An Average Thursday free porn video

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Mom and her son Max and sister Lisa had quite the day yesterday as Max takes the mantle of the man of the house very seriously and provides for his Mom in need in every aspect including sexually. We left off as Lisa went to bed and had decided to take her brother up on her off the following day of giving in to her urges and joining in on their sexual exploits. Buckle up and get ready cause here we go.

I woke up and my head at first I had almost forgotten about the events of yesterday. Quickly though the memories started to flood back in. Mom and Max had really done it. They went all the way and had quite the time together. I had never seen Mom so happy and Max… well Max wasn’t really that different, to be honest. But it suddenly dawned on me that the last thing I had said to him was that today I would be taking him up on his offer to allow him to take care of my needs. All of them…

I pulled back the covers and slowly got out of bed. I had slept pretty well and stretched a deep and satisfying stretch. You know the kind. Where your whole body feels great and you get that shudder as it releases all the tension in your muscles. It had been a good night. I got out of bed and threw on some shorts and a top and headed for the door.

It was quiet in the house and it almost seemed like a normal day. I headed for the bathroom for my morning duties, shower, shave my legs, brush my teeth… the usual. After I got done I wrapped myself in a towel and headed back to my room. I changed into a tank top and a pair of running shorts and decided to head for the kitchen to see what I could find for food.

As I headed down the hall I noticed that Max and Mom were nowhere to be found. It was too early for Mom to have already left for work and Max was usually up pretty early doing his chores around the house and getting things done. But nobody was up. It was silent in the house. I decided to do some investigation and headed upstairs where Max and Mom's rooms were. No grunts or moans from Mom's room… ok well that’s good I guess… or was it? I still wasn’t sure exactly how I felt about the whole thing. I mean it was definitely hot and I really wanted to sleep with Max and… maybe even Mom… but it was still weird to be sure.

I peaked in Max’s room and he was nowhere to be seen. The bed was neatly made and it was spotless as usual. Huh… where was everyone? Next, I headed for Mom's room. I went to the door and cracked it a little bit. I took a deep breath wondering what I was going to see once I peeked inside. Sure enough, it was exactly the scene I had expected. A mess… just like yesterday. Max and Mom were laying in bed, naked, and Mom was covered in dried cum.

Wow… they were insatiable… I wonder how long they went at it last night. Probably for a while considering they were both still sound asleep and as Max liked to say, daylight was burning. I gently closed the door and decided to let them be. I didn’t want to disturb them in their post-sexual bliss and now I had matters of my own to attend to. Seeing them together once again had my pussy dripping wet. I was on fire. I needed some release and headed back to my room to sort myself out.

Once I was in my room I shut the door and climbed back in bed. I slipped off my shorts and panties and let my fingers explore my soaking pussy. I slipped two fingers inside and moved them back and forth. Alternating between penetrating my tight pussy and rubbing my aching clit. I was building to my first orgasm and quick. I pushed back my head and the wave rolled over me. Fuck it was good. Images of Mom and Max flooded my mind and I craved what they had. I needed to be fucked and I needed it soon. I reached into my nightstand and pulled out my trusty vibrator. It would have to do for now and I slowly slid it deep into my pussy. My lips parted and the vibrator found its home deep inside me. I pushed the button on the base and it hummed to light. The initial vibrations were intense and the pleasure was great as always.

I had always been an avid masturbator and usually found myself in a similar situation at least twice a day if not more, and that was before there were two sexual animals mating in the bedroom upstairs…

I worked the vibrator in and out of my dripping pussy and reached my other hand down to rub my clit. I was close and needed to reach my orgasm. My body ached for the release. I opened my eyes and immediately my orgasm came crashing down as I locked eyes with Max and Mom who were both standing naked at my door.

Shocked I instinctively covered up and got embarrassed. I don’t really know why, after all, I had just caught them doing much worse multiple times now and both of them had seen me naked lots of times but the natural instinct when you are caught in that vulnerable and compromising situation is usually fear and embarrassment.

Max smiled and shook his head.

“Lisa… why didn’t you tell me you needed my help. I thought we talked about this yesterday. Here, let me help you hun”.

