HopeChapter 3 free porn video

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The text on his computer screen kept blurring, as Michael stared at it in a zombie-like fashion. Eventually, he cursed and pushed the keyboard away. He returned to staring at his mobile instead. The house was blissfully silent; Hope was asleep upstairs and he was meant to be writing yet another report for tomorrow's meeting. Instead, he sat at the table, unable to write the goddamned thing.

He knew he needed to talk to Ellie, but he didn't know what he could say that would make things right. It wasn't that he hadn't enjoyed last night — he had — but the fact that she'd left in the middle of the night indicated to him that she saw it as a huge mistake. Now, he felt like a total bastard for taking advantage of her when she was drunk.

It had never been his intention to be anything other than friends with her. Despite the simmering attraction between them, he wasn't ready for a relationship. There were too many complications in his life right now, not least of them Helen. He just hoped that he hadn't blown things with Ellie completely. It was obvious how much she adored Hope.

He sighed. It was now or never. If he didn't make some kind of effort to make amends, then he would lose his nerves and so would Ellie. Picking up his mobile, he dialled her home number.

It rang ... and rang. Eventually, an answering service picked up the call and a disembodied voice told him to leave a message after the tone.

"Hi, Ellie ... it's Michael. We need to talk about ... stuff. Can you give me a ring, please?" He hung up feeling like a love struck teenager. If she didn't return his call, he was screwed

Ellie sat on her sofa listening to Michael's voice on her answer machine. She exhaled shakily, when the machine clicked off as soon as the call ended. Just the simple act of listening to his voice made her grow warm and tingly. Oh, she had it bad!

But last night was a huge mistake. She'd realised that, when she awoke from a brief sleep, still wrapped in Michael's arms. The alcohol had worn off and she felt lousy despite the way her body was still humming from the best sex she'd ever had.

She was lying beside him, swearing silently. Michael was Lisa's man — that was an inescapable fact. Lisa might not be here any more, but Ellie still felt loyalty to her friend and sleeping with her man wasn't right. No, she had to forget about Michael. It wasn't going to be easy, but it was her only option.

She thumped the cushions with frustration. How could she have been so stupid! It was the last time she was ever going to drink wine. It was fortunate that Michael had stayed blissfully asleep when she prised herself from his arms in order to make a quick getaway. That had been the hardest thing to do. The way his arms felt around her had been wonderful. She had really wanted to stay there ... but she couldn't. She wouldn't.

Once she'd retrieved her clothes, she carefully unlocked the door and let herself out into the cold night. She locked the door again and pushed the key through the letterbox. It was a long walk into town, but it felt like a deserved penance for her sin. By the time she waved down a passing taxi, it was ridiculously late and all she wanted to do was fall into bed.

Even then, sleep eluded Ellie. Not until the sun peeked over the line of trees behind her house did she finally drift off, but it wasn't a particularly restful sleep as arousing images of their love making continued to haunt her dreams. By the time she awoke again, the sheets were tangled up and she felt like death. The only positive note was that it was Sunday and she didn't have to go to work.

Not that she did anything useful all afternoon. Everywhere she turned, she was reminded of the disastrous evening with Michael. Her small carrier bag in the hallway had some cute baby clothes inside. The plan had been to take them over next time she saw Michael and Hope. But there was no chance of that happening now. The idea of never seeing Hope again almost reduced Ellie to tears.

In an attempt to distract herself from endless self-flagellation, Ellie flopped on the sofa and watched a mindless film. Or she had been watching it until Michael had interrupted with a message on her answer machine. Now all she could do was stew again. Damn him. Why couldn't he have left her alone? DAMN HIM!

The street was teeming with pedestrians, but Michael barely noticed. His head was filled with work rubbish as he wandered past endless shops in the general direction of his bank. The day had dawned bright and sunny, but his mood had been a reflection of miserable winter, not optimistic spring.

He still hadn't heard from Ellie, unfortunately. As the days passed, he felt more and more certain that she was not going to contact him. He had thought of ringing her again in the hope that she would answer this time. But, so far, he hadn't. The truth was that he hoped she would ring him — that way, he would know she didn't completely hate him.

Without realising it, Michael found himself outside the café where he had originally met Ellie after Lisa's death. It made him catch his breath for a second, as he relived that awful moment when he heard the news. On an impulse, he swung in through the door as the spicy scent of coffee assailed his nostrils. He didn't have much time, but he needed a break anyway. So, it may as well be in here.

The girl on the counter was a less abrasive version of the blonde from his previous visit. She smiled pleasantly as she took his order. Once the coffee was ready, he paid the girl and turned to carry his mug across to a window table.

