The Community-chapter 6. Ahmed & Abigail free porn video

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White girls do not change, even christian church girls.

He also noted that her inexperience couldn't be any more obvious. She continually watched him as she displayed herself, seeking evidence of his interest in her with quick glances at his crotch. Now not wearing the protection of her blue checked shirt, she flaunted her 34C breasts, already swelled with excitement, pulling her shoulders back and allowing her taut, deep pink teats to press against the thin material of her half cup bra and camisole top. Her neck coloured. She almost spilt her tea. He attempted to relax her; he wanted to manage her carefully. If handled expertly, he could secure and cultivate her like the other acquiescent, productive english women he had supplied to his community.

She realised with alarm that her fantasy of submitting to the wishes and demands of an African or Asian man was really an illustration of an elemental part of her. Her body's reaction to being alone with a black man for the first time in her life, even merely a middle aged, friendly, non-predatory black man serving her tea and biscuits demonstrated for her the shocking reality; she absolutely craved African and Asian men. All those evenings she had spent alone, naked, enthralled, breathless, exhilarated, soaked with pussy juice, her breasts proudly exposed and puffed out, her fingers lovingly caressing her bumhole; her nipples, tugged, squeezed and swollen with longing to have a Somali, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Nigerian Muslim sucking, feeding, suckling on them; a thick towel or her teddy bear, squeezed between her legs, pushed onto her throbbing, swollen, puffy, bulging pussy lips and legs crossed to deliver to her the most incredible, devastating and overwhelming ecstatic frenzy-all this was not merely the actions of a teenaged virgin girl discovering her sexuality, this was her innate and bottomless longing for interracial rapture.

'Are you alright, my love?'

Abigail jumped and jerked out of her trance, embarrassed. She had been staring at the man, deep in her admiration of him, engrossed in her own thoughts. She closed her legs and stuttered about this and that, desperately attempting to discuss anything; she wanted to talk about something ordinary to blank over her mortification; she had been staring at him!

He recognised that he was in control and so asked her about herself, her family, her ambitions, her church and how she came to be delivering the envelopes. She relaxed and began to chatter, the way eighteen year old girls tend to do when speaking about themselves.

He said that he was grateful to have someone to talk to and she said that she was delighted to have made such a kind and sweet friend.

Abigail, although her breasts and nipples still demonstrated her state of arousal, relaxed and enjoyed her cup of tea and ate several delicious chocolate biscuits. She crossed her legs and he savoured the view while she talked.

He knew of her college, he knew many Somali guys studied there.

'You are a beautiful girl my love, have any Somali students asked you for dates, have any of them been lucky enough for you to say yes?' He asked it in such a way that couldn't help but tell him everything, she admired them, many were very attractive and she was indeed very drawn to them, and yes, she would love to have a Somali boyfriend one day. He smiled sympathetically, when she admitted to him however that she was intimated by their potency and assurance and she was extremely nervous about joining the other white girls in 'belonging' to a Somali boy.

She said that she hoped that he wasn't annoyed but her father had a dislike of Muslim men, and so while she admired Muslim men, she had never told him about this.

He smiled and reassured her; racism is a male English trait, not female. Her pretty face shone with relief that this wise and wonderful man understood.

She forgot how she had displayed herself to him, spreading her legs for him sat facing him and taking off her baggy blue checked shirt for him. He rejoiced in her passion for the manhood of Somalia and he was far too experienced in English women to note that she wasn't nervous about making known her high regard for him.

They spoke about his wife, how long she had been in hospital and how he coped alone.

He was lonely.

Abigail would love to visit and chat, if he would like that.

He would.

She'd do anything for him.

'Oh my sweet girl, there are things that cannot be done!'

'Honestly, I'd do anything for you. I feel as if I've known you for ages; we will be such good and deep friends.'

'No my love, what I really need, you could not provide.'

She insisted that she would and relaxing, began to enjoy displaying herself again for this kind, sensitive, lonely man, she was sure he enjoyed looking at her. She would enjoy herself tonight, she would be so wet! She imagined him up her tight pink bumhole, his thick, black Somali cock making her squeal, and his strong hands on her shoulders, controlling quelling any white resistance. She gave a prayer of thanks that the minister had given her this estate to deliver the church envelopes.

