TAMMI free porn video

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I felt strange coming to the small health clinic that my physical ther****t had recommended. It was obvious that I'd reached a plateau in my athletic performance, so it was time for some new exercises that also involved mental training. The limo drove me all the way to The Almond Modern Medicine Institute, where I was met by a young, enthusiastic woman. She showed enormous strength even though her body was much smaller than mine, and just not strength, but flexibility and dexterity as well. I was amazed at her attitude and performance. Her entire appearance was simply glowing.

She showed me to the reception area, where I got to sign a few papers waiting there for me. As I was putting my name on them, a voice greeted me with a welcome and I looked over my shoulder to see a beautiful tall woman, apparently in her prime.

"Welcome to The Almond Modern Medicine Institute, or TAMMI for short. I'm Olivia Almond."

We nodded to each other without shaking hands.

"Your room and therapy is prepared for you, and I'm sure that you will find the next two weeks here very giving to your body and soul. We have prepared a series of tests to examine how we can provide the best treatment for your athletic career. Would you follow me to your room so that we can start your experience here right away?"

She looked at me for a sign, and I nodded once again, and she turned around and walked down a large corridor with many different sculptures and paintings of impeccable taste. The institute displayed a very exclusive facade in the huge garden, where exotic trees and plants flourished, on the way to the main house. The composition of art in this magnificent house was close to perfection with sculptures standing not only as showcase objects, but also as barriers to shade other areas and enhance other objects and paintings.

Olivia walked silently before me in a landscape of history, wearing incredibly high heels on which she balanced perfectly on the hard marble floor. Her long white dress was entirely open in the back showing her tanned skin, which lay in excellent contrast to her soft, dark brown hair, which glistened with discrete red highlights.

"Your trainer has explained your level of training so far, and how it has been set up. The physical exercises will be much more intense that you are used to, but I can assure you that you will not notice how hard your muscles are really working. We will also have a series of mental exercises for you, to prepare you better for your tasks on the field, and we will also monitor your style and make suggestions if we see that you have the physical and mental components suitable for other sports. We will of course prepare all your meals, making sure you get all the nourishment you need. You'll then leave after a complete physical examination, where we will show you in black and white exactly how the two weeks has been effecting you. We will then send you an invitation to return after six months so we can follow up on your therapy."

It was amazing to hear her speak about what the institute would do for me in a way that sounded like I really wouldn't have to do anything but lay down and sip from fruit cocktails with small umbrellas. She must have sensed my amusement because she turned around and faced me, looking at me with a stern expression.

"Are we making a mistake to think that you want to be here?"

I looked at Olivia for a second before I realized it was too late to say a simple "Yes" or "No", so I stuttered out, "No, no, no, I want, I want, I want..."

"You want? Our therapy requires that you stay focused on the task at hand."

Turning from me again, she started to walk, with me in her wake, until we reached a small pathway down through some trees and bushes and up to a small bungalow. The inside contained a minimum of furniture, a bed, a chair and a nightstand. I looked around and thought for a while that I had by mistake ended up in a monastery.

"Undress and my assistant will be here to get you in 15 minutes for your initial evaluation."

The door closed behind me, and I realized that I had none of the bags with me. I sat down heavily on the bed. It felt extremely hard, like a plain wooden board, and shook my head. What kind of therapy was it to treat their customers to this kind of service?

I removed all my clothes except my shorts, and lay down on the floor to do a few push-ups while I waited, but the door opened at that very moment, much sooner than I expected. At first I saw small feet enclosed in elegant black 6 inch heels with ankle-straps, but raising my eyes I noticed the woman was completely naked, apart from the heels and a thin black ribbon around her neck.

"Come with me."

She had already walked away from the door before I realized that she had spoken, and I got to my feet and followed the gorgeous woman down another path to a steel door set in the rocks nearby. The door opened before her onto a small stairway leading down. She kept walking without saying a word, and I followed looking around me curiously. At the end of the stairs was a corridor leading to yet another door. She paused a bit before the door opened and we entered a room where the walls were covered by machines with blinking lights and readouts.

In the center of the room was a chair, which immediately made me think of my last dentist appointment. She pointed toward the chair and I understood that I should sit down. Sitting down, I let my eyes wander from machine to machine, across white desks with different gadgets on them. The only things I recognized were test tubes. The rest was either medical or something straight out of science fiction.

The woman left, leaving me alone in the room, but not for long. Another door opened and in came Olivia, followed by two men and two women.

"Hello again. It's time for your physical. We'll take a few tubes of blood, which is standard procedure here. We'll check you carefully to make sure you have no hidden or sleeping physical problem or dilemma, which could influence your treatment. We'll then let you go through a few tests to measure mental and physical speed, among other things."

While she was talking, the assistants were busy making preparations around me and one inserted a needle in my left arm, extracting blood into color-marked tubes of various sizes. When they were done, they withdrew the needle and placed a small protective plaster in the bend of my arm. The efficiency of this place was admirable, as they placed a collar around my right arm and measured my blood pressure then checked my finger to see how much oxygen I had in my red blood cells. After that followed more tests which were new to me, but evidently meant that the Institute would be able to give me more accurately targeted exercises. Each test, regardless how long it took, ended with someone saying "Very good." without saying anything about the actual readouts.

"It's time for a visual test."

They took out a helmet that looked like a VR helmet, and placed it over my head.

"Follow the red dot."

It was no problem to follow the small red dot that was moving up, down, left or right in a random pattern. Once again someone said "Very good." yet the helmet wasn't removed. I couldn't see a thing, but the darkness sat heavily on my eyes before written words appeared. The instructions were to read questions and answer them by looking at the correct answer, and the questions came both in writing and, in some cases, as sounds. The questions came slowly to begin with, but after a few correct answers the questions started to appear more quickly as I kept on answering them. Some questions were really easy such as recognizing colors, or if a sound came from left or right, while other questions required some time to comprehend and answer. I had no idea how much time had passed, but eventually everything went black and silent again. For a few moments I waited until the helmet was removed from my eyes and I could see that the four assistants had left Olivia and myself alone in the room.

