Cocksucker free porn video

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"How old were you when you first sucked a dick?" Karen's question was accompanied by smothered giggles from the rest of the group. Simon opened his mouth, then closed it again, staring speechless at his questioner.

"Well?" Karen pushed for an answer, seemingly taking pleasure in his discomfort. "You know the rules. You picked truth, so answer the question!"

"But I'm not gay!" Simon almost wailed in indignation. Karen snorted in disbelief. "I'm not!" Simon glanced over towards Brenda, looking for some support. Brenda gave a little shrug of her shoulders, almost as if to say 'how should I know?' Simon ground his teeth in aggravation. "You know damn well I'm not gay" He muttered.

"Well I've never seen you with a guy sure." Brenda grinned. "Then again you do seem kind of interested in Nick's crotch." Simon stared at his friend in horror. How could she say something like that? And in public too. Brenda grinned at him, enjoying how flustered he was.

"I'm not gay." Simon said again. Karen glared at him and he wondered if she was going to push this further.

"Fine." She said in a tone which suggested she didn't believe a word he said. "Okay, who's next? Truth or Dare?" Simon breathed a sigh of relief as attention was focused on the next willing victim.


"Why did she ask me that?" Simon asked for the hundredth time the following night. He was sitting at home in front of the computer surfing the net while he chatted to Brenda on the phone.

"I guess you just look kinda gay." Brenda responded, clearly fed up with the whole topic.

"Yeah well probably every girl in my year thinks I am gay now thanks to you!" Simon continued. Brenda laughed.

"Oh it was just some harmless fun. You looked cute all red faced like that. Besides..."

"Besides what?" Simon asked angrily.

"Well. You do keep looking at Nick's crotch."

"I do not." Simon denied indignantly.

"Simon. I've seen you do it. Hey, it's okay. He's got a big one, I should know." Brenda laughed throatily. "There's no harm in being curious."

"I'm not gay. I've had girlfriends. You know that!"

"Sure. I know." Brenda replied in a voice obviously meant to calm him down. "And I've talked to them so I know exactly what you've tried to get them to do. But..."

"But what?"

"Come on Simon, don't play dumb. Nick's not the only guy whose crotch I've seen you look at!"

"I don't look at guys!" Simon's voice rose an octave as he denied her accusation.

"Simon, I've seen you! When you think no one's looking. You look right at their bulge." Simon shook his head silently.

"Don't even think of denying it." Brenda somehow sensed what he was doing even though she couldn't see him. 'We're friends Simon. It's not like I'm going to tell anyone. Just be honest about it. Hey I love to stare at a guy's package. How do you think I saw you doing it?"

"I'm not gay Brenda." Simon stuck firmly to his denials. "I've never done anything with a guy."

"Oh I know." Brenda agreed. "You're far too cautious to take a risk like that. But you have thought about it haven't you?" Simon's silence spoke volumes.

"Do you look at pictures online?" Brenda changed tack, but Simon stayed silent, refusing to be drawn into the discussion.

"Oh come on Simon. You can tell me. I already know you check out porn sites. I've been on your computer remember." Brenda laughed and Simon felt himself flush with embarrassment, wondering just what she had seen.

"It doesn't bother me a bit if you get friendly with Mr. Hand while you look at some pictures. Hell I've probably got a bigger porn collection that most of the guys you know."

Simon couldn't help but laugh. Brenda was openly sexual and frequently very graphic about her urges. It had taken him a while to get used to but these days he usually talked to her like she was one of the guys.

"So what do you do? Do you look at some pics of a bimbo sucking on a nice fat cock and think about sucking it yourself?" Brenda was just getting warmed up. Simon felt his cheeks heat. She could be incredibly crude when she got going and his silence was leading her dangerously close to the mark.

"It's late and I've got to get some sleep." He muttered. "Go and watch your porn. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Okay Simon, speak to you soon. And don't wear your hand out!" Brenda laughed as she hung up the phone.

Simon leaned back in his chair and stared blankly at the computer screen for a few minutes. He hadn't lied; he'd never done anything with guys. And it wasn't like he'd ever really planned to. He just occasionally wondered that was all. It was late and he really should be going to bed, that wasn't just an excuse.

Shaking his head he leant forward and quickly browsed to one of the hidden folders on his computer, bringing up the thumbnail index of pictures. There was the one he was thinking of. With a couple of clicks he brought up the full image and leaned back, staring at it.

His eyes scanned the picture, taking in the cum coated face of the blonde girl at the center of the image. Then briefly flickering over to the thick swollen cock that was shooting cum onto her.

His eyes darted back to the girl with her slutty expression as the cum dripped off her chin. Reaching down he unzipped his pants, moaning as he wrapped his hand around his cock. His eyes drifted back to man in the picture, his hand squeezing his cock as he pumped all over the girl.

He stared at the shiny purple head of the cock on the screen as he started to stroke his shaft. Brenda's dirty laughter echoed in his head.


"So... where do you find your dick pics? Do you visit the gay sites or do you find them somewhere else?" Brenda's throaty laugh was mocking. A week later and she still wouldn't give him a break. Every time they spoke in private she brought the subject up again. And she was starting to sneak sly digs about it into their public conversations too.

"I'm not gay!" He said far too loudly, her constant teasing getting to him.

"But you do check out dicks." Brenda replied casually and Simon bit his lip in frustration. He should never have admitted to that, but she had finally worn him down. He was already regretting it. Instead of ending the conversation it just seemed to have encouraged her. "Sooo.... What do you look at? Girls sucking guys? Girls jerking guys? Guy's sucking guys?" Brenda's laugh sounded filthy. "Or do you just stare at big stiff pricks?" She was loving this.

"Depends." Simon mumbled, relieved that this was another telephone conversation. He wasn't sure why he kept letting her drag him into these conversations. Perhaps it was just nice to be able to confide in someone. But he was sure he couldn't have handled this conversation in person. "Sometimes it's guy's stroking themselves."

"Mmm... yeah." Brenda gave a throaty growl. "I love to see a man squeeze his thick prick. Doesn't it just make you want to taste them?"

