A Merry Christmas With Kate Upton free porn video

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Disclaimer: All right, this story is not real. NOT REAL! Not to be read by anyone under the age of 18/21 yadda yadda yadda! I’d love to hear some feedback as per usual. Please feel free to leave me a comment in the COMMENT Box at the end of the page. You see those big empty stars too? Maybe bump those up to five full ones? We wouldn’t want them to be empty now would we? All alone like that? You’re not a monster are you?

Also, please don’t post this on any other site without my explicit permission. I’ve had to bring the hammer down on two thieves right as of writing and don’t want to bring it down again. Don’t forget to add me on one of the messengers too! Don’t be afraid! I love chatting about celebs, story ideas or chatting in general and I like making new friends!

Celebrity: Kate Upton

Codes: MF, Cons, Oral, Anal

Author’s Note: Yeah, it’s fluff so sue me. It’s Christmas! <,.em>,

That did it!

That fucking did it!

I was going to hand my notice in the first thing on December twenty sixth and I was going to get the hell out of the retail business! The doors were shut and much merriment was already occurring on the streets of my home town. However, I was pretty much set in my role as the Grinch of our store. A snowball hit the back of my neck and I shook it off as I stuffed my hands into my pockets and started to make my way back to my apartment.

I lived on the ground floor of a pretty nice set of buildings in down town Denton, Ohio and I was going to be the only one there for most of tonight and probably for the early hours of tomorrow morning/midday.

Fine by me.

I still had all of my presents to wrap and most of my cards to write for my family. One more stop on my way over into the convenience store and I would be on vacation for one whole week while my brand new assistant manager held the store off. Of course, I had precisely nothing to do with my week off other than be a Grinch and probably make my way home after dealing with my family. First, I had a date with a six pack and the latest issue of Sports Illustrated to see what new hot women were out there.

Street lights flickered above me as I walked down the street towards what was left of society that hadn’t shut down for the holidays. I put my hand out and saw that there was a soft flake cascading down from the heavens towards the ground. Snow fall? That was all that I needed. Looking around, I spotted the occasional family or small child getting excited about the falling powder. There wasn’t much texture to it, so maybe it wouldn’t stay?

Narrowly avoiding some open air snowball conflict, I ducked into an open and remarkably empty parking lot for my local convenience store and made my way over to the front door. The lure of the heating inside of the store was just too great for me to avoid. Putting my hand against the cold steel of the door, I pushed my way inside of the store and the warm blast of heating was enough for me to almost be grateful I was inside.

However, the smell of out of date hotdogs and burgers were enough for me to get brought back into the room. Looking around, I nodded at the baked clerk behind the desk as I walked over to the alcohol. Grabbing a six pack of Coors and then walking down towards the magazine rack, I picked up a GQ and a Sports Illustrated as a special Christmas treat to myself. Well, why shouldn’t I reward myself?

Checking out the selection of candy bars, I found nothing that seemed to grab my attention so I made my way straight over to the desk. Laying down all of the items down on the counter, I ignored the look from the attendant as he bagged the items for me. Ringing them up, I passed over a tatty twenty dollar bill before getting my change and stuffing it into the pocket of my jacket.

Tucking my hand under the bottom of my bag, I walked out of the store and ignored the biting cold of the area. Looking to the right, I stepped out into the cold and started to walk towards my home. The snow was falling a little faster this time and I was almost certain that it would start to settle now. Rolling my eyes, I snorted out a sound that almost resembled a ‘Bah Humbug’ sound before starting to walk a little faster to get home while I still could do.

Reaching my door, I pushed my hand into my jacket pocket and blindly searched for my keys. Grabbing my work set and slipping them over my thumb, I lifted my apartment keys out with me right index finger and then into the palm of my hand. I slipped the key into the lock and managed to twist it before stuffing my work keys back into my pocket and crossing the threshold into the door. Laying the brown paper bag down on the floor inside of my apartment, I then lifted the keys out of the lock and closing it behind me.

