Can’t Buy Me Love free porn video

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Ronald walked up to the woman behind the desk, wishing he could wipe the sweat from his palms but not wanting to wreck his suit. He’d dressed in his nicest outfit for this, it seemed somehow appropriate to look good for Elsie, given how long it had been since they’d last seen each other. Would she even remember the time she’d spent here? Or would she just open her eyes, smile at him, and wonder why he looked three years older? (Or perhaps more than three years. He felt like he’d aged a decade since the last time he’d walked into this building.) He’d find out soon. Ronald glanced at the mirror behind the receptionist, trying to unobtrusively check his thinning brown hair to make sure it covered his bald spot reasonably well before remembering that it wasn’t like his wife didn’t know it was there. He almost wiped his palms on the suit again, caught himself, and finally set the small piece of paper on the desk with an anxious finality.

‘Ronald Mercer,’ he said, just a trifle nervously. ‘I’m here to pick up my wife.’

The receptionist smiled a plastic smile at him. Her eyes had a dreamy vacancy to them. ‘Of course, Mr. Mercer,’ she said in a cheerful tone. ‘And do you have your claim ticket with you?’

Ronald slid the piece of paper in front of the woman. ‘Yes, it’s…it’s right here.’ He’d had nightmares the last two weeks running, dreams in which the ticket was missing, or lost in a fire, or caught by the wind and dropped in the river…in one dream, David Beckham had stolen it and claimed his wife instead. That had been a weird one. But the ticket was still there this morning, safe in the file cabinet where he kept all his important papers. Even if it hadn’t been, Ronald thought that he would probably have been able to get her back. It wasn’t like Ms. Graves didn’t keep records of her own. She’d remember Ronald, even after three years. She wouldn’t pretend that she didn’t know him, just so that she could keep Elsie all to herself…would she? Ronald was suddenly grateful he didn’t have to find out.

The receptionist took the claim ticket and glanced it over. ‘Everything seems to be in order,’ she said. ‘I’ll just page Mistress Marissa now.’ She pressed a button on the telephone, and spoke into the little grill. ‘Mistress?’ she said. ‘I’m afraid the claim ticket has come in for Elsie.’ Ronald looked down at his shoes. He didn’t even rate a name, not here.

The voice from the grill sounded sad and perhaps a little tired. ‘Alright,’ it said. Ronald recognized it as Ms. Graves. ‘We’ll be down presently.’

The receptionist looked back up at Ronald. ‘The Mistress will be down presently,’ she said. ‘If you could just wait over there?’ She pointed to a small waiting area with a few chairs, and Ronald nodded. Even before he’d fully turned, her expression had returned to that same placid, empty look she’d possessed before he started talking to her. She seemed utterly content to wait at the desk forever, not even thinking about boredom or distractions. Right now, Ronald envied her.

The seconds ticked by with agonizing slowness, but his watch told him it was only a couple of minutes before Ms. Graves came out of the elevator with Elsie following close behind like an adoring pet. Elsie was in the same dress she’d worn the day they came here, but Ms. Graves was wearing a silk robe, and it was pretty obvious she had nothing on underneath it. Both of them seemed to glisten just slightly with sweat, and Ms. Graves was still gently patting her dark hair back into position as they crossed the room. Elsie’s blonde hair was anything but neat, it looked like someone had just been running their fingers through it, tugging it, pulling on it and gasping…

Even before they got close enough that Ronald could smell the scent of sex on them, he knew what they must have been doing. He tried not to picture it in his mind, but the scent made it all too immediate not to imagine.

‘My apologies,’ Ms. Graves said, ‘I was just saying good-bye to Elsie.’ She sat down, but Elsie remained standing. Ronald saw that same look in her eyes that he’d seen in the receptionist’s…that blank, placid, dreamy emptiness that suggested nothing but sleepy bliss. She looked happy, nothing like the haunted expression she’d worn when he last saw her. ‘To be honest, Mr. Mercer, I was rather hoping you wouldn’t come. I’ve grown quite fond of your wife.’

Ronald frowned. ‘Do people actually…do that?’ he asked, fascinated horror in his voice.

‘Every so often, yes,’ Ms. Graves said. ‘Some men do consider me a profitable alternative to a divorce attorney. They convince their wives of the absolute necessity of a short time in my service, then crumple up their claim ticket and throw it away.’

‘What do you do? I mean, with…with the women?’