"No!" Simon protested. Brenda just laughed. "So you just stare at dicks and feel yourself huh. You've never once thought about licking one?"

Simon bit his lip. He couldn't think of a safe way to answer such a direct question. She wouldn't believe him if he said no anyway, but he certainly wasn't going to come out and say yes.

"I thought so." Brenda crowed triumphantly, taking his silence as all the confirmation she needed. "Hold on a second. I want to send you something. Check your email."

Simon spun round in his chair and hurriedly brought up his mail program. Clicking the mouse impatiently he checked for new mail. Sure enough there was one from Brenda.

"What is it?" He asked suspiciously.

"Open it and find out." She said, sounding remarkably eager. Simon frowned, wondering what she was up to now. With a shrug he opened the email. There was only one line of text. It read:

What do you think of when you look at this one?

Directly below the simple question, an image was loading. Simon stared in shock as an extreme close up of a very erect cock gradually revealed itself.

"Well?" Brenda chuckled in delight. Simon swallowed, his eyes taking in every detail of the large image. Whoever this guy was, he must have been painfully hard. The purple head of his cock was glistening with precum, ready to explode at any moment.

"Big isn't it?" Brenda teased and Simon heard himself moan softly. "Oh, do you like it?"

"Yes." Simon whispered, still staring at the picture.

"Want to see more hmm Simon?"

"Yes." Simon could feel his own cock hardening as he stared at the picture on his computer screen.

"First I want you to tell me one thing Simon." Brenda's tone changed, becoming more authoritative. "When you look at that cock, do you imagine what it would be like to suck it?" Simon closed his eyes, his breathing ragged.

"Look at it Simon. Look at how swollen it is." There was huskiness to Brenda's voice as she spoke. "See how the head glistens with pre-cum. Can't you just imagine reaching out your tongue to taste that?"

Simon shivered at her words, shifting uncomfortably in his chair as his cock twitched and stirred. His eyes remained fixed on the picture as Brenda whispered into his ear.

"Mmm. Just think about licking it, tasting his excitement. Feeling that cock throb at your touch. And what would you do then hmm? Would you open your mouth? Would you lean forward and slide your lips over the shaft, sucking on that hard prick?"

Simon groaned, thrusting his hips forward, pressing his hard cock against the stiff material of his jeans as he reacted to Brenda's teasing.

"He was so horny when I took that picture." Brenda laughed. "I'd been teasing his cock for about fifteen minutes by then and he was begging me for relief. He was so desperate he'd probably have let you do the sucking."

Simon shivered, closing his eyes to escape the image and clear his thoughts. He should have guessed that this would be one of Brenda's many boyfriends. The thought of her stroking and teasing that thick shaft just added to his excitement though.

"Wouldn't you like to taste him?" Brenda whispered, somehow sensing his weakness, her own excitement obviously growing as she worked on him. "Can't you just imagine his hot, thick shaft in your mouth? He's not gentle and he doesn't like to stay still. He would fuck your face."

Simon gasped, desperately pulling his cock free from his pants. His hand wrapped around his erection, gripping it tightly. He moaned as he started to jerk his cock.

"What are you doing Simon?" Brenda asked sharply. "Are you... touching yourself?" Her voice took on a faintly disgusted tone.

"Yes." Simon groaned, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment as his hand continued to stroke his needy cock.

"Ewww!" Brenda squealed. "I'm not sitting here listening to you jerk off. Call a phone sex line and pay like all the other pervs. I'll call you tomorrow." There was a click as she hung up the phone. Simon shuddered with shame, but he couldn't stop himself. His hand squeezed and stroked his cock as he put the phone down. His eyes were still glued to Brenda's picture as he jacked off, her disgusted words echoing in his head.

An alert popped up on screen announcing a new email. It was from Brenda. Without hesitating he reached over and clicked it open. Just like the last one, there was only a single line of text before two images.

Guess I have my answer huh?

Simon eagerly scrolled down to look at the new images. The first again showed a close up of the large dick, this time with a delicate feminine hand, Brenda's he guessed, wrapped around the shaft. Simon blinked as he realized the size of the cock in that picture.

But it was the second picture that really captured his attention. While the previous two had shown the cock on the verge of cumming, this one showed the aftermath. A trickle of cum rand down the thick shaft, spilling over Brenda's hand. Underneath the picture was another line of text.

Imagine that in your mouth cocksucker!

Simon groaned, jerking his cock feverishly.


"Hey." Simon drawled into the handset, his mind still focused on the blog post he was reading.

"Hey there yourself cocksucker." Brenda's throaty laugh greeted him. "Seen any big ones today?"

"What's up Brenda?" Simon ignored her continued attempts to bait him. Ever since he'd exposed his weakness to her so blatantly she couldn't resist any chance for a dig at his expense. He just hoped she hadn't said anything to Karen. Those two spent a lot of time together giggling and laughing.

"Probably you." Brenda sniggered. "You aren't going to start panting and moaning at me again are you?"

"No Brenda." Simon sighed.

"That's good, because honey I only do phone sex for my boyfriends and you're just a little too weedy for my tastes."

"Was there a point to this call Brenda?" Simon snapped. Her last comment stung. He knew she went for the big, muscled guys and he knew he was anything but that. Still did she have to come out and say it? It wasn't like he'd ever come on to her.

"Check your email." Brenda's voice was chilly. "And keep your hands on the keyboard this time."

Simon's pulse started to race. Had she sent him more pictures? Knowing he was playing into her game, he quickly brought up his mail program and opened her latest email. There was just a single picture this time with no text. Instead of the close up he had expected though it was a full body shot. To his mixed horror and excitement, he recognized Nick, Brenda's latest fling.

Nick was standing nude in what Simon was pretty sure was Brenda's bedroom. Typical of the arrogant jock that he was, Nick was clearly posing. Proudly thrusting his erect cock forward and from the look on his face he was sure he looked good.

"Do you like it?" Brenda asked, almost purring with satisfaction. "He's 8 inches, I know you were wondering. He has a thing for standing over me like that when I suck him. And when he gets worked up, he just grabs hold of me and thrusts until he cums."

Simon licked his lips, staring at Nick's image. He could already feel his cock stirring in his pants as Brenda described sucking on her boyfriend. She knew him too well and was pressing all the right buttons.

