AlmostChapter 2: Thursday free porn video

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Elaine woke late from a restless sleep knowing that her dreams had been about him. She took a cold shower, which only served to irritate her even more, then carefully braided and twisted her hair into a tight bun. She dressed in her least flattering suit in hopes of dampening her ardor. She grabbed a cup of coffee in the Teacher's lounge on the way to her first class.

Most of the students had beaten her there--which was a first for her--and as she entered the room, none of them noticed her. They were all focused on the blackboard and the drawing of a pool table. Thomas stood in the middle of the bunch animatedly explaining how understanding geometry had made him a better pool shooter. He was so completely engrossed with the students that he did not see her. But she saw that gleam in his eye and knew this was real. He was not just trying to get close to her--he really was a math teacher. Which sounded paranoid. Then, her heart was racing again; he looked like a god, he taught math, and he wanted her. He would be perfect if there were not a question of breached ethics hanging over her head. 'I can't do this' she thought 'I can't stand next to him.' She took a deep breath, trying to get a hold of her nerves.

"I'm so glad," She said in as firm a voice as she could muster, "that our new Mr. Williams has found a practical use for math that you all can appreciate." Agreements to that murmured through the group. There were a few chuckles as the bell--thankfully--rang and the class moved quickly to their seats.

Only Thomas refused to look at her. "I'm sure Ms. Beaugoud is ready to start class now," his voice was flat having lost all of the charm it had only moments before, "I'll finish this another time."

Elaine waited until most of the students had taken their seats to approach her desk. Thomas busied himself erasing the blackboard. She could feel him behind her; a warm presence. Being this close to him made her nerves flutter. Her heart rate was suddenly aerobic. She took another couple of deep breaths, grateful when he moved to take a seat in the class. There was a bit of a titter and she peeked in his direction. Instead of taking the empty seat in front of the window, he was sitting on the windowsill.

She had to stifle a smile, "There is a desk in front of you, Mr. Williams."

"I'm quite comfortable here, Ms. Beaugoud," he replied in that baritone. "Unless you'd rather I sit closer to you."

Elaine felt her face flush, "You're fine where you are, Mr. Williams," she said far too quickly. She steadied herself and in a more normal voice continued, "Good morning ladies and gentlemen, I gather most of you have met Mr. Williams. He'll be taking over this class and a few others as of Monday." She was gratified that several students asked why, "I'm not going anywhere--but someone has to do the paperwork. I'll still teach all of the Advance Placements and we're adding two more sections, so you all will see plenty of me for a while longer. In the meantime, let's make Mr. Williams feel welcome, shall we?"

Thomas smiled and waved at the class and Elaine had the insane urge to pull him down and screw him on the classroom floor.

'Get a grip.' She chided herself repeatedly, 'This is crazy!'

She tried to focus, "Ok, let's get started with the homework. Mr. Maier, will you let Mr. Williams follow along with you, please."

It was easy after that. For the next hour, Elaine was able to keep occupied with the business of teaching and Thomas stayed quiet. She was giving the homework assignment when the bell rang again. Two students with questions about the material spared her speaking to Thomas. The next set of students flooded in before the last set finished leaving. The next three classes passed in roughly the same way, keeping Elaine's mind largely off Thomas' presence. When the lunch bell rang, she was appalled; the last group of students rushed out and no one flooded in.

She refused to look at him. Instead, she began ordering her desk. Again.

"You missed dinner." He finally said in that velvet tone of his. It made her think about candlelight, satin sheets and Teddy Pendergrass. When she did not reply he continued, "I met everyone, I think. Frank, Rachel, Dan--of course--and Anya is it? Yes, Anya. Gail was there, which was nice; she made most of the introductions." She could hear him moving but did not dare to turn around and risk another kiss. "They tell me it was a day of 'firsts'. My first day, your first time being late for a meeting, your first time missing a staff dinner, the first time anyone's seen your hair out."

Whatever reservations Elaine had were quickly melting away under the fire of that voice. She closed her eyes and prayed that he would not touch her even while desperately hoping that he would. She could feel him moving behind her. His hands were soft and warm where they caressed her neck. She had to bite her lip to keep from groaning aloud. His voice was just as soft and warm when he whispered in her ear, "I remember seeing your hair out."

