Landrey's Crash-Landing free porn video

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With blood trailing from her eyebrow, Lily shook off the shock of the crash, and unsnapped her emergency restraints. With a quick glance out the viewport in front of her, seeing nothing but tree trunks and snow, the young woman scrambled back through the bulkhead that separated the pilot’s node from the body of the craft. She jogged the length of the cargo bay, which took up most of the body of the craft, only stopping to key in a few commands at a console. At the rear of the bay was a locker, which was opened by a small string of code entered by her slender fingers. The door slid open, revealing two carbines, one laser and one ballistic, and below that one sidearm.
Lily jerked around at a noise from back where she came; a shower of sparks blew from the console she had stopped at on her way back.
“Fucking comms!” she shouted in exasperation.
She charged the laser carbine and set it against the wall and keyed open another locker as she began to strip out of her pilot’s gear. She was revealed to the cargo bay to be very slender of body and pale of color, for she only wore shorts and a sort of sports bra over her chest, which bulged with the effort of containing her breasts. Her bare midriff was flat, and the hair that cascaded from under her helmet was black with a hint of blue, like a raven’s feather. Throwing her flight suit aside, she grabbed a single-suit that was drab grey with many pockets and got into it with haste. Over that she threw a jacket of the same color as the suit, and then stepped into a pair of utility boots.
By this time she could hear some sort of engine growing closer outside, along with a steady decrease in ambient temperature; indicative of a hull breach. There was little chance she could get this hulk flying by herself.
All of a sudden, a pair of impacts vibrated the ship. Lily grabbed up her rifle and stuck the sidearm in one of her pockets, and began to make her way back to the sparking console. After three steps, there was a sound of electrical arcing, and every light inside the bay went completely dead, including the sparks from the damaged communications console.
Lily froze for a moment, and when she began hearing scrapes and taps against the outside of the hull of her ship, she felt around in her suit for a directed beam, and switched it on. Her eyes were on the hatch at the peak of the bay, but it seemed undisturbed.
All of a sudden, a humming noise came from her right, and she spied a dim square outline against the darkened bulkhead. The outline grew rapidly brighter until it flashed, and the piece of hull hinged inward, hitting the deck with a deafening clang!
A vaguely hulking shape leaned around the still-glowing edge of the brand-new access hatch, and gave two great whuffs as it sampled the air inside.
Lily, for her part, had managed to not make a sound, but as soon as one of the alien shapes barked, she touched the stud on her carbine, and a pair of brilliant yellow beams lashed through the shape at the hole. She heard a number of guttural voices outside, so she unleashed another pair of beams at the door before moving to a different location.
The bay of her ship was half filled with mechanical equipment and crates waiting to be delivered. Most of the equipment could stop a laser blast, but she had no idea what these creatures had for weapons.
She didn’t have long to wonder, for another one of the beasts stomped into the bay, and threw a small orb toward her last location. It bounced once against the wall, and lit up with a heavy red light and emitted a piercing scream of sound. Lily squeezed her bare hands against the sides of her head, dropping her weapon in the act. The noise was inundating, and had an unforeseen effect upon her; she seemed to be growing tired rather quickly.
By the time the noise quit, Lily could barely keep her eyes open. She noticed that she had somehow sunk to the grating with her back against a crate.
As thumping footfalls came toward her location, Lily fumbled in her pocket for the sidearm, and brought it sleepily to bear. She squeezed the trigger at the nearest black moving shadow until it was knocked out of her hand by an unseen force, which was immediately brought to bear on her head until she fell forever into unconsciousness.

The first thing that Lily noticed was that she was very cold. For a moment, that was all she could determine, as she was still swimming out of unconsciousness. The nest observation was that she was lying on something hard and smooth. She felt along her body to find that her garments had been removed, all except for her undergarments which were still in place, and none of her tools or other gear were on her person. Finally managing to crack open her eyes, Lily blearily glanced around at the dimly lit room she currently occupied.
The room was low and rather expansive, and seemed to have been cut out of rock. There was a single pressure door at the other end which stood firmly shut. Lily determined that she was lying on a rock slab, of which there were identical slabs around the room. Between the walls were scattered boxes and crates all of varying sizes and shapes.
As she sat up, pain bloomed in her head, causing her to moan and clutch at her brow. She wrapped her other arm around her midriff and waited for the pain in her head to subside.
Through the pounding in her head, Lily heard a rustling noise off to her right, away from the only visible door. Squinting in that direction, the young pilot saw nothing but grey crating and black rock, but the rustling continued, like dry leaves on concrete. The pain waned a bit, allowing Lily to get to her feet and walk, shivering, around the stack of crates which blocked her view from the source of the sound. The scraping noise ceased before she got around the corner, though, and to her frustration, there was nothing occupying that corner of the room.
Exasperated, Lily decided to take stock. She paced back to her slab and sat cross-legged upon it, trying to recall everything about the crash.
She had been in FTL travel when something disrupted her engines, causing her to violently drop back into real-space extremely close to this planet. Her navigational computer had identified the planet as VGG-904, classified as habitable by long range explorers when they first wave of exploration went through this sector, some three hundred standard years before. Since then, no one had visited, and nothing discovered about it.
Lily had had to manipulate her power and engines in haphazard ways to get the ship to crash land, instead of vaporize in the atmosphere or disintegrate upon impact with the ground. She had survived all the random factors thrown at her, but now she was captured by an unknown species of aliens, seemingly sentient.
Who knows what they planned to do to her?
A dull ache still hammered away behind her eyes, so Lily decided to lean back on her slab against the rock wall and close her eyes.

