First "O" free porn video

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I could hardly wait to put on the beautiful new things John given me, but I carefully showered and shaved even though I couldn't find even the tiniest trace of roughness on my legs or underarms. I didn't want him to feel anything but smooth skin when he touched me, and I wanted him to touch me a lot. All his touches so far had been exciting and wonderful. I wasn't absolutely positive, but I was pretty sure that I'd like him touching me all over. Everywhere. I was almost certain I'd like that. A lot. I was sure he was going to do it, too, and that was a nice thing to anticipate, being touched and wondering how it would feel. I had heard girls in the dorm talking about not letting their boyfriends go too far, but the idea of not letting John do anything he wanted to me never entered my mind. I don't think the concept of 'going too far' applies to John. After drying myself thoroughly, brushing my teeth, and getting my ponytail into a blue scrunchy to match the robe and nightie, I was ready to try on my sexy new outfit. Me, sexy. I sure never thought anyone would think I'd look good in clothes like these. Well, I guess they're not really clothes. They're not pajamas either, so I don't know what they are exactly. I guess he thinks I'm sexy, considering how kissing me makes his pants bulge. I'll sure try to be sexy. No, I don't know anything about how to be sexy, and if I try I'll just look foolish. Best to just be myself and wear what he wants me to. I'm sure he knows what he likes, and he seems to like me more than I could have ever hoped. I hope I'll live up to his expectations. I know I'll do absolutely anything he wants. Anything. I may have lived a sheltered life and gone to all girls' schools with nuns for teachers, but I'm a woman now. I'm eighteen and legally an adult. I know I'm naive, but I'm definitely ready to start catching up.

First I put on the nightie. There was a ribbon at the throat to tie it closed, but I couldn't find anything else to tie, snap, or button. I guess that's the way it's supposed to be. It took three tries to get it tied in a perfect bow. I had never had anything like that before and didn't really know quite what it was all about. It's pretty obvious that it isn't meant to cover or to keep warm, it hardly covers my behind. I think it's just for fun, and this is about the most fun I've ever had! I stepped into those tiny little panties and found that they stretched to fit perfectly, but they sure didn't cover very much of me. The only panties I had ever worn were the up-to-the-navel cotton kind that my mother bought for me at Penney's. I looked at myself in the full-length mirror and could see my nipples showing faintly pink through the gauzy pale blue fabric of the nightie. John's going to see me like this, and sooner or later, he's going to want the panties off me. What is he going to think? He's almost twice my age and is used to really mature women. I was very concerned that John would laugh at me, think I was abnormal or terribly juvelile when he saw me without any panties on.

The problem was that I didn't have any pubic hair. Oh, there was a little puff of curly blonde fuzz up on the mound, but nothing you could call real hair. It was almost invisible because it was sparse and just as light as the hair on my head. When I showered in the dorm, all the other girls had hair down there, mostly dark, and it hid the most private parts, which were down between their legs, anyway. When I looked at myself, though, the cleft down there seemed to be right out in front, and without any hair everything showed. I had been dreading him seeing me with no clothes on, but I knew that was a part of loving and that it would happen sooner or later. I just decided to make the best of it, and hope he wouldn't think it was too awful. The absolutely worst thing that could happen would be for him to change his mind about the whole thing because I wasn't even old enough or mature enough to have pubic hair. I knew I was old enough, but I just hadn't gotten around to growing any. I stepped into the slippers. They were lovely, luxurious, only a tiny little bit too big, and, when I looked in the mirror, they seemed to make my legs look longer and more shapely. Not bad, Diane. You look so good, maybe he won't notice that you don't have any pubic hair. No, he'll notice. Maybe he'll like the rest of me so much that he won't care about the hair.

I put a tiny dab of my new White Shoulders behind each ear and put on that wonderful new dressing gown. The sleeves were about an inch too long, but otherwise it fit perfectly. In the mirror, with the robe and mules, I thought I looked quite sophisticated and maybe even a little sexy. I just hope John thinks so and doesn't pay any attention to the pubic hair. My ponytail doesn't seem quite right with these clothes. I think ponytails are for k**s, and I'm not a k** anymore. I think it's about time I get a new hairstyle.

