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Truda - Fighting woman
Varick - Protecting Ruler
Harman - Man of the army

Finally able to get out of bed Alan started to push everyone harder. They may not be as strong but he was damn sure going to make sure if they went down, they went after inflicting pain. As of yet Alan was still at a loss for a plan to finally end the Doctor, though that was about to change.
Alan had been watching everyone closely when there was a disturbance outside the village. Looking he saw that it involved almost all of Helga's children. Well all of them and one of the village people that Alan had opened up more. The thing that was grabbing Alan's attention was the fact that the man was holding off all of them. Though he was starting to fail it appeared that he'd been at it a while.
Reaching out Alan told all of them
Suddenly twenty voices were assailing him.
Alan shook his head it was too bad they were so young. Their energy and enthusiasm would have made them extremely valuable allies. Stopping short a moment Alan smiled. They just might be able to help after all though he'd have to talk to them and their mother first.
Nodding Alan thought back to them, the voices told Alan. With a smile Alan nodded again as the plan started to take better shape.
The next day after more of the intense training, Alan thought that they might finally be ready. With a definite plan in mind Alan held a small meeting with everyone. "I have felt all of you increasing your levels and resistance. I believe that the time has come that we end it. I just pray that we have enough to do this. Though many of us have hurt him many times his power still remains high. I believe I have come up with a plan to finally defeat him."
Varick and Harman both raised their hands looks of concern on their faces. "I wanted to know if you still plan on using Helga in all of this," Varick asked. "I know you can tell if she is lying or not. I for one am still skeptical she has the same learning ability you do this. Are you as sure she won't turn on you again?"
Angelika turned toward Varick with a smoldering scathing look that could melt rock, "Really Varick!"
Turning toward her Angelika was surprised when her brother's look grew stern and deadly serious. "I have lost far too damn much to just allow it to happen again! I am not about to put my life or that of my family or friends in jeopardy again. I won't, not while I have anything to say about it!" Then turning toward Alan, Varick repeated, "Are you absolutely sure she won't turn on you again? Hell for that matter on any of us?"
Alan sighed this was the part he really didn't want to have to explain. "Yes I am absolutely sure. Just as I am about Harman with his far rational decisions of late by his firmer control of his emotional outbursts with his power. Do you need me to explain further? There are many things that we all hide," here Alan looked at Varick. "Many fears that we all hide away that can cripple us. I have-- you might say removed them strengthening certain other areas, if you don't believe ask her yourself. Have Truda look in when she answers."
Varick nodded though Harman was staring at Alan with his mouth agape. "You did what to me?" Then Harman stopped as he thought, Alan was right he had noticed that his thought processes were sharper and faster. "Hell and here I thought you were just upping my power! I never thought you were helping with that!" Reaching out Harman surprised all of them Truda especially when he shook Alan's hand.
Truda walked up and hugged her brother tightly, "I said it before brother and have to say it again. I find that you make more and more proud of you with each passing day!"
Harman could only blush at the outpouring of pride from his sister. The blush only made her hug him tighter as he looked at Alan with shock and mouthed thank you!
Helga who had been quiet the whole time she was the subject of their talk suddenly spoke up. "I am more than prepared for what you wish to know Varick. That bastard thought to use the vision of my own children in peril to control me. That won't ever happen again!" Turning toward Truda she stated, "Please Truda I want to be a part of this. As sneaky and underhanded as the old puke is I feel it will take all of us." Turning back to Varick she continued, “Please ask your questions."
Varick nodded as he started through several questions that no one thought he'd ask. "So tell me, just how much are you in love with Alan?" Helga's mouth dropped open as did Truda's and Angelika's.
"I-- I-- but I'm not," Helga started.
"Please Helga even I and Harman know the difference in a look of friendship and love. So I put it to you again, how long?" Varick said with all seriousness as he crossed his arms.
Drawing herself up Helga replied, "I am not in--." 
Truda gasp as she was staring between Helga, Varick and Alan then a slow sly smile crept onto her features. Sighing Varick threw up his arms. "I'm afraid I can't allow you to go with us if you can't even answer a simple question. Go back to your home with your children we--."
Taking a deep breath Helga blurted out, "since the day he refused me! Damn it! There are you happy now? That long!" Covering her face Helga ran off in tears leaving Alan, Harman, and Truda in shock with Varick nodding his head. 
Angelika gave her brother an extremely scathing look as she ran after Helga. Varick winced as she left the group to chase Helga; he knew there would be hell to pay later. Then again that's why they had stayed alive this long, by always acting on his hunches or insights.
Harman shook his head as he nudged Varick, "I hope you are ready for later. She is going to be really pissed at you."