Ellie lifted her head from her newspaper. She stared in horror just at the moment their eyes locked. For an infinitesimal few seconds, they both froze. Was it fate had brought them here all over again?

Well, Michael was not going to pretend he hadn't seen her.

"Hi," he said brightly, as he sat down opposite her.

"What are you doing here?" she asked bluntly.

"Same as you probably - drinking coffee?" This wasn't going well. She seemed hostile and he wondered what he could possibly say that might help him make amends.

"Sorry," he apologised eventually.

She jerked her head up in surprise. "What?"

"I said 'sorry'. I feel like I've screwed things up — and I never meant to do that."

Ellie looked away and Michael felt his heart sink lower. It was blatantly obvious that she didn't believe a word of his apology. In all honesty, who could blame her?

"It wasn't your fault," she said eventually. "I behaved badly too. I should have known better than to drink red wine."

"You didn't behave badly!" This was ridiculous. Why on earth was she blaming herself?

"Yes I did. It should never have happened. Lisa is..." Ellie corrected herself quickly, " ... WAS my friend. It wouldn't be right."

Michael could see where she was coming from, but he felt she had it all wrong. "Lisa isn't here anymore," he told her gently. God knew he was reminded of that every time he saw their daughter. "Blaming yourself for us getting together is daft. I accept that it probably shouldn't have happened for OTHER reasons — and none of them are to do with you! But it did and we need to talk about it.

"Last night was the most fun I've had in a long time. I enjoyed your company very much. As for what happened after, well, I didn't expect that to happen, but it did. And if I'm honest, it was pretty amazing."

Ellie stared at him intensely. She seemed to be trying to decide if he was lying, but eventually she allowed a wan smile to light up her eyes. "Amazing, huh?" she said softly.

"Amazing," he reiterated before reaching out and taking her hand in his. "I continue to blame myself for a lot of things," he said, "but last night is not one of those things. Irrespective of what happens next, I want us to remain friends."

"If you want," Ellie replied nonchalantly.

He still wasn't yet sure that everything was going to be okay, but, at least, she was talking to him now. It was a big improvement on the situation of an hour ago. He drank the rest of his coffee and glanced at his watch. "I gotta go — I have a meeting at two."

"Okay," she said.

"I'll call you," he promised as he left. "Hope wants to see you soon!"

"And so do I," he added with a grin, as he jogged back down the street towards the bank.

Ellie tried to concentrate on her work, but it was impossible. All she could think about was Michael and what was going to happen between them. Sure, they could be friends as he suggested, but would that really work?

As she mulled it over, she found her thoughts drifting back to Lisa again. Obviously, she had cared about Michael very much. Even a brief glimpse of the letters she'd found told Ellie that much. The question was - how had Michael felt about Lisa? It was a subject they hadn't talked about, so Ellie had no real idea of how serious he had been about Lisa.

For all Ellie knew, Michael was some kind of Casanova who routinely seduced women and cast them aside when he grew bored. She didn't know him very well when all was said and done. How could she trust a word he said?

If they saw each other again — and Ellie knew she would have to see him for Hope's sake — she was going to have to get him to talk about his relationship with Lisa. She needed to know how he had felt about her friend. It wasn't as if she could sit down with Lisa over a cup of tea and discuss things. No, she'd never be able to do that again.

The figures on her spreadsheet blurred as tears formed. Ellie still missed Lisa so much. But she had to move on; as, indeed, they all did - Michael included. When her phone blipped from her bag, she jumped in surprise. Wondering who it could be, she reached down to retrieve it. It was a text message from Michael and she found herself smiling unwillingly, as she read it.

'Thanks for listening. I meant what I said. How about dinner on Friday? - No wine this time!'

Ellie placed the phone on her desk and stared at it for a long time. She was torn. Dinner seemed too intimate and likely to lead to other things. But if she said no, he would take that as a sign that she was still upset and that she'd read more into their encounter than he had intended. Eventually, she tapped in a brusque reply. 'Ok.'

His reply was immediate. 'I'll call you later.'

Now, she was committed. But, it would be an opportunity to talk about stuff decided Ellie. There was no reason why they couldn't be friends. Once she had that straight in her mind, she returned her attention to her work and pushed Michael out of her head. Friday was ages away and she had too much work to be worrying about a silly meal.

Her car was back on the road by Friday night, which gave her a cast iron reason not to drink any alcohol. By the time she pulled up outside Michael's house, her nerve was on the verge of deserting her. A sudden heated memory of him touching her was almost her undoing. The whoosh of heat that flooded her body with arousal made her thighs tremble and her cheeks flame.

