Indiscretions Ch. 23 free porn video

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Passion In James County IX


By D.C. Roi

Chapter twenty-three

Many miles from Jamestown, some interesting developments were happening on a modern horse farm owned by Dr. Michael Margulies. Linda Margulies, the doctor’s wife, convinced her husband she needed someone to help with farm chores. He finally gave in and said she could hire someone.

Linda personally interviewed the applicants and selected Micky Williams. He was eighteen and had been working on a farm belonging to relatives ever since his parents died in a car crash when he was sixteen. He had been there six months and, it turned out, was an excellent choice. He was polite, worked hard, and neither swore nor did drugs.

Linda’s two kids, Michael, Jr., age 5, and Marsha, age 6, considered Micky their big brother and adored him. He returned their affection and had become almost a member of the family.

When she began to look for a hired man, Linda intended to have the person she hired sleep in an area of the barn they had converted into an apartment. But instead, she gave Micky a room in the house.

Micky was a bulky youth with curly red hair, brown eyes, and an easy smile. He teased a lot, which hid from Linda the fact that he had a crush on her. He thought his employer, a slim, pretty woman with a head of wildly curled light brown hair, was the most beautiful female he’d ever seen. He fell asleep every night enjoying fantasies about her, fantasies he was sure would never become reality.

On Friday morning, Micky worked in the barn while Linda and the kids went swimming in the farm’s big pond. The young man stacked hay on the second floor of the barn. It was warm in the hayloft, but he didn’t mind. He had a clear view of his gorgeous employer from the door in the loft where the hay elevator dumped. It was warm, and he took frequent breaks, during which he watched Mrs. M, as he called his boss, while she laid on a blanket watching her kids play in the water.

The view was excellent, too. Mrs. M. had on an extremely scanty yellow spandex bikini with little daisies for trimming. The suit had a negligible bottom, which displayed most of her firm buttocks and the top consisted mainly of two small triangles of cloth held over her breasts with thin straps.

At one point, Micky glanced out the loft door and saw a car coming up the driveway. Mrs. M sat up, looked at the car, then looked at the kids, who were splashing each other in the cool water of the pond. ‘Kids, come on, your grandparents are here,’ he heard Linda call. The two children raced out of the water and greeted the two older people who stepped out of the car.

All of the people disappeared into the house, disappointing the young man, who continued working. A short while later, the people emerged from the house again. The kids, carrying small suitcases, dashed to the car and climbed into the back seat.

Micky, leaning against the door jamb, watched, his employer, who had put a pair of cutoff jeans over her swimsuit bottom, give the older man and woman a hug and a kiss. The two older people got in the car and it moved back down the driveway. ‘I forgot the kids were going to their grandparents’,’ he thought as he tossed another bale of hay up onto the pile he was building to make room for the new hay which was due to be delivered in a few weeks.

After the car was out of sight, Linda walked across the farmyard, into the barn, and looked up into the hayloft. ‘Micky, what are you doing?’ she called.

‘Ah…I…I’m up here, Mrs. M. I’m stacking hay to make room for the stuff that’s coming,’ the young man replied.

Linda started climbing up the ladder to the hayloft. ‘Micky, you work entirely too hard,’ she commented as she ascended the ladder. ‘You should have taken a break and gone swimming with the kids.’

‘Yeah, I guess,’ the boy replied. He couldn’t keep from looking at his employer’s lovely body as she gracefully stepped off the ladder onto the floor of the hayloft. ‘But this needs to be done, you know? I’m not sure when they’re bringing the hay and it will be a lot more work if we have to stack it downstairs then bring it up here.’

‘Can I help?’ Linda asked. She brushed the back of her hand across her forehead. ‘God, it’s hot up here. Look at you, you’re all sweaty.’

‘Yeah, it is kinda hot,’ Micky replied, ‘but you gotta do stuff when it’s time, you know? You can’t do this in the winter when its cooler, there’s no hay then.’

Linda took a pair of gloves out of the hip pocket of her cutoffs and slipped them over her slim hands. ‘If I’d known how much work having a horse farm was before we bought this place,’ she said, ‘I think I’d have asked my husband to build us a hamster farm instead.’

Micky laughed. ‘Yeah, hamsters would be a lot less work,’ he said. ‘But you can’t ride them.’

