Confidence. free porn video

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“Fuck ya mom, that’s so good! I’m totally gonna cum!”

My son, Ryan, placed the shape of his hand on the back of his mother’s head, urging her on. I faintly heard a pleasing moan from my wife. She never gave me head any more. My groin ached, I hated when it did that, getting aroused by what I was seeing, it was jealous of the attention my wife gave him. I adjusted myself and turned and quietly walked out. Heading down the hall I heard the sudden orgasmic groaning from my son as he filled his mother’s mouth with warm semen. I got back in my car and drove off.

I pulled into a near by grocery store parking lot and sat there. I began playing a sudoku app on my phone while listening to the radio. I had another hour and a half to wait, I’d left work early again, hoping to catch them. I don’t know why I did this to myself, ‘hoping to catch them’, I usually did, and all it accomplishes is making me feel bad. I’m not a cuckold, this wasn’t a fetish of mine. I just kept hoping that I was wrong, like one day I’d witness her rebuff him and come to me. Or that I’d catch them in the act and actually have the strength to confront them. But after this long, if I hadn’t done it yet, there was little chance that I’d suddenly grow a set of balls and do anything about it.

I first saw them together over a year ago, on valentines day of all times. I planned to come home early and surprise her. I quietly crept in the house with a bouquet of flowers and was immediately greeted by the sounds of sex. My wife having an affair was something I never thought possible, but once I heard her unmistakable voice calling out..

“God YES! Don’t stop sweetie, don’t stop fucking me!”

My heart sank. I was trembling with anger, already planning the divorce. I snuck through the house looking for them, following the smacking of flesh into the kitchen. Mary was on the table, laying on her back, dress pushed up past her waist, legs in the air, ankles resting on Ryan’s shoulders. He was standing at the end of the table, shirt off, pants around his ankles, his hands holding on to his mother’s hips while his thighs slapped violently against her buttocks.

The feeling of anger transformed into bewilderment. I didn’t know what to do so I slinked back out of the house, got in my car and just drove around. I finally returned at my expected time to find a home and family the way they should be. Ryan was on the couch watching TV, Mary was making dinner, the table she had just been screwed on was already set. I handed her the flowers and she kissed me on the cheek… shortly after I got there, my daughter Stacy came walking in from cheerleading practice, completing our picturesque family. I didn’t say a thing… My wife and I even made love that night, it was valentines day after all.

I spent weeks debating what I should do. This was an open and shut case for divorce, but a divorce meant family and friends asking questions that I was afraid to answer… So I stayed quiet, suffering in silence while I tried to figure this out, but this stalling meant that I was allowing my wife and son to continue their illicit sexual affair. Since that first discovery I’ve caught them in the act dozens of times, in all corners of the house, even in the back yard. I’ve endured hearing them utter the most disturbing things while in the throes of passion.

“Yes, Fuck your mommy!”

“Mom do you like your baby boy’s cock?”

“That’s it, hurry and cum before your father gets home.”

I blamed myself for my own misery. If I didn’t have the grit to stop it then I shouldn’t be complaining, or at least have the commonsense to abstain from seeing them, and avoid causing myself more grief. But I kept doing it, coming home early from work, making up errands to go do and then sneaking back.. I knew what they were doing, but for some reason I had to see it… but then seeing it only confirmed what I already knew! And all I accomplished was to feel even worse. A few months into this, things got unexpectedly more complicated.

It was a weekend, and Mary was at the salon with some girlfriends. I was outside working on the yard, something I actually liked doing. We had a large ranch style home with more than an acre of beautifully manicured grass.. thanks to yours truly. We had landscapers that minded the hedges and flower beds, but I took care of the grass, a chore that was made enjoyable by my high end ride on lawn mower. I completed the front yard, casually finishing off a couple beers in the process, and pulled the mower up to a large storage shed to refill it with gas. While I stood there I looked up and admired my work, it was an over cast summer day, warm but not hot, prefect for doing yard work. My eyes slid along the house and stopped at the sight of movement. I could see Ryan through a window, but that wasn’t his room, it was Stacy’s. Naturally I no longer trusted him and moved closer to investigate.

I made a wide arch through the yard to avoid detection, then snuck along the side of the house. I watched my footing as I approached the window, careful not to make any noise. The curtains were partly closed but it was enough for me to peer inside. Ryan was kneeling on the edge of Stacy’s bed with his back partially towards me. His shorts were pulled down to his knees, revealing his bare ass. His shirt was pulled up in the front, holding it there with his chin pining it to his chest. He had his sister on the bed, positioned on all fours. Her head was down on the mattress with her face turned away from me. She was wearing a tank top that had slid down her body and was bunched up around her neck revealing her exceptionally heavy tits swaying underneath her (a blessing from her mother). Her shorts were also pulled down to her knees, with her ass lifted up to meet her brother’s pounding. From my angle I could only see it each time he pulled back, but it was tight and round, the thing you’d expect to find underneath a cheerleader’s skirt. He was screwing her hard and fast, clearly trying to finish before I or his mother walked in on them. He started to cum, Lifting his head up with his eyes squeezed shut and his teeth clenched. I watched through his final jerking thrusts, and then as his body shook when he blew his load inside her. ‘Thank God she’s on birth control’ I thought to myself as I turned and walked back to finish my yard.

I began catching Ryan having sex with Stacy with almost the same regularity as I did with Mary. They had different means than he did with his mother. He was alone with my wife every weekday from the time he got home till the time I did. But with my daughter it was purely a game of opportunity.

Sometimes they made those opportunities, like him offering to give her a ride to her friend’s house… it sounded innocent, but I now knew nothing about their relationship was innocent anymore.. So one time I made up an excuse to go out, I said I needed to run back to the office because I forgot something. I pulled into a neighbors driveway a block away and then waited for his car to go by. I followed them a couple blocks till he pulled into the parking lot of a bank that was closed for the night. I parked across the street and watched as they climbed into his backseat and began undressing. Then I drove off, I didn’t need to see this again..

