Rania's Poker Party free porn video

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i****t, First, Inter, Oral, Amp, Preg?

So I was sitting there, the way I always am, but at least I had some
company. Mark was there, and he'd brought a couple of his friends. A
black guy named Tony and a guy who looked Irish, all red hair and freckles
named Cal, which was short for Callahan I found out, since his first name
was Toby and he hated it. I'd never met them before, but it was cool.

They were all about 20, Cal was 19 I think, going to the junior college.
I'd just turned 18 and I was still in high school, which seemed ridiculous
to me. I couldn't wait to graduate. Mom and Dad were out of town for a
wedding, which was the main reason Mark and his friends had come by.
Raiding my dad's liquor cabinet was a lot cheaper than buying it.

"So how do you play this?" I asked.

"You never played poker, Rania?" Tony grinned at me. He was pretty
cute, not really tall, but nice looking with his chocolate skin and white
teeth. A real outgoing personality too, sort of a friendly guy and I liked
that a lot.

"Nope." I shrugged. "I can play cribbage though."

"Cribbage?" Mark laughed. "This is poker night! Everybody bring your

"Money?" I stared at him.

"Well, you gotta have money." Cal laughed. "That's the point."

"Ahhh..." I rolled my eyes. "I got better things to do with my money
than give it to you guys." I started pushing myself from the table.

"It's not real money, just nickels and dimes, don't go." Tony smiled at

"Wellll..." I shrugged. "I'll try a little."

We were all drinking, the guys more than me. It was fun though, sitting
there and trying to figure out what I was doing. One of the guys would
help figure out how much to bet, or if I should fold, or whatever. They
were trying to be honest too, it seemed like, cause I was winning. I had
like ten dollars in nickels, dimes, and quarters in front of me and it was

"Well, shoot. I guess we better get serious." Mark said, looking at the
big pile of coins in front of me, and the little ones in front of him and
his friends. "No more help for Rania, she's on her own now."

"That's fine." I giggled. "I'll beat the pants off you guys anyway!" I
was feeling pretty smart right then.

"Beat the pants off us?" Cal grinned and Tony laughed with him. "We'll
see, we'll see."

And sure enough, eventually my luck started turning. Tony won a bunch
of hands, with Cal and Mark winning enough to stay in the game. We were
all getting a little buzzed, not really drunk, but just relaxed. I was
sitting between Cal and Tony and they'd both moved their chairs a little
closer, just a fraction every once in awhile and before I knew it they were
right next to me, the both of them.

"Hey!" I laughed. "You guys are cheating!"

"No we're not!" Tony protested. "We just like sitting by you."

"Yeah, Kell, come on." Cal touched me on my shoulder, giving me a little
rub and I grinned at him.

"You're just trying to see my cards."

It didn't really occur to me that they might be trying to see something
else too. I'm a pretty girl, I know that, with a cute face and a nice
body. A real nice body, seriously toned, even buff you might say because I
get a serious workout everyday. My ass is nice and pert and solid, believe
me, I'm proud of my butt, I work it to death. My breasts are nice too,
firm but pretty large and I was a little self-conscious about them
actually, since they were 34D cups. In high school big is good, but bigger
is sort of weird.

I have blonde hair, sorta long I guess. Mostly I keep it in a ponytail,
but that night it was loose. And blue eyes, not dramatic blue or anything,
but nice. Everybody likes me, but my problem is that I have really bad
legs. In fact, I don't have any legs at all hardly, which sucks even worse
than you might think. It happened when I was seven, riding my bike and
ending up under a truck. No use crying over it 11 years later though, I
did plenty of that before. So, now you know I'm an amputee, with a great
body, a pretty face, and no boyfriend...Cause for some reason boys just
don't really want to get serious with a girl in a wheelchair.

So, I was sort of innocent. I mean I never really had a boyfriend or
anything, as I just explained. I wasn't exactly shy myself, but I was far
from outgoing and I think I intimidated most guys anyway. Even the guys I
was playing poker with, at first they'd been nervous, sort of like they
were walking on egg shells around me, but their drinking and my
determination to have good time got them over that quickly enough.

Maybe too quickly I thought, as it did finally dawn on me that by trying
to look at my cards Tony and Cal were getting a pretty good eyeful down my
loosely buttoned blouse.

"Okay, okay." I grinned. "Move back over, come on...I want to win some
of your money back."

They laughed and joked, but they moved and I still wasn't winning. But
finally I had a good hand, a really good one, and it was right on time too.
I was down to my last quarter, which I'd just anted into the pot.

Mark had the bet and he threw in a dime, which Tony matched and then
bumped to a quarter. I just looked down at the empty table and then at the
three jacks in my hand.

"Can I borrow a quarter from somebody?" I asked innocently and they all
laughed at me. "I'm serious, come on!"

"You can't borrow a quarter, Rania!" Mark grinned. "You have to play
with your own money."

"But I don't have any more. Please?" I looked around, batting my eyes
and making a puppy dog face, but it was no use.

"Nope, you're out of money, you're out of the game, that's how it
works." Cal said.

"Well...Maybe..." Tony started saying and I smiled at him. "You got
anything worth a quarter? You know, something to throw in?"

"Ummm..." I thought about it. "I have my earrings." I said. "They're
worth way more than a quarter though."

"Don't bet those Kell." Mark shook his head.

"Well, you guys wouldn't really keep them, if I lost..." I looked
around. "Would you?"

"I would." Mark said seriously, cause he was sorta like that.

"I bet you would." I frowned.

"Aw, she's out." Cal said, "Let's play...my bet?"

"Wait, hold on...How about um, my top?" I said, giggling nervously, but
being serious. "Like strip poker, right?"

"You played strip poker before?" Tony grinned at me.

"Well no, but I heard of it." I said. "Come on, my top okay?"

"For a quarter?" Mark stared at me.

"Mmmm...Can I get like a little change or something for it?" I asked

"No." Cal grinned. "All clothes are a quarter except socks...you
wearing socks?"

"No!" I laughed at him and he turned bright red, but I wasn't offended
or anything.

"Okay, so Rania's clothes are worth a quarter." Mark said, "Okay?"

"Yeah sure." Tony nodded, looking at his cards like he was cool.

"Okay." Cal nodded as well.

"Alright then, umm...do I have to take it off now?" I asked.

"You gotta pay the pot, Rania." Tony grinned and they all watched as I
sighed and took off my blouse, exposing my plain white bra cupping my large

I folded it up and put it in the center of the table. "Okay, I'm in."

I tried to ignore the guys' looks, but I felt a little funny sitting
there in my bra. I kept my cards close to my chest and brushed a long
strand of blonde hair out of my eyes, being brave as I returned their

"Okay, to me?" Cal licked his lips. "I'm...I'm in...and uh, I'll raise
it a quarter."

"What?" I stared at him and he giggled.

"Wait your turn." He smiled at me.

Of course everyone stayed in, Mark and then Tony, tossing in their money
and Tony even raised another quarter, so it was fifty cents to me!

"This isn't fair!" I said, looking at them with pursed lips.

"Fifty cents, Kell." Mark leaned back.

That's uh...Hmmm..." Tony chuckled. "Your bra and shorts, I guess. If
you wanna stay in the game."

"I don't like you guys." I said, frowning as I looked at my cards again.
Three jacks, an eight and a two. And we still had the draw coming.
"Underwear has to be worth more than regular clothes, come on."

"Well, we agreed..." Cal started, but Tony held up his hand.

"That's fair." He nodded, looking around. "Underwear is...personal." He
said it with a straight face, but then he bust out laughing and even I had
to smile at him.

"How about, okay, fifty cents for underwear then...but that includes
panties too." Mark looked at me and I nodded as we all agreed that was

"Okay, hold on a sec." I put my cards face down and made funny faces at
them for a few seconds while I worked my panties off, pulling them out
front under the long skirt I wore with a grin.

"Oh, she can't do that!" Cal protested, but Tony just laughed and nodded
and Mark just shrugged. "You can't do that, you gotta like take stuff off
in order."

"What?" I laughed at him. "How do you know I don't put my dress on
before I put on my panties?"

"Well..." He looked down, grumbling because I hadn't shown him my tits.

But I was sitting there with no panties on, and it was a little
embarrassing putting them on the table. I mean they were clean, you know,
but they were my little pink panties, with a little white bow on the front
and...It was weird. It was also exciting, which was really strange. There
I was, an 18 year old high school virgin, playing strip poker with three
college guys...Yikes! I kinda liked it.

But I wouldn't have admitted it in a hundred thousand million years.

At least we got to draw cards now and I decided to take two, looking for
that other jack. Mark took one, so I figured he had like a straight, or
maybe a flush, if he'd gotten lucky. Tony took three, so all he had was a
pair of something. Cal took three also, so I figured I had them beat just
sitting there.

