That is so gross. I felt really sorry for my mother. Anyhow, we moved in with my aunt. My mother's sister. She was like lady Madame, a princess. Her house was like a Barbie house. It was so pink and things. Even for me, it was a bit too much. I never liked Barbie's; I always liked Bratz. That is when I was smaller. I am 11 now and of course I don't play with dolls anymore. I am too old for that. Sorry, back to the sorry. I know everyone says I talk too much. I can't do anything about that. Its just I have so much to say and it just comes out. Even when I think, I talk. You can say I am like an open book. There I go again. Going off the subject. I bet your all asking what Jumissy is. That is what I want to tell you. Taylor and I were just after a huge argument. He was being annoying as he always was. He was bored and wanted to know if I would play with him. I said only children play, and we could chill out. Then he left me and went away and sulked. I didn't care as I was talking with my friend on my cell phone. We could talk for hours about boys and who was cute and who was out. Before I knew it, Taylor was back. He had a wooden box in his hand. It had big letters on it that said Jumissy. I never seen it before. "Sandra, see what I just found. I was in Aunties attack and I found this behind all her old clothes in a box that was tied up." "Why would she tie a game up?" "I don't know." "And what were you doing going through her clothes?" "I was just exploring." We opened the box. Then this little glass ball in the middle lit up. We both stared at it. It was glowing. I told Taylor to get a cloth so we can wash it. After we did this, we could see this old man in the center of the ball. He looked like Merlin, you know that wizard. He had long white hair, a huge beard and spiky ears and a long, long nose. Taylor touched his nose. I was about to laugh until Merlin spoke. Then I screamed and between you and me nearly wet my knickers. "THIS IS JUMISSY. I WILL NOT WELCOME YOU. I WILL GIVE YOU A WARNING. IF YOU ROLE THIS DICE YOU AND YOUR SISTERS LIFE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN. IF YOU ROLE THE DICE YOU HAVE TO FINISH THE GAME OR ONE OF YOU WILL BE FOREVER DAMMED. YOU ARE NOW WARNED. THINK BEFORE YOU ROLL THE DICE!" This was so weird. I looked at Taylor, and being the geek he was, he was looking for directions of the game. There were none. So it just looked like whoever got to the finish first won. The problem was that there was one player piece that we could move. I told Taylor that we could just loan one from another game. Auntie probably lost the others. That's most likely because the game was hidden. She should have just thrown it out, but it did look old. Maybe it was worth something. Oh sorry, I am talking forgetting to tell the story. "I don't think we should play this game," Taylor said. "Why?" "You seen that Merlin. I think it's a scary game. I mean I understand if it was play station, but how did a man speak like that on such an old game? "I don't know, that's why it's interesting." "I don't think we should." "Stop being such a wimp. Roll the dice." Then it happened, and after me talking for this long, this is where the story of Jumissy really starts. Taylor rolled the dice and to our great surprise, the piece moved. Then it was like a wave hit us and we were blown across the room. I was lucky. I hit my head against a sofa. After a few minutes and after I said wow ten times and saying that this was such a cool game, I tried looking for Taylor. I looked around to see where he was. He landed in Aunties old clothes. There is something about him and her old clothes! He looked afraid, the poor wimp. He was also looking around thinking what has just happened. After he seemed to calm down he started asking where I was. He must be blind. He walked around the whole attack and could not see me sitting there. I decided to stay quiet, just to annoy him. Then he came to me and said, "Aww, you're cute, where did you come from?" "What are you talking about?" I said, "I was always here!" Then Taylor nearly tripped over himself and looked like he wet his pants. Yes, he did. "You can talk." "Of course I can talk, some people say that I talk too much." "And... and... you have Sandra's voice." "I am Sandra. Can't you even recognize your own sister?" Then Taylor looked like he was in shock, and then he started laughing. I didn't understand why he was going hysterical. He could be a twin, but he was strange. He said he would show me. Then he pointed a mirror at me. I was shocked! I felt like screaming! I felt like hitting someone! I was a dog! Yes that's right. You know that animal with a snout and pointy ears and a tail and paws. I was one of them now. "You're a dog," he said. "That's obvious. But why?" "It must be the game. It said one of us would be dammed until the game is over.." "Why did you want to play that stupid game." "You're the one that wanted to play it. I said we shouldn't." "You should have stopped me." "And when could I ever stop you before?" I laid on the floor and put my paws over my eyes. Taylor was nice enough to pet me, and I liked when he scratched behind my ears, and by the way could hear things that I never heard before. I could also smell things that I smelt before. Taylor said we should try to see what the game said, and maybe it was only a joke. He touched the glass and Merlin shown himself in the glass. "YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED ABOUT THIS GAME. CURIOSITY IS ONE OF MENS GREATEST ASSETS, AND IT CAN BE ALSO MANS DOWNFALL. BY NOW YOU HAVE ROLLED THE DICE. YOUR SISTER HAS BEEN DAMMED UNTIL THIS GAME IS OVER. BUT BEWARE, THE MORE TIME IT TAKES YOU TO DO MY CHALLENGES, THE MORE SHE WILL BECOME A DOG. IF YOU ARE TOO SLOW. SHE WILL REMAIN A DOG. THE QUESTION IS HOW MUCH DO YOU LOVE YOUR SISTER?" Then the board swirled around, and when it stopped there were only a few boxes going around the glass ball. Our piece was on number one. Taylor tried to lift it, but it was stuck. Merlin began to speak again, "TO GET TO BOX NUMBER TWO. YOU WILL HAVE TO DO A SMALL THING. YOUR MOTHER THINKS THAT YOUR SISTER IS ON HOLIDAYS, SO YOU DO NOT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT THAT. BUT TO GET TO NUMBER TWO, YOU HAVE TO WEAR GIRLS PANTIES FROM NOW ON. YOU HAVE TO TAKE THE BRIEFS OUT OF YOUR DRESSER AND FILL THEM WITH PANTIES." The box closed. Taylor looked like he was in shock (again). He said no way and ran down to his room. I laughed for a while thinking that this was a weird request. It would make Taylor more of a wimp than he already was. Then I thought what if he doesn't do it. I knew my brother and I knew that he would never do anything like this. I went down to his room after I practiced a bit going on 4 legs. It's hard going on 4 legs when you are used to two. But I tried standing on two legs and that was worse. I had to get him to wear girl panties. If I was a boy, I wouldn't. It would be too strange and to weird if I was a boy and was forced to wear girl's clothes. It would be too gay and sissy like. The problem was that I was a dog, and if he didn't do the weird things in this game, then I would become more and more like a dog. No way did I want to be a dog for the rest of my life. I came into Taylor's room and told him he can use my panties. Then we can get this stupid game over with. "No way. That means I have to throw out my undies. I will be like a sissy. I am a boy and definitely not a sissy. This game is too weird." "It couldn't get worse. I mean just do this so we can get that game over with." "No." "Then I will be a dog for the rest of my life." "That would be cool. A talking dog. I could be rich!" "Stop! I could also pee on your bed, and give you rabies or something." "And then I could tie you outside." "Please think about the panties. In the meantime, I wasn't something to eat." We went down to the kitchen and Taylor was rummaging through the cabinets and drawers. He found two dog bowls and put them on the floor. I was about to protest that I am not eating from them, and then I figured that is what dogs eat from. He made a sandwich and put it in the bowl. He was nice enough to make my favourite one. I tried to eat it, but it taste like crap. Taylor started looking again and found some dog food we had when we were taking care of the neighbour's dog. He poured it into the bowl. It looked so disgusting and gross. But the more I smelled it, the nicer it looked. It's obvious that dogs have a different sense of smelling than humans do. I started eating and then after a few minutes I started trying to eat as much as possible and as quick as possible. I could feel my tail wagging. It was so nice to eat. I really loved it. After Taylor let me out in the back garden to go to the ladies bush, we went up to his room. I was sad. A few hours ago I was a girl. Now I was a dog that really liked dog food. Taylor noticed that I was sad. We must have sat in his room for a few hours. Me lying on the floor that isn't that hard when you're a dog and him lying on the bed. "I understand that wearing panties is embarrassing. I really do understand that you don't want to wear them," I broke the silence. "We should never have started the game." "I know. I just have to get used to being a dog I suppose. I best get used to it. I mean the dog food was nice and I don't have to go to school. I can just eat bones all day. I would like to wear make up. I am sure you will help me with that. It was my fault that I insisted we should play Jumissy. So I am sure that I can live with the consequences." I went on and on talking and talking. "Sandra. I have already thought about it. I will not let you live your life as a dog. I love you too much for that. We just have to do what Merlin tells us, and get this over as quick as possible." I asked him if he was wearing panties and then he pulled down his pj and showed me my panties that he was wearing. He admitted that they actually felt nice and soft. He never thought there could be such a difference between boys and girls underwear. I was surprised that he was so honest, but then again, I was a dog and ate dog food. Which is worse, wearing panties or eating dog food? He also showed me that he moved all my panties over to his drawer. I tried not to laugh, as I knew that he was doing this for me. Maybe he was not that bad after all. "I tried moving the game piece, but it didn't bulge," he said, "I don't know what mom will say when she sees that have taken your panties." "That's because you have to wear them to school. Let's hope that Mum doesn't get mad at you." The next morning Mom came in. "Taylor, where did that dog come from?" "Uhmm, it's a lost dog Mom. I am taking care of it until we can find its owner. Can I do that Mom?" "That's so kind of you. I will buy some dog food today. Just make sure the dog does not make a mess in the house." "No Mom, she is well trained." Mom started finding Taylor's clothes for the day, and she looked shocked when she looked in my brother's briefs drawer. "Taylor. I am sure you have a good explanation why your sisters panties are in your drawer" Mom said as Taylor went totally red. I bet he wished that the ground would swallow him up. I felt the same; If Mum knew that the dog lying there was her daughter, which would be even more embarrassing. "You see mum, I had, I have, I have a problem." "Explain what the problem is." "I have a rash. I tried on her panties because so I don't feel the rash." "Oh, so how do they feel?" "They are nice and soft." "Taylor, sometimes when children are your age, they go through an identity stage, some boys think they are girls. You are brave for experimenting. I