Growing Up free porn video

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Growing up on a farm in West Texas in the seventies was a time in my life that I will never forget. The summer of seventy-eight was when I came to realize who I truly was. I say was because I’ve spent the majority of my life since then fighting that discovery. Now that I’m older I’ve reached a point in my life that I can finally share that experience. More importantly, I’ve reached the point that I can live my life free from any restrictions.

It was during that fateful summer that I would come to realize my true self. At least as far as what I wanted in a partner. Girls were always the talk among friends my age. But at my age, it was mostly all talk. For me things were different.

At an early age, I had always been intrigued by a man's body. But you are quickly taught that men don't look at men. I learned to hide my intrigue and would steal glances at my friend's bodies. Sometimes strangers in certain situations. But those are moments that sometimes led to situations that I would rather forget.

Instead, I want to remember a special person that I had met in January of 78...

The owner of the farm that my grandfather and I lived on always hired migrant workers at the first of the year. Usually, older men who would come work the year on the farm and send their money back to their families then leave around December. This particular year he would hire three.

After dinner from time to time, my grandfather and I would walk down to the workers living quarters. There the men would get into card games, domino games, or just sit and talk about life. Two of the men were older, in their late thirties except for one. Martin was younger at the time only twenty-two but could easily pass for my age.

When the older men would sit around after work and talk, we would wander off by ourselves and that's how we started to get to know each other. I had just turned eighteen. Being a senior in high school, Martin had more in common with me than the other men.

We would talk about school and the day-to-day events in my life. Martin, being a high school dropout, was always interested in my day-to-day school life. This would become the main topic of our conversations. After a while, he became someone that I could talk to for advice. Being eighteen, very naive, and not very popular in school, Martin's advice was gold. He helped me maneuver the pitfalls of being an unpopular, mostly unnoticed senior in high school.

After a couple of months, the other two men became unhappy with their jobs and wound up quitting and moving back to their families. Martin on the other hand stayed and kept working. He had no family to support so he was working for himself and the experience.

Summer finally arrived and school ended. Martin and I were closer than ever and I started noticing things that were getting harder and harder to hide. I would notice his shoulders how they were always back and very broad and the muscle tone when he would take off his work shirt. His biceps and forearms were defined. It took every ounce of energy I had to keep from gasping the first time I saw him pull off his shirt completely.

Then one day the unthinkable happened. He was standing against his front doorway, I was sitting just outside on the grass. I have no clue what the conversation was about but I can remember like it was yesterday staring at the crotch of his faded jeans.

I could see the outline of his cock. I couldn't take my eyes off of it. Then the conversation just stopped. I don't know when it stopped or how long it had stopped. I just remember looking up and those big brown eyes just staring at me.

I could feel my cheeks start to flush and I knew I was blushing, bad. I quickly looked away and my heart was racing. How I could be so stupid, I kept thinking to myself. I was just so sure that I had offended Martin and I had no clue what to say. Panic-stricken I jumped to my feet.

I stuttered something out loud and managed to excuse myself and quickly went home. Was Martin going to change? Was he going to start thinking that I was some gay? It's all I could think of that night as I tossed and turned. Did I ruin it? So many things came to mind but most of all, I thought of the outline of his cock.

It was a couple of weeks since I had gone to visit with Martin. I had started working with a friend on his farm helping his family out. I would be up early in the morning and so tired that by the time I got home all I wanted to do was eat, shower, and go to bed. Inevitably, late at night as I lay there in bed, my thoughts would find their way back to Martin. I would always wonder about him and what was going on with him.

Finally, work on my friend's farm was all caught up so I wasn't working as late plus in a couple of days, I would have to start looking for another job. I only had until September before I had to check into my college life. Everything was all set up for the next phase of my life. All I had to do was get through the summer.

Late one night I was walking towards where the farm equipment was kept just kicking at the ground and mumbling to myself when a voice out of nowhere called out and scared the hell out of me.