Ms. Graves flashed a tiny smirk. ‘Depends on the woman. If I like her enough, I keep her, Miranda, there, has been in my service for seven years now.’ She gestured to the receptionist, who shivered pleasantly at being acknowledged. ‘But for the most part, I simply release them after it becomes apparent that their husband isn’t returning, and make sure to mention that little fact to them. Most judges tend to be very favourable in their divorce settlements when it comes up in court that the husband sold the wife into slavery.’ She smiled thinly in a way that made Ronald’s blood run cold. ‘Not that anyone brings up the specifics of the arrangement, of course.’

‘Of, of course,’ Ronald stammered out, trying to convey his discretion through tone and body language. He was uncomfortably aware that all he probably gave off was fear, but perhaps that was all Ms. Graves wanted. Ronald didn’t care, really. He just wanted to get his Elsie back and get out of here, and forget he’d ever seen this woman. He wanted to forget the picture in his head of Elsie, dreamy and blissful, kneeling between Ms. Graves’ thighs and licking with the docile patience of a mindless slave… ‘So how, I mean, how does this work? Do you just snap your fingers, or…or…’ Ms. Graves fixed him with a penetrating stare, and he trailed off into silence.

‘She’s very beautiful, Mr. Mercer,’ Ms. Graves said. She made no move to release the other woman. She seemed contemplative, almost melancholy. ‘I expect it must have been difficult, spending three years apart from her.’

Ronald nodded. ‘Of course it was,’ he said, perhaps a bit more sharply than he’d intended. Had she really thought that just because they’d been driven to…to this…that he didn’t love his wife?

Ms. Graves frowned. ‘Tell me, Mr. Mercer, did you sleep with another woman while Elsie was away?’

‘I…’ Ronald tried not to sound defensive. ‘I don’t have to put up with these questions. Just–‘

‘Just what? I don’t think you appreciate the position you’re in, Mr. Mercer. What exactly do you think you’d do if I decided not to release Elsie, hmm? Complain to the Office of Trading Standards?’

‘I’d…I’d go to the police.’ Ronald hoped he sounded braver than he felt.

‘Even knowing that you’d be implicating yourself by admitting it all?’ Ms. Graves asked with decadent amusement in her tone.

‘If I had to, yes. If that’s what it took to make you set her free.’ Ronald was almost surprised to find out that he meant it. He hadn’t really thought of himself as anything other than timid, but as soon as the words escaped his lips, he realized he was sincerely willing to go to jail if that was what it took.

Ms. Graves’ next words sank his momentary bravado. ‘It wouldn’t really matter, Mr. Mercer. It’s been a long time since I’ve had anything to fear from the police. I might only accept female clients, but the ring works on men just as well as women.’ She held up her right hand, wiggling her fingers so that Ronald could get a clear view of the ring she wore. It seemed to gleam with an unnatural light. ‘So many people have left a tiny spark of their free will in its depths–not much, you understand, not nearly as much
as Elsie right now, but enough that they’d laugh off any complaint you made about me.’

She leaned back in her seat, brushing her fingers against Elsie’s arm with a familiarity that made Ronald’s guts churn. ‘And before you even mention it, if you attempted any violence upon my person, Elsie would quite happily tear you limb from limb to defend me right now. So if you wish to show any courage, Mr. Mercer, I suggest you exhibit it by answering my question truthfully. Any other women?’

Ronald looked down at his shoes again. ‘I visited a prostitute,’ he said after a moment. ‘Eighteen months after I left Elsie here. I told her not to speak, I kept my eyes closed, and I imagined she was my wife. Is that what you wanted to hear, Ms. Graves?’

‘How many times?’ Ms. Graves’ voice was filled with cruel satisfaction. Ronald couldn’t even speak, he just held up four fingers. ‘Not bad, Mr. Mercer,’ she said. ‘Not the best that’s ever been in here, but you certainly beat the average. Perhaps it’s unfair of me, but I weigh it a bit heavier against you if you actually have an affair instead of visiting a professional. After all, I’m the last person who can sit in judgement over someone for needing to release their…physical urges.’

Ronald wasn’t sure if she was being genuinely sincere, or simply baiting him. He didn’t care. ‘Are we done now?’ he asked. ‘Can I have her back?’