'You would think me very rude and run out and I would never see you again'. She promised that she wouldn't. He couldn't even say it. She told him to write it out for her.

He looked at her for a while, smiling sheepishly. She reached out and took his hand, the pleasure of touching him causing her heart to pound in her chest, 'write it out, I will not be shocked, and as I said, I will do anything to help you.'

He reached for his pen and wrote a sentence on a piece of paper and handed it to her saying, 'please don't be insulted or shocked, and forgive me, please'.

She looked at the note, awestruck by what she read.
The note read 'I will be so very grateful if you help me masturbate, you wouldn't have to suck or swallow if you didn't wish. I am lonely my wife is very unwell and I miss her'.

The Somali man had taken a risk taking such a step so early in his campaign to entice her. However Ahmed was an expert seducer of white women and had observed Abigail exhibiting herself to him and concluded that the English girl could now be almost certainly receptive to some interracial sex.

Abigail stared at his groin, wondering what his cock was like; how dark in colour was it, how thick, how long, had the thought of it in her mouth given him an erection, what would his cock taste like?

'Wouldn't your wife be upset if she knew?' she asked as she looked up into his eyes and he knew by her look that he had her.

His wife had approved each one of the previous seven english women that he had successfully enthralled and impregnated before giving each of them to grateful brother Somalis; in one case his wife had actually chosen the woman, now blissfully married and pregnant with her fifth Somali child.

'She would want me to be happy, I am sure. But only with a good, christian girl. You are a good, Christian girl aren't you?'

'Yes, sir, I am. I go to church every Sunday. I'm a virgin, I've never seen a man naked but I've watched hundreds of girls suck black men's cocks on the internet sir, so I'll do my best to please you.' She realised what she'd said, and blushed. Her nipples strained and pushed against her top. Her pussy lips hardened and spread, juice wetting her knickers and her clit ached for Somali touch. This was it; she was going to suck a black man's cock at last. He had got her so easily.

'Okay my sweet, come over here, let's move this table out of the way and could you get on your knees, I'll sit here and enjoy your pretty mouth on my cock.'

He moved the table as she knelt down, a little anxious about the task before her but determined that all those hours viewing girls performing oral sex on brown cocks would help her to satisfy him. This was perfect, she had dreamed about having a Somali or Pakistani guy but the guys at college intimidated her, but this old man didn't; he was kind and lonely, he needed her.

'Don't be nervous, take your time, only do what you are comfortable with, my sweet.' He looked at her, she was absolutely gorgeous, beautiful luxuriously red hair and pale white, flawless skin; perfect. 'How old are you?'

'Eighteen, sir.' This is it, she thought, she wanted to be his eighteen year old white lover, she wanted him so much, she wanted to beg.

Eighteen, his youngest yet.

'Good, and I'm pleased you watch interracial sex-you do not share the racism of your father and other english men-racism is confined to white men, not women.'

'I only watch interracial sir, I love African and Asian men, I'm so hot and wet for you, as soon as I saw you I thought you were beautiful. I've not give in to boys but if your wife approves, I'll give in to you and try and make you less lonely sir.'

He kissed her head, breathing in the perfumed sweetness of her copper coloured hair 'and I'm hot for you, my delicious white teen. Pull my trousers down and take them off me, then do the same with my underwear.'

Abigail could hardly grip the belt, her fingers were trembling; she apologised and took a deep breath and finally unfastened his belt and trousers and pulled them off him as he lifted his bottom from the chair to assist her.

In just his underwear, his resting cock's authority and latent power took her breath away. She was moments away from seeing and touching her first cock; the shape and size of it, now enclosed only by the thin material of his briefs, intimidated her. It looked thick and heavy and Abigail wondered when it would become erect; would she have to rouse it by kissing, licking, sucking and performing for it?

His legs were slim, and his dark brown skin contrasted both with his white underwear and also with her. She placed her hands on his thighs slowly stroking him, loving the feel of him, marvelling at the difference between his dark compelling African skin and her pale, white passive skin.

She thought of the increasing numbers of devoted white mothers she had seen with black and Asian babies.

