Indiscretions Ch. 23 free porn video

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Passion In James County IX


By D.C. Roi

Chapter twenty-three

Many miles from Jamestown, some interesting developments were happening on a modern horse farm owned by Dr. Michael Margulies. Linda Margulies, the doctor’s wife, convinced her husband she needed someone to help with farm chores. He finally gave in and said she could hire someone.

Linda personally interviewed the applicants and selected Micky Williams. He was eighteen and had been working on a farm belonging to relatives ever since his parents died in a car crash when he was sixteen. He had been there six months and, it turned out, was an excellent choice. He was polite, worked hard, and neither swore nor did drugs.

Linda’s two kids, Michael, Jr., age 5, and Marsha, age 6, considered Micky their big brother and adored him. He returned their affection and had become almost a member of the family.

When she began to look for a hired man, Linda intended to have the person she hired sleep in an area of the barn they had converted into an apartment. But instead, she gave Micky a room in the house.

Micky was a bulky youth with curly red hair, brown eyes, and an easy smile. He teased a lot, which hid from Linda the fact that he had a crush on her. He thought his employer, a slim, pretty woman with a head of wildly curled light brown hair, was the most beautiful female he’d ever seen. He fell asleep every night enjoying fantasies about her, fantasies he was sure would never become reality.

On Friday morning, Micky worked in the barn while Linda and the kids went swimming in the farm’s big pond. The young man stacked hay on the second floor of the barn. It was warm in the hayloft, but he didn’t mind. He had a clear view of his gorgeous employer from the door in the loft where the hay elevator dumped. It was warm, and he took frequent breaks, during which he watched Mrs. M, as he called his boss, while she laid on a blanket watching her kids play in the water.

The view was excellent, too. Mrs. M. had on an extremely scanty yellow spandex bikini with little daisies for trimming. The suit had a negligible bottom, which displayed most of her firm buttocks and the top consisted mainly of two small triangles of cloth held over her breasts with thin straps.

At one point, Micky glanced out the loft door and saw a car coming up the driveway. Mrs. M sat up, looked at the car, then looked at the kids, who were splashing each other in the cool water of the pond. ‘Kids, come on, your grandparents are here,’ he heard Linda call. The two children raced out of the water and greeted the two older people who stepped out of the car.

All of the people disappeared into the house, disappointing the young man, who continued working. A short while later, the people emerged from the house again. The kids, carrying small suitcases, dashed to the car and climbed into the back seat.

Micky, leaning against the door jamb, watched, his employer, who had put a pair of cutoff jeans over her swimsuit bottom, give the older man and woman a hug and a kiss. The two older people got in the car and it moved back down the driveway. ‘I forgot the kids were going to their grandparents’,’ he thought as he tossed another bale of hay up onto the pile he was building to make room for the new hay which was due to be delivered in a few weeks.

After the car was out of sight, Linda walked across the farmyard, into the barn, and looked up into the hayloft. ‘Micky, what are you doing?’ she called.

‘Ah…I…I’m up here, Mrs. M. I’m stacking hay to make room for the stuff that’s coming,’ the young man replied.

Linda started climbing up the ladder to the hayloft. ‘Micky, you work entirely too hard,’ she commented as she ascended the ladder. ‘You should have taken a break and gone swimming with the kids.’

‘Yeah, I guess,’ the boy replied. He couldn’t keep from looking at his employer’s lovely body as she gracefully stepped off the ladder onto the floor of the hayloft. ‘But this needs to be done, you know? I’m not sure when they’re bringing the hay and it will be a lot more work if we have to stack it downstairs then bring it up here.’

‘Can I help?’ Linda asked. She brushed the back of her hand across her forehead. ‘God, it’s hot up here. Look at you, you’re all sweaty.’

‘Yeah, it is kinda hot,’ Micky replied, ‘but you gotta do stuff when it’s time, you know? You can’t do this in the winter when its cooler, there’s no hay then.’

Linda took a pair of gloves out of the hip pocket of her cutoffs and slipped them over her slim hands. ‘If I’d known how much work having a horse farm was before we bought this place,’ she said, ‘I think I’d have asked my husband to build us a hamster farm instead.’

Micky laughed. ‘Yeah, hamsters would be a lot less work,’ he said. ‘But you can’t ride them.’

‘I guess,’ Linda said. ‘But they make a lot less manure, and a bale of hay would last a year.’