"So... do you want to suck him?" Brenda's throaty growl made the act sound so dirty. Simon shuddered. "I think I can arrange it if you want. Nick just loves having his cock sucked. He'll think wearing a blindfold is kinky. Then his dick is all yours!"

Simon bit his lips, squirming in his chair. He looked at the picture again. He couldn't believe he was even considering this. That cocky grin on Nick's face infuriated him, but the thick 8 inch cock jutting from his crotch... How would it feel sliding over his tongue?

"I can make it happen Simon. All you have to do is admit you want it. Tell me how you'd like to kneel before my boyfriend and take his cock in your mouth." Brenda's voice became louder and more demanding. "Tell me and I'll turn you into the cocksucker you want to be."

Simon groaned, feverish images flickering through his mind. His cock pressed against his jeans but he forced himself to keep his hands on the keyboard. Nobody would know. Well nobody but Brenda, and she already knew all about his dirty little secret and she was a friend after all.

"Keep your hands out of your pants." Brenda said sharply. "Answer the question. Do you want to suck his cock?"

"Yes." Simon gasped, unable to resist any longer. His heart pounding in his chest.

"Good boy. Now listen carefully. This Saturday night I'm having a party at my apartment. There's going to be lots of people there. Plenty of distractions, plenty of alcohol. Nick will never realize you're in my room and you can gobble up his prick like the cocksucker I know you are." Simon whimpered, thrusting his hips, rubbing his cock head against his jeans.

"No touching that cock." Brenda snapped. "I want you horny for Saturday. We don't want you getting cold feet and backing out at the last minute. Understand?"

"Yes." Simon gasped, clenching his fists, his nails digging into his palms.

"I can't wait to see you slurping dick." Brenda laughed crudely. "Sweet dreams cocksucker!"


Simon trembled nervously as he knelt in the dark closet, waiting impatiently for Brenda's signal. He could hear the thumping music and muffled conversations from the party going on in the main room of the apartment.

Brenda had snuck him into her room what felt like hours ago with strict instructions to remain in the closet and to say quiet. Since then, nothing. He just knelt there, his cock somehow rigid with anticipation as he was left to think about what he was going to do tonight. He wondered for the hundredth time if he could actually go through with it. But at this point, did he even really have a choice anyway?

Brenda had become even more domineering in their relationship since she had put this plan into motion. It seemed almost as though his opinions didn't matter at all. Somehow he didn't think she would let him back out now.

Simon tensed up as he heard the bedroom door swing opened. Footsteps and the sound of a giggling female followed. Could that be Brenda? She sounded so different, so girly. It wasn't someone else surely?

"Are you ready for your big surprise huh?" Brenda cooed her voice breathy and feminine. Simon blinked in surprise. "Just stand right there for a moment while I get everything ready. And remember no peaking from out of that blindfold!"

Simon wiped his sweaty palms on his shirt as Brenda's voice drew closer. She yanked the closet door open and grinned down at him, obviously enjoying the joke she was playing on her boyfriend. That grin made him even more nervous. Brenda had a dark sense of humor.

"What'cha doing babe?" Nick slurred. Brenda had clearly lived up to her word and he'd had plenty to drink. Maybe they could actually get away with pulling this switch on him.

"Patience honey. You're really gonna enjoy this." Brenda winked at Simon before sauntering back over to her boyfriend. Simon watched as she ran her hands over Nick's body, casually squeezing his ass before she deftly unbuckled his belt and pulled down his pants.

"Now we're getting somewhere." Nick grinned that cocky grin of his as Brenda lowered his boxers. He groaned as she took his already stiffening prick in her hand, stroking him. Brenda glanced over at Simon, summoning him with a movement of her head.

Simon crawled ever so cautiously towards the couple, wincing nervously at the slightest noise he made. He could hear the thumping beat of the music from the party through the thin bedroom door. Had Brenda remembered to lock it he wondered?

By the time he reached their feet, Brenda's hand had achieved the desired effect on Nick's cock which now jutted out every bit as arrogantly as the man himself. Simon stared up at it as he knelt before them. Brenda grinned down at him, her hand moving slowly up and down the thick shaft, displaying her lover's cock for him. Simon's face was only inches away now from the cock he's been fantasizing about for days now.

Simon looked to Brenda for reassurance. Her grin was somehow mocking as she nodded her head in encouragement. Licking his lips, and spurred on by the hardness of his own cock; Simon slowly extended his tongue, pausing as he touched Nick's purple cock head.

Nick's reaction was instantaneous. He gasped, jerking his hips forward, as though seeking something to fuck. Emboldened, Simon opened his mouth and let the hot thick shaft slip over his tongue and into his mouth. Brenda watched with hot eyes.

"Surprise!" Brenda squealed once Simon had Nick's cock fully in his mouth. Simon glanced up at her in shock, not daring to remove his mouth. He could feel his heart thumbing in his chest. Nick's body went rigid with confusion as he realized that it wasn't his girlfriend's mouth encircling him. Simon struggled to control his panic. If Nick took of the blindfold, he was a dead man.

"I know how much you looove a good blow job honey. So I got you a cock sucker for your birthday. Does it feel good?" Brenda smiled evilly at Simon as she soothed her boyfriend.

Realizing he had to maintain the act, Simon bobbed his head, moving slowly backwards and forwards as he sucked on Nick's hard cock. Brenda's eyes burned into him as she continued to talk.

"This one just loves cock." Brenda purred. "Don't hold anything back. This slut loves to be face fucked." Simon shuddered; Brenda's words making him feel so cheap and dirty as he slobbered on her boyfriend's cock. He moaned in horror as he saw Nick's hand reaching up to remove his blindfold. Simon swirled his tongue around the stiff shaft in his mouth, trying to distract him.

Brenda's grin was pure evil and for a moment he was sure she was going to let Nick remove the blindfold. But at the last second she reached out a restraining arm.

"I told you no peeking babe." She teased. "This is a shy cock whore."