She looked up at him, he smiled down at her triumphantly 'you're a sweet girl to please old Ahmed', leaning up, she kissed him and then pulled at his white cotton briefs. They slipped down, allowing his cock freedom. It lay on his beautiful, black smooth thigh. She was transfixed by it; she thought it the most delicious treasure that she had ever seen. 'Pull them off sweetie', she had forgotten all about removing his briefs but she wanted him to be naked, so off they came, over his socked feet and he then took off his shirt.

Ahmed was plainly an older man but in terrific shape for his age. He was slim, with only a small belly. He had beautiful dark, ebony skin. So silky, she ached to lick him, kiss him all over his body. To spend a night with him, Abigail would promise him everything, anything just to have him on her, in her, all night.

His circumcised cock reminded her that he was Muslim. Her heart fluttered and her nipples tingled with longing.

She picked his cock up and was awed by it; she moved towards it and savouring its masculine aroma, stuck her tongue out and delicately sampled the slit on the top of his globular smooth cock head; she let the tip of her tongue rest on it, slowly moving up and down the closed eye, delighting in its taste; she'd always wondered how the girls on the websites could bear to have a cock in their mouths-men urinated with through their cocks-but the zesty deliciousness he secreted onto her tongue was mouth-watering. She flicked her tongue over and around the head, scooping up tiny drops of fluid from him and lining her lips with it.

Her virgin body was in rapture. He stroked her head, caressed her ear.

Her delicate, reverential attention to his pleasure charmed him; he stretched his legs, held his hand firmly on her head and enjoyed his cock's erection push up against her tongue and into her mouth. He felt her head push back, startled by the sudden invasion past her lips by his mounting, hardening manhood; he held her head confidently in position, she opened her mouth wide earnestly attempting to accommodate what was by this time his solid unyielding cockhead now pushing against and dominating her tongue. She gasped, snivelled and gagged and whimpered, causing his cock to harden further. He paused, conscious of the necessity of patience and for her to feel secure in his hands. She tasted and gulped down some more delicious fluid.

He was assisting her in taking his cock, lubricating her mouth, tongue and throat.

Breathing slowly, and thankful that he did stayed still in her mouth, resisting the temptation to begin fuck her mouth, Abigail regained her composure and running her tongue on his cock, licking him, she held onto his hips, moved forward onto him and began to suck.

Ahmed would have clapped his hands in triumph if he didn't have one firmly on Abi's head keeping her in position and under control. The church girl had been with him for little more than forty minutes and she was on her knees with his cock in her mouth, the white girl was sucking Ahmed's Somali cock and she was doing it well; she had learned good lessons watching interracial porn, she sucked, licked, kissed and loved his cockhead; she moaned and squealed as she bobbed up and down, letting her puckered mouth serve as a tight cunt, in and out of her lipsticked lips his globular dark weapon-head went, each touch on him of her lips causing him intense pleasure; her tongue loved him, cherished him and served him, she kept his beautiful cock in her mouth and sucked hard on him, she took more of him in her until his cock kissed her tonsils and caressed the back of her throat. She opened her eyes and she saw his black belly and moved her hands up from his thighs and hugged him, now she attempted to position him; she jerked her head forward and back, slurping and swallowing his pre-cum; his cock filling her mouth, then pulled out; the old black man was lubricating her throat and she ecstatically swallowed it, her belly's first drops of Africa, her body's introduction to Somali nourishment; his cock thrust against her throat, pulled out and pushed back in her, filling her mouth; she began to moan loader and more forcefully, her sucking was wet, fluid began to drip from her lips onto his dark skin; she went down further trying to scoop the precious nectar with her tongue but gagging with too much cock in her inexperienced mouth; he fucked her mouth like it was a cunt and she desperately held on to him, struggling to contain him but intent on serving him.

He reached out and grabbed her thigh, pulling her round to his side, keeping her head down on his throbbing, erect, cannon cock. She stuck her bum up obediently for him, her virgin pussy was soaking and needed attention and he provided it, his expert fingers pushing inside her soaked knickers and locating her special, most private. It was spread to allow access, her labia engorged and his fingers caressed her, stroked and squeezed her, taking care not to take her cherry just yet; the weepy, squealing christian teen shuddered and shook, she began to succumb to Ahmed's expert handling. Moist heat and earthquake between her legs, the tingling and delight in her taut, rigid dark pink nipples and her breathless, increased heartbeat all demonstrated Abi's yielding of any willpower or restraint and the shuddering carnal paradise engulfed her, clear fluid squirted from her christian cunt splattered onto the back of her legs and dribbled down her thighs. She looked stunned, exhausted, shocked at how her body had so crushingly surrendered to him.