"My bet?" Tony asked. "I'll check."

"What's that mean...oh!" I remembered. "My bet, right? Ummm..." I
frowned then and Tony was grinning. "You sneaky..."

I had to bet either a quarter or fifty cents, and I was going to lose
either my bra or my skirt, one or the other. This wasn't working out like
I'd planned at all and I almost quit, but I knew I had the winning hand

"A quarter..." I said. "You guys keep your eyes on your cards." I made
sure I was sitting close to table, as close as I could get, and I wriggled
my butt out of my skirt, wrapping it up finally and putting it on the

"Hmmm...Cal looked at his cards and then at me...and then, "I'm out. I
got squat."

"Quarter to me huh?" Mark rubbed his chin. "Okay. Here's your quarter
and I'll...bump it a quarter. Fifty cents Tony."

"I'm in." He didn't even hesitate. "And, aw, what the hell...let's add
a quarter. So that's..."

"Fifty cents to me." I frowned. But I'd pulled two fives in the draw,
as if by magic, and even I knew it was gonna be tough for anybody to beat a
full house.

"Alright." I took a deep breath. "We're all adults." Then I looked at
Mark. "Some of us anyway, Mark close your eyes."

"No way, Rania. Let's see `em." He laughed and I blushed, but I did it.

I removed my bra slowly, actually liking the way I had the attention of
those guys, especially Tony whom I was starting to like a lot. Cal was
okay too, Mark...nyaaa...So I reached behind me, which of course gave those
guys a real thrill, and undid my bra with one hand, pressing it to my boobs
with the other, and then finally taking it off after a long, long pause.

"Wow." Cal said. "You're uh...Wow."

"Close your mouth, Cal." Tony chuckled, but he was looking at my tits
too and he liked them a lot.

My nipples were hard, which was mildly embarrassing, and pointed like
bubblegum rockets. They didn't sag, for all their size, and I was sort of
proud actually. I'd never, ever shown my breasts to anyone, but there I
was, naked as a jaybird now, with rock hard nipples and three horny guys.
Do you see a pattern here?

I tossed my bra on the table carelessly, I mean once they'd seen me I
couldn't take it back, so I actually relaxed quite a bit and laughed at
their stares.

"Is that it I asked?" Ready to lay down my cards and get dressed again,
because I knew I had a winner.

"Uh, nope...It's a quarter to me and I'll see that, and raise fifty
cents." Mark said.

"Fifty cents?" I stared at him. "You're doing that on purpose! I don't
have anymore clothes!"

"Sorry, Kell...But these cards are worth every penny!" He smiled and I
knew he was bluffing.

"Trying to buy the pot, huh buddy?" Tony thought he was bluffing too.
"I got your fifty, and here's fifty cents more."

"Oh you guys suck!" I said. "A dollar now? To me?" I was sitting on
the best hand anybody'd had all night and they were pulling that stuff? It
wasn't fair and I was so annoyed I even forgot I was naked. Almost.

"A dollar to you." Tony nodded.

"Well." I shrugged. "I guess I'm out. I don't have anything else to

"Well..." Mark said slowly. "...you could bet other things."

"Other things?" I looked at him. "Like what? My teeth?"

"No, mmmm...how about, I don't know...a kiss maybe? Or...Nah...that's
not worth a dollar..."

"A kiss isn't worth a dollar?" I stared at him in disbelief. "Is that
an insult or something?" I honestly didn't know what to think of it.

Tony and Cal had the good sense to stay quiet, at least.

"No I just mean a kiss, well...everybody kisses." Mark shrugged. "How
about like, ummm...something serious."

"Serious?" I was lost now. "What do you mean serious?"

"I mean like sex, you know. Something...like a blowjob?" He said
slowly, watching my reaction closely.

"What?" I snorted. "Are you crazy?"

"Well, if you bet a blowjob and you win...You get to pick who goes down
on you, right?" Mark grinned at me. "I mean you could have Tony do it, if
you want...He's still in. Or me...Up to you. Plus you get our money."

"Uhhh..." I sat back shaking my head trying to understand him.

"But only if you win, if you don't then whoever wins the hand, me or
Tony...well...you know..."

"You want me to give you a blowjob?" I'd never even touched a boy's

"Well, duh...You're pretty hot." Mark chuckled and if I could have I
might have slapped him.

"So it's like you guys win either way." I shook my head.

"Well so do you." Mark grinned, "Depending on how you look at it."

"I won't give you a blowjob, Mark." I shook my head. "Tony maybe," I
seriously blushed when I said that and I couldn't look at him. "But not

"Why not?" He asked.

"Cause you're my brother?" I said, holding out my hand like it was
obvious. "Remember that?"

"Ah, who cares, come on...You're probably gonna win anyway and then you
can play with Tony all you want."

"I don't want to play with Tony!" But I was lying and they knew it. I
could feel my face burning and my nipples felt like they were going to pop.
My sex was greasy and I squirmed uncomfortably in my chair.

"Well, either way. Oral sex for a dollar, you in or out?" He asked.

"I'mmmmm..." I paused, thinking hard. If I had the winning hand, I
could probably clean these guys out. Teach them a real lesson maybe. And
I did have the winning hand, I was sure.

"What? Come on." Mark said impatiently.

"How much for real sex?" I asked, swallowing hard.

"What? Like fucking?" Mark stared at me.

"Yeah." I nodded. "If I said I'd do it with the winner, if I don't win
I mean, how much is that worth?"

"I don't know." Mark shrugged. "Five dollars?" He looked at Tony and
Tony was laughing and not saying a word. He just held up his hands like he
was innocent.

"Don't ask me, man." Tony wasn't saying a thing.

"Five?" I shook my head. "You're crazy, it's gotta be like...I don't
know, twenty bucks, how about that?" Even that wasn't very much, especially
for my virginity, but these guys didn't know I was a virgin and I wasn't
gonna say anything, and twenty bucks was probably about all my brother had
anyway. He was always broke.

"Ahhh...well, sure." Mark nodded and took a drink of his beer. "Twenty
is...okay, I guess."

"Okay then, I'll see your dollar...for a blowjob..." I rolled my eyes.
"And raise you guys twenty for um, fucking...But!" I stared at them. "No
more raising, this is it, right?"

"Sure uh, okay." Mark nodded. "So twenty to me? Then..." He opened his
wallet for ten, searched his pockets for a crumpled five and some ones, and
finally counted all the change in front of him. He had twenty dollars and
ten cents. "...I'm in."

"I'm...in..." Tony nodded and I laughed at him, thinking I'd just scored
pretty good. About 45, almost 50 bucks altogether, not bad at all.

"Read `em and weep, boys!" I said, cause I'd heard that in a movie once
and had wanted to say it al night. I laid down my full house and grinned
at them triumphantly.

"Uhhh, that's good." Tony nodded. "But I have four sixes. Sorry about
that." But he didn't look sorry and my smile felt frozen on my face.

"Ohhh...look at Tony go!" Cal laughed, finally finding his voice after
sitting like a lump for twenty minutes staring at my boobs.

"Not bad Tony, but I got this little thing they call a straight
flush...Seven through Jack of Hearts. Ain't that cool?" Mark grinned at
us, and especially at me.

"Bet you were looking for this guy, huh?" He tapped his jack, the one
I'd been missing.

"Well, I guess it's our lucky night Tony, Rania owes us buddy!" He gave
Tony a high five and I glared at him. "You're not gonna welch out on us,
are you s*s?"

"No." I shook my head. "You know me better than that, Mark."

"Yeah." He smiled at me. "You always keep your promises, and hey!
That's why we love you!"

"Well, you're the big winner I guess um..." I swallowed, not exactly
sure how I was supposed to feel about this. I mean I wanted sex yeah, but
not with my brother for one thing. And not because I owed to somebody for
another. I kinda wanted it to be more special than that, you know?

"I think she's shy." Mark said to Tony.

"Well, you're kinda bein' a dick." Tony told him and I smiled at that.

"Am I?" Mark looked at him.

"Yeah. You gotta be smooth man." Tony shook his head. "You already
know she's gonna do it, right? So be nice."

"It's okay." I smiled at Tony, "Mark's been a dick since he was born.
I'm used to it."

"Shoot." Tony shook his head, smiling back at me. "If you were my
sister...Mmmm...I wouldn't be no dick, not like that."

"Yeah yeah...Knock it off." He looked at me. "Are you gonna pay up or

I laughed then, looking at Tony. "See what I mean?" I nodded. "Yeah
okay, ummm...The same time okay? I want Tony to be there. I..." I bit my
lip, looking at him. "I want him to be my first, alright?"

"Your first?" Tony narrowed his eyes.

"I never did it." I swallowed nervously. "So um...You did it before
right? Like you know how?"

He chuckled and I blushed. "Don't worry, everybody knows how. That
ain't the hard part."

