2 Slutty Sisters Part Two - Being Daddy free porn video

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I pulled up at their house as the afternoon was turning into the evening. It was a rather sorry looking two story in a neighborhood that had seen better days but hadn’t fully gone off the rails – I supposed that owning a hotdog place didn’t really take you far in a city like Chicago. I knocked on the door and it only took a couple seconds for Rachel to fling it open, and she was truly a sight: tight black t-shirt cut off just below her tits, her flat belly curving down to meet a pair of black shorts that hugged her round ass and ended just above where they probably should have, exposing the bottom of her soft, plump butt cheeks. I didn’t have long to admire the view though as she grabbed my hand and pulled me inside and wrapped her arms around me, getting onto her tiptoes to meet my mouth, our tongues sliding over one another, my hands grabbing and kneading her butt through the soft cotton of her shorts while she pressed her body tightly against mine. Even after a minute Rachel seemed unwilling to stop kissing me, hungrily shoving her tongue into my mouth, grinding against me even more intensely as my hand slipped under the waistband of her shorts to find she wasn’t wearing underwear, reaching down to roughly grip her soft buttcheeks as she moaned, finally relaxing her stance to rest her head against my chest.

“Mmmm Drew… I’ve been so wet all day… I can’t believe how good you fucked me last night!” she said, looking up at me happily. I roughly grabbed a fistful of her short hair and moved her head up so she had to stand slightly on her tiptoes, a gasp of surprised pain quickly followed by a low throaty moan of pleasure escaped her in quick succession. “It’s ‘Daddy’ tonight Rachel, don’t make me remind you again.” I told her sternly. Rachel smiled, her breathing deep and ragged, “Ohh… I’m sorry Daddy I forgot…” and as she started to press her hips against me, practically humping my leg, she added “I promise I won’t forget again… I promise I’ll be a good girl for you...” I released her hair and cupped her cheek in my hand, “That’s it baby, I knew you’d be good.”

For the first time I looked the house, and noticed that in front of me was a staircase leading up to the second floor, and to my right there was a wide opening into a cluttered living room with an old tv and a couple shabby chairs and a large couch… and Claire was sitting on it seemingly looking at her phone, clearly able to see and hear everything that had been going on. I was caught completely off guard by her presence – I couldn’t believe that Rachel had been willing to talk so dirty, to be so explicitly sexual, in front of her younger sister. Claire had obviously been watching us, and when our eyes met she gave me a small, shy smile. Rachel must have noticed my surprised look because she turned to see what I was looking at and gave a frustrated snarl “Ugh, Claire I told you to go to your fucking room!” Claire pointedly ignored her and Rachel turned back to me, “Don’t worry about her, she’s seen me have boys over and she won’t tell. She just hangs around cuz she’s jealous she’s not pretty enough to get any boys.” Rachel said a little too loudly, probably to make sure that her sister heard. That got an eyeroll out of Claire and she sunk deeper into the couch, embarrassed or upset at her sister’s remarks. “I’m going to go pee, then I’ll show you my room Daddy!” Rachel exclaimed, and trotted past her sister deeper into the house.

Claire and I looked at each other for a moment after Rachel had left. She looked so young and innocent, she wore a white blouse and a knee length skirt with bright flowers on it and her brown hair hung behind her in braided pigtails, I couldn’t believe that this little girl was the same one who I’d seen with two fingers buried in her little cunt on my phone last night. I walked over and sat in front of her on the coffee table, “I liked the text you sent me last night Claire,” I told her. Her cheeks reddened becomingly and a pleased smile broke out on her face, “I almost couldn’t send it… I didn’t think there was any way you’d be interested… that you’d think I was silly...” she whispered, and she lifted her eyes to mine and gave me an intense look and added forcefully, “But I had to try! I had to let you know how I felt… I know you’re going to fuck my sister, but… Drew I want you to fuck me too! She always gets the boys! Even the one time I had a boy over, she ended up taking him to her room!” She had been talking faster and faster, and by the end of her fervently whispered tirade her eyes began filling up with tears. I shook my head, trying to process what this lithe little girl was telling me. “That’s horrible Claire.” I started, truthfully offended on Claire’s behalf, but also turned on at the imagine of Rachel seducing her sister’s young boyfriend, “You’re right, I am going to fuck Rachel today, but you are one sexy little girl, and I’m going to be thinking of you the whole time, and I promise that I’m going to take you up on your offer at the first opportunity!” Claire gave a delighted smile and looked over my shoulder, checking for her sister’s return. “Thanks Drew! Real quick before she comes back, do you want a closer look at me than I could give you on my phone?” Without waiting for an answer she put her legs up on the edge of the couch, pulling her skirt down so it was at mid thigh, revealing her bald pussy, her puffy lips slightly parted and glistening as the late afternoon light shone through the thin fabric of her skirt. I couldn’t help myself with such a sight only a foot away, and I reached between her legs, palm up, and placed my middle finger at the entrance to her young cunt. Claire gave a low coo and closer her eyes as I slid it just barely inside, feeling the intense heat and tightness of her little hole and then I slowly moved it up to brush her small nub, lightly circling it, which elicited a soft little whimper.

