Emma's Crush free porn video

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Emma was a "good girl". At eighteen, she had been around people her age who messed around, but had never felt the urge to participate in that kind of behavior.

She was more into observing and reading about life than actually living it. As a result, she began to have fantasies. The main fantasy she had was about Bryan, who happened to be her best friend, Jana's, father. She had known Bryan for four years now and had always thought he was nice looking...for her best friend's father.

When she turned sixteen, she was shocked when she started seeing him in a different light. Hiding her newly recognized feelings had been easy for the next two years, but once she turned eighteen, it was like a switch had gone off. She was legal.

Of course, she knew nothing would ever come of it, but a girl could dream, couldn't she?

Emma sighed. Yep. It would always be a dream.

"What was that sigh for, Em?"

Emma jumped a little and looked over at her best friend. A blush stole across her cheeks. "Nothing really."

Jana grinned slyly. "I know you have a crush on someone."

Emma's eyes widened. Did Jana know? "What makes you say that?"

"You get this dreamy look in your eyes. I recognize that look. I look that way every time I think about Vin Diesel."

Emma laughed.

"So, who is it? Tell me!" Jana insisted.

Emma shook her head. "I'll get over it. It's silly."

Jana tilted her head and stared at Emma. "I wouldn't mind, you know."

"Mind what?" Emma asked guardedly.

"If you got with my dad."

Emma covered her face with her hands and groaned.

Jana patted her hand. "It wouldn't really bother me. I just don't want to see either one of you get hurt."

"Nothing's going to ever happen. It's just that I recently started thinking of him in a different way. I have no idea how or why. I'll get over it."

"It grew on you. I know how that happens sometimes. Plus, my dad's nice looking and a really great guy." Jana laughed.

"That he is." Emma agreed. "Don't worry about it though. He'd never think of me that way."

Jana smiled mischievously. "You never know, Em. You just never know."

"Hey, Dad, can Emma spend the night?"

Bryan looked up from his laptop computer. Taking off his reading glasses, he ran a hand through his graying hair. "Sure, Jana." He glanced at his calendar. "But don't you have to work tonight?"

"Yeah, but I'll see if I can leave a little early. Even if I can't, Emma can find something to do until I get home. You can keep her company." Jana's face took on a serious look. "You do like Emma, don't you, Dad?"

"Of course, I do, sweetie. She's a very nice girl. Let her know she can come over any time she wants to."

"Cool. I'll call her and tell her it's okay."

By five o'clock, Emma was driving the twenty miles out to Jana's house. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach at the thought of seeing Bryan. "Stop that!" she told herself sharply.

A while later, she parked her car next to Jana's and climbed out, her backpack slung over her shoulder, the strap pulling her loose shirt taut across her full breasts.

Sometimes she wished she was built more like Jana, who was tall and thin. Emma, on the other hand, was on the short side and average in build. She would never be considered "beautiful" when compared to the movie stars or magazine cover models, but then, who would be? Emma knew comparing oneself to those women was unrealistic.

Stepping up onto the porch, Emma knocked on the front door, which was almost immediately answered by Jana.

"Hey, Em, come on in. Dad's working in his office. I gotta leave for work in half an hour or so. Make yourself at home." Jana's smile widened at the last. "I bought the ingredients you wanted for lasagna," her voice lowered to a whisper. "I didn't tell Dad you were cooking, but when he starts to smell the food, he'll follow his nose into the kitchen."

Emma laughed at that visual.

Jana led the way through the house, stopping at the open door to her dad's office. "Hey, Dad, Em's here."

Bryan looked up with a smile. "Hello, Emily."

Emma's heart fluttered. He was the only one to call her by her full name. "Hi, Mr. Jamison." In her mind, she called him Bryan, but had never found the nerve to say it out loud. She looked at his eyes and could have sworn they were fixed on her breasts for a split second. Surely she had been imagining that. Wishful thinking, perhaps?

"I'll see you later, Dad. I gotta be leaving for work in a few." Jana commented with a smile.

"All right, sweetie. Emily, you're welcome to do whatever you like."

"Thanks, Mr. Jamison." Emma followed Jana into the kitchen where she set her backpack on the floor by the table.

"I saw him looking at you, Em. I think he likes you." Jana said quietly.

"I doubt it, Jana. He probably thinks I'm too young." She still couldn't get over the fact that Jana was okay with the idea of her dad and her best friend getting together.

"We'll see." Jana said.

Within half an hour, Jana had left for work and Emma had her lasagna in the oven. When it was done, she placed the food on the table along with a tossed salad and garlic bread.

"What smells so good?"

Emma jumped, startled, and dropped the glass of tea she'd been holding. The glass shattered on the floor. "On no!" she exclaimed as she immediately began picking up the shards of glass. In her nervous embarrassment, she wasn't as careful as she normally would be and sliced her finger open. "Ouch!"

Bryan rushed across the kitchen and carefully grabbed her hand. "I'm sorry I startled you. This is all my fault." He led her to the sink where he gently washed the cut.

"It's all right, Bry-...I mean, Mr. Jamison."

Bryan's smiling eyes met hers. "You can call me Bryan. I don't mind."

Emma blushed but didn't say anything.

"I'll get a Band-Aid." He was back in a few moments and quickly bandaged her finger. His blue eyes locked with her hazel ones as he slowly raised her finger to his mouth and softly kissed it.

Emma's breath caught in her throat. His large hand continued to hold her smaller one as he gazed into her eyes. His head slowly lowered until his mouth briefly touched her...forehead?

Emma almost growled out loud. He was treating her like a c***d, damn it. Kissing her "owie" like she was a k**.

She slowly pulled away. "I better get this mess cleaned up. Thanks for playing doctor." She closed her eyes. She couldn't believe she'd said that out loud.

Bryan chuckled. "Anytime, Emily."