He crossed the room and pulled back the covers. Fuck this was really happening… We were really going to do this. Mom followed closely behind him and walked to the head of the bed and slid in behind my head and rested my head on her knees. Obviously, they had showered because she smelled great and you never would have known that not long ago those smooth and silky legs had been absolutely covered in cum…

Max slid his hand between my thighs and moved it up towards my pussy. He looked at me lovingly and smiled. His hand brushed the lips of my pussy and I shuddered. My breasts rose and fell so quick as I started to breathe heavily. Mom ran her hand along my hair, petting me lightly as I had done for her just yesterday as she came down from her orgasmic high. She looked down and smiled. She then leaned down and gave me a long, deep, passionate kiss. It was like nothing I had ever experienced. As we kissed, Max’s hand began to explore my pussy and his other hand reached up and cupped my breast under my top. Then finger slipped inside and began to work back and forth. Mixing up my pussy and driving me wild. When he could sense I was good and ready he added another. Then another. Three fingers deep inside me, fingering me like a school girl on prom night. It was amazing. Mom continued making out with me and ran her hand down my body and cupped my other breast. I was lost in the Moment and my orgasm built. Make sensed this and his fingers moved faster. As I climbed over the edge Mom pulled back and smiled at me.

“Go ahead baby… cum for Mommy. It's ok. We will take care of you. This is just the beginning”.

Her words pushed me over the edge and I came harder than ever before. My whole body tensed and my back arched as every muscle in my body tensed. Max’s fingers never stopped. Prolonging my orgasm for what felt like an eternity. He eventually pulled back his fingers and my orgasm began to subside. I panted like a dog in the heat and my body began to relax. I looked at Max and sat up quickly and kissed him passionately. I let my hands run over his hard body and moved towards his cock. He was hard as a rock. I had seen his cock soft before and it was nothing to smirk at, but hard it was downright impressive. Mom could tell I was a little taken back by its size and jokingly said “Momma makes good babies. I have a beautiful daughter and a handsome son. You inherited my breasts and I have no idea where he got that cock from but god can I make some gorgeous children”. Such a casual way of speaking about the fact that it was her own children who were engaged in this sexual display was shocking to say the least but for some reason it only stoked the fire in me more. It was hot. It was smoking hot. I needed this cock in me and I needed it now.

I decided that I wanted to repay make for his work and went to kneel next to the bed, planning on sucking his magnificent cock when he stopped me.

“No honey, this is about you. Lay back down. I am going to fuck you now. Are you ready?”

Boy was I. I did as he said and I laid back down on the bed. Resting my head once again on Mom's lap and spread my legs wide, inviting Max in to ravage me. He got up and assumed the position. His cock dangled between his legs and he moved himself closer. He grabbed his cock and aimed it at my pussy. He touched the head to my lips and gently eased it inside. My lips parted and welcomed him in. He slowly pushed every inch inside until he couldn’t anymore. His head touched the back of my pussy and it hurt a bit. I winced and he withdrew. He knew how deep he could go now and he set to work moving in and out. My soaking pussy gladly taking every inch it could. He was thick and the feeling of being so stuffed full was almost more than I could bear. We had barely started and already I was getting ready to cum again. I moaned and grunted, much like Mom yesterday and I began to push back against him, matching his strokes. Mom reached her hand down between us and began rubbing my clit lightly as Max thrust in and out of me. I erupted in another orgasm and screamed. I had fucked before but nothing had ever come close to this.

Max continued thrusting and I continued cumming. When once orgasm would end I was back to it again, on the verge of another and another until I was almost drunk. My mind was void of all thoughts and the only thing I knew was this was not something I could only have once. I needed more.

Max’s strokes were fast and violent now. He was building towards his own orgasm and sweat was collecting on his muscular frame. He looked down at me and asked where I wanted him to cum. My answer should have been anything other than what I said but the words left my lips anyway.

“Inside me…”

I needed that cum in me. I needed to feel it deep in my pussy. Max looked up at Mom, asking her if it was ok. She smiled and nodded, signaling her approval, and then it hit. Max erupted inside me. It was like a fire hose. The force of his blast almost took my breath away and the volume was like nothing I had ever seen. I suddenly understood why Mom was covered in his cum before, that could have only been one or two loads by the look of things. But I know that it was more. No woman could have stopped at one or two like this. I needed more.

My womb took as much as it could before it started to back up and then leaked out of me, past the cock that was buried deep in me. Max stayed there for a Moment, still pumping more into me. Then he was done and he began to pull out. As he did the cum oozed out of me onto the bed and he sat back and looked at his handiwork. What happened next will stay with me until the day I die as one of the single hottest and most depraved things I have ever witnessed.