"Yeah. I know." I was sounding stupid, the way I do when I talk to guys
I like. "I just meant, you...you're not a virgin too, are you?"

"No." Tony smiled. "But I wish I was now." He was talking softer and I
think we both forgot Mark and Cal were there with us.

"Why?" I asked, smiling and playing with my hair, feeling my bare
breasts just aching suddenly to be touched.

"Cause you're way finer than any girlfriend I ever had." Tony was closer
too and then we were kissing and it was nice, I ain't lying. Wow!

"Come on." Mark sighed. "Okay, fine both of us. He can fuck you and
you suck me, right?"

"I hate my brother sometimes." I whispered and Tony just grinned at me.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of you." He promised.

"What about me?" Cal was whining like a red headed step-c***d.

"You shouldn'ta folded, pal." Mark laughed. "Television's in there." He
pointed towards the living room. "Use a coaster too! My mom's a neat

"You wanna cover yourself up?" Tony asked me as he stood up.

"Nah, I'm okay." I shrugged. "You're gonna see it all anyway, right?" I
giggled nervously and I felt a little scared because this was the bad part
for me, the part in my dreams where it became a nightmare.

"It's okay." He bent over and kissed me again. "You're really

"You say that now..." I smiled weakly, looking into his soft brown eyes.

"No, I mean it and if you don't want to do this, we don't have to.
Mark's full of shit." Tony told me seriously. "You don't owe us anything."

"Do you want to do it?" I asked him. "With me?"

"Yeah." He nodded. "Long as I can see you again after, long as were
still friends. If it's gonna be problem, then no...I can wait."

"Really Tony?" I think I was going to cry, which sounds totally dumb,
and I even wiped at my eyes for a second, but I didn't.

"Uh-huh." He nodded. "We can go as fast as you want, whatever you want,

"I want to do it." I told him. "But I gotta know if you mean it..." I
grabbed my wheels and rolled back in my chair, really hating it right then,
and giving Tony, and the others a real good look at my legs. Such as they

I'd lost them just above the knees and there were some scars, but it
wasn't that bad. Not horrible, except the way my thighs just...ended.
Round and sort of wrinkled, like the end of really big hot dogs you might
say, except that sounds sort of funny, and my legs weren't funny at all.

The guys also got a good look at my pussy too, but I wasn't quite so
nervous about that. I mean it was private, yeah, but not weird like my
legs. I had a little golden hair down there, sort of yellow-brown, and my
clit was hard, like a little pink eraser, but only because Tony...Mmmm...I
don't know, he just seriously made me feel good. Anyway, I was looking at
my legs, and probably they did too at first, but when I looked at them, all
three of them, they were staring at my pussy.

"I mean it." Tony said, blinking and forcing himself to look into my

"Okay." I bit my bottom lip. "Me too."

"Well, I'm glad we got that sorted out." My brother rolled his eyes.
"Come on."

He pushed me towards my bedroom, with Tony following and Cal too, even
though he hadn't won anything. I guess TV didn't sound like much fun, and
I didn't mind really. I know I sound like a slut or something, but for one
thing, I'd been basically dreaming of sex for like 4 years straight. Some
people say only guys have wet dreams? The people who say that are guys,
believe me, girls have them too...We just don't make a big deal out of it.

For another thing, do you believe in love at first sight? Or if not
that, then maybe love two hours after first sight? Cause I was thinking
that I could seriously be in love with Tony right about then. I didn't
have a lot of experience, true, and he wasn't exactly the sort of guy I'd
pictured myself with, since I was a german-swede and he was...I don't know,
zulu or something. No offence intended. I'm just pointing out the
obvious, which didn't bother me at all.

And also, while I'm on it, I did have this weird psychological thing
about keeping my word. I know some people can say they'll do something and
then change their mind, or forget, or whatever, but not me. I'd said I'd
do it, give the winners blow jobs and even have sex with them, and I'd
known at the time what those things were. So chickening out later, or
stepping up to some higher moral ground didn't really make much sense. I'd
lost my legs and people had sent me cards and letters saying how brave I
was, you know, the courageous little girl...Maybe I just always felt I had
to live up to that or something.

Whatever it was, I knew one thing...I was finally going to lose my
virginity and that thought didn't bother me at all!

Mark had rolled me into my bedroom a thousand times, probably more.
He'd also carried me a gazillion times, so he knew what to do. Basically
he wheeled me to my bed and just waited until I'd pushed myself up and out,
flopping onto my tummy, which was easiest for me. To the uninitiated it
probably looked like I could have used some help, but believe me, I didn't
need it or want it.

"Ain't you gonna help her?" Cal asked and Mark just gave him a look
like, `What? Are you crazy?'

I got on my bed just fine and I could have rolled over, but remember how
I said I was proud of my ass? I was laying there on my tummy for one
reason...Just to show it off to Tony.

I'm a little paranoid about getting a fat ass, or a flat ass, which
would be just as bad, so I do physical therapy, like leg curls, and
swimming, but not really swimming, I just sort of float and kick until my
ass burns with the effort. Anyway, I work my butt to death and now, laying
there on my tummy, bare butt naked, I knew it was paying off. Legs or no
legs, a man couldn't look at my firm round ass and not get excited. Or so
I hoped.

"What do you think?" I asked Tony, partly because I wanted to tease him,
and partly because I wanted to make sure he liked what he saw.

"I think you're uh..."

"Fucking hot!" Cal finished for him.

"Yeah." Tony chucked, turning his head. "Fucking hot."

"Shit, I've been looking at that for the last 4 or 5 years, man." My
brother was saying. "You got no idea."

"Really?" I looked at Mark, a little surprised. "You've been looking at

"Since you were like 13, Kell." He nodded, taking off his clothes while
we talked. "I used to jerk off in your panties."

"That was you?" I stared at him.

"Well yeah." He laughed. "Who else would it be?"

"I thought it was that guy Joel you used to hang out with." I told him.
Joel had been his best friend, but that guy was always staring at me, he
was sorta creepy, like a stalker or something.

"Joel?" Mark laughed. "I dunno, maybe he did. All I know is I've been
waiting for this for a long time, s*s."

Mark had undressed quickly and I looked from his face down to his penis,
which was hard and long and bobbing up and down as he moved. He was
getting on the bed, sliding up to lean against the headboard, which was
about perfect as it put my head right where his cock was.

"You gonna get undressed, dude?" Mark looked at Tony. "Or am I gonna do
her by myself?"

"Do me?" I laughed. "Are you sure we came from the same parents?"

"I dunno, does it matter?" He laughed. If I was a little weird, Mark
was positively strange sometimes. "Okay, come on Kell, Jesus I used to
dream about this."

"I can't believe your sister's gonna suck your dick." Cal was looking
around for a place to sit while Tony took off his clothes.

"Sit in my chair, its okay." I told him, since there wasn't any other
chairs in there.

"Come on! Suck it." Mark said impatiently, but I ignored him.

I'd never played with a cock before and here was my chance. It was kind
of cute, I guess. Not really big or anything, but hot under my fingers,
and heavy. I guess that surprised me the most. It had a weight to it,
duh...I'm no brain surgeon, but I guess I figured since it was attached to
Mark, he'd sort of be holding it up, right?

"I'm gonna lick you, okay?" Tony surprised me, since I'd been looking at
Mark's dick and I'd sorta forgotten the other guys were there for a second.
"You have the most perfect ass..." He was saying and then I felt something,
really, really nice.

Tony just got on the bed behind me, he must have been lying down too,
and spread my ass and I felt his hot wet tongue across my anus. I mean he
went right for my ass, first thing. I about jumped off the bed! But I
couldn't because Mark had decided to help me out by grabbing my head and
basically pulling my open mouth down on his cock.

So, I was sucking my first cock ever, and it was my brother's. They're
probably all the same though, so that didn't bother me a whole lot. The
whole i****t thing, I don't know, it doesn't get me really excited, and it
doesn't turn me off either. Mark liked it though, he was always calling me
s*s while we did it, and he hardly ever calls me that. It was like he had
to keep reminding himself that he finally got what he'd always wanted, sex
with his beautiful sister.

The truth was he probably could have had me a longtime before. All he
had to do was say something, or try and kiss me. I wouldn't have said no,
I don't think. I wanted to have sex; all my friends were doing it, so if
it had to be with my brother so what? It would have given me some good
leverage too, some really cool ways to tease him. I really regret that he
didn't have sex with me when I was mmmm...14 or 15 maybe. It would have
been fun.

So I guess he was making up for lost time, because he was holding my
head tight, really making me bob up and down on his thick cock and I had no
idea what I was doing. I didn't know if I was literally supposed to suck,
like he had a big straw between his legs, or if I was just supposed to
mouth it, you know. So I did both and he didn't really seem to mind either

I didn't mind either, except I was gagging sometimes when he hit the
back of my throat, coughing a little too. We just had to go slower, that
was all, and I'd get the hang of it. So I resisted him, just a little, and
stroked his thighs with my hands, and Mark finally did relax enough to let
me figure this blowjob thing out for myself. It wasn't really very
complicated at all, once you got the hang of it.

