Sex Trafficking: Part 8: Carla And Sam’s Sunday Chores_(0) free porn video

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Salmon, asparagus, and wild rice was a frequent meal for the Glass family and if everything was ready she could finish preparation with little thinking. Joe was normally rude and obnoxious. He seemed to derive his greatest pleasure making her miserable. If she didn’t have a good meal ready for him before he finished his second scotch he would be even more rude and obnoxious. After supper he would probably hole up in the den or his study and not come out until Sunday. If she got really lucky he would eat in the den.

Joe liked his scotch neat. Dark, fragrant, and strong. With a glass of ice water on the side. One glass of water would last him through a whole liter of good scotch. She knew that when it came to good scotch he had practically no willpower and with a glass of ice water on the side she could get him blasted with little effort. Tonight she had a double scotch poured and ready to give him when he walked in the door. And as soon as he was downing the first scotch she would finish preparing the meal. Total time to finish preparation of the meal after she gave him his drink would be about 25 minutes. She planned to limit her own total alcohol consumption to one or two glasses of wine but until she had him well on the way to leaving her alone or getting drunk she would not take a single sip.

Upon hearing the utility room door open, she put ice in the water and handed the glasses to him when he walked in the kitchen. Without even acknowledging her presence, he left the kitchen with the drink, went to the den, flopped on the overstuffed leather easy chair, and turned on the TV. 25 minutes later he was back for his second drink and asked about supper. It was all she could do not to shout for joy. But she knew that if he thought she was happy about him leaving her alone he would hang around her just to make her miserable. When he heard what the menu was for their meal he told her the sauces he wanted to go with the salmon. Not being on edge any more allowed her to finish preparing the meal in peace. She went to the den with his dinner on a tray and knocked.


He was watching something on his computer and hit the sleep/ suspend button as she entered. She assumed he was as usual watching pornography. A long time ago she cared but now she was happy that he was interested in watching other people have sex and not wanting to have sex with her. After putting his dinner tray on the table where he indicated she asked if he wanted anything else right now.

“Just go away.”

Beverly had come in the kitchen and sat down at the table. After closing the den door, Carla returned to the kitchen, poured herself a glass of Merlot, and served their supper at the kitchen table. With their meal finished, she congratulated herself for making an excellent meal and asked Beverly if she wanted desert. She was glad that Beverly would also be leaving her alone for the rest of the evening.

“Great meal Mom, but I’m stuffed. Is it okay if I go ahead and go to bed?”

“Of course. I’ll see you in the morning.”

With their supper done she went to den to ask Joe if he wanted desert.

“What do you think?”

Carla wanted to scream at him.

You jerk.

Do you really give a care what I think?

What I think is that you are an obnoxious, crappy little man.

And a lousy fuck.

Do you know your wife got fucked all this afternoon and is even now still carrying his cum inside her?

I don’t know how much of his sperm is still inside me but next time I’ll save what I can as a special sauce for your meal.

They had a full bath down the hall from the den. After getting his toothbrush from the hall bath, she went to the master bath. Using her fingers she masturbated until she had established a flow to make herself wet, scooped up as much as she could, and transferred it to Joe’s toothbrush.

Her you go asshole.

She returned Joe’s toothbrush to the hall bath, put the bar of soap from the master bath on the soap tray in the hall shower, and threw the soap from the hall bath in the trash. With Joe’s desert she went to the den, knocked on the door, and took his lime sherbet in for his desert. His focus was still on the computer monitor and he continued to ignore her. Much, much earlier in their marriage Joe’s behavior would be tough to put up with. But she no longer care to have a marriage with him, didn’t want him around her, and as long as his behavior kept him away from her it was even welcomed. If Beverly were out of the house she would have dropped Joe like a sack of smelly manure.

No kiss, no hug, not a thank you, not a please, nothing about the meal, nothing about his day, nothing about her day, nothing about Beverly.

What a joke of a marriage.


And more nothing.

But here’s something for you. Would you be interested to know that the bar of soap in the shower that you will soon use to wash your face was used to wash his dick and my pussy with his cum dripping out of me?

And I hope you will like the new toothpaste I got for you.

With dirty dishes in hand she returned to the kitchen, rinsed the plates and flatware, and loaded the dishwasher.

With another glass of wine she resumed thinking about Sam and the day.

I wonder if that really was his first time.

I wish I had met someone like him before now.

Hell! I wish I were married to someone like that now.

Sweet, smart, good looking, and a great fuck.

That must be the best afternoon of my life.

About half way through her second glass of Merlot her mobile rang. The number indicated it to be Sam Carter.

“Hello. Sam?”

“Hi Ms. Glass. My mom needs me to do something for her in the morning so I won’t be able to come over at 930. Will a little before 12 noon be okay?”

“Noon will be fine. Would you please call me if something else comes up?”

“I will. But I plan to see you about noon.”

“Sounds wonderful to me.”

Going to the den, she knocked.

“Come in!”

“Can I take the desert dishes?”

With a half limp wrist wave of dismissal she was done serving the master for the evening. As soon as she had the dishwasher loaded and running her chores were complete and she continued thinking about Sam and the afternoon.