He roughly tore at her knickers, pulling them down away from her quivering pussy; she looked up at him, eyes dazed, enraptured and, still held by his gaze, began to shower adoration on him by licking and kissing his potent balls, she whimpered and breathlessly whispered her devotion to him, thanking him for the overpowering joy he had produced in her. He interrupted his touching and fondling of her clit and her most precious gift with his fingers to enjoy her tending to his bollocks. She moved her bum around closer to him and lifting her knees, pulled her soaked knickers off; pulling up her skirt, she presented herself to him. She smacked herself on the bum, flaunting her maiden merchandise to him.

Her private, secret consuming yearning for African, Asian and Arab Muslim use gripped and overpowered Abi and had delivered her to the first man sufficiently skilled to obtain her; sixty eight year old Somali Ahmed.

An eighteen year old, beautiful christian english girl was his now, if he wanted her.

He did.

Ahmed jumped up and instantly pushed her head down on the chair; he put her arms wide and flat stretched out, pulled her skirt off, pulled her top up until it was around her neck and pulled her bra away from her breasts; he got close behind her, one hand squeezing her ample right white tit, the other pulling her head to the side exposing her neck, her long, red hair falling over her left shoulder. He kissed her right ear and whispered his love and need for her, he breathed his longing and devotion to her, now and always; he promised that she wouldn't be discarded.

She was mesmerized. On her knees, bent over the chair, breasts, bum and pussy exposed to a man who represented all that she had dreamt of. She submitted without thought of struggle. She wanted this. Her church, family and anything else which wasn't Ahmed, had no place in her thoughts. All she wanted was to be fucked by him. Biological urge for dominant seed, from a dominant man, from a dominant race, from a dominant faith, prevailed.

He stroked and touched her stiff swelled nipple, pushed it, pulled it and held it. Abi had no resistance, she discovered her paradise in an old Somali's bungalow, delivering church envelopes and now she groaned and moaned with burning need, intoxicated with a christian girl's capitulation to a mature Muslim man she pushed her bottom against him, demanding that he take her priceless cherry.

Ahmed moved his mouth from her ear to her neck and closing his teeth, began to gently bite her, moving his cock toward her virginity; she was in paradise; his cock kissed her lips; she was in dreamland; he bit harder; she craved him, she begged him, all consciousness of consequence was of joy, belonging to him, serving him, like all the girls at college; his cock gently began to enter her, she was his eighth, he was going to...

A bang on the door!

Fuck! No!! Ahmed cursed, who the fuck??


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Community Three SigmaChapter 4

Alan’s turn: I just have to get it in my head that the women in my life, NONE of them fits into that neat little contemporary mold marked ‘normal’. Let’s start with my wife Tina. She’s more than twenty years junior to me, brilliant on any scale except perhaps the rarified world of our community, but we’re talking about a girl that achieved a baccalaureate degree at the age of nineteen. Make that a degree in electrical engineering. She’s on the ‘mommy’ track now, her choice. Before I met...

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Community Three SigmaChapter 16

Tara’s turn: So nobody actually TOLD me about the status of Terri and Jerry. I didn’t pay attention to any of the relationships involving the Munchkins because they’re all pre-teens and they’re not supposed to be HAVING relationships, right? Wrong. How could I be so wrong? I mean, first I have the evidence in my own household. Derek’s enamored of Rachel. I saw that, but silly me, I wrote it off as one of those cute things that happen with kids. I can hide behind the fact that I was new to...

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Community Three SigmaChapter 19A

Nikki’s turn: You knew I couldn’t let Cindy-of-the-Sky get too far ahead. Dan and I scheduled our own trip out to Arizona to get our multi-engine ratings. I know – retracing Cindy’s steps, but that’s okay. It’s not EXACTLY a hobby. I mean, we use airplanes all the time in conjunction with the business. We use the planes to move key people to meetings, to move technicians and equipment to sites too far to drive. That big Cessna twin makes it nice, but I seriously want to fly it and...