"You've done well. It's now time for your first exercise. Kiss my feet."


"Kiss my feet. You know you want to. You've felt an urge to do so since you first saw me. The heels, and in particular the ankle-strap, make you want it even more. Just stand up and kneel before my feet and kiss them. No-one is watching, no-one will know."

To my surprise, I actually did what she was saying. Yet something told me that I was fighting each action as well, as if my muscles were making my body run in a different direction. Even lowering myself suddenly felt like the exercises I'd had running in water. Finally reaching her beautiful feet I felt as if my heart was pumping 200 a minute and I had difficulty breathing. I was exhausted from this incredibly small task, but I wasn't sweating at all. When my lips were about to touch her skin, she moved her feet and spoke.

"See how we've increased your muscular activity? Can you imagine what a decathlon would feel like now when you're not even capable of kneeling and kissing my feet without great exhaustion? This is what T.A.M.M.I. does to you. Would you like to meet Tammi in person?"

I didn't understand the question she was asking, but without waiting for my reply, not that I would be able to give one anyway, I saw her heels walk out through the door she had entered. Moments later another set of heels entered, 9 inches high, elegantly black with strings of gold and double ankle-straps, with the name, Tammi, embroidered in gold.

I felt a pair of hands lifting me up, and the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen looked at me with a kind smile. Her blue eyes sparkled like two deep wells, above a cute small nose and delicately thin pink lips. She had high cheekbones and long red hair framing her beautiful face with natural waves. There wasn't a split end to be seen anywhere. Her skin appeared perfect in color and texture, down to the single mole on her left cheek. She lifted me up with no effort at all, and placed me in the chair as if I weighed nothing. I noticed how her muscles flexed inside her arms and abdomen as she moved me, and I could see her entire being before me. She was a perfect ten if God ever made one. Her firm, naked body appeared to be 37-24-34, and about 6 feet tall. She smiled at me, and showed her empty palms to me.

"Come, let's teach you how to walk again."

I tried to raise my hands again, but I seemed immobile. However, didn't give up at that, and finally I was able to place my right hand in her left. After great effort I finally managed to have both hands in hers, and I was panting like a dog.

"What is happening to me?" I asked with a slight taste of blood in my mouth as if I had worked myself to the very limit of my capabilities. I could hear how full of despair my voice was, and truthfully I was scared beyond belief. Yet I couldn't help but feel calm as I kept eye contact with this gorgeous woman. She just smiled, kindly showing off her perfect white teeth to me, slightly licking her lips as if she wanted to make sure they were moist before she answered my question.

"You're learning all over again, the proper way, so that your body has a chance to build the proper nerve-connections to your muscle-fibers. This way you'll have better control over your muscles, not only when it comes to strength, but also precision, dexterity, endurance and so forth, and isn't that what an athlete participating in the decathlon needs? I'm doing all of this to you."

I felt good in her presence, and with her help I stood up, only to fall to the floor with a loud thump. She was standing a few feet from me, and as I lay on my back her angelic appearance raised high into the heavens, the large white lights in the roof making it impossible to make out her face. With the reserves I still had left in my body I turned around on my stomach and instinctively started to crawl towards her like a baby.

"That's it my c***d, you can't learn how to walk before you can crawl, and time is ticking. The more you learn under my supervision the more you will see the result when our time is up. You have to want to become better. You have to want to grow up again. Do you want to learn? Do you want to become better?"

"Yes" I replied without hesitation, understanding how patients, after traffic accidents, had to learn over again how to use their legs or arms. In my case, it was about my entire body. Except for my head. My thoughts were clear. So was my sight and hearing, but the commands from my brain were not accepted by my muscles as they once were.

"Good, now crawl to me. You have to be up on your feet and walking tonight, and from where I'm standing you're pitiful in your efforts to improve. Come on, come here!"

Her tone of voice and choice of words hurt my manliness, and for that reason I forced myself to crawl towards her. I thought, for a fraction of a second, that it took too long to crawl, so I got up on my feet and started to walk: It must have appeared as if I was under the influence of large amounts of alcohol as I was stumbling towards her. Her voice kept guiding me.

"Good. That's very, very good. Keep it going. You're already up on your feet. That's an excellent sign. It means your body is adapting quickly to the new conditions. Go on, you're doing great. Keep it up and I'll give you a reward for your hard work. Each performed improvement will be embraced with a generous reward, both in short and long term."

She kept smiling, licking her lips while she turned around and leaned forward showing off her perfectly shaped behind, and watching over her shoulder at me she said with an incredibly sexy tone of voice.

"Kiss my ass, and you'll feel something wonderful happening."

I watched her wiggling behind like a mirage before me, and like a very thirsty man in the desert I moved to the oasis before me, hoping to find fluids to drink, and staggered by it all I stumbled on towards her. When I was finally in reach of her swaying perfection, I leaned down with great difficulty and felt my lips caress her cheeks in a soft kiss. At the same moment, I felt my manhood rise to the occasion and Tammi told me to fuck her from behind right there and then. Her commands didn't seem the least bit odd, in fact that was all I wanted to do, except for the thoughts that were rushing in my head wondering if that would drain me of all my strength. She lead me in place and I felt her smoothness against the tip of my cock, but before I could push my hips forward and enter her from behind, the sensation of my orgasm startled me and I moaned while she gently teased my head and whispered.

"Can't hold back, can you?" she softly laughed as I found myself ejaculating heavily in her hand, spraying her palm with jet after jet of hot white semen, and finally falling to my knees behind her.

"See how incredible my ass is? The very touch makes you rock hard and craving for sexual release. Even now when you have drained your balls, leaning against my ass keeps you hard and wanting more."