Does he think I took advantage of him?

Do I think I took advantage of him?

I’ll have one more glass of wine in the bedroom.

Then a warm shower and bed.

Saturday night she had no problem falling asleep and slept more soundly than she had in years.

Sunday morning she woke up refreshed before 630. A quick look confirmed what she assumed would happen; Joe had slept in the den. As she was finishing making breakfast, Joe entered, got a cup of coffee, sat down to read the news, and started eating breakfast. Before she said a word to him she had to get what she wanted to say thought out.

What changed overnight that before he has even uttered a word to me the first thing he does is to read the news?

I better keep my mouth shut or he might hang around all day.

I need to start getting him out of here for today.

If I can get him to think it’s his idea to go somewhere else or better yet that he is being mean to me I can go ahead and plan out my day.

If not I will have to do something else to get him out of the house so I can be with Sam today.

She started the conversation.

“Are you still friends with George Little?”

“Yes. Why?”

“I saw Savannah at the market recently. She asked about you.

“I might need you to help move some things to storage today.”

“That is your job. I have more important things to do today than do your job. I think I’ll see if George is going out fishing today.”

Joe called George, “Hey George. This is Joe. No time no see. You going fishing today?”

“You are? Would you mind me joining you?”

“Great. What time you going out?”

“I’ll bring my gear and some beer and be at the dock in 45.”

“I’m looking forward to it too.”

Remembering that Carla had said she might need his help today and he had been so successful in being rude to her when he rebuffed her, Joe told Carla his plans to be gone until late tonight. And he would eat with his buddies at the dock.

With his breakfast finished, he got his fishing gear, a cooler with a case of beer, and himself together before he left for the day. Now she needed to get Beverly moving.

It’s after 930. Beverly’s sleeping in.

Another phone call from Sam, “Hello.”

“Hi Ms. Glass. It’s Sam. I should be finished up with helping my mom by 1015. Is it okay for me to come by about 1045?”

“That would be great. See you soon.”

As she started getting things put away and organized for the day she thought to herself,

I wonder if he is going to keep calling me Ms. Glass.

It was 1015 when Beverly came into the kitchen and helped herself to breakfast.

“Hi Mom. Do you mind if I go with my friends to the beach today?”

“Of course not. Cool weather is coming soon and if you want to spend time at the beach you should do it before the water gets too cold to enjoy it.”

“That’s what I think too.”

After finishing her breakfast Beverly told Carla that she was going to get ready to go.

“Okay dear.”

Carla congratulated herself,

Joe probably thinks he was mean to me when I told him I might need his help.

That was easier than I thought it would be.

Maybe Sam and I were meant to be.

15 minutes after putting the breakfast dishes away Carla was in the bath brushing her teeth and hair when Sam drove into the drive.

Beverly opened the door and greeted him, “Hi Sam. How’s it going?”

“Well. How’s things with you?”

Beverly called to Carla, “Mom! It’s Sam!”

Carla thought to herself,

Punctual too!

As Carla was about to enter the kitchen from the hall she overheard Beverly and Sam’s conversation.

“Things are going along fine. Are you still studying to go to medical school?”

“I’m still studying but not as hard as I used to. I need to think about where I want to go with all this. It used to be clear but now not so much. What are you planning to take this year?”

“One of my courses is biology as a science elective. I have the same teacher you had last year. She still has high praises for the report you wrote last year.”

A car had driven in and parked behind Sam’s car.

”Well, I think that’s my ride.

“Mom, I’m going.”

“All right. Be careful.”


“See you Sam. Don’t work too hard you two! Have some fun!”

“Good advice. Have a good day.”

“You too.”

With Beverly gone, Carla turned to Sam, “I know it’s not any of your responsibility but I sure hope Beverly meets a nice guy. Do you know if anyone’s interested in her?”

“She’s certainly pretty enough and has a good personality. I don’t overhear any rumors or bad talk about her from any of the people at school. It will probably happen at some point.”

“Do you want something to drink before we start working?”

“Maybe some cold water.”

“I only have a few things to move to storage. We should be able to finish up in a less than an hour. Most of the time will be moving things to the garage. Nothing too heavy and I can help lift things.

“How’s your hand?”

“Hand’s fine. You did a good job. Maybe you should have been a nurse or a doctor.”

“I don’t know that I’m smart enough.

“What about your plans for the future? I heard you talking to Beverly. Everyone that knows about your diligent studying think you want to be a doctor like your dad.”

“My goal in studying has never been to be a doctor. There were things I wanted to learn about and between my dad’s books and access to the medical school library had and still have plenty of information available.”

“I’m curious. If you aren’t studying to be a doctor, why have you studied so hard and why do you continue?”

“Will you be able to keep what I tell you private?”

“I am very good at not betraying someone’s confidence. Life with Joe has taught me how to keep my mouth shut.”

“Ok. I study so hard to understand something that I have an interest in.”

“And what is that if you don’t mind me asking?”

“My interest? Maybe I better give you a little background to understand why.