She must have passed back out because she swam back to consciousness as the door screeched open. The rhythmic thud of heavy feet made her heart pound, but she wasn’t able to move an inch before one of the hulking dark creatures squeezed through the doorway and peered in her direction with large black eyes. It whuffed and angled its massive head to look in the other corner, the one from which the rustling noises had emanated earlier. Making the same noise for many times in succession, the beast began to back out of the doorway.
“Hey!” Lily yelled at the thing, “What do you have me locked up for? Who are you??”
No heed was paid to her yells, and the door slammed shut with a noise that echoed.
She scoffed, and rubbed the sleep from her eyes, and decided to do something. She got up gingerly from where she had slept, for the hard rock was unforgiving, and went to have a look at the door. It was more like a pressurized hatch, but with no mechanisms or handles to actuate it. The young woman sighed and moved toward the closest large crate. She searched around for a latch or a keyhole or keypad, anything that would open the crate. A recessed slot near the top of one side held a button, which she depressed. The lid of the crate, about even with her breasts, broke into two pieces and slid off the sides of the box on systems of railing.
Inside were packages of some sort of soft material, neatly packed atop each other. Lily took the initiative and broke one packet open, and to her surprise, what seemed to be an expansive cloak fell partially open at her feet. She stretched it out, and found it to be more like a poncho, with a hole in the middle for a head.
Smiling at this tiny bit of luck, for Lily was practically vibrating across the floor from her shivers, she draped it around her like she imagined royalty would, and strode back to her slab. The hulks would probably be angry with her for getting into their stuff, but she didn’t really care, since they had knocked her out, stripped her, and left her to freeze in a storeroom.
She was just about to curl up against the wall when the rustling began again. Lily got back up and, trailing the tail of the oversized garment behind her like a train, she searched every part of the room she was in, pushing crates out of the way and even checking underneath a few. Nothing was found but a bit of dust in every corner, although the rustling noise hadn’t diminished.
Confused and still nursing a pain in her head, Lily decided to sit down and think some more on her predicament. She had no sooner seated herself and drew the folds of the impromptu blanket around her exposed legs when she saw something atop one of the crates. She gasped at the shock of seeing something that she hadn’t found during her search.
The thing was cylindrical and about as long as two of her boots placed end to end. It was no thicker than her forearm, and a reddish-brown in color. It seemed to be a living creature, as one featureless end hovered in the air like a snake, pointed directly at her face.
Lily froze in fear, her eyes growing wide at this latest of unknowns. It wasn’t to last long, for it seemed as though the snake-like creature had noticed her gaze. It slithered across the top of the crate, wrapped around the edge until it located the recessed button, and pressed it, sliding off the lid and onto the floor as the box opened. The creature came to a stop and angled its head-end towards Lily’s fear-frozen figure.
She got the feeling that the thing was trying to show her something, and so slowly slipped off of her slab and, keeping her eyes on the worm as it tracked her, edged towards the now-opened box. Arriving at the side, Lily glanced in, and exclaimed in glee at finding all of the gear she had lost between her defeat within her own cargo hold and right now. She immediately dropped the alien cloak and hopped into her uni-suit with the pockets. Then she crammed those pockets full of every gadget that she had taken from the lockers, including her sidearm, and then fished around in the crate for her lined jacket.
All this time, the worm-snake on the ground watched her every movement, but made no move forward or back. Once fully decked out, Lily reached down again for her laser carbine and set it on her sleeping slab. With the crate empty, she turned back to the creature on the ground, unsure of what to do.
“Thanks, little thing.”
This phrase elicited a bobble from the front of the snake, which Lily took to be an acknowledgement. Her Sentient Life course in the university was finally paying off!
She sat down on the edge of her slab and clasped her hands together, trying to figure this unknown alien creature out. It edged a little closer to her, and made that rustling noise again, which was its tail sweeping the ground behind it.
Her mind suddenly that it looked like an oversized version of a very particular item tucked away with her spare clothing back at her ship. This thing was the same coloration and general proportionate size to her dildo!
Lily’s face reddened and she smiled, still looking at the snake creature, which twisted a bit and rustled again.
“You’re a little big for me, big guy.”
At her words, the thing slithered forward to her feet and looked up at her. With a slight exclamation, Lily drew back, still slightly unnerved at the thing. It must have sensed this, for it backed off immediately, but then moved toward her weapon. It tapped the stock twice, and then twitched it’s ‘head’ at the door twice.
Lily was astonished that this thing was not only in possession of at least a rudimentary intelligence, but it could also recognize buttons and weapons. It also had a good idea, one that Lily was sure she would have arrived at, given enough time.
