In My Life Ch. 02 free porn video

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Maria had no doubt what would happen next. She saw the rage in Emerson’s eyes and knew he would fight Hogan. What she didn’t know was how the fight would go.

Emerson had learned long ago to keep his temper in check. He had lost it on occasion and the results worried him. He had made it a practice to remain in control of his emotions.

This time, it was impossible for Emerson to control his feelings as he saw what Hogan had just done. Stepping between Hogan and Maria, Emerson looked Hogan in the eye. Even in his anger, he was surprised that Hogan seemed shorter and smaller than he remembered.

‘Hogan, I’m going to give you the beating of your life,’ Emerson told him. ‘Women and boys seem to be your specialty. Try your luck with a grown man!’

‘I heard you were back, Trask. You don’t seem to be any smarter than you were eight years ago. I beat you then and I’ll do it again.’

With that Hogan threw his best punch, an overhand right. He planned on ending this fight before it got started.

Emerson easily stepped inside the swing and blocked it with his left arm. Emerson’s right traveled to the point of Hogan’s chin. Hogan’s head snapped back. He never saw where the punch had come from, but it had hurt. Hogan took a step back, shook his head clear, and studied his adversary. Hogan had been in many fights, but seldom had be been pushed. Usually, he battered away at a man until he wore him down and eventually beat him.

The two circled in the street. Suddenly, Hogan put his head down and charged Emerson, confident his superior weight would take Emerson to the ground. Emerson quickly sidestepped his rush and brought both hands down on the back of Hogan’s neck as he went by.

Hogan’s chin plowed a groove in the street. He got up and slowly. Changing tactics, he worked his way in close. As he did so, Emerson raked Hogan’s face and torso with short, wicked punches. Hogan’s big roundhouses seldom connected. When they did Emerson would simply shake them off and continue hammering at Hogan’s body.

Hogan managed to trip Emerson to the ground. Emerson rolled as Hogan sent a boot aimed for his head. It missed but glanced off Emerson’s shoulder. Hogan’s spur sliced Emerson’s shirt and started blood flowing. Emerson quickly got to his feet and walked in on Hogan, battering the man relentlessly.

Hogan became desperate. Never had he had a fight go this long. He had never been hurt like this. Fear gave him renewed strength and he moved close and grabbed Emerson in a bear hug. He raised Emerson off the ground as he squeezed with all his strength.

Emerson was amazed at the man’s power and knew he had to break the hold. He slammed both hands over Hogan’s ears. He felt Hogan relax his grip slightly, so Emerson hammered his ears again. This time Hogan dropped Emerson and brought his hands to the sides of his head. Emerson felt Hogan’s nose break from a left. His right hand started Hogan’s left eyebrow bleeding. Hogan was weaving and having trouble protecting himself. When he covered his face, Emerson worked on his body. Gradually, Hogan’s hands dropped lower and lower, and Emerson pounded away relentlessly.

Hogan went down and Emerson pulled him back up, smashing away at Hogan’s face. Emerson was holding the unconscious Hogan up, striking him repeatedly, when he felt a tugging on his shoulder.

‘Emerson, that’s enough! You don’t want to kill him.’

Emerson turned to find Maria talking to him, holding her hands over her torn shirt. Maria instinctively knew that she would be able to calm Emerson. She watched him emerge from his rage and drop Hogan to the street. He gently took her arm and led her toward her two friends.

Cathy was on her knees by Bob, who had managed to sit up. A young blonde man in the crowd took his shirt off and offered it to Maria. She took it and put it on over the torn one she was wearing.

Maria had watched the fight in horror. At first, she feared Emerson would suffer another beating at the hands of Hogan. Soon she realized Hogan had no chance with Emerson, who was in a fury. By the finish, Maria felt pity for the brute, Hogan, and pleaded with Emerson to stop. The man didn’t deserve to be beaten to death! Emerson had bruises on his face and his shoulder was bleeding from the spur, but he looked much better than the last time he had tangled with Hogan.

As Emerson and Maria walked over to help Bob and Cathy, a slim gunman stepped in front of Emerson.

‘You’d better start carrying a gun, mister. I’m going to be looking for you,’ he threatened.

‘You tinhorn, I’m here right now,’ Emerson laughed back. ‘Make your play!’

Maria was terrified. Emerson was unarmed and Lang was not a man to take an insult. Before she could warn Emerson, her fears became reality. Lang went for his gun!