‘I guess,’ Linda said. ‘But they make a lot less manure, and a bale of hay would last a year.’

‘Yeah, right,’ Micky laughed. ‘If you want to help, why don’t you get up there on that pile of bales over there. I’ll hand the bales up to you and you can stack them.’ He was thrilled that his employer had come out to the barn to help him, and even more thrilled that she was wearing only the shorts and top from her swimsuit. He did find her outfit more than a little distracting. He watched carefully as his lovely boss climbed up on the hay bales. ‘God, is she ever beautiful!’ he thought.

They worked for quite a while and the pile grew and grew. They were almost done when Linda lost her balance reaching for a hay bale Micky was handing up to her. ‘Ohhh!’ she moaned when she felt herself falling. The next thing she knew, she was lying atop Micky.

When his boss toppled onto him and he felt her warm, bare flesh come in contact with his, the young man immediately realized he had a problem. She moved, struggling to get off him, and he felt his penis begin to stiffen. He twisted his hips to the side to get into a position where his boss wouldn’t feel his erection. The last thing he wanted was for her to get angry with him.

Linda struggled to her feet and stood there, red-faced and panting. Her sweat-covered skin was dotted with wisps of hay. She brushed at them. ‘Are you all right, Micky?’ she asked. ‘I’m really sorry, I lost my balance and there was nothing to grab hold of…’

‘I’m fine, Mrs. M.,’ the young man replied. ‘Except for this hard-on I have,’ he thought ruefully. He twisted himself around so he was sitting on the hayloft floor, leaning against an unstacked bale and began to pick wisps of hay from his sweaty body, too.

Linda studied him, looking concerned. ‘Are you sure?’ she asked. ‘I mean, I did fall on you and all…’

‘I’m OK, I really am,’ Micky replied. ‘How about you?’

‘Thanks to you, I’m not hurt,’ Linda replied. She looked around the hayloft. ‘You know, I don’t think you need to pile any more of this up there, that’s too dangerous,’ she said. ‘I think there’s plenty of room for the new hay, don’t you?’

‘Yeah, I guess,’ the young man replied.

‘I could use a swim to cool off,’ Linda said. ‘How about you?’

‘Ah, yeah, I guess,’ Micky replied.

Linda smiled. ‘Good, since we’re done, let’s go for a dip. Then we can go in and I’ll make dinner for us,’ Linda said. She started for the ladder and stepped onto it. ‘Are you coming, Micky?’ she asked the young man, who was still sitting against the hay bale.

Micky started to get to his feet. ‘Yeah, I’ll come down when you’re off the ladder,’ he said. ‘It’s not safe to have two people on a ladder.’

‘See you at the pond, then,’ Linda said. ‘Last one in’s a rotten egg, and it looks like it’s going to be you.’ She began to descend the ladder.

‘Yeah, swell, a rotten egg with a hard-on,’ the young man thought glumly. He stood up, rearranged his swollen penis in his cutoffs as well as he could and walked to the ladder. Once his employer reached the bottom, he
started down the ladder. By the time he reached the barn floor, Mrs. M had reached the pond and was stripping off her cutoff jeans. He walked toward the pond and watched her run out on the little dock and dive gracefully into the water. He sighed. ‘Maybe swimming will work like a cold shower,’ he thought as he got nearer to the pond. Unfortunately, with his bikini-clad boss in the water, he wasn’t sure a swim would help his condition.

The young man’s erection did soften to more manageable proportions while he and his boss swam. They finally climbed out of the water and headed for the house.

‘I’m going to go upstairs, take a quick shower, and dry my hair,’ Linda told Micky. ‘Then I’ll come down and make dinner for us.’

‘I think I’ll take a shower, too,’ Micky said. Both of them headed for the second floor.

Linda went to her bedroom, took off her swimsuit, slipped into a robe and walked down the hallway to the bathroom. After the water in the shower was warm, she stepped under the shower head. For some reason, she found herself feeling edgy while she stood under the pelting water. ‘I hope I didn’t hurt Micky when I fell on him,’ she thought as she stood under the hot, piercing spray, ‘Thank goodness he was there, though. I could have gotten hurt if he hadn’t broken my fall.’