read a lot about this and it is important that I support you." "But Mum its not because I like them, I just think I need them now." Mum just walked out, she read too many magazines. Taylor was very quiet at school. I told him not to worry about it, as no one could see that he was wearing panties. He didn't really notice, he just pulled up his trousers about a million times incase they would fall and show what he was wearing. After school I walked along with him. He was with his friend Eddie that I always thought was a bit strange. "You look a bit different today," Eddie said. "Err, how?" Taylor looked confused. "You just look different. I'm not gay. It's just you look nicer.." I knew it, he was gay. Taylor didn't say anything and we just rushed home. I tried to talk to Taylor about Eddie, but he didn't listen. Mum told him to look in his drawer when we came home. On the bed there was dog bowls and a collar and leash as well as food. Good I was hungry. Taylor thought it was so funny putting a collar on me. I think it felt so strange, like now I was his. Deep down inside me I liked the idea of someone taking care of me. I begged Taylor for some food. I couldn't believe that I was begging someone for dog food. He petted me and gave me some food. Then he opened his drawers and said, "Mum bought me panties and here is a note saying she will support me and I should not be embarrassed to know who I am." It was time to end this game, so we rushed up to the attack and the game piece moved one piece to number two. We sighed with relief. Merlin appeared again and after yawning he said, "YOUR BACK. I DIDN'T EXPECT YOU SO SOON. MOST BOYS TAKE DAYS TO PUT PANTIES ON. BUT ITS GOOD THAT YOU ARE BACK BECAUSE THE LONGER IT TAKES, THE MORE YOUR SISTER WILL LOOSE HER HUMANITY. SHE WILL FORGET HOW TO BE A HUMAN AND BE MORE AND MORE LIKE A DOG. HOW MUCH DO YOU LIKE YOUR SISTER? TO GET TO NUMBER 3, YOU HAVE TO START WEARING NIGHTDRESSES TO BED, NO MORE BOYS PJS. WHEN YOU HAVE YOUR OWN NIGHTDRESSES, THEN COME BACK." "No way am I wearing nightdresses," he shouted in the room. "Look Taylor, tomorrow is the last day of school. Then we can get this strange game over and done with. Then we can enjoy the rest of our holidays." "No way. I am not even used to these panties and I have to be a girl at nighttime. I will not do it. I will not." There was no use to talk with him, and to be honest I quite understood him. We were quiet when we went for a walk so I could relieve myself. I wanted to say thanks for trying the panties, but I could see that my brother was in turmoil. I felt sorry for him. I felt sorry for myself that I was a dog. Why did we ever start playing the game? The next morning was the last day of school. I waited outside while Taylor was inside. He should have been in a great mood because it was the last day of school. But I could see through the fence that he was sad. He was thinking about what he should do and if there was any way we could just burn the game. Of course if we burnt the game, then we would be stuck where we were, and I would in time forget that I had a brother and be a dog forever. What I didn't know was that Taylor was thinking. He liked the panties, but he didn't like the idea of being a sissy. He had a reputation to keep. He didn't consider himself as a wimp, and didn't want to be teased. At the same time, when he was thinking of this, he thought about me. A sister that could be bossy and annoying, but a twin sister that was part of him. He could not let me down and let me be a dog for the rest of my life. In the afternoon, I was taking a nap when this man started petting me. Then he took a stick and threw it. I ran wagging my tail towards the stick. I bought the stick back to him. He must have thrown the stick a hundred times and I didn't even get bored of it. This confused me. Either I was so bored that I didn't care or I was really starting to like what dogs do. When we came home Taylor was sitting on his bed. "I tried moving the piece," he said, "it didn't move." "No because it wants you to wear a nightdress. I wonder why?" "To see how much I love you. I am just afraid that I will like it. I have no one to tell about what I am feeling." "You can tell me." "Its too embarrassing. I can't tell my sister." "Look at me. I am a dog. What can be more embarrassing? We are in this together. We are twins. We must trust each other." "I am wearing girl panties and I- I like them. They make me feel so pretty and they are you know, nice. What about if I like the nightdress. Then I might as well be a girl." "Do you have anything against being a girl?" "No. It's just what will my friends say that I am a sissy." "We have school holidays now. I think you should do what you want. I will support you.." "Thanks sis." "As long as you give me some food. I am starving. I can eat a horse." "That's probably what is in dog food." We went to my room and Taylor found one of my old nightdresses. It was a yellow and white one with a bit lace and two hearts in the front. I had ones that were a bit more boyish, but he picked that one. He asked me to turn around while he got changed. I said why? He can see me naked. Well I had fur, but I was naked, and he seen me pee and everything. He looked well cute in his panties. I could also see why he could look like a girl. His little pecker was very little. If you didn't look hard, you wouldn't think there was a boy's thing behind the panties. I decided not to tease him as he was doing this for me. Maybe he was also doing it for himself. He did look cute in a nightdress. Like a doll. We were watching TV in his room, hiding from Mom. But that was a waste of time. Mom came in while we were there. Of course she didn't notice me. But she did notice Taylor wearing a nightdress. "Taylor, do you miss your sister?" she asked. "It's hard to miss her." "I thought that is why you are wearing her nightdress now." "No. It's just something I have to do. It feels nice I mean." "I will support you as much as a Mom can. We can buy you your own nightdresses tomorrow." Mom was on her way out when she looked back. "I nearly forgot to say, that I was going to tell you that you need a haircut. It is very long. But maybe we should let it grow long and just straighten it out a bit. We can go to you're the hairdresser shop that your aunt owns and works in." "But Auntie only does women and girls." "I am sure she will also do yours." That night Taylor slept like a log. He also admitted the next morning that he slept very well. I said it must be because of the nightdress. He laughed and said it was most likely because it was summer holidays. I hung around the house all day when he went to auntie's hairdresser. There was nothing for me to do except nibble on a toy bone that mum left me. At first I did it because I was bored, but then I had to try to eat the bone. It tasted so good. Before I knew it, Taylor was home. If I could scream, I would. But I just went up to his room and told him to tell me everything. "We came to the shopping center," he started, "then Mum took me in this clothes shop. She bought me three nightdresses. They seemed quite childish to me, but cute at the same time. I mean I never seen you with a Barbie one or with some care bears. She of course noted that I was smiling when I seen them. "Then she bought loads of dresses. They were all so pretty. I think she got them for you because she held them up against me and said they would fit. "She also got shorts and t-shirts and socks and panties. I don't know if you will like them. They are something a 6 year old will wear. "At one shop she even got some diapers. I told her it was a mistake, but Mum said it was for a friend. "Then we came to Aunties hairdresser. It was all girls that were there, so I was dead embarrassed. Auntie also made a mistake. She said, 'Everyone, this is my niece, I mean nephew.' I went so red in the head. I know my hair is long, but anyone can see that I am still a boy. "Auntie started clipping my hair. "'Make it you know look like it should,' Mum said. "'What do you mean?' Auntie said. "'I think they found it.' "'You mean IT?' "'I am prepared.' "'I will do my bit. I know how it should look.' "I didn't have a clue what they were talking about. I just saw her clipping at my hair. Do you see what she did; it looks like a Dakota Fanning's hair! She even put a hair glower in to hold back the hair in my forehead. Don't say I look like a girl. I already know. I took the flower clip out and I messed up my hair a bit. That helps. "Then Auntie said we could come again. "Mum was a bit strange today. On the way home she said, 'Should we get something for Sandra, I mean should we get something for your dog?' "I laughed. If she only knew the dog was you. We got some food and toys for you as well as a little basket you can sleep in." I wagged my tail as he was saying this. He did look like a girl with his new hair. He also looked happy after so much shopping. I know boys in my class that would think that shopping with your Mum all day would be as boring as anything. I didn't think that much how he looked like a girl, as he took out my basket and I laid in it. It was so comfy. I liked it a lot. I was just about to take a nap when he said that we should go up to the game. I thought what game, but remembered. I sighed thinking that a nap would have been nice. We opened the game. The piece moved to number 3. Merlin appeared. "WELCOME TO MY BROTHER AND SISTER WHO IS NOW WELL ON THE WAY. I SEE THAT SANDRA DIDN'T FEEL LIKE COMING UP. YOU CAN SEE SHE IS BECOMING MORE AND MORE OF A DOG EVERY DAY. AND AS FOR YOU TAYLOR, YOUR HAIR MAKES YOU LOOK MUCH YOUNGER AND QUITE GIRLISH. THIS GAME BECOMES MORE AND MORE SERIOUS. TIME IS RUNNING OUT. HOW MUCH DO YOU LOVE YOUR SISTER? YOUR NEXT JOB IS TO START WEARING TIGHTS ALL THE TIME. WHEN YOU HAVE DONE THIS THEN COME BACK." Taylor was ready to throw the game out the window, but then he remembered that I would stay like this for the rest of my life. We went out so I can relieve myself and then I went in to my basket. It was time to take a nap. However, I couldn't because he was walking back and forth. "It's not that bad. It's summer, no one will ever know," he said trying to assure himself. I knew that he wanted to, but didn't want to. He was more and more a sissy every day. Maybe this was hidden inside him, that he was a sissy on the inside, and now we are seeing his true self. I suggested that he loaned one of the tights mom got him that day for me. I mean I won't be using them for the time being. Taylor snuck into the room with a pair. After me explaining how to put them on, he finally had them on. They were white ones with little ladybugs. I thought why did Mum buy me those? They were so childish that I would never wear them. I hoped that Taylor would wear them out. Taylor was surprised. "They feel so good and soft. I can't believe how they feel. Why can't boys wear these? Look at them they are so nice and soft. I will wear them for as long as Merlin wants. For once he is right." I feel asleep. It was time to take my nap. That night Taylor had to go to the toilet. Auntie saw him in his nightdress and tights. She smiled, but didn't say much. The next day Mum came in with the tights she bought and put them in Taylor's drawer. she said that she will support him (we were getting tired of hearing this) and Taylor now had as many tights and nightdresses and panties that he needed. Later that day this man came to the door with a huge package. I was wagging my tail thinking what it could be. Maybe a doghouse. But was the man put it together, we could see that it was a crib. Both Taylor and I looked confused. A crib? Is Mum