She stepped away, wiping her hand with a tissue, and said.

"There is plenty of that if you're behaving, and while you're on your knees, you're just in the position to understand the terms of the treatment you'll be getting from now on. To begin with, you're not on your knees right now, you've been moved to a specially designed bed in the Institute. Bed Foxtrot Alpha Sierra to be exact. Your body is being given exactly what it needs and your muscles will be given exercises for long hours each day forcing your muscle mass to increase. The activities also makes sure that your bones are kept in the best possible condition, while your nerves are forced to adapt to the higher intensity training, but you will only notice what goes on in this world, a world where I rule. If you decide not to work in here you will find that I have ways to punish you immediately, and the Institute is also capable of causing your career great harm, possibly long jail sentences. As you come in here, you also come in your bed, where the staff will collect your strong semen for further experimentation and genetic research, which is another research branch. Perhaps you'll be the unknown father of the next generation of athletes, or perhaps you're already the result of several decades of research."

She elegantly picked me up and slammed me down in the bungalow board bed. In reality it would have been a couple of minutes’ walk, but she was right. In this world, she ruled and was able to move very quickly from one point to another. She told me that I would do best to sleep in order to keep up with the pace of the days to come, and vanished before my eyes. I started to cry as I realized that I had been conned into being at the Institute for two weeks, trapped to a bed and blackmailed not to reveal anything about it.

I woke up the next morning hearing Tammi shouting loud.

"GET UP!!!"

I slowly moved my legs outside the bed and came to a seated position while she kept screaming.


Sitting on the edge of the bed, I rubbed my eyes and was instantly slapped across my cheek with her open hand.

"You're already awake, get that through your thick head."

I looked at her, as if she was a nightmare, still vaguely in my dreams, and said.

"It's 5AM in…"

She slapped me again, this time so hard my jaw felt as if it were displaced and I fell to the floor.


Looking up at the loud wake-up call, I moved to my feet. When I was standing straight before her, she smiled and grabbed my jaw with her delicate fingers as if she wanted to make sure nothing had happened, but it was instantly followed by a heavy kick in my groin, causing me to fall back on the floor with a silent scream. The pain was incredibly intense, but I didn't pass out, which I would have done normally. When I realized that she could inflict so much pain without causing me to blackout I started screaming, only to be silenced by her hand around my jaw.

"Control your emotions, control the pain, and control your reactions to it."

She moved close to me, as close as two lovers would be, and with her lips touching my lips she whispered.

"You're mine, and you have nowhere to go. You'll do exactly as I instruct you to do, when I instruct you, and without hesitation."

I tried to say something, but her painfully tight grip didn't make it possible for me to say anything, and she continued.

"Don't try to comprehend, you're not capable of understanding it..."

She released her grip, and moved away, signing me to follow her out as she ended the sentence.


As I followed her outside the bungalow, I noticed that it was in the middle of an arena, and Tammi pointed to the starting line of the opening sprint. I moved to it, hearing my pulse like a huge drum pounding in my head, and I forced myself to a starting position. I heard a gun being fired and I began to run as quickly as I possibly could. I saw the finishing line in front of me and continued to run while Tammi slowly walked next to me.

"What are you waiting for?"

I looked down and noticed that my right foot was still in the blocks, while my left foot was in the air, just an inch above the ground. My mind screamed for a timeout, for some sort of straw to cling on to in this utterly strange world, but there was none to be found. Tammi got down on her knees and pointed at my left foot.

"You're already wrong and you haven't started. From the moment your feet leave the blocks, the angle in your legs and body is wrong because your feet aren't supporting your weight correctly."

She placed her index finger against my hanging foot and pushed it marginally. Then she did the same with my right foot, very gently turned it and pointed out the differences between what I had been doing and how these small things would correct my balance, how it would increase my speed and get me to an upright position more quickly. Then, suddenly, I felt the wind like a storm in my face as I rushed against the finishing line and broke the ribbon there waiting for me.

"Good, you've just set a new personal best by 4 hundredths of a second. Tomorrow you'll need to improve that even more. So what are you waiting for? Pampering? Some water? A massage? Go on!"

A personal best, I thought to myself, as I realized that I was standing ready for the long jump. Noticing my usual blue and white tape, I started off with my normal approach, increasing speed as I approached the board.

"Don't look at it! You already know it's white, so why look at it? Look at me and my incredible ass, here at the 10 meter line. Jump for it! Just think of what it would do to you."

Flying through the air with Tammi’s swaying ass before me I felt as if I touched ground all too soon, and with that I felt Tammi's naked foot forcefully hitting my face, which would have knocked out any normal person. I was stunned, flat on my back, as I looked up at my brutal trainer, and she screamed to be heard.

"Pain is your ally! Embrace it as your soul mate!"

The day continued with all the other events, not like any normal practice or competition, and by the end of the first practice I felt nothing anymore. My senses had been exposed to so much that they simply shut down, but my captor kept me going until the end. I didn't see anything, hear anything. I couldn't sense the ground beneath my feet or smell my own sweat. I was just a thought of an athlete falling down onto the grass. As time passed my hearing came back with Tammi's voice explaining that I had reached the first plane. It was time to break the barrier.

"What barrier?"

I could hear her move somewhere near me and as my sight began to return to my tearful eyes I saw her lowering herself towards me. Without answering my question she let her hands slide carefully over my bruised body, healing each painful square inch with her gentle touch, and above my face was the promising mirage of her ass. Looking down she saw my dizzy eyes gazing, and she uttered softly.

"To progress you first have to hit bottom in order to have solid ground to push yourself up from. You're there now, so reach for the bottom and begin to progress. Go for it, kiss my bottom and let all float to the surface. Feel how my hands are healing your aching body already, so kiss it and heal your longing spirit with a single kiss."