She began to wash herself and was startled when, the minute the sudsy washcloth began to slide over her skin, tingles of delight began to spread through her. ‘What is wrong with me?’ she mused. ‘I don’t believe this. I’m an adult, but here I am, acting like a sex-starved teen-ager.’ She continued to move the lather-filled cloth over her body, enjoying the sensations she was giving herself. She knew she was arousing herself, but she couldn’t stop. And, as she roused herself, she began to think about Micky. Her thoughts were both disturbing and arousing. ‘Did…did I feel what I think I did when I was lying on top of Micky?’ she mused. She rubbed the washcloth over her erect nipples, which tingled wonderfully as she did. ‘Did…did he have a…an…an erection? Was that what I felt?’ The pruient thoughts did little to calm the turbulence building in her body.

When, finally, she finished her shower, she dried herself off and dried her hair, then she went back to her bedroom. She put on jeans and, because she didn’t really need one, she decided not to wear a bra. She slipped a sweatshirt over her head and when the soft garment slid down, it brushed her still-erect nipples. The sensations that rushed though her made her legs feel mushy. ‘Linda, you have to get hold of yourself!’ she thought. She combed out her luxuriant hair, then she headed downstairs.

Micky, dressed in jeans and white T-shirt, was sitting at the kitchen table, holding a can of soda in his hands. When his employer walked into the kitchen, he looked up and smiled. ‘Ah, I put some frozen dinners in the oven, Mrs. M,’ he said. ‘I hope you don’t mind.’

‘No, not at all, Micky,’ Linda replied. ‘I…I was going to make something like that anyhow.’

Linda got herself a soda and sat down at the kitchen table. She and Micky sat there, drinking their sodas and not talking. They were both aware there was a tension between them that had never been there before, but neither of them knew what it was, or how to deal with it. Finally the buzzer on the stove sounded.

‘I guess that means dinner’s ready,’ Linda announced. She got up, got their food out of the oven and set it down on the table. Then she sat down and looked across the table at her young employee. ‘Micky, are you sure you’re all right?’ she asked. ‘We pay good money for insurance, if you’re hurt, we need to get you checked out.’

Micky kept his eyes on the plate of food in front of him while he shook his head. ‘Ah…I…I really am OK, Mrs. M.,’ he replied. ‘You really didn’t hurt me.’

They finished the meal in silence. After they finished their meal, dinner, Micky helped Linda clear the dishes and put them in the dishwasher. When that was done, the young man went into the living room and sat down in a big over-stuffed chair in front of the TV.

A few minutes later, Linda walked into the living room. ‘Was there anything special you wanted to watch on TV, Micky?’ she asked.

The young man looked up at her and shrugged. ‘I don’t think there’s much on tonight,’ he said.

Linda sat down on the sofa and looked at the television guide in the newspaper. ‘You’re right about nothing being on,’ she said. ‘Would you like to watch a movie?’

Micky nodded and said, ‘OK,’ very softly.

‘Is there any movie in particular you’d like to watch?’ Linda asked.

‘Whatever you want to watch is fine with me,’ Micky replied.

Linda got up and picked out a movie from the selection she had on hand, and put it in the VCR. She walked back to the sofa, sat down, picked up the remote control, and turned on the VCR and TV. She couldn’t understand why she was so jittery. She felt as if she could jump right out of her skin at the slightest sound. She curled her legs under her and, while she watched the movie she realized she might have made a mistake. The movie was a romance that had some fairly explicit love scenes. Those scenes left her feeling even edgier. She kept seeing herself and Micky on the TV screen instead of the actors in the movie. The disturbing images added considerably to the distress she was feeling.

Finally the movie ended. Linda stretched. ‘Well, I think I’m going to bed,’ she said. ‘What about you, Micky?’

Micky’s problem with tumescence hadn’t been helped by the love scenes. He was glad to hear his boss say she was going to bed. He figured he’d wait until his boss was upstairs, then go to bed, too. ‘Yeah, I think so, too,’ he replied. ‘I’m really pooped.’

Linda smiled at him. ‘I’m not surprised,’ she said. ‘You did more than your share of work today.’

Linda went upstairs to her bedroom slipped out of her sweatshirt and jeans and slipped on a soft, pink cotton pajama jumpsuit, then she slid into her king-sized bed. She tossed and turned, but couldn’t get to sleep. Actually, she hated being in bed alone, a condition she found herself in far too often. For some reason, she was acutely aware of feeling lonely tonight, not that it was that much different when her husband was home. Michael was a busy surgeon and spent little time at home. Even when he was there, he normally did little more than eat and go to sleep.