When I got to the den the only light in the room was from the fireplace. John saw me and stood, looking at me, then turned on a dim light next to his chair. I turned around so he could see me in my new robe and slippers from all angles. Then he smiled and held his arms out, and I came eagerly to him. He didn't say anything, but just took me in his arms and I stood on my tiptoes while he kissed me very tenderly. After a moment I wanted to be kissed more deeply, so I used my arms to pull myself up to him. He then slid his hands down my back, under my bottom, and lifted me right off the floor, kissing me passionately. Wow, what a kiss! Mmm He finally put me down, but our kiss continued, and he put his hand between us and untied the belt of my robe. He put his hands inside the robe, parted it, and put his arms around me inside the robe. That felt wonderful. Then, while we were still kissing, John slid the robe off my shoulders and I lowered my arms so it slipped down and off me onto the floor. The silk made a swish. I sure didn't have my new robe on very long. I have a feeling that John bought it just so he could take it off me. That thought would have made me giggle if I wasn't being kissed. I got my arms back around him, and he broke our kiss and held me very tightly against him. He was breathing into my ear as he hugged me, and I could feel his bulge poking me. He whispered that he wanted to see how I looked in my new nightie, and he sat back down in his chair. I had never been looked at that way before, and I felt very awkward but kind of excited, too. I could feel myself blush, but I turned around to model the nightie. I feel like my nipples are shining through this thin fabric, and I know he can see my bottom right through the nightie and panties when I turn around. John seemed to sense my discomfort, because he turned off the lamp and told me to come and sit on his lap. I carefully sat myself down crosswise in his lap, and I immediately felt a lot better with his arms around me. I'm even closer to him like this, but at least I don't feel like I'm standing naked on display. I guess I have to be naked to ........ uhhhh ....... well ..... do it, but I sure hope the lights are off.

All my embarrassment evaporated when our lips met. I was in his arms, my arms were around him, he was warm against me, and our lips and tongues were doing marvelous things. John stopped kissing just long enough to whisper that he loved me, and he was kissing me again before I had time to return the sentiment. This was definitely the most intimate and passionate thing we had ever done together, and my feeling of embarrassment changed to pleasure, pleasure, pleasure. Mmm I opened my mouth wider, put my hand behind John's head, and kissed him back, hard. I pulled his head to me, stuck my tongue way into his mouth, and I didn't even care when our teeth clashed together. I noticed that I was making little noises into John's mouth without even intending to. This was the first time I had ever really felt passion, and it was like I had been struck by lightning! So this is what it's all about! Wow!!! I think something just happened that has changed me forever. Now I'm absolutely, positively certain that I will like John touching me. All over. I could feel my nipples harden, there was a kind of tingling wetness down between my legs, and I wanted more, more, MORE. John's hand moved to my boob, and I moaned a little into his mouth at the pleasure I felt when he rubbed my nipple between his finger and thumb. I found myself wanting something. I wasn't sure exactly what it was, but I sure wanted it.

John broke our kiss and told me to get up. Then he led me to the couch which he had pulled up close to the fire. Wearing only this nightie makes me feel barer than if I was stark naked. Not a bad feeling, though. Kind of ........ what? Exciting. Yeah, I feel excited, but in a new way. It sure isn't that jumping-up-and -down excited feeling, but something deeper, more serious, better. Whatever it is, it's a lovely feeling. I wonder what happens next. I'm glad John knows what to do, because I don't have a clue. Whatever it is, I'll bet I'm going to like it. A lot.

John had put a pillow at the end of the couch and told me to lie down. He kneeled on the floor, leaned over me, and told me he loved me and that I looked good enough to eat. I said, 'I love you, Darling, and I'm glad you like the way I look. Kiss.' I pulled him down for a long kiss. He pulled the ottoman from his chair over to the couch. John then untied the little ribbon which held my nightie closed, parted it, and kissed me on the throat. Ohhhhh, that feeeeeelllls soooo goooooood. He whispered, 'I'm going to open my present now.' He kissed from my throat back to my mouth, and my lips and tongue were eagerly waiting for his. I'm not sure exactly what's about happen, but I think it's going to be wonderful. He kissed back down to my throat and went lower until his mouth was between my boobs. When he started kissing the inside of one of them, I whispered that I wished my boobs were bigger for him. He said he thought they were perfect, and that someone my size would look pretty silly with D-cup breasts. I tried to picture that and giggled, and he said that they were too pretty to be called 'boobs.' 'You have breasts, Honey, not boobs.' I decided to think of them as 'breasts' from then on. He kissed each breast gently and whispered that the skin there was like warm silk. I loved hearing that. When his lips brushed my nipple, I gasped, and when he took it between his lips I felt something like a little electric pulse of pleasure. He sucked the nipple between his lips, and I could feel it swell and grow in his warm mouth. He stopped sucking for a moment and asked if I liked that. I whispered, 'Oh, I love it, Darling. Please do it some more.' He resumed and soon moved to the other nipple. Mmm He said my nipples were the prettiest and pinkest he had ever seen. He called them 'puffy,' whatever that meant. And I used to be embarrassed about having pink nipples! John likes them that way, so I'll be proud of them being pink and puffy.

