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I was shaken from my trance.

"Lick that come from my toes." Diana's voice had edge.

I had just shot a rather large load onto the oak floor of the bedroom and was basking in the afterglow of my release. She'd found my eyes with hers. Her eyes were dark. My heart clutched, just a little, and, I took notice of it.

"I wonder what Matthews feels like?" Diana stepped in it. She lifted from the floor ever so slightly on the balls of her feet. It squished between her toes.

"Don't look down there, Matthew, look at me. You're going to clean that up. That much protein is not good for wood, Matt. And there is a lot of protein down there, isn't there, Matthew?" She'd never quite made a production of my name as she seemed to be striving to do this evening.

I smiled.

She did not return the smile.

Diana had alerted me over dinner earlier that she would be spicing things up a bit in the bedroom. I gave the alert short shrift. I was scanning the TV Guide for later. "Matt?"

"Sure, baby. I can't wait." Yep, there it was, back-to-back 3 Stooges at midnight . We'd be done by then. "Can't wait, D."

Now as she looked impassively down at me I tried to recall exactly what she'd said over dinner. Something about female dominance and cream pies. That she'd been doing some Internet surfing and the word, her word surfaced 'determined.' She looked determined now. She didn't look like Diana. My Diana. No.

Diana was 5' 2" a bit over 100 lbs. Her thighs and calves perfection. Diana kept a tan and she never, ever failed to turn heads. Her bottom was round and proud---her breasts adorably small and pert. Her jet black hair had lit my heart the first time I laid eyes on her, and tonight, she donned a corset that was equally as black.

Diana was out of my league. I knew that. I'd never deluded myself otherwise.

Diana's feet are size 6 1/2. She loves wearing strappy sandals and peep toes. She was wearing such footwear when I met her the prior summer. Her arches and delicately manicured toes had mesmerized me that afternoon. And she'd caught me. Diana was a sharpshooter.

"See something you like?" I was at once unraveled.

Her friend swooped in quickly. "He was staring at your feet. I think he likes you, Di." Her voice shrill. I broke out in a thin sheen of perspiration.

I brazened it out. "As a matter a fact I do see something I really like."

She paused her gait, the girl with the jet black hair stopped time in that instant. "Okay." Her voice hinted at impatience. The clocks would restart any second.

Her friend blended off into the background.

It was just the girl and me. 'Do it, Matt, it's her.' I implored myself.

"I think you have the most gorgeous legs I have ever seen."

There was noise from her friend, but, it was incoherent now and mattered not.

"You and a dozen other guys here." She squared her shoulders to me. Her voice had not re-started the clocks. "And you're different. Why. Why would you be any different from the dozen?" Time threatened to restart.

'Yeah, Matt, why?' I challenged myself. Clarity came to me then. From where I've never been able to pinpoint.

"I'd make sure you were taken care and made to feel good each time we were together."

Her friend was silenced forever.

"What, what did you say to me?" She came close then, her face near to mine. Her breath warm and sweet. And I thought I'd known and loved her even before that summer day.

Clarity held. "The way your mouth would open as your crisis arrived. Your breath would come in small gasps. Your muscles would tense. And I will take care of you."

She searched my eyes then. And my soul beneath them. Time held. 'Be still.' I warned myself.

She touched my cheek then ever so gently with her finger tips. "My name is Diana." She whispered---into my life.

And time was again.

Chapter 2

My baser instincts though in the intervening months had begun to tax our relationship. Clarity for most guys, me included is a fleeting thing. I'd been reckless and careless. I knew that.

Tonight though, Diana was trying to tell me something. She was talking to me. Only to me. I closed the TV Guide in my mind and I remembered the girl of last summer. She was still here. Only the boy from that summer had drifted away.

"Clean it up, Matthew. Now."

"I'll need some tissue, D."

"No. Uh, uh. You're going to clean that up with your tongue." She was playing in it with her toes.

"You're looking down again, Matthew. Look at me."

"I don't know, Diana. I, I, I,..."

"I do know, Matthew. On your knees."

I sat there. I didn't know what to do.

"I'm losing patience, Matthew. Either get on your knees now, or, you can go watch television for all I care."

She's seen me with that Guide. 'Well, of course she'd seen you. You were sitting across the table from her an hour ago.' I berated myself.

I went down to my knees at her feet. Though I remembered to keep eye contact with her.