She picked up her laser, checked the charge and working order, and shouldered it. The snake-worm skittered behind one of the crates for safety. She fired the weapon twice, once at the top of the hatch and once at the bottom. The laser wasn’t a very loud weapon, but Lily was sure that the hulking creatures would come running to check on their prize. Surprisingly, not a sound was heard other than that made by the uber-dildo coming out of cover.
It slithered over to the door, and kept one end pointed at it. Lily got up to inspect her handiwork, only to find that the laser had done absolutely nothing to the dull finish of the hatch.
Growling in anger, Lily set her carbine against the wall and dropped her aching head in her hands. She massaged her eyes again, and when she opened them, the snake creature was right beside her on the slab, ‘looking’ at her.
Smiling at that resemblance between the thing in front of her and her toy back on the ship, Lily reached out to it and barely touched the side of it with a few fingers. It pushed against the touch of her fingers slightly, like a cat would, and moved toward her slowly. She let it go as far as it wanted, until it had slithered up upon her right leg and pointed its featureless end at her face.
She giggled at its weight on her leg, and caressed what she figured to be its neck. It strained forward under her fingers, and moved its other end over to gesture and point at a specific spot between her legs. Lily blinked, the smile sliding off her face.
“What do you want down there?”
It seemed to strain towards her face, and then it curved around and pointed directly to her crotch. It then looked back towards her face.
She couldn’t hardly believe it, but the fact that a sentient alien dildo-creature was obsessing about her vagina was turning her on a little bit. It had certainly been a while since anything had happened between her and anyone besides her dildo, and the fact that she was trapped on an unknown planet inside some sort of facility with no way out meant that she had some time to kill.
She looked over at the door uncertainly, but there came not a sound from out there. Lily made up her mind.
Gently moving the creature to the bench beside her, Lily got to her feet and threw her jacket to the side, fumbling at the unisuit’s zipper. The snake on the bench watched her movements carefully. Lily felt as though she should tease the thing somehow, since it seemed intelligent, but she rolled her eyes at herself and shimmied her shoulders out of the sleeves and stepped out of the rest of it. She flipped her hair out of the way and peeled off her bra, exposing her pair of c-cup breasts with light nipples. For a moment she kneaded her tits and squeezed her nipples, biting her lip at the thought of fucking her very first alien creature.
The snake-creature was still on the bench, watching her every move, as though waiting, quite patiently, for her to finish. So, Lily let go of herself and took off the last of her underwear, showing a completely bald pussy to the ‘gaze’ of the thing.
Stark naked now, with her nipples standing erect and gooseflesh covering her from the chilly air, Lily went and sat down next to the impromptu dildo and opened her legs, running a couple of fingers through her slit to make sure of maximum lubrication.
The creature, which was wider than her dildo, slithered off onto the floor and peeked up over the edge of the slab, peering into Lily’s crotch as she played with it. It looked up at her face when a moan escaped her, but returned its attention to the now wet pair of pussy lips.
Lily drew her wet fingers out of herself and moved against the wall, gesturing coyly for the strange alien creature to get busy, if it even knew what it was doing. The alien snake slithered up onto the slab in between her legs, and moved to within an inch of Lily’s quivering pussy. It looked around for a moment at the folds of flesh, seemingly getting its bearings, until finally gently touching her clitoris. She was surprised, and twitched a little with an involuntary squeak.
Lily covered her mouth and laughed at herself, until the snake gently pushed its end inside her vagina.
Then, she gasped at the sudden entrance. Looking down, about an inch had gone in, she could then feel the ‘head’ of the creature gyrating, as if looking about. After a slight moment, it pushed in some more, causing Lily to gasp and grunt. The tail of the creature rustled back and forth.
The young woman looked down as far as she could from this position, marveling at the odd sight between her legs. She wished the snake knew how to thrust, instead of just study her insides.
Just as she made her wish, the worm-snake pushed in again, until she cringed as it came up against her cervix.
“Too far in, my very wide friend.”
She reached down and grasped the body of the thing, now buried within her about six inches. She tried to carefully pull it out of her vagina, but it was as though it was stuck inside. No matter how hard she pulled, although she had little leverage, the snake did not budge from within her vagina.
The slightest bit of fear managed to cross her mind right before the alien worm plunged through Lily’s cervix, entering her uterus. Pain swept over her, pulsing from her lower midsection, mixed with pleasure from the movement of the thing through her vagina. She panted and sweated, letting go of the body of the alien worm and resigning herself to whatever may transpire within the next couple minutes.
About a foot and a half of worm still lay between her shivering legs, the rest was within her.