‘Yeah, right,’ Micky laughed. ‘If you want to help, why don’t you get up there on that pile of bales over there. I’ll hand the bales up to you and you can stack them.’ He was thrilled that his employer had come out to the barn to help him, and even more thrilled that she was wearing only the shorts and top from her swimsuit. He did find her outfit more than a little distracting. He watched carefully as his lovely boss climbed up on the hay bales. ‘God, is she ever beautiful!’ he thought.

They worked for quite a while and the pile grew and grew. They were almost done when Linda lost her balance reaching for a hay bale Micky was handing up to her. ‘Ohhh!’ she moaned when she felt herself falling. The next thing she knew, she was lying atop Micky.

When his boss toppled onto him and he felt her warm, bare flesh come in contact with his, the young man immediately realized he had a problem. She moved, struggling to get off him, and he felt his penis begin to stiffen. He twisted his hips to the side to get into a position where his boss wouldn’t feel his erection. The last thing he wanted was for her to get angry with him.

Linda struggled to her feet and stood there, red-faced and panting. Her sweat-covered skin was dotted with wisps of hay. She brushed at them. ‘Are you all right, Micky?’ she asked. ‘I’m really sorry, I lost my balance and there was nothing to grab hold of…’

‘I’m fine, Mrs. M.,’ the young man replied. ‘Except for this hard-on I have,’ he thought ruefully. He twisted himself around so he was sitting on the hayloft floor, leaning against an unstacked bale and began to pick wisps of hay from his sweaty body, too.

Linda studied him, looking concerned. ‘Are you sure?’ she asked. ‘I mean, I did fall on you and all…’

‘I’m OK, I really am,’ Micky replied. ‘How about you?’

‘Thanks to you, I’m not hurt,’ Linda replied. She looked around the hayloft. ‘You know, I don’t think you need to pile any more of this up there, that’s too dangerous,’ she said. ‘I think there’s plenty of room for the new hay, don’t you?’

‘Yeah, I guess,’ the young man replied.

‘I could use a swim to cool off,’ Linda said. ‘How about you?’

‘Ah, yeah, I guess,’ Micky replied.

Linda smiled. ‘Good, since we’re done, let’s go for a dip. Then we can go in and I’ll make dinner for us,’ Linda said. She started for the ladder and stepped onto it. ‘Are you coming, Micky?’ she asked the young man, who was still sitting against the hay bale.

Micky started to get to his feet. ‘Yeah, I’ll come down when you’re off the ladder,’ he said. ‘It’s not safe to have two people on a ladder.’

‘See you at the pond, then,’ Linda said. ‘Last one in’s a rotten egg, and it looks like it’s going to be you.’ She began to descend the ladder.

‘Yeah, swell, a rotten egg with a hard-on,’ the young man thought glumly. He stood up, rearranged his swollen penis in his cutoffs as well as he could and walked to the ladder. Once his employer reached the bottom, he
started down the ladder. By the time he reached the barn floor, Mrs. M had reached the pond and was stripping off her cutoff jeans. He walked toward the pond and watched her run out on the little dock and dive gracefully into the water. He sighed. ‘Maybe swimming will work like a cold shower,’ he thought as he got nearer to the pond. Unfortunately, with his bikini-clad boss in the water, he wasn’t sure a swim would help his condition.

The young man’s erection did soften to more manageable proportions while he and his boss swam. They finally climbed out of the water and headed for the house.

‘I’m going to go upstairs, take a quick shower, and dry my hair,’ Linda told Micky. ‘Then I’ll come down and make dinner for us.’

‘I think I’ll take a shower, too,’ Micky said. Both of them headed for the second floor.

Linda went to her bedroom, took off her swimsuit, slipped into a robe and walked down the hallway to the bathroom. After the water in the shower was warm, she stepped under the shower head. For some reason, she found herself feeling edgy while she stood under the pelting water. ‘I hope I didn’t hurt Micky when I fell on him,’ she thought as she stood under the hot, piercing spray, ‘Thank goodness he was there, though. I could have gotten hurt if he hadn’t broken my fall.’