"Go ahead. Both of us, Matthew. We both know you want to." Her eyes were different. Better. I wanted to spend the rest of my life in those eyes.

"You'll start with my right foot. Pick it up and lick it clean. Nobody, Matthew. Absolutely nobody will ever find out what you're going to do tonight."

I couldn't move.

"I'm not a patient girl, Matthew. You know this. I won't pick it up for you. You have to do that yourself, Matt. Time, Matthew. Time is running out."

I leaned forward and took her right foot into my mouth engulfing her toes at once. My essence had grown cold on that wooden floor. It was sticky now. I was surprised by the taste of my goodness. I cleansed each part of her foot, finishing along the bottom with deep strokes of my tongue.

"That will do, Matthew." Instead of placing her clean foot once again upon the floor she rested it on my left shoulder. Her foot smooth & warm. I knew instinctively I shouldn't, but, I glanced immediately at her private treasures as they exposed.

"No, Matthew, no. Look at my feet. You still have work to do, Matthew."

Chapter 3.

As I moved to take her left foot, she then placed her right foot upon the floor.

I repeated the process on her other foot, savoring my leavings before swallowing them.

I'd released not too long ago, and yet my cock was once again stiffening. Diana wanted my surrender. She'd wanted it that day last summer. I denied her then, trying to equalize us that afternoon. I would surrender now. This night, I would deny her nothing. She could take me. She could do anything she wanted to me. 'Diana, Diana, Diana.' I silently chanted to myself.

"How did you taste, Matthew?"

I was silent.

"That's okay. I'll find out for myself." I heard her giggle. I think she did. I've never been sure though. I've wanted to ask, but, I was afraid she would tell me she hadn't.

"You can sit on the edge of the bed again, Matt. C'mon, it's okay."

I did as I was told.

She stepped between my legs, parting my thighs widely.

She touched my shoulders with her finger tips. They were so smooth & warm. She firmly pushed me down onto the bed, and straddled my chest. "Let me taste you, Matthew. Close you eyes." Diana licked the remaining traces of my essence from my lips, then with her tongue opened my mouth and kissed me. She was insistent and dominant in our kiss. I let her. I had surrendered. I hoped she knew.

She broke the kiss and straightened her body. She was high above me. I looked into her eyes, pleading for direction. The room closed in. Her gaze was steel.

"Okay." I harkened back to that summer afternoon when she had had uttered that exact same word, in the exact same tone.

"Move around Matthew. Hang your head slightly off the edge of the bed here." I started to move, but, quickly got discombobulated. My breathing was ragged.

"Just turn around and lay down flat." Her voice firm with authority, so self assured and comforting. I immediately found my way.

"That's the ticket, Matthew. My goodness, look at you. You're all excited again." I couldn't see because my head was a little below mattress level, but, I felt like I was 6 feet long and of solid concrete.

"You'd better not come, Matthew. That would not be good. I'd have punish Matthew then." Diana was talking in some kind of third person mode now. 'I'll never watch television again.' I swore to myself.

"Now, I'm going to get into position. You're not to touch, Matthew. You may look--&--lick--&-- kiss--&--sniff, but, no touching. I'd have to punish Matthew if he touches."

She straddled my face, settled on her knees just on the edge of the bed. Vertigo hit, but, I fought it tooth & nail. Her pussy was right there. 'Go ahead, Matt, she said it was okay.' I prompted myself.

I sniffed at it and it was sublime. It was so moist and clean. She was so beautiful. It was her honey pot and I'd been remiss. I'd never be remiss again. 'Ever.' I vowed silently to her and I both.

"That's a good boy." Her voice sweet, like a girl. My girl.

She gently wiggled her pucker onto my nose. "Did you want that, Matthew?" Her woman tone again.

"Diana, yes, please, yes."

She giggled. The girl giggled. I heard it plain this time.

"Are you going to take care of me now, Matthew? You promised. Remember?"

The first promise I'd ever made her. I remembered. I would never forget again.

"I will take care of you." My echo sounding from that summer, our summer.

I worked earnestly as she played joyously in my cock and balls.

Her body too soon was racked by orgasm as it tore thru like wild fire. She gripped my sack, screamed my name and convulsed violently above me. She wound down presently and collapsed onto my body.

Her weight was the most precious force I'd ever known.


I closed my eyes then and existed in her scent. I returned to that summer day, to her sunglasses, and her tan, and her sandals, and to when time had stopped, only for us.

