Couple Fun free porn video

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I do not own this nor so i take credit for it i found this story on i hope you enjoy it as much as i do

George was tying his tie, getting ready for work, when he heard his wife Abbie shout out from their bathroom, "Don't forget, we're leaving tomorrow at noon with Dave and Crystal for the weekend."

He thought to himself, 'Oh shit, I already forgot!' Without missing a beat "No problem, dear, I've got it under control." 'Shit,' he thought, 'will have to tell Nancy my secretary to take care of things.'

She came out and gave him a kiss as she hugged him, looked at his face and said "You forgot, didn't you?" He smiled, after twenty years of being together, she knew him well.

She turned and went on out into the hallway, saying as she put on her earrings, "Don't worry, that’s why I called and talked to Nancy yesterday."

He smiled, thinking she's such a smart ass. He finished dressing and went on downstairs. Their daughter Michelle, age 18, was sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal. She was built like her mother, vivid red hair, about an inch taller at five-five, and of course lighter, barely ninety pounds. He noticed her breasts were developing nicely, as had all the boys in the area from all the calls she gets. He ended up breaking down and got her own phone line. He kissed her on the top of her head, saying "Have fun at school." She muttered something, as he went on out the door to the garage, patting his wife’s ass on the way. She was leaving in about twenty minutes for her job as well.

Got to work with no problem. Entering his office, Nancy smiled and said "Ready for the weekend, George?"

He smiled, she knew he forgot as well. Damn women, they always know, don't they. "Yeah, it'll be fun. Glad we were invited. We um, won't be coming back until late Monday night, so I won't be in until sometime Tuesday morning." He went on into his office and went to work, or at least tried to. He was ahead of schedule on all his reports, nothing unusual there. Running his own accounting service, he found it paid to get things done ahead of time. He spent time on the phone, took Nancy out to lunch, and did some more work before leaving at four.

Once home, he finally settled down and thought about what was going on this weekend. He remembers now, Dave and Crystal won some sort of contest. The prize was a trip for four to a chalet in Gatlinburg, about five hours away from their home here in Cincinnati. Since they only have one c***d, a son named Keith that’s Michelle's age, they decided to invite them to go. This wasn't the first time they've gone off together. As a matter of fact, they've been doing a lot of things together the last seven or eight years.

They moved in two doors down from George and Abbie, back when the k**s were about three, and since their c***dren were the same age, well, they sort of did things together. Both Abbie and George were forty-four, while Dave and Crystal were six years younger at thirty-eight. All four of them were in relatively good shape, although none were knockouts in the looks department. George was probably about two inches taller than Dave's five-ten frame, and both weighed about the same at one-ninety.

As for the two wives, Crystal had long curly auburn hair, and she definitely wasn't cheated in the breast department. George thought many a time he would like to squeeze those melons, must be about a double-d. There was more than one occasion when Crystal rubbed them up against his body that he didn't want to just start grabbing them. His wife, on the other hand, was only about a small c at best. But he wasn't complaining, since she still was like a wildcat in bed. There's been more than one night recently that she fucked him dry, amazing even after all these years they've been married.

He also knew that Dave and Crystal still went at it hard and strong. When they went camping this summer, they shared a tent-camper for just the four of them. That was the trip that George finally got a good look at Crystal's boobs, quite by accident, he was sure. But on the second night, he was woken up by the rythmatic motion of them screwing on the other side of the camper. Of course, his wife woke as well, and soon they were going at it too. In the morning, the guys sort of k**ded each other about it, saying the usual male things, like "Thought it was a ride at Kings Island." He wondered what this weekend was going to be like.

Abbie came home at seven, another late day. He had dinner ready for her, Michelle already ate. Crystal called later that night, making sure everything was still a go. It turns out that Keith has a ballgame Saturday, so he couldn't go anyway. After Abbie hung up, and as George climbed into bed to reads some reports, Abbie said "George?"


"Do you think it's okay if Michelle and Keith spend the weekend together while we're gone?" George looked up from his paperwork, she continued, "Well I mean, they're at that age, you know."

George looked at her and said "They haven't been too close the last year or two, hormonal things, she's grown up faster than he has. And probably still is more mature. I think we can trust them." He went back to his report. She finished packing their bags, and climbed into bed next to him. He put down his papers and turned off the light, thinking, 'And if he knows what’s good for him, he'll be a gentleman' Better he doesn't say that to Abbie, though.

Work flew by the next morning, for the four hours he was there, anyhow. George got home just after eleven. Abbie about ten minutes later. Crystal came down at quarter to noon, saying that they're ready, and that Dave will pull the mini-van down in a few minutes. Soon he was pulling in the drive, and George took out their suitcase and placed it in the back. They climbed in, George in the front, with the wives in back, as they pulled out for their trip.

The conversation was the usual things, work, sports, politics, and so on, for the five hour drive. They ate at Knoxville, before getting to the exit at Sevierville. By seven, they were at the chalet after spending twenty-minutes at the rental office. Seems the office staff "lost" their registration. They ended up getting a smaller chalet, but with nicer facilities. George wondered what they meant by that.

They pulled out of the office, and after about twenty minutes of driving, and following a very bad map, Dave finally pulled up to an a-frame with the correct number on it. The wives went to the front door as George and Dave grabbed their suitcases. Walking towards the door, George noticed that they were rather high up above Gatlinburg. He remarked to Dave, "Nice view." Dave looked out from their advantage point and let out a whistle. Upon entering, George dropped their suitcase and took it all in.

When they pulled up, the d****s were drawn, even though they were off the main drive. The main room was about twenty by twenty, and on the far wall was a nice size fireplace. There were two couches and a TV. There were stairs going up to a loft on the left, and George could see from where he was standing, there was a bathroom up there. To his immediate left, was a kitchen/dining area. He saw the girls enter a doorway on the other side of the stairs, and heard Abbie go "Oh my god." He looked at Dave, and they both walked over towards the doorway the girls had entered.

Turning left and looking, both guys were impressed. The bedroom was to the left, but what the first noticed, was a room off to the right. It had a large spa sunken into the floor, completely filled, and a set of French doors leading out onto a balcony. Crystal was already out those doors, and checking out the sights. Abbie had gone to the left into the bedroom, just past the door leading into the master bath. George followed his wife, but stopped and checked the bath. It was enormous, had a walk-in shower that could hold about six people, he thought. He went on into the bedroom, and saw his wife opening a set of d****s on the right wall, revealing a two set of floor-to-ceiling windows with another set of French doors in between, leading out onto what was the same deck from the spa room, as Crystal appeared on the other side of the doors. Abbie opened them up and let her in, as Crystal said, "This place is beautiful, god, I wonder what the bigger place that we were suppose to get is like? We weren't suppose to get a spa...and look at the size of this bed!" George turned, not really noticing it at first, as Abbie and Crystal both had to use a set of steps provided to climb up onto a bed that must have measured eight feet by eight feet. The height off the floor came up to George's hips.

Damn, he thought, this thing is huge. Dave came in from the deck, his jaw dropped when he seen it, and he said "Man, did you see the view?" George nodded no, and he went out. They must have been about a thousand feet or more above Gatlinburg, and they could see all the way to Pigeon Forge. Since it just turned dark, the lights were on. Abbie and Crystal came up behind their respective husbands and each wrapped their arms around them. George was already wishing that it was just his wife and him here, and that they didn't have to share the chalet. But he resigned himself to having a good time anyway.

They piled back into the chalet, and Crystal said "Well, we might as well use the spa."

Abbie looked at her and said "But we didn't pack any swimsuits?"

"Well Abbie, nor did we. Guess we'll have to use it in the buff." Abbie looked at the husbands, George at Dave, both guys sort of shrugged their shoulders and started to peel off their shirts. Abbie still wasn't too sure of this, but as she watched her friend push her jeans down, she sighed, grabbed her top and pulled it off over her head, revealing her bra covered breasts.

George and Dave didn't wait around, probably because they were afraid that one wife or another would chicken out. They soon were completely nude, while their wives were still in their underwear. Dave and George headed for the spa, but as they passed the doorway into the living room, Dave said "Hold on. I seen something earlier that we all could use." He went off around the corner and on towards the kitchen. George went on into the spa room, and stepped down the stairs into it.

He was settled down, when his wife entered, totally nude, followed by Crystal. He had a hard time not staring at Crystal and her big breasts, as they entered the water. He enjoyed the view as both wives stepped down into the spa, their thighs parted, giving him a good view of their cunts as well. Just then, Dave came into the room ,as Abbie sat down next to her husband, and Crystal opposite her. He was carrying a ice bucket, which had a bottle of wine sticking out of it. He also had four wine glasses.

George said "Careful those don't break..."

Dave stopped him, saying, "They're plastic, seems they probably had that problem before."

He poured the wine into the glasses, as Abbie asked "Where did you get that?"

As Dave entered the spa, his meat hanging down in plain view, handing the girls each a glass, he said "I seen it on the table in the kitchen, the wine was in the fridge, as well as three more bottles."

Crystal took a sip, and proclaimed, “Good stuff, too."

Abbie took a sip of hers, as Dave handed George a glass, and she responded favorably as well, "Mmmm, this is good, and the spa feels darn good, too.

Soon the four were chattering away, forgetting they were all nude. It didn't take long before their glasses were empty, and another round was poured, as was another about twenty-minutes later. This drained the first bottle, and Dave went off to grab another. As he left, George caught his wife ogling Dave's hanging meat as he exited the spa. George smiled when Abbie realized she was caught, not only by him, but Crystal noticed as well. They all smiled and burst out laughing, the wine taking it's effect. Once Dave was back with the second bottle, another round was poured, and as Abbie sipped her latest glass full. She snuggled up to her husband, her hand roaming his thigh. He wrapped his left arm around her, his hand under the water, and he tweaked her tit. She giggled, and Crystal said with slurred speech "Hey you guys, I don't think that’s allowed."