Tony helped a lot though too, because he was licking and kissing my
pussy and butt like you wouldn't believe. Yes, there are black guys who
like eating pussy, and they do a good job of it. I don't know where or how
Tony learned, but he knew what he was doing and if I'd had real legs,
instead of those useless stumps, I'd have been squeezing his head hard! As
it was I still squeezed him pretty good, especially when he gave me my
first real orgasm of my life.

I'd had other ones, I mean I frigged myself often enough to get a spot
in the masturbation hall of fame probably, but this was way better than any
of the ones I'd given myself. Mostly cause I usually stopped when I
started cumming, but Tony just kept on going and it drove me insane! I was
shaking like a leaf, just holding my mouth loose around Mark's cock, and
moaning like crazy. I was wriggling and squirming and flopping around, but
Tony was right there with me, holding my hips and shoving his big tongue
deep inside my quivering sex like there was no tomorrow.

"Oh god!" I just looked up at my brother, my mouth open and dripping
spit and precum all over his slobbery wet penis. "That was good!"

Mark just shrugged, and pushed my face back down, but he wouldn't know
good cunnilingus from square dance calling, believe me. I loved him and
all, but my brother really was a selfish prick sometimes.

"You ready, baby?" I heard Tony whispering in my ear, and he was sliding
up my back and it felt so good.

"Mmmphh..." I said around Mark's penis, trying to lift my head to say
more, but Mark was holding me down and pushing up with his hips at the same

"I'm gonna fuck you good, Rania...I swear, you're so hot, baby..." Tony
loved calling me baby, which I didn't mind at all. It was better than s*s
anyway. And hearing him talk dirty in my ear, in that soft low voice of
his, it was yummy.

I could feel his thighs outside mine, such as they were and a moment
later I felt the head of his cock nudging my pussy. I was so ready for it
too, like you wouldn't believe. I'd had a really nice cum already and my
pussy was on fire, all wet and juicy and hungry for Tony's big cock. The
only problem, if it can be called that, was that my pussy was so small.

I'd fingered myself a lot, even inside, just a little, but mostly
playing with clit. I still had my hymen, I knew that, because I'd felt it
just inside and I'd been careful, you know saving myself for Mr. Right,
who happened to be Tony I guess. He was definitely gonna pop my cherry if
he could get his dick inside me. But it seemed to take forever, mostly
cause he wasn't really using his hands, probably. He was just pushing with
his hips, sort of humping my pelvis and poking around for my little hole.

It felt good, I mean I liked it and it seemed really sexy, feeling his
smooth warm cockhead rubbing me all over, even pressing against my little
butthole once in awhile, but at the same time I really wanted it too. And
Mark was really fucking my mouth now. It wasn't even a blowjob really, he
was just holding my face in his hands and pushing with his hips, sliding
his i****tuous cock in and out of my tightly stretched lips. It was easy
for me, so long as he didn't go too far inside, so I didn't really mind.

"Mmmm...Come on baby, open up for me..." Tony was saying and I could
tell he was getting frustrated too after about 5 minutes of playing pin the
dick in the Rania. So I finally did what he was reluctant to do, or maybe
what he'd been waiting for all along. I reached back and grabbed his cock,
which really filled my hand, I mean seriously, he was thick, a lot thicker
than Mark, and I guided him blindly to my pussy, rubbing the head around
while I tried to adjust my hips and suck Mark at the same time.

He finally caught me, his cock finding the spot and he knew it. Tony
pushed, grunting as his penis split my rather shy and reluctant pussy and
like two seconds after he started I felt him tearing at my hymen. It
wasn't very deep at all, seriously. I hear about those girls who take like
3 inches of dick before they even touch their cherries? No way, mine was
right there like a stop sign and it hurt when he ran through it, like being
cut with a knife. A dull knife, with maybe a little hot butter on it.

I groaned and my whole body jerked, as if I might get away somehow, but
Tony was holding me and kissing my neck, kissing my ear. He whispered how
good I felt, how nice and tight and hot my pussy was around his dick. And
then he'd stab me with it, thrusting with his hips and I'd groan again,
little tears coming to my eyes, and then in the middle of all that, Mark
was cumming in my mouth.

No warning or anything, he just did it. I was coughing and I'd
swallowed a big mouthful, and a lot of it was running out between my lips.
What a mess! I even had some of my brother's sperm coming out of my nose,
because it was just like drinking hot salty milk and trying to breath, you
know, I was choking for a second there. It almost hurt, except Tony's big
cock in my too small pussy was making sure I knew what hurt really was
right about then.

I sucked Mark a little more once I'd caught my breath, but I needed to
take a break from that. My jaws ached and my tongue was tired and I had
that sort of slimy spermy aftertaste...And I was burping too, because I'd
swallowed a lot of air while I was sucking him off. I hadn't expected

Anyway, Mark gave me a little pat on the head and let me concentrate on
getting fucked, which was what really interested me. I kept waiting for
Tony to stop pushing, I mean it felt like he'd been pushing inch after inch
after inch inside me, but I guess it was just quarter inches, or maybe he
was on the metric system, because I reached back and there was like a
fistful of cock still looking for a home.

"I'm gonna push now, baby...You ready?" Tony asked me.

"W-What?" I turned my face to see him smiling. I wanted to ask him what
he meant by that, like he hadn't really been pushing before? My pussy felt
stuffed! It hurt! Jesus Christ, I should have joined a convent, you know?

"Here it comes, baby..." and Tony grunted as he gripped my shoulders,
really holding me tight, and he just jammed his cock inside me hard, with
one quick thrust that knocked the air out of me. Literally. I was
breathless, my mouth open, my pussy feeling like a cannon had just gone off
inside it, and he was kissing my neck and telling me I was beautiful.


But the good thing was that he was in, all the way, balls deep...However
you like to say it, his cockhead was playing ping-pong with my cervix. It
was right there like a lightening bolt that shocked me every time I moved
so much as my little finger. But I couldn't decide if it was really,
really good, or sort of bad, because that lightning bolt made me cum
again...A couple times, because Tony would pull back some, and just do it
all over again, slowly at first, but then faster and faster and you know
what? Pretty soon my pussy didn't hurt anymore, although the fire was
still there, it just felt really nice.

That big black cock just sliding in and out with my hot soft walls
around it, squeezing him. I could feel it, I felt like a horny little
milking machine and Tony could feel it too. He was kissing me hard now, on
the lips and everything, not even caring that I'd just sucked off my
brother. He loved me, or so he said, and I said it back, over and over
while we made love. He was giving me a great fuck, just as he'd promised,
and while the pain never truly went away that first time, I don't remember
it so much now. It faded away, or I felt too good to notice it and I was
just begging for him to cum inside me. Almost.

"Do you have a condom?" I asked, my voice ragged and breathless.

"What?" Tony kissed me, rubbing his cheek against mine.

"A condom..." I wriggled my hips, working my pussy around his thick cock
as it stabbed deep into my hungry cunt. "...I'm not...protected."

"N-No..." Tony reached beneath me, filling his hands with my breasts,
squeezing them to make me moan even louder. Thumbing my nipples until I
had tears in my eyes.

"I...Oh god...I'm not protected at all..." I fucked myself back, pushing
at my mattress with my hands, wanting him all the way inside me.

"I...I'll pull out, baby...Oh shit you feel so good around my dick..."

"You promise...promise you'll...uh...pull out?" I turned my head licking
across his soft lips, breathing hard and looking into his eyes.

"Oh yeah...fuck...yeah Rania...fuck ..."

Oh, we forget all about that conversation. Tony was fucking me hard,
slamming his cock inside me over and over and I was practically barking
like a dog for it. I was his bitch, his slut, his little legless whore,
and I loved it. I couldn't get enough of his dick. And when he told me he
was gonna cum, I told him to do it, to sperm me good. To cream inside me
cause I couldn't imagine life without that huge cock inside me. I wasn't
ever gonna let Tony pull out.

Which was just lust talking, of course, Somewhere inside me, where Rania
lived, the phone was ringing and a little voice was waiting to tell me that
we'd better stop, we'd better think about what we were doing. Taking a big
load of semen on the back isn't exactly sexy, but neither is changing
diapers at two in the morning.

Unfortunately Rania wasn't home. She was in lala land playing the
bongos with a little monkey named Orgasm, who just happened to really know
how to do the Samba, you dig? Tony sure didn't want to pull out, it went
against every male instinct in his body. Shoot, if he didn't knock me up,
his caveman ancestors told him, someone else would and that was bad karma,
man. He was gonna cum inside me whether I liked it or not, probably, but
that may be a little harsh. Tony was a pretty nice guy.