‘She’s yours for the taking right now,’ Ms. Graves responded. ‘If I tell her to, she’ll happily serve you just as well as me. She can even seem to be normal, if commanded. You can show her off in public, have her act like the good little wife, but in private, she’ll do anything you ask, anything at all–‘

‘That’s enough!’ Ronald snapped, glaring at Ms. Graves. ‘I want her back to normal. Back to herself.’

‘Are you sure that’s what she wants?’ Ms. Graves asked. The question hung in the air for a long moment.

‘Just…please. Put her back the way she was.’

‘Oh, alright,’ Ms. Graves said, a touch of petulance in her voice. She leaned up, and silently beckoned Elsie down towards her. Elsie bent over as Ms. Graves gave her a long, passionate kiss on the lips.

‘Just a good-bye kiss,’ Ms. Graves said. ‘You don’t mind, I hope?’ She locked lips with Elsie again for a long moment. ‘Or perhaps it’s a bit more than that.’ She kissed Elsie again, her lips lingering for what seemed like ages. ‘Perhaps you’ve even wanted to see us together like this.’ She kissed again, and Ronald saw her tongue dart into Elsie’s mouth. ‘Perhaps you secretly enjoyed the idea of giving your wife away to another woman, the money just an excuse to bring life to your shameful little fantasies of lesbian infidelity…’ She kissed Elsie one last time, a deep, searing kiss that left them both panting for breath. ‘But I’m rambling. Here.’

She reached up with her right hand and gently stroked Elsie’s cheek. Ronald saw the gleaming light within the ring seem to diminish as awareness returned to his wife’s eyes. Elsie looked down at the hand touching her skin, an unreadable expression on her face. ‘Welcome back, my dear,’ Ms. Graves said.

Elsie straightened up. Silently, she stepped back, closer to her husband. Ronald stood up and took Elsie’s hand. ‘I think this concludes our bargain,’ he said coldly, turning towards the door.

‘It does conclude this bargain, yes.’ Ronald couldn’t help but notice the subtle change Ms. Graves made. It just made him walk quicker, practically dragging Elsie behind him. ‘Farewell,’ she said as they walked out the door.

Parking had been poor, leaving the two of them with a long, silent walk to the car. For a long while, Ronald simply didn’t know what to say. Finally, he asked, ‘What…’ He paused for a long moment, the silence between them seeming to have taken on a life of its own. ‘What was it like?’

Elsie’s voice was taut. ‘I don’t want to talk about it,’ she said.


‘And how did you come to hear about my…services?’ Ms. Graves asked. Elsie looked down at the floor, over at the woman behind the desk, anywhere but at Ms. Graves’ face. Even without seeing it, though, she could feel Ms. Graves’ gaze upon her. It felt like the other woman’s desire was a physical force pressing up against Elsie’s flesh…for what seemed like the hundredth time, Elsie wondered if she could actually go through with this.

‘Susan Abercrombie, ma’am,’ Ronald said in subdued tones. Susan had said it wasn’t that bad, but she’d been reluctant to talk about it at all, really. Elsie couldn’t blame her. She’d never speak of this once it was over, not if she could help it. But Susan had seen how desperate her old friend was, how badly they needed the money, and she’d broken her silence and had told them both about Marissa Graves. Elsie wasn’t sure whether to thank her friend or not.

‘Ah, yes, Susan. One of my best advertisers.’ Ms. Graves’ voice was filled with smug pleasure, like she could still taste Susan on her lips. Maybe she could. Susan had said something about…she’d been terribly vague, maddeningly vague, but she’d said that Elsie would spend the time in some sort of trance. Which certainly sounded like a better alternative than months, perhaps even years of degrading service, but how were they to know that she would ever be free of it? If this woman really could control people, what was to stop her from keeping Elsie forever?

Ms. Graves’ tone changed, became abruptly businesslike. ‘You have the papers?’ she asked. Wordlessly, Ronald handed them over. ‘Ah, yes,’ Ms. Graves said, scanning them. ‘Disease-free, excellent. Not to imply that I expected anything else, but one simply can’t be too careful. You’ve made your excuses?’

Elsie nodded. ‘I’ve explained that I’m tending to a sick friend in Europe.’ She felt like she could barely raise her voice above a whisper. ‘One who needs twenty-four hour care, but can’t afford a nurse. I’ve resigned from my job at the hospital, and my friends and family know I’ll be away for an indefinite period and won’t be able to spare the time to contact them.’

‘And you told them yourself?’ Ms. Graves asked firmly.