Dave reached his arm around his wife and grabbed a handful of breast, saying "And why the fuck not?"

She blushed, as she turned and buried her face in his shoulder. Dave said "My wife is shy, she thinks her breasts aren't that good looking, what do you think, George?" George laughed, as Crystal playfully swatted her husbands hands away after he lifted her breast's out of the water.

"Well Dave, and Crystal, they look like a fine pair to me. Of course, I'm a man, I like most all breasts I see." He turned to his wife, who had a smile on her face, and he asked her "What you think, Abbie, does she have nice breasts or not?"

Abbie surprised her husband, by saying "They're big, wish I had some of them, after all," She stood up, holding her small breasts in her hands, "Mine are pretty small."

Crystal laughed, saying "Yeah, but at least you don't have to worry about them sagging to your knees."

"I don't see much sag in those pups yet, Crystal." George said, trying to give a compliment, in a strange way. They all laughed, and their conversation went back to more mundane things, such as work and the k**s. By the time the second bottle was empty, both wives were felling no pain, and both were about out of it.

Dave looked at George and asked "So who's getting the loft, and who's getting the back forty-acres in there?"

George was about to say that he and Abbie would take the smaller loft bed, but Crystal opened her eyes and said "Fuck it, that bed is big enough for all of us, and besides, we all know what sounds we make from screwing each other, and now we know what we look like bare-ass naked."

Abbie pried her eyes open, and looked at her friend, she just shrugged her shoulders, and smiled at her husband. As the two men helped their respective wives out of the spa to dry off, Abbie remarked, "Sure hope Michelle and Keith are getting along, and not fighting."

Crystal smiled and said "Yeah, that was a good idea, making them stay at your house, that way neither one can throw a party."

Oh, how they were sort of wrong. Meanwhile, back in Cincinnati, a few hours earlier. Keith came over about six, just as Michelle stepped out of the shower. Hearing the doorbell ring, she thought "Oh shit, he's here already." She had a rotten day, now she has to spend not only tonight, but the rest of the weekend with the guy from two doors down.

She wrapped her towel around her, then put on her robe, as she raced down the stairs. Wish her parents would have let her stay here alone. But they didn't trust her from having a party, nor did parents trust Keith. Although both k**s grew up together and went to the same school, they've taken a sort of dislike towards each other. They use to get along fine, but the last two years has been constant bickering. Almost like they're siblings. She figured that their parents must think that since they have not gotten along lately, that maybe they would make sure that neither would get into trouble.

Michelle opened the door, finding Keith on the other side. He didn't have a smile, and he just walked right past her and plopped on the couch. She thought, "Well, hello to you too, asshole." As she walked past him to go back upstairs to change, she said, without looking at him, "Theirs a twenty on the coffee-table, grab the phone and order us a pizza while I get some clothes on, I'll eat anything on mine, but anchovies."

She was up the stairs before he could say anything. He just sighed, thinking that he wished he didn't have to spend the weekend with that bitch. She's gotten so snobby lately. Keith was a good five inches taller than his father already, and about ten pounds heavier. But he is in great shape, thanks to wrestling in the winter, and track in the spring. He has already been on a few dates, and has even gotten as far as sticking his finger up Betty Jennings twat, as she sucked him off.

He dialed the pizza place, and placed an order. By the time Michelle returned downstairs, the delivery guy was there, and Keith was paying for the pizza. He closed the door and looked at Michelle. She was wearing a nightie, her red hair flowing down on her shoulders. Keith's testosterone level shot up, and he could feel his meat swell in his sweatpants. He cleared his throat, and carried the pizza into the dining room, telling Michelle, "Why don't you get us some plates, and I'll have a coke." She grumbled, thinking why didn't he get them while she was dressing, asshole. She also noticed the tent forming in his seats, and a smile came across her face, thinking, this could be fun, making him suffer.

As she went into the kitchen, she thought of her latest boyfriend, Mark Lanier. That guy had a nice schlong, and Michelle had already tasted it a few times. Mark has worked his fingers into her snatch as well, getting her off on the third time he tried that. She sure wished she had a bit bigger breasts, but as her mom told her, she inherited those from her side of the family. She carried the plates and a coke for him and one for her into the dining room. Keith grabbed one of the plates and piled half the pizza on it.

Grabbing his coke, he went off into the living room. He sat down on the couch, grabbed the remote, and flicked it onto a hockey game. Michelle took a few pieces, and sat at the table, drinking her coke and eating her pizza, wondering if dodo head had a real life. She was thinking of something to do, when the idea from earlier hit her again. Once done, she went into the laundry room and peeled off her panties and bra. She then grabbed the duster, and headed off into the dining room. She said to Keith, "Well, I've got to clean the house up, you go ahead and watch the game." He just grunted. She started in the dining room, dusting off the shelves. Keith heard her, and all too well. What she mean, clean the house? He had been over plenty of times before, and never seen it this clean, but he kept a straight face and went on watching the game.

When she entered the living room, he didn't even look at her, at least not directly. She bent over to pick up a magazine off the coffee table, giving him a clear shot down her nightie, letting him know that yes, she was stark naked under that thing. He didn't say a thing, just sort of looked around her at the TV.

She glanced up, and noticed his attention towards the television, and thought, damn, he didn't even fucking notice. What a bozo! She went to the side of the television, and dusted off the bookshelf, reaching high above her head. Although he was looking straight ahead, his eyes wandered to check out her latest pose. His cock was starting to swell again, luckily the sweatpants were loose so it didn't restrict his movement.

She turned and went on to the side of the room, wiping off a stand by the couch. Keith couldn't look that way, it would be too obvious, and he already figured out she was playing a game. From where she was standing, dusting away, she could look at him though. And she could see his hands cover his crotch. But she was surprised when she seen the size of the bulge in his sweats. Shit, she thought, his thingy is huge. Her boyfriend’s only about five inches, and he told her he was average. Now she was curious to see it.

In all the girl talk she has had with her friends, she had heard about cock size. Some guys have lot more than others. She also was told that five inches is not that big, but she didn't want to say anything to her current boyfriend, since he was the first to feel her up, and to get her off. As she stood there, she heard the phone ring in her bedroom, breaking her trance. She said, as she rushed for the stairs, "That’s mine in the bedroom."

Keith said "Okay" as he watched her trot by and up the stairs, causing her nightie to fly up, giving him a good view of her bare ass. He felt his cock throb, damn he would like some of that, too bad she'll never go for it.

Michelle grabbed the phone, and said "Hello?"

"Hi Michelle, it's me, Candy."

"Hi Hon, what you doing?" Michelle went and closed the door, not wanting Keith to hear their conversation.

"Not much, is Keith there still?"

She sighed "Yeah, unfortunately. I hate my parents for this."

"I don't blame you. This would have been a good weekend for a party with your parents gone. Not to mention giving Mark a chance to pop your cherry."

"Candy! Come on, I'm not sure if I want him to do that."

"Why not? He's got the equipment, doesn't he?"

She thought of Keith down on the couch "Well yeah, sort of."

"What you mean girl, sort of?"

She giggled, "He ain't all that big."

"You said you enjoyed the taste though."

"Yeah, and he does have good fingers, they found the right buttons.", she repiled with a girlish giggle.

"Then you gonna let him do it?"

"I...I...I don't know..."

"What's Keith doing?"

"He's down on the couch watching a hockey game, and trying to hide a big hardon."


"You heard me....I've been teasing the shit out of him."

"You better be big?"

"Well, not sure, I'm guessing about nine inches, is that big?"

There was silence on the other end. Candy asked "Are you sure?"

"Well yeah, his hands are long, and he couldn't cover it, it was sticking down his leg towards his knee."

"Oh my god, Michelle, if it's down the side of his leg, he probably ain't even hard all the way yet."

"Well, he is sort of holding it down."

Candy started laughing, Michelle felt hurt, and asked "What’s so funny?"

"Nothing dear, but if he has to hold it down, you might want to reconsider your idea about teasing him. I don't think you want him to attack you, that thing would split your twat in two."

"Oh...I didn't know." More giggling, and Michelle started giggling as well. She added "I bet I could get him real flustered."

"Michelle, you be careful, that could be dangerous."

"I'm a big girl, Candy."

"And so is he....maybe I should come over, sort of give you a hand. May prevent him from doing anything rash."

"Yeah right. I know you, Candy. You're such a slut, you would try seeing how big he is."

"Actually, sounds like he may be big enough for both if us."

An idea hit her, two pussies teasing him, not a bad idea. "Okay Candy, come on over."

"What? you serious?"

"Sure, maybe you're right."

"Gee Michelle, I don't know."

"Either put up or shut up."

"Listen, let me call you back in a bit."

The phone went dead. Michelle thought, what a bitch, all talk and no action. She placed the phone in the receiver and opened her door and headed downstairs. Keith was still on the couch, another can of coke in hand, or at least so she thought. She then realized that it was a can of her dads beer.

She went up to him, as he was watching TV, asking "What the fuck you doing, drinking my dads beer?" He looked at the can, then at her.

"Well, I guess I'm drinking it, why don't you go get one yourself." She trudged off towards the kitchen, knowing she had better not try taking it. Keith watched her leave in a huff, smiling. He knew that would get her goat. He went back watching the hockey game, as she went around the room, pretending to straighten things up. His pecker was twitching again, seeing her scantily clad body walking around. He tried hiding his erection, but it was no use.

Michelle went into the kitchen, grabbed a coke and came and sat down on the couch at the other end from him. She sat with her knees pulled up, letting her nightie ride up, just barely covering her bare ass. Keith caught site of it, and had a hell of a time controlling himself from smiling. Michelle asked "Who's winning?"