Other times they took the opportunities they were given.. Such as, the master bedroom being on the opposite end of the house as theirs. Numerous times I’d get up in the middle of the night, while my wife was asleep, and tiptoe across the house to hear muffled squealing and heavy breathing coming from one of their rooms.

I have no idea how long they’d been doing this before I found out about it.. either of them, Ryan with his mother, or with his sister. And I have no idea how it started.. But to the best of my knowledge, Mary had no idea that Ryan was screwing her daughter, and Stacy had no idea that he was banging her mom.. Each thought that they were his one secret…

Honestly I admired him… I mean I don’t even know how he was able to have sex with the giant set of brass balls he was carrying around! It made me want to know how he got them into bed.. It would take some serious convincing to make someone commit incest! And he did it twice! Sure I saw the appeal he had. He was handsome and muscular, a three sport varsity athlete. He was always funny and charismatic… but my wife and daughter weren’t some insecure little wallflowers that would do whatever someone told them.

Mary was a stay at home mother, but that’s only because I had a job that afforded her that option. She had multiple degrees and was the smartest woman I knew. We met in college when I was still young and ambitious. People often say that she’s a trophy wife, because she looks exactly like any porn star playing a MILF where she’s banging her son’s best friends. She turned the heads of every Tom, Dick and Harry who walked by, if she wanted to cheat on me she could have any guy she wanted, but she CHOOSES to risk her family to have an affair with her own son?! It made no sense.

Stacy has had her mother’s good looks her whole life, which has made her one of the popular girls since the day she started school. We’ve been fortunate that she’s also maintained good judgement, avoiding drugs and alcohol.. And while she hasn’t always had the best taste in boyfriends, she has had the good sense to not keep them around too long. Her popularity has influenced her life for the good too. She’s in several extracurricular activities, such as cheerleading, that has kept her out of trouble. So why would a girl who every one adores and has every guy at school drooling over her, also CHOSE to risk everything to have sex with her brother?!

These risks were the biggest reasons I held back on outing their incestuous relationships. A divorce could mean revealing the truth, and the truth could permanently damage my kids lives, and negatively impact any healthy relationships that they may have in the future. My son probably saw these two beautiful women around him every day and thought ‘I should hit that’, an ignorant idea that comes to guys who always get what they want. Which he was! Always got the girls in school, always won the games.. This has given him the biggest head in the world and an enormous amount of confidence… so much so, that he had the confidence to sexually pursue both his own mother and sister.

I was the opposite of Ryan. I was handsome for my age, a happily married father of two with a great job. But I didn’t even have the confidence to say ‘stop’ when I saw him with Mary! I was polite to a fault, a human doormat, I was ALLOWING my wife to not only have an affair, but for it to be with our own son! All because I was afraid of what might happen if I owned up to what they were doing. I wanted to say something.. I wanted to do something.. but I’ve literally walked out of the house to give them privacy, because my wife would rather screw her son! So what exactly did I think I was going to do now if I’ve been allowing that for a year?!

So.. I ignored it. A few months later Ryan moved cross country. It was one of those situations where you think ‘the problem will work itself out’. While I wouldn’t call this resolved, I would say that things improved. Mary was always a loving and supportive wife, but after Ryan left she became a much better lover too… actually I take that back, she was a very selfish lover, but at least I was getting more than I used to. In bed, she would freely look over and ask me to go down on her, which I would, eagerly. After she’d had her fill having me lick her to orgasm, I’d ask for the same thing, and suddenly she’d ‘have a headache’. She’d roll over and tell me I could have sex with her if I wanted, but I needed to be quick cuz she was tired. It killed me that our love making was so vanilla, when I knew she had a kinkier side that was reserved for our son. But at least I no longer came home to her getting fucked by him any more.

I encouraged Ryan to stay away from the house, spend the holidays with his friends, I even gave him extra money to take trips, anything to keep his cock away from his mother and sister. It was money well spent to preserve my sanity.

Really the only new development that bothered me was Stacy’s new boyfriend. His name was Enrique or Ethan or some shit, I might know it if he ever had the decency to come inside and introduce himself. He was a pompous ass, a cool guy with a nice car. I knew the only reason she was with him was due to the lack of dick she was getting at home now.. ‘if it’s dick you need sweetheart, daddy can give it to you’ I thought to myself, smirking. That wasn’t like me and I didn’t like that I was having those thoughts. But more than once I watched through the curtains as he pulled up in the drive way to drop her off, way past curfew, and instead of her rushing inside to avoid getting into trouble, I had to watch as that dipshit reached over and put his hand on the back of her head and guide her down to his lap. I could see the top of her head bobbing up and down, in and out of sight. I had to watch the pleasure on his face, and see the instant I knew he was cumming. I reminded her of curfew every night, but every time he dropped her off it was something. Sitting in the car making out, pulling her shirt up so he could suck her tits. I watched her climb on his lap in the driver’s seat, pushing against the roof of the car, shaking it, while she rode his cock. I told her over and over to be home on time, and she just rolled her eyes, I never had the personality for coming down on her and being a tough parent.. She knew that and disregarded by rules.

Then, the next summer, Ryan finally came home. It was only going to be for a couple months, but I was dreading it. Sure I welcomed him home, he was my son after all, I loved and missed him, and was eager to catch up. But I was filled with anxiety over the fear of catching him with my wife again. I went back to sneaking home early, and to my amazement, there was nothing. Mary would be there, and Ryan would either be out with friends or just lounging around. I was relieved, perhaps it was just a phase that ran its course.. I didn’t bother to check on him and Stacy, it was no worse than her current boyfriend, so I let it go. For now I was pleased that my wife was now mine again.