I reached up, finding her incredible ass, and let my lips brush the skin before my head fell down in the board bed she had suddenly moved us to. The hardness of the bed was matched by the hardness of my rigid cock. I had no strength, no control, no will to move a muscle, but Tammi moved herself to sit on top of my legs, and held me in both hands as I was racing towards satisfaction and just before release she let go and said.

"You're truly mine, and I will mould you into the athlete you would like to be now, but what will happen when I have completed the transformation? Think about what you have to gain, your freedom and glory, but you will lose the feeling that you have right now. The perfect sweetness of an eternal orgasm."

I felt cum ooze slowly up from the small hole, and each time I thought it was ending I found myself surprised by the increasing satisfaction. Tammi moved to stand right beside me and stood motionless smiling by my side as my body started squirming from the intensity of the orgasm, which just kept building. In minutes I was arching my back with my cock raised high against the ceiling. I could feel her lips against the cheek close to my right ear before she whispered the last words for the night.

"Try getting some sleep."

I didn't.

Two weeks passed with Tammi waking me up at optimal hours, when my mind had been given the correct amount of time to deal with the sorting of impressions from the day, regardless what time of day it was. At times I cried, if I was alone, but sometimes in the presence of Tammi. At other times I couldn't help falling in love with this wonderful person who abused, but never used, my body for my own greater good, who really knew what strings to pull in order to push me beyond my limits. The affection was at its’ peak, especially during the times when she would generously offer her rewards to me, when I had been showing major improvements. The expertise she owned to drive me into outdoing myself was amazing, and she helped me realize that I actually could improve on all my results.

"It's important that you understand that your body isn't used to the max. Your mind is sending out signals that block your possibilities to improve further, but this is changing. Remember how you had difficulties walking just a couple of days ago? Now you're running all the distances with great ease, throwing the javelin with higher technical precision and accuracy, but most of all coordinating the pole vault closer and closer to perfection each day. It's not because you couldn't before, it's because you now know that you can do it. Your mind isn't sending out those thoughts that are blocking your actions and consequently your results."

Of course, she was right. I had been enlightened for sure, seeing the world and athletic disciplines in a very different way. Just the ease of understanding the mental blocks and how they worked was enough to comprehend that, by removing them and pushing my body further, the results would show instantly. And yet, each time I realized something new, I cried harder in my solitude, before sleeping from the abuse she made me endure, from the moment I woke up until the moment I fell asleep. She never hesitated to inflict pain when I wasn't performing in the way that she expected, which was on a daily basis. Her expectations were just too high, yet somehow I met them some way through her knowledge to perform even better. How could it be that I hated and loved her so sincerely?

When two weeks had passed she put me to sleep one last time. Smiling generously at me, she placed her hands behind her back and told me that I was allowed to do one thing to her before this last night ended. All the anger that had been building up inside my heart boiled to the surface and I ran against her with my hand high, aiming to hit her as hard as I could, but when I reached her I lowered my hand, kneeled, and kiss her feet. She leaned down and rolled me over on my back. I was so ashamed of myself while she held me down on my back and softly talked to me as if she were telling me a fairytale.

"Don't miss me too much. You are experiencing Stockholm syndrome. When captives fall in love with their captor. Even if that is very sweet of you, I need no protecting. I will be here waiting if you want to come back in six months. Just remember what has been and learn from it. Make me proud, and let your new knowledge lead you to great victories."

One last time I saw her smile, while the world faded away into complete darkness, and I woke up with the helmet removed for real. Olivia was sitting by the bed in silence, and greeted me with kindness as I sat up. She seemed different from what I remembered of her. I noticed small dots in her eyes, things I had never been able to detect before, and while she spoke about the results of my treatment and the increase of strength, endurance, flexibility and so forth, I watched the three letters F.A.S. on the bedpost. I felt refreshed and got up to receive the medical protocol that Olivia had been reading from, and noticed how her wrist smelled sweet with perfume, yet blended with the sweat in her hand it smelled strangely thick and musky.

"It's incredible! No one has increased muscle mass this much in two weeks, nor has anyone enhanced their senses as much as you have. Your values have, in some cases, doubled, so you're probably seeing and hearing much more intensely now than you have ever done before."

"My smelling seems heightened too."

"Yes all of your senses, but also your capability to learn as well. Look at the chart and tell me what you see."

I looked down and started to explain the readouts and charts as if it was obvious to anyone. After speaking for 10 seconds about what I was reading I stopped in total surprise. Was I really reading and speaking? How was it possible that I knew? Olivia must have understood my reaction and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Tammi removed your mental blocks to improve your athletic capabilities, but those mental blocks were also preventing you from learning other things. She's kept repeating terms and knowledge that would embed themselves in your conscious mind, which is why you're now understanding your medical chart. How do you feel?"

Olivia showed me through a few doors to a dining room where dinner was already served, while I explained to her the sensation I was trying to comprehend. For the duration of an hour I had the chance of dine with Olivia and talk about things I had never talked about or understood before, and enjoy a meal of great delight. Leaving T.A.M.M.I. the scents from the plants in the garden made me close my eyes and inhale the sensations. I could see Tammi smiling there in the darkness of my eyelids, waving good-bye, for now, her voice speaking softly.

"Make me proud."

The following month became a repeated and constant improvement of my personal best, passing the 8000-point barrier much sooner than I ever hoped. It seemed to everyone that I was a potential candidate for an Olympic medal, as I passed 8500 onward against 9000.

One winter’s day, after six months had flown by, I returned to the Institute for a check-up, and everyone was pleased with the results. It was, of course, expected that my muscles wouldn't grow much more, but my strength was increasing, which was a positive sign. Returning became the beginning of my night classes with Tammi, and I couldn't help falling more deeply in love with this wonderful woman, who was not only my personal trainer, but also my teacher, my mentor, and in more ways than I could count, my Goddess.