Either way when I felt that first wild spurt of baby gravy deep in my
womb I lost it. I came like crazy and only later, during the wonderfully
warm afterglow of our sex, with Tony's cock still inside me, still leaking
his happy little sperms, did I realize what we'd just done.

"Tony?" I whispered, laying there pressed deep into my mattress by his
hot damp body.

He was still way down in my cunt, which was clasped so tightly around
him that I wondered if he'd ever be able to get out of me. I could feel
the muscles there, those weird little pussy muscles that I had no control
over, contracting and relaxing with tiny spasms like sweet little orgasms,
except they weren't. They just made me feel really good.

"Hmmm?" Tony had his eyes closed, his chin on the bed next to my face, a
soft smile on his mouth like he was asleep and dreaming something nice.

"Did you pull out?" I asked him softly, knowing he hadn't. I could feel
him inside me, his sperm in my pussy, in my womb, bathing my cervix and my
uterus and my little egg probably. It made me tremble with fear, but maybe
with excitement too. I could have been pregnant right then, I thought,
pregnant with Tony's baby while he held me, covering my pale body like a
big black blanket.

"Uhhh...Not yet..." He kissed me. "But I will next time, I promise."

"Oh Tony." I sighed. "It isn't funny. You promised." I wasn't really
angry, or even disappointed. I'd wanted it as much as he had, wanted his
cum inside me. It was my first time with a man, my first time making love,
of being...fucked...and I'd wanted the whole ride, just as much as Tony
had. It wasn't just his fault, or mine, it was ours.

"Next time? It's my turn...Come on, dude, let me in...I'm ready!" Mark
was there, of course. I'd forgotten about him. And Cal, who was still
sitting in my wheel chair. He'd been stroking his own cock while he
watched Tony fucking me and he was still doing it as I turned my head
lazily to look at them..

"Shut-up Mark...We're not done yet." I told my brother, and then
shrugged, as best I could and kissed Tony deeply before I whispered softly,
"Mmmm...next time...but don't forget, okay? It's a bad time for me."

"Sure baby." Tony smiled and he started moving his hips again, his
thickness moving just a little bit, back and forth. He was going to fuck
me again and I was so ready for it. The brief pain of losing my virginity
was long gone, completely forgotten for the moment. I was so wet down
there and as Tony began moving faster, pushing himself up on his straight
arms and getting a better angle, I could feel his sperm being mixed and
churning inside me.

"You wanna ride me, baby?" Tony asked a moment later and when I just
nodded he stopped and pulled out of me slowly. Mark probably thought it
was his turn, but he was in for a disappointment as Tony lay down on his
back and helped slide onto his chest and stomach. I had my stumps on
either side of his strong thighs, spread as far as they'd go, and his cock
went back inside me easily this time, finding my vagina which was gaping
wide and leaking our juices.

I pressed my fiery nipples against him, my large firm breasts flat
against his body and it was good like that. Tony grabbed my ass and held
me impaled on his cock, rocking my body easily back and forth while we
kissed. He was going to last longer this time, I knew it, I could sense it
and that was fine with me. I wanted to fuck him all night long, all
weekend if I could. I had my mouth on his, my long blonde hair falling
around us like a silky veil, and we kissed deep. I sucked his tongue like
it was a cock, putting my lips around it and sliding my head back and
forth. I bit his lips and sucked them as well. I let his tongue caress my
mouth and fuck me in time with his big dick. I couldn't ever get enough of
kissing Tony.

"Hey...!" I felt someone on the bed and then behind me. I turned to
look and it was Mark. He'd been watching us, watching his friend's thick
black cock fuck his crippled baby sister, and it had finally gotten to be
too much for him. Obviously he'd seen too much porn, or maybe he'd done
this before, him and Tony, I have no idea. But while Tony held me to his
body, kissing me and telling me to relax, that it was okay, Mark was
getting behind me, rubbing his wet cockhead across my anus, and finally
pushing it inside my ass, or trying to anyway.

"Ohhh fuck, s*s...You're ass is so...Ugh!...tight!...Jesus...relax!"
Mark grunted with the effort of stretching my virgin sphincter, forcing it
open and I did try to relax, not a word of protest escaped my lips,
although at least one or two should have.

Giving my brother a blowjob was one thing, and I'd have fucked him too,
maybe, probably...But letting him fuck my ass? I'd heard of it before, but
I didn't think I actually knew anyone who'd done it, you know? Like my
friends in high school, they'd laugh sometimes, talking about how their
boyfriend had wanted too, or how they wondered how it might feel, but no
girl I knew had ever said 'Oh yeah, I got seriously butt fucked last
night.' But pretty soon I was gonna be able to say that and by my own
brother too. Me, the most beautiful girl who never had a date, who rolled
down the halls looking up at everyone, smiling, being nice and hearing the
words I wasn't supposed to.

"Oh man, she's hot..." followed closely by "Yeah dude, but she ain't got
no legs" or conversations to that effect, which weren't meant to hurt me,
but they did, you know. Maybe I just should have given some away, like
convinced a boy to try it, just a kiss maybe, a little feel of my perfect
tits, and then a little more. And then a quick fuck under the bleachers
and then word would have spread and I'd let more guys do me, and more,
until I'd been fucked by all of them...

My brain was wandering, but Mark brought me back to reality as his
swollen cock suddenly pushed it's way into my ass with a strange burning
sensation, and just a little discomfort, like...well, sorta like going to
bathroom but different. It actually felt kind of nice right at the
beginning, with just his cockhead there, not very deep at all, and Tony's
cock moving gently inside me, sawing a few inches back and forth. It was
good...And then Mark shoved, really pushed hard and that did hurt. I
gasped and pushed my shoulders up, gritting my teeth and squinching my eyes
and I felt like someone was driving a baseball bat up my butt!

"Owwww fuck Mark!" I groaned. "Slow...Slow okay....it hurts!"

"Sorry, s*s." Mark chuckled, not sounding sorry at all, and then he
pushed again and Tony had brought one of his hands to my head, pulling me
down to his mouth and I resisted at first, wanting very much to scream, but
that wasn't helping me relax. Kissing Tony helped a lot, it calmed me down
and gave Mark a little more access into my rectum, which he put to good use
naturally. He rammed his dick inside me as far as he could, and he wasn't
exactly small in the dick department, but not like Tony either, thank God.

"Ohhhmmm..." I just moaned into Tony's mouth, feeling my ass burn, my
muscles protesting that intrusion into my most private place. And there
were good feelings too, I mean...Wow! I was being double teamed, tag
fucked by two guys at once, and my pussy felt really good now, which sort
of washed away a lot of the pain in my ass, and even that pain wasn't
entirely bad. My body kind of liked the discomfort, a little bit. But it
was the feeling of those two cocks inside me at the same time, working in
and out of my two recently virgin holes, that was driving me crazy. I
could feel them rubbing each other, separated only by the thin sot layers
of flesh between my cunt and ass and that was sort of like meeting God.

I felt stuffed too. If Tony's cock was big, it felt positively huge
now, being crowded by Mark's which seemed a lot bigger fucking my ass now
than it had fucking my mouth half an hour before. They didn't have any
rhythm, those two guys, Tony was going nice and slow, like we had all week
to fuck, and Mark was driving his dick inside my ass hard and fast,
reaching around to grab my tits, squeezing them and pulling on them like I
was his pet pony and those were the reigns. I didn't really mind, it felt
good like that. My breasts were aching for some attention, even my
brother's rough and inconsiderate mauling. In truth, everything felt good
for me right then, whether it did or not...Uh, sorta.

"Come on Cal...She's got one more hole..." Mark laughed and I groaned as
he jabbed his dick hard inside me. "She ain't gonna mind, are you s*s?"

I wasn't going to mind mostly because I was cumming right about then.
I'd have sucked a doorknob if someone put it too my lips. My head was
filled with flashing lights and sirens, the riot police beating my
senseless brain with cotton candy clubs. My whole body shook and I just
opened my mouth wide as Cal, who'd been sitting there so patiently, so
quietly that he might have been part of woodwork, scrambled to get in front
of me, kind of standing, but with his knees bent, presenting his penis to
my lips, and it was really wet. He must have been jerking off for an hour,
getting close and stopping, leaking precum like crazy. He didn't care how
he had to stand as long as I'd suck his dick.

And I did. I took him in my mouth, moving my body, my head as much as I
was able. You have no idea how useful legs are for even something so
simple as a blowjob. Well, neither do I technically, but if you got 'em,
appreciate them. Because I've often wished that I had long smooth legs,
just so I could lean over a bit and suck a nice sized cock like
Cal's...without falling over, I mean. But Mark and Tony were right there
anyway, pinning me down to one spot, namely on their hard cocks as they
fucked me, so I wasn't gonna fall anywhere.

