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Angie finished drying her long red hair and looked at herself in the mirror thinking how good she still looked at thirty. Angie turned and looked at her profile in the mirror checking out her firm round ass and tiny waist along with her 38 D cup breasts.

Angie placed the palm of her hand near her cleavage tracing the line on her skin from the sun that afternoon. Angie had pale skin, which was speckled with red freckles and had to be very careful not to get too much sun otherwise she would burn.

She tossed the towel onto the bed and opened the dresser drawer and starred at the stack of panties that filled the drawer. Angie looked at the dress hanging on the back of the door which she bought special for her date that night and decided not to wear any panties at all.

The green dress she bought clung to her body and the panty line showed and looked ugly and if she had taken more notice when she tried it on she would have picked another material to wear.

Angie brushed her teeth leaning over the sink watching her large full tits giggling as she moved the tooth brush around inside her mouth. She couldn't believe she was actually getting ready for a date with another man.

Angie got angry every time she thought about the mess her husband Walt got them into with his gambling. Walt had made a bet with someone at a poker game and when he told the man he was short of money and couldn't pay off the debt they had made another agreement with the man.

Walt had said the man was very angry with him and Walt had to come up with an idea to keep from getting himself beaten up because Walt said he was at least 6' 7" and massive in size. In addition to this big man, Walt said he had a couple of big body guards with him that night and they looked very intimidating and Walt was afraid for his life.

The man's name is Bruce and he had mentioned to Walt before the game that he loved redheads' so that gave Walt the idea that he could fix Bruce up with a redhead just like he had mentioned.

Walt told Bruce that he could arrange a date with a redhead just like he had mentioned before the game and said it was his sister and he would make all the arrangements.

Walt didn't tell Angie what had happened until the next day and Angie could have choked him on the spot. Angie was so angry with Walt and made him promise that he would stop gambling. Walt was in tears the night he explained everything to Angie and had said that he was sorry and he would never put them in a situation like this again.

Angie stood in front of the mirror applying her lipstick than looked at the amount of cleavage that was showing and tried to pull the dress up further but tugged it back down. She had wished she had picked out something that wasn't so revealing.

Angie wanted to be nice to this man but at the same time didn't want to give him any idea's that he could go further than dinner and maybe a little dancing tonight. Once finished, Angie walked into the bedroom and slipped her wedding band and diamond engagement ring off her finger and placed it in a small drawer in her jewelry box. She would be Walt's divorced sister for the night and get it over with.

Hopefully Walt would learn his lesson with this and give up gambling like he promised and maybe some of those nasty friends that got him into this situation. Angie walked out into the front room and saw Walk pacing the floor and sat down on the sofa without saying a word.

Walt turned to face his wife and said. "Honey. Please don't do anything to piss off this guy tonight because he has many friends and I'm afraid of what he could do to us."

Angie gave her husband a nasty glance and snapped back at Walt and said. "I think you should have thought about that when you made a bet with this man last week. You knew that you didn't have the money to pay him back but you went ahead and played that silly game anyway."

Walt looked nervous as he stood in the window as he said. "Honey. I'm really sorry about everything and wished I could take it all back."

Angie walked over and sat on the sofa as she replied. "Just remember that because of you I have to spend the night out with some strange man I don't even know and show my ass and hope he doesn't try anything with me and its all because of you so don't act like you're sorry to me."

They could hear a car pull into the driveway and Walt looked out the window and said. "It must be Bruce, a black customized Hummer just pulled up near the garage."

Angie walked back into the bedroom to put a final touch on her makeup as she tried to settle her nerves as Walt answered the door and Bruce and two other huge black men walked into the house.

Bruce introduced them as his body guards and looked around the house from where he was standing and said. "You know I don't usually let people get away with not paying up to me but if your sister is the knockout you told me she is than we will consider this settled and even."

Walt tried to form a smile as he listened to Bruce's deep and mean sounding voice as Angie walked out of the bedroom and walked toward the men.

Angie almost froze in her tracks as she saw the three black men standing at her front door as she walked closer and waited for Walt to introduce them.

Angie stood in front of the men as Walt said. "Bruce. I'd like you to meet my sister, Angie. Angie. This is my friend Bruce and these two men are friends of his and I didn't get their names."

Bruce had his eyes fixed on Angie's exposed cleavage as he took her hand and kissed it and said. "Your every bit as beautiful as your brother told me you were and your red hair is just gorgeous." Angie smiled and kept it very short because she was so nervous and said. "Thank you very much."

Bruce was still holding her tiny hand and didn't let go of her as he introduced the two men who were standing next to him as Billy and Donny and said they were his insurance that they would have a safe night.

Angie stood next to Bruce starring up at his face and even with her 5' 6" height and her 5" heels, she still seemed short standing next to his 6' 7" height. Bruce also had broad shoulders and huge hands and the deepest voice Angie thinks she ever heard.

Bruce glanced over at Walt and surprisingly smiled at him and said. "You didn't disappoint me this time. Consider it even."

Bruce placed his large arm around Angie and said. "Its getting late, we should get to the club if we're going to have dinner."

Walt watched as Angie walked out of the house with Bruce and the other two men and got into the hummer and saw Bruce walking back toward the front door by himself and wondered what was going on.

Walt waited before opening the door and when he did, Bruce stepped inside the house and smiled at Walt and said. "Your sister is hot and if all goes well tonight I'm going to be seeing you more often from now on and just take my advice and don't do anything stupid like giving her bad advice about me because if you screw this up I won't call it even any longer."