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Tape SlavesChapter 4 The Community

"If you leave the smallest corner of your head vacant for a moment, other people's opinions will rush in from all quarters." GEORGE BERNARD SHAW "It's dull (as well as draughty) to keep an open mind." PHILIP GUEDALLA The Robinson family had piled into the car and were driving to the Community Center. Gina was telling her parents and siblings how she had come to have the tape player. "So then they gave me this player and I came home and had all of you listen to it." "Did they...

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Athena Corp Chronicles Chapter 2 Black Swan

Madam Snow opened the mini fridge in her office and extracted a bottle of liquor. She smiled, observing the familiar crystal clear bottle with it's thick orange lettering near the top spelling out the brand name. It featured thin, black, cursive *********** down the center describing its delicious contents. It was Absolut Mandrin, 80 proof; her favorite variant of the popular vodka. She only ever opened a bottle on special occasions like this. “This vodka is flavored. Mandarin Orange. I hope...

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The Community Part 1

“So, honey,” Cheryl smiled at me uncertainly. “What do you think?” There was a loaded question. Cheryl and I had been married for the last 5 years. We were neither of us virgins when we met. I had been working in an electronics store doing board-level repair, and she was working down the street as a secretary in a furniture business. We met at the coffee cart on the street on the way to work. We had started simply by meeting at the cart, and chatting as we were waiting for our coffees. She...

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EstherChapter 3

When we entered the dining salon, all conversation stopped. I had changed from my travel clothes earlier, but was still in black. Esther was in a peach colored evening gown. As I said before, she was ravishing. Martha and Hatty walked behind us in their evening gowns. It was plain that everyone wondered who this girl was with the Royal Executioner and the Guild Master for companions. Certainly most of the apprentices and the other Guild members had not met, or been introduced to Esther. None...

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EstherChapter 2

“Are the statements, that the Lord Executioner made, true?” the Village Chief demanded sternly. “Yes, Un ... Uncle,” the young man finally answered very quietly. “A week in the stocks,” the Village Chief pronounced, “and the same for those two friends of yours.” The Village Chief then turned to me to apologize. “I am sorry I doubted you, Lord Executioner. It would appear that I need to pay closer attention to what is going on with the workers in the fields.” “An excellent idea,” I replied,...

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CommunityChapter 18

Sweet little Susan's turn: "You did WHAT?" Alan asked me. I took a breath. The guy actually sounded disturbed. "I gave some of Terri's writings to the English professor who's working with us." I looked at Tina. "Did I do something wrong?" "Alan, she didn't do anything wrong, you know." "I know. I'm just surprised." Alan smiled at me. "You know they'd have figured it out when she started school in the fall," Tina said. "Yeah, I suppose you're right." "Do you...

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CommunityChapter 23

Susan's view: You know, just a few months ago I was just a high school senior. I had a mostly normal life. Okay, little bits of departure from many of the contemporary norms were there. Mom and Dad were married to each other. I was eighteen and a virgin. I was in the top level of my graduating class and I didn't take the easy courses. I had a best friend and she and I decided to attend the same college for the same course of study. Okay, so that's pretty normal-sounding, right? Then the...

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CommunityChapter 29

Cindy's Turn: Summer used to be something that I survived. School was sort of a refuge because I was out of Mom's hair. Living in a thirty-odd foot travel trailer with Mom did not exactly lend itself to lazy days. I didn't have friends my age. Mom certainly wasn't exerting herself to see that I had any summer activities, so I was on my own in the RV park. The only kids my age came and went with their own families, and very few people choose to visit RV parks in Alabama except for the odd...

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CommunityChapter 35

Cindy's turn: Riot weekend! We flew to Houston and collected an engineer and a flute-player. Okay, I said 'flautist' but Johanna said very few people still use that term. We flew? I flew. Dan handled communications with air traffic control once we entered the Houston traffic control area and fed me altitude and course data. I paid attention to ALL of that while we both watched for traffic. This is the most intense flying I've done, threading our way between TWO major airports, Hobby on...

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CommunityChapter 63

Terri's turn: We have a new member of the community – Cindy's mom. I know I heard a little bit about how Cindy came to be with her Dan – he's 1.0 – the first of the two Dans in the community, and a lot of Cindy's story had to do with her mom not being a very good mom. My Tina tells me that I am fortunate to have two moms that love me and that my birth-mother, still in California, did a one of the hardest things ever – let her child go to another because she was just not able to do a...