She began to wash herself and was startled when, the minute the sudsy washcloth began to slide over her skin, tingles of delight began to spread through her. ‘What is wrong with me?’ she mused. ‘I don’t believe this. I’m an adult, but here I am, acting like a sex-starved teen-ager.’ She continued to move the lather-filled cloth over her body, enjoying the sensations she was giving herself. She knew she was arousing herself, but she couldn’t stop. And, as she roused herself, she began to think about Micky. Her thoughts were both disturbing and arousing. ‘Did…did I feel what I think I did when I was lying on top of Micky?’ she mused. She rubbed the washcloth over her erect nipples, which tingled wonderfully as she did. ‘Did…did he have a…an…an erection? Was that what I felt?’ The pruient thoughts did little to calm the turbulence building in her body.

When, finally, she finished her shower, she dried herself off and dried her hair, then she went back to her bedroom. She put on jeans and, because she didn’t really need one, she decided not to wear a bra. She slipped a sweatshirt over her head and when the soft garment slid down, it brushed her still-erect nipples. The sensations that rushed though her made her legs feel mushy. ‘Linda, you have to get hold of yourself!’ she thought. She combed out her luxuriant hair, then she headed downstairs.

Micky, dressed in jeans and white T-shirt, was sitting at the kitchen table, holding a can of soda in his hands. When his employer walked into the kitchen, he looked up and smiled. ‘Ah, I put some frozen dinners in the oven, Mrs. M,’ he said. ‘I hope you don’t mind.’

‘No, not at all, Micky,’ Linda replied. ‘I…I was going to make something like that anyhow.’

Linda got herself a soda and sat down at the kitchen table. She and Micky sat there, drinking their sodas and not talking. They were both aware there was a tension between them that had never been there before, but neither of them knew what it was, or how to deal with it. Finally the buzzer on the stove sounded.

‘I guess that means dinner’s ready,’ Linda announced. She got up, got their food out of the oven and set it down on the table. Then she sat down and looked across the table at her young employee. ‘Micky, are you sure you’re all right?’ she asked. ‘We pay good money for insurance, if you’re hurt, we need to get you checked out.’

Micky kept his eyes on the plate of food in front of him while he shook his head. ‘Ah…I…I really am OK, Mrs. M.,’ he replied. ‘You really didn’t hurt me.’

They finished the meal in silence. After they finished their meal, dinner, Micky helped Linda clear the dishes and put them in the dishwasher. When that was done, the young man went into the living room and sat down in a big over-stuffed chair in front of the TV.

A few minutes later, Linda walked into the living room. ‘Was there anything special you wanted to watch on TV, Micky?’ she asked.

The young man looked up at her and shrugged. ‘I don’t think there’s much on tonight,’ he said.

Linda sat down on the sofa and looked at the television guide in the newspaper. ‘You’re right about nothing being on,’ she said. ‘Would you like to watch a movie?’

Micky nodded and said, ‘OK,’ very softly.

‘Is there any movie in particular you’d like to watch?’ Linda asked.

‘Whatever you want to watch is fine with me,’ Micky replied.

Linda got up and picked out a movie from the selection she had on hand, and put it in the VCR. She walked back to the sofa, sat down, picked up the remote control, and turned on the VCR and TV. She couldn’t understand why she was so jittery. She felt as if she could jump right out of her skin at the slightest sound. She curled her legs under her and, while she watched the movie she realized she might have made a mistake. The movie was a romance that had some fairly explicit love scenes. Those scenes left her feeling even edgier. She kept seeing herself and Micky on the TV screen instead of the actors in the movie. The disturbing images added considerably to the distress she was feeling.

Finally the movie ended. Linda stretched. ‘Well, I think I’m going to bed,’ she said. ‘What about you, Micky?’

Micky’s problem with tumescence hadn’t been helped by the love scenes. He was glad to hear his boss say she was going to bed. He figured he’d wait until his boss was upstairs, then go to bed, too. ‘Yeah, I think so, too,’ he replied. ‘I’m really pooped.’

Linda smiled at him. ‘I’m not surprised,’ she said. ‘You did more than your share of work today.’

Linda went upstairs to her bedroom slipped out of her sweatshirt and jeans and slipped on a soft, pink cotton pajama jumpsuit, then she slid into her king-sized bed. She tossed and turned, but couldn’t get to sleep. Actually, she hated being in bed alone, a condition she found herself in far too often. For some reason, she was acutely aware of feeling lonely tonight, not that it was that much different when her husband was home. Michael was a busy surgeon and spent little time at home. Even when he was there, he normally did little more than eat and go to sleep.