Mom leaned down again and gave me a kiss and then slid out from under me. She leaned my head up and placed pillows under me, replacing where her legs had been and she moved she walked down to the other end of the bed. Then she climbed into the bed and Max scooted back, making room for what he knew was coming. Mom laid on her stomach and moved her face to my cum soaked pussy. She looked up at me.

“May I?”

I was confused but didn’t want to say no. I wasn’t sure what to expect and I nodded my head eagerly. Then Mom leaned in and began to lick the cum from my pussy. I immediately cam as her slick tongue moved into me and began lapping at the cum between my folds. She ate me for what could have been hours, leaving no space untouched. I cam probably three more times as my Mom licked and sucked my pussy before she was done. She then sat back and leaned into Max, cum running down her chin. She swept it up into her mouth with her fingers and eagerly swallowed. She let out a satisfying sigh and looked down at me.

“Well honey, what do you think? Are you ready to go again? Or should I take a turn so you can collect yourself?”

I flopped back and grunted. I was ready. I was ready for all they could give. I sat forward and leaned in and kissed Mom again. My tongue explored her mouth, tasting what remained of the breakfast Max had just given her.

“I am sorry Mom but you have had him enough. I want more.”

She laughed and agreed and Max kissed her neck and looked down at me. I kissed Mom's neck too and looked down her back and saw that Max’s hard cock was nestled between her ass cheeks like a hotdog in a bun. Fuck this was hot and so so wrong. Mom leaned down and sucked on my nipple greedily as Max stood up.

“Turn around sis. Let's do it from behind.”

I did as I was told and I flipped over onto my hands and knees. Mom grinned as the wheels in her mind started working. She moved back to the head of the bed and sat back down. She spread her legs and scooted down so that I could eat her pussy as Max fucked me from behind. Then he did. He slid back into me and we fucked liked animals. Hard, fast, and deep. Eventually, I couldn’t keep myself up and I fell down onto my stomach, exhausted and drunk from my orgasms. I continued to lick and explore Mom's delicious pussy and max continued to pound me as I laid on my stomach. He suddenly grunted and released another wave of cum into me. The pleasure was unreal.

Panting and exhausted I laid my head down on the bed. Mom patted my head signaling a job well done and she thanked me, she had cum several times as well from my efforts and was also panting and covered in sweat.

I thought we must be done now, there was no way that this could keep going. But was I ever wrong. This continued for hours. Orgasm after orgasm, until I glanced at the clock and it read 3:25 pm. We had been fucking for 5 hours. There was cum everywhere. There was not one spot on my bed that was not completely soaked and we all lay there, basking in the glow of our lovemaking. Exhausted and satisfied.

After we all calmed down and came back down to earth Max gave me a smack on my toned ass and I moaned. He had learned that I liked it a bit rough during our fucking as I had guided him to spank me and pull my hair a few times.

He stood up and said he was going to go take a shower. Mom and I laid there on the bed, catching our breath and we both sighed deeply. Mom's hand cupped my cheek and she leaned down for one more kiss.

“I love you honey. I need you to know that. I love you two so much.”

I told her I loved her too and gave her a kiss back. It was bliss. This was something I never knew was possible. I never knew that I could be this happy.

Mom and I went and showered together after a while and I would be lying if I told you we didn’t play a bit there as well. She ate me out and I returned the favor. We were insatiable but our fun had to end for the day. We were all exhausted and frankly, pretty hungry.

We decided to order pizza and relaxed on the couch together. We watched a movie and cuddled together. It was like some weird version of a normal family. Except it was like we were a couple too. We held each other and shared the occasional kiss. Once the movie was over I headed for my bed to turn in for the night but Mom stopped me.

“Honey we are past that. You will be sleeping with us from now on. I have a king bed and we can all fit nicely. Plus whenever any of us is in the mood, the other are right there to lend a helping hand. So let's turn in hun.”

I smiled, that sounded nice. Sleeping together as a big happy family. We headed to bed and got some deep relaxing sleep. The best sleep I have had in years. I couldn’t wait for tomorrow to see what happened next. All I knew was this was the happiest I had ever been and I couldn’t wait to see who and what we would do next.