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Community Moving OnChapter 10

Dan 1.0’s turn: Interesting meeting – me, my redheaded pixie, Don Matzke ... And the interesting part – Teresa Hardesty. Was supposed to be an informal get-together to see where things are in the circles of 3S Transport which is also the umbrella under which Don runs a charter jet service. “I know Cindy’ll be in the middle of this,” Don told me on the phone. “Do you have a problem if I bring a date?” “You know just how formal we are around here. Anybody we know?” “Teresa...

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Community TooChapter 55

Johanna’s turn: I have become the musical mommy. I’m not complaining, mind you. Dad and Mom smile at me and tell me that their prayers are answered, that I’m married, my husband loves me, we’re successful, and ... my life is as filled with wonder as I told them. Little Randall is a good baby. That’s good. I’ve heard horror stories about crying all night and teething issues and ear problems and serious diseases. Randall is none of these. The community crèche is devoid of that. There’s a...

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The Community

The Community By Paul G. Jutras Paul had trouble fitting in with his family. He knew he was different since he was born. His mom was glad that her husband was dead so he could not to see how his son dressed. Once they accepted his long hair at school and what he wore at home things became a little boring. Having mom return from work to find Paul on the couch doing his toe nails was how it was like as long as Paul...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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The Community Part 2

Authors note. First, I would like to thank all those who left feedback about the first and to be honest what was going to be the only, part of this tale. There were lots of people who said that there was no retribution for Jeremy and the others in the close, and many said that the MC waited far too long to pull the trigger and that the police should have been involved after the drugging etc. I will say this. In my mind, the MC’s prime and indeed only consideration was extracting himself and...

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CommunityChapter 17

Tina's view: Sometimes I curl up on the sofa in those rare moments when I need some 'me' time and I think about things. Mommyhood. Little girls always think of being mommies. I did until I realized that my own 'mommy' saw me as a problem to be solved. Fortunately the solution was her own mother, Grandma, who did me right. When Grandma died and I ended up with Mom again, I pretty much decided that motherhood wasn't for me, not if I had a chance of ending up like Mom and me. Rethinking...

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CommunityChapter 34

Alan's Turn: One might imagine that in the aftermath of the restaurant robbery, things might be in a turmoil. To a certain extent, one would be right. I'm fortunate. I have immediate family, my Tina and my Terri. I have my full family, and Tina made sure that she talked with my sister about the incident. And I have the Community. "You gonna be okay, buddy?" Dan 1.0 asked. "Yeah. Am I supposed to be all weepy or something?" He shook his head. "Not like you had any choices." "You...

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CommunityChapter 36

Dan Granger's turn: I have to laugh. I tried very hard NOT to burn bridges when I left my old job. It paid off. Steve called. "Hey, Steve, what's up?" "You ready to come back?" "Not funny, Steve." "Seriously. One of our clients specifically asked if we'd subcontract you so you can come in and do some stuff for him." "What and when?" Steve gave me the run-down. I wasn't too surprised. Big facility. I'd done a similar scope for part of it prior to moving to Alabama. Now...

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CommunityChapter 39

The World According to Susan: I am officially ready for a break. It's almost Christmas. I almost hide when I see my math professor. That's okay, though. He almost hides when he sees Cindy. Jason's right there with me, though. He's tested out of some classes and he's gotten transferred credits for a lot of things he took for his technology degree and if he does a summer semester next summer, he just MIGHT squeeze his way onto stage with the rest of us. I hoping. He deserves it. We work...

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CommunityChapter 41

Cindy's Turn: I finished, well, actually WE finished a Skype session with Kara. This time it was me and Nikki and Kara. I turned to Nikki. "She's a sister, you know. Should be part of the Community," Nikki said. I'm glad Nikki said it first. I don't want everybody to think I'm running this show. I'm certainly not malicious or anything, but everybody contributes in this effort. "How do we make it happen?" I asked. "She's music, not engineering." "We had Mizz Patel handling...