Earlier that year, Linda had a short, but thrilling, affair with a man named Tom Singleton who delivered some horses to the farm. She and Tom shared one wild weekend, but she hadn’t seen Tom for six months and her hopes that the affair would continue were fading. She had experienced no satisfying sex since her weekend tryst with a man she barely knew.

Down the hall from Linda, Micky was doing no better at getting to sleep. The young man continued to have memories of what it felt like when his employer’s scantily clad body was lying atop his. He closed his eyes and could almost feel her soft, warm, silken skin brushing against his. The result of his avid woolgathering was a huge erection.

Linda’s thoughs drifted from what she’d done with Tom Singleton to what happened in the barn earlier that day. ‘I wonder if Micky really did have an erection this afternoon when I…fell onto him?’ she mused as she laid in her lonely bed. ‘God, we’re alone here in the house and he’s just down the hall. I could go to his room and…’ Upset with herself, she off shook the thoughts. Micky was like a son, or maybe an older brother, she tried to tell herself, but with little conviction.

She sat up in bed. Maybe a cup of hot chocolate would help her get to sleep. She got out of bed and went downstairs to the kitchen. When she picked up a spoon to put some hot chocolate mix in the cup, she realized she was trembling. ‘What’s the matter with me?’ she thought.

Micky got up, too, and headed downstairs, planning to get a soda. When he walked into the kitch
en, he was surprised to see his employer standing at the counter with her back to him. She had on a pink jumpsuit that, he thought, made her look a lot younger. He started toward her. ‘Is everything all right, Mrs. M.?’ he asked.

Linda, who was concentrating on making the hot chocolate, wasn’t aware the young man was awake. Startled by the unexpected sound of his voice, she dropped the can of hot chocolate mix on the counter and began to cry.

Micky, surprised by his employer’s reaction, stood in the kitchen doorway, bewildered. He felt guilty because he made her cry. He walked across the kitchen and did what his mother used to do when he was upset, he put his arms around her.

Linda moved into the young man’s embrace, laid her head against his chest, slid her arms around him, and continued to sob. Her crying spell eventually ended, but they still stood there, holding each other, for a time. At last she leaned back in the circle of Micky’s arms and looked up at him. She was trembling, and her chest was heaving.

Micky was trembling, too, as he gazed into his employer’s wide blue eyes. He could barely breathe, and his heart was pounding. He couldn’t believe he was holding her in his arms. He didn’t know how this had happened, and he had no idea what would happen next. If he dropped dead right now, he’d die happy.

Linda felt her hand lifting, then she was tugging Micky’s head down toward hers. She felt as if the whole situation was unreal, as if she was watching someone else doing this.

Trembling with anticipation, Micky saw Mrs. M’s face move closer and closer to his, then her soft, warm lips were touching his. She moaned softly and pressed her mouth and body tighter against his. Flames of desire flared through him.

Kissing Micky was far more thrilling than Linda anticipated. It made her feel as if she was going to explode. One of her hands tangled in the young man’s curly hair and her tongue slid across his lips.

Micky’s mind was a jumble of bewilderment. He had often dreamed of holding and kissing Mrs. M, but he never thought he would! Not in his wildest dreams! Now her lithe body was pressed against his and her tongue was stroking his lips! His hips moved forward involuntarily.

The kiss ended only because they had to breathe. Linda, trembling like a leaf, her heart pounding like a trip-hammer, leaned back in Micky’s arms once again. Her body was still pressed against his and she could felt his swollen penis against her middle. She knew that she was going to make love with him, and was thrilled by the realization.

Micky wasn’t sure what Mrs. Margulies was going to do after their kiss ended. He wasn’t sure whether she was angry or not. He still half-expected her to hit him, or yell at him, or something. But she didn’t. She kept her hips pressed against his swollen groin and was looking at him with a strange look in her eyes. He was such a bundle of confused emotions he felt as if he was going to burst into tears.

Then, without saying a word, Mrs. Margulies backed out of his embrace, took his hand, and started for the doorway. Confused, scared, he went along with her.

Linda was experiencing just as much emotional turmoil as her young employee as she guided him up the stairs, down the hall, and into her bedroom. She couldn’t stop herself, even though she knew what she was doing was wrong.

When they reached her bedroom, she let go of the young man’s hand and turned to face him. He stood there red-faced, breathing heavily, still as a statue, gazing at her with wide, adoring eyes. She moved against him, put her arms around him and, once more their lips met in a fervent kiss, which fanned the glow of lust inside her into wildly leaping flames of need. As the time of the kiss lengthened, she slid her hand under his T-shirt and let it glide over his smooth, warm skin.