Earlier that year, Linda had a short, but thrilling, affair with a man named Tom Singleton who delivered some horses to the farm. She and Tom shared one wild weekend, but she hadn’t seen Tom for six months and her hopes that the affair would continue were fading. She had experienced no satisfying sex since her weekend tryst with a man she barely knew.

Down the hall from Linda, Micky was doing no better at getting to sleep. The young man continued to have memories of what it felt like when his employer’s scantily clad body was lying atop his. He closed his eyes and could almost feel her soft, warm, silken skin brushing against his. The result of his avid woolgathering was a huge erection.

Linda’s thoughs drifted from what she’d done with Tom Singleton to what happened in the barn earlier that day. ‘I wonder if Micky really did have an erection this afternoon when I…fell onto him?’ she mused as she laid in her lonely bed. ‘God, we’re alone here in the house and he’s just down the hall. I could go to his room and…’ Upset with herself, she off shook the thoughts. Micky was like a son, or maybe an older brother, she tried to tell herself, but with little conviction.

She sat up in bed. Maybe a cup of hot chocolate would help her get to sleep. She got out of bed and went downstairs to the kitchen. When she picked up a spoon to put some hot chocolate mix in the cup, she realized she was trembling. ‘What’s the matter with me?’ she thought.

Micky got up, too, and headed downstairs, planning to get a soda. When he walked into the kitch
en, he was surprised to see his employer standing at the counter with her back to him. She had on a pink jumpsuit that, he thought, made her look a lot younger. He started toward her. ‘Is everything all right, Mrs. M.?’ he asked.

Linda, who was concentrating on making the hot chocolate, wasn’t aware the young man was awake. Startled by the unexpected sound of his voice, she dropped the can of hot chocolate mix on the counter and began to cry.

Micky, surprised by his employer’s reaction, stood in the kitchen doorway, bewildered. He felt guilty because he made her cry. He walked across the kitchen and did what his mother used to do when he was upset, he put his arms around her.

Linda moved into the young man’s embrace, laid her head against his chest, slid her arms around him, and continued to sob. Her crying spell eventually ended, but they still stood there, holding each other, for a time. At last she leaned back in the circle of Micky’s arms and looked up at him. She was trembling, and her chest was heaving.

Micky was trembling, too, as he gazed into his employer’s wide blue eyes. He could barely breathe, and his heart was pounding. He couldn’t believe he was holding her in his arms. He didn’t know how this had happened, and he had no idea what would happen next. If he dropped dead right now, he’d die happy.

Linda felt her hand lifting, then she was tugging Micky’s head down toward hers. She felt as if the whole situation was unreal, as if she was watching someone else doing this.

Trembling with anticipation, Micky saw Mrs. M’s face move closer and closer to his, then her soft, warm lips were touching his. She moaned softly and pressed her mouth and body tighter against his. Flames of desire flared through him.

Kissing Micky was far more thrilling than Linda anticipated. It made her feel as if she was going to explode. One of her hands tangled in the young man’s curly hair and her tongue slid across his lips.

Micky’s mind was a jumble of bewilderment. He had often dreamed of holding and kissing Mrs. M, but he never thought he would! Not in his wildest dreams! Now her lithe body was pressed against his and her tongue was stroking his lips! His hips moved forward involuntarily.

The kiss ended only because they had to breathe. Linda, trembling like a leaf, her heart pounding like a trip-hammer, leaned back in Micky’s arms once again. Her body was still pressed against his and she could felt his swollen penis against her middle. She knew that she was going to make love with him, and was thrilled by the realization.

Micky wasn’t sure what Mrs. Margulies was going to do after their kiss ended. He wasn’t sure whether she was angry or not. He still half-expected her to hit him, or yell at him, or something. But she didn’t. She kept her hips pressed against his swollen groin and was looking at him with a strange look in her eyes. He was such a bundle of confused emotions he felt as if he was going to burst into tears.

Then, without saying a word, Mrs. Margulies backed out of his embrace, took his hand, and started for the doorway. Confused, scared, he went along with her.