"The Maple Leafs, 4 to 2."

She decided to be cute "What inning?"

Keith knew better, so he decided to play along, he answered "Second, nobody on, and no outs."

Smart ass, thought Michelle. She noticed his thing was really making a tent now. The phone rang again in her room. She bounced up and went back upstairs.


"Michelle? Candy. Hey, I just talked to Kate Simmons, who is friends with Betty Jennings. She told her that he has one hell of a cock, but is rather inexperienced, and get this, she thinks he's still a virgin."

"So what?"

"Well, you might want to be careful....why don't I come over?"

She sighed, "Okay Candy, come on by, but make it look good."

Michelle went back downstairs. Keith had another beer, still watching the game. Michelle smiled at him, as he looked at her. She went into the kitchen, and found that that is his third. Damn, she may have some fun with him. Coming back into the living room, she sat down on the couch, and as he was watching the screen, she said "A friend of mine, Candy Stoll, is coming over, she's going to spend the night, is that okay?"

Keith kept watching the game, and said "Why should I care."

Keith was thinking, yeah, Candy, I know her, big tits, and a nice ass. On the track team and swimming team. Very nice legs. Damn, wonder if she'll put on a show as well. After about thirty minutes of silence, the doorbell rang, and Michelle flew up and answered it.

"Candy, glad you could make it." they walked past the couch and on towards the stairs. Michelle turned to Keith as they passed and said "Well, you know where everything is, go ahead and help yourself." He nodded okay, thinking there was something he would like to help himself to. Candy was disappointed when she seen his lap, although he did have a nice package, it was limp at the moment. When they got upstairs, they closed the door behind them.

"Shit Michelle, he ain't hard."

She laughed, "Well, I've been good since I talked to you. What did you bring to wear." There was a blank look on Candy's face, "Never mine, you can borrow one of my nightie‘s. I'll get one out while you get those clothes off." She turned as Candy pulled her sweater off and dropped her pants. She found one, but since she is five inches shorter than Candy, she knew it would only came down about six inches below her ass. She turned to Candy, seen she was in her bra and panties, and said "Go ahead and get those off, lets do this good." Candy smiled and reached behind her, unclasping her bra and pulling it off, letting her full 38d breasts fall forward. "Damn Candy, those will get him hard again in no time." Candy smiled and sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her panties down, revealing her blonde pussy. She grabbed the nightie from Michelle, and pulled it on, and stood up. She said "Ready for some fun?" Michelle said "Slow down, lets give him some time. Don't want him to become suspicious."

Downstairs, Keith drained the beer. He got up and went into the kitchen and pulled out another. Damn, this is a bummer. Two little bimbos that won't even give him the time of day, and he knows they're going to tease the hell out of him. He returned to the couch, and sat down, flipping through the channels, now that the game was over, he was trying to find something else to watch. When the girls finally came down the stairs, he definitely had something to see.

Back in Gatlinburg, Dave & Crystal, and George and Abbie had crawled into the bed. All were butt naked, and all were feeling no pain. Crystal looked up at the far wall, at what she thought was a big picture frame with the canvas just painted gray. As Dave handed her another glass of wine, she asked "Why would anyone paint a picture with just gray paint, and no features."

George, who was staring at her tits, looked up at what she was looking at, and started to chuckle. Abbie, not knowing what it was, said "What?"

Dave answered her, saying "That’s a television ladies. It's one of those flat screen jobs. I'm sure there's a remote around somewhere."

George looked to his right at the nightstand, and said "Here you go." He picked up a remote for the TV, pointed it at the TV and clicked the on button. The screen came alive, and he horridly turned down the sound.

Dave asked "See what you can find, George.", as he took a sip from his wine glass.

Abbie said "That may not be a good idea, he'll never stop anywhere long enough to see what’s on."

Crystal giggled, and said "Sounds like my Dave."

George ignored them both, as they continued talking, the two of them next to each other, their husbands at their sides. He found a ball game, and both girls in unison, said "No." He went by about three movies, all blood and guts type, another ball game, some infomercial shows, another gory movie, some network programming not worth watching, another ball game.

Dave said "Why not a ball game?"

Crystal said "Find a movie, something romantic."

Bad thing to say. Unaware to them, they were on a cable system that catered to adult viewing. After two more clicks, they were greeted to a porno. George said "Here you go."

And Dave replied "Yeah, that’s romantic."

As a blonde was getting her cunt frilled by some big black guy. George was expecting to hear his wife order him to change the channels, but instead, she said "Damn, look at the size of that cock. And I thought my George was big."

"It's even bigger than yours, Dave." Crystal added, causing Dave to blush.

The tits on the blonde were shaking wildly from the pounding her snatch was getting, and George said "She's got a healthy pair."

"Oh really." Said Abbie.

Shit, thought George, "But not as good as yours, dear." He lowered his mouth to her right breast and flicked his tongue over the exposed nipple.

"George, we're in bed with Dave and Crystal."

He brought his head up, and looked at the other couple, and then at his wife, "So, they can do what they want."

Dave laughed, and cupped his wife's big left breast, and stared sucking away.

"See, they're doing it too." He added as he parted her thighs and worked a finger in her slit, finding it already wet. Dave must have done the same thing, for Crystal's legs jumped when he placed his hand there.

"Oh shit, George, that feels good." Abbie said, as she watched the blonde now taking one in the ass and one in the cunt. She wondered how that would feel. Damn wine, making her think these naughty things. George moved his body down hers, kissing her tummy before coming to rest at her snatch. He was surprised how wet she was, and even more surprised when she kicked the covers off, revealing his eating habits to the other couple. But they were in a world of their own. Dave was on top of his wife in a sixty-nine already. His long, slim dick going in and out of her mouth.

Abbie pulled her husbands head up and said "Honey, lets do that, too." He smiled, as she crawled over him, taking his meat in her hands and started sucking away as she lowered her snatch to his waiting lips. She glanced over to Dave and Crystal, and noticed that although George was about double in thickness, Dave was a good three inches longer, at about ten inches in length. She was happily sucking away, as he worked her clit.

Crystal also was comparing the packages. She was happy her husband had a long tool, but was excited to see George had a shorter fat one. Both women started moaning at the same time, and it wasn't long before they both orgasmed, their screams muffled by the cocks in their mouths. The guys wanted to dip their wicks. So they got up, and Dave had Crystal on all fours, as George had Abbie on her back, with the girls laying inches from each other, Abbie's head just a few inches beyond Crystals rear, and Crystal the same with Abbie.

The guys were drilling away, and with the mirror above the headboard, they both could watch the porno. After about ten minutes of hard pussy pounding, sending the girls into orgasm as they watched each others cunt get royally fucked, the guys finally let loose with their loads, thrusting deep into their wives. They all collapsed forward into a heap, a tangle of arms and legs. All four, worn out by the activities and the consumption of too much wine, were soon fast asleep. They even pulled the covers over themselves in their sleep once they cooled down.

Back in Cincinnati, the girls came down the stairs, and Keith about died. It took a lot of self-control to keep his jaw from hitting his belly. Candy was now dressed the same as Michelle, and her nightie was even shorter. As they passed between him and the TV, they carried on some sort of conversation that he was totally ignoring. His meat jumped to attention, growing about an inch per second. His hands flew to his pants and covered the forming tent. Once the girls were in the kitchen, they had to stiffle a giggle, as Candy whispered "Wow, did you see his prick grow while we walked by?"

Michelle said "Shhh, he might hear you." She opened up the fridge, and pulled out three beers, handing one to Candy. "Come on, lets offer him one."

"Wait, what are we going to do?"

"Well, I figure we'll tease him until we get him drunk enough to pass out."

A smile came to Candy's face, "Then can we take a peak at it?"

"Candy!" She smiled, and said "Oh all right, god, you're such a slut." Candy followed Michelle out of the kitchen, each taking a swig of the beer. Neither one liked the taste, but both though to themselves that it was a good cover.

Michelle went over to Keith and said "Here, a peace offering," as she handed him a fresh one, "We want to make sure you don't tell on me for having Candy over."

Like he was going to do that. He knew better, but he killed the old one and crushed the can, and took the fresh one. Damn, he was feeling very lightheaded already. And why were they looking at him like that?

The two girls sat on the floor in front of him, not even pretending to show modesty as they did so. He was amazed when he got a glimpse of Candy's massive left tit. And even more so when she sat cross-legged, revealing a partial beaver shot. He pretended to watch TV, as he turned and switched off the lamp next to him, hoping this would enable him to be able to look some more, and also to hide his massive hard organ.

The girls smiled at each other, and Keith seen this. What are these two up to. Every ten minutes or so, one or the other would get up, and they weren't being very lady like either. He got a good view of both their naked genitals whenever they did so. His cock was starting to beg for relief. He also had to piss like a race horse, as the four or five beers he's drank so far were taking their toll.

He stood up and staggered towards the kitchen, and made it to the bathroom. He didn't bother closing the door, just flipped the lid up and waited for some of the swelling to go down so he could pee. As he was about there, he knew he heard someone come into the kitchen, followed by a gasp, but he didn't turn around. The piss started flowing out of his half-erect dick, a cock that was about six inches at this state. He sighed in relief, and once done, he gave it a good shake, as he heard whoever was watching leave the kitchen, after raiding the fridge.

The person in the kitchen was Michelle, she watched him pee, thinking oh my god, what a monster. He's bigger than her boyfriend when he's soft. When he was done, she grabbed some more beer and hurried back into the living room, and whispering to her friend, "You should see it, he was taking a pee with the door open, it hung down this far." She parted her hands to show her.

"Damn," said Candy, "I want to see it, too." Just then, Keith emerged from the dining room, he heard her comment, but feigned ignorance, as the girls playfully swatted each other.