Flicking the lights on, I slid the bolt across my door locking it in place. Not that I was expecting too many visitors at this time of night. Flipping the nearest light on, I walked into the front room of my apartment and ignored the looming pile of presents still in the clear plastic bin bag I had used from work. Kicking a roll of wrapping paper away from my feet, I sat back on my leather couch and smiled softly. My eyes studying the faux fireplace I had hanging off of my wall. It was an electrical heating unit that looked rather homely and gave the centre of my apartment the appearance of a front room in a family home.

Grabbing the remote control for it, I lifted it up and pointed it at it, flicking the fireplace on. The orange flames started to illuminate the room and flicker to life like it was a real fire. Orange washed over the apartment, the light bathing my leather couch and the recliner chair to the right of it in the same light. Closing my eyes and letting my head fall back and rest against the top of the couch, the heat started to tickle my body and washing away the prospect of a Christmas by myself.

My eyes opened and I pushed myself up to my feet. Walking back to the entrance to my apartment, my snow boots collided with the laminated flooring as I crossed over to the coat hook hanging off of my wall. Unzipping, I shrugged the coat off and hung it up before reaching down and picking up my shopping from earlier.

Placing them down on the couch, I took a seat next to them and lifted one of the magazines out along with one of the chilled beers. Placing the lid of the beer against the palm of my left hand, I firmly twisted the bottle and removed the lid with ease. Throwing the metal lid onto the coffee table, I lifted the bottle to my lips and swallowed a mouthful of the beer. Putting the beer down to my side, I tried to relax in my room.

Just next to the fireplace there was a window that hadn’t had the curtain drawn. I could see more and more snow dropping down from the heavens and colliding with the ground. My eyes studied the open window and I pretty much knew that there was a good chance I wouldn’t be getting out of here the next morning. The weather in Ohio always seemed to keep the snow overnight and then some. If this goes the way I think it will do, chances are I won’t be able to leave to go see my family.

Stepping up off of the couch, I kept my beer in hand and walked over to the window. What I saw damn near made my eyes go wide. Outside, down town Ohio looked like a winter wonderland. Almost four inches of snow had fallen and the view from my apartment made it look like I was on the set of some sort of Christmas movie. A lone pair of headlights was visible in the distance but that looked liked that was it for civilisation.

Smiling as I realised I could have the whole apartment complex to myself and I could do exactly whatever I wanted by myself. Turning my back to the window, I walked back to the couch and picked up one of the Sports Illustrated to take a look through. On the front cover was Kate Upton, a name both my dick and my search history was very familiar with. I took a seat on the couch and thumbed my way through the magazine, sippi
ng on the beer as I searched for Kate’s main spread.

As I was thumbing through the magazine there was a knock at my door. Raising an eyebrow, I looked over the back of my couch and then at the door. I waited for a brief moment before there was another knock that made me stand up straight.

‘Who the hell is this?’ I mumbled under my breath, keeping my beer held up by the neck of the bottle.

Taking a sip of my beer, I put my hand on the door’s bolt and slid it away. Placing the beer on the table next to the door, I took a grip of the handle and opened it up. The deathly chill in the air making me shiver in place as I looked out to whoever was at my door. The person had their back turned to me and they were dressed in a big, thick black coat that ran down to just above their knees. The person was wearing a set of red stockings and some boots that ran up to her knees. Just seeing the exposed skin made my loins start to burn. However, the owner of the legs certainly did make me start to get very hot under the collar.

Kate fucking Upton was on my front door and had her arms wrapped under her impressive chest, although I couldn’t see them right now due to the thick coat she was wearing. She smiled and quickly waved at me before stepping a little closer to me and standing on the absolute door step.

‘Hi. Can I come in please?’

Still rather dumbfounded, I nodded my head and stepped aside. The hand that had unlocked the door extended and I let her walk into my own private residence. Kate fucking Upton was now in my apartment? I could just see the blog post to my local celebrity forum appearing in my mind. Closing the door behind her, I walked back into the front room where Kate had taken a few steps in and had extended her hands towards the heater, getting some obviously much needed warmth to her extremities. She looked over her shoulder at me and smiled, a loose strand of blonde hair falling in front of her face for a few moments before she brushed it away.