As he spoke, Emerson had stepped close to the gunman. Nervously, the man had gone for his gun, only to have Emerson grab his wrist in a vise-like grip. Emerson then slapped the man repeatedly across the face until he went down. Emerson stood over him holding his gun.

‘Tell Hogan I’ll tear his heart out if he ever bothers these girls again. In fact, I’ll tear it out if I ever even see him again. Actions like that will not be tolerated in Morgantown. If he wants to live, he’d better find someplace far from here. As for you, tinhorn, I’ll be available anytime you feel lucky, but my advice to you is to get out of town while you’re still alive.’

Emerson turned to Red, who was standing off to the side, watching. ‘Red, do you want to buy into this? Fists or guns?’

Red looked away. ‘I guess not.’

Emerson turned his back on Red and tossed Lang’s colt into a nearby horse trough. Bending over, he practically lifted Bob to his feet.

‘If you can ride, I suggest we get you home,’ Emerson told the younger man.

‘I can make it. That’s our wagon. I’ll ride in back,’ Bob replied with effort.

Emerson and the girls helped Bob into the back and used blankets to make him as comfortable as possible. Emerson offered to drive the wagon, but Cathy refused.

‘Thanks, but I’ve been handling these things since I was big enough to walk. I can drive it.’

It was at this time, the man that had given Maria his shirt stepped up to the wagon and spoke to Cathy.

‘Can I help? I’ll drive you home.’

‘Tom, where were you when Bob needed help earlier?’ Cathy asked. ‘I know you watched that whole thing and never lifted a hand to help us. I hope you watched Emerson and learned something about what men do! I’ll manage, thank-you.’

As the group mounted and slowly rode out of town, Tom Gordon remained where Cathy had spurned his help. His thoughts bleak and his pride shattered, Tom considered the situation.

He had been afraid to do anything. He knew Cathy and Maria would consider him a coward, and they would be right. A man with intelligence, Tom realized he could not change the past, but the future could improve. He promised himself he would never suffer the shame of cowardice again. Bob had been beaten, but showed he wasn’t afraid and would recover from his pain faster than he, Tom Gordon, would get over the embarrassment he had suffered.

The group stopped at the Jordan spread first. Carefully, Emerson helped Bob to his room. No one was in, so they didn’t have to explain Bob’s condition. When Maria and Emerson left, Cathy was cleaning up Bob’s cuts.

‘Don’t worry about us. I can take care of Bob. You should get home before everyone worries about you,’ Cathy told them. ‘Emerson, thanks for everything!’ She reached up and gave Emerson a kiss. ‘You were great!’

Maria and Emerson continued on to the Casey ranch. Both were subdued as they rode. The day’s events had tired them out emotionally.

Maria was remembering Emerson’s expression when Hogan had struck her. She knew that as long as he were near, Emerson would never allow anyone to mistreat her. That realization
gave Maria a thrill.

As they rode, Maria turned to Emerson and asked, ‘Why did you come back to Morgantown, Emerson?’

Emerson was thoughtful as he answered. ‘Maria, this is my home. My family is here. I felt it was time to correct some mistakes I had made a long time ago.’

‘Emerson, I know I shouldn’t have slapped you that day in town. It’s just that I had promised myself I would do that if I ever saw you again. Somehow it didn’t give me the satisfaction I expected.’

‘Maria, I sure had it coming,’ Emerson replied with a grin. ‘It really got my attention, and at least it meant that you remembered me.’

‘I’m sure you knew I would remember you. You were the one traveling all over the world, meeting all kinds of people. I’m a little surprised you remembered who I was,’ Maria answered.

‘Maria, you can believe me when I say I would not forget you, no matter where I was or who I was with.’ Emerson’s voice sounded so sincere Maria was touched.

‘Well, Emerson, it is nice to think I’m not that easily forgotten.’ Then changing the subject, Maria asked, ‘Were you serious about Hogan not being able to stay on this range?’

Emerson became very intent as he answered, ‘Maria, a man that treats decent women like Hogan did you and Cathy, has no place in a civilized society. I’ve heard of men being hanged for that sort of behavior. I was very serious. If he doesn’t leave under his own power, I’ll help him. I would never forgive myself if he harmed someone now. It isn’t a threat, it is an obligation I feel toward you, Cathy, and all the other decent women of the area. That behavior can’t be ignored. It would not be safe.’