Keith was thinking, so what does she want to see. When he picked up his beer, another fresh one, both girls looked at him and were all smiles. Shit, I wonder what would happen if I acted like I was asleep. He smiled inside, and stretched out on the couch. The girls kept talking, giving him free shots, his pecker growing as he thought about drilling either one of their hot mouths, or better yet, their tight, young cunts.

Eventually, he played it right, closing his eyes, and breathing slowly. He heard Michelle speak, "I think he's out."

"Good, I want to see it."

"Hold on, what if he wakes up?"

"Who cares!" She said, as he heard both crawl over to his prone body on the couch. He felt fingers on his waistband. He grunted, thinking it would make it look like he was asleep. The fingers froze in place. Another hand took his hands and pulled them off his lap. "Oh my god, Michelle, look at it."

"Lets see it when it's uncovered." Michelle said, not believing she said that. She was a bit scared, not sure if she wanted this to go any farther. He felt hands tugging his sweats down, two pair. It took about five minutes for them to slowly get his meat uncovered.

"Wow Candy, will you look at that. Have you ever seen one this big?"

She giggled, "No, at least not in flesh."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I've seen some porno’s, and this is still probably bigger than them. What you think, ten inches? maybe eleven?"

Michelle reached forward with her hand, and gently picked up the head of his sausage. "Definitely over ten, probably closer to eleven. And it feels so heavy."

"I bet that would stretch you out." She looked at her friend, slowly wrapping her small hand around the shaft, and giving a slight jerk, "What you doing, Michelle? He might wake up?"

"Come on Candy, you wanted to see it, I bet you would like to taste it as well."


Keith stirred, the feeling of Michele jerking his meat was a bit much, but he decided to keep his eyes closed, not wanting to stop the game. The girls froze at his movement, but both of them relaxed.

"Come on Candy, bet you can't suck him off. What’s the matter? Never had a mouthful of prick before?"

"Not that big, and I know I can't get it all in my mouth anyway."

Keith was thinking, so, she's sucked cock, hope to hell she sucks mine. He got his wish, as Candy said "Okay, let me have it." He felt Michelle hand his meat to her friend, and a very warm mouth cover the head of his prick.

"Come on Candy, you can take more of that." Michelle drooped her hand to her crotch, subconsciously, as she rubbed her bare pubic mound. Candy snorted, giving Michelle a glare, as she lowered her mouth even lower. Keith was in heaven. Here some blonde big-titted bimbo was sucking him off. He had a hard time keeping from reaching down and pulling her head onto his prick. Candy was swirling her tongue around the head of his cock, and he was starting to thrust his hips, while still pretending to sleep. Michelle giggled, saying "I bet he's having one hell of a dream, Candy."

Candy placed a hand on his big balls and started massaging them gently. Keith let out a moan, enjoying the feeling of her warm mouth and tongue. She paused, making sure he was still asleep, then continued. Her free hand worked down to her crotch, and she started fingering herself. Michelle seen what she was doing, and suddenly realized she was doing the same thing, without even knowing it. She sat up against the couch, watching her friend blow her neighbor and fingering her quim, as she did the same.

Candy felt his cock starting to throb, and knew he was close. She wasn't sure if she should take it in her mouth or not, but the answer was short coming, as Keith's cock exploded, sending a torrent of come into her mouth. She gagged and brought her hand from her crotch, grabbing his meat with both hands. Michelle noticed her finger was glistening from her wetness, as Candy tried hard to keep up with the flood in her mouth. Keith sent six bursts into her mouth, the last two causing some to leak out. She was thinking that he didn't taste all that bad, compared to other cocks she had had. Michelle forgot about her own clit, and leaned up to wipe the overflow from Candy's lips and chin, and taking her fingers into her mouth and licking them clean.

The two of them giggled as they looked at each other, Candy's mouth still full of his meat. Once she sensed he was done, she took it out of her mouth, causing Keith to moan. Michelle said "I think he liked that."

Candy smiled, and noticed as she was still jerking his meat, she said back "Why don't you try a taste, there still should be some more. Music to Keith's ears.

""Nah, I don't think so."

"Come on Michelle, I did it. Or do you want to bust your cherry on it."

"Candy! He's too big!"

"So what?! The bigger the better for your first time. That way the next one won't hurt so much."

She grabbed his schlong, it jumped to her touch. "Come on Michelle, go for it."

"You've already lost your cherry, haven’t you?"

"Yeah, to Bobby Price, the little shit."

"I knew it, no one believed him when he bragged about it."

"It wasn't much, he was in and came in about ten seconds."

Keith wanted to laugh, boy did he want to laugh. Michelle , while still slowly jerking his meat, said "I'll tell you what, you try him first, then if he fits you, I'll try him."

Candy looked at the prick, and at Michelle, "Okay, deal." She then looked around, "But first, lets get him on the floor, it'll be a hell of a lot easier that way."

"How we going to do that without waking him up?"

Candy laughed "Don't be silly, I just gave him one hell of a blowjob, if he ain't waking up from that, he won't wake up from us getting him to the floor." She looked at Keith’s face, thinking she saw him smile. She went by his face and said "Keith, come on honey, time for bed." She pulled his arm gently. Keith knew he better do a good job of acting, he mumbled something unintelligible, as she got him to sit up. She turned to Michelle and smiled, saying "I've watched my mom enough when she gets dad moving after he's had too much to drink. All men are alike." Keith started to lean forward, and Michelle was in front of him. He didn't stop, as his momentum carried him into her, with her ending on her back, her nightie pushed up above her waist, and him on top, his sweats down below his crotch, his hard cock pushing against her belly.

She squeaked out to Candy "Help get him off of me." Keith couldn't resist getting a handful of tit, and snuggling his face up to it. Michelle froze, as did Candy.

When he didn't move, Candy said "Okay, be still," She went to his ear and said "Come on Keith, roll over." She pushed on his shoulder, and he drunkenly did as was asked, ending up sprawled on his back, his meat pointing towards his chin. "Are you okay, Michelle?"

She sat up, and exhaled, "Yeah, guess so," she looked at his swollen pecker, "Doesn't look like I hurt him any." Both giggled, and Candy sat on the other side of him, grabbing his manhood.

"It's softened up a bit, why don't you go get some lubricant, while I get him good and hard again. Or do you want to try a taste?"

Michelle looked at her friend, "Lubricant?"

"Yes silly, that thing will need some help getting up either of our cunts."

"Oh, there’s some Vaseline in the upstairs medicine cabinet in the bathroom, you go get it, I want to see how he tastes."

Candy got up, smiling. Happy to see that she is interested in trying. Michelle reached for his pecker as Candy went off, and thought, well, here goes nothing. She had problems getting the head past her lips, his cock was so damn big. Once her jaw adjusted, she started swirling her tongue and bobbing her head. She felt his cock grow, expanding in her sweet, young mouth. After about two minutes, Candy was back down. She sat down next to them and said "Here, you've done a good job, lets put some of this on.

She handed her the jar of Vaseline, after scooping some into her hand. Michelle dipped her fingers into the jar, and applied a liberal amount to the cockhead, as she watched Candy stuff her lubricated fingers up her snatch.

"Will that help?"

"Fucking hope so."

Keith was breathing heavy, in anticipation of his first fuck. God, he couldn't believe this was happening to him. Candy straddled his hips, and raised hers. She said to Michelle, "Grab it while I steady myself, and guide it to my cunt." Michelle grabbed it, as Candy pulled her nightie off, revealing her nude form. She lowered her hips down, feeling the cockhead enter her vagina. A shot of pain went through her, she had only had intercourse three times, and this is by far the biggest cock she has ever had.

Michelle noticed her grimace, "You okay?"

"Yeah," she said, as she settled down another inch, "I'll be ...have to get use to it...oh god..." she felt a wave building inside of her. Shit, she only has three inches in, and already her body wants to orgasm. She arched her neck back, and moaned softly, as she slid her body down his love stick. When she bottomed out, a massive orgasm racked through her body. Michelle was worried she was hurting, but the smile on Candy's face told her otherwise. She realized what happened.

"Damn Candy, it feels that good?"

"Oh god Michelle, it feels wonderful, so fucking filling....oh god..." She started rising and falling slowly, and gyrating her hips. Keith felt like his pecker was in a vise, she was so tight. He was hoping he lasts to try Michelle, he so much wants to bust her cherry. He felt her cunt spasm again, as another orgasm hit, she moaned even louder. Michelle was impressed. Candy sat up, and started balling her own breasts, as she started riding with abandon. Since Keith had already came in her mouth, he wasn't near ready to come again. He did mumble something, but the girls were transfixed, Candy doing her riding, and Michelle watching that big cock disappear and reappear from her friends tight cunt.

Candy screamed out once more, then collapsed forward, panting heavily. Her hips were still involuntarily bucking on Keith’s shaft, making him feel rather good. Michelle grabbed her arm, and said "Are you okay, Candy?"

"I think I went to heaven." She pushed her self up with her hands. Keith moved his hands down to her hips and moaned. She had a puzzled look on her face, and then a smile. "Damn, he must be dreaming of doing it."

Michelle giggled, "That, or he's so out of it, he doesn't know it's happening for real."

Keith kept his smile to himself, letting them think he doesn't know what’s going on. "Come on Candy, I think I want to try it."

Candy turned her head, and leaned over and kissed her friend on the forehead. "Candy! What was that for?"

"For letting me come over." She moaned as she raised her hips up, leaving just the head planted firmly in her twat. She moaned even louder when she dropped down, smashing her cunt down onto his thighs. He let out a grunt. The girls froze, but then Michelle said "Come on, I think I can take it."

"Well, I'm not sure, not sure I want to share."

"You bitch, why should you have all the fun?"

"Hey, you didn't want to a little while ago."