‘Yeah, no problem. Still cold out there huh?’

Kate nodded her head and bit on her lip softly.

‘Yeah. I can’t believe how bad the weather’s gotten. It’s like the North pole out there!’ Her hands came together and rubbed against each other before they extended back towards the fireplace heater. She lifted her head up and looked around before smiling fondly at me.

‘Nice place.’

Was that sarcasm? I wasn’t too sure but frankly, I didn’t care. Kate Upton was in my front room and actively engaging me in conversation.

‘Where are my manners! Sorry, I’m Kate.’ She said with a smile, moving over to extend her hand for me to shake. Taking it and shaking it with a big smile on my face, I nodded my head. ‘But, I guess you already knew that huh?’ She nodded towards the open Sports Illustrated magazine that proudly displayed the Kate Upton spread.

‘I… Uh…’

‘It’s cool. Trust me, I wouldn’t do these shoots if I didn’t already have an idea as to what people would do with the pictures. I suppose you wouldn’t mind an autograph?’

‘That would be great!’

‘Cool. I’ll trade you an autograph for the use of your land line?’

‘My land line? Sure. What’s up?’

‘My car broke down. I need to get a hold of a mechanic. I saw one a couple of blocks away, just need to call one of them to get a ride out of here.’

Nodding, I moved over to my kitchen and found my kitchen’s land line that was hanging off of a wall mounted charger. Lifting it off of the receiver, I passed it to Kate who focused on the keypad and dialled in the number she had obviously noted down earlier. Made me wonder if she had expected something to go wrong or not.

Kate started to move around the inside of the small kitchen while she spoke to the mechanic. As her eyes drifted over to the mountain of gifts, her eyes moved back to me and a smile crept onto her face. She finished up the phone call and put it back onto the charger. Walking over to the presents, she looked them over and then looked at me.

‘These all for you? I don’t think the cookie monster onesie will fit you too well.’

She added with a smile, lifting it out of the bag and holding it up as if to measure it against me. She placed it bag in the bag and walked into the main front room, loitering in front of the heater. Her hands came down to the front of her coat and fiddled with the front buckle, she then let it fall loose and she pushed her arms back so that she could wriggle out of her coat.

She was wearing a ruby red dress with white fluffy trim. Three white fluffy balls were pinned onto the chest, one below each other like they were buttons. Around the waist was a black belt that had a golden buckle at the front, just above her belly button. At the front of the outfit, near where to her cleavage was, was a piece of holly that drew attention to her chest. Not that Kate Upton’s chest needed much of a grab.

‘So? There a reason why you’re not wrapping those?’ She asked, looking at the presents that still sat neglected in the corner of my room.

‘I just can’t wrap presents.’

Kate laughed and shook her head, almost as if she couldn’t believe the words that had just come out of my mouth. Her hands came down and put rested them down on her ass, she bit her bottom lip and then shook her head, another laugh escaping her lips.

‘Seriously? It’s so easy!’ She walked over to one of the small jumpsuits I had picked up for my nephew and then laid it out flat on the table in the front room. She flattened out the outfits and then looked around for the wrapping paper.

‘Wrapping paper?’ She asked, looking up at me expectantly.

Put back a little bit, I was temporarily dumbfounded before I nodded my head, clicking my fingers to illustrate that I knew where it was. Walking into my kitchen, I found a roll of tape and three separate rolls of wrapping paper. Walking back to my front room, I passed Kate both the wrapping paper and the scotch tape.

She unravelled the first roll of wrapping paper and placed the onesies in the middle of the paper. Grabbing one of the craft knives I had used to try to wrap one of my earlier presents, she cut a straight line along from the bottom of the paper up to the top, cutting the fabric away cleanly.

As I stood, watching Kate start to wrap the presents, I watched as she bent over the table, showing off her impressive chest. My eyes focused purely on the two large breasts that were being enclosed by the red dress. Watching them, my dick started to swell as they subtly jiggled while she wrapped my presents. Trying to find a way to stimulate myself, I stuck my hands into my jeans pockets and started to reach towards my length while my eyes were focused purely on her chest.