Together they cleaned up the broken glass and spilled tea then sat at the table to eat.

He asked her about her interests and they found they had quite a bit in common. They both enjoyed reading a good book, watching movies, researching, and had the same taste in music.

Emma laughed at Bryan's silly jokes, even though she'd heard them all before. He really was a great guy. Too bad he didn't see her as a woman.

Bryan knew he probably shouldn't enjoy the company of an eighteen year old so much when he was almost thirty years her senior, but he did. He kept having to remind himself that she was only eighteen, even though she seemed more mature.

Bryan sighed as he leaned back in his chair. "That was delicious, Emily."

"Thank you, Mr. Jamison," she said with a slight blush.

He found himself wondering what her auburn hair looked like down. He'd known her for years and had never seen it out of it's customary bun.

He watched as she stood and started clearing the table. He enjoyed the view of her jean-clad bottom as she walked across the room.

She really was a sexy young woman. He usually found himself dating the tall, thin women, but there was something about Emma's curvaceous body that really got his blood pumping.

He mentally shook his head. What the hell was the matter with him? He had never had thoughts like that about Emma before. Why all of a sudden was he bombarded with mental images of them in bed, their naked bodies glistening...

Oh geez, he needed a drink. Anything to take his mind off of Emma's breasts. "I'm going into the den to watch a dvd." His mouth had a mind of its own, he found, as he heard himself say, "You're more than welcome to join me."

A blush crept across Emma's face. "All right."

After loading the dishwasher, Emma found Bryan in the den going through his collection of dvd's.

"Comedy, action, or drama?" he asked her.

"Comedy." Emma answered as she sat down on the couch.

After putting the movie in the player, Bryan joined her on the couch.

Halfway through the movie, Bryan found himself watching Emma more than the screen. Her face seemed to radiate as she unselfconsciously laughed at the actors' antics. Her laugh was intoxicating.

Placing his arm across the back of the couch, he gently touched her bun. With a few minimal movements of his fingers, he had released her hair from its confinement. His breath caught in his throat at the mass of hair that tumbled across his arm. It was a lot longer than he'd thought it would be.


Emma's heart thumped madly as she felt his fingers run through her hair, causing her scalp to tingle.

Bryan's free hand took hold of one of her hands. Raising it to his mouth, he slowly kissed then lightly sucked on each finger.

Emma's eyes slowly closed as her insides turned to mush. "Oh..." she moaned deep in her throat.

Bryan slowly kissed and nipped his way up her arm.

Emma turned her face towards him, wanting his mouth on hers. When he didn't seem to get the hint, Emma took his face in her hands and brought his mouth to hers. Their lips met then opened so their tongues could mate.

His arms surrounded her. One hand buried itself in her hair to angle her head for better access to her mouth.

Emma's breasts were crushed against his chest as they reclined together on the couch. Not much time passed before his other hand found its way to her breast. "Oh, yes," she gasped against his mouth as her body arched closer to his.

Her legs opened to allow him to settle between them, his hardness pressed against her. The pressure relieved some of her need, even as it heightened her desire.

Bryan groaned as she rubbed her pussy against him. "Oh, yeah, baby, that's it. You like this, don't you?"

Emma nodded vigorously and grasped his hips to pull him more firmly against her.

"You want more, baby?" he asked as one hand hovered at the button to her jeans.

"Yes, please," she breathed.

Bryan's fingers deftly opened her jeans then pulled them off, his eyes feasting on the light pink thong that barely covered her treasure.

Emma sat up a little and took her shirt off, revealing the fact that she hadn't been wearing a bra.

Bryan sat back for a moment, enjoying the view. "You're gorgeous, Emily."

She smiled a little as she helped him take his clothes off. When they were both naked, they laid down on the couch, kissing and touching everywhere. Slowly, Bryan made his way down to her heat. His fingers played with her shaved softness as his lips and tongue found her clit. His tongue flicked rapidly against her pulsing clit as his finger slightly penetrated her pussy. She was soaking wet.

Emma squealed in ecstasy when he began sucking on her clit. "Oh, yes! Oh, that feels so good!" Emma's body shuddered against his mouth as he lapped up her juices.

He didn't give her much time to recover before he made his way up her body, pausing to nip at her breasts, then taking her mouth with his, letting her taste herself on his tongue.

Emma wrapped her legs around him as he brought his cock to her drenched opening. Slowly, he entered her, allowing her to adjust to his size, knowing it hurt.

Finally reaching her barrier, he held her face in his hands and stared into her eyes.

Emma nodded at his unspoken question.

They both gasped as he buried himself to the hilt. "Oh, baby. You're so tight. You feel so perfect."

Emma placed her feet over his shoulders and gasped at the sensation. He was so deep. "Oh, yeah. Fuck me. That feels so good."

Bryan rammed his hard cock deep inside her over and over again. Deeper. Harder. Faster.

Emma screamed as another orgasm washed over her. Then another.

Bryan's cock pulsed with the need to cum. Finally he couldn't take anymore, feeling her pussy walls pulsating with another orgasm, he let himself go.

After a while, Emma lifted her head from Bryan's chest to find he'd fallen asleep. With a slightly "evil" grin, Emma scooted off the couch and knelt on the floor. Lightly grasping his semi-hard cock, she slowly took it into her mouth.

Bryan slowly woke to the wondrous feeling of a warm mouth sucking on his cock. His hands buried themselves in her long hair as it fell across his stomach and thighs. There was nothing more erotic than watching Emma's mouth swallowing his hard cock. He couldn't believe how much she seemed to be enjoying it. "Get on top, Emily."

Emma gave his cock one last lingering kiss before complying. She straddled his body and slowly lowered, impaling herself on his hard shaft.

"Ride my cock, Emily," he said as his hands grasped her waist, showing her what to do.

Emma was a quick learner. It wasn't long before she'd found the angle and rhythm she liked the most.