She shivered and said nothing, did nothing while he uncoiled then un-braided her hair. It fell in soft waves around her face and shoulders. He combed his fingers through it. Elaine thought she might orgasm from that alone if he did it again. She was 'saved' by the intercom. Again.

Her hands were shaking as she opened her desk drawer and she had to try twice before her voice was audible, "Yes?"

"Where you at?"

Yvonne. Elaine silently swore, "My classroom. Why?"

"Are you with a student?"

"No." She cursed Yvonne again.

"Are you on your way?"

Exasperated, Elaine nearly snapped into the handset. She bit back her first response and instead asked, "I'm in conference at the moment, what do you need?"

"I need you to join Gail and me in the office. You promised to finish updating your mid term grades today? Or did you forget?"

Elaine swore audibly this time. That would be her entire lunch hour spent in the office instead of here. With him. He was still stroking her hair. "Right." She snapped, no longer attempting to hide her frustration, "On my way." This was probably a good thing.

She was very aware that every time he touched her, something interrupted them. It seemed a very large clue that it was wrong--very, very wrong--to allow this to proceed any further. So why did it feel so right? She let the handset fall back into the desk drawer. "I have to go." She forced herself to say.

He did not move away. He was not holding her; he was just standing tantalizingly close. She searched for a moment to find her grade book. It was in its proper place but she was too rattled to think straight. She squeezed past him, feeling his body firm against hers. It felt so good she wanted to weep. She was almost out of the door when he finally spoke.

"We have to talk, Elaine. We..." he paused and sighed, "I can't keep doing this. How about dinner tonight?"

She shook her head, "Too public. And tomorrow night as well. We'd have to go off campus Saturday to get any real privacy."

"Ok!" He jumped at the idea she had not actually meant to suggest, "Saturday. I'll take you someplace nice--quiet. Just talk and dinner, no pressure. Ok?"


"Curtis." He cut in, "If we're ever going to move past the past, we have to be 'Elaine' and 'Curtis'" he released that devastating grin again "not 'Thomas' and 'Ms. Beaugoud'"

He had a point; about the names and about dinner. That gave her two days to exorcise her personal demons and think rationally. "Dinner. Only. Saturday." She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, "Ok." She left quickly before he could talk her into anything else.

In the office, Gail and Yvonne were eating at Gail's desk. The computer had been turned around so that Elaine could join them and type at the same time. They stared at her as she walked in and sat down. Gail's greeting was friendly enough and if Yvonne had shared any of last night's conversation, Gail was being unusually discrete. They ate quietly while Elaine entered her data.

Finally, Gail burst, "I can't take it! Who is he?" she stared at Elaine.

Elaine looked at Yvonne, who shrugged, and then back at Gail, "Who is who?"

"Who's your mystery guy? Come on! You're late for a meeting for the first time ever, when you get there, your hair's a wreck, then you skip out altogether on Curt's welcome dinner, and now the sexy new hairdo." She looked down right smug. "So, who is he?"

Elaine looked back at the computer screen, "How was dinner?"

"Dinner was great. The food sucked but Curt is a blast."

Elaine started to say something to Gail but saw Yvonne waiting for the jealous comment to fly. She pursed her lips and went back to the computer.

Yvonne apparently was enjoying her discomfort, "Oh yeah," she fairly purred, "He's a fox. I'll bet he'll keep you warm on a cold night."

Gail sighed, "Not last night." She giggled, "But I'm working on him."

Yvonne saw Elaine's glare even if Gail did not, "So you've got first dibs, huh?"

"Second, actually." She took another bite of salad," He has some old girl he can't shake loose. He said he wants to 'make it work.'" She made a quotation mark gesture, "But you know how it is, once you're on-campus it's hard to keep an off-campus romance going."

"Old?" Yvonne was actually having trouble keeping a straight face, "What, you mean 'previous' or 'elderly'?"

Elaine banged the keyboard harder than she meant to. It slipped off the edge of the desk and she had to collect it and her grade book from the floor.

"Careful. You ok, Honey?" Yvonne might have looked concerned if Elaine had not wanted to smack her soundly right then.

"I'm fine." She snapped back, "Thank you."