pregnant, or could Auntie be pregnant? Mum said just to put it in my room, and take the bed out, as it would be a while before I came home, so I could just loan my room. I was mad. She was giving my room to someone else, what happened when I became myself again. Would I get my room back? I went up to my basket to chew on a bone that was there. "We should go up to Merlin and see what surprise he has now." "He will probably cut your WOOF off." "What? Come on we have to go!" "I'm tired. Can't I just woof in my woof." "Sandra, listen to yourself. You are forgetting how to speak. We have to go up to Merlin!" I thought about what I just said, and he was right. I was forgetting human language. I was starting to speak like a dog! We rushed up to the attick. As soon as we came in, the game opened up by itself. We nearly freaked out. "HURRY UP YOU TWO. TIME IS GOING QUICK, AND YOU DO NOT HAVE TIME. LOOK AT YOUR SISTER. SHE IS ENJOYING BEING A DOG AND IS FORGETTING HOW TO BE A HUMAN. SHE DOES NOT EVEN WANT TO COME UP HER. AS FOR YOU TAYLOR, YOU ARE FINDING WHAT HAS BEEN HIDDEN INSIDE YOU FOR YEARS. YOU ARE ASKING YOURSELF WHY DO YOU LIKE WEARING THESE SISSY CLOTHES. IS IT BECAUSE YOU LOVE YOUR SISTER OR IS IT BECAUSE YOU LOVE WHAT YOU ARE WEARING? FOR THE NEXT CHALLENGE, YOU WILL KNOW YOURSELF WHEN YOU HAVE TO COME UP TO ME AGAIN." This time it was like a hurricane hit the room. We were flying through the air. I wished I was a cat, then I would land on my legs. I was stuck in a corner when I saw a pink lightning bolt. It hit Taylor in his stomach. He laid on the floor. I ran up to him and licked his face. His eyes were closed and he didn't move. I tried shaking him, but he didn't move. "Taylor wake up. Don't die on me. Wake up. I need you. Not just to be normal again. I need my twin brother. Please Taylor, wake up." Taylor didn't move. I went over to the game. Merlin was gone. I started growling and saying how could he do this to Taylor? But he was gone. The game was dead without the usual glow. Then I heard a voice behind me asking what is wrong? It was Taylor. He was alive. I started to wag my tail and lick him all over. "What did Merlin say we had to do?" he asked. "Woof grrr... I mean he told us we would know when it's time to come up to him again." "Great. At least I don't have to wear make up or anything weird. Maybe he is giving us a free day." "Grr." "Sandra, you have to think about speaking and not dog language." "I can't help it. When I just speak it just comes out like that." "Then the last thing we need is a day off. We should come here tomorrow." Taylor took me out for a walk. I was now thinking about life as a dog. It was great to be honest. You can nap around all day and I loved dog food. The only thing I hated was that Taylor had to take me outside and then I would have a leash on. He was so slow that the leash kept holding me back. I know at the start we would walk side by side and talk when no one was there, but now I just wanted to explore every bush and see what the different smells were. That night I slept in my basket, dreaming about the best dog food that I could eat. The next day I saw Taylor crying. Every day he was becoming more and more like a girl. He was running around his bed trying to change it. I asked what all the fuss was. He said that he wet the bed, and this is the first time that he did it since he was a baby. I thought of saying to him that he was a baby, but decided that I should be kind. I explained it was probably the stress over this game, and he just wet his bed. He seemed to calm down about this and accepted that this could be the case. Later that day I walked down to the sitting room. I tried to sit on the seat but mum whooshed me off. She obviously didn't want my hair on the sofa. "Mum," Taylor said. "Yes darling." "I was thinking if I could be allowed to start at something. Something that I always wanted to do." "What is it sweetie?" "I am afraid you will be mad and not like what I want to do." "Well I don't know if you don't tell me." "Its b-b-ballet. Please Mum, I really want to do it." "You do know that Madame Natasha's school makes everyone wear tights and leotards. Its not just shorts and a t-shirt. Madam Natasha is also in the next town." "I know. I don't mind." "I will think about it and we can talk about it later." Taylor ran and I ran up to the attack. The piece did not move yet. Then we went down to his room. "Taylor, why do you want to start doing ballet?" "I thought that it would help us get to the next box in the game." "Are you sure that is not just an excuse." "No. I feel embarrassed about what I feel. But since I tried being a small bit of a girl, its just like the game gives me an excuse. I should feel ashamed, but I feel so happy about playing as a girl. I am not a girl. Its just fun pretending. Maybe I just want to try ballet. Maybe I will like it." "I think you might be a bit too old." "I don't care. I just want to try it. I feel sorry that you are a dog. I will finish this game. But its not just for your sake, it's also for my sake." "Being a dog is actually woof. I mean woof. It's fun. I just don't want to turn into a dog. But please can I have that good dog food and not the boring old cheap one." "Ok, come on." Mum came in just as I was eating. There are no table manners when you're a dog. You tend to forget them. Mum asked Taylor who he was talking to, and then walked in. I nearly choked on my food. "I thought about ballet. Are you sure you don't want to tell me about how you are changing lately. Is it some dare or some game?" "It- it doesn't matter. Can I start?" "I thought about it. The problem is that you will be teased for going to ballet in those clothes. So I thought that you could go and pretend that you are a girl." "A girl?" "Yes. Then you won't be teased. Your hair is long enough and you have a girlish body and face. No one will notice you're a boy." "But they will see my wiener under the boys clothes." "I don't want to insult you. But you were not blessed with a big wiener. They would never notice. What do you say, do you want to go as a girl?" "I suppose if that's what you think its best." "I talked with Madam Natasha, and said you would be starting tomorrow. We have to do your hair and you can use some of those clothes I bought you." We were just about to sleep. I could see that Taylor was not smiling when Mum was telling him. I couldn't believe that he said yes to it. But afterwards, I saw that he was smiling. He was looking forward to being a girl. It was just a game for him over the summer holidays, but this game was dangerous. It was changing him, and it was changing me. I no longer dreamed about Steve, this boy I fancied. I dreamt about dog's things. Every day I was forgetting more and more like what it was being a girl. It freaked me out when we were no longer afraid of Jumissy, but accepting our new fates. We were actually beginning to like who we were. The next morning Taylor was crying again. He wet his bed again. The poor baby. This was now the second day in the roll. Deep down I thought he was no a bed wetter. This must have made him so sad. One thing since this game started, I have started understanding and feeling sorry for Taylor. If this happened before, I would have such a fun time teasing him. But now I was the opposite. Maybe it was because sometimes I forgot that he is not my master. He is my brother. Now I didn't tease or give him a bad time. In some ways he is my master. Mum came in and didn't really say anything about the wet sheets. She told him to sit on the bed. She gave him some new panties on. They were nice sweet ones that had these cute little bears on them, with two ribbons towards the sides. "Oh Mum, they look so pretty. You can hardly see that I am a boy." "I don't think anyone thinks you're a boy anymore." Then she put on some white tights. I nearly laughed, because I could hear Taylor moan as they were pulled up, "You really like the tights now," Mum noticed "Yes, I like the way they feel and my legs and how they look. I think they are so nice on me." "They make your legs look a bit more girlish?" "You think so?" "I don't think you look like a boy with them or without them." I couldn't believe that Mum was saying that he looked like a girl, and that Taylor did not get mad. The next thing that he wore was this black leotard. It looked so snug on him. I thought he would really fool everyone with a tutu on his. He would look like a little ballerina. "Oh Mum, it's so beautiful. The only problem is that I don't have any boobs.." "Actually you do. I never noticed the lumps you had there before." Taylor felt his breasts. They were not the size that I had, but they were noticeable. It must have been when the pink lightning was in the attic. I looked even closer. They did look like little boobs. Mum started explaining that he could wear the leotard to ballet and say he will take a shower when he comes home. Then she showed him what he would be wearing. It was a summer dress that was white and had some small flowers around the neck and waist. It looked so pretty on him, and I could see that he liked the dress. "Mum, it's so pretty. The dress just sits on me and I forget who I am. I really feel like a princess." A 5-year-old princess I thought. The last thing Mum did was put his hair in a ponytail. Taylor looked in the mirror. He said nothing. I could see a tear run down his eyes and he gave Mum a hug. On his way to the ballet Mum told him that he knew he was wetting his bed. She said that he should wear diapers. Taylor must have looked sad, but he smiled when Mum said many girls have the same problem. She told him that men would be fixing up his room today, and he hopes he liked it. She also said she noticed that he called the dog my name. She wasn't mad because he called the dog the same name as his sister. In fact sometimes she thought herself the dog (me) had some of his sisters personality. So they decided they will call me Sandra. When Taylor was walking into the ballet class, he was afraid that someone would see that he was a boy. It was hard for him to put one foot before the other foot. Then one of the other girls came up to him and asked if he was the new girl here. She started to talk about everything, as they were good mates. She even said that she would help him fix his hair. "It's about time you don't have little girl hair anymore." Then she decided that she wouldn't, as Taylor looked very cute and that they would be the best of friends. She knew they would. Taylor felt happy because that girl thought he was a girl. As he went in, he seen the other girls change when he was there. If they thought he was a boy, they would never do it. The dancing class itself went good. I wished I could see him in his tutu and see the other girls that thought he was a girl. Ballet was more hard work than he imagined, but he managed to get through it. When he came home, he was shocked. His room was totally pink now and it had little baby drawings all over it. Mum explained that it was so that he would be able to experience what a little girl experiences. This made him calm down and Mum laid him down on the bed and started putting a diaper on him. She explained that it was now a girl and this new room is her way of supporting him. I couldn't believe that Taylor just lied there and let his mother change his room into a nursery. There was that big huge crib, that pink colour, a changing table. Just the fact that he accepted a crib showed that he was now totally in a world of his own. A world that Jumissy has created. It was now more than some stupid challenges. It was now changing us to what many of our friends would see as