At the age of 24, I decided that there would be no use in being the first to pass 9000 points, so instead, I carefully decreased my results to make it appear that I had reached my peak and when the outdoor season was over, just a couple of days before my 25th birthday, I announced that I would stop competing. It made headline news for a week, but like all old news I was forgotten a week later. I applied to M.I.T. and I was accepted, graduating with a double major in System Design and Linguistics. Soon after graduation, I was employed by the Institute as a system wide designer and programmer, updating the system and also developing an improved interface suit which would allow me to be with Tammi more.

I spent several hours a day chatting to and mailing Tammi, even when I was away on trips. Each day was a new learning experience, when I found out more about computer science and the political agenda, which I then used to influence politicians, businessmen and students, into making decisions which would benefit themselves and others. Tammi was the driving force to all I did, and on a glorious day, at the age of 32, I applied to the Supreme Court to be the first to marry a non-human American. The circle was completed at the moment we said, "I do" to each other.

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Tammy was my older sister’s since they were in grade school and now at 19 she was a real hottie. Long dark hair and a sweet a person as you’ll ever want to meet. I had the hot’s for her for years, and loved to watch them as they practiced putting on their makeup and try different clothes on and model them for me, Mainly so I could be close to Tammy! It used to make me mad to listen to Tammy talk about her newest boyfriend and how they always tried to get in her pants. Even though I had only...

First Time
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NOTE : this story is completely fictional! Never try to do it in real live!!!    Bill, coming home from work, hung up his coat.  "Hi, honey," he called out.  Receiving no answer, he peaked into the kitchen.  "Oh,there you are, Betty."   "Hi, dear," she answered turning, "sorry I didn't hear you comein."  Turning back to the stove she stirred the casserole.  "We'll having your favorite, dear.  Beef casserole."    He came up behind her, pecked her on the cheek, "Gee, you're thegreatest, hon. ...

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My first time was with Tammy, Tammy was a short blonde big titted girl a couple of years younger than me. I was f*****N and she was T******n. We ran with a crowd of mutual friends and that is how I met her, she was a close friend of my buddies GF. We ran around our small town as often as possible, going to the movie theater, Having ice cream and burgers at the local A&W, and on weekend we went to the lake for swimming and fun in the sun so to speak, Well it started on a evening at the...

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As we walked the few blocks to her house, we had to walk pass the park, I drew Tammy into the park to a group of bush's that lined the small stream that flowed through town. I ask if she really need to get home so soon as it only 8:30 on a friday night, she said no she had used this as an excuse to have some alone time with me. We started kissing and I opened her shirt and and unclasps her bra lifting it up over her big tits, at the time I had no idea on breast size but thinking back now...

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Tammy By Kachakali Check out a related anime pic and other stories over at my blogger: http://nevermoreuniversity.blogspot.mx Or highlight and right click. Enjoy! I think it will be an interesting experience being a woman. I love being a guy. I've been one all my life. But just out of curiosity, I decided to become one of the fairer sex. I've seen some pictures. Some of those transformed guys come out of it pretty damn sexy. I wonder what my girlfriend will say when she...

3 years ago
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Captive of the pirate captain

I walk the decks on a cold winters night. The sky is clear and the stars glistening. The men are asleep as its been a hard days graft plundering the imperial fleet. I say asleep some of the spoils were woman so they were having their wicked way with them. I stroll below, the wooden stairs echoing down the empty deck. I sit on a stool and start to admire the more metallic spoils. A sceptre catch's my eye. I pick it up and fondle it. The crystal upon its top glistened brightly and projects candle...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Katie Morgan Aften Opal Nikole Nash Spank ME Instead

Nikole Nash and her stepsister Aften Opal are worried about getting in trouble with their stepmom, Katie Morgan, after accidentally breaking a vase she owns. However, when they discuss the possibility of Katie punishing them, Aften looks more dreamy than worried. Nikole notices this dreaminess and furrows her brows with confusion, not understanding why Aften seems to be relishing in the idea of punishment. Before Nikole can question Aften about her odd comment, they are suddenly interrupted...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 517

The Doc did a physical on Balthazar Monday night and deemed him fit enough for questioning. Tuesday was more of the same at Section 12. Tuesday night Ben, Frank, Agents Croft, Doyle and I questioned Balthazar while Vicky and Ching Lee looked on and learned. The session lasted three hours. In a concession to Frank and Ben we video recorded the interrogation. But only Balthazar appeared in the video along with Ben’s voice. Balthazar recognized me immediately. “You are one lucky infidel...

4 years ago
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Lady in Red Ch 27

As Steve struggled to make sense of his situation, his hands reached out to gently push Ashley away from his face. He felt the soft skin of her toned stomach as he increased the pressure he was applying. The hand holding his head tensed up and pulled him with greater force. ‘Ms. Summers?’ mumbled Steve around a very hard nipple. ‘We can’t be doing this. You could lose your job!’ ‘Don’t think I haven’t considered that. Now, stop talking with your mouth full! Suck my nipple!’ Steve reached up...

1 year ago
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Marys story Part 47

The next morning Mary woke up early and went for a shower. Her stitches were a bit red round the holes, and they were itching. Perhaps Dr Ruth would take some of them out later, she thought. Bob had promised to take her into town, but there was only really Beale’s that stocked what she was looking for. She wanted a really smart outfit for her lunch with Imogen, and she assumed that there would be some of the other women there. She needed to impress, and she hoped that she could be accepted as...

1 year ago
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Sit on my face

It was another boring summer day for Jason at his grocery store job.He hated working here, and would quit in a heartbeat - if it weren't for Kelsey.Kelsey was a beautiful red headed girl only a couple years older than him. She was shorter, and athletic, but possessed a very large pair of breasts, and her ass was rather plump and full for a girl her age.She would often flirt with him while they worked together stocking shelves or moving freight in the back of the store. But she didn't realize...