Elsie nodded. She understood the implications of the question. If her husband explained it after she’d…gone away, it would sound like an obvious lie. It might raise suspicions, even get the police involved. But if she said it, nobody would think to question it. Unless they thought she was leaving him for another man, but everyone knew they were far too much in love to…to…Elsie fought back a flood of tears. She could do this. She had to do this.

Ms. Graves nodded and took out her checkbook. ‘The amount is two million pounds, I believe?’

Ronald nodded. ‘Yes. I…you haven’t said how long Elsie will be, er, spending with you.’

‘Three years,’ Ms. Graves said in clipped tones.

Elsie couldn’t help herself. ‘Three years?’ she blurted out in shock and dismay. She was quietly gratified to see that Ronald seemed just as upset, perhaps even moreso.

‘I did warn you that it could be quite some time,’ Ms. Graves responded primly.

‘Yes, but…three years?’ Elsie pleaded. ‘Isn’t there some way you could…take pity on us, perhaps–‘

‘My rates are non-negotiable,’ Ms. Graves replied. ‘You may spend three years in my service, or find some other way to raise two million pounds in a matter of a week.’ She finished making out the check, and held it out to the two of them. ‘Three years, Mrs. Mercer. Take it or leave it.’

Elsie was torn for a moment between hoping that Ronald would take the check, and with it the responsibility for the decision, and praying that he wouldn’t, because she didn’t know if she could ever look at him again if he was the one to take the money and hand her over to Ms. Graves. But Ronald seemed paralysed by the whole situation, and it was finally Elsie who snatched the check from Ms. Graves’ hand and handed it over to her husband.

‘Excellent,’ Ms. Graves said. ‘Now, Elsie, it’s time
to come with me. Mr. Mercer, you can go and get a claim ticket from Miranda, it’ll tell you when Elsie’s time is up. And don’t worry, Mr. Mercer…like many people with few morals, I tend to cling tightly to those I still possess. I promise you that no matter what, Elsie will have complete control of her own will once her term of service ends.’ She reached out a hand to Elsie. ‘Come along, dear.’

Elsie looked over at Ronald. ‘But…don’t I get a moment to say good-bye?’

‘I’m afraid your service began the moment you accepted the money, Elsie.’ Ms. Graves’ expression brooked no discussion. ‘You really should have taken care of such things before you walked in here.’

She looked helplessly at Ronald and the check in his possession that meant everything in the world to them, the difference between salvation and despair. ‘Go on, dear,’ he said, patting her gently on the shoulder. ‘It’ll be alright.’

She stood up and took Ms. Graves’ hand, trying not to think about what the gesture meant. The two of them headed to the elevator in silence, and rode it up without exchanging so much as a glance. Elsie felt as though she was about to be sick.

The elevator opened into a short hallway that led into an enormous bedroom. Ms. Graves led her to the bed (which was, itself, large enough to sleep five or six comfortably) and wordlessly gestured to it. Elsie nodded hesitantly and began to slip her dress off.

‘Oh, no, my dear!’ Ms. Graves’ voice was warm, pleasant, a stark contrast to her demeanor in the lobby below. ‘I merely wanted you to sit down. There’ll be time enough for such things later.’

Grateful for the brief reprieve, Elsie sat down on the edge of the bed. She still couldn’t bring herself to meet Ms. Graves’ eyes.

Ms. Graves sat down next to her. ‘You’re very beautiful, my dear,’ she said, touching Elsie’s hair gently. ‘The dress is lovely. I suppose you wore it for me?’

Elsie nodded. ‘I…I thought I should,’ she said shyly. ‘I didn’t want you to…to turn us away.’

Ms. Graves chuckled. ‘Oh, I couldn’t imagine turning a gorgeous creature like you away!’ She touched Elsie’s bare shoulder where Elsie had begun to remove the dress, and Elsie couldn’t help it. She flinched.

‘I’m sorry!’ she said. ‘I didn’t mean to, I…I’ll do it. Whatever you ask of me, I’ll do it. I’m just nervous, that’s all.’

‘I understand,’ Ms. Graves said. ‘You’ve never been with another woman before, you’ve probably never wanted to. You’re nervous, perhaps even frightened, but you can’t leave. Not without losing the money you need so badly.’ She paused. ‘Tell me, my dear, haven’t you wondered why I do this?’