Bruce walked back out shutting the door behind him as Walt stood there still shaking wondering how he and Angie were going to get themselves out of this mess. Walt wondered if Angie would be able to handle this in a way that Bruce would just disappear and everything would be forgotten.

Walt paced around the house for the next few hours watching the clock and wondering what was going on with his wife and Bruce hoping he would drop her back off at the house soon.

Walt sat on the sofa and began to dose off when he heard the sound of a car pulling into the drive and the headlights shined into the front room window. Their house was out in the country and stood back in the woods about several hundred feet away from the road so Walt felt comfortable knowing that he had no neighbors that would see these black men coming to his house with Angie so late.

Walt sat up and watched the front door open and saw his wife walk through the door but was surprised to see Bruce follow her inside along with Donny and Billy.

Walt was surprised as he saw his wife laughing at something that Bruce must have said when they came in as she turned toward Donny and Billy and said. "You guys can find glasses in the kitchen toward the left of the stove and just put the extra bottles in the refrigerator." Bruce walked into the room as Walt starred at him as he sat down on the other end of the sofa and waited for Angie.

Bruce finally looked over at Walt and said. "Your sister is a very special lady and I might say she is very different from the women I dated in the past. Angie brings out the gentle side of my personality that many people don't see."

Walt sat there and swallowed hard as he listened to Bruce talk about his wife as if she were already his girlfriend.

Bruce sort of chuckled in his deep voice as he leaned over toward Walt and tried to whisper and said. "With women like your sister Angie, you have to take it slow and easy and build their trust and confidence which will lead up to the big pay off."

Bruce starred into Walt's eyes and laughed and said. "You don't know much about women do you?"

Walt responded with his voice sounding shaky and said. "Well. I think I know my sister fairly well enough to know she doesn't screw around on the first date."

Bruce leaned over a little further and grabbed Walt by the shoulder and said. "Excuse me. I hate to sound so blunt with you, because I know she is family but I bet you at poker and won from you already and I bet you the amount of money you lost to me last week that Angie will be giving me all the white pussy I can handle."

Walt was beginning to shake now as Bruce told him his plans for his wife as he tried to smile at the big man.

Bruce continued as he said. "Face it. Your sister is a fine woman and she does have a pussy along with nice tits and a sweat little ass. Man. That beautiful long red hair and I can't wait to see the little red muff between her legs."

Bruce than added. "Patience. My friend. Patience."

Angie walked into the room and sat down next to Bruce on the sofa completely ignoring Walt on the other end as Bruce leaned forward and said. "Let me see those beautiful earrings I bought you tonight."

Angie pushed her long red hair to the side and let him see the diamond studded earrings she was wearing as Bruce said. "Walt. Take a look at these earrings I bought your sister tonight and see how beautiful they look on her." Walt got up and sat in the chair directly in front of them and starred at the large diamond earrings his wife was wearing than noticed the diamond neckless she was wearing too and said. "I don't remember seeing the neckless on you before?"

Bruce chuckled and said. "I bought that for your sister as well to match the earrings she is wearing."

Angie put her hand on Bruce's shoulder and leaned forward and said. "Thank you so much for the presents tonight."

Angie puckered her lips as Bruce gave her a small peck on the lips than another that lasted a couple seconds longer.

Bruce held Angie's hand and glanced at Walt and said." Excuse us while I return the appreciation your sister is showing me."

Bruce kissed Angie again locking his lips to hers sending his tongue deep into her mouth as Walt looked on in horror but was afraid to say anything to Bruce and figured he'd just get it over with.

Bruce moved closer to Angie and placed his arm around her and waited to see what Angie's reaction was going to be and he soon found out as she leaned forward and kissed him on the lips.

Once they finished, Bruce looked over at Walt who was sitting in the chair with a blank look on his face and afraid to say anything to this man in fear of getting harmed and said. "Would you mind going out in the kitchen with the guys so I can talk privately with your sister?"

Walt got up from the chair and walked toward the kitchen and glanced back to see what was going on but Bruce had switched the table lamp off which made it too dark to see anything.

Walt made it into the kitchen and poured himself another drink and joined Donny and Billy on the bar stools at the counter.

Donny laughed at Walt when he sat down next to them and said. "Man. You got a hot looking sister out there. Does she have a twin by any chance?"

Walt tried to smile as he took a drink from his glass as his hand shook and almost spilled some on his shirt.

Billy looked over at Donny and said. "I bet old Bruce is getting some of that red headed pussy right now if I know him."

Donny replied. "Yeah. Bruce has a special way to seduce women that I never saw before and the way they were dancing at the club tonight. I thought he was going to fuck her right there on the dance floor."

Donny looked at Walt and said. "I hope this isn't bothering you too much. You know, your sister is only human and she has sexual needs, just like us men. Isn't that right Billy?"

Billy stood up and patted Walt on the shoulder and replied. "That's right. Women are all the same and if they are attracted to a guy then they are going to get just as horny as the three of us and want to fuck."

Walt looked nervous as he listened to these men and finally said. "Did you see anything else going on besides on the dance floor?"

Donny replied. "Oh man. They were kissing in the back seat, all the way back to your house tonight. As a matter of fact, I don't think your sister would have come back here tonight but she wanted to check on her daughter."

Walt had an idea and looked at Donny and Billy and said. "I better go and check and make sure Megan is still sleeping in her room, I'll be back in a few minutes."

Walt stood up and walked into the front room walking as close to the sofa as he could and as he walked nearby he could see Angie sitting on Bruce's lap.

As Walt walked closer, he had a view of the rear of the sofa and could only see Angie sitting and a small portion of Bruce's head. Walt thought he heard kissing noises and his body felt weak wondering if Bruce was sucking Angie's tits.