“I had just turned 13. One day I went into my dad’s study. On the desk he had a book open to a diagram of a female’s genitals. You can imagine the reaction of a 13 year old teen age boy when seeing that for the first time. I was absolutely fascinated and had never even seen a woman naked. About the closest I had come was watching some women at the beach. Parts were labeled that I had no idea even existed. And underneath was a table talking about each part. Most of the information was like where it is, what it does, and how it works. There wasn’t much about how each part fits when talking about female sexuality.

“But, like all good reference books there were a good bibliographic lists that could be used as a starting points to learn more. I used my dad’s books and those at the medical school library to learn about how female sexuality works.

“Then one day I was in the golf club locker room and recovered a copy of a girlie skin magazine that someone had thrown in the trash can. The magazine had a lot of pictures of nude women which I found fun to look at and there was an article talking about a woman having an orgasm. I had already read and studied other information and thought that the article had enough misconceptions and errors that I wondered how any woman would have an orgasm during intercourse with a man if that was the information their partner used to learn how.

“So, I started out wanting to learn more about female anatomy and sexuality but then became interested in human anatomy and sexuality.

“Because I felt that people would think that I’m a pervert if they knew the truth about my motivation I came up with a couple of different replies for when someone got too close to the truth to throw them off.”

“And you stayed a virgin through all of this?”

“I didn’t remain a virgin through any kind of design. It just happened that way. And I figured sooner or later I would become involved with someone sexually.”

“I’m so glad it was with me. So tell me some of what you learned.”

“I don’t think we have enough time right now to do much more than touch on a few things from a very high level. I’ll start with what I think are a few highlights. You tell me to move along if you already know enough about something.”

“I will. But, right now I think we should put the boxes in the storage. Then we can spend the afternoon doing whatever we want.”

“I’ll go get the cart. We should be able to get this done in 20 or 30 minutes.”

They loaded the boxes, and took them to the garage to put them away. Carla watched Sam. She was already getting aroused.

He is so graceful, strong, and handsome.

How have the females in town managed to keep their hands off you and their knees together?

35 minutes later with the things in storage they were done with work for the day. It was only 12 noon.

Carla resumed their earlier conversation, “I know this is hot work. Do you want to take a shower or have some lunch?

“I have some left over salmon and rice from last night’s supper.”

“I don’t think so. If we do anything physical I don’t want to have anything in my stomach to digest.”

“You are so right. Would you like some iced tea?”

“That sounds good.”

“Maybe while I’m pouring the tea you can tell me some of what you’ve learned.”

“Ok. But if you think I am saying is something you don’t agree with, please let me know. I’ve only studied. You have more hands on experience.”

The memory of Saturday with Sam’s penis in Carla’s hand made her smile inwardly,

You’re right. I do have recent hands on experience!

“Some of the first things I learned are that in spite of all the time and effort put forth understanding human sexuality it is still a bit mysterious and there are lots of conflicting findings. Plenty is known about anatomy but how the mind and body react to sexual activity and how it all fits seems to be questionable. Sex can be quite complicated or it can be pretty simple. It depends on what people want and how determined they are to get what they want. A lot of people find something they enjoy and they do that over and over again with the same partner or partners. Others find a lot of fun trying different things. I don’t think that either way is better. After all, it’s their sex life. No one else’s. No one else has to be consulted or happy with it. If they are getting what they want what is wrong with that? The problem comes about if they aren’t getting what they want for one reason or another and can’t figure out what to do to get what they want. With me, being inexperienced as I am, I want to try lot a different things before I decide what to keep in and what to leave behind.

“What I really think is what works for you is correct for you. It doesn’t have to work for anyone else.

“Are you getting bored?”

“Hardly! I find what you’re saying and how you’re saying it fascinating. Let me put the glasses in the dishwasher and we can continue talking in the shower.”

With their clothes off they stepped into the shower. Sam remembered Saturday on the bench in that same shower,

Am I going to be sitting there with her on top of me soon?

Even though it was fall and cooler weather was rapidly approaching they were a little overheated after moving the boxes. Carla liked to take cold showers to cool down fast when she felt too hot. She turned on the water and adjusted it to her liking.

“Is the water too cold for you, Sam?”

“It’s fine.”

The cold water flowing over Carla’s breasts quickly caused them to perk up. When he had first seen her breasts on Saturday he got a tingly feeling in his testicles and started getting hard, partly because he wasn’t supposed to see her tits so clearly which made it a little naughty but also because even at 36 she had about the greatest looking tits in Raymond. And today perked up as they were in the cold shower they were even more arousing. With the memory of his experience with Carla in the same shower being less than a day old, he was getting an erection quickly. But today he didn’t need to try to keep Carla from knowing that he was turned on.

He wanted to start feeling and touching her, “Do you mind if I wash you?”

“I would love that. But please keep telling me about what you’ve learned?”

“Like I said earlier, human sexuality can be pretty complicated. And I think while you are in the middle of having a sexual experience is not the time to try to learn about human sexuality. It’s kind of like learning to ride a bike as you are riding the bike. There’s a time for learning and a time for doing. I think now is the time for doing. We can learn later.”

“I hope that’s a promise. That you will help me learn later.”