Maria saw the logic in Emerson’s words, but felt surprise at the depth of his emotion. She also realized that she already felt safer thinking about Hogan leaving the area. That Emerson would enforce his ultimatum, she had no doubt.

They rode in silence the rest of the way. It was early evening when the Casey spread came into sight.

‘Emerson, will you come in with me?’ Maria asked. ‘My folks are going to have all kinds of questions and my father will want to kill Hogan. They seem to listen to you.’

‘Maria, I’d be glad to. I’ll put your horse away and be right in,’ replied Emerson.

Carmella Casey was at the stove when Maria went into the house. As usual, Pat was in the next room reading an old magazine.

‘Maria, did I see you ride in with Emerson? Did you invite him in?’ Carmella was smiling. ‘I guess you were serious when you said you would keep an eye on him.’ At that point, Carmella looked at Maria.

‘My God, Maria, what happened?’ Carmella demanded. At the change in his wife’s tone, Pat Casey rose and entered the kitchen.

Carmella was not done with her questions. ‘Why are you wearing that shirt and whose is it? What happened to your cheek?’ Carmella had walked closer to Maria as she spoke. ‘Are you all right, dear?’

Maria began to sob. The events of the day had been overwhelming and now that she was home, Maria could no longer hold the tears back. Her mother took her onto her arms. ‘Take your time and tell us what happened,’ Carmella soothed Maria as she spoke.

Carmella had been looking at the strange shirt Maria wore. Gently, she unfastened two buttons and confirmed her suspicions.

‘Maria, did someone rip your shirt?’

Maria’s response was to sob even more. At that time, Emerson stepped in the doorway. Pat Casey started across the room toward Emerson.

‘What do you mean, bringing our daughter home like this?’ Pat demanded of Emerson. ‘There had better be a damn good explanation, and it had better be quick! Otherwise we’ll step outside and settle this now!’

Maria left her mother and stepped in front of Emerson. ‘Dad, it wasn’t Emerson! You should know that! He would never do this to me!’

‘I don’t know anything, but I want to. One of you tell me what happened, and now!’

Maria was regaining her composure. ‘On my way to town, I met Cathy and Bob Jordan. Cathy and I stopped to visit Cindy Shuman. She wasn’t home so we went on to the store. We found Hogan beating Bob. When Cathy started hitting Hogan, he backhanded her and she fell in the street near Bob. Then Hogan came after me. He was like a crazy animal! I clawed him and he hit me and tore my shirt open.’

Pat Casey reached up and took his gun belt off a peg and started putting it on. Carmella was beside him, imploring, ‘Don’t do anything foolish. Taylor’s men will shoot you if you go over there! At least hear Maria’s story. Then, if you must, go over there in the morning, in the light. Emerson, will you go with Pat?’

‘There is no need, Dad,’ Maria cried. ‘Emerson took care of Hogan!’

Carmella and Pat turned their attention to Emerson, who remained standing in the doorway. Carmella looked at Emerson. ‘You fought him again.’ It was a statement and not a question. Of course Emerson would fight Hogan after what he did to Maria.

‘Mother, Emerson beat the daylights out of Hogan!’ Maria told her parents. ‘He won’t bother anyone for a long time. I stopped Emerson. I was afraid he would kill Hogan.’

‘I should have realized sooner what was going on,’ apologized Emerson. ‘I never would have let Hogan touch Maria, or Cathy. He could be hanged for actions like that. This Taylor must feel he’s the big frog in this pond.’

‘Thanks for stepping in, Emerson. I didn’t mean to accuse you of anything. I was just upset about this whole thing,’ Pat Casey said. ‘So you took care of Hogan? I sure would have enjoyed seeing that! I’m surprised Lang wasn’t there backing him, like he usually does. You’ll have to watch out for him now.’

Maria was now smiling as she recounted the day’s events. ‘Dad, Lang did try to back Hogan’s play. After I persuaded Emerson to leave Hogan alone, Lang tried to threaten Emerson right there in the street.’

Pat Casey looked at his daughter. ‘Tried? You’d better finish this story.’

‘Emerson called Lang a tinhorn and Lang went for his gun. Emerson was unarmed. Emerson stepped close to Lang and grabbed his wrist before Lang could get his colt out. Then he backhanded Lang until he felt into the street, near Hogan. Emerson had Lang’s gun in his hand. He asked Red Gately if he wanted to try it with fists or guns, but Red wanted no part of Emerson!’