One weekend I went out to play golf with some buddies, but it was a particularly windy day, and we called it quits after the first 2 holes. Driving home, it was still morning, and I was disappointed with how my day off was shaping up. Ryan had been home over a month now, and even with several attempts to try and catch him and his mother in the act, I’d found no reason to continue to be suspicious. But, I found myself with a unique opportunity. It was a weekend and I was expected to be out all day, so coming back home less than 2 hours later would be quite unexpected. I didn’t suspect I’d walk in on anything but I figured I’d give it a try. I opened the front door slowly, stepping silently inside and listening.. There was no noise whatsoever. I was relieved. I walked into the kitchen, and then the living room, no one was around. I checked the kids rooms, and nothing. My relief began to fade into skepticism again.

I made my way over to the master bedroom, it was still quiet until I approached the half open door. A soft ‘mmmm’ sound, followed by a whispered ‘yes’. I peeked through the opening and saw a familiar sight. My son stood with his back to me, bare assed and shirtless. His beautiful mother knelt in front of him wearing just a thong. Her hands held his thighs for support while her head disappeared and reappeared with each bowing motion. My son’s hands were on his hips while he gazed down at his mother, watching her silently. He wasn’t near cumming yet, they must’ve just started.. It also seemed odd that they were both completely naked just for a blowjob, this was just a precursor to sex.. I’ve seen this all before, but suddenly I realized just how angry I was. It infuriated me that I’ve watched my son blowing his load down his mom’s throat at least weekly for over a year, while she on the other hand hasn’t sucked MY dick in 15 years! Now even after his absence, the desire or even obligation she felt towards pleasing HIM over me ME was maddening! This was my breaking point.

“Excuse me.” I said in a calm yet assertive tone, being careful not to raise my voice.

My son’s head whipped around, and my wife’s eyes shot open, his cock still in her mouth.. Her head jerked back popping it out. They both had looks of pure terror on their faces.. It secretly gave me joy. I stood in the doorway, buck naked, my dick hanging semi hard. I hadn’t planned beyond this point, so I stayed there, keeping a stern expression, buying myself time.

“Ryan, get the hell out of here.” I finally said, My wife began to stand up. “Get back on your goddamn knees! I’m not done with you!” My tone startled both of them. She jumped a little, then fell back to her knees subserviently. “Your mother isn’t yours, she’s mine. If your dick goes near her again I’ll rip it off.” He began walking slowly towards the door behind me “did you fucking hear me!?!” He stopped in his tracks, his head hung low.

“Yes sir.” He mumbled.


“YES SIR!” He replied respectfully.

I walked past where he stood, and stopped in front of his mother. I put my hand under her chin and tilted it up to make her look at me. I smiled at her… she looked scared for her life. My dick was now rock hard.

“And no more fucking your sister either.” I said, still looking at my wife’s face. Her eyes widened, realizing what I’d said. Clearly she had no idea. “She belongs to me too.” I continued.. “Now go.” He hurried to the door. “Oh wait” I heard his feet stop, “One more thing”.. I placed a hand on the back of Mary’s head, and turned to look at him. “Stacy is staying at a friend’s house tonight, so why don’t you make yourself scarce”, I pulled hear face towards my cock, still looking at my son. I felt the tip touch her lips, and I pressed harder. She opened them and let me slide into her mouth. I saw his eyes look at her, then down to the ground. “Your mother and I could use some alone time.” And with that I turned back towards her.

“Yes sir.” And he disappeared

My wife sat there, her lips wrapped around my shaft. Her head barely moving, she trembled with fear. I grabbed her hair and pulled back, she winced in pain. I slid my dick out and she looked up me.

“Do it better.” I said firmly. And released her hair. “Here’s your chance.”

She just kept looking at me, afraid to break eye contact. But then it was like a light bulb went off inside her, she looked back at my penis. Here was her chance to save herself. Even if she had no fear of me physically hurting her, this was a chance to save her family, her reputation, and her marriage. Sucking my cock was a chance at redemption. She seemed to know the stakes and needed no more convincing. She grabbed my ass cheek with one hand and the base of my prick with the other. Then she looked up at me, the fear was gone, it was replaced with determination. She looked me straight in the eyes and slowly licked her lips. She leaned forward, still looking at me, and began suckling on my swollen cock head like a lollipop. It was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen her do.. She had such confidence. Her hand started stroking me steadily, while her mouth worked solely on the head. I put my hands on my hips and looked down at her like her son had done. That was one of the fastest orgasms I’ve ever had.

I had her gagging on my meat several more times that day.. I simply said to do it and she did. She was very cautious around me, but I was civil with her, never once bringing up Ryan or her infidelity. That evening while we were eating I told her that I was going to Fuck her after dinner, so to be ready for me in the bedroom. When we were done, she quickly cleared the table and disappeared. I leisurely my way to our room after finishing some work in my office.. It wasn’t necessary work, but it was good to make her wait. When I walked in she was sitting up in bed wearing very expensive black lingerie, waiting for me. The lights were turned off but the room was lit by a dozen candles. She looked absolutely amazing.. But she still needed to be taught a lesson.

“I said be ready for me, I didn’t say to put that crap on. Take it off and turn around.” I said, barely looking at her as I walked into the bathroom. I felt sort of bad, I know she was trying to be sexy for me, but it was important to put her down and make her realize that she was being punished. I walked back into the room stroking myself. She was on her hands and knees, her feet hanging off the end. She was naked with her snatch pointed up, offering it to me.

“Is this better?” She asked. I stood behind her and grabbed her hips, my prick was is a prefect position.

“Yes dear.” I said calmly, sliding into her. “And call me daddy.”

“OK… daddy.” She gulped and tried to sound happy. I screwed her like that for several minutes, it was nice, but then she spoke, “Oh God daddy, I think I’m going to cum!”. I immediately pulled out of her and pushed her forward.