As Walt started to walk toward the kitchen, Bruce sort of raised his voice and said. "Walt. Can you come here for a minute?"

Walt's heart sank as he thought that Bruce was going to yell at him or maybe worse as he slowly walked toward the front of the sofa to see what the big man wanted.

Bruce had dimmed the light but Walt could clearly see his wife still sitting on Bruce's lap, the straps to Angie's dress were pulled down and she was holding the top of her dress against her tits keeping them covered.

Walt waited for Bruce to say something terrible but actually smiled at him and said. "I want to be a gentleman about this and ask you a question if you don't mind?"

Walt's voice was shaky as he glanced at his wife and noticed her dress was hiked up around her thigh in addition to the straps being pulled off her shoulders as he replied. "Sure. Just let me know what I can do for you."

Angie interrupted as she looked at Bruce and said. "Bruce. Walt is my brother so I'll tell him what we plan on doing this evening."

Walt swallowed hard as his wife turned and starred him straight in the eyes and said. "Bruce was going to ask you if it was all right to spend the night here with me but I had told him that if it wasn't for you that we wouldn't have met and you wouldn't mind at all."

Walt swallowed again as his eyes stayed focused on Angie's and could see that she was looking for revenge for bringing her into this mess and finally replied. "No. You're right Angie. I don't mind if Bruce spends the night here. I'll get the guest room ready for him."

Bruce chuckled as he looked at Walt and said. "You don't have to worry about doing that for me. Your sister has everything arranged for me."

Angie stood up holding her dress in place as she looked back at Bruce and said. "I'll see you in a few minutes."

Angie starred at Walt as she walked past him and not saying another word and went directly into their bedroom and shut the door as Walt stood up and said. "Why don't you go out and tell the boys I want to see them?"

Walt didn't hesitate as he quickly got the two men from out in the kitchen and brought them back into the living room as Billy said. "What's up Boss?"

Bruce replied. "You fellows can go back to my place and I'll give you a call tomorrow when I need a ride"

Bruce walked over in front of Walt and put his large hand on his shoulder and said. "Walt. I want you to do me a big favor and go out into the kitchen and bring the bottle of wine the boys took out there and a bucket of ice with wine glasses and bring them to Angie's room in a few minutes."

Walt stood there looking down at the floor wanting to call this all off and tell Bruce the truth but chickened out thinking that Bruce might kill him or at least break some bones and besides he might harm Angie if he found out she was in on this too.

Walt was thinking that maybe Angie would only take this to a level and not give in to sex with this man. He would try and talk to her when he brought the drinks into the bedroom.

Bruce put his other hand on Walt's shoulder and said. "Listen. I saw the look on your face when I told you I was staying. Your sister is a big girl and she can speak for herself and make her own decisions."

Walt replied. "No. Not worried about Angie's decisions at all it's just that I didn't know you would have sex with her tonight."

Bruce chucked as he replied. "I got it. You don't want to see your sister bang a black man. Is that it?" Bruce continued to say. "Walt. Have you ever been with a black woman?"

Walt said. "No. Never."

Bruce replied. " I'll have to see what I can do for you. Now go get those drinks for me and I'll see you in the bedroom."

Walt was in the kitchen getting everything together and was getting ice from the refrigerator when he heard a cabinet door open and slam shut and turned to see his wife standing next to the counter wearing a black transparent nightie.

Walt started to walk toward Angie when she said. "Just stay away from me right now."

Angie had her packet of birth control pills and was punching a pill out of the little container and placed it inside her mouth followed by a drink of water than set the glass down on the counter and started to walk out.

Walt yelled out and said. "Honey. I'm sorry for getting us into this mess and I'll make it up to you."

Angie didn't say a word as she kept walking back to the bedroom as if she didn't even hear him speak. Walt noticed how her ass was completely exposed as he watched her cheeks sway with her hips.

Walt was shaking again as he put the ice bucket on a tray along with the wine and the glasses. Walt knew he had done it this time and wondered if Angie would forgive him. How could he stop this man from screwing his wife without getting shot or hurt very badly?

Walt promised himself that he'd never gamble again as long as he lived and would treat Angie better than he had. All he wanted was one more chance and he would show her how he could change.

Walt took the tray and walked toward the bedroom and saw the door closed when he got there. Walt sat the tray down on the floor as he knocked on the door and picked the tray back up and waited.

Bruce yelled and said. Come on. "The door is open."

Walt was able to open the door using a couple fingers on the handle and as the door slid open, he saw Bruce standing with his back toward him on the other side of the bed. Bruce was giving Angie a hug as they stood there without even moving.

Walt said. "Where would you like me to put the tray?"

Walt stood there listening to them kissing than realized that Bruce was naked and saw Angie's hands around Bruce resting on his hips. The contrast of Angie's pale white shin against Bruce's jet black skin allowed Walt to clearly see her fingers as they clung to Bruce. Angie looked so tiny as he stood there looking and waiting for them to tell him where they wanted him to put the wine.

Bruce turned around and Walt saw this mans cock for the very first time and couldn't help notice how large he was. Bruce's cock was poking straight out and looked massively big and not only was he long but very thick as well.

Bruce pointed at the dresser and said. "Just put that over there and we'll take it from there." Walt placed the tray on the dresser and glanced at the couple as they returned to kissing and completely ignoring him. Bruce was squeezing Angie's ass with his big hands as they remained locked in a passionate kiss.