Linda was experiencing just as much emotional turmoil as her young employee as she guided him up the stairs, down the hall, and into her bedroom. She couldn’t stop herself, even though she knew what she was doing was wrong.

When they reached her bedroom, she let go of the young man’s hand and turned to face him. He stood there red-faced, breathing heavily, still as a statue, gazing at her with wide, adoring eyes. She moved against him, put her arms around him and, once more their lips met in a fervent kiss, which fanned the glow of lust inside her into wildly leaping flames of need. As the time of the kiss lengthened, she slid her hand under his T-shirt and let it glide over his smooth, warm skin.

‘Oh, God, Mrs. M!!!!’ Micky groaned while her warm, soft hand slid over his bare skin. This was real! It was really happening! It felt fantastic, too, much better than he ever thought it would! Unbridled emotions raced through his over-worked mind as the slim, beautiful woman stroked his skin ever-so-lightly with her fingers.

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I was at the wedding because the bride worked for me at a small company I’d started.   The reception was simple but very nice.   I knew there’d be a lot of people there because both the bride and groom were very friendly and popular.   I was standing by the bar feeling a little out of place because most of the people here were younger than me.   I saw you across the room and thought to myself “Now THAT’S how to wear a little black dress.”   Our eyes met briefly and you smiled.   I looked away,...

3 years ago
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sex party

This was to be my first time at the 'party' I didn't know exactly what was involved but I knew it was a privalige to be invited. I had provided a certificate from the clinic to say that I was free of sexual diseases and another to show that I was using birth control. Finally I had signed an agreement, although I wasnt sure what I was agreeing to as I wasn't alowed to read it.So now I stood nervously before the table. Three people faced me, two men and in the middle a woman I didn't know. She...

4 years ago
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Miss Kitty

"Give Sam a lap dance." She saw Kale's face and sat up. "Kale? I thought you said we weren't an item. Are you changing your mind now?" He looked down to the floor saying nothing. She stood; clearly the liquor was having an affect on her ability to stand. She fell into Magnus' lap on her way giving him a hard-on he couldn't do anything about. She straddled Sam then started moving her hips making it look like they were actually having sex. She grabbed the waist of his pants and leaned...

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My sexy librarian

Hi guys, I am Karthik and I am back with another story about my session with my school librarian. She was a young woman with a sexy figure and had tits of 36DD. She was only 23 years old and all the guys used to look at her and we were in 12th standard and we all wanted to fuck her. Once in the library I and my friend went to refer a book. We sat looking at her big bouncy boobs as she was walking and when she looked at us we turned away. She was so sexy that made me cum in my pants and it...

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Fun in Jamaica

A couple months ago I went to Jamaica with a friend and co worker, Alysha she's a 42 year old Jamaican woman with family there. She was supposed to go home with another friend but she ended up backing out and she was stuck with a plane ticket. Alysha came to me at work one day and asked if I would be interested in going with her, the trip would not be too costly since we would stay with her family there all it would be is the cost of the flight and spending money there. I agreed to join her and...

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Adult theaters

After my wife was real comfortable going to adult theaters she asked me if I was okay with her sitting alone after we got in I said yes she was kinda happy about that situation. Adult theaters in our area would not let women in unescorted by a man there was a for that my wife would've been in several times by herself.The first time we tried this she their reach you close on with a long jacket over that was to hide what she had on until we got in the theater she we give me the jacket and parade...

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My wife, Cathy, and I have been married for over forty years and have had an open marriage for all of that time. We were careful about our activities while we were raising our daughter but still got away to an on site swing club once in a while. The club we went to was couples or single women only. We had made some good friends there as well as some fuck buddies.Our daughter, Darlene, was to put it mildly a wild c***d. She was more interested in partying than school and 2.0 her way to...

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The Teacher

Copyright© 1998 I was asked to take part in a programme to teach the elderly how to use a computer. Instead of conducting these lessons at a centre, where many of our senior citizens feel embarrassed by their mistakes in a group, this service was done in their own homes, using their own computers. The computers they would be using to do their banking, emails and surfing from. It was up to the instructor to what fees he or she chose to charge. All the instructor had to do was register with the...