"So did you get lost?" I almost jumped out of my skin. It was Martin sitting on one of the pieces of equipment calling out to me. My head was flooded with so many thoughts and emotions that it seemed like forever before I was able to answer him.

"Not lost just putting in a lot of hours at work." Smiling as I answered.

"I know how that goes," Martin responded.

Just like that, the conversation started up again and it was as if nothing had happened. I suddenly felt at ease and comfortable again. Not a word was mentioned about the awkward situation from days before and to my wonderful surprise, he hadn't changed. We were just a couple of buds hanging out and talking about our day. All was well and I couldn’t have been happier for it.

The weekend had arrived, for me, the weekend's routine was set in stone…

Saturday's I would go into the city with my grandfather. My grandfather was always quite the lady's man and at the time he had a nice lady friend that he would stay with over the weekend. I would go because my grandfather's girlfriend had a couple of really nice daughters and they were always really cool with me.

I would hang out with them and go to movies, parties, or other social events with them. It was never sexual, just friends, sisterly if you will. However this time, this weekend, I decided to stay home and just hang out on the farm.

After my grandfather left around noon, I headed down to see what Martin was doing. I knocked and I heard a voice call out telling me to come in. I walked in just as Martin was getting out of the shower. He was standing there still slightly wet with a towel wrapped around his waist and another towel over his head. The towel around his waist came down to his knees but as he walked, I could catch a glimpse of those muscular thighs when the towel parted ever so slightly with each step he took.

"You're home?" He would ask, I could tell that he was surprised to see me.

"Yeah, I decided to take a break from hanging out with the old man," I responded. Then he cracked that wonderful smile of his as he ducked back under the towel, continuing to dry himself off.

I didn't wait for him to invite me in and we immediately started talking. Without thinking, I had followed him into his room and plopped myself down on the edge of his bed. I was hypnotized, watching him. He dropped the towel that he was using to dry his hair on the chair next to him. Next, without skipping a beat, he removed the towel wrapped around his waist.

He was standing there, his back to me, gorgeous. To this day I can’t remember for the life of me what he was saying. But what I do remember, clearly, as if it were today, that body. Being a farmer means hard physical work. Lots of lifting, walking and handling heavy machinery. His body was perfect. His back was just as chiseled as his chest. His upper back wide then making a perfect V down to his waist. His bottom firm and round then down to those huge thighs.

As he turned, I lost all thought because, for the first time since we had met, I would see his cock. Remember it was the seventies and at that time there was no shaving or trimming. There he stood with this thick hanging cock. The shaft resting over two large beautiful balls. All of this nestled in a very nice thick dark bush. I was breathless.

This wasn't the first time I had seen a man's cock but it was most definitely the most defined cock I had ever seen. The head of his cock was huge and the shaft was very thick. The length was most definitely the longest I had ever seen and he wasn't even fully erect. Once again, I looked up, and once again Martin had caught me staring. But this time before I could react, he put his hand up.

"Calm down," he softly said. My face was turning very red because I could feel the heat in my face getting more intense. I know I was blushing hard.

"You don't have to run away," he continued.

He proceeded to calm me down and tell me how he had thought about that day when I took off after getting caught staring at his crotch. As he was beginning to get dressed his voice was reassuring me, telling me that I didn't have any reason to run away. Martin explained to me that I didn't have to worry about him being mad, liking or not liking that I was staring at his cock.

He explained that he didn't know how he felt about it. He just knew that he liked me and that he would never want to hurt my feelings or embarrass me. Then he asked me if I wanted him to cover up. I looked into his eyes.

"No," I whispered…

Martin walked over to me and then sat down next to me reaching back and grabbing the pillows behind him. He would position the pillows so he could lay down on them, naked, next to me. Then he started talking. He would tell me that he's always liked girls and had never, ever thought about being with a guy. But he said that with me it was different. He would go on to tell me that he enjoyed our conversations and that he thought I was pretty.