Bruce's cock pointed straight into Angie's tummy on an upward angle and she seemed to be rotating her hips causing his large cock to move around above her belly button. Walt watched as Angie took hold of the cock making Bruce groan as he whispered and said. "Wait until you feel it inside you."

Bruce turned and saw that Walt was still standing in the room and chuckled as he said. "You can leave now. We're not putting on a sex show here."

Walt hesitated a few seconds until Bruce let go of Angie and walked over and put his arm around Walt guiding him to the bedroom door and out into the hallway and turned and pulled Walt around to face him and said. "Listen. You seem concerned about your sister tonight. Don't worry about her because I'll be really gentle with her. Now go and get some sleep."

Walt stood in the hallway watching the big man turn and shut the door but not before Walt got a glimpse of Bruce's massive cock.

Walt stood there thinking how he shouldn't have come up with this silly idea in the first place and maybe he could have paid a hooker to have sex with this man. Why did he have to do this to Angie and himself?

Walt walked into the living room and sat on the chair and grabbed the drink he had put on the table but never finished and finished the contents before laying his head back wondering what Angie might be doing at that very moment and fell asleep.

Walt heard a noise and opened his eyes only to see Bruce sitting on the sofa in front of him with a drink in his hand and smoking a cigarette. Walt lifted his head and looked toward the big guy with his eyes a little fuzzy from being asleep.

Walt sat up straight and saw the man was naked and his cock lay limp between his legs but still very large. Bruce said in a low but deep voice and said. "I didn't mean to wake you up. I only came out here to have a drink and a smoke and a little fresh air. The bedroom got really hot."

Walt looked around than said. "Where's my sister?"

Bruce replied. "Angie is in the bathroom freshening up. She got all sticky and sweaty from the workout we had."

Walt's body went weak again as he watched Bruce smoking his cigarette than looked at his watch and noticed it was three in the morning which meant they were in the bedroom for almost four hours. Walt asked. "Is Angie all right?"

Bruce leaned forward as he blew the smoke out of his longs and gave a slight chuckle as he shook his head up and down and said. "Angie's just fine, maybe a little stretched and sore but she'll be fine."

Walt put his head back on the chair and closed his eyes as Bruce put his cigarette out and turned off the lamp.

A few minutes later, Angie walked out of the bedroom with a blanket wrapped around herself and sat on the sofa next to Bruce. The room was dark except the light from the moon shining into the front window.

Walt kept his eyes closed except to slightly glance at the couple as they sat on the sofa just a few feet in front of them. Walt could see Bruce put his arm around Angie and heard the sounds of kissing taking place but could hardly make out their faces.

Walt sat perfectly still in the chair and pretended to be asleep as he listened to them whispering as Bruce said. "He's asleep. Climb on top of me."

Angie replied. "No. He might wake up. Why don't we go back to bed?"

Bruce said. "Come on. Sugar. I want you to ride me right here on the sofa."

Walt could hear his wife giggle as Bruce tried to pull her on top of him until he finally succeeded in pulling her on his lap as Angie giggled than her giggles were soon replaced by kissing sounds.

Walt had his eyes open enough to see what was going on and saw that Angie was holding the blanket around her body keeping herself covered as she sat on Bruce's lap.

Angie was sitting with her face toward Bruce and the movements Walt could see with the blanket looked as if she was playing with his cock as they continued to kiss.

Walt could see his wife as she continued to move her body around on Bruce's lap until he could hear them whispering again. Angie said. "Don't make any noise. Be very still and help me put it in."

Bruce replied. "Sugar. Raise your ass a little higher That's it . . . Slid down."

Angie replied. "Oh God . . . Slow . . . Don't wake him . . . Take it easy . . . That's it . . . Yeah . . . Oh Yeah . . . Good . . . "

Walt watched as Angie began to move herself around on top of Bruce but all he could see was the blanket and what looked like his wife impaled on Bruce's huge black cock. Walt had to admit he was turned on watching his wife mount this black man across from him on the sofa and continued to watch and listen.

Angie was whispering again as she said. "Oh yeah . . . That's it . . . give it to me . . . Don't wake him up . . . That's it . . . "

Walt could hear the kissing again as he watched the blanket slid down off Angie's shoulders but she quickly pulled it back up trying to keep herself concealed.

Walt saw that Angie had wrapped her arms around Bruce's neck and it looked like his hands were placed on her ass guiding her around on top of his lap.

Walt could hear Bruce whispering this time as he said. "Uh Baby . . . So tight . . . Pussy . . . That's it . . . That's it . . . Come on . . . Squeeze it . . . Yeah . . . I can feel it . . . "

The blanket started to slip down again but they were moving more rapidly and didn't seem to care as the blanket fell on the floor below Bruce's feet.

Walt could see the big cock sliding inside Angie's pussy as she rotated her hips and Bruce controlled her up and down movements with his hands.

They were kissing again and Walt could hear the combination of both Angie's wet pussy making wet sounds and their kissing and started to play with his own hard cock through his pants.

Bruce had raised Angie higher as he sucked on her tits and arched his hips up higher to keep her body far enough in the air to suck and bit her nipples.

Bruce was beginning to put more effort into his fucking as he held onto Angie's hips and bounced her body on his cock much faster. This was causing her large full tits to bounce with each forceful thrust he made inside Angie's pussy.

Bruce finally let out a groan as he began to shoot his load of seed deep inside Angie's pussy as she too reached her orgasm and tried as much as possible not to make much noise but they could still be heard around the house.

Angie sat her ass down on Bruce's lap while his cock finished squirting the last of his cum inside her belly. The only sounds were of them trying to catch their breath than a few little kisses that Angie was giving Bruce as they sat still in front of Walt.