"You want this, don't you, Matthew?" She whispered quietly as she lightly rubbed her index finger across the opening of my bottom.

I kept quiet. I wouldn't answer. No. I wouldn't.

She pierced me there. And she giggled. I know she did. She denied doing so afterward, but, I heard her clearly.

Slowly with that one finger she stroked in & out. Deeper each time until she bumped gently against my prostate.

"It's so plump and spongy, Matthew. My finger bounces right off it." She sounded so delightful. The swings in her attitude and voice inflection were driving me near insane.

Her breasts gently rubbed against my turgid cock. I was close to spending. Diana had told me 'no.' I'd listened and I would abide her decree.

She lifted a bit.

"Whenever you're ready, Matthew,,,,,,,,,,,,,you have my permission."

She grabbed on tightly to my ankles, lowered her pussy barely onto my cock and started gently rocking back & forth. Just the head was buried in her liquid warmth. In this position and by tilting her pelvis forward she was able to provide friction onto her clitoris with each and every pass. Vertigo hit me again, the blood struggling to pump into my dangling head.

I knew I shouldn't.---I knew it would cause an immediate emergency crisis.---I knew it would end me. I struggled to raise my head so I could see her, to watch her, to bear witness to her gorgeous ass sliding back and forth. I was right---It was too much.---I was right---I went into immediate emergency crisis.---I was right---It ended me.

I didn't care about the noise, I opened my mouth to loose everything that had emotionally happened to me in the past hour as my cock maniacally loosed inside Diana. She was way ahead of me, lifted off my erupting cock, exposing it to the elements and locked her lips on mine, silencing my scream of torment and release.

I opened my eyes after she released my tongue and lips. Her eyes were on fire, her jaw set firmly.

"You'll need to clean me up now. Like you did my feet. C'mon, follow me."

She helped me up from the edge of the bed. As the blood rushed back into my head, I felt at once woozy. She laid down, her head resting on her pillow as she brought her knees close to her small breasts.

"Don't miss any, Matthew. Not a single drop. That's you, Matthew. That's you inside me. You're so beautiful." Diana's eyes were glistening. They were bright and new. Diana was in a league all her own.

"Suck yourself from my body, Matthew. I need you to. I want you to."

And I did.


In silence Diana rose from my body, went into the bathroom and closed the door. I heard the lock engage.

I closed my eyes in fear that it was over. My face began to tighten as our melded essences began to dry. The scent embedded in my nostrils was unmistakable. And thankfully, unforgettable.

She threw the lock and the door opened.

"You don't have to be afraid." I heard her words. I could not move my head to face her.

"Look at me, Matthew. Now." I had no other option. I was compelled.

Diana had attached a 7 inch strap on cock to her body. She was holding a vibrator in her right hand.

"Please, Diana."

"All you have to say is 'no,' Matthew."


"Just say 'no,' and it all goes away. You can go watch television then."


"Either say 'no,' or get up on all fours so I can fuck that ass. One, or the other, Matthew."

I scrambled into position. I laid my head on her pillow. Her scent still on it. It reminded me of that summer. It was my eyes that now glistened.

I clenched my eyes tightly shut.

Diana pressed the vibrator against my lips. I bathed it with my spittle, preparing it for it's eventual home.

She removed it presently and held it tight against my opening. I pushed back, I think involuntarily.

"Oh, yeah, you're ready. Such a hot bottom, Matthew. You like to bend over, don't you, Matthew?"

I kept my eyes closed and my mouth shut. I prayed she wouldn't ask me again. And I prayed she would repeat the question, so I could screw up enough courage to answer her with the truth.

It was bigger than it had appeared in the bathroom doorway. My face clinched in pain as Diana worked it past my sphincter.

"That's okay, baby, Diana is right here." Her voice soft and comforting.

She went an inch more than held position while I adjusted to it's girth.

I felt her move up toward me on the bed.

"You are mine to do with and use as I see fit." Diana hissed. "Open your eyes."


In & out she moved the vibrator at a brisk pace. My eyes would open wide as she went deep, and I'd feel empty & forsaken as she would nearly extract it from my body.

I was starting to get into a rhythm that was going to lead me to orgasm when she pulled the vibrator from my body.

I was near panicked with an emptiness and a need of release.

"Please, Diana." I cried aloud.

She slid a leg between mine and placed her other leg on top of my back. Pulling me slightly backward and down she eased the strap on into my now all too willing ass. The strap on, like the vibrator was bigger than I was anticipating.