Kate folded the gift over onto itself and then expertly sealed it with the same precision that she had shown earlier on in the evening. Satisfied, she sat back on her heels and then looked up at me, catching my gaze, she smiled and looked up at me. Her hand coming to the front and then tugging the dress up, as she did, I caught a flash of her panties which she also caught. Smiling and shaking her head, combing her fingers through her hair as she shrugged.

‘Guess I’m in a lose lose here right?’ She smiled, planted her hands on the table and pushed herself to a standing position. With a flick of her right hand, she pointed at the spot where she had been kneeling and suggested that I take her place. Smirking and nodding my head, I knew I had little choice. Kneeling down next to where Kate was now standing, I waited for Kate to select a gift for me to wrap.

A gift box of perfume was selected and then placed on the table as Kate knelt down next to me.

‘Okay, get some paper.’ I did so and Kate nodded her approval. ‘Now open up the paper and put the gift in the middle of it.’ Following Kate’s instructions with a nod of my head, I pulled the roll to the left and extended the paper so I could place
the gift in the middle of the paper. Grabbing the same craft knife I was about to repeat what Kate had done when she took a seat behind me and then slipped her arms under mine.

She moved closer and her large chest was pressing against my back, relishing the feel of her breasts moving against me as she fidgeted in place to get herself comfortable. Her left arm curled around my waist and pulled her closer to me as her right hand slid down mine to help me hold the knife. Her breath was hot against my ear as she looked at me and then down at the paper.

‘Okay, this is what we’ll do.’ Her hand moved onto mine and she helped me cut through the paper with ease. Her mouth was inches away from my ear as she nodded her head and moaned softly in an affirmative manner. Her mouth opened and she spoke softly. ‘Yeah, that’s good. That’s so good.’

Okay, this was starting to look like a porno. Not that I minded too much. This porno had Kate Upton and me in it! As I cut at the paper, Kate carried on moaning in the affirmative.

As I folded the last corner over onto the perfume gift set, Kate’s moaning got higher and more high pitched as she nodded her head like she was in the middle of having an orgasm pushed upon her. The last bit of tape was removed from the dispenser and placed on top of the gift and that made Kate positively squeal with delight.

I turned my head to face her and was disappointed to feel her ease up on me and then get to a standing position. She walked over to the other side of the table and then passed me a gift tag. Waving it expectantly, I leaned up off of my knees and took it from her.

‘Write it out.’ She said with a smile, I raised an eyebrow but didn’t complain. Taking the tag from her, I placed it down on the table and then grabbed a small biro pen and started to do as Kate requested, the pen hit paper and I elegantly wrote out a note to my mother before taping the string to the gift.

Minutes passed as I duplicated the past action, each present was wrapped, sealed and tagged as Kate nodded in approval watching from the couch. I looked up at her and raised an eyebrow as she smiled at me.

‘Are you going to help?’ I asked, putting my hands on my hips as one of the last bags was emptied. I only had a few more gifts to go and Kate seemed to approve of what I had done so far.

‘I have helped! Look at how much you’ve got done!’ She said with a grin, waving her hand over to where the growing pile of wrapped presents now stood proudly. ‘Would you have got that done if I wasn’t waiting for the mechanic?’

She had me there. I shook my head in the negative and Kate made a triumphant, if amused sound.

‘So I’m helping.’

‘I guess you are.’ I placed the last of the gifts on the table and was about to wrap it up for the very last time in just under forty five minutes when something she had said made me look up at her. ‘What time did your mechanic say he was going to be here?’

‘In about an hour and a half. But that was an hour ago,’ She laid her arms along the top of my couch and looked behind her, her chest sticking out as she looked through the window. ‘I’d guess he got caught up in this weather? Such a shame.’

‘A shame? Why do you care? He’s doing his job.’

‘No one should be alone on Christmas! It’s the most wonderful time of year!’

‘Pfft. It’s just another day in the year that people spend the rest of the next year paying it off so they can do it all again the next year.’ I walked over to the couch and took a seat next to her. I was doing a lot of talking with my hands as I looked over at her.

‘Is that what you think?’ She asked, a concerned look on her face as we spoke.