"Yeah I know." Looking over at Alan he went on. "It had to be done Alan, if we are to do this we need everyone with a clear head. 'Til now this has been clouding her thoughts. I am sorry you had to find out like this. As Harman said I will have an extremely angry sister later, though I am hoping she will see why I did it."
Alan could only nod as he tried to follow both Angelika and Helga. Then there were her children they also might be upset at all of them. Finally finding his voice Alan asked Varick, "So this was never about finding whether or not she was loyal to him?"
"At first, yes though after the first minute or so I knew better. I could see she was conflicted especially when she looked at you. If we can't clear her thoughts, she'll be of no use to us in this. We can't watch her and him at the same time. You are the only one with that much power though I am afraid yours will be directed toward him. As I said it had to be done. I am just hoping that my sister can help her sort it out before we do go against him. That plus not put me in traction." This last part was spoken in a whisper causing Harman to break out laughing.
Helga ran for a ways not caring where she went finally sinking down on a bench at the other end of the village. Tears she had denied herself for so long fell faster and faster 'til she had no control. A moment later she felt a kind presence that was suddenly holding her and wrapping arms around her. With a deep sigh Helga felt the tears finally slow then stop.
Looking up she was shocked to see it was Angelika that was holding her. Strange she thought for a few minutes there it had felt like her mother that had been holding her. Trying to pull away she was surprised at the strength Angelika had when she pulled Helga back to her.
Hiding her face Helga started, "so you are here to make fun of the love sick little girl!"
When Angelika didn't laugh nor pull away Helga looked up again shocked what she saw there. It was love, pure and simple love, no recriminations, no laughter just a warm feeling that Helga hadn't felt from anyone but her children in a very long time.
"Why would I laugh at you? Love is a natural feeling within all of us. I have felt it myself, so no, I can't make fun of you for something I felt also." Then she let out a growl, "though I may have to beat the hell out of my brother about the way he went about it!" This of course had Helga giggling so had that she actually had Angelika laughing with her. "I'm afraid he is still gruff and uncouth, though I dislike them they are what have kept us alive all this time."
"Do you think he will keep me from going?" Helga asked. "I owe that piece of crap a lot of pain that he gave me back then."
Angelika was quiet for a few minutes making Helga think she was thinking of a way to convince Varick. Though the longer the silence the more she thought that Angelika was hitting a wall. "He may but you are going to have to get these feelings under control. If you go into the battle thinking of nothing but love for Alan it will get you killed. That would kill Alan just as sure as the Doctor destroying him. Alan always tries to make sure we all will make it. I think I can help you as can Truda, though we have to hurry." Helga nodded as they both blinked out appearing back with the others.
It was almost a week later the Doctor had finally recruited another two hundred 'helpers'. They finally had all of the machines that Alan and the others had destroyed working again. Reaching out the Doctor swore as he started looking for Alan. That self righteous piece of shit would pay for harming him! The Doctor was going to make the death of his mind as painful and long as possible.
The Doctor cursed again when he couldn't feel Alan or the others! For the first time he had no feeling of any of them!
Suddenly there was a myriad of voices coming to him not far from the building.  
Shocked the Doctor paused a moment when he felt several strong waves heading for him. Knocking those away he was shocked when there was another set right behind them! The Doctor thought as he brushed off the second then third wave! Even as the fourth started toward him the Doctor decided this game was over! Sending out a wave of energy the Doctor was shocked when the voices vanished and appeared behind him sending several more waves of energy toward him!
On the hill overlooking the Doctor's building Alan smiled, good the asshole is a little confused. Time to turn up the heat! Sending out a huge wave of blue energy, Alan sent a second right behind it. Blinking out Alan appeared with Helga's children then vanished with them. 
The Doctor felt another wave of energy heading his way, what? Alan? Brushing aside the last of the weak waves The Doctor wasn't surprised that Alan had sent a close second. So he thought the boy is learning. All the better when I take his body!
Fighting the second stronger wave the Doctor was glad Alan was so strong. That's when he felt four other waves heading his way! They were all from different people! Erecting a shield the doctor was fighting to hold all four when Alan appeared at the opening to the underground lab. Snatching the door open he dropped several containers then flashed out.
The Doctor's thoughts screamed as he made all the containers appear outside. Several of his new 'helpers' grabbed the containers walking away from the long building. Screamed the Doctor's thoughts even as there was a titanic explosion that rocked the building.
Reaching in Alan felt several of the leads below the opening as he severed a few of them.
Alan reached out to where the opening was trying to push it open. At first the metal groaned even started to ripple as a tiny part of it barely bent up. Damn it! Alan thought this had to be the hardest metal he'd ever tried to move. Trying again the metal groaned again moved maybe another millimeter then stopped.
Laughing the Doctor thought, Alan told her as he started.
Helga asked a look of hope on her face.