"You may bite my pillow, Matthew. My cock is very wide across." She softly laughed.

I took her advice as she started to fuck me good and proper. She started to lift her body off the bed. Her left foot was just about under my face. I kept my ass high in the air so she would be able to take advantage and then leaned down to suck on her toes. She gasped as she felt her toes in my warm, wet mouth.

"Oh my God, this is so hot." She softly whispered. And she admitted so later.

She then started to jackhammer my bottom. I'd loosened up and was able to take the full length of her cock. I looked over my shoulder to watch her work me and found her with her eyes clenched shut and a fine layer of sweat glistening on her body. I once again bit her pillow, and immersed my nose in her scent as she worked my bottom till I felt the boiling below initiate.

"I'm going to come without you touching my dick." I implored Diana. My Diana. No one else's. Ever.

"A thick rope of semen launched out of my cock and landed on her calve that was lodged under my body. Strand after strand landed on the sheets. I could not & would not stop ejaculating, until finally they were just dry heaves and then nothing more. She eased her strap on out of my ass. I collapsed into the pool of all that is me on the sheets.

I felt her breath close to my face. It was hot and so fresh and so beautiful. I opened my eyes. My Diana had returned to me.

"Hey, you. You don't get off that easy, youngster." Her wicked smile upon her face.

"C'mon, come over here and eat me, you. Make me come. I am so very close it won't take long to take care of me, Matthew." She was talking to me again. And I would listen forever more.

I fluffed and turned over her pillow and then helped her lay her head upon it.

She unabashedly laid before me. My eyes welled at the sight. And I so hoped she wouldn't notice. I crawled between her legs, removed the strap on and licked between her folds. She was so warm and so wet and so very good. Diana's scent was intoxicating and I ventured to get lost in it. To never appear again anywhere on earth. I would just exist there in the center of her body. And never leave her again. She held my head steady and was insistent that I be forceful in my ministrations. Her orgasm came then, her crisis consuming her as I watched and bore witness to us. Not to her. Or, to me. But, to us. Us.

The last thing she saw before sleep came to her was my eyes. The summer before was in those eyes. The promise of that summer. Our summer. And Diana saw that.

I know she did.

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And so the pattern of Marianne's life was established. Living virtually as a recluse with only her sadistic husband to remind her daily of her inadequacies and almost every night torture her sexually for his amusement and carnal satisfaction. As time passed, Marianne fell into the routine, coming to expect the defamings, whippings, other grotesque positions and outrageous humiliations both physical and psychological. A year passed and another. Marianne, despite Cornelius' continual...

2 years ago
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1 March 2008Chapter 1

The Belleville Falcons are participating in a charity hockey game to benefit the children’s ward at Belleville and Trenton Hospitals. The team was split into two squads, the first and fourth lines playing against the second and third line. The goalies, Jason Bennett and Sam Philips would play against the other. Their home and away sweaters would differentiate the teams and ten non-players made up the remaining line for each team. What would make this game most interesting is the extra...

2 years ago
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Sensual Experience With A Dusky Girl I Met In Flight 8211 Pt 5

Hello guys, how are you all doing? I am sorry it has been quite some wait for us to move on with the remainder of the story, and without wasting time in trash talk, I will get on with the fifth part of my story. As I said, a stranger does not know your home as well as you do. You can roam around in the dark freely (unless you are scared of ghosts and all). Yes, we all have that thought always in our minds when we land up in new places without light. Well, I was not thinking of any ghosts or...

1 year ago
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First Class Hotel Service

Hi everyone - my name is John. A number of years ago I worked as a waiter in a good class hotel - and, well, some of the stories you hear are definitely true, I can testify to that. For now, I will tell you of just one such experience.I am a mature guy - just approaching sixty at the time of this particular instance and, despite my age, considered myself fairly fit with a trimmed shape. I was on duty, and on this particular day, room service was my responsibility although, I was also expected...

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Doctor Judy Swallows was one of the NYPD's best and longest serving psychiatrists. She was an accomplished doctor and she was hot. Off the scale hot.“Do me,” she moaned as Bumfelt bent her over her desk, his balls slapping against her sexy firm ass as he went balls deep on her. “That's it Detective, fuck me. Fuck the Doctor's tight pussy.”Bumfelt did.They changed positions. Swallows was a stunning looking woman. Blonde curly hair framing a beautiful face, full lips, sexy as hell blue eyes...