‘How can you not think that? Economy’s still in the toilet and people just have to get the latest video game console for their brat who won’t even appreciate it!’

Kate smiled and looked down at her red stocking covered legs, she looked up at me and nodded her head.

‘I’m just saying… No one should be alone on Christmas and I’ve got nearly two hours before the mechanic can get here. I can be with you tonight…’

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Merry Christmas cuckold

Since I convinced my wife I wanted her to have sex outside of our marriage my sex life has become unbelievable. It was her idea to incorporate a chastity device because I always jerked off when she was out on a date. Over the years we have accumulated a large selection of cages and some are down right uncomfortable for me to wear. If I misbehave she always picks one of the smallest cages to put me in, so for Christmas she told me I would be getting a new cage for Christmas and she asked if I...

3 years ago
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Merry ChristmASS bitch Boy

Merry ChristmASS, Bitch Boy! The holidays were upon us. I had spent the last three months of my life as the personal sex slave of Brittany Andrews and Chantz Fortune. By now I was used to the chores, and the beatings, and constantly servicing and being fucked by their various strapon dildos. However, I never got used to the humiliating situations that they placed me in on a daily basis. Little did I know the worst was yet to come. I was trimming the Christmas tree, wearing nothing...

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Merry and the Guards

One of my first jobs was a teacher. As such I had the summers mostly off, except for teaching summer sch00l. The apartment complex I lived in had a pool which I had basically to myself during the hot summer days. Once Summer sch00l started I was done at noon and I would go after stopping at my apartment and getting changed. Merry was a fuck buddy female friend that looked great in a bikini and she would come with me. When I was by myself the guards basically would be pleasant but really not...

3 years ago
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Merry BBC Christmas

It's a little late to believe in Santa so I'll just chalk it up to fate...and a horny nigga.My last BBC was years ago in Saigon. Like any BBC slut I miss it a lot after a while.A few days before Christmas a black and white pair of guys checked into the hostel. They were friendly enough, the white guy wasn't feeling too well, they both went up to the dorm and to get cleaned up. An hour later the black guy came down to get a few beers; he also wanted to know if there was a pharmacy close by. His...

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Merry Christmas Bobby

The holidays suck man; they suck big time. Everything bad that has ever happened to me has happened during the period that stretches from Thanksgiving to New Years. It started when I was fourteen. The family was going to Hawaii the week after Thanksgiving for a two-week stay. God, but was I ever up for it. Two weeks on sunny beaches that would be wall to wall with gorgeous babes in bikinis. A true masturbator's paradise, except that I didn't go. Two days before we were scheduled to leave I...

2 years ago
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First Time Out with Kate

My First Time Out With Kate Author's Note: Sequel to My First Time Out, story just begged to be continued. I was surprised by how much it had to say. I woke up and thought back about the night before. Oh how I loved walking around that art show in my beautiful dress and my heels. Everything was perfect until my underwear broke. But what started as a disaster turned into a great opportunity. It set me on a course to meet Kate, a wonderful woman who helped me out. And I have a date...

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An Adventure with Kate and Karl

Number 4 of a series of individual stories. ([email protected]... - Please send comments, favourite pictures etc.!!!)? An Adventure with Kate and Karl ? by: Sonia_en_femme Chapter 1 - The Phone Call I came home from work and found Sally Anne looking excited. "What is it?" I asked. "Do you remember Karl the waiter that we met on our sexy weekend?" she asked and then went on, "Well Kate, his wife, rang me and she seemed very upset and had said that Karl had asked...

3 years ago
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Lucky Encounter With Kate At The Beach

When I happened to go over to the beach, I decided to take my yellow lab with me, and was I ever glad I did. Any way, as I walked through the dune access, there happened to be a family set up just off the beach entrance, and as I walked past them, an older lady stepped out of the “Easy up” sun shade and remarked, “She looks like a good dog.” I simply acknowledged her by smiling and saying, “Thanks,” as I moved down past where they were set up. After quickly setting up my umbrella, a beach...