For ages, she sat in the dark, trying unsuccessfully to practice relaxation techniques. It was only when she saw the time that she forced her legs to ferry her out from the safety of the car. It was impolite to be late, and good manners were something her mother had drilled into her from an early age.

She had deliberately dressed down for this meal. Since it was simply a meal with a friend, Ellie had made no effort to look glam in any way. She wore faded jeans and an old tee shirt. There was no way she wanted Michael to think that seduction was on the cards. The only reason she had come tonight was to spend time with Hope. She was fully prepared to be friends with Michael, but nothing more.

"Hey," Michael said when he opened the door. "You managed to avoid the rain tonight, I see," he teased her.

"Ha ha!" she grinned. "My car is out of hospital, so, I had a door-to-door service."

"You could have had that last time, if you weren't so stubborn," he reminded her as she stepped past him and into the hall.

Ellie ignored that comment and went straight into the living room when she heard Hope making noises. The baby was lying on a colourful mat, kicking her legs in the air. She turned her head when she heard Ellie. Her pretty face lit up in a beaming smile.

"Hello, gorgeous - look what Auntie Ellie has for you!" Ellie reached into the bag she was carrying and pulled out a stretchy Barbie pink suit embroidered with cute bunnies. Hope waved her arms with enthusiasm and tried to grab the bag.

"I knew you had excellent taste," laughed Ellie, as she quickly moved the crinkly bag firmly out of reach.

"You shouldn't have," commented Michael when he came back in the room, a tea towel thrown over his shoulder.

"It's only a little something I got in the sale." Ellie shrugged dismissively, before she turned her back on him and concentrated on tickling Hope's toes. The tension between them was still there, simmering away in the background, like a keg of dynamite primed to explode. It seemed easier to focus her attention on Hope rather than deal with Michael.

Michael folded his arms. He could see that it wasn't 'only a little something'. The label quite clearly announced it had come from one of the expensive baby clothes boutiques in town. However, he wasn't going to risk offending her by saying that, so he let it go.

"Before I go and finish off the dinner — would you like a drink or anything?" he asked. He had made a resolution, before Ellie arrived, not to say or do anything that might be construed as provocative in any way.

"I'll have a coke or some other cold drink, please," she said without looking up.

"Okay, I'll go and have a look and see what there is," he replied, before heading back into the sanctuary of the kitchen.

The trouble was, as soon as Ellie had arrived, Michael knew his resolve was going to be sorely tested. She looked incredibly sexy in her faded jeans and tight tee shirt. Her hair was scraped back in a ponytail and she wore no makeup. She looked adorable.

He could see that she felt uncomfortable being in his house again. It was written all over her face the second she stepped through the door. But, if they were going to be friends for Hope's sake, then they needed to behave like adults and move past this awkward bit.

It was not that easy when the only thought he had, every time he looked at her, was how her mouth had tasted when he kissed her or the sounds she had made when he touched her. Tonight was going to be a whole lot more difficult than he had ever imagined.

Ellie heard the doorbell ring and wondered who might be calling on a Friday night. She was sitting in the armchair, with Hope on her knee. The sofa was better positioned for viewing the television, but Ellie could barely bring herself to look at it. The smooth leather surface reminded her of the way Michael's body had felt beneath her fingertips. It was pure unadulterated torture.

Instead, she chose to sit in the chair and talk to Hope as she listened to the muted sound of voices from the hallway. After a few moments, the door shut and she heard Michael disappear into the kitchen. Curiosity was just about to propel her after him, when he reappeared in the living room with a tray of drinks and some garlic bread.

"Need a hand?" Ellie asked out of habitual politeness.

For a second, Michael found himself remembering how she felt against his body and he almost lost the thread of what she had said to him. Then, he berated himself for the ten thousandth time and shook his head. "No, I'm all done," he said hurriedly, before going back to the kitchen.

"Get a grip," he warned his reflection in the window, as he grabbed the food from the worktop and carefully placed two plates on top of the boxes.

"Pizza?" Ellie raised an eyebrow, as Michael came back into the living room and placed the cardboard boxes on the coffee table.

"Yeah, sorry, I exhausted my culinary skills last time you came over."

She burst out laughing and they grinned at each other - the tension between them dissipating somewhat.

"Now, can I tempt you with vegetable or meat feast?"

"Bit of both, please." Ellie suddenly realised she was starving. She had hardly eaten anything all day; nerves about this evening had given her a queasy stomach for much of the afternoon.

Michael handed her a plate. They ate in companionable silence, while Hope kicked her legs on the floor and MTV played in the background. In time, Hope began to protest at not having anyone's undivided attention. Small whimpers soon became loud wails and Michael put his plate down with a sigh.

"I guess I didn't do so badly," he said ruefully. "I managed to eat most of it!"