Bryan's eyes feasted themselves on her bouncing breasts as she rode him faster and faster. Her hair brushed his thighs as she threw her head back in ecstasy.

"Oh, yeah, cum for me, baby," he ground out.

Her eyes locked with his and he could see that the "little death" was almost upon her.

Her pounding got faster and harder. Her movements became frantic as she worked towards that orgasm. "Oh yes!" she yelled as her pussy pulsated around his cock.

Bryan threw his head back and let his own orgasm go.

Emma's breasts were cushioned against his chest as she fought to catch her breath. "Oh, my. I never knew what I was missing."

Bryan chuckled as his hand smoothed her hair. "Do you think you could call me Bryan now?"

Emma smiled in happiness as she washed her newly awakened body. She was sore in places she hadn't known she had.

Running her fingers through her waist-length auburn hair, Emma rinsed all of the shampoo out.

Bryan slowly opened the bathroom door. Through the smoky glass, he could see a blurred outline of Emma's voluptuous body.

After removing his robe, he opened the shower door and quickly joined his new lover.

Emma gasped. "Oh my, Mr. Jam- I mean...Bryan. You startled me."

Bryan chuckled. "Sorry. Just thought you'd like some company. Want me to wash your back?"

Emma blushed. "Sure."

Bryan took the washcloth and soap and proceeded to wash her body thoroughly. With a few kisses here and there they were both very turned on by the time he was done.

Bryan knelt down in front of her, grasping her hips in his hands. With his mouth, tongue, and teeth, he pleasured Emma.

Grabbing his dark wavy hair, Emma ground her pussy against his face. "Oh, Bryan. Your mouth feels so good."

Bryan moaned into her pussy, bringing her even more pleasure. She tasted so good. He kept up the pressure and movement of his tongue until finally Emma cried out, her pussy throbbing.

Grasping his broad shoulders, she pulled until he stood before her. "I want you inside me. Now."

Bryan chuckled as he kissed her neck. "Yes, Ma'am."

With her back against the shower wall for support, Bryan lifted Emma's legs and wrapped them around his waist. Taking his hard cock in hand, he rubbed the head against her pulsating pussy. "You want this, baby?"

"Oh, yeah, Bryan."

"Tell me, Emily," he insisted.

"I want your cock inside me. Right now."

Finally, slowly, Bryan entered her.

Emma held her breath. The pleasure was so intense. When he was embedded inside her pussy, she let out a sigh. "Oh yes, that's it."

"Your pussy feels so good, Emily," he ground out as he rained kisses on her sweet face. He saw that her big hazel eyes were closed. "Open your eyes, baby. Look at me while I make you mine."

Emma opened her eyes and looked into his. He had such beautiful blue eyes. "I'm yours, Bryan."

He hadn't realized what those softly spoken words could mean to him until she uttered them. She was his. This beautiful young woman belonged to him.

Of their own accord, his hips started moving at a faster pace.

Pounding in and out of her sweet young pussy, he worked towards that ultimate goal. That "little death" as it was called.

Emma's small teeth nipped at his earlobe. "Yes. Faster, Bryan. Harder."

Bryan granted her request, pumping into her faster and harder.

Their eyes locked, they both reached their climax at the same time. Bryan's ears rang from her screams as she came. She was very loud. Not that he was complaining, he thought with a grin.

Emma clung to him as he turned the water off and carried her out of the shower. After placing her on her feet, he grabbed a bath towel and dried her well-loved body before drying his own. Wrapping her in one of his bath robes, he laughed.

"What's so funny?" Emma asked.

"It's a bit long on you." The robe was so big on her. The hem, which on his six-foot-three frame reached his calves, touched the floor on her.

"Well, it's not my fault you're at least a foot taller than me," she said before sticking her tongue out at him.

Bryan laughed and tapped her cute nose. "Watch that tongue. I may take that as an invitation."

Emma thought for a moment then, with a devilish look in her eye, stuck her tongue out again.

Bryan let out a growl.

Emma screamed as she turned and ran out of the bathroom, lifting the robe so she wouldn't trip.

Bryan grabbed his other robe and threw it on as he chased her into his bedroom. The robe hung open, displaying his lightly furred chest, his stomach, and his cock, which was hardening with each passing second. He came to a stop just inside his room. Emma had jumped onto his bed. She stood in the middle of the mattress, her long auburn hair cascading around her, her eyes shining with happiness, a laugh on her full lips.

She was a sight. He had never seen a woman as beautiful as Emma was at that moment.

Like a lion on the prowl, he walked to the bed.

Bryan placed his hands on his hips. With a mock scowl on his face, he glared. "Didn't I tell you not to stick your tongue out at me again, young lady?"

Emma giggled. "Yes, sir."

"Then you shall accept your punishment."

"Oh, no, sir. Please have mercy on me." Emma smiled and batted her eyelashes.

"Too late." Before she could run, Bryan grabbed her ankles and pulled.

Emma laughed as she fell onto her back on the bed.

Sitting on the side of the bed, Bryan took and placed Emma across his lap, her bottom in the air.

Slowly, so slowly, he took one hand and ran it up her leg, pulling the robe with it. His fingers lightly touched the backs of her knees, her thighs, forcing them to open. His long fingers dipped into her pussy for a second before continuing up to her bottom.

"You deserve a spanking, young lady," he said as he rubbed her ass cheeks.

"Do you think so?" Emma asked.

"I know so." Slipping the fingers of one hand between her legs, he played with her wet pussy. With his other hand he swatted her butt. "One."

"Oh." Emma wriggled, grinding the front of her pussy against his thigh.

Bryan's finger entered her and began to move in rhythm to his spankings. By the time he counted to five, Emma was good and ready to cum, but he wouldn't let her. He brought her to the edge numerous times only to draw her back.

"Please, Bryan."