"So, Curtis likes old chicks." Yvonne was enjoying this entirely too much.

Gail laughed, "No, I meant prior well, technically, current girlfriend who I just want to be prior."

"Oh." Yvonne loudly smacked her soda and smiled at Elaine, "Sounds like Gail had a time last night. So what did you do?"

Elaine did not even look up, "I wasn't feeling well. I went to bed early."

"We wondered where you were." Gail finished her lunch and disposed of the trappings, "So were you sober and alone?"


"Are you going to tell us what happened or not?"

"Nothing happened!" Elaine snapped it out so sharply that Yvonne practically choked on her laughter.

Gail looked from one to the next, "What? What? Tell me!"

Elaine could feel her cheeks burning as she stared at the computer. Yvonne calmed down a bit and smirked, "Guess who has first dibs?"

"On Curt?" Gail squealed, "Who?"

Yvonne laughed some more.

"Who? You?"

"Oh no." Yvonne put up her hands in protest, "Try again."

"Who then?"

The two of them sounded like a pair of twelve-year-olds and Elaine said so.

"Oh my God!" Gail squealed again, "Elaine! You? You're the--and I'm quoting again here--'the only thing that gave my life meaning'?"

Yvonne sputtered, "He said that?"

"He said that. He spouted poetry. He would have broken into song but I had to draw the line somewhere."

Elaine was so embarrassed, she wished that she could curl up and die. Gail went on, embellishing Elaine was sure, to describe how after dinner, she and 'Curt' had taken a walk around campus. He had been very secretive about the woman's name and vague about how they met but had gone on at length about her virtues. Elaine was by turns mortified by the attention and concerned by how much he seemed to know about her. Yvonne seemed to revel in every revealing moment.

Elaine was genuinely relieved when the bell rang and she could gracefully escape her friends. After the fifth random comment in the hallway, she did stop in the nearest restroom to loosely re-braid her hair. She arrived in her classroom before the students and searched her desk quickly to find enough pins to put in back into place. Curtis arrived before she finished and she glared at him, "I just had a very long chat with Gail."

"Oh?" He voice was casual but she noticed he stayed at the door and did not venture within arms reach.

"Yes." She stood up, "Now look, I don't know what you think..." she stopped abruptly as students began arriving.

Curtis grinned again as he approached her desk, "I told Ms. Clark some things, personal things, that seemed appropriate to the moment." When he was close enough, he leaned over and whispered in her ear, "And I can't tell you how fetching your hair is like that."

His warm breath in her ear made her shiver. But he moved back to his windowsill without further enticements. It took her longer than usual to focus and start class; it was most of the afternoon before she could go more than ten minutes without hearing the word 'fetching' replayed in her mind or wondering why he used it in particular.

Near the end of her last class, she glanced at him. He was grinning at her again.

She could not take it.

"Mr. Williams," she used her stern, no-bullshit voice, "Is there something amusing going on that you'd like to share with the class?"

He actually grinned wider, "I can honestly say no, Ms. Beaugoud."

"Is there something, then, that you would like to share with your classmates?"

His eyebrow arched, a note of offence, perhaps. "Classmates?"

"I remind you that you are not teaching this class," she paused, "yet."

"Ah." The grin faded while he pondered that. Then, infuriatingly, it broke free again, "I would like to say to my classmates," he turned slightly to face them, "that I hope to be as good a teacher as Ms. Beaugoud who is excellent." he glanced back at her then continued, "But, confidentially, I hate grading homework so I give way less that she does."

There was the expected amount of cheering and laughter at this news and Elaine threw up her hands knowing that any useful teaching was done for the day. When the bell rang a minute or so later, half the students gathered around Curtis instead of rushing off. Elaine was glad--it gave her sometime to start grading the tests she had forgotten without thinking about him.

It was not long enough; she was only on her fifth paper when she realized that the chatter had ceased. She looked up and was surprised to see him looking back--not grinning--from a desk in the second row.

"My assigned seat." He confessed with a self-conscious laugh. When it passed, his face was still.

'Artists must love that face, ' she thought. 'And photographers.' Each detail seemed to highlight the strength of the next.

He swallowed hard as if for once she had affected him, "I had forgotten," he said softly, "how good you are."