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CommunityChapter 64

Bill Carmody's turn: Interesting turn of events, I think. Two years ago I had Dan Richards on my power plant project. I knew him and Alan Addison from a previous power plant project where we were engineers, all three of us, on the same project. They're technically beyond reproach. Now I'm on THEIR payroll. 'Their' is, of course, 3Sigma Engineering. We're redoing several rural substations in Georgia. I ride herd on contractors, mainly, and make sure that they adhere to plans, and I...

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Community Moving OnChapter 4

Bill Hardesty’s turn: I’ve just become Bill 3.0. Cindy officially conferred the status upon me. “Bill 1.0’s my adopted dad. Bill 2.0’s Haley’s husband in Louisiana. Since you’re part of this now, you shall be Bill 3.0.” Which is fine, except to Herself, the Vickster, I’m ‘Billy’. “Cindy said you were ‘Billy’ when she first met you.” “I was. I like to think that I’m mature enough to be ‘Bill’ now.” Sparkly eyes. “Not ‘William’?” “Bill.” Snicker. “Billy.” That snicker is one reason I’m...

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Community FourEverChapter 2

Beck’s turn: First thing I did when we got home is call Mom. “Hello, my lost daughter,” Mom said, using her best ‘poor me’ voice. “Did somebody go into the hospital? It is not yet Saturday.” “Mom, your GRAD-daughter...” ““GRAND daughter,” Mom corrected. “My grand-daughter the millionaire...” “Your grand-daughter the research scientist...” “What has become of her now?” “She’s holding a letter in her hands that says she’s graduated college with a degree in engineering.” “My...

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Community Moving OnChapter 11

Teresa’s turn: Mom’s totally destroyed. I’m standing on a pedestal, a seamstress, a REAL seamstress, is taking measurements for my wedding dress. “Mom, stop crying, for heaven’s sake...” “Every time I think about you getting married,” Mom sobbed. “It’s the expected progression in life. Grow up, leave home, get married...” “Finish college is in there somewhere,” Vicki said. She’s my co-conspirator. We’re getting married the same day. She’s tagged my little brother, a big surprise, since...

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CommunityChapter 66

Susan's turn: I'm waiting for the aliens to show up. Here's how I figure it will break down. Nikki and Cindy will work with Terri and Rachel on the Star Wars squirrel denial system. They'll actually GET that 95 gigahertz transmitter, and in the process of modulating its output so that it only severely annoys squirrels instead of cooking them on the spot out there in the yard, they'll transmit a signal into space where it will be picked up by an alien spacecraft. The aliens will come...

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Community FourEverChapter 13

Bill Carmody’s turn: Yesterday’s wedding was a delight, especially watching my NEW daughter (!) and Cindy, my original daughter, looking and acting very much like twins. Can’t help but grin, just thinking about it. Both of ‘em have a little fire in their eyes, and when they’re together, you can nearly SEE the sparks flying between them. Couldn’t have asked for a more unlikely development, right up to matching green dresses they bought together for the wedding. And my phone buzzes --...

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CommunityChapter 71

Tina's turn: "What's so funny?" my husband asked. "Stoney and Jo are coming back and they're still flyin' that Pitts." "Did they buy it?" "She says 'no', but two trips, you gotta wonder." I giggled. I know the real reason. A combination of scheduling conflicts and weather had kept us from holding the weekend airport social and landing contest. The social, however, now had a few outside participants. I mean, it was bound to happen. We don't exist in a vacuum. On any given...

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Community FourEverChapter 24

Cindy’s turn: 0700 for a wake-up. The alarm caught me when it went off. Sometimes I’m drifting between sleep and awake, but not this morning. I finally got to sleep, found out that Dana’s a kicker, so I kicked back. When the alarm went off, I let it roll for a bit, listening to the whines and other sounds of the gang waking up. I killed it, turned to get out of bed, but was a bit slow. I saw a T-shirted Rachel flash by muttering “bathroom...” Well, at least with two rooms we can split the...

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Community TooChapter 4

Tina's turn: I keep telling myself that Bot-bot is not a real pet. I only wish I knew what was going on in my little girl's mind. Parse that statement, won't you? I have a stepdaughter who's ten years younger than me, who is probably past me in some ways, academically speaking. I know she does things with technology that all of us in the community wonder about. What went on in her head that caused her to take a mobile squirrel repeller platform and convert it into a pet? Yeah, I know,...

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