Walt was still trying to pretend he was asleep as he saw Angie as she stood up and as she did her pussy made a loud sound from the mixture of air and Bruce's cum inside her pussy. Walt could see it but he bet there was cum dripping down her legs at that very moment. The light was very dim but they just starred at each other for a moment when Walt finally said. "Honey. I love you very much and don't want to lose you."

Angie just stood there looking into her husband's eyes for a moment than started to walk past him than turned and said. "There's extra blankets in the closet if you get cold."

Walt quickly replied before she disappeared into the bedroom. "Honey. I didn't mean to get you into this and I really do love you."

Angie looked at her husband and said. "Walt. We'll talk about this in the morning. Go to bed now and get some sleep."

Walt turned and entered the guests' bedroom and as he laid down on the bed he stroked his cock until he made himself cum as he thought about his wife screwing a black man. Walt got turned on but could never tell Angie the truth about it because if she didn't plan to kill him now than just the mention of telling her his true feelings would surely get him killed.

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SRU The Prom Date

SRU - The Prom Date "I don't believe this!" said Paul as he arrived at his usual table to eat his dinner. "Don't believe what?" asked his best mate, Mark. "I've just asked Yvonne to go to the prom with me and she told me to get lost!" replied Paul. Paul had had his eyes on Yvonne for ages. Yvonne was one of the hottest looking girls in their year, her light auburn hair fell below her shoulders and her lips were begging to be kissed. "Oh, I'm sorry," said Mark, feeling sorry...

2 years ago
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Make That Date

(TG/F, transform, bondage) Please do not read if under 18 years of age or offended by sexually explicit stories and situations. Make that Date By Couture (c) 2002 Couture e-mail: [email protected] Below is a transcript of a recent episode of a new made for TV series called 'Make that Date'. Chuck: "Hi, everyone, this is Chuck Woolery, and welcome to another episode of..." "Make that Date," the audience screams in unison. Chuck: "I would like everyone to put...

3 years ago
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Joes Date

Joseph Fisher was an up and coming attorney in a prominent downtown law firm.His sharp mind and close attention to detail were assets that the partnersadmired. One day he would undoubtedly manage his own private practice, whichwas indeed his goal. The late twenties single man also made the rounds in town, frequenting themost popular night spots. His smooth style and good looks made him very invitingto the opposite gender. One particular evening he met a long legged foxy lady named Deidre,...

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Bikini Beach Swim Date

Bikini Beach: Swim Date By Ellie Dauber (c) 2000 "Hey, look," Mack Reilly said, "here comes that stuck-up Amy Bowlan." He pointed at a pretty blonde, about 17, who had just come into the school cafeteria. Paul Kauffman put down his Coke, and looked in the direction his friend was pointing. "Aw, I don't think she's stuck-up, man." "Then why won't she go out with anybody? She's either stuck-up or - hell, maybe she's a lesbie. You think?" "Nah. She's new here, just moved in the...

2 years ago
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7th Date

Paul couldn't help grinning as he looked down at the woman nestled into his shoulder. A lock of her hair was tickling her nose, making it twitch as she slept. "Erica..." Nothing. "Ericaaaa..." "Hmmmph." Her eyes batted as the cobwebs started to clear. Then, as if a switch had been flipped, she realized how she'd fallen asleep. She lifted her head with a start, and turned to look at the man sitting next to her on her couch. "Oh. Paul, I'm so sorry. That was rude." She glanced over...

4 years ago
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Hannah and Zack a Sex Date

A story in the sex date universe of stories. Updated and edited for clarity March 2022. This story takes place in a universe created by EazinAlong where parents set up sex dates for their teens. Pretty simple concept. The first story was published in 2016 and recommend reading it first. I consulted with EazinAlong about the story and he reviewed it, though all punctuation errors etc. are mine alone. He also has a new Hannah story in the works. In this story, a neighbor boy Zack has a sex date...

3 years ago
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First time sub domination by my date

My husband asked me several times to put some of my dating experiences in writing since he found them very exciting and felt that others may also find them exciting. This was one of my early experiences that I told him about, and he typed it all up and will post it for all to enjoy. I know I will never forget it, and he seemed to really enjoy hearing it. I hope you do as well.We have been married for many years, and everything has been great. Sometimes you just need to add a little spice to...

1 year ago
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Rhiannas Prom Date

Prom Date Ben Carter waited for all his peers to exit the classroom. His teacher Miss Jamieson had requested he stay behind for a few minutes. It was the end of the day on a Friday and a long weekend loomed. Ben was anxious to get back home. He suspected he knew what the teacher wanted to discuss, "So Ben, what am I going to do with you?" Miss Jamieson asked. She was an older lady with a kind smile and seemed genuinely concerned for Ben. Ben looked at her with a downcast look. "I...

4 years ago
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Just a Date

Thank you to Estragon for editing this story and making it a much better read. DG Hear * I heard that to get people interested in your story you have to do it in the first paragraph. I don’t know much about writing so I guess I should do it. So, I will start out by saying I had sex with my brother’s fiancée. More on this later. My name is Dan Welling. I’m twenty-nine and still single. I was born into a wealthy family. My dad owns Welling Manufacturing. He has three plants at which we make...

1 year ago
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Youll Always Remember Your First Date

You'll Always Remember Your First Date By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 1 "You fucking asshole," yelled Laura slamming down her phone. "I'm going to fucking kill you." Greg was hysterical laughing hearing his sister screaming as she raced on the hall towards his room. "Open the door Greg. This is bullshit," screamed Laura. "Oh, I'm busy doing my homework sis," said Greg chuckling. "Why don't we catch up later?" "I fucking hate you. I can't believe you would do...