Lily jerked as the worm shifted inside her belly, creating the most odd of sensations. As it began to slide inside even more, the young woman slid her hands over her lower abdomen, trying to ascertain what the thing wanted inside her, if it wasn’t to pleasure her. She felt so stupid for thinking that she could get off with some alien creature without there being a catch.
She gritted her teeth against the zapping sensation as more and more of the creature’s body edged its way through her vaginal canal, through her cervical opening, and into her womb. Beyond the pain, Lily could feel a sort of circular motion within her, as though the alien was turning or coiling around inside her. She could see movement underneath the taut white skin beneath her belly button, and felt her body stretch under her fingers. More than twelve inches of the creature, mind you most of the body of the alien worm was an inch and a half in diameter, had slithered its way inside of her body for an unknown purpose. The tinge of fear had not left her mind.
Although she had never had such slow, deliberate movement through her vagina, especially past her g-spot. She wondered…
Lily had located her own g-spot at a much younger age, and because of this was an expert at giving herself g-spot orgasms. If she was going to be eaten from the inside by an unknown alien snake, then she was going to get off first.
As the snake slowly moved within her, Lily moved her hand above her pussy, and pressed down on her pelvic bone, pushing the tissue beneath it to compress the vaginal canal around the foreign item within it. The rough patch of vaginal tissue underneath the bone pressed against the material sliding against it; sending increased pleasure signals to her brain.
Her efforts paid off, as with each second that passed her breaths deepened and quickened, her breasts jiggled as her chest rose and fell, her brow frowned and her mouth opened wide until her body jerked, simultaneous with a guttural groan from Lily’s throat as she came hard on the creature in her vagina. Milky white fluid now helped to lubricate the passage of the thing entering her, which seemed to pick up a little speed.
Still panting with the effort, Lily looked down once again, only to grunt in surprise to see the size of her belly, which had protruded to the point where she looked at least three months pregnant. She still felt the gradual coiling movement within her belly, and even though the pain had lessened considerably, the fear had gone from her mind. She reasoned that if the alien had wanted to kill her or eat her or whatever else, it wouldn’t have gone straight for her love-tunnel.
Sitting up as far as possible, Lily brought her legs up and craned her neck to see over her belly, growing infinitesimally larger every moment. Her eyes just caught sight of the end of the alien worm disappearing past her pussy lips, allowing her entrance to close back down close to its original size, with a slight gape from the wider-than-usual passage. It was the most odd of sensations, the tail end of the creature being pulled through her vaginal canal, the canal closing down after the passage. She shuddered at the feeling, waves of pleasure jolting through her as the end passed her g-spot.
With finality, Lily felt the snap of her cervix closing over the end of the worm’s tail, causing her to flinch and gasp, and she was left with a tingling vagina and four months’ worth of pregnant belly.
Suddenly without pain or pleasure, Lily lay panting on the slab or stone for a moment, running her hands over her new proportions. It felt natural enough, even though she had never been pregnant before, even the coiling had ceased. She swept a hand through her pussy to get all of her cum off of herself, closing her eyes halfway at the feeling. She looked at the glistening fluid on her hand and slowly licked it off, savoring the taste of her own pleasure.
Still not quite satisfied from the previous twenty minutes excitement, Lily stuck a finger up her pussy and pinched her nipple, manipulating her clitoris with her thumb. She panted and groaned, moving her hand from her nipple to her pregnant belly, caressing it lightly. Her pussy immediately flooded, and pleasure built within the young woman by her own stimulation, until it broke over her mind like a tidal wave. She had no idea having a pregnant belly would turn her on so much! Especially a belly with an alien creature inside it.
Coming down from her second climax, Lily decided that enough was enough. She slipped into her undergarments, giving her titties one last pinch before capturing them. She then got up and struggled into her unisuit, which stretched enough to accommodate her passenger.
As she was throwing on her jacket, she heard a sourceless female voice.
“Did you know that you’re ovulating?
Lily froze, her jacket dangling from one arm. She searched the room with her eyes, but no one was there.
“Where are you??” She asked the air.
A chuckle responded at first.
“I’m the only other being inside this room. In fact, besides yourself, I’m the only living thing inside you.”
Lily slowly looked down at her swollen stomach, within which she felt a coiling movement for a brief moment. Her mind couldn’t make sense of it.
“You??” She managed to choke out.
“Yes. Me.” The worm replied with a little movement.
For a moment, Lily couldn’t think of anything to say, or anything to think for that matter, for she had just made herself orgasm on an alien creature that she now discovered could talk, somehow. So, she decided to start with the basics.
“…Do you have a name?”
“Yes,” the coiled snake in her uterus replied, “I am Lyrux.”