"What, Emily? What do you want?" He paused in his ministrations.

"I want you. I want you to fuck me. Please?" she begged.

Bryan smiled. "All right, baby."

Letting her up, he helped her out of her robe. His hands and mouth worshipped her breasts. He sucked on her hard nipples, nipping a little with his teeth. He kissed and licked every inch of her body as she stood before him.

He built her new found passion up to a fever pitch until she was weak in the knees.

Finally, he placed her on the bed. After taking off his robe, he joined her.

Running his hands down her body, he pleasured her breasts with his mouth.

Emma ran her hands over his skin, arching her body towards his. "Oh yes, Bryan. You're making me so wet."

Bryan's fingers moved down to her pussy, finding it dripping wet. He pushed his fingers inside her, groaning as her inner muscles contracted around them. Moving his fingers in and out, he continued to lavish attention on her full breasts.

His cock throbbed with anticipation as he thought about being surrounded by her heat.

Turning her over, he placed a pillow under her hips and had her kneel over it. Spreading her pussy lips, he took his engorged cock and slowly entered her from behind.

"Oh yes, Bryan." Emma moaned as she pushed herself back against him.

Bryan groaned as he felt her inner walls pulling on his throbbing cock. Reaching around, he firmly pinched her nipples.

Running his hands down her back, he grasped her hips and pulled her against him as he continued to ram his cock into her welcoming body.

"You feel so good, baby. You like this? You like my cock inside your hot pussy?"

"Yes, Bryan. I love it. It's so good."

Bryan continued to pound his cock as deep as it would go, his tempo increasing until he was ready to explode. "Cum for me, baby. I want to feel you cum around my cock."

He pounded into her faster and faster until she came. "Bryan!" she screamed. Letting himself go, he exploded deep inside her pussy.

Collapsing onto the bed beside her, he took her into his arms and held her close.

Brushing her hair back from her face, he gently placed a kiss on her trembling lips. "You are spectacular."

Emma blushed. "You've made me that way."

They lay there for a while wrapped in each other's arms, contemplating the new status of their relationship.

Emma drew circles on his chest with her finger nail. "Bryan?"


"Do you think this is wrong?"

Bryan hugged her tighter. "Some people may see it that way. But if we're happy, what can be wrong with that? There's an old song that says 'If lovin' you is wrong, I don't wanna be right'. That's how I feel."



Emma looked up.

"Promise me something?"

"What's that, Bryan?"

"No regrets?"

Emma smiled. "No regrets." Lifting herself up, she kissed him.

Glancing at the clock, Bryan groaned. "Shit."


"Jana should be home any minute."

Emma's face flooded with color. "I forgot about my best friend."

Bryan chuckled. "That's because I'm so good."

Emma rolled her eyes. "You're gonna get a swelled head."

Bryan took one of her hands and placed it on his swelling cock. "I already have one."

Emma laughed. "That you do." She placed a kiss on his chest. "We have got to get up.

Bryan held her close for a moment before reluctantly letting her go. "I know," he sighed. "What do we tell Jana?"

Emma blushed as she got dressed.

"Um... well..Jana kind of knows I like you."

"Really? What does she think of that?"

Emma shrugged. "She doesn't seem to have a problem with us seeing each other."

"Hmm." Pulling on a t-shirt, he shook his head. "It's no wonder she talks about you all the time. She's been trying to get us involved."

Emma looked at him with a serious expression. "And did it work?"

Bryan took her face between his hands. "Yes, I believe it did. I haven't felt this way in a long, long time, Emily. It's not just sex either, although that's the best I've ever had. I really care about you."

Emma's face glowed with happiness. "I really care for you too, Bryan."

"Well, how about we see where this goes?" he kissed her softly on the mouth.

"All right."

"Dad? Emma? I'm home!" Jana yelled from downstairs.

Emma finished finger-combing her hair. "I'll go down there."

She found Jana in the kitchen warming up some lasagna. "Hey, Jana. How was work?"

Jana stared intently at her. "Oh my gosh!"

Emma blushed. "What?"

"You and my dad got together, didn't you?"


Jana laughed. "Oh this is great. I'm so happy for you."

Emma smiled.

"So? How was it? No, oh yuck, I do not want to know that. Besides I can tell by the look on your face." Jana took her plate to the table and sat down to eat. "So are you gonna go out now?"

"We're going to see where this goes."

"Good. You guys are perfect for each other. Just think. If you end up getting married, you'll be my step-mommy." Jana batted her eyelashes.

Emma groaned. "And you're three months older than me. What am I getting myself into?"

"Don't worry about it. I really don't mind, Em. You guys shouldn't either. As long as you're happy, that's all that matters."

"I can't believe you're so into this, Jana." Emma shook her head.

"All I want is for you two to be happy. If that's with each other, then I'm all for it."

Bryan walked into the room. Having overheard his daughter's comments, he hugged her. "Thanks, Jana."

"Well, I'm gonna go to bed." Jana said with a smile as she left the room.

Bryan's eyes met Emma's "Are you ready to go to bed, Emily?"

She nodded.

"Good, let's go." Taking her hand, he pulled her against his body. Lowering his head, he took her mouth in a knee-weakening kiss, his tongue mating with hers.

His hands found her bottom and pulled her up against him. Grinding his body against hers, he heard her moan. "Oh yeah, baby. You like this don't you?" he whispered against her mouth.

"Oh, yes."

Bryan moved down kissing and nipping her neck. His hands found their way up under her shirt, touching her bare breasts, tugging on her hardened nipples.

Emma's back arched of its own accord. His touch brought her much pleasure. Bryan backed her up until she bumped into the table. His fingers hurriedly undid her jeans, then pushed them off of her. Her thong soon followed.

Lifting her, he set her on the edge of the table, his hips in between her legs. Unbuttoning his fly, he pulled out his engorged cock and rubbed it against her wet pussy.