Ok guys and gals. That ends chapter two. It was a little longer but I think that might be ok. Let me know what you think and as always feel free to leave comments or suggestions for future chapters. Thanks for reading and tune in for the next chapter.


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ConfusionChapter 2 Thursday

Diane was like a happy schoolgirl waiting for the big day to arrive and Don had lost five pounds worrying. The more he considered what they were planning, the wronger it seemed. He finally came to terms with his conscience by promising himself he would be there only to provide the sperm. There would be pleasure of course, he couldn't get around that, but he would be there only long enough to inject the sperm, and then would leave. For one reason or another Diane and he hadn't done the deed...

1 year ago
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Alex Is 18 Naked in School Alex and BethChapter 5 Thursday

Alex — Second Period I was pretty hung over through most of my Lit class but Mr. Wilson took pity on me and let me vegetate through the rest of Measure for Measure. Alcohol = bad; lesson learned. My hang over had faded to a mild headache by the time I got to Home Economics. It was not my idea to take Home Ec. But my Dom hated cooking, so he told me to take it and that I'd damn well better pass with flying colors. Actually, truth be known, I was a pretty damn good cook. Especially with...

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Missy and David Naked in SchoolPart 4 Thursday

I woke up Thursday morning feeling, well, strange. I spent a big chunk of the day with a girl that, three days ago, I didn't like. And I protected her. And she gave me a handjob. And-and this was the really strange part-I was looking forward to seeing her again. And not because of the handjob, either. Because of how she looked at me while she was giving me the handjob. But, yeah, I had my mother's warning ringing in my head, too. I got up, showered, got dressed, went downstairs. Mom was...

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Naked in School Bobby and KathyChapter 4 Thursday

When I woke up that morning, I was really looking forward to school because I was going to get to see Bobby. I couldn't remember ever being so excited about going to school on a Thursday. I was already making plans to surprise him tonight by calling him. I was kind of surprised that he gave me his phone number, since he had been a little unsure about calling me, but he didn't even hesitate. My parents seemed a little smug about me getting phone calls from a boy. I didn't care. Sometimes...

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Mike and Lily Naked in SchoolPart 4 Thursday

Thursday dawned. I was in a hell of a mood. There's a surprise. Sat down, ate breakfast with Mom and Marina. Told them all about it. Hustled myself to school. I got there early. Grabbed the school paper, which had just come out. Figured I could read it while I was waiting-figured I'd have to wait for Lily since I was so early. I went over to the parking lot. Surprise, surprise-she was waiting for me, sitting in her car. She got out the minute she saw me coming. "I've been waiting for...

3 years ago
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White Tigers Summer of FunChapter 5 Change of Plans for Thursday

I wasn’t aware of us having anything planned on Thursday, even if we had, that altered when Jason arrived at our suite to get the signatures from my parents. Once I had explained what had happened the day before, they were more willing to let the shots be used. They did want to check some of the pictures to check if they thought them suitable, but they were more willing to sign the permission form than when I had told them Mr Ammott would be coming to see them to sign off the consent forms...

3 years ago
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Birthday PresentsChapter 4 Thursday

Robert knew the routine by now. Woke up, got to work, waited for the package from Megan to arrive, and checked email and photos. Therefore, when he arrived in his office earlier than usual on Thursday, so he could leave a little earlier later in the day to go home to his wife, Robert was surprised to find an email from Megan already waiting for him. "Dear Husband, When you read this email, I will be already on a plane flying home. Since I'll be home today, I won't be sending any...

1 year ago
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Chuck and Maggie Naked in SchoolPart 4 Thursday

I needed to regain control. That was the foremost thought in my mind as I awoke Thursday morning. I needed my control back. I was losing control over myself and I did not like it. All right, I was horny, too. Look, the whole Maggie the Fuck Bunny thing wasn't a smokescreen. This wasn't Maggie using sex to get love. I wasn't that pathetic, OK? My Dad loved me, my brothers loved me, my friends loved me. I was lonely in a certain way, true. But that's not what my promiscuity was all about....

1 year ago
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Adam Vivian Naked In School Opening WeekPart 4 Thursday

At first I wasn't sure if I was awake or dreaming. I only knew I was naked and writhing on the open sheets. My balls were tight and my cum was surging. Reaching down, I felt my smooth, hard cock throbbing and spurting. It was sticky. I could smell it. And then I had cum on my hand. I wiped it on the sheet. The twilight between sleep and day continued. With eyes closed I drifted, almost trancelike, as wave after wave, pulse after pulse of sensation surged through me. It was long and because...