freaks. My Aunt came it. The room shocked her. "What are you doing, you have changed his room into a babies room. A girls room," she said. "Listen, I told you Taylor has gone through some changes. Just like when we went through some changes. We should try and support him." "I am sure that if social services seen this, they would think different. You can end up loosing your son." "I will support my children, not like when we were not supported." Mum had the last word, but I was confused about something's they said. I mean what support did they not get? The next morning I woke up to some music. I couldn't understand some words. For the purpose of writing, I would like you to remember that I was understanding less and less of the English language and many times I spoke half dog language and half human. So its not confusing, I will not write woof in every second word, because you don't understand dog language. Please remember this. Taylor was in his crib. I woke up wanting to go and find a nice bush I could use as a toilet. My master, I mean Taylor was in the crib. He started crying because he couldn't get out. I tried telling him to calm down, but he doesn't understand dog language. Then He found a dummy and started sucking on it and then he calmed down. Mum came in and let me out to pee. She didn't even put me on a leash. She must have known. I heard him say to Mum, "I never slept so well. I wet but I am dry. I think wearing these diapers are embarrassing but no one knows. When I get used to them, I wont need this stupid crib. But I slept so well. I dreamt that I was a princess. I dreamt that Eddie would marry me. Mum am I a girl or a sissy gay?" "What do you feel in your heart?" "Like a girl." "It's brave to say that. Many mothers would rush you off to a shrink, but I support you. You are what you feel. Your body is just like a prison that stops you. Here lets get your panties and tights and your boy clothes on you. Its important that you take this change slow." Mum went. I ate. Then I told Taylor we should go up to the game and get it finished with. Taylor looked away. I said it again trying to speak so he could understand me. Taylor sat down and said, "I don't want to play. I am so happy for things the way they are. I don't want to go back or anything like that. Mum thinks I am a girl. I can do ballet. I have friends there that think I am a girl. I have never been so happy. No way will I play that game. I know this means you will be a dog. But I will always take care of you." I could have bit his leg off. Nothing much happened that day, except I kept asking him to come up to Jumissy. He said no and no and no. I was getting worried. All afternoon I just lied in my basket. He wanted to play fetch with me and brush my hair. I just told him to go away. It worked; at last he said we could go up to the attic. When we got there, the game lit up. We saw the game piece move two places. This surprised us. Merlin showed his face, and for some reason I growled. "WELCOME BACK. I CAN SEE THAT YOU WERE IN DOUBT IF YOU WANTED TO COME BACK. I SEE THAT YOUR SISTER IS MORE AND MORE OF A DOG. SHE CANNOT UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING WE SAY AND WE CANNOT UNDERSTAND HER. SHE NO LONGER FANCIES BOYS. AND YOU TAYLOR. I APOLOGIZE FOR THE LIGHTENING THE LAST TIME. YOU PROBABLY HAVE SEEN YOU HAVE LITTLE BREASTS. THEY WILL NOT GROW ANY MORE. YOU WILL ALSO NOTICE THAT YOUR PENIS IS GETTING SMALLER. IT SHOULD MAKE THINGS EASIER FOR YOU. YOU HAVE ALREADY STARTED WETTING YOURSELF. THIS WAS THE NEXT CHALLENGE TO BE A BABY GIRL. THANK GOODNESS YOUR MOTHER UNDERSTANDS. YOU HAVE STARTED BALLET AND THIS WAS A FUTURE CHALLENGE, SO THAT'S WHY THE PIECE MOVED AGAIN. TIME IS GOING. YOU BOTH ARE CHANGING. "THE NEXT CHALLENGE IS SIMPLE. YOU ARE NO LONGER TO WEAR BOYS T-SHIRTS OR TOPS. YOU ARE TO WEAR GIRLS TOPS. BE IT TUBE TOPS OR T-SHIRTS OR THINGS LIKE THAT. YOU EVEN HAVE TO WEAR THESE OUTSIDE. YOU ARE ALSO TO LET YOUR HAIR GROW AND GET YOUR EARS PIERCED. MAYBE WE WILL SEE EACH OTHER AGAIN." This was just great. Now he had to get rid of his t-shirts. I doubt that Taylor would mind that. Merlin and Mum were brainwashing him. I was not so sure about the earrings. Being a girl is Ok during the summer holidays, but people will notice his earrings when he started school. The rest of the day went like it went the day before. Taylor was turned into a sissy boy to a baby girl. The next morning I woke up by a lot of noise. It was Mum and Taylor changing his clothes again. In went the girl t-shirts and blouses and what not and out went his old clothes. Mum said she was so happy that he is doing this. She said she was sure that his sister would be grateful. I was confused about this. She said that she was also happy about the earrings and we can get Aunty to do them this morning. Great I was to be home alone again. Taylor went out with Mum once again. He was wearing a pink t-shirt with jeans. Of course he was wearing his panties and tights under. He must have been very warm because it was summer. Taylor was aware that many people were looking at him. They must have thought was a boy or a girl. With long hair and a pink t-shirt, it must be a girl. But something is just not right. Taylor's face was aware that he was confusing some people. For a second his old self was restored as if he remembered he was a boy, and he was walking through the mall looking like a sissy. He clanged to Mums hands. Auntie fixed his hair once again. She made it curl a bit at the ends a bit more than the last time. She also cut the hair in the front. It was definitely a girl's haircut. After that she took out this little hole machine. Taylor looked like he was going to be executed. There were tears coming down his eyes and he was praying that there would be no pain. Before he knew it, it was over. He had two studs in his ears. Taylor looked in the mirror and gasped. He no longer looked anything like a boy. He looked like a 6- year-old girl. "Mum, look at me. The new hair and earrings makes me look like your daughter. I look so much like a girl. They look so pretty and I really like my hair." My aunt gave him a hug and say he was their little princess. She was happy that he was finding out who he was and she would try to help him the best she could. On his way out of the mall Mum asked him to wait in while she went in to the bank. Taylor was standing there. He got many smiles from old grannies. Then Eddie started talking to Taylor. You remember him; he was the weird kid that thought that Taylor looked cute. "Is that you Taylor?" "Oh Hi Eddie." "You look different. What's with your hair?" "Letting it grow for the summer." "I thought you were a girl. I was like wow, that girl is hot. Then I saw it was you." Taylor was about to blush or ask him did he fancy him, Even though he knew Taylor was a boy. But Mum ruined it all and made Taylor blush even more when she asked was he talking to his boyfriend. Taylor was silent, and Eddie laughed, saying that Taylor could be anyone's girlfriend. Taylor looked confused, what did Eddie mean by that? This obvious upset Taylor. My problem was that I was beginning to understand less and less of what he was saying. I did understand that he was confused. He liked the way he felt. He thought he could be a girl. He was happy that Eddie didn't tease him. But he was confused to what he was and what he was becoming. He came to me and started talking. I didn't understand what he was saying. It sounded like mumble jumbo to me. He kept on telling me to do something, so I just licked his face to let him know I liked him and it was time for me to go for a walk as well. I was so happy; my tail could have wagged off when he put the leash on me. I was so happy. My master was taking me for a walk. I was confused when he led me to the attic. Then we could see Jumissy. Images of me as a human girl went through my head and images about Merlin and everything that happened. I remembered now that my sweet master girl was not a girl, she was my brother. I mean he was my brother. Merlin showed his face again. "WELCOME BACK. TIME IS RUNNING OUT. YOUR SISTER IS BECOMING MORE AND MORE A DOG. SHE HARDLY UNDERSTANDS YOU AT THE MOMENT. THE ONLY REASON SHE CAN UNDERSTAND ME IS THAT SHE HEARS ME AS A DOG. AS FOR YOU. YOU ARE CONFUSED. YOU DO NOT KNOW IF YOU ARE A GIRL OR A BOY. EVERYONE ELSE SEES YOU AS A GIRL. IF THEY ONLY KNOWN THE SISSY THAT YOU REALLY ARE BECOMING. YOU HAVE 3 BOXES LEFT. YOUR NEXT JOB IS TO GET RID OF ALL YOUR BOY TOYS AND REPLACE THEM WITH GIRLS TOYS. NOW THIS IS AN EASY ONE, DON'T YOU THINK?" This upset Taylor. He did not want to throw out his old toys. They were put in a corner when his room was made to a nursery. That afternoon we went out for a walk. When we came to the park, Taylor let me run free. I loved running free, the air nearly cleansed my fur. Then I stopped all of a sudden. My heart was beating so quickly. There was a dog standing by me. "Wow, you are a cute bitch," he said. "Don't call me that." Then I remembered I was. "It's just that you are so pretty." "Think you. You are not bad yourself." Then the strange dog started licking me with his tongue. My heart was going funny and I felt so strange inside. Was this love? He was just kissing me and telling me how pretty I was. I was in doggie's heaven. Then I heard Taylor's voice. I pulled back and explained it was my master. Then I had to explain to the dog that my master was not a girl. He was actually a boy being a girl. The strange dog thought this was very strange, and said that humans are very weird. Then I remembered who I really was, and what Jumissy is. I felt like vomiting. I just let a dog kiss me. I ran away while he called when would we see each other again. What was happening to me? I just let a dog kiss me. I was forgetting who I was. The worse thing was that I thought a dog was cute. When we came home I expected Taylor to say something. He did not. Then I expected him to say something when his diaper was on. I did see him look towards the box of his toys. He said nothing. When he was put in his crib I went up to him and barked. I could no longer speak. So I hoped he knew what I was saying. I knew he didn't so I called him a baby sissy, and it cant be right that he wants to stay like this for the rest of his life. "Stop barking," he commanded, "I know I should have spoken to Mum about the toys. But things are going to fast. I mean I like girl's clothes and I love ballet. I love how I look. But he is asking me to throw what was left of me out. It's just going to fast. I want to decide by myself. The only problem is that Mum already thinks I'm a sissy. So does Eddie. What will happen when school starts again? The longer I take the more of a dog you become. I am starting to miss my sister." Maybe I was a dog, but he was a chicken. He fell asleep as he was sucking his pacifier. I paced back and forth. I had to do something before the dog part erased what was left of me. I walked down to Mum, who was sitting talking to Aunty. I was shocked. Mum was eating biscuits. My biscuits. Dog biscuits. I walked a bit funny, thinking that I wanted to faint at the sight of mum eating dog biscuits. How gross. "Sandra can't sleep," said my aunt. "I know. I wonder if she is fully a dog yet." "I think she is. She can't speak and I doubt she can understand us." "We now know that they found Jumissy. I thought that you hid it." " I did. I hid it in my attic. I didn't think that you would be coming to live here. When you did, I forgot all about it in the attic." "I feel so bad. Look at Taylor. He is a sissy and gone back to being a baby. Look at Sandra there. She is a dog. I miss her. It