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Chaturbate Anal

Why even bother watching some camgirl who won’t do anything really hot? It’s the same old story time and time again. You click on some cute-looking camslut only to find that she stares at the camera for hours on end, barely even teasing a nipple, let alone anything worth jerking your dick to. It happens all of the fucking time. I want to find the best babes that actually get fucked, suck cock, and ride dildos. Oh, and I want sluts who aren’t afraid of a little anal. Let me see those butt plugs,...

Live Anal Sex Cams
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An Night to Remember Part III

  He awoke before she did.   The late afternoon sun, filtered through the drawn shades, filled the room with a perfect mix of muted light.   Silently, not wishing to wake her, his eye traced her perfect curves, following the line from her neck to her shoulder, and on to that sexy abdomen—his eyes lingered there.   She was lying on her side, facing away from him, and the top sheet loosely covered her waist, leaving her upper body exposed.   From his vantage point, resting on the pillow behind...

4 years ago
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JACK DROVE US TO THE AIRPORT, but Lexi came along so she could say goodbye to everyone. It was a tearful parting for the girls and me when we said goodbye to Mom, Dad, Allie and Beth at the homestead. Jack decided to trade the van for a smaller car for the rest of the weekend. On the way to the airport, my phone rang. I hadn’t had a call or text all week since everyone who knew this number was with me in Nebraska. “Tony! Where are you?” “On my way to the airport,” I answered. It was...

2 years ago
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Step Father Darius 8

He ran the head of his cock up and down my wet pussy. I moaned, feeling thethickness of it. He let out a small groan. "Do you want me inside you Arri?" Hepressed the tip against my clit.I arched my back. Biting my lip I enjoyed his playing with my clit while Ithought. This is my mothers husband. My new "father" in a way. Not much olderthan me but still. Was I attracted to him? Yes. Does he make me feel good? Hellyes. Should we be doing this? No. Do I want to do this? Definately.I gasped as he...

3 years ago
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Paint and Pictures

Dave parked his car, grabbed his camera, and strode eagerly to the house. He only paused to turn the handle before he walked through the front door. Dave had been here many times before, and was well aware of May’s open door policy. She was more likely to tear you apart for knocking and making her answer, than if you just walked in like you owned the place. Walking through the door Dave found the living room empty, but heard the soft sound of music playing from a room down the hall. “May!...

2 years ago
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Looking Back Through Old Photos

Looking Back Through Old Photos Copyright 2013 TG Stone Looking back through old photos. We’ve all done it – you’re searching in the attic for something, or clearing out a wardrobe when you’re moving – and you find a box. Sometimes it’s marked PERSONAL! in big letters. For some it’s a mystery as to the contents, you don’t really remember what’s in it, you haven’t looked inside it for years. Of course, your curiosity gets the better of you, and you have to open up the box, and then spend the...

2 years ago
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The Naked InheritanceChapter 20 Hot Water

I do think the next one is it. Mark held up his hand and gestured for everyone to ease back a little. "Let's all back off and try to find out what's going on. If you're Secret Service, you have a partner and some backup real close. Call them in and you'll all show us some ID to start. Sam, stand by." In an instant, Sam stepped back and yelled, "Alert!" The White security team did a heads up and placed their hands on their side arms. "What?" Rachel exclaimed. She looked at Mark,...

4 years ago
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Promise to Come Again

Every time it happened, I was ashamed. I thought that he would be the first and the last of my unprofessional encounters but it seemed that more and more attractive and lonely men found their way into my studio and I was somehow always ready. I fucked two in the first week after Maxwell. One was built like a Greek god, his abs showed through his shirt. I knew what to do with him the moment he walked in. I didn't even charge him for the massage. What was happening to me? Was the stereotype...

1 year ago
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A home invastion

A villa halfway up a mountain, a beautiful view of the ocean, surrounded by trees. It’s white walls shimmering in the twilight, as high above some seagulls soared through the sky. Two people who have never met before are about to meet for the very first time. Within the villa there’s Camilla. Although the people in her inner circle call her Cami. She ate a banana that she grabbed from the fruit bowl while she tried to decide if she should cook something healthy or pop a frozen pizza in...