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Unlike the recent movie of the same name which told the story of people who were so devoid of real human contact that they 'crashed' into each another just to have the comfort of another person, this is a story about two very close knit families. These two families are both friends and neighbors and know each other so well that they don't need any more comfort than is already present through their daily contact with each other. Yet even with that comfort and contact they too had a fatal...

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Crash Course In Psychology

Crash Course In PsychologyBy: Londebaaz ChohanBeing only a total of 9 houses on this dead end street block, everybody knew everybody and they at least had a mix family dinner once a week; meaning every family brought whatever they had cooked out to their back yard and they all enjoyed it together. It was a great tradition and it brought the best of everyone out for everyone else. In my case, Susan lived next to my parent’s house and she was so pretty that I was ready to give an arm and a leg to...

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Crash for a Night Part 2

I recommend reading the first part of this story first. You can find it at was still lying on my bed, naked, satisfied and confused. Many thoughts running through my head. It took a few seconds for the daze from cumming to pass and the reality to sink in. I was looking at Sean, my college friend, kneelling on my bed, naked, erect, anticipating, my cum mixed with his spit dripping down his cock and on my bed sheets. "I am waiting,...

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After the Crash

AFTER THE CRASH By Roy Del Frink Robin Hart was continually pleading with Susan Porter. "Please forgive me, Susan. It was an accident." "No! You killed my husband and I'm gonna sue you for all you've got!" It all started one evening when Robin drove down the road. He'd just left the local Hooters, and was on his way to a topless strip joint. Robin just LOVED big-breasted women, and couldn't get enough of them. Robin cared nothing for the women themselves; he just wanted to...

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Just a place to crash

I’d just moved into the apartment.   It was just a crash pad, a place to stay while I worked during my 7 day shift as an air ambulance pilot. I’d be commuting back and forth from Denver for my week off.   The job itself kept me pretty busy with 12 hour shifts but I was usually home by 6 or 7 and every other week I alternated working days or nights.   I’d usually read a book after making dinner or watch TV.   Sometimes I’d get online and read some stories or check up on the news.   ...

Straight Sex
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Crash Landing at a Space Convent

Your name is Robert Marshall, you are 21 years old, and your ship is crashing. It was supposed to be a simple mission; carry a shipment of armaments to a planet not too far into unregulated space, the area was pretty empty too so the worst you could expect was an errant border patrol checking your trading permits. Hell, your vessel was quite fast for a freighter so even pirates wouldn't have been too hard to handle. What you hadn't expected, though, was a catastrophic systems failure leaving...

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The Bus Crash

We'd left the resort to head back down towards the airport since our flight was scheduled to leave at oh-dark-thirty in the morning. Since this was rural China there was a good chance we wouldn't even be missed until we missed our flight. It would be a minimum of 12 hrs before they even started looking for us. Of course there was no cell service, but I turned on the flashlight to see if I could find anything useful. There was a small first-aid kit and flashlight but of course the...

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The Plane Crash

It was my first time flying alone. I was going to Hawaii to meet up with my grandparents, who retired there. My mother thought it would be a lesson to learn, and since I was already 17 I thought I could handle it. Now that I was actually living it, it was rather frightening. I continued scanning the crowd. All of a sudden an emotion that felt like I was about to throw up my heart hit me as I recognized one of the girls in the terminal with me. It was Cassandra, (or Cassy for short) a girl...

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My moms BFF needed a place to crash for the night

I’m Stan, I’m 5’9 with brown hair, and eyes. My mom’s hot friend, Angie has brown hair and eyes too. She also had a nice DD rack. I always had a thing for her, but I’m thirteen years younger than her. One night she came to my apartment, because she needed a place to crash while her apartment was being fumigated. She never had any luck in the dating world. My mom met my dad when they were in high school, and they got married when they were in college, but Angie didn’t have the same luck. She...