Nick laughed, letting his hand drop to his side and Simon trembled with humiliation and shame at the verbal abuse. For a brief moment he pictured how he must look to Brenda. Kneeling before this man, his lips wrapped around a cock. His head bobbing up and down as he eagerly sucked while his own prick bulged in his pants. No wonder she could barely keep a straight face as she watched him.

"Remember, don't hold back babe." Brenda encouraged Nick. "Fuck the slut's mouth." Simon felt her hand on the back of his head, pushing him further forward until he almost gagged.

"Shove your prick down this cock sucker's throat." Brenda hissed. Nick responded to her urging, thrusting forward, his cock pushing deeper into Simon's mouth, making him gag and drool. Brenda laughed.

"God what a slut." Brenda's nails dug into Simon's scalp as she held him in place for her boyfriend. "You like that huh whore?"

"Mmmmph!" Simon mumbled a protest around the thick cock in his mouth. Brenda just smirked at him. "Been dreaming about this for days haven't you."

Simon shuddered and gagged again as Nick thrust more violently. His face and neck red with shame as Brenda held him while her boyfriend used him like some cheap whore. The evidence of his excitement was obvious to her. His cock bulging and throbbing in his pants despite the humiliation. He worked desperately to finish this quickly. He redoubled his efforts, sucking and licking Nick's cock, feeling it thrust deep into his mouth, feeling the saliva dripping down his chin as he took the cock into his throat.

With an a****listic cry, Nick thrust violently forward, jamming his cock into Simon's mouth one last time. Simon shuddered as he felt hot, salty sperm flooding his mouth. Nick grunted spurting in Simon's mouth as Brenda pressed Simon's face against her boyfriend's crotch, holding him there. Simon struggled to swallow the sperm filling his mouth, almost choking in the process. He felt some of it oozing out of the corners of his mouth.

Finally Nick stepped backwards and Brenda released her grip Simon's head. He fell forward resting his head on the ground. From the corner of his eyes he watched as Brenda carefully lead Nick away from the scene, helping him put his clothes back on.

"On you go babe. Tell everyone about the present your hot girlfriend gave you." Brenda laughed. "I've got some tidying up to do here. It seems like someone was better at sucking than they were at swallowing." Simon closed his eyes, trying to block out the shame he felt. He heard the bedroom door open and close, the party seemed like it was still going strong.

When he finally opened his eyes again, Brenda was standing over him with a strange look on her face. Was it contempt? Triumph?

"Was it as good as you imagined while you were jerking off to pictures of his cock?" She sneered down at him. Simon opened his mouth, then closed it again, unsure how to react to his friends aggressive mood. Rowdy cheers exploded in the room outside.

"Sounds like Nick just told his friends all about the cock slut in the bedroom doesn't it?" Brenda smirked. "And you certainly were an eager cock sucker. Amateurish, but enthusiastic. I'm sure you'll get plenty of practice now though." She nudged Simon's bulging crotch with the toe of her shoe and he moaned. "Boy are you excited."

Before Simon could answer the bedroom door swung open and Karen breezed in. Here gaze took in the scene in an instant. Laughing she turned and closed the door. Simon stared at her than looked back at Brenda in shock.

"Nick really really enjoyed your present Brenda." Karen laughed again. "He's telling all his friends about what an eager whore you found for him. They were getting really jealous until I told them they could get in on the action for a small fee."

"Told you you'd be getting plenty of practice didn't I Simon?" Brenda nudged his crotch again with her foot. Simon shuddered, looking around the room for some way to escape. "Oh don't worry; they'll have to wear blindfolds." Simon shook his head.

"Awww poor baby. Don't you want to suck more dicks?" Brenda teased him. "That's a shame because there are about a dozen guys out there who are paying to use your mouth. You've got a simple choice. Do exactly what I tell you or we'll just open that door and let everybody see who the cock sucking slut is."

Simon closed his eyes in despair. He didn't understand why Brenda was acting this way, but he couldn't think of any way out. Karen laughed again, obviously enjoying his humiliation.

"I knew you were a fag." She grinned. "Put the blindfold on him, I can't wait to watch this!"

"What?" Simon opened his eyes, looking at the two women. "What blindfold?"

"Well it's only fair isn't it?" Brenda grinned cruelly. "All your customers will be wearing blindfolds after all. Besides half the guys out there are people you know. I want you to wonder every time you meet them, if they came in your mouth." Karen laughed again.

Simon opened his mouth to protest, then closed it again, seeing the futility. Karen pulled the blindfold out of her pocket and quickly tied it around his head, leaving him in darkness. He knelt, waiting nervously for something to happen.

He heard the door open followed by footsteps and some low muttering. Then he recognized the sound of Karen's laughter. Hot flesh slapped against his cheek.

"Open up cock sucker!" Brenda ordered him.

Simon followed her instructions; open his mouth and moving his head around, trying to capture the cock in his mouth. Brenda and Karen both laughed at his efforts.

"The slut just can't wait to get more cock." Brenda snorted.

Simon burned with humiliation at their continued mockery. Despite himself his own cock remained rock hard. He finally caught the anonymous cock in his mouth and quickly went to work, licking and sucking. He wasn't sure exactly how many more he would taste tonight, but the only thing he could think to do was to get them off as quickly as possible.

His customer impatiently thrust his cock deeper into Simon's mouth. In the back of his mind, Simon noted that this cock was thinner and shorter than Nick's. He shied away from trying to identify who it might belong to.

It couldn't have been much more than a minute before the cock in his mouth was jerking and spurting it's bitter load of cum down his throat. Simon swallowed as best he could, but the last few spurts landed on him as the man pulled out. He knelt in the darkness feeling the cum cooling on him, waiting for the next cock.

Cock after cock thrust into Simon's mouth. He licked, sucked and swallowed until the taste of cum lingered on his tongue even when his mouth was empty. At first he counted, but after ten he lost track. His jaw ached from the abuse.

With each customer Karen and Brenda, watched and laughed, sometimes making comments about his technique or enthusiasm. Other times they urged on his anonymous customer.