‘Oh, God, Mrs. M!!!!’ Micky groaned while her warm, soft hand slid over his bare skin. This was real! It was really happening! It felt fantastic, too, much better than he ever thought it would! Unbridled emotions raced through his over-worked mind as the slim, beautiful woman stroked his skin ever-so-lightly with her fingers.

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“I’ll take it!” said Rhonda Peters smiling. “Are you sure?” asked the woman. “I wouldn’t want you to be disappointed.” “Oh it will be a surprise no matter what’s inside, and I can’t be disappointed with that.” They both glanced down at the old dilapidated trunk, part of a myriad collection of items in the second hand store. “Any idea where it came from?” asked Rhonda. “Afraid not. I got it in an estate sale last week. There were no heirs so it and the rest of the estate were being sold...

1 year ago
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My Aunt Barb Chapter 3

The half marathon went really well. We all finished better than we thought we would and were exhausted. Mom and Barb met a couple of ladies who were running at the same pace so they just formed a small group and talked away the miles. I kept focusing on people ahead of me and tried to catch them. I had my IPod playing upbeat music and despite not getting a complete eight hours sleep, I actually beat my predicted time by ten minutes.The next few weeks after the race weren't the best in my life....

First Time
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My Sexy MotherInLaw Ch 02

We barely had time to get dressed as John came in the door. “Hey Matt do you think we can get an early start tomorrow? The office is a mess. I really need to get organized.” “No problem, what time do you want me to get up?” “How about 6 am?” “Sure no problem. Well I am beat after all the traveling; I think I will head to bed. Goodnight guys.” “Goodnight Matt.” I climbed into bed exhausted physically and emotionally. What a roller coaster of emotions. I just finished fucking my beautiful mother...

1 year ago
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Wife Denies And Nanny Provides Part 1

It all started when my wife, Sue, started going to her boot camp fitness class almost every day. While I certainly appreciated how toned and sexy her already hot body was getting; it came at the expense of her always being too tired to have sex either from her class or the ten mile runs she went on a couple of times a week with her girlfriends. I was lucky to get pathetic pity sex once every couple of weeks where I would get her off to a crashing porno orgasm only to have her lie there like a...

4 years ago
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Love letter

Hi Tom I’m home alone and thinking about you. I’m lying on my bed with only red polka dot knickers and a red silk night dress and my breathing is starting to quicken. It’s a pity you aren’t here I would have loved the chance of getting to know every inch of you. Starting with a massage, you’d be lying on your stomach and Id be sitting on your bum rubbing oils into your tanned back. Id slip of my nightie stroke some oils on my boobs and let my erect nipples rub your back as I start to moan.

3 years ago
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Mothers Submission Chapter 19

"I'm glad you like it. I just thought I'd take care of you before I went to work", she said, before lowering her mouth and running her tongue over his swollen balls. "Well, you're doing an amazing job", Alex said as he laid back and enjoyed his Aunt's care. Her soft hands ran up and down his shaft, stroking him just right, as he bathed his testicles with her tongue. Then she ran her tongue up his shaft, before impaling her throat on his rigid cock once more. He groaned as he felt her...

4 years ago
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Mama And Mausi Introduced Me To The World Of Incest

Friends I am writing my experiences for the first time. I will share all my experiences one by one. You can give me your feedback at my email All my stories will be based on true life experiences. Happy reading. Diggu mama entered the room with my Bindu Mausi (mom’s sister), bolted the door without realizing I was inside. He began kissing her furiously, sucked her tits and took out his massive cock and gave in her mouth right at the door. She too was sucking his cock like she was hungry for...

2 years ago
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Miss Chriss

I waited in the hotel lobby with great anticipation. I had been writing Chris for a couple of weeks. We met online and we were exchanging at least one email a day, discussing our day, and getting to know each other.She was recently separated and said that she wanted to have fun. I was going to be in town on business and we agreed we would meet for dinner. I had her meet me in the lobby of my hotel,. We would garb a drink or two and then go to a Chinese restaurant we had agreed upon in our...