Carmella was amazed at Maria. She seemed to have changed her opinion of Emerson quite abruptly. Now, he was her personal champion.

‘Emerson took Lang’s gun away from him? That hurt him more than shooting him. He’ll be gunning for you now,’ Pat declared.

‘I’ll be ready if he does,’ Emerson answered, ‘but I hope it’s all over. I don’t look for this kind of excitement.’

Carmella joined in, ‘You look a lot better than the last time you two fought, Emerson. Still, it looks like a nasty slice in your shoulder. It would be a good idea to let us clean it up. Sit down here and we’ll take a look at it.’ With that Carmella pulled a kitchen chair around for Emerson.

‘Thanks, but I’ll be fine. It’s only a scratch,’ protested Emerson.

Maria felt guilt when her mother mentioned the cut. ‘You should have mentioned that. I was so wrapped up in my own embarrassment, I never thought to see if you were okay. Now sit down and let us see that cut!’

Emerson looked at Pat Casey, who simply shook his head. ‘Emerson, I never have any luck when the two of them agree on something. You may as well take a seat and get it over with.’

Emerson sat down and the two women went to work on his shoulder. Carmella took hot water from the stove and swabbed the injury. Part of Emerson’s shirt was stuck to the wound.

‘Pat, please get one of your shirts for Emerson,’ directed Carmella. ‘This one is in pretty sad shape. Emerson, take what is left of your shirt off. This cut looks worse than we suspected.’

Emerson began to protest. ‘I really don’t think that is necessary. This shirt isn’t that bad.’

a, who had been helping her mother, took the torn section of his shirt in her hand and gave a quick pull. The fabric parted across Emerson’s shoulders.

Carmella and Pat looked at Maria in complete shock. ‘Isn’t that easier than arguing with this stubborn clod? Now take off the rest of those rags while Dad gets a shirt for you.’

Realizing he had little choice, Emerson removed what was left of his shirt while Pat went in search of another.

Carmella gave an audible gasp as Emerson dropped the rag that had been his shirt to the floor. She turned red as Maria and Emerson directed their attention her way.

‘I’m sorry about that,’ she apologized. ‘I just wasn’t prepared for this! Emerson, I have to say you seem to be a very healthy young man.’

Maria laughed at her mother’s discomfort. ‘Life at sea seems to add muscle and tan doesn’t it, Mother? Your reaction is like Cathy’s when we saw Emerson cleaning Three Rock Springs with his shirt off.’

‘You didn’t tell me about that. If you had, I might not have been so surprised just now.’

Emerson was embarrassed at being the focus of the two women’s discussion. ‘If you would, please remember why I’m sitting here like this. Once my shoulder is cleaned up a little, I’ll be on my way.’

Maria laughed again. ‘Emerson, men talk about women this way all the time, and we’re supposed to feel complimented. It can be a bit demeaning at times, can’t it?’

Carmella was examining the cut in Emerson’s shoulder as she finished cleaning it. ‘I think a few stitches are in order here, Emerson. This is a nasty slice. Maria has helped the doctor sew her father’s arm. Do you think you could stitch Emerson’s shoulder, Maria? I know I can’t do that sort of thing.’

‘Mother, get everything ready. This looks pretty simple. I’ll have it done in no time,’ Maria answered as she looked at the cut.

Emerson protested, ‘I really don’t think stitches are necessary. Just give me a shirt and I’ll be going.’ With that he began to stand.

Maria put her hand on his good shoulder and pushed him back to the seat. ‘Do I detect fear in your voice? Don’t you trust me?’

‘It isn’t that. I just think we are making this worse than it is. I’ll heal up fine.’

‘Good. As long as you trust me, we’ll get it done right now. Mother hand me the needle and thread.’ Maria gave Emerson a strange smile as she spoke.

‘Mrs. Casey, she seems to enjoy this! Can I appeal to you? I’ll be fine.’

‘Emerson, this won’t be bad. Sit still and Maria will be done in no time,’ Carmella was fascinated as she watched Maria take the needle and thread it. Then she held it in the flame of the stove for a few seconds.

Maria was enjoying the moment. She felt in control. Emerson was at her mercy and it felt great. Emerson sat very still and quiet as Maria began to sew the flesh. As she worked, her breast brushed Emerson’s arm.