When they grew bored, they amused themselves by cupping and stroking his crotch, making him squirm and writhe. But before he got too close to cumming their hands withdrew leaving him frustrated and desperate. Finally it was over and Brenda pulled the blindfold from his face. The party was done, everyone had left. Simon blinked as his eyes slowly adjusted to the light again. He looked around the room, relieved to see that the only other person present was Karen. She looked at him and smirked. He blushed, knowing she would picture him like this every time she saw him from now on.

He gasped in pain as Brenda grabbed him by the hair and pulled him over towards the mirror.

"Look at yourself!" She hissed.

Simon stared at the mirror in horror. He couldn't quite believe how he looked. His sweaty hair plastered against his skull, his face covered in cum from who knew how many cocks and his pants bulged obscenely from his unrelieved arousal.

"I heard what you called me." Brenda snarled, yanking on his hair. "What did you tell those guys? 'Yeah she's hot looking, but she's a whore, jumps from one guy to the next.'" Simon trembled in horror. How had she overheard that conversation? "Well guess what? I may be a whore, but I'm not the one who gave 15 guys blowjobs at a party. I'm not the one who charged $5 a suck. I'm not the one who's so turned on he can't keep his hands off his cock. So tell me Simon, who's the real whore here? Huh cock sucker?"

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Partially edited by Alexis Siefert Copyright © 2002, 2003 The "Knights" portion of this story was originally submitted as an entry to the Virago Blue Challenge as a flash story (under 1000 words). It contained no sex, but maintained continuity with the rest of the "Chocolate Morsels Universe." A follow-up was always intended. "Daze" is that follow-up. I wasn't happy with it. I decided to submit it to a jury of my peers, in the best forum for improvement in the

3 years ago
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Time to come out MY DOLLS

Well, Guess its time to share with you my secret passion that only mom and my cousin Marlene are aware of.Growing up as a transgender with so many female hormones and in reality should have been born a girl I naturally played with dolls. I started collecting them when I was 4 years old and would play with them every day. Also stuffed a****ls my favorite being a blue and white teddy bear my uncle won me at a carnival. I slept with him for all though school and he currently is under glass in my...

1 year ago
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Tawny Daddys Little Girl Becomes A Woman

Author: Powerone and Nikki Title: Tawny, Daddy’s Little Girl Becomes A Woman Part: Chapter 1 Summary: Daddy teaches his little girl to be a Woman. A story of incest between father and daughter. Keywords: M+f, anal. oral, virg, incest, teen, bdsm Tawny, Daddy’s Little Girl Becomes A Woman Copyright 2003 by Nikki and Powerone. Comments to the authors can be e-mailed to [email protected] or [email protected]. Note : This story is complete fictional! Michael stood next to Tawny. He had...

3 years ago
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A Paladins JourneyChapter 7 Ildernass

***ERIK – Temple Sura, Ekistair*** Erik reclined back on the soft cushions beneath him and folded his hands behind his head, relishing the warm, wet sensations emanating from his cock. Looking down past the dense hairs on his chest, he could see the silky brown tresses bobbing up and down over his groin. He moaned at the talented tongue and lips that pleasured him. He had been granted two sunstones for his modest quarters deep in the Temple, as had the other aronduri, but two were ample,...

2 years ago
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Love For Girl8217s Body

Hello Everyone, this is Mr.x you can keep. I don’t want to reveal any of my information here.Your comments are welcome at I am from a part of south India, a guy with average dick, a good athletic body and am in my mid 20’s.Coming to the story, I have a great love towards a female body starting from my early 15’s when hormones change happened. Until a few months back I haven’t got a chance to feel any of it. It all happened in the month of September with one of my friends, let us call her...

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Found Mamas Porn Films Part 1

So, I never had a thing for my mom until I found her videos buried in a box of old papers in the attic. I was cleaning it out for my parents when I found a DVD marked "Janie's Vids". I figured it was something from her c***dhood or some family movies. I was the only one home. When I took a break from the attic work, I made some food and put the DVD in my laptop. The sandwich about fell out of my hand when the first video started to play. It was my mom, must have been from the 70s when she was...

3 years ago
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How To Introduce Sex Toys Into Your Relationship

How To Introduce Sex Toys Into Your Relationship Sex Toys are Fun. Most couples get bored with their sex lives at some point in their relationships. Sex toys add a bit of zest to the relationship and keep things from getting dull. Using a sex toy together can bring you closer; sharing new experiences together can be very intimate. I didn't try using a sex toy until I was 28. Although I've always been open-minded, fairly sexual and comfortable with my body, I'd never gotten around to actually...

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My Hubby Make Me To Fuck Her Friend

Hi readers, I am moonmoon. Stating how husband make me to fuck his friend. This story is based on a true incident. Let me first describe me. I am not white like milk. I am brown in color. I have waxed legs, round ass, perfect round little shaggy boobs with brown medium nipple. My figure is 36-30-38 and has a long straight black, silky, very thick hair covering my waist. I have a daughter of 3 years. My husband love me and lot. He does anything for me. So now it’s my turn to do him a favor. And...

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My First BDSM Experience In Hotel Room

Before this incident, I was a shy closet sissy but the experience has changed my mind. I am Yash but you guys can call me “Yashvi”. I love BDSM, bondage, getting overpowered and made to obey. It started as an Omegle chat. I usually put interest like “Indian gay” but that day, I added one more interest “Indian BDSM”. BDSM is something I have watched, enjoyed and sometimes tried on myself when I am alone. I was talking to many strangers on Omegle but they were disconnecting as soon as they found...

Gay Male
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Miss Mays Atonement Part 1 of 2

Miss May's Atonement Part 1 of 2 Belladonna [Author's Note: Based on an idea by Mitzi and Gastoni] Brandon Stewart sat in silence beside his wife while his attorney read the settlement proposal from Martha Duff's attorney. Brandon's gaze briefly drifted to the stony look his wife was giving him as the attorneys tried to settle the sexual harassment charges against Brandon and the company he had founded with his wife. Sarah Gordon glared at her husband while the attorney she...

1 year ago
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TranscendenceChapter 2

Not far from Rayna’s location, Lacey has reached the end of her assigned location. The trip here was uneventful like every day on this rock has been. Of all the places she has been, this is her least favorite planet. It is too humid and too quiet. Well if the noises from the animals that are never seen aren’t taken into consideration. Sweat beads profusely down her face and from the slick feeling she has beneath her armor, down the rest of her body. She hates being all sweaty, at least with...