John's lips left my breasts and kissed lower, down onto my stomach. He put the tip of his warm, wet tongue into my belly button and that tickled, but in a very nice way. He kissed lower and lower until he came to the top of those tiny panties. He told me to lift up so he could take them off, and I said, 'John, this is embarrassing.'

He said, 'Why? Don't I get to see you without your panties? It's going to be hard for us to be very intimate if you keep them on. Impossible if you want to learn about sex.'

'Well,' I said, 'I'm not like other girls down there, and it's embarrassing.'

'What do you mean, Honey? Your pussy?'

'Yeah,' I whispered, ' Ummm ........ down there.'

'Say 'pussy,' Honey.'

'Ahhh ........ pussy,' I said, very softly.

'Say 'pussy, pussy, pussy, pussy.'

I couldn't help but giggle, and I said, 'pussy, pussy, pussy, pussy,' between giggles.

He touched the tip of one nipple with his finger and said, 'breast.' He then touched my panties right about where my split starts and said, 'pussy.' 'Now,' he said, 'You do it.' Giggling, I said 'breast' when he touched my nipple and 'pussy' when he touched my ... well..... my pussy.

He said, 'Now that we have that cleared up, are you going to tell me what the problem is? I'm going to have your pants off sooner or later, but if you would rather I didn't tonight, that's okay.'

'It isn't that I don't want you to,' I whispered. 'It's just that I'm .... ahhhh.... It's that I hardly have any hair down there, and it looks funny.'

He said, 'I can't see how that would look funny. It sounds very nice to me. I've always thought a woman looks and feels a lot nicer without pubic hair, but it's usually too much trouble to keep it shaved. Would you let me look?'

'Of course you can look, I just hope you won't think I'm too juvenile or abnormal or something. I really am grown up, it's just that my hair down there is taking some time to catch up with the rest of me.'

He didn't say anything more, but had me lift my behind off the couch while he pulled my panties down over my hips and down my legs and off over my feet. My face and neck felt hot, and I knew I was blushing furiously. Here I am with this wisp of a nightie covering only my shoulders. The rest of me is stark naked. Well, I do still have those pretty slippers on my feet. At least the lights aren't on, just the fireplace. My God, I never thought I would ever be like this with anyone. John looked at me and said, 'Diane, you have the loveliest little pussy I have ever seen. A pussy as lovely and smooth as that just begs to be kissed, and that's exactly what I'm going to do'. I've always thought it was ugly, and he thinks it's beautiful. I was worried for nothing! Why would he want to kiss me .................. down there? I still feel pretty embarrassed, being in my birthday suit like this. I don't know what to think or feel. I sure wish I knew more about all this. I'm afraid I got myself in way over my head. I sure can't back out now, though, and I don't think I'd want to, anyway.

He nuzzled the little puff of hair on my mound and kissed right down to the top of my cleft and onto my upper thighs. Then he pulled my hips over towards him so that my bottom was near the edge of the cushion. He then pulled the ottoman over to the couch. He took my right leg, lifted it over his head, bent my knee, and put my foot on the ottoman. Then he pushed my left leg away, bent the knee and I was I was lying there with that thin nightie covering only my shoulders, totally naked otherwise, with my legs spread wide, knees high. He sure has a good view of everything I have. This isn't as awkward as I thought it would be, though. It's kind of exciting. He obviously likes what he sees. I wonder what he's going to do.

His kisses started again on my inner thigh, about half way up from my knee. Mmmmm, nice. When his lips got closer and closer to my .......... uh ......... pussy, I whispered, 'What are you going to do, Darling?' He said he was going to taste me as if I were a fine wine, and that I was going to love it. This is all new to me, but I'm going to let him do absolutely anything to me he wants. I'm all his to do with as he pleases; anything. If he says I'm going to love it, I can hardly wait to find out what 'it' is. I guess I can't get in too far over my head as long as John's in charge. He wouldn't do anything I couldn't handle. I've always been such an independent person, and it's kind of hard to believe that I've turned myself over to anyone so completely. John isn't just 'anybody,' though, and it seems completely natural. I love it. I love that my body pleases him. I love what he does to my body and how it makes me feel. I love him, love him, love him. Mmm, that feels nice.