At a sound behind me Claire snapped her legs shut and quickly shifted them under her just before Rachel came in, eying Claire. “What do you think you’re still doing here? Do you think he wants to talk to you? I’m the one he came here to see!” When Claire didn’t answer Rachel slid into my lap, put her arms around my neck, and started talking to me like her sister wasn’t even there. “You know what I think Daddy? I think she’s jealous, I think she’s got a little crush on you, and she’s trying to get some revenge on me.” She gave me a wicked smile, “Last time she brought a boy over I ran into him in the hallway wearing just my underwear, totally accidentally of course, and he couldn’t stop staring at my boobs. Claire doesn’t have any boobs, she looks like she’s eight, so I took pity on the poor boy and I asked if he wanted to touch them.” Rachel laughed at that, adding, “He came back to my room and I let him suck on them and then I had to return the favor so I sucked him off.” She gave me a wide, innocent look. “Claire was really upset about it but I told her that I couldn’t help it if her boyfriend wanted a woman like me instead of a stupid little girl! He thought I was way sexier, just like you Daddy!” Claire had listened to this silently, tears falling onto her cheeks as her sister’s monologue continued, and at the end she let out a sob and leapt off the couch and ran up the stairs, the sound of a door slamming followed soon after.

Rachel watched her sister leave and laughed as she got up from my lap. She put her hands on her hips and smiled, “Sorry about that Daddy! I got us some beers too, now that I’ve got that little brat out..” I interrupted her gloating with a quick, firm slap to her face. Her surprised look was priceless, tears immediately filled her wide eyes, her mouth was agape, “Drew what are...” she began which I interrupted with another slap. “It’s Daddy tonight you little bitch, and you just lost any chance you had of talking yourself out of this!” I snarled, standing up and grabbing her teen body and sitting down on the couch. I pulled her down with me over my lap, and she was still too surprised or too small to put up much resistance against me. My left hand pressed against her back to keep her from trying to push herself up while my right swiftly slid her her shorts down to her knees, exposing her bare teen bottom. Rachel was breathing with deep gasps, her thighs were already wet with her juices, I smiled, knowing I’d been exactly right about how far this little teen whore would let me go. As she lightly, unconvincingly, struggled against my firm grip she managed to whimper, “Nooo… no Daddy please I’m sorry I forgot again... please don’t...” and it was then that I brought the palm of my hand firmly on to her soft cheek, the pale skin immediately blushing pink, her yowl of pain quickly becoming a gasp as I spanked her other cheek. “I can’t believe you did that to your sister!” I growled at her, “A big sister is supposed to look out for her little sister! You’re supposed to be taking care of her, making sure she feels good and safe, not being a greedy little whore and fucking her boyfriend and rubbing her nose in it!” I continued to lay into her ass, enjoying the feeling of my rough hand smacking against her soft flesh, her squeals of pain, and her increasingly incoherent pleading and sobbing. “Daaaaaady…!!””she wailed, “I’m sorry… I’m sorry I’m such a slut daddy… I couldn’t help it pleeeeaaase…” I ignored her and continued holding her tightly down, slapping her ass over and over again, her cheeks now a deep red, her pussy peeking out between her thighs and seemed to be pouring out a stream of fluid, soaking my lap.