breaks my heart. I have tried helping them by supporting them by letting them get over these challenges as soon as possible. It breaks my heart.." "I think Taylor likes what he is going through. Did you see him smile when I did his hair and earrings?" "Yes, it reminded me of you," my mum said. "And what about me. Jumissy was the best thing that ever happened to me. You may have lost a brother, but you gained a sister. That was back in the days when it was very controversial. Now we respect transgender children." "I know. I just want my children to be happy. To be normal." "What is normal today? How far do you think they have come?" "Remember the times when we threw your boy toys out? I think they have come this far. But Taylor would never do this." "Then he needs some help, and we should burn the game after they get through it." I closed my eyes. Aunty was Mums brother and they tried Jumissy when they were children. That explained why Mum was eating biscuits and Aunty was such a Barbie aunt. That explained why the game was in the house. I wanted to tell Taylor, but he would nut understand me. It was so important that he knew Mum knew and she was so worried, that she was crying. Then I thought about what if Taylor accepted himself as a girl. Maybe he was always more a girl then a boy. What if I lost him forever? I would gain a sister. But then I would miss my brother. On top of that I would have to get married to some strange dog. I had to try to get my head together and let Taylor know what makes him happy and that I can be a girl once again. This even though I was starting to love being a dog. The next morning we woke up. Taylor was getting his pampers changed to panties and tights. Mum said that he could keep his nightdress on since it was the weekend. We were on our way down to breakfast, where we heard Merlin's voice. He wanted us to come up to him. Taylor was confused, we have not even done the toys yet. Maybe Merlin was letting him off with it. That made Taylor a bit more afraid. What would happen so? Maybe he would loose whatever boy's parts he had left. It wouldn't make such a difference, as they were very small. But for Taylor, it was the only thing that he had left. We were starting to walk away when Taylor started to scream. His hands starting stretching outwards and then his arms followed. He looked like the plastic man. Or plastic sissy. Soon his own body was stretching and going around in a whirlwind and I saw him go up through the wall. Then it was my turn. I started stretching and barking did not make it stop. There was no pain. I just felt dizzy as I could feel my body swirl around and go through the ceiling. Jumissy was open and the pieces where in the same place. I started to whimper, as I thought that this meant that time was out. Oh well, I could get married to the kissing dog. I could have his 30 puppies. I am sure in time I would forget everything. "YOU SHOULDN'T BE HERE AT THE MOMENT. YOU STILL HAVE YOUR BOYS TOYS. BUT THIS IS A FREE MOVE. IN OTHER WORDS YOU HAVE TO DO TWO THINGS AT ONCE. YOU STILL HAVE TO GET RID OF YOUR BOYS TOYS, BUT YOU HAVE TO DO SOMETHING MORE. YOU HAVE TO WEAR DRESSES AT HOME ALL THE TIME. THIS CAN BE A DRESS OR SKIRT. IT IS UP TO YOU." Merlin left. I expected Taylor to look sad, but he said he knew where he could find the clothes. We rushed down to where Mum bought the clothes earlier. Remember the childish clothes I wouldn't be seen dead in. However Taylor found them and picked a red satin one that he wants that was fluffy in the arms and in a bow in the back. It was like Christmas Eve for him as he said is this not pretty. It's good that he no longer understood me. He must have been there for ages, as he went through all the dresses and picked what he thought was cute and what he thought was not cute. It was obvious that he didn't think like a girl yet. More likely, he was thinking like a little girl. After he put the dress on, he started swirling around when he seen himself in a dress. He was shouting, "Look at me, I look like a princess." I must agree he did. He no longer looked anything like a boy. We walked down to the sitting room. In the middle of the floor there was a dollhouse. Taylor ran up to it and knelt down. He started looking at the small dolls inside of it and the furniture and re-arranged everything. I never seen him smile so much and it seemed like he was gleaming. Then it hit me. He was a girl in a boy's body. It wasn't Jumissy fault. He used to adore Aunties clothes before and hated playing boy clothes. Maybe Jumissy gave us our deeper wishes. No that couldn't be true. I never ever wanted to be a dog. "You like the doll house?" Aunty said. "Yes, its so beautiful. I didn't know dollhouses could be so fun. You can play Mum and dad and then decide how their house looks. It's so fun. Has so much time gone? Wow. Who would have known if so much time would go with just a toy? I wonder if.. I wonder.. It's just that-" "What is it, Taylor? You can tell us," Mum said. "It's embarrassing. I am a girl. I mean I am a boy. What I want now is something that..." "Taylor, you are sitting here playing with a dolls house in a dress, tell me how worse it can be." "I want to get rid of my old toys and have girls toys. I know that sounds strange." "Darling. You can have Sandra's old toys. I think she will be interested in other things. Let's straight away and get your old things moved and Sandra's things moved in. I am also thinking about your clothes. It's about time that you have all girl clothes." Taylor was smiling now. It was so good that Mum and Aunty were understanding. It saved him the further humiliation of asking. Of course he didn't know the true reason why, and it was good that I was able to understand most of what they said. But I couldn't tell him. Sometimes I understood what was being said, but I could no longer talk so anyone could understand me. The next few days were Taylor being a girl, and playing with girl things. He never went outside. But it would also be the same. He would get up in the morning and put something pretty on. Then he would help mum or Aunty do the housework. Then he would play with the toys. He totally forgot about Jumissy. He was happy that he was now a girl. I couldn't remind him about the game, as he couldn't understand a word I said. To be honest, I was no longer thinking that much about it. I was convincing myself that I should be getting used to being a dog. A few days after, after he came back from ballet, he was wearing this white party dress with a pink bow in the back. He was grooming me and putting ribbons in my fur making me look like an old woman's dog. Eddie was suddenly standing at the bedroom door. Taylor smiled and said welcome and just remembered how he looked. He blushed again. It was so cute. Eddie was the first that broke the silence. "Taylor, what.. I mean.. Why.. Taylor looks at you.." "What about me?" "You have a dress on." "Oh yea. I know that." "You are a sissy and why is there a crib in your room and it's a girls room." "It's just that I now like being a girl. I am a girl for the summer and the crib is so I don't fall out of bed." "I don't believe this. My best friend is a sissy. I knew there was something strange about you when I seen you in the mall. You are a sissy." "No I feel and look like a girl. You see we are playing this game where Sandra has to be a dog and I have to be a girl." "Yeah right. Like I am to believe that." Taylor did something that shocked me. He took us up to Jumissy. Eddie looked at the game and thought it was cool. Then Taylor opened it. Everything was so silent. Merlin Didn't say a word. We knew that Taylor done what he was demanded to. We also knew that we done everything Merlin told us to do. But the game was dead. Eddie laughed and said that he knew it was for fun. Listen Taylor. I think you are a very pretty girl. You are so pretty that I want to ask if you would be my girl friend?" Taylor said that he must have been joking. Eddie said that it was true. Taylor tried to be diplomatic and said he would think about it. It was obvious that Taylor was confused. First Edie calls him baby and sissy and teases, and then Eddie falls in love with him. After Eddie went, we went up to the attic again. This time Merlin was there waiting. "I AM SORRY I COULDN'T APPEAR WHEN YOUR BOYFRIEND WAS HERE. YOU NEARLY HAVE FINISHED THE GAME. YOU ONLY HAVE ONE THING TO DO. YOU HAVE TO WEAR GIRLS CLOTHES ALL THE TIME. INSIDE AND OUTSIDE. WHEN I AM SATISFIED YOU WILL KNOW." This was a short message. I could have guessed it myself. Taylor was walking around the house that night saying this would be embarrassing. He could never do it. Then he thought about it and said that he goes to ballet as a girl. There is no difference. He could also be a girl all the time now. He rang to Eddie and asked did they want to go for a walk tomorrow. Of course Eddie asked would he be a girl, and Taylor said yes. Eddie seemed excited on the telephone. Dog's ears are very good and it was fun that I could hear everything. I didn't understand everything but in understood Eddie saying I love you at the end. Was this a mistake or did he mean to say it? The next day Taylor wore this pink and white summer dress. He had his hair in a ponytail where you could see his new butterfly earrings. We met Eddie in the park. It started by Eddie not believing that Taylor looked so much like a girl. They then walked through the park. No one seemed to notice them so this made Taylor calm down. At one stage they started holding hands. I thought they were so cute. I was of course on the lookout for the dog that I met that day. If I to remain a dog, I might as well find a dog that I fancied. Before Taylor went home, Eddie kissed him slightly on the lips. Aww, it was so sweet. Then Eddie said that they were boyfriend and girlfriend. I felt strange the next morning I woke up. I was of course hungry and wanted some pedigree or something. Then I looked to see if Taylor was still sucking his pacifier and couldn't get out of his crib. His crib was gone. In fact, his room was his old room. Taylor also woke up and noticed he was in his boy's pajamas. He went to find clothes and noticed they were boy's clothes again. Then He looked at me and told me I was no longer a dog. I was my self again. I was a girl again. I looked at the mirror and was so happy. Except my hair really needed to be brushed and I couldn't get this urge not to go down and eat Pedigree. Mum and Aunty have tried the same when they were children. My Aunty was really Mums brother. When the game finished for them, then Aunty decided to stay as a girl and got a sex change. Mum didn't really like being a dog, but she loved dog biscuits. Wee had a long talk about the game and we better understood why they supported us. They would also support u if we what we wanted to be now. It was easy for me. I enjoyed being a dog, but no way did I want to continue being a dog. However I became a bit like Mum. Once in a while we would eat dog biscuits when seeing TV. Sometime when I seen a dog, I thought he was cute. But I never did kiss a dog. Taylor decided that he wanted to be boy. He wanted to continue ballet, so he started with a ballet class that both had boys and girls. He also got one of his ears pierced and sometimes I think he wore panties. I am not sure about that. I am not sure if he was Eddie's boyfriend or girlfriend. But I think they were. Finally one day Mum and Aunty was on the way outside with Jumissy. They have promised to each other that they would burn the game. Lucky enough we caught them just in time and said that they are not to burn the game. "Maybe we want to play it again!"