“That’s a promise. You want to learn about something I’m interested in. And I think I’ll benefit from teaching you about it. It’ll make me organize my thoughts enough to communicate to you about it.

“I’m going to wash your hair.

“For the scalp, gentle massaging and running the fingers through the hair or touching the scalp with the fingernails can cause someone to relax and help have a great sexual experience.

“The key is stimulation in the right way.”

As he ran his fingernails along her scalp and through her hair he asked her, “Does that feel good?”

Carla had already moved to such a state of relaxation that she had to shake her head to clear it before she spoke,

“It feels so good that I was feeling drugged.”

She kissed her finger tips and put them up to his lips.

“I would really like for you to just take control, do what you want, and see what response you get. Then we can talk about what happened later? Like you said, in the middle of having sex is not the best time to learn about having sex.”

He thought about what she had just said,

All of this is supposed to be done for giving pleasure.

If you really got so relaxed just then I think we should stop talking, just go where it takes us, and not try to control it.

After he rinsed her hair, he moved to gently nibble on her ear lobes. When he started to blow on her ears, she opened her eyes and shook her head to indicate that she didn’t much care for that.

Okay. So nibbling ear lobes is good but blowing is not on her ears.

But those eyes!

He hadn’t really looked at Carla’s face before now. Until yesterday she was Ms. Carla Glass. And he had gotten so turned on when he saw her breasts that he hadn’t hardly noticed her face then either. After she noticed the bulge in his jeans and told him that if he wanted to do something other than imagine to walk to the bedroom and if not to walk to the utility door his mind went into overload and he was unable to really look at her face.

But now in the shower she was sitting there with wet hair framing her face, relaxed, and with him not trying to respond while in such a state of arousal or hide his erection he had time to really look at her face. He didn’t know enough to really analyze it. The shape, her eyes, the shape of her mouth when she was relaxed and when she smiled, how the dimples that showed when she smiled giving tremendous pleasure to whomever had made her smile or was there when she did. One of the few things that he could describe in any amount of detail were her eyes. Green in color. Full but not bushy eyebrows that extended from her nose to the corners. When she looked down with her eyes closed and to the side she had a wistful, unsatisfied, yearning look that men found completely disarming. And totally arousing.

His attention shifted to her forehead just above her eyes. He gently stroked and kissed all the way down to her chin, under her mouth, and continued up the other side. He softly kissed her closed eyelids.

She was stimulated enough and wanted their sexual activity to move more quickly. As soon as she took his penis in her hand and started to caress his scrotum with one hand and the underside of his penis with the other he knew that she was ready to move ahead even if he wasn’t. He decided to let her responses set the pace.

He guided her to the bench facing him, leaned forward to kiss and caress each of her breasts all over before moving down to her stomach, the tops of her thighs, and finally to her labia. He kissed all along the outside and inside with small pinching pucker type kisses. Everything about that moment: her breathing, her smell, the feel of her wet body as he kissed and caressed her was arousing. He was getting hard now but wasn’t anywhere close to being as hard as he wanted to be before penetrating her. And he wanted her to have an orgasm without penetration.

He spread the top of her inner labia where they join to form the clitoral hood exposing the glans. At the first pinch of her clitoris with his lips he heard her suddenly gasp and he felt the quick spasmodic twitch of her pelvis. With his mouth completely around her hood and glans he combined quick flicks and gentle strokes with his tongue to stimulate her clitoris. He felt she was almost to the point of reaching orgasm and wanted to push her over the edge. With two fingertips in her vagina he tapped along the front vaginal wall. About 2 inches in she let out a stronger gasp and thrust her hips up to press her clitoris harder against his tongue. He continued to tap the spot with his fingertips and stimulate her clitoris for over 3 minutes. The stimulation cocktail was enough to tip her over the edge past the arousal and past the plateau stages. She shoved her clitoris into his mouth and moved her hands to the back of his head to push his tongue against her clitoris as hard as she could. He knew female ejaculation to be a controversial and debatable outcome of sexual activity. But there in the shower with his mouth covering her clitoral glans he was presented with undebatable empirical evidence. The amount of flow surprised him but more than that it excited him. He wanted to suck in every bit of it. To keep her orgasm going for as long as possible and allowing him to take in as much of her cum as possible he switched positions of his fingertips and mouth, covered her vaginal opening with his mouth, and pressed his tongue as far into her vagina as he could get it. Her cum tasted so good. He kept licking it up as long as it kept flowing.

Now he was rock hard. He was so aroused from her orgasm that he wanted to mount her quickly in any way he could. He stood between her legs on the towel, put his hands underneath her butt, and lifted so that her head, neck, and back rested on the bench and his hands supported her butt and legs. The combination of the lubrication now present and the access to her vagina at that raised position allowed him to pull her onto him at the same time that he pushed inside her. He completely penetrating her in a single thrust.

She’s even tighter than yesterday.

The continuation of her guttural moans and staccato breathing told him that she was probably going to cum again before or at the same time that he did.