“Lay on your stomach.” I ordered. You could see she looked confused, wondering what she did wrong. But she laid face down on the bed and I climbed on top of her. My dick was still wet with her juice, and it slipped along her thighs as I got positioned. I put one hand on her back, in between her shoulder blades, she squirmed a bit, and I pressed down. I lowered my mouth down to the side of her head and whispered in her ear, “I don’t care if you cum tonight.” I pressed the tip of my tool up to her asshole. Quickly she began to protest, but I shoved it in full force. Burying myself to the hilt in one stroke. She cried out in pain, but never resisted, Letting me have my way. I pounded her in the ass for nearly an hour. I’d blown my load 5 times that day, so I was able to take my time. She laid there sobbing while I enjoyed myself, I said things like “God that’s nice baby!” acting as if I couldn’t hear her. When I was finished I simply rolled off and said “Good night” then went to sleep.

My wife and I woke up about the same time. Starting to shift and stretch in bed. She sat up without looking at me and began getting up.

“Hey honey?” I said, trying to be sweet.

“Ya?” She asked, sounding irritated.. Possibly still sore from last night.

“Why don’t you take care of this for me?” I motioned towards the tent hovering above my crotch. Morning wood has always been an issue for me, and I haven’t gotten Mary to ‘take care of it’ since we were in college.

She paused, her expression clearly showed that she was not interested in doing this, even more so because she was mad at me. But I stared at her, trying to look loving and innocent, but still showing her that she really didn’t have a choice. She finally conceded, and climbed back into bed. She crawled over to my side and lifted up the blankets, and ducked underneath. A second later the sheets were making a pleasing up and down motion on my lap. I reached for the remote and turned on the TV. ‘This is nice’ I thought.

After she was done I offered to go make her breakfast in bed. She was taken aback by the gesture, but I assured her that I loved her and wanted to do something nice. That whole day I continued to assert my dominance over her, but it a nicer way. I walked in on her cleaning the floor, on her hands and knees in a dress.. An opportunity I couldn’t resist. I got behind her and stuck my dick in.. I didn’t ask, I just did it, she was mine and I could do it if I wanted… but there was something surprising, fun and almost cute about it. We both came, and when some of my spunk got on the floor we made a joke about how she ‘missed a spot’ , we laughed. I had my way with her multiple times, but she seemed eager to do what I said, even playful calling me ‘daddy’, we had reached a turning point.

Ryan stayed away from the house, but Stacy came home from her sleepover completely unaware of what had transpired the day before. She went about her day, and after dinner when Mary and I sat on the couch to watch TV, she came out to inform us she had a date in a what is best referred to as ‘inappropriate’ attire. It was essentially the type of school girl outfit they wear in porn. A tight fitting top, with a short plaid skirt and knee high socks… Maybe not quite as small and slutty as you’d see on a porn star, but still not what you’d want to see on your daughter.

“Hey Stacy?” I said as she walked towards the door. “I really don’t like that outfit, I’d feel a lot better if you put on something else.” I gave her that ‘please?’ smile.

“What? Don’t be ridiculous! These are completely normal clothes!” She said and turned away, disregarding my request.

“Stop!” I bellowed. She jumped, having never heard me raise my voice before, and turned back to me. I was as already standing. “I asked you nicely, I ALWAYS ask you nicely, but now you’re going to listen” I started walking towards her, she stood there unsure what was going on… “You’re going to listen when I say to change your clothes.. You’re going to listen when I say to take off your clothes.. You’ll listen when I say to be home by 10pm.. That doesn’t mean suck your boyfriend’s little prick until 10:30! That means you’re in the door by 10pm! If you get inside and realize you need to suck a dick you come see me! Not your brother, ME! Got it?!” Her eyes were the size of saucers. “Got it?!”

“Y.. Y.. Yes sir.”

“Please, call me daddy.” I said. “That’s another thing, You’re going to stop fucking your bother!” Her eyes darted to her mother, who was still sitting on the couch, she was terrified, she couldn’t believe I knew.. “If you want to Fuck some one you come to me, not him, ME, you’re mine!.. Now turn around.” She looked at me like she didn’t understand what I was asking. “I said turn around! Face the door!” She snapped to and turned around. “Put your hands on the door.” She did as she was told.

While unzipping my pants I put a hand on her back and gently pushed forward, bending her over. Then I reached up her skirt, grabbed each side of her panties and tugged them down. I pulled out my throbbing erection, and then took her by her thin waist. She was short, so I bent my knees until I felt my cock make contact with its target. She gasped, but she was also wet.. My hips moved forward, pushing myself in… I hesitated.. my dick was actually inside my daughter. I suddenly felt very aware that my wife was still behind me. I glanced back at her, still sitting on the sofa, head turned away.

“Mary.” I said, she looked.. “You watch.” I commanded, and then began fucking our daughter, maintaining eye contact with my wife.

My attention eventually turned back towards Stacy. I was pounding her, feeling her tight young ass cheeks bouncing off of me. I lasted just long enough to make her orgasm. She growled more than moaned, throwing her head around, her finger nails clawed at the wooden door… like she was possessed. I filled her with my cum, something I knew she didn’t have a problem with having watched her brother do it to her numerous times before. When my loins were spent I stepped back, semen dripping from both she and I. She stayed in that position, like a good girl, until I spoke.

“Turn around.” I said, and she did. “From now on, you’re mine, not your brother’s, got it?” She nodded. “And from now on you’re going to listen to me and do what I say. If I say bend over, you bend over, if I say suck, you start sucking.. And if I say change your outfit you do it, understand?” She nodded again. “Now go get changed, Eric, or whatever the Fuck his name is, is waiting.” I watched her run off to her room.