"Well, I..." She looked at where Keith’s body joined Candy's, " I do now. Now come on, let me try."

She raised her ass up high, let out a sigh, letting his cock fall out of her cunt, making a popping sound when it vacated it's warm cave. "Okay, but you better put on more Vaseline on him, and a shit load in you."

Michelle smiled as she dipped her fingers back into the jar of Vaseline, and stuffed them up her cunt. Candy took some and re-greased his pole. Keith let out another moan. Michelle straddled his hips, and raised her ass. Candy took his meat in her hands and had Michelle lower her cunt until the head was at the door of her womanhood.

"Okay, Michelle, just lower down a bit." She did as she was told, and she felt the head of his dick enter her, sliding in rather easily so far. Her cunt felt like it was already full, and she only had a inch in her. "Here, you balance yourself, I'll make it feel better." With that, Candy took her fingers and started massaging her friends clit. Michelle's eyes flew open, not expecting her friend to do such a thing.

"Candy, what you doing?"

"You'll need some help, this will make it feel better as you go down." She continued her finger work, and Keith was wishing he could open his eyes and watch. "Whenever you're ready, go ahead and take more of it."

Michelle dropped another two inches, causing her to exhale from the stretching of her pussy walls. She felt the tip stop at her hymen, and said "It's stopped."

Candy giggled, "Well, you are a virgin, go ahead and raise up, then drop down and break it." Candy's fingers were making her feel damn good, as she raised her hips and dropped down, sending his prick through her hymen and a sharp pain through her body, causing her to scream out. She felt Candy kissing her on the cheek, and whispered into her ear, "There, the pain will go away in a second. Congratulations, you're no longer a virgin."

She relaxed, her pussy slid down a few more inches, until she was sitting on his lap. She never felt so full, and with her friends fingers, she was almost ready to have an orgasm. She started moving her hips like she seen Candy do it, and soon she was moaning in ecstasy, as she felt her pussy spasm and clamp down on his prick. Keith was beside himself. He had already been given a great blowjob, had one girl ride him to her own pleasure, and now had just taken another girls cherry. He was trying to think what to do next.

After about five minutes of Michelle riding his cock, sending her into another orgasm, he reached up and grabbed her breasts, giving them a good squeeze. Michele, who had her eyes closed, said "Oh Candy, that feels so good how you squeeze them."

Candy looked down at Keith’s face, to see his eyes open. "Um...Michelle honey, those aren't my hands."

Michelle opened her eyes and looked down at Keith’s smiling face, his eyes half-open. She didn't care, she was enjoying the ride. And now she was happy to know that a great ride lived a few doors down. She closed her eyes and went back to riding. Candy giggled, put her face over Keith's, and planted a kiss on his lips.

"Well, I don't know how long you been awake, but now that you are," She swung her leg over his head, and gently lowered her sweet cunt to his face, "You might as well do some work."

He moaned in appreciation, as his tongue darted around her pussy. This was the first pussy he ever ate, and she helped him along by moving her cunt to where she wanted him to lick. The two girls hugged each other, kissing and massaging their breasts. Candy started squirming more, as she soon had an orgasm, flooding Keith's face with her juices. Michelle was also in the throes of another powerful come, as she was moaning loudly, too. Keith felt his pecker throb, and the rush of his sperm up his shaft. He felt her cunt grip his cock and milk his second load deep up her cunt, sending her into another orgasm.

Both girls rolled off of him, and he propped himself up on his elbow, his cock deflating a bit from this round. He wanted to taste Michelle's red snatch, so he crawled over between her thighs and started licking away. Michelle moaned, and opened her thighs more, as he worked a finger, then two, up her tight snatch. He could feel his gobs of come, as they were being pushed put by her muscle spasms.

Candy moved down and took his deflated cock in her mouth. He was still about five inches, she thought that he was bigger soft than most guys hard. After about twenty minutes of slurping, Candy got Keith hard, and Michelle got a few more orgasms. Candy released his prick, and crawled up his body, whispering in his ear, "Do me doggie style, while I sixty-nine with Michelle."

Keith about died. He couldn't believe his ears. He sat up, and Candy replaced his lips on Michelle’s sweet snatch with her own tongue. He went up Michelle's body, kissing and massaging her small, full breasts. His hands stayed on her lovely young tits, as she placed his lips on hers, and forced his tongue into her mouth. She tasted her own juices on his lips and tongue, and then realized that someone else was taking care of her cunt. She moaned though, not wanting her friend to stop what she was doing.

He broke the kiss, as Candy pushed his head away form Michelle's face. Without removing her mouth from her slit, she swung around, and had her sopping wet bush over her friends waiting mouth. Michelle opened her eyes, seen what was above her, and grabbed her friends hips and lowered her down to her waiting mouth.

Keith sat back in awe. Here were two girls going lesbo, and he was hard as a rock. Both girls were making moaning sounds, as he got up behind Candy's upturned ass, and with one hand on her ass, he used the other to guide his pole up into the friendly confines of her tight hot box. He started fucking her gently and slowly, but even that was causing her to grunt, as his meat stretched her out again. But she wasn't arguing, as she loved the feeling of it plowing her cunt as her friend licked her twat.

Keith liked the feeling of Michelle's tongue as it licked his dick while he fucked. Both girls were primed for another gut wrenching orgasm, and soon Keith felt Candy and heard Michelle, as both came at the same time. Keith picked up the pace, sending her tits bouncing wildly under her. Michelle reached for them and started squeezing them hard, and pinching her nipples.

He could feel a load forming in his balls, as he increased the speed. Candy was crying out, saying "Fuck me hard, damn you, fill me with your jisz." He didn't need anymore encouragement, as he grunted and made one final thrust, sending his load deep inside of her and her off into another orgasm. Both of them collapsed, on top of poor Michelle, who just had an orgasm by watching the action inches from her face.

Michelle was the first to speak, all worn out, she said "Why don't we go to my room, the bed is big enough for the three of us." They all smiled, as they helped each other up, and then up the stairs they went, piling into her bedroom and crawling under the covers, a girl on each side. Soon, all three were asleep, exhausted from the evenings activities, with Keith hoping for some more in the morning.

The sun rose early in the Smokies, but there wasn't a creature stirring in the chalet the two couples were sharing until late in the morning. The view of the bed wasn't much, an arm sticking out there, a foot over there, but it was obvious that there was more than two people under those blankets. The TV never was shut off. Another porno was on, but the sound was off.

Abbie was the first to wake, and the sight she saw! Her face was about a foot from Dave's cock, and being a man and it was morning, it was at full attention. She looked at it for a bit, getting up the nerve to touch another mans prick. With a smile, she slowly reached for it, grasping the head in her hands. She tugged gently, and it throbbed in her hands. She wasn't too sure what to do next, Dave let out a low moan, as she massaged it.

She softly crawled over to it, as she felt her husband, his head down by her feet, roll away in his sleep. She took the head into her mouth, getting a taste of his meat with the juices of her friend still on it. Last night was a haze, she remembers drinking lots, and her and George making love next to Dave and Crystal while they did the same. She didn't think it went beyond that, but wasn't sure. Dave, who was on his side, moaned and rolled onto his back, pulling her with him. She felt his hand come to the back of her head, as she started sucking away on his long shaft.

George and Crystal both woke up when Dave rolled over, and looked at each other, their faces about two feet away. They heard the slurping noise, and they lifted the covers to see the back of Abbie's head, buried in Dave's crotch. George was stunned, here his wife was sucking on a cock that wasn't his. But he was stunned even more when Crystal leaned over and gave him a kiss. They exchanged tongues, as their hands worked over each others bodies. George found her big breasts, kneading them gently. Her hand was on his thick cock, jerking him at a slow pace. They broke their kiss, and soon were in a sixty-nine, with George on top. He was giving her clit a good licking, as she was to his dick.

Dave was finally awake, and he looked at the two in a heated sixty-nine. He then noticed that the woman had big breasts, just like his wife. Then it dawned on him, but who was sucking his schlong so damn good? He raised the covers, and seen the red hair. Oh shit, Abbie. She lifted her face up, and smiled as best she could with a mouth full of his cock. She released it from her mouth, and said "Shhh, you might wake them." She went back to sucking him, as he dropped his head and chuckled. She hadn't noticed the other two were going at it, yet. He reached down and started playing with one of her small breasts, finding the feel of them rather nice.

She knew something was up, when she heard Crystal moaning, pretty loud with a dick in her mouth. She turned her head, and saw Crystals body, with another body on top of her. Didn't take her long to figure out what was up. She felt the cock in her mouth throb hard, and soon she was greeted with a mouth full of come. She heard the familiar grunting of her husband, signaling he was filling Crystals mouth with his load. Abbie swallowed, keeping up with his spurts. Once she got the last drop, she pulled his dick from her mouth. She then crawled up on to of him, reached down between her legs and guided his meat into her hungry cunt. He reached up and kissed her on the lips, as he grabbed her small breasts, twisting her hard nipples.

She moaned softly, as he started thrusting up into her with his long shaft, and as she moved her hips. She looked over at her husband and Crystal. He was up and had her legs pushed up, her knees at the side of her breasts, as he plunged his thick member deep into her waiting hot pussy.

The sounds of sex was making them all even hotter, as they were riding each other hard and fast. All were breaking a sweat, as they approached their respective climax. Both women went first, crying out in passion at the same time. Their pussy's clamping down on their vaginal invaders, sending the men into orgasms, as they grunted loudly as they came, sending spurt after spurt into the pussy's they were servicing.

All four were exhausted after the morning sexual antics. Abbie raised her head, and looked at Crystal, and said "Good morning, have a good ride?"

Crystal smiled back, and said "Oh yes, it was a pleasant journey." She stretched her arms above her head, as George took a nipple in his mouth and sucked on it gently.