2 years ago
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Average Joes Army

This is a true story about Average Joe and his army celebrating National Nude Day. When a bunch of thugs moved in the neighborhood committing petty crimes and selling drugs and gave Joe, of all people, Average Joe, a hard time while he was out walking his dog, Fifi, a precious 5 pound, white Chihuahua, there was no need to call the police. Joe pulled out his cell phone and made one call. The thugs thought he was calling the cops, but Joe called his army instead. ‘Go ahead and call the cops,...

3 years ago
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Average and Regular

"You marry me. I have money." The hot tight bodied female asking for my hand in matrimony was holding out a tight roll of American currency in her hand. Now having girls giving me money and asking for marriage is not something I have happen a lot. This brings up the big question-Why? Was her plea for us to be wed in married bliss due to my stunning good looks? Hardly-sure I was fit and trim at a little over 5 foot 6 inches, but at best my looks could be described as "ordinary or...

2 years ago
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Average Joe and the AngelChapter 5 1969

Joey Harris concludes his eulogy “With Old Ernie keeping three crop dusters in the air, it was sure as eggs were eggs that I would fly with Papa as soon as I could sit upright on a sack of cornmeal so I could see out of the cockpit. So, it didn’t take long before I was doing the flying while Papa operated the sprayer from the passenger seat. Momma, being the driving force she was in the family, was also solo flying planes, she learned to fly solo while I was still in diapers and she was a...

2 years ago
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Average JoeChapter 2 Some Things About Mary

Mary tells her story: First, I want the readers to know that I'm not a whore, slut or what they call a cougar. Joey and I are just close friends. I have never gone after young men in my life. There was just something special about Joey. I was a lonely person since my divorce two years ago. I didn't date but at times would have liked to have sex but had no contact with other men. I did have my vibrators which I used if it was necessary. My kids were my life. Joey is a happy, yet sad young...

1 year ago
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Average Joe and the AngelChapter 6 1969

Anjelica Harris narrating I could see the tears roll down my Joey’s cheeks as he finished saying goodbye in front of all our family and friends to the only real father he knew. I felt the tears running down my cheeks, too. The woman standing next to me put her arm around me. I knew her, by face if not name, but she knew me and she must’ve known Joe and loved him too. He had just so much to give, everybody loved Average Joe Harris. The coffin was laid on the shoulders of eight sorrowful but...

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Average JoeChapter 4 Dating and Meeting People

I showed up at Martha's house on New Year's Eve. There were quite a few people there. Lee (Martha's husband) came over and handed me a beer. I thought about telling him I was only twenty but decided, to hell with it. I was going to have a good time. Most of the people at the New Years party were probably in their thirties on up. I recognized a few people from work and even a few regular customers that I have seen at the store. It seemed as though most people were couples but I also...

3 years ago
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Average Joe Ch 05

Chapter 5: Still looking for the right woman Life was pretty much back to normal only I was now an adult. My first night back to work I saw Linda in the morning. She laughed when she saw me. ‘Sorry about Sylvia. I heard Earl came home early.’ ‘Why didn’t you tell me she was married, I could have gotten beaten up.’ ‘She plays around a lot on Earl. I just thought you might like to get laid on your birthday. According to Sylvia you did, you just had a quick exit. How did you get home?’ ‘A...

3 years ago
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Average Joe and the AngelChapter 3 Angel casting her mind back to April 1936

Anjelica Harris Listening to Joey talk about those old days, I I remembered that I had fond memories of that old dairy and the Milk Bar which was opened up in the front of the dairy in Main Street. We made small experimental batches of ice cream in the dairy and we needed somewhere to sell it. That milk and soda bar turned out to be a goldmine almost immediately and was the place to be seen in town from 1932 onwards. Thinking about Joey and Joe, took me back to two events that changed my...

2 years ago
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Average JoeChapter 5 Still Looking for the Right Woman

Life was pretty much back to normal only I was now an adult. My first night back to work I saw Linda in the morning. She laughed when she saw me. "Sorry about Sylvia. I heard Earl came home early." "Why didn't you tell me she was married, I could have gotten beaten up." "She plays around a lot on Earl. I just thought you might like to get laid on your birthday. According to Sylvia you did, you just had a quick exit. How did you get home?" "A police officer saw me walking and...