‘I…’ Elsie paused, trying to find words that wouldn’t offend Ms. Graves (she still wasn’t willing to think of the other woman as her owner.) ‘I thought perhaps you were lonely.’

Ms. Graves laughed. ‘Oh, no, my dear. With my talents, I could have any woman I wanted. And sometimes, I do. But there’s a very particular fantasy of mine, one I like to indulge from time to time. One of a woman like you, one who is trembling and frightened and never even thought of indulging in female pleasures, but who nonetheless feels she has to bear my caresses…’ Ms. Graves paused, her voice losing its dreamy quality for a moment. ‘You don’t, by the way. If you really wish to leave, just say so and I’ll recover the money and make sure your husband never bothers you again.’

‘Oh, no,’ Elsie said, ‘I could never do that! We need this money so desperately, we thought the restaurant was just beginning to turn a profit, and then this lawsuit came, and no bank would possibly lend that sum to us, even a profitable restaurant could never pay it back…’ She practically sobbed out the words, even though she knew that Ms. Graves had solved all their money problems. ‘I can’t just leave. I can’t.’

Ms. Graves sighed happily. ‘And that’s what I dream of, my dear. A woman just like you, one who prepares for my touch with all the stoicism of a martyr…and then finds herself blossoming under my fingers.’

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Awesome Anne is as attractive, as effectively seductive in getting and extremely curious for enjoying sex for her very first time. Be it with man or woman, she is to get both & at the same time! Anne found out that Cathy has a key to a back-door of the Cathedral. As she often serves in mass very early in the morning. She is very dutyful to serve the Lord, so she usually is first one to enter in those to be conducted for their late husband, offspring or some relative fallen ill or in...

4 years ago
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Locanto Made Me Lucky

Hey guys, this is Mr. X, a 29-year-old handsome and single guy from Bhopal. This story is about Vanisha (name changed), a 34-year-old married lady from Indore. So, without wasting much time, let’s come to the story. This all happened in November, last year. I was really feeling very horny at that time. I had a profile on Tinder, but getting a match for casual sex is not very easy in Bhopal. But it was not the case in Delhi where I was for 2 years and have been with 5 girls (not bad for a guy I...

2 years ago
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Locanto To Sleeper Bus To Flat

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers am Varun from Bangalore born and bought up in Chennai. Am new an old reader on this site, if you readers come across any mistakes please do mail me, your valuable feedback needs in my mail inbox. I came here to study a course, as you know Bangalore is lil expensive a compared to other cities. So I was planning to go for a part-time job when I was surfing through the Locanto app, I came across these escort job. So to try my luck I posted a free add saying...

4 years ago
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The moment I stepped off the plane the crushing humidity hit me. No matter how many trips I make to Puerto Rico, the moist heat is always a bit of a shock. No matter; as I made my way up the jetway I quickly acclimated, and my response transformed to pleasure at another break from the Philadelphia winter. My partner Tom and I had been shuttling back and forth for nearly six months now, trying to impress our most important client – Tom's father-in-law – with our energy and talents. As the...

1 year ago
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Indian escorts from Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Delhi,... Looking to get laid in India, eh? It’s hard, huh? Yeah, not to be a dick or anything, but Indian culture is pretty reserved when it comes to freaky sex. They’re not shaking titties in your face like the sluts in the West. That’s why I was pretty surprised to find out Locanto has an extensive selection of escorts, strippers, and erotic massages in India.Locanto, for those unaware, is a classified site for buying and selling...

Escort Sites
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Gone are the days when people would rumble on and on about how sex is not a basic necessity. Well, everyone is doing it now, and it’s no fucking secret. The society has also at best adapted to this with the development of websites and apps to assist individuals to get some local dig in. Fuck morality! Even I want to have a good time every now and then.There are tons of Escorts basically skilled with the art of pleasing any man. They are hot and sexy with one heck of yummy Iwonnabite bodies you...

Escort Sites
1 year ago
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Reddit CantHold, aka r/CantHold! Reddit is a wonderful place for file sharing, get information on stuff that interests you, getting into civil (and completely savage) dialogues with people about a variety of topics like politics, religion, and sex. Of course, Reddit truly wouldn’t be what it is without the thousands of fanmade porn sharing subreddit pages which have not only the same great professional promo photos and trailers that we love, but loads of amateur content.And in a world wide web...