4 years ago
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Julie surrenders to the Major

I first met the major about ten or so years ago when I used to do a lot of commuting to work. On my way home I liked to stop for a quick pint in a village near to ours to unwind after work. I only used this pub because you could sit and relax without being disturbed by friends wanting to know what was going on all of the time. One tea time I was having my usual pint when an elderly gentleman,well I say elderly, he was probably 20 years older than me, came across and asked if the van in the car...

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Three Fantasy Quickies

I first met Amber and Crystal when I took a night class at a local college; my name’s Lynn. I’m a forty-five year old happily married housewife. Amber and Crystal, both in their early twenties, became good friends with me during the six weeks I was taking the class with them. For a while, we got together every Thursday to discuss schoolwork. After a while, our little discussion group began exploring a wider range of topics, until eventually it simply became the Sexual Discussion Group. Amber...

Group Sex
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Devlins StoryChapter 9

"What does the rest of your day look like?" Danny asked as Devlin got off the bed and started collecting her clothes. The rain was drumming against the window of the hotel room and Devlin could hear the hissing sound of tires on the street below. Danny was lying on the bed, still nude. Devlin paused, watching the raindrops run down the window. "I have class in an hour," she said. She could feel the coolness radiating from the window and it made her shiver slightly. "English composition...

4 years ago
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It was a beautiful day at the beach. I was with my boyfriend Chris, his buddy Mike and his girlfriend Amy . We spent the day enjoying the ocean and warm weather. The waves were just prefect to body surf in. More than once my bikini top came down riding the waves. I know Chris enjoyed the view and I caught Mike take a quick glimpse as well. After a few hours of the beach we decided it was time to go. I went home to get showered and then headed over to their apartment. We planned on double...

Group Sex
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The Only Way

The first thing I realized was that I was in a strange bed. The second thing I realized was that I was naked. The third thing I realized was that my body was pressed against that of my brother's. I screamed. “Morning, Kelly,” my little brother said. “What the hell is going on?” I asked. “What, you don't remember?” My head ached as I thought back to the events of the day before... I woke up around eight in the morning and was immediately confused. What had woken me up? It was summer vacation, so...

2 years ago
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Two Broken RoadsChapter 4

Sunday was typical of the previous several. We went to Sunday school first so Laura and the girls could start to form some relationships with other members, then to the worship service. We had lunch with Sarah and Bobby, then back to our place for a few hours. Late afternoon was typical of any family spending time together. It felt so normal. I was more content than I can ever remember. But I had plans to make, and little conspiracies to form. I was able to pull Sarah aside to get her on...

3 years ago
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Jens Big Thanksgiving

Jen Goody a 28yrs mother getting for her first time at preparing thanksgiving dinner for her family (mom, dad, his parents son, and daughter) going to the store for last min. things taking the back roads to stay out of the holiday rush when her car died. Sitting about two miles from town on a county road she lost it crying her eyes out till she seen a truck coming towards her. The truck stopped and two big tall black men got out. Jen had never meet a black person at all, the men looked her up...

1 year ago
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The Massage

We were “just friends” and you asked to come by as you always did, and I agreed even though I was tired and my body ached. I was lying on the couch, and you offered to give me a massage. At first, I said no, trying not to cross those imaginary lines that I had constructed…again. You persisted and I finally gave in, but only a massage, nothing more. You got the lotion and I pulled my shirt over my head and removed my bra, careful to keep everything from view as I lay on my stomach. You warmed...

Straight Sex
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Mother Queen And Son King

Hai this is rathode again please do leave your comments on my id Please read the stories for fun not at the cost of relations. Once youpon a time during Ancient India there is a kingdom called mathasangama , the kingdom is well blessed with all kind of resources where ever you see the land is full of greenery, farmers grows well yielded crops, miners mines pure gold, iron, silver and diamonds, soldiers fight with glory, each and every men and women in the kingdom are wise and pay the taxes on...

3 years ago
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Carolines MomChapter 11

Morning came and Allan woke slowly. He had not slept all night and was wondering whether or not he should have listened to Rachel. Last night they had told his parents that both the Caroline and her beautiful mother Rachel were going to be his brides. He and Caroline had been together since childhood. And his parents had always hoped they would marry. Rachel was Caroline's mother and his teenage wet dream. His parents liked her but thought of her as the mother of one of his playmates. Now...

4 years ago
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Cs Daring Time

C’s Daring Time G's perspective. C is a very attractive almost 60 year old MILF. Sexy, pretty, 5’ 2”, busty with the cutest fanny around. And it is nice, firm and round. We met two weeks ago and had a great time. By now the fire was more than smoldering. Our next weekend was in a new city. We met and settled into a nice hotel. After a warm greeting that lasted an hour and a half we were looking for new adventures. I thought I knew a good Greek restaurant downtown but it turned out to be a...

First Time
1 year ago
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The Vermont Boarding School Part 1 The first two nights rev

There are many private schools in New England, and they are expensive. Upper class kids go to boarding schools to assure that they will get top scores on the college entrance exams, namely the SAT. There are other reasons for kids to be sent to these schools. Some parents who were raised in families with “old” money are distant from their children, and those children learn to be distance from their children. For them, boarding schools are a way of getting the children out of the house for the...

3 years ago
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Play It Again SamChapter 6 Someone new from someone old

We did have dinner at a very nice restaurant, and then later, after getting undressed we just lay naked together on that narrow single bed exploring each other with our hands and mouth's for a long time. Then after we made love, with me still on top of her, I raised myself up to look down into her eyes and I hoped she could see in mine the gratitude I felt for her having giving me such a wonderful gift. I rolled to the side and held her head in my hands and I placed a gentle kiss on her...

2 years ago
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She was not sure what he had in store for her today. As she sat in his car, her mind was going over all the possibilities, trying to figure out what he might do. As much as she liked to think she could figure out what he had in mind, in reality she knew that he wasn’t really all that predictable. While she was sitting there, she became more aware of the fact that she wasn’t wearing a bra or panties. It had started as simply not wearing panties, but then her mouth had made it worse, and he had...