"I've finished," said Ellie. "I'll sort her out."

Before Michael could protest, Ellie had scooped the baby up and he was left alone with a selection of eighties rock classics.

Hope was lying in her cot, silently staring at the butterfly mobile that spun in languid circles above her head. Her eyes were beginning to close, but still Ellie didn't make a move to leave her. She knelt on the carpet stroking the baby's arm soothingly, whilst wondering how long she could stay up here, safe and out of Michael's way.

Although Hope had been more than ready for bed, Ellie had taken as long as humanly possible to change and feed her. Apart from the fact that she had been in no rush to go downstairs again, she really enjoyed spending the time alone with Hope. In a strange way, it felt like she was close to Lisa. She could almost imagine Lisa with her, watching her from the edge of the room.

She just hoped Lisa hadn't been watching when she had seduced Michael the other night. That thought still made her feel incredibly guilty. Unfortunately, it didn't stop a sharp pang of desire from igniting and she bit her lip painfully in an attempt to quell the unwanted feelings.

The mobile ceased twirling and Ellie saw regretfully that Hope was fast asleep. She knew she ought to go downstairs, before Michael came looking for her, so she stood carefully. Hope didn't stir, as Ellie left the room, quietly pulling the door closed behind her.

When she entered the living room again, she saw that Michael was stretched out on the sofa watching a documentary. He turned when he heard her and said,

"You were gone for ages — did she make a fuss?"

Ellie crossed her fingers behind her back and replied, "She didn't want me to leave her, so I waited until she fell asleep." Strictly speaking, it wasn't a lie — Hope was more than happy to have company, while she fell asleep.

He nodded. "Sit down and I'll make us a coffee."

Ellie hesitated and he noticed. "Don't worry — I won't bite," he said dryly.

She ignored the barb and sat down in the armchair again, anxious not be too close to him. When he returned with two mugs of coffee, she took one and said bluntly,

"We need to talk."

"Wow — you don't beat around the bush, do you?" Michael said with a surprised look.

"Not as a rule, no." She sipped the coffee and tried to sort out her chaotic thoughts. Michael stayed silent; evidently, he was waiting for her to make the first move.

Eventually, she spoke. "Tell me about Lisa. Did you love her?"

Michael flinched. For a moment, Ellie wished she had kept her mouth shut. But, then, she reasoned how would she know if their encounter was just another notch on his bedpost?

"Yes," he replied simply. He sank back onto the sofa, his brow furrowed with pain.

"I loved her very much."

"Then, why didn't you make the effort to be with her when you had the chance?"

"Because of Helen's illness."

Ellie hadn't known this and she felt wrong footed. "What was wrong with her?"

"Helen told me she had breast cancer. Our marriage had been over for a long time, but when she told me about the diagnosis, I couldn't just walk out on her. I decided to try again with her and stay — to help her deal with everything. Of course, at that point, I had no idea she lying to me.

Ellie stared at him in shock. "What are you saying?" she asked in disbelief, "that she made it all up?"

Michael laughed bitterly. "Yes, she'd concocted the whole story to keep me. I would still be in the dark, if it weren't for a chance meeting in a supermarket.

"She was meant to be at the hospital for a check-up. I wanted to go with her, but she didn't let me — she said she needed to be alone. Unfortunately for her, this time she'd told me her friend, Clare, was driving her there.

"Only Clare just happened to be in the supermarket when I went in for some shopping..."

Ellie was struggling to comprehend the scale of the lie his wife had told him. It was like something off Oprah.

"Clare seemed rather surprised when I asked her how come she wasn't at the hospital with Helen. She said she didn't know what I was talking about. So, I filled her in on a few things and between us we worked the rest out."

"How did you confront Helen?" Ellie asked.

His mouth curled in a caricature of a smile, but his eyes were stone cold. "I waited for her to come home and go off on her usual spiel about treatment plans and medication. Then, I told her I knew she was lying.

"At first, she tried to brazen it out, but when she realised I'd spoken to Clare, the party was over. We had tears and recriminations. She blamed me of course — said it was all my fault for having an affair and what else was she meant to do?"

Michael buried his face in his hands, as he recalled the screaming hysterics. It had been a horrible nightmare, one that he never hoped to live through again.

"But, by then, it was all too late. Lisa was long gone and although I tried to find her, she had disappeared. I had to live with the loss every single day. God knows if I'd had any idea of how things would turn out, I would have done it all differently."

"But, you didn't know," Ellie reminded him softly. "No one knows what's going to happen in the future. Well, not unless we're psychic!"

He smiled faintly at her terrible attempt to lighten the moment. "Why does it matter whether or not I loved Lisa?"