Pretty? He thought I was pretty? At first, I was offended but then as I thought about it sitting there in silence thinking on it, I wasn't offended. I was confused.

"What do you mean, I'm pretty?" I asked. He let out a soft laugh and explained that I had really pretty eyes and how he thought that I was cute when I would blush. What he thought made me pretty was my smile.

Thinking back now I can understand what he was talking about even if at that moment I was completely confused. I was about 5'6" and weighed around 140lbs. I have light brown eyes and at that time I had shoulder-length straight hair, a brown-reddish color. I wasn't a hard body but I was in no way fat. If I described my body with today's terms, I would say that I had curves.

I had a thin waist but most definitely had a bubble bottom. I also had boy boobs. Don't laugh. What I mean is my chest was not tight and hard like Martins but instead I still had a bit of baby fat and my nipples were definitely what you would call puffies in today's terms. But all these things I didn't know at that moment and it didn't matter because all I cared about was that he thought I was pretty.

Martin reached up and started stroking the back of my head, running his fingers through my hair. Then asked me to lay back with him. I did as he asked. He would place my head on his chest turning me on my side facing him then he would put his arm around my shoulders pulling me in close. My free hand would find itself laying on top of Martin's stomach.

I was so scared and nervous but most of all I was so excited. Martin leaned down and kissed the top of my head. I could've died right there. Without thinking my hand slowly made its way down past his stomach and to the head of his cock. He let out a small gasp. I slid my hand over the shaft of his cock and to this day I can remember how soft and silky smooth the skin on his cock felt.

I could barely close my grip on the shaft of his cock. I had been able to palm a basketball since the start of eighth grade so when I tell you that I have large hands, I have large hands. But I could barely close my grip around his semi-hard cock. I laid there with my head on Martin’s chest and his thick cock in my hand.

I slowly stroked it feeling it getting harder and thicker. I raised my head to look down at my hand. I could see that his cock was not only getting thicker but it was getting longer. I started masturbating at a young age so I knew what I was doing and the effect it was having on Martin. I understood how good it felt to stroke my cock so I could tell by the way Martin would squirm and his breathing, his breathing becoming deeper. He was enjoying what I was doing.

My eyes opened wide when I realized that I could no longer close my grip on his now rock-hard cock…

Staring at Martin's beautiful cock in my hand I found myself lowering my face down to it until the head of his cock was right in front of me. Then I heard Martin call out between his heavy breathing.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing," I replied before slipping that fat, purple, swollen cockhead into my mouth.

I had to strain to open my mouth to let it slip in but once his cockhead was in my mouth, I instantly knew what to do with it. I started suckling that wonderful cockhead in and out of my mouth. Never allowing it to completely escape my lips then sliding it back into my mouth. Having to open my mouth that wide and using my tongue caused my saliva glands to kick into overdrive.

Soon the slobber in my mouth was too much to contain and I could see and feel the slobber drooling down his cock shaft over my fingers wrapped as best as they could be around his shaft.

"Swallow," I heard him say in a soft voice.

Swallow? I thought to myself. I did as he said and gulped down much of the drool that had built up in my mouth while I was sucking his cock.

"Swallow," he whispered again. I would do as I was told, I swallowed.

I was getting into a rhythm now. I didn’t have to be reminded to swallow. I found the perfect balance of saliva on his cock versus the need to swallow the extra. Martin had begun grinding his hips upward to match my head's downward movements. I didn't realize it then but he was fucking my mouth. Be it ever so gently, ever so softly. I was lost in my act. So much so that I didn't notice that he was picking his pace. That his breathing and his hip thrusts were quicker.

"Swallow!" He grunted in a loud deep voice just before taking in a deep breath. 

Without hesitation, I did as I was told accept this time just as I was about to swallow Martin dumped a big, thick strand of cum in my mouth. Because I did as I was told the thick strand of cum slid down my throat but before I could recover, I heard him again.