The Doctor's thoughts were screaming.
"No you sick son of a bitch! You are dead as you should have been decades ago!" Came Angelika's voice as she appeared next to Alan.
"I think it's finally time to close this chapter in all our lives!" Varick growled on the other side of Alan.
"You deserve far more than you are about to receive!" Harman yelled.
"Yes, it is time for the fear to end!" Emory said from behind Alan.
Screamed the Doctor's thoughts.
"Yeah so they all thought!" Emory said as all of them stared at the brain in the vat as the Doctor's screams increased. The liquid in the vat was now boiling at a good clip then suddenly the brain crushed inward as blood covered the clear vat walls then mixed with the boiling liquid.
Alan nodded as he looked at the people he now called friends and family. Smiling he turned and fell into a very soft chest! Giggling Helga smiled down at him as the world went dark.

Alan was once again flying back through time as he stopped at the bunker again. Alan thought this would be the last time though he wasn't sure why. Going through the bunker he found everything as he'd seen it before. That's when he found Helga crying, hiding in a closet.
Suddenly her head snapped up,
Alan told her.
Helga pleaded.
Alan thought sad that he couldn't help.
Helga told him.
Alan told her as he started.
Helga asked a look of hope on her face.
Alan said then he touched her mind one last time then was snapped back.
It was almost three days later when Alan's eyes snapped open, then the headache started. Looking in he saw that someone had done a hurried shift of his abilities. Nodding he could see where someone might think he'd hurt himself. Moving everything Alan noticed that his healing ability was better, ‘might as well leave that,’ he thought.
A few minutes after he finished Helga walked in. "Oh good you're awake! I wanted to ask you, I can swear I've met you before, have we?"
"Met me before? When? I am sure that I would remember meeting a lovely woman like you." Alan told her.
"Come on Alan My memory is nowhere as good as yours but I can still see a man that looked like you. Is that even possible? I mean this was back when we were in the bunker." Helga asked a strange look on her face.
"Ok, ok I can say that is more than a definite possibility that we met before." Alan said as he watched Helga's face for her reaction.  

"Ok I--," Helga stopped short staring at Alan. "What did you say?" She whispered.
"I said it was a definite--" Alan started when Helga launched herself at him.
"My god it was you!" Kissing his face all over Alan felt his heart melt and other parts harden.
"I'd have never made it through without what you did. Thank you!" Kissing him again she smiled sweetly at him then left.
Sitting up Alan was stretching to get the kinks out when Helga's oldest daughter walked in. Damn why is she so nervous? "Hi," she quickly said. "I am here alone though it feels so empty without my brothers and sisters with me. I have questions about--- about. I'm eighteen as of yesterday." Blushing blood red she looked away, Alan could almost guess.
"About sex?" Alan asked gently.
Not looking up she nodded rapidly. Shaking his head he dropped with a plop on his bed. My god he thought what have I gotten myself into now?

The End


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Mera Pehla Pyar 8211 Shilpa Madam

By : Ishant_love Doston mera naam Ishant hai men 25 saal ka hun aur indore men rehkar MBA kar raha hun ISS ka niyamit pathak hun aur mene bahut saari kahaniyan padhih kuch kahaniyan bahut achi bhi lagin aur kuch bilkul fake but fake kahaniyon men bhi kamal ka imagination tha. Bahut sochne ke baad tay kiya ki kun na men bhi apna ek real life incident share karun ap logon ke saati e kahani bilkul sachi hai. Baat un dino ki he jab men 12th class men padhta tha aur meri age 18 thi. Humari ek...