I caught movement out of the corner of my eye and saw that Claire was standing at the top of the stairs, her face avidly focused on us, her mouth open. We made eye contact and she gave me a lusty, wolfish smile, and slowly lifted her skirt, exposing her bald little puss, and brought her other hand down and made a show of touching herself while she watched me abuse her big sister. Without taking my eyes off of the show Claire was putting on I said loudly, “You like that don’t you, you dirty little slut?” As Claire’s smile widened and she nodded her head emphatically, Rachel moaned into the couch, “Oh yes Daddy I like it when you hit me… I like it when you tell me I’ve been bad… please, please, please let me show you I’m good… I’ll do whatever you want… let me show you I’m sorry Daddy please…?” At this point the combination of watching Claire masturbate while I spanked her slutty teen sister had me almost ready to just blow in my pants, so when she started scooting herself backwards so that her face was over my lap, I allowed it, “Alright baby,” I told her as she started unzipping my pants, “Show Daddy you’ll be a good girl now.” As she finished undoing my pants my cock practically leapt out, it felt bigger and harder than it ever had before as she quickly wrapped her soft hand around the base and leaned down, running her tongue back and forth along the underside before taking my head into her mouth. I groaned at the sensation of her warm wet mouth sliding onto me and I grabbed her ass hard, my fingers reaching for her tight teen pussy, and finding it open and wet I immediately shoved two fingers deeply inside. She gasped around my hard-on as my fingers entered her, and then moaned deeply as the tight walls of her cunt spasmodically tightened, squeezing my fingers hard. I mercilessly fucked her pussy with my fingers as she continued to pant and gasp with my cock in her mouth, her juices getting all over my hand, my other hand gripped her hair tightly and forced her head farther down my cock, she gagged loudly as the head pushed into the tight constriction of her throat. I held her head there for a moment, watching Claire as she slid down onto the floor, frigging herself with increasing speed. I lifted Rachel’s head up and she took in a deep, gasping breath of air while I placed my slickened thumb over her asshole and slowly pressed it inside. Rachel immediately jerked as if electrocuted and gave a high, loud groan, her pussy and asshole squeezing my digits like a vice, her body shaking, “That’s right you naughty slut, all your holes are mine now.” I told her sternly. “Uh… uhhhh...” she grunted as pushed my thumb in past the blistering hot resistance of her asshole. I looked up and little Claire was now lying on her side at the top of the stair, watching us through half closed eyes, fingers buried under her skirt, body writhing, mouth gaping. “Uhhhhhh….. Daaaaaaadddyyyy…. Aaaahhhhh!!” Rachel moaned, and began frenziedly sucking on my cock again, the renewed stimulation (and the sight of her little sister’s ectasy) was enough to immediately put me over the edge, and I let out a long, loud groan as the first rope of cum shot deep into Rachel’s throat, as the muscles of her sphincter contracted brutally around my thumb with the strength of her own climax, as Claire shook and jerked on the carpet of the second floor, watching her big sister and I, her hot little cunt stretching around the fingers she’d shoved inside. And as my cum continued to fill Rachel’s throat, quickly overcoming her ability to swallow and leaking out the sides of her mouth, the three of us shared this moment that just seemed to stretch on in an endless wave of potent, blinding pleasure.

I must have lost myself in the intensity of my orgasm, because the next thing I was conscious of was sitting there feeling extremely satisfied, Rachel smiling, eyes closed on my lap, my depleted cock resting on her cheek, cum drooling out of it onto her face, and Claire nowhere to be seen, the hallway upstairs empty. I smiled down at Rachel, “I can’t believe we didn’t even get to the fucking, baby. You’re such a sexy little thing.” Rachel beamed but kept her eyes closed, “Mmmmm… I can’’t believe you made me cum like that with just your fingers, Daddy! That felt crazy! I almost think I need a nap now.” “Well then I better get you into bed!” I said as I gently slid my arms beneath her and lifted her up easily – despite her ample breasts and plump ass she was still pretty small even for fifteen. Her eyes fluttered open with surprise, and then she laughed and wrapped her arms around my neck, nuzzling me sleepily as I carried her up the stairs. She directed me toward her bedroom, right next to Claire’s (her door was shut and some music was playing softly inside) and across from her dad’s bedroom and the bathroom. I lay her down in her bed and pulled the covers up over her, and she looked up at me with a sleepy pout, “Don’t you want to snuggle me Daddy? My other daddy’s not going to be home for another couple hours, and maybe if we have a little nap I could wake you up like a good girl.” I leaned down and cupped her cheek, my thumb wandering over her moist lips. “Well that’s an offer I can’t refuse baby, but I’m gonna take a shower first, I’ll be in in a few minutes, okay?” She smiled and nestled her head into the pillow, “Okay Daddy… come back soon… I can’t believe you made me cum like that…” she mumbled, seeming to already be mostly asleep. I patted her head and stoop up, tiptoeing out of the bedroom and softly closing the door.