4 years ago
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Thursdays are confusing. I’ve never really gotten the hang of them, personally. But they have nothing on the opposite sex. Baffling, irrational, oblivious, were all words that I use to describe most of them. Julian was no exception (I am female BTW). I first met him in one of the freshman comp classes that I TA (yes, I know, English is a dead-end major- so what?), and we got off to a great start.Well, actually, not at all. He was cute, nice face, good hair, a little bit of weight around the...

Quickie Sex
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“Have you fucked your man since Sunday?, is the first question she asks as we kiss passionately with seductive slow, soft jazz music in the background. “Yes, twice,” I tease. “And I thought about you the whole time.” “Good, I have been thinking about you also and how I can pleasure you today. You are a very exciting woman with the ability to have both men and women lusting after you. “And you are very talented.” As she leads me into her spacious bedroom I note the walls all have mirrors on...

2 years ago
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The Mortal and the Magic Wand Chapter 04 Thursday

Josh and Lara eventually returned to Josh’s bedroom, and got to work fucking on his bed, not caring in the slightest that they were soaking wet. They made love in just about every position you can think of, eventually passing into unconsciousness in the early hours of the morning. They were eventually woken up by Josh’s alarm telling him it was time for school. Josh’s still-erect cock was buried inside Lara’s pussy, and he felt her wriggle and groan underneath him. “Uh God, I don’t want to...

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As I walk into my office building I can’t help but think what an amazing week it has been. I look into the different offices and I see Richard to the left of me, the new guy.   He and I got to know each other pretty well on Monday. To the right is Michelle’s office my very good friend. Michelle and I realized on Tuesday that not only are we friends but   we realized we could be lovers as well. Then there is my boss Stuart, who knew he had a thing for spanking. I found out about that yesterday....

3 years ago
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Darkroom Thursday

The daily email came in the middle of the afternoon. Hello boys, It’s not every day I feel like I need to wash my hands as much as Lady Macbeth. Wednesday’s naughty little prank last night has earned her Jill Kill status for the rest of the week. It’s going to be a very long couple of days for her. Sorry our little letter is coming to you so late in the day. We had been hoping to keep our normal schedules, but this week is going to be a total loss in terms of our higher education. We’re all...

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Your name is Dane Lauzet and you are an undiagnosed, alcoholic writer with a soft spot for cats. While your writing is not mainstream, it isn't exactly unpopular either. If your name were to be told to a group of people, it's likely that a few of them would know of you or have at least heard of your name somewhere before. You're very satisfied with where you are now in your career, you love to write and to be acknowledged. Appearance-wise, you are five feet, eight inches tall with lightly...

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The Bus Ride Thursday

After another restless night, RuthAnn finally got out of bed. On one level, she was still puzzled about what had happened on the bus. Two guys had pinned her. Two guys had groped her. She never gave permission, did she? No, no she had not. So what did happen? Why were her panties sodden when she got to her room and took them off?Something else had happened which was unintended but it did happen. She came. She came hard and she enjoyed it. It was the most exciting sexual experience she had had...

2 years ago
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A Good Thursday

I knew when I woke up that this was a day I had needed for some time. I was getting out of work at 2:30pm today and I knew my husband was meeting friends to watch the Patriots game. I posted on my Facebook that I was going into town this afternoon to my favorite spa, a place where there were public and private hot tubs. I had been going there for years, even before I met my man, and he loved sitting in them, too. I needed a good tub so I asked if any of my friends wanted to go with me and split...

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Part 25 Country Western FUN in Vegas Thursday

As soon as we got out of the Limo we headed for the Strip in front of the casino & walked towards the Stardust. We soon found that the dress Angel was wearing was both short enough & tight enough that as Angel walked in it that it inched up slowly revealing her butt cheeks & her pussy. People walking behind her occasionally got a slight view of the bottom of both her butt cheeks & the bottom oh the stamp tattoo on her ass. People walking towards her got a slight view of the...

4 years ago
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The Anniversary Week Thursday

The following story is an original work of fiction.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I awoke to my warm, comfortable, soothing, yet empty bed. Sierra was gone for the day already. For a moment I just lay there thinking, hands beneath my head while I stared up at the ceiling. Sierra had really outdone herself when she'd planned everything out for our anniversary week. Everything had gotten off to a relatively slow...

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