"Oh that's it. Give me your cum. I want you inside me." Emma said as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

Bryan slowly entered her. As she leaned back on her arms, her full breasts thrust forward.

Bryan grasped her waist, pulling her towards him as he thrust into her.

Leaning forward, he sucked on her nipples, causing her to cry out.

His hips working faster, he pounded into her throbbing pussy.

"Oh yeah, fuck me, Bryan. I'm gonna cum."

Bryan fucked her faster and harder with her erotic words. He watched the pleasure come over her face as she started to cum. "Oh yeah, baby. Cum for me." He ground against her pussy, intensifying her orgasm.

His mouth covered hers, trapping her screams as she came. Her pulsating pussy ripped his own orgasm from him.

Exhausted, Bryan rested his head on her breasts. "Oh, baby. You're going to be the death of me. But what a way to go."

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Crazy Romance With My Crush

Hey my name is Yeshwanth and I am from Vijayawada Any couple or women who live in AP and Telangana can mail me if you want to have some secrate fun, trust me you will have fun we can have lot of fun we can even go to movies and long drives and do alot;).this is my first story in ISSi am big fan of this website Coming yo the story this happen when I am 18 and this is my first time experience touching a girl and that feeling was really awesome So coming to the girl her name is Swarna (name...

2 years ago
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Sinful Secret With School Crush

It was senior year of college and Gaurav was upset about the difficulties he had to face due to his girlfriend’s stupid mistake. His girlfriend Jenny escaped from her home and came to his place so she can run away with him. Jenny was found and taken away by her family from Gaurav’s place. They both were separated and now Jenny was forced to stay the rest of her life in another city. Gaurav felt devastated about the incident as she was a light in his life. He was completely shaken. Being a...

2 years ago
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Bang Bang With My Crush

Hi everyone! first of all I am new to this site but I had an experience so I used this site to share it. Now I start my story I’m Kalanjiam from Mumbai and I’m gonna share my experience with my girlfriend I hope you enjoy!!! My girlfriend name Lakshmi Sinha Marathi girl, very fair,tall like me,and good physique like a porn actress, her shapes are good and her fat are correctly present wherever it should be Now coming to the story I know her from my college we are best friends and I had crush...

2 years ago
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Sue Takes Advantage of Todds Crush

Sue and I have been friends for many years and is my nextdoor neighbor. We always had a lot of sexual tension and flirting over the years, but have never done anything too naughty other than a little making out one New Year's Eve when we drank too much. She does know I’ve always had a crush on her but have been too nervous to really try anything more. We’ve gone out a little more often recently and I’m not sure if we’re dating or not, but don’t want to say anything to mess it. We’re scheduled...

3 years ago
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Psst? I have a secret? Wanna know what it is? I've had a crush on my Uncle Robert for over 20 years. It all started when I turned 18 -- he was 34. Let me tell you a little bit about myself. When I was 18, I was five foot four, blonde, and built pretty well. My measurements were 36c-28-35, a little hippy, but isn't that what boys needed to grab hold of when they're fucking you? I was the youngest of three kids, with older twin brothers named Ethan and Evan. My Mom and Dad are Elizabeth...

1 year ago
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Warning - The following story contains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not an adult or reading descriptions sex stories upset you, do not read any further. The characters discussed in this story are based upon characters that are the property of major corporations. Use of the characters in this unauthorized story are not intended to provide any financial rewards for myself or to claim any ownership of the characters. Cadet Survey Chapter 1 - The Problem Chapter...

4 years ago
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A Story of A Long Time Crush

Aiyanna Tanner was two years old when she met her babysitter, Miriam Dodson. She lived two houses down from Aiyanna’s family. She was such a loving lady and treated the little girl as though she were her own. Miriam could not conceive due to a rare disease of the uterus she contracted at a young age (21), thus having it removed. it was a very difficult time for Miriam because she wanted children. Having Aiyanna around along with the other neighborhood kids made things easier. Ms. Dodson was the...

4 years ago
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A Story of A Long Time Crush

Aiyanna Tanner was two years old when she met her babysitter, Miriam Dodson. She lived two houses down from Aiyanna's family. She was such a loving lady and treated the little girl as though she were her own. Miriam could not conceive due to a rare disease of the uterus she contracted at a young age (21), thus having it removed. it was a very difficult time for Miriam because she wanted children. Having Aiyanna around along with the other neighborhood kids made things easier. Ms. Dodson was the...

1 year ago
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Teenage Crush

100% fiction! This story took place about 20 years ago when I was sixteen. I remember the details like it was this afternoon and have tried to include significant detail in the right places if you know what I mean. My name is Heather and I’m sure I looked like a typical teenage girl at the time and like any teenager was always thinking about boys and sex. I was five feet four, very thin, with short brown hair. My family lived in a rural area of the state and there were only four houses along...

3 years ago
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The Crush

There we stood staring at each other, an awkward moment. It was Jenny, a woman I had had a crush for some time now. She lived a few houses down from me. Her husband was one of these guys that bought a new truck every year right when the new models came out. He also had a Harley, snowmobiles, ATVs, everything. This guy spent money like it was water. And his wife, Jenny, was something to see. Nice tits, great ass, smoking body. For being in her mid to late forties she was in very good shape I...

4 years ago
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My Hollywood Crush

Everyone had their celebrity crush. Everyone. You know that there is a million to one chance of ever meeting them, and if you were to do so, it would be a fleeting encounter, at best. My celebrity crush happens to be Kat Dennings. Yeah, she's not the greatest actress in the world, but who gives a fuck. She has these pillowy lips, gorgeous eyes, and oh my fucking god,she has such a full, bountiful rack! I'm no perv, but I've definitely spilled a few loads over pic of her, especially the "leaked"...