Reddit NSFW List
2 years ago
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Helena buys a new bed

Helena buys a new bedHelena called me that Saturday morning to go to her home. She had bought a new king size bed and the delivery was scheduled before midday.She was home alone, being her nice husband outside of town. She told me she wanted some company now, so, I went to see her.We were in the main sofa kissing and touching each other, when suddenly a knock at the door sounded past twelve o´clock. Helena answered, finding there two nice looking young men, very tall, athletic, muscled and very...

3 years ago
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Cant I Have Them Both

Waking up to the sound of my alarm blaring, I roll over and slam on it. Of course it doesn’t go off, just crashes to the floor. I know I shouldn’t have stayed up so late last night playing video games, but what can I say? Too late now, I suppose. I reach down to pick up the clock, seeing the time blinking at me. Getting out of bed, I grab the shower before anyone else can. I know what it’s like in this household in the mornings. My two sisters will fight like crazy for the bathroom. I get...

2 years ago
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Cant slp

‘You ok babe?’ he asks,still half away in his dream. From the morning glory I feel teasing my back and the way he places his mouth on my neck, I hope he’s dreaming of waking up and sliding his cock inside me. I want to feel better, I want to be put back asl**p for awhile so I can sl**p this off. He has what I need. ‘I’m feeling a little sick baby, I’m gonna sl**p it of but I can’t sl**p right now’. ‘Oh’ he teases nuzzling his mouth into the point where my spine begins at the top of my back,...

4 years ago
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Cant Get Away

‘You know what, Marques, I’m gone. I’m tired of your shit. Move!’  Freeze Every time I try to leave, he keeps pulling me back. Even when I fight, I still fall weak to him. I mean I know he’s not good for me, but he’s good to me and makes me feel like nothing I’ve ever felt before. In his arms I feel safe and free from all that comes with him. It’s like when he touches me I become a slave to his passion, he’s my master. I get weak as his lips touch my skin. He knows I like when he kisses my...

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Cant Wait Any Longer

“Congrats, sweetie! I’m so proud of you and you look amazing.” As usual, Lee’s words left her feeling incredible. Graduation ceremonies were typically a family event but Lee, his wife and kids were basically family to her and she could not have been happier to have them there. They had been friends of the family since she was a little kid and she adored them all. If she had to pick a least favorite, it would probably have been Lee’s wife. She still loved her like family, it was just that she...

2 years ago
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Cant Judge A Book By Its Cover

Hillary sat on the bench outside the courtroom that Monday morning. She tugged at her skirt, trying to make it appear longer. She tucked stray tendrils of hair back into her casual chignon. Hillary was nervous and it showed. Even though everyone told her that she had an absolute barracuda for a lawyer, she still had nightmares as to how this would all turn out. Yes, Will had verbally agreed to the settlement, but he had also verbally taken vows on their wedding day. Hillary’s trust level was at...

2 years ago
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Cant Get Enough of You

GET IN THE CAR,” Jen demanded when she pulled up right in front of my work’s main office doors. It was quarter to six in the evening. I stayed an extra forty-five minutes late at work to finish off some stuff that I didn’t want to clutter my desk when I come back Monday morning. “Jen?” I was in shock to find her picking me up after work. Since the night she came over to my place and we fucked each other until the wee hours of dawn, we haven’t seen each other. The odd times we caught each...

3 years ago
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Cant Resist the Urge

Ever since the first time I felt the smooth skin and stiff heat of a man’s erection in my mouth I was hooked. When I experienced the taste and scent and throbbing of a cock exploding in my mouth and the pungently salty flavor of cum that first time I knew I would love to suck men’s cocks. I was reluctant the first time and very tentatively took him into my mouth but that all disappeared very quickly. The skin was so smooth and his erection felt hot. The skin moved with my mouth’s movement and...

1 year ago
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Cant Hold Back

It was one of those spring days when you just want to pack up a picnic basket, find a quiet spot, open a bottle of wine, settle down with a good book and enjoy the sun. Your body soaks up the glow and warmth of the sun. You move and change position, your hair falls in front of your eyes and you lift your hand to brush it aside. I watch you, knowing you’re unable to see me standing nearby. I want to reach out and brush the hair from your eyes and run my hand down your cheek. I cannot!

4 years ago
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cant help falling for hot sexy times with married

When i was younger i never got the pretty girls and never functioned down below well and soon became transgendered. I dont have the pressure to perform any more . I was still attracted to girls but one day saw a huge black man with 2 sexy girls and i began to wonder why so many females had black boyfriends. All of my female relationships ended with the girls going to black men so got intrigued. One day i was out one night in Manchester and was asked by a very tall black man if he would be...