When I turned around I was surprised to see Claire standing in the hallway, so short her head barely came above my waist, looking up at me with bright eyes. “She always falls asleep like that after sex, but I’d never seen her do it just from finger stuff!” she whispered, and gave me a coy smile as she added “I heard you say you were taking a shower, do you need help cleaning up Daddy?”


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Slutty Apartment Neighbors Part 1

This is a true story.  I lived in an apartment complex behind a hospital in Fresno.  It was run-down, but cheap.   This was an older, funky 50s style complex with tri-plexes or quads arranged around a pool and laundry, with a couple of second-story apartments.   I was single at the time, and after dinner I'd take a walk or a run for exercise.One Friday evening I took a stroll around the neighborhood, and was returning on the side street beside the complex.  I had noticed an apartment over a...

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Harry Potter and the Sisters Black The Complete Saga PART TWO

HARRY POTTER AND THE SISTERS BLACK – THE COMPLETE SAGA PART TWO (THE CONCLUSION) This is my story that I originally posted on *******.net, under the moniker oldwolf. I think it is my best story and so I am posting it on as many sites that I can find. If you like it, please visit my other stories on that site. But first, remember that JK Rowling owns the characters and settings, I own a computer. Enjoy. PART TWO Back in Ancient Runes, Harrys distracted for several minutes before he can bring...

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Sisters in Slavery Chapter 07 part 2

- - Author's note to readers. Nothing about this story is meant to portray any of the characters as under eighteen years of age. Also this story features themes of rape, slavery, bestiality, and incest. It is intended as fantasy and nothing else. If you do not like such stories or are one of those individuals that can’t distinguish the difference between fantasy and reality STOP reading now. Also don't fill up the comments section with posts about how sick the individuals in the story are...

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Ambers Family Part 8 A Week With Daddy

Amber hand worked furiously on her clit and finally she came all over her chair thinking about her Father fucking her ass for the first time. "FUCK YES!" she shouted to the empty home as wave after wave of pleasure assaulted her body. She shuttered and moaned for a few more seconds until it was over. She slumped down on the breakfast table and looked at her cereal before her now grown soggy. That week she had shared with her Father had been the best of her life. They had fucked...

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sister ordered me to sleep with Daddy

I am 5 years younger than my older step sister, Emma, from daddy's first marriage.Last year he split from my mother and she, like Emma's mother, left both us girls with daddy, and Emma started to be sexually involved, when I came home and saw her on her knees sucking his cock.We were not so close as step sisters, as normal sisters would be, Emma never really got on with my mother and was always in conflict with her, and at 16, started being sexually provocative, parading herself in front of...

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A guy hooks up with two sisters whose fantasy is being gangbanged by a bunch of men

Having bought a “direct contact” magazine recently hoping to find excitement and a steady mate, and desperate to broaden my horizons. I replied to an advert in it asking for a gentleman or gentlemen to show two girls a good time, any suggestions seriously considered. About a week later I received a reply from the girls, who as it turned out were sisters. They had received only two replies, both from cranks, so they were very wary at first about my letter. I wrote back suggesting a...

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Sisters in Slavery Chapter Eight Part one

- - Author's note to readers. Nothing about this story is meant to portray any of the characters are under eighteen years of age despite the obvious sexual immaturity of the main characters at the beginning of the story. Also this story features taboo themes of rape, sexual slavery, bestiality, and incest. It is intended as fantasy and nothing else. If you don't like such stories STOP reading now. Also don't fill up the comments section with comments about how sick individuals in the...

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Ambers Family Part 4 A Week With Daddy

Michael looked down at Amber, her large eyes hopeful, her hand continuing to move up and down on his shaft. "Alright baby, he said." Amber gave her father a big smile. Tonight was going to be the night, she thought. No more vibe's and watching. Tonight she was going to get fucked by her favorite person in the world, with the most beautiful cock in the world. Her breathing began to quicken and her skin began to flush. She moved her other hand to his cock and continued to jack her...

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Dawn Does Sister and Daddy

“I don’t know if David is happy or not and yes I got laid and it was wonderful” Dawn was not telling all. Diane noticed something about Dawn and then an idea crossed her mind, “I don’t think it was David and so who was the lucky boy?” “I am not telling you right now, maybe later after I figure it out better.” Diane was puzzled but this and then it hit her “oh god you did it with daddy, oh man was it good, you have to tell me”. “Quiet, okay but you have to promise not to say anything to...