"Because ... I need to know if..." Ellie was the one who turned away now. She was starting to feel uncertain whether this conversation was going the way she had intended. "I need to know if the other night meant anything — or if it was just a 'quick fling'."

"Ellie, come over here." Michael patted the sofa beside him and fixed her with a firm look.


"Don't be so bloody stubborn!"

She sensed that they were on the verge of something here, and that scared her shitless. Nevertheless, she pushed her doubts aside and left the safety of the armchair for the enemy territory of the sofa.

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Being A Nice HouseGuest by Fucking The Host

Recently on a trip to Orlando, I asked a female friend of mine (Christina)that owned a nightclub if I could stay in her home to defray costs. She had always given me a standing invitation, and I felt that this was the time to take her up on it. When it came time to arrive, I met Christina and her husband at a local bar after a long day of work and travel. She arrived with her husband well beyond tipsy, and proceeded to give me a big hug and kiss on the lips. Much to my surprise was the kiss on...

2 years ago
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My Moms Fuzzy HeartChapter 5

What, me sleepy; you can forget that. I was just resting on top of Aunt Jenny, with one of her nipples in my mouth. Then I remembered her nipples were smaller than Mom's, even though her titties were a little bigger. "Mom, why are your nipples bigger than Jenny's, while her breasts are a little bigger than yours?" "You." "Huh?" "You sucked mine all out of shape, when you were breast feeding," she said, and laughed. "Out of shape, they're not out of shape, I like them fine,...

2 years ago
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Her Husband Her Master

I sigh as I rinse yet another sippy cup, placing it on the top rack of the dishwasher. Rolling my shoulders, I reach for the last few things to put in the dishwasher. The kids are asleep, finally. Thankfully. As I turn the water off and dry my hands I debate between going to bed myself or taking a bath while waiting for my husband to come home from a late night at work. The bath wins. I pour myself a glass of wine and make a mental note that it’s the last of the bottle and go into the bathroom,...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Hot Passionate Sex With Punjabi Girlfriend In The Hotel

Hi guys, thank you for such a great response to my first in Hyderabad. Check it out if you haven’t yet because it will give you better context and understanding. After a few months, I got another chance to visit Hyderabad and when I told her, she got very excited as well. This time, I had a night flight on Friday so my Punjabi girlfriend couldn’t come to pick me up. We had decided to spend the next two days together. She had made an excuse in her house saying that she was going to be spending...

2 years ago
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Massage To Debolina Turns Into Sex

Hi everybody! This is Shashank, aged 25, 5’7″ with an athletic body and fair complexion. I’ve been born and brought up in kolkata and have therefore grown up in the surrounding of some real hot bong boudis! This story dates back 5 months ago. Well to begin with, I took training in the spa hospitality sector at Bypass, Kolkata to become a freelancer just for my pocket money but I am originally an MBA student. I had clarity in my mind about the fact that I would do the massage therapy as a part...

1 year ago
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Sharing Black A New Beginning part 1

LaJoria -- Home, Saturday morning 4:44a.m. I woke up from my much-needed slumber to find my husband not there. Sometimes, on the weekends, he’d go out with his friends and I’d find him in a drunken slumber beside me in the bed. Not the case this morning. I crossed the hall to Big Momma‘s old room, now the nursery. The twins were fast asleep, and so was Isaiah. Isaiah was the child that Black and Shauny had just months before his twins were born. BOOM!!! “What the....!” Something fell over...

4 years ago
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Wifes lesbian fantasies come true

I can’t believe where I am and what we’re about to be doing. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that I’d be lying on this four poster bed in this gorgeous hotel deep in the Dorset countryside. To be honest, never in my wildest fantasies did I think that I was the kind of girl ever to agree to something like this! But the crazy thing is I don’t mind that I’m here. I don’t mind that I’ve agreed to give it a try. In fact…if I was completely honest with myself I think I’d find that I’m actually...

2 years ago
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Yummy Muslim Feast 8211 Part 1 A Lunch Invitation

Hello, My Dear Readers, ‘All festivals are good. Celebrating with your loved ones is indeed a joy. But, are the special people we bring home, to share happiness with, really there for the happiness? Or are they inside our homes to feast on a lot more than we want them to have?!’ The story is narrated by Ron, a young Christian boy in his early 20’s. However, a major portion of the same is in the form of dialogues. The plot focuses on a tense conversation with a clear sexual agenda. I have...

2 years ago
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They That Have Power Book IIIChapter 15 Friday August 6 2010

Friday, August 6, 2010 Before Jake left the pool, he asked Kara to block his orgasms. Then he took Leanne back to his room, undressed her, and laid her on the bed where he lavished attention on her. He suckled her breasts to one climax and then ate her to a second. As she was recovering from that one, Jake put a pillow under her ass and pulled a tube of lube from his bedside table. He drizzled some onto his fingers and began to toy with her anus. Leanne responded enthusiastically as all the...