No matter

His focus was now on his own orgasm and ejaculation. The thrusts that had started as a few quick movements became less rapid and more purposeful. The arousal, the plateau, and her orgasm had caused her to vagina to swell with the increased blood flow in and reduced blood flow out until it felt like a wide soft band had been placed completely around his penis squeezing it harder and harder from every side with each thrust. Whether the direction was in or out, it felt like her vagina was jacking him off. The power driving his ejaculation had been building like water being held back by a dam and it had now become inevitable. The only thing he could do now was to try to slow it down and let the force driving it build and build. His semen shot forth into her vagina filling her like the dam had suddenly failed releasing all of his semen at once.

She loved the sudden warm sensation in her vagina as his cum started to flow inside her but she was a little sorrowful that it would end. He withdrew from her, slid her back on the bench, and lowered himself to collapse against her with his hands around her waist and hips. She slowly opened her eyes, let things come into focus, and waited until he moved off her to sit on the bench beside her. Leaning over, she kissed him on the mouth and face before putting her finger against his lips.

No need to talk right now.

The orgasmic state she was in was carrying her along. Even if she had wanted to it was out of her control now. But she had no desire whatsoever to stop it.

When she felt steady enough she stood up and without saying anything proceeded to wash his hair and body before she turned to wash herself.

He was feeling the release of his own powerful orgasm. At first he was unable to stand so he let everything come into focus before trying again. She turned off the water and together they stepped out of the shower to dry themselves before walking to the bed. She lay down and motioned for him to join her. A quick glance at the clock showed that it was almost 230 so she set a wake up alarm for 330. They had plenty of time for euphoria and cuddling. She rested her head on his chest as he cradled her head in his arms against his chest. They let what they were feeling carry them along and fell into to a peaceful sleep.

He slept soundly for a while and woke up when he heard her calling his name. He gazed for a long time at her face. It was one of complete peace. And so beautiful. He felt so happy to be able to see anything so beautiful that he was almost to the point of crying. The clock indicated about 250.

Her dreams were like the flow of waves approaching and breaking releasing all their energy as they ran up onto beach before returning to the ocean. From time to time her breaths would shorten, she would make a soft moaning sound, then a deep raspy guttural sound accompanied by thrusts of her hips, and then gently purr like a kitten.

What dreams she must be having.

He didn’t want for her sleep to be rudely ended by the sound of an alarm. At 320 he started running fingers through her hair, caressing her face, and the sides of her breasts. She was waking up. He placed his finger on her lips and moved her head off his chest so that he could move close enough to the clock to turn off the alarm. As he moved back close to her, she put her hand behind his neck and guided his mouth to hers. It was a tender, loving kiss, filled with passion. He caressed her shoulders before he moved to her breasts and nipples. So that he could support himself, look directly into her face, and kiss her face, neck, breasts, and shoulders he moved his hands to the bed above her shoulders for support. The sight of her pretty face as he looked down at her laying underneath him made him stop. He wanted to look at her for a long time and he stared at her until he started getting aroused and hard. When his hands reached her waist and top of her hips, he was completely hard. She rubbed the tip of his penis along the inside from clitoris to vagina until she was completely wet and then guided his penis to her vaginal opening. Her face became one of joyous anticipation. Indeed he thought her eyes had actually changed shape reflecting the release that she would soon be experiencing. He pushed into her slowly, feeling the warmth of her vagina surrounding his cock until he had penetrated her with half his penis. He completed penetration with a series of partial penetrations followed by periods of rest to allow the increased warmth of deeper penetration to spread completely through them.

With the tip of his penis still inside her vagina he moved his pelvis up along hers until the top side of his penis contacted her clitoris. Her reaction said to him that she was liking this a lot. It was the time for fireworks. Instead of in and out thrusts, he rocked his hips so that the top of his penis continually massaged her clitoris. He was completely controlling the pace now. Her movements became compulsive, automatic, and instinctual. She was at the point of only being controlled by animalistic lust. Her orgasm was going to come whether she wanted it or was prepared for it. One of the strongest orgasms she had ever had shot through her as a series of almost two dozen spasmodic contractions of her vagina compressing his penis for well over half a minute. He let her orgasm finish and then moved his legs outside of hers.

He kept his penis in her vagina and continued to lay on her motionless for over 20 minutes. His erection had gotten to about half of its pre arousal state even though he had not had an orgasm. When he saw that the areolas and nipples of her breasts had returned to their pre arousal size and color he thought their sensitivity as well as the heightened sensitivity of her clitoris just before her orgasm had likely subsided. He touched her clitoris with his index finger as gently as he could. She was still too sensitive so he waited another 5 minutes before testing again. This next time she didn’t flinch and seemed to be responding to it.

He moved to change the angle at which he was penetrating her to directly in and out. She responded by moving her hands to grip his hips, shoving his penis into her vagina, and thrusting his pelvis up, down, and side to side. The feel of his cock in her was so good she wanted him to cum in her again and again until he was completely empty of any semen and it had all been ejaculated into her. He was as hard and swollen as ever. Whether it was Carla or he controlling, he was rocking up, down, side to side stimulating every bit of her vagina, clitoris, and labia with his penis deep inside her. She pushed her hips upward against him to increase the depth of his penetration into her. After almost five minutes, he felt another series of 15 short compressions over almost 20 seconds of her vagina squeezing his cock. He came in a mind blowing orgasm ejaculating all his semen as deeply inside her as he could.