"Swallow!" Again I did as I was told and again another huge strand of cum was dumped into my mouth.

"Swallow." His voice would call out, oh my god not again, was all I could think as I swallowed.

I had just swallowed the first load when the second load was in my mouth. I had just taken a deep breath to swallow the second load when the third was already being dumped into my mouth. I felt panic because it was just too much but I swallowed. Only being able to take down half the load before needing to breathe again. By this time, I had lost count of the loads dumped into my mouth.

I was gulping down what I could! The rest was escaping out of the corners of my mouth, drooling down his shaft. Air bubbles were forming from the cum that was escaping my mouth as I tried to breathe in-between loads. Then finally the loads stopped cumming.

I kept swallowing and Martin lay there slightly twitching. I continued sucking his cock. Swallowing all his cum down my throat. Without having to be told I started licking the shaft of that beautiful cock making sure I cleaned every bit of his cum off of it and into my mouth.

His cock was clean and I was finishing squeezing out the last drop of his cum from his cock. Martin grabbed me and threw me onto the middle of the bed. As quickly as he threw me down, he was lying next to me. With one flip I was on my side and he was behind me. Holding me, spooning me.

He was completely naked and I was still in my t-shirt and jeans. We lay there, I could feel his hard body pressed against mine and that fat, thick, softening cock pressing against my ass. A heavy sigh escaped my lips as I grabbed onto those big strong forearms. I was happy. For the first time in my short life, I was happy.

"There are a few rules if we're going to do this." he whispered in my ear…My heart started racing.



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Cock Teasing and Pussy Pleasing

(A cunt-inuation of on going lusting and loving with SINdora.) Nonfiction by Ron Chee © As mentioned in "No Butts About It" when SIN' arrived home she did trim and shave all of my ass and pubic hair. I damned near 'came' in her hand while she held my erection and lathered it and my balls with a warm, soapy shaving brush. When she had me whisked as clean and smooth as a baby's bottom we spent an hour watching more of "Babes Balling Boys". We were both too horny from the pubic...

3 years ago
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Neighborhood fun part 2 first glimpse

The food on the grill was almost done. As I sat chatting with the moms, I learned that every Friday they and a few other moms would all get together and have a game night. Each time would be at a different house and it was really more of a " let's get drunk and blow off steam" than play a game kinda thing. It was a chance to let it all go and as Rachel started giggling out of nowhere, she said " Amber, you remember that one night when you got so plastered you tried to make out with Krystal? "...

3 years ago
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KatieChapter 7 Roped In

I was surprised a few days later when I took Katie home and the '57 was in the driveway. Katie hadnt referred to it, but I had assumed her dad was having the car repaired. When I remarked on that, she told me ... yes, there was a problem and her dad wanted to talk to me about it. He called me that night. "Do you think you could do the work on Katie's car?" "Yes, sir. I think so. But I cant be sure I wont run into problems." "I think that would be the best bet, then." We went on...

2 years ago
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After A Long Day

As I walked through the door I see nothing but darkness. As I shut the door behind me I hear the flick of a match & see the burning of a flame that burns so deep. Someone looking back at me so sexy I become weak in the knees. At each flick of the match I see a trail of candles, leading me up the stairs into my bathroom. Where my food is cooked, chocolate dipped strawberries & cinnamon kissed green apples waiting on me. I'm so surprised I cant even speak no words were spoken as I was...

3 years ago
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The Joys Of Being A Manwich Chapter 1

My wife and I had been kicking around the idea of inviting another person into the bedroom with us for a while. We both liked the idea of a third person and thought the "fresh meat" would spice up our love life. You see, after years of marriage our sex life had become predictable–not bad, just routine. We'd come to bed, kiss and pet a little, put on a porno video, and then have sex.Sometimes I would be on top and sometimes she would ride me cowboy style. But that was about as exciting as it...