3 years ago
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The Art of Anal Book One of Guide to Sexy Activities

Introduction: Are you curious? This is for anyone who has a butthole and wants to know how to use it. Lots of Lube and Patience. There might be poop. Everyone has a butthole. This means everyone has the opportunity to experience the pleasure of butt play. Those are three universal truths regarding the Art of Anal. Confidence is always the first step to any sexual encounter. This is something I post at the beginning of all my guides. Whether you are attracting a mate, trying something new,...

1 year ago
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Marissa awakens and her mind is a very cloudy state; she slowly sits up and finds herself in a room that appears to be decorated by Victoria’s Secret. She glances around the room, and she is on a very large bed, in a maroon shaded room with soft lighting, plush carpeting, and softly covered walls. She carefully steps off the bed a little shaken and locates a bathroom. She washes her face, and her brown hair is a mess, suddenly she’s startled by reflection of the redhead from earlier in the...

2 years ago
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Dungeons and dragons

(To be clear for everyone, I don't write this story. It was publish for ten years on by mulitiple autors and writers, so I only want to republish it here.) Welcome to the ever-so-wonderful world of 3.5 Dungeons and Dragons: Forgotten Realms! Many of the stories will begin in or around Waterdeep, the City of Splendors and the largest and most prosperous city state in Faerûn, the continent that the Forgotten Realms setting focuses...

2 years ago
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The Player Falls II

"When will I see you again?" she murmurs, as he holds her face close to hers. "I have some notes to catch up on so I'll have to let you know. It won't be too long though - I promise," he says, brushing his lips against hers. He is rewarded with a soft smile from Susie. Matthew is fully dressed and she is only in an oversized shirt with panties. Her lips swollen, her hair slightly dishevelled and wild. The two hold each other for several long moments by the doorway of Susie's dorm, sweetly...

Love Stories
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NYC Club Slut Redemption

She looked at herself in the mirror as the bass beat thumped loudly. Her dark straight hair framed her face. She noticed she went a little too dark in her eyes, but it matched her mood. Everyone called her gorgeous, or beautiful, but she didn’t see it. She just thought she was regular, maybe slightly above average. Her body, though, well she knew that was hot. Other girls jostled her as they all tried to touch up their makeup.Cheater! You cheated on him and he left you. You deserve what he did...

Love Stories
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A Governess for RichardChapter 10

Susan was delighted with herself as she descended the wide oak banister'd staircase. She had been part of the doctor's team for six months and had already enjoyed many occasions such as this. She had come to Sarah's notice during a general meeting of the nursing staff at the Medical Centre. The doctor had asked Susan to stay behind after the meeting. She had talked generally to her at first and then asked her to make an appointment to see her in her office. It was at this meeting that...

3 years ago
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My cousin and I

My Name is Alex and my cousin Bethany. I never really thought about her in a sexual way before. She was 16 at the time. One night while spending the night at my aunt’s house, I was staying in Bethany’s room we sat up late talking about stuff while playing videogames. We came across the discussion of sex and people we had crushes on we’d like to do it with…both of us were virgins at the time so we were curious on the topic and wanted to learn more but we were to scared and nervous to actually do...

1 year ago
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The March of the RoseChapter 5

Graydon and Tristan spent a quiet, undisturbed night in the 'Gutted Merchant' and were up at dawn and ready for the day. They enjoyed a quick breakfast in the dining hall before bidding the innkeeper good day. The innkeeper responded with a good riddance and a command to never darken the doorway of his establishment again. Tristan just smiled and shook his head while leading Graydon toward another inn closer to their departure gate. They arrived at the 'Pious Satyr' which Graydon remarked...

3 years ago
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Well Ill Be Damned

The club had only been open for thirty minutes and the dance-floor was already filling up with willing participants. I leaned against the wall, enjoying the scenery with a rum and coke raised to my lips. Well, more like coke with a pinch of rum – I’d have a word with the bartender about that later.As I gulped down this travesty of a beverage, a light-skinned, pink-haired young woman on the other side of the club locked eyes with me. She finished up her drink, put down the cocktail glass, and...

Quickie Sex
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The Telescope

San Francisco at night, in all its neon glory! Rooms with a view cost extra, but the company was paying the bill. After the plane trip from hell I needed a shower and a rest before dinner. I studied the landscape before me as I undressed. There is point paying extra if you are going to shut the curtains. The Downtown SF Marriott, otherwise known as the jukebox is a retro Art Deco affair with sweeping curves and mirrored glass. At the very top there is a bar with one of the best views in the...