1 year ago
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The Perffct Date

Two days later, when the children came to live with their grandparents, Logan was nine, almost ten, and Beth was five. The children knew their grandparents but had not been around them enough to feel comfortable. Once the children were informed of their parents’ death, young Beth clung to her big brother and refused to be separated even for a short time. Logan was equally protective of his little sister. It took almost six months for them to sleep in separate bedrooms. Even then during...

2 years ago
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First Date

First Date As the clock ticked its steady relentless way to 3 in the morning I tossed and turned another few times in our large bed. I glanced again at the clock and saw that just two minutes had passed since my last look. No point in asking myself where she was – I knew exactly where she was and who she was with. I had arranged it after all. And now I had some serious doubts and angst as I lay there, alone. Earlier I had been full of bravado, lust and vigour as I had watched her prepare her...

1 year ago
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The FavorChapter 36 Another Date

"You have a date on Friday night," Jeff told me. He did this quite often. He would set up a date for me, and he would have the person tell me what they paid for the date. It was usually something quite insignificant, like helping Jeff out with a job or something like that. It always humiliated me to know that there were people out there ready to do anything that Jeff asked for, because they knew they would get a sure shot at me. Some of the guys that took me out made sure to tell me what...

4 years ago
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The Blindest Date

As I looked in the mirror, it occurred to me that this was the first blind date I’d ever been on. I’ve heard the term a million times, but does anyone really go on blind dates anymore? This certainly wouldn’t be the first date I’ve been on, or the second. I’ve never counted them, that’s a pretty interesting thought in itself. Let’s see what the numbers say. Ok, I’ve been dating for half my life, give or take, about sixteen years roughly. Take away the two serious relationships of about six...

2 years ago
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Ms Marca At 16 Was My First Big Dance Date

  Sweet 16  Oh Me My First Big Date   That fall I went into high school (10th grade) I was 16. It didn't take long for the word to get around that I was a player.   I was asked to a formal Christmas dance at the country club that year by a guy who lived not far from us. His mother and father were big wheels at the country club and I was growing up faster than my mother or father wanted me to.   I begged for weeks for them to let me go on dates, so when I got asked to this big formal thing,...

First Time
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Fucked on first date

Julie was in her apartment getting dressed for her first date. She wore rather conservative clothing, buttoned up shirt, nice shoes, dark tight fitting jeans, and of course underwear (bra included). Just as she was about to leave, her roommate Melanie walked in. "Ah, I caught you. Just in time." Melanie sounded relieved. "Not really, I have to leave now or I'll be late for my very important date." Julie replied. "Besides, I thought you were meeting with Jake tonight?" "I am. But the bf won't be...

2 years ago
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The Best Blind Date

Part 1: The MeetingThey always say a blind date should be blind. My first ever attempt at it was blind. It was my older sisters suggestion. She had always badgered me into getting a date. I just was not interested to be fair. I had my studies at University and that was my ultimate focus. Girls simply did not feature. However I did as I was told and decided to surf the internet. I joined one particular website that stated it was the best around and could simply find a date in "three easy...

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Ill Make it a Date

I'll Make it a Date By Roustam (Preface: This is purely a fantasy, but one that I would gladly have had come true. It's also my first attempt at writing for an audience larger than one, so I hope the readers will respond with any sort of criticism. I will happily -- and quickly -- add more to the story if you like it. The opening chapters may be a little slow, but I want to build up the romance between the main characters before the tg and erotic...

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Chrissy was mad. She was fifteen years old and she hadn't been on a single date. It wasn't because she was unpopular. Lots of k**s at her school liked her and wanted to be around her. It wasn't because she was ugly. Her 5" 6" frame supported breasts that were a handful each, tipped with sharp little pencil eraser sized nipples just made to suck on. Below that were her thin waist and hips that any baby-bearing woman would love to have. Her cute little pussy lips were pink and plump and nestled...

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Double Date

Double Date by Vickie Tern (So this year doesn't end without my posting even one new story on FM, here's one of many not yet finished, finished in time to post it this year! I hope.) You know how it goes, that long-dreaded moment. Your wife walks in unexpectedly and sees she isn't married to a man but instead to a wannabe woman. Or something like that, a sex freak. She studies you and determines it really is you though you seem to be someone else. Someone not her husband...

2 years ago
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A Dream Date or TV Date

TVDATE.TXT A Dream Date by Monique As you stand there looking at me, I know it is hard for you to believe your eyes. Standing in front of you is one of the most beautiful and seductive females you have ever seen. Let me tell you how she got that way. As soon as I left the bar last night, I knew that I was in trouble. Big trouble. As many times as I have worn a bra under my shirt, that was the first time that anyone had detected it, and I mean,...

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The Blind Date

The Blind Date        When Devon’s best friend’s wife approached him about going out on a blind date with a girl from her office, he wasn’t enthused.  Devon enjoyed being single and what his life was like and had no real interest in finding a girlfriend or wife.        He had some bad experiences with relationships and almost went to jail because of his last girlfriend.  She called him a sick bastard, who only saw women as sex objects to be used.  Actually, his ex wasn’t far off the mark.    ...

1 year ago
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Blind Date

The Blind Date        When Devon’s best friend’s wife approached him about going out on a blind date with a girl from her office, he wasn’t enthused.  Devon enjoyed being single and what his life was like and had no real interest in finding a girlfriend or wife.        Devon had some bad experiences with relationships and almost went to jail because of his last girlfriend.  Devon’s ex-girlfriend had called him a sick bastard, who only saw women as sex objects to be used.  Actually, his ex...