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Angel gets Double Stuffed

I like to think that I got extremely lucky in picking such an awesome wife. Angel is very beautiful standing about 5’2” with dirty blond hair that falls just above her shoulders. She’s not too thick and not too thin. She has a slightly large, round ass that is so much fun to smack when you are fucking her doggy style, and recently she has gotten a boob job. Her double D tits stop guys in their tracks every day. Angel and I are both in our late twenties.Not only am I lucky because my wife Angel...

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Meri mumbaiwali bhabhi

Hello friends me pehle apna parichay de deta hoo mera name sahil he aur me baroda me rehta hoo wese me dikhne me itna smart nahi hoo fir bhi bhagvan ne mera naseeb bahot achha banaya he meri umer 29 he aur abhi tak mene kafi ladkiyo ko aur bhabhi yo ko chod chuka hoo ab me aap ko meri ye wali kahani sunata hoo baat kuch esi he mere samne ek cople rehta he wo kuch 2 mahino se yaha bombay se sift huve he dono yaha new the to unko yaha koi janta nahi tha aur hamare makan ke bilkul samne rehneki...

3 years ago
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My Hot Neighbors Part One

It had been a few months since the new neighbors had moved in, as far as I knew it was just the two women, a mother and daughter. Now I will tell you this, the mother was smoking hot, curves in all the right places, big juicy firm tits that she liked to show off with low cut tight tops, a juicy tight firm ass, and legs that seemed to never end. You would never guess she had a 17 year old daughter. Now this story is about me and her daughter, although some fun was had with the mother, but that’s...

First Time
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Valentines Panties

“If you like them so much you wear them,” Sara quipped, flinging the red silk panties across the bed.I should explain that in my hurry to buy her some Valentines lingerie, I had overlooked her size requirements. Sara was always fussy about her underwear, everything had to match and fit perfectly. Not only that, but she valued comfort over style. In an attempt to appeal to her more slutty side, I had been seduced by the usual man-made red silk set, complete with suspenders and stockings.“You...

4 years ago
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First time glory hole for me and her

I spose I'll start with a little history. I am a 30yo bi experienced male. Iv done everything from group orgys, a couple gang bangs, fooled around with some couples, and all sorts of stuff with with single bi/gay men. I was never one for serious relationships till I found this girl, and to my luck she was open to doing a whole lot more then i could ever imagine. She is 21yo and when I met her she was mostly straight. Other then alittle experimenting in high school. She is 5'1 with a perfect ass...

1 year ago
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Private Karina King MILF Addicted To Rough Sex

Today on, we present to you Karina King, a busty MILF with a wild sexual appetite who has come to Private Gold, Cherry Kiss Home Parties for a raunchy debut that both you and her will never forget! When Karina arrives at the Kiss residence, Cherry is not there, but in her place is her hung husband, Vince Karter, who can’t help but give in to Karina’s charm as she lures him in with her big tits and knee-high latex boots for a wild fuck full of deepthroat, rough sex, titfucking,...

3 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IChapter 18 Annas Secret

"Why won't she let it go?"I asked myself. Resignedly, I walked to the tack table and looked around. "Ah ... There it is. Good!" I thought as I picked up the bottle of mink oil. Stepping back to where Anna was still tied, bent over the rail, I poured a little of the mink oil in the crack between her ass cheeks. Then using my middle finger, I gently began to rub it in around her rosebud. Back and forth, I brushed lightly over her pucker. Anna began to squirm as she realized what I was...

1 year ago
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Lauren and Jill

My name is Lauren and I am a senior in high school. I play midfield in soccer and I am a co-captain. Another co-captian is my best friend Jill. Jill and I have been best friends since 3rd grade. We always hung out together whether it was playing soccer or going out on the weekends. Jill has always been there through the hard times in my life with my dad leaving me and my mom when I was 7. I have been there for her also espicially in high school when she has gone through a couple bad breakups....

3 years ago
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Like Mother Like Son 7

Written by Sharon Parsons and edited by Victor G. 16 year old Darren Peterman tries out his older woman disguise and is presented to his little brother as the boy's Aunt Nancy- a 46 year old smoker. Later that day, Aunt Nancy takes her young nephew to the park. *************** Chapter 7 ************** When I woke up Sunday morning, I felt as if an elephant was sitting on my chest. Of course, my heavy breast forms played a big role, but so did my heavy smoking the day...

4 years ago
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John CarterChapter 5

The walls of the room were bare except for a handful of posters showing Ansel Adams photographs. The accordion doors of the closet were open allowing the contents to be viewed. There were a handful of shirts hanging from clothes hangers. The shelf along the top of the closet contained camping equipment such as, tents, sleeping bags, canteens, knives, axes, and similar gear; souvenirs of a youth spent camping. Everything in the closet, including the equipment, was too small for him or too worn...

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Pure and Crystal 2 english google translate

You are there. You are at the rendez-vous. As I have decided. You're lightly dressed but you followed what I asked, simple, sexy and can be torn: A very short shorts, a T-shirt simple molding your sumptuous curves.Cause you're there to believe I can satisfy this fantasy. **** you and abuse you for hours. You would expect this bus stop. The men turn you on and dream of what they could do to you. They can not imagine what I'll do. I stopped the car in front of you and you get in. My hand is...

4 years ago
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Krystenah the puppy Begs for Relief

I could see him standing in the threshold, relaxed, but expectant. The neighbors were around and I greeted him by his name. He smiled but didn’t return the greeting. When I reached the top stair, I saw that he grasped the cat by its handle. Its braided tails hung silently along his leg. My thighs tightened at the memory of the last flogging he had given me and how the tails had painted my back, ass and thighs. He smiled. “Hello, Master,” I said, and smiled back. “Undress, Puppy,” he said. I set...

3 years ago
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Mollyann makes a videoMollyann finished her moves in front of the camera, then straightened up and walked round behind it.She hit playback, her large blue eyes studying the small screen at the back.“Oh shoot!” she swore, tossing her long blond curls in frustrationIrritated, she cleared the video and prepared to do another shoot.She was trying something new, making an aerobics video for her channel. So far it had not gone well, she was trying to do it alone, and had her camera on a tripod – but...