She watched him, waiting to hear what was next.

"I mean, I watched them all day and you can see it. You can see the moment when these dry, pointless, complicated theories suddenly make sense to them. And then they're engaged and they want to learn. And you make it happen."

Elaine nodded; this was not something that a stack of teaching awards had not already told her.

"I just wanted you to know. I don't just love you, I respect you. As an educator, I'm in awe of you." He stopped and stayed silent.

"You have a crush, Thomas." It would be simpler if these feeling would just fade away, "You have a crush on who you remember me being. I'm not that person anymore. Trust me, go out with a few people, stop being so--so obsessed with me, ok?" she was not sure who was guilty of obsession but she was not going to tell him that.

He smirked, "Elaine, I'm not a child. Don't think I can't tell the difference between love and lust or that you've been the only one in my life. I wasn't a virgin when I met you and I didn't live like one because you weren't around."

That cut a little close to home and Elaine looked back down at the papers in front of her.

"I'm here to plead my case, so to speak," he said after the silence became awkward, "You're right; I don't know you now. And I want to; I want to get to know you now as an adult when you are free to really be with me. So far, I gotta tell you, my feelings haven't changed. And I didn't arrive expecting you to jump into my arms." He paused, "I did hope you'd know me."

"I never had a 6'2" bearded child named 'Curtis' in my class." Her heart was pounding again, "You caught me off guard."

"I could see that." He stood up, "The truth is, Elaine, I do want you. I mean, my teenage fantasies are all running rampant through my mind but I can wait. My feelings for you are more than just lust." He headed for the door, "I'll see you tonight."

He stopped and looked back at her, "Would you wear your hair out for me? Just that? I won't ask for anything else."

He left while she was still contemplating a response. His presence made her light headed and warm. She realized that she was shaking and knew that she would not be grading any more tests today. She grabbed the cup she kept on her desk and stood up.

She recognized the feeling of her blood pressure dropping but could not understand why it did so.

The ammonia was too strong and Elaine tried to pull away from it. Someone was speaking and it took a moment to recognize the language and a moment more to realize that she should respond. She tried to speak but knew something was wrong when it sounded like gibberish.

Yvonne was holding the ammonia caplet, looking over her shoulder at someone else, "She's awake, Steve."

The school nurse appeared in Elaine's field of vision, "Hey, just relax." He said in the overly calm manner of a pediatric nurse "What's your name?"

It was the last question she expected but it did help clear a little of the fog, "Elaine. What's going on here?"

"Good, good, Elaine. It's ok. You just seemed to have bumped your head." He ran his fingers over her head, "Tell me if anything h..."

Elaine's loud ouch answered the question before he could finish it, "Ok, yeah, that's a good size bruise. Ok, Elaine, I'm going to ask you a couple of easy questions, ok? Then we'll just run down to the Health Center, how's that?"

"Forty, Steve, not fourteen. Ok?"

He chuckled, "Right, sorry. Forget sometimes."

The questions were pretty standard: how many fingers, follow the light, can you stand. With Yvonne's help she could but was still a bit unsteady. She protested but they took her to the infirmary regardless.

"I'd like you to hang out for an hour or so." Steve said after he finished taking her blood pressure and temperature. "Just to watch for concussion, is all. I think you must have hit your desk on the way down because that's a hellova bruise on the back of your head. No more tight braids until that heals, ok?"

"Ok." Yvonne answered for her.

"What are you, my mother?"

"Sorry, but when I walked in, you looked dead." Yvonne shrugged, "I got a little freaked for a second."

In intercom beeped and Yvonne pulled a handset out of her pocket, "Yeah?"

"Where is she?" Gail's voice came back.



They were silent for a few minutes. Elaine's head began a dull throb that promised nothing good. She thought about how she would have reacted if positions were reversed. "Hey" she said as loudly as her head could stand, "Thanks."

Yvonne waved it off, "Whatever." Her voice still had an edge of concern. "Look, I'm going to go ahead and let you rest, right? Do you want... ?"

They both jumped when the Health Center's main door slammed hard enough to rattle the infirmary's windows. They could hear Steve's indignant shout then the infirmary door burst open and Curtis paused long enough to find Elaine before bee lining for her bedside. The tentative throbbing in Elaine's head moved up to constant as Gail and Steve followed with poor Steve having a fit.