His lips and tongue finally reached my outer lips, and what he was doing started feeling very good. I opened my eyes and raised my head, trying to see exactly what he was doing, but that part of me was mostly hidden from my view. I could feel the wet tip of his tongue reaching into the split between my lips and start working up and down, spreading them. Then his tongue found my entrance, probed gently and it started feeling very, very good. The tip of his tongue sort of explored inside a little ways, and the further in it went, the better it felt. It didn't really seem like something he would want to do, but I was enjoying it more and more. Ohhhhh, that's nice. I think I'm going to want him to do this a lot. Mmm There was a tingling feeling that I had never experienced before. He raised his head, looked up into my eyes and said, 'Baby, your pussy is absolutely delicious. I love it.'

I said, 'Your tongue is doing wonderful things to my pussy, Darling, and I hope you aren't going to stop.' In answer to that he started sliding his tongue up and down the length of my cleft again. Then his tongue found my button!

I knew the right name was 'clitoris', but I had always thought of it as my button. I had discovered a long time before that rubbing it gently with my moistened finger was very pleasurable, and it was even better if I put a little lotion on my finger first. I had been doing it a couple of times a week at night in bed before going to sleep for several years. I knew that was called masturbation, and the nuns said it was a sin, but it felt so good so that I did it anyway. I had examined my button using a little mirror and knew it was firmer than the other things down there, it was covered with a sort of protective hood of skin, and it swelled up and peeked its head out when I rubbed it. I didn't know what my button could really do, though, until John's tongue found it.

He obviously knew exactly what to do with a clitoris, because he started licking lightly from its top to the little head. It was if my whole body came alive when he did that. I thought I could feel it swelling under his tongue, and I knew the little head must be peeking out. I didn't do it voluntarily, but I jerked and could hear myself go Ohh and Mmm as he licked my button. He stopped and asked if he was hurting me, and I answered by putting my hands on his head and pulling him back down to give me more. He started licking again, and then I could feel him sucking my button in and out between his lips. Nothing had prepared me for what I was feeling. It feels good when I rub it with my finger, but it was never like this! That feels so good, it's almost scary. If he keeps that up I don't know what's going to happen. If it feels any better, I think I'll go crazy!

I was at a level of pleasure that I had never explored before, and it just kept getting more and more exciting and intense. About the time I thought I was going to scream, his tongue left my button and started exploring my entrance again. That felt very good, but less intense. It was almost a relief from the urgency I had been feeling. He continued to explore inside me, and found a spot in there that, when he licked with the tip of his tongue, felt incredibly good. Exciting in a way that was completely unfamiliar. When his tongue went back to my button, I was immediately gasping with pleasure again. He licked me there for a while, and just as I was about to go crazy, he slid his tongue back inside me. Back and forth between button and vagina he went until I was breathing in pants and gasps.
He licked the button a few times, then raised his head and said, 'I'm not going to stop this time, Honey, so you just let it go. Don't hold back.' I wasn't sure what he meant, but I was incapable of asking about it. He then sucked my button in between his lips, held it there, and started flicking it with the tip of his tongue. After a little of this, I could hear myself moaning and, without my conscious control, my hips were raised against his mouth. I was just about delirious with pleasure, and I dimly remembered what he said about 'letting it go.' I was beginning to understand what he had meant, so I just let the pleasure and excitement carry me. And did it ever carry me! There was a roaring in my head like I was standing next to a waterfall, and I heard bells ringing loudly in my ears. Suddenly I just couldn't take any more; the excitement was just too intense. Something happened right then, like a dam bursting, and my whole body and brain were immersed in an incredible sea of pleasure. It just flowed through me from head to toe. I'm not sure, but I think I may have yelled. I know I had no control over whatever I did. This feeling of ultimate excitement and pleasure had just reached a peak, and I was held there for what seemed a long time. Just when I thought I couldn't stand in any longer, the intensity eased, and I seemed to sort of slowly slide back to earth from wherever I had been. Oooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

When I regained my senses, I was exhausted from what I had just experienced. That must be what Becky calls 'going over.' I sure went over something! Wow! I opened my eyes and looked down to see John kissing my mound and looking up at me. He pulled my leg from the ottoman over his head and back onto the couch, and slid up to where he could kiss me. I could taste my ........ pussy on his lips and tongue. Not a bad taste at all. A little salty and very sexy. I like that taste on him, the taste of me. He asked me if I was okay, and I could only say, 'Wonderful, Darling. What happened to me? I've never felt anything like that before.'