I decided not to forbid her from screwing her boyfriend.. Forcing her to have sex with me and no one else could have negative consequences, so I let it go. Cutting her off from Ryan was good enough. I tucked myself back into my pants and zipped them up. I turned back around and found Mary still watching me obediently. I smiled at her and she smiled back. It was a forced smile of course, but she knew why I’d made her watch. She was still being punished, and she needed to accept that I would be having sex with Stacy from now on, there was no point in hiding from that fact. She wasn’t in a position to judge either, and she knew that too. I waited there by the door for Stacy to return, She was dressed more appropriately now. I reminded her about curfew and told her to come see me when she got home, because I may want her again before bed. Then I kissed her on the head and told her to have fun, and she went out the door. I then walked over and sat beside my wife, I kissed her on the cheek, and put my feet up on the ottoman.

“Honey?” I asked “be a doll and get me a beer, I’m parched.”


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I had to do it, sooner or later. I had to contact Belle, if for no other reason than my peace-of-mind. I had been lying in my bed at night, desperately trying to remember our early dating days. I didn't have much money then, so a movie was just about all I could afford. We used to go up the mountain to the ski lift parking lot. It was a popular spot for necking, and we were regulars after a while. The problem was, I couldn't remember how long it was before we became regulars. I had no...

3 years ago
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Stroke of LuckChapter 9

"I don't know if I have that much gold," I joked. We all worked and loved and talked the time away for a couple of weeks. Luke came up and asked if I was ready to go catch the horse for his bride price. I told him I was, so we got our things together and I asked my wives if any of them wanted to go to catch horses. Sherry and Betsy both wanted to go, so we got some food and loaded up Jenny, and away we went. Needless to say Jack came with us also. We went back to the same place and the...

3 years ago
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Next Door Become Even Handier

I awoke to the sound of the phone on Bev's nightstand clanging. I was laying on my back, and she was laying half on top of me as we both came to our senses. She took the call, and with an irritated tone in her voice said, "It's the hospital...they have a situation, and I need to go in...sorry hon." She laid her head back on the pillow, and I leaned over to flat-tongue her nipples and breasts. "Oh god, you'd better stop that right now...I must get going," she protested. My penis was fully erect...

2 years ago
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How Gods Come To Be

"Can you believe she's wearing those?" Greg flashed out of his day dreaming and looked to find a man sitting across from him at his sidewalk cafe table. Oblivious, he asked, "Excuse me...? Wearing what?" The man glanced toward the unbelievable woman Greg had been transfixed upon, then leaned toward the 30-something, bored with life, perpetually single bank teller and waved his opened palm upwards before his face as if raising a stage curtain. He tilted his head toward the woman again and...

4 years ago
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The Continuing Adventures of Alexa 2

The Continuing Adventures of Alexa & Jenny: #2 At Jessica & Paige's Wedding I woke up to something hitting me in the head and a voice that did not sound very happy. "Shut up Jenny," I heard Nikki groan as she lay in the other bed in the room. "Was I talking in my sleep?" Jenny said with a hoarse voice. "You snore," Sarah croaked out, causing me to giggle and my wife to defend herself. "I do not snore," Jenny pouted in her little girl voice. I tossed our new pillow...

2 years ago
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Some Comfort Here Ch 02

Brandon woke up the next morning to his legs being pulled rather hard. He groaned, dug his face out of the pillow, and looked down at his feet to find Ben trying to drag him out of bed. Benedict Malcolm Thomas Barrett. The prankster. One of his oldest friends. ‘Wake up, sleepyhead,’ he said, wrapping his fists around his ankles and pulling. Brandon grabbed the mattress, stopping himself from being dragged down the bed. ‘Where did you come from?’ He groaned again, tried to kick him but...

3 years ago
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The Fan Girl

This story, unlike my blog posts, is purely fictitious, although is it heavily inspired by a certain hunk of a guy with a gorgeous cock who knows who he is lolEnjoy ;)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Oh my god, I can't believe I finally get to taste him!" I thought excitedly to myself as I made my way to the hotel room.I was alone...

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Oh my.. Where do I begin?.. On Saturday night, I went out for a friends birthday. She was having her party at the bar she works at. It was poppin. Had a best dressed contest and a basketball shooting contest. I wore a corset, a black lace thong, some leggings, and my lace cover. Every man was staring. Saying hello ;)I pregamed before the bar and was pretty tipsy when I got the text I had been waiting for all night.. My Big Black Stallion was there to pick me up and take me somewhere more fun....

3 years ago
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Of Suits and Strippers

She stopped when she suddenly found herself in sudden darkness. She stopped her mp3 player and took the headphones off. She set them on the table in front of her and turned around slowly. She cursed when she found that she couldn’t see anything. The room she was in was windowless, walls covered with filing cabinets. There was only one door. She’d never really thought of the room as a scary place before. She liked the room and its orderliness. Only orderly because she had spent a long time...

1 year ago
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A night of passion

This was a story I wrote to my ex about a joint fantasy of ours that did not unfortunately materialise. —————————We decide to spend a night alone at a hotel somewhere outside London where we are not known. After checking in we go to the bar separately wherby we can eye each other up. You are looking very sexy in a black number, short skirt and tight top with knee highs. I am wearing a dark suit, neither of us are wearing underwear. I watch guys trying to chat you up but you ignore their...

4 years ago
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IntemperanceChapter 9B Rebellious Souls

They met with Steve Crow. He was a young, hip-talking man in a loud but fashionable suit. He had long platinum blonde hair styled in punk rock fashion. He wore sunglasses even though he was indoors. He was intelligent and articulate and he sat and went over each of the previously rejected tracks with them, rating each on its relative merits. "The only one you're absolutely forbidden to record is Its In The Book," he told them. "Which is one of our best songs ever," Matt said...

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The day was growing long and I had been awake now for over24 hours. From here it was only two more hours before Iwould be in Toronto but I knew I had to get at least somesleep. The seats were very uncomfortable and I squirmed toget settled. What do you expect for five dollars and fiftycents? Oh, well. The bus ride was not the important thing.As long as I get there, I'll be quite happy. At that momentI felt an evil grin coming on and I drifted off into a deepsleep."Steve. Is...