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LOST Kate Prisoner of the Others

[LOST] KATE AUSTEN - PRISONER OF THE OTHERSKate’s Re-Capture [synopsis] After running for such a long time through the jungle, Kate was eventually captured by some of The Others. Unfortunately for her, she had made the mistake of running right into their trap, they had many men positioned stealthily with guns and as she ran into their radar they encircled her. Knowing she was completely outnumbered and also very exhausted from the prolonged chase, Kate did the only sensible thing she could and...

1 year ago
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Threesome with Kate Winslet

"What do you think?" She said to Andrew, not even noticing that I was in the room. "Nice!" He said nodding in approval. Kate looked over at me. "Who's this?" She asked, pointing at me. "That is my best friend and partner, Charles." "So this is the notorious Charles?" She said walking over to me. "So... how comes you never picked me? You don't think I'm hot?" She was being very blunt and getting to the point. If I'm suppose to be the big guy, the man in charge,...

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Bree 1 Kate

Introduction: Girlfriend Unexpectedly Encounters A Pony Our Related Stories in Succession. It is advisable to read them in order as the stories transcends to the next one: 1. Bree1 Kate- Story for Texans, the prequel to: 2. Bree 2 Girlfriends Big Surprise 3. Bree 3- A Trip To The Mountains 4. Bree 4 -Wifes Accidental Encounter With The Donkey 5. Bree 5 Bree and Suzanne Go To The Mountains 6. Bree 6 The Awakenings 7. Bree 7 Shannons Encounter with Jake The Donkey 8. Bree 8 The Reunion (a stand...

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Bree 1 Kate

It is advisable to read them in order as the stories transcends to the next one: 1. Bree1 – Kate- Story for Texans, the prequel to: 2. Bree 2 – Girlfriend’s Big Surprise 3. Bree 3- A Trip To The Mountains 4. Bree 4 -Wife’s Accidental Encounter With The Donkey 5. Bree 5 – Bree and Suzanne Go To The Mountains 6. Bree 6 – The Awakenings 7. Bree 7 – Shannon’s Encounter with Jake The Donkey 8. Bree 8 – The Reunion (a stand alone story but references people in Bree 1 – 6) As a...

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Kate Bishop and the Tracksuit Mafia

“Why the hush hush? You said that the city was free of the archer.” the goon replied to his boss, referring to the first Hawkeye, Clint Barton. “Yes, but there’s still a Spider crawling about, a devil, and the other archer.” Dmitri replied. The only vigilante he was worried about was the other archer, Kate Bishop. She had foiled his last few attempts to regain a foothold back in NYC for the Tracksuits. Other 22-year-old girls were out having a grand ol time, but Kate found her happy place in...

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Mike and Kate Chapter 1 Poker Poker Night

He had found it difficult to make friends as he was at his new high school but eventually made a few friends, Kate and Sophie. For some reason all the male pupils were not interested in being friends with Mike. Mike had a crush on Kate but, he never knew if she actually liked him that way, then one New Years Eve party when they were both 20 would change their lives forever when they finally got together. Kate was Mikes first girlfriend but Kate had had a few boyfriends before and was...

3 years ago
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Kate Abducted

Kate Abducted - Part 1 ======================"Kate you're fired!" yelled a voice across the call centre startling Kate who'd just slipped back into the room after a slightly longer than allowed cigarette break."But Steve!" she exclaimed, shuffling towards her desk, "It makes my voice more sexy.""That's the fourth break you've had this morning, three too many!  You're out!" he shouted, striding angrily across the room and blocking Sarah's path.Kate surveyed the room for allies but saw only the...

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Kerry and Kate

KERRY AND KATE is the sequel to KERRY AND THE SECURITY CHECK, a long wait I know for which I apologise, but these things take time, especially when done in secret for I find I write better when I am more suitably dressed. The soft hair of a wig against my face, the constriction of bra (and sadly given my girth a corset) the light flow of an A line skirt and the softness of nylons around my legs feeling feminine gives me the power to type and so here it is please enjoy. Kerry and...