1 year ago
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The Grim Reaper Reaper Security ConsultingChapter 14 in Sickness and in Health

September 2022 “How was your trip?” asked Kelly once I sorted out Seamus and Riley bickering about something. “Pretty good. Straightforward, anyway. Just not successful, so to speak.” Kelly gave me an odd look, but before I could answer, the kids started up again. Seamus was teasing his older sister about something. I reached out and grabbed him by the back of the neck and asked, “Do I need to give you a lesson in barnacle clearance?” He grinned at me. “Think you can catch me? I’m not the...

3 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 80

On Sunday morning I began to struggle with my future. I had absolutely no idea what I would do next, but I knew that I was tired of process serving. I had made a little money and more than a few good contacts doing it, but by that time it was a bore. Whether Lucas stayed or not was questionable, but I was for sure leaving. As I said earlier, I didn't know what I wanted. I just knew what I didn't want. I did not want to be tied to a schedule any longer. There was a cloud hanging over me...

2 years ago
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Smolder The Fire That Blinds Part II

The morning after it happened, I got up, went to class, went to the gym, had lunch, went to class again. It was a completely normal day. It wasn’t until I was halfway through my studio class later that afternoon that I heard the little voice in my head....what the hell did I do last night?I pushed the voice aside and focused on my painting. My edges were coming together, but I still wasn’t happy with the red. Too bright, too lively, too…...I’m not the kind of girl that does things like that...I...

4 years ago
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Masturbating with Amy Chapter Two

That afternoon I was alone in my room, still thinking about the experience that morning. Having been at least partially aroused all day, I needed release. I laid back on my bed and started stroking myself through my shorts. The last time I had stroked my cock had been in the morning, in front of Amy, with a blanket over me. I quickly got fully hard and took my cock out. As I thought about Amy’s hand rubbing her pussy under the blanket, I started stroking. Her hand rubbing her slit...

4 years ago
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Fashion is Our Name Pt 11

Fashion is Our Name – Part 11 – The Trip Takes a New Direction The next morning, Sunday, there was a text on my mobile from Tom. ‘Do not book tickets, call in the morning.’ I asked the women, ‘What do we make of this?’ Anne gave me an open eyed look and asked, ‘Do you suppose, as they say, ‘the plot thickens?’ ‘ I looked up from my breakfast and said, ‘I fear that an expedition to promote dresses is becoming overtaken by events.’ I helped the twins down and arranged them in the parlor...

2 years ago
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The Taxi Ride

My wife Anna and I had gone to a wedding. We left the reception at about eleven at night and decided to take a taxi as we had had many drinks. Taxis were few and far between. When one finally stopped there were two other men waiting, they asked if we could share and we did. Anna sat in the back seat between the two men, they did not speak much english. The taxi driver was middle eastern and did not speak english well either so I sat up front with him to better give him directions to our hotel....

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Hogwarts Harem

Alternative Facts: This is Harry Potter Fan Fiction, set in an alternate HP universe and therefore many things are different than they appear in the books. I feel the best place to start is with a list of these facts. (Feel free to ignore this if you wish not to have these facts spoiled. However, the story will proceed as if you, the reader, are already aware of these things). 1) Students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry receive their acceptance letters between the ages of 13 or...

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Looking For Milk

I’m going to tell you a strange story.  I’m a pretty normal guy with a very strange fetish.  I’ve tried to keep this fetish under wraps, but lately I’m just crazed and need to do something about it. I’m turned on by pregnant women.  I like that their bodies change and really get turned on when their breast milk comes in.  I love the taste of mother’s milk.  I find it a turn-on to suckle on their milky breasts. It's very arousing and erotic to me.My obsession with pregnant women happened, when I...

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Nailing Facebook Friend

Hello everybody, I am a regular reader of ISS and this is my first story so please ignore my mistakes. So first let me describe myself I am a Delhi ite 5’9 feet have a lean body (thanks to all the school sports), have dark brown hair and am 8 inches long. So the story begins in the summer of 2009 when I had cleared my 12 board exams and was completely free after the entrance exams. That was when I spent most of my time on Facebook and I met this girl named Rashi. She was and still is really...

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A present and a deal for the son pt 2

That night I set my alarm and got up early the next day. I found a spiral notebook lying on the floor in front of my bedroom door, with a pen sitting on top of it. I picked it up and sat back down on my bed.I opened the notebook."MASTER LIST" was written at the top of the first page. The next two and a half pages were a list of chores on the left, and their point value on the right. All the chores I did the day before were on there, as well as a host of new ones. Some of the chores, the ones...

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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 9

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 9 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. ***** Chapitre 36 - Deux Mamans Inqui?tes La nuit fut assez calme et le personnel soignant ?tait pass? plusieurs fois afin de s'assurer que tout aller bien dans la chambre 127. Samantha ?tait bien plus fatigu?e qu'elle ne l'avait imagin? et elle s'?tait endormie tr?s rapidemen...

3 years ago
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First And Fresh Experience

By : Shiva.Erode Hi guys how are you? Hope everyone fine with hot dear and near ones. I’m Shiva () writing my first story and first experience for our ISS readers please forgive me poor English. This was happened 2 years ago I can’t say the exact date. This incident happened in my friend’s sister marriage in Chennai. I’m living in Chennai. Her name is Rubini, she too living in Chennai. Both of us stay different area of Chennai. We meet in weekends; spend time in roaming together in beach,...

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My first GB

I recently created an account but have a library of stories to tell everyone that I will add in the future but to start I want to share my first GB.When I turned 19 I was dating a great guy who in almost every way pleased me... all but one and mind you he was the only guy I've ever been with. Well one day after a 2 minute run we sat there in bed talking about different things until the subject of fantasies came into play. Well eventually I told him my deepest darkest fantasy (which will be...