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It started simply enough. I entered the kitchen after a day at work to find my senior high school son between her legs, leaning firmly against his girlfriend, pressing her against the counter by the sink. They had not heard me come in, and were locked deeply in a kiss. As I rounded the corner, my son's hips arched lower, tilted up as he pushed his crotch into her mound, pushing upwards, grinding his sex into hers. Her hands were on his ass, pulling him hard against her. I heard a stereo groan...

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A New Style of Education Part 32

A New Style of Education by Karen Page Part 32 I expected the others to disappear, but instead they did the opposite and all joined us. The truant officer looked a bit nervous with so many children surrounding him, but the policewoman, who was a lot younger, kept her cool. "If you are with a teacher, then there shouldn't be any trouble," she said. Aurora started babbling something in very rapid Russian, waving her arms around a lot. Ruth quickly joined in. My Russian wasn't...

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How I Became the Sluty Vanessa

PART I: I was a man before becoming Vanessa, and my name was Mike. I was heterosexual and I was going out with my first "serious" girl friend for two years when all this started. I was still living with my mother who had been divorced for a decade before getting remarried. Her new husband moved to our place with a beautiful daughter named Elena who was only 14. I was a handsome 18 year old blond boy, quite feminine in my features and certainly very shy with girls because of this very...

1 year ago
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Turning the Tide on My Mistress

I was on a date with this new lady I met online. I was hoping to have a connection with it. I mean she was the perfect detail of a MILF. Five-foot seven, one hundred twenty pounds, thirty-sin bra size with a “D” cup, twenty-four waist, and thirty hips. Blonde hair to her waist, blue eyes, and a voice that just sings like a songbird. She would be the definition of a trophy wife. So, how I got lucky I was about to find out. I took her to a nice restaurant, wine, and the perfect dessert. She says...

4 years ago
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Mother exposes herself to her son

Annette Garnick walked into the living room where her son Andy sat watching TV. “Honey,” she said. “I found this old 60’s tiger striped bikini in the attic. But I think it shrunk! Either that or Mommy’s been eating too much cheese. Take a look. Is this too small for my body, Andy?” Andy’s eyes nearly popped out, leering at the lewd spectacle of his mom’s almost nude body on display before him. Annette had always had big breasts,...

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Manifest Destiny Chapter 1

He passed the orc guards as he went to a non-critical repair in the food-purifying systems. He nodded to the gruff guards, who merely scowled at him as he passed through a guarded door. The guards knew who he were, but they didn't have to like him for it. Jericho took a dirty rag he had hanging around his tool belt and wiped his neck and brow. The oppressive heat of the ”energy conversion unit”, really a fuel burning station for the machinery, caused Jericho to gasp for air as he walked...

3 years ago
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Summer at Pond Cove Chapter 04

I never expected being a submissive sex slave to be boring. I know that sounds weird, but it’s true. In truth, I never expected to be a submissive sex slave, but once I became one, I really didn’t expect it to be boring. I’ve read some porn stories about sex slaves and none of them are boring. I guess those stories are only about a few hours’ time or perhaps a really exciting day or two. I didn’t fully realize that when I submitted myself to Mistress Gloria, it would be twenty-four-seven/three...

4 years ago
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Bella meets some of Ricos friends

After her night with Rico Bella had gone home and, no surprise, found Fernando there, waiting somewhat impatiently. He wanted to hear the details; who had she been with?, what had she done?, had she enjoyed it?, would she do it again? He was bursting with questions but he kept his silence, waiting for her to come forward.   Bella told him that she had met Rico at the café. "You remember the handsome man we saw awhile ago outside with his friends, and you said I...

Group Sex
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Three Square MealsChapter 94 Reunions and unions

“Hey, handsome.” Alyssa kissed John’s shoulder as she slipped her arms around his waist, cuddling him from behind. Faye had dimmed the lights in the bedroom, which made the violet glow from the twins’ eyes all the more apparent. John turned away from the Maliri girls and glanced over his shoulder to smile at her. “Sorry, I was miles away there.” “I don’t think you have anything to worry about,” she said, looking down at the bonding sisters. “Tashana’s so much stronger than she...

4 years ago
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Do you want to be owned

I can only nod. A tear of expectation rolls down my cheek. Your lips touch mine again and I readily accept your invitation to entwine our tongues. Salival sweetness once more touches my taste buds and euphoria takes me. My worldly existence holds no interest anymore whilst my hands once more wander your body. Following the ribs of your corset up, I recup your breasts so as to regain the feeling of joy. Sliding my hands around your chest and down to your buttocks, the same roundness has the same...

2 years ago
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BFFs Mom Likes To Eat Me

Janet's tongue skillfully navigated the peaks and valleys of my vagina as I let me legs fall open wider to her. The air conditioning blew a cool, gentle breeze across my thighs in the back seat of her minivan, caressing my bare skin with a soft tingle. Tree branches waved above us, casting glittery shadows on her dark hair as her head bobbed up and down with each stroke of her tongue along the skin between my legs. We parked in our usual shady, isolated spot in the back parking lot of Rose...

3 years ago
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Curse of the Werewoman Part 2

As the full moon bloomed over the city the newly changed woman stared out into the night sky, moonbeams reflecting off her naked form. It would be hard for a person to believe that the beautiful creature sitting out on the balcony had been a man just a few moments prior. In fact even she could hardly believe the strange metamorphosis that had just occurred. She certainly remembered being a man and her life as Alex, but now it was all different. She felt like, hell she was, a completely...

1 year ago
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LoveHerFeet Tiffany Tatum My New Date

My new boyfriend is 12 years my senior and he loves to play kinky games; which I love too. One day, he told me to be at his loft at 4pm. He also told me to go the mirror in the middle of the room, undress, and put on the lingerie and heels that I’d find there. I walked up the stairs knowing this would be another play on some kinky game. But I did as he asked of me and I was super aroused. He came into the room, dressed sharply, and started to kiss my long silky legs. Slowly he removed my shoes...