Cal was nice, he held my head, pulled my air out of my eyes, and his
fingers were really gentle. He didn't force me, or push too deep, or do
any of the selfish things my brother had liked when I'd sucked him off.
Cal was really sweet and I liked sucking his cock, mostly because it was
just the right size for my inexperienced mouth. Not too thick, not too
long. Just right, baby bear, and I was giving him the best blowjob I
could, considering the circumstances. It was a little hard to focus with
my pussy stuffed with black dick, and my ass crammed full of i****tuous
brotherly love dick, but I did okay. Enough so that when Cal was nice
enough to tell me he was going to cum I was able to swallow most of it
without choking.

Funny thing about eating sperm, at first it sorta sucks. Not the flavor
really, which varies from person to person, like Cal tasted sort of
salty-sweet, while my brother had tasted more like plain tortilla chips,
meaning just salty wit no real taste at all, but it's the texture that gets
you. A weird sort of lukewarm Jell-O texture, much like...well, I won't
say cause snot is gross...But once you've done it a time or two, you barely
notice it really. I swallowed Cal down easily enough and he thanked me for
it, which was sweet of him. I'd have sucked him again, since he'd cum
really fast and he'd been so nice, and I'd liked the way being stuffed with
three cocks at once felt...But Mark was getting ready to cum too and he was
always such a demanding person.

"Oh shit, s*s...I'm gonna cum...I'm gonna shoot...in your ass...oh
fuck...!" He was loud, like wake-up the neighbors loud and I turned my face
to look at him. "I always...uggghhh..."

Mark didn't get to finish telling me how he'd always wanted to cum in my
tight round ass because right then he was doing it, shooting his sperm deep
in my bowels, and I could feel it. Wet and hot and sort of, I don't know,
greasy kinda. He was cumming a lot and he just held his cock inside my ass
as far as he could, while Tony just kept fucking me slow, my big black love

"Goddamn....oh fuck that was good..." Mark was grinning still, like he'd
never stop, and he pulled his cock out of me slow, which felt really weird.

I was so used to having two dicks inside me that just having one, even a
big one like Tony's, made me feel just a little...empty.

"Do you want to fuck me there?" I looked up at Cal, who was still hard
and leaning against the wall above my bed, threatening to tear down my Les
Miserables poster. "In my ass?" I asked him.

"Oh yeah, Kell...I'd love to do that." He chuckled, a little
breathlessly and he looked like he thought I was crazy for doubting it.

Mark moved out of the way, giving me a hard slap on my ass and a happy
chuckle as he made room for Cal. "Get her Cal...I got her ready for ya!
Didn't I tell you guys she was fucking hot? Didn't I? I told you she'd do
it...oh fuck yeah..." Mark congratulated himself and I might have wondered
how much of this he'd really planned, and how much he was just taking
credit for after the fact, because my brother was like that.

"You okay, baby?" Tony was looking up at me and I smiled, licking my
lips and still tasting Cal's sperm.

"Oh yeah, don't stop...it feels sooooo good!" I giggled and it did, it
felt like I'd been given the best d**gs in the world. I was high as a kite
right then on sex and I wanted even more if that was possible.

Cal rubbed my back while Tony's strong hands held my ass, even pulling
my firm round cheeks apart for his friend, and he entered my asshole
easily. I was already hot and hungry for him, and Mark had greased my butt
good with his sperm. All Cal had to do was give a little push and it was
like my ass just sucked him inside, my rectal muscles squeezing and pulling
at him, massaging his cock as it slid inside me so that Cal was gasping
with pleasure.

"Oh man that's...good...Jesus Kell...you feel so good in there..." He
was saying and I just smiled and lowered my head, pressing my body to
Tony's once more and enjoyed the really great fuck that was to follow.

A while later, after Cal had added his sperm to my brother's, really
filling my ass good with it, Tony was fucking me harder, grunting as he
stabbed his cock up and into my womb. I was smiling down at him, rocking
my body and nodding and whispering little things about how much I loved his
cock...How good he felt inside me...How I wanted to fuck him for the rest
of my life...you know, stuff like that.

"I'm gonna cum in a minute..." Tony warned me. "I'm close, baby...You
want me to pull out?"

"No way..." I laughed gently, kissing him on the lips. "If I get
pregnant...I don't care, least I know who the daddy is, right?"

"I won't run." He promised me. "Not from you, baby."



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or fifth time, I decided to sleep on the floor. Those romantic pictures of couples sleeping in each other arms look good in the movies, but you can't really sleep that way. I thought about sleeping in Beth's bed, but wasn't sure what Mary would think about that so I dragged the blanket off Beth's bed and went to sleep on the floor next to Mary's bed. When I woke up Mary was standing next to me in a bathrobe. "Good morning sleepy head," Mary said with a...

2 years ago
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Candys Poker Party

My name is Ed and I’m divorced with joint custody of our daughter. My ex-wife is a smoking hot sex pot that I could never leave my hands off. Even after years of marriage we still fucked almost every day, and sometimes I even shared her with my buddies (one at a time). I know she had some brief affairs, but she was discrete and never refused me whatever I wanted, so I didn’t mind too much. The thing that ended the marriage was money. I made plenty, that wasn’t the problem. The problem was...

2 years ago
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Poker By Gingerfred Man Chapter One - Hungry In his post-Mayberry days, Andy Griffith was a spokesperson for Ritz crackers. He popularized a terrific advertising phrase that reached into a lot of people's heads. Andy would ask rhetorically, "What are you hungry for when you don't know what you're hungry for?" And then answer, "Somethin' on a crisp Ritz cracker. It's goooood!" Are you hungry for something and you don't know what? I was, until I joined the poker group. My name...

4 years ago
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Poker Face

As Kristen stepped from the shower she took a towel from the hook on the wall. She used it to wring the excess moisture from her hair and then toweled what was left of the shower from her lean body. She wrapped the towel around her body and then tucked the free end under the edge of the towel to hold it in place. She walked into her bedroom, slid open the closet door and surveyed the clothes hanging in front of her. She pulled down a linen blouse. It was a short sleeved-lavender blouse with a...

3 years ago
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Chapter One - HungryIn his post-Mayberry days, Andy Griffith was a spokesperson for Ritzcrackers. He popularized a terrific advertising phrase that reached into alot of people's heads. Andy would ask rhetorically, "What are you hungryfor when you don't know what you're hungry for?" And then answer,"Somethin' on a crisp Ritz cracker. It's goooood!"Are you hungry for something and you don't know what? I was, until I joinedthe poker group.My name is Ed Jensen. When this tale began, I was 31 and...

2 years ago
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Chapter One - HungryIn his post-Mayberry days, Andy Griffith was a spokesperson for Ritzcrackers. He popularized a terrific advertising phrase that reached into alot of people's heads. Andy would ask rhetorically, "What are you hungryfor when you don't know what you're hungry for?" And then answer,"Somethin' on a crisp Ritz cracker. It's goooood!"Are you hungry for something and you don't know what? I was, until I joinedthe poker group.My name is Ed Jensen. When this tale began, I was 31 and...

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Poker Night

The property in Arlington, Virginia was initially built as a duplex. The double driveway led to two garages separated by stairs leading up to two front doors. Each side had a living room and kitchen. One floor up there were two bedrooms. The builder had owned the vacant lot for twenty years expecting to build a home there. But the lot backed up to a hill that didn’t adapt to a typical Arlington home.Thirty years ago a young lawyer named Malachi Bernstein purchased the duplex expecting to rent...

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Victor loved owning a casino in Vegas….he especially loved that he got to fuck just about every female employee he hired whenever the mood struck him. In Part 1, Victor interviewed two waitresses, getting a blowjob under his desk from one, while he interviewed the other in front of his desk. In Part 2, Victor checked on the kitchen staff and found time to fuck the sous-chef before the dinner rush started, and later got a massage with a happy ending from one of the masseuses he hired. In Part...

2 years ago
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Pure Strip Poker 2

Charlene, because I never gave it to her. I had thought about calling her to see if she wanted to go out to a movie or something, but I just didn't know how to ask a girl out. I always found some excuse for putting it off, and there were midterm exams to keep me occupied. "Hi Larry, this is Mary," she said. "How are you doing?" "OK, how about you?" I replied. "I am doing fine. I was calling to see if you were interested in another poker game?" As soon as I...

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Poker Dads Fuck Me

This is a story that was sent to me by one of my younger members/fans. With his permission I'm going to share it with you guys. If you like it, I'll have him share more details of his new Poker Mates.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The COVID shut down really stuffed up my life. I'm just twenty years old, I lost of my job, I moved back with my parents.I'm not out to my parents, so for a few months there I had no social life, no sex life...