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Blind Date

"You need to get laid. He's handsome, he's got muscles, he's sweet and funny. Best of all, he's got this monster between his legs. I had cramps for two days after the first time. But god, it was worth it." "What about Henry?" Betsy grinned knowingly. "Henry, well-" She gave Sandra an odd smile. "Listen, Mark is a whole 'nother experience. He's discreet, too." "Betsy, you're so bad." Sandra smiled patiently and turned back to the financial reports. They were casual friends;...

3 years ago
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Make that Date

© 2002 Couture Below is a transcript of a recent episode of a new made for TV series called 'Make that Date'. Chuck: "Hi, everyone, this is Chuck Woolery, and welcome to another episode of..." "Make that Date," the audience screams in unison. Chuck: "I would like everyone to put their hands together for our first contestant, Paul Robinson." Chuck motions to the unoccupied loveseat in the shape of a heart. "Have a seat Paul, and tell us... what brought you to Make that...

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The Perfect Date

A Saturday night was reserved for fun and excitement. Some people get invited to parties or a night at a bar. Some plan out overnight trips to an amusement park or go out of town. Hell, some even get wasted at clubs or big sports events, only to pay for decision the following day. And like all of the above, Wes planned for such a night. Only this was a different kind of fun.The bedroom started to make him uneasy. Dim lights shined down upon the red satin sheets and dark polished wood of the bed...

2 years ago
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The Perfect Date

A Saturday night was reserved for fun and excitement. Some people get invited to parties or a night at a bar. Some plan out overnight trips to an amusement park or go out of town. Hell, some even get wasted at clubs or big sports events, only to pay for decision the following day. And like all of the above, Wes planned for such a night. Only this was a different kind of fun.The bedroom started to make him uneasy. Dim lights shined down upon the red satin sheets and dark polished wood of the bed...

3 years ago
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A Helping Hand Part 2 The Date

Leaving Trish in her pool, the walk across the street to my house seems as though I am floating on air.My two brothers and Marty are not going to be back from their round of golf at the Tilted Rock Country Club for another hour at least.Entering the house, the phone is ringing… ring, ring, ring.“Hello, Luke?”“Hi Mom, what’s up?”“I have been trying to get a hold of you, where have you been?”“Over at Marty’s, Trish invited me over for a swim.”“That’s nice dear, did you have a good time.”“Yes,...

First Time
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Altered Fates Prom Date

If anyone wishes to archive this story they may do so on the conditions that it is provided free and that the story contents are not altered. Altered Fates: Prom Date By Morpheus Furious, Josh wanted to lash out, to kick the chair next to him or do something that would let out his anger. Instead he forced himself to stand still, glaring at his Mom. Here he was 15 years old, and still treated like a little kid. It just made him furious. He had been planning on going to a party...

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Prom Date

Dan always enjoyed sleeping late on Saturday mornings. As he relaxed in bed, the sun beaming through his window he recalled Friday night at the mall with his best friend Alex. The two had stumbled across a shop of oddities. A shop neither had seen in the mall before, though from the look the shop had been there forever. With little else to do Dan and Alex chatted with the scruffy old shop owner. About nothing much, daily life, though both were shocked when he scoffed, that neither...

1 year ago
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Chrissys First Date

An angry Chrissy reflected on how she was fifteen years old and she hadn't been on a single date. It wasn't because she was unpopular. Lots of kids at her school liked her and wanted to be around her. It wasn't because she was ugly. Her 5" 6" frame supported breasts that were a handful each, tipped with sharp little pencil eraser sized nipples just made to suck on. Below that were her thin waist and hips that any baby-bearing woman would love to have. Her cute little pussy lips were pink...

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After The Date

Friday the 2nd There were long brown marks where the paint had been chipped by Amanda’s headboard. The wooden headboard scraped along the painted white walls as her bed rocked back and forth as Brandon fucked her for the second time that week. She lay on her back, leaning up while he knelt between her legs ramming her. She loved the way he fucked her. He was athletic and had a strong body, and she loved watching his big black dick pound her. Amanda tossed her red hair back and moaned as Brandon...

2 years ago
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Shellis Second Date

Shelli's Second Date As I closed the door, I felt slightly lightheaded and needed to sit down. This was not at all what I had expected. I had agreed to my first date with Tom at the urging of my boss, Gwen Taylor. Since I was several months into my transition, Gwen felt I needed to get out and begin living my life as a young woman outside of my time at work. This included starting to date guys. Gwen made this sound so easy and innocent that I couldn't help but agree to it. I will...

3 years ago
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Double date

Let me start by saying this is a true story. It's kinda longSo my best friend and I had plans to go out one night. She called me earlier in the day to tell me she was going to hang out with this guy she was interested in and that he had a friend that could also come over.I really wasn't interested in a blind date, especially if its only purpose is to justify my friend from ditching me for the night. I told her that i really didn't want to have some guy i wasn't into trying to grope me and fuck...

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Alvins Big Date

ALVIN'S BIG DATE by Throne Alvin couldn't believe it. He actually had a date. It was a blind date because, well, what girl would want to go out with him after she got a look at him? He was short and scrawny, with a big head perched on a skinny neck. His face wasn't much to look at either. But one of the girls in the office where he worked doing menial jobs had set him up with a friend of hers. That surprised him because his co-worker usually just made fun of him. In fact, all...