1 year ago
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After school 1

"Finally," Krista muttered under her breath, "the last period of the day is about over, just three more minutes and I'm outa here!!!" "Eighth period English Lit, what a lousy way to finish up the school day!!!" "Okay, class," Miss Redmond ordered, "pages 213 thru 247 for tomorrow, be ready for a quiz!!!" While the whole room groaned in unison, Miss Redmond locked eyes with Krista and gave her a small nod, "Oh, crap," Krista thought, "she wants me to stay after again, and today of all days!!!"...

2 years ago
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The Sum of Her Parts

1. Blood in the WaterThere was a man standing on the street corner.  He was inconspicuous to most people but Molly saw him well.  She didn’t know whether to run or to beg the Don for mercy.  She decided running was futile.  Molly was an attractive thirty five year old divorcee with 15yo and 13yo daughters. She was a slim woman normal in every way except for her breasts.   She was a 38DDD but, for breasts that size, they maintained a great deal of poise and bounce. Molly loved them.  They made...

4 years ago
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The Admirals Invasion

*Please note. This is my first time submitting to Literotica. This is the first of series involving Admiral Griffon and Lady Wolfstone. * Declan slammed her against the brocaded wall, the shadows heavy around them. Behind the wall the sounds of the orchestra’s strings could be vaguely heard, the dun of laughter and gaiety floating up the staircase, into the forgotten room. Adrianne was still unsure to what purpose the room served, only knowing that it was small, dim, hidden. Already she could...

2 years ago
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Transformers 25 Light of the Day

NSA File 77014392 Incident Report Mikaela Barnes Clearance level 9 Eyes Only I guess I should start this out by explaining that most of what you're about to read, you won't believe. I've helped to save your life at least twice at this point. The first time was about four years ago, just as I was graduating high school. I had just turned 18 years old and thought I knew everything. The second time was only a few months after that when my then boyfriend and the love of my life, Sam, had...

1 year ago
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His First 3Some

A friend invited him over to his home to have dinner with him and his wife. He was bored so he didn't mind going that evening. He'd never met his wife, so by the time he knocked on the door and saw his friend's wife open it, he was mesmerized by her beauty. Her body was voluptuous, her skin naturally tanned. Her lips were well formed and her eyes bright and sparkly. She was wearing a tight top with a lot of cleavage, so when she kissed his cheek he could see it from a better angle, and got a...

3 years ago
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Free Pass

Free Pass by enduringshades Veronica's story I have just had the most amazing weekend and I just had to tell you about it! If you have a secret and if you are thinking about getting married I just might have an idea for you! I am bisexual and when I went up to University to study for a biology degree I spent the first year with a succession of boyfriends and girlfriends. I am a faithful girl and not a two-timer, so sometimes I was in a lesbian relationship and sometimes in a...

2 years ago
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Enforced Feminisation by Mistress Madame C

Michael had worked as my general handyman around the house for at least ten years. He was a quiet soul, softly spoken, very much old school and so,so incredibly polite. I had never ever let him know of my passion for alternative kinky play, I didn’t think he needed to know however, certain items in the laundry room must of caught his attention at some time over the years he had worked for me..but, dear Michael, the polite gentleman that he was, had never ever said a word…he just carried...

3 years ago
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I took my daughter to be deflowered by an old man

These were strange feelings, urges really, I wanted to feel pressure down there, so I pushed against the edge of the table, and began to rub along the decorative edge beading, and as I swayed gently, I dont daddy noticed it, but I remember many years ago, walking into the utility room and seeing mommy do something similar with the corner of the spin dryer, she did not see me, but now I know what she was doing. Sarah was nude and running around the room, being chased by daddy with his camera,...

3 years ago
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Fun in the woods

We're walking through the woods hand in hand, trying to keep to the path. I veer off dragging you with me by our connected hands. We walk deeper into the woods, its dark the only light is from the full moon shining on us. We hear a twig snap, you grab onto my arm refusing to let go. We're passing a big oak tree, I spin you around to push you up against the tree, pinning you there rendering you helpless.  I nudge your neck with my nose, my lips trailing along your jaw line moving down your neck...