Dave did the same to Abbie, causing a slight moan to escape from her lips. She said "I don't know why, but I seen that prick of his right there when I woke up, and I just had to have a taste."

The other three chuckled, as George said "That’s okay dear, we all had to try a bit of tasting this morning." They all laughed, and started rolling around in the big bed. Eventually, the girls were between the two men, with Dave next to Abbie and George next to Crystal. The guys playfully rubbed the girls bodies with their hands, exploring each set of tits and cunts, as the girls took turns fondling the genitals of the guys.

Dave looked over to his wife, and asked "You get jealous?"

She blushed, "At first, but then George and I started in, and well...."

George said "Same was nice, but I still prefer my wife."

"Thank you, dear," replied Abbie, a smile coming to her face, "Although I enjoyed trying a new cock on, I much prefer the one I'm more use too."

Crystal thought for a moment, and said "I think it's best that we remember who we're married to, that this is okay, but not to hurt our relationship with our spouse."

"I agree" said Dave, as he worked two fingers into Abbie's sopping wet cunt, "Even though we're having sex with another person other than our spouse, it's not like we're making love. It's more for the pleasure."

George lifted Crystal's leg, and squeezed his cock back into her hot box again, saying "Yeah, and I'm ready for some more pleasure." The wives laughed, as Dave did the same with Abbie. Soon, the guys were pounding away again, as they each were sucking on the nipple closest to them, with they're other hand across to their respective wife, grabbing the free breast. Each wife had their fingers in their crotch, fingering their clit, as they were all working to another orgasm. Abbie came first, her cunt clasping on Dave's tool, followed by George, who again flooded Crystal's cunt. The feeling of his spurting monster sent her over the edge, just as her husband drained another load deep in Abbie.

They all rested for awhile, before Abbie decided it was time to get up. She said "You know, I think we should go shopping, Crystal." She sat up, Dave's spent cock plopping out of her well oiled cunt. She grabbed his dick, and added, "Besides, we can leave the guys here, maybe they'll get rested up for some more fun this evening." Crystal and Abbie jumped out of bed and headed for the bathroom, leaving Dave and George alone in the sack, finally noticing the porno on TV.

Dave reached for the remote, and said "Guess we won't need that for awhile." Both laughed, as they climbed out of bed, heading for the spa. They stepped down in, as they heard the shower turn on in the bathroom. Both women climbed in together, the shower being so big and all. They helped clean each other off, then once done, dried off together. Exiting the bathroom, they looked at the guys, who were relaxing in the spa.

Crystal asked "You guys going to come with us? You'll need to get something to eat eventually."

Dave started to say something, but Abbie seen the look on his face, and cut him short, saying "Besides pussy."

The guys looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders. Each knew they couldn't complain, not after this morning and how well the ladies took care of them. They got out of the spa, and got dressed, and soon, all four were heading down the mountain and towards town.

Up the road a bit in Cincinnati, it was late morning. Keith was having a dream about how he was having sex with two girls. But it wasn't a dream, as he thought of that as he woke up, in between Candy, on his left, and Michelle on his right. All three were as naked as the day they were born. His dick was rock hard, making a tent in the covers, as both girls were snuggled up against him, their firm young breasts pressed up against his bare flesh. He happened to look up at the clock, and when he seen the time, he said "Oh shit."

He sat up quick, waking up both girls, who cried out "What is it?"

"I'm going to be late for practice, it starts in thirty minutes, and I don't even have a car."

Candy said "Get dressed, I'll drive you," She jumped out of bed, looked around and looked at Michelle, asking "Where are my clothes?" Michelle had a blank look on her face, as she watched the swinging manhood of Keith as he rushed out of the room.

"Um, I don't know, why don't you see if he would like to work out here instead?"

Candy smiled, and exited the room. Five minutes later, Candy returned, pulling Keith by his saliva-coated rock hard cock. "It

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Technology Malfunction

Technology Malfunction A Short Story By Maryanne Peters "Just because technology allows you to do it, doesn't mean you should do it." It was not the first time that Ashton had said the words to his friend Cody, but it seemed like it might just be the last time. He was on the gurney now. The surgery was less than an hour away, and Cody would soon be unconscious as the drugs took effect. "You don't understand," said Cody. "This is what I want. What I've always wanted. To be...

1 year ago
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The Fundraiser

Among the usual bills and mailshot letters one envelope caught my attention. My name and address on the front side, handmade paper and instead of a sender just the words “Come and enjoy”. I sought for my paper knife. Tearing such an expensive envelope open would be an act of barbarism. Golden letters in fancy type read: “Are you looking for high class entertainment? Are you fed up with the impersonal and boring services of the run-of-the-mill night clubs? Mr. Martin B. is cordially invited to...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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One Shoe GumshoeChapter 26 Two Funerals

WE attended two funeral services together, Mary and I, one low key in terms of attendance but deeply emotional, on one morning and followed that by another higher profile one the following afternoon, that was more for public show than anything else. Mary insisted I attend by her side for both funerals. How could I deny her my full support at them both? To be honest, I wanted to spend every moment of our shrinking allotment of time we had together. Mary wore the same black outfit for both...

3 years ago
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Living With Erectile Dysfunction

I had flown half way across the country to see my lover. We had not been together in three years; each home with our respective primary partners. Our relationship was open. It was very sexual. When one of us arrived and we were initially together, G was normally a little nervous. Once in our room, we would take our clothes off. We would hug and kiss reasonably briefly, and with a little sexual touch, I would be quite aroused. G would relax as my cock entered her and we would have a...

4 years ago
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Impregnation game using a funnel

Impregnation game using a funnelIt is just so very slutty to get impregnated from a funnel, especially with multiple guys contributing sperm. I love the videos our avid members have found and contributed. I hope there are more posts and videos coming.A SEXY PREG RISK GAMEWhat I think would be sexy is a game at a swingers club or at a breeding party.Everyone signs waivers saying no one else will be held responsible for any results and it is fully consensual. STD test results can be exchanged or...

3 years ago
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Couples Holiday

Each year we took an annual holiday with our friends. There were eight of us who went each year and we have done for the past seven years. We’re a very close group. Three of us have known each other from our school days and the rest were friends and partners that we have met along the way. Most of the eight now have kids but this is an adults-only holiday, for fun laughs and recuperation that is always needed.As soon as we arrived, all eight of us settled into our large four-bed villa in during...

3 years ago
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The autumn rain hammered down onto the darkened skylights above him as he wandered down the hallway. As he went through his evening routine of checking that all the lights were off, he locked each office door as he went along, listening to the wind and rain as his cock stiffened. The closer he got to her room, the more excited he felt, his fingers began to fumble on the locks. Reaching the end of the corridor, he turned towards the open cubicles, glancing around to make sure that no one was...

2 years ago
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Coupleforfunnyc my very first BBC ever part 2 of i

I would like to say I'm sorry in advance for my Grammer I have to be drunk to write these stories otherwise I'm too embarrassed . So picking up from part one of the craziest story of my life , I am looking at these papers and everything is negative and his name Is josh and as I am just scanning other things to be sure he breaks my concentration and says can we continue and I look up and him and Mike are in front of me and I couldn't help but to compare and Mike was thicker but josh was a lot...

2 years ago
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CuckCouple slave gangbang training

When Rebecca and her cUXbOI first came walking toward me from the arrival gate I knew right away they would be begging in minutes to be collared and leashed as I had told them to if they wanted/craved to have me break them into the Master / SlaveWhoreCuck lifestyle.cUXKbOI hgad contacted me on line and told me he craved to be collared and leashed with his smokin' hot tiny slutwife who had already been in several 4 somes with other men and now she wanted him to be trained to beg to watch her...

2 years ago
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HeteroFlexibleCoupless Fantasies Big Black

HeteroFlexiblecouple’s FantasiesChapter 1 - Big Black Cock Suck And Fuck Have you ever been with a couple? Well how about a couple where the wife wants to sit and play with her pussy in front of you and her husband? How about one that wanted to play with her pussy while watching you and her husband sitting on the couch next to each other? I bet you have never been with one that sat playing with her pussy while she watched her husband reach over and start stroking your nice thick cock for...

1 year ago
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Reddit GWCouples, aka r/GWCouples! You’ve all seen subreddits that have the ‘gone wild’ idea to them. Now, get ready for something in that category that’s completely different. Thus far, it was usually just the same old pattern of chicks going wild and showing off their tits, ass, pussy, and so on, but the categories were just different as in which kind of girl is going wild. Sometimes it’s teens, sometimes it’s MILFs, and at other times it has to do with weight, cosplay, hair color and so on....

Reddit NSFW List
3 years ago
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Couple fun

After one years of marriage to keep ourselves fit, me and my wife Anjali joined aerobics classes at the most high class gym near my home. I used to do aerobics before my marriage and light exercises to keep my body toned. So, I am quite trained in aerobics. A lot of girls used to come to aerobics class which were trying for modeling career in that gym. Also there were couples in the class to keep themselves fit and active. I was more interested in aerobics as I really used to enjoy the...

4 years ago
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The Fundraiser

”Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to our marathon charity show for the victims of the dreadful earthquakes in Nepal.”Paul Sumner, late night talk show host, newspaper columnist and stinking rich philanthropist, was hosting a huge televised charity event being beamed to millions of homes worldwide."Everyone has seen the shocking images and heard the heartbreaking reports, and tonight we,” — and he pointed directly at the camera — “that is you at home and those of us here in the studio, are going...

3 years ago
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Fundraiser A drabble by Karen Hansen The gavel fell, then clapping... Lance, now Lynnette, stepped carefully down the stairs. Cuffed, he couldn't catch himself... led past the people... "How wonderful 'she' looked enfemme..." "What a 'nice' gesture..." Lance couldn't see the last bidder. Mistress whispered, "See you in 48 hours." Winking. It couldn't be too bad... different Mistress... new chores... it's what Mistress wanted... to help out the...