3 years ago
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Best Massage Alive Part I

Sometimes after work, I would always be so tired and my whole body would be swore and aching. So I would go to the massage parlor near my work area to get a nice full body massage before I head home. Ever since the first day I went to the massage parlor I had a somewhat old aged woman, Catherine, who was an expert masseuse to massage me. However, one day when I got there, the front desk told me, ‘I’m sorry miss, but Catherine had just retired a few days ago.’ I was so upset not getting my...

4 years ago
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The Lesson

A flash of memory: Following Chris and the guy down the hall, remembering I still don't know his name, nervously rehearsing her instructions. Breathe through my nose. Make eye contact. Use my hands. No teeth. Can I do this?Chris lifted her head from the pillow, looking at me in shock. "What do you mean, you don't know how?" I blushed. "I don't know, I've just never felt like I can do it. I always gag and don't like it." "You're good with me." I smiled ruefully. "It's easier with a woman. I've...

First Time
2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 340 Radio Blobs

Tuesday, April 17, 2007 (Continued) Ava's and my first stop was at the local cop station, where Ava asked for a demonstration of a speed radar. I was sitting in my car parked where the cops wouldn't see me. Ava would never be suspected of being the angel - her bumps being in the wrong places - but I could, so I was avoiding being seen doing ANYTHING unusual. The cops thought Ava's request was strange, but there wasn't much they wouldn't do for anyone in our families. Walking outside...

2 years ago
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They That Have Power Book IIChapter 10

Saturday, June 19, 2010 Jake had not known that sitting in a boat would present such an odd perspective. With the boat riding low in the water, his head was only a couple of feet above the surface. From that vantage point, he couldn’t see that much of the lake, nor could he see much beyond the shoreline. It made him feel isolated from the world. Mark Harrison demonstrated yet again how to cast the line. “Now you do it. Try over by that stump, Jake. I’ve had several good strikes...

4 years ago
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Best Friends ForeverChapter 16

She was pacing back and forth on the expansive patio of the penthouse waiting for the youngest Pollard to come out and talk to her. She turned when she heard the footsteps. “There you are, Rebecca,” said her mother. “Mom? what’s up,” said Becca. “Rebecca your dad and I have some decisions to make and we, I, need to talk to you at some length about them,” said Claire. “Momma? Decisions?” said Becca. “Yes, they have to do with your other dad,” she said. Rebecca Pollard deflated. “Mister...

2 years ago
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The hot boy next door

The HOT boy next door This is a true story that acully happend to me whene i was fifteen I just got hime from school and decided to wach some tv , but wene i turned it on it was aporn show! I thanked the lord that no one was home. But in truth tje vidio really tured me on so i decided to do some thing REALLy nauty,i sliped into my mothers room and starded looking throu her drawers and there in her bed side table was a vibrater. So i grabed it went ito my room and tured on my moms vibrater i...

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A true story about my exwife swinging with friend

This was written by my friend's wife from her point of view. The names have been changed.Terri:We met Terri through a friend of Shane’s, Erik. She was Erik’s girlfriend, but since then, they have gotten married. Terri is a tall, statuesque strawberry blonde. She didn’t like Shane when they met before; their personalities clashed because they are both strong willed and out spoken. This second time they met, I was with Shane, and there was an instant attraction between Terri and I. Shane...

2 years ago
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Mere Office Ki Suman 8211 Part I

Hello readers, How are you guys? Belated Happy New Year. Mera naam rahul he aur mein delhi ka rahne wala hun. Mein ek software engineer hun aur aaj kal Bangalore mein job karta hun. Mein 18 years ke umar mein hi apna verginity kho dia tha. Meri khud ki badi behen ne mujhe apne sath sex karne ko mana liya tha. Wo kahani fir kabhi, abhi mein jo sunane ja raha hun wo haal hi mein mere sath hua he. Mere office mein ek ladki kaam karti he. Uska naam he Suman. Height 5.4 aur figure 34-26-28 he. Giri...