2 years ago
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Part IV The Old Man and the Blonde

It was hard to believe that I had been with Bonnie and Tony for over 24 hours already.  After my love making with Tony, we all went to the shower, stood and enjoyed the warm water running down our bodies, and after a few minutes toweled off and walked down the hall toward the lounge.  Walking in there was a big surprise, food everywhere.  Little did I know that Tony had pre-ordered earlier in the day.  He had made a quick call down to the kitchen, after our love making session, and told them...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Jenna Noelle G289

Jenna told us in her interview she naturally stays pretty wet. Chris and Randy make sure of that by licking her sweet pussy into a frenzy as her FIRST GANGBANG EVER begins. Rex reaps the benefits as the first Cocksman who gets to slide inside Jenna’s pink wetness since he won this week’s round of GUESS THE V. Remember Jenna said she was very tactile and enjoyed having multiple hands and mouths on her, not to mention FIVE DICKS inside her, so she is in heaven. All FIVE COCKSMEN have...

4 years ago
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Playground of GodsChapter 2

“Testing initialized,” the monotone electronic voice of the computer announce as the chest plate to the massive metal machine closes. Beatrix Eden is tucked safely inside the suit, awaiting the system boot up. At first she doesn’t notice the thin, black tendrils slowly worming their way up her legs. The touch is so light it; it is close to a whisper across her skin. By the time she really feels it, the tendrils, already thick as rope, have wrapped around her arms, legs and torso. Beatrix...

2 years ago
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The Christmas Present

Paulette walked across the parking lot towards her car, clutching her coat against the biting wind Paulette walked across the parking lot towards her car, clutching her coat against the biting wind.? The temperature had dropped a few degrees and the air had the scent of a snowstorm.? This would be her first winter outside Florida and she was apprehensive about the possibility of inclement weather.? She had just about reached her car when she heard her name being called from across the...

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Sweet Sex With My Cute Girlfriend

Hi everyone, my name kumar and I am kind and loving person . Today I came before you to share my real-time experience with my sweet girlfriend whom I loved from head to toe for ages. If any female of any age wish to contact me then mail me to I will wait for ur comments and messages . As I am new to this iss , I appreciate if you give me suggestions after reading my personal experience which I love much.   Coming to the main part , the queen of my story is my sweet girlfriend swati (name...

2 years ago
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Slaves Market TakenChapter 11

Auction Claudia can’t believe what she is hearing or what is happening to her... Around the table are three men, one called MM, the other called “One” and the third, “Two”. They are having their meal with a fat lady in her 50s whom they call Cara. They arrived about an hour ago, in two helicopters. MM had arrived first, by car. She quickly realized that he was responsible for this whole nightmare. Events are unfolding with appalling speed. Jake made her sick by groping her from his chair...

3 years ago
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The Mother Of My Best Friend

As I lowered my denims and breeches, I felt the cool, dark air assault my previously unexposed area of the body. I felt anxious.She was facing away from me, now, clad only in her blue, satin panties with their white, lace, trim. She had her right knee drawn up trying to remove her white, thigh-high stocking, using the nightstand to steady herself. Her body was composed of fair skin, a relatively flat abdomen, substantial, weighty breasts which undulated mightily while she performed even the...

2 years ago
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Three Wanton Lesbians Talk Dirty As Their Pussies Quiver

Jade walked nervously toward the centre of the bridge where she and Hannah had agreed to meet this time.  As she looked up and saw Hannah’s gorgeous figure in front of her, nerves turned to a warm, fuzzy sensation between her thighs. Hannah caught Jade’s eyes and held them, then turned her gaze out over the river, both their bodies facing the edge of the bridge while people passed by behind them. Without a word, Hannah’s hand brushed against Jade’s thigh. Jade sighed involuntarily, sinking...

1 year ago
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Day Trip to London Part One

As slave (My Husband) had to go away on business for a couple of days myself Gemma and Kiran decided to go to London for the 3 S's (Shopping, sightseeing and sex).I decided to wear a black leather mini-dress with black fishnet stockings and black thigh length boots with 5" stiletto heels and skintight opera length black leather gloves, over this l would wear a silver mink full length coat with a matching head band.Gemma decided to wear a pair of skintight black leather trousers tucked into knee...

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Click Here

Dr. Raul Maggio came home from work to an empty house. This wasn't an uncommon occurrence as he worked odd hours being a doctor, or at least, that's what he told his wife, Phoebe. The truth was many of his 'odd hours' were actually him having an affair with Cora Larrabee, the wife of one of his colleagues. The pair had been seeing each other for over two years, and Raul prided himself on their ability to keep the affair from their respective spouses. For Raul, it was something he had...