Curtis ignored them all; he gathered Elaine's hands in his own, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." She tried to take her hands back but he held them firmly, "What did you do, try to break the doors in?"

Same as Almost
Chapter 2: Thursday Videos

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Sissy Faggot My Date on Thursday

I posted a few photos of my outfit I was going to wear for my date on Thursday Afternoon (Appreciate all the comments thank you all). Date was very rewarding for both of us. I met him at the door gave him a big smile took his hand then he kissed me. he pulled my arm up over my head and spun me around telling me how lovely I looked. We took a ride in the mountains his was rubbing my thigh all the time and I his. He pulled into a parking area wear hikers park. we started to make out my skirt...

3 years ago
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Gretchens Thursday

Thursday Morning “You’re crazy, you know that don’t you?” asked Crystal Grant not meaning it really. Gretchen Evers knew it was a rhetorical question and went on adjusting the velvet sash. She was using to bind Crystal to the coffee table. “Actually I like to consider myself simply devious.” Gretchen answered. “Deliciously devious.” Amended Crystal and was rewarded with a kiss from her lover. “There, try them now.” Said Gretchen standing up and over her bound girlfriend. Tugging on the...

4 years ago
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Calender Girls November Thank God Its Thursday

CALENDAR GIRLS NOVEMBER - Thank God It?s Thursday by Tammy Fairbanks April was just as nervous going to the G.I.R.L. Thanksgiving Dinner as she had been when she attended her first meeting. She had been going for years and these were all her friends, but things were a lot different for her now. She started out as just one of the many crossdressers in the gender group, content with occasionally dressing up, but always comfortable with being a man underneath. However, a...

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Fashion House 2 Thursday

THURSDAY It was an odd start to a morning. I awoke snuggled into Alastair's body, wrapped in his arms and felt a sense of protection and safety I had never felt before - never needed to feel before. The clock read 5:30AM, as I broke out of his embrace to get up to use the bathroom, I felt a strange sensation between my legs. I padded over to the bathroom and closed the door quietly before turning on the light. I pulled up the negligee, tucking the fabric under my arm, and...

2 years ago
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Weekend for Four Threesome Thursday

My wife Claire had a very active sex life in college. Of course, it was pretty active afterwards, but only with me, so far as I knew. Friends of hers still corresponded with her, which is to say sent (and received) sexts, pictures, and some live feeds. Sometimes I caught her online, naked or nearly so, with hands on her body, stroking her pussy, and watching someone else, not always male, doing the same for her pleasure. “Caught” isn’t quite right; I knew she could have done this while I was at...

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ConfusionChapter 2 Thursday

Diane was like a happy schoolgirl waiting for the big day to arrive and Don had lost five pounds worrying. The more he considered what they were planning, the wronger it seemed. He finally came to terms with his conscience by promising himself he would be there only to provide the sperm. There would be pleasure of course, he couldn't get around that, but he would be there only long enough to inject the sperm, and then would leave. For one reason or another Diane and he hadn't done the deed...

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Alex Is 18 Naked in School Alex and BethChapter 5 Thursday

Alex — Second Period I was pretty hung over through most of my Lit class but Mr. Wilson took pity on me and let me vegetate through the rest of Measure for Measure. Alcohol = bad; lesson learned. My hang over had faded to a mild headache by the time I got to Home Economics. It was not my idea to take Home Ec. But my Dom hated cooking, so he told me to take it and that I'd damn well better pass with flying colors. Actually, truth be known, I was a pretty damn good cook. Especially with...

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Missy and David Naked in SchoolPart 4 Thursday

I woke up Thursday morning feeling, well, strange. I spent a big chunk of the day with a girl that, three days ago, I didn't like. And I protected her. And she gave me a handjob. And-and this was the really strange part-I was looking forward to seeing her again. And not because of the handjob, either. Because of how she looked at me while she was giving me the handjob. But, yeah, I had my mother's warning ringing in my head, too. I got up, showered, got dressed, went downstairs. Mom was...