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by All These Roadworks Kitka had had a teasing, flirtatious courtship of Eric for two months. They'd kissed on the first date, she'd let him grope her tits through her shirt on the second, but up until tonight she hadn't let him undress her, let alone fuck her. Not because she didn't want to - but because they were both enjoying the thrill of anticipation. They knew it was going to happen - and soon. They'd talked on video chat to arrange tonight's dinner. "So when are we taking...

1 year ago
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A weekend to remember

It was Friday night and we had slipped away for the weekend. After a romantic dinner we decided to go out dancing at one of the clubs downtown. The club was packed with lots of young as well as middle aged professionals letting off steam after a busy week. We found a small table off to the side, we danced to several songs and then I excused myself to go to the restroom. When I came back you were not at the table and I assumed that you had gone to the restroom. After several more songs you...

2 years ago
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How Gene came to be Janine, a Shemale TS, and the life that has followed. CHAPTER 1 Gene began life as a boy. He discovered his feminine side and is now a Transsexual, a Shemale, Janine.  This is his early life and how he grew to know his/her true self, an oversexed female with a bent for the joys of oral sex, with male and female partners. My name is Gene, I'm also Janine. A lifelong C/D and transvestite, TS(Tranny). Nowadays the term "tranny" is mostly used when referring to a...

4 years ago
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Twists of Fate Ch 02

My first installment of this series wasn’t that famous but I’ve tried to improve myself and hope this chapter is a better read. I found it a little rushed so added some details into it. Hope you like it!! I want to thank honeywldcat for helping me with the editing. Without her help, I’d be nowhere. Please do vote, rate and comment!!! XXX * The rest of the days went by and Pari hadn’t even noticed. Terence’s company made her days pleasant and time passed without her knowledge. He was a...

2 years ago
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Another day

"This is an extract from a longer story that I'm posting as a toe in the water, so please forgive some of the clunky explanations and let me know if you like it or perhaps more importantly if you don't like it. thanks."I walked across the factory floor again, same time every day, well I had to pick up the figures, I was going to be in a lot of trouble if the reports weren’t done on time. Smiling and joking with some of the workforce as I passed by, then taking a deep breath before knocking and...

2 years ago
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Wife and 2 CDs

My wife surprised me for my promotion. I got home to a note telling me that the k**s are out of the house and to change into the clothes she laid out for me. I looked at them. It was a short mini skirt that barely went past my ass and balls, stockings, garter belts, and matching thong. A course tShe also had some sexy hooker boots. They went up just past my knees. I changed and went into the bedroom. She was wearing a corset that barely covered her big sexy belly and her tits were out. She had...

1 year ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 5 the Vaults TreasureChapter 1 DwarfQueens Reward

Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Acolyte Sophia – The Lost Mines of Khragorath, Fallen Kingdom of Modan We were closer to our goal. We had defeated the wraith of the dwarf-queen Kazodi and claimed the adamantium ore we needed to reforge the High King’s sword. The ore was safely stored in Angela’s satchel with the first piece of the blade. We had four more pieces to find, plus three more prophesied companions, and we had to kill the minotaur and use its heart to power the reforging. The...

4 years ago
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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 22 The Assembly Interlude

Egill terminated the connection and leaned back. Algear glanced at his friend.”You love that boy and you told me so many times and yet you criticized him and snarled at him during the entire call, I do not understand.” “It is my way to show him, I care. He understands.” Algear sighed and said in complete unison with the Narth.” Humans.” Egill padded Algear on the shoulder. “ I explain it to you one of these days.” To the Narth he said.” Now can you explain to me why Eric is on the Assembly...

2 years ago
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Soni Ki Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hello friends I’m Aditya aggarwal hope you liked my ist story ” pehli chudai Soni ki ” now I’m gonna share another experience with you I’m average looking guy with 7 inch Lund Soni was my girl friend maine use jab ham pehli bar mile maine usko choda uske flat main ab uske bad ki kahani Thode din bad main Chandigarh permanently rehne aa gya or muje rehne k lie koi independent room nahi Mil raha tha to soni k sath wala room le lia maine jo ki uske bhai ne book kia hua tha but uske bhai ne 10 din...

2 years ago
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Midweek at the Video Arcade

Crazy traffic on a SoCal freeway fored me to take a detour through the OC. I stopped in a convenience store for something to drink and noticed an adult video store across the street. On this particular night I wasn't thinking about sex, but seeing all the cars in that parking lot made me want to check it out and see what the big deal was. Deciding to make a quick detour on my commute, I rolled into the parking lot behind the store. There were 3 or 4 doors, and I quickly found out that you had...