Emerson found the pain of the stitches had far less affect on him than the closeness of Maria. As she worked on his cut, his face became flushed. He worked hard to remain still and calm.

It was not by accident Maria was brushing against Emerson. She watched his reaction closely and enjoyed his obvious excitement. Maybe he wasn’t as tough as he seemed. Maria found it somewhat difficult to concentrate as well.

As she finished, Maria slowly lowered her hand to a small round, red scar on Emerson’s chest. Touching it, Maria asked, ‘Emerson, is this from a bullet? Where did you get it, and when?’

‘Yes, it is from a bullet, over a year ago, on Christmas Eve. That was in South America.’ Emerson tried to change the subject. ‘Thanks for the sewing job, Maria. I hardly felt it. You were really quite good.’

Maria hardly heard Emerson’s last statement. ‘You were shot in the chest? On Christmas Eve? In South America! It’s a wonder you are alive. Was it over a card game, like your father, or some bar maid? I really do hate you!’ Maria burst into tears and ran from the room.

Pat Casey had finally reappeared with a shirt in his hand, and witnessed Maria’s outburst. He was totally bewildered, as was Emerson.

‘I had a little trouble finding the right shirt. Here Emerson, take this.’ With that Pat handed it to the now standing Emerson. ‘What was that all about?’

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Mata Haris

“I told you to drop that inquiry, Detective!” “But Lieutenant, There’s definitely something going on there.” Lieutenant Walker sighed. Claire was an excellent Detective, but she was sometimes too keen to dig into things, especially when she thought women were being exploited. “What have you got now?” “I parked my car near the club shortly before closing. I left the dash-cam running overnight. Nobody left. None of the doormen, none of the women. Nobody. They all stayed inside all night....

1 year ago
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Her visit

It’s been two years since you’ve seen your high-school-best-friend. Madison has been a thousand miles away for school, and her family moved with her after high school ended. You’re practically her only friend she still has a connection with from this past life. You guys call all the time and talk about your friendships and relationships as if it’s still lunch time at school; once a staple of both your lives. You both have been platonic friends for so long. Honestly you’ve never actually...

2 years ago
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Where Will It EndChapter 9b A Slutty Revelation Without BE

I understand some people are not into bestiality and I did not tag it at the beginning. For this reason, I have made two versions of this chapter. This version does not have bestiality. Chapter 9a has. This is fiction. No part of this story is true nor do I wish it to be true ... If you are not 18, you should not be reading this. If you believe this is real, you should not be reading this. It all comes from an overactive imagination. She was to grant three wishes to her son’s soccer team if...

1 year ago
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Slut For My Friends Husband

I am a 29 year-old hot ass, long legs, and my tits are a B cup. My husband looks terrible. He has let himself go, and I am not really turned on by him. I have not cheated on him but find myself checking out hot guys all the time. My friend just had a baby, and I agreed to make dinner for her family. Wearing a sweat suit, I brought dinner to her house. She answered the door and apologized that she had to go to a hastily scheduled doctor’s appointment. She asked me to help her husband, Kyle, get...

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My Landlord My Master

This story is purely fictional and meant for adult audiences only! If you are not an adult, please stop reading and dispose of this file. You have been warned of the content, if you proceed I will not be held responsible! I won't bore you with the little details, after all this story is rated XXX not X so there isn't much story beyond some hard and throbbing and soft and yielding body parts. My Landlord - My Master By Erica Wright Chapter 1 I rent a basement apartment...

2 years ago
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First blowjob

I finally decided to go down on this guy I like for the first time – really, the first time, as in my firsttime, ever – and here I am having to encounter balls for the first time. I mean, I finally got up thenerve to give a blowjob, months and in some cases even years after my friends, had just begun to geta little confidence about the idea of me with a dick in my mouth for the first time, when this guyhas to lift up his sweaty sack and lay it right on my mouth. Great. What the fuck am I...

4 years ago
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Measuring My Cum pt4

The next two days, which were a Thursday and Friday, followed a very similar routine to the first day of mom helping measuring my cum.Mom would take one specimen first thing when I got home, coming into my bathroom after I showered, whilst I stood naked in the bath. The other two times each evening, she would wank me off into the semen beaker whilst I lay on my bed.Mom would take her bra off during our 'sessions' in the bathroom. Even better, she had also got into the habit of removing it and...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Taissia Shanti Russian Lover

Taissia Shanti and her boyfriend Chad Rockwell can’t keep their lips off of one another as they sit on the couch and poke at Chad’s phone. Capturing Chad’s lips with her own, Taissia climbs into her lovery’s lap and lets him know just what she wants with her grinding hips. Chad isn’t shy about dropping his phone and wrapping his arms around Taissia to lift her up and reposition her just where he wants her. Lifting Taissia’s shirt, Chad buries his face between...