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Naked in School Bobby and KathyChapter 4 Thursday

When I woke up that morning, I was really looking forward to school because I was going to get to see Bobby. I couldn't remember ever being so excited about going to school on a Thursday. I was already making plans to surprise him tonight by calling him. I was kind of surprised that he gave me his phone number, since he had been a little unsure about calling me, but he didn't even hesitate. My parents seemed a little smug about me getting phone calls from a boy. I didn't care. Sometimes...

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Mike and Lily Naked in SchoolPart 4 Thursday

Thursday dawned. I was in a hell of a mood. There's a surprise. Sat down, ate breakfast with Mom and Marina. Told them all about it. Hustled myself to school. I got there early. Grabbed the school paper, which had just come out. Figured I could read it while I was waiting-figured I'd have to wait for Lily since I was so early. I went over to the parking lot. Surprise, surprise-she was waiting for me, sitting in her car. She got out the minute she saw me coming. "I've been waiting for...

3 years ago
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White Tigers Summer of FunChapter 5 Change of Plans for Thursday

I wasn’t aware of us having anything planned on Thursday, even if we had, that altered when Jason arrived at our suite to get the signatures from my parents. Once I had explained what had happened the day before, they were more willing to let the shots be used. They did want to check some of the pictures to check if they thought them suitable, but they were more willing to sign the permission form than when I had told them Mr Ammott would be coming to see them to sign off the consent forms...

4 years ago
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Birthday PresentsChapter 4 Thursday

Robert knew the routine by now. Woke up, got to work, waited for the package from Megan to arrive, and checked email and photos. Therefore, when he arrived in his office earlier than usual on Thursday, so he could leave a little earlier later in the day to go home to his wife, Robert was surprised to find an email from Megan already waiting for him. "Dear Husband, When you read this email, I will be already on a plane flying home. Since I'll be home today, I won't be sending any...

2 years ago
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Chuck and Maggie Naked in SchoolPart 4 Thursday

I needed to regain control. That was the foremost thought in my mind as I awoke Thursday morning. I needed my control back. I was losing control over myself and I did not like it. All right, I was horny, too. Look, the whole Maggie the Fuck Bunny thing wasn't a smokescreen. This wasn't Maggie using sex to get love. I wasn't that pathetic, OK? My Dad loved me, my brothers loved me, my friends loved me. I was lonely in a certain way, true. But that's not what my promiscuity was all about....

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Adam Vivian Naked In School Opening WeekPart 4 Thursday

At first I wasn't sure if I was awake or dreaming. I only knew I was naked and writhing on the open sheets. My balls were tight and my cum was surging. Reaching down, I felt my smooth, hard cock throbbing and spurting. It was sticky. I could smell it. And then I had cum on my hand. I wiped it on the sheet. The twilight between sleep and day continued. With eyes closed I drifted, almost trancelike, as wave after wave, pulse after pulse of sensation surged through me. It was long and because...

4 years ago
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Thursdays are confusing. I’ve never really gotten the hang of them, personally. But they have nothing on the opposite sex. Baffling, irrational, oblivious, were all words that I use to describe most of them. Julian was no exception (I am female BTW). I first met him in one of the freshman comp classes that I TA (yes, I know, English is a dead-end major- so what?), and we got off to a great start.Well, actually, not at all. He was cute, nice face, good hair, a little bit of weight around the...

Quickie Sex
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“Have you fucked your man since Sunday?, is the first question she asks as we kiss passionately with seductive slow, soft jazz music in the background. “Yes, twice,” I tease. “And I thought about you the whole time.” “Good, I have been thinking about you also and how I can pleasure you today. You are a very exciting woman with the ability to have both men and women lusting after you. “And you are very talented.” As she leads me into her spacious bedroom I note the walls all have mirrors on...

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The Mortal and the Magic Wand Chapter 04 Thursday

Josh and Lara eventually returned to Josh’s bedroom, and got to work fucking on his bed, not caring in the slightest that they were soaking wet. They made love in just about every position you can think of, eventually passing into unconsciousness in the early hours of the morning. They were eventually woken up by Josh’s alarm telling him it was time for school. Josh’s still-erect cock was buried inside Lara’s pussy, and he felt her wriggle and groan underneath him. “Uh God, I don’t want to...