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All of my performers showed up on time and dressed like they were going out on the town afterward. Some of the older girls like Nancy Newman, Emily Clarke, Joan Prefontayne, and Olivia Wright, and of course Jennifer Guthrie were dressed in beautiful dresses. Not to be outdone, Isabel, Paula Scott, and the Michael’s twin sisters were dressed to the nines as well. I got to pick Isabel’s dress for the evening. We should have had a red carpet put out front as they arrived. I was back in my...

2 years ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Emily Willis Naive Step Sister

Codey Steele and Emily Willis are stepsiblings who get along great. Codey has the hots for his stepsister, though, so he comes up with a plan to put into action. He asks Emily to help him make a sandwich since he’s left handed and has a right-handed knife. Emily bounces into the kitchen with her tits and ass hanging out of her skimpy clothes and makes the sandwich while Codey jerks it behind the counter. When that got him a peek at the goods, he devised a plan to get even more. Later,...

3 years ago
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Jenelle Theatre Fucked

Phil and I decided to visit a sex shop in Dandenong late one Saturday afternoon. I thought I would get dressed sexy for the trip in and tease some of the men that would be in there. I showered and gently rubbed my clit to get me "warmed up" but with out getting myself off. Phil was in the bathroom shaving as I jilled myself and he must have heard my whimpers as I was rubbing. He came over to the shower recess and took his cock in hand and slowly wanked it as I was jilling. It got me so horny...

2 years ago
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Renewable Energy

It started out as a simple thought, and as all thoughts go, this one was pretty far fetched, even for me.My name is Tom Sloane. I’m a scientist, a physicist by education, but I work in renewable energy. It’s been my passion. The last fifteen years of my life have been dedicated to alternative forms of energy creation, and I think we’ve cracked it. I truly do.I run a pretty small business; at the moment it consists of a few well-informed colleagues who are also friends and of course my wife. It...

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Sex With Strangers

Hello everyone Rajat here ye meri 4th story he aur jo mujhe nhe jante unhe thoda bta du me punjab se hu 25 years age aur good looking hu aur agar koi bhe lady jallandhar amritsarjammu ya pathankot aur gurdaspur se interested ho to mujhe mail kre Ab aapko zada bore na krte hue sidha story pe aata hu ye baat last week ke he,mujhe kisi kaam se delhi jana pda to me by train apne ticket book krwale aur yha se train raat ko 11 bje chle jb me train me apne seat pr baitha to maine dekha mere samne...

2 years ago
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Finding myself Part 5

You may be wondering why I had been so accepting and compliant thru this whole saga. If you had asked me then, I probably would have told you that my initial hots for Allie had mellowed into a warmth that still held onto a hope that something could happen between us. Reading back over what I have written and knowing now what lay ahead, I realize now that it was a hopeless hope. If you ask me now, I recognize that it was all a mixture of my submissive nature - even though I was...

4 years ago
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My First Internet Lover

Having been divorced for almost a year now, living with my 11-year-old son, and having lived in a sexless marriage for the past 6 years, I was ready for romance, but coming up short. So, like many others, I was on the internet, looking for love in all the wrong chat rooms. One day I ran into a woman from the UK who I felt a strong bond to, for some reason, and began to chat with her. She seemed to take to me as well, and we got close over the next 2 weeks. As a gesture, I sent her some virtual...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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After the Pantomime Part 9

After the Pantomime By Susannah Donim Chapter 9 - After the Birth Is Nick's future, Daisy? Or is Daisy's future, Nick? Our weekend began with my weekly appointment at Transformations. This was one of the long ones, so Ruth dropped me off and went to the shops. As usual Vera removed all my prosthetics, waxed away the small amount of stubble I now had, and soothed the irritated skin with hormone-laced balm. Then she injected another few horrid ounces of fluid into my bump. As...

4 years ago
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How my BBC fantasy for My Wife Went Wrong CH2

Much to my surprise, Melinda said she would be willing to try to seduce a black man for sex on our anniversary weekend out of town. She laid down some ground rules. 1) she alone got to pick the man. 2) she wasn't promising anything - she might just dance with him or kiss him or just touch or give him a bj or go all the way. It all depended on how she felt then. 3) he had to wear a condom if she did have sex with him. she knows just how fertile she is and didn't want an STD. 4) I had to...