2 years ago
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Just a place to crash

I’d just moved into the apartment.   It was just a crash pad, a place to stay while I worked during my 7 day shift as an air ambulance pilot. I’d be commuting back and forth from Denver for my week off.   The job itself kept me pretty busy with 12 hour shifts but I was usually home by 6 or 7 and every other week I alternated working days or nights.   I’d usually read a book after making dinner or watch TV.   Sometimes I’d get online and read some stories or check up on the news.   Now and then...

4 years ago
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Crash for a Night Part 1

Here is a little about myself: I am a 30+ year old closeted bisexual. I have had a few encounters with other men (all of them are documented in other stories). But in reality 99% of my sexual encounters have been with women. I live alone in an apt with 1 bed room in NYC. The story starts online...on Facebook. A friend from undergrad reached out to me saying that he had an interview for a job in the city and that he wanted a place to crash. Initially I really didn't want to because I am kind of...

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Fucking My ExGirlfriend Sofia 8211 Pt 3 Crash Course In Blowjob

This is Sagar sharing my experience with my ex-girlfriend. This is the third part of my erotic story. If you have not read the previous parts, please go ahead and read it. My ex-girlfriend Sofia was hot and ready for any type of positions. She was a screamer too! Fucking her was very enjoyable. She really enjoyed anal sex. Her favourite position was doggy. She liked to watch anal sex and double penetration porn videos. My ex-girlfriend visited me on her off days. I too visited her when she had...

1 year ago
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Chatting with Jack Chalker 0 System Crash

System Crash (Chalker first chat try) On Sunday September 26, 1999 10AM PST (BDerksen) Looking for the Chalker chat? :) (Anne) No, just getting it ready! Be back in two hours, see ya then! (BDerksen) Heh. Two hours it is, then. :) (KathieJ) Guess so. Hope to see you there. That was Anne-Mal. She's great. Gotta go again, sorry. Bye! (BDerksen) Ah, okay. Bye! :) A hour later. (*Anne-Mal) Hi! (TESS) I'm just trying this chat thing for the first time in my life. Is there...

3 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 6 The Crash

The Navigator was surprised to find he was still alive. He was beat-up, but all limbs were still attached and working sort of. He hurt just about everywhere. When he touched his head, his fingers came away sticky. He had a decent size gash just above his right temple and an egg-sized lump. He also noted the dried blood on the side of his lower leg where something had sliced him when it went past. He had strapped in an aisle seat towards the back of the transporter when he realised, they...

2 years ago
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A New PastChapter 51 Landings

“Down two. Fifteen meters,” Todd Walton, the landing pilot on ‘Selene’ said calmly over the radio. The image on the screen showed a split view of the landing radar display and the image outside the spacecraft as it neared the lunar surface. I gripped the edge of the desk and watched the telemetry display on my own console. With the nearly one-and-a-half second transmission lag, there was little real-time advice any of us at Learmonth could give them. We all watched intently, trying to will...

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Crashing Down

Crashing Down by Caitlyn Masked Only when life is good can it come crashing down... and life was good. I'd recently graduated from college and had a decent job with a lot of potential. It afforded my student loans, my monthly bills, and a modest apartment. The apartment, to me, was the most important part as it finally after years and years of living with the parents and having dorm room mates earned me privacy. Those late nights reading and writing forced femme stories in my...

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Rough Landing

All persons depicted in this story are eighteen or older. This was all wrong! I could just barely see through the slits that had become my eyes. My chest ached, I was sure my arms were broken. I couldn’t move my legs. Damn! What the hell had happened? I heard the tinkling voice of a female talking in Hmong. As an Air Asia pilot I had considered it prudent to learn that language as well as Vietnamese. The girl said, ‘He is in bad shape. We cannot move him. We were lucky he didn’t die in the...

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Sacking Kings Landing

{[email protected] test=1}This story works only in game mode. Please activate. It has also been recently reorganized, so I would appreciate it if you kept track of your decisions and let me know if any path leads to wrong outcomes. Thank you!{endif} The city walls appeared through the misty haze of the late afternoon. Robb Stark, King in the North and of the Trident, the Young Wolf, the King who saved the North, rode at the head of his host. 2,000 cavalry, not enough to fight any battles, but...

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Seduction by crash

I want you to pose naked for me.’ ‘I’m sorry. Did you just say. ‘That I want you to pose naked for me, yes.’ I looked again at the rather elegant woman in the business suit standing before me, and tried to make some sense of the situation. ‘But I just crashed into your car, and you have no insurance, yes, you just told me.’ She smiled at my obvious confusion and discomfort. ‘You’ve told me how sorry you are and that i’ll pay for the damages. And that you’ll pay for any damages. I was just...