4 years ago
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The Violateds Payback

He probably should've realized something wasn't quite right when he came home and she was waiting for him in nothing but a sheer top in a candlelit living room. It wasn't totally new to find her this way. Tonight something felt different? Maybe it was that she was wearing a new top he hadn't seen before? But what really caught his attention was that she was playing with the new dildo he bought specifically to tease her ass with the night before. "I didn't think I'd enjoy last night quite the...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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My Life As A Fetish Model

Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional and any resemblance to anyone dead or alive is coincidental. I welcome comments (and suggestions for future chapters!) so please feel free to email me – kace.lee at gmail. Thanks! Kacey.MY LIFE AS A FETISH MODELMy name is Christine Lee, and this the story of my life as a fetish model.Coming out of school as an 18 year-old was a liberating feeling, and it wasn’t long before I had to move away from home to go to college. I wasn’t sure exactly what I...

3 years ago
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Rumar gude cricket khela

Manusher jibone kichu kichu muhurto thake ja kokhono bhola jai na, oi muhurto gulo jibone soroniyo hoye thake. Majhe majhe ekakitter majhe oi bhalo bhalo sriti gulo porom anondo niye ase. Ami probal, khub-i bhodro ar shanto ekta chele, kokhono kono meyer dike chokh tule takai na, matha te kono kharap chinta dure thak, kokhono bondhu der songe sex niye baje adda di na, tobe majhe majhe english movie-r bed scene gulo dekhe khub beshi uttegito hoye porle paser bari-r chader opor darano meye gulo...

1 year ago
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Snow morels

Snow Morels Note to readers, don't read if you don't like poor grammar, this is rough. This is a work of adult fiction. No resemblance to reality should be inferred or expected. Copyright... Are you kidding? - - - - - I was fourteen and puberty was actually kicking in. I was changing even more than I'd changed already. I was getting to be more and more like my dad. Under some other circumstances it might be not so bad. Dad ran away three years ago leaving us, mom, me and...

3 years ago
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Thand Ki Ek Ratt

By : Singham Hey reader’s mera naam Shashank hai aur mai varanasi me rahta hoon.mera age 21 saal hai aur ab mai graduation kar chuka hu waese to mai sex ke bare me jada to nahi sochta ye incident aaj se karib 4 saal phele ki hai jab mai 11th standard me mere jivan ke real story hai tab mere bade bhai ki sadi nahi hui thi mere bagal me ek didi rahti thee unka naam pinki thaa wooh dekhne me bahut hi soondar hai wooh muhjse 2 saal badi hai unka figure bahut hi maintain hia. Unki...

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Halo Ch 09

Hi to all my readers. Sorry about the long delay between chapters but life got in the way in the form of the premature arrival of my new Granddaughter, who is now doing great. * Janey sat on the edge of the bench sipping her orange juice while Ren stood between her knees watching her as he drank his coffee. When she had finished her juice he took the glass from her hand and placed it on the bench beside his cup before lowering his head to kiss her deeply. ‘Knock it off you pair. Didn’t you...

1 year ago
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Raider and the Lost Lamp Ch 02

Clara was roused by an odd tingling sensation in her toes. As she began to stir, she realised that the fingers of her left hand were inside her vagina. She quickly removed them and pulled her hand out of her pants as she opened her eyes and looked around. It took her a couple of seconds to remember where she was, and she moaned when she realised that her entrapment hadn’t just been a bad dream. That odd tingling sensation was all through her feet now, and starting to creep up her calves. Clara...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Leana Lovings Perving On My Stepsister

Leana Lovings is getting used to living with her stepbrother Lucky Fae. She likes to wear revealing outfits around the house, which Lucky enjoys perving on. Today, Lena Leana is on her belly with her miniskirt hiked up to show off her panties when Lucky walks in. Since Leana doesn’t notice him, Lucky takes the opportunity to look his fill. When Leana does eventually see her stepbro, she tells him not to peak since her door doesn’t close all the way. Lucky takes it as an invitation...