'I believe you just had an orgasm, Honey,' he whispered. 'What to you think?'

I said, 'I think I love you. I had no idea you could do that to me, that I could do that, no idea anything could feel so wonderful. Whatever it was, it was my first time. Did I scream? I felt like I was going to.'

'No, I wouldn't call it a scream, exactly. Anyway, that's no time to control your emotions. It's best to make all the noise you feel like. I love it.'

I had never felt so relaxed and peaceful. It was the intensity of my experience had away all my anxieties and cares. I knew that I would have many climaxes in the future, but I also knew that I would never forget my first.

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First Time I Got Fucked By Another Man And I Lov

I admit that I am an asswhore. An asswhore with very little anal sex experience - so far at least.I fucked one woman in the ass once. She was having her period and fucking her ass was her idea. This babe was a slut - not hot, but not unattractive either. If you like to fuck women you'd all almost definitely fuck her if you ever had the opportunity. Slim, petite, long brown curly hair, nice tits - medium plus a little more and perky, and a pretty nice ass too. She just wasn't my type and she...

1 year ago
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First My Wife Then Me

First my wife then me by Angela J. This story has sexual scenes involving a change of gender. If this type of story offends you, or if you are under age, or laws in your area prohibit reading this type of material, please do not read the story. If you have any comments or criticisms please e-mail me at [email protected] I do not want to remember my past self, but I have been ordered to write my story, so here it goes. I grew up in a mid size town in Texas. I had loving parents,...

1 year ago
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First Time and a Little More Part 4 Cum

Please read “My first time and a Little More, parts 1, 2, and 3 for background leading to this point in my true story. To recap part one, my friend Sean and I grew up together. One weekend, Sean was enticed to suck his cousin’s dick, but the cousin wouldn’t suck Sean in return. Sean asked me the next day, and we sucked each other for the first time. The relationship was naive and experimental. Although we were both immature, I was a little bigger than Sean, but Sean was aggressive and...

First Time
1 year ago
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First Time with Dad

This file is a work of fiction containing sexually explicit material which may include depictions of underage, nonconsensual and unprotected sex as well as incest and adultery. It is not intended to implicate any person or action by them or me, nor advocate such practices. The material is meant for "For Adults Only" and possession by a minor is strictly forbidden. If you are not legally empowered to be in possession of this material, do not read it and delete it immediately. ONLY...

3 years ago
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First Place Bride

First Place Bride By Lisa Elizabeth in conjunction with Donna Anne Any resemblance of characters or situations to actual people or events is purely coincidental. I would like to thank Janet Stickney for letting Jeff Grant make an appearance in the story. Thanks Janet! ***************************************************************************** This was it! I was the 'big gun' this year. I was going into third grade! Our schools are divided so that all kindergarten through third...

3 years ago
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First Times

Before we begin here. I wanted to personally take a moment and thank The Sandman for doing this for me. I'm no writer, but I thought it might be fun and interesting to relate some of my own "first-time" personal experiences. I've thought about doing this for some time now, going back as far as I can remember to those moments in time that I considered as the first time I did something or explored something. So again, thanks Sandman for helping me tell this story, and for your "poetic...

4 years ago
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First Time With My Cousin

MF oral inc cousin Summary: Well, his dad had just fucked me for the first time a couple of days before so why not the son? The only potential complication was that the dad was my uncle and his son was my cousin! Table of Contents: Chapter 1 i****t in My family Chapter 2 Seeking My Mom?s Advice Chapter 3 My Mom?s Puts Our Plan Into Action Chapter 4 Sucking My Cousin?s Dick Chapter 5 Paul Eats My Pussy Chapter 6 Paul Finally Fucks Me Chapter 7 My Mom Surprises Paul Chapter 8 Paul Fucks Me Again...

3 years ago
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first timeyou never forget

I had to walk almost a mile to catch the school bus and we usually met about half way since she lived closer. When I’d see her in the morning it excited me and an excited teenage boy gets a hard on in 2.3 seconds flat. I carried my books in front of me every time. She always greeted me with a smile and a wink and a ‘hi cutie’. That would make my day. I wasn’t very experienced. There had been some necking (or scrounging as we called it back then) Some back seat tries for second base and dreams...

2 years ago
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First overnighter in rubber bondage

I was already quite experienced, and prior to this session I had been having regular meetings with a dominant couple, all of us into rubber bondage, but those meetings had just ended due to their moving. Following on from my previous experiences I was desperate to do an overnight bondage session, which lead to me contacting this Mistress. I didn't know anything about her except that she lived in Manchester ( a 4 hour train journey from where I lived ), was very experienced, and equipped...