4 years ago
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Buddy and daughter

This is the first experience I shared with my best friend Wayne, Wayne and I have know each other for a while in fact we both were fucking the same woman before we were married, though not at the same time. in fact Wayne married my cousin Cindy and they have a little girl, Lil deb (Debbie), she is a very cute and sweet little girl, (I suppose I have always had a thing for young girls), I would come over to their place pretty regularly and hang out and drink some beers BBQ and hang out in...

4 years ago
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Shaadishuda Behan Ki Chudai 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone, hope you guys are doing well. Mera naam hai Akash, aur meri age hai 19 saal. Meri family mein 4 log hai, main, meri badi Behan, papa aur maa. Meri badi behan ka naam hai Sumi. Aur wo mujhse 4 saal badi hai. 1 saal pehle uski shaadi hui thi. Didi ki age 22 saal hai aur jija ji 30 saal ke hai. Aur unke pita ji ki age 56 saal hai. Ye desi sex kahani hai kuch din pehle ki, jab maine apna new college join kiya tha. Hum gaon mein rehte the, aur mere jija ji aur didi shehar mein rehte...

3 years ago
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The Bounty HunterChapter 3

I was beyond exhausted. This whole hiking trip had been a disaster from the beginning. It wasn’t my kind of trip anyways. The fact that I had been coerced to come on this excursion still made me froth in rage. “It will be fun!”, they said. It totally wasn’t. I had never been involved in such a tedious undertaking in my life. “The place we are going to is beautiful!”, they exclaimed. I still failed to grasp the idyllic charm of this sandy hill that just blew up dust when a breeze passed...

3 years ago
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The Ejactulator

"Can anyone tell me what this device is called?" Miss Harumi asked from the head of the room. She held the device, a loaf-sized mechanical apparatus into the air. The class looked with interest. It filled both her hands. Long and narrow, basic shape that of a cylinder, about two feet in length and perhaps a foot wide. Four rubber legs stood out on the bottom so it could be set down on a surface. From the middle of the class, Jason looked with special interest. The device appeared quite...

3 years ago
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Brandi Protector of the Gateway Season 2Chapter 33

“So what’s been messing with us?” Michael asked, his knee bouncing. Now that he was aware of it, it was so obvious - a yearning, a desperate cry to prove the superiority of demons. He was in a room with three teenage girls, and it was all he could do stop himself from making an excuse to leave with one of them and show what demons were truly capable of. They’re not your thoughts, he reminded himself. You’re better than this. Demons are better. At everything. He blinked twice, trying to...

1 year ago
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HussiePass Adriana Maya 40Inch Booty Meets 13Inch Cock

The lovely Adriana Maya bring her juicy 40-inch booty ? to the Hussie Pass studio today to take the biggest dick she’s ever had ? which of course belongs to the one and only Brickzilla! After a short interview, where we find out she’s part ginger ??‍? Brickzilla applies a generous amount of babyoil ? to Adriana’s bootyliscious backside, which she then twerks for us ? Brickzilla tastes her plump little pussy ?? before it’s time for Adriana to experience his massive cock...

1 year ago
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Body of a Man Mind of Machine Chapter Two1

“What’s the emergency you called me about?” Amanda asked with worry as she climbed into Jenny’s car. “I need to talk to you and I can’t do it in your house or mine,” Jenny said sheepishly as she pulled out of Amanda’s driveway. They drove out of the suburbs and deep into the woods, stopping at the side of an unpaved road. They were half an hour’s drive from the nearest house or real building and only after being absolutely sure that both Amanda’s and her own phone were turned off an...

1 year ago
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Wicked Whims Mod

Looking for a Sims 4 sex mod? Am sure WickedWhims isn’t such a new term in most gamers or Sims fanatics diction, but I'll consider those who are probably hearing about this brilliant site for the first time. Now Whickedwhims happens to be an excellent mod that provisions for animated sex, nudity interactions, exhibitionism shit, relationships enhancements, gameplay as well as visual improvements.And if you are wondering what’s special about their Sims games, it’s because they contain; new...