3 years ago
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A Young Mans Crush

From the late 70's to the late 90's we were members of various nudist clubs and always enjoyed the lifestyle, we watched young c***dren grow to maturity and marry. One family we were friends with had two c***dren the boy Tony was 11 when we first met his sister Lorna 8, Tony was a keen photographer and his photos often graced the club magazine he was also a talented artist at a young age.Now Tony as he grew had a crush on Anne no idea why, he would often be seen following her around by the time...

1 year ago
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Dharmesh My Dads Friend My Crush

Hi readers. I am Rajvi. I am from Surat, Gujarat. Currently working in Ahmedabad. I am 26 years old. 5’7 height, fair with long hair. I am 36-30-34. I am more attracted to a mature man. The story I am going to tell you is about me and my childhood crush, my dad’s friend Dharmesh. Dharmesh is 52 years old, 5’9 height, hairy body with a mustache. He lives in our society at Surat. This is the real incident. Let me come to the story now. I was there at Surat for a marriage function of one of my...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Childhood Crush

Hello, Indian Sex Stories readers, I am Rahul. This sex story is about how I got to have sex with my childhood crush in our reunion meeting. To say about myself I am 5’9 and have a 6 inches’ dick to satisfy any lady with a muscular body. Let me describe the angel of the sex story, she is 34-26-36 sizes I guess. She is a sex bomb in my school days. This sex story happened when I am studying engineering. She was my crush in my school days and I didn’t express it to her as I was a shy guy before....

2 years ago
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Unexpected Sex With My Crush

This is actaully expected sex with one of the office crushes recently. Why I said expected because it’s 2019 and sex is everyone’s need.  Before the story let me tell about her, she’s 5’3, fair, a bit modern, importantly introvert. She doesn’t have big boobs neither I have a big dick.  My dick is like 5.5 inch and her boobs maybe 32b. I didn’t bother to ask her and medium butt. Well, I know her from my office. She works in my company but in another project so definitely another building. But we...

4 years ago
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Girlfriend8217s First Crush

Hello friends, this story is about my girlfriend. I always wanted to know about her past life . The thought of her past with other boys always thrilled me, there is always a tingling sensation inside me whenever I had a thought of her with other boys . We were in a very strong relationship and in deep love with each other and I thought these things will wouldn’t affect us . I use to chat with her every night . We use to chat on various topic whole night just in sake to have a each other company...

1 year ago
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The Crush

Everyone has a crush, whether it be a young boy or and older guy, they have a crush. My crush was my high school math teacher Mr. Jenson. He was so handsome and half the time I couldn’t keep myself from rushing off to the bathroom to pleasure myself after his class. One night after I had gotten home from school, my parents had left a note saying they were with my older sister out of town for a couple of days to check out colleges for her and left our neighbor in charge of checking...

1 year ago
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Sex With My Childhood Crush

Hey indian sex stories dot net friends! Let me introduce myself. I’m a pharmacist student of 20 years age. My boyfriend is an engineering student. He’s an extremely well-built person of same age. He’s dashing in his looks and very caring. This story is a real story which took place in the month of June. I had a huge crush on my baby since 9th standard. Even he had a crush on me. And we never knew about it until we were in relation. Our story started when I’ve sent him a friend request on FB....

3 years ago
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Erotic Day With My Crush

Hello, everyone. I am here to narrate an experience I had some time back with my crush. Hope you all will like the story. Hoping for your feedbacks. Pls write to or can send your feedbacks through hangouts. Coming to my crush, we both study in the same college in Bangalore. I met her during a badminton tournament and the moment I saw her I had a crush towards her. She had the greatest assets I have seen. 36 size boobs, with heart, shaped ass, and curvy sexy body. She has a fair complexion and...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Encounter With My Crush

Hello, I am a Indian sex stories reader from long time. Usually after reading the stories I used to wish for a girl who could satisfy me to the core. I am 27 years old and was a virgin until last month. I am lucky enough to have a awesome encounter with a lady who took my virginity and showed me the pleasure of sex. This lady is my neighbor. She is 35+ years old, looks very mature but very shy and adorable. I had crush on her from long time. I used to smile and wish her every day before leaving...

3 years ago
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Just For Fun With My Divorcee Neighbor Who Was My Crush

Hi friends this is ma first story from me rahul rai (my pen name). this is an absolute true incident that happened in my 2nd year of college life. Am basically from chennai from a decent background with a passion for high poctane cars (as all boys of my age) and huge appetite for sex. dint experiment much with it as i had a gf with whom i had broken up a month ago. The Heroine of ma story is ankita who lived in ma opposite house. She had a wonderful stats of around 34(b)-28-36 (which i later...

4 years ago
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My first strap on experience with my first crush

A little about me: I have been interested in strap-on sex for about 8 or 9 years. As a black male in his 20s, finding a woman who is interested in doing this is very difficult, as they are always quick to jump to conclusions about your sexuality. However, my best female friend apparently had the same interest. One day in 2008, while talking on the phone, she says to me randomly "...so how would you like if I lay you on your back and fuck you with a 12" strap-on?" I was caught off guard, but I...

3 years ago
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Workplace Crush

You decide, as you watch her smile beatifically from across the canteen, that this is the last time you do so from afar. Lifting your tray you rise, making a beeline for the table where she laughs with her friend. Your resolve is stronger than it's ever been before, you're certain that yes, this time you'll ask her. Her conversation grows louder as you approach, but for once her lovely voice spurs you on instead of scaring you off. "So what did you get up to last night?" her friend asks, eyes...

3 years ago
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"Aren't you adorable?" Shelley cooed at my baby son. In twenty or thirty years Brian would bring a project in under deadline, just like his old man had last week; and he'd only hear that it was over budget, just like his old man had. Now, he garnered praise for sleeping. "Honestly, Jeff, Brian looks just like you." "She still has a crush on you," Kristen said. Shelley blushed. "I just think that Jeff is a pretty neat guy," she said. Kristen snorted. Now, she must have thought that...