4 years ago
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How it all started

For as long as I could remember I was infatuated with my brothers, we all slept in "The Man Cave", as they called it, a room above a 3 car garage that my father had added onto the house. I have 3 older brothers,Bill, Charlie and Doug, also two older sisters, yes I am the baby. My brothers were not modest at all,being that it was just us guys they very rarely wore any clothes while in the "cave".My older brothers hairy bodies were always on display and I loved it! During the summer of 1990, I...

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Flying the Friendly Skies0

The flight that I had booked for my 1st trip to Los Angeles had 8 people on board and a full compliment of pilots and stewardesses. It was actually pretty cool. There were 10 stewardesses on this flight. 3 African American, 4 Asians and 3 Caucasian Stewardesses. I was particularly watching the Asian stewardesses because of the reason for my flight. I had met this girl on line and she lived in La. Several months ago, we started our online dating, but we both agreed that if we met someone else...

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Shelly On The FarmChapter 5

I slipped two fingers between Linda's full thighs and found her sex arch. The thick, dark hair of her pubes was like a lush jungle as I forced my way through it and searched out the beginning of her crack. Her sex place was bigger than mine--the lips fuller, the slit deeper. When I pushed up against her risen clit, I could tell it was longer and stood out more than mine. Linda's soft pumping motion against my slickened knuckles told me I was doing it right. "I'm not hurting you, am I?"...

1 year ago
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Hot lsquon heavy

As you come up from behind me you grab onto my hips, slide your hands down my hips to my inner thighs brushing past my pussy. Up my stomach feeling every soft silky smooth inch and grabbing my breasts. You kiss the back of my neck and it makes me shiver and moan. I turn around to face you and place my hands on your chest as your arms are holding me tight and close. We look into each others eyes and start to passionately kiss. I slowly move my hands up your chest and slowly move up your neck to...

3 years ago
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The forest watcher part 1

Brenda and I headed for Hatfield Forest. It was a hot June day. We managed to find a secluded spot away from the main path. A short time had past since our first adventure and I didn't want to rush Brenda into anything. I had bought a new camera and thought that by taking a few snaps might be a way to initiate proceedings.We were sitting and chatting on the rug, Brenda in a brief bikini and me in shorts. I was aware that an atmoshere of anticipation hovered between us, so I produced the the...

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My usual trip to the adult store ended up very unusual. I went to the adult store regularly for dildos and other sex toys. I noticed a backroom area and wondered what happened back there, but never really checked into it. I was talking to my boyfriend about it and he said it was a gloryhole room, where women go into a room and guys stick their cocks through holes in the wall and the woman can do whatever she wants to him. He said I wasn't allowed to go in there, because he didn't want me...

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Thy Name is Whore

For all of you like me that liked this story, but the ending was left off I found it on line at another site and author I an am posting it here with the ending. Personally I would have named it "Once a Slut Always a Slut"byMrRobbur©As I looked over the restaurant to find the client I was supposed to meet, I saw my ex-wife Susan. She was sitting with a slightly heavy middle aged man. You could tell he was once in good shape but good food and time had taken a toll on his physique. Susan was...

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AssassinChapter 15

Protected with a fresh application of sunscreen, Rosalee leaned back against me and listened while I spun a tale for her about the nude couple who had passed through our private spot. "You've decided to see what is going on but you know that Darren and Marie will be wary of anyone climbing up the same way they did. You make your way up the other side of the gully; it's more difficult but you don't give up and when you get to the top you find there is plenty of cover over that side of...

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The Patio

Next door's extension was finished early. Good weather and hard work left the builders with time to spare. JDS and Son was a local builder. They never needed to advertise as almost all their work came from recommendations. Jim had been working on the extension with his son Mike for a few months. Mike was a lovely young lad. He was always very polite, but if anything, overly shy. Not what I’d expect from a young man in his prime.I got to know them quite well as I was always making them a cup of...

First Time
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Incredible ChangesChapter 323 How the Lesser Halves Live

I can sense the mercenaries out there keeping watch over the girls. No one is going to fart anywhere near the girls and get away with it. Our walk was followed one of the paths around a lake between some rundown apartment buildings, a school that needed significant work, and a playground that had seen better days. We passed a mother with two young children playing happily even though their pants had holes in the knees. The mother’s clothes were old and faded, but clean and in good shape. In...

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