4 years ago
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Park bench adventure

Instruction manual for LTI work in an office in the centre of a small town and at lunchtimes, I like to get out of the office and go for a walk. I like to go down to the nearby park, picking up a sandwich on the way and sit on a bench till it's time to get back.Now, I admit that I can be a horny bitch and from time to time I get those feelings. This is especially true when its a hot day and my mind has been wandering as I watch people go by. I think about how people look without their clothes...

1 year ago
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Tokyo Subway

Tokyo Subway NOTE: As much as I’d like this to happen to myself, this is completely fictional! ----NeedForSex Damn, I swore to myself as I forced my way to the front of the line through the gigantic crowd of people. But that was to be expected in a subway station at rush hour in downtown Tokyo. I was already lucky, being nearly 7 foot, towering over the majority of people. Not to mention that I owned a car, being a successful businessman, though sometimes I still had to take the subway while it...

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Homelands Pt 1 Ch 06

Jack, Todd and I popped out of our skisand placed them in the rack outside the mountainside cabin in which we were staying. "How awesome is this?" Todd asked. "Don't have to hike across the parking lot to your car. Just ski right up to the cabin and you're done." Jack and I agreed. I wasn't sure how we'd managed to arrange for our three families to share one of these cabins. They had to cost a fortune to rent. A location that couldn't be beat, and luxurious enough to fetch a stunning price tag...

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Private Florane Russell Four Black Studs For Blonde Nympho

Debuting today in Private.com, in our Private Specials 5 BBC Gangbangs 2 is Florane Russell, a pretty blonde with a great pair of tits and an incredible sexual appetite. There’s no better way than sex to get over a break up and Florane decides to go all out, watch as she takes on four black studs, first on her knees, gagging and deep throating before offering up her tight pussy and ass for a rough pounding. Relax and enjoy this incredible gangbang as Florane then fucks each stud, with anal, DP,...

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Lights Camera ActionChapter 2

It may not always appear that way, but Tina had a very high opinion of her mother. In tact, she thought her mother was pretty high up there in the competition for the title of 'best mum in the world'. She found it amazing how she managed single-handedly to bring up a daughter, hold down a demanding job and maintain a varied and satisfying sex life - at least that's what Tina gathered from her mother's occasional comments and from the frequent nights and weekends she spent away from the...

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Captured female Sergeant and her men1

After being led into a building, each was injected with a knockout drug and they all passed out. An unknown amount of time later, Sgt. Joyce Danniels, a 30 year old American squad leader slowly regained consciousness. It was a couple of minutes before she was alert enough to realize that she was strapped to a hard surface and that she was naked. There was a strap across her chest just below her breasts and another across her waist. Her hands were strapped down and her legs were tied so...

2 years ago
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Its Over

He enters my room even though we decided that we were finished. I’m such an idiot. I let him in. What the hell was I thinking. I knew where this was leading. But my heart raced. He looked at me with those eyes and I just stepped back and let him the fuck in. Weak ass bitch. I could feel my pulse quicken, so I quickly covered saying something so incredibly witty it would throw him off ‘What do you want…?’. Who was I fooling. I walked back to my desk chair and sat down. Every time I convince...

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The Gym Wife

I work out all the time. It's not just to stay in shape, it's my hobby too. As a result I'm pretty bulked and ripped. I don't hit the roids, but I definitely keep GNC in business. I'm 1/8" under six foot tall and keep my body hair free. I could rattle off my chest, arms and legs measurements, but that's not really the point of this story. It just helps to know that this all began in my gym. My best friend Chris and I were working chest on the flat bench when this guy came up and asked if he...

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Starved For Sex And Chose My Mom

Hi, all the readers. Thanks for the reviews for my previous stories. Check my profile for my sex stories. I was glad that some couples asked for the group sex along with my aunt and girlfriend but I couldn’t make it possible for some reasons. Sorry for them. I had already explained how I got to fuck my aunty. As ours a joint family I used to have sex regularly with my aunty either daily or once in two days. Later on, my father constructed a new house and we got a shift into the new house. I was...

1 year ago
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NaughtyAmerica Lana Rhoades VR 22801

Just like Lana Rhoades says, it’s your lucky day! The sexy seductress is just dying to get fucked hard, and she doesn’t just want you to stick your dick in her pussy — she wants anal sex! Witness the sex toy she so carefully inserts in her tight asshole and you’ll see she isn’t joking. Experience Lana wagging her ass in front of you teasing you until your cock is ready for her to suck. Once you’re good and hard, she’ll start by letting you slide into her hot wet pussy doggystyle, warming her up...

3 years ago
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Perfect Romance With The Indian Sex Stories Reader Part 8211 2

Hi friends, this is Kumar again from Chennai. My mail id – This is a long story and apologies for grammatical errors. Thanks for the tremendous response to my previous story. Have been showered with responses from Chennai ladies. This is the link to my first part – https://www.indiansexstories2.net/couple/perfect-romance-with-iss-reader/ As said earlier, I am narrating my experience with Akriti’s friend; a divorced lady, working as a hotel receptionist. After having a wonderful session with...

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Vanessa and the Girl Next Door

I’m five feet eight, slim, a little too slim in the breast department for my own liking but I hadn’t had any complaints. My eyes are brown as is my hair which is cut short. I live in my own house and have done ever since my divorce ten years ago. I’ve had a couple of flings but nothing too serious. About nine years ago a nice couple moved in next door. They had a teenage daughter called Julie and one night she knocked on my door saying she had forgotten her keys and could she come in for a...

1 year ago
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My Amish Woman Passenger

(Truth) on 12/12/20...As we traveled down the road I fantasized about her while she sat next to me in the passenger seat, smelling her coconut hand lotion and the faint smell of her perfume, her black pumps, black nylons, her light blue dress settling between her thighs, her brown hair, teasingly showing from beneath her white bonnet, the long white ties of her bonnet laying over her breasts. The seat belt stretched tight between her tits, emphasizing them. They were perfect. My cock throbbed...