4 years ago
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Roger a fifty-four years old widower lives in the southern part of the USA. He stood about five-foot five, has average weight, black hair, brown eyes, and a muscular build. He doesn't consider himself handsome, or someone women would find attractive. So he doesn't have an interested in looking for someone, or dating. He spends his week like the average man, working, taking care of his home and son. While shopping at the local market one Friday he met and has become friends with an older woman...

3 years ago
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Escapism Nightingale

ESCAPISM: NIGHTINGALE I slobber on the thick, veiny cock in front of me. I slurp away like it's an ice-pop on the hottest day of summer. I'm dressed in a red plaid skirt, a white shirt with a matching plaid badge that reads "head girl', the neckline just low enough to reveal my leopard print bra. The skirt is riding high enough to reveal the matching thong and floral patterned holdup-stocking tops. The schoolgirl tie unravelled, limp and loosened under the collar. A silver shining...

3 years ago
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Victorian Commune female ABDL

After inheriting a small fortune you have created in a small commune town in the middle of no where Maine. The commune is designed to organize a community to cater to your eclectic sexual taste, but provide as small profit. You are the owner, administrator, and sole profiteer of the commune. Guests/customers will come to tour the ambiance, and purchase the bric-a-brac on weekends. Where the commune performs in British Victorian fashion. However, during the week everyone creates the bric a brak,...

1 year ago
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TBP Behind Every Man

Editor's Note: SCABS is part of a story universe on the TSA Behind Every Man... By Radioactive Lover Copyright 2000 You know, things could have been a hell of a lot worse: I always remained human. Oh, that's a bit of a misnomer. If you were to look around at the patrons of the Blind Pig Gin Mill, one of my favorite hangouts, you would see humans, all of them. The fact that some have scales, and some have fur, and some have horns, and some happen...

4 years ago
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Empath Telempath Leader GodChapter 6

Their return to school was greeting with whispers and looks, stories having circulated, though most of them were way off base. Still, they were the subject of much debate and even more gossip. Zoe's friends were ecstatic to have her back smiling again, maybe not back to her old self, but on the way. There were cool around James at first, not sure how things had developed but when Zoe plopped down in his lap at lunch, they were willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. The only downside...

2 years ago
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Out of Town

Angel eyes is my wife's newest cunt lapping bitch. Angel eyes is 32yrs a body that would give a 80yrs man a hard-on. she was in a dress shop buying a new dress for a party for her husband' new job. Kim my wife seen her go in and up to her old tricks acted like a sales clerk and soon had Angel eyes naked in the try-on room, Angel eyes never had a chance and soon was eating her first pussy. Kim keep her well fucked over the next two months they were together three days a week. Kim and her 11"...

3 years ago
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Suzannes New CareerChapter 3 Taking charge

When Suzanne was lying on her back with my cock filling her cunt, or kneeling in front of me sliding her lips up and down my hard shaft, she was always willing and eager. The girl was in love with my cock and would do everything she knew how to do to get it to yield its load of precious cum. When she was getting fucked, Suzanne was every bit the cock-craving slut. But when she wasn't, which was still most of the time, she was becoming increasingly unhappy. She tried to hide it from me, but...

2 years ago
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Uncle made me his gay bitch

I was straight but i was always curious about how the pornstars felt taking a cock or what i felt like sucking it. I soon started fantasizing and was getting more and more curious. I came to a point where i saw a man my eyes would look at their crotch and imagine how big they must be. I started getting attracted to men specially big hairy buff daddies. To matters worse there was this uncle(name: mark) who i started getting attracted to, he and i had a good relationship when i was young, but...

4 years ago
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Lust And A Married Woman

Kara was brought up in a church going environment where she was taught that her body should be saved for the man she was to wed. When most girls her age were off exploring their sexuality by giving up their virginity, she was saving herself for the man of her dreams. She did give in to a few exploring hands and roaming fingers on occasion but kept her maidenhood intact. Most of those same girls who were considered sluts in school ended up settling down to be good little wives and mothers. More...

1 year ago
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my first time wit a hot mom

my fantasy came thru wen i was 19 years old,i was drunk 1 nyt at a club ,it was a work nite out.my friends mom worked with me.she was 47,i always had a ting for older mature ladies any way i got drunk and she offered to take me home 2 my apartment,she was so caring.she opened the door 4 me when i made a move on her i touched her butt.she smiled and touched my penis,i got all erect and she began 2 strip as did i,she got in her knees and began 2 jerk and suck my erect cock,in and out she went.i...