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the sisters part 1

Main characters: Ryan: 17, high school senior, blonde hair, 5’9, athletic, tall, 6-pac, 7.5” dick Lisa: 14, high school student, blonde, Ryan‘s sister, slim, 5’4, slim, slender frame, 36B, nice round ass Lindsey: 14, high school student, blonde, Ryan’s sister, slim, 5’3, 34B, nice round ass Chapter 1 “ Hey Ryan, tomorrow could you accompany us to this advert we saw on the net, please?” Lisa, my 14 year old sister asked me with one of her puppy eyes look. I saw the ad with the address...

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my sisters part 3

For a few minutes, I just lay in bed, enjoying the sensation of being pressed against Riley's warm, soft body. I thought about what had happened, about hearing Riley tell me that she was in love with me and about her promising to be there for me from now on. It kind of felt like something I'd been missing had suddenly turned up, or like I'd gotten a puzzle piece to finally fit into place. It was a nice way to wake up. Yawning, I climbed out of bed, stood up, stretched. As I pulled my...

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Sisters and the little brother Part 3

Sisters, and the little brother Part 3 By Princess Panty boy Characters: Me/Nick/Nikki: 10-year old son/brother Lori: twin/she calls herself my big sister Andrea: 5-years old little sister Mom 31-years old, single Aunt Linda: 21-years old (not a relative she is just good friends with mom) Author's Note: Here are a couple paragraphs from part 2. I hope you are enjoying my story. Hugs, Princess Pantyboy SNIP, SNIP, AND...

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3 Evil sistersPart 4

tories.com3 Evil sisters-Part 4 Introduction:If you like it, dont like it, just feel like commenting or anything in between, feel free. Feedback is always nice. Plox-n-Thank you :DWhat was I doing?In the middle of the night I decided to get up and walk out of the house after I discovered that both of my sisters were using me for sex. Technically I already knew that Ashley was using me for sex but she lied to me again in order to get more sex out of me. I just couldn’t figure out what compelled...

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3 Evil SistersPart 41

That was the easiest way to put it as Riley and I headed home. Gene wasn’t thrilled to hear that I’d be going back home, but she understood that they were my family and I needed to be with them. Or at least that was the bullshit excuse that I gave her and she seemed to buy it. Now with the wind howling around us, we walked side by side in silence, mulling over what happened in the classroom. “How are you still a virgin?” I finally asked, “Every other week you’re going out with a...

2 years ago
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Two from daddy

I am Chris. A 32 year old widower with a 16 year old daughter. My wife, whom I married as soon as we found out she was pregnant, died from complications due to her C-section and I've been a single teen parent for my baby, Victoria. She has always been beautiful; long silky brown hair, sun-dyed a light brown, piercing green/blue/grey eyes that stare straight into my soul and smooth tan skin with no blemishes or bumps. She is my perfection. Fuck, she just turned 16 yesterday and I have the...

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All My Daddies Part 5 Susies Daddy

Introduction: Katie fucks her friends daddy My name is Katie. Im 16 years old. My father had abandoned us early on and my mother struggled to pay the bills. She drinks a bit too much and has trouble keep a steady job. To have a little spending money, I started doing house cleaning when I was 10. Mostly, for single men in our church. I noticed early on the bulges in the mens pants. I started seeing how hot I could get them. The more I flirted, the bigger the erections got, and the bigger my...

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Slave SisterChapter 8 A Day With Daddy

Fran and Daddy After church Fran walked to her Daddy's fully restored 1968 Mustang convertible nestled comfortably in his strong arm, and watching with eager anticipation the bulge growing more prominent in his pants. As the engine roared to life Fran straddled the gearshift to get closer to her new Daddy. With her legs spread, the Coach pulled his little cheerleader's pleated gold skirt up and rested his hand on her smooth cunt in between shifts. Fran, turning her head to the right then...

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3 Evil SistersPart 40

In the middle of the night I decided to get up and walk out of the house after I discovered that both of my sisters were using me for sex. Technically I already knew that Ashley was using me for sex but she lied to me again in order to get more sex out of me. I just couldn’t figure out what compelled those heartless bitches to not only want me, but to treat there own brother like a piece of meat. Of course I didn’t have much time to think about my family because as if Karma was paying me back...

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My Loving StepSisters Revisited Part One

I stepped out of my car and shut the door behind me, my eyes glued to the front door. My legs carried me to the trunk, the hatch swinging open. I had not brought much to college, just my clothing and electronics. I had never been much of a decorator, anyways. I swung my backpack over my shoulder, taking my suitcase in my free hand. I sighed, and began to walk up the driveway to the front door. I had made it all the way to the porch before I heard the click of the lock that sat in the front...