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As I walk into my office building I can’t help but think what an amazing week it has been. I look into the different offices and I see Richard to the left of me, the new guy.   He and I got to know each other pretty well on Monday. To the right is Michelle’s office my very good friend. Michelle and I realized on Tuesday that not only are we friends but   we realized we could be lovers as well. Then there is my boss Stuart, who knew he had a thing for spanking. I found out about that yesterday....

4 years ago
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Darkroom Thursday

The daily email came in the middle of the afternoon. Hello boys, It’s not every day I feel like I need to wash my hands as much as Lady Macbeth. Wednesday’s naughty little prank last night has earned her Jill Kill status for the rest of the week. It’s going to be a very long couple of days for her. Sorry our little letter is coming to you so late in the day. We had been hoping to keep our normal schedules, but this week is going to be a total loss in terms of our higher education. We’re all...

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Your name is Dane Lauzet and you are an undiagnosed, alcoholic writer with a soft spot for cats. While your writing is not mainstream, it isn't exactly unpopular either. If your name were to be told to a group of people, it's likely that a few of them would know of you or have at least heard of your name somewhere before. You're very satisfied with where you are now in your career, you love to write and to be acknowledged. Appearance-wise, you are five feet, eight inches tall with lightly...

2 years ago
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The Bus Ride Thursday

After another restless night, RuthAnn finally got out of bed. On one level, she was still puzzled about what had happened on the bus. Two guys had pinned her. Two guys had groped her. She never gave permission, did she? No, no she had not. So what did happen? Why were her panties sodden when she got to her room and took them off?Something else had happened which was unintended but it did happen. She came. She came hard and she enjoyed it. It was the most exciting sexual experience she had had...

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A Good Thursday

I knew when I woke up that this was a day I had needed for some time. I was getting out of work at 2:30pm today and I knew my husband was meeting friends to watch the Patriots game. I posted on my Facebook that I was going into town this afternoon to my favorite spa, a place where there were public and private hot tubs. I had been going there for years, even before I met my man, and he loved sitting in them, too. I needed a good tub so I asked if any of my friends wanted to go with me and split...

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Part 25 Country Western FUN in Vegas Thursday

As soon as we got out of the Limo we headed for the Strip in front of the casino & walked towards the Stardust. We soon found that the dress Angel was wearing was both short enough & tight enough that as Angel walked in it that it inched up slowly revealing her butt cheeks & her pussy. People walking behind her occasionally got a slight view of the bottom of both her butt cheeks & the bottom oh the stamp tattoo on her ass. People walking towards her got a slight view of the...

4 years ago
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The Anniversary Week Thursday

The following story is an original work of fiction.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I awoke to my warm, comfortable, soothing, yet empty bed. Sierra was gone for the day already. For a moment I just lay there thinking, hands beneath my head while I stared up at the ceiling. Sierra had really outdone herself when she'd planned everything out for our anniversary week. Everything had gotten off to a relatively slow...

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Katies Begining Thursday

Tricia gave the matter some thought as she climbed into bed. It seemed to be all pervading in her brain and no matter how hard she tried it wouldn't go away and allow her to sleep. Eventually she decided on how to deal with it once her mind was made up, sleep followed easily. Getting out of bed next morning she slipped into Carolines room and explained her plan and Carolines part in it. She was going to take the morning of work citing a girl thing to faceache at work, lets see him...

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Katies Begining Thursday

There is something rather nice about putting a child to bed and for Tricia it was an experience she was getting used to. From taking the child upstairs, undressing them and then putting suitable nightwear on, to supervising teeth brushing, face washing and wee wees all had their own rewards and delights. In Katie's case it was further enhanced by her change from a teenager to a little girl in seconds once she was picked up and told it was time for bed. Having what was now a little girl...

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As I walk into my office building I can’t help but think what an amazing week it has been. I look into the different offices and I see Richard to the left of me, the new guy.   He and I got to know each other pretty well on Monday. To the right is Michelle’s office my very good friend. Michelle and I realized on Tuesday that not only are we friends but   we realized we could be lovers as well. Then there is my boss Stuart, who knew he had a thing for spanking. I found out about that...