1 year ago
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First Wives Club Part 2

First Wives Club ? Part 2 By Alexis Demoire Chapter 6 ? Conversation with my mother My parents are the most important people in my world, and I love them to death, however, working for them can be difficult sometimes. Mostly because they still think of me as their little girl. After a year of proving myself, I finally got a big break. My parents have finally assigned me a team to handle my own projects. The first project that I got was to work with this young developer named Jack...

2 years ago
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First Slave

First Slave By captv8td [email protected] 1Angela saw the slight nod from the woman.  That was her cue.  She stepped forward as she had a dozen other times earlier this evening.  This was the last one so it would be her final chore for the evening.She stood behind the girl.  They were all so young tonight; beautiful but young.  The naked redheaded girl who was fastened to the short post with her wrists cuffed behind her trembled.  Angela wished that she could whisper something...

4 years ago
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First time at a Swingers Club

I pulled into the driveway of the hotel where Julie was staying and found her waiting outside. She was dressed in a little red dress and stiletto heels that show off her shapely legs. The dress hugged her hourglass figure and accentuated the shape of her beautiful 12DD breasts. She greeted me warmly with an affectionate hug and a very passionate kiss. As our tongues briefly meet, an electricity tingle raced through us. She hopped in the car as I held the door open for her, as any good...

1 year ago
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First Time a Slave

       I was in college, at a small, private, liberal-arts school in Ohio. It was my first time really being away from my home in a rural community, and I didn’t want to waste my time.        I had discovered an interest in BDSM while I was still in high school, illicitly sneaking looks at porn on the internet. First I had discovered bondage, with women being tied up, and I thought that was hot. I thought I wanted to be a Dominant, having control of these beautiful women who would do...

1 year ago
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First time hubby let his friends use me

First time Hubby let his friends have me. A true story by LadyM/Sue122 As I said it was my husbands birthday and we had gone out to dinner with four of his friends. It was a very nice dinner at a steak house in town. I had two glasses of wine which is my limit, after that I am totally drunk. All the wives accept for me where out of town, so I was the only girl out with five guys. After dinner my husband invited his friends over for some pool and a few beers. All the guys gladly accepted the...

3 years ago
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First First Times

“Are we drunk enough to play Tooth or There?” spouted Caroline. Apparently SHE was. “I think we need one more frosty pitcher before I am. THEN I’m willing.” volunteered my always eager wife, Sue. All but Caroline and her new husband, Chuck, had been to our hedonistic gatherings. “But-choo aren’t drunk enough to slur yer werdz!” Sue teased, then as she rose from the thick carpeted floor, she flashed Chuck her panties. His eyes widened and he slyly checked his chubby wife to see if she caught...

1 year ago
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First Time and a Little More Part 5 Foursome

Please read “My first time and Little More, parts 1 – 4 (check my author profile) for background leading up to this point in the true story of my life of “firsts.” The titles were not consistent, so search on the following for parts 1 – 4. My First Time and a little More First Time and more: part 2 My first time and a little more: Part 3 First Time and a Litte More: Part 4 Cum A quick recap of the story up to now. I learned to suck dicks with my neighborhood friend Sean, and Michael joined us a...

First Time
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First time

Quit looking so grim, girl. You act like you've never been caned before.""I h-haven't, sir.""What? You mean your father never thrashed you?" The frightened girl shook her head. I gapped in astonishment. "Not even once? Not even at school?""No sir."This certainly explained Amy's unnatural terror. Her pretty face was pale and drawn, her normally vivacious personality gone quiet and forlorn. Her slender body, blossoming with the verge of womanhood, trembled nervously as she stood in the middle of...

2 years ago
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First my hubby let his friends use me

First time Hubby let his friends have me.A true story by LadyM/Sue122It was my husband’s birthday and we had gone out to dinner with four of his friends. It was a very nice dinner at a steak house in town. I had two glasses of wine which is my limit, after that I am totally drunk. All the wives accept for me where out of town, so I was the only girl out with five guys.After dinner my husband invited his friends over for some pool and a few beers. All the guys gladly accepted the invitation....

3 years ago
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First Time

Boy, first time sure implies a lot. I was reading some first-time stories and it made me start thinking about my first-time everything. Some were really good memories and others not so memorable. I have a hard time believing that everything goes right the first time for anyone. Even first kisses and trying to be a sexual lover would have to be a funny sight to anyone if they were able to see it happening the first time. Stupid, clumsy and a lot of other adjectives and verbs come to mind in...