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The Seduction of Kate

The Seduction of KateMy wife and I had been invited to the wedding of a distant relative of mine, I felt I had to make an effort to go and represent my side of the family, unfortunately my wife had another commitment and was unable to attend, so I had to go on my own. I had booked into the hotel where the reception was being held, when I arrived I went to my room and got changed ready to go to the church for the ceremony, as I didn’t really know many people that were there, I sat by myself in...

3 years ago
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A Weekend with Kate and Karl

Number 11 of a series of individual stories. A Weekend with Kate and Karl ? by: SONIA - #11 of Series (email [email protected] Please send comments, favourite pictures etc.!!!) Chapter 1 - Departure --------------------- My wife Sally Anne and I had had many adventures with me wearing panties or fully dressed as a woman. When I dressed up the sex was out of this world and as well as the incredible excitement I felt when wearing panties I knew Sally Anne was turned on...

4 years ago
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Mike and Kate Chapter 3 Couples Massage

“Everything ok,” Mike said to Kate. “Not really, the Estate Agent has just said the house has fallen through, the sellers have decided they don’t want to sell anymore," Kate said. “What, really?” Mike said, “Do they not know we sold our house and had to move in with your mom?” “I did tell them but they don’t seem to care,” Kate said. Both Mike and Kate were both shocked, they had not expected this to happen and were looking forward to their new life in a their new house. “We will have...

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Weekend With Kate Ch 01

Part One: The Picnic It was a lovely Saturday morning. The summer sun poured in thru the open window as Nick opened his eyes. He stretched and yawned, being careful not to disturb Kate, his live-in girl friend, who was sleeping peacefully next to him. He turned on his side to watch her as she slept. The movement caused her to open her eyes. He leaned across to kiss her lightly on the lips but she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him hungrily. When she broke the kiss, she said. ...

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Introduction: Would a snowstorm keep her from her family at Christmas? What do you mean Im not going to see you until January? Evan! You told me we could be together for part of the holidays. We talked about going away for New Years Eve! Evan cringed as Kathleens voice grew shrill. Im sorry if I misled you. My family always goes to our home in Telluride for the holidays. Misled? Misled? You call telling me that something special would happen when we were together at the stroke of midnight...

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Merry Fucking Christmas

This is a true story, only the names have been changed.It was Christmas and I had finished spending time with my family, and headed to my gay pal's house for the night. Being that we all worked for the same video store chain (in different locations), we had some videos to watch.When I arrived, plenty of friends were there already. One of the NEW friends there was Cammy. Cammy was friends with Kate, and Kate was the reason I had started working at the video store. Kate was an alternative girl,...

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Kate and Alice family Jewels

Introduction:"Pete, have you seen my...urgh" When the door had fully opened, Alice stopped dead in her tracks as she saw her brother Pete on his bed, naked. On top of him sat her best friend Kate, just as naked, smiling broadly at Alice, while she enthusiastically bounced away, riding Pete and obviously enjoying it. Seeing her brother blindfolded, with his hands tied to the headboard and his feet tied to the foot-end of the bed astonished Alice even more.link with video when kate and alice...

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Aunt Kates fuckbuddies

It was breakfast time when mom told me I would be going to aunty Kate’s house, that evening, I had plans with my school friends but she said I had to cancel them. Kate had moved to California shortly after I was born, and after fifteen years had only just moved back to New York, the first time I had ever met her was last week when mom and I met her for a coffee. I could quickly see the family resemblance, Kate, a year younger than mom, is the same size, at about five foot two, her petite body...

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Kate Mike and Dave

Hello my name is Mike and with me is my wife Kate. We've been married ten years and together fifteen. Kate and I live in a apartment in Newport News Virginia and we share it with another couple who I will call Dave and Sally. Dave and Sally are not married but are planning on tying the knot by next year. We are all into the party scene as Kate and I go out to a dance bar within walking distance to our apartment. Kate and I are a great couple and are very open to each other sexually and...

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A Weekend at Kates

Two college friends reunite for an adulterous, wild weekend.I rested my head in my hands as I stared up at the clock."3:48?" I muttered in disgust.I was twelve minutes away from beginning my weekend, but it seemed asthough time was grinding to a halt. I had finished with my last clientan hour earlier and was simply waiting out the rest of my shift. Igroaned again and looked out over the gym. To further my disappointmentthere were not even any half decent women to look at. I dropped my headback...