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She’d sent me the details of the swanky hotel she was staying at on the south coast and it looked perfect for the weekend we’d arranged. Perched on a cliff above a wide sandy bay the Grosvenor was an imposing building with plush rooms, indoor and outdoor pools plus a gym, spa and sauna. They boasted that they catered for an exclusive adult clientele so the fact that two unrelated women were sharing a double room was not an issue at all. It took just over three hours to reach my destination...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 845

These are compliments of Smokeyjoe from the land down under: A young investment banker goes out and buys the car of his dreams - a brand new Ferrari GTO. After paying $500,000, he takes it out for a spin and stops at a red light. While waiting for the light to change, an frail looking old man on a yellow moped pulls up next to him. The old man looks over at the Ferrari and asks, “What kind of car ya’ got there, Sonny?” The young man replies, “A Ferrari GTO. It cost half a million...

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Before we get started, there's a series of character's for you to choose from. From Naruto to Jiraiya and from Tsunade to Mei Terumi.

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petite evil part 1

When i was four years old i started wearing stockings on my bare smooth legs. I didnt have any hair on them at all yet as i was an extremely late bloomer. Sitting at the shoe store with my gramma i would take the nylon socks they give you to try on ,which are nylon knee high stockings, and pull them up past my thighs. I had very very petite girly legs with very balanced curves that drew your eye very hard to the depths of your sexuality to fight the demons that plague men their entire lives....

2 years ago
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Jasons TaleChapter 29 One Day At Sea Is Like Another

That set the pattern for the next several days. Every morning we’d go gather up all the drunks we could find, then try to get some things done, have the previous night’s duty section get us underway for an exercise, and come back to port, giving them their drinking money and trying to get some work out of the hungover sailors before giving up for the night. Some of them got the bright idea that it really wasn’t necessary to get drunk every night. Others thought it was required, but those...

3 years ago
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White Guy And Lesbian Girl Prep Me Up For Hot Threesome

Hey guys, I am back again. Yours faithfully, Karishma Singh. I really am happy that you loved my hot sexperience. And, without wasting another second, let’s get into the sex story. Well, was about my hot and sizzling experience with Andre. And, today it is going to be about me and Sam. About Sam, he is a typical white boy with blonde hair. He looks like a model. He is a teacher by profession and I always loved to be his naughty girl and get punished by him. The day when this sexperience took...

4 years ago
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Hockey Buddy and His Wife Part 7

I had not seen Pete or Katie in over a month because one or the other of us had been out of town or not well. I was looking forward to going to their house after the game. We were in the shower after the game and I was looking at Pete's little dick in the shower. “Are we on tonight?” I asked. “Absolutely.” Pete replied. I was starting to get semi-hard thinking about what might be ahead so I finished quickly and headed out from the hockey rink. I arrived at Pete and Katie's house before Pete....

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 30

The machine Person at the other end of the conversation had a laugh at the thought of a Robin Hood-style attack. "We shall act accordingly, Governor." They put their first digital attack into operation immediately. Before long, they had accounts bulging with cash in banks all over the Earth. At the same time, The owners of the depleted accounts became frantic, trying to work out what had happened to their cash assets. There was an automatic assumption that some human agency was...

1 year ago
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A Very Special Friend

This is a story about that absolute fantasy that everyone on this site knows all too well (I’m sure many have lived it!). It was my good friend Rob’s 32nd birthday, and a bunch of us had decided to take him out to the bars and (as only your best friends will do on your birthday) get him royally shitfaced. However, when I arrived to pick him up, his wife Vanessa calmly stated that she would be accompanying us that night, as she didn’t feel like sitting around at home waiting for us boys to...

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Gratification Through SelfstimulationChapter 3

Azelia’s erection has not totally shrunk by the time she gets on the rail for school. She is still totally horny with an almost electric charge in her body. The morning jog was so exciting that with that high from it, she fucked Zelena thoroughly enough. But still, that didn’t even quench her thirst. Her erection is keeping itself know as it forms a nice bulge between her legs. The girl tries her best to ignore it, hoping it will go away before she gets to school. She even sits at the very...

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Crystal builds a college fund Revised

"You don't really want to know about my sex life or nearly the lack of one." I told her. We had joked about sex as Carol was growing up and had our talk about safe sex, I had let my ex wife do the sex talk with Carol. Carol had asked questions about different things about sex over the years but nothing that was personal. "Dad you are a great looking guy and I wish you would get out more, maybe get laid once in a while." Carol was blushing badly by the time she finished saying...