2 years ago
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Fat dad pt 2

Part 2 of a series, if you just came across this you need to find part 1 The trip to buy workout clothing was a real eye opener. Mom had changed into some loose fitting shorts and a low cut summer top. She had a bra on that pushed her tits together to show off her cleavage better. We really didn't have to go out, I had shorts I could, wear but she said I was coming. Mom got in the car just ahead of me and tossed her purse on the floor where my feet were to go. She immediately...

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Help a mature neighb or

Help a mature neighborShe was in her 60s a little drunk and told me at a lawn party she hand never cum during sex with her husband. She was a widow and had not had an organism in years. I offered to help her but she had to follow my instructions. She hesitated to answer, we were in a neighbors back yard and it was dark, She was standing facing me, away from the main group, with her back to everyone.No one could hear us and it looked like we were just talking. She had a drink in her hand. I...

2 years ago
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My First Sex And Massage With Pakistani Married Women In Sharjah UAE

Hello guys; myself Romeo (name changed) am 24 years of old and working in a reputed company here in Sharjah. I am average built shy guy most of the time I spend in my office working as I don’t have any friends here. Recently I started reading iss and am really impressed. Any ladies who want massage or sex can mail me So I am here to tell u my true experience. After graduation my family forced me to go to UAE. I have my uncle here with his help I got a good job with company accommodation. Only...

1 year ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Hyley 25 Years Old

Holy Guacamole folks. Hyley our 25 year old dental front desk girl (again?) is an absolute smoke show. If you didn’t get your fill of fireworks last night, this one should do the trick. She is gorgeous! Blonde hair, hazel eyes and more bubbles than a bath. We might oughta change the name of this site from to… anyway she was fantastic. From the moment she comes into the office I want to put my cock inside of her. This girl was made to get...

4 years ago
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A Night at the Cottage

You breathe heavily as you slide your fingers in and out of your pussy. The country cottage was pretty old, and the locks on the doors stopped working a long time ago. No one cared enough to fix them, as you and your family only visited for the odd weekend. You think you hear someone coming, you quickly pull your hands out from between your legs and look at the door. No one enters. Relieved, you put your fingers in your mouth to lick the juices off, then go back to pleasuring yourself. The...

3 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 384

Wednesday was like Tuesday only, a little smoother. We were all making the time zone transition and the men the shift transition; everyday was a little easier. Two more ambassadors came to see me on Wednesday. The Brazilian and Australian ambassadors came in the morning. Two more off my list that I needed to present credentials to. Wednesday was the UPS announcement at Morton Field in the terminal. It was noon when it began and the girls had bought our own TV type camera and was broadcasting...

2 years ago
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Failures of PerfectionChapter 10

Ellen wasn’t surprised to see the somewhat strange scene with Gregory staring at Natalia’s half exposed, curvaceous chest, but she was pleased to see that Pamela and Natalia both were smiling. “I see you girls are happy,” Ellen purred, “Did Gregory behave himself?” Gregory chuckled and said, “I had to if I wanted to have any chance to survive: they are a lethal couple.” She laughed when Natalia rolled her eyes as she said, “Well, Pam didn’t mince a single word. But she was funny.” “Hey!“...

4 years ago
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Mike and MalokChapter 9 The Taint

"Wake up!" cried the familiar, but seemingly agitated voice in my head. It was earlier than usual, as the rooster was yet to call reveille. "What?" I mumbled, my eyes barely awake. "I've been a fool!" "An idiot, maybe, but a fool..." I thought, as I yawned. "No ... I'm serious. I let myself get distracted..." Now that I was awake, I was getting really worried. "Just tell me, Malok!" "I looked into the issue about the experiment in Africa and you were right! The guy from...