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Kate and Amys Corset

Kate and Amy's Corset by Pamela ([email protected]) Note: This is the sequel to "Aunt Caroline's Girdle" Midweek after my Sunday appearance at church, the phone rang while I was cleaning up the dinner dishes. I could hear Caroline in the next room talking. "Yes, Kate, Blake is doing just fine, thank you." "Oh you would would you? He's doing the dishes now." "Yes, very well trained, Kate." "OK, I'll ask." "Blake dear?" Caroline called to me. I turned...

4 years ago
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Weekend With Kate Ch 02

Part Two: The Ride Home After retrieving fresh panties for herself and underpants for Nick, Kate finished dressing and began to pack the picnic things. Nick gathered up the blanket and pillows and stowed them in the trunk of the car. Just before the lid was closed, Kate snatched one of the pillows and threw it in the back seat. ‘Just in case I want to catch a nap on the ride home.’ Nick started the car and began the task of negotiating the track out of the meadow and back onto the park road....

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Slave Training for Kate

SLAVE TRAINING FOR KATEPART 1It was Monday evening. And what a weekend it had been. Kate sat at her computer desk, completely naked, fondling her nipples, occasionally stroking her very wet pussy, reading the story on the screen. She had found this story, and others, on a website where people posted their writing setting forth various tales of slavery, bondage and discipline. She had read this one story she had found several times, the tale of a woman gardening in the nude in her fenced-in...

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Don and Kate

This story is about how I first met Kate. My name is Don. Im just your average 22 year old guy. Im 5'10'' tall and around 200 pounds. I have brown hair and eyes. Nothing really special about me. I work for a company that goes all over the United States to help remodel wal mart stores. Im usally gone for about a month at a time and home for about a week or two, then Im gone again. Since Im single and dont have any kids its a good job for me. So because Im gone so much, I dont have many...

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Kate Gets Blitzed

The first time I saw Kate, we were standing in front of the downtown office building where I had been working for the past five years. Her confident smile immediately caught my attention as she motioned for me to enter revolving door. I remember wishing she had gone first. I would have enjoyed checking out her cute figure a bit more. She looked to be just a few inches taller than my 5-3, with a trim, athletic build and pert breasts."What am I doing ogling another woman?" I said to myself as I...

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Alex was a reclusive girl. She was never very interested in seeking relationships with those around her. She only had a couple friends who were very close; they could both vouch for her shyness. She was awfully cute, with soft, short, golden brown hair that fell to her jaw line and eased a little on the boyish side. In fact, her entire being was a bit on the boyish side, but her face was still pretty with large, green eyes and a nice, albeit somewhat awkward smile that she rarely displayed. She...

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The Real Kate

Introduction: This is the beginning of my slavery. Kate had been married for almost 25 years. Karl was a wonderful man, but because of his many medical problems, he had developed ED. Kate spent whatever time she wasnt working in caring for Karls needs. Kate felt trapped, bored, and mostly sexually frustrated. Once every six months or so, Karl would skip his meds and then Kate would get a little attention, but Karl felt if he was doomed to a life of sexual frustration that Kate should be too. ...

1 year ago
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Kate Free Part 2

It wasn’t long before it dawned upon Kate, as the notion crystallized in her clouded mind, that she really had no decision to make. No, she was under Jack’s spell. If he wanted her to suck his cock, she would suck his cock. If he wanted to fuck her again, she would be his for the taking. Hell, in this lustful intoxication, she’d beg him for it if he wanted.This situation didn’t come from any timidity or insecurity, mind you. To the contrary, Kate was an intelligent, strong and independent...

2 years ago
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Kate Todds Erotic Adventure

They weren’t about to be having children before marriage, so she always made him wear a condom. Even if they got married in the future, she knew she would still insist that he wear a condom. She was happy that they both agreed on this during a discussion about it. They both reasoned that they were still young and had their whole lives ahead of them which was a lot of time to bring a child into the world. They started experimenting with anal shortly after they began having sex and this was...

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