3 years ago
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Trapped in the lift

I was so worried about being late for my interview. I got everything prepared the night before. I left my bra and panties and my hold-ups in a neat little pile on the linen chest. I showered first thing and then slipped into my clothes, putting on my make up in plenty of time. I wanted impress my prospective boss so much. I’d planned everything down to the last detail so that I would be on time. Why did the taxi have to break down? Why? ‘OK, don’t panic,’ I thought. Ring for another taxi. Deep...

Quickie Sex
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Teaching The Tomboy

With input from Homer Vargas Toni had just finished fixing the neighbor's car sitting in the family driveway when she heard her mother call her. "Toni hurry up and take a shower before you go" Toni winced. She had dreaded this day. She was going to be stuck all summer helping her mother's friends at some kind of day care center. She much preferred working on cars for people though it didn't pay much. Even though the job would mostly be landscaping, Toni was sure just being around a...

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Seal the DealChapter 2

I didn’t have long to wait. It seemed like only moments later that I was facing an arc of monster dogs or wolves. Hell, I couldn’t tell the difference by just looking at them, and I really didn’t think that it made any difference. All I could say for sure was that I believed that the creatures were going to kill me if I gave them the chance. All of the creatures were larger than the largest dog that I had ever seen. Based on what I had seen on TV, they were larger than dire wolves. Well, I...

2 years ago
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The Career WomanChapter 5 A Strange Proposal

Amy: I mentioned formerly, I felt myself lonely and first in my life this time I began to think about the lack of any kids in my life. Simon's family was the first which woke up my desire to be a mom. The motherly instinct knocked me, when I was with his daughters. The second was my affair with Frank, I could see my lover that his children were more important than me. I was sad that I had to give up to be a mother in my future. I was lonely single from the start of the Mongolian expedition,...

4 years ago
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Darlenes First Time

Darlene sighed as she worked her way through traffic. Her job as a credit specialist with a local manufacturing company could be very trying. After more than 25 years with the same company, she had worked in about a dozen different office positions and at fifty-four, she didn't get a lot of satisfaction with her work anymore. For that matter, she didn't get a lot of satisfaction with her home life either. She'd been married to the same wonderful man for the past twenty-seven years, but at...

1 year ago
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My Step Daughter Alexis Part 5

I was a very happy man. My new business was booming, and more importantly, I was in love again. The fact that I was in love with my step daughter was increasingly less of an obstacle in my mind. The people I worked with simply knew I had a girlfriend, and who was I to tell them anything different? I had a recent picture of us together on my desk, and I looked at it often. My employees kidded me that I was robbing the cradle. I told them she was 22, but they also thought I was lucky to have such...

3 years ago
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Silent Night1

I was watching a movie in my bedroom, and soon found myself falling asleep. Before I was fully alseep, a weird wirling sound came from my bedroom window. My eyes popped open thinking it may have been my husband arriving home early to perhaps surprise me. To my shock and surprise, before I could spring out of bed, I was motionless as I took heed to a strange shadow lurking next to my window; it was as if it appeared mysteriously though the thick glass, and was actually standing a few feet away...

1 year ago
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Une dame de beaut

Une dame de beaut? By Kathy Smith Sidney Horowitz, PhD was a theoretical physicist at Cal Tech. He was 59 years old and he has 3 adult children. The children, 2 women and 1 man - 2 are physicians and one of the daughter's is a physicist like him. His wife was a Professor at Cal Tech too but she, Helen Green, is in History of Art Dept. Sidney and Helen is a wonderful pair. He is about 100 pounds too heavy, bald and always has wrinkled jackets and pants. Helen is just perfect, all t...

2 years ago
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Alexis saw the last one out, closed the door, then pulled a chair up to Johnathan’s desk. “Why’d you leave like that?” Alexis asked bluntly. “Neighbors complain?” I asked with a wry smile, then said “Project is doing great, I knew I chose well.” “Damn the neighbors,” Alexis shot back, “Answer the question.” “I already have” I responded. “You know the answer. I am keeping my word as I said I would.” Walking around the desk, I continued. “Question you have to ask yourself is, WHY do you...

1 year ago
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Bikini Beach Heroes

Bikini Beach - Heroes ElrodW A veteran, who's considered a hero, is tired and feels broken, because his injuries left him crippled and less than a man. When Anya offers him a pass to Bikini Beach, the hero has to decide if he's better as a broken hero, or a whole woman. ********** This story is copyright by the author. It is protected by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- ...