4 years ago
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Fiannas End

Fianna`s EndThey were a strangely matched couple. The first of the pair was Fianna, the Gladiatrix. Six foot of corded muscle, pride and confidence clear in her almond-brown eyes, her strong bronze-tanned body taut as a bowstring. Her fiery eyes were her best feature, many men said, although Fianna`s interest in male opinion was minimal.  The second was Fauna, a cuddlesome bundle of sexy fun. A foot shorter than Fianna, but just twenty pounds lighter. Most men would not debate for long before...

2 years ago
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Epic Cuckold Sequel Chapter 29

Prem and I ordered some food and drinks. As an introvert, I was never one for small talk, so the suspense was gnawing at me. “Amir, when I texted Kavita that I was coming home, she said that you wanted to speak with me.” Prem replied, “Yes, Manu. I have a few things to discuss with you.” He paused as if he was at a loss for words. “Look, Manu, there’s no easy way to break this to you, and you probably may suspect this already. I’m deeply in love with Kavita. She is beautiful, intelligent,...

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AnnChapter 2

Ann arrived about ten thirty, she had taken her car to work. (Parking was not bad on Saturday mornings ) When I heard her blow her horn I opened the door to an empty slot in the garage downstairs. She drove in and I closed the door behind her as soon as I was sure she was inside. She came on up the stairs and walked in to my garage apartment. Ann has to dress nice at her work place. She was drop dead gorgeous in a woman's suit. She wore stockings and medium heels. Her skirt hem was just...

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When Ashlynn was naked, it was quite a sight, as her body was petite and lithe, except for her near-PAWG ass. She moved to the bed, down on her back, "This is too weird!" she said, and held a hand up where she didn’t have to look at me I pulled her to the edge of the bed and looked at her nice little pussy. The lips were pink and a bit swollen, and she had a large patch of dark pubic air above it. I touched it and rubbed it several times as she stared at the ceiling, having moved her had...

2 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 295

Makeeda did not phone Laura from Japan, as she had promised to do. As the time wore on, and she didn't call, Laura felt more and more wistful about it, but not really angry. She knew she herself had not called Makeeda from Dallas, after having promised to. They were both a little skittish about talking over the phone, since there was clearly so much emotion packed into their friendship, and the potential for misunderstanding so plain. Still, she did daydream about her all the time. In spite...

3 years ago
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Bucket List Exhibitionism

Sex Bucket List Rules. A list of sexual fantasies to complete before we kick the bucket! We each have our own list. We take turns to choose from our lists Fantasies can be as simple or as complicated as you like. If a fantasy needs props then it’s the owner of the fantasies' job to provide them. If you have a fantasy you’re not allowed to introduce it in bed before bucket night! If you’re not comfortable with the fantasy you can say No. No involvement of other people without mutual...

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Mabels Son

Print Preview Print Properties Quality-Best Paper Type-Plain Paper-I was too cheap to use glossy photo paper. Paper Size-Letter Features Orientation-Portrait OK Print Range-Current Page OK I knew the routine by heart; in truth, the settings were automatic, no decisions needed. The printer hummed and whirred, the colored inks mixed and sorted themselves out, and the paper slid out in front of me. I bent to examine the picture; it looked phony. There was too much of the creamy white spread...

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The rest of the week

That whole day at work I was useless. I couldn’t concentrate, I kept wondering what my wife was doing. I didn’t know what was happening at my s****r-in-law’s house and I couldn’t imagine what was happening. Maybe my nightmare was over and one night of Jeannie fucking a black man was all I had to deal with. When I came home from work my first day my worst fears were confirmed. My wife and Heather’s boyfriend were out by the pool laying in the shade of an umbrella, naked. My wife was on her side...

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Calonge Cuties 2 Saskia Marina B


2 years ago
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Throated Chloe Couture Honey Gold Leigh Raven Triple Throating

The best throated scene to date: triple the girls, triple the beauty and triple the pleasure. As three goddesses descended from mount Olympus Leigh Raven, Honey Gold & Chloe Couture present themselves scantly clad in sensual lingerie. As preliminary they get playful between them but soon they are tackling a massive black monster cock. They take turns, deepthroat it, suck it simultaneously, lick the balls, push each other heads and get gagged. Your wildest cock sucking fantasies fulfilled...