They let their orgasms completely finish. He withdrew from her and kissed her breasts as he lay his head on her chest. The sound of a car in the driveway warned them that letting themselves fall asleep now was not a good idea. With weak, shaky legs she walked to the door to make sure it was locked. She returned to the bed, kissed him, and led him to the shower. Quicker than they wanted, they showered, dried off, and dressed.

Sam put on a fresh change of clothes he had brought. Carla put on fresh clothes as well before she went to the window to look. It was the car that had picked up Beverly to go to the beach earlier that day backing out of the driveway. She could see that Beverly was on the passenger side.

She must have come home and then left. I better make something up about Sam’s car still being here.

Carla started to reflect. She had just enjoyed two blissful days of sexual fulfillment with a strong, handsome, sweet man who had actually taken the time and put forth the effort to learn about male and female sexuality. Sexually they weren’t completely spent. They could have gone on and on. But they were out of time and there was no natural ending to their lust in sight. They made their way to the kitchen to find two empty glasses on the counter that weren’t there before.

Carla didn’t know what she should say so she asked him if he wanted some lemonade. She thought to herself,

He really knows how to fuck. I have had more orgasms during the past 2 days than the previous 17 years including my affair with Rowdy five years ago.

Until the previous day Sam had been a virgin. Whether it was because it was his first sexual activity involving intercourse or not, the thought that his relationship with Carla might not continue bothered him. He did not want that to happen, went to her, and kissed her on the mouth. Not a passionate kiss like earlier but a gentle loving kiss. He initiated the conversation, “I don’t want this to be the end of us. I know we each have separate lives but we also have each other now in addition to our previous separate lives.”

“I don’t want this to be the end of us either. But we are going to have to continue cautiously. You have a bright future ahead of you. I am 17 years older than you. I am willing to take chances to be with you. But you are not a stupid guy and have grown up in this town. The people here can be nosy, gossipy, and mean because they have so little to look forward to in their own bleak lives.”

“I don’t feel the difference in our chronological age is nearly as important as the happiness that we seem to be able to bring to each other. Earlier you indicated interest in me telling you about what I’ve learned from my studying. Maybe we can use that as a reason for us to get together. It actually seems valid and certainly seems defendable. After all you have a beautiful young daughter who might benefit of having this kind of awareness. And maybe more important is that in one or two sentences we can bore someone to the point they won’t be able to get away fast enough.”

“There is no doubt that I am older than you. But you seem wiser than me already. It’s after 5. As much as I hate to, I think we need to call it a day and week end. You have school tomorrow and I have a 17 year old daughter to get ready for school tomorrow.”

“I agree with you that we need to proceed cautiously but where there is a will there is a way. It seems there is a will within each of us. You have my cell phone number and I have yours. I don’t have your email address but mine’s listed in the high school directory. Why don’t you send me an email from one of your personal email addresses and I can add it to my contacts list when I get it.”

“That sounds good.”

“Okay then. I think I will head for home and start getting ready for a new school week.”

At the kitchen door, she kissed him good-by, “Bye for now, Sam”.

On the ride home he didn’t want to think. About anything. The orgasmic state he was in was new. He wanted to float along in that state as long as he could.

With a heavy sigh, Carla closed the door.

I hope it is really just good-by for now and not good-by Sam.

At 630 the car came up the drive to drop Beverly off.

As Beverly opened the door Carla wondered to herself what she would say. She needn’t have worried. Beverly being the type of teen she was, initiated the conversation.

“Hi Mom. Are we going to have supper soon? I’m hungry.”

Not a word about Sam’s car. I wonder if she even noticed.

“Your dad won’t be having supper with us. He went fishing with George Little and will eat at the harbor. For us, I have it underway. We’ll be having spaghetti and a salad. Did you have a good day?”

“I had a good day. Did you?”

“Yes I did. I got some things done.”

“That’s good. Do you mind if I go take a shower before we eat?”

“Of course not. I can get supper ready in less than 10 minutes so take your time.”

“Thanks mom. You truly are the best.”

As Carla sat down at the kitchen table with a large glass of Merlot she thought to herself,

Yes. I indeed had a great day. I know it’s a lot to ask but I wish every day was more like this.


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Kenny Loves Carla

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Carla Buys A House Chapter Two

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Carla Buys A House Chapter Two

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Kenny Loves Carla

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Carl Carla and Hannah Part 8

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Carla Acquaintance Turns Serious

I had no idea what Carla looked like. We had chatted on Facebook and I had a vague recollection of her as a young child when we grew up together in a close-knit and conservative part of Dallas. Our Facebook chats were light-hearted but deeply engaging. The one phone call we had was similar. “Maybe we could meet up some time,” Carla suggested. I was quite happy in my marriage and not looking for anything to happen but I reasoned that it would be nice to reconnect with someone from my past,...