2 years ago
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Making Wife a Slut Made Her in Whore

Myself Salahuddin Rehmaan, after having a wonderful experience with Vinita, I suddenly developed a feeling of Cuckolding, my girl fucking with another guy gave me immerse pleasure. But Vinita was married now and I lost contact with her. So after little pressure from my family I decided to get married. After few searching of girls my family finally picked up a girl. Our religion doesn’t allow seeing girls and so my parents saw the girl and after few weeks I was being married. In the wedding...

3 years ago
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Surprise By Aunt Heaven Was Mine

Hi everyone, this is Ganesh (24) from Bangalore, I am sure many people will like my episode & in this true story I will give best to all Indian sex stories readers. I wanna tell my real romantic story happened last month with my stunning widowed aunt.. Recently I started reading ISS, I like incest stories, I like women aged 25 to 40 very much.. More than young girls I like the women more. After reading definitely women will specifically like my encounter and interested people can contact me at...

2 years ago
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Double TimeChapter 87

“What’s the difference between a classical guitar and a pizza? A pizza can feed a family of four.” —Faye Kellerman, Hangman “I DIDN’T GET A CHANCE to tell you Wednesday evening,” I said to Cindy as we were opening our instrument cases. “You look really ... um ... pretty in that dress. More ... um ... mature.” I wanted to say that she looked gorgeous and sexy but, in some ways, she looked like a little girl playing dress-up. Only the dress fit. Really well. “Thank you,” she whispered. I...

4 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 266 Introducing What We Did for My Soccer Team Part Two

Monday, June 27, 2005 (Continued) We kept chatting about aspects of the Target Game, to give the guys plenty of time to get used to seeing My Girls topless. Hopefully enough so they wouldn't react typically when the Targets also started stripping. One of the other issues that came up turned out exactly as I'd expected. I pointed out that under my plan, the guys wouldn't get to choose which of the Target Girls they had sex with. It was up to the Targets to choose the guys. Amusingly, the...

1 year ago
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Dick to Dick Love

Clayton had been bisexual for years only never admitted it. Only he considered himself unique. He preferred women but would definitely fuck a guy if they were horny enough. Clayton… Clayton had been bisexual for years only never admitted it. Only he considered himself unique. He preferred women but would definitely fuck a guy if they were horny enough. Clayton never did like it in his ass. It hurt too much. But he will gladly give. He is most definitely a top. Ass is always good but...

1 year ago
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Twinz Part II

I woke up after a great fuck from Tracy only to find that she was gone, thinking to myself, hey at least you got to fuck one of them and thought nothing else of it. I got up took a nice hot shower when I heard the phone ringing. "Hello", I said. "Yes, can I speak to James", came the voice over the phone. "This is him, who is it", I said. "James this is Stacy",she responded. "Oh, hey how's it going I thought you guys wasn't going to call me", I said with a smile. "I would have called sooner but...

3 years ago
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Cat Fight 21 Contact

specton - 2 1/2 minutes Toton -   2 1/2 hours minton -  2 1/2 days daycon -  2 1/2 weeks Malant -  2 1/2 months quant  -  2 1/2 years galant -  2 1/2 centuries Metson  - 2 1/2 inches maclon  - 2 1/2 feet heckson - 2 1/2 miles tetson -  2 1/2 acres unit -    2 1/2 ccs Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose) - Lion clan, Cit-Chac-Coh  King Tomco Traxor - Bill's dead father, Lion clan King Tobias Traxor - Bill's dead brother, Lion clan Queen Trianna Axor - Bill's dead mother,...

4 years ago
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College feast

Miss Aparna (not her real name) was the replacement, and when she came in to the class, I am sure all boys got a hard on. She was just out of college, sharp features, very fair, thin and sexy looking. We could make out that she was new to sarees, and could hardly hold the pallu in place. She used to wear a front opening blouse, and we would get a free view whenever her pallu abandoned her Saree. She mostly wore a flowery bra which we could make out from under the sheer material of her blouse,...

3 years ago
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Crossdressing for sex Pt 2 Getting fucked

Expecting my lover to be sitting there impatiently waiting for me I am surprised to see him leaning against the wall calmly. He too has changed his outfit from when he first arrived. At the door he seemed rather plain and I was kind of disappointed. He wore a T-shirt and jeans with some fairly tired looking boots. I hadn’t noticed him carrying anything else so I assumed I was the only one to be in leather. As it turned out I was absolutely wrong.Before anything else what struck me was how hairy...