4 years ago
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Poker Dads Fuck Me

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The COVID shut down really stuffed up my life. I'm just twenty years old, I lost of my job, I moved back with my parents. I'm not out to my parents, so for a few months there I had no social life, no sex life and no money. Pretty embarrassing having to go to your Dad cap in hand asking for money to fill up the car with petrol. Don't get me started how sexually frustrated I was. Before COVID hit, I...

1 year ago
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Poker Ms. Jenny Ann I wrote this story and it my not be sold. It may be downloaded or shared at free to read sites only. Poker, I love to play the game. The wager or bet, win or lose, is what makes it so very nice, not that the results of a bad bet can be discounted, I tend to forget my losses and choose to remember only the wins. Not this time, however, to tell you of the result before laying the background, would be doing you the reader of this narrative a disservice. Every...

3 years ago
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The poker game surprise

I had been invited by Jack to play poker with him and some friends on Friday night. Jack invited two other guys and I from work to play at his house. He told us to be at his house at 6:00pm and bring money. He said he would have a special treat for us. I wondered what he had in mind but I was up for what ever it was. I arrived at his house just a little before 6pm and rang the doorbell. Jack opened the door, “Hi Bruce, come on in” he said as he stepped back and motioned for me to come...

2 years ago
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The Poke Her Poker Game

Poke Her (Poker Game) PartyI decided I needed to earn some extra cash for some unexpected expenses. I was talking to my friend about this issue. She knew everything about me and my openness with sex. I decided I might try being the " party favor " at a secret sexual party for men. That way I could enjoy all the sex I wanted and earn some money at the same time. I told her how I wanted to earn the money and she had a suggestion for me.She agreed that is was a good and fun way to earn some...

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Strip Poker 2000

away. He told me to come over and watch a couple of vids and get pissed. We started watching a vid and pretty soon got pissed on his parents Vodka. As we got a more drunk, we started to get a little rowdy and soon got on to the subject of girls at school and being 15, we were both getting horny as hell. Dylan brought up how he used to play strip poker with other kids when he was younger, and how much fun he always had. The rules were easy: We both start with the same amount of clothes,...

4 years ago
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I used my wife as a poker chip and lost

Larry, who I worked with had been on me for the last month about doing a poker game at my place. I finally agreed to hold it at my place after thinking about it over several days. I hadn’t played in a poker game in many years. Larry had lined up myself plus him and a buddy of his. His buddy also brought along a younger gentleman named Rob with him so we now had had a table of four playing. I didn’t know this other younger gentleman, but he was only in his 20’s and had a very cocky attitude. ...

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Strip Poker For Fun 8211 Part II

It happened some years ago. I was in college and I had a friend named Rina. On one evening I walked up to the door of the house and rang the doorbell. I heard footsteps and then the door opened revealing Rina smiling. I smiled back at the lovely girl and entered the front hall. “How long did it take you to walk?” she asked. Only about 15 minutes, but boy, it’s still pretty cold for almost April.” “Did you bring it with you?” I passed her the brown paper bag and she took its contents, a bottle...

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Danny’s friends always paid me a lot of attention during these poker nights at our house. And why not? I’m a pretty brunette with a constant smile and great figure – about 5’5”, with a slim waist and 36D rack that seemed to get a lot of looks, and - frankly - I loved showing it off. I enjoyed all the attention I got from Danny and his friends, and even started dressing a little more risqué for these game nights….usually a mini-skirt or short shorts, with a tank top or thin cotton shirt....

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The Poker Game

It was a Friday night in late October and Melanie and I were preparing snacks for that night's poker game. Jake and I had been playing poker regularly with three of our closest buddies since we were all in college together. We were all married now, but we would still meet once or twice a month on a Friday or Saturday night to play cards and drink beer while catching up and ragging on each other. For some reason, our house had become the regular venue, probably simply because Mel and I had been...

Group Sex
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Poker Night Part 1

It was another Friday night. My roommate was having another poker game with his buddies and I wasn't allowed to join in. I spent so much time preparing snacks for everybody, but when I was all done, my roommate Craig told me to go in my room while his friends came over for a few hours. I dunno why he wouldn't let me play, I was actually quite good at poker. I sobbed and went into my room, not even allowed to take a single bite of the delicious snacks I slaved over. I moved in with Craig a year...

4 years ago
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The Poker Game

The Poker Game By: Cissykay Chapter 1 It was Friday morning, and I was looking forward to the long holiday weekend. Four days of fun with the guys and some serious games with my wife. Roxann was very much into our sex and bondage games. We usually played when I had come home from a few drinks with the guys. We would tell each other about how our wives pissed us off, and how we would always show how we were the boss. I knew most of...

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First Poker Party

It happened at the first poker game I attended… my girl friends forgot to tell me the extra rule of the game. When you lose your cash, then go your clothes…. I was playing against some of my girlfriends, and lost my cash quickly when Cindy told me how I could continue, one piece of clothing for each lost hand. Reena and Tricia agreed with her. Well, they stripped me in six hands, and left me totally nude in front of everyone…Tricia offered one more hand to play…she had only her swimsuit on, a...

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Poker Buddy

Poker Buddy Peggy Sue and I had been playing cards with Steve and Marcy every Friday for a few months now. Playing poker was good clean fun and we played for pennies and nickels so no one lost very much money. In fact Steve was usually the big winner with just a little over a dollar every time. Playing cards at home was cheaper than going out to a movie and a lot more fun too. None of us drank so bars were out of the question. Plus we took turns hosting the poker game and supplying...

4 years ago
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Poker Night

Jack had a beautiful daughter. She was also very sexy and he had raised her to be very obedient. She was his sex toy and he loved using her at his poker parties on Friday nights. Five of his horny nasty friends came over to play poker and with he and Jan. Tonight Jack got her ready. He first fucked her then showered her and douched her and shaved her pussy. Then he finger fucked her and sucked her nice big tits while he had her in the shower. He then put her on her knees and had her suck his...

1 year ago
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Daddys poker night

This is just a fantasy, I don’t condone sex with minors Daddy’s Poker night My name’s Bill Krants. I am writing this because I don't know what else to do. Sombody needs to know what happened that night and I guess I am the only one willing to tell. It began innocently enough. Doug Seers has a regular Friday night poker game at his house. The only thing different about this poker night was that Martha had informed Doug on Monday morning of this week that she wanted a divorce....

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Friends from around the pool at an exclusive Baja resort get a little carried away with a strip poker in their suite

Through all the heat and the humidity around the pool, we had been swimming and sunning the entire day. At Palmilla, the pool attendants doubled as waiters and we’d had plenty of drinks since late morning. All day there were different people occupying the loungers around us and we had amusing and friendly conversations. There were mostly couples but some single guys and gals mixed-in during the day. We awoke from a quiet nap in the late afternoon to get ready for dinner. The outdoor...

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Poker with daddy

I was waiting at the kitchen table for Zoey's boyfriend to show up. Tonight was supposed to be "the mysterious meeting." They had something to tell me. Of course, the little bastard was ten minutes late now."He'll be here any minute," Zoey said, holding up her cell phone. "He said he's on his way.""You could just tell me what Ben wants to talk to me about, and I'll act surprised when he brings it up later.""No, Daddy," Zoey said. "This is important. We need to have this discussion together."I...

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Lets Play Strip Slave Poker

Let’s Play Strip Slave PokerMy best friend, Lisa, had invited me over for a pool party on a Sunday afternoon in late August, during the summer between my junior and senior years at college. This was going to be the last party of the summer, before everyone went back to school. Because it was a Sunday, we would all have to get up and work the next day, so everyone would leave by midnight. Lisa said we would be playing Strip Slave Poker and other games, with a total of 4 guys and 4 girls...

3 years ago
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Roxy Joins the Poker Party Club

There were four of us that loved to get together to play poker and drink beer every Friday night. We had done this for years, without interruption. We were golfing buddies, and all were happily married goofballs.One night, as we were, deep into our ninth or tenth hand of poker, with the beer and the whiskey flowing, one of the group members asked the question that all of us had probably thought to ask at one point or another, but none of us had ever dared to ask.“So, what’s the kinkiest sex...

Group Sex
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Four of a Kind 8211 A strip poker story

Five cards stared up at me while the implications of their configuration suffused my being. Four queens, the heart suit carefully arranged on the left, followed by her sisters, each card a mirror image of the previous except for the suit. The last card, the ace of spades, broke the pattern, but served to complete the hand in mocking simplicity. I never played much poker, wasn’t the gambling type, but I knew enough that this hand, the one I held between my trembling fingers, was rare. I...

1 year ago
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Incest with strip poker almost

Note : This story is completely fictional! In my story "How I fucked my sister" I said that my sister, Betty, might get married. She hasn`t yet because her man friend has been sent by his firm to the Middle East to work there for a several months. Now, to resume............ My neighbours, Stan and his wife, Irene, sometimes invite me to their place for drinks and I invite them to my house. One day they also invited Betty and me for gin and tonics. After a few glasses Stan asked us if we played...