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King Universitys New Slut Part 11

Chapter 11: A New Star Is Born I wanted to feel nervous and scared to what was about to happen, but my instincts were telling me otherwise. This was my time to shine in front of the camera and for the first time I was able to show the skills I had learned over the past few days. I stared at all the men surrounding talking about the shots they were trying to set up and what was about to go on. I had no say in how this would turn out but most actors don’t in general. Quinn was grinning at me...

2 years ago
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The Prodigals Return

Rick had just returned from a month's holiday in the Middle East where he had been part of a team trying to salvage ancient artefacts before they fell into the hands of looters and individuals who were determined to destroy anything that didn't register with their version of mythology. It had been an interesting month, hot but worthwhile and it gave him ammunition for his lectures on the ancient world. Now it was time to commence the second semester that the adult education facility offered...

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Open Day at NMUChapter 4

Steve woke up spooned behind Beth. He'd managed one more round with the alluring teen before finally admitting defeat. Sun filtered in through the blinds and he glanced at his watch to discover it was nearly eight o'clock. His stomach rumbled. Beth stirred and turned around in his arms, kissing him passionately and reaching down to check his state of arousal. "I don't think I could face sex for a while," he admitted. "Breakfast on the other hand..." "I think we should have a shower...

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A Mothers Sacrifice

Introduction: A mother offers herself to save her daugthers virginity for her groom In medieval times in Europe the law in some fiefdoms was that the lord had the privilege to fuck the bride on her wedding night unless the bridegroom could offer a certain monetary payment. The Latin term for the policy was jus primae noctis or first night rights. In this way the lord maintained his dominance over his manor, increased his coffers as well as experienced the obvious pleasures. This event takes...

1 year ago
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Lanas Fantasy

As I lay in my bed, fantasizing about Aaron’s tall muscular body, a knock at the door brings me out of my reverie. I make my way to the door, in my skimpy negligee I open the front door. Standing there in all his masculine glory was the man I have been fantasizing about – Aaron. He says nothing but takes in the sight of me and his eyes wake up with desire. “Hi” I murmur, slightly breathless to have this fine specimen of a man in my flat. “Come in” I gesture him inside and he glides through the...

Erotic Fiction
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My First Man My First Cock Part 4

I awoke to the aroma of cooking bacon and coffee. As myeyes fluttered open, the image of my lover in his dark blue dressing gown came into focus. He smiled, and leant forward to kiss my cheek. ‘Good morning, sleepy head. I’ve made us some lunch,’ he said. Gingerly, I pushed myself up. My body ached, especially between my legs and my ass, and I became uncomfortably aware of the crusty sensation of dried cum on my belly and chest. The morning’s events came quickly back to me. As I reached...

1 year ago
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Kim Possible fucking Mission

Kims squirmed through the tight vent with the walls pressing into her big round tits and her mound. Finally she reached the grate above Drakkens headquarters. with one swift movement she had kicked the gate through and swung down into the labratory. And suddenly she was surrounded by Drakkens red clad minions all staring at her boob that were still bouncing from the rough landing. Soon the minions were grabbing at her all over she felt her bra strap being undone through her shirt after that her...

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Daughter Hot For DogsChapter 7

Sally realized that she'd had a close call with that woman. Things could have turned out a lot different than they had. She shuddered just thinking about herself behind bars, and her daddy having to come down to bail her out. In spite of her unexpected encounter with Mrs. Jones--or, maybe, because of it--Sally was horny as a mother-fucker when she returned to the kennel. She wanted nothing more than to get naked and climb up into her daddy's lap for some lewd fun and games but first she...

2 years ago
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College Education Part 2

Kyra and I laid on the bed naked, watching her roommate, Leesa, strip off her sweaty tennis outfit right in front of us. ‘I can’t wait to get out of sweaty clothing’ Leesa explained. She continued by reaching under the sports bra she was wearing and pulling it over her head, exposing her beautiful tits. Her boobs were probably 34Bs, with small, dark areolas, and nipples that were already erect. Being an athlete, her tummy was no more than 23 inches around, with no flab to be found. ‘Now I’m...

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Baba kee puja

Hi i m tom ager aap ko mari story pasand aaye to pls mail me my email id ye kahani hai mere gav ke uncle aunty aur aunty kee bahan kee aunty 26year kee badi-2 chuchi moti see gaad ekdam maal lagti tee uskee bahan 18 sal badi chuchi jese ke koye 20year kee itam ho wo itni kubsurat tee vasnaa to kut-2 kar bari tee koye v ladka use dekh le to vahi mud mar de aunty ka koye baccha nahi taa is liye wo persan rahti tee usne ek deen ek baba ka naam sunaa jees ke v putr nahi hote te wo us aurat ko...

4 years ago
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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 15

Marie offered Janice a drink, which she eagerly accepted as she sat down to watch Kat punish Kelly Ann with the tawse. The sight of the beautiful, naked blonde spanking her friend made Janice immediately hot, and part of her wanted to dive right in; but there was plenty of time, and anyway there was something pure in this moment that she didn’t want to disturb.Kelly moaned through her gag as Kat let her have it, going a little harder than Kelly had. When it was over Kelly expected to be untied,...

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The Addicted NaturalChapter 14 Dees Diary The Boathouse

DEE'S DIARY TUESDAY, JUNE 12th (Continued) On Saturday, Fred got the old johnboat working in the boathouse down by the little pier, and told us that he'd be taking it out on the lake for several hours. Before he left, however, Brenda said she had something to suggest, and she went into the bedroom and emerged holding two bikinis. She'd purchased them the day before, and since the weather had turned warm, she asked Fred it the two of us could lie on the pier and soak up some sun. I was...