4 years ago
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The Elevator

  The Elevator By Ms. Cleavage Copyright 2007 http://adultbedtimestories.tripod.com   The elevator door closes and behind me is a very handsome man that I noticed as I entered. He is wearing a very expensive looking suit with an attaché case in his right hand leaning up against the wall. He smiles at me as I enter the elevator and press the button for the floor below the button he pushed. We have many floors to go yet. I stand there in the middle of the floor and we begin our...

2 years ago
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Sex Schule

Die Story soll mehrere unterschiedliche Geschichten miteinander verbinden. Je unterschiedlicher die Geschichtsstränge sind desto besser. Aber bitte achtet im jeweiligen Strang auf den jeweiligen Textzusammenhang. Das Herder-Gymnasium in Neustadt liegt an einem nahe gelegenen See umringt von viel Wald. Es liegt etwas abseits, aber ist durch den Busbahnhof sehr gut an die Stadt und die umliegenden Dörfer angegliedert. Zur Innenstadt benötigen die Schüler meist nur eine halbe Stunde. Mehr...

3 years ago
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Rhythm and the Blue Line Ch 28

The night after meeting Ryan's parents, Brody was playing pool with Drew, Bax, and Tolya at an Arlington sports bar. He took his shot, missed, and stepped back for Drew, and told them about the dinner. "Her dad asks me if I ever played football, because obviously he thinks that's the only sport worth playing." Brody shook his head. "Jesus. So there I am, trying to find a nice to way to say, no, I didn't want to play the sport that he's obsessed with." "Did he ask you about your intentions...

Love Stories
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From Trapping To Trapped

Hi all, this is my first story to Indian sex stories, without further boring you with details. Let me tell you about me. A few years back, I was 5.6, well-built man, who had just settled in Mumbai from Kolhapur as executive in call center. After much struggling I was able to rent the house in two floor row house around biwandi. Even though area was not good but I was happy to find a house to settle. House was owned by widowed landlady who lived alone, she had a son but he abounded her due to...

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18 years old that was a fun time pt 1

This is a true story of a night out in 1985. First I will tell you a little about myself. At the time I was 18 years old, 5 foot 2, 125 lbs & 34 C. I played softball for a city league so I was outside quite a bit. My tan was very dark and I was very good shape. My girlfriends and I loved to go out after games and smoke some weed and look for guys that we would like to have sex with. At twice a week we would end up over at the A-Frame. This was a place that we knew that we could always get...

3 years ago
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My Incestial Desires

My brother, John and I have been close since the day we were born. Being born twins, growing up together, sharing toys, sharing our room till we were 18...  It had its ups and downs. We quite often would fight over things, sometimes even the littlest things like what side of the room the desk would go on and for how much time we could kick each other out of the room for some peace and quiet... which rarely happened with us being the youngest of a family of 4 kids and very over bearing parents....

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Its fine by me

This was written in collaboration with someone very dear to me. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it. It's fine by me By Elaine 2003 It's fine by me. It?s like he's thought of absolutely everything. He'd sent me such detailed instructions that I'm not afraid of forgetting what he wants me to do. He'd instructed me to arrive at his hotel in New York by 9:00am, which confused me a little since his plane wasn't due to arrive until much later that day. However I did...

4 years ago
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Token Honeymoon episode 5

 Dan insisted on practicing walking through the camp with June on a leash. They made a trial run going a short distance around the chalet. He struggled to find the right pace. Should he stride out, dragging his slave behind him or stroll at a leisurely pace, keeping her on a short leash like a dog being trained. Should he look at her — it was hard not to; but was that the way a master would behave?He was embarrassed to find his stride acquiring a bounce that had too much in common with an...

Love Stories
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Incident at Pima MesaChapter 4

Miranda turned to Vasquez suddenly, as if finally, once again, capable of rational thought, aware of his betrayal and fearful of Tom's reaction to her not-so-unwilling participation. "You're a vile and disgusting man!" she said, spitting out the words. Retrieving his gun, he stood, putting on his pants. Vasquez looked first to the woman and then to her husband. "That's not what you were saying only moments ago Senora. You are an apt pupil. You learn fast and well. She will make you a...

3 years ago
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A Teen On The Beach Part 2

After her day on the beach with David, Ellie returned home and ran straight to her room, locking her door. She plopped down on her bed, her head ruminating over what had taken place earlier. “I just used my own sexuality to seduce a man...a much older man,” Ellie thought. Ellie was suddenly overcome with a confusing combination of mild guilt paired with a buzz of newly-found sexual liberation. It was as if the proverbial “good girl” and “slut” were arguing in her head and trying to tell her who...

First Time

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