2 years ago
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The Poker Party

THE POKER PARTY Very briefly, for those of you who did not read the first story of what I hope will become a series, Kim and I are very happily married and we enjoy a spectacular sex life with each other, and sometimes, maybe often, with others as well. Kim is very petite in stature, but just the opposite in sexual capacity. I will not say that she is a nymphomaniac because nymphos can never get enough. Kim can be satisfied with just one good orgasm. The question becomes, why stop at one when...

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Jenny and Liz at the Poker Party

Jenny and Liz were high school seniors who had known each other since they were little girls. They had shared many meaningful moments together over the years, and now that they were 18 they were beginning to share sexual ones. In fact, the two friends were developing into sex-crazed little sluts. From initial experimentation with each other they had begun to explore all kinds of raunchy sex, with and without each other. By the spring of their final year in high school the two friends knew...

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House Slut 19 Poker Night

Tegan and Brandon parted ways briefly to clean up and get dressed before reconvening in the kitchen to sit and have some tea. The conversation didn’t really address their earlier session, but they talked easily about nothing in particular. Brandon’s thoughts seems preoccupied by Yeung, but he didn’t seem concerned about their affair crossing any lines so much as he wondered how he’d actually go about dating someone. To Tegan Brandon seemed positively smitten with the girl and she felt happy...

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Poker night with Caine and his friends

Soon after realizing I was pregnant, I quickly faded out of my usual social routines. I didn’t speak to Caine again for about a year after the incident at the hostel. I was in shock, I think, and it caused me to push Caine out of my life. It really hurt his feelings and he wouldn’t talk to me for a long time after that, but I didn’t give up. I could never stop thinking about what had happened between us and I knew that we weren’t done yet. I don’t want to sound creepy, but since Caine...

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Teenage Poker Winnings

Teenage Poker Winnings With all of the poker available on television, in the movies, and on the Internet it wasn’t long before I started a weekly poker game. I became pretty popular with the other guys. You see my parents are never home on a Friday night and I have the whole house to myself. That’s because my sister is usually out getting screwed. For a fifteen-year-old I was considered one of the ‘in crowd’ at school. I had quite a list of kids that wanted to come to my poker game...

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Wife plays Strip Poker Part 1

My wife Diane and I started dating just a few months prior to her 21st birthday. We worked together and prior to dating as a couple, we had hooked up on several occasions. The way it would go down was that after work, we’d go to the bar across the street with maybe a few coworkers and after everyone else left, we’d sneak back to the empty office. Once there, we would proceed to undress each other and screw in every room, in every cubicle and on every desk we could find. At 5’7” 120lbs with C...

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poker her night

My good friend Bobcat the Poker Brat. Wanted me to share his story, so here it is!Poke her night.Five years ago, my friend Bryan and I met two lovely ladies at the bar on a Friday night, they were very keen on us, and share our passion for poker. We played for small change at the bar, where Bryan won the pot. The two women, one blonde and the other brunette, the blonde is called Sharon and the brunette Lynda. They were both thirty-two. Sharon had deep green eyes that wrinkled when she...

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Was It Poker Night Or Pokeher Night

I have always liked the fact that Jamie’s friends enjoy hanging out at our house. That way I know what they’re up to and not out on the streets getting into some mischief. Plus, if he’s gone the house gets a little lonely and quiet since my divorce.Usually, they’re playing video games or watching sports like most seventeen-year-old boys but I like hearing them laughing and cutting up down in the ‘man cave’. I went downstairs to get some laundry done the other night and saw Jamie and three of...

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Stewardess Masturbates for Hubbys Poker Buds

After Arriving Home From My Trip, My Husband, Apparently In the Mood to Show Off His Stewardess Wife, Encouraged and Directed Me As I Danced and Stripped From My Uniform and Then Masturbated to Orgasm While He and His Poker Buddies Watched. Note: The above video clip is from another time and not the story below. You can view the Full Naked Video [2:59] https://sendvid.com/amhpk3ou_______________________My Erotic True Story________________________I am a proud Texas Latina and a real flight...

2 years ago
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Mike and Kate Chapter 1 Poker Poker Night

He had found it difficult to make friends as he was at his new high school but eventually made a few friends, Kate and Sophie. For some reason all the male pupils were not interested in being friends with Mike. Mike had a crush on Kate but, he never knew if she actually liked him that way, then one New Years Eve party when they were both 20 would change their lives forever when they finally got together. Kate was Mikes first girlfriend but Kate had had a few boyfriends before and was...

4 years ago
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More Strip Poker

We were lying cosy in bed this Sunday morning and after a very nice romantic fuck, he had asked me about some of the things I did before I met him. "You did what?" asked my husband, Billy, who suddenly sat up and looked down at me. "Well, it was all quite innocent," I explained. "But you got your kit off in front of these guys?" he said. "Sure, and they did the same," I said. "I'm not sure that helps any," he said with a big grin. "So how old were you?" "I don't know," I...

3 years ago
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Texas Flight Attendant and Exhibitionist Strips Nude and Masturbates For Her Husbands Poker Buddies

I am a real flight attendant for a major US airline but what you wouldn't know from your flight with me is that I am also an addicted exhibitionist.My husband knows this and has, for the most part, supported me in acting out my exhibitionist fantasy on my airline layovers. I told him early on in our relationship that I had an exhibitionist compulsion that, instead of looking for a cure, I had learned to embrace. In other words, I wasn't willing to give it up in a marriage. He claimed he...

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Poker Night with Ma

So anyway, dad takes off after I turn 18 and get my own place for college, and now she's lonely. So, I lose my weekend. I try the usual excuses. I'm so busy. Cars only doing so so. The weather's not suppose to be so good. I hear there's a lot of snow coming. Well, fuck me, but the last one wasn't bull shit, and here we are snowed in on day 3. College canceled and I'm stuck at my old home with Ma. And you'd think after years of having a young adult male living with you, that she'd...

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strip poker for fun

Rina and I are both finishing 1st year at university, so we are 19. I looked at Rina; a tall slim classically pretty sexy with blue eyes, shoulder length hair and long legs. She is slightly taller, if certain little bids are telling the truth, interested in me.”Put your coat in the closet and I’ll put this in the kitchen,” she said, “we’re going to sit in the den; go down the stairs and turn left, first door on your right.”I went down the half flight and entered the room.”Hi,” a voice...

1 year ago
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Summer of Strip Poker

All the people in this story are of the age of consent.My first real sexual experience was when I was 16 and my best friend, Bob, a school chum of mine convinced me one hot horny Summer that playing strip poker was a fun thing to do. I was an extraordinarily shy boy - especially when it came to my body and nudity. I didn’t even like going on a public beach because a bathing suit revealed so much of my skin. So, the idea of playing strip poker and getting totally naked with another guy - even...

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Daddys poker game

Well since the first time my pussy lips were spread open for my dad to suck on my tender clit and did so everynight after...my dad got an idea...My daddy always had about 10-15 guys over for big poker night once a week, acouple tables set up in the basement( the man cave) they would drink play poker , just shot the breeze.. Most times my dad didn't even know half the guys that would come .. They were friends of my dads friends.Well one poker night my dad decided he wanted me to watch.. He had...

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Strip Poker For Fun 8211 Part I

It happened some years ago. I was in college and I had a friend named Rina. On one evening I walked up to the door of the her house and rang the doorbell. I heard footsteps and then the door opened revealing Rina smiling. I smiled back at the lovely girl and entered the front hall. “How long did it take you to walk?” she asked. Only about 15 minutes, but boy, it’s still pretty cold for almost April.” “Did you bring it with you?” I passed her the brown paper bag and she took its contents, a...

1 year ago
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Teaching Millie Shes Hot Part I The Poker Game

My name is Jeff. My wife Millie is the joy of my life. She's sweet and giving and funny and loving and as devoted as she can be, and I can't imagine life without her. The only thing that ever bothered me was that Millie didn't realize how beautiful and sexy she is. That may not sound like a big problem, but it is. Or was... Millie is what you call a "big-titted plumper," and a more gorgeous specimen of plumperhood you're not likely to see. Imagine this: Shining brown hair in a short pixie cut,...

3 years ago
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VacationsChapter 5 Poker Games

Ronnie stuck her head into the den early in the morning. “Hey, sleepyhead, you awake yet! Come on, get up! Let’s go jogging!” Sue woke bleary-eyed and stared at her sister. “What?” “Come on. Let’s go jogging. You said you wanted to run this morning. Let’s go!” she ordered. Sue saw that Ronnie was dressed for the part, in a sports bra, jogging shorts, socks, and sneakers. Forgetting briefly that she had just fucked her sister’s husband in the sofa-bed, she grumbled, “Okay, okay, give me a...

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