3 years ago
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Pandemic Boredom Ch 2

They say an idle mind can easily be persuaded. By “idle” I mean, “bored”. Bored because the pandemic took my livelihood away, locked me up in my house, and starving for the company of men. All the places I used to go to for social gatherings were closed up because of the pandemic. That left me wondering where I could turn to meet people, and I found a friend-finding site. I liked what it had in it and I became a member.In the first part of this story, I explained how I went about meeting men...

Straight Sex
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My Life Stories The Shower Curtain

My wife is interesting. As you may know from reading my story: My Wife Made Me a CumEater on Our Honeymoon, she and I did not have any sex on our honeymoon. Instead, she thought it would be fun to watch me jerk off (check out the story to know all the details). But I say she’s interesting cause back then, one day she would show no interest, the next she couldn’t keep her hands off of me. Well, on one such occasion just about 6-months into our marriage, she walked with me into our bathroom and...

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Business And Pleasure Chapter One

I will begin this story by introducing myself. My name is Susan. I am thirty-five and single. I am usually too busy for a relationship. I was born and raised in a small town in southern Georgia. I attended a small college in my home state and graduated with a degree in Business.Even though I have a college degree, I’ve only been able to attain the level of an executive secretary working in a man’s world. It was eight years ago when I took the job with a firm based in Atlanta and dealt with...

Office Sex
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am looking forward to telling my aunt how I feel about her.When I was 15 I was as horny as anyone I knew. I am now 18, much bigger in muscle and in the pants. One thing that hasn't changed about me is how horny I am and how much I fantasize about fucking my Aunt Michelle. My aunt is now in her early 40's but has the body of a 20 year old. She has bleach blonde hair and weighs about 125 pounds. She works out all the time and it shows with her firm, round ass, and her perfectly sculpted legs and...

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Meri Kahani Meri Zubani

Mera naam sameer aik lamba aor beautiful ladka hon.meri Age 23 hai.aor me Kohat se belong karta hon.Baat Tab Ki hai . jub me ne 2006 me Govt technical college Peshawar me Diploma Of associate Engineering me admission Liya waqt meri age 18 saal thi. Mera admission self pe howa tha.aor mujhe college k hostel me dahla nahi k nazdeek koi hostel nahi liye me na university road pe TIHKAL PAYAN me aik Hostel me dahla liya.aik din me Khyber bazar gaya howa tha...

Gay Male
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Kat New Easter Friend

My wife and me were at the G's it is a bar we go hunting for pussy at on Friday nite before Easter and in came this man and woman that caught are eye. The women about 30 maybe and around 5-4 but not heavy or sinky tits kinda small but a great ass and her man nothing to speak of just a man now don't get me wrong they looked good but I could not say why. They sat a couple of tables from us and when the band started Kat wasted no time getting her to move with her. After a few they sat with us...

4 years ago
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A dream so real part 2

Leah.x.x: ‘I dreamed about you last night’ Zeke_89: ‘Oh yeah? What happened in this dream?’ Leah.x.x: ‘It was a naughty dream’ Zeke_89: ‘Now you have my attention lol’ Leah.x.x: ‘You sure you want to know?’ Zeke_89: ‘Definitely’ Leah began typing her dream from memory, leaving no details out. Pressing send, she waited as he read, anxious to know what he would say. Zeke_89: ‘That was so fucking hot’ Leah.x.x: ‘Haha yeah, I thought so too’ Zeke_89: ‘No, like seriously, you should turn that into a...

2 years ago
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A husband hires an escort for his wife in Bangkok

Kim and I had been married for five years now. Kim is a very beautiful brunette (Bust 34C Waist 24 Hips 34 5ft5″). She had received a strong catholic upbringing. Sex had never been her strong point for her or a central part of our marriage and as time went by she seemed to lose interest in it. At first I did nothing, then I started to buy her naughty underwear and hire porno films to watch together to spice up our relationship. This seemed to work better than I expected. Seeing other...

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