1 year ago
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FosterTapes Misha Mynx Aria Skye Foster Mother Demands Obedience

Asian foster candidate Aria Skye is very excited to get adopted by Misha Mynx and her husband, however, upon moving into their home, she finds that she is asked to do many of the household chores. Her foster mother in particular is adamant on Aria taking physical care of her foster father. But when Aria complains of the excessive amounts of work she is asked to do, Misha commands her to take part in a physical bonding exercise with her and her husband that will truly make Aria a part of the...

2 years ago
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Yes Iam a Cocksucker

Here it is, cocksucker. Waiting for you to walk in my front door, drop to your knees and worship my cock.It was so appetizing.It was so black.It was so big.The idea so taboo.My mouth watered.My already hard cock flinched in my pants.My left hand opened the door and I got out of my truck. I felt like I was being drawn to the house, to that big black cock.Reaching the driveway, I paused, before walking up the drive way and to the front door.Taking a deep breath, I paused again, put my hand on the...

3 years ago
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Watching My Slut Mum

hi im 18/male/ukThe past Couple of weekends my mum has started going out on friday nights and not coming home till early hours in the morning ... I asked her where she goes and she replied just for a few drinks in town with her friends ,I didnt think nothing of it until 1 night i heard a loud car come up my avenue and then pull up , i looked out the window and saw my mum get out of the car ,there was 2 young looking guys in tracksuits and one had a cap on , they drove off and my mum come in the...

1 year ago
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The Backpacker

I loved the wide open roads of this land, far different from the roads back home where your views are hidden by hedgerows. The furthest one can see is about a hundred yards without seeing a house or habitation somewhere. Here one can see as far as the horizon with the road disappearing into space and not a sign of life either side. One has to be careful walking Australian roads, for drivers have a bad habit of trying to knock down walkers and cyclists. That is why there are so many bodies...

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Well used by a black neighbor

One morning; as I was doing some housekeeping, I could see some people moving to the house next door. They were a middle aged black couple. She was a beautiful woman and he was a handsome huge man…As the week wore on I would be going and coming and noticed them watching me every time I walked close to them…. They never said anything but she always smiled at me.One night I was home alone and I got a phone call from a stranger man.He said his name was Omar and he was the black man who lived on...

3 years ago
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All for Charity Part 2

All for Charity (Part 2) -- Susie's Story Susie decides to move back home to rekindle an old romance Preface Susie watches her friend Ben walk up to the stage. He was receiving an award for having raised the most money that night for the American Heart Association's gala. Susie was so proud of Ben. She had spent a lot of time with him these past few weeks, organizing fundraisers and contests to raise the money and, most of all, helping him prepare for this very special night. ...

3 years ago
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The Girl Scout 20 Bitch Beat down

Previous: The Girl Scout-1; The Girl Scout-2 Daddy; The Girl Scout -3 The Tool Man; The Girl Scout – 4 Tag Teamed ; The Girl Scout -5 Die Bitch Die; Girl Scout 6 -Cum Faced The Girl Scout-7 HOGTied; The Girl Scout -8 Getting to Know You; The Girl Scout -9 Sleeping Beauty; The Girl Scout – 10 Work It Good The Girl Scout -11 Lights Out Bitch; The Girl Scout-12 Doctor Rosen The Girl Scout -13 Papa and Grand Daughter The Girl Scout -14 Exam Hell The Girl Scout -15 Training and...

1 year ago
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Get out of my way

“Get out of my way!” you screamed as you push him away from you. You angrily walked toward your bedroom and went directly to the bathroom. You were so angry at him right now that you didn’t trust yourself to talk to him.It seems he feels the same way, too. He goes after you, his face almost red with anger. He was breathing heavily as he followed you into the bathroom. You face the mirror as you remove your earrings. Your chest heaves as you look at yourself.You wore your dark blue cocktail...

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Ronis Doctor Visit

Roni’s Doctor VisitAt ten to six I pulled up to the curb in front of the large old house that had been converted into a doctor’s office. My wife had found a new job that required a pre-employment physical and the doctor on retainer with the company had agreed to accommodate her after his regular office hours.We entered the reception area where I took a seat and Roni stepped up to the counter where she told the receptionist who she was.“I’ll need the medical history forms they gave you,” the...

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