3 years ago
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SEVEN ASIAN BLOWJOBS IN SEVEN DAYSVOTE FOR THE BESTPLEASE SEE:- INTRO AND DAY ONE – MEI- DAY TWO – EMI- DAY THREE – YUZMIN- DAY FOUR – YONG-JAE- DAY FIVE - JOYCEDAY SIX – NGUYET?I was relieved to know I could get a little more sleep on the boat. We were travelling to one of the islands near the mainland, and it would take a couple of hours. My dreams were saturated with images of Joyce trying to coax my cock inside her, my near-death experience oral sex with Yong-Jae, the mystery of Yuzmin...

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Sex With One Uncle In Bangalore

Hello all this is Rahul. Me 21 years slim and very smooth boy currently in Bangalore. This I am sharing my story that happened in Bangalore city just few days ago. First let me tell something about my beautiful body, I have tempting girlish like slim n silky smooth body without any hairs and tiny small bubble ass. I wasn’t been in gay scene but I realized few older men look at me in different way and like wise I watched some gay porn out in curiosity. I saw few movies of skinny boys with...

Gay Male
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Devrani ne jethji se maza loota

Hello, kasi hai app, I also..love to read incest stories in this site I am also..writing my real anubhav Which is unfrogetable This happen 1 sal before to me with my younger brother wife which was married just 8 monts back. About My Family We are 4 brothers & Sisters 1st sis name preety married 6 year back to a Bank Manager having 2 kids 2nd My self married to a sexy women name neha with 1 son name ramesh 3rd sis name roopa married to a Businessman Having a 1 kid 4th brother married abuitiful &...

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The Axe Effect

The Axe Effect. It was a favourite TV commercial of mine. Some guy spraying himself with cheap deodorant and suddenly becoming attractive to sexy young women. It got me thinking. I’m Mike. A gifted, if slightly perverted mind. Only, my perverted mind is limited to finding different things to wank about. You see, unfortunately, I’m not too good with women. Comes with the territory of being a geek. So, I needed help. And a can of Axe would open some doors… and legs. I bought a can, and safe to...

Mind Control
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My mom whores me out

Before I start my tale I should tell you a little about myself. First off I’m a slacker, I know it and don’t deny it. I’m 22 years old, I take some night classes at the community college, but mostly I just hang around the house, play video games, listen to music or watch TV. My dad died when I was 16 so it’s just been my mom and me living alone. She owns her own little clothing boutique store so money has never really been a problem, and so I never really had motivation to get a job. One...

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Chapel In The Forest

Margaret Wallace was your average, everyday housewife. She was born and raised in Queens, NY. She got married right out of high school at the age of 19 to her high school sweetheart, David. They were perfect for each other. They actually waited until their wedding night before they had sex. They were two young kids who basically did what they were told to do by their parents. Margaret was a sweet, young woman who was always willing to help out a person in need. David worked for his father in...

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The Limo

The Limo By Ms. Cleavage Copyright 2007 http://adultbedtimestories.tripod.com We are together in the back of a lavish, new, black limousine, driving from a delicious dinner back to our hotel room, when traffic in the city comes to a complete halt. The night was warm so we got out of the limo to wander around and we make some small talk with the driver who stays seated in the car but with the front door open. You are wearing a long black gown with a deep plunging neckline. The top...

4 years ago
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Am I An Angel Or Devil Part 8211 9

Hi guys back to you is deepthi. First I like to thank all who responded with feedbacks. This is my continuation of my previous parts. Coming back to the story…. After the fashion show is over the time was around 7 in evening. All the boys enjoyed the show and went to have a small night bath in the pool. Shyam ordered me to come to the pool. I was just standing in the side of the pool when they were bathing. After sometime shyam told me to wear the white bikini set in the room. I went and wore...

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The BoxChapter 4

Another week gone and my routine had stabilized. Wake up at 6 AM. Connect to the box. Urinate. Shower. Masturbate in the shower. Shave legs and underarms. Wash, cleanse, buff face. Do makeup. Brush out hair. Put on panties, bra, a pair of jeans, and a blouse. Eat a quick breakfast. Touch up face. Carla arrives and critiques makeup. Wash off makeup. Electrolysis. Lunch. Clean apartment (mmmm). At Julia's suggestion I take on one 'detailed' cleaning project per day. Yesterday it was wiping...

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Handyman Candys Cabana

This is a story about a sexual FANTASY written for consenting adults. If you're not both of those, don't read it. Characters in a FANTASY don't get sick or die unless I want them to. In real life, people who don't use condoms and other safe-sex techniques do get sick and die. You don't live in a FANTASY so be safe. The fictional characters in my stories are trained and experienced in acts of FANTASY - don't try to do what they do - someone could get hurt. If you think you know somebody...

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caught by my sister and her friend

Ah another Saturday morning, mum and dad are at work my older sister is at her friend Kate's so I have the house to myself. First a nice long shower then wearing only a towel I settle onto the couch to watch some porn I have borrowed from my dad's stash, what else would you expect a sixteen year old boy to do? The movie is getting going and I open the towel to release my now raging hard on. The movie is really getting going and so am I, so much so that I hadn't noticed that my sister Susan and...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 15

“Tom, I can’t thank you enough for what you did. You helped us so, so much. If you weren’t there, it looked like they could have backed up and gotten away from Roger. The car they were in is much more powerful than our little import,” Cynthia said as they drove off. “Glad I was able to help, Cindy. Hell, the way you took that guy! You just flipped him like he weighed nothing! He tried to grab around your shoulders and the next thing I saw was him flying into the other one.” “Shit. I was so...

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La Bella and Il Mostro part 1

Jutta Meyer was an only child. Her mother died in childbirth and she was brought up in Amsterdam by her loving, doting father, Lukas. She was beautiful, precocious, and strong-willed from her earliest days, and Lukas indulged her in everything.  Not to say that she was spoiled, for she was hardworking, earnest, and unselfish as well.  But, where other girls of her time in Amsterdam would have been discouraged from indulging in “unladylike” things, her father was quite the opposite. Jutta...

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The Colonels Daughter

When first stationed in Okinawa I loved pop music and on the base Naha or the larger one of Kadena there was an up to date English language radio station which I seem to remember as KSBK. On Saturday mornings they would play the top forty state side records in the charts at the time July, 1964. One day as Ilistened to the station they asked for volunteers to help plan programmes or possible even be an occasional dj though the regular record locks were professionals. I knew one of my colleagues...

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My Office SlutChapter 9

Friday morning saw us delivering contracts and getting them signed. The trip had turned out very successful. We were having dinner in a quiet restaurant, and were off by ourselves, as no one was at the neighbouring tables. Marcy looked at me and then said "I think we need a couple of adjustments to our rules." I said "What did you have in mind?" She said "Mostly it's about fucking other people. Like last night, I would like to have seen you fuck Carol. And truthfully I was so turned...

4 years ago
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A Tale Of ImmoralityChapter 3 A Whiff Of Debauchery

I am Anne. I am the woman who went to Chicago to fuck a Russian concert pianist and his juicy Chinese page turner. Remember? I am also the woman who afterwards whispered "I love you" to her husband while rinsing her lover's fresh sperm from her cunt. By now you must find me disgusting. Please don't think I'd care less. I am not a masochist. I love to be liked. But yes, your disgust won't stop my desire to fuck outside my marriage. It is the spice of my life. Losing it would turn me...

1 year ago
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Charles Helps His Mother Feel Pleasure Again Chapter 6

It was early morning and both were very tired from their ordeals, they got changed and headed to bed, it didn’t take long and Charles heard his door creek open, he looked to see his Mother standing in the open door way. “Is something wrong Mum?” He asked concerned. “Nothing’s wrong honey, I just didn’t want to be alone tonight that’s….. Oh I’m being silly.” She said her insecurity evident in her voice as she turned back to the hallway. “Mum.” He said calling to her, she turned to see him...

2 years ago
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Stepson Fantasies Chapter 3 a Team Effort

Peggy was now in full MILF Slut mode. A week or so back she broke all norms by seducing and then fucking her stepson, Steve. It happened innocently enough, she thought to herself, but it would never have happened if she had been more careful. If she had just made sure her bedroom door was closed during her morning ritual of masturbating on her bed, then Steve would not have innocently seen her playing with herself. Events then took a new course and she ended up with his lovely young erection...

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Bobs Blues the rest of the story

I like Stormy. Actually I sort of love her in my own twisted way. Get your mind out of the gutter, people. I love pretty near all women, so that's not saying as much as you might think. And she's got a crush on me but she thinks she's so smart that the Mensa folks have her on speed dial or something. And I'd swear she smuggled one of those teeny weeny little video cameras into my house and hooked it into my computer so she could see the webcast of Bob's life. But don't say mean things...

4 years ago
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Rainy Day

As I stepped onto the street I felt a sense of freedom burst excitedly within me. I had rashly cancelled my afternoon appointments and decided to skip work for the rest of the day. I hadn’t played hookie since high school so the thrill of pulling a disappearing act for the day was exhilarating. It had been a wet and miserable day, and all morning the dark stormy clouds kept luring me away from my work. I wanted to be somewhere cosy, and warm. Curled up comfortably in a blanket ... with wine, a...

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Craig HillChapter 23

Mark attended church the following morning as normal and Frances invited him to supper that evening. He had hardly got back to his flat when the telephone rang. It was Serena to say how pleased she was that he would be home for her end of term. "It's not a huge do but the whole school assembles at eleven and there'll be some boring stuff about all its achievements this term. Then they have all the leavers up and the headmistress says some public stuff and then says goodbye to each...