3 years ago
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Masculine Funk

One Wednesday evening, as I was sitting at the bar in a coastal city that renowned for its humidity, I was enjoying the balmy atmosphere as I sipped on a beer. I was very happy that a colleague had recommended this ‘arty’ area to me.The guest lodge I was staying in was charming, and all the shops and restaurants in Roper Road, as the area was referred to, had a lovely vibe. Of course, of special interest to me was the gay flag that I had observed hanging from the first floor of one of buildings...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Malfunction The 3 laws of Robotics: 1. A robot cannot harm a human being, or through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm 2. A robot must obey the commands of a human being, except where such commands would counter Law 1 3. A robot must protect its own existence, except where such protection would counter Law 1 or Law 2. Matt, the engineer assigned to fix me calls me Abe. That's when he isn't using profanity. My official designation is ABEVE - 2110...

2 years ago
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Die Stckelschuhe Episode 1 Gesucht und gefunden

Die St?ckelschuhe Episode 1 - Gesucht und gefunden! © 2003 / 2017 Lydia Lighthouse Es geschah an einem Fr?hlingstag, so wie man ihn sich am meisten w?nscht. Die Sonne schien und es war angenehm warm. Zwar lie? eine k?hle Briese hin und wieder sp?ren, dass es bis zum Sommer noch ein wenig hin war, aber dennoch wurde es zu einem der sch?nsten Tage seit Monaten. Einen Tag, auf den die sonnenausgehungerten Menschen nur gewartet hatten - und das an einem Wochenende. Folglich lie? sich ...

2 years ago
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All Systems Functioning

 Earth date 1st April, 2121. Time 12h03m56s GMT. Space Station Alpha 69. Geostationary above Mars. Unmanned. Nothing to report. All systems functioning.*Earth date 2nd April, 2121. Time 15h05m23s GMT. Space Station Alpha 69. Geostationary above Mars. Unmanned. Nothing to report. All systems functioning.*Earth date 3rd April, 2121. Time 10h23m19s GMT. Space Station Alpha 69. Geostationary above Mars. Unmanned. Nothing to report. All systems functioning.*Earth date 4th April, 2121. Time 16h02m45s...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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The Fundraiser

I had to raise money for my school track team by selling candy bars. I was crafty and had the perfect sales pitch for every crowd to would show it to. The parks for the sugar hungry k**s after school, and other places i had up my sleeve that other team mates wouldnt think to try. My sales were going excellent and i had almost sold all of my chocolate bars, however, 23 boxes remained. I went to the police station and the fire house, gave a sweet lil sales pitch and sold 8 of the 23 boxes. I had...

2 years ago
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Four Funerals

(This story isn’t true, but it’s based on some real events. I just put them together.) Tottenham Court Road on a busy Friday lunchtime is not the tine to start playing Frogger for real but the young woman in front of me obviously didn’t realise that. I was moving before my conscious brain kicked into gear, my hand shooting out and yanking her back by her shoulder as the taxi swerved to avoid a bike courier weaving in and out of traffic. It happened in slow motion, the taxi screeching into the...

1 year ago
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Weddings and Funerals

Weddings and funerals are the only time our whole family gets together. It is like a reunion. I mean they come from all over, the extended family from both sides. So this story takes place at a wedding, I can't remember who got married but I remember the important parts. My family arrived several days early as did most everyone. The first day we all went to the golf course and drank. Uncle Carl and Aunt Beth were ready to go and made me the designated driver. I loved being around Uncle Carl and...

2 years ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 141 Funerals

After that, I left the podium and exited out a side door. There wasn’t going to be any schmoozing in the aisles tonight. Once outside the chamber, I sent somebody in to find the Commandant of the Marine Corps and ask him to see me for a minute or two. I smiled as I considered that. Once upon a time if a senior officer ‘asked’ me to do something, it was really an order. Now I was the one doing the asking. My, how Second Lieutenant Buckman had grown up. Marilyn and the kids showed up about a...

3 years ago
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Probability Dysfunction

Probability Dysfunction AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a little story I wrote for the Machine Malfunction Contest in the TF-TG-Contests group on deviantart. I didn't win, but it was a lot of fun to write and I'm happy with how it came out. *** I grip the vertical and lateral function knobs as I work to keep the indicator in the green zone. I haven't operated the plasma input on this early prototype in years, so I'm glad that I'm still a ninja at this. I just hope the directors at...

4 years ago
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Freddys Family Fun2

Josie's job was quite near the mall where he intended to go so Freddy decided to accompany his sister on her bus ride to work. On the bus the boy would sound out his sister's views on sex in general and perhaps sex with her brother in particular. The teen wasn't so sure how to go about it. He knew subtlety was needed but that wasn't his strong point. Well, he would just have to play it by ear. "You're looking sexy this morning, sis." A few compliments never hurt to start out Freddy...

2 years ago
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Freddys Family Fun1

"Huh? What!" Freddy was deep in sleep. Oh shit! Was the place on fire? It was his cousin, Nina. "Move over. I'm going to sleep with you." Freddy knew he wasn't hearing right. My brain must not be in gear yet he thought. It sounded like Nina was going to get in bed with him. How was that possible? The bed was barely large enough for one. "Why? How?" Freddy just wanted Nina to go away so he could get back to sleep. The fact that she was a cousin whom he'd lusted over for years...

2 years ago
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Eastern Funday

It was Easter and my best friend Zack was going over to the apartment of his long-term girlfriend, Ashley. When he arrived at her place, she greeted him with a kiss and they headed straight for the bed room, not waiting to get down to their usually dirty business. Ashley was still wearing her pajama clothing, which consisted of soft pajama pants and a light shirt with no bra underneath. As soon as they made it to the bedroom, she unzipped his pants and pulled them off his legs. Ashley then...

3 years ago
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Double the Funn

My friend, Jill, and I had been friends for a long time.   She and her husband lived down the street and she was a big comfort to me during my recent divorce.   Last month, my divorce became final and Jill said that we should go out and celebrate.   She said, “Girl, you are single again and need to start getting out and meeting some guys”. And knew that Jill sometimes played around on her husband and so I thought to myself that not only did she think I should get out but that she wanted to go...

2 years ago
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"Here's the problem my friends," the mayor was saying. "Here in Texas, we're living in a cesspool of human tragedy. We have an influx of immigrants, squatters and the homeless. As you all know, they need clothes, food, and shelter. Many children need medical attention. Our community is doing all it can to help, but our resources are limited. In a month or two, we will have spent our entire budget for the year. Most of you have contributed through your church or through the Red Cross but...

3 years ago
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Shemale Funpark

You go to a Funpark in Miami, Florida where you are supposed to meet your Friends. You really like them and drove all the way out here just for them. Right as you enter the Funpark to get to the meeting point, your Friends call you in a groupchat. They tell you that their Car broke down a long time ago but their Phones had no Battery and they were in the middle of nowhere. They could only call you now to tell you that they sadly can’t come to the Funpark. They say that you have to go on the...

4 years ago
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Die Unterwerfung

Der Kontakt war über eine Kleinanzeige entstanden. Werner hatte die Annonce aufgegeben und sie war die erste, die geantwortet hatte. Er sehnte sich danach, nach langer Zeit endlich etwas Besonderes zu erfahren. Ein wenig Nervenkitzel, ein wenig Spannung. Der folgende Mailverkehr faszinierte ihn enorm. Er mochte sie sofort und konnte das erste Treffen gar nicht abwarten. In dem Moment, in dem er ihre rauchige Stimme am Telefonhörer vernahm, war es um ihn geschehen. Täglich rief er sie an. Und...

3 years ago
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My first time in Jamaica part onecoupleforfunnyc

Ok so of you read my previous stories you know about Darrel . Dave also knew about Darrel and wanted us to try swinging together . We booked an adults only resort in Jamaica because it's was one of the cheaper ones . As we arrive they are giving everyone drinks at the airport and the guy handed it to me and says your going to have fun here ! .I thank him and continue to our transportation to the hotel . We see a sign and we stand with the rest of the crowd but we realized everyone was a bit...

3 years ago
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It was a warm hot summers day at the fun fair Sun kissed freckle faces and messy hair Dribbling ice creamspinning round and round on rides so fast The thrill of the roller coaster making my belly flip as you’re zooming around The wizz making you feel horny as hell. Day time slips into night time Bright lights hairspray and the fairgrounds still open flashy lights loud musicAdults onlyI’ve had a couple of glasses of wine and my mates playing ClaweeOnly the stuffed toys have all disappeared And...

1 year ago
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A few months ago I notice that I gain some kilos. So I decided to do jogging and lose weight. I bought some lightweight jogging pants and top and sports bra. Near our home is a track where lots people jog especially at evening when hot sun goes down. After work I drove there one evening. Oh there so many cute guys there and it fun to watch their buts when they run. I could not run all way around track and so I walk some and jog some. I try go there about 3 times week. I began recognize some...

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Friday Funday

Friday, and the efficiency at the office where Laura was working was winding down, most of her colleagues were thinking of the weekend and the plans they had made, but Laura had been buzzing with a restless energy all day long. By lunch time she had made a decision, she was going to clock off early, thank God for flexible working hours. In a very uncustomary way she caught a taxi home instead of the bus, and was almost running up the stairs to the small house that she shared with her partner...

3 years ago
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Joes geile Mutter 1719 Netzfund

Am Freitag dieser seltsamen Woche lernte ich dann auch Sues neuen Freund Dave kennen. Nicht direkt, aber irgendwie schon. Die letzten zwei Tage waren in Langeweile verlaufen, denn Mom hatte im Büro wieder viel zu tun, kam spät heim und war dementsprechend müde. Manchmal fragte ich mich, ob sie wieder das Penishöschen tragen würde und dann lief ich in ihr Schlafzimmer, durchwühlte den Kleiderschrank und fand diesen Slip regelmäßig, verborgen unter einem Stapel alter Wäsche, ganz hinten im...