3 years ago
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One of those days

Beth had her happy place on her mind all day, nearly oblivious to her surroundings as she went through her normal workday and even on her short ride on the subway her mind was consumed with the thought of feeling happy and complete. As soon as Beth got to her apartment she kicked off her horribly uncomfortable heels and swiftly walked to the bathroom and began to draw a hot bath. As the scalding water began to fill the tub Beth added a generous amount of her favorite bath oils. She then walked...

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Gender Anonymous

Gender Anonymous Men, women, children, elderly, all four were represented here tonight. I know what the sign says and how this works- I do, but at the end of the meeting I asked everyone and most agreed that it might help someone out there to read this tail of a night at a meeting of people that have one thing in common. "Hi, my name is Brad," I said, followed by an uneven group of 'hello Brad.' Of course I did not slow for more then a second or two- "been forty two days...

2 years ago
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Camping with Stepdaughter 24 Bonnies husban

We had laid there all cuddled up in the van for some time. I decided that it was time to get things ready for supper. They both grabbed at me as I got up. I knelt down and gave them each a kiss and left. I grabbed a beer from the cooler and set about my tasks. I visited with a few of the men as they would pass by from time to time. Bonnie walked up she was in her little silk robe and had a towel in her hand. She told me that we needed to talk. I thought oh shit to myself. She started telling...

2 years ago
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The New Neighbor

River: A high school senior who longs to lose his virginity. He is 6'5" with blue eyes, broad shoulders and blonde hair. All the girls are drawn to him, but he is not attracted to any of them. River longs for a woman who is 5'9" and is absolutely stunning. Sara: River's MILF neighbor that just moved into the house next door prior to the start of his senior year. She is River's dream girl: 5'9", bright blue eyes, big lips and legs that go for miles. Not to mention, her 34D breasts cause many men...

3 years ago
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Vidhi 8211 A Ravishing Beauty With Perfect Curves 8211 Part 1

Hello readers, this is the story of how I managed to fuck one of my readers. I am Pratik, 22, a medico with a good physique and great flirting skills. I am originally from Belagavi, the northern part of Karnataka and this incident happened a few months back when I visited Bengaluru. Yo!! Get your cocks hard and panties wet and let’s go. Vidhi, 24 years old was an absolute rich milky beauty with a sharp nose, lusty hazel eyes, juicy lips, and hair till mid-back. Her stats stood at 34-28-34. A...

4 years ago
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My Journey Book 4 HeartsInterlude

I asked him to tell me what he was gonna do to Roberta if she tried to get in between him and Beck again. I knew he had something up his sleeve. He was too smart not to see that coming. He smiled at me and it made me a little uneasy. It was different from the way he usually smiled and that’s when it hit me. I was looking at Bad Matt. ‘Pleasure to meet you, Sir,’ part of me thought. This was a kindred spirit. I loved Matt to pieces, but sometimes he was so soft-hearted. He needed someone to...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Bunny Colby Bunny Colby8217s Naughty Tryst at the Spa

Blonde bombshell Bunny Colby is gifted a day at the spa by her boyfriend, but unbeknownst to him, there is studly masseur Ryan Mclane that will have the bodacious babe spreading her creamy thighs for his skilled pussy licking and fucking instead. The former Penthouse Pet takes his cock deepthroat, and then rides his slick schlong in cowgirl before bending over for a deep doggy style pounding. Their naughty little tryst ends with him a cumload all over the sexy vixen’s mouthwatering big...

3 years ago
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Twp horny surfers take me home

That nice summer afternoon I had spent several hours at the beach.I was alone; my loving Victor busy and stressed at his office. After sunning for a long while, I decide to get back home on a bus ride. I enjoyed a refreshing shower in the changing room. I had put my bag on a closer seat but it fell off and when I opened the shower curtain, my jean shorts and top were in the water on the floor. Then I had no choice but to put my bikini back on, as at least it was dry. I started walking up the...

3 years ago
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Breeding Sandy

The dim grey of early dawn began to fill the room. I sighed gently as I began to wake, the sweet sensations of my lover's sperm in my body still present. My nerves were tingling, even after our shared slumber, from our intensely shared passion of the previous night. By the time we were both sated and I was spooned up against him, my pussy and ass still burning with the heat of his fresh cum, nerves still tingling in arousal, it was well into the early morning. I shifted my body slightly,...

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Anime Hypnotic Life

Mind control and hypnosis are far from the weirdest in an anime universe, but they are about to become far more popular. Pick a character and send them on a journey to enthrall or be enthralled. Now out of the massive amount of universe what universeso pick. Genderbenders are A-Okay, and just about anything goes. The first question of the day is... What universe is the focus? (Inspired by naruto: hypnotic life)

2 years ago
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Dream MasterChapter 10 Explanations

"Wow!" Jamie said when we were back at the house. "Remind me never to piss you off. For a nice guy, you really kicked ass back there." "I figured it would be safer if I did it. You probably would have gotten them arrested at the very least." "The very least," she agreed. "Isn't it amazing how easy it is to work with Amber?" "I wouldn't know," I said. "I've never tried with anyone else." "One of these days you'll find out, and then you can tell me. So what now? It's...

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The Most Intimate PartChapter 9

It was like swimming upwards through murky water, like clawing my way from deep down under toward the faint shimmer of the surface somewhere far above. My head was pounding and bright light stung my eyes. I couldn't think clearly and something felt very wrong. I had a raging thirst, and my painfully full bladder throbbed. I was finally awake. I was lying on a narrow cot and something wasn't right. Fuzzy and disoriented, nauseous, and everything just felt weird. I rolled over on my side,...

1 year ago
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Young Office Love

Jean Simmonds the Office Manageress sat and gazed through the window, but her eyes were not on the mainly female staff working away in the outside office. Her eyes were once again glued on to young Tony Nash the new office boy. He was tall athletic, eighteen, and a star attraction for every young female in the office, all quietly for a number of different reasons craving his attention. On the surface Tony did not seem to know, or care that most of the girls were lusting after him as he went...

Erotic Fiction

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