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'I want you to pose naked for me.' 'I'm sorry. Did you just say... ' 'That I want you to pose naked for me, yes.' I looked again at the rather elegant woman in the business suit standing before me, and tried to make some sense of the situation. 'But I just crashed into your car, and... ' ' ... and you have no insurance, yes, you just told me.' She smiled at my obvious confusion and discomfort. 'You've told me how sorry you are... ' ' ... and that I'll pay for the...

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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 236 Landing

Heishin: Boss! A message from the guards. Two police ships are headed towards the island. Permission to prepare to fire? Enishi: No need. Battousai's probably on one of the ships. Let them into the bay. Heishin: But that's ridiculous. According to the Kokou Touzai Book of Naval Warfare, the wisest plan is to attack from the water to prevent the enemy from landing-- Enishi: Heishin. Do you want to fight me now? Heishin: I see. In that case, I'll call off the cannons. (as he leaves) But...

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Bad Landing

“Excuse me. I have the middle seat,” the polite effeminate man said.“Oh. Aight,” the caramel-skinned, tall, athletically built man replied as he stood.“Thanks! How are you?”“I’m good.”The chocolate sissy greeted the passenger in the window seat, “Hi!”The lady smiled back, but didn’t really speak English.As they taxied to the runway, the captain got on the intercom. He said that the flight would be smooth until they got close to Atlanta due to the hurricane that made landfall on the gulf coast...

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a plain crash to remember

she was a beutyful woman whaen i got off the bus she was waving at me hi mom how have u been. since dad died he passed away wile i was at bording school any ways we got to a hotel and got settled in im gonna take a shower the eat and go to bed ok son mom said as i got undressed and in the shower she walked in sorry son but i got to pee ok mom.she was stairing at my penis i ask her why it was so big she said thats the way u wrer made son its 10 1/2 inches mom can i ask u a question sure hun...

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From Crash to Crush

Evan Gray was a thirty-two year old contract computer networking expert. He spoke every major European language fluently. He had just gotten back from Paris setting up a network for a French bank chain. He was taking a well deserved rest. But things wouldn’t be peaceful for long. He never saw the car run the red light. Before Evan knew it his airbag discharged and slammed him in the face. When all the moving parts came to a stop and the sound of crashing metal and breaking glass silenced, he...

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Car Crash

I woke up feeling incredibly horny, it was still pretty early, around 5am. I really felt like doing something naughty and risky, so i decided i was going to dress up in my sexiest 'girl clothes' and go for a drive in my car. I had done this a few times before but usually only in lingerie under my ordinary male clothing.. As it was early i figured there wouldnt be many people around at that time of the morning so i thought id be a little more daring and go completly in girl mode this time...I...

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Loosening Up Book 4 RevelationsChapter 15 Slow Understanding and a Crash

Gail Watson came up to the two men and immediately hugged Aaron, kissing him on the lips, and then repeated the gesture with Dave. Neither man seemed able to talk. They were stammering out welcoming words, but not too coherently. Gail Watson, according to the men’s mother, was the product of Dave’s father and Betty Watson making love at a time of her peak fertility about thirty years prior. Although Aaron had dated Gail, he wasn’t technically related to her, but his ‘Dad’ had fathered the...

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The Crash

Mark couldn't believe it! Shelly Lewis had just asked HIM to take a ride with her in her glider! Shelly was the hottest girl around. A 5-6 blonde with a killer body, a great personality, and a brilliant smile, she was the fantasy of every boy in his high school. She also was a 17 year old senior and her family was loaded. Her dad was a very successful attorney, which explained how she could have her own glider. Mark, meanwhile, was a lowly 14 year old freshman. His family was solidly middle...

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Hot Lust on the Landing

Vix stood about halfway down the stairs gently called"Trish, you sexy thing, what do you think of these?"Trish came and stood at the bottom of the stairs to be greeted by Vix, with her short dark hair just brushing the top of her shoulders wearing a shiny necklace and a pair of blue jeans. Her large, tanned boobs looked delicious as she modeled her new purchase."You look amazing," said Trish "Now turn around."Vix, doing what she was told, slowly turned around and wiggled her bum a little, which...

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Shutter ReleaseChapter 29 Last Place for a Landing

It was strange to wake up. I was still on the couch, but Heather was gone, and I was horizontal and covered by a blanket. I could hear my moms and aunt chatting in the living room, since I was occupying their usual morning hangout spot. Then again, the sun was bright and the shadows on the porch floor were well past parallel to the wood beams, suggesting that my first meal of the day would be called ‘late lunch’ and certainly not ‘breakfast’. So, I really took their usual afternoon spot......