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Adventures With BBW Carla Making Me Eat My Own Cum

I got a text from Carla Friday afternoon. Her son was going to his father's and she wanted me to come over to have some fun. After work, I showered and changed and showed up at Carla's around seven pm. She looked great! She was wearing a pair of tight, black lycra shorts and a matching black halter top. Her hair was still wet from the shower, so I timed getting there perfectly. Carla invited me in and she had a bottle of wine and two glasses on the table. She poured us wine and we both drank. I...

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Carla and Carrie III

After we dried ourselves, we lied down on the bed and fell asleep. It was wonderful to be next to Carla. She was a beautiful and sexy woman. And my cock was always hard as I spooned with her. I alarm went off after an hour. The was a knock on the door. It was the motel cleaning crew, twin young ladies from the Philippines, Ester and Ruth. Carla told them to come right in. Ester said, “Yes boss.” Carla giggled and asked her to call her Carla and then she introduced me. “Hi Mike,” came from both...

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It was dark, wet and cold when Carla got into her car to drive home. She'd had a long day and she was tired and ready for bed. Her train had been delayed by 'leaves on the line' the conductor had said when he announced the reason that they had been standing for so long in the middle of nowhere. She had no idea why a few leaves could possible cause such a long delay. The next time he passed through the carriage, she asked him. “That's just what we say as a quick explanation,” he said quietly,...

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Mom n Dod I Carla n Tessel 1

Cute curly Carla looks a lot like my dirty dream come true: as slender as smart, dark-blond long hairTall Tessel tease is at ease with me, she feels my intimate interest in my youngest yearning yummy!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cute curly Carla loves to exchange shy glances, not more for long, being fiancee of my youngest br0Cute curly Carla loves to show me more, once they break up as a...

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Carla at the Fair

Introduction: This story was written for my wife to enhance our sex life. This story fulfills her fantasys. It was our first time going to the Renaissance Fair in Dallas and we were both excited. We arrived wearing traditional renaissance clothing. My wife was a winch wearing a tight leather corset that lifted her boobs up high and me as a noblemen. We went to see the shows and buy new additions to our outfits. Everything at the fair has a sexual undertone and that is why we both liked it. We...

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Carla at the Fair

We walked up to a jewelry shack with a couple in there early 30's were working and started looking at the necklace's. We started talking about how crazy people at the fair can get and they told us that is nothing compared to what happens after hours when everyone else goes home. All of the workers camp out at night they told us. Jim and Stacy were married and traveled around to the different fair grounds selling there merchandise. Jim was a good looking man and his wife Stacy was a buxom...

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Raising Carla

One year, 42 days and 14 hours since the wife took off with another man and left me raising our daughter Carla. I must say it really pissed me off when she shirked the life of wife and mother to fulfill her carnal desires. But as they say, it is best to move on and not relive the past. It was going to be a challenge in many ways raising a girl in the beginning of her teen years. I had to make a solid plan to assure she would get all support she needed. First, I made a comment I would not bring...

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Carla and her Family

Note : This story is completely fictional! Carla Cummings was married with four kids. Her Debbie was the oldest, almost sixteen. The twins Roger and Gregory were fourteen, and little Betsy was just thirteen. Carla owned a small restaurant in Macon, which she had purchased with her share of her parent's estate. She had known her husband Billy-Bob was cheating on her for years. He was always making plays for the waitresses at her business, where he was supposed to be the head bartender. Carla had...

1 year ago
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Such Good Friends Chap six Tina Carla do Charlie

Chapter six—Tina & Carla do Charlie If you haven’t read the first five chapters, you should, otherwise it will just be too confusing. Mark was in heaven. He was making love to the third member of the “Terrific Trio,” a nick name used to describe the three most beautiful girls in school. The three had decided to share him as their boy friend and lover. He had already fucked Beth and Jen. Moreover, his sister Teeny and her best friend Carla had seduced him and used him to learn as much...

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The Unfortunate Life of Carla

The Unfortunate Life of Carla (part 2) (Authoress Note: All disclaimers regarding characters, age appropriateness etc are in effect. I really advise anyone under 21 not to read my stories. It takes a certain degree of maturity to enjoy my writings without recriminations. Don't write a review if you don't like the theme of the story. That's just childish. But criticism is always good and helps me.) Carla Enters (Carla with a feminine sway walks out of her room. Her dress flows...

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Such good friends Chapter 4 Carla

Chapter four—Carla If you haven’t read the first three chapters, this chapter will make more sense if you do. Teeny woke up in her brother’s bed, both still totally naked. Mark had her right boob in his warm hand, Teeny had her ass pressed up against his cock and his breath was warm upon her neck. Slowly turning around, she took his soft flaccid cock and gently started to stroke it. Still asleep, Mark’s cock began to harden as she ministered to it. Soon it was rock hard and Mark started...

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Ana and Carla First Steps continued

Ana stared.Carla stared.As they stared, they found themselves drifting inward again. Their lips met with more familiarity now, parting and sharing moisture, mouths opening and tongues flitting softly with one another. Carla’s scent filled Ana’s breath and the radiant warmth of her body drew her closer.Without thinking, her left hand moved up and cupped Carla’s breast. This was another first that came easier than she expected. That was especially true considering she hadn’t expected anything...