3 years ago
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The Unexpected Visitor

i was in my room, masturbating to some random hentai. suddenly i heard a knock at my door. i quickly get dressed and go to see who it is. i open the door and see it is a woman with long purple hair and a huge bust. she was wearing a shirt that covered her breasts, but did little to cover her midsection. she also wore pants that were tight on her, so i could catch the slight view of cameltoe. my eyes widened and my dick hardened. then finally she spoke. "hello. i am new to the neighborhood and...

4 years ago
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Futa Naked In School 06 Futas Taboo Naked Performance Chapter 3 Juliets Futa Taboo Passion

Chapter Three: Juliet's Futa Taboo Passion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Xochitl Estevez's Week, Tuesday I was so confused. What was wrong with me? Why did that look in my futa-sister's eyes scare me? It was so intense. I felt like if I let her kiss me, if I let her make love to me before the rest of the cast and crew for the play, I would be lost. Lost in what? I shook my head. It was so much easier when I just hated my older futa-sister. When I fumed at her for ripping off my...

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A Winters Tale Gloves for Joey

The old man looked out his kitchen window watching the heavy snowfall and the young boy who was making his way past his house through the deepening snow. Far into the coldest winter the old man had seen in some time—everyone was feeling its bone chilling effect. He knew the boy's name was Joey, and that the boy's father had lost his job a while back. The sad fact, the family had fallen on hard times of late. The boy was walking hunched over as he tried unsuccessfully to ward off the biting...

2 years ago
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Drafted Into SpaceChapter 6 Fighting Back

Daryl said that missiles should work in space as rockets did. The engineers and weapons mates agreed that the fighter launch tubes could be used to launch something other than a fighter at a pretty fast rate of speed and it would go fairly straight too. I asked if recoilless rifles would work as the recoil would leave the back end of the rifle as the round left the other. Again the engineers and weapons mates said that the force should not be that great against the size of this ship. Using...

3 years ago
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How I Won Back My Wife Chapter Three

Bella began to explain to me the plan she had in mind. She introduced me to the concept of a cuck. I listened to her plan with pin-drop silence. She had my undivided attention. After she finished explaining me the plan, she asked me what I thought about it. “Are you sure this will work?” I asked Bella with concern in my voice.“If she loves you, then it will,” she replied with confidence. She paused and continued staring in my eyes. I knew she had something going on in her mind.“Care to tell me...

2 years ago
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Sissy the Redhead Big Brother and Mamma P tIV

Introduction: If you like the last one and this one, stay tuned for more Sissy the Redhead: Big Brother and Mamma Pt IV This summer is going to suck, I said to myself as I walked back to my moms house after wasting an hour not catching any fish. After all, I didnt have any friends around here, we lived out in the country, so I couldnt walk to the mall and meet anyone, and I had to live with my mom and my little sister. As a sixteen year old boy, I needed something to do. I had only been here...

4 years ago
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wet mom

My mom had me was just 18, at least that's what she told me. Actually I knew that 18 was when she got pregnant with me but hadn't ever married the guy. He was only a year older than she was. She must have really loved him because she wouldn't go out with any guys. She did have a girl friend as I was growing up and sometimes she would sleep over with my mom when I was younger. My mom never admitted to being bi but a couple of times I came home from school earlier than expected and caught them...

2 years ago
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Ive never been able to figure out if this is normal or if I was just sexually precocious but Ive been fascinated with women since a very early age. I dont mean that I was a 6-year old getting boners but that specific girls and ladies would captivate me. Id get feelings about them that were different than those I had towards my mom or sister or for most female friends. My enthrallment wasnt even age specific, I could be attracted to girls my own age, to teenagers or even to ladies my moms age....

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Like all my stories, this is a work of pure fiction, derived by an active imagination and a lot of wishful thinking. Any resemblances to living persons, including me, are purely coincidental and unintentional. “More lube, baby. Make sure you cover your entire hand.” I squeezed more of the KY over my hand, and then slowly began twisting it into Lida’s pussy. Squeezing my fingers to a point, I carefully pushed them in. I moved in past the first knuckle, and up to the second knuckle, and the tip...

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Group Project

Warning Please take note! The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly writtenfor adults only. MF NC Spank Rape If you are underage or offended by such material -or- if viewing this fileis illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now. This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwiseis purely coincidental, etc. Copyright 2005

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