1 year ago
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First MM encounter a fantasy

Hi all, this is my first attempt at a story for Xhamster, so please bear with me.It is a fantasy about a first real encounter with a Xhamster contact. Other than the possibility of meeting we haven’t discussed details at all, this is one version of that first encounter as played out in my head.Paul, I don’t even know his real name, said it would be easier to meet at his house as his wife was staying away with family. I had his address and a time to meet, instructions to park the car around the...

3 years ago
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First Anal with a MAN

OK, there are those who have already tossed me into the “Gay” category, saying that I can’t suck cock, without being “Gay”. Let’s remedy this, right off the bat. First, I LOATHE the term “Gay” to describe queers. I’m not now, never have been, or ever will be politically correct. For those of you I have already offended, tough. Accept the fact that you are homosexual, or queer. I do not consider myself “Bi”, or didn’t until this incident occurred about which this story is written. I’m straight....

3 years ago
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First time Fixed

Though I identify as straight, and have been married over 20 years, I've had a curiosity about engaging in oral sex with another man since I was in my teens. The urge to satisfy that curiosity has ranged from a mild, easily ignored buzz in the back of my mind, to an almost obsessive desire, but I never became motivated to actually try anything. Well, that's not entirely true. When I was 17, I did talk an older friend, who was bisexual, into having a go at it. It was nervous, adolescent...

3 years ago
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First time

Though I identify as straight, and have been married over 20 years, I've had a curiosity about engaging in oral sex with another man since I was in my teens. The urge to satisfy that curiosity has ranged from a mild, easily ignored buzz in the back of my mind, to an almost obsessive desire, but I never became motivated to actually try anything. Well, that's not entirely true. When I was 17, I did talk an older friend, who was bisexual, into having a go at it. It was nervous, adolescent...

2 years ago
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First Impressions0

*** Authors note: Hello there, welcome to my entry to the CAW 10 challenge. It's called "First Impressions" and I hope you enjoy reading it. *** First Impressions. Ok, so I feel I have to share this. I had a date with a guy tonight, it was our first date, we've never met before and he was really sweet and adorable. He’s 19, the same age as me and we met on a popular gay dating website just a few short weeks ago. I know it’s soon to be arranging a date with someone, but we...

2 years ago
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First Class Part 2

Chapter 3 – First Class “Ummm, Celeste?” Vicky said. “What?” “These uniforms ….” “Retro chic, I know, right?” Celeste said, her voice ringing with excitement. The girls were standing together in front of the full length mirror in the dressing room at the 100 Years of Civil Aviation attraction. They were both dressed in 1960’s stewardess uniforms: navy blue long sleeved mini-dresses with deep v-necks and lapels, gold braiding around the cuffs and large gold buttons all the way down the front....

2 years ago
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First time Hubby let his friends have me

A true story As I said it was my husband’s birthday and we had gone out to dinner with four of his friends. It was a very nice dinner at a steak house in town. I had two glasses of wine which is my limit, after that I am totally drunk. All the wives accept for me where out of town, so I was the only girl out with five guys.After dinner my husband invited his friends over for some pool and a few beers. All the guys gladly accepted the invitation. When we got home I got the guys there beer and...

3 years ago
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First Visit To The Master And His Men

While the transition from reading the internet advertisement to her present position of being bound and suspended by her wrists from the metal rings set in the ceiling of The Master’s playroom had been easy for Gloria, it had also been time consuming. Establishing new contacts always seemed to work out that way, if in fact they worked out at all. The classical music surged through the room but Gloria didn’t really hear it. Her mind was filled with thoughts of how she so willingly came to be in...

2 years ago
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First time hubby let his friends use me

As I said it was my husband’s birthday and we had gone out to dinner with four of his friends. It was a very nice dinner at a steak house in town. I had two glasses of wine which is my limit, after that I am totally drunk. All the wives accept for me where out of town, so I was the only girl out with five guys.After dinner my husband invited his friends over for some pool and a few beers. All the guys gladly accepted the invitation. When we got home I got the guys there beer and they started...

4 years ago
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First Day Of Being A Small Time Actress

Hi Friends, I wanted to tell you some incidents that happen regularly in my life. You see, I am a small time actress. I come in small roles in TV shows or movies once in a while. I am sure if you see me, you will recognize me from those programs. It is a very rewarding career – especially for a girl. And if the girl is a little open minded about things that happen, there is no scarceness for opportunities to make lots of money. The roles may be small, but the money usually is good and they get...