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Glimpses of the Afterlife

Glimpses of the Afterlife By Ellie Dauber © 2006 Saddam Hussein closed his eyes for a moment as the noose was lowered down over his head. He felt the rope, coarse fiber against his throat under his beard. "Go to hell," someone yelled. "You first," he answered back. He saw the executioner reach for the lever that would drop the floor beneath him, and he began to recite the Koranic verse of acceptance. "There is no G-d but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet. The floor fell...

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Party School

Choose a boy's name for First Name Choose a college/university name for Last Name Your name is John. You are 18 and a first year student at Doe. Today is your first day. Your first class is a college algebra class. You almost fall asleep a few times due to how boring the professor is but manage not to. Eventually, the class is over and you grab your books and get up to leave. You leave the classroom and enter the hallway. You're looking over your schedule of classes when someone grabs your...

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my first fuck2

this is a true story of my first fuck im 18 yers old now at thes time i writy thes story...... when is was 15 yers old i had my first fuck with a women hwo she was a (35) yers old the weather was a very cold im was in home my parents was in travel me and my big brother he was 20 yers old was in home my brother was in work he was all time geat back home to late (mary) that women was 30 yers old she come to my home outside was rainy she knok the door when i open it i saw hem she was...

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my love

It seems like I've known her forever, though really it's only been twoyears. Whenever I see her my heart warms up, and my mind becomes blank witha happy sort of delirium. Of course, when I had first met her, it had allbeen different... I was at school, laughing with my best friend Alice, when I first sawher. I didn't realize then, the amount of love I would one day feel forthis girl. All I knew then was that I wanted to know her. I wanted to knoweverything about her I could, and for some odd,...

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Turning, she studied herself carefully from the waist down. The soft angora ended three inches above the elongated belly button, which, like a beauty mark, highlighted her tight tummy. And below, like a milk-pod hung between her high hip bones, the curve of her belly accentuated the proud rise of her pubis. Pubic hair, glistening like a golden mantle, barely hiding the protruding lips of her swollen sex. Swallowing hard she opened the door and stepped out into the chill of the library....

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Dun and Dusted Part I Book 7 of Poachers Progress Chapter 8 Paris The Louvre

Next morning Mimi accompanied me to the Louvre Museum, where Alain Courvoisier met us in the vestibule. He pointed to a display cabinet. “This is the diamond so generously donated by the Blanchard family – your family, Lady Greenway.” “I was not born a Blanchard, Professor Courvoisier. Madam Annette Blanchard adopted my cousin, my sister, and me. When the diamond came into our possession it seemed the right thing to do was to donate it to France’s premier museum in her and her husband’s...

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HQporner Blowjob

Watching a gorgeous babe wrap her mouth around a hard cock, and give it her all to produce some love juices, is definitely every man’s favorite activity. Well, many websites focus solely on the Blowjob category, and here I am going to talk about hqporner.com. This is a free porn website with all kinds of porn videos.Of course, I shall focus all my energy on their blowjob category, because that is why we are all here, right? Well, if you are ready to enjoy some naughty pornographic videos...

Blowjob Porn Sites
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Amazon A story of Female Muscle

There are amazons through out the world. Women with strong muscles that dwarf men and strength like no other. There are women that tower over men and can crush a man with ease. These women are also feminine and sexy. They tend to love sex and be dominant. Some are sadistic and other are sensual. Few can match their fiery sex in bed but they love seeing weak men try. They love sexual domination. It is a conquest to them. These women can be warriors, female bodybuilders, celebrities, your next...

1 year ago
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In a Lightning FlashChapter 3

When the knock at the door came, dinner was ready, and the women were dressed nicely in clothing that was both sexy and easy to remove if they got in a hurry. Harriet answered the door to find Jack, looking a bit droopy and down but trying not to show it, standing on her doorstep. He immediately brightened into a broad heartfelt smile when the door opened. “Oh my God! You look wonderful!” he stammered He almost swayed in relief. “Hi! Come on in! I have dinner prepared, and some guests you...

4 years ago
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Blindfolded wife Fucked by her sisters husban

Let me say firstly, my wife has been into the cuckold scene for a few years now. She was reluctant but curious at first, I gave every encouragement and had a lot of patience with her. She started by having sex with a co worker after a Christmas party ( this was planned) and then came home with a pussy full of his spunk for my pleasure. This led to more meet ups with other people, eventually with me present. She has slept with strangers, some friends, older and younger. I love all of it. The...

2 years ago
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Me and Momincredible

"Hi Carl," she said to me as I opened up the front door for her. She gave me a great big hug, and then walked into the living room, leaving the bags on the porch for me to get. I got her bags from the porch, and as I brought them in, I noticed that she had seated herself on the couch. She was dressed in a tight black skirt, a skirt that seemed short for my Mom. Her black stockings went well with the skirt, and her soft knit sweater was very tight as well. The tight sweater showed me...

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Noahs Whore Part 5

The flaming affair between Nancy and Noah had been going full throttle for a little more than eight months when Nancy received a telephone call from an old friend. Tiffany Hanson was a woman she had met at her first job out of college. They had remained close through the years. Tiffany had gone through a divorce two years back and Nancy had spent many nights helping her friend adjust to being single. When the woman would get depressed, Nancy would have her come to her home so that they could...

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The Healing of Scrooge

Charming young thing, my niece, what? Aha, I could see you found her fetching.Not that I've had much time for the tender passions myself. So far, anyway. Retired decades ago, but when business has always come first, it's too damned late to change. Been a bit of a Scrooge if you must know.Cynthia's not really my niece of course. Her grandfather and I went through school together. Blighting Towers. Borstal of a place, but if you forged a friendship there, begad it lasted. Bit like the army, only...

3 years ago
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Rain in the Park

© Copyright It was at the park when I first noticed her. A woman in her 50s I guessed, sitting crossed legged on her blanket, eating her picnic lunch, reading a book and enjoying the warm July summer sun. Like most days, now that school is out, I sit at the park, feed the birds and enjoy reading my Danielle Steele novels when I'm not working. I landed a nice summer job for the town I live in as a painter. My job was go around town and repaint all the town's fire hydrants. That's it!...

4 years ago
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12th GradeChapter 31

I had been working my grain trading program for a month and a half when I ran into my first real problem. I had been selling into a rising oats market, and had somehow foolishly oversold the entire production capacity of all our oats producing farms. I needed to cover some three thousand contracts that I had sold, and I had less than two thousand contracts of farm production available to me. I couldn't really take the farm production either, because our companies used that to produce some of...

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Kelly and Sir cums a lot Part 3

I moved my way up and was laying on top of him and I reached down and guided his cock to my cunt. I had my ass in the air and was using my cunt muscles to suck his cock into me and as I did, I lowered myself down on him. He kept telling me how great I felt and how tight my cunt was around his cock and that made me clench my cunt muscles even more against his cock. I raised up and was sitting on him because I wanted to feel his cock slide past my cervix. It went easier this time and his cock...

2 years ago
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The Devils Pact Slave Chronicles 11 Sally The Gift

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Sally: The Gift Note: Mark once fucked a bank teller named Donna Fritz in Chapter 25. She had a daughter named Sally. Thanks to b0b for beta reading this. Saturday, April 17th, 2031 – Sally Fritz – Washington D.C., North American District “Are you nervous?” Cardinal Jessie asked me. “I am, Mistress,” I promptly answered, smiling up at the beautiful, blonde woman. “You're going to knock their socks off,” she grinned, rubbing my hair. Her...

1 year ago
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A Deal With DannybyMikelh©I came back to life thanks to my son. It was quite inadvertent and I didn't even know I was dead. I was a thirty seven year old widow who hadn't had sex in four years; I had even stopped masturbating. I was a mess.When I was younger, I was always involved with the boys. My 'attractors', as in the song, stood 'way up firm and high'. My makeup was always perfect and my tight skirts left little to the imagination. After marrying too young, my husband's heart betrayed us...

3 years ago
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Hard PromiseChapter 3

And so it began. We started hanging out after our respective practices ended, talking for as long as we could. Missy's mother would always pick her up from cheerleading practice, and Brad was just as happy to stick around and wait for me since that gave him and Lindsey more time together, too. Missy told her mom that practice was being extended by twenty minutes, a little white lie to buy a little extra time for us. When she saw her mother's car pull into the school lot she would jump up,...

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Sex With My Hot Excolleague

Hey, indian sex stories dot net friends, this is the sex story of my sex experience with my ex-colleague. As intended the story will be in the conversation format, please bear it. To begin the story accidentally, I met a sexy girl by name Sheila(name changed) who had a perfect body with size 36-38-34 and the girl is the same where I was working. This girl had become the biggest slut in the office with her sexy looks and everyone looked her in a slutty look. And that I was lucky enough she was...

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The Farmers Widow Mike and Cece Reunite

My phone rang, I picked it up and saw that I had an incoming call from my father."Hi Pops, what's up?"“Mom and I are going to visit your Aunt Barb and Uncle Bill. We would like you to come and stay awhile so we can see you. It's been almost two years since we last saw you. Please say you will come.”“I don't know, Dad. I'll check at work and see if I can take some time off. It would be really nice to see you and mom, Aunt Barb and Uncle Bill too.”The next day my boss said, “Get the fuck out of...


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