1 year ago
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4 Year Crush

“So why where you staring at me today in class?” “Umm… well…” I decided to take the chance I’d been waiting for since freshman year. ”Look Stephanie, I’ve had a crush on you since the first day I saw you. I think you’re beautiful but was never brave enough to talk to you and tell you.” My heart was beating so hard I swear she would be able to hear it. “Really? Wow I never knew you liked me. That’s funny ‘cause I always thought you were really hot but didn’t think you were interested in...

4 years ago
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Brians Crush

Brian didn’t want to move. He didn’t want to quit his job cleaning rooms at the nursing room. It wasn’t that he loved cleaning up shit. It wasn’t even because he’d miss some of the cool old people that lived there, although he would. Brian had a crush. The very first crush of his life, in fact. In high school, he had sex with every single member of the varsity cheer squad. Something that he was rather proud of, but it had been too easy. They were all thin, big-breasted girls with big mouths and...

2 years ago
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I had a crush. We all do. This crush was like no other. The girl–a perfect ten. Jet black hair that glistened in the sunlight. A captivating smile. Luscious tan skin with a pair of perfectly toned legs which were put on display in the summertime when she wore tight jean shorts. If I could just spend some time with her… If she just knew how I felt about her… If… These thoughts whizzed through my head like cars on the freeway, but I never had the courage to talk to her. She never knew how I...

4 years ago
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How I fucked my colleague passionately my crush

I am a software engineer and working in a mnc, here I got a colleague named taruna. Taruna is simple sweet, strong by nature and chubby girl, who likes to openup with their friends and can talk too frank when she trusts someone. Hopefully, I was the one who always stayed in her trust zone, but because everyone was having crush on her, and she was irritated when come to know anyone having crush on her, I never said her anything.One day we were talking about random things and she was happy that I...

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College sex story of a horny guy fucking his crush

Hey there everyone, I am yash sharing with you all my story about me and my classmate making wild love with each other. Hope you people enjoy ? .So there this girl “harushi ” in my class of B.TECH having a 30B-24-32 figure and as from measurements you can see she was a very hot piece of ass :p.We got a crush on each other from the moment we saw each other first time. Ya even I have an athletic body, which might be the reason. But being shy guy never had guts to talk to her still, had many...

2 years ago
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Long Time Crush

When I was twelve I met a new classmate named Dave, he and I became great friends hanging out, joining clubs and what ever else high school k**s do. His family was from the Phillipines and he and his sister were the first generation born in this country. His sister Mai is the focus of this story. She is two years younger than Dave. I had a crush on her from the moment I saw her. She was one of those girls that even at a young age people would say how beautiful she was. Long black hair,...

3 years ago
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Amazing Foreplay With My Crush

Hello everyone, My name is Piyush and I am from Pune.  I like working to satisfy ladies. I am a huge fan of ISS. I seriously don’t know why the government has banned this website. However, let me tell you about my self. I am an average built guy of age 24, and dick size 6 inches. I used to read a lot of stories on ISS and masturbate and my record of masturbation is 13 times a day. Let’s jump to the story. This story is about how I got to fulfill most of my fantasies with my friend. Her name is...

2 years ago
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An Old Crush

Lilly and Ryan met years ago, back in the middle school, but never really hung around one another. Upon chance, they met again. Lily's dad and Uncle Manny used to go to the coffee shop where Ryan worked all the time. Lilly would go too on ocassion. She kept noticing him, staring at her...from across the room. His smile would light up the room and make her stomach do somersaults. It felt like there was a connection, she just couldn't explain.Uncle Manny befriended Ryan and always found some...

Love Stories
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Fan Crush

It was a chilly, October afternoon, close to Halloween. Jane was packing her things to go on a vacation with her best friend, Eriana. Eriana had planned to take her to Hollywood for her birthday since she's always wanted to go. Jane was so excited and could barely contain herself! It was boarding time and they were on their way to Hollywood! When they arrived, they immediately saw a celebrity, or an imposter...either way, they'd take it. They went straight to their hotel to freshen up and get...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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I had a crush. We all do. This crush was like no other. The girl--a perfect ten. Jet black hair that glistened in the sunlight. A captivating smile. Luscious tan skin with a pair of perfectly toned legs which were put on display in the summertime when she wore tight jean shorts.If I could just spend some time with her... If she just knew how I felt about her... If... These thoughts whizzed through my head like cars on the freeway, but I never had the courage to talk to her. She never knew how I...

Straight Sex
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Uncontrollable Cock 8211 Part 6 A Day With My Crush

After an unexpected message from Nisha and an exciting encounter with my drunk sister, I went to sleep. I felt embarrassed about what happened with my sister, but I literally enjoyed that. Thinking about Nisha and Priyanka, I fell asleep. The next morning, when I woke up, Priyanka had already left for her college. I checked my phone, and there, I got another surprise. Nisha had sent me a good morning message. She was online, so we started talking again. I had a small boner inside my boxer....

1 year ago
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The crush

Note : This story is completely fictional! Jared woke up that morning, happy, because his pearents were going out of town that evening, and they wouldn't be back for the entire weekend. He walked to the bathroom to find that the door was closed but ajar. He peeked inside through the crack only to find his sister, Alisa, standing in front of the mirror in a bra and panties doing her hair. He stared at her for a few moments examining her flowing brown hair, her perky breasts, her legs that went...