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After an Ozark Date

Author’s note: Some of the dialogue must be read phonetically since I have tried to give the story the flavor of where it occurs. Say it out loud if necessary. Just think of the Beverly Hillbillies and you will catch on. If you can’t appreciate this then exit right now, please. They were the fourth generation in the three room log cabin deep in the holler. Willa Mae was lookin fer love in all the usual places, usually in a man’s pants, or more likely overalls. She’d been directly introduced...

4 years ago
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Beautiful Mess First Date

The morning is a whirlwind of getting my things thrown together and back home, so I can shower and change for work. I had no intentions of sleeping at Jack's last night, but after the mind-blowing sex we had, how could I not? It was after all, a beautiful mess. As much as I thought I would fight my feelings with Jack, everything seems so right, the way he makes me feel safe, like I can trust him, how we interact with one another. We're able to communicate easily. There is no holding back. Our...

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The Date

They had been married for six years and went together for a year before that. After all that time she knew her husband inside and out. He wasn't going to like it. Still ... she had to try. It was such a worthwhile cause. Even if he didn't like it, it was for charity; really ... how could he say no? She'd been rehearsing ever since her friend told her about the event earlier that day. She had it all planned out. She waited until after dinner and everything was quiet. His stomach was full and...

1 year ago
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Hot Hot Date

"So tell me, dear, how was your date? Tell me every delicious, naughty moment. Knowing you so well, I'm sure you were very, ummm, juicy!" I dropped my purse and four small boxes on the table, slowly model-walked over to him with the tiniest hint of a smile, and dropped onto the armless sofa next to him. The hip-high slit on my wrinkled, knee-high, blue skirt split open and draped around my left thigh to his obvious delight. "Well, as you saw from the window, he pulled up in his flashy Jag...

2 years ago
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Once Upon a FantasyChapter 8 The Date

I don't have any great recollection of how I felt about my getting ready for dates with girls when I was in high school. Probably because I was pretty shallow as a teenager and had no sense that this was a big deal either for me or the girl. But getting ready for my date with Kim produced nerves that I was unaccustomed to. Maybe when I proposed to Andrea, or on my wedding day, but not since had I been anticipating anything quite as much as this evening. My tan suit had been returned from...

4 years ago
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What a Good Bad Date

This guy and I had agreed to meet at a steak house. It was a chain, so you pretty much know what the place looked like already. All the floor plans are about the same in these places. We happened to be tucked away in the back, but I could still see the bathroom and kitchen. That was nice in case this guy turned out to be a creep, I could sneak away. We showed up together and he was polite enough. He did all the normal things like opening doors for me and waiting for me to sit down. All of...

2 years ago
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My Wifes Pretend Date

My wife and I were a little concerned when a single guy in his early twenties moved into the other half of our two unit townhouse. The previous occupant had been an older woman whom we barely saw, and we didn't know if we would have to endure hearing loud parties every night through the thin walls. As it turned out though, Josh ended up being an ideal neighbor. He was a soft-spoken young professional and was very easy to get along with. Before long we became friends, often inviting him over for...

3 years ago
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Permission to Date

Tommy had a crush on Denise since Junior High, but was too shy to do anything about it. Since they were both in band and taking college prep courses, they were in nearly every class together. Denise was nearly as shy as Tommy, which was part of his fascination with her. Senior Prom was approaching fast and he realized that this could be his last chance. Fortunately the very things that Tommy found attractive about Denise didn’t make her popular. Shy, nerdy girls rarely are popular. Few people,...

1 year ago
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My Prom Date

It had been a hard night for me. I had been up until almost three hitting the books to get ready for exams. I was sitting at the breakfast bar just off the kitchen when my mother slid a plate of bacon and eggs in front of me and asked, "So honey, have you got a date for the prom yet?" "No mom, I'm not going." "Not going? You have to honey, it is part of the experience." "I just don't want to go." "Why not honey, what's wrong?" Normally I would have said nothing was wrong and...

2 years ago
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Candy Stroker 8 My Date

Candy Stroker 8: My Date I had an afternoon shift at work that Saturday. There was no way I could perform any special services, what with visiting families all over the place. Weekends, there were usually some on-call staff. One on my wing that day was a young male traveling nurse. I’d heard of that, so I asked him about it. “It’s a great way to see the country and earn money,” he said. “Like, last winter I worked a hospital in Boulder, Colorado, and went skiiing a lot when I wasn’t on duty....

3 years ago
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Candy Stroker 8 My Date

Candy Stroker 8: My Date I had an afternoon shift at work that Saturday. There was no way I could perform any special services, what with visiting families all over the place. Weekends, there were usually some on-call staff. One on my wing that day was a young male traveling nurse. I’d heard of that, so I asked him about it. “It’s a great way to see the country and earn money,” he said. “Like, last winter I worked a hospital in Boulder, Colorado, and went skiiing a lot when I wasn’t on duty....

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Such Good Friends Chap 10 Find Your Date

Chapter ten—Find Your Date Mark and Beth were invited to a special party by David, one of Mark’s football friends. A dozen or so other couples were invited¬¬¬. There were stories about David’s parties that were spread around school, that they were sexy and fun, and that only a few special friends were ever invited. Not knowing what the party was about but intrigued by the rumors, they accepted and made plans for the weekend. When the weekend finally rolled around, they had a nice...

3 years ago
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A Diary Entry of a Date

Dear diary, I went on my first date in close to six months. It was date arranged by a close friend, but not really a blind date. I had met him previously and from our brief meeting, I figured it was worth a try. The whole thing was talked about and set up on October 5th. My friend acted as a proxy and communicated between us to set a date. We finally agreed to get together on that coming Friday, October 9th. Upon getting home from work on that Friday, I actually found myself pretty excited. In...

Straight Sex

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