3 years ago
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Thanks to Barney R for the editing. As always, I had to mess with it some more. Therefore all mistakes and omissions are all on me. She left, he discovered a lot. Authors Note: This story is a return to my angry persona; I find it an easier formula to write. I am not necessarily abandoning my happier, softer stories; it is that my muse must have a case of the ass right now. My name is Chuck Torrence; I am an electronics engineer. I had some good ideas for some electronic gadgets while...

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Beginning of a Friendship

David was lost in thought as he walked home on his way back from college. Professor Jacob had given him an ‘F’ in chemistry practicals again. David knew that the results of his experiment were accurate. But he couldn’t do anything about it. Professor Jacob has been intent on giving David a hard time ever since he caught David kissing his daughter. That bastard, David thought, how can he keep doing this? One more time and I am taking this to the principal! ‘Hey Mike, did you learn to count to...

4 years ago
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His story about my office

I walk in...You get startled for a weren’t expecting someone coming 5 minutes before 5. But it’s the day before taxes are supposed to go out. You tell me to sit and I noticed on your desk an object but I couldn’t make it out. You said asked me some questions, and I answered. I realized that you left you egg vibrator out in the open, and I got instantly hard. I was imagining you playing with yourself in your chair. You look down and noticed my bulge in my pants, not to mention you...

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Selling Mom0

Jill was a 39-year-old red head, she had put on a few pounds in the last 15 years which only accentuated her 36 E breasts and well-rounded butt. Her husband Al was a VP of sales for an International Chemical Company and was gone months at a time. When he was home all he did was sleep and stay on the phone with clients. Working all week and cleaning house on the weekend didn’t give her a lot of free time either, she was super horny all the time and tried to entice Al with sexy outfits. He would...

2 years ago
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Katie judges a kissing contest

Scott softly panted, eyes closed. He stroked Katie's just-fucked cunt as his heart beat like a jackhammer. His head lay on her young chest, his shaggy hair flopped over her breasts. He could feel her crazy heartbeat under his cheek. Scott lazily opened his mouth and began suckling his sister's cherry-red nipple. Katie sighed contentedly, holding her brother's head in her arms. She had her answer. Ding, dong! "Oh my God! That's Josh!!" said Katie with a gasp. "He's here for our...

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Brotherly Love

I often watched my brother.   I knew it was wrong, but I could not help it.   Why?   Because I did not see him as my brother.   He was a twenty year old freshman at the local college near our home.   I saw him more as a fresh college guy waiting to score.   We were close when we were growing up, but the older we got, we grew apart.   I guess that is because I was his sister and he was my brother.             Bryce was not like any guy that I had dated.   He was...

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The Palpable ProsecutorChapter 12

He didn’t argue. All he said was, “Are you sure?” Her response was, “I’m sure, Bob. I love you. I’ve never loved a man before you. I won’t lie and say I’m not nervous, but everything we’ve had together so far has been so bright and beautiful, I’m sure I want to take the next step.” It was difficult – not because she was nervous, but because neither of them had any business trying to engage in strenuous physical activity, yet. Just getting out of the tub and getting dried off took half an...

4 years ago
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So young and so cute

It was a year ago and I had been out on the town with friends and had a lot to drink. In all fairness I was hammered and staggering home. After the call to the local kebab house I guided my way through the streets probably dropping more meat than I was eating. I managed to stumble through the door and into the kitchen. In the fridge was a cold Bud and I opened it and had a swig. Even in my head I was saying don't do it but it was so refreshing. I turned on the TV and leant against the worktop...

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We left the party. I followed her up the stairs in the wake of her exotic perfume. She slipped her key card into the door lock, I followed her in and stood in the middle of the short hallway of her suite. The lights were mostly off and the remaining lamps gave her skin an almost shimmering glow. She had come across as stern, but passionate, so this didn’t worry me. She wore a tight black party dress, sleeveless, that only just reaching mid thigh. She was toned and fit; about a foot shorter than...

Straight Sex
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The Honey Dew ListChapter 4

Damien awoke the next morning, a Monday, surprisingly early all things considered, but he still had but only so much time before he had to get ready for work. He was about to shave before he showered, but right then, a hand ... a very feminine hand, intruded. It was Cassidy and she had other ideas. “Honey, why bother with that? I think that you’re a brand-new man, so maybe a brand new look is better. Besides, if you don’t waste time shaving, you can have more time to shower with me. Oh, and...

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