1 year ago
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My Hotel Crush

This is story about my hard crush on the breakfast lady and Front desk clerk at my hotel. The people are real I don't know about there names. I stayed at this hotel and a crush on them that's it. The hotel is real and the employees I am 19 and the Black Lady 25 Front desk 23 The hotel I'am talking about is the comfort suites in North Charleston SC on Ashley phosphate Rd I checked into the hotel with my family that night. At the front desk was , she a athletic looking body. Also a nice ass, She...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Crushing My Crush

Hi, guys of indian sex stories dot net, my name is Chitran and I live in New Delhi and I want to share a story and it is based on real events but little changes have been made for privacy reasons. To start with I am 22 years old and a law student. This story takes place 4 years ago. It was just a month before my 12th boards and I have been stressing a lot over it. Students were allowed to stay back in school to use the library or the science labs etc. I had been staying back after the school...

1 year ago
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My friends mom is my first crush

One day I went to my friends home as usual but the thing I experienced that day was life changing.My friend went to a important task to compete and he requested me to help her mother on some house hold work as they were planning for house warming festival in few days.I accepted to help her mom.While working we two were fully covered with sweat. That day she wore a white transparent colour salwar with a blue blouse and the sweat running over her boobs were clearly visible to my eyes as she...

2 years ago
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College Crush

When I first started college, it was an overwhelming and frightening experience to leave everything I knew behind. OK, so it's a great opportunity to meet new people, do different things, "experiment", whatever, but none of that was any comfort to me at the beginning. It was only gradually that I was able to form a circle of people that I could trust and rely on, and slip out of my shell a little bit more. I still think I found it harder than most to adjust to college life, even in the...

3 years ago
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Her Crush

Tonight will be the night that she’ll fucks her crush. She wanted him for a long time. Nothing will stop her from letting it happen. He agreed to come to her house to celebrate his birthday. She cooked stuffed rock lobster tails with crabmeat and shrimps. She made pan seared scallop’s pasta Alfredo. He’s a huge seafood lover and she knew it. She also made a Caesar salad and garlic bread covered in parmesan cheese. The table was set. He rang the doorbell. She ran to the door and swung it open. ...

1 year ago
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An Old Crush

Lilly and Ryan met years ago, back in the middle school, but never really hung around one another. Upon chance, they met again. Lily’s dad and Uncle Manny used to go to the coffee shop where Ryan worked all the time. Lilly would go too on ocassion. She kept noticing him, staring at her…from across the room. His smile would light up the room and make her stomach do somersaults. It felt like there was a connection, she just couldn’t explain. Uncle Manny befriended Ryan and always found some...

1 year ago
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Sue Takes Advantage of Todds Crush

Sue and I have been friends for many years and is my nextdoor neighbor. We always had a lot of sexual tension and flirting over the years, but have never done anything too naughty other than a little making out one New Year’s Eve when we drank too much. She does know I’ve always had a crush on her but have been too nervous to really try anything more. We’ve gone out a little more often recently and I’m not sure if we’re dating or not, but don’t want to say anything to mess it. We’re scheduled...

2 years ago
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Convincing Todd To Confess His Crush

I leaned towards him on the couch. "Come on, ask your sister out. Quit eyeballing her thong, and tell her that you want to tug it off her with your teeth. She is your sister, so she will let you do it. Then once you are both naked, fuck her senseless doggie style. I know you have a big cock, so do it already and quit stalling. It is something that we both want.""Mom, it is not that easy," he groaned through his teeth, failing to make eye contact.I just watched him. 'Yes, eyeball your sister as...

2 years ago
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Summer Crush

In 1988 my parents and I took a vacation to the island of Menorca in Spain. The hotel was a large complex with several building, two pools, restaurants and bars. At night, between ten and midnight the mini-disco opened for kids twelve to sixteen and after midnight it was adult only.The blue water and the white sand were amazing, and I spent the first two days frolicking on the beach or by the pool with my parents. I was sixteen at the time and in the middle of my puberty, boobs growing, hips...

First Time
3 years ago
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High school crush

Gemma woke up slowly. Her eyes registered the light through her lids as she begrugedly let go of the dream that just seconds before encased her in something she hadn't felt in years. As soon as her thoughts cleared however, instead of wishes to return to such a dream, her thoughts quickly turned to guilt. Andrew slept soundly beside her as she thought about her dream.Gemma was feeling good. She had worked hard to bring herself and her body to a happy place. The once overweight girl was now only...

3 years ago
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Computer Crush

It was the first Thursday of the new semester, and I was waiting outside the door of my next class, “Introduction to Software Engineering.” I was joined by a handful of other students, all waiting for the professor to arrive and unlock the door. As I stood waiting with my new classmates, I looked at each of them curiously. It was in my nature at the start of each semester to scope out any cute guys in my classes, deciding if I wanted to pursue any of them over the next few months. So far I...

2 years ago
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I fucked my Hmong childhood crush

After all these years of being a bachelor I decided to settle down with my wife. However, back in July of 2013, her and I broke up for reason that my ex came back into my life. (but that's for another story) Yeah, the same bitch that made me say "Fuck Bitches." Any whores, during that time I got a facebook message from a c***dhood friend. I knew this girl because we use to go to school together. She knew that back in the day I had a thing for her but she didn't know how to react. Anyways, me...

2 years ago
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College cockcrush

I grew up in an environment where sexuality wasn't even discussed let alone encouraged. None of this mattered to my typical-male raging hormones but outlets for their expression were limited. My early experiments were fueled by clandestine glimpses of Playboy at a neighbor's house; later, by the tight jeans and swelling breasts of my prettier classmates. So on and so forth, until I was married and free to indulge as newlyweds often do, for a while.Backing up a bit, there were the inevitable...

4 years ago
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Denise becomes Brandy Crush

Denise:I was so happy with my dad and I respected him even more for his understanding. I didn’t want to disappoint him so I made sure to remember everything he had told me about my mom and her mom’s failures. He had never hid the truth and it helped to know it or I may have ended up pregnant when I was only 11 years old. My clit was hard and throbbing as I rubbed it in the shower and masturbated with the shower head until I came. The news was exciting and it made me so horny to know that I...

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