2 years ago
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Aumlgyptisches Viagra funktioniert

Vor einer Woche sind mein Mann und ich vom Urlaub aus Ägypten zurückgekehrt und obwohl Ägypten ja nun nicht gerade ein erotisches Urlaubsland ist, möchte ich euch von einem Erlebnis berichten, das insbesondere mir viel Spaß bereitet hat. Auch, weil mein Mann nichts davon mitbekommen hat.Unmittelbar nach unserem Flug wurden wir per Bustransfer in unser all inclusive Resort verbracht, wo wir unser Zimmer bezogen. Die Anlage war sehr weitläufig aber gepflegt und wir waren zunächst mit unserer Wahl...

1 year ago
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, you know I like to have fun in the beach. But now I tell how much fun!! Hope you not get upset for me not say before to you. I and my cyberlover decided to meet in Boracay. He is lawyer in US and his name is Joseph and he looks gorgeous at his early’s 50 based on webcam. You see him on cam and know we like sex together on cam. We had not yet seen each other in person. He had a lot of fantasy in bed which made me surprise as I did not have any idea about his fantasy. I was really curious...

4 years ago
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Nadjas Schlachtung Teil 2 Netzfund

Mein Name ist Nadja. Ja das hatten wir schon. Ich bin 175cm gross, habe weibliche Rundungen, einen klasse Arsch und mit 80c auch ordentliche, feste Brüste. Mich ziert langes rotes Haar und ausser meinen Augenbrauen ist das auch schon alles Haarige an mir. Von daher wurde ich auch mit der Güteklasse A- ausgezeichnet. Das Minus da ich leider ein paar Probleme mit der Leber habe. Nichts gefährliches, aber die Leber ist entsprechend nicht zu gebrauchen. Auch das hatten wir schon.Was wir jetzt aber...

1 year ago
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Nadjas SchlachtungNetzfund

Darf ich mich vorstellen? Mein Name ist Nadja. Ich lebe in der wunderbaren Zeit 2078. Warum wunderbar? Weil wir auf der Erde mittlerweile 17 Millarten Menschen haben und keine Hungersnöte mehr.Das Ganze fing 2022 an. Aus den Vegetariern wurde eine Bewegung, dann eine Partei und letzten Endes kam es sogar zu einem Krieg. Dieser war jetzt nicht so Blutig wie die Weltkriege, aber letzten Endes führte sie zur Gleichstellung von Tier und Mensch. Nun dachten sich die Vegetarier wahrscheinlich, sie...

2 years ago
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Mit Mama in der Sauna Netzfund

Da meine Mutter Geburtstag hatte, und sie mit mir was unternehmen wollte, schlug ich vor in eine Sauna zu gehen. Eigentlich waren wir noch nie in einer gewesen, aber da wir es Beide ausprobieren wollten, nahm sie meinen Vorschlag an. Meine Mutter wurde 40, aber sie war stellenweise wie ein verspielter Teeny. Dafür dass sie bereits so alt war, sah sie immer noch gut aus. Sie achtete sehr auf ihr Äußerstes und sie pflegte ihre langen schwarzen Haare. Dazu war sie schlank, aber ein wenig breit...

3 years ago
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Honey, the trip to Saipan last month great. You know my company sent me there for almost a week for training and meetings. They make reservation for me to stay at Resort hotel—great view and beach! Work was intense and stress. So one night I wear tight jeans and halter top under blouse and sexy bra and went to the street bazaar, like in Manila for relax the stress. Many stalls, locals, and tourists. I got thirsty and hungry and sat alone at nearby small restaurant/bar. Then I observe...

3 years ago
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Sex With A Widow Mature Lady Whom I Met In An Func

Hi friends am a great fan of the sex stories, after a lot of courage this is my first sex story which was encountered with and am still enjoying with that sweet lady.Let me quick jump into the story. Well am Raj (name changed) and am 31 years old married with good body, 6’1 height with 75 kg weight well built.The story begins like this, I had been to a function with my parents there I met a lady she must be around 45 but I must say she does not like she is her 40’s she looked like she is 30yrs...

1 year ago
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Ich will zur WM Netzfund

Vor einigen Wochen beschloss ich mal wieder Urlaub zu machen. Ein klares Ziel hatte ich zuerst nicht vor Augen.Bis ich die Tageszeitung aufschlug und mir eine Annonce ins Auge sprang:"Fußball-WM 2010 in Afrika, wer jetzt bei uns seinen Afrika-Urlaub bucht bekommt 2 Premium-Tickets zugesichert."Da ich ein großer Fußballfan bin und ich von der WM 2006 wusste wie schwer es war an Tickets zu kommen, ging ich mit mir einen Kompromiss ein. Ich dachte: "Dann warteste eben noch nen` Jahr auf deinen...

3 years ago
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Just Another Sunday Funday

So I just got back from one of my favorite days: Sunday. Most people hate it because it's the day people go to church. But that's exactly why I like it. You see, every Sunday, one of my oldest and dearest lovers invites me to his home while his wife is at church. He also invites several of his friends…who invite their friends…and who invite their friends ;-) We call it "Sunday Funday".While I usually travel very discretely, these men want me in full drag, in the sluttiest outfits and...

1 year ago
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Cum Funnell

This story is purely fictional.It was a long winter and I had been working overtime every week for the last few months when i decided i deserved a vacation. I purchased a ticket down to Miami where I knew the weather would be nice and looked forward to a change of scenery.When I got off the plane I rented a car and was driving out of the airport when I noticed an adult book store. Since I was affraid to travel with my toys and needed a bigger dildo anyway I stoped in to look around. The place...

3 years ago
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The Funhouse

Boonville. An aptly named town, as it's about as far in the boonies as one can get. The typical routine is one of sleep, work, sleep, any and all excitement kept to a bare minimum in this town of 2,000 people, who are mostly concerned with keeping the stoic tradition of boredom alive and well in their families. However, for one week a year everything changes. Bright lights, laughter, and visitors from all over flock to Boonville for a single reason - the Carnival. Not the most...

1 year ago
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Eastern Funday

It was Easter and my best friend Zack was going over to the apartment of his long-term girlfriend, Ashley. When he arrived at her place, she greeted him with a kiss and they headed straight for the bed room, not waiting to get down to their usually dirty business. Ashley was still wearing her pajama clothing, which consisted of soft pajama pants and a light shirt with no bra underneath. As soon as they made it to the bedroom, she unzipped his pants and pulled them off his legs. Ashley then...

4 years ago
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Cascadia University was a busy place, Always crawling with students and teachers and mentors of all kinds and shapes. There was only minimal campus security and the campus itself was luxuriously outfitted, with an attached spa, pool, and recreation rooms. It was a normal Tuesday morning in all respects, and a stream of students entered the building, packing the front hall of the building before spreading out in to the many, many other rooms that made up the building. In the midst of this...

4 years ago
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Double the Funn

My friend, Jill, and I had been friends for a long time.   She and her husband lived down the street and she was a big comfort to me during my recent divorce.   Last month, my divorce became final and Jill said that we should go out and celebrate.   She said, “Girl, you are single again and need to start getting out and meeting some guys”. And knew that Jill sometimes played around on her husband and so I thought to myself that not only did she think I should get out but that she wanted...

3 years ago
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THE FUNHOUSE College girls on spring break take in the sights.  Safety in numbers, they room together near the beach, party together at night.  Hooking up with a local and letting him hang out with them a couple times, they accept his offer as a group to spend a couple hours at a nearby traveling carnival.  Entering the funhouse, lost in its maze, their exit’s not what they expected. Chapter One        Making their way through the carnival funhouse, nervously giggling, huddling together, the...

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Friday Night FunTime

     Friday Night FunTime!A Femdom Family-Slave Story!        TJ Ryder        Buxom Ballbusters Illustrated StoriesGestapo Mistress, Dommy mommies, femdom cuckolding!     Illustrated Fetish Stories for Adults Only!**************************************   "Hi Billy!"  The 38 year old said to the teenager who he had met thefirst time he came here to the newcomers group.   'Hey Tim, everything okay?"   "Well, its been an experience,(smile)!"   "What's...

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Maspalomas funshine

Life is way too short for monogamy!I’ve been married to the most incredible slut for the last five years now.Krissy is 26 years old. She has the most perfect figure with ample tits, tiny waist, big hips and a gorgeous booty!She also has a voracious sexual appetite that keeps me in shape.I’m 28 years old. I’m told that I’m good looking with dark hair and blue eyes. I work out constantly to keep my ripped, lean body in shape for my sexy woman. I am also blessed with a mighty thick and long...

2 years ago
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Sunday Funday

Sunday Funday By Selene Victoria [email protected] It was one of those days where I didn't wake up until the sun streamed across the bed and into my eyes. I hadn't had a particularly late night, nor a hard one, but given the rare opportunity to sleep in, I took it. Sunday was my only day off that week, and I had been swamped with projects and deadlines since practically longer than I could remember. My wife Catalina was already awake next to me and, judging by the...

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Opus OneChapter 35 Finale Langsam Ruhevoll Empfunden

The moon was overhead when the first hint of eastern glow touched the horizon. Jupiter was close by, accompanying the hemicycle as it fled from the coming sun. Closer to the earth, strains of music tentatively began to sound; quiet hours were coming to an end. All around, the Wexford dormitory was stirring. The banal sounds of students trudging to the restroom to bathe were merged with the footfalls of early risers, who were already headed to the conservatory to find a better practice...

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