4 years ago
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First times with the best friend

Mia and I study together at the college. We came from the same town, started our studies together, but we do have different fields. She is reading biology while I'm majoring in economics. Originally, we planned to be roommates, but Mia's boyfriend moved with her when we our school began. She has already left the bastard, but she decided to stay at their row house apartment. She was able to afford it. It's an early Friday evening. I'm just about to arrive at Mia's place. I promised her to...

2 years ago
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First Served First Cum First To Die Vol 1

The following has been approved for adult reading. Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent and my penis size embellished to protect my reputation. My testicles requested no anonymity. These are their stories. It had been nearly a year since my last case; an extended vacation not because I desired one, but rather  because the dust just had to settle. I'd wrapped up the case of the double-dealing dentist, named Dante, desiring desperately to discover who'd dared disturb...

3 years ago
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First Time at a BBC party and First time seeing m

To appreciate this story, it helps to check out how my wife and I got this far. You should read those first as you can really appreciate this one a whole lot more by seeing where my wife came from and how she ended up here in DC with a bunch Black Fraternity Guys, celebrating there reunion. By now my Filipino wife of 20-plus years has already broken the Taboo boundaries and experienced amazing sex with a Black man, and since her first adventure, she was actually seeing this one guy who I...

2 years ago
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First Day

First DayIt was an odd feeling, not grogginess exactly, but a diminished sense of agency, of ability to resist, of the capability to disobey. They had given us the drug just before the auction, the ?vending? as They called it, and it had done its job, on me at least. We had been warned that the vending would be difficult, here where men – sorry, old habits can die hard – here, in this world, males are not ?men,? we are all ?boys? ? were treated as a decidedly different and a most decidedly...

4 years ago
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First Time Fantasy

I’d never had a real experience before. Years of wearing panties and fantasizing, but nothing legitimate. I imagine it’s the same story as many other panty lovers: started when I was about 13 by stealing some of my mom’s things. Bras at first, then panties. Soon I began looking forward to being home alone so I could slide on silky under things. When I got the internet in my room I started chatting more and more, and then dressing at the same time. This continued through high school. Fast...

3 years ago
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first time part 4

i got a phone call from my freind amy ask me to come over her dad want to talk to me, i found this funny as i know her day had a thing her me and i was feeling horny so was up to tease. i arrived and was sent to his office, hi Sammy he started be a sweetheart and grab me the The Peterson file would be in the bottom drawer, so I had an excellent opportunity to tease amy's dad . I purposely bent at the waist so that my short skirt rode up high over my hips and butt, exposing my secret...

2 years ago
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First Date

My First DateBy: HornyJ My date went well Wednesday night. Jake and I met a few weeks ago at the library whenwe both reached for the same Kellerman book. Jake told me to go ahead and take it, andhe'd check it out when I was done. We got talking about authors we liked, and after a while heasked if I'd like to meet him for coffee sometime. I said sure, and told him I'm usually at thelibrary Tuesday afternoon. He met me there the next week, and we went out for coffee. Samethe following week, but...

3 years ago
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First Dance

"Don't let anybody tell you teenage girls are the only ones with a monopoly on the phone," my mother said to my dad as I started toward the stairs with a plate of crackers. Our clunky Cold War era cordless phone was tucked awkwardly against my neck. "She's bitching AGAIN," I whispered as I scurried down into the cool air of the basement and out of range of parental potshots.But it was true. We were always on the phone. Matt and I had been friends since kindergarten, now with a full year in...

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first text translated into English

ITINERARYWhere the story of a man who wants to exist in your eyes ..........A LOLA ...It was while visiting a website, a complete accident that I came across this ad. This site did the rest not primarily designed to encourage meetings have but like any site is now complying with pages dedicated to meetings. Since I 'was there, but I read the profiles are not very inspired that night I did not even used the filter searches for a particular profile fall or even a region. If evidence is needed...

3 years ago
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First and Ten Part 4

First and Ten; Part 4 Nancy Cole Chapter Fourteen The image of soldiers crouching low in the assault boat from the movie "Saving Private Ryan" came to mind as I prepared to leave my dorm room on Monday morning. Granted, I didn't look anything like them. Nor would I be facing the sort of trial by fire they did. Still I felt the same sort of anxiety the real solders who stormed the Normandy beaches must have experienced as they prepared to sally forth into hostile...

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