1 year ago
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Cant get this out of my head

Inspired by conversations with a *friend*Laying in my bed tonight, the flash back comes. It was warm, to warm for a blanket. The sheet that had been fresh and cool now pooled around my hips.I lay on my stomach. Face turned, left arm bent upward so my had rest next to my pillow, my other hand in under me on my stomach. He opened the door.He came in.Closed it.Locked it.Roughly nudged my feet apart, falling to his knees behind me and buried his face in my pussy and ass.He slurped me, licked me,...

4 years ago
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cant stop jackin

ok so today ive been supa horny all day my dick been throbbing my dick was just calling my hand cedric stroke me, stroke me i tried to ignore how horny i was 1 hour went bye and i was shakin more then a crack addict in rehab at that point my balls were swollen from not cummin in a few days so finally i couldnt take it no more so i went to my room got one of my hustler magazines went to the bathroom a went to work on my dick stroking and grabbing my dick like crazy then i felt a tiggle go down...

3 years ago
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Buy Me a Coffee

Max had only been up at the shopping complex for a short time, he wasn’t in the best of moods for the organization he belonged to had been losing members and he had been given the task of trying to boost membership. It was strange that membership was proving difficult for with all the publicity in keeping fit one would have thought that a cycling group would haven’t had difficulty, but then as he observed the passing public it was very noticeable that his age was very unfit and very fat. He...

2 years ago
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Cant Buy You LoveChapter 4

“Why’d you go and buy them sodas,” Slim asked when we were in the truck. “Mr. Holland keeps our fridge stocked with about anything we want to drink.” “Where does Mr. Holland buy the stuff he feeds us,” I asked. “Well, he usually sends a truck of supplies out every couple of weeks,” Slim said. “If there’s anything special you want, you just let them know and they’ll bring it with the next load.” “So another words, he buys this stuff from a place like Walmart or Sam’s Club,” “I guess,” he...

3 years ago
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Cant Buy You LoveChapter 5

We cleaned up the windmill site and stacked the tools so we could come back and get them tomorrow. We rode back to the barn, took care of the horses and were headed into the bunkhouse when Todd came out. “You two so lazy that you’re only working a four-day week now,” he said with distaste in his voice. “Nope,” Slim said. “Got her done. Finished up about noon. We’ll be head’in out to pick up the equipment and leftover supplies tomorrow morn’in.” “Finished,” Todd asked astonished. “You mean...

3 years ago
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A rich young housewife buys the ultimate sex toy The Teasinator

Marsha was happily married. Earl was a good husband and an excellent father. Financially, they were more than comfortable in their lives together. They weren’t the one percent, but they were in the top ten. And yet, Marsha was not content. There was something missing. And it was missing in their sex life. Earl was… too fast. He wasn’t a two-minute wonder. Nor was he a “Wham, bam, thank you ma’am” kind of lover. He would often spend at least half an hour in...

3 years ago
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Halloween in Shibuya Part II

Masa held my hand as we navigated through the mass of humanity in the Shibuya Crossing toward BIC Camera, one of the largest shops near the station. We walked along the sidewalk feeling like salmon swimming upstream. After a couple of minutes, Masa pulled me into a tiny side street barely 10 feet wide—more like a wide paved path. We passed dozens of postage stamp sized pubs and eateries stacked from the ground to higher floors, each with its loyal clientele. Halfway down the block, Masa pointed...

1 year ago
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Shibuya Halloween Part I

Hi, this is Hye-jin again, the young Korean-American with a passion for sheer stockings. After my stocking adventures in Jamaica and nuru massage experiences in Tokyo, I thought of another opportunity to push the limits of daring ecstasy - flashing in stockings during Halloween in Japan. In Japan, it’s Halloween mania during the month of October, particularly in the Shibuya district of Tokyo. I would have the perfect chance to wear my sexiest lingerie and finest stockings out in public without...

4 years ago
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Shibuya Witch Birthday Blast

Shibuya Witch: Birthday Blast Jim Simmons and Larry Winston were good friends working at the same small company. The two met in training four years ago and their relationship had grown ever since. Neither of them had much luck with the ladies and that was one of the things they had in common. Something else they had in common was their birthday. Both men turned thirty this year and wanted to celebrate the occasion by doing something completely out of the ordinary. When Jim...