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Carla the Love Pet

When I was about 25, I had a friend who owned a large pet store. I’ve always been an animal lover, so I found myself hanging around the store quite a bit, helping out occasionally. My friend sold an amazing variety of animals, not just the usual dogs, cats and fish. There were rabbits, ferrets, hedgehogs, armadillos, large exotic birds. There were also a lot of things that I never understood why anyone would want for a pet, like snakes, tarantulas, and giant centipedes. And there was a single...

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Carla The ShowoffChapter 13

Carla stripped completely for these car rides -- initially, always at night, then later, in broad daylight -- and we both grew extremely turned on by her showing off. Quite often, nobody was aware of what was going on, but it was always the thrill of knowing that somebody could POSSIBLY find out and spot a flash of breasts or buns, that really got us going. Cheryl was used to seeing Carla nude at home when she visited our apartment, but not in the car. It was a new side of Carla that Cheryl...

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Carla and Carrie II

As our mouths met, Carrie lowered herself onto my hard cock. She moaned as my cock went deep inside her. Carla moved some. Carrie couldn’t help herself. Her movements became more pronounced. Faster. She wanted to cum. Carla was waking up. Her eyes opened to see her daughter’s face and my face close and our lips together. We looked at Carla and she smiled. Her hand came up and over to us caressing our cheeks. At that moment Carrie had her morning orgasm. Her pussy gushing her juices out and...

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Carla The ShowoffChapter 12

To reiterate, Carla absolutely hated the thought of clothes when she was around the house (and, as time went on, whenever she could get away without clothes away from home, she did so). Carla always called nudity "addicting." In the spring and summer of '85 or so, when Carla's young girlfriend Cheryl started hanging around our place, I noticed that Carla was also increasingly growing addicted to not only being nude, but showing herself off. Cheryl was the one who got the most blatant...

2 years ago
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Carla The ShowoffChapter 15

Carla explained that they'd just finished rehearsing a pivotal scene in which both she and her leading man ended up nude and heated up onstage, making love. "Actually, it's more like fucking than making love, I think, but Charles - he's the director of the play - well, he may disagree. Anyway, I'm dripping, see?" And I could see the shine of perspiration still on her body, vibrant in the trio of red, blue and purple spotlights shooting down from the rafters. But I also noticed that...

2 years ago
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Carlas Inhibitions

I just can't stop thinking about sex.I wake up in the morning, and it's like I have this uncontrollable impulse to masturbate. Thankfully the shower has that sprayer on a hose so it only takes me a few minutes to get myself off.Most times now when I go to class, I think about having sex with almost every boy I see. Jocks, geeks, teachers, even the derpy goth k**s. And when changing for PE I find myself thinking about what the girls in my class would be like having sex. Oh no, not actually...

4 years ago
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Mom n Dod I Carla n Tessel 3 Tantr

TASTY TEEN TESSEL'S TURN TO TRY TEASING THAT TASTY BIG BROWN BENT BANANAI invite tall tasty teen Tessel to watch, while I lick love lips for first sexy satisfaction of her hot MomI see she is standing at the doorstep, fully nude, with both her hands busy at her bare sexy snatchI continue conquering cute curly Carla by offering her an almost endless row of big unexpected 'O's The teen has the hots, great gestures in my direction, every time I take a look at her, in hot self-satisfactionTessel...

1 year ago
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Sucking Cock for Carla

To help ends meet we have taken in foreign students over the last few years. The money is good and the students are usually no trouble as they are out studying during the day and either go out or stay in their rooms at night. Last summer we had a beautiful 30-year Old Italian woman called Carla come to stay for three months. She was absolutely stunning and reminded me of Sophia Loren in her prime. A week later Stephan arrived from France. He was black, about six-foot, muscular, toned and...

3 years ago
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Sucking Cock for Carla

I have always considered myself heterosexual, although I have been bi-curious for many years I have never had a sexual experience with a man until last summer.To help ends meet we have taken in foreign students over the last few years. The money is good and the students are usually no trouble as they are out studying during the day and either go out or stay in their rooms at night.Last summer we had a beautiful 30-year Old Italian woman called Carla come to stay for three months. She was...

4 years ago
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CarlaThis story is fictional (much as it pains me to say) and, if it does in any way resemble anything close to reality, it is entirely coincidental. The first chapter is slow, but any following chapters will be very graphic.She sat at a desk, leg nervously thrumming away as the meaning of what she read crashed through her. Taking a deep breath, Carla leaned back in her chair, wincing against the sharp sound of creaking wood. She was taking a stupid risk as it was – spending any longer in the...

3 years ago
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Carla The ShowoffChapter 4

After Carla's "accidental" nude display, Tommy started spending a lot more time around our apartment. He became Carla's "swimming buddy" as she called him. Tommy became such a fixture that his uncle, a single parent who lived on the apartment complex grounds several buildings away from us, worried that he was becoming a nuisance. Carla met him at the pool one day and told him not to worry, that Tommy was good company and that he was helping her with some projects around the house. I was...

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