Group Sex
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An Average Thursday

Mom and her son Max and sister Lisa had quite the day yesterday as Max takes the mantle of the man of the house very seriously and provides for his Mom in need in every aspect including sexually. We left off as Lisa went to bed and had decided to take her brother up on her off the following day of giving in to her urges and joining in on their sexual exploits. Buckle up and get ready cause here we go. I woke up and my head at first I had almost forgotten about the events of yesterday. Quickly...

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“Have you fucked your man since Sunday?, is the first question she asks as we kiss passionately with seductive slow, soft jazz music in the background. “Yes, twice,” I tease. “And I thought about you the whole time.” “Good, I have been thinking about you also and how I can pleasure you today. You are a very exciting woman with the ability to have both men and women lusting after you. “And you are very talented.” As she leads me into her spacious bedroom I note the walls all have mirrors on...

2 years ago
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Jason and Jennifer Naked In SchoolPart 4 Thursday

I was just in the middle of a very nice dream, when someone started shaking my shoulder. "Huh? What is it?" I asked, slowly opening my eyes. As my eyes cleared I saw Jennifer sitting on the edge of my bed, a serious expression on her face. "I'm sorry, Jason," she whispered. "It's really early, but we have to talk. Right now." I looked at my alarm clock and saw that it was four thirty in the morning. "What's wrong?" I asked, starting to become a bit concerned. Jennifer put her...

3 years ago
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The Wilkerson InstituteChapter 4 Thursday

I woke the next morning to moans and jiggles coming from the other side of the bed. Grumpily I rolled over to glimpse the twins rubbing hands over each other’s naked bodies. Didn’t these two ever go to bed and just sleep? One of them noticed me and they both groped for my privates. I had no idea who was who and really didn’t care. These girls were starting to bother me. But nevertheless, my dick eagerly responded. I resolved to do my duty and get them out of there. Still, they got me hard...

4 years ago
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Dads Two Little Earth Day DarlingsChapter 6 Thursday

I showed Nikki a copy of the Urquhart report at lunch the next day. Simply put it next to her tray. "I found the letter in dad's room, I copied it," I said. I watched her slowly chew her food as she read the words. I saw the exact instant when understanding came into her eyes. "Oh my gawd ... it's true," she finally mumbled. "He has been banana split sperming us!" I didn't answer. Instead I bent over and pulled a plastic container from my purse. "What is it?" she asked as I...

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Mike and MeganThursday

I don't know why, but I woke up sometime around 3am feeling really uncomfortable. Ok, I know why... it was a really gigantic emptiness that woke me. As much as I tried I knew what had to be done to get back to sleep, just had to hope he didn't kill me when I showed up at his door during this hour of the night. So I got dressed, shorts and a tank top, and drove over to Mike's house. I did notice a nice shiny key on the set he gave me that was definitely not to the car, so I hoped it was to...

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Naked in School TyshalaThursday

I woke feeling like I didn't sleep at all. The brat must have felt as rotten as I did because I spent the first few minutes in the bathroom dry heaving. Eventually, I was able to brush my teeth and get dressed — one of the new dresses — and go down for breakfast. "There's my little sweetheart!" Mrs. Redmond all but threw her arms around me. "You poor thing! I heard you up there; how are you feeling, any better?" "You definitely did not sound good." Brian remarked. I hadn't seen...

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HorseplayChapter 4 Thursday

Neil felt Mae stir. Over the night he'd wound up spooning behind her again with his arm draped over her. She was trying to untangle herself without waking him. In a bit of a panic he pulled her close and she nuzzled his arm briefly. "I've got to get up Neil." she whispered. He grumbled something and refused to budge. She laughed softly and pulled free. "Bathroom" she whispered. When she returned Neil pulled her close again, fully awake. Her movement and scent, lying beside him in...

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Anthonys Great RaceChapter 4 Thursday

"Oh my God, it's huge," Anthony heard as he slowly slipped into consciousness. "Quiet," a second voice answered. "You'll wake him up." Anthony fought the urge to scream in surprise as he felt something wet and warm drop down onto his cock before he realized a pair of lips was now gently sucking on his soft prick. "It's getting bigger," the first voice answered and Anthony realized the voice belonged to the girl who had seconds before been sucking his cock. "Of course it is,"...

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