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Prostitute Catwoman My Neighborhood Aunty Bubbli Singh 8211 Part 1

Hie,this is Prameet srivastava from kanpur.This story is about my neighborhood aunt bubbli singh..Bubbli aunty was very conservative lady..She has dark complex but very attractive figure…She has huge boobs..She looks like bipasha basu…She is tall…Everybody wants to bang her at least once… She used to like me as I was very very good in my study…She was a very good lady till year 2010… Then their family left our neighborhood and settled in delhi… Slowly with the time,we lost contact of her. I...

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Sex Swapping Sisters 8211 Part 1

I first thanks ISS for publishing my story. I am Honey now 52 Yrs. age staying as neat family with my husband, my daughter and my SIL and my two grand daughter as all knows in the areas though they are not my fully grand daughter, then who are they? They are bizarre sisters as myself and my SIL are parents of one girl and my husband and daughter are parents of another girl but the truth is known by me and my daughter and none else.Myself and my daughter looks alike and this two girls also looks...

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The Bestiality Sisters Part 1 Barbie Fucks a Puppy

Introduction: My daughter shows he how she has sex with a puppy Prologue Getting old is never fun, especially when youre a woman. Men get more distinguished. Women just get old. At least most women do. I am one of the lucky few that fall into the MILF category. When I first heard the term I was outraged. Now I relish being referred to as such. Its all I have left. A mere four years ago I had it all. A beautiful home, a loving husband, and four lovely children. But then Nikkiour oldest...

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Slutty Awakening Part 2

Introduction: More adventures of a beginning slut After experiencing a drunken rape at a frat party which I loved and seeing my fathers cock I had been having all sorts of sexual fantasies about being used, and then used by my father. My problem was that at 17 and living in a small town I had no one to talk to about such things. I tried mentioning sex to my best friend once and she made it very plain that she believed sex was something ugly and you only had it after you were married. So I had...

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Slutty Awakening Part 2

The internet had many offerings for me. For a small town girl who had so far only had consensual sex twice with one boy it was all very wild and strange. In researching incest on the web I stumbled across several sites that had stories and short videos. I read lots and lots of daddy daughter stories, fingering myself to cums as I imagined these stories to be about me and my daddy. I’d read so many in a month that I actually began to feel it was ok to want my father’s cock, I just had no...

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The Vander Hoos Sisters Part One

The Vander Hoos Sisters By ShannonQ Part One PROLOGUE The Vander Hoos sisters had just finished their breakfast. Sylvia grabbed her walker to enter the adjacent living room. Being the healthier of the two, Sarah stayed back to do the few dishes. She heard the television flip on to the game show 'The Price Is Right.' Finishing up, Sarah felt something was wrong. She hurried into the room with the program blaring to find her sister slumped over in her chair. She grabbed Sylvia's...

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Slutty Wife Manisha8217s Gangbanged 8211 Part 5

Welcome to the 5th Segment of the real life incidents and our erotic and kinky journey. I am Saurabh , her husband and would like to see more and more comments on our story , as she is taking a great effort to pen down all stuffs that happened in our life. All comments are counted and we really enjoy nasty kinky comments from our readers. Also we are open to single guys /girls and couples who would like to try their luck can email us(but email us with your photos and ideas that can provoke &...

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My Loving Step Sisters Part 10

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1: My Loving Step Sisters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My name is Matthew Kennedy, but people just call me Matt. I'm an eighteen year old guy, standing at 6'2", living in Florida with the rest of my family. My family... we were an odd one, that's for sure. When I was very young, my mom died in a horrible car accident. Sadly, I was never...

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From Sisters With Love 8211 Part 1

Hi. I had narrated my first experience with my mother in my previous post ( Mother Reads Son’s Mind and Penis) which involved my aunt also. I am happy to note that many readers have liked it, I thank all those who sent their mails. In that post I had mentioned that my mother was aware of my enjoying my sisters, the younger one and the eldest one. I have three sisters, one younger and two elder. The eldest one is four years senior and the one is two year senior to me. The younger sister is one...

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Sisters Part 2

Note: I have been asked by several fans to continue this story so I am putting Sisters Part 2 out there for you to enjoy I hope. It has been over a year and a half since I added part one so I added a few paragraphs from the first part. Thanks again for all your support. Hugs, Princess Pantyboy Sisters Part 2 By Princess Panty boy Me, Barry, Carrie 10 year old Miley 4 year old little sister Beth 17 year old twin sisters Cathy ...

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