4 years ago
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Shibuya Magic

Shibuya Magic Created by Schizo and Kitty Inspired by Shibuya Witch: Birthday Blast After a grueling 14 hour flight from New York the plane finally touched down in the land of the rising sun; Japan. Three large, muscular bodies sat next to each other in the middle section of the plane. The jostling of the rough landing woke the man who sat in the seat next to the left aisle of the plane. His body slightly jerked as his heavy eyelids struggled to fully open revealing his blue eyes. His...

3 years ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 133 Nobuyuki

The door to the storage space had barely managed swinging close before it opened again. Admitting a single figure ambling slowly into the darkened living room. "Where the heck am I?" Nobuyuki tried to think. Struggling against an oppressive fog holding tenuously over his brain. "Is this the living room?" He glanced around, attempting to concentrate. "It sure is dark! Must be night. When did we buy that couch?" Wasn't he just talking to Achicka? The dense mist which currently was...

4 years ago
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Lost Princess Of Buya RewardChapter 2

The last time I had been at the Buyan Palace was for an awards ceremony. My small group of heroes had averted the near-catastrophic Zibong invasion and were awarded medals by the King for our "brave actions in saving the Kingdom from near disaster." Gaku had been overawed by the whole ceremony, and he still proudly wears his medal on his new Moon Robe. Blaster, of course, accepted the praise as his due. He has always believed that Muses don't receive enough honors. If it were up to me, I...

3 years ago
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Lost Princess Of Buya RewardChapter 3

Still early for my appointment, or perhaps late, I thought, glancing at the sun and chuckling, I wandered out of the kitchens into the back courtyard. Several small buildings served the Palace, all surrounded by the Master's neat herb gardens. I was picking some of the nicer ones when I heard the sounds of hammering. There was a time when I thought I could be a Smith and studied hard and long, adding more than a few scars to the collection already on my hands and arms. Alas, it was not to...

1 year ago
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Lost Princess Of Buya RewardChapter 4

After my talk with the Smith, Morgan's office was easy to find... I merely looked for the biggest one. Not surprisingly, the Secretary had a secretary. She looked me up and down. "May I help you?" She asked, "Lord Morgan frowns at beggars." "How about that?" I smiled at the snooty reception, genuinely surprised, "I guess I have something in common with him after all! I frown at beggars, too. Then I give them a few coins." I tapped my full purse, producing the unmistakable clink of...

2 years ago
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Lost Princess Of Buya RewardChapter 5

The first thing I noticed when I stepped into his office was the absence of light. It was totally dark, with heavy drapes over the windows. The second thing I noticed was a low table, which hit me right across the shins. "Hey!" I yelled, startled. Warriors aren't usually bothered by the dark, sometimes we even have to keep fighting, even after having Blind spells thrown at us. Still, I quickly drew my Flamefang sword, which cast just enough light from its glowing blade to let me make out...

4 years ago
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Lost Princess Of Buya RewardChapter 6

Dark, dusty and smelling like sour wine, my favorite tavern was mostly empty. Due to the time of day and not because it was pretty rank. I guess when you are drinking, you don't notice little things like, "Whatever have I stepped in?" and "Excuse me, sir, but that was my shoe you just sicked up on." Still, I liked this place, and people that know me always find me easily. "Care for something to drink?" The barkeep was unusually friendly today, perhaps due to his lack of patronage,...

2 years ago
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Lost Princess Of Buya RewardChapter 7

"How many times will I do this?" I asked myself aloud, again. "I ride out of the Kingdom on some quest or another, always telling myself it will be my last. Then I find myself doing it all over again." "Look at the bright side, Gareth," Blaster said, chuckling from the horse behind me, "at least you get to talk about cooking!" Yes, there was that. My new student finally told me his name—Alladin--A good name for a Rogue, I thought. It took most of the day to make it to the snow...

3 years ago
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Lost Princess Of Buya RewardChapter 8

The temperature dropped as we entered the cave. Blaster had wrapped himself in a thick fur cloak over his Sun robes. When he shivered, I chuckled. All that fur and he is still cold. At any moment, a slavering monster might jump out at us and I needed an unfettered sword arm, so I was not afforded the luxury of a cloak. "You should feel how cold armor gets here," I told the Muse. "Be thankful you don't have to swing a sword. Against the monsters of the Arctic, I chose a Flamefang, one of...

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