Free Sex Games
2 years ago
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Tie and Tease

Jon arrived at my place where I greated by himu in jeans and tshirt nothing very flattering but thats what he wanted. We went swtraight into the bedroom where I undressed him naked and tied him to the bed and blindfold him. Without touching his cock of course apart from just brushing my lonh hair across it.I then left the room and got into something really sexy I returned dressed sexily and with a feather to rub across his skin. Jon felt my breath as I gently nibbled his ear whilst stroking him...

2 years ago
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Date Chapter 3

'Date" Chapter 3 All day long, I thought about going to the gym. I was sooo excited about wearing my new bunny clothes for Marcus! Gee, I sure hope he likes the way I look in a bunny outfit, that is. When I came back from work, Bree and Karen were just finishing up with their massage routine, and lord knows what else. "Oh, hi Danny. You look excited. What's up?" "Oh, nothing. It's just Friday and glad to have the weekend." "Well, I have to work tonight, and I also have...

3 years ago
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Family LettersChapter 34

Dear Will, Now I have no idea what to call my brother. What is an Optio? It sounds like you have taken some job working on eyes. At least that's the only thing I can think of that uses the Opt prefix. Or was that title some kind of Optical illusion. Maybe you misspelled it and it was supposed to be something more Topical, or since you are going to a water world Tropical. But then again you said you'll be living twenty thousand leagues below. Do they call the capital Verne? Or were they...

4 years ago
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The Fanncy Dress Party

I went to a Priests and Prostitutes party a short while ago in South Africa and loved getting dressed up as a prostitute, it was so much fun and It made me really horny. I had to get a cab dressed up like this and we all met in a bar before hand. I was the first one to arrive at the bar which was already packed as it was a Friday night and the early (going home from work) crowd had not left. I sat quietly at a table and ordered a double Vodka and Tonic and was watching the door hoping that...

4 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 43

Her reunion with Brandi had been so thrilling, exhausting, ecstatic that she had briefly forgotten about the encounter with Arthur, though some of the bruises on her body remained for days. Finally, they were gone. After Brandi, she went without sex for a while. Yvette had been out of town on business, so fortunately Laura did not run into her at work. She did spend an evening with Rob, who somehow redeemed her faith in men. He made her come repeatedly without the horrible violence she had...

4 years ago
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Youtube Star German version

Eva war schon ganz aufgeregt heute würden Sie den ersten Schritt ihrer Star Karriere machen. Sie würde gleich ihren ersten Youtube Stream senden. Sie bereitete sich seit Tagen darauf vor. Sie hatte ein Hairstyling Tutorial vorbereitet, was sich bei ihrem wunderschönen blonden Haar natürlich angeboten hatte. Sie hatte sich schon ein Outfit vorbereitet sie trug eine eng anliegende Jeans, die sich sanft an ihre Beine und po schmiegte, darauf hatte sie aber nicht soviel wert gelegt. Sie würde ja...

Mind Control
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Tina the Redhead

My name is Ray, I’m single and I’m a mechanic. I own a four bay garage in a family friendly area of town. I also run a tow truck 24/7 in the local area. I charge about 2/3 the hourly rate of most other garages in the area and I guarantee all my work. Consequently, busy is very good for me and allows me to have three mechanics work for me. I’m average looking with a muscular build, but I’ve been told that my smile is contagious and combined with my business ethics makes me very popular with...

2 years ago
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My Dream of the Girl Next Door

I’m pretty sure I’m speaking for most guys when I say, there’s no better girl, than the cute girl next door. I mean, that’s every teenagers dream, to have a hot girl next door. Since I was Thirteen , I’ve lived next to such a girl. I’ve seen her boyfriends come and go, hoping she’ll one day at least acknowledge my existence. But as usual, I never get so much as a glance. Not to say I haven’t had my share of girlfriends, its just, guys like to think that we could get any girl we wanted to if we...

3 years ago
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Little Megan Takes Cuntrol of Mom

In taking control of Pop, Megan had shown how brutal slut she could be. But the next day things continued in a most unexpected way.Mom came home after staying at the college the night before, she was greeted by her perverted daughter... and, well, If you thought Bryan, the Pop had trouble controlling this young woman, wait to you read how she treats Tina, her Mom!!As Tina pulled into the drive her heart sank. Bryan’s car was gone, which meant he had already left for work, which was fine....

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