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The Crash4

“Hello sir? Uhm I’m afraid that Mr. Jackson has resigned, and we need a new candidate to speak in front of the board tomorrow…” The lady on the other line said. I swore and told her I would be right there, rushing back to my room to get changed. Another shit day for Blake I guess. Tilly, my maid, appeared, a frown on her face. “Off again to work? You should really get some sleep sir. Let me fetch you an outfit.” She muttered, walking off. As soon as I was dressed, I bolted into my garage...

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The Society Party Crashers

WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...

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The Crash1

The girl with Ojibwe ethnicity along with German and Russian, kept her lipstick on, a ruby red, but tried her best to get the make up off. She was tired and didn't even change out of her outfit. A mini-skirt that was red black and white plaid, a white blouse that didn't even reach her bellybutton nor did it button up all the way due to her large round high C-cup breasts. Two arcs from her black lace G-string rose from the skimpy skirt. She had a matching plaid bra on that laced out the edge...

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The Wedding Crashers

This story is purely fiction and is only meant for erotic reading. Brad and Christy’s big day was fast approaching. Twenty- two yr old Brad and twenty-one yr old Christy had been engaged about 6 months. They had both vowed to save themselves for each other, and their parents really respected that. In fact, both sets of parents were extremely proud of their youngsters for that decision. Brad was tall and lean, good tan, brown buzz cut, muscular and athletic. Christy was petite, tan, a...

3 years ago
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The Party Crasher

It’s been one of those days, one filled with longing and frustration. We met some time ago and it already seems as if we’ve known each other all of our adult lives. I sit here stupefied. I really don’t know why or how it’s happened but it has. It seems our relationship has moved fast and it’s gone deep. But I must say that I’ve been unable to stop thinking about her since she left the phone conversation an hour ago. It’s one of those rare times that I’m in town on business and it’s just for the...

2 years ago
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Wedding Crasher

I crashed a wedding party and got lucky.I hadn’t intended on crashing the Party, but I needed to take a wiz in the worse way, so I parked across the street from this small boutique restaurant where a friend of my teenage son worked during the day. There was a private event going on and I knew the restaurant owner, so I saw no harm in sneaking in the back door to the restaurant and into the men’s room to relieve myself.I was surprised to find a young couple in the men’s room, doing some serious...

Quickie Sex
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Wedding Crasher

You sat idly on your sofa, wondering what to do. Filling your afternoons with something to actually do has become a problem since you became a being of absolute power by mere chance. And now you wonder what you could do for, and eventually get an idea. Crash a wedding a wreck havoc with your powers. That should be fun, and you could get a nice bit of sex out of it. But which wedding should you crash?

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Bikini Beach Gate Crashers

Bikini Beach: Gate Crashers By Elrod W "I told you, man!" Marty gloated at his friend. "Wow! I should have believed you!" John was practically drooling at the line of lovely and shapely young ladies entering the Bikini Beach Water Park. "Let's go get tickets," Marty said eagerly. The two college guys slid out of Marty's Camaro, closing the doors solidly behind them as they walked toward the ticket booth. All around them, young ladies smiled as they walked through the gates...

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Unwanted Attention Part 4 XSkullcrasher 3000

Unwanted Attention - Part 4: X-Scullcrasher 3000 By MindlessPath There were 2 cafeterias on the campus. I had been able to get free meals at one thanks to being a scholarship student. The problem was that you had to show a valid ID to get into the building it was located in. The other cafeteria was super expensive, I didn't know what kind of security measures it had as I had never been there as I knew I could not afford to. I didn't have any kind of valid ID so I probably couldn't get...

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Party Crasher

"No stop!..." Danni felt the first finger enter her spit-lubed anus and she reacted by tensing-up while emitting a low volume "...uhhhh" in a manner that (much to her confusion and embarrassment) sounded too much like an expression of pleasure. "Oh there's no stopping now cause you're ours honey!... You think you can come to my place dressed how you are and lookin as fine as you do and think that this wouldn't happen?" "That's right foxy came here looking like you want to...

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Party Crasher Part 2

Twenty-six minutes later Well here I am on all fours on the same mattress but in a different location: a big ass barn! Fortunately it looks like no animals have ever lived in here. It's also well lit and the only strong odor is from the bales of hay that are everywhere in the place. Another plus is that I convinced my 'hosts' to let me clean myself out (because I expect some ass to mouth and the last thing on the menu for me is my own crap)...a hose connected to a spigot just...

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