3 years ago
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Lai Ch 04 Barb

I kept my bikini bottom and heels on during the silent ride back. Louis, of course, took advantage of this, noticeably admiring my shapely gams and provocatively-encased feet. He kept his hand on my right thigh the whole journey, caressing it unhurriedly, and occasionally venturing next to my pussy lips. I, in turn, looked at him adoringly probably the entire time, grazing my hand constantly across his left cheek and occasionally giving him soft kisses on his head and neck. Once inside his...

3 years ago
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The Overlook Ch 02

‘Mama, I need you. Please call me back,’ Molly said in a quivering voice on voice mail. She stared out the window of the private jet and silently cried. To have been torn so abruptly from Seth had caused greater pain than she anticipated. She felt like a little girl lost in an unknown city. She didn’t know what to do or where to turn. All she felt was a void where her heart used to be. ‘Excuse me, Miss Fournier,’ said the flight attendant. Molly looked up at her with swollen, red eyes. ‘Your...

2 years ago
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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 1 Beneath the Blood MoonChapter 12

The arrow went right through his Adam’s apple, all he managed was a gurgle before falling forward. The sound he made must have reached his comrades, as I heard them increase the speed of their approach. When he had hit the ground, the arrow was pushed even further through his neck, causing a spurt of blood to escape the wound. I could see that the arrow had pierced his spine, near the base of his skull. Within moments, he stopped breathing; a large puddle of blood was oozing out around him....

4 years ago
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getting caught in my wifes panties in the gym lead

Part 1 - The GymI got my stuff together and headed out to the gym. I was feeling incredibly horny this morning, id been chatting online with a few guys and looking at some pretty dirty porn on my phone pretty much most of the morning since I woke up. Its a huge turn on of mine to dress and act like a girly slut when I get a chance to be alone, and a lot of the time I like to wear panties under my everyday male clothes. Today was one of those days. I decided to wear a little thong under my tight...

2 years ago
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My first time with others as a girl Part 2

Ann gave me a kiss and a cuddle and wiped my tummy with some tissues. Luckily I hadn’t soiled my pretty lingerie. She slid my panties off then took me to the bathroom to clean up properly. John dressed and went to make a cup of tea. In the bathroom, I stood as Ann cleaned me with some wet wipes. I had one last little drop of semen on the tip of my cock. Ann wiped this off with her finger and brought it to her lips. Her tongue flicked out. “Just to see how you taste” she said. “Was everything ok...

3 years ago
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Masters First Training Session

I am newly single, and Master has moved into my house for a few weeks. My son is away at college, and the eventual plan is Master's c***dren to move in with us, but I have been informed that my daughter and I need discipline first. Master's c***dren know that he is in charge, but we are both far too used to getting our own way, and have to be trained. I have taken a couple of weeks off work, as I need more undivided attention. My daughter is able to have a certain amount of freedom at...

3 years ago
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Got Interested With Mommy 8211 Part II

After stripping herself nude Mom said, ‘See Sundroo what’s it that you haven’t seen about me?’ ‘Oh, my darling son, I now understand you haven’t been looking at me the way I thought all these days’, she exclaimed, ‘You are reading my porn books stealing from my place, using my clothes for your sexual satisfaction. And it all means that you think of me in a different way.’ I was melting down with shyness, nevertheless stealing glances at the divinely sexily beautiful goddess Mom. She said,...

4 years ago
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At Last My Pretty Petite Wife is Taken by 4 Men

The most i could get from E was to dress up in her short, black skirt, small jacket, undone blouse, hold up stockings and leather knee length boots...she is so pretty, 36-24-34 figure ( really!) and she knows i love men looking at her whilst dressed like this.However what happened yesterday lunch time will always be in my mind, please read on and you will see why. We went to a large market in near where we live - did some shopping and as we walked around, I loved to see the men looking at her,...

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Fucked a milk man daughter

Hello I am ashok from Kathmandu, Nepal. I am going to share my first story when I was 21. I usually used to look movies, read stories and while reading stories I came to some conclusion on how to get chance to fuck someone else. Reading most of the story I now some idea about it. It was the very morning A girl aged 18-20 used to come for milk daily. She is the daughter of milkman. she always put her milk and go. this time I make some idea and call her inside to sofa. then tell that I have to...

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Lee Odyssey Chapter 2

The Lee Odyssey Chapter 2If you have not read chapter 1 please do so.I had many firsts in my growing womanhood. I had not only been fucked and sucked, but I had sucked a black man’s cock. I couldn’t brag about it lest I be branded the town slut. I began to worry that Lee might tell his buddies and it would be all over town. I had to talk to him as soon as possible. He actually sought me out at school and we went for a walk in the park. I told him of my concerns and he assured me that he was not...

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BlendersChapter 30

After the prolonged lovemaking, with Tim sleeping while snoring in her ear, Olivia came up with the start of a plan. It wasn't to stop the upcoming Insurrection that would spark in America but spread worldwide. The Elite were already entrenched in the key places of government. Their plans included stopping all the freedoms of the proletariat and bring them into a one world government. The loss of the freedom of speech altogether, the ending of the news media, the prohibition of private land...

1 year ago
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Getting My Best Friend In Me

I didn't really realize that I was in love with my . We were watching a porno movie one time on TV while I was spending the night at his house. He was on the couch, and I was on the floor. I didn't actually see him beating off, but I could hear him; the quiet slapping noise I normally made while I was beating my cock and his fast, heavy breathing totally gave it away. I got totally turned on and started to beat off myself ( the straight porno hadn't really done it for me) and from that moment...

2 years ago
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Pregnant in Panties

Pregnant in Panties Chapter One (This multi-chapter story could be listed in several different groups. It contains group sex, bisexual and gay contact, incest, BDSM and other fetishes. If this offends you, please stop now. If it doesn’t, I hope you enjoy. ) “Christ It’s hot.” Suzanne stood under the shower watching the dust and the dirt from their dry and fallow farmland sluice off her soft shoulders and follow the streaming water in sandy brown streams over her engorged breasts and large,...


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