2 years ago
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Dost Ke Papa Aur Meri Mummy Ka Nazayaz Sambandh Part 12

Hello friends aap sab ne meri kahani ke pichle parts padhe uske liye thank you very much. Ab mai aap sabko aage ki kahani batane jaa raha hu. Subah jab mummy ghar aayi toh jake bedroom me chai gayi mai chai leke kuch der bad unke kamre me gaya meri mummy leti hui thi. Mujhe dekh ke mummy uth ke baith gayi bahut thaki hui lag rahi thi. Mummy ne pucha khana khaya tha rat me maine kah diya haan khaya tha. Mummy ke shakal se pata chal raha tha ki rat bhar chudi hai unke pair me vo payal thi jo...

4 years ago
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The Ladies Club Cum Play With Us

It all started when I got this call from a woman I'd known in college. We'd been an "item" for a year and parted amicably ... the sex life was great, but our goals were different, and mine involved a stint of military service that took me out of the area for about six years. Maria wanted to settle down right away and start having kids, and I wanted to see a bit of the world first. After I'd returned and made contact with a few old school chums, I got a call from her. We chatted for a...

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A Predeclared Seduction

I should have shown some compassion. At least I should have held back my sarcastic comments and kept from twisting the knife in Anne’s wound. In hindsight, I was a lousy friend to her, and the outcome of the whole thing makes my guilty conscience even worse. But back then I was tipsy after the one or other glass of wine too many, and when Anne had confessed that she had licked the pussy of Mrs. Harding, our - old, grey-haired, wrinkled, stern, no-nonsense and usually compared to a dried-out...

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My First Experience In The Train

Hi all the readers, mera naam rajat hai and main chandigarh se belong karta hun, meri age 24yrs hai and main currently job karta hun, mere cock ka size maine aaj tak measure nahi kiya kyunki aaj tak mujhe gigolo banne ke zarrurat nahi padi but haan kuch selective ladies ke saath maine kafi acha bed time spend kiya hai. Khair yeh un dino ki baat hai ja main apni studies ke chakkar mein bombay mein rehta tha family meri aaj bhi chandigarh mein hi rehti hai aur main apni classes ki wajah se month...

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The Secret Cheerleader VoteChapter 2 Natalie

Natalie’s move The Next Morning The morning after Zane drove off the school grounds with Chloe in his car, a number of things had already changed. Without even a shred of evidence other than the fact that they drove off together, it was already an accepted fact that Chloe had slept with Zane. Chloe. A freshman! Had made the first move on the secret vote! Even though only four people actually knew what truly happened, the rumor was already set in stone. The first thing that had changed was...

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I am immobile

I am immobile with my hands tied behind my back. My red hair is falling in curls around my face. My blue eyes look up at you adoringly. My big 40DD tits thrust out proudly, my big hard nipples poking out through the opaque black bra I am wearing. I have on matching black panties that are soaked at the crotch. I kneel there waiting for you to use me. Yes I kneel in front of you to worship your massive cock. I am breathing hard. I know in a few moments I will be having my throat stuffed full of...

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LeilaChapter 7

We appeared on the road some distance from Glenquin Castle in County Limerick, Ireland. We were far enough away from it to get a good view of the Castle (Towerhouse), the castle village, and the fine new manor house that Cousin Ken had built near the castle. Glenquin Castle looked the same as it had on my previous visits, and probably as it had for the last hundred years or more. The castle village was larger with more houses, barns, and animal pens than on my last visit however. On that...

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Six FortyFive Part 2

Six Forty-Five, Part 2: The day everything went crazy started off seeming no different than the day before. I woke at six forty-five, got out of bed, and got dressed, socks, underwear, pants, and then shirt, just like every day. I did my teeth and ate my breakfast and walked to school in the morning twilight. I didnt see the janitor, but I tried the door, and it opened. Nothing seemed different until I was sitting in front of my classroom door, reading. I glanced at the school...

1 year ago
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Foam Party

The foam machine was loud, the rhythmic pumping music alongside it raised the energy levels to frenetic. The foam pit itself was quite well lit, with a variety of lasers reflecting their rainbow lights on the glistening bubbles. It seemed like a free for all, and to be honest, that’s what had attracted us to it. Lots of the girls were already topless, and it was no surprise when I found he was quickly helping me join their number, his adroit fingers easily undoing the catches and cords.  He...

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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 22 Stryker

I was on my way to the airport with Kendal. We were going to be gone for a four day weekend to finish up the on-site work for the movie. Our destination was the Northwest Territories. We would be staying in the small town of Yellowknife. It was called The Gateway to the North. I was excited about finishing up my portion of the movie. There would be some big chase and fight scenes that would allow me to use my newly acquired gun skills. Craig had called me earlier in the week and told me he...

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Maxines Downfall

Copyright© I mostly enjoy my work carrying out maintenance work on supermarkets and banks as I get to travel around the country, enjoying the driving and working mostly by myself. The only part of my work that spoils the enjoyment is dealing with Maxine in the office at Heage. Maxine is "the Controller" in the Keycare service centre who dispatches the various jobs to our team of guys. Maxine is full of her own importance, takes credit for the successes, and runs to Tony, the boss when...

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Pandemic “Who is that?” her husband spoke loudly into the phone after hearing at least 10 hard pounding noises in the background disrupt their conversation. “There’s some Army guy at the door.” Jim heard his wife Jessa open the door and start to say something. “What do you mean? No I don’t want to do that!” “Jim he’s telling me the country is on lock down as of now for a least a month, and to expect company as they do not have enough separate dwellings to house everyone. The people that...

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________________________________________ Albus spent most of the days preceding Christmas at Rose's house. James was determined to use all of his spare time for Quidditch practice, and he had to go to Rose's house for that. Albus usually went with him and he and Hugo would help James practice while Rose read. Harry had to practically separate James from his broom by magic on Christmas Eve so they could go to Godric's Hollow. James wanted to stay at Rose's house and keep...

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